Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 07, 1864, Image 5
SECOND EDITION. BY I'EtEGEAPH, NEWS FROM 'HE FLEET OFF MOBILE, Wreok of the Rebel hon-Clad Ten- nessee. MILITARY ACTIVITY IN THE WEST. Large Numbers of Troops 'Going Forward. INTRUSTING FROM COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO. Death of the Widow of Henry Clay. Tn-Da,y's Prooeedings in Congress and Legiglature. FROM MOBILE. Canto, April 6.—New Orleans advices of the 29th ult. received here, state that the rebel ram Tennessee was struck by a squall while lying near Grant's Pass,. near Mobile, causing her to keel over and sink. Nothing but about two feet of her smoke stack remained visible. Her armament will prove a heavy loss to the rebels. It consisted of six 100-pounders rifled Parrotts, and nearly as many smaller pieces. All was well with our fleet, though they have bad some very bad weather. MILITARY ACTIVITY IR THE WEST [Special Despatch to Sto Bulletin.] CINCINNATI, April 7. Adjutant General Cowan, of Ohio, has issued an order to the veterans now at home to pre pare to join their respective brigades on the expiration of their furloughs, without delay. Commanders of regiments are made responsible for any tardiness in the movement of regiments and are not allowed to remain at home on any condition, a day beyond the expiration of the time of their flirloughs. The movement of troops to the front is on an unexampled scale, and there is the greatest activity in hurrying them forward. Nearly all the re-enlisted regiments go back with from three to five hundred recruits. We have no"military news of importance. Forrest's rebel command is plundering Western Kentucky and Tennessee with little hindrance. They are carrying off an immense deal of plunder. PROM COLORLDO AND NEW MEXICO. Dssvaa Crrv, April sth.—The municipal election took place here yesterday. The Re gular Union nominee for mayor was elected over the Independent Union Ticket. There was no Democratic ticket in the field. The mining excitement is increasing,and new dbeoveries of gold are reported daily. New York capitalists are arriving by every coach, and it is reported that there is a large amount of nevi mining machinery coming out from the States. A great deal of property is changing bands. The New Mexican papers of the 80th ult. contain no news from Arizona. Governor Con nolly, of New Mexico, haa issued a proclama tion appointing April 7th as h . -Thanksgiving Day for the close of the Indian war. DEATH OF THE WIDOW OF HENRY CLAY LEMENGTON, April 7.—Mrs. Lucretia Clay, wife of the late Hon. Henry Clay, died last night at the residence of her son, John M. Clay, near Lexington, aged 83. WESTERN NEWS. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Cnicnarkri, April 7:—The stern-wheel steamer Carrie Jacobs came into.collision yes terday with the Major Anderson near Metropo lis and sunk immediately. No lives were lost. The result in Julian's district in Indiana is still in doubt, both sides claiming success. There was a strike in the Enquirer office yesterday because the proprietors would not comply with the demands of the Typographical Association and discharge the foreman. The paper made its appearance this morning not withstanding. UNION STATE CONVENTION. HAnnzsnuso, April 7.—The State Central Committee met last evening, at the Jones House, in this city, and after a full and free interchange of opinion, it was unanimously re solved to hold a State Convention on Thurs day, the 28th of April, in the city of Harris burg, for the purpose of electing four Sen atorial delegates to represeat this State in the National Convention, to be held in Baltimore, on the seventh day of June next. The committee was fully represented from every part of the State, and the expression of opinion was unanimously in favor of the re election of Abraham Lincoln. XXXVIIITH CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION. W, April 7, 1864. Rooszt.--On motion of t Mr. G ON arfield (Chico, the Secretary of War was directed to inform the * Ronse how many commissioned officers, with their names and rank, have-been dismissed from the military service by authority of the President without trial by ;court-martial since the beginning otjthe pre sent war, and how.many of sacirchsmissals hive been revoked. Idr. Garfield said this resolution was reported a t the instance of the Military Committee. A bill had been Passed by the Rouse, but reported on un favorably in the Senate, taking from the President the Power of summary dismissal. As • a commu mication on this subject had been received from Advocate-General 'Holt, it seemed only just that all the facts should- be before the Rouse. The resolution was passed. • PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Renntenuno, April 7. A ehtuige in election l g aw& SENATE. —Mr. Rid way presented a petition for Householder Messrs. Ridgway, Worthington, Dunlap and presented petition. in favor of the Front street and Kensington Railroad. NEr. champneys, from the Bank Committee, re ported favorably an act enabling