NEW PITBIMATIONS. T IFt.: OF PHEsIDENr LINCOLN.. 1., 1 1 Full, Concise. Reliable and Complete_ THE LIFE, SPEECHES, PROOLAII&TIONS, - - LETTERS MESSAGES, AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN'. - SIXTEENTH. PRESIDENT OF TELE UNITED STATES With a full and complete history of his Life; his career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services in. Congress; with his Speeches, Proclamations, Let ters, Messages, Albs, and Services as President of the United States, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the 'United States, up to the present ttme. Complete in One large volume of 200 closely printed pages, with a Portrait of President Lincoln. Price .Fifty Cents in paper, or Seventy five Cents in cloth. Read what the - Editors of the leading Papers of this city say of it after reading it. [From the Byemng Bulletin of Thursday, April 14th.] "It contains a well written stretch of his per- Sonal history, and a full account of his public career down to the present day, including all the important acts of his administration, in a hand some volume. It will have a great sale." [From the Evening Telegraph of Thursday, April 14th.] "It is full, concise and reliable. The publishers deserve the thanks'of the public for their great en ergy and enterprise in thus presenting the lives of our distinguished men in such rapid succession, and at such critical times when we should know all about our great leaders. Every one should have, this book." - [From Forney' a Daily Press, of Thursday, April 14th.? "It is a neat volume; with portrait, con taMing the Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, published by Peterson & Brothers. It relates-numerous incidents of his private and pub lic life, and gives his various Proclamations in fall, down to the present time. It -is a readable compilation, neatly printed and bound." [From Daily Evening Bulletin, April lath. ] “It is brought down to the latest dates. It gives a sketch of his early career, with a full account of his speeches, proclamations and services as Presi. dent. It has been prepared with great care and may be relied on as accurate and impartial. • It cannot fail to have an immense sale." _ [From Journal, Camden, N. J., April Elth, 1861.] The work is full and well prepared, just such its 'will give the reader an insight into the most pro roment traits which characterize the life of this distinguished man. The history of Abraham Lincoln is in the heart and affections of the loyal people of this country, and every one, therefore, will be anxious to obtain a copy of this work.. Agents wanted everywhere to sell the above books, who will be supplied with them as follows: The Fifty cent edition at $3 50 a dozen. or $25 a hundred; or with the cloth edition at Six Dollars a dozen, or Forty-flve Dollars a hundred. Send on your orders at once for whatevir quantity you may wish at these rates, addressed to T. B. PETERSON 55 BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. And they will be sent to yon within one hour after receipt of the order. apls-2t FOR SALE AND TO LET Ma CHESTNUT HILT. LOT FOR SALE -120 feet front by 300; eligibly located near the Depot. Address "Lot," inquirer office. It dial NO. 1932 RACE STREET—Desirable JIM Four-story ReEidenoe. :Burnediate possession. For Sale by A. B'. CARVER & CO , apls-64 S. W. Cor. Ninth and Filbert Ste; tTO LET—A DWELLING, with all mo . dern conveniences; location central; on a main street and pleasant neighborhood; Rent 8500. Address, without delay, ' , THOMAS," at this - Office. ap 1.5-2 t„ rp* - ' FOR NALE. —Handsome and eonyealent AK RESIDENCE. FIFTH street, below . _ RUBLE, 45 feet front by 80 feet deep. Apply to JOHN H. WEEKS. S. W. corner Fifth and Noble. apls-12t an FOR SALE.-00IINTRY RESIDNOE gra and FARM of 50 sera!, substantial Dwelling and Barn on the Bethlehem Pike, 234 miles from North Wales Station, North Pennsylvania Rail road. Finely located and at low price. Apply to J. R. WEEKS, S. W. corner Fifth and Noble. apls-12t MaFOR SALE OR RENT— . SOUSE, No. 95 UNION street. Burlington, N. J., with all the modern conveniences, surrounded with shade treets, &c. Possession given on the Ist of May. Apply to E. P- MIDDLETON, No. 5 North Front street.. ' Or SAMUEL W. TAYLOR, apls..3t* Burlington, N. J. . atia FOR SALE.—ORESTNUT HILL DIAN% Ea SION and GROUNDS on SUMMIT street, within five minutes want of Railroad Depot, over /oohing miles of country. The House is of Stone of excellent build and possessing every con venience. The lot is 200 feet front by Vs feet deep, well planted with trees. ' Terms accomodating. Apply to JOHN H. WEEKS, apls-12t* S. W. cor. Fifth and Noble. FOR SALE—A modern Country Seat, on School House lane, near Germantown. A superior Stone Dwelling House, with all conve niences; stable, ice -house, &c., dcc. Several acres of ground handsomely planted and shaded. For particulars, apply at ill CHESTNUT street, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ings. ap9-7trp* agif. A SUPERIOR RESIDENCE—Situated im in the best part of BURLINGTON, N. S., possessing all the advantages of a suburban rest deuce, and containing all the modern city improve ments, water, pas, &c., with easy and frequent access to the city by steamboat or railroad, for SALE at a low price, or will be exchanged for City Property. F. BLASISTON, No. 25 South Sixth street, ap9.6trpb LEGAL NOTICES, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 01T Y AND. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of WILLIAM DRUM, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of EDWARD WARTMAN and THOMAS C. JONES, executors and segues trafors of the estate of WILLIAM DRUM, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, April 27th, 1854, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Wetherill House, SANSOM street. abuse 6th, in the city of Philada. apls f, m, w,5t15 WANTS NAT ANTED—TWO SAWYERS, AT MARBLE V V Works of A. Steinmetz, Ridge avenue. below Eleventh street apl3-3trp* • • AUCTION SALES PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 Market and 52.2 Commerce streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, BA.LAIORALS, Ac., &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 21, At 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, tor cash, 1,000 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Calf, Rip and. Grain Boots, Brogans, Balmorals, Oxford Ties, Cavalry Boots, &c. 1W - Women's, Misses' and Children's Calf, rip, Goat, Sid and Morocco Heeled Boots and. Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Buskins, and. also city made goods. Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of the sale. TVIAIN PlPE.—Montgomery Terra Cotta Aj Works: Price List for 1861. 2 inch pipe per 3 feet length 30 cents. _ 3 inch pipe per 3 feet length'36 — cents. 4 inch pipe per 3 feet length 49 cents. 5 inch pipe per 3 feet length 60 cents. 6 inch pipe.per 3 feet length 75 cents. • We are prepared to furnish stone-ware drain pipe, glazed inside and outside, from 2 to 15 inches ii. diameter, in large or small quantities, with all varieties of Traps, Bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. McCOLLIN RIIOADS, - a 2.2 1221 Market street. Philadelphia. VOREETHING ENTIRELY NEW. - Pq tiOLDIERS' COMPANWN, EVERY smosEsa COMPANION The most complete present, a Father, Mother, Brother,Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela tive in the army. THE RIDGWOOD PIES AND TOBACCO CASE The cheapest, most useful, compact and conyer article ever manufactured. Call and inspec them. R. tc G. A. WRIGifT, Appointed sole Agents, 624 Chestnut street. The trade supplied at tha Colupany' a prices; or a diaconn t allowed. 14'12 INDIA RUBBER DIACIIIITE BELTING. ' STEAM PACKING, HOSE, &e. Engineers and dealers will find a FULL As- DORTNEENT OF. GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACK "NG, HOSE, &e., at the Illaumfaeturer's Head quarters. GOODYEAR' S, NB Chestnut street, South side. A. B. We kayo a NEW And CHEAP ARTICLE I f GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, very cheap, to which the attention of the public is calls& oes rILLOOOLATE.—WALTER BAKES. Is CO. • g kJ Chocolate • Cocoa and Broma ; single, double Bad. triple Vanilla; also, Orid Cocoa and Oocos Shells, In store and for sale by 'WM. 8. OBA.BT 1U tanwth swnri ,3711nr.r11. ' 'ORSTED YARN. —Nos. 12 and 26 or sups. nor quality, for ale by N TERPRISE MILLS, ATWOOD, RALSTON & MAIIIIFACITURESS O AND WROLESARLY/ DEALERS IN CARPETING!, Oil Cloths, Ittattings, &C., Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Strait. AND 616 Jasrnte Street. febl-Sint ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE The subscriber has just received swell-seleoted stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BIAACKWOOD, mhlB.2m 832 AROH Street, below Ninth. 1864. SPRING 1864. `GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. . M'CALLITM & CO., Manufacturers, Importers anal Whole sale Dealers nv- CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut it. Opposite Independence Hall. Ja3o-tt SPECIAL NOTICE, RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M'CALLUM & CO. Beg leave to inform the public that they hey leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independeace Hall, FOR A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, op IMPORTED AND AMERIcAN CARPETS, Embracing the choicest patterns of AXMINSTER, ROYAL WILTON, P ETS, VELVET, BRUSSELS OARPITI VENE lANS. Together with a full assortment of everytlitna pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja.30411 —Jr. F. IREDELL, N 0.147 NORTH EIGHTH STR.EET, Between Cherry and Baca, outside, Phila. Has now on hand and constantly rscelvin,g an o - giant assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Shirts on nand and mads to nadir in tho moa satisfactor l manner. A fall line of Gentlemen' , /Serino Sbi:rts, Drawers, Ito. Also—Ladiss' Me lino Yeats, Drawers, Hosiery, Ite. oci7 -am 147 NORTH BIGHTEI Commission Paper Warehouse.- FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR' STREET, Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and i-.INGLE MEDIUM; OAP and OROWR MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. - Highest price paid for Hope in large or small quantities. tab.2-3ml Ice Pitchers, Castors and Plated Ware, Or every description REPAIRED and RE. PLATED, AT JARDEN , S, • S. W. corner Tenth and Race Ste' pi2043,An6 H4NSZEY & CO. Photographers, .b , T ,pc t i, §l2 ARCH STREET: io_kt e tv 40 - 4 , 6, 'WRIGHT WRIGHT & SIDDALL 1151 No.. 119 Market Street. . 'Between Front and Second streets. O. w. 'WRIGHT. P. H. eIDDALZ. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at our establishment a Mimes eortment of Imported and Domestic Drum popular . Patent Medicines,Paints, Coal DU, Window Glass, •Preription Vials, etc., at as low prices as genuine first class goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, end at the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot. ash, Cudbear, Sod& ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of - Dogwood, &c., FOR DYERS' use, always on hand, at lowest net cash prices. PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground expressly for our sales, and to which we invite attention of those in want of reliable articles. - Also, INDIGO, STARCH, MUSTARD, c6C; of estra quality. Orders by mail, or city pas; Will InG4ll With prompt attention, or special Tanta- Ilona will be furnathed when requested. WEIGHT It SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse. " 1 .7ri ) :1 g. 91 119 aatet atruoi, -..T.7 THE DAILY EVENING BIILLETINA PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY.T.A.PRIL 15; 1864. CORRTITUTION WATBS. CONSTITUTION WATEe i CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WELTI R, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, _ - CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, • ' - - CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, _ CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, . CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, STONE IN THE BLADDER, OALOULUS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OP THE BLAD- For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. single dose has beenknown to remove the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in he small of the back and through the hips"! A easpoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. . PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buchu, cubebs and juniper In the treatment of the diseases, and only use them for the waht of a better remedy has proved itself equal to the task that has *- volved upon it. DIIIERTICS irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the require• menta of patient and physician'. ' IN DYSMENORRRCEA, OR PAINFUL MEN STRUATION; 417 D MENORRIIAGIA, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion 01 the menstrual fluid—hi case of being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. The disease known as FALLING OF THE WOALB, which is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a - Sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp, lanai nating or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all cases, be cured by this meoicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi. clans call nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does rot really know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried female is a constantly re curring disease, mid through neglect the seeds of mcre grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as raouth.atter month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression be comes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption =ally ends her career READ! READ!! READ!!! Dsosvmat, Pa., June 2,1602. Dr. Wm. B. Gregg—Dear Sir: In Fbruary, IE6I, I was afflicted with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more titan two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five months I lost about fifty pounds in weight.. During the month of July, 1581, I pro cured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon alter regaining my usual good health. Tours truly, J. V. L. DEWITT. BOSTON CORNERS, N. Y., Dec. 27, IS6I. Wm. H. Gregg & Co. —Gents--I freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate 01 the value of Constitution Water, which I can re commend in the highest manner: Iffy wife was attacked with pain in the shotilders, whoie length of the back, and in her limbs, With Palpitation of the heart and irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who at tended her three months, when he left her worse than he had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find. who attended her for about nine months, and while she was under Ms care she dad not suffer quite as ;much pain. He finally gave her up and said, her case was in curable. "For," said he, "she has , such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against some who- Viser difficulties." About this time she commenced the use of the CONSTITUTION WATER, and, to our utter astonish ment, almost the first dose seemed to have the de sired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the CONSTITUTION WATER for about four Weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a perms nent cure. WM.III. VAN RENSCROTEN. WETHERSPIRLD, 001111., March 2, 1863. Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Having seen your advertisement of Constitution Water," recom mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of . the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of phyr sicians with only temporary relief, I was induced. to try your medicine. I procured one bottle from your agents •at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson & CO., and when I had used half of it, to my sur— prise I found a great change in my health. 'have used two bottler of it, and am 'wheals I never ex pected to be in my life, well, and in good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more than you recommend it to be. May the blessing of God ever attend you in your labors . of love. . Yours, truly, LEONARD S. BIGELOW. THESE ARE FA.GTS ENOUGH. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in reliev ing the class of diseases for 'which it has been found so eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patients and. physicians. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - PRICE ONE DOLLA. W. H. GREGG & roprietors. NORG-AN IC ALLEN, CO. defieral Agents. No. 46 CLIFF street, New York. For sale by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & OOWDEN, FRENCH, EDDHARDS & Co, , . MEDIC/AL. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN RT:ivrPIDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN ERM DY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REM DY FOR DIABETES, GRAVEL, INFLANMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER STRANGURY. CONSTITUTION WATER CLOTHING. SPRING OF 1864. EXTENSIVE OLOTHING HOUSE Nos. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, PHIL&DELPHIA. • ra The facilities of this house for doing a? 4 = business are such that they can cond. 0 I=l dently claim for it the leading position En CYZ among the Tailoring. Establishments of d as Philadelphia. They, therefore, invite 0 the attention Of gentlemen of taste to 08 their superb stock of READY-XADE C 4l CLOTHING, out by the best artists, trimmed mid made equal to Customer Work —AND AT .., . Popular Prices. .... =I bIID - a ja They havealso lately added a OUS- -•-• ..= . eel c , TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest p., .—• cg. noyeltiesc - may be found embracing A co some fresh from London and Parts. PERRY & CO., 803 and 305 Chestnut st. Custom Depa tment, 303 Chestnut st. mh26-tf rp6 _ 'THEELER tt; WILSON'S HIGHEST PRE3III3II THE PHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Sa/csrooms, 701 Chestnut Street. above FIIRLOUG-118. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the 011 y on Tar lough, needing • SWORDS, AND OTHER IdILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive Mannfactnring Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIIYIONS & BRO., - SANSOIId STREET HALL, Bailsman Street, above PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notioe, which fm richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the hid- NUFACTORING JEWELER. WITH THII FRAIL:MICA', SWORD MASER. apS-Im§ V ab ' 4 , BANKERS. 4 exchange on England, Franco nil - Germany, 7 8-10-5-20 Loan anti Coupons, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QUAETKELWASTKELI CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND BOLD iv-Orders by Mail attended to. 413-1, 5-20 COUPONS, DUE IsT MAY, • BOUGHT. ORDERS BY MAIL On Exrnsas As TENDED TO apl4-Im§ DREXEL & CO. "ft , -A.2v :th No. 16 1 L i al f SOUTH THIRD ST., if t BANKERS & BROKERS. 0, SPECIE, STOCKS, quartermasters' Vouchers and Check, AND ALL 3OVERNIEET BECIIBITIE3 BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHARLES EDIORY. ALF." 5011,J 3. J CHARLES EMORY & CO. Stook and Exchange Brokere, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD ST.. Philadelphia. All Illnds of =current funds and Gold and M. ver benglit and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Government, State and other Stocks and Loans on commission. 1a22-anti STOCKS. Oil, Mining, Railroad - and Other STOCKS, Bought and Sold at BROKERS' BOARD. SMITH & RANDOLPH 16 South • Third street. paa-zok, Co' WRIGHT & CO., No. 142 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE 'EXCHANGE. Dealers In Government and State Sectulties, Quartermasters' Checks and Vouchers, and Ca. tiftcates of Indebtedness. Orders for the purchase and sale of Stocks and Lows oraptly executed. mh2S _ _ r _ _ • a F. WORK & CO. COOPER. & GRAFF,- . Stock Brokers, • NO. 11 EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. LEWIS COOPER. CHAS. H. GRAFF. mh2l-imp Lt. S. COUPONS BOUGHT AT HIGH PREMIUM. DE -HAVEN & BRO., 20 South Third Street. - mh27•tmylos G. F. WORK & CO. JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK_ AND NOTE BROIIERS ) No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics' Beak, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Comm onion at the Board 01 Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED OK THE BEST TERMS. fell-3m STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMiIISSION, BY OEO; KENDEILSON, JBI, - as-3m. No. 223 DOOR STREET. EXCHANGE ON LONDON, FOR SALE In Sums to Suit. by MATTHEW T. MILLER & No. 45 South Third street: STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission BY Matthew T. Miller & n-tri No. 4S South alLtre. arts. G. F. WORK & CO. JOHN HORN, JR., Stock Comm 'ssion Broker 140 SOUTH THIRD ST. UP STAIRS, Philadelphia REFERENCES—Messrs. They A. Biddle l Co., E. S. Whelen A Co., Busby& Co., Alexan• der Biddle, Esq., G. M. Troutman, Esq., Messrs (}aw, Macalester & Co ,Henry J. Wilii.ung,Esq, I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. D. B. Cummins, Esq., Drexel A Co. , Jas. G.lir A. Sons. N. Y. fe2s-42m. GOLD, BILVEIt, LSD BANK NOTES WANTED. - DE HAVEN Sr BRO _2O SOUTH THIRD lITo G, F. WORK & CO. SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY. STOOK - BROKER * No. 40 South Third Street. .1%0-Stooks bought on Commission in Philadal phia. New York. Boston and Baltimore. le2B-2M G. F. WORK & CO., BANKERS AND STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS, 48 SOUTH TILTED STREET. mbi2.6m P. F. KELLY. • B. K. JAMISON. P.,F. KELLY & Ca. Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS, PHILADELPHIA. _ . NEB ST 1040 • JAY COOKE & CO. Offer for Pale the - NEW. GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT-. INTEREST IN COIN, redeehiable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20'8. The interest on 550's and 5100'.s payable yearly; on all other denominations, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, 1501. The half-yearly interestfalling due Septem ber Ist and March Ist of each year; until Ist Sep tember, the accruedinterest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in corn or in LEGAL ounnntioY, adding fifty per cent. for pre mum until further notice. ' • - ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO, rair29-tf,rp§ 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET; FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF Tith UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and is now pre pared to receive subscripttons to the - NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued. under authority of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1964, provides for the issue of Two Hundred hTimens of Dollar (S 200,000,000) United Stafeb bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty' yeara from date, cone, dated March 1, 15.64, bearing interest a the rate of 5 PER CENT. pir annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on a 1 bonds over 6100 and on Bonds of $lOO and less, annually.. Subscribers 'will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. REGISTSR3D Boxiisikill be issued of the denoml riations of fifty dollars, (850,) one hundred dollars, (Si®,) five hundred dollars, (SOO, ) one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) five thousand dollars, ($5;000,) and ten thousand dollars, ($10,000). Courtin' Ratiral of the denominations of fifty dollars, (8,50,) one hundred dollars, ($100,) five hundred dollars, ($300,) and one thousand dollars, ($1,000.) MI 111 i otoat--isy will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the first of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in U. S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (50) fifty per cent. to the amount for premium. COUPON BONDS NOW BEADY FOB DE. LIVERY. C: H. CLARK, PRESIDENT. m.h29-tf Fourth National Bank OF PHILADELPHIA. C - APITAL 8100,000, With the Privilege of Increasing to • $500,000. Win. P. 11Ah13I, President. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, Vice President. SAMUEL NAcMULLAN, Cashier. Directors. . Wm P. Hamm, 'William Brooks; Albert 0. Roberts, D. W. Bradley, James 0. Reich John Fareira, William S. Stokley. The FOURTH NATIONAL BANK IS NOW OPEN, at 723 Argh Street, for the trarsaetion of a general banking bush:tete. upon the usual terms Collections made on all points at the very lowest rates. Subscriptions received for the United States 10.40 BONDS. SAMUEL J. PIidoMULLAN.J • °Asa'Es apl3-100 ALL THE 5-20 BONDS Subkribed for Through ARE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. PERSONS HOLDING OUR - RE CEIPTS Will Please Call and Receive Their BONDS. JAY. COOKS & CO" 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. apl3-6** STOCKS AND SECUILITEES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION' DE HAVEN & BRO., 2P SOUTH 'ATIRD 16