XXXVniTH House Mr. Moorhead (Pa.) argued that »Vi S ■was an infamous and causeless rebellion, I-. was a -wicked and premeditated attempt to 'dt stray the XJnion and free government, and establish on their u-nins a hateful despotism, with the aid of Euro, pean intrigue. The man who sympathizes with it is a traitor, and would betray his country He spoke in condemnation of the course of President Buchanan, and the encouragement given ro tin; rebels to inaugurate war, and predicted tli .t-he • day would coine when the false friends, of the Union would be Consigned to reserved.; infamy. President Lincoln had wisely administered the go’, vernment, and had scrupulously regarded puoliu and private rights. Hence tbe.people demand his re-election. His proclamations of emancipation are not alone sufficient. We should resort tolegis lation to make the destruction of slavery complete • and to that end xhere should be an amendment of the Constitution. Ourfinancial success isithe won cel of the world, and our military success will make onr country the favored spot of alfthe earth and the asylum ol the oppressed of every nation, where merit and honest labor will recei ve'their 1 nil "reward, r . . Y.) charged the Administration rrv.~ ~e feceatest crimes which could be committed. n 0 e £JF e or intention of bringing tbe Si*? a close. They are making no calcination , 0r ... outaro shaping everything for; the pro longation of the contest. If they haddesired to re store peace and the Union they might have done so' iongago. Every soldier killed was :nurd.-ivd ~y the Administration, and every dollar spent w is -o much abstracted and lost to the honest labor of tbe country. It was tbe first and most imperative duty of the bring tbe war to a close. If they failed to do so they were morailv guilty of treason. Onr military operations had produced barren fruits. Tbe ruling minds ot the dominant party keep the war alive asitheb-st means of prolonging their power. He contended they imejio right to interfere with the domestic institutions of the South, and this was done by the insane worshipers of the negro. As fori the De mocracy, they would close the war as sooii they conld, compatible with honor, irrespective of the Presidential election. The salvation of the country depends more upon the ballot-box than upon our armies. Some hope may be expeett d from General Grant of satisfactory military results, but: with the abolition party political domination is held -npe rior to the restoration of tbe Union. Re-elect Lin coln, and the war will continue throughout iiis ■second term, the plunderers and contractors still prosper, while the public debt will become too great to be oorue. Mr. Eckley (Ohio)—iiis voice being almost inau dible m ihe reporters’ gallery—was understood 10 review the inception and progress of the rebellion* atd the political influences which produced it.and to advocate a vigorous prosecution of the war to secure the blessings of peace. Mr Harrington (Ind.) argued that before-.he Emancipation proclamation there was passed no Conscription law, the hideous feature of which it •vsas now sought to conceal bv the plea of military necessity. The President and his wick-d advisers had unblushingly broken lai'h with a generous and confiding people. Armed power was para lyzing and overshadowing the rights of the people. Tito war was prolonged to pul! down the white man to an equality with the negro, and for this the President uses remorselessly the blood of the na tion The acts of the President mark the path which led to the French Revolution, which pro duced its Murats and Robespietres and their co adjmois, who, in the name of universal liber y, disgraced humanity. Under this Adminisu ation ■there was no hope of compromise. He sa ,v n o way bnttoke.p and supply our armies in the Held, andholdthe mal-administration of the President responsible before the people. The Union and the Constitution must be restored, and this co .Id be done only by the people. He declared the ordi nances of secession void, and that the constitution and laws of seceded Slates were in full f.u-ce, and only needed the removal of treasonable obstruc tions to resume healthy operation. Mr. Harding (Ky.) asked why, after spending three thousand million dollars and sacrificing eight hundred thousand lives, we have n-j peace 1 The answer would be found in the fact that the Ad ministration and its party have betrayeu the cause of Union and become a revolutionary party, making war not to restore the Union but to erect a different one on its ruins. " He chaTged ;hey had violated their solemn pledges, and themselves furnished evidence of their own disloyalty. He argued against any interference with the institution of slavery, and declared that tho President was self •accnsed and self-condemned of trampling on the Constitution cf his country. The House, at half-past four, adjourned. BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE L. BUZBY, 1 EDWARD O. BIDDLE, J Monthly Committbh, THOMAS S. FERSDN, ) IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin BORDEAUX—Brig Louis, Gautier— lo 3 casks brandy 2 bxs samples H Bohlen& Uo; 10 casks wine M Semelades; 301 baskets oil O S & T Oarstairs: 100 Ao do 1 cask vinegar E S Sayres; 90 casks brandy Dufour & Gardrat; 62 casks brandy 1 do samples 21 do wine 452 bags walnuts E Castillon; 210 cb wine 14 casks do 60 cs liquor 250 do oil 200 do champagne 112 do kirsch 20 do vermouth 50 do mustard 10 do sar dines 7 do edibles A Stephaai &. Co; 70 casks wine 50 cs champagne Walden, Koehn A Co; 16 casks brandy D Gillman; 2 casks wine J Hauel; 25 do branoy Wellington & Cox; 20 bales corks OF&G G Lennig; 10 do do 206 casks brandy 125 cases cham pagne 6 casks cresm tartar 2 do crystal do order. SAILI&e SAYS OP STEAMSHIPS, TO ARRIVE. SKTPfi TBOK 808 OATS C of Manchester. Liverpool.. New York. ..March 16 Peruvian .Liverpool.. Portland March 17 Africa Liverpool.. Boston March 19 Teutonia .....Southampton...New York March 19 Kangaroo Liverpool.. New York jiarch 19 City of London.. Liverp’l.. New York March S 3 Persia Liverpool.. New York March 26 TO DEPART. Arabia Boston... Liverpool March 30 Cof Washington..N York.. Liverpool April 2 Germaniv. New York.. Hamburg April 2 N. American Portland... Liverpool April 2 China ...NewYork..Liverpool April 6 Peruvian New York.. Liverpool April 9 Africa Boston.. Liverpool April 13 Teutonia New York... Hamburg... April 16 LETTER BAGS AT THH MBBCHAHTB' BXOHANOB, PHILADELPHIA Ship Gen. Williams. Hatfield Liverpool, soon Bark Linda, Hewitt Oienfuegos, March 27 PORT 07 PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 28. Sct Rises,s49 | Sun Sbte, 6 111 Hies Watbb, 6 8 ' ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig Louise (Fr),Gautier,67 days from Bordeaux, with orandy, wine, Ac. to A Stephanl A 00. Put Back —Brig Bush, Harriman,hence for Port Royal, returned yesterday afternoon to repair dam ages sustained at the Breakwater during the'late gale. ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. Schr Ann Sherman, Berry, 5 days from Provi lienee, in ballast to captain. Schr Wm P Cox, Houck, 2 days from Mortis Ri ver, in ballast to captain. Steamer Ruggles, McDermott, *4 hours fromN York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Alida, Lenny, 24 hours' from New York, With mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Leader, Callahan. 36 hours from Alex andria, with mdse to Thos Webster. Steamer Atalantie, Trout, 1 day from Fort Mon roe, in ballast-to U S Quartermaster. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Bark Radiant, Flinn, Boston, Noble.Ualdwell & Co. Bark St James, Wood, Boston, Twells & 00. Schr West Wind, Gilman, Mayaguez, PR. J Mason & Co. Schr J F Farlan, Lisoum, Key Weat, D S Stetson 6c Co. Schr C A Heckßcher, Smith, Roxbury, L Audenried & Co. Schr J Turner, Walker, Lewes, Del, captain. Schr W P'Cox, Houck, Fort Monroe, Tyler Bc. Co. Schr J H Wainwright, Mulford, Port Royal, do Schr S N Smith, Studley, Boston, Blakiston, Graff & 00. Schr C A Stetson, Stevenß, Lynn, do St’r R Willing, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. St’r Hope, Warren, New York, W P Clyde. MEMORANDA. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, cleared at Boston 26th Inst, for this port. Steamship Liberty, Wilson, cleared at New York 26th Inst, for New Orleans. Steamship George Washington, Gager, for New Orleans, cleared at New York 26th inßt. Ship Arzilla, Sulis, at Liverpool 12th Inst, for this port 13th. Ship Northampton, Herse, sailed from Province town 2oth inst. for New. Orleans, In tow of steam ship Star of the South. Ship Seaman’s Bride, Wyman, cleared at Boston 26th inst for San Francisco. Bark John Trucks,Taylor,cleared at New Orleans 16th inst. for this port, In ballast. Bark Minnesota, Watson, hence at New Orleans 18th inßt. On the 15th and 16th ult. in the Delaware Bay, experienced very heavy weather—had to cut away anchors and chains, and received other dam age. , Bark Harriet Spaulding, Wallace, oieared at New Orieanß lSth inst. for this port, in ballast. ’ , U ar .X® ei “» Osgood, hence,was laid up at Bang kok, 26th Jan. ’ r Bark :-erene (Dutch), Schroot, for this port, re -named at Rotterdam sth iDst. - Bark FomonMDutch), Haddeman, for this port,' at Rotterdam Bth inst. * * Brig Wm Crcevy, Little, cleared at New Orleans 15th mat. for this port. Bri* Alice IVlaude, Edgett, sailed from Saeua 12th ‘lust, for this port. ° Brig John Sherwood, Smith, cleared at N York *26th inst. for New Orleans. Brig Mary C Marriner, Marriner, sailed from Havana isth inst. forSagua to load for this port Brig Belle Bernard, Coombs, from New Orleans. Matanzas 16th inut. OrieanB S ?2ih 1 InstT 0 *B**’ 8 **’ SUobll4 & e ' incest New :rst session. Washinqtoni March 26. Brig San Antonio, JacJtson, hence, was passed in the river, below New Orleans 19th Inst. , Brig E- P -Stewart, Cain, was in the river, below New Orleans. 19th Inst. Brig Alruccabah, Bray, hence below Boston 26th inriant. Brig John Robbins, Nickerson, cleared at New Ot ii’ttui- istb inst. for this port, in ballast. Brig Julia, Smith.hence, below New Orleans ISth instant. "c-lir John. Pultz, hence below New Orleans ISth Inst. waß spoken on the 12th, repairing sails, having carrlei J'hem away,in a squall the night previous. Schr Alice B, Chase, hence at New Orleans, 18th instiint Schr Ned, Biggins,, cleared at New Orleans 17th lust, for tfflr port, with 18 bales cotton, 28 bbls 74. bhds sugar, 72 bbls-molasses. 194 emply casks, 628 bxs glass, 2 Wilb tar, and 61 pkgs mdse. riHiPJPINU, STEAM WEEKLY TO LITER. JSag&t. POOL, touching at QUEENSTOWK (Cork Harbor)—The well-known Steamers of tht Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamatiy Company are intended to sail as follows : EDINBURGH... Saturday, March 26 CITY OF WASHINGTON..Saturday, April 2 CITY OF MANCHESTER ..Saturday, April 9 And every succeeding Saturday at Noon, troE Pier 44 North River. ' RATES OF PASSAGE: PAYABLB IN SOLD OE ITS- HQUIYAISNY IN CttX Ist Cabin. Steerage. S3O Of: Ist Cabin to London. S 5 Do. to iLoadou 3 : J W .lst Cabin to Paris.,.. 95 Do. to Paris., ib ex ist Cabin to Hamburg 00 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers also forwarded, to Harre, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, die., at equally low rates. FaBBS FBOM liTTBBPOOL OB Q.U2BWSTOW?.- ?trst Cabin, 875. §B5. 8105. Steerage from Laver pooJ and Queenstown, 830. Those wiio wiab ic p nd for their friends can buy tickets bore at th&.r. rates. For further Information, applv at the Comp* uy’ s Office*. JOHN Ch DADD, Agent, mh23 ill Walnut street, Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA SamMl* STEAMSHIP LI NE—Sailing from eacl. port on Saturday—From first wharf above Pint street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston, or Saturday, April 2, 1864. The steamsdip SAXON, Captain Matthews, will tail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday. April 2d, at id o’clock, A. M., and sieamshls EOKHAN, Capuun Baker, from Boston for Phli". adelphia on Saturday, April 2d. at 4 P. M. These new and substantial Steamship, forme regular line, sailing from each port punctually os Saturdays. ' Insurance at one-half the premium charged by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts one bills of lading with their goods. For freight or passage, having fine accommoOe tious. apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., ' 332 Sonth Delaware avenue. FOR ALEXANDRIA, GEORGE 2BSB2SSa.TOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand’t >u-am Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at 1 M., and every Saturday at BA. M. Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEYINNY, Cap t ar. Bristow. Steamer S. SEYMOUR, Captain Room Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain' Stewart These steamers form a sbjni-weekly linebetweei Philadelphia and the above ports, salllngregularlj as advertised, and carrying freight lower than bj any ether route. Freights received CTery day and bills of lading given. Applv to TBOMAi WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. * selO-tf fg&Sfb. for NEW. YORK.-DESPATOt SiaS9S!»and SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dria ware and Raritan Canal.