'RESENTATION OF FLAGS TO TEE 25TH REG. IMENT U.S COLORED TROOPS. , The 25th Regiment, U. S. Colored Troops, previous to its, dt pal tura for tne Gulf:yesterday, Was presented • with a beautiful flag.. The pre sentatlon took place in front ot the eaduarters of the Supervisory Committee, No. h ql2lo q Chestnut sneer. Thanes Webster. Esq., Chairman of the Committee, spoke as follows: s. Cdone/ Scrivgs:—On behalf of the Supervisory ('ommittee, I present your regiment a flag, em blematic of the cause at stake, and the men who are to determine it. Our liberties, our peace. our future we.fare, self-zovernment Pself and all the best hopes of humanity were assaiit-d . at one blow when the impious hand of rebellion was raised against the did flag and the Union—when the giant curse of our country, slavery, took np arms against progress and the rights of man. At last,-at last s ! the race :hat bas been for centu ries the`victims of our hypocrisy had our injustice is summoned to arms to redress its wn wrongs, to fight slavery and to assist us in saving liberty and constitutional go verameet Yen coininimi select regiment of this race. I know the men; they are obedient, intelligent and patriotic. They are well trained and well officered, and fit for their glorious mission. Yon will dead them, I hope, to victory. Take ibis flag ' Colonel, and when it is stream ing in the wind lee your mien catch inspirations from its emblem. Liberty is there placing a mus ket in the hands of a stalwart black man, and bids him , 'Strike! for God and Liberty." Wave this banner o'er the Savannas or the South. Carry it to the Gulf. • Let 10 , al blacks in bonds see it, and the radiant Stars and Stripes supplant the daunt ing rag of their masters. Make this flag 'famous. Go hence with your brave _black compatriots and obey its motto— " Strike for Gcd and liberty." Make emancipa tion, Wbich is still- but an unenforced paper de cree, a fixed fact. Make it familiar as light, abso lute as fate and eternal as time. - Remember yon have a noble work before you; you are- not only to'save liberty, but to free a race and to ele vate it by- the ennobling pursuit of arms. May your regiment, under your lead,prove its devotion so freedom and to the country, by endurance, by fortitude, by bravery—a)! and, if necessary, by •gloriona death on the battle-field. Earn, by heroic deeds, the title to be great. Carr) , dismay and. terror to the enemy. Achieve for the 25th Regi ment a surname that shall live in history. Colonel Scrogge replied— Mr. Chairman: On behalf of this regiment relit with the most profound thankful' flag, as a"token of the - confidence wl' the honorable Coreafittee you •e- £I.C -.,.ess, this _di you and .., ably represent ..otism of the men of ..,ey appreciate the noble on have so eloquently ex that they will not tail respond .... a manner that will meet your most expectations. • ... entering the military service these xn,en have counted the cost, and they are prepared to ha , .a.d tr eir all in this world for the maintenance of the cause v:hich they have espoused, trn.ting that be neath the broad buckler of Divine protection they may be shielded in safely, whilst fighting the bat tles of their country, or in falling, to win that glittering crown which is "incorruptible, =de filed, and that fadeth not away." • The motto of this flag shall be the battle-cry of the regiment. These men will "strike for God and lit e - ty," until their enemies confess "that the most nigh ruleth in the kingdom of men," and until •liberty is proclaimed throughout the land, and to all the inhabitants thereof." We hope that this .flag will some day be returned to you, and that it may be admitted to an honorable place among those which-justly claim our country's re verence, as a token of the valor and - fidelity of those of her ''sable sons to whom its safety and honor have been so generously confided. have.in. the courage and pit , ' whom it is composed. V" sentiments which y- pressed, and trp.' ing to them tt•-- —angain• THE NEW CANADIAN MINISTRY. MONTI:NAL, March 31.