SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. Affeirs in Ake Southwest. Position of johnlon's Re- bel Army.. Union Veteran§ Marching to the Front. Rebel Movemenis in Tennessee. The Missing Italian Frigate To-DaV's Proceedings in Congress. THE WAR IN THE SOUTHWEST RnmooLn, April I.—The cavalry force of the enemy has been augmenting within the past few days, and now amounts to about 5,000. They are encamped in a valley at the foot of a rocky-faced ridge from Tunnel Hill to Var ness Station and Red Clay, which they hold. There is also a considerable force at Nickajack Gap, six miles belo* here. Their piclFet line is generally within a mile of ours, but there is no disposition shown by either party to crowd. There is a very small rebel force of infantry north of Dalton, and no reason exists to believe that Johnston has been largely reinforced either from East Tennessee or Alabama. There are no indications that he intends to assume the offensive, notwithstanding the contradic tory reports. The estimate that his army num bers 36,000 men is neatly correct. • Over 900 deserters came into Chattanooga in the month of March. Many thousand veterans are marching over filid from Nashville, the railroad being unable to accommodate them. General Sherman having completed his tour of inspection returned to the headquarters at Nashville to-day. PROM MEMPHIS MEMPHIS, March 30.—Gen. McCullough is reported en route north with 2,600 rebels to reinforce Forrest. He is reported near Jack son, Tennessee, to-day. Gen. Grierson has his cavalry force out, watching and harrassing Forrest, but his division is much reduced by his veterans returning home on furlough. Had Gen. Grierson his entire division out at Mem phis Forrest would not have easily escaped. THE RE GALANTUOMO NEW YORE, April 2.—The frigate Niagara returned to-day from an unsuccessful search for the missing Italian frigate Re GaLantuorno. The Niagara experienced very heavy gales, during one of which she shipped so much water as to put out all her fires, lost sails, and all her top gallant masts, stove ports, etc. CONGRESS.-FIRST SESSION. WASHINGTON, April 2. &IMAM—The Senate Is not in session today, having adjourned until Monday. HonsE.—Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) called up his motion to reconsider the vote by which the House disagreed to the Senate s amendment to the Mon tana Territorial bill and asking that a Oommittee of Conference be appointed. He said the Senate's amendment striking out the word , white" was to give negroes the right to vote in that territory It was an amendment different from what had heretofore been incorporated in such bills since the Republican party came into power. This party had ignored their precedents. His object was to give gentlemen an opportunity 'to determine whether they were prepared to say that negroes should have the same rights in the terri tories as white men. He therefore wanted the House to adhere to its disagreement. Mr. Beaman (Mich. )said he would not dismiss the question whether it was expedient that negroes should vote or not: but as the matter stood, this House has already refused to consent to the Senate amendment, and appointed a Committee of Con ference en the subject. He moved to lay Mr. Pendleton's motion to re consider on the table. This was agreed to—yeas 63, nays 49. The House resumed the consideration of the Ra ritan and Delaware Bay Railroad bill. Mr. Sweat (Me.) spoke against the bill,beleiving it had no warrant in the Constitution of the Uni ted States or the laws of the country. FROM EUROPE. THE WAR IR DERHABX. Nww YOILTC, April 2.—The steamship City of Cork from Liverpool via Queenstown on the 21st ult., arrived at this pert this morning. The Cork Herald of the morning of the 21st, contains the following despatches : COPENHAGEN, March 19th, 1.30 P. M.—Yes terday three Prussian men-of-war attacked the . Danish blockading squadron off Griefswaldyo merania. After an engagement of two hours the Prus sian vessels returned to the harbor. Artillery firing was renewed to-day at Duppeln. - BERLIN, March 20. The Commander-in- Chief of the Prussian army has re ceived a report stating that yesterday the Arcona with three gunboats, again put to sea in search of hostile Shipping. The cruise had no result however, all the Danish ships having left the Prussian waters. The report concbides therefore, that there can be no question of an existing blockade of the Prussian coast. HANOVER, March 19.—The Danish. Govern has decreed the release of the Hanoverian ships under embargo in Danish ports. LONDESBURO, March 17-9 A. M.—On Thurs day there was heavy cannonading and fighting all along the line of Duppeln village, and the Tongeberg position was taken by the Prussians after a heroic resistance by the Danes. The position of Drippeln is still unchanged. The numbers of the Prassians are always four to one. Their artillery -have ranged three miles. A Danish Colonel was 41ed to-day, and 70 wounded were brought. The enemy's losses are severe, as well as those of the Danish army. COPX/lIIAGEN, Mara /7,—The Prussian bat teries opened fire yesterday morning on the DuppelLentrenehments. The enemy fired altogether five hundred shots. We, replied occasionally, in all thirty- Eve times. Our firing seemed to be successful, as two of the enemy's batteries were silenced for some time. We had two officers killed and one wounded; sixteen privates were killed and forty,nine wounded. ' Two fires occurred here last night doing considerable darnagn. _ • Advices from Stockholm to the 15th state that fresh disturbances had taken place. The police office wee attacked and the windowein the residence of the Chief of Police were .smashed. The military were called out, and eleven per sons were arrested. The 'Dakblad insists upon more energetic measures, being taken by the Government. • FLasrarouna, Mare I.S.The - bombardment of Duppeln was resumed to-day, -a terrific can nonade being heard here. Teno, March 17.—News from a reliable source, at Rome, states that the illness of the Pope has become more alarming. The Official Gazette of Turin announces the appointment of 23 new Senators. H.iltnnao, March 17.—According to hand bills emanating from the printing'office of Greve & Teideman, and distributed in this city, this morning, Prince Frederick, of Augusten burg, was found dead in his bed at Kiel. The rumor requires confirmation. DEATH OF HON. JOB. N. TAYLOB, OF N. TRENTON, April 2.—Hon. Joseph N. Taylor, of Passaic, Speaker of the House of Assem bly, died this morning at ten o'clock. He asked to be excused on Tuesday on account of important business at home,and was taken sick Wednesday night with congestion of the brain. He was insensible for six hours and continued to sink. He left his duties in excellent health and spirits. Mr. Taylor was a young and ac tive man, and: extensively engaged in manu factures at his home in Patterson. A VESSEL ASHORE NEw Yoax, April 2.—The ship Guardian, hence from San Francisco, is ashore on the enter middle ground, with 24 feet of water in her and is striking heavily. A heavy northeast - wind is blowing. . p NEW YoaKAApril 2.—Arrived, ships Maid of Orleans, from Ardrossan; Lizzie Homan, from Queenstown. MARKETS - - - Naw YORK, April 2.—Flour firm, 7;000 bbis. sold at $6 55156 70 for State, $7 15a$7 30 for Ohio, and $7 10a$7 50 for Southern. Wheatsteady. Corn dull at $1 30. Pork quiet. Beef quiet. Lard dull at 13a13„%c. 'Whiskey dull at $1 63a$1 05. Stocks easier. Chicago and Rock Island—;Cum berland preferred, 94, Michigan Southern, 117%; ditto guaranteed, 149%; New York Central, 143; Reading, 57%; Hudson River, 62%; Canton Co. , 71%; Virginia 6's. 49; Missouri 6's, 73%; Erie, 124%: .Miehican Central, 149%; . Harlem, 137%; Pittsburgh, Fcrt Wayne and (Amigo, 143; Quick. silver, K; Go'd, 166%; Coupon 6's, 113%; Trea sury's, 110; Harlem, since board, quoted at 130. CITY BIILLETIS. STATE OF THE THERMODIETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 9A. "M., 40 0 ... 12 M., 41° 1X P. M., 40° &Elul mum Temperature during last 24"houra, 39 0 Weather raining—Wind Northeast. CHARGED wrrn CONSPIRACY.—Before Alder man Welding, James Carroll and James Bar rey were charged with conspiracy. They are journeymen shoemakers, and they are on a strike for an advance of wages. The accused, it is alleged, stood in front of a shop in Second and Arch streets yesterday and endeavored to prevent men from going to work. They were held in $6OO bail to answer. ENLISTMENTS Duanca THE WER.C.—This morning warrants for the payment of the city bounty to eighty men were issued. This is an increase of more than double yesteiday. The warrants issued during the week ending to-day amounted to $llO,OOO. This shows that the enlistments of men credited to the city num bered 440. RAINY SATURDAYS.—The succession of rainy Saturdays appears to have returned again. On last Saturday there was a heavy northeast storm and to-day a similar storm is prevailing. LIQUID Gym DILOPS.—A fresh inrolce jug received by Bower, Sixth and Vine. No MEDICINE 11:&.9 ATTAINED the popularity enjoyed by Bower's Infant Cordial. It is prompt, efficient and harmless. Bower, Sixth and Green. SUSPERSORIIIS.—New French patterns, got out to order expressly 43 4, r , C. H. Needles' Retail Sales, at Twelfth and streets. AILMENTS OP THE EYB AND EAR.—Of the many infirmities to which the human family are subject, there is none requiring such sound pro • fessional knowledge and skill as diseases of the Eye and Ear. Professor J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No. 511 Pine street, has given his un divided attention to these ailments for the last twenty years. and is is lair to presume that such an experience has not been lost to him. his great success has been the occasion of numberless testi monials from all sections of the city and country, winch nay be seen by persons visiting the office. P. A. HARDING & CO.'S NEW MILLINERY BOUSE.—Tbursday of the present week was "Opening Day" among millinery establishments generally, the result of which has already been chronicled in the BULLETIN. The large new whole- sale house of Messrs. P. A. Harding & Co., No. 412 Arch street, entered the competitive list, on this occasion, with signal success. Their magnificent store-house, which is certainly one of the best lighted and finest arranged in Philadelphia, was comfortably thronged all day—not with lookers, merely, but buyers—and the general commendation that their display received showed that their great efforts to "do a handsome thing" were not made in vain. In making our accustomed round on "open ing day," we visited this establishment, and were politely shown through by a member of the firm. We were really surprised to find such an endless variety of handsome novelties as we there saw. No less than two hundred different styles of French and American Flowers were shown to us on the first floor alone, and over two hundred different va rieties, styles and designs of Bonnets. If this fact does not demonstrate the affection of the fair sex for variety, we shall not attempt to find better proof. The exhibition of Trimmings, including a splendid assortment of the popular Shell and Straw Orna ments made by Messrs. P. A. Harding & Co., Is also of the mist extensive, and in all respects creditable, character. On to the second floor of their establishment, we had pointed out to us aboutthree hundred different styles of Ladies', Misses', and Infants' Eats, in a variety of shapes, designs, and colors, that can only be described as endless. In their Packing Department bustling activity and profound method seemed to be striving for the. mastery. Suffice it to say that the life and commo tion there evinced furnish the best evidence that buyers are properly appreciating the advantages 'of patronizing a house of this extent and character; for it mist be borne in. mind that, althouglt this house is of comparatively recent origin, it possesses facilities for business, and is enabled to offer induce ments to buyers, Second to no other in the United States. We are the more disposed to render this tribute to a young and flourishing house because it is by the increase and encouragement of such that our best mercantile interests can alone be fos tered and developed. The large experience in this department of Wade which the members of this firm have had is of great - service to then in their present enterprise, arid, with their facilities for transacting business on the most favorable terms to purchasers, secures them the• very cream of the trade that comes to Philadel phia. We may state in conclusion, that their stock is as large as it is varied. The third story is devoted exclusively to the storage of packages containing duplicates of the goods they have open for exhibition. A great many of their choicest styles are made to their own order, and are hence c‘nfined wholly to their house. The greatest de mand experienced by them at the "opening," on Thursday, appeared to be for varieties designated as"hobby," "Grass," Cactus, and fine English split straws. Purchasers would certainly find it to their advantage to examine this large and /tri m trebly- assorted stock before making their par chaees. PROM WASHINGTON. The correspondent of the Tribune writes as 'follows; The census of the population of the United States, by counties, has been printed, and is being bound for distribution. This also gives the occupations of the'people. The volume on Agriculture is being printed, to be followed by the Statistics of Manufactures. Assistant Surgeon Sohn S. Billings has been qrdered from the Department of the East to the Army of the Potomac; Surgeon Artemas Chapel, from the Army of the Potomac, to re lieve Surgeon Thomas H. Bache, General Hos spital, Baltimore, and Surgeon Thos. H. Bathe to Philadelphia. - - The docket of the Old Capitol Prison is now being run through by Judge Advocate Major Turner, and each case properly disposed of as it vane pp.AM 809 wee kave been de • THE DAILY EVENING EUILETIN ; PHILADELPHIA,. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1864.---TRIPLE SHEET. spatehed within the last" three weeks, some o' the parties being discharged, some sent South and others continued in confinement, as the proofs seemed to require. Col: Ould, in an interview with Gen. Butler, at Fortress Monroe, yesterday, sent assurances to Admiral Dahlgren that the neat boat would bring down:the body of his son. FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. [correspondence or the b. Y tierale.] NEW ORLEANS, La., March 24.—The army on the Teche is rapidly joining that at Alexan dria, the advance of• Gen. Lee's cavalry having already arrived there. • The last heard of- the infantry: they were at Opelousas, and still “marching on." " Considerable excitement was caused in the city on Saturday and Sunday last by the ar rival of- partiei frofn Brashear City, bringing the intelligence that the enemy were in our rear in force, and that they entered Franklin alter a short skirmish with the pickets, and captured the regiment of negroes guarding that town. The actual facts are as follows A few guerillas, thinking to surprise our pickets, were surprised themselves by being fired upon by said pickets. The rebels re turned the fire and traveled as if they were in a hurry. No one was hurt. This simple affair caused the whole of what I hive stated, be sides huirying off thirty or forty from Brashear to this city with the intelligence that all means of communication with the army were cat off by the enemy, who had appeared in large force in our rear and attacked Franklin. Additional'particulars of the capture of Fort De Russey have been received. Over three hundred prisoners have arrived in 'this city. The fighting was literally terrible on both sides. The Unionists twice advanced and twice were they repulsed. The third assault carried the works, and the garrison was compelled to stir render. The fight commenced with artillery but as the Union troops approached a musketry fire was opened by both parties, and this was kept up almost incessantly for- over twehours. The loss is not stated. Governor Hahn has received the following from prisoners in Camp Morton, Indianapolis, signed by over two hundred and fifty names: "Hon. Michael Hahn,Governor of the State of Louisiana:—Sir—The undersigned have hailed with acclamations your election as Governor of the noble State to which we belong. The school of misfortune has taught us experience, and like you, we see that the only- course worthy of our noble State is to resume her Place in the proud and glorious sisterhood to which she once belonged, and to throw oft forever the curse attached to our institutions. We believe slavery to be no more, and pledge ourselves to assist you in your endeavors to eradicate that evil. . We beg of you to help our return to our native State, and to demand our release from the authorities at Washington. All citizens of Louisiana, we wish to return to her and assist you in the glorious work of her resurrection. The old States, with its institution of slavery, is now dead; let now the new and free State of Louisiana arise from the ashes of her mother, and, guided by your able hands, assume in our Union the place to which she is entitled. Hoping, sir, that you will listen to our prayer, and consider this our humble position, we re main, respectfully, your obedient servants. “thasr. MORTON, INDIANAPOLIS, March 9, 1864." • (Correspondence of the N. 0. True Delta. ] Pass CAVALLO, TExAs, March 16, 1864. You may have learned from other sources, before this reaches you, that Indianola was evacuated on the morning of the 13th by order of somebody to this deponent unknown. The troops under General Fitz Henry War ren marched overland, crossing the bayou in rear of Indianola and fording the one below,for there are four in all. The two last are crossed by means of rope ferries. Toward evening, as a detachment of the 69th Indiana, 60 men, were crossing McHenry's bayou from Bsyucos to Matagorda Island, the heavy sea swamped the pontoon boats used as a ferry, drowning 22 men and 2 officers of the 69th Indiana Volun teers, Lient.-Col. Perry commanding; two men belonging to the 7th Michigan Battery, and eight of the 2d Engineers, Corps d'Afrique ' in all 34 persons and two horses of those that were on board at the time. A number of small boats and a schooner were lying at the dock .on the south side of the bayou, and attempts were made & - offieers less cool to shove them off, without men or oars, when they , saw the ferry-boat sinking. Had the schooner gone adrift,-the current was so strong and she so high out of the water that many -1:;,f those who succeeded in paddling ashore must have been carried into Esperita Santa Bay. Col. Perry stopped the schooner, manned the boats, and with the assistance of those on shore, picked up many who iwould otherwise have been drowned, as all the men had on their knapsacks and - accoutrements. This accident has cast a gloom over the whole army—nothing else, is talked of. COURTS Null Purrs—Justice Aguew.—A number of mo tions were disposed of this morning. Nothing of public interest was done. CONNOR' PLEAS—Judges Thompson and Atli son.—Gregg vs. Ashenfelter. Certiorare. Dis missed and judgment affirmed. 111,Closkey vs. Daily ; rule discharged. -Gaidt vs. Hyatt ; rule for new trial absolute. Evans vs. Gravenstein; master's report confirmed. Hornberger vs. The Railroad ; mandamus refused. QUARTER SESSIONS— Judge Ludlow.—a num ber of habeas corpus cases were disposed of this morning. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL =MB D. YELL &BON, STOOK BROKERS, NO. 305 WAS... NUT STREET, BALES OF STOOKS. BEFORE 800 eh Mineral Oil -6 400 eh Yenango Oil 2 1150 ah Clinton Coal 2 200 eh do 1% 100 eh do 2% 600 ah Connecticut M 1% 100 ah Fulton Coal 12% 100 eh do 12% 300 eh do 12% 100 eh Big Mountain 200 ohd Coal 11% o fIEST *sopa uS es 5-20 s 109% 900 II S Tre 7 3-10 :,. _ : t per Ct. Notes endorsed nom, 1000 Penna es _ 093 i 600 City 6s new 110 250 Lehigh 63 PIO 110 10000 Unionenl 6sb2o 20 11 eh Lehigh Nay 'Ti 26 sh Lehigh V R 89% Beh Long Island 49 65 sh Penns R 773 60 eh do 65 77% 25 eh Ridge Ay R 21% LO sh do 22 250 sh Spruce & Pine b 5 16% 100 eh do b 5 15% 100 oh Green Mount 100 sh Susq () . n1 29 PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW TORS. (By Telegraph.) 71RE3T CALL. BBOOND 45.A.LL. American Gold 166 X bid .. bid Chicago and R. Island.. bid .... oales Reading Railroad 'lB3l bid .... sales Illi nob Central ... ... .... bid .... sales Galena and Chicag0........ bid New York Centra1.....1433 bid 11. S. 63 'Bl it off 113% bid Erie 12e34 bid Harlem 127% bid Cleveland and Toledo.. bid - • • PINATICS AND 1117811812313=-4PRIL •2, 1864. There was less less vitality at the Stook Board this moining, and for the low-priced Mining., and Oil companies prices were weak and irregular. Government Loans were steady at yeaterday's(llio tations. The Five• Twenties sold 109.11,and the 7.30's Feb. en'd, at 1103'. State and Oity Loans were'un changed. The Mayor has. advertised for proposals for a new city six per cent. loan of one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which will be awarded en the 13th lint.: Pennsylvania Railroad altarea .wera igdemsnd, wkaol4 al 71X—pa 44pat) BOASDS. 900 eh Marquette Mi S 100 sh Green Montt 8% 100 sh McClintock 0 9 1300 sh do 8% 600 eh Keystone Zinc 5 100 sh Sch Nair b 5 39,14 100 sh do 394 100 sh Soh Nav prfd 49 300 sh Read It bs 79 100 sh do b3O 79 Ai 1045 Eat do 2 days 79 300 511 FultonOoalOo 1234 500 eh do b3O 13 5 sh Phila Sc Erieß 37 515 do 37% 300 eh Big Mountain Coal 11,V 200 511 do blO 11% 100 sh Union Cal 3 21. alt Union Oni pfd 6 34 200 eh Butler Coal b3O 50 450 3h Catawissa R 23% 50 sh do 24 665 sla Catawiima phi cash 41% b3O 42 curl 41% 8934 sog b 5 40 500 eh do 100 eh do 97 eh Seh NAY 1100 sit do 1100 eh do .... pales .... sales .... sales .... sales •••• sales OOP. sales of I. Camden and Amboy Railroad Trail steady at Ise; Beaver bleadow Itailroad at 83; Little Schuyl.- kill Railroad at 49; and Lehigh Valley Railroad at 8934. In Reading Railroad' there was. a reaction, and it closed at 78%@78x—a decline Of x. Philadel phia and Erie Railroad and Nortk Pennsylvania Railroad were weak. Schuylkill Navigation' Pre ferred fell off M, but the Ooramon stock and the bonds were X higher. Union Canal was steady at-I for the common and 6 for tke preferred stook; and the bonds advanced to 30. Lehigh Navigation was firm at 77, and Morris Canal at 76 for the Com mon and 140% for the Preferred stock. Bank shares were Without change. Spruce and Pine Street pas s enge r Railway declined X, and Ridge Avenue ad vanced 1. PELLAIMIXATA MARKETS. - SATURDAY, April 2.—Trade moves slowly to-day , In consequence or the inclement cenditlon of the weather, but there hive been no essential * change in prices. There is but little Quercitron Bark here and No. 1 is steady at 1 1 37 V ton. There lea good demand for Cloverseed and further sales of 50u bushels are reported at $7 2.587 62,44 64 lbs. Timothy is steady , at $2.7653 Ift bushel. 460 bushels Plaxseed sold at $3 35 at-which llgure it is in good request for crushing. The Flour market in inactive but holders mani fest no disposition to accept any cousession in prices. Only a few hundred barrels extra family were taken for shipment at $7 25 741 barrel. The sales to the retailers and bakers range from $5 75 to 626 for low grade and good superfine, $6 50,0 , 6 75 for extras, :nen 75 for extra family and $8 to $9 for fancy lots. In Rye Flour and Corn Meal nothing doing. The offerings of Wheat are email but the demand is limited at yesterday's quotations. Sales of 6000 bushels fair and prime - Penna. and Western Red at $1 ter@l 68 1p bushel, White ranges from 31 10 to $1 06. In Rye no sales have been reported. Corn is very quiet at the decline noted yesterday and only 2000 bushels yellow in the care at $1 21@L 22. Oats ale steady at sb@BB cents. No sale of Barley or Malt. In Provisions there Is less doing. Sales of 100 tierces Rams in pickle at 14 cents and Lard at 14 cents. Whiskey is in demand and has advanced 1 cent. Sales of 160 Penzut. second hand barrels at $1 115,and Drudge at $1 03. Bright Ohio barrels are held at SI 07. PORT OF PHILLDILPHIA. _APRIL 2. air See Marine Bullets* on Fifth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Scbr Leesburg, Blake, front Portland, 15th ult. with mdee to Crowell & Collins. 224 ult. 15 miles S. of Absecum, experienced a - heavy NE gale, with bail and snow; was compelled to haul off shore with close reefed foresail and jio ; at 3 AM 23d, 60 miles Sof Benlopen, was struck b y a sea which carried away jibboom, bowsprit an dall attached, causing mainmast to break oh' just above the deck; on the 2Stb, TT miles east of Cape Henry,waa taken in tow by the steamer Hudson, as before reported, and towed to Delaware Breakwater. The Leesburg is not damaged in her hull. Schr Vandals, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. L with corn to Jas Bewley & Co. • Schr Clayton, Frame, 2 days from Milford, Del. .with corn to Jae Barrett. " CLILARED THIS DAY. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, II Winaor. Oarrespondence of the Philadelphia Raehange. LEWES, Dlll. April 1. Nearly all the fleet reported at the Breakwater went to sea yesterday; among them were barks St. Tames, Sicilian and Mary Edson. all from Phila delphia for Boston; Maria, for —; brigs Nellie Mowe, from Philadelphia for Lagnayri. and Lilts, fi om co for Rey West. The bark ZeLtnda, from Havana. vie Hampton Roads, for Philadelphia, is at the Breakwater• ; the brigJ W Sawyer passed up. The steamer D H Mount, from Hatteras Inlet for New Yerk, went to sea this morning. Wind N. and moderate. Yours, km AARON MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Brig Ambrose Light, Stahl. from Wilmington, DeL for Ziewburyportwas at Salem Alat ult. having tailed-Zth and returned 29th. Schr Pcquonnock, Barnee.cleered at New Orleans 2lat ult. for this port, In ballast. Schr Cellars, of Camden, Amesbury, from Bristol for this port, previously reported ashore in Cod dington's Cove, near Newport. was got off Wednes day without damage. and would proceed. A S ELEBBATED BLA.CIH HAIR ..tiDYE—For sale and applied at 53• THIRD street above Chestnut. It* UMMER BOARDING. AT CHESTNUT GROVE, MEDlA.—Applications for Board f o r the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on SATURDAYS. when the andersiened will see applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. apf2-Im* Miss A. L. HARRISON. TCAPITALISTS.—Tne Subscriber offers for I_ sale on favorable terms, a very valuable tract of developed COAL LAND in :chnylkill county, containing about 500 ACRES, with good Improve ments. The property is full of Coal, has the readiest access to market, and is admirably adapted for profitable working, by a company to be formed for the purpose. For particulars Address, W. ASH, PsuLurrizr OFFICE. it* ASPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH SPRING DRESS GOODS, from the recent auction eale of the manufacturer of Maillard Co., Paris. I lot Creborinie Poplins, Claim Mcxlesand Drabs, at 56c.. worth 75c. 1 lot splendid quality colored Alpacas, Drabs, Modes and Leathers, at 50c.. cheap at 65c. 1 lot superb quality colored Alpacas, Drabs, Modes and Leathers, at 56c , worth 70. I lot sublime quality Alpacas, Drabs, Modes and Leathers, at 33e., cheap at t-0. 1 lot double width all-wool black Delcunes.bean tiful quality, at 05c., worth $1 25. 1 lot of fine black Bombazines, at $1 25, worth 0. 1 lot of real goats' hair Silver Cloths. for summer or eve). log dresses splendid goods, at only 6'.l e. I lot Plaid Mohairs—Modes, Drabs, Can's, Blues, Tans and PearlP ' at 375 c., worth 50. 1 lot Mohair Crepes, at 35c.. worth 40. • BLACK ALPACAS, &o. 1 lot Black Alpicas, 31c., cheap. 1 lot do. 40c., worth 50. 1 lot do. 50c., worth 5o DEPOT FOR TAE CELEBRATED EXPRESS KID GLOVE 4 Plain Backs ITT'S. — gtitetted . Racks, St '25. Fame goods selling on Eighth street for gt 25 and gt 55. Every pair guaranteed. If they tear, another pair will be given in place of them. and if the second pair should tear still another pair will be given, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. A splendid stock of these goods, at prices much nn der present rates of importation. 60 pieces at 85c., 95c. $l, 1 10. 1 20, 1 30, 1 40, 1 50, 1 60, 1 70, 1 80, 1 90, $2 and 2 25. Call and inspect. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. _ - - A splendid stock of Spring Cloaks of the latest sty les. A =miff cent stock of Silk Mantillas, of the newest designs. Splendid stock of Spring Cloaking Cloths, at ' cO, Si 75, Si 55, $2, S 2 50 and 52 75. Choice shades water proof Cloakings, at $1 25. Feet quality genuine repellent Water-proof, a Cl 95. Linen Table Cloths, at St 65 and Si 9.5. superior Table Cloths, at $2 25 and $2 50, splendid goods. Bleached, brown and hand-loom Table Limns, at 65c., 953., $1 and $ l . 25. Shirting Linens, at 50 and 69c., cheap. Boop•Skirts selling off below cost. 31Inslins of the best brands, at low latices. At MCELROY' S, No. 11 S. Ninth street. mut ,RED MUSLIN, FOR BODIES OR 1 . Waists, full yard wide, only $1 per yard, about half price; a few pieces only at this low price. SWISS MUSLIN. —We invite attention to the 25,-55, 60 and 65 Bent qualities, they being very ‘ much under their-present value. BLACK FIGURED SILL NET, 3S cents to $2 per yard; many desirable patterns at 38, 40, 42..44 50 cents, and among the hand-work Pusher Net, from 80c. to $1 75. One lot, threeliatteras, of su perb quality at $2 a yard, nearly 2% yards wide. ENGLISH SAXONY LACE, for pillow-case trimming; a number of choice pittteres. 3 inches wide, at 10 cts, a yard. Pretty and durable. INFANTS' EMBROIDERED WAISTS, line goods, Itl 75 and $2 25• excellent value for price. INFANTS' EMI 3 ROIDERED ROBE 4, finest work in Robes, balance of an invoice imported a few years since; to be- sold for much less money than will replace them. IILA CH TRIMMING LACES—ReaI Guipure, imitation Guipure; real 'Brussels, imitation Brus sels, finest imitation French Pusher Laces. me dium and lower grades. Parties using Black Edging or Laces are likely to be suited at WORNE'S Lace and Embroidery Store, ap2-It§. No. 38 North Eighthetreet. OPEN ti A. LINGLE, No. 124 FP lEUNG GARDEN St., will open on THURSDe.y, April 7tb, a handsome As sortment ^f Spring DM LINERYi also a choice assortment of Childrente Hats, trimmed - in the latest. Parisian styles, tieing of quite a new de sign. Bleaching, pressing and Dyeing carefully attended - I o. ap2.2mo§ Ma WANTED—To rent or purchase, I:Ly 15th laJune next, a large house, kith--modern con veLiences, Ina central locution. Address, stating locality and terms, box 2075 Philadelphia. Post Office. _ ap2. ea tit th-3t* SPRING DAMASKS, 'VESTIBULE LACE CURTAINS, AND A. - LARGE INVOICE OF BROWN SHADES OF ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS. I.E.WALRAVEN, 111JCICTESSOR TO W. H. MEWL, DIA.SOne HALL, 719 CHESTNUT ST. Superior White Tapioca, Chamois Skins, Assorted Sizes, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, New Crop. FOB &&LE BY Geo. W. Carpenter, Henszey & 737 Market Street. SENAT, BROS. & CO. 914 OKLSTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry St. , Importers of WHITE GOODS. Offer a complete assortment of Saconsts,Oambrics, Ghecks,Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India Mull and other Muslims of our usual make and finish. tali-tf4 J. T. DELACROIX Has now open at his New Store, Ne. 37 South Second st.above Chestnut, A large stock of the newest styles of CARPETINGS, John Crossley & Sons VELVETS, I ' " BAUS-ELS, " " TAPESTRYr BRUSSELS, Together with an extensive line of IMPERIAL and EXTRA THREE-PLY Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting& air Oil Cloths, Window Shades srui Matting*. Wholesale and retail at the LOWEST .PRIOES FOR CASH. whis-3ms EXCHANGE ON EUROPE. BANKERS' BILLS DRAWN ON Brown, Brothers & Ce., London; N. X. Rothschild & Bons, London: Baring Brothers & Co., London; IN SUMS TO SUIT. - For Gold or Our.renaya AT BEST PRICES. FOB SAME BY M. Sell ULM& CO.. No. 16 SOUTH - THIRD STREET. ea-milks& Smi CHARLES STORM it CO.'S FIRST-CLASS "ONE-PRICE" READ, MADE CLOTHING STORK, NO 824 CHESTNUT STREET, UN. MiERIL,CREBETAL ror °eat— Lengths:Mack from base a °eller Sawaid andframwant to Leenng d a tan. th of Illeere (with arm crooked) from middle of back be tween tke "Amadei% to end of cuff, and• around the most pro minent the cam= wider. State wheth srerect or. stooping. For Feats, inside sewn, and outside seam front hip bone wend the Waist and hip. For Vest, suns as Coat A. good it guaranteed. All garments made from directions! sent eordanoe with these instructions will be guaranteed satisfactory. If not se; the money will be returned for them. Officers' Uniforms Beady-made, slimy& or hand, or made to order in the beet manlier and 01 the malt reasonable terms. Haying finished iiassa) hundred Uniforms the past year for star, net and Line Officers, as well as for the Navy, In are prepared to execute all orders in this line sr' ti correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock et bade °Railing in Philadelphia always on hank 'TDB FRIGID MARKED IN PLAIN FIGUR= ON ALL OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es. thattes seat by 'will to any address when re. quested. CHARLES STOKES CO: cauumrs sToims, N. T. TAYLOR, W. J. STORES. mhltzthsly BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, N 0.233 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2.IIILAIDIL2HIA, Will eoler more Water thanfoar times the same qttantity of ordinary Indigo. • - niirThe new Label does not require a stamp. It is Ir.42.IeANTED TO GIVE SATLIZAOMN; it is retailed at the dame prise as the Imitations and inferior articles.. rahli•lm rpf I, OLD AND SILVER WATOHES, 03 our own importation, reliable In quality, ... and at low prices. 