xxxinns CONG=iB-IITLEIT EfESSION. OLOBB OP YESTERDAY' S PROCEEDINGS. Stovars.—Mr. Wilson presented the first annual report of the National Academy of. Sciances,.and moved the printing of fifteen hundred copies. Mr. presented a 'remonstrance of the Pennsylvania Legislature and of several railroads in that State, including the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Rail rbad Company, against the extension of the Goodyear India Rubber Pa tent. Also: a memorial from the Board of Trade of Philadelphia, for a suitable pier in, the Dela ware river, at _Lewes, Delaware. On motion of Mr. Lane (Kansas) the Committee On Indian Affairs was instructed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the present system of Indian traders, which was rt ferred. Mr. Grimes rose to a personal explanation, and read from the report of the Naval Committee, Mr. Hale, Chairman, condemning the manner in which the resolutions concerning the transfer of seamen from;the army to the navy had been introduced without the cognizance of the committee. The re port says, when the committee first cast their eyes upon the resolution, introduced by Mr, Grimes, to repeal the legislation authorizing the transfers, they saw that it repealed two things instead of the one that was necessary. Mr. Grimes charged that the members of the committee never saw the report and that it was alone Mr. Hale' c, and asserts what is not true in saying that he (Mr. Grimes) desired at once to pass the repeal. • He knew that the gentleman from New Hamp shire considers himself the Naval Ommnittee,from the manner in which the business of that commit tee had been conducted for the past three years, and as showing the spirit of the gentleman, he men tioned that at the beginning of the session he (fir. Hale) had offered the gentleman from New York (Mr. Harris) the chairmanship of that committee, but like the instance wherein Satan had offered the Saviour of man great rewards not in his power to bestow, if he would fall down and adore him,both the tempter and the temptation were spurned. The gentleman was the- most Unrelenting, deter mined and persistent enemy of the Secretary of the Navy and of the Navy Department- that there is in the country, both in public and private, though in the pesition where he ought to defend it. Mr: Grimes also noticed an adverse re port made by Mr. Hale. purporting to come from the Naval Committee, though none but the chair. man had anything to do with it, on a bill which he introduced to changerthe mode of procuring naval supplies, with the view of correcting many abuses. Mr. Grimes went on to state how frauds ware committed in this connection through naval store keepers giving orders when certain things were wanted in the mechanical departments, by which through corruptions of blacksmiths and others, frauds were committed. He denounced the man ner in which Mr. Hale quoted from a speech of his (Mr. Grimes), in the Senate the other day, by cutting off a sentence in the middle, as a specimen of pettifogging that would have done credit to a practitioner ef the- Old Bailey. He said he was done now, and he trusted forever, with the Sena tor from New Hampshire, and would ask, in con clusion, that Senator to re&dlect that non•resist ance was not one of the traits of his creed. Mr.' Hale replied briefly, indicating that like the sportsmen who took their horses out in the morn ing for training, the gentleman from lowa seemed lately to think it necessary to exercise himself a little on him (Mr. Hale) before entering upon the race of the day. The gentleman had practised en him several times. He hoped, however, the coun try woutti survive, and the rebellion be put down. He explained that Mr. Grimes' s resolution of re peal was submitte,d to the Naval Committee, at which a irtajorityiwas present, though Mr. Grimes was not, and. they came to a unanimous conclu sion, and authffrized him (Mr. Hale) to draw up a report, and it was in part submitted to some of them afterward. The report was simply a rela tion of facts, and those facts were true. The cause of the difficulty with the gentleman is evidently that he has thought he had not sufficient influence with the committee; but notwithstanding the gentleman's vituperative assault he should not respond in that spirit. The gentleman looks - upon the suggestion to the Senator from New York to accept the chairmanship of the Naval Committee as only second in corruption to the effort of the arch enemy of man to tempt the Saviour. The fact was the suggestion was made because it was due to the great commercial State of New York that her Senator should have that position. He was sorry he had so stirred the ire of the gentleman, but a.= long as that venom so existed in his heart it was better it should have come forth. The gentleman wound up, with a threat, but if he could allow either to influence him in word or deed he would be the meanest wretch that ever crawled into this body. The Senator says he has done with me. He (Mr. Hale) was glad of it. He should not descend to personalities, as it was unworthy of the dignity of this body. But whenever it should be epode erre to the moral cr physical health of the gentle- • manta get off another speech, lie hoped he W 0 ald be allowed to do it. He (Mr. Hale) wOuld take no notice of it. The gentleman admitted there was corruption in the Navy Department. ißut instead of its being among blacksmiths and mechanics, as indicated, he (Mr•. Hale) thought it was in a higher quarter. : A The Senate then, on motion of Mr. Fessenden, proceeded to the consideration of the House Naval Appropriation bill for the year ending 30, iSctS, as reported from the Finance Committee, with amendments, the most important of which strikes out an appropriation of 8520,000 for the purpose of building floatm g dry-docks for monitors atthe New York and r'hiladelphia Navy-Yards. The amend ment; of the Committee were all concurred in. Mr. Hale offered various amendments proposed by the Naval Committee, which were adopted. The amendment appropriating ff, 130,000 to par. chase land ~for the extension of the wharf at Charlestown Navy-Yard was debated at consider able length by Messrs: Hale, Fessenden, Sumner, Conness, Davis and, Sherman. The ayes and nays were called, but no 'quorum voting, on motion, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OP REPRESENTALTIVHS . _ Mr. Davis, (Md. ) introduced the follovrinz bill, 'which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. • Be it matted, dc., Firrt—That the Chiefs of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, of Equipment and Recruiting, of Navigation, of Ordnance, of Con struction and Repair. and of Steam Engineering, shall be a Board of Naval Administration ; pre sided over by the Secretary of the Navy, or such member as he may designate. Second. The Board shall deliberate in common and advise the Secretiry en any matter submitted by him relating to the naval organization, naval legislation, the construction and equipment of vessels at navy-yards and other naval establish ments, and the direction and employment and dis position of the naval force in time of war. All such opinions shall be recorded. i Third. to vessel of war shall be built or ma terially altered, nor any guns of new construction ordered or adopted, nor any engine for any vessel of war adopted or ordered, nor any permanent structure for the naval service executed, until the plans, estimates, proposals, and contracts for the same shall have been submitted to the Board, and its opinions and advice thereon communicated in writing to the Secretary; nor shall any patented invention be bought or adopted for the naval ser vice, without first the opinion of the Board thereon having been taken, and all experiments directed to test the invention, and naval plans and strae tures, shall be collected under the Inspection Board, or members therein named by the Secre tary, and submitted to the Board for its opinion thereon. Fourth. All invitations for plans and proposals for any of the works- above mentioned shall be Prepared by the Board, subjectto the approval of the Secretary, and all bids or offers, or proposals for the same, shall be opened in the presence of the Board, and the award made by it subject to the approval of the Secretary. Fifth. The Secretary may add to the 'Board, from time to time, other officers of the. naval service eligible to the position of Chief of Bureau, not exceeding three at any time, for consultation son any of the above subjects. The Board may take the opinion of eminent practical engineers, machinists and architects in their respective branches of art or industry, vrhen,in their opinion, the public service will be promoted by it, and pay them such reasonable compensation as the Secre tary may approve. The House resumed the consideration of the fol lowing resolution, offered by Mr. Colfax on Satur day, namely: esvlved, That Alexander Long, a Rersenta tive from the Second District of Ohio, ha p vi e ng, on the Bth of April, 1864, declared himself in favor of recognizing the independence and nationality of the so-called confederacy, now in arms against the Union, and thereby given aid, countenance and encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostilityto the United States, is hereby expelled. - Mr. Bliss (Ohio) expressed the hope that the House would consider the resolution with delibera tion and in cool blood. He thought the mover of the resolution had not sufficiently reflected on the import of the language for which it was proposed to expel his colleague. He did not understand that his colleague had expressed a desire for the success of the Confederate cause over the armies of the tinted States. He did not understand his col league to express any want of sympathy for the success of the Union; but 'he understood him' simply to express an opinion he had formed by his own reflections, and come to the conclusion it Would better, as a choice of evils, to recognize the'lLionfracy than to pursue the war for the purpose of conquest and subjugation, with all the attendant evils. He did not concur with his colleague, but if ha believed his colleague had come into the House and maintained the cause of the public enemy, thus ShoWing an absence of good faith to this Govern ment, be.would regard him as unworthy a seat in this Honae;'but if his colleague had only erred in. judgment, he was disposed to look upon him with that degree of charity which all human beings re.. quire should be extended to them. His colleague had 'uttered no novel opinions vrhen he said he would prefer recognition to subjugation. He did notbelieve the House, in a moment of passion and paroxysm of anger, should expel a member or put a tarnish on his character because he entertained and expressed opinions, with the usual freedom of debate, and because they did not comport with the bettersemse - of the majority of this House ,§leyens ( 1 ? 11 -) ClalriPE tas iIIT.PRV X-914 the House on Saturday an effort was made to com pare the position which he assumed at the begin. nialg'of the session with that taken by the gentle . manfrom Ohio. - He (ar. Stevens) had c intended that -the. Confederate States had de facto seceded • from the Union, and in doing so had committed a great Crime, 'which should be punished nob only by the extreme rights - allowable by war, but tha; they have outlawed theniselves from all protection under the Constitution and laws of the country; that they had abrogated the laws and the Consti tu don . and, Union, so far as they were concerned, and .that we ought to confiscate all thei; property real and personal, and treat them as a foreign enemy; and tardier, that they could claim no rights different from a for eign enemy. While, he said, they had set up ade facto government, he at the same time! contended they had committed the crime of 'secession, -and tood in that attitude alone from the protection of Constitution. But it was said. on •the other -side, that hiving become a• seceded po - wer, they should be permitted to remain so, without punish ment; and the government should extend the right hand of fellowship and withdraw its armies and allow them to maintain that attitude; and yet the same gentleman had endeavored to assimilate his views with those who would let the seceded-States depart in peace without punishment. • Mr. Cox said his colleague (Mr. Long) in his speech, now declared to he so obnoxious, based.his argument on the doctrines of the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Stevens), in which the latter declared that the Southern States were independent in their purpose of war and subjugation. Mr, Stevens—l understand how perfectly easy it is for the' devil to quote Scripture and pervert it. [Laughter and applause ] Mr. Cox said he gave the very words of the gentleman who had charged him with perverting his lanuage. [Cries of order.] Mr. Stevens said he began no personalities', and would not indulge in them. He repeated that he had assumed that, as belligerents, for their crimes and treason, they deserved to be punished by the sword and violence, as traitors should be. But the admission of the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Long) was that, being a defects government, they ought to be permitted quietly to cut themselves loose froin the government. He protested against being linked with such an infamous work. No man would do it who was not a fool or a knave, or both. [Laughter.] Mr. Fernando Wood (N. Y.) said that donbtlesa the country, had viewed with profound regret the proceedings of this House on last Saturday. It was humiliating to him, as a member of the Ame rican Congress, to witness this continued trifling from day to day - when the country was bleeding to death for the want of the remedies which Con gress alone could give. Our arms were apparently paralyzed in the face of the enemy; our Treasury Was exhausted, and its receipts less than one tenth of the reisennes; the laboring classes were borne down by oppressive taxation and inadequate compensation; our tables groan under a load of bills of various characters awaiting legislative action, and we have an opening court for the trial_ and punishment of members for the exercise of rights of which God alone can deprive them. It Is a disgrace to the age we live in, and should, as it no doubt will, meet with the reprobation of an indignant people. He spoke of the position of the speaker as undig nified and unprecedented, saying that the gentle man had descended from the chair, with all its exalted surroundings, to enter the gladiatorial arena as a partisan combatant. The gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Long), is arraigned for what) For the honest avowal of his opinions he enter tained, and for which he was responsible to no other power or authority than to that he repre sented in this House—his own constituents. He had declared that in a certain contingency, which he stated, he would prefer recognition as between annihilation and recognition,and that he preferred the latter. Is it criminal so to declare 7 None of us are in favor of taking dnman life. and yet all of us are prepsred to do so in self-defence. When such an alternative is presented either of us would kill. This is an analogous cause. The gentleman de clared substantially he was in favor of recognition rather than to see every man, woman and child of the Southern States put to the sword. He thought every humane and Christian man would endorse the sentiment thus presented. But the gentleman was arraigned because it was said his speech gi yes aid and comfort to the rebels. If this were so, the other side of the HOuse has no right to complain. The Republican party have been feeding the flames of rebellion ever since its existence. That party was conceived and brought forth in dis union, and could not exist for forty-eight hours as a political organization but for this fell and wicked That English vagabond, Thompson, was sent hither by the British Government, thirty years ago, to sow the seeds of dissolution, and he now comes back as the guest of his fellow disunionist, to witness . the bloody harvest. John Quiney Adams and Joshua B. Giddings presented peti tions in 1e.'42 in favor of a dissolution of the Union. :-:enator Bale, of Now Hampshire, presented me morials to the Senate in favor of disunion, and Seward and Chase voted for its reception. The present Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Chase) ad vocated a recognition of the Southern Confederacy in the cabinet while the confederates had only a provisional confederacy at Montgomery; and Sumner, and indeed all the leaders of the party in power, were and 'still are In favor of eternal sepa ration How dare the leaders in this Hones, then, to arraign a member for doing that which they themselves have been doing all their political lives? Mr. Fernando Wood resumed, saying the Secre- tary of the Treasury would not deny the fact, and he was surprised that any denial of it would be mode here. Be. pursued his remarks at some length, and caused to be read from a campaign document the views attributed to leading-Itepubli cans in favor of a dissolution Of the Union. Mr. F. Wood said he was not in favor of recog nition, but advocated the sending of Commission ers to Richmond, believing this would open the way to peace on the basis of the old Union. The war, he continned,cannot restore the Union. The Democratic party cannot be a war party. There could not be such a thing as war Demo crats, because the war tended to the destruction of the Union and the Constitution. If the war was to be continued let it be carried on by the Repsibil can party. - _ . Mr. Schenck (Ohio)- remarked that the gentle man from New York said he was no disunionist, anti dissented from the views of the gentleman from Maryland (Mr: Harris), while at the same time he dissented from the views of the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Long.) The gentleman said he would send cammits.ioners to Richmond and ask to treat for peace. How many others agreed with the gentleman he did not know, but ne knewthe re bels treated all such propositions with scorn. They mast not come in that shape between the wind and their nobility. Those who thus advocate peace would crawl 'on their bellies and lick the feet of the rebels, to see, whether they would not make terms. He (Mr. Schenck) . did not belong to any such school as that. He was for having no confer ence with rebels in arms, and he was in favor of no treaty. He believed the only safety of the country is to tight out this war to the ena, and in putting down the rebellion so effectually that it will never again rear its hydra-head. In reviewing Mr. Long's speech, Mr. Schenck denied the truth of the remark that hostilities did not commence until after the inauguration cf Pre sident Lincoln. The Star of the West was fired into during January, while Buchanan was Presi dent. It was the most unwarranted and false statement ever presented *to the public ear. Mr. Schenck then alluded to the conduct of Fernando Wood in relation to the arms intended for Georgia. and his correspondence with Robert Toombs on the subject, Georgia having solemnly declared in favor of secession six days before. but the gen tleman was not a war Democrat. Even soldiers wearing the United States uni form were murdered in the streets of New York during the riots. Perhaps the gentleman was not seen in the street; perhaps he held no weapon and applied no torch. But who ,did not know the riot was in , ,consequence of the teachings of his ichoa inducing the persons to deeds of violence ruin and rapine And yet the gentleman now stands hers talking about neace. After the gentle man had proposed the secession of New York, he regretted that he could not heal Georgia. In IE6I the gentleman helped to swell the voice of the loyal people of New York by making a speech in Union Square, and pledging himself to the assembled thousands of business men for the war and for. Union. He apprehended the gentle man was then a war Democrat—like those now denounced by him and his party—whether it was an honor or a dishonor he stood on the same plat form with the gentleman. He did not know what kind of a war Democrat the gentleman would be hereafter. The gentleman and his friends said, in effect, to the rebels : • 'Do as you will, our masters, blot out as many of our stars as you choose. Do as you will, only save the Democratic party, and give us a patronage and office hereafter, and we will bow down in all humility." Mr. Schenck spoke in stern denunciation of the sentiments uttered here which gave aid and . corn • fort to the enemy—spoken by copperheads who had crawled out of their holes. The, gentleman had read extracts to show that the authors of them en tertained the setae views as he did himself. Before the war many gentlemen were undetermined as to what course they should take. But when the war commenced the patriot did not hesitate as to what side he should advocate. The tories of the revo lution were patriots and gentlemen compared with the copperheads of 1864. He said among other things, that:if a soldier were to make such propo sitions of peace you would shoot hum and had a citizen a right to crawl on his belly and cry for peace any more than a soldier? Though such men could no: be executed on the gallows as criminals there was a gibbet of public opinion which would raise them higher than Haman, and hold them - up to the scorn of all who looked upon them. [Ap plause.] Mr. Voorhees (Ind.) said the gentleman front Ohio (Mr. Long) was sent here to titter his views, and was resp , nsible to his constituents. The gen tleman from Ohio (Mr. Schkiack) would have been one of the men who burned John Rogers, andpiled the faggots around the victims at Smithfield. The gentlemen knew he spoke the truth. Ttie gentle-' man would have been among those who would. have cried out for the crucifixion of Christ on 'the hills`of Judea.' He endorsed the right of the gen.- tAf.V.Zh.( S .IX /40'0 /al THE DAILY EVENING. BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA., TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1864. opinion. The man who did not express his o, , inions was a coward, and.deeerved t be aslave. ' He liked New England, if for nothing el-e, for the production of Webster When Jackson en tered his protest against certain proceedings of the Senate. the blood of Northern liberty took fire,and when his righle werejeopardized a voice went up louder than ever before heard. Mr. Webster then said, When this and the other House lose the freedom of speech and debate, and confess to all the important measures of the Executive, and are not allowed to maintain their own authority by vole, - declaration, or resolution, then we would be no longer represeßiatives of a free people, and would be fit ins uments to make slaves for others.'-' He (Mr. Voorhees) adopted these words and would stand by them in behalf of the Union men in the House. He then proceeded to discuss the question before 'the House, holding that the rules of. the House were sufficient to protect its decorum, and to pro tect the personal relations of gentlemen. Enforce them ! A man has the right to, express his public 'sentiments in a. proper manner. This was all the gentleman from Ohio had done. He had listened to the remarks of the gentleman about “copper neads," and 'of their 'sneaking out of their holes." Such language would better become the of some political gathering, where, he should Judge from the gentleman's remarks, he would be more at home than in the society of gen tlemen. His colleague (Mr. Colfax) had placed himself in the position of a public accuser; and in this connection he spoke of his colleague as having recommended the Helper book which incited to mob and riot, and led to invasion and massacre. Yet his colleague, with'his benevolent counte nance,' could not endure the remarks of the gentle man trom Ohio. Mr. Voorhees then referred to the fact that Mr. Schenck, in 1847, advocated the withdrawing of our troops from Mexico, while his colleague in the Senate, acting in the same spirit, said if he were a Mexican he "would welcome our troops with bloody hands to hospitable graves.", Were Mexican Mongrel, "nuscegena ted" people any better than Southern men I Mr. Voorhees made a f arther response to Mr. Schenck, and concluded by saying he represented a district as loyal as that of the Speaker. He came froths " copperhead" district, in the eloquent language of the gentleman who stood by him, be cause he stood by the Constitution by which the Union was to be restored. He maintained, in be half of liberty, that the representatives of the whole people should have aright to speak their='. rights and wrongs. Mr. Schenck briefly replied to the personal part of Mr. 'Voorhees' s remarks: He never thought that the Mexican war should have been com menced, or that there was cause for it, bat being in it he thought we ought to fight it through, and therefore he always voted for men and money. It was only a difference of opinion as to coaducting the war. While troops were withdrawn from Mexico a sufficiency of men were to protect the border while our ships blockaded lilexica i ports and possessed the Custom Houses. But that was a different question from withdrawing our 'troops sent against banded rebels in arms. Mr. Schenck also made some remarks in expLs ration of his - military conduct at Vienna, adding that for what he there did he had the approval of -Lieutenant-General Scott, and had been com mended for eery tee elsewhere by such generals as McDowell, an,d others. Mr. Colfax eLsked the House to set apart to-mor row, at 2 o'clqck. for a vote. Mr. Cox said his vote could not ilea be taken. Mr Colfax said, as a threat had been thrown out, ho hoped the House would finish this question to day. Mr. Cox said be had made no threat, but that other gentlemen vrished to enter into the deba e. Mr Washburne (Ill.) suggested that the whole of to-morrow be devoted to discussion. Mr. Voorhees said that as questions had been thrust upon them they would agree to no time when the Note shall be taken. The cote would be taken in good faith 'whenever the gentleman had an opportunity to express his views. Mr. Orth-(lnd. ) con;tmenced a speech, bat at 5 30 gave way for arecess till 7 o' clock. _ . Eoening Orth at that hour resumed his remarks, saying that the issue was made in In dianaturing the campaign of Lein. His Demo cratic colleagues and their friends, in and out of the Convention, claimed that they were for a more vigorous prosecution of the war than the Republi-' cans, but on a vote to expel the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Harris) these gentlemen were found on the opposite side. Hold General Jack son had been in power, instead of censure only, the traitor would 134 now in the Old Capitol prison. Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) raised a question that the language was unparliamentary in callingthe gen tleman from Maryland a traitor. Mr. Harris (to Mr. Orth)--You area liar! Mr. Orth replied that the Tile slobbering of one convicted of treason fell silent at his feet. He alluded briefly to his colleague (Mr. Voorhees), and confessed with sorrow that his colleague was sustained by his constituents. In conclusion, he said he was for continuing the war until the supre macy of the Constitution and the laws extended over every inch of American soil. . . Mr. liernsus (N. Y.) said, in the course of his re mark*: If ten men combine to resist the laws of the United States, the Government has a right,and it is its duty to put them down. So, it a. a million of men combine within a State, its duty is the same. We have nothing to - do with putting down the re sistance of States. We deal with individual men. We are dealing with,those who owe allegiance to the Federal Government and its laWs. I differ 'from those who find any dialculty in regard to the right Wale Government to put down any resist ance to its authority. i believe it is the duty of a good citizen to sus. tain those who are engaged in putting down the rebellion. Although Ido not agree with much of the policy of the Administrition. I hold that it le my duty as a citizen to furnish the Administra tion with ail the men and means necessary to sus tain the cause, if they think a different policy from mine. I am in favor of no factions opposition; my plat form may be briefly stated. This is our Govern ment, my Government: and ft is my duty to de fend and sustain it 1 desire peace. Who does not when be looks around and sees mourning at every hearthstone But It is idle to talk about peace while the rebels are in arms. They must be put down by power, and it is useless to talk about sending Commissioners to treat with armed rebels. Be deemed it necessary to say this ranch . to explain his position, and he thought it his duty to vote against the expulsion of the gentleman from Ohio. hly. Davis (Md. ) said the question was not whether the speech delivered by the gentleman from Ohio was treasonable within the law, but whetfier he was worthy to be a representative of the people of the United States. He did not envy those gentlemen who nad refused to expel the gen tleman from the House, and afterwards voted that he was unworthy to hOld a seat here. He argued that the House had the right, and had exercised it, to expel a member, net capriciously, but for some thing wrong which he had done. The gentleman had proclaimed himself the friend of the enemies of the United States, in vio lation of his solemn oath to sustain the Constitu tion. He said rather than entrails it to the extent of the extermination of its enemies, he preferred its destruction. It Was not the freedom of speech he complained of. He was brave and hoaorable, and he thanked him for it. It revealed an enemy unlike the gentleman from New York (Mr. Wood), who, with similar sentiments, conceals them. [Laughter]. He did not wish to punish him for nis speech, but for entertaining such sentiments This is one of the cases where with or without law his expulsion is necessary. It is one. of those questions where there is no right to be more than one side. 'President Buchanan scandalized the American name when he said that the war was unconstitu tional, and _that there was no power to coerce sovereign States. Those who have taken up and echoed this sentiment, and acted upon it, give aid and comfort to the enemy. When McClellan and Fitzjohn Porter shall again bring the rebels within sight of Washington; when Yallandigham shall rule in Ohio. Bright iu Indiana, Seymour in Con necticut, Woodward in Pennsylvania, and when the friends of Seymour in New York shall make the street.; run with blood, and when division shall prevail throughout the State, then those who have thus given aid and comfort to the enemy will ac knowledge their masters at the *math. At every hazard of his life he would meet such antagonists. Mr. Finck (Ohio , said he did not coincide in all the views expressed -by his colleague (Mr. Long) and did not believe Secession exists under our Government and was unwilling to acknowledge the Confederate States. He also dissented now as he had from the beginning dissented from the views of Mr. Stevens, that the South was an in dependent power. The Democracy of the great Northwest, he believed, were with him in these views. He did not behove that force alone could restore the Union; there must besides be con ciliation and statesmanship, but alas, such requisite statesmanship was not to be found.. If questions of peaceor war were not to be dis cussed, then whet should be discussed 1 If ques tions of such moment could not be debated, then, indeed, we were in a lamentable conditlol3 If that speech gave aid and comfort to the enemy, why old certain Republican members subscribe for copies to be distributed? On the 27th of January, 1863, lip.. Conway (Kansas) made a speech here, and deliberately proposed that the war should Vrmirtate at once, and that the President be authorized at once to open negotiations for recognizing the Confederate States. Where at that time was - the terrible out pouring of indignation 1 Where was the record of expulsion and censure the public opinion, of which the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Davis) spoke, would demand an answer ? Tho people must and would insist upon fair play Why was not - Mr. Conway censured or expelled'? Why was not a resolution for that par. pose introduced by the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Colfax.), who was a member of the House at that time. • The reason why his colleague (Mr. Long) was to be expelled, was that he did not belong to the Reputaican PartY. The speeches made in favor of expulsion were merely parti san, and Were unworthy of a deliberative as- Mr. Whaley (W. Va.) controverted the truth 'of the remark of Fernando Wood that there ware -no War DernoCrats. On the contrary, thousands of Democrats, Jackson and Douglas Democrats, had taken the field in his Own State. If the gentleman iI4TITRI4 Tru 19 in titelgarier 9( cratic party let his friends make their speeches ac cordingly. .Let- us light the traitors North and South in and out of this hall. Let us not lay dawn our arms until.the Star Spangled Banner shall be everywhere unfolded and respected throughout the land. • Mr. Dumont (Ind. ),in theeeenrse of his remarks in support of the resolution for expulsion "said when Mr. Long wanted to wiira warm place , the heart and affections of Fernando Wood, the only way was really to show that he was a traitor. The Douse, at 11.30 P. M , adjourned. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. GLOBE OF YESTERDAY 8 PROCEEDING& SENATIZ. —The Sex me met at 73 0' clock The following petitions were presented: Mr. Connell, favoring the Front Street Railroad; ateo, favoring Sunday travel; also, one against the same from the Filth Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. . _ Messrs. Donovan and Nichols favoring Front Street railroad.. - IVTr. Fleming, a remonstrance of the Councils of harrisburg against the removal of the capital. The following bills were introduced: Connell, incorporating the Lawrence Oil Company; also, opening Broad street, north of Germantown road. Adjourned. ' Hoven —The following petitions, ko., wero pro cented: ByMr Barger, two petition in favor of the Navy Tare and R en sin eton Passenger Rail way, By Mr. Pancoast n petitio , . of cirzens residing in Coates street and Pennsylvania avenue asking for repeal of the supplement to Coates and Green streets Passenger Railway-Company, passed 1860. Also, two remonstrances against the running of pa-senger cars on Sunday. Also, a petition in favor of Front street Passen ger Railway. Also, memorial of the Common Council of Har risburg against the removed of the State capital. Mr Bowman (Cumberland) offered a resolution to investigate the loss.of the manuscript evi dence elicited before committees - appointed during session of 1t63, relative to circumstances Of the failure of the United States Insurance Annuity and Trust Company. Laid over for the present. Buis introduced.—By Mr. Alexander (Centre), an act to incorporate the Centre Coal, Iron and Lumber Manufacturing Company. On motion, the rules were suspended and the bill pissed finally. , By Mr. Ellis, an act to incorporate the Penn sylvania iron and Manufacturing Company. Rules suspended and bill passed. By Mr. Aileman, an act relating to the public grounds. By Mr. Barger, an act to incorporate the Ohio Liver Oil Company. By Mr. losephs, an act to incorporate the Fame Hose Company of Philadelphia. Rules suspended and bill passed. By Mr. Hopkins an act relative to the Lom bard and Sou th,S:reets Passenger Rail way. Ad journed. Afternoon Session. —The House passed a resol u.- hen to bold an extra session on the alci of August next, to the purpose of counting the vote on the amendments to the State Constitution allowing soldiers to vote. 7 be following bills passed : Incorporating the National Mining Company of Colorado. Incorporating the Kentucky Lubricating Oil Company. A. _Supplement to the Somerset Coal and Iron Company. , _ _ Incorporating the Farmers' Coal Company Adjourned until acening. Erenting Session. —The House discussed the Ap propriation bill in the Committee of the Whole. Adjourned. BOARD OF TRLDB. GEORGE L. BUZRY EDWARD C. RIDDLE hicneraLT Comma. THOMAS S. FERN() SAILING DAYS OF STFASISNIFS, TO ARRIVE. OEM TROY 13011 DAT, Etna Liverpool-New York March 30 8remen....:... Southampton... New York March 30 Damascus Liverpool. :Portland March 31 Borussia...-.Southampton-New York. April 2 Asia Liverpool-Boston April 2 Glasgow Liverpool.. New York • April 2 oof New York..Livernl-New York ..... April 6 Australasian Liverpool... New York...—. April 9 TQ DEPART. Ocean Queen... New York...Aspinwall - ...... April 13 Africa Boston.. Liverpool April 17 Ariel New York-Aspinwall...---April 13 Hada New York.-Liverpool April 13 /doming Star.. New York „Havanabi.N.o .. April 16 Teutonis .New York... Hamburg ...