—The Canadian Ministry has beettformed. Sir E. B. Tache is Premier. Receiver General and Minister of Militia, Mr. Cartier; Attorney General for Canada East, Mr. Galt; Finance - Minister, Mr. Cdiapais; Commis sioner of Public Works, Mr. 111:Geer Minister of Agriculture, Mr Laugetin; Solicitor ' General for Canada East, Mr. John A. McDonald; Attorney General for Canada West, Mr. Campbell; Crown Lands, Mr. Foley; Postmaster General, Mr. Simpsrn; Provincial Secretary, Mr. Co,kbarn, Solicitor General. for Canada West. The ministerial policy is stated to be the defence of the country, and the rendering effective of the military force; every effort to be made to maintain and extend the reciprocity treaty, the readjust ment of the Canal tolls, and the removal of the Go vernment to Ottawa city, measures for the devel opment of the Northwest and the improvement of the seaboard communications. The general policy of the Administration is to be governed by those great constitutional principles which have so long guided the mother country. The House is to ad journ till the 3d of May. COAL STATEMENTS Our correspondent at Scranton, sends us the fol.- •owihg report of. the amount of coal transported over :the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western EFdlroad, for the week endine Saturday, March '213, and for correspending time Met Week. Tone.Owt - . Tone.Civt. Shipped North 4,667 04 58,003 08 Shipped South 22,069 03 221,825 04 Total - 26,995 07 For corresponding time last year. Week. Year. Tone.Owt. Tons.Owt, 6,083.04 59,915 01 17,800 03 157,335 14 Shipped North Shipped South Increase... MILLINERY 30, MRS. R. DILLON, 323 and 311 Sr/UV , " street, has a handsome assortment of Spring MILLINERY, of the latest styles,to which she invites the attention of the ladies. mh3l,2lt* .v SPRING FASHIONS . —DI'me A. LA FORE, M 3 ARCH Street, has the pleasure to inform the ladies that she has received from Paris, the latest patterns of Hats, Bonnets, Caps and Head-dresses, and is now ready to sup -1,13, 1-customers and the public in general. Pleas call at No. 928 AROH Street, before pur chasing elsewhere. mh3l-6t* v. CARD. —M' LLE KEOGH, MILLINER de Paris, No. 904 WALNUT street, will open on TUESDAY, April sth, an elegant and recherche assortment of French Bonnets,Hats, Flowers, &c. ,of the latest and Most approved styles, selected with great care from the first fash ion houses of Paris, together with many novelties of her own manufacture. M.' lle K. invites atten tion to her Mourning Department, where orders to meet the demands of funerals to any amount are filled with despatch. mle2S-St* EDUCATION 110111FLOYMENT FOR WOMEN.=A depart ment for teaching Women Telegraphing has been commenced in the School of Design building, 13.34 CHESTNUT Street. Ladies wishing to learn may apply as above. Charge for instruction, 525. mhs-lmo§ ' ANNIE L. COLLADAY. INFANT'S RETREAT. _ _ MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. Thin Institution, providing a refined home and the ten derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. 'Edwards, Media, pa. References : Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal : Clergy of the City; also to Abraham Martin, Esq. fel7-3n4 TRUSSES RTES. JAIYEES BETTS'S CELEBRATED Di SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under Medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT street, Philadelphia (to avoid counterfeits), thirty thousand invalids having been advised by their Physicians to use her appliances. Those only ars genuine bearing the United States Copyvrright Labels on the box and signatures also on the Sup- porters with Tentirormin.bt rtnth „ . . CARP) TINGkS, nARPETS, CARPETS, FURNITURE, FUR NITURE, OIL CLOTHS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW SHADES, and a large - assortment of Household Goods at H. R. LEWIS'S Old Established Stand, No. 1434 Mar ket St.. next door to the corner of 15th st. mh2lmik riARPETI.NGS., OIL OLO' V.,/ GETS, WILTON, VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, OARPETINGRI. INGRAIN, . VENETIANATS. , H and STAIR, An at the lowest cash prices,B.. L. i REDUGT ON' IN THE PRICE OP COKE In accords" ce with a resolution:of the Board of Trustees, passed on the 25th inst. , the price of Coke from the Market Street and Spring Garden Gas Works, has been reduced to to cents per bushel, and from the Point Breeze and Manayunk 'Works to 9 cents per bushel. ' JNO. C. CRESSON, Chief Engineer. PITILADA. GAS Wonss, March 2S, 1861. mh2o-Im6 CHOCOLATE.—WALTER BAKER tc CO.' Chocolate ; Cocoa and Broma ; single, double and triple Vanilla; also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, in store and for sale by WM. S. GRANT. 15 Sem tb awar. 30 TONS LIG N taIVITAE, NOW LAtadrie from Br. bark Thomas •liallett For sale by 41LICTZT,/ bOV... ` 4 or.t.b ---1 , 97qT Etta 279,M' 12 ...23,633 07 21.6,250 15 .... 