MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. Municipal claim*. v SHERIFF* S OFFICE, > Philadelphia, March *2l, IBG4. S NOTICE IS HEREBY OIYEN, in accordance with the Act of Assembly of the. Commonwealth of Pt nnsylvania, passed 11th day 6iMA"ch,A. B. 1946, entitled “An’Act -relative to Registered Taxes and Municipal Claims in the Oouuty of Philadelphia.’ 1 that the following writs have been placed in my bands for service, to wit: /' IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Ci'-y «'i Philadelphia vs.Ouarlets Mel>an,owner or repuud owner, or whoever may be owner; C. P., March Teim, 1-61: No; ‘8l; for the sum cf SI4U 15, foT.woric an«i'hibo r dune and performed, and fnrm>hed, agains;, all that certain lot or piec eof ground sit uate on the easterly cir nerof Orthod x anc James streets. Fraukford, in ihe .third Ward ol the City of Philadel- containing m lront or breadth onsaid Ortho dox street eighty fen and in length pr depth north eastward along said James street o>e hundred feet. Same vs. James "Willie* owner or reputed owner or whoever may ba owner, O. P. } M trcti Term, 1304, No. 85; for tne sum of forty-five . dollars and twenty- lour ceuts, for work and labor dote and performed, and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the uoithwest : corner of Beaver and -Canal streets, in the Sixteentn Ward; containing A in iront or breadih on said Beaver street fifteen feet, and extending of that'width in length or depth n ori tu-ily parallel with and along said Canal street forty feet. •-.*•>• Same vs. William H "Wittie, owner or reputed owner, or. whoever mav be owner: O P... March Term, 1664, No.' 187; for the sum of $*171.14. for work aid labor done and performed, and materials furnished, against all that ceitrin lot or piece of ground, situate on the r orthe ly corner of Prank ford and Wakeling.sir&’.ts, in Frankford. Tweuty third Ward of ihe City ot Philadelphia; contain ing in front on said Frankford street one hundred and feet, end in length or depth between parallel.lines along said Wakeling sireet two hun dred and forty- seven feet eight inches to Franklin street. Same ve. Reuben Swink, owner, or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner; O. P., March Term, 1864, No, 197; for the sum of twenty-nine dollars and sixteen cents, for work and labor done ana performed, and materials furnished for curbing, paving and gutter m front of all tha lot of ground situate on the sonthwestwardly sid of Oxford street, at-Frankford, in the Twenty thud Ward of the City of Philadelphia, at the dis tanceofone hundred and feet on inch northwestward from the northwest side o Paul street; containing in front or breadth on said Oxford street twenty, seven feet tnree inches, and in depth on the northwest line abjnt one hundred and nine feet to Sellers street. Same vs. Richard Harrison, owner, or reputed % owner, or whoever-may be owner; O. P., March 'Term, 1864, No. 19S; for the sum of twenty.two dollars and ninety cents, or work and labor none and performed, and materials famished, for carb ine, paving and gatter in front of all that lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Ortho dox sti eet, a 1 Frankford, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of Philadelphia, at the diatauce of one hundred and *ixty feet southeast from Jefferson street- containing in front or breadth on said Ortho dox sireet twenty feet, and in length or depth northeastward one hundred feet. . Same vs. John Batton, owner, or reputed owner, or whoever may. be owner; C. P., March • Term, 1864, No. 199; for the sum of twenty-three dollars twenty-oue cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, to wit: for curbing, paving and gutter in-front of all that lot of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Orttodox -etrest, at Frankford, in the Twenty, third Ward of the City of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-two feet son'heastwardly from Mulberry street; containing in front on said Orthodox street twenty feet, and in length or depth seventy-seven feet. w Same vs. Samuel "Wilson, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner; O. P.» Biarch Term, 1861, No. 200; for the sum of twenty-three dollars and forty cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, to wit: For curbing, paving at d gutters in front of all that lof of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Orthodox street, at Frankford, in the Twenty-third Ware of the City of Philadelphia; at the distance of ore hundred and iweaty feet northwestward from Jefferson street; containing in front on said Orthodox street twenty feet, and in length, or depth south westward one hundred feet.' Same vs. Thomas S. Foulkrod, owner or re puted owner, or whoever maybe owner; C.P., March Term, 1664, No. 201; for the sum of twenty five dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials famished, to wit: For cnrbmg, paving and gutters in front of all that lot of ground, situate on the southwesterly side of Orthodox street, at Frankford, in the Twe nty-third Ward of the City of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred feet sontheastwardly from Mulberry street, containing in front or breadth on said Oithodox street twenty-two feet and in length or depth sonthwestward seventy -seven feet. Same vs. Charles Kxeamer, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner; C. P- 1 March Term, 1664, No. 202; for the sum of sixty-five dol lars and twenty cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, to wit: For curbing, paving and gutters in front of all that lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Or thodox sireet, at Frankford, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of Philadelphia, at the distance of two hundred and thirty-three feetsoutheastfrem Paul street; containing in front on Orthodox street sixty-feet, and in length or depthsonthward sixty three feet eight inches. tb. A.- Longstreth,. owner or Kpntfil owner, or whoever rosy he owner, C. P., March ‘ Term, 3664, No. 208; for tile sum of seventeen dollars and ninety-one cents, for work and laDor ■ done and performed ■ and materials fnrnished, against all that certain lot or piece of ground situ ate on the’sonthwesterly corner of York street, in ' the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, at the dis tance of fifty-four leet southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Sepviva street; containing In front or breadth on the said York street thirty six feet, and extending in length or depth south, westerly of that width between lines parallel to the said Sepviva street one hundred and twenty-nine feet six inches and one-eighth to Gordon street. Same vs. Philip Bump, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner, G. P., March Term, 1864, No. 209; for the sum of thirty-two dollars and eighty-three cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, against all that certain lot: or piece of ground, situate on the southwesterly corner or York and Lemon streets, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said York street fifty-four feet, and extending in:length or depth soutuwesterly of that.width be tween lines parallel to and along the said Lemon street one hundred and twenty-nme feet six inches and one. eighth to Gordon street. Same vs. E. O. Quinn, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner, O. P., March Teim, 1664, No. 210: for the sum of one hundred and two dollars and twenty.two cents, for work L and labor done and performed and materials fur nished, against all that certain lot or piece of situate on the southwesterly side of Hun tingdon street, in the Nineteenth Ward ot the city of Philadelphia at the- distance of one hundred and seventy seven feet southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Jasper street; containing in front or breadth on the said Huntmgdpn street fittv-three feet six inches, and extending in length or depth southwesterly ofthatwidth between lines parallel to the said Jasper street one hundred and forty-six feet eight ihcheß and a quarter to Haz zard street. , , . vsame vs. A. Cetti, owner or leputed owner, or whoeveT nmy be owner, O. P.March Term, 1864, No “'ll, for the sum of one hundred and seventy four dollars and thirty-four cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or piece of situate on ill* westerly comer o! Huntingdon and Jaspen streets, in the Nineteenth Wa'd ol ‘y ofPtiladelphia, containing in from or breadth on the said Huntingdon street ninety feet, and ex tending in length or depth southwesterly of that width, between lines parallel to and along the said Jasper street, one hundred and forty-six feet elgm inches and a quarter to Hazzard sireet. Sane vs. James Golcher, owner or reputed owner,-or whoever may be owner; O. P., March Term, 1864, No 212, forthe sum of one hundred and nine dollars and eighty-teven cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials far pished, against all that certain lot or piece of ; ground situate on the north westerly corner of Hun tingdon and Emerald streets, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in ' front pr breadth on the said Huntingdon street sixty feet, and extending in lengib or depth north easterly ofthat'-width,' between lines parallel to and along said Emerald street one hundred and twenty leet to Elizabeth street. . IN THE DISTRICT COURT. * i City of Philadelphia;vs: William H.jßoyer, ; owner or reputed owner, or whoever maybe owner: • ». C., March Term, 1864, No. 46§; for the sum - ' ' two hundred and eight dollars'and twenty-seven * -cents, for work and labor done and performed, and ' materials fnrnished. to wit: For paving, &c., in. front ot all that certain lot or piece of gronnd, situate on tte northeasterly-corner of Huntingdon and Jasper stree's, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Huntingdon street one-hundred and fourteen feet, and extending in length or depth northeasterly of that width between lines parallel •to and-aloDg-the said Jasper street one hundred and twenty feet to Elizabeth street. Same vs.* Barrett &-stetson, owners or reputed owners, er whoever may he owners, D. 0., March Term, 1864, No. 469; for the som of s'even hundred and six dollars and twenty.three cents, for work and labor .done and performed, and materials fur nished, to wit: For curbing, &c ,in front of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Howard street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distraoe of sixty ’ feet northward from the northward side oi Dauphin street, contaPingin front or breadth on the said Howard street three hundred and eighty, feet, and extending in length or depth eastwardly ofthat width between lines parallel to said Dauphin street one hundred and six feet six inches, mur 1 Its-, to Rope street < : S'me ve. Peter Fritz, owner or reputed •o or wbbevermay be owner; D. March No. 470, for the sum bf eight hundret. tii i sixty-three dollars and sixty-one cents, wr and labor done *nd performed, and materia? iu mthed, town: For pairing and curbing latioii of alt ilmt certain lot or ,iece of ground, sHui o ou the northerly corner of OomberlancLand E Etteets, In the nineteenth W:ird,n‘, r containing in iront or,rreadtu on the said Lamb. r land street three hundred and seventy-five f. et to and extending in length or dejvh nnTtheatterlv along the northwesterly side of tau said 1 mcrald street, and the s. U'heasterly side ot the said Jasper street one hundred and fifty- st-. fee t six inches to Firih street. .mhSt-fiawJar bHFKiFF'b iNUTIOFb. IN OBEDIENCE to a Rule of Court, the She - riff of the City and County of Philadelphia publishes the following writ: y JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, March 19, 1864. Cty and County of Philadelphia , «.* ' THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA- NIA, ‘ To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: "We command you, as before we did, that you summon AMOS BARTON, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to ai'swer Lucub Hiist, Assignee of Elizi. S. Ran dclph, Jo: eph B. Townsend and Richard Wood, Executors oi the last will and testament'of Na thaniel Randolph,deceased,assigneeot Joseph W. Emeiy and Nancy L. bis wife, of a plea of breach, of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. ' . . . We command yon, as before we did, that you summon EDWARD PRICE, late of your County, so that be be and appear before-our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadcphia, in and for the said Citv and County of Philadelphia, the first MC‘*NDAY of April next< there to answer Luoien Brown, Assignee of William Banning, Assignee of GilhertS. Parker acd Joseph Allison, of a plea of breach of covenant ; and have yon then and there this writ.' ' > We command you, as before v we did, that you summon JOSEPH K. SLEEPER, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at PI iladelpbia, at our Court of Common Pleas lor «he City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County ol Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of Apiil next, there to answer The Home for Des titute Colon d Children. Assignee of Heury Grees and wife, Assignees of Benjamin M. Hinchman, of a plea of breach of covenant: and have you then and there this writ. "We command you, as before we did, that you summon WILLIAM S. COOK, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of At ril next, there to answer Frederick O. Brightly and J< bn F. Combs, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Martin Curran, deceases, As signee of John TucSer and Louisa M. his wife, Assignee of John McLaughlin and Sarah his wife, Assignee of Robert O. Montgomery, of the one undivided siath part of a ground rent of SiSO, Assignee of Cornelius Stevenson, surviving Ex ecutor of David Montgomery, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you*tben and there this wii’.. We command yon, as Defore we did, that you summon JOHN SUTTON, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MON DAY of April next, there to answer Thomas Williamson and Benjamin R. Smith, Executors of the last will and testament of Doctor Robert Mor ton, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and haveyon then and there this writ. . We command you, as before we did, that yon summon MICHAEL MURPHY, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas,for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at' Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MON DAY of April next, there to answer Matilda A. Whitehead, devisee of Coburn Whitehead, de ■ ceased, assignee of James Whitehead and Hannah, his wife, devisees of John Coburn, deceased, of a plea of breach covenant; and have you then and there this writ. We command you, as Defore we did, that you summon ROBERT GOLDER, late of yonr County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Phil adelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Anthony P. Moreis and Joshua H. Morris, sur viving Trustees under the last will and testament f Hannah Parke, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this command you, as before we did, that yon summon JAMES McCLOSKEY, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Daniel Wells, as signee of Prentice P. Gustone and Ellen, his.wife, of a plea of breach of 'covenant; and have you then and there this writ. We command yon, as before we did, that yon summon JOHN SUTTON, late of your County, so that- he be and appear before onr Judges at Phila delphia, at onr Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Thomas Williamson and Ben jamin R. Smith, Executors of the last will and testament of Dr. Robert Morton, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. We command you, as before we did, that you snmmon CHRISTOPHER H. WITTE, late of your county, so that he be and appear before onr Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Thomas Williamson and Benjamin R. Smith, Executors of the last will and testament of Dr Robert Morton, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. ... w e command you, as before we did, that yon summon ROWLAND T. KENSILL, late of tout County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at onr Courtof Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and forthesaidCity and County of Philadelphia,- the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Thomas Williamson and Benjamin R. Smith, Executors of the last will and testament of Dr. Robert Morton, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Oswald Thompson, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, at Phila delphia,- the eighteenth day of March in the year of . our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. „ „ ' mh24th2t T. O. WEBB, Prothonotary. IN OBEDIENCE to a Rule oi Court, the She riff of the City and County of Philadelphia publishes the following writs: . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Sheriff* s Office, March 19, 1864.. . ; City and County of Philadelphia, ss: - THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA- NIA, ■ To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: > ■We command you, as'before we did, that you summon JOHN TERL, late of your County, so that hie he and appear Before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to he holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next,, to answer Henry J. Williams and Edward Shiopen, Executors of the will of Elizabeth B. Gibson, deceased) assignee of George M. Whar ton, and Edward Shippen, assignees or William M. Lean of the .first part, James Gibson and .Elizabeth B' rdley Gibson of the second part, and Georee M. ‘Wharton and Edward Shippen of the . thiid part assignees.of Wm. M. Lean, Trnste?, who was assignee of George M. Wharton of the first part, Wm. M. Lean of the second part, and. James Gibson and Elizabeth B. Gibson of the third part, ■ assignees of George M Wharton and Georg? : Campbell, Trustees, under the marnage settlement of James Gibson andEltzabeth BordleyGibson, his wife, .'of the. first part, and 1 the said James Gibson and Elizabeth’B." Gibson of the* second . part; of a plea of breach of covenant: and have you then and there this writ. . .We command you, as" before we did, that you summon- WILLIAM GRAHAM, late of your County,' so "that "he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court fori, the City and County 01 Philadelphia;- to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia,.the first: MONDAY of April next, to answer Charles alienee of William R. Scott md wife of- a plea of breach' covenant; and have you then apd there tnis writ. - We command you as before we did. that you • summon ALLEN SERVER,.Iate of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our. District Court for the Oily and County .of Philadelphia, ,to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer John Mather, Assignee of Anna E. Tuneß, assignee of Thomas T. Lea and wife, assigoee of Charles Henry Fisher, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. , _ • • , We command yon aa Before we did) that yon the HAIL i EVENING BULLET! ei mmon JOSEPH DOEV&LL, late of your County, sothat he be and appear before oar J ucures at Philadelphia, at our'Diatfict Court lor the City and County of Philadelphia, to be hold-n at Philadelphia, in and lor the said City and County, Philadelphia, the lirst MONDAY of . to answer Martha. B. Schwarz, - yiilmiu W. P< wen and Catharine R. hia wife, John. Hall ana hlary Antoinette his wife, in right of said Catharine R. and;Mary Antoinette, devisees oi Gottitib 8c hwarz, assignee of Mark Richards and wife, assignee of IhomaS "Wright,. Trustee ol James Wnglit and wife,- assignee 01 Thpm.a Wright and wife, assignee of William Stdppea the younger and wife, assignees by deed of Petition, between William Shippen the younger, and Blair wife bf Samuel Blair, ci-devisees pnder the will of William Shippen, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant and have you, then aod there this writ. • We command yon,asbefore we aid, thatyoasnm mon ALEXANDER NloHoL3ON r latc of your Cous ty,so that he he and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the pity and County of Philadelphia, to be Phila delphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the hist MONDAY of April next, there to answer Jason L. Fenimore, Franklin Fell and Jonathan Fell, Trustees of the residuary estate oi Courtland J. Fell, deceased, assigns of Thorntoa Conrow and wif*. assignees of John (J. Ganarg and wife, and William B. sWlghtman and wife, assignees of William W. Juvenal, assignee of Samuel B. Cauley and wife, ofa pleaof breach of covenant; and have you then, and there this writ, j - We command von, as before we did, that yon | summon SAMUEL MORGAN, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to beholden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, to answer William O. Lndwlg, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and thcruthis writ. ' We command you, as before we did, that 3on summon ALBERT WHITE,- late of your county, so tbat he be and appear before our Judge at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the Cu-y and County of Philadelphia, to be bolden a Philadelphia,in andfortbesaidCity aadConaty of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, to answer William i\ Ludwig, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this command yon as before we did, that you summon JAMEfc M- JACKSON, late of County, so that he he and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at onr District Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holdcn at Philadelphia* in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of April next, there to answer Edwin Conies, wh > sues by his guardian, Joseph R. Rhoades, sarah A. Atkinson and William. H. Crrlies, of aplcaof breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. „ ' •.. . ' „ Ve command yon, as before we did, that yon summon GEORGE H. NIPPEREL, lateofyonr County, so that he be and appear before onr Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the and Connty of Philadelphia, the first MO>«DAx of April next, to answer Jonn McKee, assignee of Spencer Shoemaker, of a plea of breach of cove nant* and have you then and there this writ. ■Vntness George Sharswood, Doc tor of Laws, President of onr said Court, at Philadelphia, the nineteenth day of March in the vear'ofonr Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtv*f ur. \ T. A- TREGO, . inb24-th,2t pro Prothonotary. TjtLECTRICITY. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN) Medical Electrician*, formerly associated with Professor Bollei and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, tat practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEN, at the old established office, No. 723 North TENTH Street, -between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases {whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the Yarious modifica tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat* ment has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other disease* of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful curs* have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the juiver or Paralysis. ' Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. ■ Fever and Ague ; Prolapsus Eteri (Fallins Congestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsus Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. . Nocturnal Emissions. Rheumatism. Ac., Ac Bronchitis. Deafness, influenza and Catarrh. Noehargefer consultai 9 A. M. to CP. M. Testimonials to oe seen Qi*AL DENT ALLIN A. A. enperior article for cleaning the Testh, de stroying anlmalcnlHJ vrhich Infest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness In the month- X* may be nsed dally, and will be found to strengths! weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and do. tersiveneES will recommend it to eTery one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Mlcroscopist, It la confldentlj offered es a RELIABLE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constitu ents of the DENTALLINA, advocate Us uses: 1! contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained »m -uloyment. Jladeonlyby _ w JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For eale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown. D. L. Stackhouse, Hassard&Ooi, Robert O. Davie, <5. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, ChaTlos Shivers, O.H. Needles, ». J. Scattargood, - T. J. Husband, J- O. Turnpenny, «Co Ambrose Smith, Charles Hi Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bnnghurst A Co,, James L. Bispham, Dyott A Cb., Hughes k Coombs. . H. O. Blair, Henry A. Bower,; Wyeth k Bro. JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK We often hear it repeated those who have need JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, thereis none of them so salutary as acough medicine,so potentas an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific* and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. _ . «. T . For sale by the proprietor, F. JDMEDIjE, No 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHIALTABLETS ARB found to be an indispensable requisite In tht treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsnesa, and similar complaints affecting the organs of th« voice: particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amatenrs. Prepared, wholesale and Tetail, by LANCASTER & WUJuS. ESTLAOK’S diphtheria lozenges.— These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Uiphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try tk 6ll *- THOMAS ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist,. S. W. cor. of Market sts.. Phila- ja2B-3m, TAYLOR’S ARNIOA OIL OREMBROOA TION. A reliable article. Positively curei Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, frosted Feet, Chlllhlalns, Pains m the Limbs, Chest, bid. Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR- Tenth and CaHowhUl streets. Price, ascents. " ' - ' * UST RECEIVED BY LATE .IMPORTA tion, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, eipressl? for medicinal use. LANCASTER &_WILLbi. Pharmaceutists, N E. comer . ARCH and TENTH Ste.. Phils-- , . :- ■ «68S OLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND • • WATERrHEATING- APPARATUS, For 'WarnuntPand yentilating Pnblio Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the • UNION STEAM AND W ATER-H EAT INQ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. B. M. FELTWELL, Sup’t mhlB-oni4 Thomas s. dixok, • • Late Andrews & Dixon, Blp. 1324 CHESTNUT street, pniladtipUla. Opposite TTnited States Mint, Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PABLOB, CHAMBEB, OFFICE,' •- and otheb gbates, - For Anthracite Bitnminons and Wood STirt a ■ ALSO, ' ’ ■ ' ‘ WABM AIK FUBNAOES, . ' ' '-■■■• AHD ’ •" ■ : CHIMNEY CAPS, ,' mo ttfiOKING KANGES, BATH BOILEBS, So. wBTnt.TISALE AND, BET AIL-. myi TTErVYWEIiLS. —OWNEBS OF^PKOFEK pTy.-Tbe only place to getlPriry W«Us Cl«aa*ed prices. ■ Mannfacttirer of-Foudretts, OND’S BOSTON BISCUIT—Bond’s Bntter and Milk Blsenltlandlng fresh lrom steamer, and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER A OQ-, Agents to Bond, 110 South Wharyee. idoo, Office boon trosr at the office. der-Cml ITOYES, HEATERS, &0- ; FBLILABILP ft la. THURSDAY, MA.&CH Y4;»1864. Liiix.A u'. jA * hi' GUrIiANS 0* 'UET PuKTKb Oir-Y 1 ANI) COUNTY OF PUlBAl>BL,t»ui.k.--E*. .o.e'dt-JOH GIItBS- deceased.—The Auditor ay oiiitrd by tlieonrt to audit, settle and adjust e account-of • William Flake anc John M. \)gdeu, rxeeiitoTs of the las’ Will aud Testamentof JOB iIB.KF, deceased,-and to r*. port distribution ot th* •*int ce jr, the banrisoi -'the accountants, will meet be panics interested for the purposes of his au dit tment, on WUEpDAT the 7th day of April, tfit at it o’clock A. fit.. at hie Office, No. 3’.U \crth SIXTH street, Philadelphia . JOHN H. OAMPBELti. inh22 tu,this,st*] Auditor. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TBI CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA- I’TLFHIA. —ln the matter of the Trust ot THE I'KION CANAL COMPANY —The Auditor {ip. uoinied to audit) settle and adjust the third aud dual account' df J. RODMAN PAUL. JR. RUN* L»LE , SMITH and O. Tli’ Trustees under a certain Indenture ot Mortgage of the Union Canal Company, dated 2B, 1857,a :d to make distribution, will meet the parties Tu in rarest for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY, the 6th da%’ of April. A.. D. 1861. at 4 o’clock,P. M.,st his Office,No. 271 South FIFTH street, in the City of Philadelphia. * JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor., jnhl9s,tu,th,stt ’ TN the ORPHANS’ COI'RT FOR THE OITY I ANI) COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Es tate ol VICTOR REBOUL, deceased. The An ditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adiusi tne account of ELI ZABETH MADELINE REBOUL, Executrix of the last will of VIC TOR BEBOUL, deceased, and to report distribu- tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant will meet, the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, march 29th, 1804, at 3# o’clock P. M., at his office, N0..5# South SIXTH street, (second story), intiie cityol Philadelphia JAMES LYNp, mhl7,th,s,tu-st§ . ; ■ Auditor, NOTICE.-r-LeUers of- Administration to the Estate of ANDREW J. WrSTER. dec-ased, having been granted tnthe undersigned, all per sons indebted axe requested t > makr* payment, and. those having claims against said Estate, to present them without delay, to ELIZABETH WESTER, Administratrix, 1305 Girard avenue, or_to her. arorney, THOMAS J. DIEHL, 530 Walnut street. ielB-th-6t# Estate of margaret Barclay, dec’a. —Not ce is hereby given that the Register of Wills, for tbe City and * ounty of Philadelphia, has granted to the undrrsipned letters of Adminis tration upon the Estate of. WARdARET BAR* CLAY, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby) eqnef-ted to make known tbe same, and all persons indebted to make payment to GEORGE G. BARCLAY, 1135 Arch street, or to JOHN B STEVENSON, 439 and 441 York'A venue, Admin istrators. •* mb3-th6t* UNITED STATES. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SC T. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING': I W’HEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern Districtof Fennsylva- I nia, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed ! in the name of the united States of .America, hath | decreed all persons in general who have, or pre- I tend to ha,\e, any right, title, or interest in tne | following named vessels and cargoes, to wit: Tne I sloop BUFFALO, whereof Lewis Wrigglns is master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and tbe cargo laden on board thereof, cap- I tured by the bark Brazitera, under the command r of Acting Master W. T. Gillespie; the schooner I MARY, whereof is master, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the cargo laden on j board thereof, captured by the United States biTk J Brazilera, under command of Acting Master WV | T. Gillespie; tbe sloop PERaIS, whereol r- I is master, her tackle, apparel acd furniture, and I the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the j United States steamer Massachusetts, under com- I mand of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant West; the I schooner SYLVAN CS, whereol Higgins | is master, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and I the cargo laden oh board thereof, captured by the | steamer Huron, under the command of Lieut. Jas. 1 H. Baker, to be monished, cited, and called to judg- 1 ment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice sorequiring). You are, therefore, charged and strictly enjoined I and commanded, that you omit not, but that by I publishing them presents in at least two of the daily newspaper? printed and published In the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and. cited,peremp torily all persons In general who have, or pretend Ito have, any right, title, or interest in die said Teasels, and their cargoes laden on board thereof, their tackle, apparel and furni ture, to appear before tbe Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publica tion ot these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form, oi law, a reasonable aud lawful -excuse, if any they have, why the said vessels, their tackle, apparel and furniture, aHd their cargoes laden on board thereof, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time ot the cap ture of tne same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods cf their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receiye iu this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intiipate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by tbe tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a i reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and maypro nounce that the _ said vessels, their tackle, apparel and furniture, and their j cargoes laden on board thereof did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, j and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, I liable and subject to confiscation and condera- I nation, to be adjudged and condemned, as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons cited and intimated in anywise notwith standing, and that you duly Certify to the said j District Court what you shall do in the premises, I together with these presents. _ - ■ j Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this | twenty-first day of MARCH, A. D.16G4, and in 1 the eighty.eighth year of the Independence oltne . j said United States. mh23-3t O. R. FOX, Clerk District Coart. PROPOSALS FOB BITUMINOUS UOAIkS— I Sealed Proposals -will be received at tile Office J of the Philadelphia Gas 'Works, No. 20- South 1 SEVEN t'H Street, iratu noon of FRIDAY, aid of I April, 1864, for supplying the-whole or any part I ot Eighty TAoujami Tome/ Bituminous Coals, suit- 1 able lor the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Bailroad tracks of the'Gas Works I at the First Ward at d the Ninth Ward S ations, in I the following monthly quantities; eight thousand I tons in each of the months of September, October, I November, December, and six thousand tons in I each of the months of June, July, August, 1651, | and January, February, March, April and May. I isfis. • - The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. . ' ' ■ • The proposals innst describe the particular va riety of coals Intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which they are to he raised. If they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of notlessthan fifty tons,- must be delivered | at ihe Works, on or before the 7th of April next i . , The gross ion of 2il4u pounds will be considered. as the weight Intended m the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. - r :’:'c The Trustees ret erva the right to accept any pro posals in whole or in part, or to Teiect all, as. they I may deem bestfor the interests of the Trust, and | in the event-of failure on the pa-1 of any contrac tor to deliver the coals aocordlngto his agreement, Übothin quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right-to buy elsewhere,. whatever quantity I may berequired to'meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from eachfailure. I payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months alter the speci fied peiiods of deli very, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made I at earlier dates with legal interest off.- , Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier thanrequired, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified tathe, : Security for the fulfilment- of contract will be required; .and each proposal must name, the amount and character of seourlty -that.will be, ffered. ■ JOHN O.GRESSON, - - . feantap22s • EngtneermOln6f_ HE PHILADELPHIA BIDING SCHOOL, FOURTH Street, above Vine, will re-open for the J?all and Winter season, on MONDAY, .Sept 2toh, i*adiesand gentlemen desiring to acquire a . thorough knowledge of this accomplishment will find eTery facility at this school. The horses are safe and well trained, bo that-the most timid need not fear. • Saddle horses trained in the best man* her. Saddle hoTses, horses and vehicles to biro Also carriages for funerals, to cars, steamboats, A -••Ute.-rT .: TWOS (RATftP! *t-Rf>W g HOOOLATE WALTER BAKER A Chocolate; Cocoa and Broma; single, double and triple Vanilla: also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, in store and for sale by WM> S. dRAHTt lMSontHDa.awaxe "Whams. PROPOSALS. DRY GOODS. ba T e »» arranged. for uooiis U lhle ot TEaVELINO DRESS Traveling suits. q , Pongee, T?&T6]inp BreespH |g:a3£ai«^ P?Mch A l K^ Cas “? Delaines. “““Won of Bayers Best B?o L W K n^£M E c&| GOODS! Best B Bek Silt s in the city.' Bichest Colored Moire Antiques. Fancy Spring Chanes and maids. Monmilif Silks, Plaids and Plain. 100 Fieces Perfect India Silks. Magnificent Brocade Grenadines. Bichest Spring Dress Goods imported. Dry et.oDS, from auction. 2 lots American Crash, at U and 17 cents. 1 lbt Spring DeLaiaes, 31 If. 2 lots Black and White Plaid, 37)£. 4 lots Table Linens, cheap. 2 Jots Plain'Balzaimes, at 22. 1 lot Plaid Valencies, at 45. Open this" morning, at 702 ARCH street JOHN H. STOKES. THE CHEAP CLOTH STORE. JAMES & LEE, No. It North SECOND,Street, Are now receiving a large, and choice . stock oi Spring and Sommer'Goods, adapted to Men and Boys’ wear, to which they invite the attention ot their friends land others, comprising in part COATING GOODS—Super Black French Cloth; Colored, do Black French Habit Cloth; Colored, do. Cashmere. Cloths, all qualities. Drap D Ete and Ca-hmaretts. .' . t - r PAt-.TALOON STUFFS—BIack French Doe shine; do., Cassimeres. Fahey Cassimeres, new styles. JAMES & LEE, No 11 North Second Street. Sign of the Golden Lamb. LINEN. ADVERTISEMENT. -S.MILLtKEN &CO Stores for Linen Goods exclusively, tat; ARCH and 32 Soil h .SECOND street. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS.— A good s rong Dish Linen, at 41 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Linen from 56 cents up. SHIRT BOSOMS.—We continue to pay par ticular attention to this department. Ladies will fnd at. our Stores the most extensive stoekof Bosoms, Wristbands and Collars in the city.. T ABLE LINEN S.—A lot of extra-heavy power loom Damask, hall tileached, at 75 cents per yard. CHEAP NAPKINS. —An excellent article at 82 per dozen. “ S.‘ MILLIKEN A CO., Linen Importers and Dealers, mb3] 828 Arch street, and 32 S. Second ati eet TT STEEL & SON. HAVE NOW OPEN ■ 1. & choice assortment of NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, S 3 00 to J 55 00. Plain Corded bilks, *1 to 83 50. Figured Corded Silks, SI 62#• Plain Poit De Soies, SI 25 to S 3 25. FANCY SILKS, 75 GTS. TO S 5 00. Black Gros Grain Silks, SI 25 to S 3 25. Figured Black Suk*, SI 25 to $2 00. Plain Black Silks, s6 00. Plaid India Silks, 87X cts. Light Ground, Rich Figured Foulards, SI 25 to SI 62. Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth street. Edwin hall a co., no-*2O s. second street, have now open the best stock of Dress Goods they ever had the pleasure of offering to their customers. Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent Organdies, f ilk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Monslin de Esso As, a new fabric. Mohair Foulards. Plaids, Stripes and PI tin Talencias. Plaid and Stripe Mohairs Beautiful shades fine Alpacas. Superior Black Alpacas. S'riped and Figured French Chintz. Figured Percales and Cambrics. Plain Lawns and Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robes. Dress Goods, ia great variety, of all the new Fabrics that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which have been of our own importation. A AAA DOLLARS. _ 4: UUU FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BLACK SILKS. We bow offer tte Greatest Bargains m Black Gros de Rhines eTer offeied in this city. Heavy Black,Silks, at SI 25 per yard. Heavy Black Silks, at SI 37 per yard. Heavy Black Silks, at Si 50 per yard. 3% Inch wide Heavy Black Silks, at si 62 per yd. The above Goods are a Great Bargain. We desire to torn them intoCssh, Immediately, and give onr customers every chance. THOMAS SIMPSON’S SONS. 922 and 924 Pine street. DAMASKS Scotch Table PamftotTj L 81 00 to 81 87. Power-loom Table Linens, 87 to SI 15. Unbleached Table Linens. Fine Napkins, 82 50 to S 5 00. Fringed Damask and Huck. Towels. Pure Linen, Fringed Towels, from 25c to 81, Bird*eye Limns, 56, 62, 75 and 83 cts. Diapers, Flannels, Tickings, &c. Heavy Hngenot Wide Sheetings. Best Irish Linens, from 50 cts. to $1 12. Quilts, Blankets, Muslins, &c. 7HITE CAMBRICS.—S-4 wide, and very flue, at 56 cents. ' j,* x Finest Cambric, 65 cts—lower grades. Real Manchester Heavy Ginghams. Black Silks, of every grade. ' Every Style Spring Delaines and Prints. ” y . COOPER* CON ARD, fe27 ’ S. E. comer Ninth and Market street. TOBACCO AND SKUABS. TOBACCO.— 57 hds. Maryland Tobacco; 15 old Kints; do ; 167 cases Pennsylvania SOJd l>af, 32 old: 57 cases Navy ponnds. For sale by BOLDIN &.WAETMAN, No. 105 North Water street. mh2l Havana cigars.— A good assortment constantly in. Store and bond—at lowest rates for cash. STEPHEN FUGtIET, Importer, mh2-3mos - No. 216 S. Front Street. PENNSYLVANIA SEEULEAF TOBACCO. 10 Cases Pennsylvania Sea Leal Wrappers ind Fil'ers, in store and for sale by GEORGE AL KIN’S & CO., 154 North DELAWARE Ave nne. ■ mh!7 HAVANA CIGARS.—3OOO Havana Cigars re ceived per Brig Marie lionise, and for sale by GEORGE ALKIN’S & CO., 151 North DEL A WAE E Avenue. m hl7 VIRGINIA MAN OFACTURED TOBACCO— THE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT.—3S boxes superior sweet lumpi lust received from NorfolS, now landing from nchooner WEBBER, Ja., - General Agent Union Steamship Company, : .14 North Ttolfiware avennt. EDUCATION- ■Employment for women.—adepart- JV ment for teaching Women Telegraphing has been commenced in the School of Design building, 1334 6HEST NTJT Street. Ladies wishing to learn mav apply as above. Charge for instruction, $25 ■ mhs-lmotj • ANNIE L. OOLLADAY. * INFANT’S RETREAT. . MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the ten derest care and culture ’for * Children from . three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References.: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city; also to Abraham Martin. Esq. tet7-Jm2_ Mgafete-sagayag and wililiOW attests. Offlcei No. 11l gout* SECOND attest. mh27 ■ • JOHH BHBAPF. invite attention r to their stock of . • Buck Mountain Company’s Coal> • , Navigation Company’s Coal, and to sell at the lowest mar- Ldto dollvar in the best condition. to nSS toft BINES, Fran Mil liSStSe Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar- Set, will be promptly at j. shEAEF, Arab «tre»t wharf. SchnylW CARPETINGS, AC. AKPETS, OARPETd, NITUBE, OIL CLOTHS, OIL CLOT “a, ■WINDOW SHADES, WIt JLOW SHADEg and a large assortment of Household o°°?® 143 , Mar. LEWIS’ S Old Established Stand, No. U34mai> Set St., nest door to the corner of 15th st. mmum* CARPETINGS, OIL CEO' GETS,__ _ WILTON, VELVET, , THrIbPIV, J CARPETINGS. inokain, VENETIAN, , HALL and . STAIR, . J aii m tbe lowestcasA pricM, Si lit S 3 mart 887 COAE. J. •WAX.TOW * OO- :HS, AND DBUQ- for sala by tIOHT&SOHt CBuitiratatxMt. SHIPPING. -NOTICE.—The steamship CITY OF KRB, of this lir.e, will sail. &. uii **trj tuaxrer ou Tfe URSDAY, March24tfc, at 0 A. M., carrying cabin passengers at foil rates aiKi steerage at' reductd fateajpayadlQ/in United States currency. si EI&M : WEEKLY' JOS LIV ER -288a3*& ** UUL, touching at (iUEENSTOWI! h (Cork HaTbor).—The well-known, Steamers of the t Liverpool* New York and PhiladelphiaSteafiuhlp v Company aTe intended to sail as follows: •: - EDINBURGH. Saturday, March 20 CITY OF WASHINGTON..Saturday, April 2 CITY OF MANCHESTER ..Saturday,-April _ ? And eyery succeeding Saturdays* Noon>frosi Pier 44 Norm Riyer. .. * RATES OF PASSAGE: PA.YABLB JK fK>LD OE ITS BQUTVALBHT £V CVS ... .. BBMOY. • hi feWWi ....£..880 i Steerage..... ;. : ,830 00 hi S a h D 40 London. 85 I Do. .to London 34 OO i«nS Il . toParla --- »5 Do. to Paris.. 48 00 p“™ 40 Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 EoteTdS™ 1160 forwarded to’Havre,. Bremen, - p iS pKov W T B &0 - ’ at «etwe«a Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower thanby ttiy* other ropte. Freights received every day and bills of lading given. Apply to THOMAS WEBSTER, U North Wharves. . selO-tf foe new yoek. —despatch Sjgfijg&and SWIFT-SOBE EINES-Vla Dela ware and Earl tail Canal.—The steamsrsof these lines are leaving daily at 12 o’clock! M., and o’clock, P.M., from third Pier above Walnut it. For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to WXLILIAM. ffl. BAIRD & 00., 132 Sonth Delaware avenue, s ..1 FOE NEW YOEK—New Dally Line Via Delaware and Raritan Canal— Philadelphia’ and New York Express Steamboat Company 1 will receive freight and leave dally at I P. M., delivering their cargoes in New York tt« following days. Freight tuven at reasonable rates. WUDIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 Sonth Wharves, Palled*. JAMES HAND, Agent, Jy2s-tf Piers 14 and 15 East Biver, N. T. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. REGTTLARLTAS ADVERTISED. The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship WIZARD KING Is now rapidly loading at pier 11, East River. >X, This beautiful clipper comes to ber berflt witb a large portion of her eargo on board, large engagements will fill rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KING 1 to all ship pers to San Francisco as the most desirable vessel now loading, and invite inspection, . Shippers will copier a tavor by sending their freight immediately alongside;. bishoA son A CO., tl ios Arch street, above Front. PL. FOR LIVERPOOL—With OnickDispatcH wH—The fine Neutral packet ship GENERAX, mll r.T fl MS- Hatfield, master, having the bulk of hex cargo engaged, will sail soon. For balance of freight, apply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhll-tf A. PETROLEUM FREIGHT FOB LIV- SggERPOOL The fine Bremen bark PAUL INE, Osterlob, master, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight, aj ply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mh'2l-tt FOR NEW ORLEANS—Thebark DRES- JggiDEN, Captain Seed, having the bulk of Eer "cargo engaged, ■will have quick dispatch. For balance of Height, apply to WORKMAN A CO.. 123 Walnut street. ■ mh!9 A, FOE NEW ORLEANS—EagIe Line— wE&YThft bark SAXONYILLE, at Shippen street wntu f, will complete her loading shortly. Ship pers will please send their goods down to the ves sel and their bills ol lading to the counting honse for signature. J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. nihl3 au FOE BOSTON—Express Line—To Sail This Day—The flnt packetbark ST. JAMES, Captain Wayne, is now receiving freight at the second wharf above Vine street, And wHI sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPEB, 18 North Wharves. it* FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fine sSglpacket schooner MARY A. RICH, Captain Lardy, is now re'ceiving freight at Cat tel’s wharfs third whan above Market street, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID rnflPEB. IB North Wharves. FOR SALE—Schooner PACIFIC, 80 tons carries 100 tons, 800 barrels capacity, ni good running order, daily expected.. Apply to DAVID COOPSB, IS North Wharves. mh-24 ace. JOHN SHINDIiER A SONS, SAIL MAKERS, No. 244 North WAR YES, below Philadelphia. ‘ ft ll work done In the best manner and-on the lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. ' xnhU-tf Particular attention given to repairing. STEAMSHIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON— Consignees of merchandise per above vessel will please send for their goods, now landed on wharf above Pine street. HENRY WINSOR A CO., 332 South. Wharves. mh23-3t CONMGNEtS of 14 bales Tow, no,mark, per . schooner L. A. JOHNSON, from New,York, will attend to-the Teceipt of their goods, at Uallow hill street wharf, or they will be stored at the>r Tisk and expense. J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. • ■ mb24-3t THE CONSIGNEE cf 1 barrel Sugar, M barrel box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL FRED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Curtz, will please call for the same at BISHC P, SON A CO.’S, 105 Arch street. ; ' J v . mhlB VTOTIOE All persons are hereby cautioned ' against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British schooner DART. Conrad, master, from Cienfnegos, as no debts of H? Will be paid by captain orwnsln, BAZLEY A CO.. 122 South ..Wharves. mh24-0t ~ (JTICK a 1 i persons are hereby-cautioned IV trusting any of the*crew of the Br. ship WILLIAMS, Hatfield, master, f-om Yieernooi. as so debts of their contractingwill be iiaid by captain or consignees. PETER. WRIGHT * SONS- 115 Walnut street mh2l-tf PLANUS, &U. -01--- I, UNITED STOCK COMPANY fiKßgl} FIRST-CLASS 7 PIANOS, of New || 0 I I-York; also, Worcester’s inimitable Patent Hinged Plate Pianos, lor sale at No. 14 North Seventh street. mhtfi-2ms ■ _ .. G-LOSE A BAEOKLER. „r-va A. STANKO WITCH, PIANO TUNER and REPAIRER, removed If g I f* to 930 RIDGE avenue, above Vine, and Is prepared to receive orders as usual. Hia many customers bear testimony to his sktil.and ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manher, as be is a practical Piano Maker; has eight yeara’ city experience, with the best references which can be given. All orders promptly attended to; and guarantees to give entire satisfaction.,' Price for tuning SI. Orders from the country accepted, and done very reasonably, . ■■ .. ~ , mh2,3m1l ..i r ~ AN ASSORTMENT '-of l the best ia New York and Philadelphia Mann- IT @ I f' facturing,* from 8275 . upwards. Also, MELODEONS, Harmoniums- and Cabinet Organs. No. 233 South FlFTRstreet, at the New Store, afew doors below Walnut. P. SCHULER * CO - fel7-3m CH LORODYNE, —The new English. Anodyne and Anti.spasmodlc. We have Wit, an invoice of Hegeman A Oo.’»-Cblor~dyne,w c we will fnrnißh to the trade »t reasonable prices. £ •p v a-R-ROW A CO.. Drug gists, mh2U6t* i 'n -p. efir. EighteenthandVihA_ watcßes- •j— eThoW ARlf A GU.-O. AMERICAN'°WATOHES, Wk DRUGS.