Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 31, 1864, Image 8
HEBEI orrfcEBSCAMTOED AT FOEX DB is a list of the’rebei comnitssiahed osptored at Fort Do Russqy, Lousiaoa. _. ° LtenreniSnt Colonel - ffm. Byrd, 14th Texas, -v-mimanding post; Captain B. O. Laird, 14th TS?CaptaisW.’A. Wallace, 19th Texas; Cap-, tain Seth Nabry, 17th Texas: Captam A.. G. Whitef acting quartermaster, .6. S, A.; Captmn n Z. Harold, 16th Texas; Captain Z. H. tn’ovens. 18th Texas; Ist Lieutenant J. F. Roller, Ist Artillery, O. S: A., chief of. artillery, nit Lieutenant,W. S. L. Bringhurst, . ordnance omcer-- lst- Ihentenaht J. R 1 K. : Brooks, 19ch Texas’: Ist Lieutenant A. O, Olardem 16th Texas; mt Ineutenabt P. B. Stout; 22d Texas; Ist Lieu tenant J C. Fall, 11th Texas; 2d Lieutenant L. Elteaseiv 14th Texas, acting post adjutant; 2d Tiontenant W. Hurley, Crescent Louisiana Ar tillery; 2d Lientenant Ashenbamer, Jr., Crescent Louisiana Artillery; 2d Lieutenant F. Eogerty, Crescent Louisiana infantry; 2d Lieutenant F. G Burkbank, Crescent Louisiana .Infantry, 2d Lieutenant J. W. Little, 11th Texas; 2d Lieu, tenant W.'E. Barksdale, 19th Texas; 2d Lieu tenant A. Trnmbull, O. S. A. Engineers; 2d Lieutenant C. H- Hawke, 16th Texas; 2nd Lieu tenant G- J. Ba ll * Texas; ad Lieutenant J. W. Spinks, Texas. [ , _ AiH.USBiaLJBNX'B; ' academy of music. BEV.HEHBY WARD BEEOHEB < OK - - ' - - ' “Power—The Law .of its Distribution,” THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 31st, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. This will he the only opportunity to hear Mr. Beeoheb the present season. Admission, 25 cents;- Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Tickets for sale at Ashmead & Evans’s, 724 Chestnut street. mh26-st* ST. JOSEPH’S CONCERT, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING-, March 31, 1664. Proceeds for the Poor. Tickets, 59 cents. mh'29-3t* VYROVER’S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. AXLEONAB D GR0VER.............. .Manager ‘ (Also of Grover's Theatre, Washington.) THURSDAY'.EVENING, March 31, 1361, GREAT SUCCESS! ' GREAT SUCCESS! GREAT SUCCESS! Of Boucicault’s great American Drama, THE OCTOROON, THE OCTOROON, - THE OCTOROON, THE OCTOROON, "Which, upon each of its former representations, has been received with every demonstration of de light by AUDIENCES THAT FILLED THE THEATRE AUDIENCES THAT FILLED THE THEATRE . * la every part. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON. April 2, REGULAR FAMILY MATINEE ENTER ,• V ' TAINMENT. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquet, 50c; Or chestra, 75c; Familv Circle, 25c. Doors open at 7 O' clock: " commence at quarter to 8. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Le55ee..........Mr*: M. A. GARRETT SO* THIS - (Thursday) EVENING, March 31, 1861, . First night of the heantifnl pathetic Play of ' . ’ RACHEL, THE REAPER. It which Miss LAURA KEENE and the Doable Comedy Company will appear. Rachel.,... Miss Laura Keene Assisted by the entire Double Cempany. The performance will cor elude wi{h the drama of ROBERT MACAIRE. Jaques^Strop TO-’MORHO'w'"(Friday)'"BENEFIT OF MISS LAURA KEENE, on which occasion she will ap pear as Widow Gheerly, In the grand comedy of THE SOLDIER’S DAUGHTER. DEEW' S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. '. -. Positively East Night hut Two of " MR. AND KIRS. BARNET WILLIAMS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING-, March 31, 1864, THE IRISH TUTOR. Doctor O’Toole . Mr. Barney Williams To be followed by the protean drama of AN. HOUR IN SEVILLE. Mies Constance. Flitterly. ..Mrs.Barney Williams ..-. \ Assuming nine different characters. To conclude with THE IRISH TIGER. Paddy Ryan....... ....Mr. Barney Williams , Friday, Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. -On Monday, KOSEDALE. . Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7X o’ clock. Tom kin g s excelsior circus, mar ket street, above Twelfth. .The gieat'Spanish Artiste, SENORITA LOLA LEHMAN, will appear during this week in some of the most attractive scenes of classical equestri anism. A rich programme, also, by the entire Exeelsior Troupe. ■ Matinee on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, commencing at 2% o’clock: EVENiNG, quarter before 8 o’clock, Admission..... . Stage Seats.... Private Boxes. CARD FROM THE UA; .and Editorials of tk( only be read ia the follt papers: The Hedger, Tbe Age, Daily News, Sunday Dispatch, Sunday XXXTRA. NOTICE—TJ Eveniug Telegraph for pa advertlsemeßts from the: ledged American academy of music.— SOIREE G YMN ASTIQ.UE for the BENE FIT of the “GREAT CENTRAL FAIR” of the SANITARY COMMISSION. By request of the Committee on Exhibitions, Benefits and Entertainments, A SOIREE GYMNASTIQ.UE AND LAST GRAND RE-UNION Of all the Classes connected with the PHILA DELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE wiJl be held at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, April 12th. The classes of Masters and Young Gentlemen under the direction of Dr. WM. JANSEN. The classes of Young Ladies led by Miss S. F. HOP KINS. The classes of Gentlemen conducted bv Messrs. HARBESON and GIHON. The whole performance being a fall and practi cal illustration of all the branches of modem Gym nastics and Physical Culture, and executed en tirely by amateurs, members of the Institution. The Grand Orchestra of thirty-six first-class performers will, in itself, prove a great attraction. Director of the General Music.... Mr. HASSLER. Director of Music for the * ‘Light Gymnas tics”..; Mr. LOSSE. F. LEYPOLDT, corner of CHESTNUT and JUNIPER Streets, has been appointed Treasurer and Agent for the sale of tickets. Full Programmes of the Entertainments will be ready on "WEDNESDAY, March 23d, and can be had at the following places: Rev. Dr. O. A. Smith, 1530 Arch street. George D. Co:, '312 Chestnut street. Messrs. Ashmead Sc Evans, 721 Chestnut street. Mr. F. Leypoldt, 1323 Chestnut street. Messrs. Hoyt Sc Bros., loot) Chestnut street. Messrs. Andre Sc Co., 1104 Chestnut street. Mr. John Risley, Continental Hotel. Office of Sanitary Commission, 1307 Chestnut street and Natatorium, Broad street, below Walnut PRICE OF ADMISSION. Parquet and Balcony Family Amphitheatre.... 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seats to commence on Tuesday March 22. Doors open at 7 o.’ clock. The performance to commence punctually at Bo’ clock. mh2l-tapl3§ George Thompson, ■■■ .■ Ok EH GLAND, The Orator of Freedom, the distinguished coadjn tor of John Bright and Richard Cobdeif in the de fence of American institutions, will, by invita tion, deliver AN ADDRESS, in the ACADEMY OF METSIO, on MONDAY EVENING, the 4th of April, at 8 0’ clock- the net proceeds to go to the benefit of the COOPER-SHOP and UNION RE FRESHMENT SALOONS. J • Snbject—“AN ENGLISHMAN’S PLEAFOR DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM.” Admission, 25 cents'. Secured Seats, 50 cents. To be had at THE UNION LEAGUE NATIONAL UNION CLUB. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE ROOMS, No. 1210 Chestnut street. PUGH’S, corner, of Sixth and Chestnut streets. ANTI-SLAVERY ROOMS, Tenth street, above Arch, REFRESHMENT SALOONS, and at the BOX OFFICE OF THE ACADEMY. mh29-gts CASINO CASINO—CASINO—CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. .The Great Variety Entertainment. .Ethiopian Comedians, Ballet Dancers, Pantomlmists, EVERY NIGHT. Com iSbS B ’ .'SJ'LEVENTH STREET OPERA HhTTCP til ‘‘THE FAMILY RESORT ”E -CARNOROSS AND DIXErs miicTnrT THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD* In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. Splendid Singing, Beantlfnl Dancing, Laughable Burlesques, Plantation Scenes, &0., &c. S hu 8 TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS.’ y EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7o’ clock. felB.3mt J.L.OARNOBOSS, Business Manager. ■PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE I - FINE ARTS, „ 102 S CHESTNUT STREET. Open (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. to • Jr* 111. Admittance 95. cents. Oididren halT-prico. •Mr. O. Peters .25 cents. ~50 cents. ;s3 00 .tSINO. —Advertisements 10 GREAT CASINO can lowing respectable news- The Inquirer, Press and Bulletin, Sunday Transcript , Sunday Mercury, Times. ’hanks are