The Soiree GraHASTiQUE.— Among the Various schemes for mercy, originate / oar noble Sanitary Commission, none has been Setter Jmanaged than the Soiree^ymnaitujue fo come off at the Academy of Music on the 30 th of next month. This pleasant exhibition las been projected by Dr. Jansen,, the ad mirable educator in physical training, at the special request of their Committee on Exhibi tions Benefits and Entertainments, and has heen suitably kept before the public by adver tisements our columns. The Doctor’s,, pupils ~e in excellent drill, and are glad and proud to exhibit their proficiency for the sake of our Brave and 'suffering soldiers. A number of proficients in the heavier and more difficult gymnastics will add their feats to the enter tainment, and a magnificent'orchestra of thifty eix, or more, pieces will assist the whole with selections from the greatest operas. A Fair will be opened at Concert Hall, bn Wednesday evening next, by the “Ladies’ Union Association,” for the benefit of sick and pounded co lored soldiers. Contributions in confectionery, fancy and other articles solicited.. They may be sept to the, Presi jj : ,t V. E. Dorsey, 615 Clifton street, or to B'her also to the anti-slavery office and •Jtc-'tue Hall during the .week of the Fair. •Thu Ipauo Exfeditiok. —General Sully, the fiemti’anderof tlio Idaho expedition, to Dacotah ajm Idaho, against the Indians, has shipped fjmn St. Louis one hundred tons of provisions fin" Fort Benton-. A company-of one hnudred soldiers with two mountain howitzers, went on the same boat. The impression prevails that Ihe boat will he attacked by the Indians before leaching her destination. The emigrants to Idaho will probably have soi»e trouble in get ting through to the mines,as the ludians are said to be on the route in great numbers, and are yery hostile.— St. Louis Democrat, 23d. Hew Iron .Bridge at Co ates ville —We Understand the Pennsylvania Railroad are mak ing arrangements for .the construction of an Iron Bridge over the Brandywine. The trustle irork was erected last season, and as soon as the spring opens the work will be pushed Vigorously forward. When completed it will be one of the finest structures in the United States, about 80 feet in height and about 1000 jn length.— Phanix. T) EIMER' S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, for X\i $1 00, are fine specimens of art; accurate Likenesses, artistically colored, and at'moder.-tie charge. Get one, without delay, at SEUOND street, above Green. FRUNING UNITES, PRUNING SH.Ea.BS combination Grafting Tools, and a variety of Ciardea Tools are for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 335 (Eight Thirty-five) jyiarket street, below Ninth. IVORYTYPES.— WUat exquisite Pictures are those taken in this style, for soldiers and chil dren; characteristic in style, artistic and truthful in coloring. 621 ARCH street, at B. P. REIMER’ S. S5O GREEN-BACK. FOUND!—(If the rightful owner does not claim it) may be ju diciously invested in a variety of useful Hard ware, Cutlery or Tools, m the stock ol TRU ■SIAN i SHAW, No.- '835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. PORTRAITS.— How striking the Likeness, fresh, warm and impressive the coloring, of those pleasing Portraits, Life-site PHOTO GRAPHS; in oil colors,made at B.F. REIMER’S, 621 ARCH street. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE WOULD be willing to rent a house in a desirable neigh borhood, giving for their hoard said house Ires of rent, to any respectable family, and reserving two rooms to themselves; said house to be famished by the family taking the same. Address with re ferences, Box 11S0, Fhilada. P. O. It*. GOLD PENS.—A large assortment, of various degrees of fineness and elasticity, in Pocket hud Desk Holders. For sale by WM. 