.- STRATA WEERIAT TO.. ' POOL,'touching at ONTEIS2( OW YR ).r-TheSceeteers4.l tIIs • ;), N ew ,Ypiir and PitilAdeiplita Ettes e ntipp Comp y are intended to sail follovra: ' • A SaierdeY; April 23 And every succeeding Saturday sit Noon, Rum Pier 44 Forth River. • RATE& OP PALSBAGi& IZIASLSIIA BOLD 011 ITEL IlazrrvAasne 0111. i5tatia1tu............00 Steerage. .•... ...MIS 00 Tat Oahin lo London. 85 -Do. to London 34 00 let Etabin 'to Parts..... 95 Do. to_..nutt :', 40 - 08 In Cabin to Hamblin 90 Do. to lisamsmg 37 00 Passengers also "forwarded to Ron* Montan, Rotterdam. % Antwerp, &a, at equally low Tates. Minns • aims LIVIESPOOL on Qtranntmovnt. First Cabin, 873% 885, 8 105 . Steerage from Liver pool and, .Queenstown, 835. Those who 'wish to send for their friends can buy tickets hem at them For further information, apply at - thi Comp& sy , onjoes. TORN bME, AltenA_ apl9 Walnut street, Fhlladelpma. gin„BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA k STP.AInI;ITIP LlNE—Saihng from each port on ,Sattirday;;;Frmit. Bret wharf above Pine street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston; on Saturday, April 1864. The steamship -- will sail Irom Philadelphia smiiattiroay. April and steamship 240101.41 X, S Syria meths, on Sattirday; April le, at 4 P.' X: E TA hew ,and substantim Steamships forma line, sailing VCITCL each port punctually , os Saturdays.:.., lniiiinuice at one.:half the premium charged by sail vessels. Freight-Ogren . at fair rates. Shippers - are requested to send slip reoedpta ant bill's of lading with their goods. For , freight or passage, saving Roue, apply to HENRY WINSOR Ir. CO., 332 South Delaware avenue. , FOR ALEXANDRIA,.,, GEORGE TOWN and WASIIINGTONIituid' Line, Tilt Oanal-Every Wednesday at 1 - M., and every Saturday at 8 A. DI. • Steamer LEADER, Ca Lan Callahan. • Steamer H. J. DE , Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEY11101111„1'01pthiu Room. Steamer E. ORAMBERLUI, Captain Stewart. These steamers form a semi-weekly line between Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and freight lower than by any other route._ Freight received eveita. and bills of lading given. Apply to TH O MAS WEBSTER, 14 North 'Wharves. sele-tf datFOR NEW YORK. —DESPATOR add SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela ware and Raritan Oanal.—Themearaera of thew lines are leaying daily at 12 0' clock, AL, and O'clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut at For freight,. which will be taken-on acoonuno dating terms, apply to WILLTAIN K. BAIRD At 041,, 132. South Delaware avenue,. - . • !'!=FOR NEW YORH.--...New.Datry Line 'Delaware and Raritan! Oanal— bia- and New. York ExpreeaSteambosa 4krmpany will receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. H. delivering their cargoe s in New York the following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Philads. JAMES HAND, Agent, ! Piers 14 and. 15 East River, 'N. T. FOR SAN FRANCISCO VOLraw A TV S CALIFORNIA LINE. BALLING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Lisa sent to New York via Swift Buie Line at reduced rates. The splendid extreme clipper, CALYPSO, Baker,Commander, le now rapidly loaing at pier 11, Beat River. likThis little clipper is new and built - at Newburyport expressly for the California. anti Nina ' , Uw.de. Shippers will please examine this vessel and send their goods down at enoe. She wilt only . carry about 1,300 tans, and will be dispatched in 'a very few days. For balance of freight, apply to BISHOP, ROA s OU., _ 105 Arch street, above Front. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.—Meet from Philadelphia. - -The last sailing clipper OLD HICKORY, Charles Callaghan, com mander (late of the clipper ship Storm King), Is now loading at Cattell's wharf above Marks, street, and having the balk of her cargo evgagedt will have quick dispatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, as this vessel will have quick dispatch, Apply to WORKMAN k 00.. 123 Walnut street. apl2. tf FOR LIVERPOOL.-90th instant.—Tam first class Neutral packet-ship EXPIRE 'N, R. G. Moran, meter, having lieruM engaged, will sail as above. PETER WRIGHT it EONS. 115 Walnut street- ap9-tf IaFOR LIVERPOOL—The first class Ven tral ship THE ORAIGS, G. A.. Baker,* aster having a large portion of her eargo en gaged, will sail soon. For balance of freight. ap ply to PETER WRIGHT A. SONS, 116 Walnut street. &pint PETROLVIIM FREIGHT FOR LW takERPOOL. —The Ilse Br'tisk bark SHER uu master, having the greater part of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch for the above port. For balance of freight, apply to WORKMAN t 00.. 123 Walnut street. nsb2s ge.FOR BARBADOS— The British schooner DART, Jacob Conrad, master. will sail in a,ew days. For freight, apply to GEORGE AL- Ems &CO 154 North Delaware avenue. mh29 IbFOR BOSTON—Express Line—The Rxis packet schr FANNY HEATING, Porter, master, is now receiving freight at Girard' s wharf, second wharf above Market street, and will sail for the above port with _prompt dispatch. Forfreight, apply to DAVID COOPER 18 ' , Torii) Wharves. PinFOR SALE—The brig MOUNTAIN' E AGLE, 257 tone register, built at Tremont, e., 1E25; 104 feet long, 37 feet 3 inches beam. 10 feet 3 inches hold; received extensive repairs and was opened and found sound in 1802; now well found in sails, rigging, kc. Apply to S. E. BAZLEY & 00.. 122 South Wharves. apll 464, FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR UHART ER —The flue three-masted schooner SAMUEL trirk, Captain Hilliard, 240 tons, 1,200 barrels capacity, light draft. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 13 North 'Wharves. • apl *JOHN SHINDLEB, /r. SONS, SAIL. MAKERS, No. 244 North WAVES, below street, Philadelphia. All work done in the best manner and on Q. lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfactibm mkts-tf Particular attention given to repairing. - CONSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—British ship THE •CH AIGS, Baker, master, from Liver- Spool, is now discharging under general order at hippen street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. apl3-tf NOTIOE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig O. KUNOMIA, as no debts of their con tracting will be paid by captain or consignees. WORKMAN & 00.. t 23 Walnut street. apl2 NoncE.—An persons are hereby cannoned against trusting any of the crew of the British ship THE CRAIGS, Baker, master, from Liver pool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. 115 Walnut street ap9l3 HE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sugar, barrel 1 box Pecan Nuta, per brig AL LIED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Martz, will please call for the same at BISHOP, SON ,k CO.'S, 10.5 Arch arrest. mhlB MILLINERY. 110 MRS. R. DILLON, 323 and 331 SOUTH street, has a handsome assortment Of spring MILLINERY, of the latest styles, to which she invites the attention of the ladies. mh3l,24t* 5 4 3 BLISS M. A. BAKER, has opened a 1346 CHESTNUT street. PARIS MILLINERY, of for the Spring and Summer of 1864 1011.111•1 13 MISS FENNEL L, 26 North EIGHTH street, has opened SPRING AND SUMMER/dILLINERY, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, 6.p9 -2m• /cc. 10OPENING.—MRS. S. A. LINGLE, No. 121 SPRING GARDEN St., will open on THURSDA Y, April 7th, a handsome 'as. isortmentnf Spring MILLINERY; also a choice assortment of Children' s Hate, trimmed In the latest Parisian styles, being of quite a new de- OWL Bleaching, pressing and Dyeing carefully attended to. ap2.2.nio§- . DENTISTRY' , . DR. PINE, - PRACTICAL DENTIST • for the last t moety yers;:2I9,VINE Street, be ow Third, insers theti most beautiful TEETH of the age, I'M:ranted _on fine, Geld, pl um", j3i.t . yar,l Vulcanite, COfalite„ Amber, /sc., at prices fat , neateand substantial work; more 'reaeonable than guy:Dentist in this - city or State, T e, p igged tei„„etitt l .f.f 4 v.:, Artitleial :Teeth repawkweall. ',To pain in extracting. All work warranted to tit. - .h41 1 :" .4 774 1,, t1 . • nitos-Toni Ste, FRUIT, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES't PURI - JO ATTOTIONWiII be said at public sale at the FAIRVIEW NURSERIES, sdo ores . town, Burlington' counM ,N, J.,,.THURSDAY, prii 21st, 16r4yFruit - and Ornamental Trees, F,cei creme, ac., of extra size and quality. also, ,Thackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, of .110 W Sul/ choice collections. JOHN Pk RIC (NS, aptk at* 'Proprietor. ArraK. CCTV fankioYdU for sail f s .214 WaCia=i+- (4 , 4, it PLUM 7kaz ZIMEM 1864. ARRANGEatEras cm x0R.151 1 W A 5:i 2, 3144: - mid ‘ , ,A.m•' , item en Compani lipy and es' Linea troirri delplala to New York and Way_Places. FROM WALNUT STREET WEARY, Will leave ea gallows, via: YAWL At 6A. AL , visa. Camden and Anit , Kry, O. • and, 11.:7AcCommodatton. ' - 1.,41491 At M 8 A; km orning 11 . ,' :01. ljant den and Jetaey City, 3 Elprees At BA. N. via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Glass Ticket 2 95 At 12 JIL, via Camden and Amboy, 0. and . A. Accommodation• and 2 22 P At 2P. - M.',...swi, Camden and Ambby, O. 'A. Express 3 •• At 1 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocom modation (Freight and Passenger) 1 75 At 6, P. M. via Camden and Andaty, Accom modation (Freight and •Passenger),. ilst Class Ticket 296 IX Class do. 1 60 At 7% P. M.,.via Camden and Amboy Ac commodation., (Freightsuad Passenger s) Ist Class Ticket - 9 9 5, 2d Clas do. 166 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Lc., at 3 P. M. For Mount Rally, Evansville and Pemberton, at 6A. M. 2 and 43( P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. For Palmyra, Riverton,: Delanco,, Beverly, fit& lincorf, Florence, ' Bordentown, le., at 6 A. M., • 3 and 4}i P. M. The 3 and 4M P. M. Lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, - Delanco, Beverly and Burlington at 6% P.. M. LINES FROM 'KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows At 1.50 A. M., (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.15 A. M.. Via lEeneutgton and Jersey City Express 3 00 At 4.90 P. M.. via Kensington and Terse'," City, Express 3 OS At 6.45 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 300 Szindajni SW leave at 1.50 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. There will be no line at 1.50 A. K. (Night) in Mondays. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes barre, Montrose, (treat Bend, Mauch Chunk, Al ien - town; - Bethlehem, Belvidere; Etudon Lam bertville, Yle - mington, Acc., at 7 This Line connecte with the Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton. k.c. , at 7 and 11.15 A. AL and 3 and 5 P. M. For Halmesbnrg, Tacony, Wissinoning, Brides burg and Frankford, at 9 A.M., 5, 5.45 and b P. Por New York, and Way lines leaving Sen. Angton Depot, take the care on Fifth street, above Walnut, helium hour before departure. The Oars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of baggage only, allowedeach Pas. eenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae. baggage' but their 'wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company Limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any ameunt be yondBloe, except by special conUact, Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage to the Depots: Orders to be left at No. 3, Walnut street. Jan. 20, '64 WM. H. GATZIMF-R, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADEL PHIA, WILL LEAVE From foot of Maitland Street at 121 K. and 4 P. ES., via Jersey City and Camden; at 7, 10 A. hi., 6, P. M. and 12 (Night) via ,Tersey City and Keraington. From loot of Barclay Street, ate A. M. and 2P. EL., gla 'Amboy and Oamden. From Pier No. 1, North River, at 12 K. 4 and S P. M., (Freight and Passengers) Am boy ;and Camden. PELILA.DELPH e., WIL MINGTON AND BALTI at: AD--CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and alter SUNDAY, April 10, 1864, Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4 SO (Express, Mondays excepted), 8.05 A. M.. 12 00 M., 2 30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 8.05 A. M., 1.15, 2 30, 3 50, 10.30 and 11.45 P. M. • Wilmington at 4.30 (Mondays excepted), 8.06 A. M., 1.15, 2.30, 3:50, .10.30. and 11.45 P. M. New Castle at 8.05 A. M. and 3.54 P. 3/4 Dover at 9 05 A. M. and 3.50 P. XL Milford at 8.05 A EL Salisbury at 6.05 A. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 A. M. (Express), 1.10, 4.55 and 7.25 P. M. Wilmington at 7.15, 9.00 A. X., 19,84 1.00, 4 ,83, 6.30, 8.35 end 11.12P. M. SaliEbury at 12.05 P. X. Milford at 2.35 P. M. DoTer tt... 8.30 A. M., and 3.55 P. M. New Castle at 8.30 A. N. and 5.55 P. H. Christer at 10, 9.40 A. M. , 1,00, 5.00, 7.14, 9.18 and 11.45 P. N. LeaTe - BaltimOre for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 7.25 P. M. Lean'. Baltimore for Dover and intermediate sta tions at 1.10 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 8.40 A. M. 3.00, and 11.05 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.30, 0.25 A. M: 3.35 and 11.40 P. M. Freight Ain with Paissenger Car attached will rna azi follows: . • _ Leaie Philadelphia for Perryville and interme diate places at .5.40 P. M. Leave Wilming•on for Perryville and intermedi ate places at 7.20 P. M. SUNDAYS—OnIy at 4.30 A. M., , and 10.30 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. From Phila delphiato Wilmington at 4.30 A. M. 10:30 and 11.45 P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 6.30 and 11.12 P. M. Only at 7.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. H. E. KENNEY. / . . tip9` Assistant Superintendents GERMANTOWN AND NOsi- TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after December 7th, 183. Until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. NI.; 1,2, 3.10, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10. 11 and 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7,7%, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, U, 12 A.M.; 1,2, 3,4, 5,8, 6%, 7,6, 9, 19 and n P. The 8.20 down train will not stop after leaving Germantown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia:—.9.loA. M. • St, 7, 10% P. M. Leave Germantown-8.10 A. M. ; 1,0, 9% P. N. CHESTNUT BILL RALROAD. Leave Philadelphla--8, 6, 10, 12 A. X., 2,3%, 5%, 7, 9 and 11 P. X. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10, 8, 9.48, 11.49 A. M. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 8.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P.M. The 3% aad Ng up trains do not stop on German town Branch. ON SUNDAYS: Leave Philadelphia-9.10, A. Ml; 2, and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 A. Ml; /2010, 5.48 and 9.25 P. X. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, BX, 11.05 A. M.; IX, 3, 4%, 6.05, 8.05, and mi P. M. Leave Norristowii-5, 7, 7.50, 9, it A...1L; lji, 4)( and B.P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave FltßadelPhia-9 A. N.' 93LP. Bt. Leave Norristown-7g A. M. 5 r lli FOR MANAYIINR.. EOM Philadelphia-6, 8%, 11.05 - A. X.; 1%. 4%, 6.05, 8.05, and 11% P. X. Leave Manayunk—em, 7%, 8.20 0%, 11% and 6% P. X. __. ON SUNDAYEL Leave Philadelphia-9A. N.; 24 and 6X P. M. Leave Idanaynnk-7X A. N.; 5% and 8 P. X. IC. SMITE, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. OFFICE .OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS OOMPANY, 321 T, P.mmexamraid, January 117th,. 1062. The Adams Express OomPitny having enlarged their facilities , at - Washington, D. 0. by bandbox a Railroad depot, ' and having acquir ed additional capacity for traneportation,- are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights,. Packages and Parcels, to,WashtW.on, GeorgetOwn, Alexandria, Annapolls,"- -Frederick, A.damstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied., by the army, at greatly reduse4 =tee: Spacial agreements made for merchandise In large „lots. Sutlers , goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on , application at. ear Odic*. Soldiers' parcels taken at much lees tban our usual rates. apl2-Im - - • /bevy and bnilry pactages •reoelTed and rip. tlepted for . at" oar depot, , Santhaaat corner a/ BROAD and L()CIVST SUoeete' - - Mt 1 1 4TWC4-Tr ATT . Flinmetintirediret 1364. RE-OPENED. 1801. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE RAILROAD. FREIGHTS WESTWARD VIA. BALTIMORE AND OHIO, ROUTE. REOFXVING DEPOT,' BROAD STREET, . ABOVE CHERRY. Tbronsu Freight facilities between Philadelphia nd the Western 'States, have been Dilly resumed by the above route, at lowest rates. CRUDE TRANSIT BY FAST FREIGHT TRAINS withont.change of cars to the Ohio river. This route is: now considered entirely saferfrom it jury by rebel raldei proof of whitia whic h] Bath more and Ohio Railrbad Company owners against loss or damage by military seizure, Whilst in transit-on - the. line.of, that road. We have no hesitation therefore in 'respectfully sting the confidence sad patronage of shippers. For hriether infbitiation,tj.pply,lo OOLHOUN it.DOWDUN; General Freight Agents. JOHN S. WILSON, Agents, Mice Sixth street, above Chestnut. PiarLavitazia: January 4 1863 . an7.tt; Caluts, 50 Bales of Spanish Orr ire Just received and lore:Ile, DALLETT & SON. 129 South FronSrireet ; "t : - :rf:Yr;•‘; •ri THE DAILY EVANING ;Ma, :141.N Oil; Al , t. ,••• • • - -4... READING RA 1 Liacm.u. i , - . • ..r -, , - 'GREAT TRIM:MINK ' • .4) - 7, - • - 1 W. 4 t ELPHIA-TO THE•INTERIOP4 ' OF PENNSYLV _ANIA, THE SCHUYL ( KILL, SUSQUEHANNA, CRTMEIKR. t LAND AND WYOMING...TAW t LEYS, r. , , , ,•• ITHCII ___ • NORTH, N@RTE9WEST AND THE OANABAR PASSENGER - TRAINS Leave the Corn y' a Depot, THERTEENT I and CALLO streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours : MORNING MAIL, At 13. 15 A. NI, for Readier, Lebanon, Rani& burg, Pottsville, Pinegrove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Wiltioipuippet i xdserta, Roattester, Niagara palls, ' Bnittiloi L Allentown!, •Wilkesbarre; ?Watch; Yea,' Carlisle., Chambereburg, Hagerstown, itc, lac. • __Thirlinih Connects at R 1 knlNG'APltliliffeiTad I rlnlisYl pima Railroad lianas for,Allen u t: ... , w,c , i, , 1 and with the leibenbit Valley train' fox , , kg;,- et,PO • RT CLINTON witil ii .Q , :t7l - 64- , rdad trains "ref Williesbarre,'Nlt 1 * 6' 4 1 - Le& Ha v en, vivre, &c.; at EIARRISB with Northern" Uen.tral; Oumberland -V et, and Schpylbdll and Susquehanna trains, for Northuni-- beriandi WiniainsPOrS, York, Chamberalmrlf, PiiisgrOVe , /cc. ' AFTERNOON ICEPRERIK ' ' Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Pinegrove, Harrisburg , ecc. ,• connect ing at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Central Rau read trains for Pittsburgh, /co., Northern'Clentral Railroad trains for Sunbury, Northumberland, Elmira, Re., and at Port Clinton with - Oat:mime Railroad train for. Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo. leo. st READING ACCOMM ATION. LeavesHea.ding at 6.30 A. M. ,stopping at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphi at 9.25 A. M. i Returning. leaves Philadelp at 4.30 P. M.; ar rives in Reading at 7.25 P. X. Trans for Philadelphia leave sburg at 8 A, N. and Pottsville at 9.15 A. 1d...a ving hi Phila delphia at 1.50 P. Afternoon trains leave Bar- Arming at 2.00 P.M.. and Pottsville at 2.30 P.M.. arriving at Philadelnida at 7.00 P. N. Market trains, with a Passenger oar attached, ayes Philadelphia at 1 P. M. for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading at 12 Noon, and Downingtown at U. 2" P. Di. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All tae above trains Jii daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 7.30 A. M., end Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RaILROAD. Prumfingers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 8.15 A. N. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 7.65 A. N. and 12.30 Noon. I(EW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7 P. NI , passing Readingat 12midnight, and connecting at Ilarrisburg,wltn Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Bnia- Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of 7ennsylvania Expresktrom Pittsburgh, at 6.30 A. M. , passing Reading at 8.45 A. N., and arriving at New York at 1.45 P.M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without nhan r e. Nail trains for New York leave Rarrisburg at 6 A. N. and 2 P. N. Mail trains for Harrisburg leave New York at 6 A. N. and L 2 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7,15 A. M. and 3.30 P. N., returning from Tuscarora-at 6.05 A. M. and 1.45 P. N. SCIBITYLICELL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 3.45 A. X. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, at 10 A.. M. and L2O and 7.11 P. M. for Pinegrove only ; returning from Harris burg at 7.loand P. 5 P. and from Pinegrove at 6.15 A. and 4 Id TICKETS. Through :11rst-clasit tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and thinadas. Tne tollowLng tickets are obtainable only at tits 001ce of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 11:17 South 'mirth street, Philadelphia, or. of G. A. Nloolla, eneral Superintendent, Reading. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 per oent. discount between any points do- Jared for faduliee and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. filoedfOr 2,000 milk, between all palate, at Ma al each, far families and flubs. - - SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine or twelve months, for holds" 61 llY; to all points, at reduced rates. OLFRGYMEN Residing on the line of the Road will be fur- Waked with oards, eatitling themselves aid wive" to Uckets at half fare. EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, good ler Saturday, - Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket OMoo at Thir teenth and'Oallowhill streets.' - FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company' a New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS - Leave Philadelphia daily at 6A. M. IP. N., and 6P. M., for g Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyoad. NAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post °Moe for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. M., and MT the principal Stations only *12.15 P. M. @MINNORTH PEN NJ YLVAN LA R. R.—FOR BETHLEHEM, _, MAUCH CHUNK., ILIZLE TON, EAT ON, WILLIAMSPORT, kII: WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1863, Paaeen ger Traixe will leave the NEW DEPOT, THIRD Street, shove Thompson street, Philadelphia, (Eandays ex.cepted) as follows: At 7.E. X. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauck ()Mink, Hazleton, Williamsport The 7 A. X. train makes clue connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. At 3.15 P. X. (Express) for Bethlehem Eas ton, Zee. This train reaches Easton at 6.40 P. M., and makes close connection with thifNew Jersey Cen tral for New York. At 5.15 P. X. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Munk. For Deylestow. at 9.15 A. X. and 4.15 P. IL For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. X. and 6.15 P.M. White cars Of Second and Third street line City Passenger Cars, run directly to the new depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. IL., 9.30 A. X. sad 1.07 P. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. M. P Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. X. sad . M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. X. and 4.15 Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.3() A. M. and ' Fare to Bethlehem Si 50 Fare to Beaton_ 1 50 Fare to Meech Chunk 2 55 Through Tickets must ber.rocured at the Ticket Office, THIEL street or BEERS street, In order to secure the above rates of rare. • apl.B : :.. t . ELLIS CILLER, Agent. - - - WEST C HESTER AND PHILADELPHIARAIL ROAD, Via. 0 ARRANGE MENT.—CHANGE OF DEPOT.—Oa and after FRIDAY. April 1, 1864, the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the DEPOT, CORNER. OF THIRTY-FIRST AND MARKET STREETS, (West. Phiiadelphia), st 8.00 and 11.05 A. NI. and at 2.30 and 4.30, and 6:45 P. M. Leave NI., Chester at 6.20, 7.45, and 11.00 A.M., and at 2.00 and 4.45 P. NI. ON STJNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A. M., and 2.30 P. M. Weet Chester, at 8.00 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. , . , . The Trains 'leaving Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M., and 4.30 P. ; M. connect at Pennellton with trains on the P; ic,B. C. R. R,; for Concord, Kennett, OxfOrd, ac., &c. ~.passeAgora allowed to, take wearing apparel only, as Baggage and in no ea 46 will the Company be liable for an amount exceeding 71400. apl HENRY WOOD, Gen. Supt. • B PH.IL , S c . I IAR E LPH i SA BNT ra PR ltnl uA . A INS I-4 ARRA.NGEMENT..:— On and after FRIDAY, April 1, 1864 the trains will leave Philadelphia from the Depot of the W. 0. and P. R R. flo., corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, '( West Philada. ), at 8.00 A. M and 4 30 P. M.; leave Oxford at 6.30 A. M. 3 26 P. M.: The train leaving Philadelphia at 800 M. connects at Oxford with a rdaily line of stages for Beach Bottom in Lancaster county; returning, leaves =Beach Bottom to connect at Oxford 'with the afternoon train for Philadelphia. , pessengeFs,are allowed to. take wearing appare l only is baggage, and in no case will the companq be liable for an amount exceeding $lOO, api' HENRY WOOD, Genii - Supt. , t , • , PHILADELPHIA AND EL a .. • "' MIRA RAILROAD LINE i 1 ., I WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For WilllimMPOrt, Scranton, 'Elmira, Buffalo, Ni ag ara Falls, and all;points in the West: and Northwest. 'Passenger Trains leave the Depot of Philadelphia and Routing Railroad , BßOAD, and OWHILL streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. daily, except Sundays. QUICKESTII.OIITEIrom Philadelphia toro flits in Northern and -Western Pennsylvania, Western New York,' ao. /LT. • Hanageallecked through to. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Intemettlate :points: • For further Information apply to, , • • • JOHN S. HILT nek Geneni, • , Thirteenth and Oallow ral hill s Age treets, nsB and &lino W W oar Riot!, and Mostaat ECKMAN'S UNRIVALLED VENITILA ING Wigs and Tonpees_ L Ladles Long Hair de, Half Wigs, ems, Bands, &a., cheap. nOig-alts• Ilitx 9 5 m 013Etfrr iiT street TIMXM;MIi tG.I3IDX jgffMqsi_ .„.,ititege:tatg,toza.,:rt:7,k:otcy :: v.., E ,: S z ;J; j: E w.x. R r S a.o E :p Y 7 RAILROAD —41, 1„ 33 440g., ' i tMfrot tralnai uom. • eo r Cape Mai ' l llettutifiigrtit . .I. I M. zzor Millevipay 4aa.i at piimmi antllP.• turning at fi 09 A ; .a4...and 1 10, and 4 /34- F F o o r r tßr Sal urnin e d ni, IrCiLkt and 3' and 4' P. RI. soturning at 4 and 8 A. M. and 1 10 P. M. For ••a" it lttrY, /cc., at 9A. M. and 3,4 and 6P. M etntnitig at,7.00, 738; 9.38 A. Me 1 514 P 45 .E . VAN . RENSSELARft Superintendent SALEM RAILROAD. Ranniu6 Jan. '4.18 . ,ol trains, commencing FRIDAY, 04 . From Walnut Street Wharf at 9 A. In. and 4P. M. Freightind, . Returning, leave Salem 1 at 6.10 A. 16. and 1.10 P. M. I freight alio. way,. Apply to MORTON DULLS, Agent2d-VoVered Pierbelow Spruce at. .1. •VAN RENSSRLAVR, Superintendent. ;APE MAY' ND XILL - viLLE RAILROAD. Running time of trains, commencing FRIDAY, Jan- 1, 1864, from .Wilentl3treet Wharf. • For Cape House,: Incirolioe,,, Port Elizabetti, and by connecting lines or etages to air Pun; of Cape Maay county, at 9 A. M. Returning, leave Cape - Island at 6A. M. Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A. M. Freight sent or brought daily. Apply to NOR. roN MILLS, Agent, 241 covered Pier below spractiatreet. no 12 J. VAN RENSSELAER, Supt. 18°4. PIiILADELYID.A AND liiiMPIRSE ERIE RAILROAD. 1864. I Linz grew e traverses the Northern and 'northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city ox Ehie, on Lake Erie. It has been leas ed by the Pennsylvania Railroad k;orapany, and under their auspices le being rap ldly opened throughout Its entire length. It is note In use for Passenger and Freight buid seas from Harrisburg to Emporium, (It 3 iaiies,) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 mites) on the Western rIXOP PA5811861133, TRAIN AT PEULADELPECIA 1,112,172 VIZSTWAP.D. tall Train 6.00 A. HI repress Train.. . 10.30 F. Cars run through without change both ways on mesa . trains between Philadelphia and Loa •ialren, and between Baltimore. and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Oar Express Trains, both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and - 4111 svreport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger busbies*, cpply at the Southeast corner of Eleventh and i'itarket streets. And for Freight business of the Oompany'■ 'Loam: S. K. Kingston, Jr., Oar. ThLrteenth aii Mal.. tat Ms. Plithulelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J Di. Drill, Agent N. G. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Fhtiqxielphis. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Tle.ket Agent, Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. POTTS, &CM General blnneaer. Willfantsport SI Es:Yu:max TRENTON, Paoli BRISTOL BURLINGTON. BE TORRI. SBA LE and TAUONY. TO PHILADELPHIA, TWO TRIPS DAILY, SUNDAYS IiXCEPTED, to commence on W.ED NESDAY, Apt 11 20t1t, 1664. The Trer.ton, Captain Hornblovre .? will, onaid after Wednesday. 20th inst., leave Bristol at 7.15, Burlington at 7.25, and Tacony at 8.45 A. M., for Second Trip down, will leave Bristol at 11.45, Burlington at 11.55 A. M end Tacony at 12.46 P. M. DP TRIPS. Will leaTe Walnut street .wharf at 9.80 A.. M. and 9 . .34 1 P. K. FARF,—Bristol and Burlington to Philadelphia, 15 crate. Preighttaken on accommodating terms and de livered at Wahint street wharf. Freight from Philadelphia received at Walnut s'xeet wharf for above Landings, between the hours oi 9 A. X. Lad 2 P. M TRENTON WAY LINE. The Trenton Way-Line (Quinton, Conducts,) will leave Trenton at 7X AA H. on akd attar the ?nth list., and take the boat at Tacony - re , nrntng will leave Walnut street wharf at 2.30 P. H. and take the cars at Tawny. The Trala now leaving Kensington Depot at 3 P. H. with Trenton Way-Line wilt be &Neon tinned after Tuesday, the lath inst. s.pl6 at WH. H. GATZHER. Agent. BUSENISS OARDts. WILSON & BRO.—SEAL ESTATE AGENTS sad BIsOKERS. 4SO WALAY UT r.ser:t.. Money aaryfully invented. RNLI Raoul bought, sold and ezelmnged. Interest on Ground Rents, Mortgages and lionise Rents promptly collected. api.s.lrs+ JAMES M. SCOVEL, Attorney at Law, Master and Eituraner Ia Chancery. 113 PLUM street, ap7.l.m* Camden. N. 3. AFFA k. SMLTR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT TOR THY BALE OP FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, SEEDS, And Produce generally. No. 121 North WATER St., Phila. [aps-111* R OBERT EWING, BILL BROKER, rato2s-Iyo No. 109 Soutu THIRD street- JOS. H. THOMPSON. GEO. ADKINS. GEORGE ADKINS CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION AGENTS And General Merchandise Brokers, No. 154 North DELAWARE Ayenne, inh24-Imoo Philadelphia. EIIOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHIL. • • FRAY %FORD. Clarrrar. $100,000; with the privilege of lamas. lug to'noo,ooo. NATHAN HILLES, President; WILLIAM a SHAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank. DIRECTORS: Nathan Mlles, -Lewis Shallcross, George W. Rnawn, Charles E. Kremer, Simon A. Snyder, I:tenpin:du Rowland,Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjamin H. Deacon, John ooper. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia la now open at No. 134 Maui street, Prankford, for the transaction of a General Banking Business upon the usual terms. Collections upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, W. H. RHWN, ie3-3m(% Clasher GEORGE BOLDIN, MICHAEL WARTm..4 N BOLDIN aC WARTMAN, TOBACCO and GENERAL °OMISSION Merchants, No. 1 0 5 North WATER' street and 106 North fell DELAWARE avenue, Philadelphia. _ _ .LhIUAL OTI(Jhb N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of ED WARD CARR, • deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of CATHARIN E CARR, ad mirdsti atrix, and to report distribution of -the balance in her hands will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNES DAY, April 27th, 1664, at 3% o' clock P. DI , at his office No. 601 SANSOM street, seconthstory, front room, in the City of Philadelphia.. CHARLES D. FREEMAN, tipl4-th,s,tu,sti) - Auditor.. Rif ARY TUSTIN, BY, ace., VII. ALLEN TUSTIN.—Common Pleas, Divorce, Sep tember Terra, 1863, No. 3S;—And now, 'April 9th, 1E64. the 'Court grant. a TR/ on the above Re spondent,'to show cause why a Divorces vinculo matrimonii, should not be decreed in the above case; returnable SATURDAY, April 23, 1664, at 10 o'clock A. M. ' BYRNES & RUDDINEAN, spit. tult.th4t Attorneys . for Libellant. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY J.. AND. CO.UNT.Y OF, PHILADELPHIA.—Es tate of FRANCES. ROWE, deceased. The Au ditor appointed. by. the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of W. KNIGHT and CHARLES ADANIS, 'Executors of FRANOES Bowl, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, onrWEDNESDAY, April tlOth, 1864, at 4 o clock P.- ~ at his office, No. MI. South FIFTH street, in the of :Philadelphia. ap9, s, tn, th-st* EIkVPATION INFANT'S •RETREAT, . ,• , ME1)1.84 DE'LAWARE_OO. PA. ;' • MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. Thin prtirfdliai'h" le - fined hoitie•anci the ten. tierest-eare •• and culture liar Children. trout :three k seven years of rage, • will be opened on:Wed:ins. day;' APRIT.I3. Media: is j 3 miles frota Phila. delphialy Railroad./ For particulars,apply to Edwards,' Media, , Rafael:ice§ : Bishop• Potter,: Bishop Stevena,l'-and the 2 Epitfi copal plerg7 ,cf the city ; also to Abraham Martin. - . r.. 13 0 T • • -•—• • :•TOrr.hmil COTTON SAIL DUCK, COTTON CANVAS, of every weight, from one,to two feet.wide, all numberrsa,,• heavy and light RAVENS DUCK TOPSAIL and other Awning Twill', paper Felting, t3a Twine, &o. For sale by SVER3vra rp ,b 00. , • Analk-ly riti .14/A49 A clay . ~I 0 1 4ETIAB!. • ' 1829 . , ,PERPETUALi FRANKLIN FIRE IhSURA3TOI, 00111 1 Afill I. , Q .0 -. , ~ , ~... 1 , PHILADEbPRIA. ' ; • , ON. JANUARY .I,'-1885: '-- . $ 2,4 57 841 '9 - s'. 9 , CAPITAL, - -•- - - - - • $400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - - - - 971,000 ENVESTED.PRENDAS,.- . • . - -1,086,288 . —. . ... • • SI6662 . I , 7.aia:kOLAISIS, • • . Drown sox 1854,. . I $8,416. - • ....... $300,000. • Lofts r.ur. ansci 1829, $5,006.000.• -• .. .... PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICTEN ON LIBERAL TERNS, - DIIZEOTORELI ' • Charles N. Randier, Issas L•a, Tobin, Wagner, Edward 0.; Dale, Sazau.l Grant, Geor . ge Fales, , Jacob R. Smith, 'Alfred Fitter, rT - GeorF • W. Richards, Fraa. W. Lewis, - 1. D. 1 CHARLES'N. /MOREL Preeident EDWARD 0. DALE Vioe-Preatelent. JAS. W.MIDALLisTra. See. Pro. Tern. mhl2tdell6 LIFE IN SITRANCE AND TRUST COICYAM —TI:IB GIBARI/ LIFE INSITEANOY, AN NUITY tuIdTRUST OOMPANY,niPkiladelphis OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT' Street, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, ;ZOO, 000—paid; is and invested In Bonds and Mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Lives, grant-An nuities and Endowments and make contracts gene. rally, 'which depend on the' contingencies of lila' . They act as'Esecutots, Administrators; Assignees ; Receivers, Cosamittee of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by Individuals, Courts of Justice or lorporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the sore d for life. • Thomas Ridgwa ILANafaidte. y, John A. Brown, 12.9bert Pearsall, John E. Latimer ) Thomas John R. Slack, Jame John O. Mitchel, P. s, Seth J. Co , Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, 'Stacy B. Barcroft, Henry G. -Freeman, - Wm. P. Jenks, lnnotcsi. Exanntsme.--Geo. Emerson, N. and Samuel Chamberlain., M.D., attend at the othoe daily at 12 o' clock noon. • Pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla nation of terms of application, and further Inior naation can be had at the, office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, Prealdsnt. Joust P. Jambi, Actuary. fele TNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH I AMERICA. MARINE, FIRE AND LIN LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. oMoe, No. 122 WALNUT street, South side, East of Third street. I The Properties of this Company are well 'ln- Tested and furnisti;an available fond for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro ceded 1 2 14:usttrance. RISES taken on Teasels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on NerchancUse perßailrceds. Canals and Steamboats FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Braidings in City and County.. INCORPORATED IN I:9i -CAPITAL $5OB, 006, AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL' PROPETIES, Si. NO, WO. RTER PERPETUAL CHA . Arthur O. Oo Sarasiel W. Jones, Jetn A. Broom, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White Richard 1). Wood,: William Welsh, lima E. !Bowen, T Charle ARTHUR 0. Mamas Purr. - _ FIRE A.BSOVIATION. Incorporated March. 27, UM. F A OFFICE. Ea. 34. N. barn! street. Insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD - - FURNITURE and IKERCIHANDISS - ; generally, froui Loss by Fire, On the ity of hiladelphia only. ) Beaumont of the Assets of the Assoolation, Jean -117 1, 1961. Bonds and Mortgagee en Property In the Groun City d of Rents Philadelphia only - 8697,261 32 96,806 64 Real Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streets.) 