State Banks to form an association for Banking under the national law. Mr. Connell reported a new State apportion. went bill. , The First District includes the 'First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth and Twenty-sixth Wards of,Philadelphia. The Second District includes the Ninth, Tenth, Ttorteenth. Fourteenth and Fif teenth Wards. Eleventh,ct includesthe Fourth, "Nth, Sixth, Twelfth s Edxteenth, se; vinieenth sad.zipteentlt, Wardx• 1' EMU% District includes _the Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty. first, : Tiventy. second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Wards. The following bills were introduced : Mr. Connell one incorporating the Grant Land In proven, en t Company. Mr. Stark one incorporating the Wyoming Coal Transportation Company. - B °trek. —The House met at ten o'clock. The follov, in g bills passed One Incorporating the Cooper Shop Soldiers' Horse; one incorporating the Philadelphia and Colorado Gold and Silver Minine Company; one incorporating the Soldiers' Home of Philadelphia. OPENING OF LAKE NAVIGATION. Dmixtax, N. Y., April 7;—The navigition is now open between Dunkirk and all the upper lake ports. The ice has entirely disappeared, except in the direction of Buffalo. The steamer Olean left early to-day for Buffalo, and the boats will commence their regular trips as soon as possible. THE HARLEM RAILROAD. ALBANY, April 7.--A bill was introduced in the Assembly, to-day, authorizing the Harlem Railroad Company to increase their • stock $3,000,000, and to construct a double track to Albany ; also, to authorize the, bondholders to exchange their bonds for stock. FROM PANAMA. NEW TORE, April 7.—The steamer Golden City, left Panama on the 26th of March for San Francisco. FAST DAY IN. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, April 7.—Business is entirely sus pended, this being a fast day. CITY BULLE'TI2I. STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFIOE. OA. ffi., 67°.. 12 M., 61° 13 P. M., 61° Minimum Temperature during last 24 hours, 42° Weather clear—Wind Northeast. ARE GREENBACKS LAWFUL MONEY OF TEE UNITED STATZB 7—On Saturday next an inter esting and isnportant case will be heard before Judge Allison. A Mr. John Kroener, in a peti tion to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, sitting in equity, sets forth the following facts; That by Inc enture dated August 5, 1852. William Calhoun, of Philadelphia, granted and conveyed to him a certain lot of ground, en Franklin avenue below Fifth street, a yearly ground rent of 3713 75, lawful money of the United States of America being reserved to the grantor; that it was also provided that if the orator (Broener) should at any time thereafter pay to the grantor the sum of 21,312 50 lawful money aforuatel, under certain prescribed conditions, the interest of Calhoun in tbe property should cease; that he tendered to Mr. Calhoun the sum agreed upon in "lawful money of the United States, and being the legal tender notes thereof," but Calhoun would not receive the same. The orator therefore petitions the Court to compel Cal houn to accept the money offered. and to execute the proper release. Wm. L Elrst, Esq. Is the attorney for Mr. Kroener, and George M. Whar. tcc, Esq. for the defendant. ST. VnicaßT's Hosts.—A fair for the benefit of this honey is now open in the Home, northwest corner of-Eighteenth and Wood streets. There are nearly one hundred infant orphan children in this institution supported principally by the charity of the public. It is under the immediate supervision of the Sis ters of Charity, whose work is to minister to the sick and dying andto care for the orphan. There are many fancy and useful articles for dis posal, for any of which the visitor may disbeirse his mite. Among the most attractive there is a magnificent monochrome likeness of Washington, executed by the celebrated artist Rembrandt Peale, and presented to the Home by Mrs, Peale. Also, a crayon photograph of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood in his pontifical robes. We hope that this appeal for the orphans will not be made in rain, but the that charitable and philan thropic will visit the Home, and make their offer ings for the little helpless inmates. AUAVLT a.ND Barnney.—James Sleigh was arrested last night at Third lad Quarry streets upon the charge of having committed an assault and battery on a young an named Wainwright,. about a month ago at tsecond and Vine streets. The alleged assault was committed with a blud geon, and Mr. Wainwright was seriously injured. Re met Sleigh on the street last night, and pointed him out to an °sneer as the man who assaulted him. The accused nad a hearing this morning be fore Aida:man Dougherty, and was held in $BOO bail to answer. Tim Fiit pop. rozo S>ri•raaim or Emir Tnnussxx.—Ex-Governor Pollock will make the presentation of the silver pitcher in behalf of the ladies holding the above Fair, as announced yesterday. The presentation will be made at the Assembly Buildings, where the Fair is being held on Saturday next. A large number of per sons visited the Fair daring yesterday. EFILI6TMENTS.