'M. CHRISTY, mh26-sa,tn,th.6t) 127 South Third street. IRON - STAIRS AND IRON DOORS, for sale at Second-hand Depot, Seventh, aooye Thomp son. NATHAN W. ELLIS. pih2S.6t* .'ITT ANTED —SUMMER BOARDING- for a lY Gentleman and Wife, with, three small chil dren and nurse, with easy communication to the city. A with no other boarders preferred. Address Box 936 Phiia. Post Office. mhas-Gt* AAA AND BIU.OIO TO LOAN ON CpLG.vVUmortgage, for five years, at 5 per cent. ANTHONY P. & J. H. MORRIS. mh*26-Bt* ”916 Arch street. T\THJTE llama LAOE pointes and AJ_ CLOAKS.-GEO. W. VOGEL, Nc. 1016 CHESTNUT Street, opened this morning a new invoice of White Llama Lace Pointes, entirely new designs and fine qualities. Also a few White Llama Cloaks of large sizes: also a new assortment of Real Black Thread Lace Pointes. Very Fine > eile, Sashes, • ‘Duchesse Collars 1 * (large pointed co lars), Lace Sets, Wide Guipure Inserlings for dimming the skirts of dresses; Sashes to match; Real Black Lace Parasols, Ac., Ac. mh2s 6trp* Marking, with indelible ink, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. A Lady competent to mark neatly-can find employ . Ml. A. TORREY, . m QI9 1800 Filbert street. FiXLKE, WEAVER * 00. Manufacturer* of MANILLA AND TABBED OORDAG*. C°®M, Twnre, Ao., ffo. S 3 Norm Water street and No. 32 North Dels ■ ware avenue, Philadelphia. A 3 win H. Firms. TvrrrTYAgT. WxaVbs. . Cohuaii V Gummß GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, T „ No - 18 South THIRD street. Bi| to< X S tS d B^ S ofX g Krs and 80ld ° n C T mi6 ‘ TINE STREET DWELLINGS. im folsale ’ byA ~ P ~ COUGHS, COEDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. oSP&A COLDS, CONSUMPTION. PR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYBUP WILD __ • CHEBBY, :PE.' SWAYNE’S CKfIPOUND SYBUP WILD DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYBUP WILD Uxi '■ Vc V . DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYBUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYBUP WILD CHEBBY, CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS m- ttx CCRES ALL COMPLAINTS OP Tiff £§l2 A £’ b KEaST AND LUNGS, OF THE £§§£f£’ AND LUNGS. iliS THROAT, BRE A.oT AND T.TTN'n-'N S? £B5 throat, breast and dungs °i Eg® throat, . breast Ind lung! that vm* i Ta *? 7 ? ears haa proved to the world {Sf£ this- remedy - is more efficacious than an! Ttaoat? SAT“' F - or Bronchitis, S(?re thma, it js a sovereign remedy For wSya^epSniy I by** 8 * 8tre ““»« Sold bv .?'cT Proprietor, attends to Qentiemen on Streets" T* or “ r TWELFTH .ni BAOE fared N ' B ~Professional .aeearacy iu- EUTed - mhat-tstrpS «999. NT £ y ~S EAT , a ND farm; FOR H£l SALE .—One.half or all that valuable Stone, post Farm of l(w acres, Bristol Turnpike, above ihe seven-mile stone, and near Tacony, with a line the. Delaware river, Ac. MANSION HOT T SE and other dwellings to let: also, OOAfJH SMITH SHOR - Apply onthe R. WHITAKER, No 610 Locust street. mh2s-3trp# m 1 OR SALE—A Country Residence, with. 8 -? Cl<^. of laHd ’ in Moorestown, N. J.: hand 'SSSfZ'W**. stahlin E' icehouse, Ac., plenty of ply'to and frDlt trees > and excellent pasture. Ap mhSs-12trp} 6H OhesinW Street. - M buklington pro ® SALE 1 I'w^3’ HOM;AS * SONS’ §^|c A re L S Vh^ia?f A lS^^ E F I¥S WABD. On Mth I8&1 a™ PHI°LAB^ n pm A b Jvra a t T Pnbllo Sale, at the ~ the best workmen. JohnH. LoDgstreth, mhS6-6t* No. 12 North THIRD St. DU. J. H. SCHENCK can be fonnd at ms prin cipal Olllcc, No. 39 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, ©very Saturday, and at :fc> BUXu Street. New York, every Tuesday. All persons who stand in need of his Advice ifcr which uo charge is made) are invited to call on him. For examination of the Lungs with the Respironivter, he charges 83. It is very important that Uit? doctor should know the precise state of the luugs, and it is a great satisfaction to the patient to har«* correct information on this subject. It is well, therefore,* for every one who can afford the expense t© have a thorough examination. There Is *o much variety in cases of Consumption.that adherent treatment may be required,.according to circumstance. The three great meaicines of I)r. SOciENOK are adapted -to all cases, but tometim-a one or -two of them will be sufficient. Occasionally a box of MANDRAKE PILLS alone (costing 25 cents) will tellers the sufferer, if the disease is merely a bad cold or an obstruction of the Liver. The PULMONIC SYRUP is always required when there is any considerable disorder of the respiratory organs indicated by cough, pains in the brra>t*or side, difficulty ol breathing, Ac This SYRUP--purifies the blood, from which it separate* tho bile and ex pels all diseased matter, leaving the blood ma healthy condition: and this is a very considerable part of the cure. The SEA-WEE*D ToNIU. in connection with the PULMONIC SYRUP, is a mod important remedy in almost every casts of Consumption—it removes that debilitated state of the system which always accompanies pulmo nary disease and which very ofien causes u. SCHENCK’S SEA«\VEED TONIC strengthens the appetite and improves the digestion; and tho patient, ins-end of being confined to a low, wuuty * diet, according to the absurd cus om which gene rally prevails, i? enabled to digest the most t our ishi> g food and thus to gain strength: and this is all that is necessary to complete the cure. No m it ter how fat or rich the mod may be, the Sea-Weed Tonic will make it digestible, and by this mesas the whole body is nourished and invigorated. Where persons leel weak aitd debilitated, a wine glass of the Sea-We his own particular case. Several things are to be especially observed. The patient mast use the medicines according to direc tions; he must avoid taking cold; and he mast eat nourishing food, taking care to chew it well; and he need not be apprehensive of * *too stronir or rich a diet,** for the SEA.*WEED TONIC will empower the stomach to digest anything which may properly be called food. If these simple rules are observed, Dr. Schenck promises a certain care, provided there'is enough oi the lungs remaining to carry on the operations of nature. All who are skeptical on this subject ar* invited to call at Dr. Schenck* sjooms, in New York, Bos- Philadelphia or Baltimore, and they will see not only a vast amount of written and printed evi dence which proves the efficacy ot Dr Schenck* s Medicines, but they wilt also meet wdh a roomful or persons who are now being cured, and who are ready to testify that they have been rescued, in some cases, from the immediate prospects ot death by the use of Dr. Schenck’s Remedy Skeptics may hear from the lips of these pAtient** a declara tion of the benefit of they have invariably recoi ved from Dr. Schenck*s treatment, nearly all of thsxa being in excellent spirits and in confident expecta tion of a cure. Dr. Schenck has been in constant practice giving advice and examining the lanes ot consumptive patients for moie than twenty years The cures performed by him have been v»ry nu merous, and in some instances, most won* ertul. See hi» pamphlet, which may be had gratis on application to his looms, a DR. SOHENCK’S Principal Office is 30 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa , where letters for advice'should always be directed PR TOES: Pulmonic Syrup. SI per bottle, 35 half-dozen. Seaweed Tonic, 31 per bottle, S 5 half dozen. Mandrake Eills, 25 cents per box. it* For sale by Druggists and dealers evsrywhflra. -|i /TTJSIOAB BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, IVI playing from two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by FARR &> BKOTHEBS, Importers, mh23 No. 324 Chestnut street, below Fonrta tea THE UKIOK Jpuflu mA*l, IPS99 FACTORING COMB AKX hay. at II 8 111 their ractory and warerooms, jei; WABNOT street, always a most beautlfnl assort mentof their mu-Walled PIANOS, which they sell at the lowest castt prices dr on Instalment!, Glto ha a ca.ll be&xa pnrehaslng elsewhere, ant syery satlslaotloc and snaranUe will be giTOA buyers. MESSBS. TICOOS & FIELDS. PUBLISH THIS DAY THE OAMPANER THAI/,~and Other Writings. Bv .Tbah Paul t'Uißuaioa , BioHTan author of * ‘Titan. ” 1 yox. lCmd, uniform wita • > Titan ” Price. S'l 50. ...... This eolume contains > ‘The Oampaner Thai, ’ > "The I-ife of Q,mntns Fixlein,” "Schmeizle’s Journey,” Analects, and fill ceilaneoos'Pieces. New.and uniform editions of the other writings of Jean Paltl are now ready j as follows TITAN. 2 tols. S 3 00. FLOWER, FRUIT AND THORN PIEOE3. 2 ■vols 82 75.1 liEVANA, or the DOCTRINE of educa tion. 1 YOl. Si SO. THE "VETI/ PARTLY LIFTED, and JESUS BECOMING VISIBLE. By W H. FlJp.N'nss, author or ‘‘Remarks on tee F '.tir Gospels,’’ t .Jesus and his Biographers,' ’ etc. I YOl 16mo. cloth. Price Si 25. CONTBNTS. Wherein the Tranhings of Jesus were new—How the Truth of h e History is made to appear—His Kuowledgeor Human Nature—His wonder-work ing'Powers—His rhildlikeness—The«Nataral«ess of his Teachings—Tl e Naturalness of certain Fa bles found in His His.ory—The Genesis ef the Gospels. • (tyTheaboY&work3are for sale by all Book, sellers, or will be sentposipaul to any address on receipt of price, by taepntjushers, ' TICKNOS & FIELDS, 135 Washington street, Boston, Mass. MUSICAL BOXES. We have row iu store a. handsome variety ol FINE MUSICAL BOXES, playing from TWO to TEN Choice Opera and Ballad Airs, some with Drum and Bell accom paniment; no more desirable article for the sick chamber or the parlor can be found. FARR & BROTHER, 324 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. NEW MOURNING STORE. The. nod* rdgned would respectfolly announce that tbrv are now receiving their bPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Mourning' Goods, SUCH AS Farf ges. Mozambi ques, Crape Maretz, Organdies, Ernani«. Popun.*, Grenadines, Valencias, Taltnattues, • Ltwns, Chnltie, Mohairs, Florentine, Foulards. Ac., Ac. ALSO—>HAWLS, Shetland, Grenadine, Silk, Barege, Lace, Tissue, Ac., &e. MaN Ti«ES of-the newest styles. jl splendid assortment of LIGHT SILKS always or. hant. M. & A-. MYERS & CO., fe27s&w-2m M 6 CHESTNUT Street. JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGHS IS FRENCH ♦ ORGANDIES, JACONETS, AND PERCALES. ALSO, Rich and Handsome NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M. L. HALLO WELL & CO., 615 Chestnut Street. mhs-ttj ' INDIA tHAWL?', I>.Dli SCARFS, INDIA SILKS. ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES. Choice Shawls of all kinds. Choice Dress Gocds of all kinds. Choice Fancy Goods. GEO FEYEE, 916 Chestnut Street, intitesthe attention of the Ladles to his elegant steelt of SPRING SHAWLS and OTHER HOODS selected with great care forbestuity trade. m(9lmt BARLOW’S INDIGO blue, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER’S DRUG STORE, V - ■ No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, . . . Will color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. *gr The sew Label does not require a stamp. It la WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAOTIQNi It Is retailed at the same price as the Imitatieae and Inferior articles. mh9-lm rp} MSt FOR SALEWA COUNTRY RESI- 4M EiDENOEp near TIOGA STATION of 3” Germantown Railroad, situate on booth sideof Tioga street, 148 feet west of : Twenty-flrst street. The lot is IUO feet Iront, and 250 feet deep, beautl fully laid out with choice fruits andflowersof every variety. The house has all the convenience of a city residence, and will ba sold on accom modating termß. Mrs. MITCHELL, the ocen pant of tlie premises, will answer any inqui ries ; or apply to HENRY OROSKEY, Lum ber Merchant, Delaware avenue, below Green street mhlQtf,rps .HOSIERY AT RETAIL J. M. HAPLEIGH, No. 002 Chestnut street, Begs to Inform his customers that he has now In stora/a complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY; Swiss Hosiery, In the Best Makes and Suiiable for the First-Class Retail Trade. mh2S-tft “TYTSTUEaTt' ‘ GEN. GRANT. A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT. LIEUT. GENERAL U. S. GRANT, U. S. A., has just emanated from unde* the bnria of the veil known artist J U. 6UTTRE. ofNewYork. This superior Portrait U a Fine STEEu PDA l’E ENGRAVING from an authentic Photograph taken nenr Chattanooga by tie celebrated Army Photographers Ales.-rs. Barr Young; is of im perial size embellished with appropriate ear ronndiegs; on fine plate paper. Can only he ob tained frsqi the publisher or his authorized Agents at the very low price of 31 10. A very limited number cf PROOFS on India paper may be had a T ?-i oo each. Tl e Portrait will be sent by or express free ol charge on receipt of price. J.RSKELLY, SOLE AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA, 908 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia, To whom a»I applications should be addressed. WANTED—Agents inevery county in Pennsyl vania for :his superb Portrait. mh^.3lo Hoes, Chains, Cotton Cards, RODGERS S AND WOSTENHOLM POCKET CUTLERY. American and English Table Cutlery. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN Gxxns, v, r im a general assoitment of HARDWARE. FOB SALE BY FIELD, LANGSTROTH & CO., No. 110 MARKET STREEr, Er.b2l-3t Philadelphia. “AT RETAIL.” JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND / DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments which they have ever offered. COTJE VOISIER’S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND COL D. MOURNING GOODS. 3-1 and S 1 BAREGE HERNANI. 3-1 and e-1 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-1 and B 1 TAMARTINES. 3-1 and 6-1 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINE& French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS.’ BLACK SILKS-in great yarlety. All widths and best brands. mhS-lm| FOB FASTER. RARE AND CHOICE CONFECTIONS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market street. mh24»3ti OPENING OF Paris-Made MANTILLAS AND SPRING CLOAKS, On Tuesday, March 29th. J.W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, No 920 CHESTNUT STREET. jnha4 : _ JAMES BELLAS) Sole Agent lor . Gh A./FRINGE*CO. ’8 World-Eenowned Melodeons, HAEMONIIIMSAND EBAWIKO-BOOM ORGANS.^ ERNEST G-ABLER’S, RAVEN * BACON'S, BALLET, DAVIS * CO.’S, lau-3mrps CELEBRATED PIANOS. - —■■■ vo&imxyt yiAiso ruiuHt*.— jnSSEjSIUr. O. E. SABOEHT’S orders for Ft • I 8 * Toning and Repairing Plano* are re ceived at Uaßon * Oo.’s Store, 9C7 CHESTNUT •treat, only. Ur. Sergeant baa bad Eleven. Team’ factory experience In Boston, and Five Years’ citj smployment In Philadelphia. SPECIAE—Pianos rt-Uaiherei-to sound as soft and evreet-toned as neur, without removing. Terms for tuning, SI. Fourth and Arch, Y Have Ordered this Season for their Richest Silks Imported. Shawls of Exclusive Stiles, Dress Goods, Paris Styles, 1 Spring Mantles, Cloth and Silk. iab26.if{ “ TJ\ttE NEW GG7ERIMEMT L r jAN. By direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby give notice tnat I am "prepared to receive Subscriptions on account or United States Bonds, authorized by the act of Slarch 3d, IS6I, bearing date March Ist, ISG4, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after ten years, and payable forty years from date,bearing interest at five per centum a year, payable on Bonds not over one hundred dollars annually, and on all ether Bonds semi annually., in coin. Subscribers will receive either Registered op Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. *- v " ■ Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomi nations of Fifty dollars (*so)> One hundred dollars (?!<*>'i Five hundred dollars One thousand dollars (3i,GOG), Five thousand dollars (5,000), ar-i Ten thousand dollars (3iO,U)u) and the Counon Bonds of the denominations ot Fifty dollars ($5O), Ore hundred dollars (SUO), Five hundred dollars (SogO) and One thousand dollars (SMH.UJ. ‘ p Subscribers will required to pay in to the amount of the princ.pal of the Bonds in lawful money. the accrued interest in com, (or in "Cniied States notes, cr the notes of National Banks, addirg fifty per.? cent, for premium nntil further notice,) *from the first day of March or September, r.s the case may be, until the day "of subscription and payment. Upon the receipt of subscriptions, I will issue my certificate of deposit thr-reior m duplicate, the original of which will be forwarded by the sub scriber to the Secretary of the Treasury, Wash, with a letter stating the kind (registered cr coupon) and the denominations of Binds re quired. Upon the receipt of the original certificates at the Treasury Department, the Bonds subscribed for will be transmitted to the subscribers respec tively, as soon as the same can be prepared. It is expected that the first cf Coupon Bonds wiil be made not later than the fourth (4th) cf April. ARCHIBALD M ! INTYRE. mta-lj;*. ASSISTANT TREASURER U. S. L. LEFEYEE & CO., Having. eiuec 1555. manufactured the CLOAKS, MASTILLAS i &c, J Of the late firm of L. J. LEVY L CO., And their successor? would respectfully inform their old friends and the ladies generally, that they will open, on the Ist day of April, a Splendid and Choice Assortment of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, &C„ Embracing many New and Beaiifal Patterns, Received direct from their Paris Agents. It will be their aim to give to the Philadelphia pnblie. ALL THE ADVANTAGES POSSESSED BY PARIS AND NEW YOKE HOUSES, and their cus tomers will find their stock Superior in Style and Workmanship To any ever offered in this city. No effort will be spared to merit the confidence of those who may favor them with their patronage. P. S.—Madame L.EFEYRE will give her special attention to the FITTING- AND TRIMMING DEPARTMENT of the business. L. LEFEYRE & 00, Importers and Manufacturers of Cloaks, Man tillas, Ac. Salerooms 704 CHESTNUT Street, Wheeler is Wilson Sewing Machine Agency. miU2s, wflt SILK PAPER HANdlim HOWELL & BROS., NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., Would offer to their enstomers and the public A Specially is Paper Hangings, Exclusively their own Manufacture, yia: . SILK INSERTINGS IN PAPER HANGINGS, To which they ask the attention of parties seeking Bich Decorations for Parlors, Ac. HOWELL & BROTHERS, S. W. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT. We would also respectfully irylte the attention, of our customers to our New Ss3jjhut 4>f PAPES HANGINGS, DEOOK A.TIONSjfpWc., Ac., far Parlors, Wads. Chambers, Ac. ml7-th a tnlmrp. -xnre BEUPE & KINDT, STEOK’S 11 PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. A. SOHERZEB, - mb3-3mrpt 421 N. Fourth, ah. CallowhiU. GODD AND SIJUVEK WATCHES, Off m omr own importation, reliable In quality, Seas and at low prices. FARR & BROTHER, Importer*. 3M. Chestnut street, below l ourth. oou-smrpt Best Custom,