the sickness at long branch. Dr. Sayre, the resident physician,'and Dr. Murphy, the Health Commissioner, who w'ero requested by the Mayor of New York to visit, LoDg Branch and examine into the character of the disease there prevailing, have made a report on the subject. These gentlemen state that they at Long Branch on the after noon of the 22a instant, and devoted two nights and a day to the examination of the disease. There have been ninety cases and thirty-seven deaths at Long Branch and its vicinity since the breaking out of the disease. The disease commences with a violent chill, and the first stage lasts about sixteen hours. During this many die. The second period is from two to three days, after which convales cence may take place. The most alarming symptoms are congestion of the-head and a nervous paralysis, which, until removed, ren der the administration 6f remedies ineffective. The technical name of the disease is cerebro spinal meningitis, and the membranes of the brain and spinal marrow are the seat of inflam mation. It is neither contagious nor infections, nor are there any atmospheric conditions which were obvious to cause its existence. There are no swamps or stagnant water in the vicinity from which the presence of malaria might be infused; on the contrary, the situation is on aandv soil, and open to the pure air of the ocean. The diet of many who have been seized has been had. Flour made from spoiled grain has been employed as an article of domestic con sumption, and a substitute for coffee made to a considerable extent from smutted rye has been used. It is the custom of many families to burn kerosene lamps all night, the wick being put down. This vitiates the air, and fills the sleeping apartments with an impure gas. Every case of the disease (and the physicians visited all now sick) could be traced to distinct causes.—the depression of the system by improper food, by breathing foal air, or by fear and moral influences of a di spiriting character. Exposure to cold or fatigue then would bring on the attack. GYMNASTICS AND CALISTHENICS. The arrangements and facilities of the “ In stitute” of Professors Hillebrand and Lewis, for teaching and practising these important arts, are most complete. We paid a recent visit to their establishment, and upon first ascending the stairs we were shown into one of the large saloons which is generally used by Ladies. It is furnished with every conceivable form of gymnastic apparatus. A class of children were going through light exercises with wooden dumb-bells and rings. They changed from this exercise to the use of the apparatus, in whicWbe took great delight and displayed much-agility. They went through a vajjety of performances suited to their abilities. ~lt was easy to see by the grace and skill they displayed __ which of them had recently commenced and which were adepts in the art. The Professors are of opinion that light gymnastics, while excellent for weakly persons, are insufficient for the powers of a healthy man. They adopt a style of gymnastics between the two,neither very light nor very heavy. But they wish it distinctly understood that they use the light gymnastics (or calisthenics) as one branch of their exercises. In regard to the benefits de rived from the exercise of the gymnasium, they are too numerous and too weE understood to need special comment. Gymnastics not only impart fullness and strength to the muscles but they increase the flexibility of the frame and the dexterity of all its movements, and thus contribute to the re moval of various deformities and chronic diseases that are beyond the reach of medicine. Exercise tends to eradicate disease. The early stages of consumption, debility, indigestion, scrofula, hysterics, abdominal diseases can be benefited or entirely cured by gymnastics. Lord Bacon declared that gymnastics were a universal panacea. The institute of Messrs. Hillebrand'& Lewis has a number of large Baloons for the different sexes and classes of different ages, the ladies department being en tirely separate. . Also drawing, dressing rooms, &c. Ixtebestiho Cbbsds Returns.