3ACY/SINEISS btOTICES. grinGREATEST IMPROVENENT . OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. MEYER'S Iniproved Overstrung Pianos, ac owledged by the letuiLug_ artists, and endorsed sp the it public, to be the ilnest Pianos in „fterica. The attention of the Musical pabhe is called to rues recent great improvements ili Piano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained; without say of the sweetness and brilliancy for which wise Pianos -are so celebrated, being lost, and Witch, with an Improved Touch and Action ran ier them Unequaled. These Instruments received the Prise Weds/ at OM World' s Fair, held in London, as well as the "aghast Awards over all competitors, from the list Fears and institutes in this Country. Ware :pass, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. -Dirt,DYE! ja1..44 DYE ELAM, iii—RectUßELO .b• .i.S celebrated ia Ai it DyE Is the best in the World. The only Harmless Due and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hai; Dye is perfect—changes , Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with. out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving She hair soft and,beautifnlj imparts fresh vitality, tiequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies Me ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others We mere init iations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug- Oita, dec. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY street, N. T. Batchelor' s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Ham rip* - seililifiGbilTlk,villoKatfount that their Manufactory of First-Glass 7' o Fortes is now in frill operation. The general niliniantion their many Pianos. sold already, meet With, by competent judges, .ennblets .9zeimit stYt't sC ... • • ... . . .. y invite the musical public to call lad examine their instraments, at the. Sales Room, NO. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, Jillit prices moderate. __Lim / 5m LQQUBT MOUNTAIN AND DiasOK BATH, HITE ABB oAL, carefully selected and prepated for family use, tree from slate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted 10 give fall satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. LUMP Coer. for found- Oa, and UHEBTNOT COAL for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of iiIONORY, OAS and PINE WOOD kept constantly on hand. biro, an excellent article of fit..soksetrrti` a COAL. llalivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your Onstom. Send your orders to PHOBIAS E. CA.HILL, Offices, 3'25 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-filth street. north Pennsylvania Railroad and Blaster street. Pine stree' wharf; Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE CODIPA.WY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the Con solidated City and la the Twenty-fourth Ward. "ZECK & CO.'S MASON ffPT CABINET ORGAN'S. lIINCK Co.' s 3. E. GO Seventh J_AYNE' S HAIR T ONIC, elegantly P.r.:8.1..11MED, can be had in White Flint Glass Bottles, with glass toppers, suitable for the toilet table or dressing bureau. The qualities of this celebrated prep trafion are so well known as to scarcely require mention; but we will say, if your head is bald or partially so. if your hair is harsh and dry, falling off or turning grey, or if your head is covered with dandruff; scarf, or skin diseases, JAYNE'S HAIR TOND is the article to zemedy these evils., and to prove it, you have only to give it a trial. Prepared by DR. D. JAYNE it SON. No. 242VHESTNUT Street. CABINET ORGANS.= These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts througbont the country, and pronounced by hem aturthousands of the best artists in America, THE RTITEST REED IRSTRIIMENTS IR THE WORLD. They are rapidly superseding Melodeons. For sale in Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, !Seventh and Chestnut. It R. R. .Twenty years of excruciating pain, with sleep less nights, Ihave suffered. A Spanish gentleman presented me wish a bottle of Dr. Radway' s Readv lief; I. applied it,itgave me ease at once. I kill.. leo-ma fat', iron:l - yaw £II.I.CC i Mtn T.U.Sttl is; 1 sleep in peace, my rheumatism is cured, no more suffering, so more pain. W. SYDNEY M.YIES I ClOrreSpOildeDt of the N. Y. Herald, London Times, Paris ifortiteur, Havans, Cuba. ol STHIVLA.. GENERAL JOSE VILAXIL The General-in-Chief of the army of Equaclor, stated in the presence of the Hon. 0. R. Bucltalew, now 11. S. Senator from Penna. (but then U. S. Minister at Quito), to Mr. Lee, that he had suffered with Asthma for forty years, had not laid down in his bed horizontally during that time. The first application or the Ready Relief secured him sound sleep, its continued use cured him. • Dr. Railway's Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY do Co., M.aiden Lane, New York. EVENING BULLETIN TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1864. TES KEY NOTE OF THE CO PPERHEADS • The Hon. Alexander Long, of Ohio, has sud denly awoke to find himself famous. He was elected in 1862 over, Mr. Gurley, the former Republican member of the House from his dis trict. Until last - Saturday he was obscure, and all the Copperheadism in his breast found vent in the utterance of yea or nay as he was called upon to vote against his country. However, 4 1 every dog has his day," and Saturday was the appointed period for Mr. Long's flourish. Accordingly, he prepared for the great event ; he thought of the Presidential campaign about to open and he consulted his bogus Democratic instincts. He determined to rally every rebel sympathizer in the North to the bogus Demo cratic s!andard, by such arguments as could not fail to• touch their hearts. In order that every so-called Democrat in the nation should have a fair opportunity to kindle with his views, Mr. Long wrote out his speech in full, and sent it to all the Copperhead journals in the land. From. a journal of that stamp we clip the sub joined extract from Mr. Long's pivotal oration. He says: "The very idea , upon which this war is founded —coercion of States—leads to despotism. To pre serve a republican form of government under any +constitnnon, under the prevalence of the doctrine's now in vogue, is clearly impossible. These' con victions of - the complete overthrow' of our Gov ernment are as unwelcome and unpleasant to me as they are to any member of this Rouse. Would to Clod the facts were such that I could cherish other convictions. I may be denounced as dis loyal anti unpatriotic for entertaining them,• but it will only be by shallow fools and arrant knaves who do not know or will not admit the difference between recognizing a fact and creating its exist ence. A mart may not desire to die; but neverthe less his belief will not alter the fact of his mortal ity. I shill not, in these remarks, revive the un pleasant and acrimonious controversy of who is responsible for 'the death and destruction of our republic. Ido not see that any such discussion now would be productive of g00d...1 entertain clear and strong convictions upon that point, convic tions that I have no doubt will be shared in by the imparnai historian of the future: For the present, I am willing to let the past, with all its recollec tions, rest, providing we can snatch from the common ruin some of our old relics of freedom. I do not share in the belief entertained by ,many of my *lineal friends on this floor and elsewhere that any peace is attainable upon the basis of Union and r econstruction. If the Demosratic party were in power. to-day, I have no idea, and honesty compels me to declare it, that they ° m ita restore the. Union over thirty-Mar. St, mind has undergone an entire change I.l l p on. that subject._ I believe that there are but two alterna tives, and these are, either an acknowledgment of the independence of the South as ani independent nation, or their complete subjugation anndx teral i nation as a people: and of, these alterneatlives prefer the former. On the utterance of these detestable senti ments, amplified through an hour of talk, every sympathizer with rebellion in the House of Re presentatives either boldly endorsed them or quibbled in such a manner as to show that if they dared they would go as far as Mr. Lmg. They intend to'go into the Presidential cam paign on the issues-thus made. In the copper.. lead districts they will use the language of Long fearlessly, and in districts where the war feeling is strong they , will cover up their de signs after the insidious fashion of Fernando Wood. Leff loy s al men read, their speeches in Congress on Saturday and yesterday, and they will be forearmed. The copperhead key note has been struck, and the friends of the Uuion must meet the issue at once and with every energy of their nature. The result cannot be doubtful; loyalty must triumph and treason and rebellion must be crushed beneath the fearful indignation of an aroused and mighty people. AN 'UNUSUAL DISPAAY. ' To-morrow morning an unusual military dis play will be witnessed - in the streets of Phila delphia. - Our citizens,from time to time within the past few months, have had the opportunity of observing and admiring the -excellent ap pearance of colored regiments which had been organized at Camp William Penn, under' the auspices of the Supervisory Committee, and considering their limited drill, the precision of their Marching and the accuracy of their move ments. Satisfactory, however, as were those displays, the 'one to be offered to the public view 'to-morrow will be far more gratifying: Twenty-one hundred dark-skinned representa tives of loylilty, who have enrallsoldateot-tree uum, anti representing three differentregimental organizations, clothed in the uniform of the Union soldierovith drums beating and• colors flying, will- leave their camp, and passing through the principal thoroughfares, will re ceive the hospitality of the Volunteer Refresh ment Saloons. Nothing could -evince to a greater degree the change which has taken place in public sentiment within a few years or months, than such a parade. The introduction of this element into our service was one of the most important and beneficial innovations con ceived by the Administration,and as time elapses and these peculiar organizations are increased in number, the usefulness of the movement be comes more and more apparent. What the final and exact result will be no one can now predict; but that it will tend to the advance ment of the cause, and hasten the crushing of the rebellion, no one can doubt. PIANOS The commissioned officers of these regiments are men who, having creditably passed through a course of instruction under competent in structors at the military school in this city, have successfully stood a severe examination before a military hoard,, — of which one of the best tacticians in the regular'army is the Presi dent; while the non-commissioned officers ate selected from the most intelligent and best pro portioned of those whose names are upon the roll. The colored troops who have gone to the field from Philadelphia have received high en comiums for their discipline and bravery, and those of whom we more particularly speak in this article will, we doubt not, equal their com rades who have gone before them. PIAZTOR. d CRtestnnt One Would think that the rebels would gro w weary of their ancient talk about the cc Cava lier" origin of the South and the "Puritan" extraction of the North, yet even at this late date it still flourishes. A certain Major C. L. Bridgewell wishes to represent the State of Arkansas in the rebel Congress. From the safe distance of Atlanta, Georgia, he issues his manifesto to "his constituents" who are now sate wit= me union lines, in au prooatuuty. He says he was a war man before the war, and that he is of the same mind after three years of strife. He thus proceeds : ttlt only neede athe blood of brave and good Men to put an impassable barrier between the mixed Latin and cavalier race of the South and ths, Puri tan Roundheads of the North; that barrier, I trust will be formed for ages. United with the North - we were hewers of wood and drawers of water, the veriest slaves of pampered Atheistic fanati cism, whose fantastic tricks have male good ai.d pure men blush since the. were first inaugurated by the witch-burners of the seventeenth century. Separated from this people we can hold up our heads with the best men in the world, and with tories and fanatics surrounding us on all sides, are prepared to present to history the best and most independent of Governments—the freest and happiest people recorded in the pages of history. I speak of the North as a community, as a whole. The good among them does not invalidate my it argument. ( The lengthened alliance between the North and omit has always been and will always be an im ossibility. We are different people socially. e are a different race, and obey and honor different laws." In the long record of Southern insolence and fanaticism we remember nothing more atro cious, impudent and bigoted than the above, yet the copperheads would have the loyal people crouch to the feet of such "Cavaliers," and humbly sue for permission to bask in their smiles ! The Presidential campaign is to be fought on that idea by the Peace Democricy, and they hope to win. Are loyal Americans craven enough to vote themselves slaves of the "Cavaliers ?" AN AMATEUR. CONCERT will be given to morrow evening in the Musical Fund Ilall,under the direction of Signor Perelli, for the benefit of the "Parish Building" of St. Clement's Church. A number of Mr. Perelli's best pupils will assist. The programme includes a number of choice selections from favorite operas. THE FLRST GRAND PUBLIC CONCERT, by Am ateurs, in aid of the Great Central Fair,will be given on Saturday evening in the Musical Fund Hall. The Amphion Band has offered its services, and a large number of gentlemen have volunteered to sing. In addition to solo vocal pieces, there will be several fine operatic choruses, under the direction of Signor Rizzo. Ma. CARL GAERTNER will give a classical soiree at the Musical Fund Hall on Friday evening, when he will be assisted by Messrs. Charles H. Jarvis, M. H. Cross, A, Roggen burger, C. M. Schmitz, and a double vocal quartette. THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WomErr.—An effort is now making for the erec- - tion of a new and suitable building for this ex cellent institution, on the lot belonging to it at the corner of Filbert and Merrick streets. The sum of $20,000 is needed, and of this about $lO,OOO have been subscribed, conditional on raising subscriptions for the full amount. We have so often spoken of the importance of this, institution as an agent for elevating women and educating them in the ornamental and useful arts, that we need add nothing on the subject now. But we trust those of our citizens who are able will contribute liberally to it.at pre sent, so that it may be placed on a sure basis and be able to do its work more efficiently than ever; - EXTRA SUE SALES VALUABLE' REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Thomas & Sons' forthcoming sales, lath and 26th April and 3d May, mill each comprise a very large amount and variety of valuable Real Estate. See Blisttranstemr .auction head and fourth page to-day's THE DAILY- - EVENING BULLETIN ; _PHILADELPHIA., TUESDAY, APRIL 12,:-1864. THB OLD HUMBUG MUSICAL . . • WARREN'S NEXT SHOE SALE. On Friday, the 15th, 0. O. Warren will hold his, next trade sale of boots and shoes, at No. 22 pone t-. lands street, New York. Six hundred sample cases ay. mentioned m the catalogue. Seethe advertise _ merit. • - , THE ATTENTION OF 01IR READERS, IN feristed in Real Estate, is ininted to the full deserip twos pitNished on - nur inside pages of the propeetieseo be lola at auctioli to-morrow. at the Exchange, by James A Freeman, Auctioneer. . . UCH iuvaluable Portraits as B. F. REIMER'S 0 Life-size P R. •TOGRA FRS, In oil colors, should be seen and obtained bx 'all admirers of art. See specimems, at GA ARCH street. • An ICI 1, Y and LIGNIJ irtriEtti.a.r.LErs, comprising Square and Beveled Carpenters' Mallets, Tinmelis' Mallet e, Mallets with Ice Picks in the handles, "Fancy 51allets for Tool Chests, etc., for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eiebt Thircy-flvel Market street. below Ninth. TWE best styles of I VORYTYPES in the city, are made at 629 ARCH street. B. F. REIMER' S Gallery; natural, pleasiug styles and life-like coloring. - See specimens. AlrIP KNIVES AND F , IRKS for Soldiers' C Ilse, for sale at TRUIITAN & SHAW' S. No. t 35 (Nigh , Thirty-flvel vrartret street, below Ninth. FUNE LIKENESSES.—Who would not invest SI DO in such Pictures as RUMMEL'S Colored PHOTOGRAPHS, at that very moderate charge for the quality? Go to. SEUOND street; above Green. Q~ok REWARD.—LOST,. THIS MORNING, 040 between it and 12 o'clock, between the Tradesmen's Bank and Fourth and Chestnut streets, ft. i5O in United States notes. The above reward will be ineirt esn rvual.llbl.,„ SPANlqii PO INr LACE DUCHESSE COLLARS."—GEO W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT - .as just received Spanish Point .Duchess. Colin - ery stylish patterns. Correct copies o • oman La-e. apl2-6t* IUTARY TUSTI , BY, vi. ALLEN DU TUSTIN.— Common Pleas, Divorce, Sep tember Term, 1963, No. 30.—And now, April oth, 1964. the Court grant a rule on the above Re spond,nt, to show cause why a Divorce a vineulo inatrimond, should not be decreed in the above case; returnable SATURDAY, April 23, 1964, at 10 o'clock A. M. BYRNES & RIIDDIMAN, apl2 in&th4t Attorneys for Libellant R EFRIGERATORS, Water Coolers, • Meat Safes, at the Arch Street House-furnishing Store,GRIFFITH & PGE spit Southwest corner Sixth and ALTO" VERT ELEGANT REAL BLACK LICE Parasols, mounted in Paris, in Paris Style, with superb ivory handles. Also npward4 of one hundred of the finest and handsomest Real Black Lace Points in the country, decided to be the handsomest Pointes in tne country by actual corn paris3ns, side by side, and sales effected by the comparison in New Fors. and Boston. Philadel phians in want of the handsomest Goods need go no t urther than their own city to obtain the hand somest Black Lace Pointes to be bought in the world. GEO. W. VO;EL, 1016 Chestnut street, apE-6t* Importer of Real Lace Goods. ug OOP SKIRT MAN DTAOTORY. —Hoop I I Skirts ready-made and made to order; war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts repaix,d. MRS. E. BAY Y, rahl7-Im pm Vine street. above Eight GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and 'Loans bought and sold on Commis. sion. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Uncuirent money bought and sold. .mh2.-3mrpf. FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING-, BRAIDING. Quilting, Tucking,beau tifully executed on the GROVER A- AKER, SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with oper ators, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNU T street . Street.. apl-3m§ DIME PALM SOAP.—This Soap is made 1 of pure fresh Palm 011, and is entirely a vege table Soap; 'more suitable for Toilet use than thotm made frem animal fats. In boxes el .an. dozen calms for 81 50 per bex. Manufactured by . GEO. M. ELKINTON ,t SOW, We. 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second. abovn street. .1•17-1vroi MUSICAL BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, Ili playing from two to twelve choice melodies. 'or sale by FARR & BROTHERS, Importers, Tatal No. 'r.24 Chaatrint street _Wear Fourth CIDAP—PIIIitE FAMILY SOAP. --CONTAINS 0 no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, bat is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put up to n OX OF FIFTY POUNDS. fall imply ville pacxed and merited &my rounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured _by GEORGE M. E ON It SON, dal 7-1 vrp4 lla Marsmrattagtreat ISAAL.) NATELANS, AUCTIONEER .and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, Ia large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ins, and goods of everyi description. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P _ lotto-ttrn ~,{ARKINI} WITH 1 Embroidering, Braiding, E ta L in ljLL g E c I . N Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ ment M. A. TORREY, mhl.9 151)1) Filbert street. WEAVER i.lO - of MAXILLA AND TABBED OORDAGS, CORDS, Twina, Po. 113 North Water atreet and No. 22 North DE* ware arena', Philadelphia. EDWIN H. Firrais. Blionaah Wateran . I rvirttAD F. Mamoru . tI7BY DYE, WHEN YOU HAVE A PER ,' FECT HAIR DRESSING AND RE STORER OF COLOR COMBINED 1 . A sure Preventive of Baldness. A sure Preventive of Baldness. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." This discovery is just What has long been needed, only one preparation ; does not stain the skin, or soil the finest linen. Restores gray hair to its ori ginal color, prevents baldness, keeps the hair soft, moist and glossy, highly perfumed. No toilet com plete without it Cures any eruptive diseases, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c., keeping the scalp in a healthy condition. .We can refer to hundreds of families in Philadelphia alone, who are using this truly elegant preparation. IT IS NOT A DYE. The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer cf Color And. Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Com lined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Cornbinel. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. Sold by DR. SWAYNE & SON, • 330 North Sixth street, Philada. Price, 50 cents. Six bottles, 82 50. Sent by Ex press to env ad d re? s. ja27-th-s-tutyrp d TRUSTEES' SALE. —THOMAS & SONS. r.l Auctioneers - . VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS.- On TUESDe, Y, April 26th, 1664, at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, by order of Trustees, at the PHILADELPHIA EX. CHANGE, the following described proPerty. viz: No. I. STOBE, No. 23 South WATER Street. All that four. story brick store or warehouse and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Water street, between Market and Chestnut streets, No. 23, bounded on the north by an alley or passage way, extending from Water street to Delaware avenue, 10 feet of which in width to said extent is subject to a public passage or right of way; and on the east by the property hereinafter described as No. 2; containing in front on Water street 36 feet 6 inches,. more or less, including. 2 feet, - more or less, of the ground between the said store or ware house and the public passage way aforesaid, now used as a pavement or footway, and extending in depth eastward from Water street 76 feet, more or less.• Clear of all incumbrance. No. 2-- STORE, No 22 South DELAWARE 111 ,1 avenue —All that lour-story brick store or warehouse and lot of ground, situate on Delaware avenue, between Market and Chestnut streets,No. 22. Rounded on the north by the aforesaid alley or passage way, subject as above; on the West by property hereinbefore described as No. 1; contain ing in front on Delawaie avenue 36 feet 6 inches, more or less, including 2 feet, more or less, of ground between the said store or warehouse and the public - passage aforesaid, now used as a pave ment or footway, and extending in depth west ward from Delaware avenue 63 feet, more or less. Clear of all in cumbrance. By order of Trusteeh. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap12.18-23 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. MaEXECUTORS' SALE--THE MODERN built dwelling, No. 407 South Eighth street, below Pine, containing in front 19 feet, and 114 feet in depth, to a three feet alley. The house is built in the best manner with all the modern improvements, having always been occu pied by its owners; is in perfect order, and calcu lated for a family to take immediate possession, without any expense. Price 89,500. Terms ac commodating. Inquire on the premises. apl2-tu-th-i-6trpg GANT DE SUIDE. JUST RECEIVED, AN INVOICE OF GANT DE SUIDE, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. ALSO, ROMAN SCARFS ) OF FRESH IMPORTATION. THOS.W.EVANS & CO. 818 and 820 Chestnut st. Npur .. a assrev,o3 PAHLIOTIC DESIGNS, Never before Exhibited in this Market Belin Zephys, Emb'd Braids, Silk Floss. Affghans and Fanoy Work Made to Order. CROMBARGAR'S Zephyr store, 03 So. Eleventh St. below Chestnu apl2-tuthe 39 Black Alpacas. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 Chestnut Street, Have fuel opened at retail, 160 pieces of BLACK ALPACAS AND Glossy Mohair Lustres. 37) tents to 31 50 a yard. NOW OPEN, PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPR , NG CLOAKS. Also. Garments of our own minufacture, OF THE , : L atI ATE d r. , Tv T-r.q. • GREAT VARIETY. J. W. PROOTOR & CO. - 920 OH.E.STI93T 5:7361. ap4 to 24, BARLO WS - INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, • No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Win color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. ETTDe sew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitatians and Inferior articles. ' apll.lm SILK PAPER HANdINGS. HOWELL & BROS., NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS. Would offer to their costumers and the public A Specialty in Paper Hangings, Exclusively their own Manufacture, Viz : SILK JNSERTINGS IN PAPER HANGINGS, To Which they ask the attention of parties seeking Rich Decorations for. Parlors, &o. HO WELL & BROTHERS, S. W. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT. We would also - respectfully invite the,attentiqu of our customers to our New Styles of PAPER HANGINGS, DECOR a.TIONS, &0., ecc., for a l lots, Halls. Chambers, _&c, ml7-th sto I=l4 MISS M. A. BAKER, has opened a 1316 CHESTNUT street, assortm PARIS MlLLlNERYlarge , ent of for the Spring and Summer of net - „ CORRECT PIARO u LUNG. 7-z , ..'1; 5 4 Mr. 0. E. SARGENT'S orders ft); - Tuning and Repairing Pianos are re. cowed at Maeon & Co.'s 5t0re,.907 ORESTREI street, only. Mr. Sergeant has ad Eleven Years' f ac tory experience ln Button, and lFive Years' MI employmentin Philadelphia. SPROIAL—Pianot re-ieethered to sound as soft and sweet-toned es new, without removing. Terms for tuning'. *1 THE UNION PIANO EMMY. FACTITILING. COMPANY have a their factory and wareroamv, werznYr street, always a most beansillil assort meat of their swivelled PIANOS, which thug sell at the lowest cash prices or on instalments Mee to a call before purchasing elsewhere, and every satisfaction and saarant« will be given; THE _SINGERS FOR CHORUS, - Who have called at Mr. Gonad's E. tore, are 1 , ?.- quested to attend there punctually at Nine o' clock TO•XCEBOW (W ethis si ay ) MORNING, to con elude the terms of eng.tgomeut and commence im mediate rehearsals. New, applicants: may, also find engagement.. suing without delay. - _ J. R. FRY. Chairman. of Committee on Musical Entermia ments for the Sanitary Fair. it JOHN C. BAKER it CO'S, CELEBRATED COD LIVER 718 MARKET STREET, Below Eighth, South Side. Fresh, Pure and Sweet. Onr Cod Liver Oil is received weekly fresh trim the Fisheries, consequently never sale or rill cul. Patient, using this Oil will find great advent ige by_ nibllliatur.yr . • - Joseph Burnet do Co's celebrated Coo:mine, Ka- Raton, Flornnel and Culinary Flavoring Extracts. For sale by JOHN 0 BAKER. do CO., Wholesale Druggist, 718 Market ..treet. OFFICE WANTED, By a Note and Bill Broker, in the rteini , y of Walnut and Third streets.; first floor pr-ferred. Address Box 1726 Poet Office. apt i.at BLACK GROUND FRENCH ORGANDY LAWN 4 Of a celebratef manufacture, In Brown, Blue, Green and Purple Reliefs, At the very low price of 37X CENTS. Jas. R. Campbell At Co:, apll-ett , 727 CHESTNUT ST. GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the public fer nearly a year. They are universally pronounced the neater t acid but fitting collars extant. The upper edge presents a perfect curve, free from the angles noticed in all other cooars The cravat causes no puckers on the Ins ide of the ttum-deirn collar—they are AS tiBIOOTEi It - SIDE AS OtTSlDE—and therefore perfectly tree and easy to the neck. The itarotte ()char has a smooth and evenly llLished eage Os Barn SIDES. These Collars ar• not simply flat pieces of paper cut In the form of a Collar, but are MOLDED .ILND MILTED TO 7/IT TUE NYCK. Ttey are made in "Blovelty" (er tarn.ttnvn style); in every half FIZe from 12 to 17 inches and e ta in •;E we ' , (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches; and paeke . *solid sizes" in neathlne c atone, con talnin 100 each; also in smaller ones 0110 each— the latter a very handy package for Travelers, Army and Navy Officers. .q- EVERY COLLAR is stamped ' Gray's ,Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all Dealers in Men's Ftmathing Goods, The Trade supplied by Van Denson, Boehmer & Co., Imparters and Wholesale Dealers in Men's Fin fishing Goods mh3o-31nrp. GIRARD LIFE AND TRUST CO. Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, 1864. $1 824 393 52. Mutual Insurance, Combined with the Security of a Capital. BONUS or PROFITS declared every five years, the value of which is paid in cash, or it may oe added to the Policy and thus Increase the amount of Insurance. THE TEN 'YEAR PLAN. All Policies under this plan participate in the profits of the Company. Office 408 Chestnut Street. THOMAS RIDGWAY, Presiaent. JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. ORRIN ROGERS, Gen. Agent. 1..r." - SEE BOOKS OF THE COMPANY. Eaps.eq Ai OLEN'S Medicinal Cod Liver Oil. THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE—PUKE, IiESH AND TASTELESS. The surest remedy for Coughs and Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, General Debility, to The undersigned having an experience of fifteen years in the facture of Cod Liver Oil has recently greatly improved the process of procure g it, and now offers to the purlic a preparation that for un deviating purity, uniform freshness and superior ity of preparation is unmatt_hed. These results are maintained by if:v. personal s.upervi-ion of the proprie or, whose efforts have made this Oil the standard of excellence Physi iians and o hers looking to the attainment of the greatest medle , efficacy In the shortest time, and thereby obviating indige.tion and nausea in the pati-nt, can seen e their piarpose by the administration of my Oh. CHA.R LES W. NOLEN% No. 151 NORTH THIRD ST RE sc.T. Sold also by WYETH do BROTHEL No, 1412 WALNUT Street; OLIVER, 18th and Spruce; and others., ao9-Imi BEDDING. MATTRESSES, IFE a.THERS, B LANKETS,QUILTS, I COALFORTABLES, RED TIOKINGSI And every other article In the Bedding business at the lowest cash prices. AIMS HILLBORN, fe2fl 3ml TENTH BELOW ABOli tT Bt FOR SALE A new shifting top WAGON, Caffrey's make—lione and Harness, all complete. Apply 61 North FOURTH street. lt* M. FOR SALE—A modern Country Seat, on School House lane, near Germantown. A superior Stone Dwelling House, with all conve niences; stable, ice-house , &c.,.&c. Several acres of ground handsomely planted and shaded. For particulars, apply 'at 11t CHESTNUT street, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ings. ap9-7trpit apl2-3M " atIS A SUP E :Eg. in the best part RIOR of BURLINGTON, N.RESIDENCE—Situate J., d possessing all the advantages of a suburban resi dence,and containing all the modern city improve ments, water, gas, &c., with easy and frequent access to the city by steamboat or railroad, for SALE at a low price, or will be exchanged for City Property. P. BLARISTON, No .25 South Sixth street. • ap9. 6trpo nal2-ilmrei GRUPE do .SINDT, z STEMS PIANO, FM' sale, 25 per t. less-than elsewhere. ma 3 I OW*. aeja'llowlial. 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, NEW YORK. AUCTION NOTICE. BOOTS AND SHOES. CHARLES C. WARREN! ::ale Yoem N. 22 Portlandt Street' NEW YORK, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 18544 AT 10X O'CLOCZ TRIED SPECIAT. BALE_ BOOTS AND SHOES, THIS SEASON. THE CATALOGUE WILL INCLUDE Six Hundred Sample Cases, Embra,mg C. Ul2 i gr, me rite from nearly every pro. muiP;at icaunfactiarer In the country. apl2 31§ AUCTION NOTICE. 300 Bags Damaged-lead Seal Sumac; SAMUEL C. COOK Will sell (for account whom it may concern) as No. 122 South Wharves, Below Chestnut Street, On fiirotinesday Morning, April 1.31; AT 10 O'CLOCK, 3to bags Lead Seal Sumac, slightly damaged. - - - Grenadine_Barege. I bare just received and °Oared a case of this ve ,- y cesirai lea: ticle,lor MOURNING wnich am enabled to sell considerably below the market PERKINS. apll-3t4 No 9 South Ninth 8t: JAS R. CAMPBELL & COgi 727 CHESTNUT ST., HATE MADE EXTENSINE ADDITIONS TCY" THE lit POPULAR. SZOOS OF SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS; WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Moderate Prices, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT /IMPOR TATIONS. Wholesale Rooms Up Stain. GOLD PENS. THE FLEXIBLE GOLD PENS OF THE American Gold Pen Company, Are comidered far superior to all now in use RECOIdhIENDATIONS can be seen from ofU cer, f BANK., INSURANCE COMPANIES, BNIN G 'USES. WSPAPER OFFICES P CI. FRGY, WRITING MAS. T ERs, BUSINESS MEN, and the community in gen el al. These PENS are all WARRANTED and for sale by the majority . of. Jewelers and Stem tioners throughout the City and Country. Company's Salesroom, S. E. corner Fighth awl Chestnut sts.: I. B. MARTER, ap9-3tt Wholesale Agent. G sKIA WALKING GLOVES. We have just received an assortment of Gents' DOG- SHIN •WALKING GLOVES, of a very superior quality, which will fit the hand equal la the fin. stlfid gloves. A lso a large assortment Of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S FRENCH KID GLOVES,; Of CourvoLsier's, Alexandre's and Jonvin' make. N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen's Bueltskirt GloN es and Gauntlets always on hand and made to order. HELLY & CO., ap7-60] MO S. E. Cor.FOITITII andOHESTNUT. HENSZEY C Photographers; NQ 812 ARCH STREET. ap9-acne attunes 14.. Earle a Son, Ste CHESTNUT ST. Immense Assortment of LOOKING. GLASSES. Oil Paintings, First Class Engraviw; PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMS% PROTOGRAPH FR - PROTOGRAPEMIIREE, WINDOW CORNICES, PIER TABLES. &a.. Asa i ips4 LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE STORE 1-Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy and correct in make. C. R. NEEDLES, 'Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the cornet of T leELFTH and RACE Streets. N. B.—Professional accuracy insured. apll-30rPO' thiGOLD AND SILVER WATOIEES, Or our oWn importation, reliable In (nnlii7 i and at low prices. EARR. BROTHER, Importers, Ea Montilla WW 1 billow Fogs.
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