PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATNBE Habbxsbubg, March 29* SENATE. Petitions. —Tlie following peti oils among others were presented: Mr. Connell, from-the Board of Trade for in crease >n the rate of legal interest from 6 to 7 per cent. ' -x ; - - Mr. Johnson, from the State Agricultural So ciety against any change of the investment of the land scrip from the Centre ConntySAgricuUhral College. '— Mr. Connell introduced an act relative to the pulton Coal Company, as follows: TfTurtor, The capital stock of the Fulton Coal Company, formerly the Northumberland Improve ment Company, originally amounted to three mil lions of dollars: and whereas, the same was from time to time reduced until, oy virtue of an act of Assembly, approved March 17, 1859, the said capital stock was reduced to three hundred thou sand dollars;, and whereas, the said company have lately given out leases for certain veins of their corn lands which have hitherto not been mined, and it is proper that a portion of their capital should be restored to said company, T/iereJcre, be it enacted, i£ c., That the capital stock of said company is hereby increased to one million eight hundred thousand dollars, and new certificate s of stock shall issue to the present stock holders of the same, number of shares that they now hold at the par value 4530 per share., Provided, That the same company shall pay to the State Treasurer one. half of one per cent, on such increase of capital stock, in five equal annual payments, the first to be paid within one year after the pas sage of this act. Sbo. 2. That the Fulton Coal Company is hereby empowered to purchase and hold not' exceeding one tnousand acres of land in addi tion to that which it is now authorized to pur chase and hold anywhere in the middle anthracite coal field. . N • ... Sec 3. This act shall not take effect until its provisions are accepted by a majority of the stock holders of the company present at a meeting to be called for That purpose, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, of which at least ten days’ notice shall be giveD, by publication in two daily newspapers in Philadelphia, each snare of stock to he entitled to ene vote, and if a majority of. the stock is voted in favor of theacceptaneeofthis act. a certificate to that effect shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Mr. Nichols called up an act to incorporate the Kater Market House Company, to erect a marker house in the Twenty-sixth Ward of Philadelph;a capital s 100, cuo. The corporators are Archibald Caitanuch, Robert B. Scott, Charles McCrea, John Blackburn, John A. Garrett, George Bancker, James B. Stewart, Moses A. Dropsie, Thomas Bell, Wm. B. Mann, and Israel Marele. The bill passed. Mr. Kinsey presented the following resolution: Whereat. The .President of the United States has deemed it necessary to issue another call for two hundred thousand men to aid in putting down the rebellion; and . Whereas , The people of Pennsylvania have, with characteristic liberality and patriotism, contribu ted, by taxation, nearly twenty-three millions of dollars to raise bounties to pay volunteers under the late calls for five hundred thousand men, which said taxes were principally raised upon real estate; therefore Resolved by the Senate, and Rouse of Representa tive*, <oc , That the Governor, in connection with the State Treasurer, be and they are hereby autho rized to offer a bounty of three hundred dollars for each volunteer necessary to fill up the quota of this State, under the President's call for two hundred thousand men, dated the 14th of March, tcG4, and tor the purpose of enabling the State to pay said bounties tne Governor and State Treasurer are hereby authorized and empowered to receive pro posals for a loan of eight millions of dollars, and to issue bonds to be received by the State in ten years, bearing interest at six per centum per an num, payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each and every year, and for the purpose of providing for the payment of the interest and creating a sinking fund to redeem said bonds at maturity, the Committee of Ways and Means of the H juse of Representatives be in structed to report a bill taxing all railroads and canals in or passing through the State a light tran sit duty on passsngers, coal, iron, and other pro ducts and merchandise carried on said roads and canals. Rills Considered. —Mr. Clymer called up an act extending the provisions of an act relative to the appointment of Trustees in Philadelphia to the different counties of the State. Passed. Mr. Connell called up a supplement to the act encouraging the manufacture of iron with coke or mineral coke (enabling Pennsylvania corporations to hold lands oat of the State(. Passed The Senate went into executive session aud rati fied the nomination of General J. M. Reynolds, of Lancaster, as Quartermaster-General on the grand staff of the mQitia; also, the nomination of ©f Lewis H. Funk for Superintendent of Public I*rinting. Mr. Connell called up au act authorizing the sur viving trustees ©f the Wm. Young Burial Ground to sell certain parts thereof. This bill had been ve toed by the Governor. The veto was not sustained and the bill passed. Mr. Ridgway called up au act to incorporate the Philadelphia Silver and Copper Mining Companv. Passed. - Mr. Smith called up an act incorporating the Plymouth Iron Company. Passed. Mr. Connell called np an act to reduce the num ber of directors of tlie Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad. Passed. Mr. Connell also called up a supplement to an act regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in Philadelphia. This act reduces the license feefrom fifty dollars to twenty-five. The passage of the hill was favored by Messrs. Connell and Nichols, 2nd opposed by Messrs. Johnson, St. Clairand Speaker Penney. The yeas and nays were called cn the first section, and were yeas 5, nays 23. The hill therefore Jails. * Adjourned until 3 o’ clock. ' -Afternoon Session. —The following biUs passed: incorporating Gordon Manufacturing Company, authorizing macadamazing ot certain streets in Philadelphia; appropriating ground for a public f)ark on the west side of Schuylkill; also, various ocal bills; an act requiring railroad, canal and navigation companies to make yearly reports to the Auditor General; a supplement to au act in corporating Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and ftjtate Line Railroad Company; a lurther supple ment to an act incorporating the Gettysburg Rail road Company; an act relative to the New York and Middle Coal Field Railroad and Coal Com pany; an act to incorporate the Northern Mining Company. An act to incorporate the Manufacturers* Mu tual Insurance Company of Philadelphia. An act to incorporate the Oil Creek and Warren Transportation Company. An act to incorporate the Twelfth Street Market Company. A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Butler House Hotel Company, approved March 14, 1556. An act to exempt the Citizens* Volunteer Hos pital of Philadelphia from taxatiofi. A message was received from the Governor stat ing that the militia of September, 186?, would soon t>e paid. Adjourned. House,— The House was called to order at 10 t>* clock A. M. The annual reports ot the House of Refuge and Eastern State Penitentiary were presented and laid on the table. Mr. Wimley moved that the House suspend the ?ule, and proceed to the consideration of an act incorporating the Plymouth Iron Company. Agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Hills were read in place as follows: By Mr. Negley, joint resolutions relative to the final adjournment of the Legislature. By Mr. Boyer, an act to incorporate the Union navigation Company. By Mr. Allman, one for the relief of the com positors of the Legislative Record. By Mr. Price, an act relative to the charter ol Media, Delaware county. By Mr. Searight, joint resolutions relative to final adjournment. A motion was made that the House proceed to the consideration of the reso lutions. Not agreed to—yeas 29, nays 60. i By Mr. Barger, a supplement to an act to en courage manufacturing operations in this Com monwealth. Also, an act to incorporate the Philadelphia Chemical College. Also, a further supplement to the act incorpora ting the City of Philadelphia: Section 1. Repeals the law as to advertising of the sources of revenue of the City of Philadelphia jjy the Controller. / Sec. 2.’No law shall be construed to infringe the validity of an ordinance, because of the ordi nance not having been recorded. Sec. 3. That the Receiver of Taxes shall not hereafter publish the list of delinquent tax payers. Sec. 4., Provides for the filling of vacancies in Councils. Sec. 5. Provides that Councilsshall have power to increase the salaries of all officers elected by the same. By Mr. Watson, an act incorporating the Con tinental Mining Company. . Mr. Cochran, of Philadelphia, an actrelating. to the Sweet Iron Company. Also, a supplement to various acts relating to mining companies. o^,i^ pplement t° an act enabling' joint of mineral lands to develop the ’iw? p S Z' e 54 prill4 » 1854. -PMMe^hia 0 " ’ anaotto °P e “Ninthstreet, in By Mr. Bigham, an act to charter the Central Railway Company. er iae central By Mr. Benton, an act to incorporate th« nit™ jninous Coal and Iron Company poratetne Bitu - Coal Company’ &n iDC °™W the St. Mary’s' C a?u y e^a^fa“comp t 2hy noorporate «* By Mr. Rex, an act relating to the Central Pan kenger Railway Company. -ras- By Sir. Smith, of Philadelphia, an aot autho sizing the erection of a bridge across the Schnvi *•11 at • J P roc ‘’ edß '> to the considerationo hills on the private H v The following were objected to on nrst rf a ling:* Ah act to incorporate the National Railroa i and Transportation Company; a further supplement to ax-act to incorporate the Newcastle and Braver Yallev Railroad Company; an act to incorporate the western Coal Company. Adjourned until afternoon. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estae of CATHARINE McKEEVER, dec’d.— The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle amt adjust the account of JOHN L. GROPEN GEISSJ'R, Administrator of CATHARINE McKEEVER, dec 1 d., and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the aecountant, will meet th» parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY; the 4th day of April, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M , at his office No.- 623 WALNUT street, in the City of Philadelphia. JOHN E. LATTA, mh9s-f,m, w,st# Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA.-ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JACOB MI NER.—Tfie auditor appointed *>y the t Court to au dit, settle and ao just the account of HENRY O. MOORE, assignee of the estate of Jacob Miner, -and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of tbe accountant, will meet the parties in terested lor the purposes of his appointment on WEPNE:'DAY, April6th, A D. 1864, at 4 o’clock. P.M., at hisbffiee, No. 402 Walnut street (second floor), in tbe city of Philadelphia. m25-X. m, wst# IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA— ESTATE OF JOHN McF.ARL.AN, dec’d The Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle and adjust the first and final account of JAMES HOLMES, administrator of ihe Estate of John Mc- Farian, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of tne accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap pointment, on TUESDAY, April sth, 1604, at 4 o’clock, P. M., at his office. No. 40*2 WAL NUT Street, (second floor), in the city of Phil adelphia. mh2s-f, m, w,st* IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA.—In. the mutter of the assigned Estate of JOHN J. KOHLER.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second account of EVAN MORRIS. Assignee of JOHN J. KOHLER, and to report distribution of bal ance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hts appoint ment on TUESD aY, April sth, 18 >4 at 4 o’ clock P. M , at h.s Office, No. 135 Souta FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh2s-f,m, w,st* E SMITH KELLY, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of RACHAEL POLK, deceased. —The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and ' adjust the account of BENJAMIN CRISPIN; Administrator of toe estate of the said RACHAEL POLK, dec’d, and to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, -will meetthe parties interested for the pur poses of h'is appointment, on MONDAY, April 4th- 1664, at3)4 o’clock P.M., at No. sj< South SIXTH street (second story), in the CitvofPhila delphia. JAMES LYND, mh23--w,f,m,5t6 Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate oi HENRY F. HEBERTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the final account of SOPHIA G. HEBERTON, Administratrix ef the said*' Decedent, as tiled by GEORGE JUNKIN, Jr., hejr Acting Executor; and also, the first account of GEORGE JUNKIN, Jr., Administrator de bonit non of said Decedent; and to report distribution of the balances shown by said accounts, will meet the parties in interest for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY, the sth day of April, A. D. 1804, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office. No. 717 WALNUT Street In the City of Philadelphia. JOHN OLAYTON, mh2l-m,w,f 6t* Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THEOITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Es tate of GEORGE D. KRIPS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of HARRISON KRIPS and LEWIS L. KEATON, Executors of GEO. D. KRIPS, deceased, and to make distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpoees of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, 1364, at 4 o’clock, P. M., at hiß Office, No. 113 South FIFTH street, in the City of Philadelphia. WM. L. DENNIS, Auditor. Phil ad A , March 21, 1864. mh2l-m, w,f,sts NOTICE. —Letters of Administration to the Estate of THOMAS THOMAS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby requested to make known the same, and those indebted thereto, to make payment, to WM. H. THOMAS, Ad ministrator, LAUREL Street Wharr, Kensing- rab23-w,Gt* UNITED STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SC I*. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on the several labels, filed in the name of tbfe United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or -pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in tut following named vessels and cargoes respectively, to wit: The sloop BUFFALO, whereol Lewis Wriggins is master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, cap. tured by thebark Braziiera, under the command of Acting Master W. T. Gillespie; the schooner MARY, whereof is master, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the United States baik Brazilera, under command of Acting Master W. T. Gillespie; the sloop PERSIS, whereol —: is master, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the United States steamer Massachusetts, under com mand of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant West; the schooner SYLVANUS, whereol Higgins is master, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the steamer Huron, under the command of Lieat. Jas. H. Baker, to be monished, cited, and called to judg ment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so req airing)'. Yon are, therefore, charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, bat that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer , you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremp torily all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, fany right, title, or iuterest in the said vessels, their tackle, apparel and furniture, and their cargoes laden on board thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publica tion of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawfpl excuse, if any they have, why the' said vessels, their tackle, apparel and furniture, and their cargoes laden on board thereof, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the cap ture -of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation; to be adjudged and condemned as good and iawfal prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that yon duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally* (to whom by the *v l o+ r^>o *>, tlieS K P resents it is also intimated); that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said captures, and may pro- Bounce that . the said vessels, thS? tackle, apparel and furniture, and their cargoes laden on board thereof, did belong at the time of the capture of the same to the enemies of the United States of America: and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject-to confiscation and condem nation, to be adjndged and condemned, as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwith standing, and that yon duly certify to the said ytra BllaU d° in the premises, together with these presents. - Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, sanfunited state y6ar **“ Independence oitne yhaB-3t G.R. FOX. Clerk District Court. GOAL. F iW B^Bo« best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill prepared South SECOND street. umce, ho. iu m* l27 J- WALTON A CO. 8. KABOH BIHB6. JOHK » T?ffS mnmTEAI * Buck Mountain Company’s Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company’s Coal, and Locust Mountain >< <> which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar ket rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BINES, Franklin Institute Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar k«t. will he promptly attended to. ' BINES A SHEA FF, *•*-« Arefcftreot whar£ Sehwrikut. THE HAIL? EVEKjNS BULLETIN WEDNESDAT. MABCH 30.18,64. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROP! NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE SUFFERINO hr# & speclflo lor all female difficulties hr. wonderfully adapted to obstinate cased. are not pleasant to take, but powerful in never harm any one if they follow tho directions. n cases of painful sickness, “act likega charm In Tigoratong, restoring and renovating the system are a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, and more reliable than any Pill or Powder. are gesulne only, when the name of Doctor Joh> L. Lyon le written npon the directions, which are wrapped carefully around each bottle. are for sale by druggists In city and oountry every. cost bnt one dollar perbottle; will yon waste away With anxiety and pain, when an lnveetment of one dollar will anrely cure you. Will restore nature to its healthy oourse, whateve be the Indisposition. ere. safe at all timed when the directions an d- hsred to. when taken regularly always, prevent rlnlm ess and le not prevention better than cure, have stood the teet of 25 years’ experience. receive the encominmi of all who use them. No lady should be without them. We have lettarsal most every day from ladlespf the highest respec tability, telling us they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could we publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most incredulous. We have nowlx mind an instance of a lady who had been irregular until her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. She saw our advertisement, and came to see us. We, too, thought she was too far gone to be cured, but commenced at the cause with the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day the is welt and healthy, a living witness of the efficacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a re- sident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you are suffering any of the ills caused by irregularity, we ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonylnoe the most sceptioal, and never after will you be in- duced to be without it. JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY A OOWDBN, HO. *3 NORTH BUTHHBTRE ffiT, and at RETAIL e 91 per bottle. !»**■*. HiVTly JAKDIOAIi. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON’S PERIODICAL DaOPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS KYOITS PERIODICAL DROPS W H OLE SA LI by all Dealers in medicine every wherej O. O. CLARK *OO., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, Kl£l i Y VA1 ‘ T S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, for tro of Hoarseness, Tnroat Diseases,'Ac., h l SKL, recommended to public speakers, as el ™ t remedy extant for the above dis in om poSff bnt one of the many testimonials n , _ Habkisbueo. Feb. 1864. vP ai ™yabt— Dear Sir.- I have used nnd msm,.™ ronoblal Trocheß, Lozenges, iron hies r P^Parattous.for hoarseness and throat rbeerfnilcomparison with them all, can hie si,erinS°? lmencl yonr own as a most admlra fSfpsVhl*ol public speakers and singers, in mnnd con 6> ls colds. 'I have ectuallyT serving in time of need, inos'tef- Yours truly T. H. ROBINSbN, Church. HwrlBbn4. ed by ?• BANNVART A 00., And for sale bv Druggism o n E % T SHO^ AKEB *°° ’ S'. E ‘ cor ’ Fourth and Race sU., 'Philadelphia. Also, by Retail Druggists generally. JjVLJSOTRIOITY. —— WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, Medical Electrician* aaso « late d 'With Professor Boliea iind Galloway, having dissolved partnership, ths wila.he continued by THOS. ALLEN, at Iheold established office, Ho. 723 North'TENTB between Ooatca and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (Wbbtbei acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain, ) with the various modiflca tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases oftne taxoat and respiratory organs. _ A few of diseases inwhich successful cures nave been made are mentioned below. Consumptions first and General Debility. i ta ® 6 ** Diseases of the Llyer oj SSSSS*. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever Mid Ague. Prolapsus Uteri (Failing Congestion. 0 f the Womb). 1 Astnma. Prolapsus Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emissions. Bbenmattsm. &c.,&c. Bronchitis. Deafness. Infinensa and Catarrh. IS o cti&rge fer consult*! 8 A.'M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials io oe seen QPAL DENTAJaLINaT A superior article for cleaning ths Teeth, de stroying animalcul®' which infest them, glviii| 'lone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect'cleanliness inthe mouth. X 4 may be used daily* and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gruna* while the aroma and de tersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, it Is confidently offered as a REUABU) substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the conatitn. snts of the DENTALLINA, advocate Its uses: It contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained em ployment. Ifiade only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Stmts For eaie by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. I*. Stackhouse. Hassard A Co., Robert O. Davis, Q. B. Keeny, Geo. O. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, (Sr. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. O. Turnpenny, AOo Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Murtr^ William B. Webb, E. Brtnghurst A Co,, James L. Bispham, Dyott A Co., Hughes A Coombs, H. O. Blair, Henry A Bower, Wyeth A Bro. JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often hear it repeated by those who have need JUMELEITS COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as acongh medicine, so potent as an tn vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. . For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fet-3m) Hodgson* s bronchial tablets arb found to be an indispensable requisite in thi treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of ths voice: particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. TjISTLACK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— Pi These Lozenges ar#h safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market stB.. Phila. ja2B-3mft mAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBROCA _L TION.—A reliable article. Positively cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Ghillblalns, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Sids Bask. For sale by th/ Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Caliowhlll streets. Price, 33 cents. fe22-3m* JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPOKTA tion, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, expresaly lor medicinal use. LANCASTER A WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N £. corner ARCH and TENTH Sts.. Phils. ««3s PRIME NEW DUTCH HERRING—Ancho-' vies, Curacoa, and Maraschino, for sale at COU STY’S. No. 118 South Second street. "VIEW PRESERVED GINGER-SI HO per jar. XV Just received and for sale at GOUsTY’S, No. 119 South Second street. mh'JJ "VIEW MAPLE SUGAR—Very bright, in store Xv and for sale at COUSTY’S, No. 11S South Second street. FRESH SMOKED SALMON—Spiced Salmon, Smoked Yarmouth Herring, just received and for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, Broad and Chestnut streets. mhl6 AT E\VBOLD HAMS—The Genuine Newbold XV Ham, jnst received and for sale by THOMP SON BLACK A SON, Broad and Chestnut sts. CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS.—Jnst received a lot of Havana Cigars, -ol onr own importa tion, which we will sell by the box at wholesale prices SIMON COLTON A SON, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALN UT. YARMOUTH BL OA TE RS. Yarmouth Bloater Herring, ol extra fine quality, jnst re ceived and for sale by SIMON COLTON A SON, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT. Tomatoes in glass.— ioo doz. Fresh Tomatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior article, for sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. SMOKED SALMON AND HERRING Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. V ALMERI A GRAPES. —Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters, and first order, for sale by M. F. SFILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee: alco, Maracaibo, La Guayra, Rio, Ao., for sale by ffl. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. MACCARONI AND VERMICELLI.—ItaIian Maecaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W . corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIEOK A GO’S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine,fine Brandy, Younger’s Scotch Ale and Gniness’s Brown Stout for sale by E.B. CLARKE, Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R. R. depot, Germantown. KIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Oream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and .Mixtures; all fresh. For'Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH peas, Champignons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. •DEFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL Xli gradeß manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for sals by E. O. KNIGHT A CO., Southeast corns! Water and Chestnut streets. TJIRESH OLIVE OIL in whole, half, and quarter X bottles; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, Mam street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German town. riBESH GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS— X New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds, just received fresh, for,sals by E. B. CLARKE, dealer In fanoy and staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot,. Germantown. Philadelphia MRS. JAMES BETTS’S CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under Medical patronage.. - Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to caU only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT street, Philadelphia (to avoid counterfeits),, thirty thousand invalids having been advised by their Physicians to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States Oopywright Labels on the box and signatures also on the Sup porters with Teßtireonlals . ttntr AOPS&&' CARRIAGE M AKERS, jggSa- J- LEITENBEBG ER A SOW ■ •*7 PINE STREET. 1-W Haven, Oona^. MEDICAL. itiLoiu Office hours from at the office. de2-6ms GROCERIES. TRUSSES. INBUBANCE. THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PWTT.ATVRT.PHIA. Incorporated In 1841. . .. . Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT Street. crJSSSIS* *S amsl 1088 or damage by FIRE, HOUSES, STOKES AND OTHEEBUnUHNOS; Jetted or perpetual: and on FURNITURE, QOODS, 'WAKES, and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL 8300,000.' - ASSETS 8387, ail'Bs. ~ Invested in the following securities. Tl*: - - ■First Mortgage on' City' Property: well secured..'..., ...8105,900 N United States Government Loans 119,000 05 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans..]. 50,006 60 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cont.aa, 000,000 Loan 18,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist and gdMort gage L0an5.......... 35,606 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Com* B _pany’s6 per.cent. L0an...... 6,000 00 -Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company’s6per cent. L0an........... 9,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 percent Loans 4,566 00 Commercial Bank of Penn’ a. Stock 10,000 00 Mechanics’ Bank Stock. 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock.. k 1,356 06 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock Reliance Insurance Company of Phila delphia Stock 2,500 06 . “Sf °» Collaterals, well secured..... 2,250 00 Accrued interest 5,982 00 Cash In bank and on hand 16,587 86 Worth at present market yalne .5399.664 m , I DIRECTORS. ’ S em Benj. W. Tlngley, Wm. R. Thompson, Robert TolantS Samoelßitpham, Wm. Stevenson, Robert Steen, . Hampton 1,. Canton, William Mnsser, . Marshall trill Charles Inland, J. Johnson Brown, Thos. H. CLEM 1 TboB. C. Hilu Secret Life insurance and trust company —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTRUST COMPANY, of Philadelphia OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, 8300, 000 —paid In and Infested In Bonds and Mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Id yes, grant unities and Endowments and make contracts gene, rady, which depend on the contingencies of lift. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians ol Minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts ef Justice or corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the In sured for life. . XAHASKBS. Thomas Ridgway, - John A. Brown, Robert Pearsall, John E. Latimer, John R. Slack, John C. Mltchel, Thomas P. James, Seth J. Comiy,- Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, Stacy B. BarcrolL Henry G. Freeman, Wm. P. Jenks, Medioax. Examinees Geo. Emerson, M. D.; and Samuel Chamberlaine, M.D., attend at tin office dally at 12 o’ clock noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla nation of terms of application, and further Infor mation can be -had at the office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. Jobs F. Jakes. Actuary. felt Fire insurance exclusively—the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpet ual—No. 510 WALNUT Street, apposite Inde pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for nearly forty years, continues to Insure agninst loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund Is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an Bn donbted security In the csss of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William Montelins, John Deverenx, Isaac Haxlehurst, Thomas Smith. Henry Lewis, JONATHAN PATTERSON, President William G. CnowxLL. Secretary. The county fire insurance com pany. ; OFFICE NO. U 0 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, * ‘The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia. ’ * Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In 1839, for Indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL This old and reliable Institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to Insure buildings, fumitture, merchan dise, <fcc., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de spatch. DIRECTORS. Charles J. Sutter, Edwin L. Reakit, Henry Criliy, John Horn, Rcbt.V.Massey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. CHARLES J Bkhjamih F. Hoboku TNSURANOE COMPANY OF NORTH i AMERICA. —MARINE, FIRE AND IN LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT street. South aide, East of Third Btreet. | The Properties of this Company are well in vested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected bv Insurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboat! FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794—CAPITAL *506,6M, AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, *1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. DIBBOTORB. Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose white, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. [Bowen, T Charlet ARTHUR G. Charles Platt, Seen JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office North east comer of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia. Charter Prrfetual. Capital authorized bylaw, *lOO,OOO. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build ings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, Henry Gerker, August O. Miller, Christopher H. Miller. JohnF. Belsterling, Frederick Staake, Henry Troomner, Jonas Bowman, William McDaniel,- Frederick Doll. Jocob Nnllet, Jacob Schandier, George Bints, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samuel Miller. GEORGE ERETY, President. JOHN P. BELSTERLING, Vice President. Philip E. Colsxah. Secretary. aia-t* American fire insurance com pany, INCORPORATED 1816—CHARTER PER PETUAL. 810 WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. Having a large paid np CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS Invested in sound and available Seen-, rtties, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores,: Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other personal property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . Diane rone. Thomas R. Marls, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund Gh Dutilh, Patrloi Bradv; Charles W. Poultne ' Mor idy; Israel Morris. THOMAS E. WARTS, Preeident AlbbbtG. Ij. Orawpobd. Secretary. ' my 23- FA ME INS UK AS O E COMPANY. NO. 406 CHESTNUT STBEET, PHILADELPHIA. PIKE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Francis N. Buck, Jna.W.Everman, Charles Richardson, Rqbert B. Potter, Henry Lewis, Jno.Kessler, Jr., O. W. Dasris, E D.Woodruff, P. Justice, Chaa. Stokes, Geo. A. West, Jos. D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Blawohard. Secretary. ITY FIRE INSURANCE company!— Branch office 409 WALNUT street. Cash Capital and’Assets, 8330,500. P JOSEPH TIUHNGHAST, Agent Refer by permission to E. O. SCRANTON, President Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn. / JAMES M. BEEBE & CO., Boston, Mass. WILLIMANTIO LINEN COMPANY,. New York City. 'X ' le-Hj-ty ■ J. B. LIPPINCOTT X 00.. Philadelphia. 5387 SU 86 . Moore, riNQIiEY, President, tary. jal-fm w-lyj SUTTER, President r. Sec’y and Treasurer. James N. Dickens, S. Morris Wain, John Mason, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, E. S. Clarke, William Cummings, Dn Henry. COFFIN, President itary. INSURANCE. QHARTER |g29 PERPETUAL, franklin FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILAI?! PHIA. ASSETS , ON JANUARY 1, 1864.,^' — 95. CAPITAL, - - - - - -' - - - $400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - - - - 97L000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, - - - 1,086,288 UHSETTEED CLAIMS, IBOOKS POB 1861. 88,416. 8300,000. ...... LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, ..." r .86,000,000. PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIEEOTOHS. " CEaxles N. Bancfcer, Isaac Lea, Tobias "Wagner, Edward O. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Fales, Jacob R. Smith, Allred Filler, George W. Richards, Fras. W. Lewis, H. D. CHARLES N. BANOKER, President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vice-President. JAS.W.MCALLIBTEE. Sec. Pro Tem. mhl2tde36 E£=a FIRE ASSOCIATION.—* £53 „ Incorporated March 27, 1820. , , F igs A OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH strsat: Insure BUILDINGS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and BXEROHANDISB JPKOEIS“ generally, from Loss by First (tn_th* City of Philadelphia only.) Statement of the Assets of the Association, J&nn* " , aiy 1, 1864. • Bonds and "Mortgages on Property In tbs ‘dty of Philadelphia 0n1y...,. ...8697,261 32 Ground Rents 26,806 64 Real,Estate, (Office, Fifth and North ■ streets.).; ~ 14,396 IS U. S. Got. 5-20, Bonds 45,000 00 Deposit with U. S. Assistant Treasurer. 25,000 00 Oaah on hand. 25,629 87 TRUSTEES: _ GEORGE W. TBYON, President. Wm. H. Hamilton, Jos. R. Lyndall, Jotm Sender, I<eTi P. Coats, Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Sp&rhawlr, Johnphilbin, Charles P. Bower, John C&rrow, Samuel Sc&ttergood# Geo. I. Young, Jesse laghtfoot. PtyS WILLIAM T. Secretary. P H S?SS mutual insurance com- PANY of PHILAIi'F.T.PTTTa INCORPORATED PETUAL. NO. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex change. In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this Company Insures fmm loss or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture Ac., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit 0 1 preminm. The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS, {during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid* DIRECTORS. D. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., David Lewis, Benjamin Etting, Thomas H. Powers^ A R. McHenry, Edmond Caatillon. John L. Hodge, Adolphus Peries, 'William McKee, M. B. Mahony, John T. Lewis, John R. Wilmer, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WUCHEREE, President. SAJnno. Wilcox, Secretary MERICAN MTJTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY—Office, Farquhar Building, No.' U Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES—Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout ths United States. WILLIAM CRatg, president. $ PETER CULLEN, Vice President. D. B. SrAOXV, Secretary. xnssoTOM. William Craig j Henry O. Ballet, Peter Cullen, William T. Lowhar, -John Dallett, J. Johnson Brown, William H. Merrick, Samuel A Rulon, Gillies Dallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder, Pearson SerrilL' Charles Conrad, ■ William M. Baird. 1 NEW PUBLIOATIONS. QARLETON, PUBLISHER, NEW YORK, Has ready to- day the following THREE NEW BOOKS. Walter Barrett’s new work, entitled VIGOR. A powerful matter-of-fact novel, founded upon events in the history of this City. By the. author of “The Old Merchants of New York.” 12mo Cloth, *1 50. A spicy and gossipy sketch of camp and mill, tary life in the Army ol the Potomac, entitled RED TAPE AND PIGEON-HOLE GENE- - A capital work, humorous and pathetic, by citizen-soldier. ISmo.' Cloth, Si 25. A . in. .« One of the best volumes of poetry that has re* cently appeared, ei titled, LYRICS OF A DAY. embracing by one author, many of the best known, most quoted, and most popular anonymous con tributions to the press of the day. 12mo. Cloth, SI. *** Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail fre© on receipt of pnce, by mh26-s-w-tf) COUNSEL AND COMFORT SPOKEN FROM A CITY PULPIT. By the • • Country JParson, ’ ’ in one volume, 12mo. Published this day. ' ALSO, . SMILES’S INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, IKON-WORKERS AND TOOL MAKERS. By the author of “Self-Help,” Ac., AO. In ona ■volume, l2mo. Bey. Mr. FURNESS’S NEW BOOK. The VEIL PARTLY LIFTED and JESUS BECOMING VISIBLE. By Rey. W. H. FuraeßS. In one volume, 12mo. NEW BOOK BY JEAN PAUL. The CAMPANER THAL, and other 'Writings. By Jean Paul Frederics Richter. In ene volume, l2mo. , , For sale ■with all the \ ' NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS by LINDSAY &BLAKISTON, Publisher, mh2B 25 South Sixth street, ab. Chestnut Great work on prophecy— sixth ecu.: tian, now ready. 1,500 sold In ten days. ~ IODIS NAPOLEON, the destined-Monarch of the World, to became completely supreme over England and most of America, and all Christen dom, nntil he perishes at the - battle of Armaged don about IS7I-2. By Rev. M. Baxter. 75 cents. Published by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. 606 Chestnut Street. LEYPQLDT’S library and sales* ROOM, 13*3 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Juniper! second floor. Tenns/of Subscriptions to, the Library, per an nnm, 85 00; Six *Tn6nthg,--'S3 00; Three months, 82 00; Ohemonth,'7s cents, (entitling the subscri ber" to three yolumes);. single volumes per .day, 3 cents. j IST All ne-w English and French books for sale and'for circulation as sOon as published. ■ : ALLEN’S LIFE OF PHILIDOR—TH» A LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician dndlChesa Player, by George Allen, Greek Professor m the University of Pennsylvania;’ with a Supple mentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heldebrand nnd dsr Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court - Saxe-Welmaf. 1 voL, octavo, X vellum, t top. Price Cl 25. Lately pnblished by . E. H. BUTLER * CO., nos . . 137 Sonth,Fourth street. Theological books, pamphlets ana NEWSPAPERS bought and sold at JAS. BARR’S. 1105 Market street. Philadelphia. fed LIQUORS, &0. TONIC. ALE.—Jordan’s Tonic Ale, warranted pure and free from dregs, brewed expressly for invalids and family use. Philadelphia Alea constantly on hand, and bottled only for family use; delivered free to all parts of the city. Englisa and Scotch Ales; also, Brown. Stout, on hand at reasonable prices. Catawba Wines, from cele brated Vineyardß, by the dozen or gallon. P. J. JORDAN, 220 PEAR street, below Third, an. Walnut and Dockstreets. mhl9 J|) DUNTOH *149 South Front street, above Walnut. Agency of CRUSOE and CAMPELL SHERRIES,’ ERNEST IRROY 4: CO. ’ S CHAMPAGNES, Golden Star-Brand. BRANDIES, tmd MADEIRAS. • J 8831,093 9s LTEB PEE- CARLETON, Pnbllshsr, New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers