.:33UISINESE3 NOTXOES. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT VF"Trit. AO - F. IN PIANOS. " MEYER'S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ae-_ litriowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed the Musical public, to be the finest Pi.211/oElln Jinterias. ' The attention of the _Musical public is called to these recent great improvements in Plano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest ipolsible volume of tone has been obtained, without arty of the sweetness and brilliancy for which those Pianos ars so celebrated, being lost, and Which, with an -Improved Touch and Action ren - ler them Unequaled. These Insh . dirients received the Prigs Medal at Me World's Fair, held in London, as well as the Mighest "Awards over all competitors, from the list Fears and Institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, 722 Arai street below Eighth, Philada. mug . D b cele Y brayg ! junzt D!! ted ICU z lila : rorE . 113 the bestin the World. The only Harmless zie and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hail is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, Instantly to a Glossy Black or Nattira/. Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving Site hair Soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, jisquently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies site in effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed lirmulas A. Bamosisnon, all others are mere imi -1 alone, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug- Ice. FACTORY--81 BARCLAY street, N. Batchelor' a New Toilet Cream for dressing Ma Hair. S da S T, begvl t to K allonntg that their Manufactory of First-Class o Fortes is now in full operation. The general Saidstaction their many Pianos. sold already, meet 311th, by competent judges, enables them to assert nenfidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur sssed by any manufactured In the United States. Thsy respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the . Sales Room, NO. 46 North Third street. Palrguarantee given, and prices moderate. LICHIg_4 L09,118T MU,.,NTAIN A.N.13 BLACK nEATH, w HITE Asa O a:CAL, carefully selected and prepared for - family use , tree from slate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. LUMP COAL for found- Tlee, and CHESTNUT COAL for steam purposes, at wholesale prices. Au assortment of LOOKOHY, OAK and PINE Woon, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Bnaonexavis' a Coax, &livered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. Offices 225 Walnut street.._ Lombard and Twenty-fifth street /forth Pennsylvania Railroad and Idasterptreet. Pine strew -wharf, Schnyikill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits or tn• Con KA!dated City and la the Twenty-fourth Ward. MASON PIANOS. HAVELIF S M I N - CABINET ORGANS. . PIANOS. J. E. GO , Seventh and Chestnut 'TECH 41 - CO.'S ITECX Co. , s II pi GF. E I MEDAL B r•G 21 4 / 7 3 1 SQUARE, 'UPRIGHT PIANOS are Low considered the best in Europe ' as well as this Country, having received the first Prize Medal at the World's Exhibition in London, 1662. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos pre superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (Gather and four sons), who invent all their own improve ments, and under whose personal supervision *very part of the instrument is manufactured. Fs ortreet. sale only at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut I 4 el CURED. .nave taken six doses of Radway's Pills, of three pills each, in six'days; they cured me of Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. I have taken A—rsb s, and many other pills for years, and could only obtain temporary reiief. If I stopped the use of if:was pills for a week my old complaint would appear Six doses of Had way's Pills cured me. STEPHEN BENNETT, U. S. C. S." 4 %1. have suffered with Dyipepsia and Liver Complaint for seven years—have used all sorts of pills—they would give me temporary comfort, but -4 F , AMSHD'iNievietlinfadway's Pills, lam cured, 1 have not taken a particle of medicine in six month! 97111.115, Dr. Radway's Pills always cure, do'straining, tenesmus, false calls to the water closet. Follow their use—they purge freely and cure rapidly. Dr. Radway's Medicines are - sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY 00., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS KELTY, CARRINGTON No. '23 CTRESTNU2 STREET faraprosuesaumivivid FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1864. CORTRIBUTIONS .FOR TRH WAR. So far as could be ascertained by a care ful author, who collected his statistics with great patience and industry, the total amount of money contributed for the benefit of the soldiers and the prosecution of the war, exclusive of the payments of the Na tional Government, up to 'a late date was $ 2 12,274,259 45. This enormous sum was made up of bounties, aid to families, gifts from the States for national defence,and the like. The Salutary contributions alone have reached $10,408,589 50. When we add to the ascertained contributions the numberless gifts which hLve been made by private individuals who shrink from pub licity, the unacknowledged supplies sent to hospitals and camps, and the aid afforded to individual soldiers and sailors under other cirailmstances, the sum total will ap pear grander than that ever contributed in a public, cause by any people. The author of the work is Mr. Marcellus Hartley, a merchant.of New' York, and, as an addi tional contribution to the same great object, we may meion that the proceeds of all outside sales of the volume have heretofore been given to the Sanitary Commission, and that since -the New York fair began the author , the prin4 - ..Ts and the binders have preseiked the fair with 6,500 copies of the work, to be sold at the festival. It is a re cord suc€ . as every patriot will be proud to refer to in after times, and cannot but take its place in multitudinous libraries. REFINED CRUELTY. We are not surprised to find one or more of the New York journals protesting against the contemptible mode adopted at the Sani t-ary-Fair, in that city for the punishment of pickpockets, male and female, who may be detected while prosecuting their nefarious trade among the vast crowds which fill the various-buildings. The idea of shaming criminals by parading them along the aisles of exhibition rooms with a placard upon whieh is inscribed in large letters "Pick pocket," faStened to their breasts, is as original as it is infamous, and deserves and receives the censure of every Christian person who may be involuntarily an eye-witness of the degrading display. Among the attractions offered to the visitors on the first day of the Fair„wa,s a parade of. the Character referred to, the unwilling par ticipants being males; and so well did the procession please the officers that two days later they varied the performance by, sub jecting too women to the same routine• Abandoned and degraded as a female must be who adds to her worldly means by pil fering the contents of her neighbor's pock 'ets, such a public exposure cannot fail to make her sink even lower in crime. The police are placed within the Fair buildings for the purpose of arresting and securing just such criminals,but they have no right, even at the bidding of their employers, to shock the moral sense of the proper-thinking spectators who go thither to view the curi osities, and not to witness such revolting scenes. To use the words of the Advertiser, "no good end can be subserved by this ex posure.-- If it is right in the case of these Fair pickpockets, then it is right to build our prisons with glass , walls, to surround Sing-Sing with a grating, behind which its convicted felons may glare upon the public; and it is fully time to dissolve the Prison Association, and to abandon all that civili zation and Christianity have done for this 'night side' of life." - AN OFFERING. FROM SWITZERLAND. The New-York Tribune's account of the great Sanitary Fair, yesterday, contained the following : ic Of all the gifts received for the Fair, per haps the most touching offering is that given by an Alpine peasant woman in Zurich, S wit zerland—a tiny book of pressed Alpine flowers, together with a simple wooden wine cup that formerly belonged to her son, now a soldier in the Union army. On presenting the cup and the little book of flowers, the good old woman took a bottle of red Switzer wine from her pocket, and, filling the cup, handed it to the Consul, and then drank herself, saying, 'Here's a health and a greeting to America ; God bless my boy's new faderland.' cGod bless it,' replied the Consul, and Switzerland too.' The old woman thanked him with tears in her eyes, and went away, leaving her boy's cup and the Ipine blossoms behind her." It is almost like gilding refined gold to add anything to this simple recital, yet one cannot refrain from thinking how touch ingly such little acts show the feeling of theinoble hearted and pure-minded all the world over, towards America.. Such s gift does not possess much value in money, yet the impulse which prompted it is one that gold cannot buy ; and while our country has such admirers wherever the love of liberty exists, we cannot fail in having our hands upheld and our hearts strengthened. TuII AirVICAN PACIFIC COMPANY.—We Call attention to the advertisement of this company in another column, and to the correspondence contained in it. Messrs. Clarkson, !L• Co. are the agents in this city to receive subscriptions to the stock, and the directors are well known and substantial men of business. THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN.—We invite at tention to the advertisement of the First Na tional Bank concerning the new government loan, and particularly to the paragraph re curc,ta.b aav 41.1110 ur and wluaucuVcaucuL I,r terest on the bonds. MEBBRB. CROBB AND JARTIB will give their third soiree of classical music in the. Foyer of the Academy of Music this evening. The pro gramme is excellent, and the performers are all fine artists. LARGE AUCTION SALE OF REAL InITATE. The extensive sale of Real Estate next Wednes day, at the Exchange, will include several court properties, which are always profitable investments; 2 Bandsome Dwellings Wallace street, and many others worthy of especial attention These large perempkry sales, by order . of Executors, Trustees and under judicial decree, invite capitalists and others 0 be present. stir- ME. FREEMAN SELLS ErERY WEEK. WINDOW SPRING. PEREMPTORY SALES—VALUABLE STORES ICORTII THIRD STREET. CHESTNUT STREET, ,YEAR STREET, DOCK STREET, /LC COAL LANDS, ele gant City Residences and plain dwellings, 5 GER MANTOWN PROPERTIES, Building Lots, Peremptory Sales, by order of Orphans' Court, Est tutors and others. AlSo, Stocks, Lochs &c. 139 - See Thomas di Sons' advertisements, Auction head. Pamphlet catalogues to- morrow. STYLES UNRIVALLED in style, beauty and finish.— U B. P. REIMER'S life-like and pleasing I VORYTYPES never fail to elicit the admiration of all who see them. Gallery, 621.ARCEI street. ATEAT POUNDERS, for tendering meat, and a 1.11 aeneral variety of Cooks' Hardware and Kitchen Utensils. for sale_by TRUMAN & SHAW,. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-lire) Market street, below Ninth. BF. REIMER'S famous Portraits, Life-size „ PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors; accurate in outline, features and expression, and impressive coloring Gallery, 62.1 ARCH street. CHESTS and BOXES, with Tools sharpened up 1j and prepared for immediate use, for sale at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. (Eight Thirty five) Market street. below Ninth. D ON'T fail to get LOLuRED PHOTOGRAP HS of RBI:1)1ER. Fine Pictures, beautifully colored, at the moderate charge of SI UU only. Gallery, SECOND street, above Green. Get one. WRITTEN APPLIOATIONS for 'Female Vfl Colored Servants, as CO JKS, OEi AMR E MAIDS, &c., will be registered and answered from time to time, as applicants can be supplied. Letters addressed to ROBERT R. C01V. 4 _421(1. Phi ladelphia P. 0. Box No 662. ap9.3trp4 WERLY COIt.SETS: —Mrs. TENTH street, below Chestnnt,,he:.'s just received from Paris, best quality, elegadtly fitting Corsets. All kinds of Corsets on hand and made to or der ap7-3t* - - GEORGE J. BOYI), STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South street Stocks and Loans bought and soId THIRD on 001:1113118- don. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, ~SpeCie and Uncurrent money bought and sold. mh2.3tarps CUMBERLAND SAUCE.—For Toast meats, steaks, fish soups, &c ; its excellence is un equaled. Sold by all Grocers. General Depot, 45 North Water sfreet. ap7.3t, p* CIIMBERLIS D UODE. —A most wholes nil , e Tonic Applicable to every variety of dish. Sold by all Grocers. General Depot 45 North Water street. tip7-3trOit • SAVAGE'S URSINA—Fresh from (holed& a For sale by JAME't T. SHINN, p6-strp - Broad and Spruce. FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING, BRAIDING. quilting, Tacking, &c. beau tifully executed on the GROVER k BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with oper ators, by the day or week, 730 IMESTNUT steet. ap4-3in§ . 1664. P.—HOUSEKEEPERS WILL FIND Ur a good a.ssortment of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Waiters. Sance-pans Butter-kettles, Tea and c offee Pots, Tubs Buckets : Broom ' s; Baskets, and Brushes, at ' GRIFFITH & PAGE'S, mhs-/YrPO - 600 ARCH Street. HOOP SKIRT 111ANTIPAOTORY. —Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order; war. ranted of the beat materials. - Also, Skirts repaired. DIRS. E. BAYLEY, • 0912 Vine street. above Eietitti mhl7-1m 'DUBE PALM OIL SOAP. —This Soap is made of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vest,- table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes ei one dozen (takes for Si 50 per box. Manufactured by 131E0. M. ELKINTON & SON, Second. 1 16 ru aboar ve retta ae street, between Front and atrwat dal7-Ivrt4 MUSICAL BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, Zor playing from two to twelve choice melodies, se by FAFARE , & BROTHERS , Importers, 6 "mx ,all NO. 324 Klbestnut street, below Fourth THE' DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; -PHILADELPHIN, FRID:CF, APRIL 8,1_864 FURLOUG-RS. Officers and Snifflers, lashing the Oily On Fla - lough, needing SWORDS,. AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to -tbe very extensive manufacturing Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIMONS it BRO., SANSUM STREET HALL, Bansom Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Mane to order at the shortest notice; whion fp; richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the DIA NUE' ettITURING JEWELER. WITH THB PRAOTIOAL SWORD ra apR-Imo NEW CARTES DE . VIdITE. Wenderoth II Taylor , 912, 914, .916 chestnut Street, Have lately added the following to their large list of CARTRS : Abraham. Lincoln. Taken in IX ashinw on last month by We_nderoth Taylor, whiie preparing Aria, er Phntograpti — O the President for the banitary Commission. George H. Stuart. Taken last month. Regarded by his friends as re markably good. . Gen. Crawford. Commanding PENNA. REI-ERV ES. Taken this week, is considered a very faithful picture of this officer. . Admiral Foote. From the best likeness in possession otthe family. CoL Dahlgren. Who lately perisned at RiCLiIIIJIICI, aiao approved by his family. Pr. Of the Fare Zones. es. taken tale axtewe ek. A splen did picture. Gen. I. J. Wista,r. • Taken early this mor h. o_sittne occasion of his visit home. All the ve are in :he Gigs est style, and may be pro, nred of at e.zes from OAR CE TO EXTRA t lIIPERLSLL, at tate rooms of the under eigneo ; or or MeALLIS,TER BR"TH ER, Chestnut st. WENDBROTH & TALTLOR,. ni9o-wfrm 614 912, 914, 918 0 FIESTNIIT St. LOST •R M LAID—QUARTERMASTER'S VOUCHER for $135 45, dated March is, 1964, favor cf Harrison, Grambo .k Co., No. 416 Norta Second s.reet, Philadelphia. All persons are cau tioned against negotiating the same, as payment has been stopped, and a new one applied for. apt it* TN THE COURT tIF uordmoN PLEAS FOR I the City _ant' County of Philadelphia.—HAß- Ri 'LT B. SMALL, by her next friend, .tc., vs. DANIEL SMALL. Stine Term, 1964, No. 20. Deniel Small, above named, respondent. Take notice that the Court has granted a rule to take the deposition of Bertha Brown, a going witness, and that the deposition will be taken before Thqmas D. Smith, Esq., at his office No. 520 Walnut street , in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday, April 14, 1664, at 4 P. M. 3. ELDON SaLTER, apt-st* Attorney for Libellant. OAP—PURE FAMILY SOAP.—CONTAINS l a no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CrLAY, bat Is an enbirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put up In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty - Pounds, not Bars or Lamps, as many manufacturers brand *hair boxes. Manufactured b yy GEORGE M. ELSINTON k. SON, demlyrpf - 118 Marearettastreet. ISAAO NATHANS AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. B. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE street; only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal OlQce, es. tablished for the last forty years Money to Loan, la large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, JewelrY.Cloth. lag, and goods of every description. Office hours train BA. K. till 7 P. ag deln.ttn SHAEVET Tut • STOOK BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Particular atteanon given to U. Government Loans. isoLlmrpi LI F ITLEI3, WEAVIL tiO. Manafetettmrs of MANILLA AND TARRED CPORDAG* Cleramer. Twitaney APO, PrOrth Water street and NO. Worts Dela llMinx H. ante ammo, patiadmplua. 'MEL Bacautzt. Walvis. (minium V. Moysirms_ trUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA. is Ai free from unpleasant taste, and three times the strength of the common (*Mined Magnesia. A World's Fair Medal and-.four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the best in the market. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the. manniacturtsk THOMAS X. HUSBAND, ocl9-in. tor. 1. ly. re N. W. Oor. Third as d Swan 110 ME CERTIFWATES.— • 4/R. SWAS' NE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CH E RRY. " "DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY." .For 30 Years 'a Standard Remedy. For 30 rears a Standard Remedy. FIVE YE.ons' 3017011 ENTIRELY CURED BY DR. SINAYNE's COMPOUND SY RtIP Or WILD CHERRY. I suffered five years with a bad Cough, Sore Throat, spit blood at times, very weak, was at tended by one of our most eminent physicians, who prescribed various remedies, but I gradually grew worse. Hearing of the wonderful cures daily per. formed by your Wild Cherry Compound. I con cluded to try it. and after using three bottles, a perfect cure was performed. SAMUEL GOULD, No. ISt. David street, between Race and Fine. STILL ANOTHER. CURE By DR. SWAVNE' S COB. ROHN D SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY. I suffered four months with a violent Cough, accompanied with painful tightness of the chest, great difficulty of breathing, sore throat, sleep dis turbed from constant coughing; tried a number of remedies without benefit; I was advised to try Dr. Swayne's (krnpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, Which gave quick relief, and after using two bot tles a perfect cure was the result. I give this cer tificate freely, as I want all the world to know of this truly valuable medicine. HUMPHREY J. EVANS, Slater, lin South street, Philadelphia Prepared only by Dr: SWAYNE t SON, 330 North Sixth street. Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. ja2d-w,fkm-ly ea To LET—The pleasant three-story brick Eig DWELLING HOUSE, No. 217 South /NINTH street, below Walnut. It has a number of modern conveniences; a fine yard, and is very convenient to business, &c. Apply neat door to apB-2t* L. W. GLENN. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARIVI FOR SALE.—One-half or all that valuable Stone post Farm, fHO acres, BRISTOL TURNPIKE. above the seven-mile stone,and near Taconv, with a line view of the Delaware river, &c. Mansion house and ether dwellings to let; also, factory and Emithsliop. Apply on the premises, or 8.. WHITAKFR, No. 610 Locust street. ap3-?..ete AR VALUABLE VINE STREET PRO PERTY, to be sold by THOMAS &SONS, on TUESDAY, April 12, ;F6l, at the EXCHANGE. (See Catalogues.) SIX THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSES, and Building Lot adjoining, situate Nos. 2121. and 2123 TINE street. Whole front on. Vine street, 36 feet, depth 120 feet, the front house has Bath, Heaters, Water and Gas throughout, Mortar Floor in Cellar and Ceiling Plastered; Inlet to Culvert the whole depth of the lot; the other Five Houses have Gas Ovens, and first stories Papered, two of them have Five Rooms each; half the money can remain 3 years if desired. Can be examined previous, to sale; has been occupied by the present owner since first built, and is worthy of the attention of those wish ing a profitable investment.' - apt3-3t* filla GERMANTOWN eROPERTY FOR SALE jaby, M. THOMAS & SONS, on TUESDAY, the 12th of April.—A large and convenient House, with 3% acres of land, in the country, yet near to Railroad Stations, Markets. Stores, Churches, &c. It, has heater; ranges, hot and cold water, gas, and long porches, lawns on three sides, with fine old shade trees, a good stone stable, large kitchen, garc en, Jr.c. The property will be Chown by the tenant Terms easy. aps-6trp* fiZzgLADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE TORE —Conducted by Ls diPs, TWELFTH. Street, first door below Race. 'Every article in their line elegant, easy and correct] in make. O. E. NEEDLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the Southwest corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets: N. B.—Professional accuracy in sured. mb24-I.strpB JAMES BELLAE, 279 and 281 South FIFTH Sole Agent torSTREET, a. A. PRINCIE 00. 'S World-Renowned . MeIodeons , HARBLONTUNS AND DRAWING-ROO/11 ORGAN ERNEST GABLER' S i S. RAVEN & RADON'S, yrAirr.v.T, DAVIS A CO.'S, jau-airirph OELERBATED num. SPRING DRESS GOODS. Having dampleted the irnproventita:s at onr . Sr, ma at , have row greater Cony , . eiences, 'clonal light and ro.ra the. display, Of the Largest Stock of Dtess Goods we ever Exhibited, Purchased prine•palty at the Pblladelp'iia and New orh P. notions which will be sold at prices to insure - quick s•les 'Hu i..LE AN 0 RETAIL, Saxony Woven. Frees, Goods, ranging from 50 to SO carve. Printed id nes line Delaines. Pl..n htin•sseline Dpi-ines. Plain and Fancy alpacas: in Low, Medium and mine Grades. Plain Plain and Striped Poplins. Plainer d Fancy Mos mcaques. Plain and tigure urn:. :Wines. poll e • Traveling Dress Ma aria's, 4c0., Sc t.URWkIv 8101 DAM BROTHER, 450 952 Si 454 North Second HOSIERY AT RETAIL. J. Al: HAFLEIGH, No. BOIS Chestnut street, Begs to Inform his customer. that he has now store a complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY; Swiss Hosiery, In the Best Makes and Suitable for the First-Class Retail Trade. istb26. tn. MEXICAN PACIFIC COMPANY. CAPIT - L 5 1 0, 00 (XtXxq 100,000 S ARES OF SIOU EACH. 25,000 SHARE. t • SERVED IN THE TREASURY This Company Is organized under a special char ter from the Sate of Penes) ivsuits, of unusual scope and entirely free from personal The object of the Company i. the prosecution of operations on the Pacific Coxst of Mexico, under grants from the Mexican Goverritnent, covering rillN ER sL ItIGHTs to 35% manse mile% of land. and embracing valuable corporate powers and franchises Tor minor, navigation and railroal par poses, and the general devefipmecr of the Mine ral Te rritory conceded to the Company. DI RECTORS. J. EDGAR THOHY4LIN. President Pennsyl vania Railroad Compare.. Phi Lsdel p EDWARD L. PiLUMB, late of U. S. Legation, Mexico FRANCIS SKIDDY, No. 101 Wall street, New York. BEZRON A. JOHNSON, of H. A. Johnson dk Co., No. 50 Wall street, New Torii. GEORGE J. FORIt L§'T. of Frost & Forrest, No. 21 Nassau street, New York. RIDERT D. CULLEN, London. .y. p. 431 gtaxal roar t.. 11, of Vorter dr Thom. son,No 69 Wall street, New York. . JUDSON HAWLEY, No. It Brosd street. New York. HENRY A. SMYTHE. of Smitbe, Sprague/ Cooper. No. 26 Park Place, New York. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. EDWARD L. PLUMB. GEO. J. FORREST. TREASURER. THEOUORE CRANE, President New York Warehouse. and Security Company. SECRETARY. JAMES-4S. :MACKIE. Of the State tiepartmeut, Washington. Books of subscripuon tor a hauled number of shares of the stock of this company will b." opened at our office on SATURDAY. the 9th inst.. at 10 o'clock A. M. Subscription price ;49.3 per share; 510 per share payable at the time of bubl-cript.ton, and the-tn. lance on May 2, 1664. Attention is called ts the official currespmcience annexed hereto. • CLARKSON k CO., 121 South Third street, OFFICE OF THE MEXICAN PACT VIC V. - TONTINE I:WILDING. N.i WALL dr . New York. March Is, To His Excellency Senor U» Mlt 4-4 LS It )750r,,, Envoy Extrao.dinary and Nuaister Plempoterstiary of the Bei talk rf Arexico, Washtngton: DEAR t•IR: The time has arrived wren the serious attention of American capitalists is being turned towards the attractive field for enterprise, with means, ',resented by the vast mineral wealth of Mexico Ibis Das led a large number of gentl.tricu to mar.- ifmt a desire to become interested IL <.e grants held by this company in that country. For their information, I beg leave to take the liberty of inquirthg of you, as the official repre sentative in this country of the 34.rxican Gov ernment: 1. Whether the grants held by this company will be at all times recognized and respected by the authorities of the It, public. 2. Whether any otter similar grants have ever been conceded by the Mexican Geverninent. 3. As to the mineral richness of the States to which these grants apply, and_ 4 As to the desire of the Mexican Government to have American. capitalists take part in the de velopment of the resources of the country. A reply at your earliest convenien.:o is respect fully solicited. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your moat obedient servant. _ E PLUMB. President. MEXICAN LEGATION' IN Tll5 UNITED .NTATES or Ame.nic.A. WASHINGTON, March 24;01. • (Translation.] Mr. Edward Lee Planit, President of the- eximin Pacific Company, No ES' Wall street, New York: PEAR Sin* I have received the letter which, under date of the IS - th insister, you havettddressed tome, in which you—inform me that the serious att.ntiox. of North American capitaiists is now being turned 'toward the favorable field for inter price presented by the vast taint - rat wealth of Mexico, ano that this has led a large number of persons to - manifest a desire to become interested in the concessions that the Company of which you are president holds from the Mexican government; with rPference'to which yon make of me four in quiries, that I proceed to answer in the order they axe made : 1. The concessions held by the company which yon represent, will, of course, be re.ognizet and respected by the authorities of the Republic, be cause the decrees granting said concessions are in the' nature of laws, which all of the authorit,es of the Republic must respect and obey. 2. I have uo knowledge of any privileges similar to those possessed by your company, baying ever been granted to any other company by the Mexi can Government. a. It would be necessary to enter into many de tails improper for such a letter as this, in order to give even a slight idea of the mineral richness of the States that are comprehended in your concessions. It must suffice, the ef ire, for roe to say that among all of the rich States of the Mexican Confederation, the State of Guerrero is considered in Mexico to be one of the richest, although, perhaps, up to the present Mae, ithas teen the least developed.- 4. The Mexican Government, which desires above all things the development of the vast mate rial resources of the Republic, considers it one• of its first duties to favor the establishment of enter prises both by ratives and by foreigners, which have for their object ta accomplish this important It being, on the other hand, the policy of the Mtaican Government to strengthen and draw closer the commercial relations of the Mexican Re public with the United Mates, it will see with par ticular eatisfac lon, the citizens of this country take part in Mexican enterprises, and contribute, with their industry and their capital, to develop the great sources of wealth of that Republic, to the mutual benefit of both nations. I am, Sir, very truly, y..pur obedient servant, • apB-tf§ (Signed) M ROMERO. -air A EKING WITH INDELIBLE INS, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, &o, Lady- competent to mark neatly can find employ ment M. A. TORREY• mhl9 1800 Filbert street. Afiri VE WILLOW The poor man or woman will thus hate an op portnnity to contribute to the objects of the Fair who would otherwise be shut on of participation in it. Citizens are invited to call at the Office where a Committee will be constantly in attendance to con sider tLeir suggestions and to appoint Sub-Com mittees to; City or Conutry. NE W TORE. Geo. W. Hiles, 35 & 37 South Tentb, ab, Chestnut, Is now prepared to show his Spring Importation OF FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, PARIS TRIMMED HATS FRENCH AND NEW YORK BONNET FRAMES, AND OTDDIt • ap2.6t6Millineri Goode. - - - - - - JAMES M. SOOVEL, Attorney at Law, /Caster and Examiner In Chancery, 113 PLUM street, ap7-11a* Camden, N. J. Kish Spring Mess. Goods TOIIII reeentarrivals, Choice aid desirable styles. CURWEN STODDAET &BilOiliEß, 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND St ab. Willow FANCY DRESS SILKS. In desirable styles from recent selections OLRWI N STOLL/ART a. BROTHER, 450, 452 and 454 North SEO 03D St. ab. Willow Black Dress Silks, Black Oros de Rhines, all widths and grades Black rofEltas, Flack Armures. Black Gros d'Afrique, Black Oros Grains,double-faced Figures, Brocades. OURWEN STODD ART lc BROTRER, 950, 462 a 454 North SECOND St ab. Willow Traveling Dress Materials 01 New and desirable styles. Curwen Stoddart & Brother, 450, 452 and 454 North Second St., apB-3b5 Above Willow. TO' SINGERS. .•• Wanted-Immediately, a Number of Singers vor the CHORUSES of MUSICAL ENTER TAINMENTS to be given under the direction of the COMMITTEE having charge of this Depart ment of the SANITigttY FAIR in rhiladelpnia. SOPRANOS, CONTRALTOS, TENORS, and BASSES REQUnitED. Competent Vocalists, anniylng vc ithont delay, between eleven. and one o'clock, at J. E. GOULD'S, corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste., may have PROFITABL ENGAGEMENTS during the present and neat month. J. R. FRY. Chairman of Committee on Musical Entertain ments for the Great Central Fair. a 7.34 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION. COMMITTEE FOR A DAY'S LABOR, A DAY'S INCOME, A DAY'S RE vh:sTUE. Office, 118 South Seventh Strut, cor er of Fansom Street, SECOND STORY, Front Room. This Office will be open daily from 9 A. M., till 6 P. M., to RECEINE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF One Day's Labor, One Day's Income. One Day's Revenue, From All Who Labor, or Have In- comes, or Revenues. Every Family has some relative or friend in the ARMY OR NAVY ! Let all bring in their offerings to swell the great tide Which le to culminate in Logan Square in the month of June next We Will Receive INDI V IDUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS, HOUSFHOLD SUBSCRIPTIONS, ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTIONS, SUBSCRIPTIONS OF A DAY'. LABOR, A DAY'S INCOME, A DAY'S REVENUE, IN MONEY, IN MANITFACTURES, IN PRODUCTS L MONTGOMERY BOND, Ckkairnqan. McGREGOR J. MITCHESON, JOHN W. PLAGHORN,Secretary, Trea§urer, 118 South Seventh Street. ap7 Ste GIRARD LIFE AND TRUST CO. • Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, 1864, $1,824,393 -52. lautuallnaurante, Combined *Pith the. security of a Capital: BONTIN or Pu e FITS declared every five years,- the value of watch is Paid In cash, or it may;be added to the Policy and thus Increase the amnant of ATlSltrau CO. THE TEN YEAR PLAN. All Policies' under thls plan partiCipate in the profits of the Company. Office 408 Chestnut Street, THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. ORRIN ROGERS, aen. Agent. apB I3:3'SEE BOOKS OF -,TILedCOMP.diVY. et§ JAB, A. CAMPBELL & CO, t 727 CHESTNUT ST., HAVE MADE EXTENSIDDITIONS TC> THE .R POPULACIS or SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS. WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL AtAiloderate Prices § NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT IMPOR• TATIONS. Wholesale Booms Up Stairs. NOW OPEN, PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPR• NG CLOAKS. Also. Garments of our own nmaulaskire, OF THE LATEST oTTLaiSt and in GREAT 'VARIETY. J. W. PROCTOR & 00., 920 cazsTNur &Liver. ap4 to 441 Dt°G ED‘ WALKING GLOVES. We have just received an assortment of Gents DOG SILIN WALKING- G - LOY,ES, of a very superior quality, which will fit the hand equal to the fluent kid gloves. Also a large assortment of LAMES and GENT,T;F:IWEN'S FRENCH KID GLOVES, Of Courvoisier's,- .&lexandre's and Jonvixi's make. N. B.—Ladies and Gentlemen's Buckskin Gloves andGanntlets always on hand told made to order. - HEAILY die Co., ap7-6t6] 330 S. E. Cor.FOITETH a.ndeIEIESTITUT GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have row been tefore the public far nearly S year. They are tualversally pronoanced the neatest and b et fitting collars extant. he in per edge prevents a .perfezt curve, ited from the angles noticed in all other collars. • The cravat causes no puckers on the inside of tha turr.- down collar—they are AS SMOOTH IN SIDE AS UT. TSlDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck. The tlarotte 0( Ilar has a smooth and evenly 11L isbed edge BOTH-SIDES. Ttese Collars aro not simply flat pieces of paper cut in the form of -a Collar, bat are MOLDED AND E IId.P2ID TO BIT THE NBC.IC. TI ey are made-in "Novelty" (or turn-down style); in every ball size from 12 to 17 inches and. in • •Eureka', (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches; and packeu in •'solid sizes' ' in neatbine c 'trivia, con taining iOO each; also in smaller ones of 10 each,— the latter a very handy package for Travelers.. Army ana Navy Officers. .4a-E V ERY COLLAR is stamped Gray's Patent 'Molded Collar.", Sold by, all Dealers in Men's Furnishing G-oods, The Trace supplied by Van Denson, Boehmer & Co., 627 Chestntt Street, Philadelphia, Imparters and Wholesale Dealers in Men's For nishing Gonds - mh3o-3mrpli MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 Chestnut Street,. Axe now receiving their Spring Importation SILK A&D MITITFERT GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, • Gros de Napier—all shades, Marnellines and Florences, French and English Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Malin Nei.6,1t0,,&c,.. Also, a full assortment Of. 1 ' French and American Flowers, mhl4.mvrtr.fr-2m BAZAAR, NINTH. AND SANSON wrEEETS. uuTION SALE OF HORSES, OARRIAGES, On SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, at 10 o' clock, comprising about SIXTY HORSES. • Full descriptions in catalogues. ALSO, New and second-hand Carriages, light Wagons, airgle and double Harress, Saddles, Bridles, &Q.. lam' No postponement on - account of weather. 1113 1- Sale of horses, e tc., on WEDNESDAY next. 119 - Annnal Sale Cattle, ac., 25th May. Mr' Carriages and harness at private sale. A.L.EIitED ffi. TrgaltNESS, ap7-2trpil . Alaatkineer,
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