Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 18, 1864, Image 4
NoTICES • je r gIINEIRM 111311 d IWg Ins Is sue berg* Ste World. , The onlyNare4ers, Nen sad I;sidalio Dye 'mown. This splendid Hair Nye pwart.—chandee sy Red. NusiY or Grey Hair, Ingenntl to Ellor_ or the Brows, will.. ant isijar y ing a the Haw Biaok or Staining the skip leaving Hr war andsbeautifull imparts fred vitality, neeiguentls restoring its pristine color, and rectilles ait M , em of bad• Dyes. The genuine is signed WrillAw A. BaronaLon, all others are mere Unl ashing, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drag- IrtlzraearAOTOßY-81 BARCLAY street, N. or's New Toilet Cream for dressing we Bair, ella.AMMECEri ga BIKES & , beg ve to announce , that their hinnarsotory eiFirst-Olass Farts' s is now Infull operation. The general Sthilaction their many PlllllO5, sold already, meet WM, by competent judges, enables them to assert Sentldently that their ,Fiano Fortes are not sax. by any manufactured in the United States. Wrespeotfully invite the musical public to call Sad examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, Ka 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, Sad 'aloes moderate. ___ I.l4:Mag LO l gusT MOUNTAIN Mascot inks care jl it3 Selected and prepared for family nse free from slate and dasy delivered promptly and warranted So give fall satisfaction,- S LUMP rices as lo as the Meet for a good article. COAL forsfound and Ormarstrr 00.6 L for steam purposes, at talsolesale prices. An assortment of HICKORY, ME and PME WOOD, kept constantly on hand, Also, an excellent any article of BLACKSMITH' a 00AL, diallyered free of carting to past of the city. A tidal of this coal will secure your, custom. Send your orders to THOMAS B. CIARELL, Mess 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twentyfifth street. Worth Peinisylvanta - Ballroad and Master street. Vine street waarf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Whom and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the lmved limits of . solldated City and in the Twenty-fourth Wa r d. BE A. S 0 N PIANOS. a IL&BILIN'S Nfi g N CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J. R GO Seventh and Cheetahs. IrEBOK &CO. ' S 1111 ZOO. (30. ' S OMCABINET ORGANS.— These beanl instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts Ilbroughout the country, and pronounced by him and thousands of the best artists in America, TIM SZlllita Ml= IIISTEITICUITS TEM WORTart. They Use rapidly superseding Melodeons. For gale in Philadelphia, only by S. E. GOTTLD, &Math and Chestnut. • NEVI Vel l igrowths — , cured sp l ecill T g u ran us mors t lee, at The Electrical institute, 1220 WALNUT Wee; Philadelphia. TEARS OF SYMPATHY. If there be a mew of persons deserving the swim:Lilly and pity of the sound in health, it is the poor disabled victim of Scrofulous Ulcers, Chronic Sores, whose bodies are so disfigured with eruptive diseases as to forbid their seeking the society of their friends. To all such a cure is provided in Dr. Radway's Cleansing Syrup, sailed RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLV ENT. One to six bottles of 'this 'Marvelous Remedy will cure the worst cedes. Let those addicted with Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Heath, Sore Legs, . Scroinia, and all Skin Diseases, ass this remedy. In a few weeks they will be enabled to mingle in society . , enred. Price one dollar per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Br. Radway's Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY et CO., 7 Maiden Lane, New York. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC WILL Promote the growth of the Hair, Remove Scurf and Dandruff. Give the Bair a glossy appearance, Prevent Baldness, Cure diseases of the - Scalp. Reelothe Bald Reads with new Hair, Prevent premature Grayness, AID being tastefully put up, in new-style gLus-stop pared bottles, and delightfully perfumed is adapted so the toilet-table and will afford general satisfac tion to all who etre it a trial. Prepared by DR. D. JAYNE & SON, No. R 42 Chestnut street. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1864. THE REBELS AND TEE COLORED TROOPS. The pronnnciamentos of the rebel authori 'Des, the newspaper articles of the Southern fire-eaters, and the latest horror at Fort Pillow, all go to show that the cc Confederate" govern ! anent have determined to make an effort to put a stop to the employment of negroes in the 'United States Army. This they expect to accomplish by butchering colored prisoners in cold blood, by refusing to recognize their cap tured white officers as prisoners of war, and, short„ by establishing a system of entire terrorism in respect to black troops. In this matter, as well as in everything else, the rebels show an entire disregard for consistency. If the negro is a human being, they have no more right to object to his employment as a soldier than they have to object to the mingling of the Latin, Celtic and Saxon races in the Union army; and they have no more right to butcher them in cold blood and to refuse to treat them as prisoners of war, than they would have the right to torture French, Germans or Irishmen who were found fighting in the Union ranks. If the negro is not a man, but a mere animal, then it is simple barbarism to murder an irresponsible creature for doing what he has no reason to restrain him from doing. The rebel, if he takes this horn of the dilemma, should be consistent, and slaughter all the horses which he captures from the Union army and murder their riders. - But in-pursuing the course he has adopted the rebel has not been prompted by folly but by desperation. He knows the tremendous element the black man will form in the great work of putting down the rebellion, and he doubtless feels an-instinctive fear of the poetic Justice of the long down-trodden race aiding to punish the latest crimes of its old oppressor. The South never pretended to hate the negro; they always claimed for him that he was incom petent to take care of himself, and this was the principal apology they offered for the existence of slavers. It is not hatred of the black man that prompts these savageries towards him ; it is fear. Men &mot fuhninate threats against those whoni they pity or despise, and they - never butcher them in cold blood. It is the objects of their fear that they treat in this way. The South fear colored troops, and by the practice of savage butcheries towards them and their officers, they hope to discourage their en listment in the loyal service. Their conduct should defeat its object, and the Government should take the hint the- rebels have given them, and employ still more largely this most efficient agency in crushing the rebellion. As for their butchery after they have surrendered, the treatment of a few of their butchers, as cowman.:- murderers, if they should r fall - into loyal hands, would soon put a * stop to that system. Besides, the black troops themselves might choose to avenge the wrongs - - Of their slaughtered comrades, and show that the murder of helpless prisoners is a game that two;can play at. The la.nguage of the Copperhead press of the North in respect to colored troops is an additional evidence of Southern dread of their employment. Straws do not more clearly In iikaff 00 MOO' of $ll2 current,: dOeti tho _ _ Presence ef the jackal' more:certainly h.q4d the approach of the lion, than the tone of the Copperhead press shows the current of South ern rebel feeling, with all its hopes, fears and desires. The Copperheads who were opposed to coercion in 1861 are now bitterly at enmity with colored soldiers. The reason is plain; neither coercion nor colored troops suit the views of the rebel leaders with whoin Northern Copperheads act in sympathy and in concert. REMOVAL OF THE CAPITAL. The Reading Gazette, in discussing the ques tion of removing the State Capital from Har risburg to Philadelphia, makes some pretty severe charges against the people of Harris burg. We do not repeat these, because they do not, or ought not, to affect the question, which should rest on its simple merits as a mat ter of convenience and advantage to the whole State, without reference . to any particular local interests. The chief advantage that Philadel phia would derive would be in enabling her to get abler and better men to-represent her,if the sessions of the Legislature were held here, than she can while they are held elsewhere. The concluding portion oTthe Gazette's arti cle is as follows : .!What the Legislature may ilually determine on the removal question,We know not, neither do we care. But this we k now, that Harrisburg *lll receive 'very little sympathy from the State at large in her effort to keep the Capital where it is. And, should the removal to Philadelphia carry, the people, "(they do not cordially approve, will at least quietly acquiesce in the act." There is no doubt that the people would not only acquiesce, but a majority of them would positively and cordially approve of such action by the Legislature. The Harrisburgers make a mistake in supposing that the projected re moval is the result of a design to injure their city. _ We regard it wholly as a matter of pub lic interest. The capital was first removed from here to Lancaster, because at that time, when traveling was tedious and difficult, it was important to have the government near the centre of population. Afterwards it was re moved to Harrisburg, because population was extending westward and the location was , more central. Neither Philadelphia nor Lancaster made a clamor about the respective removals, tlf and neither one of em suffered in a business or social way. As our nn Irens railroads have made Philadelphia pert* y easy of access from all parts of the State, the reason for first taking the capital from here has ceased to have force, and there would be perfect . propriety in bringing it back to its old ,location, and we think too well of Harrisburg and its people to suppose that they would suffer any injury if it was done. MORE EVIDENCES OF CRUELTY If rebel statements may be credited, the de sign of the Richmond authorities in removing the Union captives to prisons located in towns, for the present, at least, beyond the reach of our arm!, e, thus preienting all possibility of rescue or escape, has been attended with all the success that could be desired. ggYankee prisoners are dying at Andersonville at the rate of twenty to twenty-five per day," is the word ing of a brief announcement which appears in the Savannah Republican of the 4th instant. Andersonville is a small town in the North western part of Sontb Carolina, and within ,a few miles of the Georgia State line, and as it is the first time that its adoption as a charnel house has been referred to, it is to be presumed that Americus, in Georgia, which was origi nally announced as the point whither the ema ciated victims of rebel cruelty were that sent from Richmond, was ascertained to be in too close proximity to our soldiers who were ope rating in the Southwest, and that the prisons were again-emptied of all or a portion of their inmates, who were sent to Andersonville and other isolated points in'the interior. Christian ity has never been so outraged as it has been in the Southern States during the rebellion, and every dweller upon the face of the globe, who is imbued with the slightest religious prin ciple, should offer up prayers to the Almighty • for the subjugation of the authors of the out rage, and the consummation of a peace which will reflect honor upon the country and ad vance the cause of virtue,morality and religion. THE SITAXSPEARE am3rr.,EE On Friday next it will be three hundred years since the birth of Shakspeare. The event is to be celebrated with extraosdinary demonstra tions throughout Great Britain, though it is to be regretted that literary and artistic jealousies have prevented that degree of harmony and co-operation which should exist on such an occasion. In every countg where the English language is spoken there will be some kind of commemoration of the birth of the great man whose knowledge of human nature equalled his amazing power as a poet and dramatist. In this country there will not be such demonstrations as would probably have been made in atime of peace. But the event will not pasit unnoticed. The theatres here and elsewhere will generally present one of Shakspeare's playa, and in many of them there wlll be some special appropriate representations of a- different character. It is a little remarkable that in Philadelphia the most important commemoration of the anni versary will be - from our German fellow-citi zens. On the eve of the day (Friday) they have arranged to have a grand performance of Hamlet in German, at the Academy of Music, with the fine actor, Daniel Bandmann, in the charicter of "Hamlet." On Saturday evening, also in the Academy and under the auspices of the Germans, Mr. James E. Murdoch will de liver an Ode to Shakspeare, and recite the ora tions of Brutus and Marc Antony over the body of Cmsar. There will also be other performances of a miscellaneous but appropriate character, in which various German artists, glee clubs and others will assist. The net proceeds will be given to the School Committee of- the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission. A NEW NUISANCE PROPOSED. After the seandtdons business of passing the Union Passenger'Railway bill, nothing that can be done by the present Legislature of Pennsyl vania can surprise the people of Philadelphia. The majority of mix' delegation seem to have thrown themselves into the hands of speculators, totally regardless of the interests '-of the city and the wishes of the people. We can scarcely expect, therefore, that they will exert them selves, to defeat the bill to construct a steam railroad along Delaware avenue, which has been introduced by Mr. Josephs, of the Third District. This scheme for destroying our river front and injuring the shipping and commercial interests of the city is of a piece with others that have been undertaken by the present most . corrupt and mischievous legislature. 'Whether THE DAILY EVENING 13TTLT,FTIN PIPLADELPRIA. MoNDAV. APRIL 18, 1864. tlidwrongeanbearrested, at this late 'period of the session, is questionable. Hut it is worth while to attempt it, and we trust that remon stranees will be sent to Harrisburg from every influential quarter without a day's delay. Tin Amazon. CONCERT, on Saturday even ing, at the Musical Fund Hall, in aid of the Great Central Fair, was a decided success, the audience being large and the performance ex cellent. The Amphion Band played several operatic arrangements in admirable style. The solo singers distinguished themselves, several of the pieces sung by them being given in a tyle worthy of professional artists. The cho ruses from Faust, Ermani and Norma were also extremely well done. The audience mani fested the utmost pleasure, all the pieces being loudly applauded, and several of them encored. We tare glad to learn that the proceeds will make a handsome contritiution to the funds of the Fair. Tuz GERMAN OPERA UOMPANY will open at the Chestnut Street Theatre this evening, with the popular opera of Martha, cast to the full strength of. the company, which comes froin Washington, flushed with a success never equalled in that citx. a theatre of the size of the Chestnut, the y' ill be heard to even greater advantage than they were in the Aca demy of Music. To-morrow evening the Par ber of Seville will be performed. This *as one otheir best representations - during their last season here. " THE CRILDRED OP THE BATTLE-FIELD " is the title of a new song by James G. Clark, of New York, founded on the incident of the death of Serteant Hunniston at Gettysburg, and his identification by the likenesses of his children found in his band. The profits are for the benefit of the dead soldier's family. Mr. Clark is in this city, and our citizens will have an opportunity of buying Itte song, which is an excellent one. LARGE SALE TO-MORROW-VALUABLE STOOKS AND BEAL ESTATE, including some of the most valuable property offered this season. PIIRIRP TORY SALES, by order of Orphans' Court, Executors, Trustees end others. Also, valuable Stocks, Loans, /cc. tee Thomas Bons' advertisements and pamphlet catalogues.- THE= HAND/30118 COUNTRY SEATS, DARBY. They will sell on the premises, 4th of May, the Country Seat of Joseph B. Conover, Esq. On the 10th of May, at the Exchange, the Country Seat of the Rev. James Neill. And on the 24th of May, at the Exchange. the Country Seat of Job H. Adams. Esq. They are three of the aunt desirable Cotuttry Heats in that vicinity. Will be shown by the owners residing thereon. t` • I'LtNDII) COUNTZT SMILT.—They :Zell at the Exchange. on the lOth May, the splendid Country real formerly of Mr. Bowen and lately of 14. De Silver. INCLUDED IN JAMES A. FREEMAN'S SALE. esti Weda e day. is the Handsome Residence and Grossed:, Darby, the Beale of Won: Jana, dee d. PERENPMBY BALE-THREE LARGE AND VALrABLM LOTS, Columbia avenue, 4tiO ay 140 feet; Twenty. second and Montle zn.ry streets, 333 by 140 feet. Twentieth ►nd Montgomery, 142 by 170 feet; all near Ridge Avenue Railroad Depot. to be absolutely sold to the highest bidder, by Messrs. 7/levies & Sons, Le-eterrtne, at the detehange. VDU DESIRE CORRECT LIRENES.IE I. and pleasing styles CARTES DE VISITE. Then do not fall to get them of B. F. REIMER, CU ARCH street; his specimens are satisfactory. 1001 E FoHILS (for taking Pie Plates out of as oven, instead clueing a cloth), are convenient and cleanly. For sale at TRUMAN A, SHAW'S, No. ear (Bight Tblrty-Ilve) Market street, below letatb. TO NOT LET THE OPPoRTUNITY - PASS without setting yourself a good 'Portrait, each as 8..1. REIMER'S life-size PHOTO GRAPHS, in Oil Colors, prove to be. fda ARCH street QTAIR HODS of the Oval or Hollow Pattern, fJ and Stair Rod Eyes, Batton* and Rands. for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUNLAN SHAW, No. SU (Right - Thirty-five). Market street. below Ninth. rpHE UNANIMOUS OPINION OF ALL L judges pronounce REIMER'S Colors t Pho tographs of rare artistic merit, and life-Itke character, at the moderate charge an SECOND street,. atxrre Green. LOST—FFCIDAN April 15. at half past 5 a' chick P vird star Continental liotel,a Black Threan Lace VEIL. The finder will be liberally awarded by teayll it at ROOM No. 133, of Botel, or No 833 NE street. apls-triw a, riot. tz REWARD —LOST OR STOLEN—on the Cars coming from Baltimore, SATURDAY bat, a BUCKSKIN PURSE, steel clasp, contain ing abontSso. Any person retnrning the same to No NS North SEVENTH street, will receive the above reward. lts PT E'S FLUID MAtiNESIA.— A mild and safe antacid to correct acidity M the stomach. sick headache, kc. Price per bottle, 40 cents. Trade supplied by H. 9. BLAIR, Eighth and W alnut strvets„. apiS-m, w,fet* LIFE iNSUItANuE CANVASSERS..--Com. petent and active persons wanted to canvass city or country for an established first class Mutual Company. Address Box No. 1412 Post Office, with name and references. •aplS-3k-rp PIISE r.0..141 VLL Stiar.—Trus &Nip 111 /AMMO of Fare fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a sego. table Soap; :more suitable for Toilet usti than Mobs made from animal fats. In boxes sf ono do= cakes for it 50 per box. Manufactured by • GEO. M. STAUNTON & SON, Re. 110 Margaretta street, between Front and Ni'ond. &arms straat dal7-Ivrvi ..eaLt) 24 ATlitiri S, ADOTIONERR and 1. MONEY BROKER, N E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal .Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, is large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office hours from la A. wr till P M notio.ttrr ATARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, &c. A Lady competent to mark nea4y can find employ ment 7 A. TORREY mhl9 1 800 . Filbert street. SPAN .1%1:t PU iN t' LACE •• DUCHESSE l OLLARS."—GEO W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Street, has just received Spanish Point Duchesse Collars, ,- ery stylish patterns. Correct copies of Roman Lac apta-s REFRIGERA.TuItS, • Water Coolers, Meat Safes, at the Arch Street House-furnishing Store, GRIFFITH. & PAGE apli Southwest corner Sixth and Arch GEORGE; J. BOYD, STOOK AND BROHA.NGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis don. at the Board of Brokers. • Government Securities, Specie and Unourrent money bought and sold. mh2-3mrp4 FAMILY SEWING-, EMBROIDERING. BRAIDING. Quilting, Tucking, Am., beau tifully executed on the GROVER RAKER . SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with oper ators, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNUT street. ap4-3m§ MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES.- 131 A. large assortment of grave stones of various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, Philadelphia. apl6-3mrp¢ HOOP SKIRT DIANUFAOTORY.—Hoop Sldrte ready-made and made to order, war. !tuned of the best materials. Also, Skirts re • DIRS. E. BA Y• aplO.lm 812 Vine street above 'MEM IUrLYSIOAL BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, playing from two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by BARR BROTHERS,lmportgrs, mb23 No. 3201. (Thortnut trtrhot. bulbul. Fourth MUSICAL. IDLACIIK AND WHITE LLAMA. LACE POINTES, Cloake, and Shaped Polntes. GEO. W. VOGEL No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, has just opened a case of black and white Llama Lace Pointer, Cloaks and Shaped pointer of en tirely new and elegant designs, something really good and beautiful, the best assortment in the country and at January prices, being fall 30 per cent. lees than the present cost of importing the goods. apl4.6t,rp* TILTBRAME MUSTARD . —The subscribers are .1.1 now receiving an 'lnvoice of this celebrated English Mustard, the finest in the world, put np in pound and, hall-pound bottles, imported and for side by- J. W BUM= & 00., - &NI 16Band 119 t3autti Wharves. J-OHN C.-AR,RIBON NOS. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH ST., MANIfFAOTURER OF The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURR MOORE. Warranted to Pit and Give Satisfaction. • ALSO Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS N.B.—Alt articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best ma erials. .apte.thn MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805. Chestnut Street. Are now receiving their Spring Importation SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUM AB 'fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—au shades, fdarosilines and Florencei, French and English Orapee, Laces and ;Dined Blondes, , Illusions and Idealise Netshica,lso. Also, a full assortment of French and Ainerican Flowers, mhl4•mw&ir=lm BOOKS BOOKS !! AND FINE STATIONERY. Since the first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one of the largest and beat assortments of BOORS, Ft BST-OLASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found In any es. tablisbment In the United States. We warrant our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very beat material, strong, durable, and AS LOW I TRIOS AS any in the market. AU New Rooks seafood as soon asissue4. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Walls P. Hazard, Na, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. INDIA SHAWLS, ROIL SCARFS, INDIA SILKS: ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADDIES. Choice Shawl' of all kinds. Choice Dress Goods of all kinds. Choice Fancy Goads. (3EO FRYER, 916 Chestnut Street, Invites the attention of the Ladles to his elegant stitch of SPRING SHAWLS and OTHER GOODS selected with great care for best City trade. reil.9 late IN THE MATTER OF THE FAIRMOUN P.ASSF.NO-ER RAILROAD CIMPANY.— BORIE, et al. vs. The FAIRMOUNT PASSEN GER RAILROAD COMPANY, et al. S. C. July 3, :eat. No. 10. In equity. And now, to wit: Nov. 16, 151173, on motion of James W. Pan', Esq., the court order and direct that the account of Joseph J. Sharpie's, Receiver. appointed in the above case: this day filed, be referred to Edward Olmsted, 'Esq., to andlt,settle cud adjust the same and report distribution of the fund in the hands of said Receiver. The undersigned nerebv gives notice to all parties interested, that he will hold a meeting for the purposes of his appointment, at the Washington Buildings. N0.:.174 South Third etre. t, on Monday, May 12.. iiGt, at 4 P. M., when and where all persons having claims on the said fund, or interested therein, may appear.. aplem, tr, I,6t* EDWARD OLlitirED. TRICE FRENCH SETS ON CHEMIZETTES. GEO. W. VOGEL, 1016 CHESTNUT street, has lust lecelled rime. from Paris a case of Thick French Sets on Chemizettes. Also, some on Demi or Medium Muslin!, trimmed with Valenciennes Laces. Also, NovelUes in Embroid. Handlits. and Small Thread Veils for Round Hats, Also, Denver Gauntlets of reliable .• good quali ties. rp • H OME CERTIFICATES - ..DR. SWAT WILD CH R COMPOUND SYRUP ERT.” iDR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY." Far 30 Fears a Standard Remedy. Fro 30 Years a Standard Remedy. - FIVE TEARS' COUGH ENTIRELY CURED BY DR. SWAY E' R COMPOUND SYRUP or WILD CUERRY. . . I suffered five years with a bad Cough, Sore Throat, spit blood at times, very weak, was at tended by one of our most eminent physicians, who prescribed various remedies, but I gradually grew worse. Hearing of the wonderful cures daily per formed by your Wild Cherry Compound, I con cluded to try it, and after using three bottles, a perfect cure was performed. SAMUEL GOULD, No. 1 St. David street, between Race and Vine. STILL ANOTHER CURE BY DR. SWAY NE's COM POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHEERY. I suffered four months with a violent Cough, accompanied with painful tightness of the chest, great difficulty of breathing, sore throat, sleep dis turbed from constant coughing; tried a number of remedies without benefit; I was advised to try Dr. Swayne's Ci.r.pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which gave quick relief, and after using two bot tles a perfect cure was the result. I give this cer tificate freely as I want all the world to know of this truly valuable medicine. HUMPHREY J. EVANS, Slater, 124 South street, Philadelphia. prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE t SON, MO North Sixth street. Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and - healers. ja9.6-w;fAm-ly uSBELDILP S OALUINED MAGN ESL& n free from unpleasant taste, and three time. the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A. World' a Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the best in the market. For sale by the druggists and pouptry Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer. THOMAS J. HUSBAND, ode.= wr. f. ly. rp N. W. Onr. Third and Stoma og- VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. • Tursuant to an order of ihe Orphan's Court of the County of Cumberland, made at the January term last, will be exposed to sale by public vendue OR SATURDAY NEXT, April 23d. upon the premises; all that VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, situated at the corner of MAIN and HIGH streets, in the town of MTT.T,VILLE, New Jersey. , The property comprises a large and commodious Hotel, two stories and a half in height, and suffi cient to accommodate a large number of guests. The stables, barns and other outbuildings are in a line condition, and have a large yard attached The town of Millville is one of the most thriving in the State, and is in the direct route of the Mill ville and Cape May Railroad. This Is one of the most desirable locations that can be found. The Hotel is in the heart of the town, and is a splendid stand for business. The terms will be one-third cash on day of sale, and part of the balance. secured. by 'Mortgage, if desired, on the property. - Sale. will commence at 2 o' clock P. M. The Millville and Glassboro' 'Railroad train runs twice a day to and from Millvtlle , and all persons wishing to view the property will be shown it by George B. Cooper, Esq., of Millville. JAMES H. TRENOHARD, SAMUEL REEVES, GEORGE B. COOPER, aplB.st§ Commissioners. F.T.TLER, WEAVER as uo., Martatacturers of MANTUA AND TARRED OONDACINt °mum TWIIM &O. a No. 13 North Water street and No. Sit North Data. 8. razz u avenue, Phihrellad& wania. 0010141 D I. CILO9IIEML .. , . - - -, - -s z - •11:2-1- ..;?-. - -, Al - - • - - 7 . Fourthand Arch e , . ,Ex 11181.7 TODAY, , . SEASONABLE GOODS, From the immense public sides of last weekin NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. . Full Line of Silks. Full Line of Shawls. Giacinas, for Ludes' Snits. India Wash Silks, el. Black ebony, Bombazines, ZEc,,,lcc. apiS Gt§, THE GREAT CENTRAL- FAIR, FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY Or GOODS BAILEY & CO., 819 Chestnut Street, ARE OFFERED AT Importation Cost Prices; To those wishing to make purchases FOE PEE• SINTATION TO THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. W. They 'will be sold at These prices-lor the above purpo‘auuly. apie.2ti GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the public fer nearly a ysar. They are universally pronounced the neatest and best fitting collars extant. The 'upper edge presents a perfect curve, free from the angles noticed in all other collars. The cravat causes no puckers on the Inside of the tarn-down collar—they are AS SMOOTH IN SIDE AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck. The (*arena (Ulm has a smooth and evenly lltished sage on Bova emus. These Collars are not simply flat plates of paper cut in the form of a Collar, bat are MOLDED AHD MAP= TO TIT.THE !MOH. TL ey are made in “Isovelty" (er turn-down style); in every half size from 19 to 17 inches and in -Eureka', (or Garotte,-) from 13 to 17 inches; and packed in •'solid sizes" in neat, bine cartons, coo tainrog 100 each; also in smaller oneeoi 10 each— the latter a very handy package for Travelers, Army sad Navy Officers. - XiTEVERT COLLAR. is stamped ' Gray's Patent Molded Collar. " -A Sold by all Dealers in Mu' I%us tie,lftg Goods . Tbs Trade supplied by Van Benson, Boehmer & Coq 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Impat ters sad Wholesale Dealers In Men' a Fa Wahine Goads maat-anirpf BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT , WILTBERG ER4 / DRUG STORE, 'No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, nffinaratt.Pirut, Will color more water than fear tamest le same quantity of ordinary Indigo. oGr Tb e sew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitarbins and inferior articles. apll-Im • NEW YORK. AUCTION NOTICE. BOOTS AND SHOES, BY CHARLES C. WARREN, Saleirooms No. 22 Portlandt Street, NEW YORK, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 19,1864, AT 10,i O'CLOCK. Five Hundred Gases BOOTS AND SHOES, Comprising an attractive assortment of fresh made Spring and Summer Goods. Public Sale of Boots and Shoes regularly on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS during the' entire year. apls 3tj 15 CENTS! LADY ' S FRIEND FOR MAY PITCHER'S, 808 CHEFiTNIIT St. apl6-3t!' • EYRE LANDELL, S. W. cor FOURTH and ARCH, exhibit to-day the most desirable SEASONABLE GOODS. From the immense public sales of last week in NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. Full Line of Silks. Full Line of Shawls. Glacinas, for Ladies' Snits. India Wash Silks, 51. Black Chally, Bombazines, &c., &c. it§ TYRE & LANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET. axe prepared, as usual, to receive the Friends, and suit them in Just such Dry Goods as are adapted to their wants. Goed Plain Silks. Good Plain Shawls Good Plain 3. resa Goods. Good Plain Cap stuff+. Good Plain Prints and Lawns. Good Gloves, Mitts, Collars, &c. aplS4t§ SOAP—PURE FAMILY SOAP .— CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ETMaNTON & S ON, derr-brrof • vl6 Marearattastreet DR. G. -S. NAGLE, No. 315 SPRUCL street, respectfullyinforms his friends and the public in general that he has associated with him Dr. A. O'CALLAGHAN, a proficient Operator, and solicits a continuance of that pa tronage which has been so liberally bestowed on him for tle last twenty-five years. Particular attention pa.d to the administration of Ether. aplB.6trp§ LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE STORE - - Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, C first oor below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy and correct in make. 0. H. NEEDLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the corner of iL W z.LPTEL and RACE • Streets. N. B.—Professional accuracy insured. apil•SOrpb aGOLD AND EiLLVER. WATCHES, 01 our own Importation, Tillable in Infalth and at low prices. 'ABB. Clnasso &Z biIow EMIN% Importz ak, is ono% JAB.- R. _CAMPBELL & Hui 727 CHESTNUT ST., HAVE MADE EXTENSINE ADDITIONS T* THE .R POPULAR STOOK OF SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS. I WHIOII THEY CONTINUE TO - At Moderate Primes, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANOEZD , COST OF RECENT INIPOIk - TATIONS. - Wholesale Booms Up Stairs. NOLEN'S Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE—PURE, 113.ESH AND TASTELESS. The surest remedy for Coughs and Colds, . Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, , - General Debility, Ito. The dudereigntid having an experience of fifteen, years in the facture of Cod Liver Oil. has recently greatly improved the process of procuring it, and , now offers to the public a preparation that for un deviating purity. uniform treihness and superior. ity of preparation is unmatched. These results are maintained by th• personal supervision of the proprietor, whose efforts have made this Oil the standard of excellence Physicians and others looking to the attainment of the greatest medicinal, efficacy in the shortest time, and thereby obviating.~ indigestion and nausea in the patient, can cactifetat their purpose by the administration of my Oil. CHARLES W. NOLEN. • ' No. 154 NORTH THIRD STREET.. Sold also by WYETH & BROTHER, No. 1412 WALNUT Street; • OLIVER, 18th and Spruce; and others. N OW OPEN, PARIS-MADE IRA NM-DMZ AND SPRI NG DWARFS. . Also. • Garments of our own msaufnelnres- OF THE LATESTd lo tall LIM% an • GREAT VARIETY. J. W. PROCTOR 42 . 00. 920 CHESTNUT Street. apt to 24f 1 FINE WATCHES. We offer to persons witching always-to carry es "CORRECT TIME," a variety of first-class makers, stands:mats," "Jorgensen," 6.ooopee' 4 , lirardin, " . teourirolaiar, " and others, adding MG adTanta ge of a, rehab/a guarantee to each Watched& FARR & BROTHER, Importers, apl3- Irma 9t 524 CHESTNUT , St. below ith st. PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORNITIMY OF THE FIRM OF HOWELL i BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decoration& SHOW BOOMS 614 C , EIESTNIIT STREET: WALL PAPERS AT RETAIL. John H. Longstreth, No 12 NORTH THIRD STRUT. ap14.6t0 WHEELER &WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM - ‘ I LOCK..-STITCH SEWING—MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST./ Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut Street, above 7th. ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON it CO., REAMITFACTURERS AND . WHOLNSAIion DEALERS IN CARPETING% Oil Cloths, Matt*gs, dim., are. • Wareh i onse, 619 Chestnut Streit AND 616 Jarmo 4treet. 10/43111 moTHE UNION PIANO NUINAT4 FACTURING OODIPMIrir- hays at their factory and , wareroams, 1017 WALNUT street, always a most beautiful assort. ment of their unrivalled PIANOS, widen . they sell at the lowest cash prices or on instalments. Give us a call before purchasing eistrulters, atilt ~E., every satisfaction and. guarantee will be given '', wavers. ' OORREOT eiraviO Tilie Lieut. -. Mr. 0. R. s& ENDS orders or Tuning and Repairing Pianos are re ceived at Macon & 03. 's Store 907 GECESTNUT street, only. Mr. Sargeartt has had Moven Tears , factory experience inßoat- on, and Fiyeirsara' Ott? em lo eat in Philadelphia. SPSolllL—Pianeg ra to sound as soft and sweat-tend as new, without remooeng. Veyms ter tIVIIITiIt, 11 ChRUPE & on per STEOIC , S LAN% For sale, 26 per cent. less than elsewhere. - A. SOHERZER r esbnararoll 4e4 N. Pcnsatz. ab. CallowbUL ATEB.-40 was Dates landing, aad for sals, by JOB. B. /0188,1,110, & QO. . Ho . 6pgd . ne.I2.:IntIMA KINDT,