/IXIISEMINTS CONCERT HALL. J. W. ' , WILDER Manager FOR-ONE WEEK ONLY. CODITIENOTNG MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1864 . SIMMONS, lIIIRAOULOUS ILLUSIONIST, THE NESTOR OF ART, And Autocrat of the Realms of Magic. FROM THE OPERA HOUSES and THEATRES OF E. 0 NID ON, The CITIES and COURTS OF CONTINENTAL EU ROPE. AUSTRALIA, CHINA, and FROM THE COURTS OF THE TY COON and MIKADI OF JAPAN, From which be brings testimonials which incon testably demonstrate him to be the GREATEST MASTER OF OCCULT MYSTERY Who has ever visited the shores of America.. In order to give full effect to the WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES - Of this Most .bmiisoycliiary Artist, . CONCERT HALL Will be converted into ONE IMMENSE MIRAD OR, From wnion win be Eeen the illtinory miracles and NOVEL TOU.SS D'ADDRESS GREAT SIMMONS, Aided by NO GLITTERING APPARATUS, Abetted by NO CONFEDERATES. The repertoire or this - MAGNIPOTENT ARTIST Embraces A TH OUS AND ILLUSIONS,. WHICH WILL DEFY THE COMPREHENSION OF THE MOST ASTUTE, NULLIFY THE PER CEPTION OF THE SHREWDEST, AND BAFFLE THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MOST SCIENTIFIC, including the most Beautiful_and Mysterious of the Feats performed by The Sorcerers of China and Japan, - Including .The Great Japanese Or Papilionaceons Mystery; , THE FLIGHT OF THE BUTTERFLY. The most pleasing, graceful and beautiful feat ever witnessed, and. _ _ LE SABOT JAPANESE; . On, TOP-SPINNING ON A SINGLE THREAD. Together vitt:ran expose of ASTOUNDING DECEPTIONS Practised by Modern Spiritualists and Charlatans, Including the BLOOD RED WRITING ON THE ARK; HOMOTOBRA on, OHICtRAPHY and the WRITING BY THE INVISIBLE HAND, seemingly traced by NO MORTAL FINGERS, and apparently THE OALIGRAPHY OF THE DEAD. For furthers particulars see pamphlets. Admission 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Children under 10 years 25 cents. Doors open at 7. Sbeance atB 0' clock. mh2o-50 GRAND LITERARY AND MUSICAL SOIREE BY THE ALUMNI OF TELF. qIRLS' HIGH AND NOR- MAL SCHOOL, AT THE _ ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY EVENING, April 11, 1864, At eight o'clock. Tickets 50 cants. Reserved Seats can be cbtained at Gould's Mu sic Store, corner of Seventh and Chestrut, with out wart :charge. Proceeds for the Sanitary Commission. m3itapl.l4 G EORGE THOMPSON, OP ENGLAND, The Orator of Freedom, the distinguished coadju tor of John Bright and Richard Cobden in the de fence of American institutions, will, by invits tion' deliver AN ADDRESS, in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on MONDAY EVENING-, the 4th of April, at 9 o' chSck— the net proceeds to go to the benefit of the COOPER-SHOP and UNION RE FRESHMENT SALOONS. _ • Subject--..AN EiIIk,IiRISIAN'S PLEA FOR DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM." Admission, 25 cents. Secured Seats, SO cents. To be had at THE UNION LEAGUE. NATIONAL UNION CLUB. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE ROOMS, No 1210 Chestnut street. PUGH'S, corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. ANTI-SLAVERY ROOMS, Tenth street, above Arch, REFRESHMENT SALOONS, and at the BOX OFFICE OF THE ACADEMY. mh29. et§ AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SOIREE GYMNASTIQUE fqr the BENE FIT of the "GREAT CENTRAL FAIR" of the SANITARY COMMISSION. By request of the Committee on Exhibitions, Benefits and Entertainments, A SOIREE GYMNASTIQUE AND LAST GRAND RE-UNION Of ali the Classes connected with the PHILA DELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTEwiII be held at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, • TUESDAY EVENING, April 12th. The classes of Masters and Young Gentlemen ander the direction of Dr. Will. JANSEN. The classes of Young Ladies led by Miss S. F. HOP SINS. The-classes of Gentlemen conducted by Messrs. HARBESON and GDION. The whole performance being a full and practi cal illustration of all the branches of modern Gym. nastics and Physical Culture, and executed en tirely by amateurs, members of the Institution. The Grand Orchestra of thirty-six first-class performers will, in itself, prove a great attraction. Director of the General Music.... Mr. HASSLER. Director of Music for the "Light Gymnas tics" Mr. LOSSE. F. LEYPOLDT, corner of CHESTNUT and JUNIPER Streets, has been appointed Treasurer and Agent for the sale of tickets. Full Programmes of ihe Entertainments