—The steamers of thesi Ines are leaving dally at 12 o’clock, M-, and o’clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnnt s; For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A 10., 132 South Delaware avenue. tgS&F?* FOR NEW YGRK-Ne-w Dally Lint JzeSarsa—via Delaware and Raritan Uanal- Pbiiadelphla and New York Express Steamboat Company will receive freight and leave daily at s P. M., delivering their cargoes in N«w York tbe 'oliowing day 3. Freight taken at reasonable rams. WILLIAM F. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, FhUadi. JAMES HAND, Agent, Jy2s-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, K. Y. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LIKE. -AILING REGULARLY AS ADVEETisED The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship WIZARD KING Is now rapidly loading at pier 11, East Elver. This beautiful clipper comes to her berth with large portion of her eargo on board, sun having large engagements will fill rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KING to all ship pers to San Francisco as Ibe most desirable vesta! cow loading, and invite inspection. Sbipperß will confer a tavor by sending their freight immediately alongside. BISHOP, SON As CO., tf' 105 Arch street, above Front. EOK LIVERPOOL— With Q,uick Dispatch HSS— Tht flue Neutral packet skip GENERAL WILLIAMS. Hatfield, master, having the bulk of Dei cargo engaged, will sail soon. For balance of freight, apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, US Walnut street. . mbll-tf -dSa PETROLEUM PREIGIIT FOR LIV 2e§HS ERPOOL—The fine Br ttsh bark SHER u I>, ——■ master, having the greater cart ot her c. rgo engaged, will have quick dispatch for the above port. For balance of freigbi, apply to WOBKMAN&CO.. 123 Walnut street. mh2s PETROLEUM FREIGHT FOR LIV SSgERHOC L—The fine Bremen bark PAUL- Ij'TEr f’sterloh, master, will have q uick dispatch. r or halanc- of freight, aj ply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 116 Walnut street. mh2l-tl FOR NEW ORLEANS—The bark DUES- SjHHiPEN, Captain Beed, having the bulk ol her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For-balance of weight, apply to WORKMAN A CO.. 123 Walnut street. mb 19 FOR BOSTON—Express Line—Tbe tin* 2£gS packet schooner MARY A. RICH, Captain haldy, is now receiving freight at Cattel's wharf, third wharf above Market street, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID rOQPEB. 18 North Wharves. - FOR SALE The Philadelphia-built, Sggl! copper-fastened and coppered bark IRMA, mussell, master, 2,200 bbls. capacity, iB daily ex pected irom Cnba, and-will be sold on arrival. Apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO., Dock street Wbatf. mh2S-0t FOR SALE—Schooner PAOIFIO, SO tons register, carries 1 00 tons, 800 barrels capacity, in good running order, dally expected. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. mh2l A. JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, SAIL. BSSftMAKERS, No. 244 North WARVES, belost Vme street, Philadelphia. All work done in the best 'manner and on uu owest and most favorable terms, and warranter to glve*perfeet satlsfactloi). .mhls-tf Particular attention given to repairing. THE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sngar, Jc barrel Molasses, 'X box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL FRED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Ourtz, will please call for the same at BISHOP, SON A CO.’ S, 185 Arch street. mhlB NOTICE.— All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting anv of the crew of the British Behoener DART, Conrad, master, from Oienfuegos, as no debtß of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. J. E. BAZLEY A 00., 122 South Wharvcb. mh24-Gt AJ OTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned AT.?®‘ 11Bt,rustin K an J of the crew of the Br.ship GENERAL WILLIAMS, Hatfield, master, f-o;n Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will he l*hid hy captaluor consignees. PETER W RIGHT A SONS. 115 Walnut street mh2l-tf TOBACCO AND SEHABg; T 0 ®^^. 0 — 57 has. Maryland Tobacco; 15 Ola Kints : do ,167 cases Pennsylvania Seed r-est, 32 old :57 cases Navy, pounds. For sals hv BOLDIN A WARTMAN, rf0.105 North Wat£ street. mi, -.4 AVANA CIGARS ’ A good assortment constantly in Store and bond—at lowest rates for cash. STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, mh2-3mo» No. 216 S. Front Street. PENNSYLVANIA SEED LEAF TOBACCO. A 19 Case- Pennsylvania Sea Leal Wrappers and Filers, in store and for sale by GEORGE Ah. KIN’S A CO., 154 North DELAWARE Ave nue - ' mb 17 - HAVANA CIGARS.—3OOO Havana Cigars re- S 1 Louise, and for sale by ’> i t f -' l i, G A E ALKIN’S A CO., 151 North DELA WARE Avenue. , mhl7 \TIRGINIa MANUFACTURED Tdlui i- A-JJ? ®|® ST arrival since the was fu| ofe?ei?K 0 fe?ei?K Sl^'SS schooner Florence, and for sale bv ■ - THOMAS WEBSTER, Ja., General Agent Union Steamship Company, ’ " la Nf *rib Delaware averma • SCOTT’S. ; fix'— WSSfiiZ _ LIVERY STABLES, York avenue," between Buttonwood and NnfiTs - , streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that can injure another will be ad raitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or Is taken away. Boarders receive.medictil attend, ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customersfor these are mostrespeot full* reqnested to bring a reference. Terms mod nrala, hnf cash payments. * feld-SnH CANARY SEED.—TWENTY-FIVE tfiBLS Prime Canary Seed In store and for sale by WOWfOTAN A Or> - Ue’73 Wtjl- ftreof fHi:DAILY MKHTOtf BULLETIN fttoNfifif-' MAfiCE 28, 1804 /^ I : f jTUiKGAjsi>OLOi l materials. \j - . , ■ , ' • Navy Dei’autmf.nt, ) Bueeau of Peotisions AND Oj-OTHING. > M roll 12- ISfii. ) SaEBARATE PMOPGSAUS,seaIed andendorsed ‘‘Proposals for Navy Clothing and Ma- ’ will be received at this office until I*2 o’clock M.,. on the l2tb day April next, for furnishing and delivering (on receiving forty days’ notice) «i the United Matey navy vardsat. Charles town, Massachusetts ; and Bro’okiyn.-Now York, in such numbers t.nd quantities and atsuch time 3 as may bo sj emitted ay tbe Chief of this bureau, or by the commandants of Lhe said navy yard-, respectively, duinig the remainder of the flscal 3***ar ending-on the.3e:h day .of June, 1851, the numbers and quantities of the ditf-rent articles and at the places spealied in the following list, viz.: Bno cloth trowsexi, pairs... Xlitie satinet U'uw*ers, pairs Citnyas duck irowsers. pairs. Barnsley sLeetinir frocks...., Blue llamie) overshirts Blue sa.tiiir'U ’yaM* Blue flannel, yards Barns ey sheeting, yards ruck, yards Bine nankin, yards * Calf-skin laced shoes, pairs.. Kip-skin slices, pair5......,.] Woolen socks, pai r s . Bi.ntc esses, two covers lor each; ... 