JtXXVIHTH COITOBESS—FIBST SESSION. “ Washington, March 30. ' Sbbate Mr. 'Willey, from the Committee en Finance, reported adversely on tlm resolution directing the Superintendent of the Cantus to p e pare certain tables showing the population, pro sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts and bills of iading with their goods. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, apply to HENRY WINSOR A CO., 332 South Delaware avenue. FOR ALEXANDRIA, GEOHGE- SbSB&TOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand’» Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday ai ]• M., and every Saturday at BA. M. Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEVINNY, Captain Briitow. £*>amer S. SEYMOUR, Captain- Room. Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart These steamers form a semi-weekly line betweei Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularlj as adtertised, and carrying freight lower than by any other 1 route. Freights received every daj and bills of lading given. Apply to THOMAP WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. se!B-tf FOR NEW YORK.—DESPATCI - LINES—Via Bela ware, and Raritan Canal. —The steamers of thes; lines are leaving dally at 12 o’clock, M., and o’clock, P. M., from third Pier above walnut st For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD * CO., 132 South Delaware avenue. FOB NEW YORK—New Daily Lint SjHyHfct—Via Delaware and Raritan Oanal- Phiiadelpbla and New York Express Steaxnboa Company will receive freight and leave dally at t P. m., delivering their cargoes in New Tor* th# following days* .• Freight taken at reasonable rates. Y7IT..T.TAIYT P. CLYDE, Agent, « 14 South Wharves, Phllads JAMES BAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 15 East River, R. 1 - COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISE* • Freight for this Lite Eent to New York via Swift Sure Line at reduced rates. The smallest and sharpest clipper loafing—the new and elegant strictly Al clipper ship E. SOUTHARD, Howes Commander, Is now completing her loading at pier 15, East Aiver, foot of Wall street. .Xfrft This beautiful clipper comes to her berth ffi|with a large portion of her cargo engaged, tij-o will be dispatched in a very lew days. Shippers will please send their freight immedi ately alongside, and oblige BISHOP, SON A GO., tf 105 Arch street, above Front.. ’’i-tffrft FOR- BARBADOS- The BTitish schooner Jacob Conrod, master, will sail iu a.ewdays. Forfreight. apply to GEORGE AL* KINS A CO , 154 North Delaware avenue. mh*29 PETROLEUM FREIGHT FOR LIV SUgERPOOIi The flne Brush bark SHER w \ji D, , master, having the greater rart oi her cf.rgo engaged, will have quick dispatch for the above port. For balance of freight, apply to WORKMAN A CO. 123 Walnut street. mb2s A* PETROLEUM FREIGHT FOB LIV aggfiERPOOL.—The flne Bremen bark PAUL jjnl, Osterlob* master, will have quick dispatch. Tor balance of freight, aj ply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mtriLtf XU FOR ST. JOHN, N. B.—The Br. schr. Pine, master, having the most of engaged, will have dispatch for the above port. For freighter passage, apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO., Dock street wharf. mh3l-.t A -y. FUR NEW ORLEANS—The bark DRES- MggDEN, Captain Beed, having the bulk oi Her "cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight, apply to WORKMAN A CO.. 123 Walnnt street ' mhl9 ix. FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The lint *£Spacket schooner MARY A. RICH, Captatn Hardy, Is now receiving freight at Cattel’s wharf, third wharf above Market street, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER- IS North Wharves. /X. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Br. mh2B-6ts 139 South Front street. THE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sugar, % barrel Molasses, 1 box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL FRED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of .George Ourtz, will please call for the same at BISHCP, SON A CO.’ S, 105 Arob street, ' mhiB CARPETS, CARPETS, FURNITURE, FUR NITURE, OIL CLOTHS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW SHADES, and a large assortment of Household Goods at H. R. LEWIS’SOId Established Stand, No. 1434 Mar ket St., next door to the corner of 15th st. mh2lm» CARPETINGS, OIL OLOT. (JETS, WILTON, VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, UARPHTINOS. INGRAIN, VENETIAN, HALT, and STAIR, All act tbe 10-w6*t cash prices, R. L. K 1 mar* ■ boc COAX SUGAR XOAF, BEAVER MEA DOW and Spring Mountain Eehlgli Coal, and test Locust Mountain from SchuylfcilLprepared expressly for family nse. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILXOW streets. Office, No. 1U South SECOND street. J. WALTON A CO. 6. MA6OK BIBBS. JOHH P. BHBAPP. mHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION I to their stocfe of Bucfe Mountain Company’s Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company’s Coal, and Locust Mountain “ “ which they are prepared to sell at tie lowest mar ket rates, and to deliver in the. best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BINES, Franttlin Institute Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar feet, will be promptly attended to. . BINES b SHEAFF, Arr.b -wharf. Ko.buvlltfl*- HARDWARE ANDTOOLS, NAILS AND SASH WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AdD HINGES (all sizes), *O., for tain YERY CHEAP FOR CASH, by ANDREW JOHANN. . No. 17i3 Market street SHIPPING. FOE SAN FRAN CISCO. CABPETINGS, teG. :hs, AND DRVii- i, for sal* Ist NIGHT ac SON, oms verj costly. MONEY to loan, in large or small amounts, on goods of even description, for any length of time agreed on SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and, when required, two-thirds of the .value of the goods will be advanced in anticipation of sals CONSIGNMENTS of goods of every description solicited for ou> public sales. Very fine sewing machine©; several superior. Hammocks; fine gold chains; jewelry of every description; diamonds, and numerous other arti cles. DRUGS. CHLORODTNE.— The new English Anodyne and Anti-spasmodic. We have jnst received an invoice of Hegemnn & Co. ’s Chlorodyne, which we will furnish to the trade at reasonable prices. E. YARROW * CO., Druggists, mh29-Ct* N. E. cor. Eighteenth and Vine. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A. FINE assortment of imported articles, such as: Lubin’ s Extracts, Oils and Soaps. Coudray’s Savon de Glycerine. Ssieiete Hygieniqnes, Soaps and Philocome. “Cbeme Duchess©.’ 5 Extrait aux Violettes de Parme. Smythe & Nephew’s Lavender Water. . Low’s Brown Windsor Soap. Ede’s Vinaigrettes. Vmaigre Aromatique de Bully. Simmer s Toilet Vinegar. Genuine Farina Cologne. Fine English Tooth and Hair Brushes, etc. E. YARROW & CO., Druggists and Importers, mh29 12t& N. E. Corner Eighteenth and Vine. nO BERT SHOEMAKER & CO.— li Robt. Shobmakeb, Bxnj. H. Sbobuakbb, WM. M. SHOEiTAKKB, RICHAItD M. SBOTiMAKBR. TO DRUGGISTS.—We offer the following, o recent importation; Agaric, Aniseed, Star Anise, Caraway and Canary Seed, Altheas, Aconite and Calamus Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy Heads, Tonqua Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings’ s Calcined and Garb. Magnesia, Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime quality,Frenoh Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Fun nels, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists* Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, Ac. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., . Wholesale Druggists, fe3 N. E. comer Fourth and Race streets. SEMOVAL. JOHN O. BAKER hasremoved from 154 North rd street to 718 MARKET street. Particu lar attention will be given to the manufacturing and bottling of his celebrated Cod Liver Oil. _ • John O. Baker & Co. * a Medicinal Cod Liver OU has for many years had a reputation for genuine ness ,"fteshness purity and sweetness, which has made the demand universal. In this house, 7i« Market street, the facilities for obtaining, manu facturing and bottling are greatly increased, ana is all done under the most careful supervision of the original and sole proprietor. This brand of Oil has, therefore, advantages over all others, ana recommends itself. _ - JOHN 0. BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, ja2S • No. 715 Market street. TjIBESH ENGLISH EXTRACTS, &0., tc.- X;- Just received direct from GEO. ALLEN & 00., Ampthill, a simply of Ext. Aconiti, Bella donnie, Cannab, Indf, Conii, Digitalis, Hyos cyami and Taraxaci, also ’ Oleum Amygd, Dulc, Oleum Croton, Tiglii, Elaterium. Lactu. curium, and a full- assortment o 1 fresh medi cinal leaves, Sz c. ■ A:c. BULLOCK & CREN SHAW, Arch and Sixth streets. ; Fine violet puMaul.—an invoiuis of freshly imported Morrow Pomade «veetlj scented with Violets, in SO cent jars. HUBBELJ-, Apothecary, 1410 Ohestnnt street 1 ’ '. . BBTHLEHEM ()ATMEAL t by. the pound or keg—fresh, every, week., HTJBBKLL, APPlf*." cary, HlO CHESTNUT street. fela AUCTION - M THOMAB & SONS, AUCTIGNEBB* e No*. . 139 and 143 South Fourth otre»* ■' ASSETS OF THE BANK OF PENNSYL- • • - • •- . TANIA..;: • ••-,'• *: CA HD—Due notice will be given of the day of the above sale, by order of assigned. . Catalogues preparing. . 1 _ FURNITURE SALES at thb AUCTION STORE,EVEBY THURSDAY - •y Particular attention given to sales at privais residences, &c. ■ • • • - SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL BbTATK at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clock noon. ‘ *y~Handbills of each property issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale UHI. catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving full descrip tions. - Assignees’’Peremptory Sale. VALUABLE BANK AND OTHER STOCKS. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 5, . At 12 o’clock noon, at the Exchange, without re serve. bv order of Assignees— li 9 shares Penn Township Bank. 54 shares Camden and Atlantic Railroad, pre ferred stock. . 360.shareE?Snsqnehann& Canal Co. Certificate of debt of said Company, for $659 61. 45 shares Kentucky Bank, _ 13 shares Reliance Insurance Co. . 750 shares Somerville Gold Mining Company, of Virginia. 250 sharesNesban»c.Mining Co., of N. Jersey. 500 sharer* Paw er Vein Coal co. 2 bonds, (S.SJU| each) Broad Mountain Improve ment and Railroad Co. 5260 Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. Scrip, 1662. * ESTATE SALE, APRIL 5. four story briok resi- DENCE, No. 414 somh Fifteenth st. Has the modern conveniences end in good repair. TEKEE-STCRY BRICK DWELLING, No. 251 north Ninth st IHREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 131 Bacest. between Front and Second. VER"i VALUABLE LOT, 10 ACRES, 24th Ward about 2# miles lrom Marketstreet bridge. Clear of nil incumbrance. Terms half cash. Sale by order of Heirs—THREE-STORY BRICK STORE, No. 250 south Sixth st, - below Spruce st. Tottpsea concern—-VALUABLE LOT, N. E. ccTOer'-bfWalnut and22d sts; 163 feet froDt In the vicinity of fine improvements. To close a concern—VALUABLE LOT, S2d st, soTi’h of Walnut; 276 feet oa Twenty-second st, 273 feet in depth through to 23d st—2 fronts. 2 TWO STORY'fRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. LO9 and 1211 Lombard st, west of 12th st. 3 THREE-STORY. BRICK DWELLINGS Ncs. 330 341 and 343 south 12th st, north of Pine. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2046 Coates st, west of Twentieth st. 5 BUILDING LOTS, belonging to the Phila delphia Rea] Estate Association, fronting on 26th st. GENTEEL THE EE- STQRY BRIOK DWEL LING, No. 220 Jacoby street, between Race and Vine and 12th and 13th streets. REAL ESTATE S ALE, APRIL 12th. ELEGANT NEW MANSION, Wistar st, for merly Day’s lane,, GERMANTOWN. It is well built and handsomely finished—gconnds planted vmh irnit and shade trees. Lot 74 feet lront, 3*o Uet deep. SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE, STABLE and CuACH HOUSE and LARGE LOT, N E. corner of Uth and Summer streets, opposite Logan Square—Lot 76 feet front, 216 feet in depth. Ererutors' and Trustin' Peremptory Sale — VALUABLE STORE, N. W. corner of Third and Branch streets. Same Estate THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING, Branch street. Same Estate—MODEßN DWELLING, No. 1016 CbetTy street. THREF-STORY BR3CK STORE and DWELLING, No. 417 Coates street, with 3Three story Brick Dwellings iB the rear. VALUABLE I ARM and DWELLING and 3 frame dwellings, adjoining Nos, 1131* 1133, 113 C and 1137 Vine st, with 10 brick dwellings in the rear. Lot 70 feet front, 140 feet deep to Pearl st. Orphans’ Court ?ale—Estate of Deborah L Jackson, deceased THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. Fifth street. Same Esmte—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, No. 1036 Mechanic street. Same Estate—DWELLING, No. 1037 Parker •treet. 2 MODERN. STONE DWELLINGS, Chelten Avenue, west of Green street, GERMANTOWN, near the Railroad Depot. 6 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, 2'2l ard 2123 Vine street, Toth WaTd. To Close ar. Estate— Valuable Bufcrcrass St a? ns— FIVE-STORY BRICK STORE, Nos. 205 and 207 Pear street. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE, No, 2t*9 Pear street, and STORE, N. W. corner of Dock and Pear streets. VALUABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Church Lane. "Willow Arenne and Armat street, 3>< ACRES, GERMANTOWN. BUILDING LOT, Mineral street, N. W. ofMt. Pleasant Street- Orphans’ Conn Sale—Estate of John R. Sum mers, dec’d—STOßE and DWELLING, N. E corner of 37th ard Walnut streets, 21th. Ward. Same Estate THREE-STOKY BRICK DWELLING, S7th street, north of Walnut. i-ame Estate THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Walnut street, east of 37th Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK STQRE and DWELLING.,N. W. corner of Walnut street and a 10 feet alley, 24th Ward. Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE COAL LANDS, 2’5 ACRES, Broad Top Township, Bedford Co., Pa. Sale Absolute. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 13i>7 Locust streeT, west ot 13th street, opposite the elecant mansion ard jnrden of Gen. Patterson. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK COT TAGE* Lancaster Avenue and Oregon street, 21th Ward. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, N. W. corner of 4tli and Noble sts; 20 feet front. Peremptory SaIe—FRAME DWELLING, Som merset st, south of Amber st, 19th Ward. Sale absolute. THREE STORY BRICK COTTAGE, N 0.1227 north 10th st, above Girard avenue. Peremptory SaIe—BUILDING LOT, Chatham st. southwest of Clearfield st. 25th Ward. COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Mehl st, between Day’s ard Fisher’s lanes, Germantown; near the railway cars. Let to feet front. Sale No. 2089 Walnut street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. MIRROR, PIANO, FINE VELVfcT OARPETS,&C. GN FRIDAY MORNING, April Ist, at !0 o’clock,at No. 2009Walnutstreet, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including suit of handsome walnut and green plush drawing, room furniture, handsome mantel mirror, 64x50, piano fine velvet carpets, superior furniture, Ac. Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined on the morning of the sale at So’clock. ■ Peremptory Sale—On the Premises ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, GERMANTOWN. ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4* At 11 o’clock, will be sold, at public sale, with* out reserve, en the premises, East Walnut Lane,. Geimantown, ELEGANT MODERN MANSION, STABLE AND COACH HOUSE, And large lot, 375 feet front by 250 feet to Herman street. *6?" Full descriptions ready in handbills. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Immedia'ely after the sale of tlie house, will be sold, by catalogue, commencing precisely at H o’ does, the household iurniture. BET Sale absolute—the owner removing from the Sale No. 1110-Ohestnnt street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, .PIANO, FINE CARPETS, CHANDELIERS ire. ON TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, At 10 o’clock, at No. 1110Chestnnt street, by catalogue, the snlire parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture, fine hair matrasses, feather beds, Ac. Also, ihs kitchen utensils. Mavbe examined at 6 o’ clock on the morning of tale. c«i f mo. 447 noTth Fourth street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS. Ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING-, APRIL 6; At 10 o’ clocS, at No. 417 north Fourth street, by catalogue, the handsome parlor, dining room and cbnmberfurniture, secreta'y,-booScase, fine beds and matrasses, fine Brussels carpets, Ac. ; . Muv be examined at S o’clock on the morning of the s«Je. g KOi s|g 5 |g north Fifth street SUPERIOR lURNITURE, BOOKCASE, FINE MIRROR VELVET CARPETS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL S, At lOo’clock, by catalogue, at 51S north Fifth street, above Buttonwood, the snperior furniture,' rosewood secretary bookcase, French plate pier mirror, feather beds, matrasses, velvet carpets, Ac. Hay be examined at 8 o’ docs on the mors* ingofsale. with catalogue. ; TEHILIP FORD A CO., AUCTIONEERS, I 625 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE etreetjo. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ! ON MONDAY MORNING. APRIL 4, At lb o’clock precisely, wiU_*>®, s „ ol< lmrue lor cash, 1,80!) cases Men’s, Boys vane Youths’ Calf, Kip and Grain 5-almorals, Cavalry Boots, Ac.women s, Misses’ and Children’s Boots. Shoes, Balmorals, Gkitera Ac , from citv anil .Eastern manufactn rarse wmprieing a general assortment of goods. To vhu-h the attention of buyers is invited. : Open for examination vrith catalogue* early on the morning of the sale. ■ PIGKMAN’S -UNRIVALLED VENTTILA ING Wigs and Toupees, Ladies Long Hair Braids. Half Wigs, Curls, Bands, Ac., cheap pol2.iie. t 636 N. 16TH ST—A three-story brick house ancL lot 16 by 48 feet 2# inches. Executors' Estate.- V j • MASTER aud MARSHALL building Ic.t, at the S. W. comer, IS by 4&lj feet. Orphans* Court Sole—Estate rf Thomas Dugan, dec'd. WABNOCK ST—A building lot, belowjefffer— son st 17# by 69 feet Orphans' Court Sale—Same- Estate. 1707 and 1709 WALLACE ST—Two modem. three-story brick houses, with back buildings, m fine order, with all the modern conveniences, I§K by 105 feet; will be sold separately. OiyAonir' Court S**le—Same Estate. 82.0 GROUND RENT-Out of a lot, 13th, above Oxford st SO by 116 feet to a street Orphans? Court Sale—Same Estate. Sale 1005 Parrish street. HOUSEHODD FURNITURE, SUPERIOR FEATHER BEDS, &C. ON THURSDAY MORNING, • AtlOo’clodk, will be sold, at No 1003 Parrish, street, the furniture cf a family declining house keeping. • ' Furness, brinley a 00., .no*, os CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street. ON FRIDAY MORNING, SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. ; ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, At 10 o’clock, by catalogue on four months* credit— ■ ? . . ’ 500 packages and lots of Fancy and Staple FnencN Goods. BLACK GKOS DE RHINES and TAFFETAS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, “ 24 to 38 inch Lyons heavy black gros de Shines ai d taffetas. - FRENCH FLANNELS. ’ All Wool. ICO pieces Paris choice col’d extra fine aU wool flannels. DRESS GOODS. Ginghams, peil de chevres, blk and white checks, silk lustres, fancy linen poplins. WHITE GOODS. Jaconet, cambric, Swiss, and nansook muslins, fancy lappets Ac.. BALMORALS AND SHAWLS. 300 new style spring balmorals. 300 do. fancy plaid Hernani and Mozambique shawls. - N . . 500 hieh col’d mode Thibet shawls, silk fringes. BLK AND MODE ALPACAS. 2 cases 6 4 super blk alpacas. 3 do 6-4 mode and tan colored do. UNDERWRITER’S SALE FOR CASH. ON FRIDAY MORNING, 1 case fancy plaid cl ally s. 1 do do do poil de chevres. 1 do do Union plaid drills. Slightly wet on voyage of importation. SALE OF 121)11 C ASTONS POULT DE SOIE TRIMMING and BONN EE RIBBONS, .r Of Superior Quality.- Just Landed. . ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 1, at lOo’clock, on fonr months’ credit cartons Nos. 4 and t corded edge poult de sole ribbons, white, blk and col’di do. lCa6O. cable cord, white, black, blue, green, eveque and mats do. do. ICaeu triple chain blk and white do. 'do. XOaGO broche fig’d plaid do. do. 10a60 triple chain blk do. do. 10a6U elk, white and Maia do. ■ Ccmprising the heßt assortment offered this season* black silk velvet RIBBONS. . Superior make. carton* Nos. i.ya 20 Lyons black silt velvet - ribbons. RATxU OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, At 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on four months* ciedit— • 500 packages and lots Fancy and staple Dry DAJHAGED GOODS ON ACCOUNT UNDER WRITERS, FOR CASH: ON TUESDAY MORNING. . April otb, at 10 o’ clock, for cash—- 1 case 6-4 black alpacas. sdo iancy dress goods. -i - T Slightly damaged oz the voyage of importation, per steamers Louisianaand Pennsylvania'. SCOTT A STEWART, AUCTIONEERS 622 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM street. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 1000 OASES STRAW* GOODS. - ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, At 10 o’clock precisely, the finest assortment ever offered in this market, comprising ladies’, and. misses’ bonnets, of new and fashionable shapes . Buyers should delay their purchases ior thi* Included will be found? end braid,.split straw, pedal, Madeira, -gray hair and mohair bonnets,’ hats, *^ ETIFICIALS) RIBBONS, Ao: .j A 150,400 cartons springsfcyles French artiflolalSjJ *AteoTaHnepofi»fde sole and taffeta boimist rib-- 'wSple' will for examination* with cataloguesearly on morning 61 sale. ■ SCOTT * STEWART. Auctioneers, _ will: glv» their personal attention to sales of MERCHAN DISE and WARES of all Furnl tnre of parties removing or breaking up Honse keeping, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Xjros.'62ff Chest nut Street and 615 Sansom street. - ' felS-tf CO-PAETNEBSHIPS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—The nnder . signed have this day entered intojCo-pt™®" ship for the transaction of the DRY GOODS COMMISSION under thenameot uum WiHHIAMSACa, . MantiiaotnTsr of pouclietUr ■.; glo*»H&’s Hall.Ulirsr? «<«>»*• sayl-lT