TILE WAR FOR 11441:1rimpt, OPENIK6 OF THE BALTIMOR SANITARY FAIR—SPEECH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. BALTIMORE, April LB.—The inauguration exer cises of the great, Farr at Maryland Institute to- • sight • were • very imposing: Tne < display was exceedingly line, and the immense - budding wan" thronged in every part. President Lincoln made, *speech, which contained an importantreferenee to the Fort Pillow massacre. Thee. President's -appearance thh-Hall..lVfah: greeted with tremendous applause, which coo,. tinned roxbe Momenta After; ;4 1 'i address of Goienfor Bradfcird, the 'President w a - fondly called for, and, in , esponse, he proceeded to Make a brief address. He referred to the great shange that lied. taken _place in Baltimore iu the Jut th ree! y eA rc, Truly, he geld, the wi.w4 4 movee. At pp commencemeet of the warthe soldiersof the Illmoneould ,not pass through. Baltiinore nriino iented;,and now we,, have this. large assemblage of people.brought together to do them bonor and to provide toe their- winds, and to make Vitro corn- AHlionor to,the brave patriots 'who had wrought the change, and to the noble women, who aided them. When this war began scarcely one Audi vid sal sapposedit would have lasted till now. 'All ihoughtit 'would have ended, in risome way, in a minehelierter time., Tory few at, that time thought Ike iastitnlion r 618.1Tery WOILICI, be very mach alfeited by it; but these, expectations were not realized, and, here we are [laughter], and slavery hie been somewhat alfeeted! [Great, laughter. So true is it, wy friends, that 4 mum proposes and Sod disposes.' The,worlai .he - Said; had lonk beenin yeanf - of a Miiireet &dilution of tee word freedom, Whilst all professed to advocate liberty, there was 'in the aiinde ,of many a very oppoifte view of what liberty was. 'With one man liberty implied to work for Ilia:melt'. and do as ha pleased with the proceeds of his labor. With ce hers, liberty meant to do se you pleased with , tither , men and their Oro of these two conflicting ideas would hat's to me Way to the Other. lEte thought, from some, occurrences which had only, lately takeu place in Maryland, her people were about to de termine which of these views of freedom would control herdestiny. , ,This , President passed on to refer to a matter which he said, rie • supposed was just now deeply agitating the minds of Abe people- all over the coon try. He *Belled to the occurrence which is reported to have taken place at Fort Palo w,on the rifer--iliermassacte of several hundred .elored soldiers by the Confederates ; Many sup pose th at the Government did not intend to do its deep, in regal dto the protection of these colored soldiers. He desired to say that all such were mistaken. When the . question of empleying.colored men as soidiers,was left to therviivernnient, it rested very muoh with himself whether he. would make SOX diers of them or not. Be pondered the matter care fully, and when he became convinced that it was a duty to so employ them lie aid not hesitate to do so. He stood before the American , people re sponeible for the act, responstble before the otitis lien world; responsible for it he should eland in the eyes of the historian; responeible for it he stood beforeA3od, and he did not shrink front the, deci aion he had made, for he believed it was right; but when the Governmentdetenuined to make soldiers of them colored people he thought it only just that they should have the same protection as the white soldiers [applause], and•he hesitated not to declare that the. Government would do so, and would pro tect them to the, utmost, of its power. Whenever a dear,well authenticated case should be made oat, retribution should follow.. - It bad hitherto been diffimltto aecertoia with that'el - Minty which should govern a decision in a Matter so serious, but in the affair at Fort Pillow be thought they were likely to find a clear case. The Governmest has no direct ev;deace to con firm the reporta in eihr once relative to t he muse ore,-,bat be feared that the facts related were true. When the Government does know the lecte. from official sources, and ..hey substan tiate the reports, retribution will surely , be given: (Great applause ] But, how ahouln that 'retribution be adminietered ' was a