returned to the Ist favors, and gratuitous | m will be duly acknow- ! mh2s-20t# AMUSEMENTS. Rimt.kV’S , CONTINENTAL : MEW’S- EX ' ' CHANGE. Choice Seats to all places of amusement may be had ur to 6% o' clock any evening. mfrl7-lys CONCERT MaJLL. j. W. “VriliDEE....Manager FOR QBE WEEK ONLY. OOImENOIHO MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1864. SIMMONS, MIRACULOUS ILLUSIONIST, THE NESTOR OF ART, And Autocrat of the Realms of Magic. FROM THE OPERA HOUSES and THEATRES OF LONDON,The CITIES and COURTS OF CONTINENTAL EU ROPE. AUSTRALIA, CHINA, and FROM THE COURTS OF THE TY COON and MIKADI OF JAPAN, From -which he brings testimonials which incon testably demonstrate him to be the GREATEST MASTER OF OCCULT MYSTERY Who has ever visited the shores of America. In order to give fail effect to the - WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES Of this Most Lxtraordiiiary Artist, CONCERT HALL Will he converted into ■ ONE IMMENSE MIRADOR. From which will be seen the illusory miracles and NOVEL TOURS D’ ADDRESS GREAT SIMMONS, Aided by - NO GLITTERING- APPARATUS, Abetted by NO CONFEDERATES. The repertoire of this MAGNIPOTENT ARTIST Embraces A THOUSAND ILLUSIONS. WHICH WILL DUFY THE C OMPRE HENSION OF THE MOST ASTUTE , NULLIFY THB PER. OEFTION OF THE SHREWDEST , AND BAFFLE THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MOST SCIENTIFIC, including the most Beautiful and Mysterious of the Feats performed by T The Sorcerers of China and Japan, . Including The Great Japanese Papilionaceons Mystery; Or. THE FLIGHT OF THE BUTTERFLY. The most pleasing, graceful and beautiful feat ever witnessed, and LE SABOT JAPANESE; 08, TOP-SPINNING ON A SINGLE THREAD. Together with ah expose of ASTOUNDING DECEPTIONS Practised by Modern Spiritualists and Charlatans, Including the BLOOD RED WRITING ON THE ARM; 08, HOMOTOBRAOHIGRAPHY and the WRITING BY THE INVISIBLE HAND, seemingly traced by NO MORTAL FINGERS, and apparently THE CALIGBAPHY OF THE DEAD.' For furthers particulars see pamphlets. Admission.. 50 cents. Gallery -25 cents. Children under 10 years.. 25 cents. Doors open at 7. Sieanco atS o'clock. mh3o-st§ CARL WOLFSOHN Respectfully announces bis FOURTH CLASSICAL SOIREE, To take place on TUESDAY EVENING, April 5, 1654, AT THB FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, When be will be assisted by THEO. THOMAS, THEO. HAMMERER, a: roggenburger, THEO. AHREND. Single Tickets, 31; can be bad at the door on the eyening, and previously at the Mnslc Stores. Doors open at 7; commence at 8. mh3l-sts The great picture, AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOM, OPEN EVERY EVENING, For a Short Season, J. Insco Williams's Celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting if the Sacred Scriptures in the werld, comprising over fifty of the most SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical His* tory, forming altogether one of die finest exhibi tions of the age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at 7# o’clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B.—Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 3 o’ clock. Admission for Children, 15 cents. fel9- , 2ms'? ri ERMANIA ORCHESTRA PnbUc Rehear- OT sals every Saturday at 3# o* dock, P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single tickets, 95 cents; packages of six tickets, SI. To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Goo Id, ga-ranth and Chestnut, and at the hall doo oclfl BOABDIN&. BOARDING.— For single gentlemen or married couple. Apply 305 PINE Street. mh3o-4t*. BOARDING.