bulletin TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1864, - PLOT XHXUK±J?B. It will be seen by-the report of yesterday’s ; favor of the J “ “ scheme werer received in the House ; id like to see a list of the signers of these petitions. We would like t 0 k “°' v Lme of * he nameB were procure ? at - h perhfiad, and whether each of the signers re eeived a glass of whiskey for putting his name to a document, that might as well have been on any other subject under Heafen, so far as the signer would know or care. We would Uke to know whether the tactics of the Border Ruffian party in Kansas, in Lecompton times, were also imitated, and whether names were transcribed iiom an old directory; or, whether the ingenious - device of copying names at random from tomb stones and door-plates was practised, as in the ancient Fourth Ward style. There are doubtless the signatures of men of substance affixed to these petitions, for there are some men of substance who have a huge axe to grind in the monster scheme; but we have strong doubts whether the names of a dozen influential citizens will be found among the whole array of signatures, unless the per sons named have been taken into the “ring.” At the session yesterday. Mr. Smith, of Phila delphia, who seems to be the chief engineer in pinning this scandalous measure through the Legislature, submitted a petition in favor of the hill, which the reporter says was signed by the ‘•Presidents of Select and-Common Coun cils.” This matter demands some explana tion. Mr. Harper certainly never gave his official sanction to the scheme, because Common Council, over which he presides, would almost inevitably have passed resolutions protesting against the bUI, on Thursday last, had not an adjournment been hurried through; and Mr. Lynd,we are persuaded, would never have signed any such petition after Select Council had.passed resolutions strongly pro testing against the consummation of the railroad echeme. It seems most probable that the signa tures of both Messrs. Lynd and Harper, as pri vate gentlemen,were early affixed to the petition to oblige personal friends who importuned them for the use of their names. The managers of the plot then presented their petition, at Har risburg, as the prayer of both branches of City Councils. This theory would account for the anxiety of the wire-workers in the scheme to suppress all public, notice of the adverse pro ceedings of Select Council, on Thursday last, a movement in which they were successful un. til the resolutions appeared in full in the Bul tETis of Friday. This corrupt giant railway echeme was conceived in sin, brought forth in iniquity, and nursed by duplicity and double dealing. We trust that the infant monster may he strangled in its cradle.’ EXTRAVAGANCE—TAXATION. We do not sympathize with the croaking of the Copperheads, who pretend to see in every sign of national prosperity an indication of swiftly approaching ruin. On the contrary, nothing can be more assured than that this Re- public is strong enough to bear any burden which Providence can lay upon her. Within herself Ehe bears the elements of such strength as no nation ever possessed. Her fields and mines only wait for tens of millions of hands to bring forth their resources, and there is room for increase of manufactures and commerce, be yond the wildest dreams of any who have prophesied our greatness. It must he said, however, that there is a general appreciation of the fact that great sums of money are being wasted, and that extravagance is too prominent a Tice of the times. The sudden accumulation of large sums of money through government contracts, and through speculations in stocks and gold, has led to careless expenditure in al our large cities, and the example thus set has been followed by many persons who have not enjoyed the same facilities for accumulation as contractors and speculators. These facts are apparent, right on the surface, and the foul weather prophets, mostly in the interest of the rebels, keep up a dolorous clamor about the matter, and like birds of evil omen, pronounce the “end of all things at hand.” Acknowledging thus, as we do, that the sur lace indications are not economical; that too many foreign goods are imported, and that many who cannot afford it indulge in a weak, though natural, propensity for luxuries, we cannot but believe that these very things prove the affluence of the nation and her capacity to carry on war with but little detriment to the arts of peace. If the country was poverty stricken, it would show it. If bread, shelter and clothing were wanting, we would see gaunt faces, plethoric alms-houses and “looped and windowed Taggedness” on all sides. Poverty and vice would go hand in hand along our thoroughfares, and even in Chestnut street the gnm visage of famine would obtrude itself. Yet, for such extravagance as does exist, albeit not so fearful as the Copperheads would ] xepresent it, a remedy exists. It is simply j resolute, discriminating, equitable Taxation" by the National Government. Every one feels that the revenue from customs and the receipts from internal taxes are not sufficient for the meeds of the Government, and the sooner that Congress .realizes the fact the better for us SU —the better for the Administration, for it can then pay the interest on our debt with ease ■- the better for .ho contractors and speculators, ‘ 'for they will be obliged to retrench; and lastly, best for the Copperheads and croakers, for their economical souls will then no longer be scared at the signs of that national wealth and strength which now so appal them. ; . ' THE PENH MUTUAL. We call attention' to the advertisement of the Pena Mutual Insurance Company in our columns to-day. The-Company is managed by our own * business men, and is conducted withprudence and liberality. During the raids, into our Sta*e, its. members, desiring to do so, received permits to enter the service, and on their return were relieved of all charge for the risk. The statement shows a prosperous condition and substantial assets. TEBY, EXTENSIVE-SALEO! 1 BEAL ESTATE , . _ to.mobrow. Jeweb A. ITrkbhak, Ar ctioni: ei , -y jjj f 1 very large auction sale of Ileal Estate, also. Bank Stocks, to-morrow, at 12 o’clock, at the Exchange Tull descriptions of each properly may he found on our inside columns. WHITE LLAMA LAOE POINTES AND CLOAKS.-GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1010 CHEST-HUT: Street, opened this morning a new j . Invoice of White Llama Lace Pointes,entirely new designs and line qualities. Also a* l'ew White llama Cloaks of large sizes; also a new assortment of Beal Black Thread Lace Pointes. Very Fine Veils, Sashes, “Dueheese Collars” (large pointed collars), Lace Sets, Wide Guipure Insertings for trimming the skirts of dresses; Sashes'to match. Heal Black Lace Parasols, &e., Ac. “ mhSS fltrp# NEYIf MILIJRERY HOUSE. Grand Millinery Opening. IV A. HARDING & CO., No, 413 Arch street, WILL OPEN ON THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Straw and Millinery Goods, COMPRISING 250 OASES OF ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS AND BONNETS, Together with a assortment of French and American Flowers, Laces; Bitches, Ornaments, &c. mhi9 2t} WOOL. Pennsylvania and Ohio Fleece. ROTS ARRIVING DAILY FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, mh29-6t} 20 and 22 South FRONT St. IVORYTYPES.— B. F. REIMER’S Ivory types are wonderfullyaccurate. Tlie artist has evinced in them ability of high Older: complexion and diapery finely rendered. 6*24 ARCH street. UPRIGHT GRIDIRONS for broiling-Before an open fire, and fluted and round-bar Grid irons, for Eale, with an assortment of Housekeep er’s Hardware, by TRUMAN * SHAW. No. 635 (Elgbi Vhirrc-fl-.a' Market street, below Ninth. REIIWER S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, for $1 00, are offered to .h a patrons and the public as superior and cheap Pictures. See specimens and be convinced of it. SECOND street, above Green. . YARDSTICKS oi five patterns, and a variety of Rnles and Tape Measures, for sale at TRU MAN A SHAW’S, No. 635 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. IF yon would realize yonr wishes and possess a truly faithful Portrait, you must get B. F. REI MTE’ S Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS, In oil colors. 624 ARCH street. Splendid styles. Reduction in the price of coke In accordance with a resolution of the Board or Trustees, passed on the 25th Inst.’, the price of Coke from the Market Street and Spring Garden Gas Works, has been reduced to 10 cents per bnsbel, and from the Point Breeze, and Manayunk Works to 9 cents per bushel. JNO. C. CRESSON, Chief Engineer. Phi LADA. Gas Wouks,Marches, 1684. mh29-lmt GOLD PENS.—A large assortment, of various degrees of fineness and elasticity, in Pocket and Desk Holders. For sale by . WM. M. CHRISTY, JFmh26-sa,tu,th.6tips 127 South Third street. AKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANU FACTORY.—The largest and best assortment of Wigs, Tonpes, Long Hair Braids, Curls, Frlzettes, Elusive Seams, for ladies, at prices lower than elsewhere, at 903 CHESTNUT street. mbB-lmrp* SOAP— PURE FAMILY SOAP.—CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but Is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be need by every family. Put up In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pound*, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKINTON A SON, del7-lvnt4 US Marearettantreet. HOOP SKIRT MANTJ F AUTOR Y. —Hoop SMrte ready-made and made to order, war ranted of the beat materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. £• BATLETi pl 2 Vine street, shore Eighth mhl7-lm SHARVF.7 THOMAS, , STOCK BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Partlcnlar attention glYen to U. S. Qorernment Loans. lali-TmrpS BCH STREET HOUSE FURNISHING STORE.-Iron Ware, Tin Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Table Cutlery and Plated Ware. GRIFFITH & PAGE, Southwest corner of Sixth nnd Arch. mhS-lyrpQ Bibd cages, marine shells an AQUARIA, ' Constantly on Hand at the AQUARIA STORE, No. 53 North Sixth street, belo* Arch- mhB-Im.rp* G EO stook and exchange broker, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis sion. at the Board of Brokers. _ Government Securities, and uncnrrent money bought and sold. mh2-3mrp§ PURE PAIiM OIL SOAF.—This Soap is mads of pure freßh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vege table Soap: more suitable for Toilet use than thost made from animal fats. In boxes el on# dOMc cakes for SI 50'per box. Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON A SOW, He. 118 Margaretta street, between Front and Second, above CJailowbill street. rt«l7-ltrn>* FITLKtt, wt.av ts ±4 * u . Manufacturers of MANILLA AND TARRED OORDAGB, Conns, Twins, &c., Ho. S 3 North Water street and No. 22 North Delu warn avenue,' Philadelphia. BdwisH. Fitlob. Miohabl Wbavbb. OowßAn F OtOTTniS arking with indelible ink, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. A Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ ment. M. A. TORREY, mhlO 18(io Filbert street. PLASTER AND LATHS—SS tons plnster, 152, 000 latbs for sale by E. A. SOLDER & 00. DOCK street wharf. mh2B-3t ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below tlte Exchange. NATHANS’S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, in large or email amonnts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office hoars from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M de2o-ttrp COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. .COUGHS, GOLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD . ' CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD ' CHERRY, DB. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS OF TFE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS, OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS. OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS. OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS. A trial of many years has proved to the world that this remedy is more efficacious than any hitherto known to mankind. For Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthina, it Is a sovereign remedy. For the weak and debilitated, it acts as a strengthening alterative. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, .. 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. Sold by dealers everywhere. j (126*10. th, sa-ly WORSTED YARN Nos. 12 and 36 of supe rior quality, for sale by •ttls-tt FROTHINGHAM As WELLS. THE DAILY EYENING BULL ETIN ; PH V T APFIPEIA. Tt'FSDAY. MARCH 29, 3864. ig. WE Fv^PECTFULLY OALLTHE ATTENTION OF the trade TO OUR STOCK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, . RIBBONS, SILKS, LACKS, VEILS, &c. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT ST. mhau- im COTTON WARPS. AND BUNDLED TWIST. All Numbers, Of Best Makes ALEX WHILLDIN & SONS, mh29 6W 20 and 22 South FRONT St. FURNITURE SELLING OUT. The Subscriber about decliniue the Cabinet Business at his old etand, 531 North SECOND street, now offers his Extensive Stock of First- Class Cabinet Ware for Sale. He invites the public in general to call and examine his new styles of furmture, which consist of Rosewood, Walnnt. and Mahogany, all the best, workmanship, at much reduced prices. Store to Rent, 115 feet long, together with a four •tory Factory on the two adjoning lots in the rear, fc intable for the manufacturing business. ,u mh2l)-6trp* GEORGE MECKE- WALL PAPERS . At Retail. We have devoted the first floor of oar building to the retailing of PAPER HANGINGS. and invite the attention of purchasers to onr un eqaaled assortment. Having the role agency of several of the largest Eastern mannfaciurersen ables ns to show a variety of NEW DESIGNS not to be found elsewhere in Philadelphia. Also DECORATIONS of the finest order and STAMPED GOLD PA PERS with the new color, SOLFERINO, intro ouccd, which for effect and Uchne&e of appear ance cannot be surpassed. 'Will be told at lair prices and put up on the walls by the best workmen* John H. Longstreth, mhSB-6t* No. 13 North. THIRD St. BARLOW’S INDIGt} JSLUE, PUT/UP AT WILTBERGER’S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, FHII-A.DKI.rHI A, Will color more water than four times the sam* quantity of ordinary Indigo. eyThe aew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO O ITS SATISFACTION; it Is retailed at the same price as the Imttatisns and Inferior articles. mb9-im rp) PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES C. FI MW, FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF HOWELL * BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decorations. SHOW BOOMS* 614 CHESTNUT STREET. fe24-3mo i ■ JV mitfe WEIGHT & SIDBALL % No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. 0. W. WRIGHT. V. H. SIDDAIA. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can llnd at our establishment a fall as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drugs, popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil,. Window Glass, Prescription Vlali. etc,, at as low prloes as genuine first class goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS gor Confectioners, In fall variety, and of the best q'uallty. Ooehln-al, Beneai Indigo, Madder, Pot ash, Cudbear, Soda Asa, Alnm, Uil of Ylirlol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of l ogwood. Ac., FOR DYERS'use, always on hand, at lowest net cash prices PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground express.yfor oar sales, and to which we invite attention of those in want ol reliable articles Also. INDiQO, STARCH, MUSTARD, ELVES &t a meeting to he held at the BAPTIST CHAPEL correr« f Eighteenth spriogGarden streets*on THUBBDAV EVENING-, 3lstlnst., at 8 o’clock. . WM. MANN, President G. A Hopfmah, Secretary mh29-3t4 HOSIERY AT RETAIL, J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 902 Chestnut street, Begs to inform his customers that he has now is store a complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY; Swiss Hosier;, In the Best Makes snd Suitable for the First-Class Retail Trade. mh2h-tfS “AT RETAIL” JAS. R, CAMPBELL & C0 H 727 OHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to tnelr stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments which they Lave ever offered. COTJRVOISIER’S KID GLOVES, Slack, white and col d. MOURNING- GOODS. 3-4 and 8 4 BAREGE HERNANI. 3-1 and 8-4 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TAMARTINES. ■ 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. 'MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in (treat variety. Ail widths and best brands. mbS-lm, STOCKS. Oil, Mining, Railroad and Other STOCKS, Bought and Sold at BROKERS’ BOARD. SMITH & RANDOLPH malLF 0^11 ™ rd street. GERMANTOWN PHARMACY. CHARLES L. EBERLE, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST AND DEAL ER IN SPECIALTIES. mMs-tufcth alt* BEDDING. MATTRESSES, IFE OTHERS, BLANKETS, 1 QUILTS, COMFORTABLES, |BED TICKINGS, And every other article in the Bedding basineu at the lowest cash prices. AHOS HILLBOBN’, fe26-3mt TENTH ST. BELOW ARCH ngT*iill .1 CORRECT PIANO TUNING. - BMSBMr. O. E. SARGENT’S orders foi HI i ! • Tuning and Repairing Pianos are re ceived at Mason k Co.’s Store, 967 CHESTNU3' street, only. Mr. Sareeant has had Eleven Years factory experience in Boston, and FiveTears’-cits omploymentin Philadelphia. SPECIAL—FIaam rt-UathercA to sound as soft and svrsst-tened at new, mtiumt removing. Terms lor tnning, #L ooU-Unrfl %vrr.TTj j FIR-T NATIONAL‘BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. Tliis Bank lias been authorized and is new; pre pared to receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. . This Loan, issued under authority of aaaotof Congress approved March 3,16G4, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars ($200, 000, 000) United States bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, in coin, dated March 1, ISG4, hearing interest at the rate of 5 PEB CENT per annum in coin, payable semi-annually on all bonds over $lOO and on Bonds ol SLOO and less, annually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomi xyHions of filty dollars, ($50, ) one hnndred dollars, ($100,) five hundred dollars, ($500,) one thonsand dollars, ($1,000,) five thonsand dollars, ($5,000,) and ten thousand dollars, (810,000,) and Coupon Bonds of the denominations ot fifty dollars, (sso,)' one hnndred dollars, (8100,) five hnndred dollars, $500,) and one thonsand dollars, ($1,000.) Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful moneyi the accrued interest in coin, (or In Uniied States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium until further notice,) from the first day of March or September, as the case may be, until the day of subscription and payment. C. H. CLAEK, mh29'tf NEW LOAN. u. s. io4o; 3 . JAY COOKE & CO. Offer for. Sale the . NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PEE CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time alter TEN YEARS at tbe pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS alter date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20' b. Tbe interest on Sso’s.and sloo’s payable yearly; on all other denominations, ball yearly. Tbe 10-40 Bonds are dated March l, 1564. The half-yearly interest falling due Septem ber Ist and March Ist of each yeat; until Ist Sep tember, tbe accrued interest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in coin or in 1.8G4X ccehskct, adding filty per cent, for pre mium until further notice. AT T. OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., mh29-tl,rps IX4 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GOVERNMENT LOAN, By direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby give notice that I am prepared to receive Subscriptions on account oT United States Bonds, authorized by the act of March 3d, 1864, bearing date March Ist, 1864, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after ten years, and payable forty years from d{iie,bearing interest at live per centum a year, payable on Bonds not over one hundred dollars annually, and pn all other Bonds semi annually, in coin. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Register* d Bonds will be issued of the denomi nations of Fifty dollars (850), One hundred dollars (£100). Five hundred dollars ($600), One thousand dollars (£1,000), Five thousand dollars (5,0U0), and Ten thousand dollars (S 10,000) and the Coupon Bonds of the denominations o! Fifty dJilars (S5U)> Ore hundred dollars (S 100), Five hundred dollars (S 500) and One thousand dollars (SMXK)). Subscribers will be required to pay m addition to the amount of the principal of the Bonds in lawful money, the accrued interest in com, (or in United States notes, or the notes of National Bauks, adding filty per cent, for premium until further notice,) from the first day of March fir September, as the case may be, until the day of subscription and payment. Upon the receipt of subscriptions, I will issue my certificate of deposit therefor in duplicate, the original of which will be forwarded by the sub scriber to the Secretary of the Treasury, Wash ington, with a letter'stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denominations of Bonds re quired. tjpohthe receipt of the original certificates at the Treasury Department, the Bonds subscribed for will be transmitted to the subscribers respec tively, as soon as the same can be prepared. It is expected that the first deliveries of Coupon Bonds will be made not later than the fourth (Ith) of April. ARCHIBALD MTNTTRE. inMLGt ASSISTANT TREASURER U. S. INDIA frBAWM I(\Dli IfcDIA SILKS; ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES. Choice Shawls of all kinds. Choice Diess Goods of all kinds. Choice Fancy, Goods. QEO FRYER, 916 Cheitnut Street, invites the attention of the I.adfes ,to his eleiint stock of SPRING SHAWL Sand OTHM ®OODS selected with great pare for best City trada.jnl9Jmi MTTmriATj BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, ulavine fSm two to twelve choice melodies, flaying BROTHERS, linporteftj^ * w J£b33 y No. tm Cbertuut street, below Fourth PRESIDENT. OFFICE OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR 108 THE S A NITARY COMMISSION* PHILADELPHIA, 1307 CHESTNUT STREET, JUABCH, 1861, The Committee on Finance and Donations ofther Great Central Fair, appeal for contributions in money, to those of their fellow-citizens who do not propose sending to the Fair the products of sbilj and industry. By far the larger portion of tbe money received on the occasion of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission in Cincinnati, Boston, and Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations in c ash, and not from-th& proceeds of the sale of articles exposed. What th*» Sanitary Commission needs .to afford relief to the sick. and wounded soldiers is money. in large amounts and from, all sources. We call, then, upon all bank* ers, corporations, capitalists, persons living upon incomes, professional" or otherwise; in short, upon all who will not be represented in he Fair by their productions to imitate the example of those who will, and to contribute liberally in money for this great object. In New York, although their Fair is not to be held for two weeks, contri« buttons of more than $200,000' in cash have been already received, a single department of trade, that of dr > goods, having made up more tban half that sum. Brooklyn, and Cincinnati have each contributed as much in money, and certainly the wealth liberality and patriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as less conspicuous than that of these communities. .Contributions will thankfully received by any of the members of the Committee. A. E. BORIE. Chairman, . S. A. MERGER, SAMUEL WELSH, THOMAS SPARKS, A. J. ANTELO, CALEB COPE, JOHN T. LEWIS. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jb., JAY COOKE. E. W. CLARK, WILLIAM O. KENT, E. O. KNIGHT. mh29-tn-th-s6 t CELEBRATION OF THE THIRD ANNIVERBARY FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY, (GRAY RESERVES,) Grand Military and Citizens’ Dress Soiree AND Promenade Concert, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, APRIL 19th, 1864. PROCEEDS TO BE DEVOTED TO THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE United States Sanitary Commission. mh2Si2t* . _ WRIGHT <&> CO., C. B No. 142 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE, Dealers in Government and State Securities* Quartermasters* Checks and "Vouchers, and Cer tificates of Indebtedness. Orders for the purchase and sale of Stocks anfi Loans p. omptly executed. mh2S lm§ ANDERSON CAVALRY, (loth PENN A. CAVALRY.) Suitable young men 77111 be accepted as recruits for this Regiment novr on tervice in East Ten *WM. J. PALMIER, Col. Com'dg, Cffice in Washington Building,. mh2S-6t# No. 274 South. THIRD Street. ATEW MOHBNING GOODS —BESSON l\ & SON have, opened their Spring and simmer stock ofßiack B6mbazines. English and French- summer Bombazines; Cbalys; Tammaiahs; Mousseline, lie Baines; Tamises; Grenadines; Grenadine Bareges, Barege Her nams; Byzantines: Bareges; Florentines; Foulaids; Orape Maretz: Tamartines; Dull ana Glossy Silks; bhawis of every descr p iion; Veils, Crapes, Collars, ftc.; Second Mourning Law s Organdies, Chintzes, <- ii ghams. Foulards, Poulins, Mohairs, Mousseline De-Laiues; Mozambique!,' Silks, Ac,. Ac MOTJNNING STOBE, No. 9iS Chestnut Street. SILK PAPER HAMmGrS. HOWELL & BROS./ NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS.> Would offer to their customers and the puhlio . * A Specialty ia Paper Hangings,. Exclusively their own Manufacture, viz: SILK INSERTINGS IN PAPER HANGINGS, • To 'which they ask the atteatioji of parties seekings Rich Decorations for Parlors, fco. HOWELL & BROTHERS, s. W. COBNEB NINTH AND CHESTNUT- We would also respectfully in-fit© the att*ntioiv of our customers to our Kew Styles of PAPER HANGINGS* DECORATIONS, Ac., &