14,293 13 U. S. Got. 5-20, Bonds 46,000 00 Deposit with U. S. Assistant Treasurer. 25,000 00 Cash on band.. 25,629 87 TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TBYON, President Wm. H. Hamilton, Jos. R. Lynda% John Souder. Levi P. Ooata, Peter A.' Keyser, Samuel Sparhawk, John FUME, Charles P. Bower. John Carrow, Samuel Scattergood. Gee. I. yonng, Jesse Llghifoot. mys WILLIAM T. BUTLER. Secretary. El.' ERSON FIRE INSURANOE 00M PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. —OffLoe North east corner of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD stream (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Peanaylva oia OnAwrica P=7II7IIA.L. Ospital authorised by law, $lOO,OOO. Make Insurance against Loy or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build- Inge, Ftwuttwee,Rtocks of Goode and Mardian- Use, on favorable terms. DIREOTORS. George Erety, dogma O. John F. Beleterling, Henry Troomner, William McDaniel, Tomb Ntillet, George Biala, Jr., Samuel GEORGE JOHN F. BELSTEE Plan.ry. E. Oormiciar. FINSURE EXOLTJSIVELI— THE E FENNSWIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—Anco rated 125--Charter Perpet. 610- WALNUT Street, apposite Inde pendence Square. This Company, favorably lmown to the mum. pity for nearly forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private' Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Marc/tan. Ilse guilefully, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund- is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to otter to the insured an doubted security In the CBE* of loss. DIRECTORS. Jecuohart Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deverenx, Isaac Haslehurst, Thomas Smitk. Thomas Houma., Henry Lewis, . J. Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN - PATTERSON, President. WELLIAM G. 'Onowlux. Secretary: FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT sruraT, PHILADELPHIA. FIRES. AND INLAND lETSCIREUTOE''. HROTOR B. • • cis N. Mick, DI Jno.W.Everman, I: les Richardson, Robert B.Potter, Henry Lewis ' Jito. Ressler, Jr. 0. W. Davis, E. D. Woodruly P. S. Justice, Chas. Stokes, Um A. West, Jos. D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. B OK, President. CRAS. RICHARDSON, Vies President. Rt. A TNIA A stn. Sertivitary 4NXERICtAII FIRE INSURANCE CODI. PANT, CORPORATE H 1810.-L-OIIARTER PER. • PETVAL. Me WALNUT Street, alxiye THIRD Street, Purrs ELPHIA Haying a large paid np , CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS invested in sound and ayailableSecm. !Vies, continue to instals - on Dwellings; Storey ftrniture, Merchandise, Vestals in pott, and their Cargoes, and other person'al property. All Lows liberally and promptly adjustsuL D1D.150T02.8. - I I Tiumieus E. Marls, . . John T. Lewis, Jon Welsh, • - James B. Campbe ll, Samuel O. Norion t :„. Edmund (I. Dittilh; Patrick BradY, _.- Otmries W. Penitnert . . -. . .. *._ • _.istael orris. .. - TTl°3 "* - E. KARI.% President a.valwr 134 - L. ( ) na.sorilien. ,seart,ttarir. , inir22- A lIIERICIAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PA-14Y-.)illes,. Farquhar Building, No. 11 Walutit•street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES.--Risits' taken an vessels, istugikel and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers. canals, rail roads and -other conveyances .throughout - the United States.- WILLIAM CRAIG; President.: • PETER orrLLEN, VicetPresident. D. B. Sra ian,.Becretsty a•:: DEBBOTEM. , Wiummihaig • ,l , Reny .f Dallet; - • Peter Callen, William T. Lowber, John Drilled., J. Johnson Brown, William H. Merriog, Samuel A. Rulon, Dallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Eider. l'enrson Berri'',Ch aZairdrles ,Ocnrad- W'utiain James 2f. Dickens, S. Morris Wain, John Mason, ! • George L.. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward Trartsr, E. S. Clarke, William °roaming& Henry. ourrnw, President. 8%1,093 96 !Henry Garter, Otdistopher R. 311.11er. I Frederick Staake, I Jonas Bowman., Frederick Doll. Jacob &handler, Stephen Smith, Miller. ERF.TY, President G, Vice President. Secretary. a 1241 -,r .., , . ----1-1- ' , '' - ` l - 1 u• • • , 'j l' TNILAWARE HUTUA.I. • SAFETX j 121131): ,IJ liCeLl'il:TP.' COMPANY.-- •-• •-=:. . , , , r • -- ' • Ifloorpoirstiaoty the , Legislature of Pennsylvania+ 1895:-.OFFICE-+S: E. Cdruer THIRDan-WAIF. NUT Streets:. Phil' eit t i E L, • 4 • .. ,:.: . , ~ , KNEE j mo offt TESPELSI• .... , .• . .i . , VARGO, TO all parts of the world. . , INSURANCES; ' Oa Good 4 by River, Cana* Lake and Land Oar. riage, to all parte of the 'Union. • FIRE INSURANCES ' On Mereltaadise:generally, . - - . ~ • . On Stores, -Dwelling , Houses; lice. • - • ASSETS OF THE 00/11:PANY. •: • • - "Noviniitais 1, 1869 - 1100,600 United States 5 per cent-Loan' $97,6604 75,000. - SI 6 per et Loan 5-20 i .71;000'00 20,000 I. .it 66 1881 .24 wove 5%000' IS 7 3-10 pr et Tr Nts• 534.20 1 00 104000 State of Penna. 5 per cent Loan 100,107 1 50 514000, - GS . o p er cent ~ . ,-57 .4 expcs, 123,050 Pluladelphts.-Ofty 6 per et Loan 127,528 00 30,000 State of. Tennessee 5 Der es Loan 15,000 . 0' 20i009pentusylvania 'lt/Wit:lad •fl ' ' ',' ' 50,1 X Pedn .110 l 11gage a tt o per;CeilttbOndt: i. 1 2243E0 e 0 ityvaniessa, • mortgar 6-per cent . bondsr..r. 53,250.' 15,000 aoo shares istock German - twist( • - .., • . One Company,. principal And ' . ,:)-% ‘ - Interest guarantied by the, city- • • of. Philadelphia;:: ' ig, ow. , 5,000 100 shares Steck-Pennsylvania . ' Railroad Company.... ... . 7,220 .- - • 5,000 100 shares Stock - North 'Peril. , • sylvan% Railroad Oompiuly 2,6 W-1 - .21,000 :United States . Treasury - Oerti- , i • - heaters of indebtedness •• 21,431 '.. 