500 5,000 B)ank‘ts 20,000 5 000 Bines silk hanc kerebic's 4,1/00 Offers may one or mom articles, at tbe option of the bidder, and in ea-** 4 more chan one article is eomaiued in the offer, the chief of t f e Bureau will have the risht to aerept’one ormoreof the articles eoniained in.snch offer and rej>* t the remainder. Th jn-ice mast be bw'j'orm, and offers mus* embrace all of any ojh or more articles deliverable at Jill the sta'iims. !• or the description of article m tb* above list, bidders are referred to the samples at the said Navy rrrds, and to th A advertisement of *his Bureau, dated July 8. i.'rfe', ami for information, as to tlit* Jaws smd regulations (in pamphlet form) regarding contracts to tbe officers of tb- sever.d commaud ants ol Navy Yards and Navy Aleuts. Blankjurm* of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to \hr jVi/t'y Ayen’s at Port• mouth? Ihmp shire; Poston, A'cio Torl; y Philadelphia , Baltimore, and at mliH*tn4t^ Proposals fok bituminuus woals - Seal«-d Proposals will be received at the offne of the Philadelphia Gas Worts, No. *2u South SEVEN TH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, *2*2d of April, 1804, for supplying the whole or any part 0? Eighty Thousand Tons if Bituminous Ooih, Milt able for the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to bp delivered on the Raiiroad tracks of the Gas Work? at the First Ward aid the Ninth Wa~d S atious, it ‘he following monthly quantities ; e gh T thousand tons in ench of the months of September, October. November, December, and sir thousand tons in each of the months of dupe, July. August, iSfil and January, February, March, April and May The coals must be delivered dry, and of a approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. The proposals most describe the particular va riety of cdaiv irieud- j tore supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or* pit from wuLlj tney :ueto. be raised. • 1j they are of a kind u t now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not loss than fiftv tons, most be delivered anhe Works, on or before the ?t!i of April next Ihe gross on of gv4i» pouuds will be considered as the weight intended m-the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated.* The Trustees refer v the rieht to accept any pro posals in whole or m part, or to reject all as they may deem be=r lor the interests of the Trust, aud in the event ei failure on the pa tof ank contrac tor to deliver the coals according to his both in quantity and quality, the Trus’ees r-*s- rve the right to bny eisevrhere whatever quaai::\ may be required to meet the deficiency, and ekargV to the contractor any loss or damage arising from eachfat'ure Payments will be made monthly, in twoeqnas Instalment* at four and six month? a’ter the spec; fled periods oi delivery, the 15;h of each moult beiug takes as th* average of the monthly iMive nes, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest pIIV Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier tlianrequired. they maybe received sofai they can be conveniently stored, but parraent? will be trade to date from the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of contract witlb* required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be ffrrfd. JOHNO. OHESSON, Engineer in Chief. (h OLD’S IMPROVED STEAM y Aat. WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming aud Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manulactured by tbe UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. J AMES P WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. mhis-emt B M. FELTWKLL, Suo’t THOMSON’S T.UNDdN KIICHENER. J’yj OR EUROPEAN RANGE, tor families, AW-QJ hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY NifitY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Philadel phia Rangi-h. Hot Air Furnace-. Portable Heaters, Lowilown Grates. Firebuard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stev. bole Plates, Broilers, Couking Stoves, Ac.,at .wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers CHASE, SHARPE A THOMSON, mbTm, w. f,6me No 200 N. Second street. rpHOIAS S. DIXON, i Late Andrews A Dixon, SO. 1324 CHESTN UT street, FniladslphlSL, Opposite United States Mint, Manufactnrers of * LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFvihr, AND OTHER GjBATBS, For Anthracite, Bitnmraoos and Wood JTirta ALSO, • WARM AIR FURNACES, For warming public and private buildings. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY OAFS, HOOKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mv4 TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRISTOWN PA., FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOY'S.— The Sommer Session of Four months will com meuce on TUESDAY, April 5, at which time there will be room for additional pupils. The last term, was filled to the extent of the domestic arrangements. JOHN W. LOOH, Principal. Ii.MPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN.—A depart- Jl\» raent for teaching Women Telegraphing has been commenced in 'he School of D-sign building, 1334 CHESTNUT Street. Ladies wishing to learn may apply as above. Charge for instruction, 825." mhs-imo§ ANNIE L. OOLLADAY. INFANT’S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. Thli Institution, providing a refined home and the ten derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age; will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila. delphiaby Railroad. For particulars apply tc Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevenß, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city; also to Abraham Martin. Esq. fe!7-3m{ MARSHAL’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN OAD WALADEF, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to tbe highest and best bidder for casn, at MtOHENERS STORE, No. 142 North FRONT street, on MONDAY, April 4, 1864, at 12 o’clock M., tbe cargoes, and parts of cargoes, of sloops Persia, Buffalo, Sylvanu*, and schooner Mary, consistiug of 1 bag Sea Island Colton. 124 bales and bags of Upland Cotton, 11 bbls. Whiskey, 53 esses Gin. 9 demijohns Rum. 3 cases Cotton Cards, 2boxes Horse Shoe Nails, and 4 csilß Manilla Rope. . WILLIAM MILLWARD, , U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PniLADKi.eitiA, March 24. ISG4. mh'26-6t IMPORTED DRESS PATTERNS.—SPRING OPENING. 1023 CHESTNUT Street. TEM PLE OF FASHION! Mrs. M. A. BINDER, Im porter and Designerol Frenoh English and Amer ican Fashions, will open THIS DAY a handsome assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, Dresses, Waists, Jackets, Fashionable Sleeves and Obil dren’€ Dresses for the Spring of 1804, at X 023 O H ESTNUT Street, in front of the Academy of Fino Arts. Elegant Dres3 and Cloak Making in all its branches, and a perfect.flt. warranted; Ontting and Basting at the shortest notice; French Fluting and Goffering, Stampingfcr Embroidery and Braiding; Pinking In every variety. . Mndame Demot est’s Prize Mqdal Skirts, French Corsets, Skirt Elevators, Pads,Hooks, F.yes, Charts and Quarterly Mirror of Fash ion, Bradley’s Woven Skirt and Skirt Supporter. Importing and manu facturing largely, 1 can and will offer superior in ducements to every customer. mln-m, w,f, UJW COPPER aNI) YELLOW METAL SHE4.TH ING, Braziers, Copper. Nalls, Bolts and Ingot" Copper, constantly on hand, and far sale by HENRY WINSOR Sc CO., ‘332 South Wharves. PROPOSALS. STOVES, HEATERS, &C. EDUCATION MARSHAL’S SALES. R Y JOHN B. MYERS & 00,, Nnc , Auctioneers, .* a-w vSJ 1^"834 Market street, corner or Bank. 800T E SALE uF uuu PAOKAIi e.- *c &c’ * SHOES ’ BROG-ANS, ARMY GOODS, A?in „T , E ? DAY MORNING. MARCH 29, reSirT-e 0^10^^ 11)8 sold ’ b P oataiogne, withoui noo^S-W» F S UK MONTHS’ CREDIT, aboa> 8 Boots ’ Shoes, Srogans, Balmroalt a ™FtSwn and Shoes - * c -> *c-, of: Oil, aSd SSi™ manufacture, . embracing a fresh anTSrel articles, foi ;ucr';;ictTof 3 ™]^ lca wifcb “ataleguea early on th> DARGE SANE OF BOOTS, SHOES BRf). NOTICF A 4 b MY GOODS, &c. ' shoes s.rSrli C A de , d OUT sale of boots, snoes, sira w goods, &c., to be held on , At-r?^ S V AYMO:RNI:ra , March 29, prfiL and S‘‘ found 1,1 ! mrt tbo following ’umpn a f4 m pa/t : e ’ “ be 30ld w,thout reaßr ™’ air'd bofs?cnif^ I 1 i J , < "“ 8 T eEsbootsand shoes; men’s iea’her hrnS'« ! d , klp brogans: men’s flne patent lea her boots and shoes: raen’s and ini shoes*' 1 ?IhM d f ai “boots; high cut mildary shoes, jouths’ halt welt kip boots; men’s do women s and misses’ goat Uai moral boo’s* mo’ rocco boots; flne city made kid welt buskin’s* • ia v i’ 1 ’ a Iltr boots; kid R. B. ties; colored’’and black lasting buskins;’a flue city made CJli, morocco and kip boots; men's pump sole grain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots* men’s pump sole calf boots; do* seal pum“soh b ‘,°d * w°. men ’ s lined and bound boots; youths kip 1 brogans; -misses’ grain ties* ndsses gram buskins;, misses’ spring heel grair lace boots; women’s grain lace boots: women’s grain aes; boys’ kip brogans; misses’ glazed mo rocco boots, men’s half welt calf do.; youths’ hall well calf do; children’s brogans; cavalry boots; traveling bags, straw goods, &c, Boston . N, York, 7,5».0 3,500 6,5*0 ‘ 5:»l 1.500 • 1,000 2.000 5.000 6.U00 2,000 IS, Otni 50,00 110,000 15, Olio . 2 OHO 7, 000 21,0>K» 3 01)0 •5-000 23,000 PERErdHTORY SAEE OF EURO g^ods. l a? ia and mi:rioas »RY ■We will hold a large sale of British, German. Irenchand American Dry Goods, bv catalbzne en I OUR MONTHS’ CREDIT and nlrtiarcaTh ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31 commencing atpreeisely io o’clock comprising nf p-jii ™ PACKAGES AND LOT* oi .British, German, French, India and American Dry Goods, embracing a large, full hnd fresh as sortment vVoo»en, "Worsted. Linen, Cotton and Silk Goods lor city and country sales. Ts B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for j arrjnation, ■with catalogues, earlv on tbe morn ing of the sale, when dealers will llml to their interest to attend. SALE OF CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL I, • At precisely l(>is o'clock, will be sold, without by catalogue, on POUR MONTHS OItEDiT, an assortment o< Brussels, threeply, suj-.erhn* and fine ingrain, Venitian, hemp and rag carpetings, white and red check Canton mattings, «kc , which may be examined early on the rnorn )nF of sale. FCRNFSS. BEINLEY & OO.; No* «ll CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC DR > <*OODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 2P, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months’ CTtdit— packages and lots of fresh Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, " Oatalopnes and samples early on monuajrof *ale IEAB AKD MODE_ADPACAS AND MO- 7 cases drab and mode alpacas and mohairs *2 do Alexandria cloths. I do JilaLChester ginghams. I.INJEN DAMAbK TABLE CLOTHS AND ON TUESDAY MORNING-, 5-5 to extra fine all linen snowdrop and damask tapkms. b'-l to !tM nil linen snow drop and damask table clottis. 600 CARTONS RIBBONS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. 60fl cartons Nos. 4a<>o plain and brock© figured poult tie soie ribbons BLACK SILK YELYET RIBBONS. cartons Nos. to 20'super quality blk silk velvet nbbwts. STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ON TUESDAY MORNING, Consisting ol—Shawla cßaks, Balmorals, f:re nadiuts. Moaambuiues, hosiery, Ac. BALMORALS. SHAWLS. SILKS, Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING-, 2 cafes largo.size Balmorals. wool trlnge black de lain* shawls plaid wool do "do 2!a.>> inch lieavr black pros d* Rhinos. 20 CASKS AND BALES BLEACHED AND ' BROWN SHEETINGS FOR CASH. Alto, hear y double twist jtlaid cottouades. 3WO DOZEN PLAIN HEMSTITCHED, PRINTED AND TUCKED LINEN OASI BKIO HDBFS. All Liuen. for Citv Retail Trade. ON-TUESDAY, Coniisting of— -5-8 corded border linen cambrie hdkfs, fine to extra superfine. 3-4 do do • do 5-S superfine hemstitched do.— 5 6 extra hemstitched and tucked do. do do mourning do do, 3-4 extra quality hemstitched do. ?•? printed border and hemmed do. SUPERB (QUALITY DOUBLE LINEN SATIN rASIA;KT\BLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. Finest qualitv imported. lO-4xlo 4, 10-4x12-4 and HMxiC-l table cloths 7-?q4-1 napkins. SAXONY BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, For Ci:v Tra'e. ON TUESDAY MORNING-, cases super Saxony black and white checks all wool tiding. do super Saxony crepe checks, do do do jacquard figured do. SALE OF 3t«o PARIS BLK AND COLORED THIBET MOUSLINE LONG and SQUARE SHAWLS, FANCY SATIN BORDER MO ZAMBIQUE AND OHALLY SHAWLS. ON TUESDAY' MORNING, I*2-4 and 14-4 blacn and col’d Thibet shawls, siUf" and wool fringes. 12*4 and 14-4 blk and col’d mousline de laine shawls, 14-4 new style Parisfancy Mozambique do. 14-4 broche and silk border chally do. 14 4 all wool plaid shawls. SALE ON ACCOUNT UNDERWRITERS, FOR CASH: ,°N TUESDAY MORNING. M&rchis9th, at 10 o’clock, for cash— -1 case 6-4 black alpacas. 5 do Jancy dress goods Slightly damaged ot the voyage of importation, per steamers Louisiana and Pennsylvania. ON FRIDAY MORNING, SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL I, At 10 o’clock, by catalogue on lour months’ credit— SCO packages and lots of Fancy and Staple French Goods. POULT DE.SOIE TRIMMING and BONNET RIBBONS. Of Superior duality, JustXanded. ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 1, at lCo* clock. on four months’ credit. •ST" Particulars hereafter. BY THUMBS BIBCH& SON Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, No. 914 CHESTNUT street, above Ninth. SALE OF FINE MARBLE VASES,, OF AGATE, BARDIGLIO AND A MARMO STONF, FANCY GOODS, &c. ON TUESDAY and THURSDAY MORN INGS. March2yth and 31st. At 10 o’ clock, at 639 Arch street, will be sold the Furplus stock of elegant Italian marble vases, large bronxe figures and fancy goods, ot Messrs. Viti Bros., (late VitoViti & Sons) who intend re linquishing the retail branch of their business and removing to their office in front street. 3 he collection will be arranged for examination with catalogues on Monday, asth inst. Sale at No. .317 north Second street, STOCK OF. NEW CABINET FURNITURE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. At 10 o clock, at No. 347 north Second sireet, will be sold, the stock of a Cabinetmaker remov ing, comprising a variety of wa nut spring seat tete a tetes and sifas, spring seat parlor chairs, rockers and arm chairs, centre and bouquettablesj, with* marble tops; walnut chamber furniture, etegere, bat racks, cottage furniture, cane seat chairs, lounges, &c. Catalogues will be ready and the furniture may be examined on Monday and Tuesday. Thomos Birch & Son will give their personal attention to the sale of Furniture at the residence* of those about breaking up housekeeping o? re moving. Also, hold sales of furniture every FRIDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock, at thou tpKClous Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut street. TEETH THE BEST AKE THE 3nir& OHEAPEST. —Sets mounted on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, and on Platina plates with con tinnous gum fAlton’s), beautiful and natural in appearance, and accurately fitted, may be ob tainedat the shortest notice of O. B. FOSTER, M. D., Dentist, mhs-lm* US.. FINE, PJR &OTIOAL. DENTIST ÜB3XP for tlie last twenty years, 219 VINE Street below Third, Inserts the most beautiful TEETH o’ the age, mounted on fine Hold, Platina, SUyer Vulcanite, Coralite, amber, *o., at prices fo' neat and substantial worn, more reasonable that any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last lor life. Artiilcial Teeth repaired to suit No pain in extracting, aii worh warranted to fit ■Reference." best famines. de29-3mf AUCTION SALES. HAIRS, Ac. NdPMNS, F(»K cask SALE 0F.1200 CARTONS DENTISTRY No. 1233 CHESTNUT street. AUCTION SALES. - M THOMAS A SONS, AUCTIONEER* . No*. 139 and 141 South Fourth strev- STOQXB AND BEAL ESTATE—TU ESDAI • „ ■ , NEXT. . pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing jQll descriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday nest, 2M*h inst, with a list of sales sth, ]-tn and 19th April, comprising a large amount andgreatvariety of valuable property,'by order ol Orphans' Const, Esecutors and others. B * ALES atthb auction S THURSDAY Particular attention given to sales at privatt residences, &c. *' or stocks and bead estats at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’cloci noon. . . of each property Issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale 106 f catalogues, In pamphlet form, giving full deacrlp- S 3 OGKS. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 29, At 12 o’ clock noon,, at the Exchange, will be EOtd— Executors’ Sale—Estate of Susannah Brooks. SHI2 Lehigh CoabaedNav. Co. Loan. (ISro). SI.2UU Scbnylki}l Navigation Loan, 1537. • SOW) do. do. do 1832. . „ L J i? ccount of whom it may concern—2 S5OO bonds Susquehanna Coal and Iron Co. n 7 ESTATE SALE, MAECH 29. Georce“T.'Rh^° Ur . t E eren >P lor J Sale-Estate ol B1I)(+F l’n dec ° ° ver 26 ACRES on the w®V <°PP° sit * the estate sold 27th * *1 ■ ’ ’h he di \ ided and sold in 5 lots See Lithognphjc plan, .ter Brick clay oCpanofth* dec' i n CUt i O i S L cA 1 ?. - Estate of Anthony Rnffner, and VALUABLE LOTS OF OKOLN D -lstand 23d IV arae, GERMANTOWN HOAD and NIOEIOWN LANE. JPulesiey at LU/tmstand Bair st—about l? ACRES. 3 B&~ Brick Olay on several of the lots,both estates hqeenters Peremptory Sale—lsiate of Lvdia Njrt- dec d—\ alliable Business . Stands TWO sroKE.N, north side MABKET street, between E)g...n ann I* lnih streets, wi’h larce btab'e-in the rear on Filbert street. Lot :i3 bv J’cGfeet saae Es>a-, -valuable business looa -IION —2 desirable properties, 722 and 724 Arch Sliest, with extensive STABLE, Zane street PBTfnr THKEE-STOBY E I**-. iOEIYCE. No. 515 Franklin st south ol Spring Garoen st sale absolnte. Estate—VEKY VALUABLE PBOPER ii’■ ’•,.i..;- r V■ r MO North Front street, 2 • “ j ,S:t'- I,V .*'l-L.i>.US, &c. Lot 101 feet front vr f a B!lilroad track the entire depth. ev, M ,i II: ', ERN FOUB-STOBY BI.K K KLsIULNct, No. 11l 1 Mount Vernon Street, vest of Eleventh street, has all the modern ooPT“men p e?—‘.26 feet front. FiKEMPTOKY SALE—4f,lli ACRES LAND. Ali-o, without reserve in lots to suituurctmjsfer* s ~i> TRACTS OK LAND in the STATE 01 PirvNSYLVANIA via: 23,712 acres in Lycvmine county, lr, u» <; acres m Ciinxon county, ti.iuo acre? m Luzerne county. i.M'J acres ir Tioga couhtv. Resale A bsolute of the who]e 45. 11l acres. i-'tiJi phniculars in pamphlets, which maybe had now at tlie auction rooms. Tlil.FF-STOfcY ERICK DUELLING, No MS Race street, west of Eighth street. 2 TWu-SToRY BRICK DWELLINGS. No r>6 Maple street QEMEEL THREE- STORY BRICK DWEIr LING. No. 40? South Fifth street. SQUARE ('F GROUND, Adams street, Coral street. Emerald street and Taylor street, lytt W ard, 3?4 feet hv 150 feet—Foot Fp.o:*ts. Orphan?’ Court Sale —Estateof William S. Bnr ris, dec d.—NEAT DWELLING, Twentieth street, between Cherrv and Race sts. TWO NEAT THRfiE-STOBY DWELLINGS Nos. 2)4 end 216 .Incoby street. • HA.NLJiO.ME MODERN RESIDENCE, No IS a Pine st, west of Eighteenth st, VERY VALUABLE LOT. 1u,4 acres. Wheat Shei-ffiane, 25th Ward TBBEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No Catharii e s:, west cl Twentieth st. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT. Fifteenth si above Oxford st, IHi feeLby 1555 feet —2*;th Ward. VALUABLE LOT, 4,V ACRES, river Schuyl bill, Print Breeze, adjoining Latfeny’s Hotel. Ist Ward. VALUABLE £3l ALL FARM. 36 acres, rivei Delaware, % mile from Holmesburg anil Toconv. £sa Ward. thref.-story brick tavern and LEVELLING, S. E. corner ot Front- and Chris uan sts. - REAL ESTATE SALE, APRIL 5 MODERN FOUR STORY BKIOK RESI DE2sCE, No. -11 l son h Fifteenth st. Has the modern conveniences ?ctl in good rep?i T> . THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 251 north Ninth st •2HREE-STORY BRICKDWELLING, No. 131 Race st, between Front and Second. very valuable lot, iu acres, s-itu Ward. abcut2-j mil* s from Market street bridge. Clear oi all incumbrance. Terms can ca»n. Sale by oTder of Heirs—THREE-STORY BRICK STORE, Nn. 250 south Sixth ct. below SprueesL KOUE-STORY BRICK WAREHOUSE, De. 1 aware avenre, below A Imccd st.. BUILDING LOT, Mineral st, north of Mt PUasant.sL ASSETS OF THE BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA. On TUESDAY.MORNING, April sth. at the Exchange, by order of Assignees, uncer autboritj of the Court of Common Pleas, ail the remaining Assets, Personal and Real Eswe o: the Bank o* Pennsylvania. Catalogues preparing. Sale No. 22i8 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR lURNITURE. GAS FIXTURES, imperial carpets, ac ON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH *29, At it* o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 220$ Chtstnu street, the superior furniture, gas fixtures, impe rial carpets, plated ware, Ac. May be examinedatt* o’clock on the morning of the sa.e. Sale No. 1452 North Eleventh street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, At 10 o’ clock, at No. 1452 north Eleventh street, below JeflVrsoD street, the superior furniture, fine toned rosewood piano forte, seven octaves;' fine tapestry carpets, Ac. May be examined, with catalogues, at 8 o'clock on the morning 01 the sale. SALE OF BARE, VALUABLE AND ELE- GANT ROOKS. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 30. The valuable private library of a gentleman of this city, which includes cboue and elegant Lon don and American editions of desirable authors. Also, a number of beautiful illustrated aid picto rial works, the chief portiou in fine bindings.; Also, bookcases, fine engravings, Ac. Sale No. 2»M*9 Walnut street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. MIRROR, PIANO, FINE VELVET CARPETS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, April Ist, at 10 o’ No. 5u09 Walnut street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including suit of handsome walnut and green plush drawing room furniture. handsome mantel mirror, S4xso, piano fine velvet carpets, superior furniture, Ac. Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined on the morning of the sale at 8 o’ clock. Peremptory Rule—On the Premises ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, GERMANTOWN. ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, At 11 o’clock, will be sold, at pnblie sale, with out reserve, en the premises, East Walnnt Lame, Geimautowu, ELEGANT MODERN MANSION, STABLE AND COACH HOUSE, ADri large lot, 3T5 feet frost by 450 feet to Herman street. fiy Full descriptions ready in handbills. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. lirur.eciia*e]y after the sale of the house, will be sold, by , catalogue, commeDciug precisely at 11 o’clock, the household iuruitnre. ggr* Sale absolute —the owner remoTiugfrom. the State Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, PIANO, FINE CARPETS, CHANDELIERS &c. ' ON TUESDAY MORNING-, APRILS, At 10 o’clock, at No. 1110 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the eclire parlor,, and chamber furniture, line hair matresses, feather beds, Ac. Alto, the kitchen utensils. Maybe examined at S o’clock on the morning of t ale. SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS 822 OHESTNUT and_6ls SANSOM street. Sale 1703 Mount Verson street. SCOTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, will giro their personal attention to sales of MERCHAN DISE and WARES of all descriptions. Enrol* tore of parties removing or breaking np House keeping, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Noe. 622 Chest nut StTeet and 615 Sansom street. • felB-tf T>HILIP FORI) & CO., AUCTIONEERS, _L 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1000 CASES * BOOTS AND SHOES, ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, At 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold by catalogue, for cash, I.ODO cases Men’s, Boy's* and Youths* Calf. Bip and Grain Boots, Brogans, Balmorals, Cavalry Boots, Ac.*, Women’s Misses’and Chil dren’s Boors, Shoes, Balmorals, Gaiters,. Ac., of city and, Eastern manufacture, comprising a general aseortmens of goods. , Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. CARRIAGE MAKERS, fgSSIIzZ J. LEITENBERGER ASOK PINE STREET* \-3» AUCTION SALES. AUCTION COMM^i^ t , s ? e -S t ’ S?* ove F/irirth, r STOCK. At 12 o _MAHOH 39, 2 do. dal SALE - 30. h no A lotT C® miSrand^ o^^^ 06 to Tyson' st.’ libject to Orphan «’ Cnvrt Sole—Estate of Jamcsßoonru'lZ ?* GiEJUKTOWN jEOAD—A three-St house and lot, adjoining the above. 3G by liofe* to Tyson st. Sis ground rent. Orphans' oZZt Sale-Same Estate. . S ■ Vmrt 4ft6 MARSHALL ST—Genteel two-story brldk residence, Buttonwood st, and lot, 27bv8S feet. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of John Mingle* dic'd* - ■ 24TH ST—Store and dwelling, with 4 three story brick bouses on tlie rear, and lot, below Walnut st, 2uby 110 feet along Caldwell to Cope st; ,3 fronts. Peremptory Sale t>y order of Heirs— Estate cf Roger Mcl oziald, dec r d. 'I WEST PHILADELPHIA—A three story bride house and lot, S W. corner 42d and Pinests, lie leet or Pine, 62 feet on 42d st - AI>JOINING—I building lots on Pine st, ad joining, each 30 by from 05 to. 130 feet deep. One lor adjeining on pine st, Hi feet front and from 124 leer Tip-wares deep. 123 i CREASE SCwo-story brick house and lot, between Girsga &*enue and Thompson st, 15 by 95 feet to an alley, of which it has the privilege* Peremptory* ale. MARKET ST—a valuable let, south side, east ot 22d u 22 by 125 feet deep to Ash st. Peremptory 1215 WALLACE ST~A lot of ground, with stable and dwelling, N. W. corner of Orange et, 36 by SO feet. 861. f. round rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate oj Alickan C. Deitz, dic'd. HTH-ST—A three-story brirk below Master st, 16 by IQU feet. 872 ground rent. Orphans' _Court Sale- Estate of Piersons minors. CAIXOWHILL ST. WHARF—A valuable lot or ground, S. W. corner of Del aware avenue* 52Jk ftet and 40 feet 2# inches. Orphans' Court Sale —. a J\ c J 0 * Haslem.'dec'd. : . .