Front our Third Edition of Ye;terdad. FROM THE ARMY OF . THE CUMBERLAND KNOXVILLE, March 2&.—About sixty rebel deserters came into our lines during the past week, making a total of over eleven hundred for the past three months. They state that all of General Longstreet's baggage • has been- sent back_ towards Rich mond, and that his whole force is under marching orders. Last night a Party of forty guerißas captured Mr. H. Foster, of Blount comity, and carried him off in the direction of Marysville. Col. Wolford left here on Saturday. He has been summarily dismissed from' the service by the President for expressing disloyal senti- s meats. THE OUTBREAK IN ILLINOIS. MArroon,•lll., March 30th.—On the receipt of the news of the riot at Charleston, Illinois, 250 men of 54th Illinois regiment, rendezvous ing here wont to that place. The rioters having left before - the troop arrived, pursuit was made and 30 prisoners were taken and brought here. • The copperheads in this and adjoining coun ties immediately commenced mustering.their forces with the avowed pnrpose of rescuing the prisoners. Reports from different sources say that the rioters are from 1,000 to 1,500 strong, and will attack this place to-night. Every precaution is being taken to give them a warm reception. It is believed that with the united efforts of the citizens and Soldiers still here the place can be held against the rioters until the arrival of reinforcements. [LATER.] MArrooN, March 30-11 A. M.—The insur gents are said to be threatening both Charles ton and Mattoon. A reconnoissance made last night found them fortified twelve miles from Charleston. Col. True, in command of the post here, has received authentic information that they are in force at Copairus Mills, ten miles south, and at a place eight miles west of Mattoon. Col. Oakes, Provost Marshal General has ar rived. - The 41st, Illinois Regiment hai been ordered here from Camp Yates, and 600 men have been ordered from Indianapolis. General Heintzelman is expected here to night. Sheriff O'Hair has been joined at his rendezvous by the Sheriff of, Edgar county with a band of desperadoes. A spy sent out by the insurgents was cap tured this afternoon. He confessed that there are large bands at the two places above men tioned, but refuses to give further information. The telegraph wires east and north of here have been cut. A scout returned at 11.30 and reports a force of rebels 15,000 three miles east of Mattoon. FROM CALIFORNIA, OREGON AND IDAHO . M SAN Fnasoisco, arch 30.—The steamer Golden Gate arrived last night from Panama. Oregon despatches received to-day contain late news from•ldaho Territory, relating principally to the extra measures made for the suppression of crime. The grand jury of Boise county had returned 12 indictments for murders, 16 for assaults with intent to kill, and one for man slaughter. A vigilance committee, numbering 1,000 men, was making a clean sweep of the villains infesting Beaver Head county. They hung eleven men at Virginia City, five at Big. Hole, one at Deer Lodge, and seven at Briar Root. The Indians on Snake river are committing great ravages. They are armed with rifles and shot guns. The rush of emi grants from Oregon and, California to Idaho is , imnfense. The Dutch ship Amelia sailed on the 28th for Hong Kong with $3:50,000 in treasure. The late rains have been of incalcu lable benefit to the agricultural and mining in terests. MOVEMENTS OF THE REBEL FORREST. ST. Louts, March 31.—The Democrat has received a special despatch from Cairo stating that the main body of Forrest's force have been ordered to Jackson, Tenn. Those ordered to Paducah have returned, Col. Hicks having a sufficient force to repel any attack. During the fight at Paducah the rebels took Mrs. Hammond from the hospital and murdered her. Mrs. Hamilton, Mis. Howard, Mrs. Ea gen and Mrs: McHarg were also taken and sent to the front between two fires and kept there for ah hour. Their dresses were perforated by bullets. While the rebel flag of truce was moving forward, they disposed their forces for action. Our men bad ceased firing for fear that the women would be killed. A man has been arrested on the steamer Henderson, having in his possession a freshly taken scalp of a white man. It is supposed to have belonged to one of our soldiers. ' Several persons have been arrested as spies; among them two women. INTERESTING FROM ST. LOUIS. Sr. Louis, March 31.—The Provost Marshal General has ordered the seizure of Pollard's Southern History of the War, the Confederate Official Reports, the Life of Stonewall Jackson, the Life of 'Morgan, and all publications based upon rebel information, and prohibited their circulation or sale in this Department. The steamer Florence was sunk on the Mis sonri river, on Monday. She was valued at $50,000, on which there is an insurance of $28,000. She was laden with bacon, hemp and giain, most of which will be lost. About 200 wagons leave St. Joseph daily for Idaho. A STEAMER IN DISTRESS. NEw Yoak, March 31.