—The recruiting business has been looking up considerable during the put two or tines days. We learn from Mr. Kay, the Mayor's Clerk, that warrants for $30.600 were Is sued yesterday, and $11,500 to-day, to pay the city bounty to volunteers. The former reprseents 120 recruits, and the latter 46. Warrants for the pay ment of bounty to 13,960 men have been issued thus far. HORsB STEALING.—Three colored boys were arrested yesterday., and taken before Ald. Welding upon the charge of the larceny of a horse and wa gon from the market-house, at Filth and Minor streets. They drove off in the Wagon, and were overhauled about Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. The accused were committed. Am FOR THE SUFFERERS.—John L.Babbing ton, the proprietor of a public house, settle north west corner of Fourth and Washington streets, in tends giving the receipts of his establishment, on Saturday next, to aid the sufferers by explosion at ffierrick'a foundry, yesterday. AN OWNER WASTED.—The Harbor Police desire an owner for a very fine shawl which was found on Tuesday night on Delaware avenue. liffLarenv ARRIVALS —No less than one hun dred bad elghty-three persons with c. 17 S. A."' attached to their names, arrived at the Washing ton city hctels on Tuesday last. . . CORN AND BUNION PLASTRRS (L011d00), 40 cents. Bower, Sixth and Vine. No MxinetNE ever attained a greater popu larity than Bower's Infant Coidial. It is prompt, efficient and harmless. Bower, Sixth and. Green. SIISPENSORIES.—New French patterns, got out to order expressly for 0.11. NeecUes Retail Sales, at Twelfth and Race streets. N. COURTS U. S. CIRCUIT Counr—Judge Cadwalader. Mattson ACo vs. Shnyderet al. Before reported. Still on trial. DISTRICT ConnT—Judge Stroud.--Jas. B. Keim Assignee of Benj. B Pitt field vs. W. Parr,.de fendant, and John Mcßee terre tenant. Bfore reported. In this case the trial was rendered fruitless through the blundering of a juror. WLen the jury retired one of the jurors left when the party reached the sidewalk on the way to a room for consultation. Be was not missed until too late to bring him back. The jury returned to the Court rocm ano reported the facts. One of the jurors stated that the missing juror was a German. and he supposed he did not understand one half of what was going on around him. The counsel in the case declined to leave the matter with - eleven jurors, and the case was withdrawn. This morn ing the juror returned and from his appearance it was evident that he had no idea that he. had done anything wrong. The Judge examined the juror and it became apparent that his knowledge of the English languge was very imperfect, as he could state no part of the evidence in the case. The juror was discharged. MILITARY CHANGES. r The following important order has just been is• sued: WAR. DEPARTMENT, ADJUTAIfT. 4731 - namnem . OFFICE, WASHINGTON,' Monday, April 4.—By direction of the President of the United States,the following changes and assignments are made in army corps commands: Major-Oeneral P. H. Sheridan, is assigied to the command of the Cayalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. The 11th and 12th army corps are consolidated and will be called let Army Corps. Major-General J. Hooker is assigned to command. Major-General Gordon Granger is relieveA from the command of -the 4th Army Corps, and Major-General 0. 0.-Howard, is assigned in his stead. Major-General Schoffeld is assigned to the com mand of the 2.3 d Army Corps. Major-General Slocum will report to Major- General Sherman, commanding the Division of the Mississippi, and . Major-General Stoneman will report to Major-General Schofield, com manding the Department of the Ohio, for assign ment: ' Major-Gen. Granger will report by letter to the Adjutant-General or the Army. Capt. Horace Porter United States Ordnance Department, is announced as an Aid-de-Camp to Lieutenant -Gen. (3rant, with rank of Lieutenant- Colon el. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Ajrita-General: That portion of this order relating t nt o the consoli dation of the 11th and 13th Corps has been amended so ae to denominate this cimolidation the 20th, 4fitea4 @Lula Lit thayir, THE:DAILY EVENING_ BULLETIN PHILADELPII lA, HUBSDAY, _APRIL, 7, . 1864 THIRD EDITION. INTERWLING FROM LOUIS - lANA. Burning of a Valuable Our Troops and Gunboats Ad vancing on Shreveport. CAIRO, April 6. The steamer Atlantic, from New Orleans, has arrived with dates to the 29th tilt. The election on the 28th for Members of the Constitutional Committee resulted in the com plete triuMph . of the Free State party. The steamer J. K. Russel, with 700 bales of cotton and a lot of cattle and hogs, was con sumed by fire at Plaquemine. She was on her passage from Vicksburg to New Orleans and took fire from the sparks from her torches. The mail and also despatches from General Lee to the headquarters of the Departments of the Gulf were consumed with the boat. A passenger pained Thomas is missing and sup posed to be drowned. The boat was valued at $BO,OOO. No insurance. The French brig Marie Felicite was wrecked near Pass a POntre on the 24th ult. The pas sengers and men were saved. Alexandria advices to the 27th ult. report all quiet except occasional skirmishing with the rebels, whose force is reported at 20,000. It was supposed to be their intention to fall back from Alexandria about fifty miles, and there await our forces. Our gunboats bound for Shreveport, had succeeded in getting over the shoals. The land forces, under Gen. Smith, left Alexandria on the 27th, also destined for Shreveport. One hundred and fifty refugees, from Texas, arrived at New Orleans on the 27th ult. The steamship Morning Star, from New York, had arrived with many passengers, and $350,000 in siiecie. • Governor Yates came up in the Atlantic. The day before leaving New Orleans; the Illi nois troops gave him a grand reception. After reviewing the soldiers of his State he was for mally introduced and proceeded to address them, congratulating them on their fine ap pearance and enlogiEing them for their noble condact in the many battles they had passed through. Other speeches were made by Gen. Benton and Governor Hahn, of Louisiana. There was but little business doing in New Orleans. The cotton market was a stand off' between the buyers and sellers, who were unable to agree on, prices. Low middlings, 64; middlings 68; choice molasses 68; com mon new crop held at 70; choice new 78; sugar common to good 12;a13;; fair 13;a14i; prime to choice I 413a15.1. THE SIOUX INDLOISTO BE PpEntItMLEATED . Cumaao, April 7.—A special despatch from St. Penis says that Governor Dallas has given Major Hatch permission to pursue the Sioux Indians into the British Territory. The muni cipal election came off yesterday at St. Paul's. The Union candidate for Mayor was elected by 300 majvity. TB BUFFALO FIRE. BUFFALO, April 7.—The Oil Refinery of Atwater & Howes, was the only one burned yesterday. That of Wardwell & Webster, is uninjured. Nine persons were severely burned and one was killed. The loss is not great. The buildings are insured for $lO,OOO. . ILXXVIIITH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION. WaSHINGTorr, April 7. SEICATE.—Mr. Doolittle called dip the House bill appropriating about ...100,000 for the removal of Indian refugees from the Southern and other reser vations aftected by the rebellion back to their homes, with some verbal amendment. The bill was adopted as. amended. Mr. Hendricks addressed the Senate In opposi tion to the joint resolution. (' [Continued from Second Edition.] Hors& —The House resumed the consideration of the Raritan and Delaware Bay railroad bill. Mr. Woodbridge (Vt.) argued in favor of the constitutionality and expediency of declaring the roads and boats of that company to be military and post route. The public should be protected against that legalized monopoly, the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, which not only im poses burdens on the people, but cripples the Go vernment in the performance of its duties. This company, lie said, interferes with the election in that State and designate who shall be elected. Mr. Rogers (N. J.) remarked that the statement was false from beginning to end. Mr. 'Woodbridge took the disclaimer as true, according to the best informati^n of the gentle man, but be (Mr. Woodbridge) had been informed that the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company puts its foot on such nomintvion of candidates as may not best serve the interests of the great monopoly. The subject went over. The House proceeded to consider the special order, mainly, business relating to the District of Columbia. MAItICETS. • Is: Inc Tom:, April 7. Receipts Flour , 9,363 barrels; Wheat, • 600 bushels; Corn, 920 bushels. Gold is selling at 170 x; the Government price is 165. Stocks better; Chicago and Rock Island, 127 X; Cumberland preferred, 55X; ill. Central Scrip, 157 X, Michigan Fouthern, 115; do. do. guaranteed, 163, N. Y. Central, 144, Penn. Coal. 131; Reading, 164 X; Hudson River, 162; Canton Co., 741(; Mis souri 6e, 72X; Erie, 126 X; Galena and Chicago, 133; Cleveland and Toledo., 155; Chicago, Bar. and Quincy, 46X; Michigan' Central, 156; Harlem. .157 X; Cleveland and Pilisburgh,l29%; Gold, :70X. Coupons, 1681, 114, Treasuries, 7 3-ths, 111,14 6-20 s Coupons, 11'2; Quicksilver. Si; Gold since Board, 170: Money quick at 7. BALTIMORE, April 7.—Flour firm; "Ales 011.001 bble. Ohio at 87 37X. No grain in market. Corn is in demand at Si 22a81 23. Whiskey very firm; Ohio St 07)041 09. Coffee buoyant; Rio 39a10X. The correspondent of the Herald writes as fol lows : Arrangements are being made far investing Cal peper with a formidable cordon of fortifications, with the view of making it a permanent depot for rellilary supplies. This will avert any incon venience in supplying our army during the ap proaching campaign that might result from an in terruption in COMM nnication by a rebel raid. General Burnside was in town for a few hours to-day, in consultation with the War Departnient in reference to his expedition. General McDowell is about to leave for ()ail • fornia, to-assume command of the forces in that State. It is understood that the President will con stitute a depetrtment of California, Oregon and a portion of the adjoining Territories, and authorize the mganization of ten new volunteer regiments. The fohowing officers are Officially announced as of the staff of Lieutenant General Grant. in General Orders No. 1110, from the War Depart ment Lieutenant-Colonel C. S. Comstock, senior Aid de -Camp, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieutenan t. Colonel D. E. Babcock, and Major F. T,Dent, Fourth United States infantry, Aid,de- Camp, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel: Lieutenant- Colonel W. L. Duff, Second Illinois artillery, Assistant Inspector-General. Major W. It. F owley, Aid-de.Camp, and Cap tain Adam Badeau, additional Aid.d.l-Camp, pritste secretaries, with the rank of Lieutenant. Colonel - • - - 3.15 O'Olook. BY TELEGRAPH. Steamboats PROM LOUISIANA FROM WASHINGTON A SUSPICIOUS t3TFAMPIP. OFF ME COAST.OF MEXICO. [Corr eirpondenceHerald..] iternm.six March 27. The steamer Onxaba, at Panama from San Francisco, brings' ua the highly important and startling intelligence that a suspicion. steamer, answering the description o: the Alabama, had been seen off iicaptiloG. It ap pears that she followed a coal shp close into the outer anchorage at AcaPulco, so close, indeed, that She was distinctly seen. from the decks of the French blockading ships of-war. . As soon as the information was conveyed to the Ad miral, the 'United States steamer Lan caster immediately got under weigh and stood-at sea, by t failed to discover the stranger, who, when last seen, was standing to the northward, under easy steam going not more Chan five or six knots. The French Admiral disclaims all knowledge of the vessel. The English have no Such craft in their Pacific squadron. The only Spanish vessel of that class on the Pacific station is now at Callao. Hence, who can the stranger bet The United States steamer Lancaster, it was understood, would go to the northward, in order to convoy the mad steamer Coneritutlon clear of danger, aad wills's° warn the Golden Age to be on the lookout. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. IuDDSB D. Diaz &SON, STOOK BEONBBB, NO, 80t. L FIIT STILENr. SALES' OF STOOKS. 600 sh Penn Mini BEFOREng 1 b3O 123 i I 400 sh do D 5 12 I 100 sh Soh Nay prfd M 48,‘ 300 sh do D3O 49 ROO eh N Carbondale P/BST 16000 13 E. Gs 5.205 It 2 600 do 111% 3000 Penna Coup 65 108 1000 Pentla 68 cash 1003 3200 do 101 1600 City 64 1043( 6000 do new 110 16660 Sch Nav 64 'B2lOO 360 do 1003 1000 NorthPa 8 ft s 5 03 2000 Sum 1 68 Cul 64 2000 Union Oil Sa cub 80 100 Cam&Am 68'83 105 4000 Phil&Erieß 6a 109 93 ah Girard BY 493 j 2 sh Consolida BY 34 6 eh Hazleton Coal 12 30 eh West Bra Cid b 5 106 eh realm R 793( ICO eh Little Seh B 60 100 eh Lehigh V R $1 5ei...a..4 AFTER $lOOO Leldgh 63 $lO 112 200 sh Sch Play prfd 45U 100 sh do 40S 1 100 sh Cratawissa pfd cash 42% 350 ah do 423 200 sh Big Mountain Coal NO 113 100 eh Gbard Col R Nikaint 31 100 Eh North Pa B • 2 days 37 1100 eh West Branch Coal Ar. LumCo D 5 SECON 112 101 $3OO US 816208 3000 Penns 64 6000 Allegby Co 53 b 5 81 Nell Little Sehuy 60 30 eh West Br Col 130 10th North Pa B 36X WO oh do 1:45 37 400 th do rr PRIOES OF STOOKS IN k.NKR YOBS. (By rekgrap) Karr cant. 1130031 D CALL. American Gold 120% bid ... bid Chicago and R. 151 and..... bid 128 sales Beading Bailsoad . 82% bid 82% sales Illinois Outtzal bid 161% sales Galena and Obieago.... .. bid In sales New "York Centr 144 . bid 1441( sales 11. SAS 'ill int. aN 114 bid 114,1 , sales ?Me 126% bid 126% sales Harlan ; 181% bid 169 sales Ckweland and Toledo.. bid bid T01ed0...... Welted. 711ANCE AID 31311111111111-41 , 1111. 7;1164. The adianse lathe premium on Geld this sacra inn had s narked erect upon the Stock Board, and the market was very strong. The tendency in Government Loans continues upward, and sales of the Five-Twenties were made at lit—an advaace of X, and 1143( was bid for the Coupon Sixes. State Fives were in demand at 101, and the War Loan at 108—both an advance of x 11/1 cent. City Loans, of the new issues, sold at 110—a decline of and the old issues at 1043(: Camden and Amboy Railroad closed 111 bid. Pennsylvania Railroad sold up to 493—an advance of X. Reading Railroad was less active, bat closed at 82X11833‘. Rine Hill Railroad was firm at 64X. The demand for Little. Schuylkill Railroad was better than for some time past, and sales were made outside at 603 b. 30. Catewisaa Railroad Preferred declined 3, but the Common stock was unchanged. Long Island Rail road advanced X, and North Pennsylvania Railroad shares and Bonds X. Philadelphia sad Brie Rail road was neglected. Schuylkill Navigation Pre ferred was active, and advanced 1; the Common stock was also x higher, and the Bonds active at MC@ teOX. Susquehanna Canal sold at '211024X--an advance of X. Delaware Division rose X. Union Canal Bonds fell off X. 1a Bank shares the only sales were of Girard at 4936, and Consolidation at 714. The low-priced Mining and Oil Companies were rather inactive. Fulton declined X. Oil Creek and Marquette were firmer, with more in quiry. Passenger Railway securities were without essential change. Ridge Avenue was dull, and is barely sustained against the knowledge that it will pass its dividend. Tie following are the sake of the Gerernateat 10-40 Loan up to t P. X.: Assistant Treasurer, U. S. Mint gi0,190 First National Bank 11,500 Jay Cooke A. Co 13,000 At the Phlladelphia Gold Exchange, No. 841 South Third street, second story, fold quotations were at the following rates: Aran. 7, WI. 9% A. M., 1713‘. 112 P. M., 170. - 11 .A. M., 170%. IP. M., 170. Market steady. Messrs. be Haven & Brother, No. 20 South Third street, make the followingggetations of the rates of enohaage to-day, at P. B.: Buying. Belling. American Gold _ 0 prem. 70 prem. Demand Notes 69 prem. 70 prem. Quarters and halves 61 prem. Dimes and half dimes 67 prem. Spanish quarters 57 prem. Pennsylvania currency X dir. ' 14 diS. New York -140 par. Jay Cooke Sc Co., quote. Government Securities, &c., as follows: Nom April 7 1864. Baying. bellin.4. 11. S. ei, 1881 11.33 11434 11. S." 7 840 Notes, August 111 112 " ber % Certificate of Indebtedn Octo ess. 118 114% " " sew 9934 99K Quartermasters' Vouchers 993, 99 U. S. Denuind Notes • . Gold ' 1 - 0 171 6-20 Bends, full coupons. 111 112 The following is the statement of coal transported over the Hazleton Railroad, for the week, ending April 2, 1864, compared with the same time last year: Week. Previous/. Total. Hazleton Mines... 2,884 16 21,930 06 21,815 01 Cranberry 1.022 12 18,133 07 14,155 19 Diamond 1,312 16 12,196 08 13,509 04 East Suor Loaf.. 3,715 02 23,735 14 27,450 16 Council Ridge 2,877 10 18,722.12 21,400 02 Mount Pleasant... 965 (~ 6 9,988 07 10,918 12 Harleigh 1,319 10 -.11,580 . 08 12,839 13 Jeddo - 3,183 16 28,101 12 31,285 08 Ebervale 1 , ,85 16. 9,741 11 10,937 06 Milnesville 1,2t.6.19 10,441 00 11,647 19 Buck Mountain... 1,566 07 14,759 07 10,325 14 Pea Coal Total 20,640 07 174,825 07 104,865 14 Corresponding pe ried last year.... 13,070 18 189,373 04 202,414 02 Inereaie ... Decrease... 7,469 09 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. TBORSDAT,ApriI 7.—The advance in the premium on Gold anti on 'Exchange has caused more inquiry for Breadstufts and there is a decidedly firsier feel ing in the market Tor Produce in general. • ' Flour is held stiffly and there is a moderate ship ping demand, with sales of 2500 barrels fair and good Western extra family at s7@7 50 barrel, 200 barrels old stock extra at s6@s 25, 200 barrels su perfine atthe same figures, and 1200 barrels fancy Ohio at $7 '7s@B 50. The sales to the retailers and bakers are limited within the range of these quota tions. For Rye Flour and Oorm Meal there is mere inquiry. 1000 bushels of the former sold at fild 26.1 nemerkot le poorly suppllog wit 4 Wlicet :al 4 BOARDS. • • 100 eh Little Soh R. b3O 505 f 60 eh do 156 503 100 eh do 1110 6035 100 eh Keystone Zing 435 300 eh Reedit 824 350 eh do 82%., 400 eh do h3O 83 ARD. 60 oh Long Island C&P 60 33 eh West Phila R 72 60 eh Lehigh Zino 66% 60 ah New Creek 2 400 eh North Pa B 36% 1100 eh Susq Cnl cash 28 200 ah do 28 100 eh do 28% 400 eh Oil Creek b6O 11 200 eh Del DivCl 463{ 100 a PultonCoalCo b 6 13% 1000 eh do 13% 300_sh Sch NaV - 41 900 eh do b 39 41% 100 oh Soh NAV Will 100 ah do WO 45 49% % 100 di do b3O 48% 100 all Catawissa pfd 42% 100 eh do e6O 42% 14 eh Read R 8581% 100 ah de caan 82% FIRST BOARD. 60 eh PhDs &Erieß cub 37% 100 eh Connecticut 511 1% 200 U. Soh Nav b3O 41% 200 sh Penn Xining b3O 12% 1000 eh N Carbondale b3O 10?-,f 100 ah Clinton Coal 2% 1 0 0 eh do 2 100 ah Read R 82% 500 ah do 32% 400 ah do cash 62% 60 ah do 82% 1100 ah do b 6 83 D BORAD. 100 ah Green Noun 9 400 oh Sch Rev b3O 41% so ak do 41 100 eh NewOreek 2 146 25 eh Bead B 82% 100 ah do b3O 33 150 eh do 82% 100 ah do 1)3 82X 10 eh do 110 82% 15,047 17 ' 7,5'78 0 la in better demand. Sales of 10,000 bushels Red— part at $1 70/81 . 75 % bushel, and,part on private terms, and 500 bushels Michigan Amber at 81 '7s— advance of scents V bushel. White ranges from 81 80 to 81 96. Rye is scarce and wanted at II 30. Corn is scarce and yellow is in demand., Sales of 3000 bushels at $1 22. Oats have advanced 2 cents V bushel; 1000 bushels _prime sold at 88 cents, but holders now ask 90 cents. No change In Barley or Malt. Provisions have an upward tendency and in pickled Hams the transactions have been large, comprising about 1000 tierces at 14V21.4% cents cash. Smohed Hams have also advanced and 200 tierces Bold at 110)173( cents--part to go out of the market. Whiskey is unsettled and has again advanced two cents $1 gallon: Sales of 100 barrels Ohio at $1 10 and drudge at $1 08. 1:111TOBTATIOITS. Reported for the Philadelphia Eveniag Bulletin. CABDENAS--Brig Protege, Beynolds--375 &MU 60 boxes sugar S & W Welsh; 60 hhds molasses J Buzby. PORT Or PHILADWIZEUL. APRIL 7. Bu Marina BuyetEnots zieli Page. AREIVED 17318 DAY. Bark Earn , Booth, Chipman, 15 days from Port Boyal, in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. Bark Garibaldi. Hoyt, 15 days from Cardenas, in ballast to J E Bazley 4r. Co. Brig Protege (Br), Beenolds, 12 - days from Cards nes, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. Schr JIL Stroup, Poster. 7 days from Key West, in ballast to Bunter, Norton tr. Co. Schr Lncy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with corn meal to R 13 Lea. Steamer Anthracite, Sonea, 24 ;hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M ' Baird & Co. Steamer NC Manley, Smith, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W /I Baird .& Co. CLEARED Tlll6 1.)& Y. Bark Kate Stamler, Stafford, New Orleans, 3) S Stetson & Co. Schr John Compton, Woolford, Newport, Romellm & Potts. Bahr Enoch Moore, Allen, Port Royal, J E Smiley & Co. Schr J M Broomall,Donglass,port Royal, Tyler&Co. Correspondence of-the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWF3, Dm.. April I. We had yesterday another Northeast gale, which brought several more vessels ashore. The.achooner Maria Foes, with coal oil. and a light schooner, came on the beach yesterday nearly opposite this place; another schooner went on outside the point of the Cape. This morning we see en the beach three brigs and six schooners. The bad weather prevailing recently has prevented the unloading of the vessels previously reported ashore. Nothing has yet been done to the brig John OhrTstat The brig Chicopee, 45 days from Porto Prays, Africa, for Roston, came in yesterday, short of pro visions, having been seven days on short allowance; she remains this morning in company with lifteezi barks and brigs and about forty schooners, which the heavy sea prevents ue from boarding. Wind NE. Tours, So. . AARON MA R-qVIA r•ta. XENORANDA. Ships Coburg, Gibson; Kingston, 'Masson, and Tecumseh, Spangle, were loading at Liverpool 26th ult. for this port. Ship Philadelphia, Branthwaite, was loading at Liverpool 26th ult. for New York. Bark Pomona (Dutab), liaddeman, sailed from Heivoet Uri ult. for this port. Ship Wm Nelson, Smith, from N. York 27th Oct at Panama 21st ult. Ship Sohn Cottle, Hallowell, sailed frost Panama 21st uit. for Callao. Slip Lady Blessington, Bennett, fer Callao t was ott Queenstown Seth nit. Ship Kate Prince, Libby, at Callao 11th ult. from Chinas& Ship Courier, Chatfield, from San Francisco, at Callao let nit. and Bailed ith for Chlnehaa to load for Antwerp. Ship I F Chapman, Millen from New York via Rio Janeiro Deo 18, for Saa Francisco, was spoken fth Feb. lat 40 8, lon 76. Ship Snakspeare, Beed,froin New York Iftit Nov for San Francisco, was spoken 16th Feb. let 81 5, lon 10. Ship Enterprise, Dunbar, from ?few York Vd Oct. for San Francisco. was spoken with Feb. lat 20 8, lon 9% W. ship Bunker nth, Darla, eleared at Lirerpeal tad nit. for Rio Janeiro and Callao. Ship Gen Shepley, Stetson ' at Callao 6th alt.froni Clinsbas, aid sailed Nth terAntwev. Steamship Cella, Billings, Trout New York, at Gravesend 26th ult. _ !Steamship Belton', Finishers, sailed from Graves. end 26th ult. for New York. Steamship Persia (Br), Lott, front Liverpool 26th nit. and Queenstown 27th, at New York yesterday. 27th tilt. of lteche'a Point, palmed steamship Ca nada, bound .11. Steamship Ocean Qeen, Tinklepaugh, from As pinwall Mk uit. at New York yesterday. Steamship Illinois, Babcock, front New York, at Aspinwall 24th ult. Bark Fenelon. Hagar, from Callao for Antwerp, put into 'Valparaiso 27th porti o n distress, after throwing overboard a large of her cargo. Bark Glide, McMullon. cleared at Boston yes terday for Zanzibar. Sehr Carrie M Rich, Briar, cleared at Beaton yea terday for this port. Sehra Anna Magee, Smith, hence for Boston. and J S Weiden, Wearer, hence for Bridgeport, at New. York yeaterday. DIED. TAYLOR—On Wednesday afternoon, 6th of April, 'William J. Taylor, in the 32d year of his age, son of John M. Taylor, of Worcester county, blaryland. His friends and those of the family are Invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his un cle,Andrew M . Jones, No. 1419 Locust street, on Friay afternoon, 'at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. WERLY CORSETS. Mrs. Steel, TENTH street, below Chestnut, has just received from Paril best quality, elegantly fitting Corsets. All kinds of Corsets on hand and made to or der. ap7.3t* FOR SALE.—An elegant ILESIL , ENCE MIS on LOCUST street, opposite St. Mark's Church. This is one of the most eligible and de sirably t Unwed bouses in Philadelphia Apply to J. M. GUMPdF.Y do SONS, No. Esos 'Walnut street. ap7-3t4 —This amount to LOAN in first $lOO. 000. MORTGAGES on City Proper. ties, in sums of '315, OW to Vtl. OM Apply imme diately to E. PETTIT, 323 Walnut street. ap7-ttts GEORGE J. BOYD, STOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, _ _ _ No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis sion. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, tSpecie and Uncarrent money bought and sold. mb2-3mrp§ MARKING WITR INDELIBLE INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Am. A Lady competent to mark neatly can and employ ment X. A. TORREY mhl.9 1800 Filbert waned. rILIVE OIL. —To connoisseurs and those want kiing the best Olive Oil, we have just received a lot of the celebrated virgin oil of Aix; also, Olives Paroles of onr importation, and for sate by SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut sta. STUART'S BROKEN ()AN DY .—Just received Stuart's Broken Candy, and fur ealaby SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. CALIFORNIA PORT.—Suitable for invalids from its purity, and to the pbblic generally from its being a rich, fruity wine, and for sale by SIMON COLTON - ft SON, S. W. Broad and 'Walnut. ap7 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, 01 our own importation, reliable in quality, and at low prioes. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, vet Ilbeetnut street. below Vonrtb. 11.111 TO LET—A HAN DSONCE BROWN Ma STONE HOUSE, ready furnished, west of BROAD Street. to a small family for four or five months. Address "E. 5.," Burra.r.im Office. ap7.3t* WM FOR SALE.—A Uountry Itesidance, with jia6 acres of land, in Moorestown, N. 4.,• band some dwelling, stabling. ice house, &c., 'plenty of shade and fruit trees, and excellent pasture. Ap ply to J. O. FINN, inh2.s-12trp¢ - - 614 Uhestnut street. Arr-7,1: GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE J3Mby M. THOMAS & SONS, on TUESDAY, the 12th of April.--A large and. convenient House, with 334 acres of land, in the country, yet near to Railroad Stations, Markets, Stores, Ohurches,&c. It has heater, ranges, hot and.cold. water, gas, and long porches, lawns on three sides, with fine old shade trees, a good stone stable, large kitchen, garcen, arc. The property will be shown by the tenant. Terms easy. aps-6trp* ma FOR SALE—A COUNTRY RESI DENCE, near TIOGA STATION of GermantoWn Railroad, situate on south side ct Tioga street, 148 feet west of Twenty-first street. The lot is 100 feet front, and 250 feet deep, beauti fully laid out with choice traits and flowers of every variety. The house has all the convenience of a city residence, and will be sold on accom modating terms. Mrs. MITCHELL, the occu pant of the premises, will answer any inqui ries ; or apply to HENRY OROSHEY;' Lula. ber Merchant, Delawar e — true, below Green street ' tribtotf.rt4 VII - ELLOW METAL SHEATHING. —CROCK er Brothers & Co.'s Taunton Yellow Metal sherithiag, Bolts, Nails slid ikes of ail 5111.9 ' in Erne and for sale by S. ORANT I M fagatti Delaware smut. SPRING DAMASKS. *ESTEE:TILE LACE CURTAKNS AND A. LARGE INVOICE OP BROWN SHADES OF ENTIRELY NEW DEBIGNEk L K NVALRAVEN: strouzstsou To W. H. OARHYL, MASONIC HALLS, 719 CHESTNUT ST._ GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, FOR THE .- SANITARY CONIRISSEN; COMMITTEE FOR A DAY'S LABOR, A DAY'S INCOME, A DAY'S REVENUE, Office, 118 South Seventh - Street, cor ner of Sansem Street, SECOND STORY, Front Room; This Office will be open daily from 4 , A. X., ill p. M., to BECIELVS sußsamprforrs or One Day's Labor, One Day's Income, One Day's Revenue. Prom All Who Labor, •r Have In. comes, or Revenues. Evay Family has some relative or friend in the AMBIT OR WAVY I Let all bring in' their offerings to swell the great tide which is to culminate in Logan Square in the month of Jluto next. We Will Receive INDIVIDUAL SIIRSCRIPTIONE, HOUSEHOLD SUBSCELPTIONS, ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTIONS: SUBSCRIPTIONS OF A DAY'S LABOR, A DAY'S INCOME, A DAY'S BEVENTTE, I MONEY, IN M.,,f,NI:IrFACTURES; IN PRODUCTS. The poor man or woman will thus have an op. portnnity to contribute to the objects of the Fair who would otherwise be shut out of participation in it. Citizens are invited to call at the Office where a Committee will be constantly in attendance to con. eider their suggestions and to appoint. Sub-Cora. mittees for City or Country. L MONTGOMERY BOND, • Chairman. McGREGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretary. JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasnrer, 118 South Seventh Street. ap7 3t% SENAT, BROS. & 00 • 414 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry St. s Importers of • WHITE GOODS. Offer a complete assortment ofiaconets, (lambdas, Checks, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India Mull and other Muslims of Our usual make and finish. late-tfo OF rags—Made MANTILLAS SPIIING CLOAKS, On ;Tuesday, March 29th. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, No: 920 OHESUM STREET. En:11124.1111 J. T. DELACROIX Has now open at his New Store, No. 37 South second st.above Chestnut, A large stock of the newest styles of CARPETING- \ 'S#, John Crossley & SOUS VELVETS, t BILIJS% ELS, t TAPESTitY BRUSSELS, Together with an extensive line 01 IMPERIAL and EXTRA THREE-PLY Ingrain and Venetian Cargetingai; • 1 011 Clotbp, Window Shniipo Pnc mondoel. nolesaie and retail at. Ike LC) tif ra:a rualuts istlar4P6l.