-^^JCINIKG—A valuable lot, south- side of Cailowhill st,eastcf Waerst, 32 feet 5% inches trout and about 50 feet deep. Orphans' CourrSale — Same Estate J 27 SOUTH 3D ST—Frame house and lot;below Shippen st, 16 by 60 feet deep. Orphans' Court Sale —Estate of Stephen Sirplen. dee' d. 1,000 ACRES, MONROE CO—ln "different tTacts, 12 miles from Stroudsburg: well timbered-; near two railroads. ‘ *" 40 ACRES, MONTGOMERYCO—A good farm, in Plymouth, with two-story stone dwelling, v T £‘ spring-house, young.orchard, &c- Estate, oj nm. Galen , dec’d Sale ly order of iKe'Orphasu 9 Lcurt of county. ‘ MaN AYUNE— store tavern and lot of ground. Cressonst. 61# feet front Orphans' Court SaU—' JssiCte of James JJaughy dic'd. *228 IHOMPSON Sl—Three-story bnckdwell *?£. Jpt, 16 by 75 feet. 878 ground renh Orphans Court Sale— Estate of Pe*er Landis, dec r &. 1219 CASS ST —J hree-story brick house and lot, 14# by Softer. Ss4g2ound rent Orphans'' Court Sale—Same Estate: 1227 CASS ST—Three-story brick house and 14;W by 50-ieet. 854 ground>reuT. Orphans' Court Sate—Same Estate. 20M PINE ST—Three-story brick house and lot, 1S« liy Ui-i feet tt> s3O feet street. gronnd. reDt. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Alexander Nichols, dec'd. 735 MASTER ST—Three story brick cottage, 16 oy 55 feet deep to an alley, 845 ground rent Executor's Sale—Estate of James P. Elii:, dee 3 d. 976 N. FRONT ST—Three-storv brick house and lot, below Germantown road, IS by 87# feet. Executor's Salt~ Seme Estate. 9€SN. FRONTS!—Three story brick house and lot, 23 feet l inch .by 190 feet deep. Executor's Sate Estate. 2036 AND 2038 LOCUST ST—Twojneat dwell ings, each 16 by 80 feet to Stewart st. 8105 zronhd rent on each.'- Same Estate: • - VALUABLE QUARRY —A valuable tract, l#- acres, known as the Cedar Hill Stone Quarry, 316 feet on Shoemaker lane and 25tv feet: deep. Execu tor* s Sale — Sc.vie Estate. 7TH AND GREEN STS—Valuable business lo co fion, 10# fee: oa Green and 02feet 'on-Tth street. Ext’''s Sale—Seme Estate. 415 PEUNE ST—Desirable dwelling,. suitable fer a lawyer, 23 by 120 feet. Every modern im provement; will lent for SOW a year.” may remain. QUINCE ST—A neat Dwelling No. 226, And Lot below Locust street 15 feet 4 in. front and 70 feet to Manship street, on which is a heat Dwell irg, No. SOL Executor's > Sale, Estate ef Robert Perry , deceased. LOMBARD ST.—A three-story brick House and Lot west of Sixth stieet, 18 feet front, 65 feet deep. Orphans' Court Sale, Estate rf Lule J Coins, dic'd. 24TH WARD.—A two and a half story House and Lot south side, of Cre&n Street, southeast of Miller street, 50 feet front br about 200 feet deep. Orphans* Court Sale , same Estate. 1646 and 16-it MaRVINE ST.—Two three-story brick Homes, and Lots* below Columbia Avenue. \shy 73feet, S 4? ground rent, each sale absolute. MARSHALL ST., a two-story brick 'house and lot, with two three-story brick Houses m the rear,- above Brown street, 17 by 79 feet, 4# inches. SIMHi may remain. BUILDING LOT, Christian st.,\rest of Gray 1 * "erry road, 16 by IIG feet.. SIS ground rent. BUILDING LOT. Locust street, ycestofs2d ireet, 2!! by 77 feet inches. -- BUILDING LOT, Seventh, above Tasberm., 5 by Ml leet. BUI L1»1N G LOT, Germantown road, above Angle street. 23d Ward, 26 feet 8 inches by 200 feet, TOWN LOT in Delanco.N. X , 10Q by 160 feet. MONROE CO. LAND—A tract of 190 acres in Price township. A tract of ICO acres m Tnnkhaa uock township. * . CENTRE CO. LAND—A tract of 433 acres in Rush township. 4 tracts of 400 acres each, Harris township. .. R EAL ESTATE SALE—March 31. This sale will be held on the premises at 4 o’clock P. M. PROSPECT ST., MANAYUNK—Two-story stone house and 112 feet 3 inches front and near'SCO iVetdeep. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of. pher Smystr. dec’d. ADJOINING-Two-story stone house and lot adjoining, 36 feet front by 293 feet deep. Orphan? Court Sait—Same Estate. Sale 1811 Blount Vernon street. GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CARPETS, Ac., &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, will be sold, at No. IGU Mount Vernon street, the furniture of a gentleman de clining housekeeping, comprising—Carpets, wal nut parlor furniture, hair matrasses, kitchen, furniture, &c. Kay be examined early on tie morning of bale. Sale ICO9 Parrish street. HOUSEHODD FURNITURE, SUPERIOR FEATHER BEDS, &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING, At lOo*clock, will be sold, at No 1009 Parrish street, the furniture cf a family declining house keeping. , Moses natbans, auctioneer and COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' Southeast corner SIXTH and RACE stree- s. •WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and silver watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch makers, dealers and private purchasers -will do well by calling at the S. E. comer of Sixth and Race streets. AT PRIVATE SALE. WPeters’s Philadelphia cases English Paten* Lever Watches, of the most approved and bss* makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels, and very fine and high cost movements. If ap plied for immediately they can be had singly, or the let at 825 each. The cases will wear equal to solid gold cases. Very fine double barrel duck gnus, breech load, lng; carbines; revolving rifles- fine English rifles: revolvers. Ac: AT PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAW HALF THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting case and double bottom English patent lever watches, jull jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best makers: fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; ladles* fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold American hunting case patent lever watches, of the most approved styles; fine silver hunting case and open face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine silver hunting case anti open faoe Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches: Independent second dud double time lever watches; silver qnartier English, Swiss and French watches; fine gold-plated watches; Petera’s patent watches, fine English movements; and numerous other watches. 1 Very fine English twist donble bajTfll fcwlln* pieces, barr and hack action locks, some very costly, HONEY TO LOAN, In large or email amounts, on goods of evtry description, for any length of time agreed bn ' SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhyrs, and, when required, two-thirds of the iTalr/e of the goods will he advanced in anticipation of.'sals. , ' CONSIGNMENTS of goods ol every description’ solicited lot OUT public sales. Very fine sewing machines; several superior. Hammoohs: fine gold chains; jewelry of ovary description; diamonds, and numerous other arti cles- PRIVY WELLS—OWKEES OSV FBOPEB TY—The only placV to get IFriyy Well* Cleansed and disinfected at very low prieoe. . A. PEYSSON, ' Manufacturer of Poudrette, nay l -ly tßoMnrJthle Fall, TJSrorr etresi.