63,577'17 4-gwkomo•istql for sale by NIGHTI & O R,S • • 7 ehwatnut utmost TEE , GETTYSBURG BATTLE FIELD MEMORIAL. •• - AN APPEAL TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS. The “GETTYSBURGBATTLE-FIELD ME MORIAL ASSOCIATION" was instituted for the purpose of securing, forever, the principal' points upon the great bat"le-field of the war, in the exact condition in which they were left In July, 1863. when the rebel hordes of the invader LEE were driven back from the free soil of Pennsylvania, and. when the gallant soldiers of GENERAL MEADS remained in posseseion of the field which they had won by their valor. The Association have.already secured the purchase of QEMISTEET HILL, Cusp B HILL, GRANITB SPUR and ROUND OP, With the - entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great conflict which was the turning point in the career of the rebellion . The field, with its redoubts, - wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-w orks, itsforest heights, with the trees torn by shells and , countless bullets, and its long lines of earthwork defences, have all been preserved intact, and to so =thine to preserve them, as to be a monument ibrever of the greatest of American Battle-fields, , s the object of the formation of the Association. • To enable a large number of persons to loin in this patriotic work, the projectors of the plan placei, the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The P'" ..ymen of this sum MAKES BACH SUBSCRIBE)... A MEMBER P THE ASSOCIATION, 7P „„ AND PAN4' OWNER OP THB 4 LORIOUB FIELD OP LtETTES':,,, G. What Loyal and Patris_! , Citizen of Pennsylva nia would not gladJ•:, embrace the privilege of re ,ording his name upon this roil of honor, and of inking "33° . - .elf directly with the field where the lofty hP7 roism of his cout.trymen vindicated the Lute - gray of the Union and the principles of Free iom 7 And who would not, desire to hand down as a precious heireloorn to his children the evidence of his part in the good' work, bearing, as the certi ficate will, a view of the field which will rank in history with THERMOPTL4E, MARATHON and Wa- TEIII.OO 7 There are no salaried officers in this Association, nor are there any objects in view in its creation other than those already stated. The grounds were purchased from their original owners at the exac Price to be paid for them by the Association, and the points selected, and the prices to be paid for them, met the unqualified approval of a committe, of the HISTORICAL izOCIETY OP PENNSYLVANLA, cppomted for the purpose of visiting the field. The following are the names - of the general offi ers of the Association, and of the Local Com mittee in Philadelphia : OFFICERS. - Hon. JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL, Chairman Pro visional Committee. Rev. Dr. S. SCHMUCKER, Vice Chairman. Rev. J. ZIEGLER. Vice Chairman. T. D. CARSON, Treasurer. D. McCONAUGHY, :secretary. LOCAL COMMITTEE-PHILADELPHIA. HENRY 0. CAREY, Chairman. . Edmund A. Fonder, Henry 0. Baird, Treasurer. Secretary. S. A. Mercer, Prof. H. Coppee, N. B. Browne, Dr. D. Gilbert, J. G. Fe 11, George H. Baker, Charles E. Smith, James L. Ciaghorn, S.M. Felton,Ed wd. W. Clark, W. H. Asidurst, Rev. E. W. Rutter, Jay Cooke; Hon. William Strong, Chas. J Stifle, Ferdinand J. Dreer, A. J. Drexel, Jno.A. McAllister, Oswald Thompson, Geo. W. Childs, George K. Ziegler, John H. Dohnert, J. B. Lippincott, Morton- McMichael, William Bradford, W W. Harding, Aubrey H. Smith, Gibson Peacock, . John W. Forney. - John 0 James, Solomon W. Roberts, Morton P. Henry, Geo. F. Lee, Dan' 1 Dougherty. Persons who are desirous of aiding in this pa triotic work can send their subscriptions to either of the gentlemen named above, and. they will re ceive their Certificates of Stock. - BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA COM MITTEE. mh3 REMOVAL. H. P. & P. SMITH. HAVE REMOVED TO No. 246 Chestnut Street, JAYNE'S 'BUILDING, And offer for sale by the package, the following Goods, in great variety of styles and qualities BROWN SEW:TINOS and SBIRTIIiGS, BLEACHED " • • o• BROWN, LE AD and BLUE DRILLS DENIMS, BLUE and BROWN. TICRINGS, CHECKS and SHIRTING Stripes PRINTS, Dark ana light Styles. COTTONA DES, York, Everett, Bc., !cc. CANTON FLANNELS, Bleached and Brown. WOOLEN Plain, Twilled, !diners, Opera KENTUCKY JEANS and TWEEDS. ALPACAS in Black and. Fancy Colors. BRITISH DRESS GOt , DS, Fancy and Staple. IRISH LINENS, L. C. H.DR.FS. isiARsEILLEs QUILTS Stafford Spool Cotton. TABLE DIAPt RS, Bl' d. Brown and Damask. - 6 4 REPELLANT CLOTHS, Black Doeskins. 