Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 18, 1864, Image 7
LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS > ar ms • PA I L TO ' CURSE atrmlia m ' LYON'S PEEtIODIOAL DROPS an s.p.olao for an forcuslo dlSßoaltloi LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS 111111/Cindaritily adapted to Obstinate OWL LYON'S PNRIODICIAL DROPS EIS not pleasant to take, but powerful in tnalz LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPI sniff harm say one If they follow the diroctiallsi - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROP% in car ar Painful dolmens, act like a alarm Is Tlguraling, restoring and renovating the system. LYON'S PERIOD/GAL DisOPS am a satentillcally prepare Ilnid preparation, NW Ewa sellable than any Pill or Powdaz. LTOWS PKBIODIOAL DROPS easgenulne only, when the name of Doctor John Lyon lawritten upon the directions, whioll are wrapped carefully around each bottle. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ars for 'shag druggists la city and country miry. LYON' 8 PEBIODIOAL DROPS cost but one dollar perbottle; will you waste "way WItII arudet3r and pain t when 11.311IITIMMIIM Of one dollar will surely cure you. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS willioetoronature to Its healthy course, 'hater, IHI th.ladirposmon. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS *rain.* at am times when um alractiana Isle bored to. 410 .4=14 3 1: 4 (e) (*Ls ft 1):kf) when taken regaarly always, prevent statism, Sind Is not prevention better than mill LYON'S PERIODICLELL DROPS nave stood the test of 25 peas , experience. LYON'S PkKODIOAL DROPS realnye the encomiums of au who WM atm NO lady should be without them. Ws hays letters al. most every day from Dulles of Me Idgtund ream. tabllity, telling ne they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Oonld in publish the letters we have received, they would oonTince the most Incredulous. We have now Is mind as Instance of a lady who had been irregular maim her constitution wavnearly broken doWn; Her physicians toldler she the Consumption, and !exist die. Site s w our ad era, and wade to see us. We, o, thought she was too far pue r to be cured, but co enced at the cane with the Drops. They acted c she la well and healthy, a flying witness .of the smcacy of the French Periodical Dreps, and a is- admit of East Hartford, Connecticut. if you uro suffering any of the ills calmed by irregularity, we ask yon to give them &Vial, and recommend them to your afrlieted friends. Ons trial Will oonsinos the most sceptical, and never after will you be In. duceil to to without it. STOWS PERIODICAL DROPS WSOLESALZ Jomaiviox, iLILLOWAT s COWDEL 110. 13 Nonni innutagnas - to, an at RETAIL , by all Liel awrainranalelvi weer Mar a MI !OR bOtils. 0. O. CU= CO., IW2iolesitle itruppleis t Proprietors, *UM 11ly W 1 e a charm; and 10- day 11111 . 11, aaliaailnn, ,igartn, Oolia. - DANNY : W S TROOHES, for the cure of I) Hoare eaese, se Throat . Diseases, Ac. are spe cially re omniended to public epe akera, ' as the most efficient remedy , extant for the above die eases. We present but One of the many testimonialti in our possession: , HARRISBURG, Feb. Bth, 1864: O. A. BAziwvairr—Dear Sir: I have need Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges, - And other preparations for hoarseness and throat 'troubles • and in comparison with them can k cheerfnlly commend your own as a most:.admira ble specific for public speakers and singers, in eases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I h ave : i found them serving in time of need, most ef ectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBtNSON, , Pastor of N. S. Preehri ytean Church: Manufactured by O. A. BANNYART A 00. • Harrisburg. And for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER lc CO., • Druggists, N. E. cor. Fourth and Race sts., , • inhll;•fraw,244 . Philadelphia. Also, by Retai l Druggists generally. ELEOTHIVITY. - WHAT IS LIFE 'WITHOUT HEALTH Messrs. GEM andALLEN, Medical Electricians, formerly associated with Professor Bolles and Galloway, having dissolved partnershi the practice will be continned by THOS. , Me old established office, No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any Pain,) with the various modifica tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption first and General Debility. second stark Diseases of the Liver or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Awns. Prolapses Uteri (Falling Congestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsue Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emissions, Rheumatism./cc. &c. Bronchitis. Beatrice" Difinensti and Catarrh. I No - charge for consaltal lA. 'M.'to 6 P. M. Testimonials to be seen (APILL DENTALLINA. A superior article for de Testa, de. stroying ruilmalculre ;which them giving tone to the gums, 'rind leaving a' feelin g of fra grance and perfect cleanliness in the month. D may be used and will be found to strengthen weak and bleedhig gums, while tile aroma and de• tersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physieian, and Microscopist, it is confidently oared as a ET - 1r T • TILE substitutefor the uncer tain Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constitu ents of the DENTALLINA, advocate its uses ; contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained era ployment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, A pothecary. • BROAD and SPRUCE Streets . For sale by Druggists - generally and Fred. Brown, D. L. S tackhouse. Hassard & Co., Robert O. Davis, G. R. Keeny, Geo. 0. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, 0. H. Needles, G. J.' Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. 0. Turapenny , rac, Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Itringhtirst & 031 T James L:33lspham, Dyott & Co. , Hughes & Coombe, H. 0. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. TUMELLE' S COMPOUND SYRUP OF g). DOCK. —We often hear it repeated. by , those Who have used jUNCELI.E'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOOR, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a puri fying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de. biiity, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4-3m. HODOSON' S BRONCHIAL TABLETS • found to be an indispensable requisite In th treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsuess, an • similar complaints affecting the organs of • voice; particularly recommended by p speak elm Augers,. and amateurs. ,Pre axed, whol and retail, by LANCASTER it A_ • : I • :soi: . r• 3f4. 4 I These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for phtherla, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and .nchial Affections generally. Try them. HOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. °or. D. • • ... • . . . • . . .• MAYLOR' E. ARNICA OIL OR EDIBROOA .I_ 'MON. —A. reliable article. Positively CM*. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted feet, 011111blains, Pains in the Limbs, 'hest, Side Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Gallowhill streets. Price, 25 cents. fe22-3m* TUST RECEIVED BY LATE 1211PORTA ty tion, Hennessey , fine Old Brandy, expressly for medicinal use. LANCASTER Wriza phwinaceuties, N E. corner ARCH and TENTH Ste... Phila se2l DRUGS T AWRE NOE' S METALLIC BROWN PAINT -,-ES PER CENT METALLIC BASE. The Metallic base of this Paint is composed of the Protoxide and Peroxide of Iron. Its proper. ties are such as to give it superiority over all otners in the market for the purpose for which it is re commended. It has been proved by thorough exposure, and by comparison with other paints, to be the only re. liable Paint to resist the action of salt water and salt atmosphere. It is therefore especially recommended for ship bottoms, hulls, decks, boiler fronts, smoke stacks and steam! pipes. For iron railings, fences, leers, railroad and other bridges, it is not excelled. Itis especially adapted for METAL ROOFS. • It is not affected by acids or gases, and Is a per fect protector _against rust on metals, and from dampness on brick walls. It mixes and blends readily with other paints, and by comparison to the amount of surface a given weight will cover, costs about one-half as much as other Metallic Paints. 0 • Wherever this Paint has been used, it has given ENTIRE SATISFACTION, which is, we believe, more than can be said of any other paint in the market: ROBERT SHOEM.A_KER & CO., mlill-fmw2.4o] Sole Agents for Pennsylvania. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets, Phila. ROBERT SHOEMAKER CO.— BOST. SHOIMASZE., BENJ. H. SHOKKAICIIE, War. N. SHOEXAMBE, RICHARD N. SHOBIWCIER. TO DRUGGISTS. —We offer the following, o recent importation: Agaric, Aniseed, Star Anise, Caraway and Canary Seed, Althea!, Aconite and Calamus Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy Heads, Tonqua Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings's Calcined and Carb. Magnesia, Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime quality,Frenojf Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Fun nels, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists , Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, &c. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists, fe3 N. E. corner Fourth and Race street!. DRUGS, &c.—Refined.Camphor in barrels, Pure Cream of Tartar in barrels, English Magnesias . Calced Carbonate and Henry's genuine duper Carb. Soda, Quinine, Morphia, Opium, Sarsaparilla, Jamaica Ginger, English and French Tooth Brushes, Low's Soaps, Glycerine Honey and Brown Windsor, Drug gist's Earthenware, all sizes, Mortars, Zsc. For sale by WILLIAM ELLIS .fsCO. , Druggists, No. 724 MARKET street. - ap9-tf NIRESH ENGLISH EXTRAOTS, ecc. Just received direct from GEO. ALLEN hR 0., Ampthill, a supply of Ext. Aconiti, Bella donine, Cannab, Ind., Conli, Digitalis, Hyos. cami and Taraxaci, also, Oleum Amygd, y ule, Oleum Croton, Tigiii, Elaterium, Lactu carium, and a full assortment of fresh medi cinal-leaves, ecc.., - /cc. BULLOCK &OREN SHAW, Arch and Sixth streets. riltiE NEW PIPE. "—A SIMPLE, L cleanly and portable contrivance for the appli cation of unguents to the internal surface of the rectum. Sold by HUBBELL, Apothecary, HD Chestnut street. FINE VIOLET POMADE. —AN INVOIOII .of freshly imported Marrow Pomade sweetly scented 'with ,Violeta, in, 50 cent jars. HUBBELL, Apothecary, 1410 Chistrait street. BBTRLEREM OATMEAL by the pound or keg—fresh every week. HUBBELL, Apothe cary. ialn CHESTNTTT street. fen t enm - DR. SCOTT'S LIVERY STABLES, or avenue, between Buttonwood andUs streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that can injure another will be ad mitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves er is taken away. Boarders receive medical Attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons andSaddie Horses to hire. New customers for these are most respect fulls requested to bring A .reference. Terms mod ..urn. h,, etigb ilaNTniniti L • fe1.04146 A t irrtM, CARRIAGE - MAKERS, " 7. LEITENBERGER do SOW •••• I.lww. cmwErwin fe ,-210 I E e • r Oe. 12 an • guts. nOr quail • lbr sale by . ,I• 1 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY; APRIL 18. 1864 lion, Officio hours front at the office. del-6m, AIM STEW& "CWElialla " 1:4.• ' 'AYR"; FOOL, tcraeldng at (WYEENSTOWS rPE " Wi' I • bar'. --The well-imown Steamers of 1M as 313 1 710 01) New York and Philadelphia Etowah") fkaa intended.tqsaikastpllowT. WY • NEON.— ......:Eatorday, April le 'ETNA - ' Apra 23 017'Y OF NEW YORK , Satarda.y,f April 30 20 /d '0702r sumedinglEatnrday at Soon, feat Fla 44 North 'liver. RATES OF P4S.9A4E: 14.74113hz ris Sohn On ITS' neurvArater 'ra ova. lit Dabln..: •.:180 ...AM OS Lit Cabin. to L on don. 85- Do. to London 34 1:* Ist Cabin to Paris.— 95D0. to Faris .. 40 LW Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 . Do. to Hamburg 37 LW Passengers also forwarded to Hawk Bremen, Ac o twd ain , J amtvieip, &a., at equally IoW fates. Fanna.2nosi LIVERPOOL On Qtrearnirrown.— First Cabin, 1575, $B5, 8105. Steerage train LiTer• pool, and • Queenstown, 835. _Those who wish te send, for their friends can buy 'tickets here at thief rates. s For farther information, apply at the Oomps• ay , s Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, api2 ' 111 Walnut street, Philadeiphia. BOSTON AND PHILADELPIDI STEAMSHIP LlNE—Sailingfrozneacl port on Saturday—From first wharf above Pint street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston, or Saturday, April —, 1864. The steamship -- will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, Apnl —. and steamship NORMAN, from Boston on Saturday, April 16. at 4 P. M. These new and substanteu Steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually 01 Saturdays. Insurance at one-half the premium maxim b) call vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. bills o Shippers are requested their goo to ds. send slip receipts an. For freight or passage, nanng nne accommods' Clone, apply to HENRY WINSOR 33r2 South Delaware avenue. faFOR ALEXANDRIA, GEORGE TOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand' n Line via Canal—Every Wednesday = M., and every Saturday at e A.M. Steamer T.SI A.DEB, CalR l lll Callahan. Steamer DEVINMC Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEYMOUR, 01. tam Room. Steamer E. CHAMB , Captain Stewart These steamers form a semi-weekly line betvrew Philadelphia and the above ports, ss ilingregularl3 as advertised, and carrying freight lower than tk. any other route. Freights received every da3 and bills of lading given. Apply to TRONLA, WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. solo-tf FOR NEW YORIC. —DESPATC3 and SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela ware and Raritan Canal. —The steamers o 1 tileel Ilnee' are leaving daily at' 12 o' clock, FL, and o' clock. P. DI., from third Pier above Walnut et For freight, which will be taken on accommc dating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAUD * CO., 132 South Delawareavenue. FOR NEW YORK—New Dail Lin. —a I d Delaware - 11 6 1Whis .V .d New York Express Steamboa Company will receive freight and leave daily at P. X. delivering their cargoes in New York lb. following days. Freight taken at reasonable rites. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Phllads. JAMES-HAND, Agent, jy4s-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, W. Y. FOR SAN FRANOISOO. COLEMAN' S CALIFORNIA LINE. BAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISIEF , Freight for this Lime een. to New York via Swill Sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid extreme clipper, CALYPSO. Baker, Commander • Is now rapidly loading at pier 11, East River. gb.This little clipper is new and built at Newhoryport expressly for the California aila China trade. Shippers will please examine this vessel and send their goods down at once. She will only carry about 1,300 tons, and will be dispatched in a very few days. For balance of freight, apply to BISHOr, SON .ts tf 105 Arch street, above Front. *FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.—Direct from Philadelphia—The last sailing clipper OLD HICKORY. Charles Callaghan. com mander (late of the clipper ship Storm Kink), is now loading- at Cattell' a wharf, above Marks, street, and having the bulk of her cargo enga.gedt will have quick dispatch. 'Shippers will please hurry their goods tuongside, as this vessel will have quick dispatch. Apply to WORKMAN & CO.. PM Walnut street._ apl2.tf FOR LIVERPOOL. —2oth instant. —The first class Neutral packet ship EMPIRE ' N, R. G. Moran, master, having her cargo engaged, will sail as above. PETER WRIGHT & EONS tl5 Walnut street. FOR LIVERPOOL—The first class Nen tral ship THE ORAIGS, G. A.. Baker, tua.ter having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will call coon. For balance of freight, ap. ply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, ILS Walnut street. ap9u PETROLVIIRL .FREIGHT FOR LW ERPOOL. —The tine Br tish bark SHER- C u t.TD, ---, master, having the greater part of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch for the above port. For balance of freight, apply to WORKMAN k CO.. 123 Walnut street. mtv2.s IthFOR BARBADOS-The British• schooner DART, Jacob Courod, master. will sail in ~ew days. For freight, apply to GEORGE AL RINS ACO 154 North Delaware avenue. mh.29 gatFOR BOSTON--Express Line--The tine packet schr FANNY KEATING, Porter, mabter, is now receiving freight at Girard' s wharf, second wharf above Market street, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER,: 18 North Wharves. ga.FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Br. bark Louise Jewett, Hopkirk, master, 472 tune register; brig J. W.Spencer, Spencer, master, 3,500 bbls. capacity; Br. brig H. F. Ceithurst, Emory, master, 18,000 bbls. capacity; Br. schr. Maria Jane, Pamtt, master, 1,600 bbts. capacity; sclir. J. H. French, .Crosby, master, 2.200 bbis. capacity. For terms, apffly to E. A. SOLIDER. tr. CO., Doek street wharf. apls-3 0, in FOR SALE—The brie MOUNTAIN EAGLE, 257 tons registeibullt at Tremont, e. 1E15: 104 feet long, 37 fee 3 inches beam. 10 feet 3 inche hold; received extensive repairs and was opened and found sound in 1,562.; now well found in sails. rigging, .Icc. Apply to J. E. B k7.TAPY it - 00.. 122 South Wharves. spit OOiIFOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHARTER —The fine three masted schooner SAMUEL LT; Captain Hilliard, 240 tons, 1;200 barrels capacity, light draft. Apply io DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. and eJOHN SHINDLER do SONS, SAII. MAKERS, No. 244 North WILRVES, below stre et, Philadelphia. All work done In the best manner and on the towest and most favorable terms, and warrantee to give perfect satisfaction. m 111541 Particular attention given to repairing. CONSIGNEES' NOTlUE.—British ship THE CROUGS, Baker, master, from Liver pool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception -of their goods. PETER WRIGHT ,k SONS, 115 Walnut street. ap1341 "VOTIOE.--All persons are hereby cautioned .1.11 against trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig 0. EUNODIIA, as no debts of their con tracting will be paid by captain•or consignees. WORKMAN & 00., 123 Walnut street. apPl N OTICE .— AII persons are, hereby cautioned --- against trusting any of the'Orew of the British ship THE OR AIGS, Baker, master, from Liver pool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT .5; SONS. 115 Walnut street. ap9tl TEE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sugar, } j barrel Molasses 1 box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL FRED, from ' New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Ourtz, will please call for the same at BISHOP, SON & CO.'S, 10.5 Arcb street. ratilB PIANOS, &C. 'UNITED STOCK a COMPANY FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, of New York; also, Worcester's inimitable Patent Hinged Plate Pianos, tor sale at No. 14 North Seventh street mhl6-2me GLOSE & BAEOKLER A. STANK° WITOH, PIANO TUNER and REPAIRER, removed to 930 RIDGE avenue, above Vine, and is prepared to receive orders as usual. Ills many customers bear testimony to his skill and ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re• pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker; has eight years' city experience, with the best references which can be given. All orders promptly attended to; and guarantees to give entire satisfaction. Price for tuning $l. Orders from the country accepted, and done very reasonably. mb2.3troli AN ASSORTMENT of the beet New York and Philadelphia Mann factoring, from erg upwards Also, MELODEONS, Harmoniums and Oabino Organs. No. 233 South FIFTH street, at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut P. SOHULEP k CO. ram:twill DENTISTRi. DR. PINE, PRACTICAL DENTIST W ow ier the last twenty years, 219 VINE Street, be Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of `the age, mounted on line Gold, Matins, Silver, Vulcanite, Conine, Amber, &o.,at prices for neat and substantial work, more rasonable than an Dentist in this pity or State. Teeth plugged tolsstfor Rh: Artlfolal Teeth Teparred - to suit. X 0 Pain, in auttaating. All work warranted to at. Saallinoo, bast Walls& trall43m, • ButmasstalawL H- WILSON - '.h" — IIitIY.=REA.L ESTATE . AGENTS andENOKERS. 429 WALN4I Street. Money carefully' Invested. _Beal_gottte bought, so' d and exchanged., latetiat on,Efrorthd Rents,ted. Ilottgages .and Nonce Beats promptly collec apt.s.lm§ 'TAMES M. ISOOVELI • J AMES Attorney at Law , Master and Examiner ' In Chaucer Y, 113 PLllM street, aPleltutt Camden. N. J. B APPA & SMITH, GENERAL COMMISSION MBROIIANT ; V ' - 7 o.B.`Tall Etuar. OP FLOUR, GRAIN, ; HILL FEED, SEEDS, And Produce ;generally, No. 121 North WATER st., Phila. [aps-litt* ROBERT. EWING, • ' • ' BILL BROKER, mh 2s -Iy9 No. 109 South THIRD street, JOS. Li. THOPILPSON. GEO. A.LKINS. GEORGE ALKINS & 00., SKIPPING AND COMMISSION AGENTS And General -DELAWARErokers, No. 154 North -Avenue, mh24.1m04 Philadelphia. EIIOND- DELPHIA. NAT/ONAL BANK OF PHIL& PRAM KFORD. OsvrraL 8100,000, with the privilege of 'norms. tug to $.500,000. - NATBAN HILLES, President; WIT,T.TAIII EL SHAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank Nathan Mlles Lewis Shalicross, George W. Bi DIRECTORS: - lawn,- Charles E. Kremer, Simon B. Snyder, . Benjamin Bowland,Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjamin IL Deaeon, . John Cooper. • The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 Ildam street, Frankford, for_ the transaction of a General Banking Business apon the usual terms. .Collections upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. - Respectfally,, , W. H. EHAWN, fe3-3m4 Oasher , GEORGE BOLDIN, MICHAEL WARTMaI N BOLDIN & WNERAIsCARTNAN, TOBACCO and GEOMISSION Merchants, No. 105 North WATER street and 106 North fels DELAWARE avenue, Philadelphia. S, VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM..t:L i ERRIOK JNO E. 0 OUTHWARK F OU NDRY,OD FIFTH AND 0 WASHINGTON STREETS, rnrcansr.par..a. MERRICK & SONS, idriGINFORRS AND MACHINISTS, btanntacture High and Low Pressure_Staam Eta sines for I..ana. River and Marine Service. BiliTiirs,dasorneters; Tanks. Iron #oata, Castings of all thee: either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshop at Railroad Stations. &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved 6nm:ruction- Every description of Plantation Machinery, such Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Be times, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeux' a Patent Sugar 8011. lag Apparatus, Nesmyth , s Patent Steam Ham mer, and Aspinwall t Woolsey's Patent Oentri. fugal Sugar Draining Machine: IaSS E VAAS WILTSUN'.I sexamANDER SAFES, STORE . No. 16 South FOLIATE stmt. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A lgrge variety of FIRE PROOF SAFIki aniray , on hand, cheap for cash myl9-1y PENNSYLVANIA WORES—on the DELA WARE Riser, below PHILADELPHIA, .CHESTER, Delaware county, Pa. HEANEY, SON & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of All kinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water- Tanks, Propellers, he., &c. T. HEANEY, W. B. ~.A.NEY, S. ARCHBOLD. Late of Lan Reanty, Neale & Co., Engineer in UMW Peo Works. Phila. 