EXECUTORS'PEREMPTORY SALE.— JlMEstate of ELIZABETH 0' CONNOR, dee' d. —III.OIIIAS & SONS, Auctioneers. en TUES DAY, April 19th, 1,9 H, at 12 o'clock,noon, will be sold at public sale, without reeerve, at the PHI LADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following ds- Ecribed property, wear of all incurabranee, 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, NORTH NINETEENTH STREET, Nos. 1212 and 1214, : above Girard * avenue. _ No. L —All that three-story brick messnage BaLand lot of .ground, situate on the west side of lath street, No. 1212 north of Girard avenue, 20th Ward, containing in front 15 feet, and extending in depth 53 feet 2 inches. Together with the fall and free right, liberty and privilege to the use of a certain alley two feet in width, and thirty feet in 'length, on the northernmo,t side of said lot for ever. aNo. 2. —All that three-story brick messnage and lot ef ground, adjoining- No 1; contain ing in front 15 feet, and extending in depth 53 feet 2 inches. Together with the full and free right, liberty and privilege to the ti,e of a certain alley two feet in width and - thirty feet in length, on the sOtitheramost side of said lot forever. fgO No. 3.—TAVERN AND DWELLING,No. AELIBS4 RIDGE AVENUE--All thatthree-story brick messnage and tavern and triangular lot of ground, beginning at a point- formed by the inter section of Ridge avenue and 19th street, thence extending along the east side of 19th street 45 feet 1131 inches to a poirg,, thence northeast 30 feet 2% inches to a peint, , tlinice northwesterly along the southwesterly side Of Ridge avenue 46 feet 5%• inches to the place of beginning. On which is erected a , three.story brick dwelling house and ~tavern. It is a good business stand. /1111. a nd Nos. 4 and 5.-2 DWELLINGS, Nos. 1818 '.W.Ld 1852 RIDGE AVENUE.—No. 4—All that two;story frame messuage and lot of ground, situate on the southwesterly side of Ridge avenue, 46 feet 5% inches southeasterly from 19th street; containing in front on Ridge avenue 18 feet, and extending in depth on the north line thereof 30 feet 2% inches, and on-the south-line thereof 41 feet 114 inches to saidl9th street, having a front thereon of 17 feet 9% inches. de No. 5.—A1l that two-story frame messuage Miand lot of ground, adjoining No. 4; contain ing in front on Ridge avenue 32 feet, and In depth on the north line 41 feet 1132 inches, and on the south line 02 feet 9% inches to said 19th street, having a front thereon of 31 feet 834 inches. f/"Sale absolute. ROBERT MERCHANT, Executor. Id. THOMAS it SONS, Ati,ctioneers, ap7,14,18 • 139 and 141 Southyourth street. art REA—THOMAS & SONS M u l_ SA I.E. L —LAERGESTATE. AND V A.LUABLE LOTS, T W ENTIETH, TWENTY-SEOONDand MONT GOMERY streets. Twentieth Ward. Clear of all incumbranee. Lithographic plans at the auction rooms. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1804, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate at the south - west corner of Twenty-second and Montgomery streets:. containing in front on Twenty-second street 276 feet, and extending of that width along the south line of Montgomery street 180 feet, to a certain 40 feet wide street called Croskey street, having three fronts. Near the Ridge avenue Pas senger Depot. No. 2...A.11 that valuable lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Montgo mery streets; containing in front on Twentieth street 142 feet, and extending in depth of that width 179 feet 7 . ,i4 inches to other ground—the front on Montgomery street 179 feet 73s inches. No. 3. ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, Twentieth Ward. All that valuable square of ground, situate on the south side of Columbia ave nue, between Twenty-first and Twenty-Second streets, Twentieth Ward; containing in front on Columbia avenue 400 feet. and extending in depth sorithwardly of thit width 140 feet to a 40 feet wide street, called Nicholas street. Bounded by Colum bia. avenue, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Nicholas streets—four fronts. Near the Ridge avenue Railway Depot. ag' Lithographic plans of the three sales may be seen at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7, 14-, 18 139 and 141 South Fourth street. MREAL ESTATE —THOMAS & SONS' SALE. VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 705 WALNUT street, west of Seventh street, nearly opposite Washing ton Square: On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1664, at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EVAIA.NGE, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, ,sitnate on the north side of Walnut street, 39 feet westward of Seventh street; containing in front on Walnut street 20 feet, and extending in depth northward 94 feet 6 inches to a six feet wide alley leading from Seventh to Delaware Eighth street, together with the free and common right and pri. vilege of 'said alley. Under and subject if the same yet exist as to this property) to a condition or restriction set fort in a deed from Wm. Sansom and wife to Jos. P. Mirwick, recorded in Deed' Book E. F. , No. 31, page 599, and in Deed Poll of Wm. Sansom and others, dated December 13th, 1616; and recorded in Deed Book M. R.. No. 12, page 598, limiting the height of back buildings between a line 56 - teet nor h of Walnut street, and the north end of the lot to 10 feet above the_ sur rounding ground. rfir The house has been modernized to a con siderable extent. It is in good repair, and has the modern improvements, such as bath, water closet, permanent washstand, permanent wash-tubs and connection with City sewers. - " • 56,000 remains on mortgage for about four years and a half at five per cent. A responsible party is ready to lease from the purchaser at a rent of 5750 per annum. immediate possession will be given. M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, ap11,14,15 139 and 141 South Fourth. street. gillg} TRUSTEES' SALE —Estates of JESSE gra SHARPLESS, deceased.—THOMAS do SONS. Auctioneers.—VALUAßLE BUSINESS STAND. Four-story BRICK STORE, No. 806 MARKET street, with 8 Brick Dwellings in the Rear, on Grape street. Lot 25 feet fr0nt,.283 feet in depth through to Grape street; 2 tronts. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1861, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, by order of Trustees, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that valuable lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Market street, west of Eighth street, No. 806, containing in front on Market street 25 feet, and extending in depth 283 feet to Grape street. The improvements are a four-story brick Store. No. 806 Market street, 25 feet by 125 -feet in depth, built about 5 years since; cellar-the entire depth of the building, occu pied as a Restaurant; the upper stories are very lofty, built expressly for a Gymnasium. On the rear of the lot are S four-story brick dwellings. CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCE. TEnms,-There is a Mortgage of $15,000 now on the property, having 4X years to ran, at five per cent. The rear end of the lot is very valuable for deepening the Eighth street lots, which are shal low. aP 'BlOO to be paid at the time of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,11, IS 139 and 141 South Fourth street fe; RE AL ESTATE-- TED MIAS k SONS' SALE.—VALUABLE P ROPERTY,NORT FRONT Street and NEW MARKET Street, be tween Vine and Callowhill Streets; Large Lot and 3 four-story Brick Dwellings, with 12 three story Brick Dwellings in the rear. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 0164, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE; All that ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Front street, between Vine and Cal lowhill streets, 11th Ward; containing in front 17 feet 9 inches, and in depth 110 feet, more or less. Bounded southward by the lot of ground and premises next hereinafter described. Also, all that lotof ground; adjoining the above, with the buildings and improvement* thereOrt erected; containing in front gir feet, and in depth 279 feet, or thereabout to New Market street. The improvements consist of 3 four-story brick houses, With double back buildings, on Front Street, Nos. 320, 3:2 and 324, 2 three-story brick honses, with single back buildings on New Market Street, and 10 three-stork brick houses on the intermediate tround called “Copperthwaite Place - - The whole will be sold together as one prop erty-51 feet 9 inches front. mir• Clear of all incumbrance. Terms-81% 000 may remain on mortgage. • M. THOMAS & SONS, ap7-14,18 Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. 4th et. r. PEREMPTORY S E—THO A.S & I.9FISONS, AUCTIONEE,I3S.-2 ••GENTEEL THEEE. STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 219 and 221. South SEVENTEENTH street, near Walnut, opposite the elegant garden of Joseph Harrison, Esq. On TUESDAY, Aptil 1.9th:1864, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property, viz : No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east sile of Seven ft emh street, No. 2.19, , (at the corner of Chancellor street. between Walnut and Locust streets; ) con taining in front on Seventeenth street 15 feet, and GO fee . extending in depth fronting on Chancellor street, CLEAR OP ALL INCUMBRANCE. T E RMS— OLIN' F . . 1 .99a required in cash. 5100 to be ...paid at the time of sale. Possession-is: May. gigr.lt and t he following will be sold, giving the purchaser the choice of either. with the privilege of ta.kide both. opitT No. 2. A house and lot adjoining on the south, same size and description, No 221. (JTA . AR OF ALL INCUM.BRANCE. Only '5 , , (AO q tred in cash: Kg- SATE ABSOLUTE. Stoo Co be paid at the time .'f sale. Possession let May T hey are situate in a most desirable neighbor hood. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7.14,13 139 and 141 South Founti street 00-P2.RTNERS II t Pb A-T OT.IOE.—CHARLES C. KNIGHT Is AD, milted to an interest in our business from this date. C. D. ROBBINS & CO., Iron and Steel Merchants,N. E. - Cor. Second and Vine sts. and 42 and 44 North Front street. - • - • PAILLIMILvami April 3084 firM REAL ES CATE.--TROR.A.S it SONS .lEISALE—Ls ROE AND • VALUABLE. PRO "'EMT, bELAW ARE AVENUE and SWAN SON STREET, 49 feet on Delaware avenue. 48,g feet On Swanson street—two fronts On TUEi- DAY, April Mb; 1861, at 12 o' Clock Noon. will be sold. at Pll i c 1-ale AT TH. ni CLAD EL ERI. A. EXCHANGE All that large an d, val la of grondd and the improvements thereon erected, ELl:tate on the westwardly side of Dela ware avenue. south of Almond street, 4th Ward; con, aiming in front on Delaware avenue 49 feet .4 inches, more or less. and extending in depth on the north line 194 feet 7 inches, more or less, an I. on the south line 189 feet '2 inches, more or - lew, to Swanson street, - on which the front is 48 feet 6 'inches, more or less—two fronts. The impreVe meets are a large fonr-story brick warehouse, fronting on Delaware avenue. No. 712 ann athree story brick dwelling and a two story brick-build ing in the . r ear ' fronting on Swanson street. lGr i CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANOE. A portion of the pnrcnase money may re.nain on mortgage. M. THOMAS do SONS, Auctioneers, tip 7,14,18 139 and 141 Sonth Fourth st. MITA REAL. ESTAI E. THOMAS A: SONS' Ilig. SALE.—Modern RESITENCE, No. 1729 l-LNE street, on TUESDAY, April 19th, 1864, at 12 &clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the PHITADEEPRIA EX.Olft! NOE, all that su perior modern four-story brick messuage, with double- three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Pine street, No. 1729, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets; containing in front on Pine street 18 feet, and extending in depth 130 feet to a2O feet wide street • The house is well built and finished with the modern conveniences, and is is good order throughout. . IQ - Clear of all incumbrance. TEP MS.—A mortgage of $5,000, at five per cent., may remain, balance cash, or in one year, with satisfactory security; .- Posseselon in four 'weeks from sale. It may be examined any day previous to sale, after 10 o' clock, A. N. M. T.110M.8 S'k SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,14,18 , 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ELECT_RIO.ITY. - WHAT IS LIFE HEALTH. Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, Eleane, rormerly associated with MedicalM edical Professorrißc ia olles and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, the practice will be continued - by THOS. ALLEN, at the old established office, No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown where lie will still treat and cure all curable dissouses (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any. pain,) with the various modifies liens of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Oonsuniption, first and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Liver Or Paralysis. • Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Agne. Prolapses Uteri (Falling Congestion. ; of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapses Ant (or Pills) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emissions, Rheumatism. - Ac.,ite- Bronchitis. Dea fness, Trilltiensa and Catarrh. I No eharge for consultal A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to se seen OPAL DENTALLINA A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, de stroying animalcule which Infest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving_ a feeling of fra trance and perfect cleanliness inthe mouth. B may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen ' weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and do tersiveness will recommend It to every one. Be ing composed With the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, It is confidently offered. as a RSA' TABLE substitute for the' smear fain Washes formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, aognainted with the constitu ents of the DENTALLINA, advocate its uses ; it contains nothing to prevent Its unrestrained em ployment. Made only by JAMES T. sarNrir, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streeti •,_rorsale by Druggists generally, and !red. Brown, D. L. Stockholm. Hazzard ft Co., Robert O. Davis, G.E. Eeeny, Geo. 0. Bowers, Isaac H. Ray, Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. 0. Turnwinsty, ft Co- Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, • William B. Webb, . E. Brineuest & Cu, , James L. Bislitism, Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombs, H. O. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeh & Bro. UM.V:r LT F> S COMPOUND SYRUP OF el DOCK. —We often hear it repeated by those who have used SUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as &cough medicine, so potent as an In vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525.31arket street, and by all Druggists. ffe4-3m) HOI:KISON'ts BRONCHI!" /kr. TABLETS ARE found to be an Indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsne.ss, and similar complaints affecting the organs of the voice; particularly recommended by public :peal , - ors,, singers, and amateurs. prepared , wholesale sad retail, by LANCASTER Zs W ILLS. ESTLAOK'S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— These Lozenges are a safe and speedy °ureter Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACIR, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sta., Phila. 1a26-3mo ITIAYLOR' S ARNICA OIL OR EMBROCA 1. TION. —A reliable article. Positively cures Rheumatism,Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chillbains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side Baas. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Pries, 25 cents. l'eV-3m* TIIST RECEIVED BY LATE IDIPORTA ey Con, Hennessey's fine Old Brandy, express') for medicinal nee. LANCASTER Zs WILLS, Pharmaeentists, N E. corner ARCH and TENTH Ste., Phila. aa2s PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS 410ALS.— Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Philadelphia Gas 'Works; No. 20 South SEVEN 1 H Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of April, 1864, for supplying the Whole or, any part of Eighty Thousand Tons of Bituminous Coals, suit able for the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works at the First Ward and the Ninth Ward Stations, in the following monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons in each of the months of June, July, August, 1864, and January, February, March, April and May. 1865. The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the 11as Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. %- The Prop:Malt. must describe • the particular va• riety of Coals intended to be supplied and the 10. cation and name of the mine or pit from which - they are to be raised. IS they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April neat. The gross ton of 2240 pounds will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, -unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in whole or in part, or to reject all, as they may deem best for the interests of the Tr ast, and in the event of failure 'on the pa , tof any contras. for to deliver the coals according to his aireement, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure. Payments will be made monthly,. in two equal instalments at four and six months alter the speci fied periods of delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive nes, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer -to make deliveriel , earlier than required, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date trim the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of centraet will be required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be Iftred. JOHN O. CRESSON fe2otap22s TNEANT'S RETREAT. I ME O.T.A, DELAWARE MRS. SAMUEL EDWA.RDS, C Pr O. inc PA. ipal. This Institution, providing ,a refined home and the tero• detest care and et:attire for Children from three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. '• Media is I.l_ miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For .particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens and the •Erns. copal Clergy of the city ; also to -Abraham Martin. Esq. • - fei7-3m6 P -- UNRIVALLED VENTTILA.- .1 ING Wigs and Toupees, Ladles Long Hair Braids, Half Wigs Claris: Bands, &a. -eliecip, / 10 / 2 "bilii WWI - MN cilLElSTigtri MOM, DE/-331 , THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN THIJASDAY, APRIL 14. 7 8 64 Z. AItEDIUA.k. tion, Onice hours front at the °alio. dedi.eraf -PROPOSALS Engineer in Chief, EDUOATION. dekSTEAM WEEKLY- 'PO LINKI. POOL, touching at QUEENSTOWI . (Cork Harbor).—The vrell.known Steamers of Mt Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamsti! Company are intended to sail as follows; OITY 'OF LONDON.... .. . ... Saturday, April 16 ETNA ' Saturday, April 23 '1:111:Y OF NEW YORK Saturday, April 3i And every succeeding 'Saturday at Noon, fro. Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE .PAYABLE IN GOLD OH ITSUPT AMBIT IN -001 t nit Cabin $BO Steerage.* 0 let Cabin ' to London. 85 Do. to London 34 01 , let Cabin Do. to Paris 40 00 Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hremec. Rotterdam, Antwerp, .34c., at equally low rates. rAniis PROM .LrviihrooL On QI7B22fBTOWIII. First Onhtn, $75, $B5, 8105.. Steerage from Liver pool and Queenstown,S26. Those who wish ic vend for their friends ciii'buy tickets here at thee, rates. , For further informatioh, apply at the Comps ny' 3 Offieeet, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, apl!?. ill Walnut street, Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE--Sailing frorii east port -on Saturday—Prom first wharf above Pint street, Philadelphia,. and Long wharf, Botiton, ax Saturday, April The steamship -L.