will be ready on 'WEDNESDAY, March 23d, and can be had at the following places: Rev: Dr. 0. A. Smith; 1530 Arch street. George D. Parrish & Co., 312 Chestnut street. Messrs. Ashmead & Evans,.72l Chestnut street. Mr. F. Leypoldt, 1323 Chestnut street. Messrs. Hoyt & Bros., 1000 Chestnut street. Messrs. Andre & Co., 1104 Chestnut street. Mr. John Ribley, Continental Hotel. Office of Sanitary Commission, 1307 Chestnut street. and Natatorium, Broad street, below Walnut. .PRICE OF ADMISSION. Parquet and Balcony 81 Family Circle and Amphitheatre 50 cents. . No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seats to commence on Tuesday March 22. Doors open at 7 o' clock. The performance to commence punctually at Bo' clock. - mh2l-taryll T. IHE GREAT PICTURE, AT CONCERT HALL LEOT.URE ROOM. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE. COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4th, .1. 1118C0 Williams's Celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting 41 the Sacred Scriptares in the world, comprising Over fifty of the most SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the drat three thousand yeais of Biblical His tory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibi tions of the age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at 7,11 o' clock. Admission 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. N. 8.-M atinees on Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri day and Saturday Afternoons, at 3 o' clock. Admission for Children, 10 cents. fel942ri4 MILEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. .E 4 "THE FAMILY RESORT." UARNOROSS AND DIXEY'S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, ISplendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques. Plantation Scenes, .te., &c., by TWENTY' TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS "WEEK. Tickets, 2a cents. Doors open at 7o' clock. fe18.3m15 J.L.CARNCROSS, Business Manager. 11 &RD FROM THE et&l giLl ditorials f thi -only be d read in the o folic papers: The Ledger, The Age, Dally News, Sunday Dispatch, Sunday =TR& NOTIOR—TI 'Evening Telegraph for ps advertisements from the: "edged GFRIVI Isnr - an.- - krivnTA NIA. ORCHESTRA. —Public Rehear jr Gals eve T y. Satnrda at 3 o' cloak, P. M., at the DIUSICIAL FUND Slagle tiekets,9s Cents; Packages of six tickets, el. To be had at Atuirir s and Chestnut stree J. E. Q - onld, jJavelith i and Chestnut, and at the hall doo con .SlNO.—Ad,vertisements ie GREAT CASINO can owing respectable news The Inquirer, Press and Bulletin, Sunday Transcript, Sunday Mercury, , Times. hanks are returned to the Et favors, and gratuitous ... will be duly acknow rah2s-20t* AMUSEMENTS p ISLEY'S CONTINENTAL NEWS ESj " CHANGE. Choice Feats to all places of amusement may be hail rip to CM 0 , clock any evening. nillr.ly§ riBONA CIIEsTNUT ST. -THEATRE. UrLEONARD GROVER Manager (Also of Grover' s Theatre, Washington.) MONDAY EVENING. April 4, 1.8%. IMMENSE SUCCESS Of Poncicanlt's great Anierican Drama, THE OCTOROON, Which, during the past week, was received with •very demonstration of delight by AUDII NOES TEAT FILLED THE THEATRE - In eveart. THE MAGNIFICENT SUEvERY, SUPERB 'ACT [N(3-, and THRILLING EFFECTS Have been the theme of generous praise from both the Press and the Public. - REGULAR FAMILY MATINEE ENTER!. TAINMENT. On SATURDAY_ AFTERNOON, April 9. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquet, .50 cents; Family Oircle, 25 cents; Orchestra Seats, 7.5 cents. Five of the front benches only are recerved as Or chestra Seats. No extra charge for securing seats. Doors open at 7 o'clock: curtain rises at 8. wiTALNUT STREET THEATRE. ylf L.asen_... Mrs. M. A. GARRLIITSOII4 OLD ENGLISH 1 10MEDY NIGHT. TEIS (Monday) EVENING, April 4, .1.86-1, MISS LAURA EEENE, And Double Comedy Company, from New York, will appear in Goldsmith's splendid comedy of SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. Miss Laura Keene as Miss Hardcastle Mr. J. Dyott as Mr. Hardcastle ,Mr. Levick as Young Marlow mi.. 0. Peters as Tony Eamplcin Mrs. Tyrill .. as Mrs. Hardcastle The performance will conclude with the roaring farce of AWAY WITH MELANCHOLY. Performance will commence at 3 to 8 o' clock. irkts. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARULL STHEE7 YE THEATRE, ARCH street, above sixth. REAPPEARANCE OF MRS. JOHN DREW. MONDAY EVENING, April 4, 1861, ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; OR, CHE RIFLE BALL. Rosa Leigh Dirs. JohlPDrevr Elliot Gray Barton Hill Col. Cavendish May • Owen Marlow Itanberry Robb, Esq 'tnart Robson Miles McKenna. Mr. Griffiths Lady Florence May Miss E. Price Miss Tabitha Stork Miss Mary Carr Sarah • Miss Josephine Henry Prices as usual. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Car los rises at 73 4 ' o'clock. MESSRS. CROSS and JARVIS Will give their THIRD SOIREE OF OLASSIOAL MUSIC, FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON FRIDAY EVENING, April B._ ap2tB§ "PAHL W OLFSOIIN LJ "Respectfully announces his FOURTH CLASSICAL SOIREE, - To take place on TUESDAY EVENING, April 5,186 i, - AT THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, . When be will be assisted by THEO. THOMAS, - THEO. - KAMMEBER, .ROGGENBURGER, THEO. AHREND. Single Tickets. Sl; can be had at:the door on the evening, and previously at the Mutic Stores. Doors open at 7; commence at 8. r mh3t-64 CASINO CASINO— CASINO=OHEST NUT Street, above Sixth. The Great Variety Enterl.anment Ethiopian Comedians, Ballet Dancers, .. Pantomimists, Comic Singers, EVERY NIGHT. mhtS-lm p EDINSYLVANLI ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. Open-dally (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. N. to P. M. Admittance 25 cents. Children half-prim NEW PUB.LWATIONS EropULAI3 BIOGRAPHIES. Published and for sale at the Publishing and Bookselling House of T. B PETERSON .k BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Life and Campaigns of General U. S. Grant. Life and Services of General G. G. Meade. Life and Orders of General B. F. Butler, • Life of the late Archbishop Hughes, of New York. - Price 25 cents, each. $1 75 a dozen, or $l2 50 a hundred. Life, Campaigns, Services and Reports of Gene ral G. S. McClellan. Price, 50 cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth. Life, Speeches and Proclamations of President Lincoln. Price 50 cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth. (In Press. ) Paper edition $3 50 per dozen, or $25 CO a hun dred. Cloth edition $6 00 a dozen, or $l5 00 a hun dred. We have in Press, the Lives of all our Generals and Statesmen, and will publish one every two weeks. Orders solicited from Booksellers, Canvassers, News agents, Sutlers, and all others in want of gocd and fast-selling books, and they will please send on their orders at once, with cash enclosed, for what they may want Of any of the above, and the books will be forwarded by return express or mail as requested. New Books issued every week, comprising the most entertaining and absorbing works publi,hed, suitable for the Parlor,Library, and Sitting-Room, Railroad, Steamboat, or Soldiers' reading, by the best writers in the world. Addreis all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, And they will receive prompt attention. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Cata logue. ao4-2t yji OW WE GOT IN. HOW TO GET our. I.l—Two Lectures delivered at Temperance Rail, Trenton, N. J., on TUESDAY EVEN INGS, February t6th and tad, 1261, by Rey. J. W. WILEY, A. M., M. Ti. For sale at Higgins and Perkinpines's Boot Store, FOURTH street, below Arch. Price 25 cents. It* LEGAL NOTICES TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ANDCOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. —Es tate of DIARY RAN DOLPH JUSTICE. and JACOB JUSTICE, Minor children of EDWARD R. JUSTlCE,deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the final account of GEORGE R. JUSTICE, Guardian of the said Misorsi and to make distribution of the Balance in the hands or the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on MONDAY, 18th day of April, 1861, at 4 o'clock P. M. , at his office Southeast corner of SIXTH and WALNUT streets, in the City of Philadelphia. GEO. JUNKIN, Jr., ap4, m, w, f. St.* Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OFPHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM FRANTZ, deceased. Notice •is hereby given that ANN ELIZA. FRANTZ, widow of said decedent, has filed in the said court her petition, and an inventory and appraisement of the personal estate which she elects to retain, under the acts of April 11th, 1851, and April Bth, 1859, and the same will be approved by said court, on FRIDAY, the 15th day of April, 064, unless exceptions be filed thereto. W. WYNNE WISTER, Jr,., ap4-m,w4t* Attorney for Petitioner WANTS fa WANTED TO RENT. FOR THE SUM SUMER MONTHS, u, furnished house, in the country, of convenient at to the city. Address Box 1706 Post Office. ap4-3t* an WANTED—A COUNTRY HOUSE, suite.- ble for a first-class BOARDING HOUSE, ea,..y of access to the City. Address, describing house, lOU WALNUT street. e.p4-3t* _MILLINERY. is) DAYS ING- oon S April 7th,' R a handsomwillepen assorTHUßS tment of SPRING and NUMMER ;MILLINERY; also; a few cases of FRENCH BONNETS, at 1026 CHESTNUT street. an.l-4t* . . _ • nit IN PlPE.—Montgomery terra cara LI Works: Price List for 1864 2 inch pipe per 3 feet length 30 cents. 3 inch pipe per 3 feet length 36 cents. 4 inch pipe per 3 feet length 48 cents. 5 Inch pipe per 3 feet length 60 cents, 6 inch pipe per 3 feet length 75 cents. We are prepared •to furnish stone-ware drain pipe,llazed inside and outside, from 2 to 15 inches n diameter, in large or small , quantities, with all varieties of Traps, Bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. - • MeOOLLIN 5c RHOADS, 8.22 • 1221 Market street, Philadelphia. NEW TtIIIEISEL PRUNES.--. 4.0 °asks, for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER .t 00.; .110 ISOUth Wharves THE DAILY. EVENING ,BITLLEIIN ; PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864. 091st§TITUTI..ON W"ATEiIt OONSTI'TUTION WATER., THE ONLY KNOWN 'REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN IiFaCEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN KENEEDY FOR STONE IN THE BLADDER, OALOIII4US, IRRITATION OF THE NEOII OF THE BLAD. • DER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. For these diseases it is truly asoverelgn remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. .a single dose has been known to remove the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in he small of the back and through the hips? A easpoonfulli day of the Constitution Water' win relieve you like magic. Have long since given up the use of bu chu, cubebs and juniper in the treatment of the diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy has proved itself equal - to the task that has e. volved upon it. irritate and drui' the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to cnronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equalin relieving the class of disease. for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing; and we trust that we .b.. 3 I be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the require ments of patient and physician. IN DYSMENORRRCEA, OR PAINFUL MEN, STRUATION; AND MENORRIIAGIA, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the menstrual fluid—in case of being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion, which will be speedily cared by the Constitution W.ater. The disease known as FALLING OF THE WOMB, which is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp, land rating or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all cases, be cured by this medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising frond IRRITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi cians call nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does rot really know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms: We can only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly of Cold ' Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and DitOdess Of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the Unmarried female is a constantly re curring disease, and through neglect the seeds of mere grave and dangerous malaches are the result; and as month after month passes without an ellen being made to assist nature, the suppression be comes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption finally ends her career READ! READ!! READ!!! D.A.Nvim.s, Pa., June 2, 1662. Dr. Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir: In February, 1661, I was afflicted with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five months I lost about fifty potmcis ila weight. During the menth of July, 1661, I pro cured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and aft& taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, J. V. L. DEWITT. BOSTON CORNERS, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1661. Wm. H. Gregg It Co.—Gents—l freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can re commend in the highest manner: My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Paipitation-of the heart and irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who at tended her three months, when lie left her worse than he. had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find. *no attended-her for about nine months, and while she was under nis care she did not suffer quite as much pain. He finally gave her up and said, her case was in curable. "For," said he, - "she -has I suet a combinatio., of cchnplaints, that medicinegiven fat one operates against some o - her of her difficulties." About this time she commenced the ass of the CONSTITUTION WATER, and, to our utter astonish. ment, almost the first dose seemed to have the de sired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestacalislrs. She has not taken any of the CONSTITUTION WATER for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced aperma nent cure. W. 111.21. VAN BENSCHOTEN. WETHERSFIELD, Conn., March 2, 1863. Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Having seenyour advertisement of " Congtitution Water," recom mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of the Bladder; having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of phy sicians with only temporary relief, I was induced to try your medicine. I procured one bottle from your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson lc Co., and when I had used half of it, to my sur prise I found a great change in my health. I have used two bottles of it, and am winne I never ex pected to be in my life, well, and in good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more than you recommend it to be. May the blessing of God ever attend you in your labors of love. Yours' truly, LEO S. BIGELOW. THESE ARE Flti3T-S ENOUGH. We presentthe Constitution Water to the public With the conviction that it has no equal in reliev ing the' class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in curing; and We trust that we shall be rewarded for our eflorts in placing so valuable a remedy ma form to meet the requirements of patients and physicians. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONE . DOLLAR. Potetors. ELORGAN & GREGG en ALLEN, Grerpal i Agents. For sale by No. 46 CLIFF street, New York. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, FRENCH, RICHARDS & 00,, ja26-M. W. r.6na Philadelphia.' NEDIC,Ut. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, -CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER; CONSTITUTION. WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER,' CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, JONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION* WATER, CONSTITUTION• WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATT, CONSTITUTION WATERs CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, DIABETES, GRAVEL, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER STRANGURY. PHYSICIANS CONSTITIIT.T.ON WATER DIIIERTICS CI.,OTIIING. - SPRING OF 1864. EXPENSIVE CLOTHING HOUSE Nos. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, PHIL.&DELPHIB VI The facilities of this house for doing GD'=l business are such that they can confl dently claim for it the leading position En CD_ • CVZ among the Tailoring Establishments of - 04 C.D Philadelphia. They, therefore, invite O the attention of gentlemen of taite•to M O cfs C 1 .4 their superb stock of READY-MADE Cn OLOTRIN(}, cut by the best artists, e s, trimmed and made equal to Customer ,Z = Ora Work—AND AT c .. 71 Popular Pricey. I = l They have also lately added a OUS- El • TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest i= Cd m novelties may= be - foand. embracing I=l cc> Ls- some fresh from London and Paris. PERRY & CO., 303 and 305 Chestnut st. Custom Depa tment, 303 Chestnut s muss-tf rp4 We have learned not to be astonished at any thing. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the ha. bitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the follow ing—although the persons who write them are. We know the persoas and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorses their statement; - • 4 Nnw Banyoan, Mass. , Nov. 24, 1863. Bain Sin—l have been aftlictsd many years with severe prostrating cramps In my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system. et clans and medicines f tiled to relieve me. While visiting somelriends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters they prevailed upon me to try them. I commented with a email wine glassful inter dinner. Iree:ing better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, wtuch I have not done for years 1 feel like another being. My appetite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plan tatiell Bitters. Respectfully, JUDITH RUSSEL." 4 .Rmanssosor, Win., Sept. 16, 1862. * • • I haye been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111. , they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles.restored my &paella and cured me. • The following to from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: ..lixnuargint Mensiow, Ffty-seventh, street Nnw Yonx, August 2, DM. Da. illtelor Your wonderful Plantation lit ters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lunge with most !nippy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pants in her head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but it - tearipoenful,of Bitters a day. Her appetite- and strength rapidly in. creased, and she is now well. Respectuilly, Mai. 0. N. DEVOE." 1* * * I owe much to you, for I verily be lieve the Plantation l ite rs have saved my life. REV. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. y.t• * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. Alp wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA GUBI7.IN, Phils., Pa." ~* * * I have been a great anfierer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plantation Bitters hays cured me. REV. J. S. CATHOEN, Rochester, N. Y." It* * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effects. U. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati. 0. 44* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint,_ of which I was lald, up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O." 6.* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for yeara. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORE, Agent for Colgatir& Co.. '254 Broadway. icc., /cc , &c., &c., &c., The Plantation. Bitters make the weak strong the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the cele brated Calisaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafra. ) Roots, Herbs, &0., all preserved in perfectly pure Sh Croix Rum. S. T...1860.-x. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weak. ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, cert. stipation, ac., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical authorities, and are warranted to produce an _im mediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless. NoTion—Any person pretending to sell Planta. Sion Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put It up only in our log oabui bottle. Beware of Bottles re-filled with imitation deleterious stuff for which several persons are already in prison.. See that every bottle has our 'UnitedStates - Stamp over the cork, unmet-I/aka, and our signature on steel plate side label. Sold bY respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe, P. H.-DRAKE & CO.. 202 BROADWAY, New• York. re! 6• w, i, m, -6m We have now in store a handscime variety of • FINE MUSICAL BOXES, playing from TWO to TEN Choice Opera and Ballad Airs, some with Drum and Bell accom paniment; no more desirable article for. the sick chamber or the parlor can be found. FARR.& BROTHER, 324 Chestnut Street, below Foorth. min46-9t. - MUS CAL -BOXES. FITLER, WEAVER At 00., Manufacturers of MANILLA AND TARRED ()ORDAINS, Mans, Twins, Na. 113 North Water street and N0.'21 North DNA Ware avenue, Philadelphia. SIMI H. Yaws. mosAsz. ltrwas. C.IowBAD P..o.oaTzum. Insurers iii this Company haTe the additional guarantee of - CAPITAL STOCK all paid 117) IN CASH, which, to. ether with COSH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to 0 VER. INCOME FOR YEAR 1863, OVER $200,000. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER - DIVIDEND &MADE ANNUALLY thus aiding the tenured to pay Premiums. The last DIV MEND on all blumal Policies in force December 31, 1E63, was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMlllMS'received during the year. - - Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldin, William J. Howard, J. Edgar Thomson, Samuel T. Bldine, George Nugent, • John Allman, Hon. James Pollock, Charles F. Heaslitt, Albert C. Roberts, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Mingle, rms., Haalehurst. Samuel Work, 0. LL FLAUTZ. " ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. ap I-123 • THE COAL. BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, WILL CONTINUE TO PAY TWENTY DOLLARS FOR EVERY RECRUIT MUSTERED INTO HANCOCK ' S Second Army Coriis. ALFRED DAY, apl•u¢ CUIAIRMAN. Kid GlOves---Kid Gloves. _ . The cheapest and best In the City, at - JOHN MURIA'S AUCTION DRY GOODS STORE, • 30 South Second Street. ErEVERY PAIR WARRA.NrED._ay If they tear, another pair will be given in place of the torn ones. J. MURTA, rah3l.tft_ 30 South SECOND btreet. - SELLING OUT. The Subscriber about declining the Cabinet Business at his old stand, 531 North SECOND street. now offers his Extensive Stock of First_ Class Cabinet Ware for Sale. He invites the public in general to call and examine his new styles of furniture, which consist of. Rosewood, Walnut, and Mahogany, all the best workmanship, at much reduced prices. Store to Rent, 115 feet long, together with a four story Factory on the two adjoning lots in the rear. Suitable for.the manufacturing business. ta_ mh29-6txp* . GEORGE NECKS - BOOKS BOOKS !! AND FINE STATIONERY. Since the first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one of the largest and best assortments of BOOKS, FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found in any esk tablishment in the United States. We warrant our ; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very best material, strong, durable, and As LOW in PRIOR as any in the market. 41Z New Rooks received as soon mimed. ASHMEAD &. EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. - rab.12.2m1 - - WHEELER &WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCK" STITCH, SEWING:-MACHINES. Tut. CEIBA:PEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Salesrooms, 701 Chesueut Street, above 711 a., NEWT LO AR. U. S. 10-10' : JAY. COOKE 83 CO. -- 'Offer for. Bale the • - NEW GOVENMENT LOAN BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. ' BOTII. COUPON, AND RECIISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as We 5-20's. The interest on -. sso's and sloo's payable yearly;_on all other denominations, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, 1164. The hall-yearly interest falling due Septem- . ber ist and - March Ist of each year; until Ist SeP tember, the accrued interest from let of March is required to be paid by purchasers in COIN or in LEGAL CURRENCY, adding fifty. per tent for pre mium until further notice. A 1;,;T, OTHER GOTERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., mh.t.)9-tt,rp§ 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN - HOME COMPANY, THE MERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA, S. F. corner Fourth and Walnut sts $250,000 $BOO,OOO. $02.000. FURNITURE RESI'ECTFITLLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO OUI STOOK• OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, .. LACES VEILS, &e. BERNHEIN, 726 CHESTNUT ST. JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS IN FRENCH ORGANDIES, JACONETS, AND PERCALES. Rich and Handsome NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M. L. HALLOWELL ft CO. l 615 Chestnut - Street. mbs-Im9. ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON 41 CO,, NANDTADTUBERS - AND WHOLZSZAZir Dr.. I RTLS CARPETING% Oil Cloths, battings, Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street, 616 Jayne Estreeis. 1864. SPRING Diet. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. MVALLIJIVI & CO., Manufacturers, Importers and Whole; sale Dealers IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut et., J 0- O pposite Independence Hall. a 3 SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M'CALLITM & CO. Beg leave to inform the public that they hay leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET; Opposite Independence Sell, A RETAIL DRE'ARUMUM Where they are now opening A NEW STOOK, IMPORTED AND AMERICAN OAERETE, Embracing the Choicest patterns of AXMINSTER, - TAPESTRY CM. ROYAL WILTON, PETS, - VELVET, BRUSSELS CAI/PETE VENE AN Together with a full as l sortm S. ent of everythms pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja3e4t§ - - - - ARCH STREET CARPET WAREIIOIJSt. The subscriber has just received a well-selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, trthlB-2txt - 832 ARCH Street, below Ninth. T ATIfI9.-8 cargo or COO, 000 for sale by J. 4 150uxarat 00.. 111004 iWtYSCi