11y13-tfl V. M. Nom GAS FIXTIMES.— WARNER, blisgEy a CO. ' No. nil CHESTNUT street, Manufactu rers of Gas Fixtures, Lamp; /cc. would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of this Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets. /sc. They also Introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work warranted ta:ki NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW MAP ! NEW MAP! Map of the American Oontinent, showing the new States, Railroads, Ac.,extending to the Pacific coast; the latest and moat enable map published. The Soldier's Book. A Pocket Diary for ac counts. Templeton's Engineer. Millwright and Mach*. nice' Pocket Companion, with Mathematical Tables, &c. A Catechism of the Steam Engine in its Apppll eatione to Steam Navigation, Railways, &c. By John Bourne, C. E. My Cave Life in Vicksburg, with Letters of Trial and TraveL Bound the Block. An AmerlcAn Novel. Illue trated. Pelayo. An Bp . lc of the Olden Moorish Time. By Elizabeth T. Porter Beach. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 Chestnut Street. MBE SCIENTIFIC ANNUAL - FOR 1254. ..1_ PUBLISHED THIS DAY. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC *DISCO VERY FOR 1861, a Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the most important disco veries in Science and Art. Edited by David A. Wells, A. M. One volume. 12mo. NEW BOOKS. MY CAVE LIFE AT V.ICHSBURG. With Letters of Trial and Travel. By a Lady. MAI HEW' S ILLUSTRATED HORSE MA NAGEMENT. With illustrations. CHEW'S LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDU CAq lON, CHURCH ESSAYS. By G. C. McWhorter. CLEVELAND'S HINTS TO RIFLEMEN. BARNES'S LIFE AT THREE-SCORE. -THE NATIONAL ALMANAC FOR t 5 .t. LINDbAY &. BLARISTON, Publishers, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut 1 EY YOLDT ' S LIED AttY AND S ALES 1J BOOM, la CHESTNUT Street, corner fo Juniper, second floor. Terms of Subscriptions to the Library, per an num, S 5 00; Six months. 83 00; Three months, SY 00; One month, 75 cents, (entitling the subscri• ber to three volumes); single volumes per nay, 3 cents. lgir' All new English and French books for sale and for circulation as ...-oon as published. ACLEWS LIFE, OF pwtx.ll)oll.. —THiI LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician andiCliess player by George Allen, Greek Professor in the University of PennsylvaniN with a Supple. wentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heidebrand nn.: dm Lam, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni• potentlary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Saxe-Weimar. 1 vol., octavo, 3( vellum, top. Price $123. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER Ec CO. nos 137 South Fourth street. THEOLOGIOAL BOORS, PAMPHLETS and NEWSPAPERS bontht and sold at JAS. BARR'S. 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. fel STOVES, HEATERS, &O. G OLD'S IMPROVED STEAM ND wATER.HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND VirATER-HrdiTING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street mhlS-6m* B. M. FELTWELL, Sup' t THOMSON' S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. lso, Philadel phia. Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c., at, wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. CHASE, SHARPE & THOZISON, rah7m, w, f, 6mo No. 200 N. Second street. THOM - AS S. DIXON, Late Andrews t Dixon, No. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, Opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER ORATES, War Anthracite, Riturainows and Wood Vim. WARM AIR FURNACES, :for warming public and private buildings, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, CHIMNEY OAPS, - COOKING RANGES, BATH ROLLERS, ac., WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL. 1074 ouzo ot 000,080 we saw 17 ,s,. s t s IitYPDXS6 OD. Dap Wow raw. BEAL ESTATE SALES. EXELIUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE.— JF.EEstate of .ELIZABETH CONNOR, deed. —THOMAS it SONS, Auctioneers._ On TUES DAY, April.i9th, 1884, at 12 o'clock.noon, will be sold at public sale' without reserve,• at, the. PHI LADELPHIA EiIOHANGE, the• following de , scribed property, clear of all incumbrance, viz: 2 THREE-STOBX BRICE. DWELLINGS, NOB TB NINETEENTH STREET, Nos. 1212 and 1214, above Gintrd avenue. dm No. L that three-story brick messuage .and lot of ground. situate on the west side of linkstreet, No. 1212 north of Girard avenue, 20th. Ward, containing infront 15 feet, and extending in depth's 3 feet 2 inches. Together with the- full -and free right, liberty and privilege to the use of a • ,certain alley two feet in width, and thhty feet in length, on the northernmo4t side of said lot for- No. 2.—A1l that three-story brick messnage Maand lot of ground, adjoining No 1; contain ing.in front 15 feet, and extending in depth 53 feet finches. Together. with the full and free right, liberty and privilege to the ate of a certain alley two feet in width and thirty, feet in length, on the side of said lot forever.., N •11114 No. 3. —TAVERN. &ND DWELLING,No. a:18U RIDGE AVENUE.—AII that three-story brick messuage and tavern and triangular lot of , ground, begmningat a-point _formed, by the inter section of, Ridge avenge and lath street, thence extendirtg along the east side • of 19th, street"4s feet 11% inches to a point, thence 'northeast 30 .feet 2%. ;inches to a, point, thence northwesterly., along the. `southwesterly side of Ridge avenue 46 , feet 5% inches lo the place of beginning. On which is erected a ttree-story, brick• dwelling • house and , avern. -Itis a good business stand.. N05.,4 and 5.-2 DWELLINGS, Nos. 1848 , and 1852 RIDGE AVENUE,—No. t two-story frame messnage• and lot of ground, situate cn the southwesterly side of Ridge avenue, 46 feet 5% inches southeasterly from 19th street; containing in front , on _Ridge avenue is feet, ana extending in depth on the north line thereof 30 feet 5..% inches, and on the south llne thereof 41 feet 11% inches ro said 19th street, having a front thereon of 17 feet 91; inches. ' gla No. 5.—A1l that two-story frame messuage and lot of ground, adjoining No. 4; contain ing in fronton Ridge avenue a?, feet, and in depth on the north line 41 feet 11% inchei, and on the -south line 62 feet 9% inches to said 19th street, having a front thereon of 31 feet 6% inches. .117 - Sale shoot nte. ROBERT MERCHANT, Executor. M. THOMAS fr, SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,14,18 139 and 141 South Fourth street dEli REAL STATE.—THOMAS lc SONS mat SAL E —L E ARGE AND VALUABLE LO PS, 'kw ENTIETH, TWEN TY - SE CO NDar. d MONT GOMERY streets. Twentieth Ward. Clear of all' inchmbiance. Lithographic plans at the auction rooms. On TUESDAY, April 19th; 1964, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the. PEGLADE'LPHIA: EXOHANGti, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate at the south west corner of Twenty.second and Montgomery streets: containing in front on Twenty.second street 276 feet, and extending of that width along the south line of Montgomery street ISt feet, to a certain 40 feet wide street called Oroskey street, having three fronts. Near the;Ridge avenue Pas senger Depot. No. 2. All that valuable lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Montgo mery streets; containing In front on Twentieth street 142 feet, and extending in depth of that width 179 feet 7X inches to other ground—the front on Montgomery street 179 feet 7X inches No. 3. ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, Twentieth Ward. All that valuable square of ground. situate on the south side of Columbia ave nue, between' Twenty-first and Twenty-Second streets; Twentieth Ward; containing in front on Columbia avenue 400 feet. and extending in depth sonthwarclly of that width 140 feet to a 40 feet wide' street. milled Nicholas street. Bounded by Colum bia avenue,Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Nicholas steetsfour fronts; Near the Ridge avenue Railway Depot. la" Lithographic plans of the three sales may be seen at the Auction Rooms. THOMAS It SONS, Auctioneers, np7, 14,18 MD and 141 South Fourth street. AuREAL •ESTATE —THOMAS & SONS' SALE. VALUABLE THREE-STORY .DR/7R RESIDENCE, No. 705 WALNUT street, west of Seventh street, nearly opposite. Washing ton Square: On TUESDAY, April 19th. 1964, at 19 o' crocir, Noon, will be sold at: Public. Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, All that three-story brick messnage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Walnut street, 39 feet westward or Seventh street; containing in front on Walnut street 20 feet, and extending in depth . northward 94 feet 6 inches to a six-feet :wide alley leadinglrom Seventh to Delairare Eighth street, together with the free and - common-right -and pri vilege of said alley. Under and subject (if the same yet exist as to this property) to a condition or restriction set fort An a deed from Wm. Sansom and wife to Jos. P. Mirwick, recorded in Deed Book E. F., No. 31, page 5.0.„ and in Deed Poll of Wm. Sansom and others, dated December 13th, i 1116; and recorded n Deed Book M. R.. No. 12, page 598, limiting the height of back buildings between a Hue 55 teet nor hot Walnut street, and the north end of the lot to 10 feet above the stir rounding ground. Irr The house has been modernized to a con siderable extent. It is in good repair, and has the modern improvements, such as bath, water closet, permanent washstand. permanent wash-tubs and connection with City sewers. 86,000 remains on mortgage for about four years and a halt at five per cent. A responsible party is ready to lease from the purchaser at a rent of 5750 per annum. Immediate possession wilt be given. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap11,14,19 139 and 141 South Fourth street. da TRUSTEES' SALE. & SONS, Anctioneers. VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS. On TUESDAY, April 26'h, 126-1, a 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, by order of Trustees, at the PHILADELPHIA EX. CHANGE, the following described property, viz; No. 1. STOBE, No. 23 South WATER. Street. All that four-story brick store or warehouse and lot of !round, situate on the east side of Water sweet, oetween blarket and Chestnut streets, No. tvt, bounded on the north by an alley or passage wdy, extending from Water street to Delaware 'avenue, 10 feet of which in width to said extent is subject to a public passage or ri,e ht of way; and on the east by the property hereinafter described as No. 2; containing in front on Water' street 36 feet 6 inches, more or less, including 2 feet, more or lets, of the ground between tne said store or ware house and the public passage way aforesaid, now used as a pavement or footway, and extending is depth eastward from Water street 76 feet, more or less. Clear of all incumbrance. KaNo. 2 STORE, No 22 South DEL AWARE avenne —All that four-story brick sure or warehouse and lot of ground, situate on Delaware avenue, between Market and Chestnut streets,No. 22. Bounded on the north by the aforesaid alley or passage way, subject as above; on the west by prop -rty hereinbefore described as No. 1; contain ing in trout, on Delaware avenue 36 feet 6 inches, more or less, including 2 feet, more or less, of ground between the said store or warehouse and the public passage aforesaid, now used as a pave ment or footway, and extending in depth west. ward - from Delaware avenue 63 feet, more or less. Clear of all incumbrance. By order of Trustees. M. THOMAS S. SONS, Auctioneers, apl2-18.23 139 and 141 South Fourth street. AR TRUSTEES' SALE.—Estates of JESSE SHARPLESS, deceased.. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. —VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. Four-storY BRICK STORE, No. SO6 MARKET street, with S Brick, Dwellings, in the Rear, on Grape street. Lot 25 feet front, :S3 feet in depth through to Grape street; 2 tronts. Oi TUESDAY, April 19th, 1964, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, by order of Trustees, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that valuable lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Market street, west of Eighth street, No. SOO, containing in front on Market street 25 feet, and extending in depth 283 feet to Grape street:" The improvements are a four-story brick Store. No. 806 Market'street, 25 feet by 125 feet in depth, built about 5 years since; cellar the entire depth of the building, occu pied as a Restaurant; the upper stories are very . lofty, built expressly for a Gymnasium. On the rear of the lot are 8 four-story brick dw.ltings.• IQ - CLEAR OF ALL INCIUMBRANCE. Taunts—There is a In ortgage of 515,000 now on the property, having 4,1‘ years to run, at five per cent. The rear end of the lot is very valuable for deepening the Eighth street lots, which are shal low. Err $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,14,18 139 and 141 South Fourth street. BEA.L ESTATE-1110111AS & SONS' SALE. — VADUABLEPROPERTY,NORTH ONT Street and NEW MARKET Street, be tween Vine' and Oallowhill Streete; Large Lot and 3 four-story Brick Dwellings, with 12 three story Brick Dwellings in the rear. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1164, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the RHILADELPHIA EX. CHANGE: All that ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west Side of Front street, between Vine and Cal lowhill streets, 11th Ward; containing in front 17 Met 9 inches, and in depth •110 feet, more or less. Bounßed southward by the lot of ground and premises next hereinafter described. Also, all that lotof ground, adjoining the above, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected; containing in front 31 feet, and in depth 270 feet. or thereabout to. New Market street. The improvements consist of 3 four-story brick houses, with double back buildings, on Front street, Nos. 320, 312 and 324, 2 three-story brick houses, with - single back buildings on New Market Street, and 10 three-story brick houses on the mterinediate ground called I .oopperthwaite Place " lEir The whole will be sold together as one prop. arty-51 feet 9 inches front. 43 - o:ear of all incumbranCe. Terms-818,000 may remain on mortgage. - M. THOMAS SONS, ap7-14,19 Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. 4th et, ' :C F EREklettikty • - sALE—Entort• ORE, " A ucTiONEERK:=-- - 2t . -GENTEEL' 'STORE "Rnicia LWELLINCfa, Nos. '219 and'22l' South. SEVENTEENTH' eireeknzar Walnut, opposite the elegant garden VP:Joseph Harrison, Seq: On TT:TESSA:I ~ :il.prit- . 19th,19641 at 12 o' clock noon, 'will be sold, at public/sale, without reserve, AT THE •.-pEuzaDELpHLs. EXt.HANcrE, the following .described • property. viz : No. 1. All that three-story MickC.mfessuage. and lot of gronn die:hums on the•east Bice of Seven le enth street, So. - 219, (at the corner Ot Chancellor street, between Walnut and Loctuit, sirreets;)•con. tainlng in front on Seventeenth. street 195 feet, and e.lttending,in depth, fronting on' 01iancallortstreelt, 60 feet. • - • ,• CLEAR OF ALL INCTIMBILAiNCE.- TEghoi,iy 51,000 required .in earth.: 5100 to be-paid at the time of sale. Possession Ist - 1161 - itai.d the folio wingwill be sold§ giving the purchaser the choice of either;••with the privilege of taking: both. . •• ' • , . pail No. 2. A house and , lot adjciming on, the south, eame hire and description; No - ; 221. OBLAB, OF: ALL INOUBIBRANCE. smoorequired in , cash. - SALE 'ABSOLUTE. SIOO to be Ipaid at the , thise crl - sale- Possession let May r They are , situate in a' most desirable neighbor hood. -M; THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer% Bp7, 14, t 8 139 and 141 South Fourth *Arent. 'SALEL ES , *.e'rE. 1110 nAS SONS* hy —l. et 'ROE AND VAIMAEVE "PRO DEL'AIar ARE AVEACUB and SWAN SON'STREET; feetian Delaware avenue, 48% fen. on Swanson Street-two rronte On:',TIIES; EAT, April 16th; 186 s, at 12 'o' clock Neon • will be sold at Ptinlic ale AT .THE, PRI LibEL - rill EXOUANGE-- ' &11 that large and' valuable lot of ground and the Improvements' thereon erected. si.nate on the westwardly skis of bela ware avenue smith of Almond street, 4th Ward; containing in front on Delaware avenue 19. feet 4 inches, more Or less and'extending in depth on the north line Is 4 feet 7 inches, More or less, and on, the south line 169 feet 23‘. inches, more or less, to. Swanson' street, on which the front IS '4B feet S. inches, - more or .1 eSS-two . fronts The improve ments are a large fonr-story brick warehouse, fording on Delaware avenue. No. 712 and athree story brick dwelling and a two story brick build ing In the tear, fronting on Swanson street Stir CEEB ROF ALL INCUNII3R &NOE. A portion of the purchase money may re Gain on xnartgEgP. M. THOMAS & SONS. Anetioneus, ap7,14,18 139 and 141 South Fourth st. itheLs, EbT.a*.L.r. ar‘ 5024 s' - 11 1 4 SALE.—Modern RESIT ENCE, No. 1729 PINE street, on. TUESDAY, April '19t11:1084, at 12 clock,• noon, will be sold at public, sale at the PHILADELPIIIA. E%Oll n NGE, all that su perior modern four-story. brick inessuage,., with double -three-story back buildings and lot -of ground., situate on the north - side of 4311 :street, No. 1729, between Seventeenth and. Eighteenth streets; ;containing in front on Pine streetl9 feet, and extending in depth 130 feet 'to a29..feet wide street. The honey is well builtend - fLuished with the modern conveniences, and is in good -order throughout:. . . ET Clear of all inciimbran co. TERMS.—A mortgage of $5,000, at five per cent., may remain, balance cash,, or in cate.year, with stftefaCtory security. Possession in four weeks from sale alt may be examined any day previous , to; sale, fter 10 o'clock, A. M. NC—THOMAS& SONS, Auctimusers, ap7,14,18 . - 139 and 141 South Fourth.strest, LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE 01s..PHANS' COURT-FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of WILLIAM DRUM, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court toandit, settle and adjust, the accounts of EDWARD WARTNLAN and THOMAS 0. JONES, exeoutors and segues union of the estate of WILLIAM- DRUM-, de ceased, and to, report distribntiou of the balance in the hands of the accountants will meet the parties interested:for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, April 27th, 1564, 5t.. ,1 1 - o'Clnek, A. M.,at the. Weitierill House, SANSOX street, above M, in the city of Philtuin. apt& f,m,w,2t* • N 9 , Nrk sIoPHAN ()OHM` FOR THE 0 tTY AND COUNTV OF PHILADEELP.Etta..— Es tate or WILLIAM SHORTER Si ILL, deceased. The Auditor appointed bythe Court to audit settle and adjust the final account of Charles' Willing - 1 - zecutor of William : Shorter - Stall, de ceased. and to make distribution of the balance In the bands of the accountant, will meet - tnelratties interested for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY ,thels‘ h day of April, iBO4, at 4' o'clock, P hi., at hie office No." 2013 South FIFTH Street, 111 the ity of Philadelphia. ''- JOHN O. MITCHELL, anl3-m f m Sts- - Auditor, N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILAIMLPHLS.. Eitate of WI LL I AM WOOD.NUT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second and final ACC.OIIXICOr CUM:lent J. Acton, W. G. .Woodnutt and-John D. Griscom, M.-D., Administrators, Arc., of , Willians- Wood nutt,- deceased, and to make distribution- of the balance In the hates of the accountants, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap pointment, on WEDNESDAY,. the 27th, day_ of April, 1664,at 4 o' clock P. M., at his OHIO; No. 208 South FIFTH street, in the City of Philadeb. phis. JOHN O. ELlTive.r..T. api3w, f,mster Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Estate of SARAH WILLIAMS, deceased. The Audito• appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of THOMAS WILLIAMS, JR. , administrator With the will annexed of, the estate of SARAH WILLIAMS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY. April 2115th, 1864, at 4 o' clock P. M., at the Arbitration Rooms. Washington Building, Ito. 27 South THIRD street, in the City of . Ptilladel. phis. . apB.l, w, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHLt. Es tate of ALICE WILLIAMS deceased. The Au. ditor appointed to audit settle and. adjait the ac omit of OCTAVIUS J. NORRlS,Administrator of the estate of ALICE aeceased, and tomake distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUES DAY, April 19th; 1864, at 11 o' clock. A. M. at the Wetherill House, No. 606 SANSOM st reet, Philadelphia. - apl f, nt; wst* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADFILPHEA- Estate of ROBERT P. DESILVER, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set,. tle and adjust the account (Sled by 'HARRISON T. DESILVER) of FR A DESILVER, Exe cutor of the last will and testament of the slid de cedent, and of HARRISON T. DESILVER, Ad ministrator de bouis non with the will annexed of said deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hid ap pointment, on TUESDAY, the 19th day of April, A. D. 1864 at 4 o'clock, P. M. at his office Southeast corner of WALNUT andISIXTH streets ' , in the City of Philadelphia. GEO. - JTJNIUN, JR. -Auditor. apB-1-m-w-st* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOE THE CITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BENJAMIN P. WILLIAMS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of SAMUEL WIL LIAMS and THOMAS WILLIAMS. Jr.. Ad. roinstrator of the estate of BENJAMIN P. WIL LI A ATS, deceased, and to renort distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on 'TUESDAY,- April 19th, 1864, at 4 o'clock P. N., at. the Arbitration Rooms, Washington Building, 274 South THIRD street, in the city of Philadelphia. apB-f,mtcw.6t4F THEORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS H. ORAIGE. The Auditor Appousted: by the Court to audit, settle and adjusrthe account of SETH, THOMAS W. and RANDOLPH ORAIGE,, Executors of THOMAS H. ORAIGE, dec' d., and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the acconuctual, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, April 26th, at 4 o clock P. M, at bis office No. 708 WALNUT street, in the City of Philadelphia. WILLIAM F. JUDSON, • Auditor. apl3-w,f;msl* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—ye. tate of WM. CAMPBELL, deceased. —The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second account of Alexander H. Campbell, Executor of the last Will of said WILLIAM' CAMPBELL, deceased, and to report; die. tribution of the balance in the hands oitheaccount. ant, mill meet the parties interested for the pur. Poses of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, AprilTith, 3864, at 3% o clock P.M., at his Office, No. 53¢ South SIXTH street, in the city ut Phila. delphla• • JAMES LY ND, apl3-w, f, m, st§j Ammo, ESTATE OF GEODIE O. SHEPHERD, de ceased. Letters of Administration on the Estate of GEORGE C. SHEPHERD,' deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per.. sons indebted to said estate are requested - to 'make payment, and those having claimsainst thr: same to present them without delay, to-C ag HART, M. LUKENS, Administrator, 1035 Beach el" above Laurel.' ART/N,: LEANS, NO. VAL n 711. - et Proxalunr swardc4l) Fray! to MARTIN LEANS, Matt DIASONIO MARKS, PINS, New,and original deidgml mourwroxiabt,' Ausir -of systriiirativiSopk,