—The steamer Fulton reports falling in with a propeller in distress on Tuesday night, which wanted assistance, but owing to a terrible gale which was raging, was unable to lay by her all night with safety, but did so until the Fulton was nearly swamped. The propeller was a large two masted vessel, and had both engines broken down and wished to be towed into some port. (This ship was probably the Thomas A. Scott.) THE REBELS PREPARING FOR A RAID IN EASZKENTIICRY. LOUISVILLE, March 30.—About 100 rebels, of Colonel Forrests's force, crossed the Cumber land river at Eddyville yesterday. An officer, direct from East Kentucky, re ports a large force of rebels concentrating at Pound Gap, under Buckner. He says- the rebels carry five days' rations and forage, and thinks an extensive raid will be made into the heart of Kentucky. Th 6 rebelforce which evacuated Bull's Gap several days since, have gone north, and it is presumed they will either join Longstreet in Virginia, or go to effect a junction with Buckner at Pound Gap. DISASTERS TO THE FISHING FLEET. BOSTON, March 3.l.—Accounts from the fish ing fleet on George's Banks describe the severe gale of the 23d inst. About 160 sail were on the banks. One schooner was dismasted and one man lost. Several other vessels were badly damaged. GENERAL GRANT IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, March 3 1.—Lieut.• General Grant arrived in town from the Army of the Potomac, about noon, to-day, accompanied by several members of his Staff. FROM NEW ORLEANS. • ST. Louis, March 31st.—New Orleans papers of the 23d contain no news. WATCHES. E. HOWARD do CO.'S FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN WATCHES, yl with MERSHON' S PATENT REGULATOR, bold by the principal watetunakers. inns-Iml TEE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporatedin 1841: Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT Street. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, HOUSES, STORES AND'OTHERBIIILLING; limited . or perpetual: and on FURNITURE, GOODS, WARES. and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL $390,000. ASSETS $387, 211 86. Invested in the following securities, viz: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured $106,900 64 United States Government Loans 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,000 06 Oemnaonwealth of Pennsylvania 41" per cent 53,000,0 00 Loan Pennsylvania Railroad lat and 2d Mort gage Loans • 35,000 60 Camden and Amboy Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan 6,000 Oil Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent Loans 4,560 64 Commercial Bank of Penn's.. Stock 10, 000 00 Aeclianics' Bank Stock 4,000 GO Uounty Fire Insurance Company's Stock - 1,050 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock Reliance Insurance Company of Phila delphia Stock 2,500 ea Loans on Uollaterals; well secured..... 2,250 06 &corned interest 5,962 00 Cash in bank and on hand 16,587 86 Worth at present market value 8399,664 36 DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley,Benj. W. Tingley, Wm.R I R. Thompson, Robert TolAna, Samuel Bispham,l Wm. Stevenson, Robert Steen, Hampton L. Carson, William Musser,Marshall Hill, I Charles Leland, J. Johnson Brown, Thos. H CLEM TINGLEY, President. Tinos. C. HILL, Secretary. jal-fm w-/Y1 LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST cOMPANY —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTRUST COMPANY, of Philadelphia OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital,—paid in and invested in Bonds and. Mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Lives, grant An nuities and Endowments and make contracts gene rally, which depend on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts of Justice or corporate bodies. - - - They give a participation of Profits to the lin =red for life. _. 'ILLNAGNRB. • Thomas - Ridgway, John A. Brown, Hobart Pearsall, John E. Latimer, John R. Slack, John Q. Mitchel, Thomas P. James, Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, Stacy B. Barcroft. Henry G. Freeman,Wm. P. Jenks, Manrcer. Ex.i.3naiuts. —Geo. Ilinerson, X. D. , and Samuel Chamberlain, M.D., attend at the office daily at 12 o' clock noon. Pamphlets contqining tables of rates and expla. nation of terms of application, and farther. infor. mation can be had at the office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. Jona F. ILIUM Actuary. fel4 FIRE INS CE EXCLUSIVELY—THE PENNSYL A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—lncorporated le2.s—Charter Perpet ual—No. 510 WALNUT Street, epposdte Inde pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for nearly forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capit al,i together with a large Surplus Fund is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an un doubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William Monteltus, John Devcreux Isaac Hazlehuret, Thomas Smith. ' Henry Lewis, JONATHAN PA SON, President. wuxuat G. Cnowatr.. Secretary. : • ' • 'I: • • :Cl' I • I PANT. OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW OBEETNET. . _ “The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvankt in 1939, for indemnity against loss or damage byy fire, exclusively. CHABTEB PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchan dise, &c. either permanently or for a liMited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. ESiMiiM=GE=l DIRECTORS. Charles J. Sutter, Edwin .L. Reakit, Henry Crilly, John Horn, Rebt. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, &ndrew H. Miller,James' N. Stone. CHARES J. SUTTEE, President. BffNJANIN F. HOROICLEI2% Sec'y and Treasurer. T - N SURANOE COMPANY OF NORTE AMERICA. MARINE, FIRE AND IN LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, - No. 232 'WALNUT street, South side, East of Third street.: The Properties of this Company are well In vested and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Bulldings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794—CAPITAL $500,00e, AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, $1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. DIBBOTOB.S. _ . . _ Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Samuel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, . • John A. Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, George L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke WM i ran E. rßowen, William'Cunimings. T. Charleton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. Osentate PLATT. secretary.' TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM. rJ PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. —Office North. salt corner of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Petuisylva. nia. CHARTER PERPETUA_L. Capital authorized by law, KOO, 000. Make Insurance against LOS/ or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build. Lugs, Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Marcher'. dice, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety,lHenry Gerker, Augast 0. Miller, fehristopher H. Miller. John F. BelsterLing, Frederick Staake, Henry Troomner, Jonas Bowman, William McDaniel, Frederick Doll. • Jacob Nullet, Jacob &handier, _ George Hintz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samuel Miller. GEORGE ERETY, President. JOHN F. HP.r.STERLFNG, Vice President. PsiLre E. Coranum. Secretary. • al2-11 A BEERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM ti PANT, INCORPORA.TED MO.—CHARTER PER PETUAL. 310 WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS invested in. sound and available Secu rities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and theli Cargoes, and other personal property. All. Louse liberally and promptly adjusted.. DrEtBOTOBEI. Thomas R. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell s Samuel C. Morton, Edmund (3. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, ?. Charles W. Poultaiey, Israel orris. THOMAS R. ALA_RIS, President. &Tawny 0. L. eRANITIFORD. Secretary. 11922- DAME INSURANCE COMPANY, JL! NO. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. • DIZECITOICS. Francis N. Buck, Jno.W:Everman, Charles Richardson, Robert B.Potter, Henry Lewis, Jno.Ressler,Jr., 0. W. Davis, E. D. Woodruff, P. S. Sestice, Chas Stokes, Geo. A. West, ___ _____Jos. D. EMs. FRANCIS N. B CHAS. RICHA.R W.I. ELAM/HA ED. Se OiC; President. DSON, Vice President. • tarp. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Branch office -409 WALNUT street. Cast Capital and Assets, 5330,500. JOSEPH TILL.INGHAST, Agent. Refer by permission to _ E. 0. SCRANTON, President Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn., JAMES M. BEEBE & CO., Boston, Mass. WILLIMANTIC LINEN COMPANY, New York City. - fe9G-ly a. B. LIPPINCOTT it Co., Phll adelpl a. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PRILLDELPRIA, APRIL 1, 1804 cIiARTEX 1829. FRA. NK LIN FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANV ASSETS ON JANUARY 1, 1864. $2,457,849 95. 18,000 00 CAPITAL, - - - --- - $400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - - - - 971,000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, - - 1,086,288 DIISETTLED cLAwa, 58,916. LOSS PAID SINGS 1829, $5,0(10,009. PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL' TERMS. . . . DIRECTORS. P Charles N. Banat); Isaac Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward 0. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Fales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Filler, George W. Richards, Pres. W. Le wi., M. U, CHARLES N. ANCRER, President. EDWARD 0. DALE. Vice. President. JAB. W.DICALLISTER. Sec. Pro. Tenn. mhl2tdeqb 8387 211 86 . * F IRE Nita In corporated March 27 - 3*. F A. OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH - stree: . Insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLh - - FURNITURE and PiTERCHANDIST - generally, from Loss by Fire, (in tile City of 'hiladelphia only.) Statement of the Assets of the Association. Jana ary 1, 1664. Bonds and Mortgages on Property lathe City of Philadelphia only 5697 261 3.2 Ground Rents.... ... ...6,8U6 61 Real Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streets.) 14,446 1 , U. S. Gov. 5-20, Bonds ' 45,690 oo Deposit with U. S. Assistant Treasurer. '25, too 00 Cub on band. 25 629 fri TRUSTEES: - GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. Hamilton, Jos. R. Lyndall, John Sander, Levi P. Coats, Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Sparhawr, John Philbin, ' Charles P. Rower. John Carrow, Samuel•Scattergood. Geo. I. Young, Jesse Lightfoot. mys WILLIAM T. BUTLE.4. Secretor'. PECENIX MUTUAL INSURANCE COAT PANT OF. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1%1-CHARTER PER PETUAL. NO. V. 4 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex change. In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, tbis Company Insures from loss Or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture &c. for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit of premium. The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS„during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. John L. Hodge, D. Clark Wharton, Adolphus Peries, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., William McKee, - David Lewis, M. B. Mahonv, Benjamin Biting, John T Lewis, Th..mas H. Powers, John H. Wilmer, A IL McHenry, William S. Grant, Edmond Castillon. Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WUC Sextritr, Wir..cox, Seen AMERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANT—Office, Farquhar Building, No. .12 Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES. —Risks taken on - vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout the United States. WILLI.A.M. CRAM, President PETER CULLEN, Vice President D. B. Persoinr, Secretary. DIFIZOTORII. William Craig Henry C. Liallet, Peter (Julien, William T. Umber, John Hallett, J. Johnson Brown, William H. Merrick, Samuel A. Halms, Gillieet . Dallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richaxds, Henry L. Elder, Pearson Serrill, Charles Conrad, William M. Baird 1 PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS tIOALS.— Sealed Proposals will be received at the Odice of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 20 South SEVEN EH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 2.1 d of April, 1964, for supplying the whole or any part of Eighty Thousand Tons el Bituminous Coals, suit able for the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works at the ,First Ward sad the Ninth Ward S:ations, in the following monthly quantities •, e.ght thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons in each of the months of June, July, August, 1984, and January, February, March, April and May. 1865. - The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con- tract is based. The proposals must descnbe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from wnich they are to be raisea. It they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for tnal of sot less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April next. The gross ton of 214 n pounris will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unlels the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reierve the richt to accept any pro posals in whole or in part, or to reject all. as they may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and in the event of failure on the pa• tor any contrac tor to deliver the coats according to his aArremont, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to .bay elsewhere. whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure. Payments will be • made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months at ter the spect• fled periods of delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly deltve nes, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier - than required, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments Will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of centract will be required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be ffered. JOHN O. CRESSON, fe2lttap.22 Engineer in Chief. ARSHAL'S SALE. —By virtue of a writ of JYI sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United Sra.tes in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER'S Store. No. 142 North FRONT street, on MONDAY, April 4th, 1861, at 12 o' clock M., nine bales of Cotton, now in my cus tody by virtue ot a writ of attachment lately issued out of this court at the suit of Charles Sewell and others, and to be sold as perishable. • WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, March 28, 1864. mh2.B-6t A RSBAL' S SALE.—E' VIRTUE OF A writ of sale, by the lion. JOHN O,4D WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the 'United States in and for the Eastern District of ennsylvama, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at MI CHENEW S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT street, on MONDAY, April 4, 1864, at 12 o'clock M., the cargoes, and parts of cargoes - , of slobps Persia, Buffalo, Sylvanns, and schooner Mary, consisting of 1 bag Sea Island Cotton. 124 bales 'and bags of Upland Cotton, 11 bbls. Whiskey, 55 cases Gin. 9 demijohns Rum, 3 cases Cotton Cards, 2 boxes Horse Shoe Nails, and 4 calls Manilla Rope. WILLIAM MILLWARD, • U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELenie, March 24. 1864. mh26-6t /10A.L.—,SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MBA. itj DOW and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from ..Schuylkill, prepared expressly for family Use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW streets. Office, No. lit South SECOND street. , Y. WALTON .ic CO. 8. MABOIi 1 1 / 1 13113. JOITN P. 811BAPY. TILE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION to their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company' a Coal, and Locust Mountain .1 46 which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar tat rates, and to deliver in the besteondition. Orders left with S. MASON EINES, Franklin Institute Building, SEVENTH - street, below Mar ket, will be promptly attended to. BINES lc SHEAF?, seititt Ara street wharf, Settnylkllt. t'EePE'f UAL. PHILAbE,PHIA. INCOIIIR FOR 1864 EgME;i;11;1 PROPOSALS MARSHAL'S SALES COAL LYON'S PERIODICAL DROP 6 NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE SUETRBIXO LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS are a alpeollle for all female dtMemtlet. LYON'S PERIODTUAL DROPS are wonderfully adapted to obstinate oases, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS aro not pleasant to take, butpowestul la MO LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS never harm any one If they follow the direction': LYON' S PERIODIOAL DROPS, a oases of painful siokum, act like a alum= la vigorating, restoring an renoyasftig the sysoina. LYON'S PERIODICAL DisOPS aro a scientifically prepare Auld preparation, =A $534,093 more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS are genuine only, when the name of Doctor Joint L. Lyon le written upon the directions, PIMA an wrapped carefully arOcrui each bottle. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS are for sale by druggists Malty and country every LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS 00irt but 0110 dollar perbottls; will you waste away With anxiety and pain, when an lnve•tm•nt of ca • dollar will surely cure you. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS willrestorenatnre Wits healthy owarsi, whateve es the iadispositLon. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS are, wife at all times when the direettoss are 4 bared to. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS When taken regularly always, prevent 'lane= and Is not prevention better than enrol LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS ass, stood tits test of 25 yews' expertsnos LYON'S PEMODIOAL DROPS Neely* the encomiums of all who use them. jee lady should be without them. W hap letters al most every day from ladles of the highest reaped. tability, telling ne they would not be without the french Periodical Drops for anythais. Could we publish the letters we NM received, they Would xlnvinee the most Incredulous. W. have now 1r nand an instance of a lady who had been !Trepan' anti her constitution was nearly broken down Her physicians told her she had the Uonsomptlon euid must die. Eitte saw our adTerttsement, and came to see as. • We, too, thought she was too fat gone to be cured, but commenced at the venue watt She Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day elle is well and healthy, a living witness ef the etacacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a rt. 'Went of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you are suffering any of the ills caused by irregularity, we &sr you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonsinos the most sceptical, and never after will yon be lz • &aced to be without it. ANON'S PERIODIOAL DROPM .10HP§TON, RALLOWAY & 00WDEFfs NO. 113 NORTH 61117:725TRE •md •t RETAIL by all psalm; la medlabn evoryabaL 4t Si par bottle. MtWasals Draggists, rniPrIMM $2211.4. 11111F/7" MIIIAL. WHOLBSALS Philadelphia, O. O. •CILEOI.B & 00., Havens Cons S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, for I) the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Diseases, &e. , ire specially recommended to public speakers, as die moot efficient remedy extant for the above dis We present. hut one of the many testimonials in our posEussicin : `llenurantato, Feb. fith, 1,964. C. A. BeriNyenT—Dectr Sir: I have used Brown's Brouchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness and Iliroat troi.bies, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admira ble specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most ef ectnally. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON,- Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. liTannfactured by 0. A. BANNV.A_RT & ca , Harrisburg. And for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Druggists, N. E. cor. Fourth and Race sts., l-fm w, 24te 'Philadelphia. Also, by Retail Druggists generally. IDLEILITRICITY.— .12a WR4T IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, Electricians. formerly "associated with Medical Professor' Bolles and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, the practice willl be co,ntinued - by THOS. ALLEN,the old established office, No. 723 North TENT at H Street, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, 'without a shock or any pain,) with the various modifica lions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the disessei in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Liver or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague, Prolapsus Uteri (Falling Congestion... of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsus Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emissions. :Rheumatism. &c.,,fcc. Bronchitis. (Deafness. influenza and Catarrh. k,o eherge fez consults! 2 A. DI to 6 P. M. esttman in Is to oe seen i OPAL DENTALLINA. A superior article for cleaning Mel Teeth, da stroying snimelculte which infest them, giving 'one to the gums, and leaving a feeling of tea- L;rance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. D may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de, terstveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, it is confidently offered at, a RELIABLE substitute for the unoer tain Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acgminted with the constitn• ants of the,DENTALLINA, advocate its uses it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained ployment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For sale by Druggists generally, and k'red. Brown, D. L. Stockholm. Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, G. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, - C. H. Needles, Tr. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Turnpenny, - Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bring.hurst & 00: James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. 0. Blair Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF ej DOCK. —We often hear it' repeated by those who have need „TumET.T.P7S COMPOUND SYRUP OP DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public,thereis none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in. vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 15'4 Market street, and by all Druggists. Efe4-3ml UKODGSON' S BRONCHIAL TABLETS AIM found to be an in usable requisite in tbs treatment of Bronchitis, b, Boars - nem and aintiLsr complainta affecting the' organs of tall voice; particularly reconnesendedby public era, lingers, and amateurs. Pre who= and retail, by LANCASTER it gIpSTLACK'S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for htheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Tr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sta.. Phila. itc2S-..1m0 TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR MbIBROCIA TION. —A reliable article. PositiTely cures R_tieumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Clullblaina Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side Polak. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY. LOB, Tenth and Callowbill streets. Price, 2.5 cents. TEST RECEIVED BY LATE EILFORTA LI tion, Hennessey' une Old Brandy, e read for medicinal use. LANCASTER Pliarmaceuttstr, N R. corner ARCH and TENTH' Sta.. Pima_ ee2s GROCERIES NEWBOLD' S HAMS. —Just received a lot of Newbold's Jersey hams. Also Davis's Phipp6's Cincinnati Hams,and for sale by SI now COLTON & SON, Southwest corner Broad and DUBLIN STOUT.--Guinness's Ur Dublin Stout and Robert Younger's Seoteb. Ale, genuine imported and for sale by SI NION COLTON do SON, Southwest corner Broad and Walnut. SPANISH QUEEN OLlVES .— Spanish Queen Olives of tine quality. Just received and for sale by SIMON COLTON it SON, Southwest corner Road an-t Walnut. WISS GRUYERE CHEESE.—Just received S Swiz-s Gruyere Cheese; also, Parmesan, Sap Sago, and New York Cream Cheese, and for sale be SIMGN CCLTON lc SON, Southwest corner Broad and Walnut. - DRIME NEW. DUTCH MERRlNG—Ancho vjes. Curacoa, and Maraschino, for sale at COUSTY' S. No. lIS South Second street. EW PRESERVED GINGER-41 00 perjar. 11t Just received and for sale at COIIbTY'S, No. 118 South Second street. NEW MAPLE SUGAR—very bright, in store and for sale at COUSTY'S, No. 118 South Second street.. RESH SMOKED SALMON—Spiced Salmon, F Smoked Yarmouth Herring,just received and for sale by THOMPSON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut sheets. mhl6 NTEWBOLD HAMS — The Genuine Newbold Dam, )ust received and for sale by THOMP SON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut sts. MOBIATiIES IN GLASS. —lOO doz. Fresh .1 I omatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior article, lot sale by JAMES B. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. SMOKED SALMON AND HERRING.— Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for sale by JAMES B. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. V I..DIERIti. G - RAPE.S.—Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by DX. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. 'COFFEE.—Prime EE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee; alto, Maracaibo, La Gnayra, Rio, &c., for sale by M F. RPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. IUTACCARONI AND VERMICELLI.—ItaIian lrl filaccaroni and Vermicelli of superior just landed and for sale by M. F. SPI N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. RIDLEY' S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops,Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E.B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. fIEIDRIECK do CO' S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, annger' s Scotch Ale and Guineas's Brown Stout for sale by E.B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining pr„. depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL grades manufactured at the Sonthwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House,' for sale by E. C. KNIGHT & CO., Southealt corns? Water and Chestnut streets. MIRESH GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS.— New Raisins. Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almone.s. Just received fresh, for sale by E. B.' CLARICE, dealer in fancy and staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot. term an town ' TA A R DW A RE AN D YOO *AS, 11' NAILS AND SASH WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AND HINGES (an sizes), dm, fOrialelTEßY CHEAP FOR 0 ASH.,by ANDREW JOHANN. No. 17.31Witrke• street tnh•2.9-Imo CARRIAGE MAKERS, J. LEITENBER(IER & SON fififf PINE STREET. 1471 lion, Office hoar from at the office:` de,2-6m4 IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR .THE CITY AND .COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Este e of CATIIALINE MaREEVER, dee' d. The Auditor the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account_ of JOHN L. GROPEN GER:SIiP, Administrator of CATHARINE McKEEVER, dee' d;,, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested - for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, the of April, 1E64, at 4o' clock P. ,at his office No. ea WALNLT strtet, in the City of Philadelphi. JOHN E. LATTA, And-itor. mh9s-1, w, st.* N TEE Cf , URT COM.MuII PLEA) FOR 1 THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA.— A SSIO Nk. , D EST ATE OF JACOB MI. N ER, —The auditor appointed:by the Court Mau. dit, settle and so just the account of HENRY 0. MOORE, assignee of the estate of Jacob 2.l.ltier, and to report distribution or the. balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in. terested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNE:t DAY, At ill 6th, A D. 1664, at 4 o'block P.M., at b office, No. 402 Walnut street (second floor), in the city of Philadelphia. m25-f, m, walk IN TAE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 01.7 Y AND COUNTY OF PHIL ADELPHIA— ESTATE OF JOHN McFARLAN, dec'd.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,- settle and adjust:the first and final account of JAMES HOLMES, adnimistrator of the Estate of John Mc- Porten, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap pointment, on TUESDA.Y, April sth, 1864, at 4 o'clock, P .M., at his office; No.' 402 .WAL NUT Street, (second floor), in the city of Phil= adelphm. mb2s-f, m, w, st* TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY , OF PHILA DELPHIA.—In the matter of the assigned Estate of JOHN . J. KOHLER_—The Auditor appointed. by the Court to 4ndit, ' settle and adjust the second account of EVAN MORRIS, Assignee of JOHM J. KOHLER. and to report distribution of bal ance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appoint ment on TUESD nY, April sth, 1854, at 4 o' clock P. M. , at he Office, No. 135 South. FIFTH street, in the city of Phi.adelphia. E SMITH KELLY, lltl 25• f, m, w,st* N 'THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR-THE CITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of RACRAEL POLK, deceased. —The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the account of BENJAMIN CRISPIN, Administrator of the estate of the said 33ACHAEL POLL dec'd, and to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, willmeetthe parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment , on 111.0NDAY, April 4th. 1E64, at o' clock P.M. ,at No. 5% South SIXTH street (second. story), in the-City of Phila delphia. SAXES LYND, mh23-w, f, ra, St!. - Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHTLADELPHIA.— fitate of DEN Y F. HEBERTON, deceased. The Audifor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the final] account of SOPEfIA G. HEBERTON E Admintstratrix of the said Decedgnt, as Bled by GEORGE JUNRIN, Js., her Acting Executor; and also,. the first account of GEORGE JUNKIN, Jr.., Administrator de bonis non of said Decedent; and to report distribution of the balances shown by said accounn, will meet the parties in interest for thepurposes of his appointment on TUESDAY, the sth day of April, A. D. 1864, at 4 o'clock P. at his office, No. 717 WALNUT Street in the City of Philadelphia.... stit M's STATE OF - HENRY t 3. WHELAN.—Notice Jej is hereby given to all persons that Letters Tes tarr entary have been granted by ,the Register of Philadelphia county unto the undersigned.. Ali persons having claims are requested to present them, and all indebted to make payment unto JOHN G. WHELAN, No. 4t6 Commerce street, and MARY E.. WHELAN, No. 1506 Vine street. itthlB-fetsr ;STATE OF JOSEPH FISHER, deceased. — _ Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of JOSEPH - FISHER, deceased, having been granted by theßegister of Wills for the County of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment, and all persons haring claims against said Estate to present. them to FIDEL FISHER or WI4I. E. WHITMAN, Executors, No. 133 Senth Fifth street. 6t LETTERS TEaTAMENTART HAVING been granted to the an& reigned, as Executor HAVING of the VIII of Mrs. MARIA B. LENTZ, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, all persona Lasing claims or demanft against the Estate of said decedent are requested to make known the same without delay, to CHARLES WIIRTS, ecutor, .125 Market street. or to his Attorney, .INCI C. MITCHELL, 209 S. Fifth street. m04.-f6t ETTERS TESTAMENTARY RAVING been granted to the undersigned, as Executor of the will of MARY E. BYRNE, late of the City of Philadelphia, deg' d, all persons having Jaime or demands against the Estate of the decedent, are requested to make known the saute, without delay, to WILLIAM MOYN. e. 28 South Third Street; Or, to his Attorney; JNO. O. MITCHELL; No. 208 South Fifth Street mh‘f et PIANOS, &u UNITED STOCK 00331:PANY FIRST-OLASS PIANOS, or New • York; . also, Worcester's inimitable Patent Hinged Plate Pianos, for sale at No. 14 North Seventh street, mbl6-2mo (LOSE & BAECKLEIL A. ST ANRO WITCH, PIANO TUNER and REPAIRER, removed to 930 RIDGE avenue, above Vine. and is prepared to receive orders as usual. His many customers bear testimony to his skill and, ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker; has eight yew' city experience, • with the best references wM.D, can be given. All orders promptly attended to;' and guaran:ees to give entire satisfaction. Price for tuning tt L. Orders from- the country sebepted, and done very reasonably. mh2-3mo AN ASSORTMENT of the best New York and Philadelphia -Mann. N I MP factoring, from MS upwards. Also, MELODEONS, Harmoniums and Cabinet Os. No. 233 South street, at the NeW Sto rga re a few doors beIowFIFTH Walnat. P. SCHULER & Oil fel7.3na 13-13 BAT DIENDOVISCRY USEFUL AND VALUABLW . DISCOVERY HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thou any Invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test.. ed during the last two years by prao.. ti cal men, and prenounbed by all to be Applicable to the useful Arts. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. Hilton's Insoluble Cement is a new thing, and the result of years of study ; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. and under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it - be come corrupt or emit any offensiviii smell. A nit thing s Combina tion., BOot and Shoe BOOT AND SHOE Manufae. Manufacturers using Machineit will taxers, find it the best article ?mown for Ce menting the Channel; as it works • without delay, is not affected by any . change of temperature. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use as has been proved. It in Especially Adapted to, Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitchirig. _ _ Jewelers. rmUlies. IT IS THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT EXTANT That is a Imre thing for mending Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Boni, Ivory, And articles of Household use. , Itis a Liquid: Remember Hilton's Insoluble ONICERT is in a liquid form and ase easily applied as paste. Hilton' s soluble Cennta is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cemented. heres oily substances. , , • Remember Supplied in Family or Mannfactn. rer's Packages from 2 oz. to 100 lbs. HILTON BROS. t e, Providence. adelphia, PropriLtor : AlNG &NLAGINNIS, d st. ; Joseph Godfrey Zr. 00., 38 N. nlB-wmierrly Agents in No. SON. Ttu Fourth streot DR. SCOTT' S Ti R. LIVERY STABLES, 'cork avenue, between Buttonwood and oo a streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that can Injure another will be ad. milted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves er is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend. ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are raostrespect, fully requested to bring a reference. Terms mod . !rats. hut cash navinents AR Luaris, NO. 402 0RE&F14137 Street: ' Premium awarded by Franklin Institute to MARTINLEANS, Manufacturer or MASONIO NARKS, PINS, mammas, &O. _New and original designs of Masonic Marks and Templars Medals, , Army Neoax and corp. Badges of every description ni113,43110 Auditor JOHN OLAYTON, Auditor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers