GIBSON PEACOCK Kditor. mmiNß BULLETIN ffliCGOl, CHAMBERS & GO., iFUQPBIETORS.I ill SOUTH THIRD STREET, : PHILADELPHIA : * OP SUBSCRIPTION. S . 'BvStSJSStsu U sonred to Subscribers ia. th* eisj zx lit cs&u p*r week, payable to the candor* : cr $S 09 ?s? annum. 3ATB?! oy ADv^r.'riery©. SMf 1 ilm*.S 2511 Square, £ weeE»..*c & £S«iu&ii, 50|l -Square, 1 month.. 5 et 1 Square, 'i timai. a «« 75jl Square, 2 months. Bet Z Square, 3 times.,..s. €Oll Square,-3 months. Uet £ Sqn&ro, IVHL..I 7511 Square, 6 months. 2s ft> Six Unas constitute one square : ibrea Uem less half a square Svtew window shades; : JJI The largest stock, The finest Goods, Tbe lowest prices, AtW. HENRY PATTEN’S, mhlS 14US Chestnut street. DIED. BREOK—At Bristol, on Saturday evening, 2Gt.U instjCatbarire D.. wife of George Breck,in the 75th* year of her age. - The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, on Tuesday at oclock P. M. * CHILDS—At Franklin, Pa., March 25th, Har vey G. Childs, in the 3ist year of hjs age. DOEBLEY—On tbe morning of the 27th inst., •Theresa F., wife of Ferdinand Doebley, and eldest ; daughter of Matthias and Catharine Sehlecht, in the 35th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are res pectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence oj lrei* husband. No. -137 TVsldev street. Eighteenth ‘Ward, on Wednesday afternoon, 3oth inst., at 2 o’clock. ■ **= HETZEL—On March 24*h, in Chicago, 111 ,at the residence of her son-in-law, Henry S. Fitch, Esq., after a short illness, Mrs. Abby G. Hetzel, widow of the late J. Newton Hetzel, M. D., of Harrisburg, Pa. HOLLOWAY—On Saturday morning, 2Gtb inst., Mary *J heresa, only daughter of Dr. William and Hannah Holloway, in the 13th year of her age. The friends of the family are requested to attend her funeral, on Tuesday, 29thinst., at 3 o’clock P. M. ’ # KELLY—On Sunday evening, 27th instant, Charles Kelly, of Kellyville, aged 61 years. His relatives ana friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, Kellyville, Delaware county, ■on Thursday morning March 31st, at 9 o’clock.*** MAYBURRY—On the 27th instant, Anna Eliza beth, daughter of Dr. Wm. and Amanda E. May hurry, in the Bth year of her age. The relatives .and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from tbe of her parents, northeast corner of Sev -enth and Vine streets, on Thursday, the 3lstmst., at 10 o’ clock A. M., without further notice. In ‘•terment at LaureLHill. #* . "VfEW SPRING MOURNING GOODS daily AX opened by . BESSON & SON. Mourning Store; No. 918 CHESTNUT street. N. B. Wholesale. Rooms on second floor. TTIYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH Tj Streets have now arranged for j SPRING SALES, Desirable Shawls of their own ordering. Black and White Spring Barege Shawls. Brown and White Spring Barege Shawls. fy'W ■ THE LADIES FAIR at the New Jeru- Uof fialem Church, on CHERRY Street, above Twentieth, will remain open until TUESDAY NIGHT. mh2S-2trp* rw==* MARQUETTE MINING COMP ANY.— Lk3 A meeting of the Stockholders THIS AF TERNOON, at four o’ clock, to take into conside ration the sale of a portion of onr land, a very liberal offer having been made, with the view to the for mation of anew company. f It} DAVID S., HEYL, Secretary. **==» LADIES VISIT THE FAIR at the- LU? Church of the New Jerusalem, on OHER RY Street, above Twentieth. mh2B-2trp# iy==> THE GREAT CENTRAL FAlR—Office LLg of the COMMITTEE ON LABOR, IN COMES AND REVENUES, No. lIS South SEVENTH street, Philadelphia —The under signed will be at the office, as above, TO-MOR ROW,.from 10 to 4, to furnish information and receive subscriptions. rmhi9-lm-rpa JNO. W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. Subscriptions and remittances by mail daily ■acknowledged in Philadelphia newspapers. rvd==» COTRI RUTIONS TO THE SANITARY tLg FAlR.—Visit the Ladies’Tair. now open at the Church on CHERRY Street, above Twen tieth. . mh2S-2trp* ME ■ BIRD’S BILLIARD SALOON, No. 609 OS CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAY, the 29th inst., the receipts of the above, establishment will be appropriated to the Sanitary Fair. The public in general, together with my nu merous friends, are respectfully invited to call on the above occasion in order to assist me in facili tating the comfort of onr brave soldiers who are sow defending our glorious flag in the field. mb23-3ts CHRISTIAN BIRD. nr==» THE JOURNEYMEN TAILORS work ing lug for the firm of E. P. Kelly and John Kelly, of 612 Chestnut street, take this method of returning theirgnost gracious thanks for the libe ral manner they have acted towards them, in being the first employers in the city who have signed the first-class bill ot prices for customer work, being an advance of about twenty-five per' cent. mh2S-2trp# D!I’TENNEiIEE SSOOIATION FOB EAST CASH RECEIPTS, ■William Duane, Presbyterian Church, New Alexandria, Westmoreland county, Pa,, per Adam Torrence, pastor.. 1. Emory Stone- Proceeds of a collection made at a public . meeting held in the Kensington M. E. Church. William Neal. Proceeds of the first public meeting held in this city for the suffering East Ten nesseeans, at the Union M. E. Church, on an unusually stormy night—per Thomas T. Mason.. John B; Myers & Co ’Thomas Hall, Brookville, Pa Christian Evangelical Reformed Church, Green street, per Rev. S. H. Geisy.. C. H. A Previously reported 23,777 34 CALEB COPE, Treasurer! 537 ° 7 It Office ot Philadelphia Saving Fnnd Society. REVENUE. -Second UsR Collection District of Pennsylvania, com prising First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Wards of the city of Philadelphia. NOTICE. ' The annual assessment for 1853 for the above named district, ofpersona liable to a tax in Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of persons required-to take ont licenses, having been completed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the taxes aforesaid will be received dally by the undersigned, between the. hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. (Sundays excepted) at his office, S. W. £?JsS£,°f2 llir(iail( l Walnut streets, on and sfter SttONDAY, the 7th Inst., and until and including Saturday, the 2d day of April next ensuing. ... PENALTIES. la ll to pay their Annual taxes JJPh P leaaQ re yachts, Billiard tables. 2^,SiTIS^ ate »’#a or before the aforesaid Sorftnm 0 n ipSIS 1 “? 4 ’ , wI U uicur a penalty of ten per S? adc 4 tlonal °f the amount thereof, and be IL a eTxc?se C C« T^r y d^, in 13a ««*«» * nSSS I bv , s a taUfaU *° *** ISM—-., 1 ’/ law < 00 0T Upon xne'zci aay oi A.pni 1864, will incur a nen<v of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof* and be snbiect to a prosecution for three tlmea the amount of said lax, in accordance with the ~n Visions of the 59 th Section of the lawafore«£?rt P °' payments are required to be made lnTrea. Bury notes issned under authority, of the TTniSrt States, or in notes of Bants organized nude? at Katina. 11 Natjonai No further notice will be given. mhs times «= H. DIEHL, Collector. dhs.tap2s S. .W. cor. Third and Walnut streets. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE lk_3 CITIZENS of the FOURTEENTH WARD vill be held THIS EVENING, at SPRING GAEDIN BALL, at 8 o'clock. All interested m exempting the Ward from draft are urged to atiend. ~ WM. B. THOMAS, President. Tbob. B. Davis. Sec. - its oh'ice of the Camden and am- Lks Boy RAI IiOAD AND TRANSPORTA rg4 N Bobdjsbtown, March 25tli, NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stock holm rs of the Camden end Amboy Railroad and Transportation .Company will be held at BOR- Dl-NTOWN, N. J., on THURSDAY, 23th April - at 12 M., in the Office o: the Company, for tl>e election of seven Directors • to serve for the en suing year. SAMT'EL J. BAYARD, mb2Btap2ii{ Sec'yC. &A. R.R. A Trans. Co. (Vrgr. THE STOt KHOI.DERS OF THE UNION (Jot TR*NSP( RTATION AND INSU- RiiNCE 0< «M PAN Y will meei at the Office of H. IIA.RNE>, in the City of PITTSBURGH, onTh.UBSD Y, the Tlh day of April next for tbepurpo?e of considering the propriety of in creasing tbe Capital Stock of said Company, and other busiwess. GEO. B. EDWARDS, nthiS-St * Secretary tyrj=> COMMITTEE FOR A DAY’S LABOR. (Jot GREaT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR. Committee on “Labor, Incomes- nd Revenues,” Office No. US S. SEVENTH Street. JOHN W. CLAGHORN, , . Treasurer. I has a special work, town, to ob tainaday’s “labor,” a day’s “income” and a day s “revenue” from every citizen of the three States ol Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela. ware, lor the benefit of our sick and wounded sol diers. Thp committee is now fully organized at the above address, and calls for the co-operation of all classes m the community. . We want to show v»hat the industrial classes do for soldiers ! What the people can do in their separate trades! Wh&t Pennsylvania can do! Wh t New Jersey can do ! What Delaware chu do! What each count} can do! What »-ach ci*y and town can do ! iWhateach profession can do! What each tra** e can do! What each occupation can do I What each manufactory can do ! What each bank, insurance company and rail road can do ! Whht each mine can do! Wbat eat b workshop can do !* Wbat each family can do ! What each man can do! What each boy and girl can do! We want to show the world what American Freemen are ready to do for their soldiers. labor can do for humani yf *lbere is a great wc rk and the time is short. The way to do *s to ORGANIZE! ! ! Organize in your workshops--m your lamilies. Let the men organize. L-t the women organize. Let the trades organize. Organize everywhere. Let the workm* n give with theiremployers, the employers with their workmen. It is easily done. If the workmen will authorize their employers to de met oue day from their week s or month’s earnings., ana the employers will add to it aoay of their profits, the whole wiilbeac knowledxed together to the credit of the establish ment We saj to all. go to work at once with us in this great work. -Hurry forward your contri • buttons. Every acknowledgment will stimulate others to follow your'example. Circulars, with full insiructions, will be sent upon application, by mall or otherwise, to the undersigned *"0 work! To work! L: MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. MRS. E. W. RUTTER, Chairwoman of Ladies* Committee. M. J. Mitches-y, mh2S-3t rp j rrw* the great central FAIR.— JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Esq; , Treasurer of tbe Committee on “labor, income and reve -s£*M\ offlce No * 118 SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, acknowledges the rec-ipt of one dny’s “salary,” $OO, from the Clerk*, &c., of tbe Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Philadel phia; a clerk’s “salary” for one day, B*2: from Edw Strickland S 5; o e day’s income; from clerks of the officr the City Treasurer, ote day’s «*sAla rv. ” per Samuel Schafer, Esa., SlfO; *from a schoolmistress one day’s “income,” S 2: from a sewmg girl, 10 t cems. Previously acknowledged, 31,104 25. Other subscriptions of one day’s “labor” (or salary) from banks, insurance and other offices and manufactories in this City and State, and from N« w Jer ey and Delaware; also, from storekeepers, trad*smen, artisans, mechanics, laborers, inautua make;s, milliners, female emp'oyes and others -'residing m Philadelphia or in this and the afore mentioned States) duly receipted for and acknow ledged in the newspapers. Also, do. do., subscriptions ior one day’s “in come” lrom al) retired persons, persons of for tune, clergymen, members of the bar physicians, and other professions. Also, subscriptions by mail or otherwise, of one day’s “revenue” lrom all the great employing establishments, firms, corporations, companies, railroad? and other works in this City or Mate, or in New Jersey or Delaware, dulv receipted for by tbe undersigned at the office as above, and ac knowledged in tbe Philadelphia and other n**ws papers. JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer It may be proper here to state that these sub scriptions for one day’s “labor, ” one day’s “in come.” one day s “revenue.” are to lurnish to the valiant seamen of our navy and the brave soldiers of our armies dis abled in service thoee comforts and necessities not supplied by- he Government. It may also be proper to suggest that the Principals, Clerks, or men of different Institutions, mills, factories, stores, &c., in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or /Delaware, organize the movement in their re spective establishments, and present the matter to all those therein engaged, and by getting up a sub scription paper more readily afford each one en gaged n the: “establishment,” an opportunity to contribute to an object so deserving. Let all ac cording to their means voluntarily and cheerfully send m their subscriptions. mh26-2trps PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 28.— THE 11-3 WOMEN'S FINN BRANCH UNITED w^ 1 )S S ci\K NIT - AH ' S ' COMMISSION also ac -1116 r f. cei P? of ’he following donations in hospital supplies since the last report: School Lane Circle, Warner Johnson. Sec’v l 1 ackage f * M A Mrs. Bloomfield Moore, 1 package. Germantown Field Hospital Association, Miss H A. Tell, 2 packages. Ladies’ Aid, Darby, Mrs. F. Kemp, lbox. Ladies’ Aid, East'Bndg«water, 1 box. Ladies’ Aid, Reading, Miss Clara C. Gries,lbox. Ladies Aid, Williamsport, Lycoming co., Miss L. A. Snyder, 1 box. Ladies’ Aid, Elk Lake, Susquehanna co., Mrs. D. i nomas, l box. L MoiTis A i d b ( S :UlSfield ’ TloEa co ’ MiBs Sarah E. Mrs. Rhea Barton, l ptg. L w e Lippincoti!'iTeg: e ’ SnllWm c °” Mrs. M. Ladies’ Aid, Vincentowu, 1 box, Dr. Elwell Sac Aid j Society, Byberry, Irane Haibom7 i Vaughan Sewing-Circle, Mrs. Furness, lpkg Church of Epiphany, Miss Fannie J. DUPuy, 1 Ladies’ Aid, Hiilsgrove, Sullivan co., Mrs. Lin pmcott, l box, 1 keg. ’ - p LadieE’ Aidj-Mifflintown, Juniata co., Miss Car ne fctonebaugh, l box. Colebrcokdale Works, Mrs. Weaver, lhox. Church ol Holy Trinity, Mrs. Edward Law, 2 L McCahl! , 2bw“a a,lna ’ SChDyIkUI county, fi! R. Barclay, Bedford, 1 Bedford county, 1 S Dr’Dtektin', 3 L boTes bCrg ’ T7nioU COn,lt T’ Mrs ’ - Soldiers’ Ai d , Salem, N. J., Miss Thompson, 1 0 "’ Mrs- EnßBel Snml1 ’ large Stroudsburg Ladies’ Aid, Anna M. Stokes i i. AT Ihox h-om Princeton, N. J., for'white refugees Aid Society, Fripceton, N. J.. lbox i' t Kr^sHrsafj^Bjv,^ APELPBIA, March 28tn, 1864. ' 1 ’ HIL A quarterly Dividend of TWO AND A u»tr PER CENT. Oh the Capital stockof tU?o&* paey has been declared thia day, payable on and after THURSDAY, April 7th. *' P y 0,1 and rab29-Ctfl % L. CHAMBERLAIN, Treasurer. Htm HOWARD HO&PITAL, Mots. AND Fl5BB LOMBARD Street, DISPENSARY PABTMENT. Medical treatment and loud *t«M rrAt-r»|trm*?Ttn th* urtor au 13 A .Fire Engine fob Jersey City. —The New Jersey Railroad Company have given one thousand two hundred dollars, towards the purchase of a steam fire engine for Jersey City. v LATER -NEWS FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMSHIP AMERICA. A CONFERENCE AGREED TO ON THE DANI3H QUESTION, THE ARCHDUKE MAXIMILIAN -IN ENG . LAND. Portland, March 20 —TLe steamship America Ircm Southampton Marclilotli, arrived here to day. The Africa arrived out en the 13th. _ ESGLAND. House of. Lords, Mocday, March I!.—Lord Granville announced that ihe House would, ad journ on Friday next for the En&ter recess. Lord Dt-rby njfked Lord Wodehwuse a ouestion m reference to a. speech made by M.