From our Third Edition of Yvterdat. DEFEAT OF THE REBELS IN. AREANSA3. WASHINGTON, April 6.—The following has been received at headquarters br Maj.-Geri. HaHeck, Chief of Staff: . LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April I.—The following telegram is just received : • PINE BLUFF Ark., March 3.l.—Maj. Greene, 4. XIV:: The expedition to Mount Elba and Long-View has just returned. We destroyed the pontoon bridge at Long View, and burned a train of thirty-five wagons loaded with camp and garrison equipmeats and a mmunition. We also captured - 320 prisoners, and engaged in battle at Mount Elba, yesterday morning, Gen. -Dickens's division of 1200 men from Monticello. We routed bins and pursued him 10 miles, with a loss on his side of over 100 killed and wounded. We captured a large quantity of small arms, two stands of colors, many wagons and over 300 horses and, mules. Our loss will not exceed 15In killed, wounded and missing. We brought in several hundred contrabands. The expedition was a complete success, the details of which will be furnished in my offieiil report, which will be forwarded in a few days. (Signed) POWELL CLArroN, . Colonel Commanding. GREAT FIRE IN BUFFALO. BUFFALO, N. Y.,April 6.—A large fire is now 2sging at the oil refineries of Wardwell & Webster and Atwater and Hawes, at the foot of Maryland street. It is rumored that several persons have been injured and two killed. The loss very large, with no insurance. ACCIDENT TO A PHILADELPHIA STEAMER. HYANNIS, April 6.—The steamer Saxon, trona Philadelphia for at 6 o'dlock yes terday morning struck on Pollock Rip, carrying away her rudder, losing sheet anchor and hav ing to throw overboard a.portion of her cargo. She is now at Dennis waiting assistance. [The. Pollock Rip Light boat was driven from her station by the late gale.—Reporter.] THE MARYLAND ELECTION. BALTIMORE, April 6.—The election is pro ceeding very quietly. There is no opposition in this city or in .Baltimore county, the disloyal party so far as heard from having made no effort to vote. We expect to have pretty full returns to-night as far as can be reached by the telegraphic lines. FROM CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO, April 2. - -Sailed, steamship Golden Age, for Panama, with 235 passengers and $763,000 in treasure for England, and $27,- 000 for New York. - BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE L. BUZBY, EDWARD 0. BIDDLE, MOYTHLY COMILLTTES. THOMAS S. FERNON,- IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. LIVERPOOL--Bark Maria, KWam—Sso tons coarse salt Wm Burma & Son. SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS; TO ARRIVE. SEM 121011 DOR bars Kangaroo Liverpool-New York March 19 Persia Liverpool.. New York March 26 Damascus Liverpool-Portland March 31 Borussia Southampton... New York. April 2 Asia Liverpool Boston April 2 TO DEPART. • China New. York,..Liverpool.....-April 8 Britannia . New York...Olasgew ' April 4 Cof Manchester..N.York-Liverpool April 9 America New York. Bremen April 9 Pernvian New York..Liverpoed April 9 N. American......Portland-Liverpool. April 9 Matanzas ....... New York-Hayana&N 0.... April 11 Ocean Queen... New York...Aspinwall ........April 13 .Africa Boston.. Liverpool April t 2 Teutania New York... Hamburg April 16 City of London.. .N York.. Liverpool. April 16 Hibernian Portland .Liverpool April 16 - Crusader New York... Kingston, .Ta... April 20 "Persia' New York...Liyerpool April 20 LETTER. BAGS AT T73IIIIIIWHAIIT6 . ILXOHANGII, PHILADHLPECIL Bark John Boulton, Davin Laguayra, BOOR Schr Dart, Conrad Barbados, soon 1• • I 8u R1t3E9,5 371 Sum SSTS, 623 MGT WAT3,I 62 :4:41p 1M•45 1 -litil:4 U:4l Bark Maria. Kilian', from Liverpool March 2d with salt to Wm Bumut & Son—vessel to J B.Ten rose. . Brig Dudley, Carter, 20 days from Port Royal via Hampton Roads, in ballast to E A Souder & Co Schr Hattie E Sampson, Blake, 10 days from Port land, with mdse to Crowell & Collins Schr Lucy L Sharp, Mayhew, from Beaufort, in ballast to oaptain. Schr Olivia,Fox, I day from Odeasa, Del. with grain to Christian & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. St'r H L Gaw, tiler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Correspondence of the Philadelphts Exchsrute. BOSTON, April 6, IS6t. The steamship Saxon, Captain Matthews. from Philadelphia for Boston, struck on Pollock's Rip last evening at 6 o'clock, carrying away rudder. lost sheet anchor and threw overboard a portion of her cargo.. She lays off Dennis, and the steamer Pear son left here this morning to tow her to Roston. S. S. BROWNSOI.4'. tEMORANDA. Ship Hornet, Mitchell, from New York Ist Dee. for San Francisco, was spoken 11th Jan, let 30 05 S ion 44 25 W, Ship Haze, Forsyth, from New York 4th Nov. for San Francisco, was spoken 11th Jan, let 30 05 5, lon 44 25 W. Bark Northern Light, lilaloy, cleared at N York yesterday for this port. Bark Saxon, Shepard, cleared at New York yes terday for Cape Town- . - Bark James Welch (Br), Bares, cleared at New York yesterday for Vera Cruz. Bark Louisa Kohn, Genne, from Amoy 14th Dee. at New York yesterday. Bark Chilien Packet (Br), Griffith, from. Chaim rel. Chili. was below Baltimore yesterday. Bark Commerce, Bobbison, cleared at Boston sth inst. for New Orleans. Bark Elba, Petting'll, for this port in .a week, re mained at Messina 11th ult. . - Bark Volunteer, Gorham, for this port In 2 days was at Messina 10th ult. . • . Bark Young Turk, Harding, was at Messina 16th ult. for this.port in 7 days. Brig Caroline (Neap) for this port, remained at Messina 10th ult. Brig Sarah, Pubilcooer, was at Genoa lith ult. to Schr M Nevins. Hawkins, cleared at Boston 6th inst. for New Orleans. Schra Mary Johnson, Nickerson, and Pennsylva nia, Warren, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. - Schr Corinthian, Tapley, from Providence, at N. York yesterday. Schr Saratoga, Adams, hence for Boston, at New port 4th inst.