— One or very nice rooms now vacant, with first-class board and home com forts, at 1512 CHESTNUT street. mh3o-3t* GENTLEMEN willing to pay liberally. can be accommodated with two handsomely famish ed communicating PARLORS, on first floor, with suit of furnished CHAMBERS, in vicinity of Broad and Walnut streets. Breakfast, if desired. Address “S. M.,” this Office. -mh29-st# SECOND AND THIRD-STORY COMMUNI CATING OR SINGLE ROOMS-with BOARD,at N 0.1233 CHESTNUT st. mh3l-st* SUMMER BOARD can be obtainedin a desirable house, situate on west Walnut Lane, Ger mantown. No children or servants can be accom modated. Apply at HARKINSON’S Con fectionery Establishment, MAIN street,:German town. ' mh2B-flt§ WANTED - SUMMER BOARDING for a Gentleman and Wife, with three small chil dren and nurse, with easy communication to the city. A place with no other hoarders preferred. Address Box 936 Phila. Post Office. mh26-6t* THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 1031 WAL NUT street, has been opened for the reception of BOARDERS. Rooms, single and suites, and with or without private table. mhls-lm* NEW PUBLICATIONS. /CHOICE ENGLI&H BOOKS. —The subscriber Vy invites the attention of literary gentlemen and ?^ e^oo^. s 40 hla collection of Standard and Illustrated Works, largely increased by recent importations, and now computing the beet assort to this city. Hie long acquaintance with the trade, and superior lacilities abroad, en-' able him to offer to his customers a choice class of books at unusually moderate rateo. Priced catalogues of a select portion of the stock may be had gratis on application. Foreign books and'periodicals imported weekly by steamer. O. J. PRICE, Importer of Foreign Books, Periodicals, &c , mh3l-3tj y O . 31 South Sixth st., ab. Chestnut. WANTS. QITUATION.—A moral young man of good kj business capacity can obtain a situation in a Retail Establishment. Address, stating age, reference, capabilities, &c., J. T. 8., Philada. u - ' It* VV ANTED.—Two or three YOUNG LADIES, JsALEs"IAbTTu' aD s d W , ith Some experience, as balls, ladies. Apply personally, with references, to J. W. PROCTOR &CD the Paris Mantilla Emporium, 910 Chestnut street - mh3l-6t{ millinery; Afa. MRS. R. DILLON, 323 and 331 SOUTH wfcl street, has a handsome assortment of Soring J*®' MILLINERY, ot the latest styles, to wh“h she inyltes the attention of the ladies. mh3l-21t# iiffi SPRING FASHIONS—M’me A. LA FORE, 928 ARCH Street, has the pleasure to inform, the ladies that she has received from Paris, the latest patterns of Hats, Bonnets, Caps and Head-dresses, and is now ready to sup ply her customers and the public in general. Please call at No. 923 ARCH Street, before pur chasing elsewhere. ' mh3L-6t* ORKS, SO Bales of Spanish corks just received and for sale, byJDALLETT & SON, 129 South Erontstreat ■ "PICKLED OYSTEBS. —100 Oases, one dozen ft each, in glass bottles, quality excellent, nA ail i?r.o nd .; fo L.5 alo Py JOS. B. BUSSIER yO»i lio South -Wharves. . mb TOE DAILY EVENING Bl'IL-TIN ; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MiKCH SI. 1864. This Bank has been authorized and is now pre pared to receive subscriptions to the • This Loan, issued under authority of.-an act of Congiets approved March 3, 1861, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars (S2OQ, 000,000). United States bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, in coin, dated March 1, 1864, bearing interest at the rate of 5 PER CENT. per annum in coin, payable semi-annually on all bonds over $lOO and oil Bonds ot SlOO and less, annually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bond* as they-may prefer. „ Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomi nations of filty dollars, ($50,) one hundred dollars, (SICO,) five hundred dollars, ($500,) one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) five thousand dollars, ($5,000,) and ten thousand dollars, (SlO,ooo,pand Ooapon Bonds of the denominations oi fifty dollars, ($50,) one hundred dollars, ($100,) five hundred dollars, ($500,) and one thousand dollars, ($1,000.) Subscribers will be required to pay, tn addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful money, the accrued interest in coin, (or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium until further notice,) from the first day of March or September, as the case may be, until the day of subscription and payment. Kathairbn Is from the Creek word “Kath*o,’* or V'K&lh'&ixo,’* signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This article' Is what its name signi fies. For preserving, restoring and beaudfvtng the human hair it is the most remarkable prepara tion in the world. It Is again owued and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which gave It & sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a mostdeligbtfal hair dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Flßi-T - NATIONAL BANK ■ OF PHILADELPHIA. FESIGSATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. NEW fiOVERNiIENT LOAN. C. H. CLAES’, PRESIDENT. mh29-tf Lyon’s Kathairon. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should ute Lyon’s Kathairou It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. DEM AS S. BARNES & CO., New York. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary ar ticle ever discovered. It changes the son burnt lace and hands to a pearly satin texture of ra vishing beauty, imparting the marble purity ol youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion, it removes tan, fieckles, pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skm. pa tronized by Actresses "and Opera Singers., It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere Prepared by W. £. HAG-AN, N.Y. Address all orders to Demas S. Barnes & Co., New York. HEIMSTREET’ 3 Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A BYE But restores gray hair to Its original color, by sup plying the capillary tubes with na ural suste nance, impaired by age or disease. All initanta n.ouj dyet are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford oi themselves no dressing. Heimstreet’s Inimitable Coloi ing not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hairs. Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradi cates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasant ness to the head. It has Btood the test of time, being the or gmal Hair Coloring, and is constantly In creasing iu favor. Uifed by bjth gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO., 203 Broadway, New York. Two sizes, 50 cents and SI. Mexican Mu&taqg Liniment. The partieain St. Louis and'Cincinnati, who have been Counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietorship, have been tho roughly estopped by the Courts. To guard agains further Imposition, I have procured from the U.S Treasury, a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of eaoh bottle. Each 8 tamp bears the fat simile of my ignature, and without which the article is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle.. This Liniment has been In use and grow ing in favor lor many years. jThere hardly exists a hamlet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. 'With its present lm proved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. ’ Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made use ful, and untold ills assuaged. For cuts, bruises, sprains, rheumatism,- swellings,bites, outs,c&keo breasts, strained horses, Ac, it is a Sovereign Re medy that should never be dispensed with. It Bhould be in every family. Sold by ail Druggists. fel6-tuth s ems D. S. B ARNES, New York. % g WRIGHT & SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. O. w. WEIGHT. P. H. s inn it, r. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AMD GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can And at our establishment a full as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drugs, popular Patent Medicines, Paints, CoS Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vial* •tc., at as low prices as genuine first class, goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, In full variety, and as the beet quality. Cochtn-al, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, oil of Vitriol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of Logwood,Ac., FOR DYERS’ use, alwavi on hand, at lowest net cash prices PURE SPICKS FOR FAMILY USE Ground expresslyfor our sales, and’to which wo invite attention of those In want ot reliable articles. Also, INDIGO, STARCH, MUSTARD, tCc tf extra quality. Orders by mall, or city post, will meet with prompt attention, or special quota tions win be furnished when requested. WRIGHT & SIDDat.tT Wholesale Drug Warehouse. 1-lyrpt Ko. 119 Market street above Fron Wheeler & Wilson's Highest Premium The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut, Street, above Ith. J INOC(PARTNER jXv SHIP heretofore existing between th.e iiruler- | signed,: under the- arm of CO WPERTH WAIT & ;CO., is this day dissolved b mutual consent i : JOSEPH OOWPERTHWAIT, Jo.. I JUSTUS O. STRAWBKIDGE. i FEnnUABY 18, lflGl. - . J, COWPE&THWAIT & CO , Would lniorni.their friends, and the public gen erally, that will continue the’Dry Goods busi ness at their ... • NEW STORE, S. E. CORN ER NINTH AND ARCH STREETS, and would call the attention of buyers to their Irrge and extensive 1 STOCK OF COTTONS. Comprising all the popular makes, such as New York Mills, * Williamsville, W&msutta, Forestdale, ■ White Rook,. . Wauregan, Semper Idem, Housekeeper, Ac., Together with all the best makes of o-4, 0-4 and 10-4 Sheetings, both : BLEA' HED AND UNBLEACHED. OUR SHOCK. OF.LINENS, comprising SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, ' * ' TOWELING^, NAPKINS, &e., "Will be offered at prices which will command the attention ol those m want of such gooes. i> K GK;>t> L> f*. Our assortment is now complete, and in variety, style aud price, we » efy competition. SHAWLS of all descriptions* adapted to the present season. BLACK SILKS, all Widths and qualities, which will be sold at very L< ‘W PRICES. PLAID INDIA SILKS, in’all colors, extra width, very cheap. Great bargains in MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. Give us a a-. 11. and we will convince you that we still maintain our reputation of selling the best goods at the lowest prices. , NEW "TORE. \ southeast corner ninth and arch. PHILADELPHIA. J. COW'PERTH WAIT & CO. mh24-tb, s.tn, to jy 1 MR. CHARLES PAGE, Favorably known for the last twenty years aa Principal Designer of GAS FIXTURES FOB MESSES CORNELIUS A BAKER, Is this day admitted a partner in our Arm. We will continue the sale and manufacture of GAS FIXTURES. Under the firm name of VAN KIRK & CO. MANUFACTORY AT FRANKFORD. Salesrooms, 912 ARCH STREET. Fbs. 1, iS64. . fei9-th sa tu-2mf J, C. STRAWBii ID&E & CO., (Formerly Gowperthwait & Co,) HAVE NOW OPEN. A fine assortment of Black Silks. Small Plaid India Silks. Plain, Striped, and Plaid Poplins. Superior Black and Colored Alpacas. Pink, Bine, and Buff Brilliants. Pink, Bine, and Buff Percales. Striped and Figured French Chintzes. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. 100 Lama Wool Shawls, from 82 50 to 88. 100 Mozambique S 3 to 87. 100 Silk Check < ‘ 84 to 89. ICO Black Stella <> 82 50 to S2O. We still hare an Immense stock of COTTON AND LINEN SHEETING'S asd SHIRTING-S, 600 dozen Towels and Napkins. A fall line of Barnesby Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Hand-Loom Table Linens. Huckaback, Birdeye and Diaper. Lancaster, Manchester and Honey* Comb Quilts, Pint, Blue, and White Marseilles. Counterpanes and Quilta. Cloths, Cassimeres and Cloakings. A full assortment of Sackings. A full assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres. A full assortment of Boys* wear; At Wholesale and Retail, N. W. comer Eighth and Market Sts. jall-th sa tu tjyl P. A. HARDING & 00; Importers and Jobbers of STRAW / AND MILLINERY GOODS, NOil3 ARCH ST. /f PHILADELPHIA. mhs-2mf I MU A INBOXES. Wehave now in store a handsome variety oi PINE MUSICAL BOXES, playing from TWO to TEN Choice Opera and Ballad Airs, some with Drum and Bell accom paniment; no more desirable article for the sick chamber or the parlor can be fotrnd. FARR & BROTHER, 824 Chestnut Street, helow Fourth; mh26-9t. ISAAC C. JONES, JR., Stock and Bill Broker, removed to No. 140 South Third St. MTSTOOKSand LOANS bought and sold at the Board ol Brokers, j Paper and Collateral Loans ne gotiated. mhl7-thsatuB6t§ ANDERSON CAVALRY, (15th PENNA. CAVALRY.) Suitable yonng men will bo accepted as recruits for this Regiment now on service in East Ten nessee. WM. J. PALMER, 001. Oom’dg, Office In Washington. Building, . mh2B.6t# No. 871 South THIRD Street. INTERPRISEMILLS. | ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO n MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESAi* ' : DEALERS IN ' CARFETHVCiS, pil Cloths, Mattings, &c., <&c. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street AND 616 Jayne Street. firt>l-3m* ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. The subscriber'has just received a well-selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOB SPRING-TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, mhlB-2m 832 ABOH Street, below Ninth. 1864. SPRING 1864. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLUM & CO. s Manufacturers, Importer* and WRale sale Dealers IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, ic. \ Warehouse, 509 Chestnut si., Opposite Independence Hall. 3a3p.tr \ SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM & CO, Beg leave to Inform the public that they hat leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independence Hall, FOB A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, When the, are now opening A' NEW STOCK, OF IMPORTED AND AMERICAN, CARPETS, Embracing the choioest patterns of I AEMTNSTEB, (TAPESTRY CAJI ROYAL WILTON, PETS. VELVET, BRUSSELS OABPBTB VENETIANS. Together with a full assortment of everythin, pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja36-tfj A CASE OF DYSPEPSIA OF SIX. TEEN YEARS’ STANDING CURED BY ONE BOX OF T. M. SHARP’S CELE- BRATED PILLS. Read the Testimony. PHILADELPHIA, PEB. «h, 1861. Mb. Jobs j. krokeb, Dear Sir—l have been a sufferer from that most horrid disease, «•Dyspepsia, ’ * far sixteen years, bnt after using the one box of T. M. SHARP’S Pills which 1 purchased of yon some three week. ago, I feel as If I have entered into a new life—my general health has improved, my appetite has In- creased, and altogether I feel like a new man. 1 take pleasure in recommending them to the pnbl as safe and reliable. Yours, truly, Gh T. FORBES. No. 431 CHESTNUT Street, Sold by JOHN J. KROMER, No. 403 CHEST NUT Street. PRICE SI 00 A BOX. mhS-im * nwAmVES EMORY. ALEX.BENSON, J*. CHARLES EMORY & C 0„ Stook and Exchange Broken, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD ST- Philadelphia; All Kinds of uncurrent funds and Gold and Bu yer henght and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and ■ale of Government, State and other Stocks and Loans on commission. ja29-3m» GERMANTOWN PHARMACY. CHARLES L. EBERLE, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST AND DEAL ER IN SPECIALTIES. . mhlS-tufcthStt* CLOTHING. SPRING OF 1804. EXTENSIVE CLOTHING HOUSE, hos. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, OQ 5=S a The facilities of this house for doing business are such that they , can confl- dently claim fox it the leading, position among the Tailoring "Establishments of g Philadelphia. They, therefore, Invite CO O the attention of gentlemen of taste to CO CO thpir superb stock of CO CLOTHING-, cut by the bestartists, o' £ trimmed, and . made equal to Customer Jgj @ Work-AND AT .2 They have also lately added a CUS- -2 . o TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest r-»~a c — l novelties may be found embracing ft © some fresh from London and Paris, 303 and 305 Chestnut st. Custom Depa. tment, 303 Chestnut st. mh26-6trp§ THE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, NO. 205 s WALNUT ST. WILL PAY TWENTY DOLLARS FOB EVERY VOLUNTEER MUSTERED INTO The Philadelphia Regiments, • OF HANCOCK’S SECOND ARMY CORPS. VIZ : 69th, 71st, 723, 106th, REGIMENTS, P. V. From This Date Until First ef April. ALFRED DAY. chairman: • JUST KECEIYED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS IN FRENCH ORGANDIES, JACONETS, AND PERCALES. ALSO, ‘ Rich and Handsome NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. S' , M, L. HALLOWELL & C0 SJ 615 Chestnut Street. mhB-lms Philadelphia. PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES C. FINN* FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF HOWELL * BBOTHSBS. Wall Paper Decorations. SHOW BOOMS/ 614 CHESTNUT STREET. FIRST OPENING OF . SPRING* DRESS GOODS; * la now opening one of the most complete selection* of LADIES’ DRESS STUFFS that can be found in this market. Special attention is directed to dsn styles and prices. fe27s,tn-thB6t4 - PHILS DELPHI A, Popular Prices. PERRY & CO., SPRING GOODS. At the Store of J. F. YOUNG, ' (Successor to T. Fisher) No. 70 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F- YOUNG- .