-- will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, April and steamship NORPOa-N, frcm Boston on Saturday, April 16. at 4 P. M. These new and substantial Steamships form S regular Une E sailing from each port punctually or Saturdays. Insurance at one-half the premium charged hi sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts ane bills of lading with their goods. • For freight or Massage, having line accommods dons, apply to HENRY WINSOR 4lc CO., at/ South Delaware avenue. FOR ALEXANDRIA, GEORGE. TOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand' I Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at ; M., and every Saturday at 8 A.M. Steamer LEADER, ea tain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DE , Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEYNEO.IIR, Captain'Room. - Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stevrart These steamers form a semi-weekly line betweet. Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularl, Be advertised, and carrying freight lower than by any other route. Freights received every da.g and bills of lading - given. Apply to THOMAF WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. selOsl FOR NEW YORK. —DESPA.TCL andBWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela• ware and Raritan Canal. —The steamers of thee. Lines are leaving daily at 1,2 o'clock, M., and o' clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut It. For freight, which will be taken on accommo• dating terms, apply to wyr.r.i AM M. BAIRD I CO., 13'2 South Delaware avenue. FOR NEW YORK—New Daily Lint —Via Delaware and Raritan Canal— adelphla and New YOrk Express Stamnboa , Company will receive freight and leave daily at 9 P. AL delivering their cargoes in 37 • w York ttre following days. - Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILIJAM p CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, phllada. JAMES RAND, Agent, /3" 2 6-tt. Piers 14 and 15 East River, N. Y. FOR. SAN FRANCISCO. COIVPIm S CALIFORNIA LIMB. SAILING- REGI7LARLY AS ADVERTISER Freight for this Lime sent to New York 'via Swift Sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid extreme clipper, CALYPSO. Baker Commander , Is ROW rabidly loading at pier 11. East River. Ab o This little . clipper is new and bnilt at rt Newburypo expressly for the California ana Nina trade. Shippers will please examine this vessel and send their goods down at once. She will only carry aim.= 1,300 tons, and will be dispatched in a very' few days. For balance of freight, apply to BISHOP, HON & tk./.., tt 105 Arch street, above Front. *FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.—Direct from Philadelphia—The last sailing clipper OLD HICKORY. Charles Callaghan. com mander (late of the clipper ship Storm King), Is now loading at Catte s wharf, above Market Street, and having the balk of her cargo evgaged, will have quick dispatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alcingside, as this vessel will have quick dispatch, Apply to WORKMAN '& CO.. 123 Walnut street. apt?. tf fl FOR LIVERPOOL. --20t14 instant. —Tao flrat class Neutral packet ablp EXPIRE N, allMor, master, biting Iter caret) engaged, will as above. PETER WRIMIT & SONS. 115 Walnut street. em'-t{ _ - -- ggg, FOR LIVERPOOL—The Am class Neu tral ship THE ORAIGS, G. A. Baker, matter. having a large_portion of her cargo en gaged, will'cll soon. For balance of freight, ap ply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Walnut street. apatt 4 616- PETROLEUM FREIGHT FOR. LIV ERPOOL.—The -fine Br Usk bark SHER OUD, master, having the. greater Tart of her cargo engaged, will have quick . dispatch for the above port. For balance of freight, apply to WORKMAN ft CO.. 123 Walnut:street. mb2s *I".ETROLEURI FREIGHT FOB Lrv- ERP °Ole—The fine Bremen bark PAUL. , Osterlob, master, will have quick dispatch. For balance oftreight, apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. mti2l-11 sg(.- FOR BARBADOS—The British schooner DART, Jacob Conrod, master. will sail in a lew days. For freight, apply to GEORGE AL. HMS & CO , 154 North Delaware avenue. rah 29 FOR •NEW ORLEANs —The. Al new clipper built bark Z ELIND A, Encknam, meter, saving frelitht all engaged. will have quick dispatch for the above port: Splendid ac commodations for passengers. Apply to E. A. SOLIDER & CO., Dock street wharf. apll.6t #4 FOR POR CLA.AID.—The new hue fist sailing schooner HATTIE SAMPSON, la e, master, having most of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch for tde above port- For balance of freight, apply to k. A. SOUDER &I CO., Dock street Wharf. apll.3t FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fins packet schr FANNY KEATING. Porter, master, is now receiving freight at Girard's wharf, second wharf above Market street, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER.IB North Wharves. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. —A2 Br. slip BURR Beckwortb, master; re tons register, 9,000 bbls. capacity; AI Br. bark MARIA, litlitun, master, 500 ,tons register, 6,500 bbls. capacity; A 2 Br. bark IRMA, Russell, master, 200 tons register, 2,200 bbls. capacity; A 2 brig WINONA, Gratlam, master, 266 tons re gister, ;z,OLO bbls. capacity. For terms, apply to E. A. SOUDER& Co., Doek street wharf. apt'. c idita FOR SALE—The brig - MOUNTAIN EAGLE,'2S7 tons register,bnilc at Tremont, 1f•25; - 101 feet long, 37 feet 3 inches beam, 10 feet 3 inches hold; received' extensive repairs and was opened' and found sound in 1862; now well Mind in sails; rigging, dc.c. Apply to J. E. BAZLEY CO., 122 South. Wharves. apt]. , FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR 'CHART ER —The fine three•masted schooner SAOILITEL Lt73.7r, Captain Hilliard, 240 tons, 1,200 barrels capacity, light draft. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North 'Wharves. apt c ila JOHN SHIMMER & SONS, SAIL. MAKERS, No. 244 North WAVES, below e street, Philadelphia. Allwork done in the best manner and on the • loweit and Most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. mhls-31 Particular attention given to repairing. CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.--British ship THE CR A.IGS, Baker, master, from Liver pool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT SONS, 115 Walnut street apl3-tf, NOTDJE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig C. EMI °MIA, as no debts of their con tacting will be paid by captain or con.Vgnees. WORKMAN & 00.. 