Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 30, 1864, Image 4
fiWSINBSS n-otiobb. “SEia GEE A T.EST rffiPSIMPBOVEMENT W* * Ay THE'AOE IN PJJiNOS. M-KYEE’S Improved Over atrußg Pianos, ao •Jnviedned by *“® leading artißts, and endorsed Stne iftsical pubiio, *Q be tbe finest pianos in Th?Mtention of tbe Musical public is called Co M oent great improvements in Piano Fortes, nil nevi method of construction, tbe greatest Raws volume of tone has been Obtained, without lurof tbe sweetness and brUUancy for wbicb SKb pianos ars bo celebrated, being jjjad an Improved Touch and Action ran- reoeived tbe Print Medal the World’s Fair, beld In London, an well asCbe Sicbest Awards over all competitors, from tfce m*mt pairs and Institutes in tills Country. Ware- Arch street below Eighth, Phllafla. oehlbraiecl BTE Vs the bat in the World. The only Hamlat, Tnteand Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Sna pertect—changes Red, Rnsty or Ore? Hair, lnitantly to a Slotty Slack or Natural Broom, with* aat Injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving (Be hair soft and beautiful: imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies jhe ill effects of bad Dyes. The gennlne Ib signed yrr.T.TAM A. Batohklok, all others are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. . Sold by all Drug gists, Ac. FACTORY—SI BARCLAY street, N. yT Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing |M Hair. gpgS&Sf nr| I ff that their Manufactory of First-Class fttso Fortes is now to full operation. The general astetaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert tonfldently that their Piano Fortes are not sur passed by any manufactured to the United State b. fEy respectfully Invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, Ho. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. . LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND Black Heath, White Abb Coal, carefully Mleeted and prepared for family use, free from ■late and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Lump Coal for found ries, and Chestnut Coal for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of Htok-okt, Oak and Pink Wood, kept constantly on hand- Also. an excellent article of Blacks kith' a Coal, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL. Offices, 315 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. Flue stree> wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING 108 COMPANY. Offloes and Depots as ahOTe. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the Con ■alidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. MASON PIANOS. * HAMLIN’S |Rks§SH ' ffTTTi CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. ■TEGS A; CO.’S RECK CO.’S oBm fV I I I* SQUARE,UPRIGHT PIANOS are how considered the best in Europe, as well as tnu Country, having received the first Prize Medal at lie World’s Exhibition in London, 1852. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos ■re superior to All others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who Invent all their own improve ments, and under whose personal supervision •very part of the instrument is manufactured. For sale only at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut street PITY FOR THE MIBERABLES PITY FOR THE MIStRABLES. PITY FOR THE MISERABLES. HOPE IS LEFT FOR THE MISERABLES. Disease.eaten -.victims of Scrofula, Fever Sores, Bore: Legs, Running Sores, Salt Rhenm, Skin Eruptions, Swoolen -Glands, Nodes, Ac. These Sitiiul objects of disease, whose infirmities keep lem-out of society, and imprison them In solitude, are-assured rapid deliverance from disease by the hue of Dr. RADWAY’S CLEANSING SYRUP, •ailed RENOVATING RESOLVENT. A few doses-will prove Its matchless superiority to all aareaparillas, and from one to six bottles perfect a cure. This remedy will restore the sufferer to health and in rest him witU a sound and healthy body, rich and pnre blood. Price one dollar per bottle; sold by droggists everywhere. Dr. Rad way’s Medicines are sold oy Druggists everywhere. RAD WAY A 00., B7 Malden Lane, New York. "WINDOW SHADE XANOTAOTUB EES. KELTY, CABBING-TON & CO., No. 723 STYLES. CHESTNUT . STREET. j 723. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC. —Itiaunequaled ms for the liair. By its continued we, the head will in most cases be freed from dandruff, the hair nourished, softened, and its growth promoted, and a beautiful gloss be given it. Xjadies will find this a most serviceable article for 2££ T< 2!l < £v Spared only by Dr. D. JAYNE <fc oUN, ri2 Chestrut street. E VENING BULLETIN WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1864. . THE PROPOSED RAILROAD MONSTER, A correspondent has taken the trouble to ex amine analytically the bill before the Legisla ture for the incorporation of the “Union Pas uengfer Railway, 3s and we give below some of the resnlts. _ 2 ' T1 ?1 capital stock of the said com- S?t7donars C ea n eh ° f tW6nty UloUSand Edarosof This would make the capital stock of the Company $1,000,000. But no provision is made how or when said capital shall be paid in, nor are the directors prohibited from issuing full paid, certificates for $5O on each share whtn only $l5 or $2O has been paid in, as has been done by most of the City Passenger Rail roads. . ' autho'rPtVT,?* 6ai<3 company shall have power and «xceediri^^ !>orr<> “' mon 'J ,in auy sum °r sums not SS °“ 0 “"* mc ha, f °f the P ar valu * of the seven per centnm* rate ot interest not exceeding at sifcfi ppr annum, * * * payable may deem advisable? 168 “ tte board of directors 7.’ S . Becti °n the company would be Author zed to borrow $500,000, instead of only me half of the capital stock paid in Provi sion should be made for the redemption of the loan withm a limited time, by calling in the capital stock. 5. That dividends of so much of the profits Of srnd company as shall appear to be dtrcctcrc shall be declared semUaSliv, in •acfc and every year* m There should be added at the end “on the amount of capital stock paid in,” to prevent the Directors declaring dividends on $1,000,000 «be par value of the capital stock, as the divi- SLd° 7° lared by the other City Passenger Eadroad Companies, on capital stock L feed and empo-weied l tn C S? lp ii? y 18 ber Bl>y author raJlway, t „b,a° tt ?*T£j lotan<l la /the said Councils qf the City <.? «&„£? «"«>•« o/ (As. c«y the said railway shall be laid i£a a; bat whenever passenger car. thereon, the Sf rt u f, e<l by running 6e subject to the ordinances o ? t h«V?. rapan y «&all delpbia regulating the running ot „ c i ty of PhUa way cars. EOl Passenger rail tsso. 9. The said company shall n. to cross at grade any railroad that is no*! 18 nEht nS££ lX™* 1 " * me Umita of m S eenlun on the par talus Lj Iv P ar passenger railway companies in the city, of PhilA delphia. If dividends are declared on the par value of the cap&dfstock; ($l,6o6,000) instead of the amount of capital stock actually paid in, the city will get little or no tax on dividends, ag is shown by the experience of the other city pas senger railroadoompanies, which divide on the ismount of the par value of their capital stock, which has not all been paid in.' If the com pany declare a dividend on $5O per share, the par value, at 6 per cent., it would be $8 per share; hut if only $2O per share had been paid in, the dividend to the stockholders would be 15 per cent., instead of 6 per cent., and the city would receive no tax thereon, as the dividend had been declared on the par value of $5O. Under the last portion of the section the city could not raise the license fees at any time, and it conflicts with the eighth section. In order to protect the city treasury in the receipt of its tax on dividends, this section should be so amended as to require all divi dends of the company to be declared on the amount of the capital stock actually paid in, and the directors should be prohibited from is. suing full paid certificates of $5O per share, without the payment of the entire money thereon. Nothing has so excited the tender feelings of Northern copperheads, as well as their rebel ‘brethren,” as the late raid towards Richmond. The doings of Kilpatrick and Dahlgren, as wel as many tbingß which they are accused of want" ing to accomplish, are denounced as fiendish’ unchristian, vandal, etc., and the civilized world is appealed to for sympathy with the “perse cuted” and endangered inhabitants of Rich mond. The same sentiments which are heard, on the subject, in Northern “society not mixed,” find expression in the rebel journals in the most unblushing form. Yet at the same lime the Richmond Whig coolly suggests as a lawful war measure the following:— 1 <We may hot, it is true, be able to send a raid ingparty to dash into Philadelphia or New York to do the work; nor have we artillery that will carry Greek fire far enough to reach them; bnt we have that which will go further than horsemen can Tide, and will penetrate what the mightiest artil lery would make no impression on—we have money. A million of dollars woold lay in ashes New York, Boston, Philadelphia, . Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington, and all their chief cities, and the men to do the business may be picked up by the hundred in the streets of those very cities. If it should be thought nnea'e to nse them, there are daring men in Canada, of Morgan’s aud other commands, who have escaped from Yankee dun geons; and who would rejoice at an opportunity of doing something that would make all Y&nkee dom howl with anguish and consternation. ’ ’ We are not now considering the question the rightfnlness of raids or burning cities by means of spies or assassins, who “take the oath” with as easy a conscience as they would take off their hats; but it is worthy of notice that these rebel journalists and their Northern friends consider it perfectly fair to bum and destroy Northern property, while the same measures at the South call forth “syllables of dolor” yelled out with unremitting volubility, and without the laintest care for facts. There is another thing worthy of mention in this connection. We allude to the uncontra dicted statement made by many released Federal officers, to the effect that during Kil patrick’s raid, preparations were made to blow up Libby prison,with nine hundred imprisoned Union officers. The latest witness on this question is General-Neal Dow, just released. He says: ‘•They told ns of Kilpatrick's raid. On tlio x.t of March arrangements had been made to receive him. And what do yon suppose the arrangements ■were? To defend Richmond? Was that it? No. They mined Libby Prison, with the intention of blowing up it and us; to use tbeir own phrase, ‘To blow us to —!’ [Voice —-Is there proof of Uiat?] That is capable of proof. I caLnot tell you how the fact- was intimated to us the next day without betraying those from whom the informa tion came. On the morning of Wednesday, March 2, after we had been informed of the gunpowder plot, Dick Turner, the luspactor of Military Pri sons, was' asked by many officers, at different times, if we were correctly informed, and he as sured us it was trne that a large quantity of pow derbad been placed under ibe prison to blow ns up if Kilpatrick had come in. and that it would be done yet if attempts were made to rescue ns. The Rev. Dr. Smith, President of Ran dolph Macon College, and well known down SiutH, and known in the North, too, aa an able and influential man, came Into the pri son to visit Lieutenant-Colonel. Nichols, of the 16th Connecticut Regiment, with whom he wu acquainted. Be said that powder had becnlplaced in the basement lor the purpose of ‘blowing us into atoms.’ Col one i Nichols did not believe it Dr. Smith assured him it was so. He had then come from the office of Judge Ould, Commissioner of Exchangee, who told him it was so. The Rev. Dr. McCabe said the same thing to Colonel Ces*- nola, of the 4th New YorkOavairv. and others Some officers were in the kit-hen at the hack win dow, directly over the door leading into the cellar. Major Turner, the commandant of the prison— Dick Turner—and four or five rebels went into the cellar, and on coming.out they remained a few moments at the door, and one of the officeis said, ‘By , if you touch that off it will blow them to , sure enough.’ On the inorniag we came away. Major Turner assured Captain sawyer and Captain Fiynn, who were exchanged in connec tion with myself, that powder was there, and ho said, ‘Ratner than have you rescued, I would have blown you to , even if we had gone there oureelve?.’ *» WINDOW SHADES. SPRING Can hypocricy go' further than it ia carried by the rebel leaders and their apologists, and can we ever expect to believe what they say, until the military arm has crashed their power and freed the masses of the South from their usurped dominion? Unjust, unscrupulous, tyrannical and oppres sive as the rebel authorities are, there is one matter in which they have certainly acted with a degree of promptness and justice, for which they are entitled to credit. Whatever other classes of unprincipled persons may be tole rated, speculators, those ghouls- who fatten through the sufferings of a nation or particular section of country, have always been estimated and despised as creatures of their kind should be- by the people who suffer from then depravity. We have in the North fully as many such ■ characters as there are in the re bellious States, and as the war progresses their number increases. Every Northern State, every loyal community, is infested with specu lators who have no other.ambition than per sonal aggrandizement. Gold and silver coin, the bonds and notes issued by the Government to defray the expenses of the war against trea son, the actual necessities of life, are each and all made the means by which- the pecuniary condition of-unscrupulous citizens may be im proved. Every man, woman and child .in the nation is affected by the increase of price re sulting from these speculative movements, and every man, woman and child demands that some stringent regulation shall be enforced, by Which this pernicious system shall be . termi nated. We are informed that a plan has been concocted in New York city, by these gam blers, indeed, is already in progress, to buy up all the tea and coffee in that market, and' that two millions of dollars worth of the former, one of the principal articles of consumption in every household, and indispensable tothethou favalids to he found in every commu- W «i * laB a,rea| 3y been secured. If tea and WBM cwlfcM teaada Means of imunal REBEL HYPOCRISY. NORTHERN SPECULATORS, THF, DAILY EVENING BULLETIN • PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1864. profit to the holders, why not any other kind of commodity? ;At length every necessary of life has attained such a price that even consumers of moderate means will not be able to supply the daily wants of their families, while those who in time of peace are enabled barely to live off of their daily wages will be reduced to starva tion; We remember some years ago, when a speculative mania pervaded California, that a wealthy merchant of San Francisco bought up all the flour he could find in the country, and all that could be procured in Mexico, and upon vessels expected to arrive from the Atlantic cities. It immediately advanced to an enormous price, and the gambler accomplished his purpose, and filled his purse; but the public indignation became so much aroused that hi g life was imperilled, and he was .compelled to meet the public want by disposing of the article at a much reduced price. It is impossible at the present time, and with such a large number of speculators, to check the infamous proceed ings to which we refer by the mere opposition of the people, however combined or extended such opposition might he; but the Govern ment has the power to prevent such transac tions, and should without delay adopt aud en force such regulations as will ensure their ter mination. Much has been said in regard to the rapid and not unfrequently unscrupulous mode of obtaining wealth which has been adopted by contractors, but we have yet to find a single contractor who has been as worthy of punish ment as a gambler of the species to which we allude. THE GETTYSBURG MEMORIAL. The committee of gentlemen who have itf hand the consummation of the plan to set apart the most prominent points of the Gettys burg battle-field as a lasting memorial of the great struggle of July, 1863, are desirous of completing the work as promptly as possible. To this end they wish 'persons who intend to subscribe to -the stock of the Association to send in their subscriptions promptly. A sub scription of ten dollars makes the subscriber part owner of the memorable field. Who would- hesitate to invest so small a sum to aid in the accomplishment of so grand an object as that contemplated by the Association ? Popular Biographies T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of this city, are now publishing a series of the lives of all. the Generals and Statesmen, at a low price, which must put them in the hands of every person interested in this class of literature. They have five ready now, and issue one every two weeks, President Lin coln’s being the next. We predict for the life of the President a very large sale, as every one will want the “ Life, Speeches and Proclama tions of President Lincoln,” in a neat and com pact form. A Grakd Orchestral aud Vocal Concert will be given this evening at the Musical Fund Hall, by the Hurmonia Musical Society. The programme will include secular and sacred music, and the Germania Orchestra is engaged. A very delightful concert may be expected. LARGE IMPORTANT PEREMPTORY SALE T OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, 4c. Johnß. Myers A Co., Auctioneer.,Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, will to-morrow (Thurjd.tr) morning, March 31, bold an extensive and valuable sale of Dry Goods, by catalogue, on Four Months’ Credit and part for cash, embracing abont 775 packages American, British, French and German Tlry Goods, in Cottons, Linen, eilito Woolens and -Worsteds, including 135 pieces choice Domestic Goods, in large varieties, part standard M 5 pieces Cloths. Coatings, Meltons, Cassimeree' Jeans. Satinets. Ac. . Silks, Drees Goods, Pangee Hand kerchiefs, Heop and Balmoral Skirts. Hosiery. Gloves, Linen Goods, Summer Shawls, Gum Suspenders, Traveling Shirts, Parses, *c. Friday, April I—An assortment of Carnets, Canton Mattings, &c. SALE OF VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY of rare, valuable and elegant books, tkis a/tomoon, at JnomasctSons auction rooms. Elegant Oerhaktown Residence and Fur niturk. _ Peremptory sale on the premises., on Monday next. Full particular, in handbill* Stocks and Real Estate, Tuesday *exv at the Exchange, including tlrst.class Bank and o’h-r St, Cki See advertisements, auction head, of the hree sales BF. REIMER’S IVORYTYPES are Likl . nesses of rare truth and beauty, expression complexion and drapery, and are colored with MARCHES/ BpeCl,n * nS at ihe Gallery, ADIRONDACK, WELSH AND GERMAN fifizor Hones, Isaznr Straps of several style* and a variety of Razors, for sale at the Hard Store of TRUMAN A SHAW, No. Sis ,S Thirty-11 ve) Market street. below Ninth (Jugm CARTES I>E VISXTE—If you desire satisfac tory Pictures, B. I'.REIJIER’Sis iheG-allerv you should patronize. Thrlr style and finish is greatly admired. os* ARCH street. BRiTANraa, german silver,'silvek- Plated and Iron Tea, Table and Hasting Spoons; also, Boxwood Salad Spoons, for sal. at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. 645 °Ei g ht Thlny fiTe- Marksi street.,-,below Ninth. 1 UW EQUALED specimens of Life-size Pflo. TOGRAPHS, in oil'colors, are mats at B F KEIMER’S, Gallery, o>l AROH street, pro nounced by connoisseurs of marvelous accuracy and heauty. 3 COK REWARD —Strayed from his home yes terdav afternoon WILLIE LIGGINS- had light curly hair, light Kossuth cap, small plaid apron. The above reward will be paid by returu- JJJB i 0 ,lle nearest Police Statioa, or 448 RIOH MUND street, [lt*] THOS LIGGINS. IRKING WITH INDELIBLE ’ INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, ftc. A Laay competent to mark neatly can find emnloy mf‘di 0 M. A. TORREY, mtll9 1800 Filbert street. GlbM P._HOUSEKEEPERS WILL FIND . a good assortment of Knives and Ferns, spoons, Waiters. Sauce-pans, Butter-kePles Tea and t offeePots, Tubs, Buckets. Brooms, BaVkauT and Brushes, at GRIFFITH A PAGE'S ™*s-iy*Vo : GOO AROII street’ HIT. L LLAMA liA-OE ROlNTl* ,s ? aun CLOAKS —GEO. W. VOGEIi Nn A m£ CHESTNUT Street; opened thls mormng a new invoice Of White Llama Lace Pomtes,entirely new designs and fine qualities. Also a C S ollarge sizes; also a new4"onment tt Beal Black Tbread Lace Pointes. Verv Fine Veils, Sashes, ‘‘Dnchesse Collars’> , i n ? eo:iars), Lace Sets, Wide Guinure inSfi P ° n / d trimming the skirts of dressesf Sashes Real Black Lace Parasols. * c p EDUCTION IN THE PRICK ov COT , R _ JLU In aecordaxce with a resolution of the Board Oi Trustees, passed ou the 25th inst th«? Coke from the Market Street and Gas Works, has been reduced toro cents per Works to*!?centsjer PHILADA. Gas WQRMfMfreh’2S?iB‘l4. E mh"n?l'mli ranted of th. beat SWrurfd. mhlV-lm pi 9 Vine street, aw^fj; n S HARVEY THOMAS, '—: . STOCKBROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Stocks and !*« bgg* T^?? onlar atteEUon tou. s.‘ Government _ aD!I - ' iaO-SmroS Blquama’ sh ells-and Constantly on hand at the AQUARIA STORE, nhhß.lm.rp* N °- 53 N ° rtll S OAp —?F KE FAMIL 'll SOAP CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or OLAY entirely PUKE SOAP.luia stLoniA bi need by every family. snotua D* Pnt np In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, mu weight, when packed and marked Fifty piraiSu. not Bars or Lumps, as many manufact™;. their boxes. Manufactured by ■ 0tllre ” brand IS®? 3B ®? “• SLKIifTON ft SON, d»l7-lyipj llfi ALucMettaxtreet. GRAY’S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the public for near y a year. They are unlverta ly pronounced th» neatest and best fl*Ung collars extant. The per edge preheats a perfect curve, free from the angles noticed to all other collars. The ciavat causes r o puckers on ths ini ide of the turn* down collar—they are A» SMOOT HIN- SiDE AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the nfcck. The ttarotte Ci liar has a smooth and evenly finished edge 017 both sides. These Collars are not simply flat pieces of paper cut In the form of a Collar, bat are holdhd ahd SHAPED TO FiT THE HECK. They are made in “jsovelty” (er turn-down Btyle); In every half size from 12 to 17 luches and in • -Eureka*, (or Garotte,) from 13 tfi 17 Inches; and packed in <*sol'dsizes* in neat blue cirtons, con taining 100 each; also in smaller ones ol 10 each— toe latter a very handy package for Travelers, Army and Navy Officers. AS'-EVERY COLLAR is stamped * Gray’s Patent Molded Collar.” Sold by all Dealers In Men's Furnishing Goods. The Tr&ae supplied by Van Deusen, Boehmer & Co., 627 Chestnut Street, Phil'ad elphia, and Wholesale Dealers in Men’s Fur nishing Goods "mh3o-3mrpi EDWIN HALL & CO. 56 South Second street, WILL HAVE THEIR FIRST SPECIAL OPEN- ING OF Cloaks, Mantles. Basques, fcacques and Circulars, MADEOP Fancy Cloth*, Plain French Cloths, Rich Corded Bilks and Black Taffeta Silks, ON THURSDAY, THE 31 ST, WOOL. Pennsylvania and. Ohio Fleece. LOTS ARRIVING DAILY FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ALEX. WHILLDIH ft 80JTS, mhSASU SO and S* South FRONT St. “AT RETAIL” JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO,, 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DKESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments which thee have eTer offered. COUBVOISIEB’S KID GLOVES BLACK, WHITE AND COL D. ’ MOURNING GOODS. 3-4 and S 4 BAREGE HERNANI. 3-4 and S-4 CRAPE MABETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TAJIARTIN ES. • 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in great variety. AlLwiogs,and beet hranda. mhS-imt BARLOW’S INDIGO BLUB, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER’S DRUG STORE, No, 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, rBILADELPHIA, Will color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. ■£F"The wow Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitation* and inferior articles. mh9-lmrps WALL PAPERS At Retail. We hare devoted the first floor of our bull dine to the retailing of PAPER HANGINGS. and invite the attention of purchasers to onr un eqnalcd assortment. Having the sole agency of sevmalof the largest Eastern manufacturers en ahles us to show a variety of NEW DESIGNS not to he found elsewhere In Philadelphia. Also DECORATIONS duced, which for effect and uchness of appear ance cannot be surpassed. appeal T y r . U, 'h” > .a ol< L a i lair ,P rlces and put up on the walls by the beßt workmen. ■ v John H; tongstreth, mh!6-«t* No. IS North THIRD St. ANDERSON CAVALRYj (15th PENNA. CAVALRY.) Suitable young men wiU be accepted as recruits for this Regiment now on service in East Ten nessee. TO. J. PffLMEB, 001. Oom’dg, Office in Washington .Building,. mh2B.6t# No. 274 South THIRD Street. Mustoaei BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, playing from two to twelve choice melodies, Va F i??^.?. E 9 , E? EES ' Importers, ’ *■*» nt Ufentaukt (trees, belew Pewtt ADMIRAL FOOIE, From the beet likeness in possession of the family. COL. DAHLGREV, Who lately perished at Richmond, aLoapprovea by' his family. COL. BAXTER, Of the Fire Zouayea. taken this -week. Aaplen did picture. GEN. I. J. WISTAR, Taken early this monh, on the occasion of bis " visit home. All the above are in the highest style, and may be procured, of ali sizes from OAR PE To EXTRA IMPERIA,L at tne rooms of tbs under •igned; prof MCALLISTER A BROTHER, Chestnut st Wenderoth & Taylor, ■” 912, 914, 916 Chestnut Street. in 30-vr inn jg Wfi RF&PECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OP THE TEASE TO OTJB STOOK OP SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES VEILS, &c. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT ST. mhg9- ik HLW MILLINERY HOUiE. Grand Millinery Opening, P. A. HARDING & CO., No, 413 Arch street, WILL OPEN ON THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, A MAGNIFICENT STOOK OF Straw and Millinery Goods, COMPRISING use CASES OF AT.T. THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS AND BONNETS, Together with a large assortment of French and Ameiican Flowers, laces; Buches, Ornaments, Ac. mhj& 2tf m29-3»* MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 Chestnut Street. Are now receiving their Spring Importation SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, Marcellines and Florences, French and English Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, lUu&ions and Haline Nets, &e., «kc. Also, & full assortment of French and American Flowers. mh.M-mwA.fr-2m HOSIERY AT RETAIL. J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 90S Chestnut street, Begs to inform his customers that he has now in store a complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY; Swiss Hosiery, In the Best Makes and Suitable for the First-Crass Retail Trade. ITh26-tfs INDIA SHAWLS, imT&oum. B'DIA SILKS; ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES. Ohoi.e Shawls of 411 kinds. Choice Diees Goods of all kinds. Choice Faney Goods. GEO FRYER, 916 Chestnut Street* Invites the attention of the Dadies to his eleemt steck of SPRING SH iWI S and OTHE B GOODS selected with great care for best City trade. m!9 lm( TTTORSTEI) YARN Nos. 12 and 3«o! supe fcaST * wexab Ar.;:... V Fourth and Arch Have Ordered this Season for them- Best Gastom, Bichest Silks Imported, Shawls of Exclusive Styles: Dress ©cods, Paris Styles, Spring Mantles Cloth and Silk' fcmhSO w-s£msts “ UUJ *» Citizens of the Fifteenth Ward! malre any further efforts to raise the THREE HUNDRED RECRUITS necessary to nil our quota, on the last call of the President I oj , shall we abandon the attempt altogether 1 This momentous question to the PEOPLE of the Fif. te.nth Ward must be decided by THEMSELVES' at a meeting to be held at the BAPTIST CHAPEL, *“ d s P rin eGlarden streets, on. THt RSDaY EVENING, 31st inst., at 8 o’clock „ . WM ' Ma - N N, President. Jt' - mhaa-3tg Linen Cambric Dresses. . JY" b * TB ™ oren a fresh sto’k of PHTNTwrj, L TK EN OAIIB RIOS for DRESSES: ' TBD "* T * ry pMtt y»“l «»e prices quite assoitmenns compieua. «»• S, MILLIKEN & GOij eas ARCH STREET, and mh29 6t} 32 Eouih SECOND Street.. NEW LOAN. U. S. 10-40’; JAY COOKE & CO. Offer for Sale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN'/ BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN TEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YE ABS alter date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued f.r this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-2 o's. The interest on gso-s antj SIOO’s payable yearly; on all other denominations, hair yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1,. 1664. The half-yearly interest'falling dne Septa ta ber Ist and March Ist of each year;- until Ist Sep'- tember, the accrued interest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in ooirr or m legal cmsEscT, adding fifty per cent, for pre mium until further notice. ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., ll4 SOUTH THIRD STREET; FIRhT NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY- FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and,is now prem pared :o receive subscriptions to the MW GOVERNMENT LOAN. Thit Loan, issued under authority of au act at' Cougre-S approved March 3, IS6I, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars'. (520(1,0(0.0.0) United States bonds, redeemable!-, atier ten years, and payable forty years from date, in coin, dated March 1, 1864, bearing interest at the rate of 5 PEB CENT. per annum in coin, payable semi-annually on all bonds oyer $lOO and on Bonds of SLOO and less, annually. , . ■ Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bends as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomi nations of tiny dollars, (Soli,) one hundred dollars* (SM O,) five hundred dollars, (*500,) one thonsan<£ dollars, .(SI, 0( 0, ) five, thousand dollars, ($5,000,}- and ttn thousand dollars, ($io,0oo,) and Coupon.. Bonds efthe denominations ot titty dollars, (sso,} one hundred dollars, ($100. ) five hundred dollars,. ($500,) and one thousand, dollars, ($1,000.) Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in. lawful money, the accrued interest in coin, (or in . United States notes, or the notes of National. Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium until further notice, ) from the first day of March or - September, as the case may be, until the day oX'• subscription and payment. c. IL CLARK, PRESIDENT. mh29-tf COTTON WARPS A AND BUNDLED TWIST, All Numbers, ‘ Of JBest Makesi, AIEX WHILLDIN & SONS, mbS9 #t6 SO and 22 South FRONT St. FUKNITUEE SELIiING OUT. The Subscriber ab°ut declining the Cabinet Business at his old stand, 531 North SECOND jYj e his Extensive Stock cf Firsts class Cabinet Ware for Sale. Re invites the public in general to cwl) and examine Iris new styles of ' Wbloll consist of Rosewood, Walnut and .all the best workmanship? at much reduced prices. • *7 ““ Store to Kfnt, H 5 feet long, together with a four, story Factory on the two adjoaing lots iu the rear r Suitable for the manufacturing business. 9 ?? a GEORGB MfiCKB