—had been in Dutch Island Harbor since 28th ult. Behr E English, Thomas . , hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 9th inst. and remained next day. Schra J Tink, McDonald, from Calais, and Ven dovi, Bray, from Vine'haven, both for this port, at Portland 6th inst. Steamers Walker, Sherin; L Wallace, Jones, and Sarah, Jones, hence at New York yesterday. MARINE MISCELLANY. Mr. Geo. W. Snow. Clerk of the steamer Saxon, from Philadelphia for Boston, which met with a disaster on Nantucket Shoals, reached Roston last night, and reports that at 2.3oshipsL Pon Sued iy last, the Saxon fell in with the U Grinnell, from Liverpool for New York, with 150 passengers, showing signals of distress. She was at anchor in aide of Fathom Bank, having thumped over the shoal. The Saxon bore down to her, and was re quested to tow the vessel into port. A. hawser was got to the vessel, but it parted. Other attempts were made to fasten aline on board, but they proved 'unsuccessful. It was then determined that the ship should try to work herself clear of the bank, the steamer acting as a pilot. This attempt was suc cessful, and the ship having got beyond danger pro ceeded on her voyage. It is supposed that she was - tight, or at least did not leak to any extent, as no nrther assistance was asked of the steamer. NL. The II S ship Conste AV llat ton, Com. Stellwagen was at Spezzia tOth ult. waiting orders. NOTICE TO 2, I4RINER.S. rolloelc and Cross Rip light-ship has drifted 4or 5 miles WSW. The huoy on Broken Ground, Poi .loelt Rip, has drifted to leeward. The Nun Buoy on Jordan's Reef, or Bell Rook, entrancelo' Portland harbor, has broken from its moorings and gone adrift. It will be replaced as ROM as possible. 'DEDUCTION IN THE PRICE 0 CORE._ it Inaccordarce with a resolution of the Board of Trustees. passed ou the 25th inst. ' the price of Coke from. the Market Street and Spring rlarden Gas Works, has been reduced to 10 cents per bushel, and front the Point Breeze and Manaynnk -Works to 9 cents per bushel. JNO. O. CRESSON, Chief Engineer. PILADA. GAS Woltus.Marc.h 26. 18t4. uth29- tms 800 BAGS, LAGUAYRA OOFFEE, NOW landink from bark Thomas Danett, For sale by' DALLETT k - SON; .1"40 South ' , FRONT igreel.; MR. CHARLES PAGE the last " twenty Favorably known ffor y y ears as Principal Deal %?./lig FIXTURES FOB. MESSES: CORNELIUS & BAKER, IS this day admitted a partner in our' firm. We will continue the sale and manufacture of GAS FIXTURES, ' Under the firm name of VAN KIRK & CO. CO.. AT FRANKFORD. - SALESROOMS, _912 ARCH STREET. Fzn. 1. 1 8 64. fe 19. th sa tn-ftm I Fine shirt Manufactory The subscribers woukt invite- attention to 'their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENT'S WEAR • J. lil7. SCOTT dik , CO., Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, 814 CHESTNUT STREET. 16 Four doors below the Continental -Hotel. Old Established Shirt, Stock and Collar EMPORIUM: No: 146 North Fourth Street, Charles L. Ormn do Co.. Are prepared to execute all orders for their eels• orated make of Shirts OR short notice In the mom satisfactory manner. These Shirts are cut by measurement on scientific principles. and surpass any other Shirt for neatness of FIT on the BREAST, comfort in the NEC&and ease on tbe SHOULDER. 0e27 ca, tn. th Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manufactory. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & 706 CHESTNUT STREET. BLINDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, BIANTIFACTUREB. OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. aarThe Largest and Finest assortment In the CBI at the Lowest Prima. taairittr promptly to. resa Lettered all J. F. IREDELL, No. 147 NORM EIGHTH MERL Between Cherry and Rao*, outside, Phila. • ass now on hand and esiastantly receiving an ;pint ossertment of Gentle en's Farming Goods, Shirts on nand and made to order in the mei sansiamor manner. A fall line of, Gentlemen' Amino Shirts, Drawers, lee. Woo—Ladies , Its. rino Vests, Drawers, Hoaiery, Asc. . • ocl7-6hri 147 NORTH EIGHTHEir. TOR SALE. The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILD/NGB. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. lirOnly a Mall part of Cash required. IV - INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES.. lels-tfs BEDDING. MATTRESSES, IFE ATREUS, BLANKETS, I QUILTS, COMFORTA.BLES, BED TICKING% And every other article In the Bedding business a the lowest cash prices. ABIOS HILLBOILIC TENTH BELOW ARCH-1 ST. COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves,_ Trimmings and Fancy Goods, Wholesale and Retail, No. 53 North - Eighth et., Philo m 21.310 CODallkSibil Paper Warehoue. FARRELL, IRVING & CO. 