-Hail, the Dan* iab Minister. Lord Wodebotise explained thru When lie stated to M. Hall bis belief that, nothing tbe Danish Government could do would arrest th course taken by the German Powers, he aJUided to the execution in HoL’ein ordered by the I i-t. 1 ord Campbell a?Ked as to the meaning of words imputed to Prince Gortscbakoff* as to a combina tion between Russia, Austria,-Prussia, and Eng land. Earl Granville Prince Gortschakotf could onlyrefer to the proposal loraConierruiee Euglaud had entered into nd combination that could be con sidered as displaying the slightest hostile iceimj, to » aid France. Hovbe op Commons, Monday, March 14. Mr Roebuck asked as the.Solicitcr-Gei erul had stated that “it Was the intention of the Government to remonstrate with tbe Government of tae Con federate Mates upon their emplovm«'i»t of agents for illegal .purposes, 1 ’ abo asked it the Government intended to remonstrate with the .Federal Government for jeenuiiing m this country and in Ireland. Mr. RoeWk attacked the Federal Government, and declared Unit lie should be glad if American shipping were swept from the sees, lie said the characterui-England ha \ not been upheld as it ought to be upheld!* and that be had, therefore, a right ‘to inquire whether »he strict neutrality professed by the Government had been jnaiiunincd. In this matter/ he stud, the honor of England was at &tske. Lord Palmerston said that the Government had remonstrated on tbe subject, and prosecniious had be*n instituted, and there would be no backward ness bn their part in vindicating tbe honor of the counirv. Mr. Blight said Mr. Roebuck's speech was un worthy of any member of vhe House. Mr. Cecil thought there was plenty of reason for remonstrating with tbe Fcderals. Mr Kinglake .condemned Mr. Eobuck’s attack, and lidiculed his pretensions. The Times of Monday in a leaderbays: There is very good reason to believe, though the cannot yet be announced as absolutely certain, that the Conference which Englandhas soearnestlv en deavored to call together, will, after all, actually assemble. The last Opportunity is thus given lor the nations of Europe to put an end to a state of affairs, the tension of which is becoming dav bv day more and more insupportable, and to-prevent the catastrophe which otherwise cannot be'much longer deiened. A telegram from Madeira, of March 4tb, sars : Tie Florida, (Confederate steamer) from Brest, put in here February 2ath, was allowed to receive ‘2o tons of coal and water and provisions, and was required to leave the port again, which she did on the following day. A telegram fiom Lisbon, of March 12th, s : Tbe Florida coaled at Trinidad on Feb. 20th. The Archduke Maximilian, of Austria, arrived in London on March 13th, and imiuediat-ly pro ceeded to Marlborough House to pay a visit to the King of the Belgians tbe father of the Arch duchess. Later in tfceday the Pri ;c»sj of Wale* drove out with the Arcbdnchess. Their Imperial High::esses dined with the Prince and Princess of Wales, to meet the King of the Belgians, at Marl, boraugb House. Cm Friday the great reservoir of tbe Sheffield Water Company, oue hundred acres in extent,and which held more than a million cubic feet of water, suddenly burst its embankment, carrying away houses, factories, bridges, mills, and destroying two hundred persons. . Boise o y Lords— March 15.—The Earl of Ellen borough said he should call attention to the differ ences between Denmark and Germany, on Friday He asked if the identical Note o! Austria end Prus sia which had been published was correctly reported. The Duke*of Somerset said'that the published note was substantially correct. FRANCE. The Mfmc-rial Diploma:u>iu says:—The draught of a treaty was agreed upon at the Tmlenes to be ratified as soon as the Empetor Maximilian shall have asecudrd tbe Mexican throne. and announced his accession to the Court ol the Tuuerie*. If wo are rightly informed, the treaty definitely settle? two important questions : firstly, the French occu pation ; and secondly, the 'claims of the French treasury on the Mexican Government. It is already known that the pay and maiui-nacce of the-roops engaged in the expedition have, since January Ist. l£o4, been borne bv Mexico. This wiil continue uMil their recall, which will gra dually be affected as the regunental lists of the Mexican army-are completed. Three battalions of thi* foreign legion, each *2.00u strong and composed of enrolled volunteers will remain in the service ol Mexfco. The desire oi French officers to enter this service is se great that for some weeks past the number of asmrants has far exceeded the ranks to be filled up. * The Mexi can debt due to France comprises, besides-the pe cuniary claims of private persons, duly acknowl edged, the cost of the expedition and the advances made by France to tbe Mexican treasury to defray the expenses of the army of occupation. The debt will be paid by fourteen annual instalments, each probabh amounting to 825.1*00.0CO,wLth tbe option of previous liquidation, should the condition of the Mexican finance s admit of it. Accordin rr to another statement of the * -Memorial, ’ ’ ail the Mexican prisoners of war in Franco have submit ted in writing their anherioffi-’to the Archduke’s government previous to his departure for Lon don. Despatches from Vera Crnz of February 14, state thi t the report of the abdication of Juarez, which had been circulated, is unfounded. The cruise of Admiral Basse has been productive of very satis factory results. It is asseried that the