— The census return* of “occupations” is instructive, and at times amusing. Among the occupations re corded we find 1,490 actors, 59 apiarists (all in California), 4,516 artists, 8 astrologista and 2 astronomers, 216 authors, 19,001 bakers, 2,753 bankers, 2,995 bank officers, 11,140 barbers, 13,263 barkeepers, 112,357 blacksmiths; 4,907 brokers, 30,103 butchers, 29,223 cabinet-makers,. 5 chiropodists, 58,437 ci vil and mechanical engineers, 37,529 cler gymen, 353 cooks, 43,624 coopers, 5 cotton brokers, 2,550 daguerreotypists, 171 dancing masters, 5,606 dentists, 2,994 editors, 2 ex plorers, 1,445 expressmen, 2,433,895 farmers, 795,679 farm laborers, 3 geologists, 40,070 grocers, 2 gunners, 25,818 inn-keepers, 787 judges, 969,301 laborers, 38,633 laundresses, 33,193 lawyers, 65 librarians, 43,824 machinists, 271 midwives, 25,722 milliners, 4,729 musi cians, 943 newsmen, 114 nuns, 8,581 hostlers 64,543 peddlers, 23,106 printers, 36,567 rail road men, 411 reporters, 213 sculptors, 90,198 seamstresses, 836 sextons, 164,608 shoemakers, 246 showmen, 1,982 110,469 teach ers, 1,956 telegraph operators, 11,195 traders, 4 translators, 8 trappers, 11 ventrilCquists, 36,- 178 weavers, 32,693 wheelwrights, 4 wild-horse catchers, 3,382 wood cotters, &c., &c. LOST, LOST— In CiERM-ANroWN, on me Evening of 24tb inst., a PORTE MONNAIE, con taining TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTH D< ILL AES. The. finder will be handsomely re warded on leaving it with the owner, at No. 133 South THIB D Street, Philadelphia. mh2s- 4t* LOST— A OEP IIFIGATE of 5 per Cent. JLiOan of State of Pennsylvania, for 8516 05, dated March 12th, fB3O, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of 8200, dated June doth, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K- PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, In Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, No Rll Arch street LIQUORS* &C. TONIC ALE Jordan’s Tonic Ale, .warranted pure and free from drege, tirewed expressly for invalids and family nee. Philadelphia Ales constantly on hand, and bottled only for family use; delivered free to all parts of the city. English and Scotch Ales; also. Brown Stont, on hand at reasonable prices. Catawba Wines, from cele brated Vineyards, by the dozen or gallon. P. J. JORDAN, 220 PEAR street, below Third an Walnut and Dock streets. mhl9 JF. DUNTON, « 149 South Front street, above Walnut. Agency of CRUSOE and CAMPELL SHERRIES, -XRNESTIBROY & CO. ’ S CHAMPAGNES, _ ... Golden Star Brand, ■ Ay Grand Moussenx, BRANDIES, PORTS and MAPEIRAB., aul» FOR SALE AND TO LET. m FOR SALE. The hands ime three-story Prick Residence, built in a snperior manner, with three-story double back buildings, side yard, and large lot of ground, 180 feet deep, running through to North slrjeet, situate No. 36J1 Wallace street; has every convenience and improvement, and is in perfect order. J, ML GUMMEI & SONS, 508 Walnut street.. ■ ; mtvlo AAA 515,0u0, sio,oiK> and other sums to first ’ class mortgage security at i IVE PER GEN r. for a terra of years S. KINGSTON aL CAY, 431 Walnut Street. mb2s-3t* §lO Afifl •^“ 1 '?" 01100,1,,tr 5 r - Property, ftrst IU. UWU- mortgage security. Apply tb BA. ITCHELL, N. E. Corner FiftU and Walnut atreete. mt>24-ot* lOFTS TO IJ3T. —K'O feet by 20. Well Heated J Also, a second-stqry room, with fine Oonntinel house, Fire-prool, Ac. Apply at 44 North FIFTH * treet - ; mhia-tft npi'-KNING Lii l fcifci aad SE WING- MACHINE A FOH SALE, at \m LOMBARD st. mhtut/jj T*' i-a-i'gfc ■‘ad cinaJ; KOOMi, upstairs. 6ii aad-dU OHE§XNVSC street. ' • * THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY MARCH 26, 1864—TRIPLE SHEET. FOR SALE AND TO LET. MrOE SaLE Tie desirable Brown Stone DWELLING, No. 222 W,Bt Logan Square, Apply at 103 Walnut st., np alaira. mn‘23-12t* ® HOUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET—FOR SALE—STORE . AND DWELLING. All tlie modern conveniences. Apply on the premises. mbtl-tft MS TO. RENT.—For the Summer Season an Baa-UNFURNISHED HOUSE, about forty miles from the city,on the Pennsylvania Railroad, very neat to a Station. Address BOX 1914, P. O. mh26-3t* ® 3 O RENT.—A desirable country RESI DENCE, beautifully located within one hoar of the city by railroad and steamboat. Large lawn, fine built Ac. Inquire of J. ASHTON, No. 3 South Front street. mh26-3t* MFcm SALE.—A three-story brick dwelling with three-story double hack buildings, 1510 Lombard street: all modern improvements;_bath, ■water-closet, Ac. Apply to J. H OURTIS A SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. MFOR SALE A desirable three-story brick residence, with attics, three story back build ings; and the modern conveniences: No. 1702 Lo cust street J. M. GUMMEY A SONr, 508 Wal nnt street ®PINE STREET—For sale, the desirable three-story brick dwelling, 119 Pine Btreet conveniently located to bnsiness, well bnilt and in good order. Apply to J. H. OURTIS A SON, Real Estate Brokers, *33 WALNUT st MTO BE LET—Four-story brick STORE and DWELLING, 218 South THIRD street a most desirable location for business. Apply to J. H. OURTIS A SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut Btreet. -mh26 £ LOCUST STREET—FOR SALE—A handsome three-story brick Residence with attics; three-story hack building and every con venience, well built and In good order, eithate in Lochst street, west of Fifteenth street J. M. GUMMEY * SONS, 508 Walnut street. MS FOR SALE—A handsome Four, story ■Ea STONE DWELLING, with large Three story back buildings and lot of gronnd, 22 feet front by 140 feet in depth, west side of Logan Square below Vine street Slo,ooooi the purchased money may remain on Mortgage for Five Years at spe cent. DAVID WEATHERLY, mh26-3t* 204 South Fourth street fill COUN TRY PLAOETOLET A beantiin Bail Country Seat to rent for tha Summer, nettly furnished, suitable for a large family. Also, five acres oi ground, a large vegetable g«rden wel stocked; an ice-honse filled and an abundance ol fruit, one fresh cow, Ac., Ac., will be ren'edto a private family only. Apply to O. W. WHAR TON, No. 274 bonth Third street. mhlS-tn tbs 6t{ eCi GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR Iffa SALE—A very desirable propery within 10 mutates walk of Wayne Station, Germantown Rail roati. Large dwelling bouse with all the modern improvements, stable, spring-bonse, ice-house filled, and good garden, plenty of fruit and large shade trees. Apply at 509 COMMERCE street. mh2t-tls mFOR SALE.—The Property on School House Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight (SBOl feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one-third of a mile to the.Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, five minntes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the tfity. Apply to CHARLES H. MUIBHEID, No. 205 South SIXTH st. 126-60 ®bPRUCE STREET—FOR SALE-together with the Furniture, which is of the very best manulactnre and has been in use bat a few months, a handsome fonr-story brick Residence, 22 feet front; with three-story double back build ings. built, and finished tbronghont in the best manner with eveTy convenience, and situate on the south side of Sprnce street, west of Eighteenth street. Lot 133 feet deep to a street. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 508 Walnnt street. mh26 m COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOB SALE—Containing fifty-five acres, Jn handsomely situated in Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-half from York Road Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer resi dence. Apply to C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 264 South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. sel9-tfs e FOR SALE—A very desirable HOUSE, for a moderate-sized family, in a good neighbor hood in GERMANTOWN, is now offered at a low price, and on accommodating terms, in order to close an interest in the property; house 36 by 25 feet, with furnace, range, bath and hydrant water; is bnilt of stone and lined thronghout. Also, a fine BUILDING SITE, with abont Three Acres of Land. Apply daily, except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o’clock, at 805 MARKET street. mhls> tf A VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY ■S3 At Mount Airy, Twenty-second. Ward, for sale, or would be exchanged for a farm. Tne main building contains 30 rooms. There is also two tenant houses, stables, sheds, shops, and out buildings ol various hinds; icehouse &c., To. 16 SOUTH THIRD ST., Y. $ BANKERS SMOKERS, g SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Cheeks, AND ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. "VTEW MOURNING GOODS —BESSON Av A SON have opened tbeir Spring and bn miner stock of Brack Bombazines, English and French; Summer Bombazines; Chatys; Tammauine; Mouseeiine De LaineB;TaintseB; Grenadines; Grenadine Bareges, Barege Her name; Byzantines;, Bareges; Florentines: Foulards; Crape Maretz; Tamartines; Dull ana Glossy Silks; of every de*cr P *ion; Veils, Grapes, Collars, Ac.; Second Mourning La woe. Organdies, Obiutzes, Uiighams, Foulards, Poulins, Mohairs. Moussehne De Loises; Mozambique?, Silks, Ac., Ac MOUNNING STORE, No. 9iB Chestnut Street. : ' % V BANKERS. Exchange on England, Franco ml Germar-y, 7 8-10—5-20 loan and-Coupons CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QUARTERMASTER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHEES, American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD Orders by Mall attended to.; . dg-ly GET YOUR STAMPING), BRAIDING), EM BROID&RY'and Tambouring done at CAMERON’S, 228 N orth EIO-H TH street and • -508 South SIXTH etreet. Ladies’ under-clothing in stock and made to order. Jackie uwuiy Oop .to order. reason* SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY, STOCK BROKER, No. 40 South Third Street. bonght on Commission in PRiladel- Boston and Baltimore. 1e26-‘2ms G. F. WORK & CO. P. F. KELLY. B. K.J AMISOH. P* F. KELLY & CO- Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST CORNER Ol* THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS., IaI 9 . 3 mJ PHILAI>ELPHIA * EXCHANBE ON LONDON, FnWRAT.It Ih Bums to Suit, by MATTHEW T. MILLER ft CO., Re. 45 Booth Third street; STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission, BY Matthew T. Miller A Co* d3-g> No. 45 South Third srfcl G. F. WORK & CO. JOHN C. CAPP * SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERI, No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission at the Board ol Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. fell-3m JOHN HORN, JR., Stock Commission Broker 140 SOUTH THIRD ST. UP STAIRS, Philadelphia. REFERENCES—Messrs. Thu. A. Biddle s Co., E. S. Whelen A Co.. BnxbyAOo., Alexan der Biddle, Esq., G. M.Troutman, Esq., Messrs Gaw, Ma-alester A Co , Henry J. Williams,Esq, I P. Hutchinson, Esq.. D. 6. Cummins, Esq., Drexel A Co., Jas. G. King A Sons. N, Y. fe2s -2m( G. F. WORK & CO. MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 40 South Third Street, Fhila. Qov.rnm.nt Securities, Pyscls udUmoßmi Money Bought and Said. Stocks Bought and Sold on OonunMaUf. particular attention paid to the negotUUoa er tune papers, City Warrants Bought. ocX-tml enorrXdawson STOCK BROKERS. No. 27 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FREDERIC E. KNORB, OHAS P. DAWSON, mhii lm* G. F. WORK & CO. GOLD, silveb, AMm BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO 20 SOUTH THIRD IT. G. E. WO RK & COT, BANKERS AND STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS, 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET. mhi2-6ms STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO., 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET. . feB ' ' ■ Martin leans, no. • 4ta chestnut Street. First Premium awarded by Franklin Institute to MARTIN LEANS, Manufacturer of MASONIC MARKS, PINS, EMBLEMS, tsO. , New and original designs of Masqnio Marks and Templars Medals. Army JftedaJiK wrt .Corps Budget of every owonpuon., mWWn# TJ. S. COUPONS VITI BROTHERS, :\. „ (LateTito -Viti &: Sons.) * siness," and rem““u.fe L I>ra .s o ’ l of iheiT hu ~ b reel,’ int. nddisposing ofe? ™ e J, n Italian Marble" Statnarv Aiatf no< n>lnB Btoek °* Fancy Ac^.attS&r No. 639 AROH STB E"ET - ’ At Public Sale through Messrs Tho« «_ _ On TUESDAY and THURSDAY March 29th.and 31st, at 10 o’clock each dav rtS?’ togoes -will be ready on Monday morning* ‘ Mtaai Notice.—We shall continue the tmnortation Italian Marble Statnary, French Bronaes, Alabaa 1 ter Ornaments, Ac., Ac., for the trade In general as heretofore; also confine ourselves to such sne. cial to be executed in England Fiance, Germany and Italy that onr friends may favor ns with. \ ■ mhii-m, to. th,s4ti VITI BROTHERS. BOUGHT AT HIGH PREMIUM, DE HAVEN &BRO., 20 South Third Street. mh37.tmyio4 - COOPER-& GRAFF, Stock Brokers, NO. 11 EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHI A. LEWIS COOPER. OH AS. H. GRAFF. mh2i>lms gTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BY GEOs HENDERSON, JR„ “IS-am* No. 233 DOCK BTREET. CELEBRATED REEVESDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO., S. E. corner Broad and Callowhill St*. mh22-3m» FURLOCCHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiiing the City on Fmr lough, needing; SWORDS, AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS an Invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., ' SANSOM STREET H AT.T., Bansom Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made Co order at the shorteat notice, wmen lo richness and magnificence challenge competition no other honse in the country combining the M A NUFaGTDRING JEWELER WITH TH> FRAOTIOAL SWORD MAHER. mhS-lm{ LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, By the Ca»k or Dozen. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINK GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE ' FIELD MEMORIAL. AN APPEAL TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS. The “GETTYSBURG BATTLE-FIELD ME MORIAL ASSOCIATION 1 ’ waslnstHutedfortbe purpose of securing, forever, the principal points upon, the great battle-field of the war, in the exact condition in which they were left in July, 1863. when the rebel hordes of the invader Lkb were driven bach from the free soil of Pennsylvania, and when the gallant soldiers of Gbwhral Mxads remained in possessionof the fit Id which they had won by their valor. The Association havendready secured the purchase of Ckmkteby Bill, Culp b GbanitbSpur and Round Top, with the entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great convict which was the turning point in the career of the rebellion. The field, with its redoubts, wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-* orks, itsforest heights, with the trees torn by shells and countless ballets, audits long lines of earthwork defences, have all been preserved intact, and to so continue to preserve them, as te be a monumsnt forever of the greatest of American Battle-fields, is the object of the formation of the Association. To enable a. large number of persons to join In this patriotic work, the projectors of the plan placed the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The payment Of tills SUm MAKES BACH SUBSCRIBER A MEMBER OP THB ASSOCIATION, AND PART OWNER OP THB Glorious Field op Gettysburg. What Loyal and Patriotic Citizen of Pennsylva nia would not gladly embrace the privilege of re cording his name upon this ro. 1 of honor, and of linking himself directly with the field where the lofty heroism of his countrymen vindicated the integrity of the Union and the principles of Free dom 1 And who would not desire to hand down as a precious heir-loom to his children the evidence of kit part in the good work, bearing, as the certi ficate will, a view of the field which will rank in history with Thermopylae, Marathon and Wa terloo 1 There are no salaried officers In this Association, noi are there any objects in view in its creation other than those already stated. The grounds were purchased from their original owners at the ex&c price to be paid for them by the Association, and the points selected, acd the prices to be paid for thtim.metthe unqualified approval of a commute* of the Historical society op Pennsylvania. appointed for the purpose of visiting the field. The following are the names of the general offi cers of the AseOv iation, and of the Local Com mittee in Philadelphia : ' .. OFFICERS. Hon. JOSEPH R. INGEKSOLL, Chairman Pro vieioual OoromUtee. Rev. Dr. S. S.. SCHMUOKER, Vice Chairman. Bev. J. ZIEGLER. Vice Chairman. T. I> CARSON, Treasurer. D. McCONaUGHY, Secretary. LOCAL COMMITTEE—PHILADELPHIA. HENRY U. CAREY, Chairman. Edmund’A. Souder, Henry C. Baird, Treasurer. Secretary. S. A. Mercer, Prof. H. Coppee, N. B. Browne, Dr. D. Gilbert, J. G. Ft 11, George H. Boker, Charles E. Smith, James L. Claghorn, S.M. Feltoc, Edwd. W. Clark, W. H. Ashhurst, . Rev. E. W. Hotter, lav Cooke, Hon. William Strong, Chas. J S'ille, Ferdinand J. Dreer, - A J- Drexel, ;fuo.A. McAllister, Oswald Thompson, Geo. W. Childs, George K. Ziegler, John H. Dohnert, J. B.'Lippißcott, Morton McMlchael, Wilham Bradlord, W W. Harding, Anbrey H. Smith, Gibson Peacock, John W. Forney, John O James, soteoumW. Roberts, Morton P. Henry, * Geo.'F. Lee, Dan'i Dougherty; persons who are desirous of aiding in this p&- can send their subscriptions ta either of the gentlemen.named above, and they will re ceive their Certificates of Stock. BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA COM MITTEE. • JamesS.lßarle ASou, 816 CHESTNUT ST. Immense Assortment of XiOOKINQ 1 GLASSES* Oil Paintings, First Class Engravings, .PORTRAIT ANBFICTUREFBAMEB, FRAMES, X’SCTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ynr.zGvr PIER TABXdSS, *O., tt,. COOK & BROTHER, j Hosiery and Gloves, Trimmings and Fancy Goods, Wholesale and Retail, No. 53 North Eighth st., FhilfL m2l*3ms ' OFF ER FOR SALE, ON FAVORABLE TERMS. $850,000 FIRST MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT. BONDS OF THE Western Pennsylvania Railroad Com’y. Parties desiring:a investment, vtIH please call aoci examine the-Bonds and the evi* deuce as to their security. E. W, CLARK & CO., mM-lmj 35 SOUTH THIRD STJ The Sunbeam Stories, Containing the charming, bright Stories el . TRAP TO OATCH A SUNBEAM, . CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE BOOK ONLY,OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY DREAM CHINTZ, ~T STAR IN THE DESERT, IK. Six beautiful volumes, Illustrated, 82 50. W. P. HAZAB.U Ja2l-t jyl 31 South sfXTH Street ALEX. WRAY & CO., 239 CHESTNUT STREET, Importers ol British Dry Goods, and British and German Hosiery, Gloves, Undershirts Drawers, Ac., Ac. A full stock for Spring Sales just opened. mhs-lm iT~ forlale™ The Three-Story Brick Dwelling; No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS.- Lot 18 by 87 Feet WOsly a small part of Cash required. ■7-INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES. fels-tff THEODORE Mi APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER! Not. IC2 and 101 GATZMER STREET, (Between Front and Second'and Walnut Chestnut Streets,) PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on hand. Casks, and Kegs, always on hand oi SPRING, 1864. SPRING 1864. EDMUND YARD ft Co,, 617 CHESTNUT STREET, AND • 614 JAYNE STREET, PHTTiATI'RT.PHT A. . Have now In store their SPRING IMPOBTATION GP Silk and Fancy Dry Goads, Consisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Black and Fancy Silks, Satins, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbon and Dress Trim minga. | ALSO, White Goods, Linens, Embroideries - and Laoes. A large and handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, BALMORAL SKIRTS^ OF ALL GRADES, f Which we offer to the trade at the lowest prices, - ja3o-3ms NOTICE OF REMOVAL, The undersigned would Inform their friends and the public renerally, that they bare removed front their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their - SPLENDID NEW" WAREROOMS, No. 613 ARCH STREET. Where they will continue the sale of ' GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS COAL OIL BURNERS, *O. Having associated with onr house Mr.CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cor nelius ft Baker,) we are now prepared to execut® orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate. FAN KIRK & CO., fel9-3ms No. 912 ARCH STREET. Commission Paper Warehouse. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR STREET, Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and MINGLE MEDIUM; O&P and CROWN MAN! LLA, on hand, or made to order. Bighest price paid for Rope in large or small quantities. mb2-3m4 - gk HENRY HARPER . 620 Arch street, : . manufacturer and dealer in, Fine Jewelry. Solid Silvex* Ware„ AND BTJPEBIOB PLATED GOODS. WFINE SWORDS and SILVER WABB made in the Factory on the premises. thbT-lmj SMITH & JACOBS 1226 Chestnut Street Philadelphia! Money Refunded if not Satisfactory ! FINE SHIRTS Made ol New York Mills Muslins. Tery Xrlab Lmen Bosoms; onlyi k3—ustuU p*l?o 03 7o>' WRUamsvllleWtwUS 12.*&: W-!pries*3* Y«ry reasonable dsdnotoa ta wkoi**»l»