123,700 Loans .on Bonds .and Mort. • -c., -,. - gage, amply secured. • 123,708 , . • $ 711 4 750 par. c05t,8768:737 12—market value 791,20840 Beal Estate • 6,368 , 32 , Bills Receivable for insurances made - • - 187,91710 Balances due at .agencies--p " re: miums on . Marine Policies, • accrued interest, and other debts due the Coarpemy 98,919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry In. snrance and other Compa nies, 33, 803.. Estimated value 3,203 0 Cash, on deposit with United States Gov ernment, subject to ten days' call $9O, 0 00 ee Cask, in Banks 38,588 35 Cush, in drawer 200 80 DIRECTORS: Thomas 0. Hand, Charles Kelley, John C. Dallis, Robert. Burton, Edmund A. Bauder Samuel E. Stokes, Ttteophilns Paulding, J. F. Peniston, John B. Penrose, . Henry Sloan,. • James Traquair, G. Boultcni, Henry O. Hallett, Jr., Edward Darlington, James O. Hand, H. Jones Brooke, WJWipuhn 0. Ludwig, James B. DE Fraer lan-d , Dr o . B. X. H o u ston, S Jo p s n uP PDyabe. • George G. Leiper, John B. Semple, Pitts'bir Hugh Oraig, A. B. Berger; - au THOMAS C. HAND, President,. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President ; Hamar Lrr.nune. Secretary. rlBl6-1540311. MAidiuvrTAN LIFE 1ri . 231141 T .... COMPANY or YORK, - _ Accumulation nearly. - Ws OM Oile: Total Losses Pa1d..... - ' 850, OW Dividende made ov_er... " • 700,0 W PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFIOIk; _- _We. 419 WALNUT' Street, , JANES B. . GARR, 'Agent and AttardeS4‘ This Company effete superior' twinge/mita, _46- persons desiring to effectan insurance - tipoik Ahem lbres, ' giving to those who desire the privilege' DX settling their Premlumu, annually, semi-44/7; or quarterly. The rates are lower than meet Oonipinlee crifil and the insured are participators in the profit:l4_ - The business of the' Company is devoted eiseW study tb the insurance Of Ewe. It is prompt In Rlf payment of its losses. -' _ . . . , Any informed= upon tke =Meet will be ekes*: folly glven by the AGENT, together VIA all MIL oftway Books and Tables upon the . sulaset. - - - - • LOCAL, BOARD OF EN OE. Rt. Rev: Alonz o Patter. Keen & Gutter,. D. D. Thoe. Robins; `Bk. Rt. Rey. W. B: Stevens. Cileel. Thlgle.T2Emk-, D. D. A. W. Little, - issq. Hon. John MI Butler. Henr y . Sinii#24 - p4.: Alfred Jenks & San. Alfred- De 4 . ".., 4 ,, S. V. Merrick & Bona; Jacob D. alr,' " Bleb. Galled & Bre. • Watmonldalon Est. T. B. Peterson& Bro. George Malach i Esq. * Hanswarth, Eakerus & Thos. B. Beek; - Esq. '... laylcrr. Adam Wartlimani . ). Boswell & WAson. J. A. fficAlltster, - Esq. Walton i- Yost. . Warner Erwiti„ Aisq. E B. &J. F. Orne. - BIEDIOAL —T. X. Drysdale, AL D.; Wm. Gardener, H. D.; J. K. Knorr , . DE D. _ deig . th , s;retitt - A DITIMACUTE INSURANCE 001EPALIEr . .4;- A CHARTER PERPETVAL. _ . Office, No. 311 Walnut St.,4.lsotre Will inane against Loss or Damage by Pine * :o Buildings, either perpettutHy or for a-lipited Household Furniture and Nereliandis puerisli*.; Also—Marine Imstuence on Vessels; Clargeeirindi Freight. inland Insurance to all parts ' of - IUP Union. DIRECTORS: Win. 'Esher. Darts Poulton, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis And recd, J. E. Baum, _ J. R. Elakiston, 0 Win. F. Dean, Joe. AlLarleld, John Ketcham, FSITRII, President. - -- "o Wll. F. DEAN, Vice-Preeddent: Wit. M Slrrnt. Seeretsry riMMVINMiiMeaI INCORPORATED PETUAL. NO. 424 WALNUT street, opposite the km. change. In addition to MARINE and INLAND INT. SURANOE this Oompany Insrares - from does , OT damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furaiture &c.,for- limited periods; and - permanently on bui ldings, by deposit -OX premium. , The Company has been In active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS,idttring which, an losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DLREOTORS. ; John L. Hodge, D. Clark Wharton, • - Adolphus Ferias, Lawrence - Liewia, - William Mcßae, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony, Benjamin Etting, John T Lewis," Thomas H. Powers, John R.-Wilmer, A R. McHenry, William S. Grant, Edmond Postilion. Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WIJOILERER, President. Sertrunh 37jutiox, Secretary 11LE Cr - JOUNTY FIRE INSURWICIE 00A1 OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STR.VErf t , . IINLOW 0}3318758T. ,t . . _ - . . collie Fire Inermanee Oompanyef the Oonnty of Philadelphia:" Incorporated by the Legislators. afTennefivalita 'in 1839, for:indemnity against lose or damage.by flre,• exclusively . . • • ' . .&R'PER .PERPETUAL This. old and reliable institution with atllplb Capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, -furniture, merchan dise, no. either permanently or Air a limited time, aga inst loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety al - rap customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de. Vox& - DEBECTOBS. Charles J. Sutter, Edwin L. Nesbit, Henry Orilly,. . John:Horn, Rebt.F. Hussey ; Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Bleck% Andrew H. Miller James.N. MOW!. CHABLirs J. SUTTEE President. Hamm= F. Hoinnusr. See' y and Treasurer: CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Branch office 409. WALNUT street: Cash Capital and Assets, SIGi 500. JOSEP HRefe rAgent. LLINGHAST, n to E. 0. ZOVIGANTON, President Elm City.Bankr New Haven, Conn. JAMES M. BEEBE ac 00., Boston, Mass. WILLIMANTIC LINEN COMPANY, Ne York City. ' • - ' • 09047 Jr. R TSPPTNOCITT PLILN US, &U. OFPF.I7N ITED STE/I sr COMPANY FritST-CLASS. P OS, '' of - - New Yorki also, Wor is Inimitable Patent Ringed Plate Pianos, • ftir sale at No. a North Seventh street, mbl6-2mo (LOSE 44- BAEOKLEIL A. ISTANHOWITOR, PIANO TUNER and.REPAIRER, remove* to- 930 RIDGE avenue, above Vine. and is prepared to receive orders as nasal. Rib many - ctistottisra - bear-testimony-to his skill - kVA ability as a correct and tlioroagn.Tnner. -Hie 14. Pal Ting Is done'in a:durable and artistic ely, as he is tr practical Plano Maker; has eight ye rar 'MY - exterienre, - 'vtittr the best reams:car vatic* can be' gfiren. , All 'orders oraniPtlY =elided' tt and guanuttaes to_ giyq entire satisfaction.' for.tuning Bt. Orders frgm the country aceetted s , and done very reasonably: . • ,mll2-3m9 AN ASSORTMENT of the beef New York and Philadelphia Mann. factaring. from 8275 upwards AIso,MELODEONS, Harmoniums and Cabinet Orgas. No. 223 South FlFTHstreet, at ttni thorn. n few deorßte:loW Waral, ast.%) 411 CO. raNialD 118,789+11; suakmas TEE. PER.
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