Federate have violated Mexican territory by going to Mata it.otis in oTder to seize cotton. The Duke of Saxe Ooburg leaves Paris on the 11th lor Germany. The Payi says: Bavaria will puisne the same policy as hitherto with regard to the question of the Duchies. King Louis considers his first duty to be the iulfilment ot his father’s last wishes. La alluding to tho rumors of a conference, says—England and Rnssia are endeavoring to in duce Denmark to accept an armistice on the haste oi uti possidetis. The two armies would remain during the Conferences in tne same positions they now occupy. England and Russia point to the reiterated declarations by Rnssia and Austria of their intention to respect the integrity of Denmark. Prussia and Austria are acting upon the Confede ration to bring abont its acceptance of the Opnie renee upon the basis above mentioned. ; The Paris com marker was well supplied with farmers’ wheat last week, and sellers were forced to make a reduction of from 25c to 50c the 120 kilos. The Paris Fionr market was dull: the supply is becoming greater every week. { The deficiency in the late Sngitr crop in Reunion amounts 10 40,0C0 000 kilos, which at the present price of sugar causes a loss to the colony of, - The Paris Bourse was steady, and Rentes closed on Monday at 65f. 75c. ' , ‘ DENMARK AND GERMANY. A telegram from Copenhagen of March llth says: —The Prussians have arrested Herr Stochfleth, the Amimann of Hbaersleben. The use of the Danish stamped papers with the king’s initials has been prohibited in Pchleswig, as has also been the use of the prayer for the King of Denmark in the churches. Danish coinage has been abolished in Schleswig, and German introduced instead. A German office for the supervision of the Schleswig postal arrangements has been established in Fiehs burg, at the head of which is an official from the Prussian Post Office. A Telegram of March I2th says: The enemy, whose vanguard was yesterday at Horsens,” pursued General Hegerman’s army corps with twenty-one battalions of Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery, as far as Fredericia. The enemy is in force. . A telegram of March 13 says:—lt is officially stated that according to intelligence received via Korsoer, the enemy entered Aarhus on the 12th. An impor tant engagement took place on the 13th at Sunde wltt. The Eagblad publishes a telegram stating that 600 Jutland peasants, comprising both old and young been compelled by the enemy to assist in tbe erection of the trenches before Fredericia. A telegram from Frankfort, of March 12th. says: In to-day’ b sitting of th» Federal Diet, tho motion of Bavaria for the recognition of the -Buke of Au gustenbnrg was brought forward. The Austrian and Prussian representatives pro- our ivThole country. Collect, closed at 9l@=,. The discount demand at the Bank continues xviodeiaip. :u. lctoria, with 18,153 0z.,/December with 23,210 oz., January 2d: the ( alliance, with 13,70 S oz. .• January 2d: the Mo ravian, with *1,233 oz., January 13th, and the r'oinwn 111 Vlltl U 7 worth altogether, XohM UvU* The Times City Article, of Wednesday, March loth says: The absence ot any announcement of Denmark, having consented to the Conference caused the English funds, thi* morning, to open at a rrlapse of air eighth from the rather buoyant prices ol yesterday; but the market, assisted by th«- t-necie‘arrivals from Australia yesterday, and frotn the West Indies to-day, preserved conside rable steadiness of tone. Vovsols are quoted at 91 Ha# for money, and 9eal '' Tbe decrea of Common affirmed Karby TB ’ E. Soloman. Judgment Ricllards vs. Sheppard. Judgment affirmed. McEnr°y vs. Dyer. Judgment reversed. Koberts vs. Brnndage.-- Judgment affirmed. Two cases on the Chester list were taken np for argument, after whiclv the list for Erie, Crawford and adjoining counties was called. jviei Fairs--Justice Agnew—Barnes vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.-Beforereported. The Counsel araengaged in the argument, . ! ■Ecnimlttee.shiu”Shn™ t r p”^ e . motl ° n nEtil tne qx’estion, declaring that ol ii h ' “iccesvion state Heir views £ won J d very shortly this dtclaration the Bavaria^^n^ro ° n * a , uCOttnt of that he would not insf^.^,^ representative stated of the propofiUon to hls ru -' ht ’ :| s mover within a w-eek Th. d ?ha-e w^ Ues i- ,OD totha Tote Ihe commandant of tlio garrisos * lo «»fw a r and arms in nos 6h!lU be delivered upto'The A Within twenty-four hours. Five Daft 1 t f ‘ oln Ef,riin > of March 12th, says : ' Lfil ‘ fcU -*“hQt*rs, one of them carryai" fortv wlrere the’i’rns pJA® beiieves that the Dnlce has come to. V, - 11 ,he assent of several other German ft o.‘. 1 t 1 : s ’- loei !’ la,u to lhu Hmperor the position t ..... ,; , ant i - t0 induce the Emperor to reccg- IJolstein "r. ri 8 V* ‘j** Duc!l!e3 o 1 Schleswig and govefmem d d ' Clde lreely “P Oll their fnture v, fr “S 1 Knidiog. of March 13th. says: m-ohth.fh 1 'f" W rfu, K el ha 3 issued a proclamation prohibiting ihe export of horses, cattle and g ain ir. m Juiland. under penalty of confiscation. The roaas are .impassable in consequence of heavv , Th *U Danish infantry Das embarktd at narhus for Fredericia and Alsen. The cavalry FffLt' : ' U ‘ d / or Viborg. General Yon Gableuz tus re.uniea fronts rile. A leijgiam from Gravenstein, of March. Htb, Several battalious of - Bodor’s Prussian brigade have lakf-n Nnbel Rackebull wasoccu a contest. Aq uaimnbrtaui took place before Duppel. A detach °: troops was drawn from Liliernaile on ujp .2th, by two Companies of tbe 15th and 55th . The enemy lost 33 prisoners, ine Lu’ect'r Zeiiuny, of- March i4th, announces tftat on the -it th, an order was issued to the troops in . chcaen, Sweden, to be ready to march within Jour days. A telegram from Berlin of March H, savs: The Minister of War has issued the regulations to be ojservea ly commauclers of Prussian ships-of-war iu reference to the capture of Danish and suspi cious shipping. Jlo’steiu ar d Schleswig ships will not be regarded as Los:tie vessels. The flag protects the cargo, central cargoes under the enemies flag will not bo cerfisoaud In both cases contraband of war is excepted. Subjects of the enemy on board of cap ln ' essels are to be treated as prisoners of war. The Kreus /sitting states that the-bombardment of i»t»rp«*i fortifications from Vemmingbund has comiuencH!. TURKEY. A telegram from Constantinople of March 13th, pi?-'ps ihat Prince Oouza adheres to his former decloTiticns upon the secularization of convent property, h. ebemet Ali has been appointed min ister without portfolio. . PORTUGAL; _ A telegram from Lisbon, of March 10th, says: Tbe government Bill abolishing the tobacco mo nopoly has been brought, for ward in the Cortes. Tbe ministers will obtain a majority. # , ITALY. A telegram from Turin, of March 13th, says: M. the new Swiss Envoy, presented his credentialKto-dav : Sentence has been passed by the Court of Assize nt saat» Mana, in the province of Terra c’t La vora, on the brigand chiefs Cipriano, Gionaand Lazalo have been condemned to death; Papa to Imrd iabour lor life, and Davangoto hard labour tor twen tv years. Tbe brigand MiacoManca hzs been killed by the National Guard of Aviglano, and his band has been destroyed. To celebrate tbe King's blrth«daj an amnesty has been granted to all-those persons who have ren dered themselves liable to punishment by avoiding serving m the navy when summoned "by the au tboriti**. J The Opin*cne urges the Government to continue tbe pursuit of the destruction of brigandage, and adds: lo attain the desired end, it is necessary to prevent the brigauds of the frontier of the Neapo litan provinces trom obtaining reinforcements from Rome, where about 300 notorious brigands nre now staying. We believe the Italian Govern ir.<*nt has-’potnted them out to the French authori ties, hoping that they will prohibit them from crossing the frontier. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The L«« city article of Tuesday says:—The rur.ds opened firm, and ultimately experienced a lurther improvement of a quarter per cent, on the receipt of steady accounts irom the Paris Bourse, coupled with a report of Denmark having accepted ti;e proposal for a Conference, y COURTS. CITY BULLETIN. STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY da Tvr AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE AT 9A. M., 42° i 2 M., 58® 1 p. M., 58= Tern rpd u rin g last 24 hours, 40° Weather clear—Wind.Northeast. IN ' Tfre Thieveenth the upntAH°?ni e 'i en , °’ clock yesterday morning corue^^Tv 8 . tl^ e T | ,lr se bnilding at the N. W. hy fire and he' “i? t- V ' allaco . st ree!s was destroyed fiLTd wfiu w?atlr Th^ 0r , tloa .- was p retty well chmery. belonged to IVm v UC »etHt“ d d >, Xed f a ‘ Los*s estimaiPd m of* in S *^ rk f BpiCG on rr'v. ■ rfiiiuaipo at bsj,s ra ‘ >r 'P inat e ,,'ri:U,r,clF‘e> I'L'.'u'.e'nAic /neuirer, agains't Messrs. JohnH. Diehl and S. Snyder Leidy, the President and Secretary of the Executive Committee of the C.nb. Resolutions endorsing and sustaining the acucu o! the committee were adopted with bnt a single dissenting voice. Spirited speeches were made by several members c; the Club. A New Office for the Coroner On Sa turday Coroner Taylor took posfessionfof lii- new office, m ibe eJd American Philosophical Build mg on Frb, btiow Chestnut, and opened it to the public. This is a long-net dec! improvement, and will gTeatly accommodate the citizens of the city. Tbe office is in the basement to t'oe right of the hall upon entering the main doorway.Coramunica tsou with the local telegraph station is effected bva Ion*: speaking tube. Rowdyism. —Many complaints have reached ns ot rowdyism in ;he vicinity of Ninth street, be tween Lombard and South, and on Tenth street, in tbe same vicinity. Fighting L said to be of con stant occurrence, particularlv on Sunday, to tbe preat disgust of tbe respectable resident's of the neiphtorhood. Mt asures are beiup taken to get toe Mayor to take action in reference to the matter, which we hope will be successful. Ball this Evening.—At the Husieal Fund HnH. this evenirs, th.> crand annual ball of tbe Moyamersin;: Sttam Fcrcing Hose Company, No. 1, will take place. Every effort has been made to prove this one of the gayest and most attractive en tertainments of the season, and with an excellent prospect df success. The Girls’ High School The Controllers or the Public Schools will hold a special meeting to morrow afternoon, to receive the report of the committee appointed to Investigate charges made in reference to the last examination at the Girls* High and Normal School. Anderson Cavalry.— We call attention to the advertisement of Col. Palmer, of the 15th Eeuua Cavalry. Recraiteare wanted at theofllce, No. i?*7 S. Third street. This famous regiment is now in in East Tennessee. A Few Choice Seats for the Arch Street Theatre to-night, at Risley’s News Exchange. Card.— Hats.— The new shapes for Spring wear are now ready. Gen tlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine them. It is believed that the styles now being of fered will prove very pleasing. The brims are made narrower than heretofore, conforming in this respect to the best fashions of London and Paris, and m com pliance with the exnresstd wish of many who give attention to matters of dress in this city as well as in New York. Broader brims vail be k#pt in stock, or made to order for those who desire them. The prices of silk, as well as felt hats, have necessarily advanced. Nearly every article en tering into their construction being either prepared . ox produced abroad, can consequently be bought oniy with gold or its equivalent. Such is the en hanced cost of material and labor that the very lowest grade of silk hat (when made of new stock) cannot be retailed for less than five dollars. Every endeavor has been made to maintain the quality, and to keep near to the prices of the times pre ceding the rebellion. Present prices for Jine dress hats are now S 8 and ST. For blocking or xefluishing hats an increase of price is also made necessary. WE F. WARBURTON, Hatter, Chestnut Street, next door to the POBt Office. Clover-Leaf Corps and other Division Marks put on officers Hats, at the great Military Furnishing Store of Chas. Oakford & Sons, Con tinental Hotel. Coles, Coughs.— Sudden chaDges of climate are sources of pulmonary and Bronchial affections. „ Experience having proved that simple remedies act Bpeedily and certainly when taken in the early stage of dißease, recourse should at once be had to “Brown’s Bronchial Troches, ” or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be effectually warded off. Soldiers should have them as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. Will be Sold vert Cheap— An elegant seven-octave rosewood Piano. Cost $5OO. WiH be sold for S2GS. In use a very short time. Elabo rately carved. To he seen at the residence No. 207 South Fourth street, above Spruce. Pound Care, Lady, and Almond Sponge, 36 cents, at Morse’s, 238 South Eleventh street. Cores, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarged Joints, and all Diseases ot the Feet cured without pain or Inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Zacharle,’ Surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street, Defers to. Physicians and Surgeons of th« City. • . ■ ' F. L F£TH SRSTON, 'Peblishei, Just as we Anticipated.— The-'"establsfc. ment of our young friends, C. O’Ditirteh* Ca., Merchant Tailors, in tin'’ Continental Hotel, is be coming more popular eyery day. Their stock Is the finest in.the city. Deafness and Blijtenelss.— J. Isaacs. Sf. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all disease* appertaining to the above members with the ntmost snccess. Testimonials from, the most rea dable sources in the city and conn try can be saea at his Office, No. oil Pine street Artificial eves inserted without pain; No. charges made for an examination. Office hon;sfromB to 11 A.M tat ap. hi., No. 511 Pinestreet." . Best add Purest Coax, in the city; noas better;, please try it. Samuel W. Hess, Broad street, above Race, east side. Fine Clothing, Ready-made and made to order, in the best manner and most fashionable T-Ja’ . e subscriber is able to ; offer to the pub lie the strongest inducements to purchase clothing of him, and will guarantee to all his enstomere entire satisfaction. V.TI.'LIAIVI s. JONES, Successor, to Eobert Adams, 0.. E. corner Se veatiiancl Market Sts. Military Goods, , ’ ; : Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Misses’ and Children’s Hats, Ladies’ Furs at reduced prices,- Ladies’ Furs at reduced pricesi Gents’ Hats, jsilk and Felt.- . Oaktokds, Continental Hotel; Victory — Ice Cream and Water lees, 40 cents per quart, Morse’s 2JS S. Eleventh street Noseology —Seine genius, who has-devoted no G ses as ioliows° d att6ntlon to sohjecV closes Class 1. Tbe Roman Nose. II- Tbe G-recian Nose. 111. The Cogitative Nose. Si Ve Crooked Nose. V. The Snub Nose. He adds; Th& Tcru ' llp Nose > or- Celestial. ' N goe= U maSt be co?fessed that the prejudice Very strongly in favor of wearing a noge- And. that every one who a thing or two knows, , to procure ins Sunday Clothes, the Brown Stone Ciothiog Hall of Eockhilt* Sieth ’ J '° S ' 613 and 005 Chestnut Street, above THE EMANCIPATION PSOCLAMATIOH _ The following interesting piece of hist- rv re specting the Atbi draft of the ever-memorable pro nJ*vi allo ?- of e , m » nc jP a tion, and the reception of it by Mr—Lincoln s Cabinet is given in a recent letter to the Cincinnati Gazette by its Washington eorresponaent: When the Anal draft of the proclamation was presette d by the President to the Cabinet, it close* with the paragraph stating that the slaves it libe rated would be received into the armed service of the Lnued States. Mr. Chase objected to -the ap pearance of a document of such momentous-im portance without one word heyond the dry phrases necessary to convey its meaning: and finally pro posea that ihere be added to the President's draft the JOUowing sentence: “And upon this act, sincerely believed to be air' act of jnsuce, warranted by the Constituiton, I In voke the considerate judgment of mankind and tha gracious favor of Almighty God. ” Mr. Lincoln adopted the sentence as Mr. Chase wrote it, only interlining after the word < -ConsU tutton,” the words, “upou military necessity*?’ and in that form the Proclamation went to th* ■world, and History. The President originally resolved npoxrthe policy of issuing this proclamation in the summer oflS®; As he has expressed it himself, everything was going wrong; we seemed to have pnt forth our uU most effort; and he really didn’t know what more to do, unless he did this. Accordingly, he pre pared the preliminary proclamation, nearly in the lorm m wh ch it. subsequently appeared, called the Cabiret together and read It to them. Mr. Montgomery Blair was startled. “If von issue that proclamation, Mr. President, > ’ he ex. ‘ ‘yon will lose every one of the fhll elec-' Mr. Seward, on tha other hand, said **T ap prove of it, Mr. President, jnstasit stands. lap prove of it in principle, |and I approve the-policy of issuing it. I only object to the time. Send it out now, on the heels of our late disasters, and it will be construed as the convulsive svngeleof a. drownung man. To give It proper weight, yon should reserve u till alter some victory. ’ ? The President assented to Mr. Seward's view, and it was withheld till the Fall, when it wits issued almost precisely as originally prepared, ihe one to which Mr. Chase supplied the con. eluding sentence was the final. Proclamation, issued on the subsequent firet of January. THE GREAT CENTRAL FATE. Stats or Delaware, Executive Depart aieat, Dover, March, 1564 To the Loyal Citizens ‘every clergyman announce tmidh u mane undertaking to his people; let the press give it the widest publicity and the most earnest encou ragement; jet every factory, workshop and ititn contribute a specimen of the best thing they can. turn out; let all loyal men and women exercise their taste and industry. ’ 1 In this way the result may be an honor to our State, a great comfort to OUI suffering heroes, and an offering weil pleasing to the Almighty, whose blessing and assistance I humbly invoke upon this work of Christian Charity. By the Governor, WILLIAM CANNON. Samuel H. Harrington, Jr., Sec’yof State. CITY RAILROADS. To the Editor off the Evening Bulletin. I thank yon for opposing the proposed. “Union Railroad,” for I have met with no resident of the lower end of the City who is in favor of such a road being built, and of course no one who is in favor of its being chartered for mere speculative purposes.. I reside upon Broad street below-Wharton street, and with the other citizens of this rapidly improving section of the- City, feel the want of better Passenger Railway accommodation, but cannotsee any prospect of it, frem this contemplated company. Let the Thir teenth and Fifteenth line be extended to Seed or Dickerson streets, the same as theFifthandiSixth, and the Fourth and Eighth street lines, and if a new road is necessary to accommodate the people below South street, let one be chartered to run simply from River to River, and every nsefnl purpose will be attained. _ „ AMUSEMENTS. The Chestnut—This evening at the Chestnut “The Octoroon” will be produced, with a splen did cast, with new and beautiful scenery and with original music by Koppitz. The Arch.—Mr. Barney Williams appears ‘Shamns O* Brien’ ’ this evening, and Mrs. W. Plays Our Jemima, in “Yankee Courtship.” The afterpiece is “A Regular Fix.” This is the last week of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, as will be seen by an extra advertisement in to-days paper. This engagement has been a wonderful success, so far, and they could draw overflowing houses for many weeks yet. The Walnut Miss Lanra Keene’s excellent company appears at the Walnut this evening. The first piece is “Wives of Ireland,” with a cast comprising the following names: Miss Lanra Keene, Mr. Dyott, Mr. Levick, Mr. Peters and Mrs. Tyrell. The nfteipiece Is the burlesque, of “Mazsppa,” with Laura Keene as Olinskl. Our readers remember the charming performances given last season at the Walnut by' Miss Keene’s, company, and they will be glad to welcome back the same talented artiste, .under the same manage ment. 4 . .National Hall.—The week opens* with a new bill given by King’ e great Circus. Senorita Lola Lehman will appear In some of her most charming equestrian feats. There will be a matinee to-day, in addition to the regular evening performance. The Eleventh Street Opera House will pre sent a new biU this evening and every evening; during tbe week. Attempted Robbery.— An ; attempt > was made a morning or two since to enter the grocery store at Twelfth and Lombard streets, by.buroing around the lock. The smoke -aroused the pro prietor, and the thieves wtrS frightened off, or wide-noatxiled. Yoursrespectfally,- PLAIN TRUTH.