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and TINGLE; MEDIUM: OAP and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for Ebpe in large qr smali Quantities. inte2.3mo wakes S. Earle ,fir *on % 818 CHESTNUT ST. Immense Assortment of LOOKING GLASSEIL Oil Paintings, First Class Engravinv PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRABENA PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM % WINDOW CORNICES, PIER TABLES, Am, Ex LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE. By the Calk or Dozen. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEALER IN EWE GROOMES, Corner Eleventh and. Vine Streets. CABINET WARE. A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS No. 809 and 811. Chestnut, street. THE DAILY. EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY . APRIL 7, 1864. THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE FIELD MEMORIAL, AN APPEAL TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS* The 'GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD ME MORIAL ASSOCIAT-lON , ' was instituted for the purpose of securing, ferever, the principal points upon the great battle-fleld of the war, in theextiet condition in which they were left in July, 18631 when the rebel hordes . ' of the invader Lita were driven back from the free eoil of, Pennsylvania, and when the gallant soldiersof Gmtinithr. Ms:Ana remained in poseession of the field wraith they had won by their valor. The Association have already secured the purchase of OILLiIiTERY HILL, GULP HILL, GRANITE SPUR and ROUND TOP, With the entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great conflict winch was the turning point in the •career of the rebellion. The field, with its redoubts, wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-works, kielcrest heights, with the trees torn by shells and countless bullets, and its long lines of earthwork defences, have all been preserved intact, and to so continue to preserve them, as to be & monument fore4er of the greatest of American Battle-fields, is the object of the formation of the Association. To enable a large number of persons to join in this patriotic work, the projectors of the plan placed the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The payment of this sum .sisEss aeon SUBSCRIBER A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION, AND FART OWNER op pun GLORIOUS FIELD OF GETTYSBURG. Virr at Loyal and PatriotiC Citizen of Pennsylva nia would not gladly embrace the privilege of re cording his name upon this yo'l of honor, and of linking himself directly with the field where the lousy heroism of his countrymen vindicated the integrity of the Union and the principles of Free dom 1 And who would not desire to hand down as a precious heir-loom to his children the evidence of his part in the good work, bearing, as the cert. floate will, a view of the field which will m i nk in hii.tory with THERMOPYLA, MARATHON and WA TERnoo 7 • There are no salaried officers in this Association, nor are there any objects in view in its cfeation other than those already stated. The grounds were purchased from their original owners at the exac price to be paid for them by the Association, and the points selected, and the prices to be paid for them, met the unqualified approval of a committes of the HISTORICAL I.,OCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. appointed for the purpose of visiting the field. The following are the names of the general offi cers of the Association, and of the Local Com mittee in Philadelphia : OFFICERS. Hon. JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL. Chairman PrO. • . visional Committee. Rev. Dr. S. b. SOHMUOKER, Vice Chairman. Bev. J. ZIEGLER Vice Chairman. T. D. CARSON, Treasurer. e • • D. McCONAUGHY, b.ecsetary. LOCAL COMMITTEE —PHILADELPHIA. HENRY 0. CAREY. Chairman. • Edniund A. Bonder, Henry .0. Based, , Treasurer. Secretary. S. 'A. Mercer, Prof. H. Coppee, N. 'B. Browne, ' Ur. D. Gilbert, J. G. Fell, • • George H. Baker, Charles E. Smith, James L. °nigher-It, S.M. Felton, Edwd. W. Clark, W. H. Ashhurst, Rev. E. W. Rutter Jay Cooke, Hon. William Strong, Chas. J Stifle,. Ferdinand J. Greer, A. J. Drexel, Jno.A. McAllister, Oswald Thompson, Geo. W. Childs, George R. Ziegler, John H. Dohnert, J. B. Lippincott, Morton McMichael, Willard Bradford, W W. Harding, Aubrey H. smith, Gibson, peacock, John W. Forney. John . 0 James, bolore On W. Roberts,' Morton P. Henry, Geo. F. Lee, Dan' 1 Dougherty. Persona who are desirous of aiding in this pa triotic work can send their subscriptions to either of the gentlemen named above, and they will re ceive their Certificates of Stock. BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA COM MITTEE. mh3 NOTICE OF REMOVAL, The undersigned would inform their triendeand the public generally, that they have removedfrom their Old Stand, 317 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREBOOBIS, No. 912 ARCH STREET. Where they-will continue the sale.of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL OIL BURNERS, eta. Having associated with our house Mr.OHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Oar. nelius & Baker,) we are now prepereo to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs. from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate • VAN KIRK & COO fel 9-33236 No. 912 ARCH STREET. REMOVAL. A. N. ATWOOD, FORMERLY OF No. 42 NORTH SECOND ST., RAVING REMOVED TO THE ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS S No, 45 South Second Street, Respectfully invites the trade and the public to call and examine his extensive stock of SUPERIOR MATRESSES, BEDDING AND SPRING BEDS. Also. a choice assortment of all kinds of UPHOLSTERED AND CO ITAGE FURNI ishI9-te SEYMOUR, FEARLESS & SANDS, IMPORTERS OF UNION CLOTHS, MELTONS, &e., BUITABLN FOR CLOAKMAKERS AND CLOTHIERS. • 202 CHESTNUT ST., CORNER OF SECOND AIM AT 58' MURRAY STREET, NEW FORM mhl2-1.14 HOUSE OF "INDUSTRY, 718 OA.TH &- RINE STREET.