BUSINESS NOTICES. -11PMGREATEST oppy IMPROYEMENT oF THE AGE IN PIANOS. - MEYER'S Improved Overstrang rialtos, an- Anowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed the Musical public, to be the finest Pianos in Anierica. The attention of the lifftusical public is called to Byrecent methodprovements in Piano Fortes. By a new of construction, the greatest yossible'volame of tone has been obtained, without Ally of' the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos ars so celebrated, being lost, and Which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren ew? them Unequaled. These Instruments received the Pries Medal at the World's Fair, held in London, as well as the ffighest Awards over all competitors, from the ant Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, -722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. Dyg! AgiEr. DYE!!,S celebrated DYE is the best in the World. The only Hanalses true and Reliable Dyelmown. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, Uistantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving the hair soft andbeautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed wraux A. BATeunion, all others are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug. gists, esc. FACTORY- 81 BARCLAY street, N. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for dressing Ins Hair. ALLBELEOHT, RISES & SCHMIDT, eg leave to anaosmce • that their Manufactory of First-Class Flan Fortes is now in full operation. The general satisfaction their many Pianos. sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert tonfidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur w.sed by any manufactured in the United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, go. 16 North Third street. Full guarantee giVen, and prices moderate. LzmpAH. LO_QUBT MOUNTAIN AND BLAOIC .BSEi C OAL , carefully tweeted and prepared for family. use, tree from slate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. LUMP COAL for found ries, and 03DISTNITT COAL for, steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of Hioicorcr, OAK and Ellin WOOD, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of BLAoiciiMline a COAL, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS B. OAmLL, Offices 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. Pine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING . ICE CIONPAITE. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the payed limits of the Con solidated City and be the Twenty-fourth Ward. MASON PIANOS. HAMAN' S CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J. E. GO , • Seventh and Chestnut STECK &CO. 'S SOS CO.' S MITGUN E D A A Y D 11 3 SQUARE, UPRI G H T PIANOS are awar considered the best inEurope, as well as this country, having received the first Prize Medal at the World's Exhibition in London, 1862. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all othersjs, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who invent all their own improve rents, and under whose personal supervision *very part of the instrument is manufactured. For sale only at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut street. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC.—Is unequaled as a preservative for the hair. By its continued use, the head will in most cases be freed from dandruff, the hair nourished, softened, its growth promoted, and a beautiful glut be given it. Ladies will find this a most terviceable article for their Toilet. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 242 Chestnut street. WINDOW SHADE DIAIiTIFACTURERS KELTY, CARRINGTON No. 723 CHESTNUT. STREET I AM CURED. I nave taken six doses of Hadway's Pills, of three p ills each, in six days; they cured me of Gin stipation Indigestion and llyspeps:a. I - have taken 132--th's,. A—rs's, and many other pills for years, and could only obtain temporary relief. If I stopped the use of these pills for a week my old complaint would appear Six doses of Rad way' s Pills cured me. STEPHEN BENNETT, _ _ 11. S. C. S." "I have suffered with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint for seven years—have used all sorts of pills—they would gise me temporary comfort, but was c^mpelled to take them all the time. I have 'Used one box of Dr. Radway's Pills, lam cured, 1 have not taten a particle , of medicine in six months. CI M CHILDS, Roxbnry,hlass." Dr. Radway's Pills always cure, no straining, tenesmns, false calls to the water closet. Follow their usethey purge freely and cure rapidly. Dr. Radway's Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY do CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. pkaoasztelliumapiimlzi MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864. DEATH OF ENGLISH STATESMEN. The arrival of three foreign steamers is an nounced in our telegraphic column to-day, and reports of the death of.the Earl of Aberdeen and of Lord Ashburton are among the latest items of intelligence. The date of the death of the former is mentioned, and it is possible that in telegraphing the reports the name of Lord Ashburton may have been • incorrectly used for that of Lord Aberdeen. We give, however, brief sketches of both these distin guished statesmen:— The Earl of Aberdeen was born in 1784, and was educated at Harrow and at Combridge. In his younger days he displayed 'quite a taste for literature, and fohnded a club, the members of which must each have taken a journey to Greece. Lord Byron gave him a passing fling an "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." At the age of 22 Lord Aberdeen was elected one of the Scotch Representative Peers in the British Parliament, and for anumber of years he was actively .engaged in public affairs, both in England and as a secret envoy on the Conti. nent. In 1828, .under Wellington's ministry,he was Foreign Secretary, and was probably the worst tory of all that tory ministry. In 1841, under the Peel ministry, Lord Aberdeen again became Foreign Secretary,and in 1853 he again held office,as 'rime Minister, but his indispo iition to carry on the Russian war with vigor, was the means of his being compelled to resign. During his entire career he preserved a taste for literatun and the arts, which made him al most as prominent in literary circles as in the arena of political life. His intense toryism, bowever,kept him from ever becoming popular with the masses. Lord Ashburton, whose death is also re- ported,was the grandson of Sir Francis Baring, the great British merchant, and was the son of that Lord Ashburton who negotiated the North western Boundary Treaty with Mr. Webster. His father was one Of the most • distinguished English statesmen of the century, and his mother was the daughter of William Bingham, the American senator and merchant. Ho was born in our city in 1799. Ire was active in British politics from early youth, and was al ways identified with liberal principles and pop ular reforms. -If his death has taken place the British masses have lost a sincere friend and , TEE CONTINENTAL THEATRE MURDER. One more tragical event has been added to the history of the Continental Theatre, on Walnut street, above Eighth. This house has been unfortunate. - It was there that a number of years ago an elephant became enraged; and after killing his keeper, kept the neighborhood in a state of terror for several hours before the monster could be subdued and secured. Some time after this occurrence a young girl was hor ribly mutilated, on the same spot, by a tiger which clutched her dress through the bars of his cage as she was passing along, and tore her frightfully with his terrible claws before she was rescued. Still later, the most shocking tragedy of all was enacted on the spot, when the dresses of the ballet girls, engaged to give effect to a sort , of sensation presentation o f Shakespeare's play of the Tempest, took fire and nine or ten of the .poor creatures were burned to death. The latest horror was that of Saturday night, and it was unlike its predeces sors, inasmuch as it was the result of vice, and not of accident or mere brute ferocity. The story is a simple one, and one that is too common in great cities. , A girl fallen from the paths of virtue, whether from inclination, or from the goadiags of want, we know not, has a young man in her toils. The youth has no honorable principles to restrain him, and while earning a disreputable livelihood he shares his gains with the fallen female. He expects fidelity where truth and honor are strangers, - and becomes angry because his paramour fails to possess the virtues that he has himself dis carded. Then came jealousy, and revenge. with the grand climax of the bloody corpse Of a murdered woman and her half maudlin lover and murderer awaiting the decree of the law which may send him to the gallows. This shocking murder seems _to have hap pened most opportunely to give force and effect to the law of the Legislature which was signed by the Governor on the very day of the mur der, forbidding the employment of waiter girls in such places as that in which the tragedy of Saturday night was enacted. The murdered female had been a waiter-girl at the very house where she afterwards fell by, the hand of the assassin, and it is probable that while thus em ployed she first engaged the attention of the youth who afterwards became her murderer. There is no knowing how much of his own vile career is chargeable to this association, or how many offences against law and morality he may have committed in order to procure the means to keep himself in favor with his merely mer cenary lover. Jealousy came in the natural order of things; then followed the butchery in a crowded theatre, with terrible remorse and a public scsutdal : in the present, and a public trial, and perhaps a public execution in the fu ture. . It is an agreeable task, and . none the less agreeable because the opportunities of per forming it are rare—to congratulate the Legis lature upon putting a stop to the "Pretty Waiter Girl" nuisance. The evil has long been recognized, and the tragedy of Satarday night furnishes a ghastly example of what comes (Wit- IRISH EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. WINDOW By the latest foreign mails come journalistic accounts of the new Irish stampede for Ame rica, which indicate that the emigration from the "Green Isle" almost equals that of any former year. In describing the departure of vessels for the United States, the Cork Exami mer says : "We believe the extent of emigration which is caused by Federal recruiting in this country to be greatly exaggerated, at least so far as our observa tion of -that which goes on at Queenstown e^titles us tojudge. Unquestionably. there is amongst the departures many a tall fellow whom the urtmp would be glad to seize; but it has never been other wise. 'Di or is the propor ion of such men different from what it - would be at the most ordinary pe riods. Of those who went yesterday, at least oue third, if not a larger share, were women and chil dren. Nor was there any where visibie that swag ger which so commonly be.rays lhe aspirant far glory anc bounty. Many, very likely, when they land, may yield to the inducements with which *bey are pretty sure to be plied, but we doubt if there were many—perhsps we should say any—at all tinder pledge to do so. Of the passages it is true that a number are often prepaid, but in this there is nothing new. It is so well-known a custom o' the Irish in. America to provide for the passage over of their relatives and friends, that the circumstance of a larger number being no w prepail would hardly justify any particular conclusion being drawn from it. The truth is. that it is afar -fetched idea to suppose that Federal reuniting is in any important degree the stimulus to Irish e tii gration. It arises outof the condition of the coun try, and the dazzling, if not perfectly reliable, prospects held out by the labor market of the Northern States." kJ: tas 0 Dk.-1 SPRING STYLES The Examiner is mistaken if it considers the prospect of the rewards of labor in the United States to be unreliable. Never since , the world began was the remuneration for labor so great and the demand so . pressing as in this country_ at the present •time, and the instinct which brings hither the toiling masses of Ireland is'a true one. According to another journal, the Sligo Champion, great numbers of "well dressed,healthy-looking men and women" have emigrated recently from half a dozen parishes in that vicinity, and that paper considers the emigration by no means confined - to the im poverished class. The Tyrawley Herald re marks : ...Scarcely at any season have we in. years past seen the exodus so considerable as it is now, when the month of March has only been just entered on. It is no unsual thing, on any day of the week in 13allina, to count nineteen emigrants, between old and young, upon one orßian cont.' s long cars, and this three times in the day, and at the same tune to' see the long tan of a private car-owner, with smaller cars, and carts more numerous still, filled all of them by the same class, proceeding to Liver pot 1 and America. We are informed that no less than one hundred and twenty-one persons from a single parish within five miles of this town are preparing and intend setting off in company for America.. And this is no isolated case. Tne entire country would seem to be on the gui vise, and to be determined to know no.quiet and happiness till it shall be enjoyed in the midst of new associations and new labors in the New World. At the pre sent rate of progress outwards, Erris will soon be depopulated, and many parts of Tyrawley will be in no better plight." Confirmation of the foregoing facts may be found in a paragraph from the Tralee Chronicle. The editor states that a gentleman in a position affording peculiar facilities for information concerning popular movements,:jmys: i•Not a farmer Who does not seriously consider the advantage of leaving. land and home; not a laborer who does not long for the means which shall enable him to fly from the miserable land. He instances one case of this sort, and it merely in dicates the process which is going on throughout the country, and which promises to leave Kerry a waste, if some means shall not be taken to remove the causes which excite to this lamentable depoiSu lation. Church Hill is a hamlet, situate a few miles from Tralee. It is not worse circumstanced, either as to proprietorship or otherwise, than others in the county, but from this small hamlet twenty-five emigrants left for America on Monday last. This, we believe, was fully half the popula tion, and much more than half the able-bodied in habitants of Church Hill. Oar informant states - that, of these,,one family emigrated at their own cost, having sold the farm on which they dwelt, and all the others have bren aided to leave by friends who have preceded .them to that paradise of the laborer." From the above statements it would seem VIP DAILY EVENING BULLFTIN PHILADIMPHIA., MONDAY. n PHIL 4, 1864. that the number of immigrants who will reach our shores during 1864 will prohably - largely exceed that of last year, which reached two hundred thousand. The -waste of the war will thus he mainly made up, and the nation will be enabled to pursue with steady step the path of developement which above all countries on earth is peculiarly her own. - LARGE. SALE FUE : RITURE, ,_CHESTNUT ttention is requ.steri to the extensive sale of Furniture at No. HD ll , e=inut street, to-morrow (fus sti ) morning. See Ttiomas & Sons'. adver tisements. , _ BEAL ESTATE KIM STOCKS, TO.MOBBOW. s..ns' elle. at the Exchange, to morrow, Wel ud• a valuable TEN ACRE LOT, West Philadelphia; several va.nable 10!8 WALNUT and 22d street.; Bneiress Sands. Dwelling's, &c. Also, first-class BANK AND OTHEN. STOCKS. See adver isemeate and pamphlet catalogues. FIN . ER S life-Itkr, beautiful and artistic R photographs, (SART ES DE VISITE, give the utmost satisfaction to the possessor. Get them at SE( - ON P street. atm. Greet,. N S MALL SIZE HAND U' Saws, of medium and first quality, and a general variety of Tools, at TRUBIA.N do -HAWS. No. 915 :High'. Thirty-five) Market street. below Ninth. UNRIVALEDetyI.s of pleating Portraits,— Thrt;e finely ssecnted and artistically-colored G Life-sire PH TOR VHS, in oil colors, are the attractive feature,.at B. F. REIMER'S 621 ARCH street. ri A R PET SWEEPERS.—Two of the mostap- V proved pa , terus for sale by TRUMAN SFB (Faeht Thircy-4ve) Market straet balm. Ninth. .7L7OT' GET adm;rabl. styles of I VORYTYPES, j at 11. V. REIMER'S, 624 &WM. street; simple aid I:a , nral in attimde and arrangement, and ex qpir-iiely colored. See speelm.nt , at -the Gallery. FK FOR APRIL.-20 cants !20 r e.-nt! , ! 20 cents PI TAMER,' S np4-2t* FS Chestnut street. FAM LI" SEWING, tAT. R ttol. HERING, BR A I DING, Quilting, Tucking, Am. beau tifully executed on the GF OVER & AKER SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with °Der store, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNUT s , reet. - apt-m, w, RAL LACE BARBES; REAL BLONDE LACE B1RBES; Real Point Gaze Lace Bathes: Point application Lace Barbes; Real Vnlencienr eg Lace Barbee; Exquisitely fine Real Black Lace Barbes, also Real Point Gaze “Dutchesse collars" in entirely new and rich des.gns, the handsomest you mayfind. just re ceict d by GEO. W. VOGE.L, api-Ct* ' 101 G Chestnut St. I.OPEIIMPSat4-135112,7nEATrItilsEDt. DRIED apt43trp6 ARCHER do REEVES. UMBERLANI) SALM E.—The "only good IL/American &Lace " Sold by the principal grocers. The trade Supplied at 45 N. WATER street. apl- art>) 0*64 P.-1101.3SEKELPERS WILL, FIND . a god assortment or Halves and Forks, Spoons. Waiters. Sauce-pans, Butter-kettles, Tea and 1 effee Pots, Tabs, Buckets. Brooms, Baskets, and Brushes, at GRIFFITH & PAGt.'S, mbs-ty rpo .600 ARCH Street. wr Mar% UrAuTUH.Y. —Hoop Dl_ Starts ready-made and made to order; war inu3d of she best materials. Also Stine repaired. MRS. i. BAYLEY, mhl7-Im 4.02 Vine street. above. Richt* oAt•--1.• afikl Y AP. —uoriTAINS 0 no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or OLA.Y,, nut is an- entirely PURE SOAP, and skeuld De used by r every family. Put up In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, fall weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELIMiTON G S ON, 0.017.071314 114 Marenrattruttrest TISICA.L BOXES, IN.RANDSOME )Asps, 11 playing from two to twelve choice melodies, or stile by FARR & BROTHERS, Importers, robs', No. Sat Chaetnut ildTAot, below Fourth. Q 13ARVEY THOMAS. STOOK BROKER. No. 3t2 WALNUT Street, • Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans borsht and sold on collsoission, at the Board of Brokers. Particular attention given to 11. S. Government Loan. tottztmrps BAKER'S ORNAMENTAL HAIR 'MANU. FAC'T'ORY.—The largest and best assortment of - Wig Toupee, Long Hair Braids, Curls, Frizettes Seams, for ladles, -at prices lower than elsewhere, at 90',0 CHESTNUT street. mliB-Imrp* GEORGE. J. BOYD.. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Storks imd Loans bought and sold on Commis sion. at the Board of Brokers. • Government Seenrldes, 'Specie and Unenrrent money bought and sold. imat2.4m.rps BIRD CAGES, MARINE SHELLS AND AQUARIA, Constantly on hand at the . AQUARIA STORE, No. V Forth Stith street, rnh.4.-lna.rpsk 'below Aral: 1^ in ALM.: NaTIIANS, AUOTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of TRIED and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATRA.NS'S Principal oMce, es. tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, la large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry. Cloth. ing, and goods of every description. Office hours tram s A. M. till 7 P. M oa•X)-ttro ARDWARE ANDTOOT.S, I 1 NAILS AND SASH WEIGHTS, 'PULLEYS AND H NGEs (all sizes), ize,, for sale VERY CHEAP OR C ASR. by ANDREW JOHANN. No. 1713 Marks' street mb2S-Imo ARKING WITH. INDELIBLE INK, In Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, kc. A Lady competent to mark neatly can Bud employ ment M. A. TORREY, mhl9 i-tin Filbert street. OLD GV. PENS.—A large assortment, of various degrees of fineness and elasticity, in Pocket and Desk Holders. For sale by ' WM. WC. I:3HitISTY, mh26-sa,tn,th-6tzpS 1'27 South Third street PURE 1•41.141u1/......lOAY.—Ttue, Scup 13 MAUS of pure fresh Palm Oil, and la entirely a vege table Soap; :more suitable for Toilet use than those mute , frArn animal fats. In boxes et one dozen cares for et 50 per box. Manufactured by GEO. M ET.RINTON 4r, sox, ?ltd. 115 Margaretta street, between Front and Second. above Callowhill street, diol7-Iyryi GRAY HAIR RESTORED --- BALDNESS PREVENTED.— "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Bair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.'.' "London Bair Color Restorer and Dressing.' "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.' "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." This discovery for the preservation of the human hair is taking the lead of ail hair preparations; be sides restoring the color and malting hair grow on bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair soft, smooth and flexible, removes any- erup tive disease, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c. Many who were bald and gray have had their hair per , manently restored. Only one preparation. BREAD THIS CERTIFICATE. mall} RAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DYEING. IE7 - BALDNESS PREVENTED. I am happy to add my testimony to the grea value of the "London Hair Color Restorer,' three bottles of which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its original dark color," and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but operates upon the secretions. 'lt is also a beautiful Hair dressing_ I purchased the first bottle from Mr. Garrigues, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair was very gray, when I commenced its use. ' t MRS. 'MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. "Lout.. n Hair Color Restorer and Dressing," sold b - - DR. SWAYNE & SON, MO North Sixth street, pbfl a d a. • Price, 5( cents. Six bottles, 5250. jaS-tra.V7/9 ITUSBAND' S CALCINED MAGNESIA is free fromlmpleasant taste, and three times the strength of the common Calcined Magnesi a . A World's Fair Medal and four First pr em i um Silver Medals have been awarded it, as bei ng t he best in the market. For sale by the druggist s and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS J. ,HUSBAND, ocl9-m. wr. f. Iy. rp N. W. Oar. Third and Sonic flp - 1-$ FOR RENT, AT OAP E ISLAND A WI .1 large and commodious BOARDING RousE, capable of accommodating 125 Boarders. For fall psrticulars, apply to JOHN YARD, Ju. , & SON, Hirl Race street. - ap4-m,wact-* LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE TORE ILaski) —Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Every article iri , their line elegant, easy and correct in make. 0. R. NEEDLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the Southwest corner TWELFTH and RA.or, Streets. N. B.—Professional accuracy in. mired. mh24-15trO STREET N. -STEEL & SON, HAVE NOW OPEN A OELOIOE ASSORTMENT OF Handsome Eke, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, Handsome Shawls. All orthis Spring's Importation. • _ PRICES LOW. Nos. 713 & 715 North Tenth street, gp4•m inr,ts superior White Tapioca, Chamois Skins, Assorted Sizes, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, New Crop. • BAR SALE BY Geo. W. Carpenter, Henszey 737 Market Street. ap2.3t6 81 ' . 4.117 :4 6 A 7 Fourth and Arch Have Ordered this Season for their Best Custom, Richest Silks Imported.' shawls of Exclusive Styles. Dress Goods / Paris Styles. Spring Mantles, Cloth and Silk. rah3o w-samSti, Spring Cloaks--Spring Shawls. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, THE NEWEST STYLES AND THE LOWEST PRICES' AT John Diurta's MAMMOTH CLOAK STORE, 444 North Second street. mh3t. INDIA SHAWLS', si..3Ati es, INDIA. SILKS. ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES. Choice Shawls of all kinds. Choice Dress Goods of all kinds. Choice Fancy Goods GEO FRYE% 916 Ohettnut Street, Invites the attention of the Ladies to his elegant stock of SPRING SH&W LS and OTHER GOODS selected with great care for best City trade. ml 9 imi CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS. C.. MU RTA.,' MANUFACTURED. OF CLO A KS AND MAN TILLAS, 44 South Second Street, has now on band a large and handsome assortment of SPRING GLOAIs S and SHAWLS which he offers at prices that cannot fall to give satisfaction. 1117 - City and C - onntry merchants would no well to give him a call. WHOLESALE ROOM TIP Srams. mh3l-if C. Id URTA, 44 South Second street. BARL OW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PrIILADILLPHIA, Will color more water than four times the wine quantity of ordinary Indigo. itirThe new Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and inferior irticleot mh9•im - - - - - it BAZAAR, NINTH AND SA.NBOBI STREETS. 250 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. 35Trt TRADE SALE AT PHILADELPHIA. This sale will take place on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M. The assortment wilt be very extensive and corn. plete, comprising at least 250 CARRIAGES, from the best manufacturers of this city and Wil mington, Dell Mr. 'Merrick's invoice alone will include nearly one hundred Carriages. , The carriages will be. arranged and opened for examination several days previous to sale, which will positively take place on the above day, with out regard to weather. ALFRED M. HERIC.NESS, - ap2-3trpt, Auctioneer. STREET BAZAA, NINTH AND SANSOM it-,VIS. SPECIAL SALE OF HORSES, THURSDAY NEXT, APRIL 7r it, commencing at 11 o' clock. In consequence of the Trade Sale of Carriages on Wednesday, we shall hold a special sale of Horses on Thursday next. WirNo Carriages will be offered on this day. - ALI RED M. HERIINESS, ap2.3trp§ Auctioneer. FOR SALE—Three very desirable Clity RESIDEIN OES, on the -north side of GIRARD avenue, east of Seventeenth street, each, 20 feet front by 100 feet deep. Also a very neat two-story ROUSE, replete with all the modern improvements, at the Southeast corner SEVEN TEIIITH and WALTER streets. -Will be sold reasonably for ()ash. Apply to 0. H. INITTIRREID, ap4.15t4 Ho. 203 koath Sixth atreet.l OW OPEN, N PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND uPEt NG OLOAKS. Also. Garments or our own manufacture, OF THE LATEST aTTLES, and In GMAT VARIETY. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. , 920 OHESTNII r Stivet, ap4 to 20 Have You Provided for Your Family an Insurance on Your Life ? HOME Life Insurance Company, 171 BROADWAY, Corner COURTLANDT Street, New York, and 16 COURT Street, lir,x klyn. MUTUAL, WITH AN A MPLE CASH CAPITAL. WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President. G. 0. RIPLEY. Sec. I. H Fitorstmousaa,Tress. WiLwat J. Corr's, Actuary. Pbila. Office, Cqr. 4th and Library sta. B. K. , ESLER, Agent. Franklin said, near a century ago ' 6 , 111 y object is to call attention to the fact, that a Policy of Life Insurance is the best and safest provision which a man can make for his family. experience proves that Ohs is afact ap4 3m6 Veiy Elegant Real Black Lace Pointes GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, opened THIS MORNING a new invoice of Rich and Fine RFAT, BLACK LACE POI NTES, comprising some entirely new and beautiful de signs, purchased by his Agent this season in the Lace countries, and are the careful selections from Bruxelles, Flanders, Gramrnont and Chantilly factories. The Goods are purchased direct from the parties who make the Goods, and are offered at but one advance to buyers at retail. The assort. merit is the largost and handsomest in the country —the prices are the lowest. ap?* Real White Shetland Pointes. GEO. W. VOGEL, No: 1016 CHESTNUT street, opened THIS MORNING an invoice of REAL WHITE SHETLAND POINTES, knit by hand from - natural Wool, very while and ex quisitely fine, to which be invites the early atten tion of his customers, as it comprises all he will be able to offer this season. apt-6r* WIDE INDIA SILKS-. JESSE WILLIAMS., No. 732 ARCH Street, four doors below Eigh h steer. JT'ST RECEIVED. One case. Se piece•. 15(..0 yards. WIDE INDIA SILLS. good cinali , y, PRICE Si GO per yard. aut. at* P. PUJOL, SUCCESSOR TO E. RECOUARD, FASHIONABLE RESTAURANT, NO. 223 LODGE STREET, (between Chestnut and Pock. North side of old Pennsylvania Bank.) P. S.—The patrons of this Establishment may be assured that I will devote my whole attention to their comfort, and keep constantly supplied all the delicacies of the season. ap2-314 GRAY'S PATENT AIOLDED COLLARS Haven ow been before the public fer nearly a year. They are universally pronounced the neatest and best fitting milers extant. The upper ed€e presents a perfe:t curve, Tree from the angles noticed in all other collars. The cravat causes no puckers on the inside of the turn-down collar—they are AS SilfOOT HIN SIDE AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly fret and easy to the neck. The tiarotte Ck liar has a smooth and evenly fI4 'shed edge o:s; Dorn slows. These Collars an. not amply flat pieces of paper cut in the form of a Collar, bat are NOLDIM AND EIIAPHD TO FAT TOE TECH. T 1 ey are made in "novelty" (or tarn dawn style). In every half size from 12 to 17 inches and. in •Eureke , (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches; and packed in ''sol'd sizes' ' m neatbine c irtons, con taining 110 each; also in smaller ones oi 10 each— the latter a very hardy package far Travelers, Army and Navy Officers. .Ir - EVERY OOLI,LR is stamped Gray's Patent Molded Collar." • Sold by all Dealers in hen's Furr,lshing, Goods. The Traae supplied by Van Denson, Boolnner & Co., 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Imp"lters and Wholesale Dealers in Men's Fnr mishine Gordy mh:3o-3mrp Linen Cambric Dresses. We have now oxen a fresh stalk of PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS FOR DRESSES. Thde, igns axe very pretty,and the prices quite moder e. Ladie should maks their selections While the assoxtm nt is complete. SI MILLIKEN & CO 1 82S ARCH STREET, and mh29 64 320 Eolith SECOND Street. PAPER HANGLNGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF ' HOWELL a BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decorations. SHOW ROOMS, 61 : 1 3 2FIESTNUT STREET. aps FOR SA W ACO TRY REST- Sla jr...iLDENCE, near TIOGA STATION of Germantown Railroad, situate on south side of Tioga street, 148 feet west of Twenty-first street. The lot is 100 ' feet front, and 250 feet deep, beautit Tally laid out with choice fruits and flowers of every 'variety. The house has all the convenience of a city residence and will be sold on accom modating terms. Pars. MITCHELL, the occu pant of - the premises, will answer any Inqui ries ; or apply to HENRY OROSREY, Lum ber Merchant, Delawar 0 - 9 rue, below Green street. tahintf.rpti • GOLD AND- SILVER - WATCHES, - . 01 onr own importation, reliable in quallty t and at low prices. - - FARR lc BROTHER,' rinPorers• - 324 Chestnut street, bSIOW Fatirth. 113. Price Br. Wood, 1136 opened anew lot 01 Fid beet quality imprted. - Fire quality Spring Balmoral Skirts. . 1% w style t•pring :Shawls, very chdap. FiLe quality Plain All-wool Delaineti. Fula quality Black Alpacas, American Chintzes, 'warranted fast Colors. ' Fire quality Shirting Flannels. - - he,.t makes of Bleacbed d Bleacher, Mullins 25, 28,22, 31, 37% and 39c. Gocd Trnrleached lauslins 22, 25, 31, Z 3, 37%, 44 sad 50,!. White and Colored Table Linens I%apkins, Towers and Crash_ Price dsa Wood, 113 North Ninth street above Arch, N. B --Ladies' and Misses ' HOOP SHARI'S,- - very cheap. api-24 G LACINA!!! A NEW MATERIAL FOR Walking Dresses and Suits. 7-4 WIDE. Just Opened. THOS.W.EYANS&M. 818 and 820 Chestnut st. apk.2t, NEW YORK STORE. Geo. W. Miles, 35 & 37 Soigh Tenth, ab. Chestnut, Is now prepared to show his Spring Importation OE FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, PARIS TRThI UT) HATS, FRENCH AND NEW YORK BONNET FRAMES, AND OTHRB, Millinery Goode. apt- "AT RETAIL." JAS, 11, CAMPBELL & CO. D 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the mosh , extensive and desirable assortments which they Dave ever offered. COORVOISIER'S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND CO D. MOURNING GOODSD 3-4 and S 4 BAKEGE HEENAN'. 3-4 and S-4 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-4 and S 4 TAhIARTINES. 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BY ZAN TINES and FLORENTINES. French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS--in great variety. All wioths and best brands. HOSIERY AT RETAIL.. J. _AL HAFLEIGH; No. 902 Chesinnt street, Begs to inform his customers that he has nom store a'complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY -2 Swiss Hosiery, in the Best Makes and Suitable for the, First-Class Retail Trade. ht 6• tf6 - - THE UNION PIANO MENU -q : PALCTURING COMPANY bays at - _ their factory and warsroomig, 1017 WALNUT street, always a most beautiful assort ment of their unrivalled PIANOS, which they soil at tile lowest cast prices or on Instalments. (Nye ns a call before purchasing caramel* and every satisfaction and guarantsa be Oren bovarit ti.B.ItECT PIANO 0011. *.— ...7'.%44!- Mr. t.) C. E. SARGENT' TS orders for Tuning and Repairing Pianos aro rs celyed at Mason & Co.'s Store, 907 CHESTNUT street, only. Mr. Sargeant has had Eleven Years' factory experience in Boston, and Film Years' oar: amploymentin Philadelphia. SPECLAL.--PlartelO rs-loathered to gonad as soft and swest4Onad. new, without removing. Tens few taring . . sti. een-tooryi JAMES BELLAIK, ...„ , - 4, -... ..- - . 279 and 2Si South FIFTH r ....,-- ' c-- 7. : '''.. - i STREET, Sole Agent for G, A. PRINCE Oc CO.'S World-Renowned Melodeons, CT I E S L 4 E7-3 C R O A . T 7 S ED P.TAWOS ORGANS, BARMONIUMS AND DR&wrkm...noom. . ERNEST GABLER' S, - . _ RAVEN &BACON' S, . jarl -ImgALL' Fr ' DA rod STECK' Son PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. A. SOEIERZE.R, T ra,3.3mrpc 420 N. Fourth. ab. dopiE FOR SALE.—A Country Residence, willy 16 acres of land, in Moorestown, N. J. hivad some &welling, stabling, icehouse, &c. plenty of shade and fruit tree; and excellent pasture. Ap ply to - 3. O. FINN,. nah2s-12tapj 61t Chestnut-street._ KIDIBT,