'FARR & BROTHER, Importers, Eil Obertntit street, below Velma. HELMI3OLD'S RELMBOLD* S RELMBOLD'S RIGBLY CONCENTRATED, CON CENTRATED, COMPOUND - COMPOUND FLITID EXTRACT BUCTEM FLUID EXTRACT BIM/Lill A POSITIVE A POSITIVE AND SPEOFFIO REMEDY SPWIFIO Rvivrrily FOR Non-retention •or Incontinence of 'Urine, um ticm, Inflammation or 171cerattim of the Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gaud, §terie in the Bladder, Caknlons Gravel or lrickdrist Deposit, exn All Diseases or Affections of the Bladder and Eld neys, and Dropsical Swellings-existing in Men, Women or Children Ifelmbold's Extract Baal! Helmbold's Extract Bitchy, For Weakness arising from HoPito of DisMPatiolli attended with the following syingtouun Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Eigk 3 , culty of Breathing, WealtNerves, Trembling, , Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, • Wakefulness, Pain in the Back, Uni. versal ,Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, ERUPTIONS ON THE FACIE, PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms: if allowed to go on, which t medicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fol.. lowed by those “direful dhL. eases" 'INSANITY and CONSUM.PTIONV , Many axe aware of he cause of their suffering. . _ The records of the insane Asylums, and the Melan eholy Deaths by Con. aumption, bear ample - witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitution once anectedwith Organic Weida:Le:o,re. quires the aid of Medicine to and invigorate the System, whict St 7M. 2 llt. BOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHU invariablgJOUß Helmbold's Extract Booby Is safe, pleasant in Its taste and odor, andjoion Strengtheningr ations than any of the . prepa of . • IRON OR BARK. For those suffering from BEON3EFI DOWN AND DELICATE OONISTITOMM From whatever cause, either in MITA LE OR FEAT A T.W IT WILL own YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG, REALTHYMERVES, WILL OWN. YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL/Migi • and Will enable on to SLEEP , A trial Will convince the most SKEPTICAL- Helmbold's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND Fluid Extract Sarsaparillt For PurifYind the blood, re melting all dia. eases arising from ex. oess and imprudencies in life, chronic constitutional .41seases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only able and effectual known remedy for tat cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings as the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blanket Pimples on the Face, Tatter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the - skin, And Beautifying the Complexion, NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind MUD from the corruption that accomulatee is Ws blood. Of all discovenes that have been made to purge out, none can equal in effect - H E L BO L D' COMPOUND, LICTRACT SARSAPARILLA, It cleanses and renovates the blood, Instills th vigor of health into the system, and purges oat QS humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the clus. orders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such& remedy, that could be relied on„ his long been sought for. and now, for the first-time, the pnblin have one on which they can depend. Our spans here does not admit certificates to show its Met, but the trial of a single bottle will ahem to the deg that it has virtues surpassing anything they ha*. ever taken. Two tablespoonsibl of the Extract of Summaril y& added to a pint of water, is equal to the Tatham). Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gal. lon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the DeCoction as usually made. Sir THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN AD. MITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and are also in very general use in all the STATE HOSPITALS and PUBLIC SANITARY INSTITUTIONS throughout the landota well as in private practices and are consideied as boats. able remedies. See Nedicai Properties of Buehti. From Dispezusatory of the United States: See Professor DEWEES'S valtutble workkori the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. 'EPHRAIM hicDOW. ELL, a celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,-Ireland , and published in the transactions of the cing and Queen's Jour.. nal. See Medico-Chirngical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVRRS, Fellow of _Royal 001.. lege of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Werke orgeggi clues. PRICES. Extract Buchu, 81 00 per bottle, Or filx for tit " Sarsaparilla, el 00 per bottle, or Six far E. Delivered to any address, securely packed. Address letters for Information, to HELMBOLIOS Drug and Chemical Warehousal Drug and Chemical Warehosuso 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., OR. 594 BROADWAY; N. Y., - OR HELIVLBOLD'S - MEDICAL. DEPOT] 104 South Tenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS !MD TM PRINCIPLED DALERB, Who endeavor tis dispose of qtakeir own" ava other" articles on the repetition attained by RELITBOLD'S PRTIPABATIOXL HELSEBOLIr S - GENUINE EXTRACT BUCIGL HELMEOLD' S GENUINE EXTRAOT SARSAPARILLiim 19XLSIBOLD' S GENITINRISTPROVED ROHR wawa: Sold by all Druggists. ASS FOR HELMBOLVIS Er Cut out the adTerttseinteat and send fon it and &Turd torposlthut and exposure. .-scibile-Rot