3-4 and 6-4 MELTON& kc., Zee. Tall2-Ims NOTICE OF REDIOVAL, The undersigned would inform their friendeand the public generally, that they have removedfrom their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROODIS, No, 912 ARCH STREET, Where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL OIL BURNERS, &e Having associated with our house Bir.CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cor. nelins lc Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the moat massive and elaborate. VAN KIRK & CO., fel9-2ras • No. 912 ARCH STREET. Zanies S. Earle do Son, 816 CHESTNUT ST. Inuneuse Assortment of LOOKING GLASSEg. Oil Paintings, First ClassEngravirsgi, PORTRAIT AND PIOTDRE PRAM S% PHOTOGRAPH PRAXES, ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM% WINDOW CORNICES) PIER TABUS& Jae.. Sra LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, • By the Cask or Dozen. ALBERT *O. ROBERTS. AT;EIt IN FINE (.11ROOKRIE8, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, Commission Paper Warehouse. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and TINGLE MEDIUM; OAP ,and" CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for ROpe in large or small quantities. nalt2-3nul FOR SALE. a The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH 1 ENTH STREET Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. eirOnly a smalll - part of Gash required. , 011 TAX FRZ.X/Pra. /ell-14 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PlilLA (11 , AICLR COMPANY OF COLORADO —Sabscrip. tIODS will be received at the office of the Sub. scriber,and Pamphlets descriptive ot the same can be had on application to -E. S. MOSS, ' mbao-w, fo2t* No. 20) DEck Street. TrTHE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—The Committee on ~Benefits, Exhibitions' and Ihtertainn3ents requests that the proceeds of all Benefits, Exhibitions, &e., - public or private. given for the Great Central Fair, be remitted to Mr. GEORGE GILPIN, Trertztirer, Dock etreet, by whom they will be prt , perly acknew ledgeci. GEORGE TROTT, -Chairman, 32l South Eleventh street. Esnrrers WELLS, Secretary, 124 South Thirteenth street mb3o-4t!. NOTICE.—The annual meeting. of the Stockholders ot the PENN - MINING UOMPANY of Lake Soperk.r will be held . at the office ot the Compatfy, No. 319 WALNUT street, on TUESDAY, the 3111 day of April next, 'at 19 o'clock M., for the purpose of electing Five Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. DAVID S. HEYL, See , - t PHILADA., March 26. 1861. 7.att96tap3% CY i. ' THE UNION O TRANSPORTATION AND INSU RANCE COMPANY wi'..l ineei at the Office of a 14'1(HII ERS W. H. BARNES, in tte City of PITTSBURGH, on THURS . !) ,Y, Or d 7th day of April next 107 t e b re e m pur ing po t s b e e „Lap of ".:on.sidering the propriety of in. pess. ital Stock of said Oompany. and other bus' GEO. B. EDWARDS. inirl to up;* S'.eretary. OFFICE OF THE CA.B.I.IiEN AND AM• BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPOR rA TION COMPANY, BOXIDENTOWN, March 23th, That. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at BOR DEN TOWN; N. J., on THURSDAY, 23th April next, at 1211., in the Office of the Company, for the election of seven Directors, to serve for the en suing year. SAMUEL J. BAYA.RD, mh2Stap29§ Sec' yC.& A. R.R. & Trans. Co. VENNSY IXANIA MINING COM PANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholder of the Pennsylvania Mining COM Dan y of Michioan will be held at their office, No. 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on r , ONDAY, the fonrth day of April. 'ISM, at 12 M., at which. time and place au Election will 'be held for Directors to serve the Ccnipany the ensuing year. S. M. D.A.Y., Secretary. PIIILAD3ILPHIA., March ill. It6l. rabo23-dtapl SPECIAL NOTICES DL'LAWAnE MINING COMPANY OF 113 TeII.OIIIGAN.—PniL&DELPINA, March `24. I'6l.—Notice is hereby given, that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. will be held at their Office No. 32.6 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY the 6th of April, 1661, at 12 M., at which time and place an election will be held for DIRECTORS to serve the Com pany the ensuing year. mlra,rap6; , l - S. M. DAY, Secretary tarHILTON'S CEMENT.—The Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer. talnly the best article of the kind ever Invented. It should be kept msveyy manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully spoiled renders it invaluable to all classes- Fnr narticulars see advertisement liELPHIA AND RFADINO Railroad Company, Office V. 7 South Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, September 3, lees. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the commor stuck of thin Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it.is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. • STOCKHOLDERS' RAIKBS. Timothy C. Boyle, Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster,.. Andrew Turner, John Dlcl.ptyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport. fe•lti-tf GT. THIRD NATIONAL. BANK OF PHI. LADELPIIIA. —Capital sloo,ooo—Privi leged to increase to 5500,000—Pnif.suar-rim, March 12th, 1t64. The THIRD NATIONAL BANK will open ou MONDAY, 14th inst., for business. on the South. west corner MARKET Street and PENN Square, where all banking business will be transacted the same as in e: her city Banks. The location is a very desirable one and central for all merchants and others doing business in the western parts of the city. Collections willhe made on all accessible points, on the most favorable terms; and the interests and requirements of the customers of the Bank, will have careful and prompt attention rchl2-I.lto R. GLEN DINNING, Cashier. ErrPHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office, 2'27 South FOURTH Street, Parteost.Pare, March 17. 1864. Notice is hereby given, that the Transfer Books of the Common Stock of this Company will be closed on the 11Ist instant, to be reopened on the 14th of April next, at which time the Stockholders of this Company, who have New York certificates, are requested to return them to the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company,. No. 56 Wall street, New York, 'who will give a receipt for the same, and furnish in a few days thereafter certificates from the Philadelphia office, in exchange for said re ceipts. Tne Transfer Office for the Preferred Stock of this Company at New 3 ork will be closed permanently on the 3 ist inst. That for both the Preferred and Common Stork in Boston will be permanently closed on the 31st MARCH. S. BRADFORD, mhlF.f•m•w.tapl4i Treasurer. tryOFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Sueet, Phila delphia, December 19, 1E153. The Commission for the syment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid td ' those only whosehames are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be.vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office in squads for the purpose. In a few days notice will be given when and how recruits in new orgre"zations and veteran's re-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. By oider.of the Commission. tf SAMUEL 0. DAWSON, Secretary 07. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN UOYE MISSION. -SUNBURY TO JANUARY 1, ism. Work now in Progress In the Army at Best— Christian Commission Stations largely increased in Number—The Work Abundantly Prospered— Many more Stations needed to meet the wants of the Army—Unprecedented Call fo'r Delegates and Supplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, with its Movements and Battles. The Christian Commizaion depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Christian People. INCREASING WANTS DEMAND . IN CREASED LIBERALITY., ?Receipts of Money, Stores, bcc., to January 1, 1664, 51,146,093 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, &c., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16,330. Number of Delegates Sent, 1,563. Copies of Scriptures distributed, 568,275; Hymn and Psalm Books, 502, 556; Knapsack Books, 1, 370, - 348; Library Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, 155,145; Religious Newspapers, 3,316,250; Pages of Tracts, 22, 930,422, Silent Comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian • Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its work for the good of the Soldiers. _ _ - STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents,. free writing tables, and clothing, comforts and reading matter for gra. tuit ou s distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, hare been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments, bat= teries and camps without Chaplains., distribute reading matter and stores, •and labor for the good. of the Soldiers. _ _ A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended' to establish. stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF. GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains nnreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demand tor-them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all its various fields. The.money given goes in fall measure, in:- benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kit deeds to the gifts when bestowed. Let the peorle give the Bloney and Stores, and the work will be dons. The large corps of Delegates now in the field will serve rie a grand corps of relief when the armies shall move and battles be fought, and the greater their number the prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for the cry of the Wounded and dying before pro viding relief. - Send now and send abundantly both money and stores, and the Soldiers' blessing shall be upon yon. Send money to SOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank. and stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christ.an Ommission, No. 13 BANK street, Philadelphia. W. E BoAsDM9ft, Secretary Was- . Vidfel §tittES Cj, . DELPHIA, FRIDAY APRIL i; 1864. SPECIAL NOTICES. • OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE OODN— U„.3 TY PASSENGER RAILROAD. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, April 4th, at 10 o' clock, MA RKET street, west Of Fortieth•, at which time an Election will be held for President •and twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year. mh2l -Ur-4 •A. L BONN AFFON, Sec' y 07. OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW RAIL. ROAD AND COAL COMPANY., ADELPBIA, March 2Stn, 1661. A quarterly Divtdend of TWO AND A HALF PER CENT. on the Capital `pock of this Cora pauy hits. been declared this - fay, payable on and after THURSDAY, Aprt_'. 7th. • rnh2B-61% L C}L,A ",,IDEBLAIN, Treasurer. DEPARTMENT COnFTEOLLETZ OP THE Ctrannigar, WAeniNoT..ozi, Feb. 26th, 1861. .Whemis, By satisfactory evidence presented to the '..",ndersigned, it has been made to appear that * .re Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act 'of Congress, entitled an act to provide a na.ional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and red_emption thereof," ap proved February 25th, 1863, and has complied with' aq the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANS OF PHILADEL PHIA, co tray of Philadelphia, and State of Penn sylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking; under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, 1861. HUGH AIcOULLOLIH, Comptroller of the Cuirency. mih2-2rn gsr. OFFICE CITY BOU fY FUND COBI MIISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, De tember 29, 1E63. Warrants for the City Bounty (two hundred and fifty dollars) will be issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission one day previous to the issuing of the warrants. Officers must accompany and roach for their men when - the warrants are delivered. Philadelphia soldiers re-enlisting in the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the muster-in-rolls are furnished to the Commis- ;ion by the Adjutant-General of the State. Men enlisted in Col. McLean's Regiment (183 d Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty in companies when duly mustered into the U. S. service. and cregited to the quota of the city. The COMMIEMCM sits daily from 3 to 5 P. M., during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed on presentation at the otlice of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. SATiTIIF.L O. DAWSON. Sec' y DRY tiIJOLP6 34432otintiLetlIcEeDshacE2LofDexEtri..afilinNeEgSrlafl u E et ro ity m , na. 6•t and 65 cents . . . . . Black Wool Delaines, from Auction, at 45, 50, 69, 63 and 65 cents. - Double width Buick Wool Delaines, 81. to S 1 31. Fine Black Alpacas, 50, 62, 75, 90, SL 00, S 1 31. Black silks, of every grade. from St 50 to $3 50. Extra.ilte Black Bombazines, so, 50. Bla lt'and White Check Grenadines., 75 cents. Superfine Mode Colby ed Alpacas, 51 00. Auction tor, neat Mohairs, 50 cents, worth 63. Auction lots neat Plaid Polls, 31 and 3i cents. `. Black and lot:, Balrporals. Small= tzes hoop Skirts, best quality. COOPER & CUNARD, mb3l S. E. corner Ninth and Market street. S PRING CASSIMERES. Harris Light Cassia:Lens. Harris Mixed Cassimeres. Harris Plaid Caszirseres. Cadet Mixed Cassxmeres. Striped and Plain Cassimeres. • Black CassimereN all proves. Water-proof Cloth.. for Ladies and Gents, at JOHN H. STOKES'S. 7d.2 ARCH at. riII:LOMAS S I.II.t•SON'S SONS, 922 and tl2l PINE Street. NOW OPEN, 1,000 yards Diode color Nohairs, 34 cents, cheap at 45 cense. 000 ards New Style Valencia,colored plaids,4oc. 1,5( 0 yards Black sod White 'Mohair Plaids, 310. 7uo yards White Table Damask, 55 cents. 3t 0 yards White Extra Table Damask, 21 12. 1 lot Black Silks, at 75 cents. 1 lot black Silks, at St 12. 1 lot Black Silks, at Si 37. 1 lot'Black Silks, at 21 50. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. Also, a variety of New Goods. EYRE S I.ANDELL have now arranzed for sale a full line of. TRAVELING DRESS GOODS. Glass Cloths, for Traveling suits. ~Paris Pongee, Traveling Dresses Select shades of Plain Mobairs. All-wool 6-4 M. Delaine. Green Alpacas and Delaines. French Alpacas. Brown mixed. Tan Colored Spi ing Cloths. EtYRE LAN-DELL call the attention of Buyers X/ to examine our Superb Stock of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS! Beet Brown Silks In the city. Best B.ack Silks in the city. Richest Colored Moire Antiques. Fancy Spring Chanes and Plaids. Mourning Silks, Plaids and Plain. 100 Pieces Perfect India Silks. llilagniflcent Brocade Grenadines. Richest Sprint Dress Goods imported. THE CHEAP CLOTH STORE. JANES LEE, No. 11 North t• ECOND Street, Are now receiving a large and choice stock of Spring and Summer Goeds, adapted to Men and Boys' wear, to which they invite the attention of their friends and others, comprising in part COATING GOODS—Super Black French Cloth; Coloreal, do. Black French Habit Cloth; Colored, do. Cashmere Cloths, all qualities. Drap D'Ete and Cashmaretts. P PANTALOON STUFFS—BIack French Doe skins; do., Cassimeres. Fancy Cassimeres, new styles. JAMES Zr. LEE, No. 11 North Second Street. Sign of the Golden Lamb. LINEN ADVERTISEMENT. —S.DILLLIKEN & CO.—Stores for Linen Goods exclusively, d2a ARCH and :12 South SECOND street. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS. —A good s'rong Irish Linen, .at 44 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Linen froni 56 ants up. SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par ticular attention to this department. Ladies will find at our Stores the most extensive stock of Bosoms, Wristbands and Collars in the city. TABLE LINENS.—A lot of extra-heavy power loom Damask; half bleached, at 75 cents per yard. CHEAP NAPKINS. —An excellent article at $2 per dozen. S. MILLIKEN Linen Importers and Dealers, • mb3] 628 Arch street. and 32 S. Second street ISTEEL & SON. HAVE NOW OPE ~- a choice assortment of _ NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, $3 00 to $5 00. Plain Corded ',Silks, 31 623 to $3 50. Figured Corded Silks, $1 62X: Plain Poit De Soles, 51 25 to 53 25. FANCY SILKS, 75 . CTS. TO $5 00, Black Gros Grain Silks, $1 25 to 83 25 Figured Black Silks, 81 25 to $2 00. Plain Black Silks, 87;0 to 86 00. Plaid India Silks, 8734 cts. Light G round, . Rich Figured Foulards, $ 26 to St 62. • Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth street. rI DWIN HALL & CO., NO. 26 S. SECOND Street, have now open the best stock of Dress Goods they ever had the pleasure of offering to their customers. Magnificent Grenadines. • magnificent Organdies. ' Silk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Mouslin de Esso sis, anew fabric. Mohair Foulards. Plaids, Stripes and Plain Valencias. Plaid and Stripe Monairs. Beautiful shades fine Alpacas. Superior Black Alpacas. Striped and Figured French Chintz. Figured Percales and Cambrics. plain Lawns and Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robes. Dress Goods, in great variety, of all the new Fabrics that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which have been of our own importation. • • _ . _ FOOP4VRYV T I TEETH. —THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. —Sets mounted on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, and on Platina plates with con tinuous gum (Alton's); beautiful and natural in appearance, and accurately fitted, may be ob tained at the shortest notice of C. B. FOSTER, M. D., Dentist, nahs-Irn* DR. FINE, .PRACTIOAL DENTISI ow the last twenty years, "Xl9 VINE Street, be ow Third, Inserts the most beautiful TEETH 01 the age, mounted on fine Flotilla, Silver, Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, ,ko., at prices tot neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city' or State. Teeth plugged to last for life: Artificial Teeth repaired to suit No pain in extracting. All work warranted to fiS st A faranAa. %wet familia. mbs2o-ftrne COTTON SAIL LOUR, eurroisi CANVASS of every weight, from one to two feet wide, all numbers; heavy and light RAVENS DUCH ASHLAND TOPSAIL and oter Awning Twills ) paper Felting, Sa Twine, &c. For sale by ' W. EVERMAINI tr. co “139.14 Ma. 1n ;tau' No. 1233 CHESTNUT street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. JFOR SALE.—The desirable Brown Stone .DWELLING, No. 222 West Logan Scitiain apply at 103 Walnut at., up stftirr. mrM-I.2tis, OEIIAIADITOWN ROUSE. large and nicely afranished, to let for six months, from Ist May. .S , .,able attached. • Address, With name, for par tieulars, A. L., BULLETIN Oflice. mh3o-6t* &pH FOR SALE. —Dwelling No. 513 PINE street, 'With - back buildings, &c. ' CHARLES RHOADS, 35South Seventh street. m1129-11tit de FOR SALE - —An elegant residence, on BIA CRE.LT E Di . AVENUE, near Wayne street, eermaa town.- Address box 2113 Post de ROUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET—FOR SALE. —STORE AND DWELLING. All the modern Conveniences. Apply on the remises. - inhtl-tfb FOR SALE—lhe three-story brick Dwel- FA ling, with three-story back buildings, No. 942 North FIFTH. street. Apply to W. M. PARHAM, 5t North Third street. rnh3o-6t ea TO RENT."--A desirable three. story brie • dwelling hoiase, No. IMO BEACH. street, be low Shackamaxon street, with large , side yard. Rent 5.300. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, roh29-6tit 1035 Beach street. 4 .g..a . • FOR. SALE. —THREE-STORY BRICK Uri DWF,LLLNG-, No. 945 -North TWELFTH Street, loy 18;by VO feet; two fronts. Apply ti PHILIP E. COLEMAN, mh29-6t* N. E. cor. Third and Buttonwood. LSOUTH TENTH STREET.—For sale, a three.story brick dwelling, with back bail& ings ' 625 South Tenth street, modern improve ments. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Broilers, 433 WALNUT street. de DE LANCET PLACE—For sale a desira.- JEL ble four.story DWELLING, with three story back buildings, modern improvements, De lancey Place, between Eighteenth and Ninweenth streets. Apply to - J. H. CURTIS it SON, Real Estate Brokers, 4d Walnut street. GERMANT OWN. —FOR SALE—An ele gant country seat with ten acres of ground, handsomely laid out and well shaded by forest trees. Situzre on School House Tune, west of the Township Line Road. J. M. GUMHEY ‘54 - SONS, st-9 WALNUT street. , mhal Ma No. 13112 LOCUST STREET—FOR SALE. W.g. —A handsome fonr-story bri3ll dwelling, back buildings and lot of ground. No. 1502 LO CUST-street. Terms accommniating. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO., :Southwest corner of NINTH. and FILBERT streets. • VOR SALE—A handsome four-story brown rig stone Residence. with three-story double tact buildings, and .having every modern improve ment and convenience. Lot of ground hi feet front by 130 feet d'eep to a.2-feet IVide street. The house, is in perfect order throughout. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, son: Walnut street. FOR SALE.—One or eleven Three-story LaHouses, with - two-story bask buildings; situated in northwestern part of the city, with bath, gas, cold and hot water. Also, a desirable House in GREEN street, between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets.. Apply to J. J. BEAM, 1, , 07 South FOURTH street. mh29-6t GERMANTO WN PROPERTY FOR IVISALE.—A very desirable propery within 10 minutes walk of Wayne Station, Germantown Rail road. Large dwelling house with all the modern itoproyements,. stable, spring-house, ice-house filled, and good garden, plenty of fruit and large shade trees. Apply to W. W. KNIGHT, at 509 COMMERCE street. tritull-tf FOR SALE.—THE RA.NDSOAIE FOUR II STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with three story double back buildings, built in a superior manner, with every convenience and improve ment, and lot of ground, 9.e feet front by 127 feet deep, to a 30-feet wide street, situate No 1033 Fil bert street: has recently been thoroughly repaired. •• J. M. 0T.. - M.MEY ts SONS, 54.6 'Walnut street.'" MtFOR SALE .— The Property on Sshool Rouse Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight (SSW feet on said Lane, and extending nearly oae-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, five minutes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the Vity. Apply to CHARLES H. IMITIIRHEID. No. 9.05 South SIXTH st. 126-60 EaFOR SALE.—T wo handsome COTTAGES, llos. 2:32l and 027 GREEN street, lot 2.5 feet front by Ilk feet deep. Have large yards, with shrubbery. in front. Price $5,010 each. Also, a well-built house, No. 1520 North THIR TEENTH street, three- story, with three-story back buildings. Possession of this can be had at on. - e. Price 54,000. Apply to. J. WEAVER. mh31.30i No. 275 South Third street. ME COUNTRY SEAT AN]) PALM I , ols nia sALE__c on ..inint fifty-firs warts, handsomely situated in Cheltenham toornsiup; Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-loaf from York Road Station, on the forth Penc.sylyania Rail Toad. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a .:inter or snrarner real. deuce. Apply to C. H. Aturyttarßip, ses South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. solti-tf# REWEST PHILADELPHIA—For sale. , :an elegant stone mansion, wila stable and coach house. and lot of ground 310 feet front, situate on Locust street, extending from Forty-first to Forty second streets. The man