ISUSINBSS N Uri° ES. OPTGREATEST IMPROVEMENT., OF THE AGE IN PIANOS'. DICEY . ER' S Improved Overstrting Pianos, an :lnowledged by the Leading artists, and endorsed aq the rdlisical public, to be the finest Pianos in , - The attention of the Musical public is called to them, recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which thane Pianos are so celebrated, being lost, and Which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren ter them Unequaled. These Instruments received the Prise Medal at the World's Fair, held in London, as well as the !Highest Awards over all competitors, from the arat Fairs and -Institutes in this Counta4. Ware- Ileums, 722 Arch street below rightly Philada. lIILAIft YE' 111.. Pt R Dr ri ! --BA D TOIiELT5 I WT celebrated AI DYE is the beat in the World. The only Harmless Yrtis anti Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hail Dye ie perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black orNatural Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving the hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others axe mere Rations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug.. gists, tea. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY street, N. Y Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for dressing he Hair. Ab..k.BREQHT, RISES & SulI.DaiDT, beg leave to announce - _ that their Manufactory of First-Glass Flan Fortes is now in full operation. The general satisfaction their many Pianos. sold already, meet with, by competent judges, enables them to assert Confidently that their Piano Fortes are not ear. passepassed by any - manufactured in the. United States. d: respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Room, Ito. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. LOQUST MOUNTAIN AAP BLACK MMATH, HITE ASH 0081., caretuity selected and prepared for family use, tree from slate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted 10 give `ull satisfaction, at prices as low as the 10erest for a good article. Lux? COAL for found %es, and OHRSTIOJT COAL for steam purposes, at wholesale prices. An assortment of HICKORY, OAK and PINK WOOD, kept constantly on hand. BISO, an excellent article of BLACKSMITH'S 00AL, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send yanr orders to THOMAS E. oranr.a., Offices, =5 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. i g, Pine strew w Schuylki ll . THE COLD PRING ICE COXPAITY. Offices and ota as above. Wagons ru in all the paved limits of the Con tiolidated City and is the Twenty-fourth Ward. lIELTAIE /4 CH). '8 MASON HAMLIN' S CABINET ORGANS. STMOK oO.' S J. E. GO I Seventh OMATE 'lll°ll l A. 211 4 D' 6 , SQUARE, lIPHIGIIT PIANOS are gum considered the best in Europe, as well as this *wintry, having received the first Prize Medal at the World's Exhibition in London, 1862. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who invent all their own improve and tinder whose personal supervision every part of the instrument is manaftztured. For sale only at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Oheetnut attest. . LAM CURED. I have taken six doses of Radway's PIDs, of three pills each, in six days; they cured me. of Con-, stipation Indigestion and Dyspepsia. I have taken A—rs' s, and many other pills for years, and could only obtain temporary relief. If I stopped the use of these pills fora week miry old complaint would appear Six doses of Rad- Way' s Pills cured me. STEPHEN BENNETT, U. S. O. S." '.I have suffered with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint for seven years—have used all sorts of pills--they would give Els temporary comfort, but Was eompelled to take them all the time. I have used one box of Dr. Radway's Pills, lam cared, I have not taken a particle or medicine in six months. 0. X CHILDS, Roxbriry,lffass. . Dr. Radway's Pills always cure, no straining, tenesmus, false calls to the water closet. Follow their use—they purge freely and cure Timidly. Dr. Radvray'd Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. BAD WAY k 00, 87 Maiden Lane, New York. THE FARMER'S SONS. BY THII BARD OF TOWER HALL. A farmer, rich and old, and sage, Had two grown sons, of equal age, But, liking not his farm to share, He meant that one should be his heir, And keep the homestead, while the other Should but be pensioned by his brother. To ascertain the mental bent Of each, these sons to town hnsent To see the Quaker City sights, " And, what still more each lad delights, He gave two rolls of greenbacks stout To Ned and Joe, ere they set out. Within a week, they both were seen Treading again the meadow green; But Ned in wretched plight, slack! With scarce a *Alit upon his back, Now forced for drunken brawls to mount, . With pockets bare and garments torn. But Joe the rural damsels eyed, As on he walked in honest pride, In elegant attire arrayed For which at Tower Hall he paid: We need not say the worthy sire Joe'' , sense and prudence did admire, Nor hesitated to declare That he should be the homestead's heir. Our stock of Clothing is the largest, and our as sortment the best in Philadelphia. , Oar goods are manufactured in the best and most fashionable manner from the choicest styles of Foreign and Domestic fabrics, and ate sold at the low ?mess which only a large business allows. We haus a t fuit stock of Youths' and Boys' Clo hing. - of aid sizes. TOWER HA.LL, 518 Market street. RENNBTT & CO. AN AMUSING SQUIB. Those who are interested in the great fair to be held in June, as what true Philadelphian is not 3—will enjoy a laugh at the following "Not being one of those distinguished citi zens who provided the preliminary $70,000 for the Fair, I noticed the effects of its approach first of all in my wife. We are all young folks, and our family consists of one remarkable boy. My wife had always a weakness for worsteds, and of late she had lavished the products of her skill on that extraordinary child. Inasmuch as Susan was not extravagant in other respects. I had hitherto paid without a murmur her worsted bills, though in some families the intro duction of so much zephyr would certainly have produced a storm. But now I Saw with surprise that operations Were in progress for which the existehte of that inimitable babe was. no adequate excuse. Certainly, an infant six months old,with Afghans, two breakfast capes, eight sacks, two hoods,an opera cloak,a pair of leggihs, a red Sontag, a brown ditto, a pin cushion, ten pairs socks, and knit underclothes innumerable and unmentionable, was suffi ciently provided. for. It was, therefore, with awe and wonder that I saw the beginning of a huge Afghan,which assumed,as it proceeded, the hues and features of the Star Spangled Banner. Now, I know that a certain general, on the occasion of a serenade, had brought out - upon a balcony his wife, and baby, the latter wrapped in the American flag; and I remem• - bered that my Susan reading of the circum stance in the newspaper, had been much impressed with the beauty and sublimity of the idea. I felt a fearful presentiment that she was about to try its effect upon our infant. I knew that my military reputation would not justify such a step. To be sure, I joined in the great Pennsylvania campaign, and sojourned a month in the hospitalwith other rheumatic warriors in the gallant —th ; but all this did not prevent me from saying on the present occasion: "My dear, what are you doing i I hope that isn't for the baby? Susan having a gift of eloquence equal, I think, to Miss Dickenson, replied impromptu. "Yes, love! isn't •it beautiful ! and Matilda is going to make one just like it; and we are going to have a table; and I am on the committee,and so is that hateful Miss Jewsharp—and I wan fifty dollars to buy matirial&—and, 0, Augns. tue i you must write one hundred nice 'fatten iq poetry, you .know—Mrs. Duiffin says ,so—and all your grandfather's' Revolutionary clothes and things, yon know—and—" "Susan!" I said suddenly, in my most im pressive tone; "will you have the goodness to tell me what you are talking about?" Thrown a little off her guard, she replied : "Why, don't you know! It's the Sanitary Fair." For this direct and almost manly re ply, I rewarded her with a green-backed fifty. This was the beginning -of the beginning. As for the end, I dimly foresee it, and long for it, but it tarries afar off. - Thank Heaven, I am a philanthropist and a .patriot. Ido not object to being bled for sol diers, who are daily bleeding for us all. It will be seen, as my narrative proceeds, that beneath a graceful exterior of trifling mirthfulness, or even of satire,l carry a remarkably large and generous heart. In this respect I resemble the lamented Tbackeray.—From the Drum Beat, published by the Brooklyn Sanitary Fair. OF F.l OE WAN I ED.—B 3 a Nute and Bill Broker, in the vieinit3 of Walnut and Third street; first floor preferred. Address Box 1,726 Poet Office. ap9-6t O EARN ESS —Wanted immedi ately,, at Newark, N. I. , 50 good HAN D•, to work on Infantrs; also, 100 good HANDS for ENvalry work.. Good wages and steady employ ment given. GEORGE PETERS, 371 Broad, corner of Green street, Ne wark, N. J. ap7-6t* WR ITI E N ELF PLILJA.TIONS for Female Colorf d nervants, as 00013 S, camas R.- &c., will be registered and arts Rered irom time to time. as applicants cat be supplied. I.otters addressed to ROBERT R. OORt.-.0 N Phi. ladelphia P. 0. Box No 61%t apB.3trps TIT A N TEL.—A large lioU2d, suimole for tight VV roan ill aeturing Address Box 2623. apB-3t* 1 - 17 AN, ED. —Two APPRENTICES at the Aar- VV ble 'Works of H.STEINMETZ, Ridge ave nue, ticlow Eleventh. ape -3t* WANT.ED —A lady wishes a situation to sing in Church, either as Soprano or Lltitralio - , the latter pelerred. add.ess Ilars. ANNE IL FOLSOM. West Chester, Pa. ap9-6t* WANTED -13y a .New York Commission House, a SALESMAN, to sell Domestic Iry Goods by sample in Philadelphia. One ac quainted a ith the buyers, and having some kno ledge of Cotton and woolen Goods. Address with reference, R. J. M., office of this paper: ap7-3t* NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL §ERVICE and MARINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City. Botiaties in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to be made at once to WM. E. LEHMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal let D., Pa., nh29•tfi 245 South Third street. • •_.~ ~~: deN W - TED TO PURCHASE OR TO RENT, it. 4. from June Ist, or October Ist, a first-class house, with t• 11 modern conveniences, on Walnut st, eet, west of Thirteenth. Address S. 8., Box X , Bl Phila. P. 0. aps-tu-th-s6t* PIANOS. ella WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE— ggi A large FACTORY Bnilding—in the City or suburbs. Address Box 610, Philadelphia Post Office. aps th, s-1501, i LD, and Chestnut. fai DWELLING WANTED by Jane Ist on Chestnut, Walnut, or Arch streets, between bighth and Sixteenth. Address BRADrORD, Boxurrix office. mttll-lm* FOR SALE.—The SFUOK and FIXTURES of a TOBACCO and CIGAR STORE, now doing a good business, the owner is going to the mrmy. Apply to 1004 SOUTH street, under the Odd Fel lows' Bell. Great bargain. ap9-04 an FOB, SALE —ereinises 1717 SP KUOE BBIL street, four-story Brown Stone HOUSE, re plete with all modern improvements. O. H MUIRHEID, sp9-st* 205 South SIXTH street.- a WEST .P.ILLLADELPI:IIA, No. 3.503 HAMILTON Street. A destrable dwelling and lot of ground for sale. Apply to A. B. CARVER, Southwest Comer Ninth apo.6tek and Filbert streets. . 017, HOUSE No. 19 VW TER RIS RACE, replete with every convenience, in elegant order, ready for an occupant; hot and cold water, gas fixtures, and beautifully papered. Terms, apply next door, adjoining, or to spg-Ste E. L. MOSS, ti 9 LOOK street. an FOR SALE—A handsome Four-story Jing. - STONE DWELLING, with large Three story back Buildings and Lot of Ground, 22 feet frost by 140 feet in depth, west side of LOGAN SQUARE, below Vine Street. 810,000 of the purchased money may remain on Mortgage for Five Years at 5 per cent. DAVID WEATHERLY, ap9.3t* 204 South Fourth Street. dal FOR SALE—A modern Country Seat, on .111 School House lane, near Germantown. A superior Stone Dwelling House, with all conve niences; stable, Ice-house, &c., &c. Several acres of ground handsomely planted and shaded. For particulars, apply at llt CHESTNUT street, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn tugs. ap9-7trp* . _ dief A SUPERIOR RESIDENOE—Situated ita in the best part of BURLINGTON, N. J., possessing all the advantages of a suburban resi dence,and containing all the modern city improve ments, water, pas, &c., with easy and frequent access to the city by steamboat or railroad, for SALE at a low price, or will be exchanged for City Property. P. ELARISTON, No. i 5 South Sixth street. ap9 6trpo AR TO RENT—A large three-story stone lita DWELLING, on the Haterford road, and 6or 7 acres of Land, Carriage.honso and Stable for six horses; house well shaded; number of Fruit Trees—Apple, Pear, Cherry and Peach; within two squares of the West Philadelphia Pas senger Railroad, about three miles - from the Schuylkill. Apply to WM. ESHER, No; 929 N. Seventh, or 311 Walnut street. ap9-3t* die FOR SALE—A very desirable and hand some modern - four-story brick RESIDENOE, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, No. 1111 MOUNT VERNON street (north side). 26 feet front, and, over 125 feet deep to Lemon street. It is finished in modern style, and is in.compilete order,having been recently thoroughly overhauled and repaired, handsomely papered and painted throughout; gas introduced, (with handsome gas fixtures and chandeliers, which will be included in the sale); bath; hot and cold water, furnace cooking range, &c. Will be sold at a very reasonable price, on ac. commodating terms, and immediate possession given Apply to S. W. TH&CRA.RA & SON. ap 9. tit§ No. 244 youth Third street. • PiILADELPHIA,.WIL. 1 11 7- - / Ve! MINGTON AND BALTI- Inulth italL - OAD-CHANGE OP HOURS.- On and after SUNDAY, April 10, 1861, Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.30 (Express, Mondays excepted), 8.1 1 5 A. M., 12 CO M., 2 30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 8.C5 A. DI., 1.15, 2 30, 3 50, 10.30 and 11.45 P. M. Wilmington at 4.'10 (Mondays excepted), 8.05 A.. M. , 1.15, 2.30, 3.50, 10.30 and 11.45 P. M. New Castle at 5.OiA. M. and 3.50 P. M. Dover MS C 5 A. Si. and 3.50 P. M. .Milford at 8.05 A M. Salisbury at 8.05 A. M. Trains for Philadelphia' leave Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 A. M. (Express), 1.10, 4.55 and 7.25 P. M. Wilmington at 7.15, 9.00 A. Di., 12,21, 1.09, 4,33, 6.30, 8.35 and 11.12 P. M. Salisbury at 12.05 P. M: Milford at 2.35 P. M. Dover a' 6.30 A. M. , and 3.55 P. M. New Castle at 8 30 A. Dl..nd 5.55 P. M. Chester at 8. 10, 9.40 A. 5i.,., 1,00, 5.00, 7.14, 9.13 and 11.45 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 7.25 P. M. - ave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate sta tions at 1.10 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 8 WEL M. 3.00, and 11.05 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.30, 9.25 A. M., 3.35 and 11.40 P. M.: _ Freight train with Passenger Car attach d will rue as follows : ' Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and interme diate places at 5.40 P. M. Leaveon for Perryville_and intermedi ate Vetoes at 7.20 P. in. - SUNDAYS—OnIy, at 4 30 A. M., and 10.30 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. From Prdla delphiato Wilmington at 4.30 A. M.. 10 30 and 11.45 P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 6.30 and 11.12 P. M. Only- at 7.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. U. F. 'KENNEY. apo Ars',:tant Saperis tendcnt. DBUGS, &a—Refined Camphor barrels, Pure Cream of Tartar in barrels, Dig itsh Magnesias,Gained Carbonate and H , nry's genuine aper Carb. Soda. Quinine, Morphia, °pinta Sarsaparilts; :Duns:lea Ginger, English and French Tooth Brushes, Low's Saaos, Glycerine Honey and BroWn Windsor, Drug- gist's Earthenware, all sizes Mor ars, &c. For sale by WILLIAM ELLIS &:400., Druggists, No. 7.21 MAB,LET ;street. v 94: THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY APRIL 9, 1864.---TRIPLE SHEET; W ANTS ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE- MONEY FOR SALE AND TO LEI.' ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. The subscriber has just received a well.selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, mhlB.2ra 832 ARCH Street, below Ninth. ENTERPRISE ATV/00D, RALSTON & bidIiftriAOTIIBERS AND WHO/ AAA DIE A T.VRS /X CARPETING% Oil Cloths, Matting's, aze., aro. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street, AND 616 Jayn• Street. SiblAzi 1864. SPRING 1864 GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA, M'QALLUM & CO., Wanafactureme Dealers In and Whel• CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut Ito, Ja3o Opposite Independence Hall. -ti SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. MICALLITM & CO. Reg leave to inform the public that they haw leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET. Opposite Independence Hell, FOR A RETAIL DEPARTIIZIT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOOK, • or . IMPORTED AND AMERICAN. CARPETS, Emlnacing the choicest patterns of 'TAPESTRY OAR ROYAL IL I TON, • PETS. VELVET, I , I VENE IILT A SELS OA/Min Together with a fall assortment of enerytlung pertaining to the Carpet Business. Ja3041; THE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, WILL CONTINUE TO PAY TWENTY DOLLARS FOR EVERY RECRUIT MUSTERED INTO HANCOCK'S Second Army Corps, ALFRED DAY, CIH Pk.TR k4 N. - *.s tl LA N:6 i C V Fourth and Arch Have Ordered this Season for their Best Custom, Richest Silks Imported. hawls of Exclusive Styles. Drees kloods, Paris Styles. Spring Brantleo, Cloth and Silk. .h3O 6 BOOKS ! BOOKS !! FINE STATIONERY. Since tbe first of the year 'we have been adding constantly to our stock, 'until we now have one 01 the largest and best assortments of BOOKS, FIB ST -OL ASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found In any es tablishment in the United States. We warrant our. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the 'very best'material, strong, durable, and AB LOW IN Palms as any in +he market. All New Books received at soon asissued. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors - to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. ph.22-gzat G. F. WORK & CO. COOPER & • OR - AFL Stock Brokers, . NO. 11 EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. LEWIS COOPER. OHAS. H. ,GRAFT'. mh2l-Im§ U. S. COUPON S BOUGHT AT HIGH PREMIUM. DE HAVEN & BRO., .. t r oi South Third Street. G. F. WORK & CO: STOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON VONNISSION, BY GEO: KENDE:BSOR, 11, a lB - 3131 * No. 223 DOCK STREET: KNORR & DAWSON STOCK BROKERS, No. 27 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PEILADRLPIErd. FREDERIO. E. KNORR, CHAR P. DAWSON. rabli lm* EXCHANGE ON LONDON, FOR SALE In Stuns to Snit, by MATTHEW T. MILLER & CO., ie. 45 eolith Third street STOCKS Bought and Bold on Commission BY Matthew T. Miller (lb Co., d3-a No. 45 South Third et; G. F. WORK & CO. GOLD, SILVER, LAI/ BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO 20 SOUTH THIRD ST. G. F. WORK & CO. JOHN . C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the — Mechanics' Bank, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sofa on Commission at the Board at Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. fell-3m CHARLES EMORY. ALEX. REMO& JR CHARLES EMORY & CO., Stook and Exchange Brokers, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD BT.. Philadelphia. All Rinds of tincurrent rands and Gold and Bib Ter bought and sold, and, Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Government, State and other Stocks and Loan. on commission. 1a29-3mi - JOHN HORN, JR., Stock Commission Broker 140 SOUTH THIRD ST. UP STAIRS, Philadelphia. - REFERENCES—Messrs. This. A. Biddle a Co., E. S. Whelen & Co., Buzby & Co., Alexan der Biddle, Esq. , G. M. Troutman, Esq., , Messrs Gaw, Marslester & Co ,Henry J. Williams,Esq I. P. Hutchinson, Esq., D. 15. Cummins, Esq., Drexel & Co., Jas G. King & Sons, N. Y. fe2s-2mi G. F. WORK & CO., BANKERS AND STOCK COMMISSION. BROKERS, wati2 4 , l , IZOTITIC THIRD STREET. SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY, STOOK BROKER, No. 40 South Third Street. Stocks bought on Commission in Phllsd9l. pity New lifrist NOUN% nu Baltimore. le2o-2ml FIRST NATIOIrAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and is now pre- pared to receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued under authority of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1864, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions -of Dollars (E 206,000,000) United States bondi, -redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, sit COIN, dated March 1, 1864, bearing interest a the rate of 5 PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable seml-almnally on al bonds over 6100 and on Bonds of 8100 and less, annually. Subscribers will receive either Registered 'or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomi nations of fifty dollars, ($50,) one hundred dollars, ($100,) five hundred dollars, ($500,) one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) five thousand dollars, ($5,000,) and ten thousand dollars, ($lO, 000, )4ind Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars, ($50,) one hundred dollars, ($100,) five hundred dollars, ($500,) and one thousand dollars, ($1,000.) liZt.43•loolzioy will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the first of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in U. S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (50) fifty per cent. to the amount for premium. C. H. CLARK, PRESIrkENT. mlt23-tf NEW LOAN. U; S. 1040 . - JAY COOKE & CO. Offer for Sale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-s:)' s. The interest on sso'a and 6100' a payable yearly; on all other denominations, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1. 1564. The halt-yearly interest falling due Septem ber ist and March lit of each year; until Ist Sep tember, the accrued interest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in corn or in incur, crsairicr, adding fifty per cent for pre =TM until farther notice. ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., m1129-ti,rpo 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. STOCKS. Oil, Mining, Railroad and Other STOCKS, Bought and Sold at BROKERS' BOARD. SMITH & RANDOLPH 16 South Third street. inhv6-2ms C. B. 'WRIGHT dip CO., No. 142 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE, Dealers in Government and State Securities, Quartermasters' Checks and Vouchers, and Cer tificates of Indebtedness. Orders for the purchase and sale of Stocks and Loans p omptly executed. utliZ3 110 P. F. KELLY. B. K. JAMLSOP. P. F. KELLY & CO.. - Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESTNUT ST'S., PHILADELPHIA; • 19-3M45 STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOTTGrHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO., 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET: ISAAC C. JONES, JR., Ito& and Bill Broker, REMOVED TO No. 140 South Third St. MirSTO CRS and LOANS bought. and sold at the Board` o 2 13rokera. Kreouunexc4al Paper and Collateral Loana ne gotiated. mhl7-th sa. to Sr. Satesrooms, 704 Chestnut ,Street, above 7th. VOBETED YARN. —Nose 12 and 36 01 sup*. nor quality, for sale by a 1641 FROTBINOILAIII MR. CHARLES PAGE, Favorably -known for the last twenty y€are 50 Principal Designe r of • ' GAS FIXTURES. • FOR MESSRS, CORNET.IIIS BAITER, Is this day admitted a partner in OUT firm.. We Will continue the ease and mannfacture Of GAS FIXTURES, Under the am name of VAN KIRK 8c CO. NANUFAOTORY AT FRANKFORD. SALESROOMS, _ 912 ARCH STREET. rim.l. 1864. fec9-th sa ta-Sblif James IS. Earle 4bi lon, 816 CHESTNUT ST. - Inunense Assortment of LOOSING GLABsEg•. - Oil Paintings, First Class Engraving PORTRAIT AND PICTURE MUM% TELOTOGRAPR ERAIIM inam PHOTOGRATH WINDOW COMIC:at% - PIER TABLICS. kis. MO FOR SALE. it The Three-Story Brick Dwelling; No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET; Has THREE-STORY BACK RUIDDINGE: MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. WOnly a small part of Oaeh required. P INCLIMIE ON THE.PRENEISES: fi31.5.411 COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves, Trimmings and. Fancy Goods, 'Wholesale and Email, No.-53 North Eighth at., Phila. nel•7ra J. F. IREDF ALL, N 0.147 NORTH MGM. MOM - Between Cherry and Saes, east side, Phila. Has now OR tuind and constantly remising an ale. (ant assert:me= of Gentlemen furnishing Goods. Skirts an nand and made to Oder In QS Ma satiaractormanner. A full line cd Gentleman' . Merino Shirts, Drawers, ko. Also—Ladiss' Yy rind Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, &c. ocl7-6m 147 NORTH KLEMM EIT. Fine shirt Manufactory The subscribers would invite attention to theft - IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which they make a specialty in Mil? business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENT'S WELE4 J. W. SCOTT 4110_ CO., eentiemesve Furnishing Store, Sl4 CHESTNUT STREET. 16 Four doors below- the Continental Hotel. Old Established Shirt, Stock and Collar EMPORIUM No. 146 North Fourth Street, Charles L. Orum .1b Co Are prepared to execute all orders for their eels prated make of Shirts on shut notice in the Mod satisfactory manner. These Shirts areocut by measurement on selentillo principles, and surpass anypther Shintor neatness! of FIT on the BREAST, comfort in the NEM and. ease on the SHOULDER. "0027 sa. - 6mi Patent Shotdder Seam Shirt ffianufactory. Orders forthese celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods; Of late Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO.. 706 CHESTNUT STREET. BLINDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIA4S, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET MANUFAOTURETI. OF VENETIAN BUMS AND WINDOW SHADES. iliiirThe Largest and Finest assortment in the ems at the Lowest Prices. Ilirßepairing promptly attended to. sir Store Shades Lettered. sale THEODORE DLL APPLE 1 GAUGER AND COOPER; roil. 102 and 104 GATZIIER STREET, (Between Front and Second and Walnut Chestnut Streets, ) PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on hand. Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always on hand or made to order. fei2.47 bPRING GOODS. I FIRST OPENING OD SPRING DRESS GOODS. . At the Store of J. F. YOUNG-, (Successor to T. Emma° - No. 70 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F. YOUNG is now opening one of the most complete seleotiong of LADIES" DRESS STUFFS that can be found in this market. . Special attention is directed to Rug styles and prices. fe27s, tu-t1120t5 FOR. SALE. 8 3 000 Farms ! Farms ! ! ALSO, LS 6 10 00 50 B il i:D B I B N B O nT L P OTT. L IN " P IEL NIZ E L A BL I PHIA ALSO, KILLS! COUNTRY SEATS! TIMBER LANDS COAL LANDS! V ESTERN LANDS! OUR CATAL OGUES SENT FREE! PENNSYLVANIA FARM REGISTER!. NONTGOILICRY. COUNTY FARM REGISTER., DELAWARE COMITY FAME REGISTER! t'BEETeCOUNTY FARM REGISTER! BITERS IROUNTY FARR REGISTER! . NEIY JERSEY FIRM REGISTER! . DELAWARE FARM REGISTER!I .. MARYLAND FARM REGISTER! - ROUSE REGISTER GREAT DWELLINGS! ALL OF OURREGISTE.RS NOW READY. Sent FREE to any address. Flame colt arsead." GEORGE N. TOWNSEND &• . 00.; apt-e ) - was ;A* 353) S. FOURTH atteelo