--Annual meeting and (Kr . election for officers will be held on MONDAY, 11th inst., at 4 o' clock, P. M. ap6.3t* CHAS. P. PEROT, Sec' ry. arGERYLANTOWN. —Au adjourned meet ing of the Ladles and Gentlemen to forma committee on Restaurant Department, for the Great Central Fair in behalf of the Sanitary Com mission, will be held at the house of Ohms. Ashmead, INIA t I n N st ,. a , b a o t I ve sS CHOOL street, on FR,IDA.Y next, h P.M. All Interested are invited to attend. Col. 0, G. 'CHILDS, Chairman. - WILLIAM a &win.% See. ar„6_2ot ftrrPENNSYLVANIA mmusra 001NIPA.- NY 'OF MIOHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that an Installment of Two Dollars per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock In the Pennsylvania Mining. Company of Michi gan. has this day been called by, the ,Board of Directors of said Oonipany, due and payable at th e ()mos of the company, No. :1'2.1 WALNUT street, Pniladelphia, on or before the Stir day of April, 1531, Interest will be charged on all Install nientis after the same shall have become due. By order of theiloard of Directors. S 'at --mty ; SAcr , tarv. , alroti;23,lWi..- SPECIAL NOTICES LOUD' s new (30 wise OF HISTORIOAL LE , MURES - on . the FALL ROME,—The First Lactose of this eoufse on tht Oraudetir, the Moly and the Fall of the Ro men Itininire, will be given in the HALL of the UNIVFASITY,on TILUESDAY EVENING, April 7, Cinch. - Stlit,lLOT—'l he Material Grandeur of the old Romeo Eivilization. 1 &elites for the Ootirse, 6,1.; Ladles and Schools, 1 Single Admission, st) mists aps.dt* OFFICE OF THE MILIRRIMA.O MI U... 3 NINO COMPANY, '2K4 PEARL STREET. —New Wee, March The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Mer rimac Mining Company will be held at this office, on MONI , AY, tte 11th day of April next, at 2 O'clock, P. NI, at which tune and place an elec tion will be hold fur Olileerslo serve the ensuing year. -41,31 ES M. MILLS, nah2.ltli, tu , tapl 1* Secretary. OFFICE OF TUN. FRANKLIN FERE MINSURANOE 0051.PANY, PIITLADEL rinA, April 4, IE4I. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day, a eemt•annnal dividend of SIX PER ()ENT., and an extra dividend of TEN PER. CENT..was declared: on the capital ti tick. pa) able on demand. ap4•lot9 J. W. Ma LLISTER, Sec' y. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THA.T crr an Installment of 00-100 DOLLARS PER SHARE en, each and every Share of the Capital Stock in the COULTER COPPER COMPANY OE MICHIGAN, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due - and payable at the Office of - the Company, No. 319 VVALNUP Street, Philadelphia, on or before the let day of May next. Interest will be charged on all Install ments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors. ap2-Imo§ DAVID S. HEYL, Secretary. cize, OVTY BOUNTY- NOTICE.—OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, April 1, MI. The City Bounty will continue to be paid until farther notice. No appitcations for Bounty will be entertained from recruits v.-lid enlisted prior to the . date of the Presidents Proclamation. October 17, 1E63. In future, powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments, mustered in-after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been received there. By order of the Commission. • a .2-tf . • SAMUEL C. DAWSON, becretary. ocrOFFICE OF THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY RAD-ROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANY,, BonnnarTowri, MarCh 23th, 1844. NOTICE. —The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at BOR DENTOWN, N. J., on THURSDAY, 23th April next, at 12 M. , In the Office of the Company, for the election of seven Directors, to serve for the en sning_year. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, inh2Btap294 Sec'y C. Zr. A. R.R. do Trans. Co. HILTON'S CEMENT.—The Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer ly the best article of the kind ever invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved In the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation Is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all classes. For nartionlers sea advertisement PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office 227 South. Fourth Street. PHMILDELYELIA, September 3, IEB3. DIVIDEND NOTIOE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common eti,ck of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it u, therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on tailing for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. BTOCIIIOLDREV NAIOI.II. Timothy C. Boyle, S. Lancaster, John Mclntyre, Benjamin F. Newport, UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN CON MLSSION. —SUIT Wr ARY TO JANUARY 1, IEE4. Work now in Progress In the Army at Rest— Chrisuan Commission Stations largely increased in Number—The Work Abundantly Prftpered— Many more Ststiots needed to meetthe wants of the Army—Unprecedented Call for Delegates and Snnplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, with its klovements and Battles. The Christian Commisaon depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Christian People. INCREASING PANTS DEMAND IN CREASED LI RPP aLITY. - • WRecelpts of Money, Stores, isc., to January 1, 1854, $1,148.03 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, &c.,shipped to the field or distributed at home; 16,330 Number of Delegates sent, 1,563. Copies of Scriptures diesibuted, 5GP,275; Hymn and Psalm Books, 5112,556; Knapsack Books, 1,370 i. 348; 'Library Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, 155,145; Religious Newspapers, 3,316,250; Pages of Tracts, 22, 93v,4t , e, Silent Comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its wark for the good of the Soldiers. • STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents, free • writing tables, and clothing, comforts and reading matter for gra tuitous distribuuon. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, hare been sent to preach the Go«pel at the amt.:ons and in regiments, bat teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the Soldiers. A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the. Army remains onreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent dethand for them. The Christian UOMMIS6IOII offers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all Its various fields. The money given goes in full measure, In benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, Immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kir dness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Stores, and the work will be dons, The large corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the armies shall move and battles be fought, and.the grester their number the more prompt and effec tive will bo the relief they shall render_ Letnot the present- work - languish. Wait not for the cry of the 'wounded and (lying before pro viding relief. Send now and send abundantly both money and stores, and the soldiers' blessing shall, be upon y Send money to JOSEPH. PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank. and stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christan Olmmission, No. 13 BANK street, Philadelphia. W. E BOARDMAN, .Eecretary tfa • United States O. 0 IirTREASURY DEPARTMENT —Orgion Olt COMPTROLLER OP. TB CURRENCY, RINOTON, Feb. 2ddi, 1864. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National . Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled 4.zun act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved February 25th, 1883, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, co tray of Philadelphia, and State of Penn sylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Nanking, under the act aforesaid. In testnnony whereof, witness my hand and seal of ollice, this twenty-sixth day of February, PAL HUGH AI.oCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. mhJ•2ma WOFFIOE OF THE BOHEMIAN MIN ING OOMPANY, :191 PEARL STREET I 'Yowl', Pannell 'V, lEkit. The AMI itta Riveting of Stockholders of the Bo betnlan Mining Company will be hold at this aloe, on MONDAY, the II th day of April next, at, o'clock, P. M., nt which time and place an Eton Lion will bu held for Officers to serve for the easn. lug year, JAMES M. MILLS, inb9.l-tb, 8, tu, tally- Secretary, ayOFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delphia, December 19, 1863. • The Commission for the ayment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments.. Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office in squads for the purpose. In a few days notice will be given when and how recruits in new organizations and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. • • By fader of the I, Ihmiletektork.. - • , • ' ladt-ta AuLlUi./.IIL. 0. DAWSON, Saixotarr 'Tr* altEetT VENTRAL F 21.1.11, . To be held In Philadelphia, June, 1881 Henry B. Sherer, Andrew Turner, - Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. fe•26-tf¢ AN. APPEAL TO THE LADIES The undersigned, members of the Committee on HATS, CAPS AND FURS, for the Great Central Fair, earnestly invite the co. operation of their countrywomen, especially those resident in Pennsylvania, Lelaware and flew Jersey in this noble undertaking. • We, therefore, fervently entreat you to use the skill and talent you possess, in the preparation - of such articles as fancy capi. smoking caps, chil diens' caps, bathing caps, night caps, knit, em broidered, crocheted and braided capsof alt kinds, riding hoods, nnbias, opera hoods, Zcc., to be sold. at this Great . Fair. Any such article, no matter how simple' or modest in its style, which will please all, from the humblest to the must fastidious, will be gladly received and thankfully acknowl edged. We confidently_ expect that the Ladies will labor with their wonted alacrity in the cause of the tianitary Commission, whose object is to alleviate the snffering of those men Who endure such hardships and privations in- protecting us in "all we hold dear. DIRECTIONS The following Rides for. Head 151 ea.sures should be adhered to, in the production ot 'the various articles designed for Dien, Youth's, and Chil dren' s wear. HEAD MEASURES =Vs wram Proportion of Sizes in making one dozen. 21 - inches around the head makes 6% size, 1 21% - " '' '' 6% size, 2 2131 66 It • 7 size, 3 223 r " 4• 7$ size, 3 22% " 7% size, 2 223 '' 7%size, 1. YOUTH' S_ WEAR. 20X inches - around the head makes 6X size, 2 20% 66 6 6% size, 4 4 6 IS 6V BiZ? 4 21% " clitLDßEic' s 19% inches around the head makes 6% size. 1 19% .. . " 4 . 6% size, 2 2t) x 66 66 1.6 - 6% size, . 1 20% . .. 66 It 6% size, 2 21 a a . 1.6 '• 6% size, 2 21 % , . 66 66 63 size, 1 In cutting articles of cloth, or other w wen ma terial, an allowance of at least two sizes should be made, for seam and inside lining; for instance, in making a 6% size, the band should be cut 21% inches long instead of 21 inches, which is the actual measurement around the nead. In cutting all bands, of whatever material used in the article intended to be made, they should not be cut bias. Let all packages or boxes be marked thus : E. MO RIMS, Great Central Fair Warehouse, Philadelphia. Send by express, Railroad Company or private hand. but do not prepay charges. send to the Chairman of this Committee the receipt of the Express or Railroad Company. Let all articles be forwarded so as to be delivered at the warehouse by the fifteenth of May, the earlier the better. On receipt of goods an acknowledgment will be duly sent. Let the articles be carefully and securely packed and Marked with their reasonable value. . . On one corner of the box write the name of the donor end his address. E. MORRIS. n, No. 3 South Fiith street. J. A. Timoz, Secretary. COMMITTEE. C. W. Walton, A. K. Wormratb, E. S. Mawsou. apt-s, tu, th, et§ J. Sullender W. F. Warburton, M. Cooper. George : off; F : IR IN AID OF THE LOYAL SUF. EES IN EAST TENNESSEE. The sad and touching accounts that daily reach us of the sufferings of the residents of Esst Tennessee, whose trials are consequent upon their loyalty - to all we hold de r under the name of Union, appeal to every heart and call for united efforts for their relief. To this end the ladies of this city use hold ing a Fair, at the PiSqEISIBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT s treets, commencing on the 4th of April and continuing this week, to which the aid and patronage of the public are re spectiully solicited. Donations of money, fancy articles and goods, and articles for the refreshment tables are earnestly solicited. Mrs. JOSEPH CANBY, President, No. E 3 Arch street. Mrs. THOMAS WATERMAN, Secretary, No 2(34 Tine street. Dlrs. CALEB W. HALLOWELL., Treasurer 414 t Arch street. Mrs EDWARD H. ocipvir, No. 1032 Arch street. Mrs. MARY J. D. SAMPSON, No. nu Arch street. him JOHN CARHOW. No. 2013 Arch street. Elm HANNAH KITCHELL, Tioga street, Germantown.. aps.4t¢ UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. —DEP TARMENT OF ARTS.—The Third Term of the College year will open on FRIDAY, the sth Oast. Candidates for admission will ap pear at the Unirersity, for examination, on that day at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuition for each term, Thirty-flee Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, aps.3t§ Secretary of the Faculty of Arta. orSCHUYLKILL &ND SUSQUEHANNA Railroad Company, (Mice, 227 South Fourth buret, Philadelphia, April 4, 1244.—T e Annual Meeting of the zoocaboWris of this company and an election for President and Six Managers will take pit ce at the office of the company on MON DAY, the 2d day of May next at .2 o' clods, M. apsrxr.y2+ W. H WEBB, Secretary. ErrOFFICE CITY BOUNPY FUND COhl- MILSSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, De cember 29, 1883. Warrants for the City Bounty (two hundred and fifty dollars) will be issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission one day previous to the issuing of the warrants. Officers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered. Pfuladelphia soldiers re•enlisting in the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the muster-in-rolls are furnished t. the Commis sion by the Aiijotant-General of the State. Men enlisted in. Col. McLean's Regiment (183 d Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty In companies when duly mustered into the 11. S. service, and credited to the quota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 to SP. M., during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. tat -tfe SAMUEL n DAWSON. Sec' y PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS 00A.LS.— Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 2.0 South SEVEN fR Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of April,_lB64, for supplying the whole or any part of Nighty Thousand Toni o f Bituminous coots, suit able for the manufacture of illuminating Gsa. to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the One Works at the First Ward and the Ninth Ward S.ations, in the,folloking monthly quantities ; e , ght thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six. thousand tons in each of the months of Jane, July. August, 1864. and January, February, March, April and May. 1865. The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract Is based. , The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name'of the mine or pit from welch they eve to be raised. 11 they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April next- The gross ton of V-iti pounds will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in whole or in part. or to reject all. as they may deem best for the interests of the Trost, and in the event cf failure on the pa- tof any contrac tor to deliver the coals according to his aAreement, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere. whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure. Payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months alter the speci fied peciods of delivery, the 15th of each month being takest as the average of the monthly deity°. nee, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of contract will be required, and each propogal must name the amount and character of security that will be ffered. JOHN O. ORESSON , fe9,,0uip226 - 'Engineer in tibia. . - IVIALFT "AM'S, NO. goirteksTNt e r First Premium awarded by Franklin Institut, to 'MARTIN LEANS, Mastitastrirer of MASONIC MARKS, PINS, EMI-LEEKS, ho. New and original designs of Masonic Marks and Templars Medals, Army Medals and mna-Corps R.4;.•Ort rbf /*wore. Aoutrtrirtiem HARDWARE AND TO( v.S, NAILS AND SASH WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AND HINGES-011 sizes), _dr,q,, for saIR,VERY•fiIiHEAP.POR CI A.Tityi: , ' •- • :--,, ANDRE,Wrroitmin,c; :..1 Pig: /74.34Uatt. sittesitii agig FOR SALE. —Dwelling •No 513 PI Ilagtreet, with back buildings, " CHARLES RHOA.DS, 35 South Seventh street. mb2ll-11t* ma FOR SALE —An elegant residence, on ORELTEN AVENUE, near Wayne street, ertnantovrn. Andress box 2113 Post Office, dR, ROUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET—FOR M. SALE. —STORE AND DWELLING. Ail ihe modem conveniences. . Apply on the premises. mit IaFOR SALE—A fine dwelling, 522 Spruce street, with extensive back buildingis;modeia improvements ; • situation very eligible. Apply. to J. Gußi & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. 011--gif FOR SALE—IL desirable three-story brick g dwelling, with double back •btuldiugs, 1510 Lombard street; modern conveniences. Terms accomsaodating- Apply to J. H. CURTIS SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street cm WEST PHILEWELPHIA—For sale, save. Iliaral very desirable lots. suitable for building, situate on Chestnut, Walnut. Locust and Sorties strek ts, West Philadelphia. J. 21.'GII.M.IIIEY dG SONS, 508 Walnut street. . AR FOR. SALE—The three-story brick bailding - with attics, back building and the modF,rxt conveniences, situate No. 1702 Locust street ,• one of the most desii able locations in the city. .1 AL GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. :011Th BROAD SIRE E.T.-10R Sa.LE, E, a three story brick dwelling, with three story _double back buildings, 417. South Broad.„ street. All modern conveniences. Apply to J. 4 B: CURTIS ,k SON, Heal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. To BENT. —A handsomely - furnished .1 ROUSE in West WALNUT street, for. siz months or a year. Possession Immediately. Rent 6150 per month. For full particulars address with name ' ROUSE, Sub-Post Office, Eighteenth street. ap 1.-6t* atFOR ALE. —A desirable, threa-story'bncif residence, with attics and double back build. in gs, and lot of ground 20 feet front by 130 feet deep to a street, situate on Vine etreet, east of Eleveroh. J. M. GUMIREY & SONS, NB WALNUT street. ap6 6j size, 2 4/54 ;FOR SALE.—The handsome fonr-atory JIM, brown stone residence with three.story back buildings, well built, furnished with every con venience and improvement,' and in perfect order throughout: situate No. 1518 Pine street. Lot 20x 130 to a back etreet. J. M. GUDELIKEY Zc SONS, 508 WALNUT street. ap i GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR BESALE.—A very desirable propery Within t minutes walk of WayneStation,Germantown Bail road. Large dwelling hone with all the modern improvements, stable, spring -house, ice-house filled, and good garden, plenty of fruit and large shade trees. Apply to W. W. KNIGHT, at 51)9 COMMERCE street. mir2l-tt¢ a FOR SALE—Three very desirable City Wa RESIDENCES, on the north side of GIRARD avenue, east. of Seventeenth street each 20 feet front by 100 feet deep. Also a very neat two-story ROUSE; replete with all the modern. improvements, at the Southeast corner S EVEN EENTR and WALTER streets. Will be sold reasonably for Cash. Apply to C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 2.03 t•onth Sixth street. ap4 15t4 a - 4 GERDLINTOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale.—A desirable, large two-story Stone Dwelling on Main street, below Bringhnrst street, Germantown; 13 rooms; hot and cold water, gas, -k c.; stone barn, stable and carriage house. Lot 11 feet front by SSC deep, to Clinton. street, two fronts, well shaded. Apply to ROBERTS & BROTHER, zip -26t* Main strew, ab. the Depot, Germantown maFOR SA.L . E. The Property on School House Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight (too) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly oae-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty OD) acres with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, five minutes walk fltIM the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the vity. Apply to CHARLES H.. AID IREEID. No. 206 South - SIXTH' st.. 126-60 COUNTRY SEAT AND PALM FOR SADE—Containing 'fifty-Iva acres, hruadsomely situated in :Cheltenham township, Difontgomery comity, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-balf from York Road Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calealated for a winter or seamier resi dence. Apply to - 0. H. NMI:OMM, No. South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. sel9-tff iA VALUABLE HOTEL- PROPERTY. At Mount Airy, Twenty-second Ward, for sale, or would be exchanged for a farm. The main building contains 30 rooms. There is also two tenant houses, stables, sheds, shops. and out buildings of various kinds; ice house Ac., Ac., with about two acres of ground in a high state of cultivation, plenty of grape vines, currants, rasp berries, strawberries, Au., Au.. The above is well calculated for a Boarding House or Hotel, and at present, bas a good run of country or farmers' custom. For terms apply to ROBERT THOMAS, Conveyancer, Main street, near Walnut Lane. GEnara-Nrowzr, March 17, - 1664. mblo lm* GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A valuable Business Stand on Main street, near Arrant street, very valuable lot cornet of Wain street and Chelten avenue, with build ings. Large house and one acre of ground, East Talpehocken street, with gar:, water, An., &c. 10 acres of land, Main street, Mount Airy, (the best locations south of Chestnut HilL ) Also two tracts of 40 acres each, near the same; two good houses, with , grounds handsomely graded and planten v.:th shrubbery, on Wister street, near the rail road.. Also a number of small dwellings. For sale eheap Apply to ROBERT THOMAS,.Convey ancer, Main street, near Walnut Lane. mit 03-Im* FOR S ALE. —A large and valuable lot of ground, on BROAD street, below Wood and Fine streete, Anoly to SIMON ORATZ, No. 51P2 lA ALI( MT street. th, sa, tu-st* LOFT TO LET. —lOO feet by 20. Well -lighted- S Also, a seepud-story room, with flue Counting house, Fire-proof, er.c. Apply at 44 North FIFTS street. mhl2-t1 mu LET.—Large and small ROOMS, up c taus, RI? and 814 CHESTNUT strc.t. ffl-tf 'WANTED.—About tne Ist of May, a situation in a School or Fathily, to teach' Young Children the English branches, by a Lady, a com municant of 'be Episcopal Church.. - Aodres<APPLICAINT. at this Office. ap6-3t* IX/ ANTED. —A competeut,experieuced Woman VW to take cbarge of a young infant. Ad dreFs G. O. H. Care of F. Freas, Grocery Store, Washington,L , 4ne Blaine street, Germantown, stating name, residence, qualifications, and re ference. aps-3t* WANTED—By a Dry Goods Commission Rouse, an experienced SALESMAN- Ad dress, with references, M. R., office of this paper. aps-3t4 WANTED. —A Farmer with.front 15,000 to 20,000 Dollars Capitil in he Retail Lumber business, one of the best establi-hed in the city., Inquire No. 718 FRANKLIN street. afrs.3t* W ANTED—A FOREMAN iu a Car Factory. One MACHINIST, with some experlenk.e to Drafting. One BLACKSMITH and one MOULDER. None will be ac epted without sa tisfactozy reference as to qualifi - ations, especially must they be reliable Union men. Apply persoa ally at 916 RIDGE Avenue. between 10 and 11 A. M. on Wednesday, the 6th and 13th. or by letter until the lath. Address, as above, Union. Also, two or three good. MOULDERS. !I. NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY I ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY. MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MARINE CORPS, who will be. entitled to all the City Bounties m addition to Prize Money. Seamen . witl receive an advance of three months' pay . Im= bounty. . Application to be made at once to -Val. E. LEHMAN,: Captain and Provost Marshal let D., Pa., inh29-tR. 245 South Third street. al WANTED—To rent or purchase, by r l 4 June next, a large •hotise, with modern con ver iences, Ina central location. Address. stating loeality, and terms, box 2075 Philadelphia Post Office. np2.sato WANT.ED TO eV /LOMAS); OR TO RENT, 11E1 from June Ist, or October lei, a Rret.class house, with t- ll modern conveniences, on iivatunt ati vet, west of Thirteenth. Address S. 8., 2561 Phila. P. 0. - -11 1 354 a-t4-a6t* WANTED TO RENT i RE_.NT.Ig-OnRPURCITIASE In A large FACTu . z. ox l m ! ) :a phil i ad a e th ip p h .fli ja ty p,, o B r t suburbs. Address zi ce• apS. th, a. 6t* DWELLING WANTED by Jol.e Ist on Ell Chestnut, Walnut, or Arch streets, between. kaghth and 'sixteenth. Addretsa BRADFORD, ittryLVl.ll4 office. Mlll4-1111* koMADAM MINNA.'S.ILIDING ACA DEMY. ntaliAld MINNA begs leave to call the atten tion of the Ladies and GetAlemen of Philadelphia to her RIDING ACADEMY, No. 111.1 ARCH street, which is now open for the reception of pupils. MADAM MINNA devotes her personal attention to the duties of the school from 9 o' clock A. M. to 5 F. M. ; and the liberal ,patronage; be. stowed affords an assurance that her efforts to in. strum in the noble art of HORSEMANSHIP. ARE APPRECIATED.. aps4n;tli,sstAr• geler'VlN ItTV AILED V I , lli TTI LA "INGIW)i,d-"EkalPitf•e4.4,4l/tes-LiCtug • tad's: • litif‘ v4is.'cPprfe4• - ".l 4 FLTldsi i ";t____ i d::‘ etcw' tat** . lick 'l44' zwl2;-Iwi WANTS
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