12.3 Walnut street apl2 OTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned Ili against trusting any of the crew of the British ship THE CR affits ' Baker, master, from Liver pool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT .t SONS. 115 Walnut street apOti 171 HE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sugar, x barrel Molasses, 1 box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL. FEED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Curtz, will please call for the same at BISHOP, SON Zr. CO.'S, 105 Arch street. mhlB COAL (IC/AL.—SUGAR LOAF; BEAVER MBA. DOW and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from SchnylkW, prepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. 'W. Corner EIGHTH and WILLOW 'treats. Office, No. 111 South SECOND street. ruh27 S. 114,130 N 11121118. SORT P. sausaa. Hl UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION 1 to their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Mountain ; ; I I which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mat. lot rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON EINES, Frank/ill InstitnteEnilding, SEVENTH street, below Mar. Yet, will be promptly attended to. BINS & 1011-4 • Ara street wharf. bolan=l, 3. WATATON &CO TRAVELING GUIDE 1864. ARRANGEMENTS OE NEW YORE LINES. 18.34; •The Cam en and Amboy and -Philadelphia and Trenton Railroa.d Companies' Lines from Phila delphia to New York and Way Places. FROM WALNUT STREET WHARF, Will leave cFt follows, viz: PARA 6A. N., ••Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Accoirunodation $2 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 66 .t 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Glass Ticket 2 Z At 12 M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and Acconamodation 2 25 .t 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Express 3 ee. ,tt LP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation (Freight and Passenger) 75 At 6, P.M. via Camden and Amboy, Accom- - modation (Freight and Passenger), Ist Class Ticket 25 a Class d 0..... se At 7% P. X., via Camden and Amboy Ac. 1 eommodation (Freight and Passenger's) lat Class Ticket - - 2d Cies do. 1 51 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 3 P. M. For Mount Holly, Evansville said Pemberton, at lA. .M. 2 and 4)i 'P-M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Bordentown, ace., at 6-A. DI-, o 2 M. ,1, 3 and 43 P. M. The 3 and 431 P. M. Lines ran direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly and Burlington at 6;4 P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows: At 1.50 A. M., (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.15 A. EL vitf Rensmgton and Jersey City Express 5 10 At 4.30 P. M.. via liensington and Jersey City, Express 3 RI At 6.45 M.. via Kensington - and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 380 Sunday Lines leave at 1.50 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. There will be no line at 1.50 A. M. (Night) an Mondays. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes aarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Al :entown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lam nertville, Flemington, En., at 7A. M. This Line , :-onnecta with 'the Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, sic., at 7 and 1115 A. DI. and 3 and 5 P. M.. For llolmesburg, Tacony, Wissinoning, Brides burg and Frankford, at 9A. M., 5, 5.45 and 8 P.. M. __ oar For New York, and Way lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hotir before departure. The Cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run froui the Depot. Filly pounds of baggage only, allowed each Pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their-wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyondSloo, exceptby special contract. Gtaham' a Baggage Express will call ter and deliver baggage to the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3, 'Walnut street Jan. 20. '64 WM. H. GATZNER, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHTT.oiDED PHIA, WILL LEAVE From foot of Courtland Street at 12!L and 4 P.M., via Jersey City and' Camden• at 7, 10 A. hi., 6, P. M. and 12 (Night) via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street, at 6 A. M. , and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North River, at 12 4 and P. X. , (Freight and Passe ngers) Amboy /and Camden. P fiIL P MINGTON ADEL AND S BALTI- L • OAD—CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and atter SUNDAY, April 10, 1564, Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4 30 (Express, Mondays excepted), 8.05 A. M.. 12 00 Id., 2.30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at-8.05 A.. 151., 1.15, :2.30, 3.50, 10.30 and 11. 45 P. M. Wilmington at 4.30 (Mondays excepted), 3.05 A. M. , 1.15, 2.30, 3.50, 10.30 and 11.45 P. M. New Castle at 8.05 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. - Dover at', CO A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Milford at 8.05 A M. Salisbury at E. 05 A. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 2c. M. (Express), 1.19, 4.55 and 7.25 P. M. Wilmington at 7.15, 9.00 &. M., 12,24, 1.00, 4,33, 6.30, 8.35 and 11.12 P. M. Salisbury at 12.05 P. M. Milford at 2.35 P. M. ' Dover a , 6.30 A. M., and 3.55 P. M. Nevr Caatle at B.M) A. 31. and 5.55 P. M. °nester at 6,10, 9.40 A. ne- , 1,00, 5.00, ;.14, 9.13 and 11.45 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at P. M. T.Aaye Baltimore for Doer and intermediate sta tions at 1.10 P. M. Trains for EtalUmore leaye Chester at 8.40 A. M. 3.00, and 11.06 P. DL Leave Wilmington at 5.30, 0.9.5 A. M., 3.35 and 11.40 P. M. Freight train with Passenger Car attached will nut as follows: LeaCe Philadelphia for Perryville and interme diate places at SAO P. M. Leave Wilminr on for Perryville and intermedi ate places at 7.20 P. M. SUNDAYS—OnIy at 4 30 A. M., and 10.30 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. From Phila delphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. M. , 10.30 and 11.45 P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 6.30 and 11.1t.' P. M. Only at 7.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. H. F. KENNEY. ap9 Assistant Superintendent. ORMNORTH PENNSYLVANIA B. R.—FOR BETHLEHEM. MAUCH omirac, HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, 42•4:: • WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1E63, Passen ger Trains will leave the NEW DEPOT, THIRD Street, shove Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7A. N (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport The 7 A. M. train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. At 3.4 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eas ton, its. This train reaches Easton at 6.40 P. M., and makes close connection with the New Jersey Cen tral for New York. At 5.15 P. N. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chtuak. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. N. and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. awl 6.15 P.M. White cars of Second -and Third street line City Passenger Cars, ran directly to the new depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9.30 A. M. and 1.07 P. ra. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. M. Leave: ort Washington at 6.40. A. M. and 2 P. M. ' ON SUNDAYS Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. X. and 4.15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and Ir. bI • Fare to Bethlehem% el 50 Fare to Easton 150 Fare to Mauch Ohun.k 2 55 Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Unice, T.HIRD street or - BERES street, In order to secure the above rates of fare. aplB ELLIS MARK, Agent. !MkOFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, .320 b EET,.PEThADELYELIA, January 17th, 1862. • The Adams Express Companyhaving enlarged their facilities at Washington, D. 0. , by building 1. Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for traneportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels, to Washington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels ta'7.en at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and re-• aelpted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets • . 17 TOT-1117 RTAITI:HAAT. ShrnaTintandimt 1 E 44 . RE-OPENED. IBM. • • -•„...;„,- t •= PRTT.ADELPIIIA., WM. 7FaNI t I A` I BALTIMORE RAILROAD. lIBEIGHTS WESTWARD VIA. BALTIMORM AND OHIO ROUTE. RECEIVING DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE CHERRY. • Throng' Freight facilities between Philadelphia nd the Western States, have been fully returned by the above route, at lowest rates. ' QUICK TRANSIT BY FAST FREIGHT TRAINS without change of oars to the Ohio river. This route is now constiered entirely safe from Injury by rebel raids, in proof of which the Beni. more - and Ohio Railroad Company guarantas owners against loss or damage by military Reim*, whilst in transit on the line of that road. We have no hesitation therefore in respectfully *king the confidence and patronage of shippers. For farther information, apply to commun . & cow Tort: Freight ents. JOHN S. G WlLS eneral ON, Agen Ag ts, Office, Sixth street, above Chestnut. PEITLAIMILPHIA. January ft, any-tti ORKS, 50 Bales of Spanish Corks just, received and forsaleil Dy.DALLErr AQIi3/29$initti cratitivei READING. RAILROAD. • - GREAT TRUNK LINK ELPHIA TO 3.IIIS'INTERT.O6I6 OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCHUYL KILL, SUSQUEHANNA, CUMBER LAND AND WYOMING. 'VAL • • LYS, NORTH, NORTH,W EST AND THE CANABAS • PASSENGER TRAINS Leave the Company's • Depot, THIB.TEENT and CALLOWHILL streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours : MORNING MAIL, • At 8.15 A. M.for Reading, Lebanon; Harris burg, Pottsville, Pinegrove, Tamaqna, Sunbury Williamsport, Elmira, Roehester, Niagara Falls, , B_ uffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarre, Pittsten, York, Chambersburg, • Hagerstown, &c., &a. This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, A.c., • and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, ito.; at PORT CLINTON with Cate.wissa Rail road trains_ferWithesbarre, Williamsport., Lock Haven, Elmira, Jrc.; at AA • RASH G with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains, for Northum berland, Williamsport, York, (Jhambereb-arg, • Pinegrove, dtc. • AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves-Philadelphia , at 3.30 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, - Pinegrove, Harrisburg, &0., connect ing at Har risburg with Pennsylvania Central Rail road trains for Pittsburgh, dtc., Northern Central ' Railroad- trains for Sunburn- Northumberland, -Elmira, dtc:i and at Port Clinton with- Catawisss Railroad Pain for Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, &a.. READING. ACCOMMODATION. Leavesßeading at 6.30 A. M. , stopping at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.25 A.M. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 4.30P.M.; ar rives in Reading at 7.25 P.M Trans for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8 A, M. and Pottsville at 9.15 A. M. , arriving in Phila.- delphia at 1.50 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Ear risourg at 2.00 P.M.. and Pottsville at 2.30 P.M.. arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 P. Market trams. with a Passenger car attached, ayes Philadelphia at 1 P. M. for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading at 12 Noon, and Downingtown at 12. Z‘i P. N. for Philadelphia and all way stations. • All the above trains 1n daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 7.30 A. EL, and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. N. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate pants take the 8.45 A. M. and 4.30F'. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 7.05 A. M. and 12.30 Noon. NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND - THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7 P. M., passing at 12 midnight, and connecting at Harrisb Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train fo - burgh. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisbarg ca - arrival of l'exausylvania E.ress from Pittsburgh, at 0.20 A. N., passing Be adi ng at 8.45 A. M., and arriving at New York at 1.45 P.N. Sleeping Oar accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsbur_gh,_ without change. Mail trains for New York leave Harrisburg at 3 A. M. and 2 P. M. Nall trains for Harrisburg leave New York at 8 A. M. and 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at.T. 15 A. X. and 3.30 P. M. returning from Tuscarora at 8.95 A. M. and 9.45 P. EL 13013.UYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 3. 45 A. EL for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, at 10 -A. M. and 1.20 and 7.19 P. M. for Pinegrove only ; returning from Harris burg at 7.30 P. M. and from Pinegrove at 8.15 A. K. and and SP. EL TICKETS. Through nrst-class tickets and emigrant tickets and Qu asars to all eprincipal points in the North and West The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicoll., Geaeral Superintendent, Beading. COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 26 per cent, discount between any points de sired fer families and firms. MILEAGE, TICKETS. Goad for 2,000 miles, between all points, at 846 Si each, fir families and firms. SEASON. TICKETS, Forthree, six, nine or twelvemonths, for holder only, to all points, at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the Road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and WIWIs to tickets at half-fore. EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia - to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had onl y at the Ticket °Moe at Thir teenth and thillowbill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. . FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 6 A. M., 1 P. ffi., and 6P. N., for Reading Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. AWLS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Its branches at 5 A. M., and tar the principal Stations only at 2.1 S P. M. 2 22 GERMANTOWN AND NUB.- TOWN RAILROAD. IME TABLE. On and ' , after December 7th, 1863. Until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, A. X.; 1,2, 3.10, 4,5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10. 11 and 12 P.M. Leave Germantown-6, 7,7%, 8, 8.20, 9, 16, 11, 12 A.M.; 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6, 6%, 7,8, 9, 10 and 11 F. rd. The 9.20 down train will not stop after Raying Germantown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10A. DI. • 2,7, •16%P. X. Leave Germantown—S.lo A. I. 1,6, 9% P. X. CHESTNUT HILL HAILIMAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, 10, 12 A. X., 2,3%, 5%, 7, 9 and Li P. DI., iteaTO Chestnut Hill-7.10, 8, 9.404'11. 40 A. EL 1.40, 3.40, , 5.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. 241. The 3% and 5% up trains do not stop on German town Branch. ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Philadelphia-9.10, A. M. 2, and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 A. M.; 12.40, 5.* and 9.25 P. M. • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8%, 11.06 A. M.; 1%, 2, 4%, 6.05, 8.05, and 1.1.3( P. M. Leave Norristown-6, 7, 7.50, 9, 11 A. M.; 1%, 4% ancl6,P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2.311_ P. M. Leave Norristown-7X A- • S P. x M FOR MANA Leave Philadelphia-6, 8%, 11.05 A. M.; lAr 4%, 6.05, 8.05, and um P. M. Leave Manayunk-6%, 7%, 8.20, 9%, 11% A. 111.• 2, 5 and 6% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9A. M.; 23‘ and 6% P. DE Leave Manapank-7% A. M. 5% and BP. M. H. K. SMITH, General : Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD Flt AY, time of trains, com mencing Jan. 1, 1664. vROM WALNUT STREET WHARF. For Cape May at 9A. M. Returning at 6 A. M. For Milleville ' &c., at 9A. M. and 3P. M. Re turning atS 09 A. M. and 110 P. M. __ For Bridgeton, &c., at 9A. X. and 4P. M. Re turning at 6.30 A. M. and 130 P. M. For Salem, &c., at 9A. M. and 3 and 4 P. M. ;attuning at 4 and 8 A. M. and 110 P. M. For )pri , sury, &c., at 9 A. M. and 3, 4 and 6 P. M. Returning at 7.00, 7.48, 9.36 A. M. and 2 45 P.M. J. VAN RENSSFT. AVR, Superintendent. SALFAT RAILROAD. Eruaning,-itr 01 trains, commencing FRIDAY, Jan. 1, 1864. From Walnut Street Wharf at 9 A. M. and 3 and 4P. X. Freight 12 M. Returning, leave Salem at 4 and BA. M. and 1.10 P. M. Freight daily each way. Apply to MORTON MILLS, Agent, 2d Covered Pier above Walunt st. T. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. CAPE MAY AND MILLVILLE RAILROAD. Running time of trains, commencing FRIDAY, Jan. 1, 1864, from Walnut Street. Wharf. For Cape Island, Court Rouse, Dermisville, Tuckahoe, Port Elizabeth, and by connecting lines of stages to all parts of Cape May county, at 9 A. M. Returning, leave Cape Island at 6 A. EL Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A. M. Freight sent or brought daily. Apply to MOR TON MILLS, Agent, 2d covered Pier above Wal nut street, no 12 WEST 01HESTER AND ROAD7VIf M P D H A—S AD R E N L G P HARRANGE MENT. —CHANGE OF DEPOT.—On and after FRIDAY. April 1,186 r, the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the DEPOT, CORNER OF THIRTY-FIRST AND MARKET STREETS, (West Phimdelphia), at 8.00 and 11.05 A: 31., and at 2.30 and 4.30, and 6.45 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.10, 7.45, and 11.00 A. al., and at 2.00 and 4.45 P. a. • ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia. at 8.30 A. M., and 2.30 P.' M. West Chester, at 8.00 A. and 4.30 P. M. The.trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M., and 4 30 P. M. connect at Pennelltou with trains on the P. Zo B. C. R. R., for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, Sc., Passengers are allowed to take' wearing apparel only, as Baggage and in no case will the Company be liable for an amount exceeding $lOO. apt HENRY WOOD, (lea. Supt. IVTEW TURKISH PRUNES.-1O Otolas, for sale by JOS, 'X CO.) ukt foam wnarred., J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup'si • - 1864. PHILADELPH.IA AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1864. • i te. great e traverses the Northern and' Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to' the city OX . Erie,. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Itailroad oompany, and under their auspices is being rap-, idly opened throughout its entire 1e t is now In use for Passenger and 'Freight bust. neat from Harrisburg to Emporiuni, (195 Wies t ) on the Eastern Division and. from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on Division, Wepteni TIKE OP PABBJEKGKEL TRATit -AT PHELADBITEUA--• LBAVB WBSTWARD. Mall Train —. 8.00 AL M. Express Train 10.30 P. EL Cars run through without change both way!' on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Oars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. - For information respecting Passenger business, apply at the Southeast corner of Eleventh and market streets. A gens:And for Freight business of the Company's S. B. Kingston, Jr., Oor. Thirteianth and Mar. let sta. , Philadelphia. T. W. Reynolds, Erie. X- Drill, Agent , N. 0. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia: LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, PhiladePOTTSlphia. JOSEPH D. , lan General Manag E er. Williamsport. - PfiILADELPHI AND 111-M- BALTIMORE CENTRAL PRING ARRANGEMENT.— On and after FRIDAY, Ann! 1, 1861 the tram' will leave Philadelphia from the Depot of the W. C. and P. R. R. Co., corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, ( West Philada:), at B.oo' A. M and 4 30 P. M.; leave Oxford at 6.30 - A. M. 3 25 P. m. The train leaving Philadelphia at 9 00.1Llit: connects at Oxford with a daily line of stages for Beach Bottom in Lancaster county; returning, leaves Beach Bottom to connect at Oxford.with the afternoon train for Philadelphia. - • Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and in no case will the company be liable for an amount exceeding $lOO. api HENRY WOOD, Gen'l Supt.. __„ PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD LINE. 1 1 0 1, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For Williamsport, Scranton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and all points in the West and Northwest. Passenger Trains leave the Depot at Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, cor. BROAD and CALLOWEILLL streets, at 8.15 A. la. and 3.30 P. X. daily, except Sundays.. - QUICKEST li OUTE from Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, ha, /cc. Baggagechecked through to Buffalo Niagara Falls, or intemediate points. For f urther information apply to. ' JOHN S. MLLES. General Agent, Thirteenth and Oallowhill streets CudW W ors,. Chrth and abeittllli: LEGAL NOTICES. ARY TUSTIN, BY, Bce., vs. ALLP.N TUSTIN.—Common Pleas, Divorce, Sep. tember Term, 1863, No. 38.—And now, April 9th; 1864. the Court grant a rule on the above Re. spondent, to show cause why a Divorce a vinculo matrimonil, should not be decreed in the above case ; returnable SATURDAY, April 23, 1.844, - at o'clock A, 3X. BYENES do BUDDIMAN, Attorneyvfor Libellsnt. . apl2-tn&th4t IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Es tate of FRANCES HOWE, deceased. The Au ditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of WM. W. KNIGHT and CHARLES ADAMS, Executors of PRANCES HOwE, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will. meet the parties interested for the purposes of his alp. pointment, on WEDNESDAY, April 20th,- 1264, at 4 o' clock P. K., at his office No. 131 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. STATE OF WILLIAM B. HART, dee' d. J Letters Testamentary upon the estate of Wil.. liam B. Hart, dee' d., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate, will please make payment, and those haring c 191 1 " ,“; or demands against the same, - will present them without delay, to SARA BYERLY HART, 1717 WALNUT street, THOMAS HART, Jr., 113 South FIFTH street. Executors. natl‘that* SU A REAL rsrperE. - 7 1110111 ms 4lc SONS' PM- FATE SALE. REGISTER. CHESTNUT ST—Valuable pioperty, N. W. corner Chestnut and Thirteenth sts, 55 by 100 feet, FIRST-CLASS CHESTNUT STREET PRO PERTY, N 0.3222, between Twelth and Thirteenth streets, 76 feet front, = feet in depth to &unsold at. On the Chestnut street front is a large and ele gant mansion—on Sansom street a stable and coach house. Splendid Mansion, with Stable, Green Hones and Large Lot, 240 feet front, Southwest corner of Broad and Poplar sta. One of the most elegant residences in the city, and offered at tke price, in eluding the splendid improvements, asked for vacant lots in that vicinity. - First class STORE, CHESTNUT st, between SM. and 91h sts. Elegant Brown-stone Residence, Stable and Coach House, No. 1911 WALNUT st. Handsome Brown-stone Residence, No. 822 Pine et. Elegant Brown-stone Residence: No. • 1332 Chestnut st. Valuable Residence, S. E. corner Tenth and. Spruce st s. Store and Dwelling, No. 216 south 2d st. IRON FRONT BANKING HOUSE, Third st, above Walnut, opposite the Exchange. Valuable FDCURING and SAW MILLS, Chesapeake city. Modern Dwelling, Burlington, N. j. • Large Boarding-house, Beverley, N. J Modern Dwelling. No. 237 north 10thst Modern Dwelling. No. 324 north - 9th st. One also No: 335 north 9th at., Very Valuable property, Chestnut st, east of Second st. Valuable Store, Nos. 239 and 211 north 3d st. Brick Store, No. 5 north Water at, and NO. 3 North Delaware avenue. Large and Valuable Lot, over 11 acres, Passynnit road, ist Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and Valnabla Lot, fronting on Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts, First Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and 'V minable Building Lot, Arch st, west of Third st. CHESTNUT ST—First-class Business Stand, between Second and Thirsts. VALUABLE RESIDENCE and Large Lot, corner Eighth and Spruce sta. Genteel Dwelling, 927 Spruce at Large and Valuable Lot, 21.3 i acres, Old Second Street Road, First Ward. . Modern Residence, No. 202 Franklin st. Residence, N0."1634 Walnut st. Large and Valuable Lot, Vine street, river Schuylkill and St. L avid' st.. - Country Country site, 30 acres, School Howe lane. Superior Residence, East Washington Lane, Germantown. FO acres, Chelten Hills. 50 acres, Church road and Willow Grove av 40 acres. Chestnut Hill. Valuable Farm and Mills,. known as 4.!5he11.. mire's Four-story Brick Store, corner Sixth and Cal lowhill sts. Business Property, 4th below Walnut st. 7 Stores, Hotel, hall, Stable, 4, - c., S. W. corner Sth and Spring Garden its. Valuable Farm and Country Seat, 225 &MI, Brandywine, Delaware county. Valuable Residence, No. 246 south Eighth at. Handsome Residence, No. 1702 Summer at. Large and valuable ARCH STREET LOT, east of Twentieth street, 105 by 150 feet. Superior Farm and Country Seat, Lancaster Turnpike, and near the General Wayne Station, 93 rcres, with good buildings. Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey street, Germantown. Elegant Modern Residence, Stable and Large Lot, 318 feet front, N. W. corner of Forty-first and Locust stneets. Valuable Farm, 110 acres, with excellent lm-, provements, Bucks county, Pa. Modern Residence, No. 1316 Chestnut st, Residence, 1911 Walnut at. Neat Modern Residence, 681 N. Eleventh street. Valuable Residence, Main at., Germantown, - with coach house, garden, Scc. Lot 140 by 224 ft. aluable Country Seat, 29 acres, Washington lane, near the township line, Germantown. Valuable Business Stand, Chestnut street, wee of Secenta. Modern Residence, No. 208 South Fourth street. Five-story Stone. Store, No. 531 Market street. Four-story brick store, corner Letitia and Chest nut ELS. Neat Modern Dwelling, No. 335 South" Twelfth • street. Elegant brown stone Residence, No. 1618 Locus' street. Valuable FARM and Cotuitry Seat, 1171 acres, On theriTerDelaware, near Andalusia. VALUABLE FARM, 130 acres, ]!Montgomery county, Pa., on the State read. DWELLINGS—A nnmber of small Dwellings, in all parts of the city. Handsome FARM and COUNTRYBEAT, 116 acres ' ene mile from Chestnut Hill. wa-Fot further list, see Private Sale Registen'a; the Auction Rooms, comprising even/ variatY V' Rea Estate. M. THOMAS. SONS, Auctioneers, 5e2.4-tn, f, tf 139 and 141 South Fourth street COPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATH- %.1 ING, Braziers, Copper, Nails, - Bolts and Ingot Cooper constarill v on band, and for sale by Ataie l g WiDiRQ t is cra., aes wok vum ap9, s, tn, th-st*