-...April 16 City of London....N York.. Liverpool . April 16 Hibernian Portland.. Liverpool. .... -..April i 6 Crusader New York... Kingston, Ta... April 20 Persia -.. ...... ...New York-Liverpool April se Illinois ' New York..Aspinwall -•- - April 23 LETTER BAGS AT THIMIIIITIWPIII' NIODAY4II4 PHILADELPHIA Ship 'WyuLui.m, Burton Laverpool, April 23 Ship Empire Queen, Moran_ Liverpool, soon Behr Dart, .Conlibill -..- Barbados, soon mrca;Twurriw:m. nm.l,3=im Su 1118665,6•3 I. I SUN Sax's, 6'S HIGH WAraz,ls 31 ARBIVEI) YESTERDAY. Schr - Viola, Ackley, 6 days freina New York, in ballast to captain. Schr Vapor, Booth, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Schr J P Ames, Farrell, 10 days from Frankfort, in ballast to captain. Schr Chase, Fowler, 1 day from Smyrna,Del. with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co. Schr Mary, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley . Sr. Co. Schr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Christian Sc Co. Steamer D Utley, Phillips, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird Sr. Co. Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W DI Baird & CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Villa Franca (Br), Hill, Cardenas, Madeira & Cahada. Sehr A C Major (Br), Perry, Halifax, Kennedy, Stairs & Co. Schr John H Jones .Fisher. Annapolis, Tyler & 00. Schr A L Massey, Donnelly, do do Schr S T Chartre, Smith, Lynn, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Schr D Cr Floyd, Hackett, Providence, W H Johns. Schr Black Diamond, Young, Danveraport, P Fisk. Schr W R Germ. Parker, Boston, Hammett, Van Diann & Lockman. MEMORANDA Steamship Matanzas, Liesegang, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. Ship Charlotte, Cousins, from New York. at SW Pass 30th ult. and would proceed to the city next da hip lolani (late Raduga). Ropes, from Honolulu for Boston, was spoken 6th inst. let 40, lon 70 60. Ship Geo Hurlbut, Masson, cleared at New York yesterday. for New Orleans. Bark Comet, Morrison, hence, below New Or leans. 2d inst. Bark Angela Carolina (Ital), Cullotta, hence at Ci , tfueges Ist inst. Bark Luigini (Ital), La Hansa, hence at Sagna 31st ult. Bark Java, 57 days from St Helena for New Bed ford, with I=o bbls oil, all well, was spoken 7th inst. Absecom bearing W 30 miles. Bark Wm Van Name, Cook, hence at Havana 4th inst. via Rey West. Bark Mallie Metcalf, Ames, cleared at New Or leans 30th ult. for Providence. Bark ,A A Drebert, McMullen, from Messina, at Baltimore yesterday. Brig Sarah E Kennedy, Houses, cleared at New Orleans 30th ult. for 'Havana. Brigs Crocus, Manson, and Ella Reed, Jarman, were loading. at Havana 4th inst. for this port. Schr Fannie, Vanes., hence, remained at Havana 4th inst. unc. Schr S B Wheeler, 151cLaughlin,henee for Boston, at ]dolmen' Hole Eth that. Schr H P Russell, Nickerson, cleared at N York yesterday for New Orleans. Schr W S Loud, Frye, for this port, was towed to sea from New Orleans 26th ult. Schr Ellen Forrester, Creighton, hence, remained at Mayans 4th inst. Schr Ottoman, Billings, sailed from Bucksport 31st ult. for this port. Schr Z Snow, Smith, sailed from Buoksport 29th ult for N Orleans. Sohr Mexican, McCarty', sailed from Bucksport Ist inst..fer this port. Steamer Anthracite, Jones, hence at Drew York yesterday. MARINE MISOELLA.NY. The Behr Luker, from Somerset county, Md., loaded with oak timber and wood, bound to Balti more, sprung a leak 29th ult. awl .almost imme diately sunk. All hands lashed themselves to the masts, and about 10 o'clock she was driven ashore near Rock Point. Three of the crew perished. The captain, Dove, was saved. The loss was about $l2OO, on which there was no insurance. - Schr Juno, of and from New York for Boston, be fore reported ashore at Holmes' Hole harbor, was got off night of Bth inst, without damage, after dis charging cargo. Schr Dart, Leonard, at Fall River,was discovered to be on fire between 2 and 3 o'clock on Friday morning; an alarm was sounded, and the firemen rallied in tamp to confine the flames to the cabin. where they originated. But two men who were sleeping in the cabin, lost their lives. doe was Mr Leonard, father of the captain, and the other was Benj Brow, a man about fifty-two years, a passen ger. Both men leave families. The fire is supposed to have taken from the cabin stove. Schr Julia Ann, Harding, at Baltimore yesterday from Boston, was hove down 6th inst. of the capes of the Delaware,_ and had poop .stove, stove, hold filled with water, which damaged her cargo. DURHAM. MUSTARD. —The subscribers are now receiving an invoice of this oelebrated English Mustard, the finest in the - world,' put up in pound and -hali-pouad bottles, imported and for.eale by S. NV. 1-IT.JSSIER & 00. , WL'arT,ls. FOB SALE. AND. TO LET. =FOR SALE--DWELLING No. 513 Pine street, with back buildings, kc. OfIAS. RHOADS, 36, South Seventh street dpe FOR SALE.—The converuent three-story BEL brick DWELLING. No. 837, North Eighth street, above Brown, 17 'feet front by 83 feet deep. 'to a 4 feet-wide alley. A pleasant neighborhood. Inquire at NO. 1022 RACE street. aplt•3t* ell. VERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS STAND MFOR SALE, at PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, April 26th, by M. THOMAS St . SONS. Two brick DWELLINGS, Nos. 813 and 817 Wal nut at.- For particulars, see handbills. apll7st* AEUE. sritEET—DESIRABLE DWELL, G, ivo. r 317; 20 feet, 8 inches front, with back buildings; furnace, range; water closet; lot 128 feet deep to a street. Terms easy. For sale by P. sL H. ISIOURIS,9I6 - Arch st. " ap9-3* ga TO RENT—A. beautif ally situated double COUNTRY RESIDENCE, three minutes' walk from Wissinoming Station, on Trenton Rail road, with coach-house and garden. Apply No. 717 WALNUT street. ' apB-tll 4E-3 FOR SALE—A. fine dwelling, 522 spruce street, with extensive back buildings; modern improvements; - situation very eligible. Apply to J. a. curt !Is ac SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. 49 FOR SALE—A desirable three-story brtpk Si. g dwelling, .with double back buildings, 1510 Lombard street; modern conveniences. Terms accommodating. Apply to J. H. CURTIS &- SON, Real Estate Brokers, 133 Walnut street. dirl,s, WEST PHILADELPHIA—For sale, seva- Barbi very desirable lots. suitable for building, situate on Chestnut, Walnut, Locust and Spruce streets, West Philadelphia. J. M. GuNr - viEy do SONS, 50g Walnut street. FOR SAL E. —Premises 1717 SPRUCE street, ,tour-story Brown Stone HOUSE, re plete with all modern improvements. C. H. 31UIRHEID, sp9-st# 245 South SIXTH street. WEST PHILADELPHIA, No. 3502 HAMILTON Street. A desirable dwelling and lot of ground for sale. Apply to A. B. CARVER, Southwest Corner Ninth ap9. at* • and Filbert streets. fie, HOUSE No. 19 WOODLAWN TER- M RACE, replete with every convenience, in elegant order, ready for an occupant; hot and cold water, gas fixtures, and beautifully papered. Terms, apply next door, adjoining, or to ap9-60 E. L. MOSS, 219 DOCK street. al7 FURNISHED HOUSE TO REND.—A Ig:g1 handsome four-story Residence, thoroughly furnished, situate on north side of Walnut street, above Twentieth—possession given immediately. J. 1.11„ GUILAIEY .3c SONS. apg No. 50d, Walnut street. AR , SOUTH BROAD STREET.—FOR SALE, gul a three-story brick dwelling, with three story double back buildings, 417 South Broad street. All moaern conveniences. Apply to 3. B. CURTIS do SON. Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. tGERMANTOWN. —FOR SALE—An ele gant modern stone Cottage Residence, having every city convenience and improvement, built in best manner, and in good order - ' situate on Melton avenue, near Green street, about five minutes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Lot 100 feet front by ZS feet deep. J. M. GUMMEY Sc SONS, Walnut street. ap9 IffGERMANTOWN 'PROPERTY FOR LE.—A very desirable propery within 10 mina es walk of Wayne Station, Germantown Rail road. Large dwelling house with all the modern improvements, stable, spring -house, ice-house filled, and good garden, plenty of fruit and large shade trees. Apply to W. W. KNIGHT, at 509 COMMERCE street. mh2141.) dri11..., COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR a SALE.—One-half or all that val usbleStone post Farm of 100 acres. BRISTOL TURNPIKE. above the seven-mile stone, and near Tacony, with a tine view of the Delaware river, &c. Mansion house and ether dwellings to let; also, factory and smithehop. Apply on the premises, or R. WIIITAK.ER, No. 610 Locust street. sp".3-101.-s FOR SALE OR EXiIHANGE—For Ger mantown Property—A desirable three-story brick Dwelling, with three-story double back building's, haying every convenience and modern improvement. situate on the west side of-Twen tieth street, below Race; lot le feet front by 70 feet deep. J. M. GITM.IIIEY d: SONS, SLIS. Walnut street. FOR SA. LE—A handsome Four-story ra. STONE DWELLING, with large Three story back Buildings and Lot of Ground. •w' feet front by Ho feet in depth, west side of LOG-AN SQUARE, below Vine Street. . 1 510, DUO of the purchased money may remain on Mortgage for Five Years at 5 per cent.. wma - rzi ap9.3t* 2u4 South Fourth Street. 41111 - TO RENT—A large titres...story stone gig DWELLING, on the Haverford road, and 6 or 7 acres of Land, Carriage-house and Stable for six horses: house well shaded; number of Fruit Trees—Apple, Pear, Cherry and Peach: within two squares of the West Philadelphia Pas senger Railroad, about three miles from the Schuylkill. Apply to WM. ESHER., No. 619 N. Seventh, or 311 Walnut street ap9-3L-* lEFOR .SALE—Three very desirable City . RESIDENCES, on the north side of GIRARD avenue, east of Seventeenth street., each 20 feet front by 100 feet deep. Also a very neat two-story HOT.'SE, replete with all the modern improvements, at the Southeast corner SEVEN TEI- NTH and WALTER streets. Will be sold reasonably for Cash. Apply to C. H. MUIRHEID, ap4.15t6 No. '203 South Sixth street. FOR SALE.—The Property on Skthool House Lane, fronting eight hundred and right (W) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one.. third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, five minutes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the city. Apply to CHARLES H. DIUIRHEI D. No. 405 es' auth SIXTH st. f 26.60 MR COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR BABE—Containing qty-five acres, handsomely situated in Cheltenham townsg Montgomery county, Permsylyania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-half from York Road Station, on the North l'ennsykrailla Rail road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer resi dence. Apply to C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 4ei South SIXTH street, Philadelphia- sel9-t3S IMFOR RENT—In the :village of GOLD2,I- BUS, Burlington county, N.J., a large, plain and substantial DWELLING, with dye acres of land attached, including a large and excellent gar den, stables, carriage-house, .sc. The above pro perty Is pleasantly located in one of the most beau tiful and healthy villages in our country, having daily cominnnication with Philadelphia. Terms, S2OU per annum, or 5150 without the land. For further in formation, apply to THOMAS SPARKS, No. 121 Walnut street, or JOHN BISHOP, 00- Inmbus, Burlington county, N J. apS-st* eIA VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY. At mount Airy, Twenty-second Ward, for sale, or would be exchanged for a farm. Ttie main building contains 30 rooms. There is also two tenant houses, stables, sheds, shops, and out buildings of various kinds; ice house. ice., &c., with about two acres of ground in a high state of cultivation, plenty of grape vines, currants, rasp berries, strawberries, Ste., 'Lc. The above is well calculated for a Boarding House or Hotel, and at present, has a good rua of country or farmers' custom. For terms apply to ROBERT Tllo l a A . Conveyancer, Main street, near Walnut Lane. Gannar, - rowic March 17, 15.64. mhl9 lm* a f p l GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A valuable Business Stand on Main street, near Armat street, very valuable lot corner of Main street and Ohelten avenue, with build ings. Large house and one acre of ground, East Tulpebooken street, with gas, water, &c., &c., 10 acres of land; Main street, Mount Airy, (the best locations south of Chestnut Hill.) Also two tracts of 40 acres each, near the same; two good houses, with grounds handsomely graded and plantea with shrubbery, on Wister street, near the rail road. Also a number of small dwellings. For sale cheap. Apply to ROBERT THOMAS, Convey ancer, Main street, near Walnut Lane. mhl9.4m* ea SPLENDID MANSION AND COUNTRY .E 2.1 SEAT, NEAR GERMANTOWN, FOR SALE. , —The subscriber offers for sale a very ele gant Mansion- house;situate at the corner of MAN HEIM and GREEN streets, Germantown. The house has spacious back buildings, built of stone, and finished in the very best manner, regardless of expense, with large saloon parlor, spacious hall and staircase of solid oak; large dining-room ' pantry. with fireproofs, and kitchen on the first floor; four large chambers, bath-room. with all the modern conveniences, and library on the second floor, and four chambers on the third floor; gas and water throughout, with stationary wash stands; cellar paved and very dry. • he stable and barns are complete. Fine garden in good order. The most attractive feature con sists in the Old Shade and Evergreens, combining one of the most desirable places to be found in the country. Thera are between seven and eight acres of ground in the estate Convenient to Wayne and Duy' s Lane Stations and near Main street. Can be examined any day in the week. Apply to • LEWIS 11. REDNEE, ap9-1:20. No. 152 South Fourth street. • HAINIDSOME SMALL PLACE OF 20 AOHLS, near 'Jenkintown, with Stoae Cottage, 12 "rooms altogether. water brought to the house by water pipes; usual out-houses. For sale by A. P. do .T. , IL MORRIS, 9tet Arch street. - ap9.3t*- T OPTS TO LET.-100 feet by all. Well lighted. secoad-story room, with line Counting house re-proof, zcc, Apply at 44 North PIFTII at 7.1.1-3 FOR SALE AND TO LET OA ROUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET -B'OA IiEISALE.---STODE AND DWELLIN4. All the modern conveniences. Apply on the premises. • AR( FOR bALE—.A. very desirable and hand some modern four-story brick RESIDENCE, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground; No. 111 i MOUNT VERNON street (north side), 26 feet front, and over 125 feet dt.ep to Lemon street. It is finished in modern style, and is in complete order, baying . been recently thoroughly overhauled and repaired, handsomely papered and painted throughout; gas Introduced (with handsome gas_ fixtures and chandeliers, which will be included in the sale); bath; hot and cold water, furnace cookin g.range, &c. Will be sold at a very reasonable price, on ac co modating terms, and immediate possession given Apply to-S. W. TEILLORARA. & SON. arx 6 t4 - No. 244 South Third street _ DOR SALE. —The STOOK and FIXTURES of a TOBACCO and CIGAR. STORE now doing ago good bnEiness, the owner is going to the army. ApplY to 1004 SOUTH. street, under the Oda Fel lows' IDOL • Great bargain. ap0.64- _ MO LET. —Large and atrial.' ROODIS, nP stair s 1."612 and 614 C.H.ESTNI3T street. faa-ti MORTGAGE, at 5 i 5 ono TO er c L en O i AN fo O r N a fc J. Ir. 3.E.......1,....„,„-,4l°. e Zrrs l g4 $ . lO 000 —FOR SALE .—A. welt-se ;iv nt. Mortgage of this amount on aupre Prope von Third street, near Arch. j. 21, GOMM ". SONS, 508 Walnut street. ( EOOEkW (\LIVE OIL—To connoisseurs and those want. Jing the best Olive Oil, we have just received a lot of the celebrated virgin oil of Aim; also, °Jives Farcies of onr importation, and for sale by SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W, Broad and Walnut sts: Q T UART' S BROKEN CANDY .—Just received 0.) Sinart' &Broken Candy, and fir sale by SIMON COLTON lc SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. CALIFORNIA PORT.—Suitible for inyalida from its parity, and to , the public generally from its being a rich, fruity wine. and for sale by- SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. ap7 OLIVE OIL ! FRESH. OLIVE OlL.—Just re eeiyed a lot of fine Table Oil in whole, half and quarter bottles. Imported and for sale by E. B OLABRE, dealer in. - line groceries, Manh street, adjoining R. R. Depot. Germantown. ACAHONI. —Curled ltadian 121acaroni, fresh and very choice, for sale by E. B. CLA.RTEE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining R. E. Depot Germantown. IIsIsLOWE'S Green Corn, French Peas WV and Boneless Sardines , for sale by E. B. CLARKE, Family Grocer, Main street, adjoining R. R. Depot Germantown. EW PRESERVED GINGER SlOO perjar. IA Just received and for sale at COUsTY S. No. riS South Second street. mh•rt lAEW A PLE SUGAR—Very bright, in. store and for sale at COUSTY'S, No. US Sonth Second street. TOMATOES IN GLASS.-100 doz. Fresh Toinatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior article, for ,sale by JAMES E. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth. Streets. PRIME NEW DUTCH IlilEß.FtlNG—Ancho vies, Crimean., -and Maraschino, for sale at COUSTY'S. No. 118 South Second street. MOKED SALMON AND HERRING.— Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for sale by J A MIPS R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets- A LMER.T.b. GRAPES.—Choice Almeria Grapes A in large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE.—Prime old Government Jaya Coffee; alco, Maracaibo, La Gnayra, Rio, ice. ' for sale by M. F. SFILLIN, N. W. cornez Arch and Eighth streets. ATACCARONI AND VERMIOELLI.—I qiinu 111. Maccaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and for ease by M. F. SEJT.r.iN, N - W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. - Do EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar --House, for by E. C. KNIGHT 4k • CO., Southeast t• 52,3 Water and Chestnut streets. WANTS. To HARNESS MAKERS. —Wanted imatedi ately, at Newark, N. J., 50 good HAND', to work on Infantry; also, 100 good HANDS for CisTafry work. Good wages and steady employ ra,nt GEfinak. PF:TRIZS, - 3:1 Broa, corner of Green street, Newark, N. J. ap.7-6t4 WAN T ED.—A youth who writes a good hand and is. quick at figures, as ASSISTANT CLERK. Also, a competent BOOK-KEEPER. Apply, with references, to BOX No. 17:30 Post Office. ap9-3t* WANTED. —A lady 'wishes a situation to sing in Church, either as Soprano or Contralto, the latter pleferred. Address Airs. ANNE H. FOLSOM. West Chester, Pa. • ap.9-6t* i NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. - CITY AND WARD BOUNTY ! . ADV.ANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY. MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MARINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to he made at once to WM. E. LEHMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal let D., Pa. mt,29.ifts - 245 South. Third street. WANTED TO PURCHASE OR TO RENT, lita from Juue ist„ or Oztolier lst, a first-class house, with sll modern conven , ences, on Walnut :greet, west of Thirteenth. Address S. 8., -Box .2;se - 1 Phila. P. 0. - ap.s-tn-th-s6t* IaWANTED TO RENT OR PURCH ASE— A „large FACTORY Building—in the City or suburbs. Address Box 610, Philadelphia Post Office. • -tu, th, s-6t* DWELLING- WANTED by June Ist on Vtil Chestnut, Walnut, or Arch' streets, between t.ighth and St:Lei:nth: AddreSa BRADFORD, BULLETIN office. inhl4-lna* BOARDING A LARGE I- ANDSOINIE R 0051., with Board, 11 at 1010 SPRUCE street. rrioLET, WITH BOARD, TWO COMITUNI.- calmg rooms; also a single room at 2.65 South Fourth 'street. Terms moderate. kTo children re ceived. apll-2t) .CIEA BATHlNG .— Accommodations for the sea son at Cape May may be obtained with home comforts in a private family( directly facing the Ocean, with good Hall, by addressing SEASIDE, at this Office. References required. apll.2.t* QU!1I11ER BOARDING AT CHESTNUT 13 GROVE, MEDlA.—Apuliliations, for Board for the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on SAT.URDAYS% when the undersigned will see applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. Miss A. L. HARRISON. THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 1031 WELL NDT street, has been opened for the - raception of BOARDERS. Rooms, single and suites, and with or without private table. mhls-L* MADAMMINNA'S RIDING AGA.' DEMI% MINNA begs leave to .call the atten tion of the Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia to her RIDING - ACADEMY, No. Mt ARCH street, which is now open for the reception Of pupils. MADAM. MINNA devotes her personal attention to the duties of the school from 9 o' clock A. M. to 5 P. M.; and the liberal patronage be. stowed affords an assurance that her efforts to in struct in the noble art of HORSEMANSHIP ARE APPRECI &TED. aps-tu,th,sst* w, BR. SCOTT' S , LIVERY STABLES, York avenue, between Buttonwood and obi* streets, Ptuladelphia. No Horse that can injure another. will be ad mitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are most respect fully requested to bring a reference. Terms mod.: arate..but cash Dements. ' lelo-3rai SMCARRIAGE MAKERS, - J. LEITENBERGER & SON *A7 I.IIITV ST VIRW'r. _ny AiARDWARE AND TOO LS, ' NAILS AND SASH WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AND HINGES (an sizes), to., for sale VERY CHEAP FOR CASH, by ANDREW JOHANN. ir No. 17(3 Marker streets 2 mltsl3-Im4 F4OTTON SAIL DUCH", COTTON (7ANVAS , 'kJ of every weight, from oneito two feet wide. an numbers; heavy and light 'RAVENS DUOS ASHLAND TOPSAIL and other A , aoiing Ts ilk+ Paper Felting, Sa Twine, ho. - For sale by W. LVERMAN ct CO. c; .1l • ruEL - E PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL, _L - FOURTH Street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on, MONDAY , Sept. 2tett. - Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire thorough knowledge - of this accomplishment- Wilt find every facility at this. school- The horses ar• safe and well trained, so that the most timid: need not fear. -Saddle horses trained in the , raani ner. Saddle horses, horses and Tehioles to hire AL.() rarri vas for funerals , to cars,'stes.mbsmts.. eelshe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers