Life insurance and trust company —THE GTRARIs RIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTRUST COMP ANY, of Philadelphia OFFICE, No. ins CHESTNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, *3«n,iH»c r paid in and Invested In Bondi and Mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Rives, grant An nuities and Endowments and make contracts gens rally, which depend on the contingencies of life. They act as Executois, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts of Justice or corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the In sured for life __ MANAGERS. Thomasßidgway, JohnA. Brown, EoberVPearsall, John E. Latimer, John R. black, . John O. Mitchel, Thomas P. James, Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, Tabra, Stacy B. Barcrolt, Henry Qreek Professor In the a., potenttary of the King of at the Court Saxe-Weimar. lvol., octavo,* triitTS , top. Price 8125. Lately published by U ’ ' nos E. H. BUTL-ER & CO., nos 137 South Fourth stroet TNi°WSp G ApfRS B^u K gbl P a A fro?d rJ l^ J S d BARIT 1 arket street. Philadelphia. J ft 4 WATCHES. ... E. HOWARD & CO.’S yv - Era. FIBST-OLASS KKi ftuaS AMERICAN WATCHES, with MERSHON’S PATENT REGULATOR, bold by the principal watchmakers, mhs-lmj THE PAIL ): EVENING BULLETIN.; PfllLAjliiLPlllA. WEDNESDAY. m H 03, J el PEEPETUAIi. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROP* NEYERFAIL to cube the suffebieo in a specific for ail female difficulties LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are wonderfully adapted to obstinate caeee. are not pleaaanttotaSe, but powerful In their ntTer barm any one if they follow.the direoUone. n oases of painful alcfcuesa, ;aot llkaja onarm to Vlgorating, restoring and renoTatlngtlieeyttein 19,006 06 LYON’S PERIODICAL D^OPS are a scientincally prepare fluid preparation, ane. 6,006 66 more reliable than any Fill or Powder. 8,006 00 are genuine only, when tbe name of Doctor Jobs L. Lyon is written upon tbe directions, wblcb are wrapped carefully around eacb bottle. $337 211 86 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are for sale by druggists in city and country every- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS oost but one dollar perbottle; will you waste away Wltb anxiety and pain, when an Investment of on* dollar will surely cure you. LYON’ S PERIODICAL DROPS Will restore nature to Its healthy course, whatever be tbe indisposition. * 8=34,093 96 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are; safe at all times when tbe directions are d. hired to. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS when taken regularly always, prevent sicken* and Is not prevention better cure 1 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS nave stood the test of 25 years’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the encomiums of all who use them. No lady should be without them. We have letters al- most every day from ladies of the highest respsc- lability, telling us they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could w> publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most Incredulous. We have now ii New York. mind an instance of a lady who had been lrregulai until her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. She saw our advertisement, and came to see us. We, too, thought she was too f*i gone to be cured, but commenced at the causa with the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to. da; die Is well and healthy, a living witness of ths efficacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a re- sident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you ars suffering any of the Ills caused by irregularity, ws ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will con vinca the most sceptloal, and never after will yon be In- duced to be without it. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY & UOWDEN, NO. S 3 NORTH SHTHaSTBEWT, and at RETAIL 1 s SI per bottle. tut-l m,wly MEDIOaL LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLBSALB by all Dealers in medicine everywhere C. O. CLARK * 00., Wholesale Druggist*, Proprietors, H»TMLt GOSX. l3 J tbe JN cnrt^f l^ i KKOiNUHIAL TROCHES, for aTe snecmlK HoarsenHßF ’ Tllroat Diseases, Ac., »he inoHt effiH?n C t° minPDded 10 P ublic speakers, as tremeilyextantforthe aboTe ais * in our possession 1 : 1 btllolle of the manytestimomala n a t» . HABEisßuna, Feb. fth, iBBi. ptt? lf J' AKT - z,ear Sir: X have used and other nre™ Troclles > Wistar’s lozenges, troubles, and P fn a V onß fo , r boarsenesa and throat ch. trlullvo, «. -S^''^ lnr ' ar son witll them all, can r.Je. specific ?'“ eu h 1 onr ovra as a most admira ci hoar s o ene P sf ““l , Biug ? rs ’ to lonnd them se'rvbfi “ n ?, hs and colds. X have ritually. er ving m time of need, most ef- Yonrs t™ly, T. H. ROBINSON, And Jtr sale by Drneeism SHOEMAKER & CO., mWMmw,L E - i° r ‘ FoWttl “&?!!£? Also, by Reta/l Dr* ggists P - gIAsCTBIUITT WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Messrs. GBIM ana at.t.^tj che old established office, No. 723 North T-ENT?* Street, Between Coates’and wheJhe and CDre CB tahle diseases (whe'hei h £ onlc > Pulmonary or Paralytic, without anv^nf o *-? 11 * p^ ln ’) witll the various modifies. aon ® of Electricity and Galvanism. Thin treat ”!?s of B?onch f “, Un ?- re ??s {l;ibl7 successful in all ofUte Dl P htJleria ' and other disease: 01 xne tnroat and respiratory organs. h<«e i^n f ™ 6 ,iI Useases in wluct successful curei are mentioned below. C ®?f (^ r HP t f 0D i first and Genera] Debility. plSly4.^ e *‘ D utrf se ' of tbe IJv9r ot Neuralgia. Diabetes^' Snßsto A,M ' Prolapsus Uteri (Fallmf of the Womb). UvtataDsia. ' Prolapsus An! (or Piles) fttatan. N £™ Eai “ l0 “’ Bronchitis. * O, lEfluenraand Catarrh. No charge for consults i 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to oe seen QPAX UENTAEUINAi A superior article for cleaning me Teem, do rtroymg animalcules which Infest them, tlrliif tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of Ire* fTance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. I* may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen wean and bleeding gums, while the stroma and d# tersivenees will recommend it to every one. Be S? cpnjposed with the assistance of the Dentist Physician, and Micros copist, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the const! tu ants of the DENTALLINA, advocate its uses: It' contains nothing to prevent itt unrestrained em* ployment. Made onfy by •TAMES T. SHIN Is, Aoothecarv „ 0. . BROAD and SPRUCE Street* ®r sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse. Hazard A Co., Robert C. Davis. Geo. C. Bower*, I sa £° H. Kay, Charles Shiver*, £• . f; ee &. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. G. Turnpenny, A Oc- Ambrose Smith, j Charles H. Eberi*, Thomas Weaver, James N. Mark*, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst 4 Co,. James L. Bispham. Dyott A: Co., Hashes 4 Coombe. H. O. Blair, Hecry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.-~We often hear it repeated by those T £ a l®~ used JDMELLE’S COMPOUND SxRLP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. : For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No 15-25 Market street, and by all Praggiats. [fe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHIAL TABLETS ABB fonnd to be an indispensable requisite In ths treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoaisness, era similar- complaints affecting the organ* of thi rolce: particularly recommended by public *peeuc •rs, singers, and a urn tours. Prepared, whofeaals and retail, by LANCASTER 4 WILLS. TjtSTLACK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— All These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sere Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phiia. ja2S-3mJ TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBBOCA* TION.—A reliable article. Positively caret Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Ctillblains, Pairs in the Limbs, Chest, Sid* For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Gailowhill streets. Price. Scents. JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA tion, Hennessey 1 s fine Old Brandy, express!) for medicinal use. LANCASTER & WILL& Efc£s£, c t utlst *’ N E' corner ARCH an A TENTH Sts.. Phila. FRESH SMOKED SALMON—Spiced Salmon, t-inoked Yarmouth Herring, jast received and ror sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, Broad and Chestnut stieets. mh.l6 NEW BOLD HAMS—The Genuine Newbold Dttm, inst received and for sale by THOMP SUN BLACK Jc SON, Broad and Chestnut sts. Choice Havana cigars.—just rec.-ived a Jot of Havana Cigars, ot our own importa tion, which we will sell by the box at wholesale £« c^ s ;^ SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALN UT. V ARMUUTH BLOATERS. Yarmouth -L Bloater Herring, ot extra fine qoality, just re ceivedandforsaleby SIMON COLTON A SON, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT. Tomatoes in glass.—too doz Fresh Tomatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior Streets! JAMES B ' WEBB ’ WalnDl , SALMON AND HERRING.- Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for eale by JAMES R. WEBB. Walnut and Eighth Streets. y E „ ff UUICH CHEESE, ANCHOVIES AND -L’s enracoa, just received and for sale at COUST i’S, No. 118 South SECOND street. RIME CARACCAS COCOA SHELLS at 25 I>er lb " COUSTY’S, No. 118 South Sh-COND stteet. NEW SARDINES in whole, half and quarter boxes at COUSTY’ S, No. liS South SECOND street. AI.MERI A GRAPES. —Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee; alco, Maracaibo, La Gnayra, Rio, &c., for sale by M F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. MACCABONI AND VERMICELLI—ItaIian Maccaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality iust landed and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIECK k CO’S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, Younger’s Scotch Ale and Guiness’s Brown Stoat for sale by E.B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R. R. depot,Germantown. RIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate. Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Bonelesj Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. C|LARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of all grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Kelinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for side by E- C. KNIGHT k CO., Southeast comti Water and Chestnut streets." FRESH OLIVE OIL in whole, half, and quarter bottles: for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German town. Fresh groceries for Christmas— New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Pigs, and Almonds. Jnst received fresh, for sals by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown., . ... r&H&4tlp2U& CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The under signed have this day entered into Co-partner ship for the transaction of the DRY OOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name of JOHN H. WILLIAMS & CO., at No. 329 Chest nut street . JOHN H. WILLI AMS, JOHN WIEST. PHH.APA-. .Tan, l. 18T4. . tal-3m« SHEATHING FELT—LOWELL PATENT Elastic Sheathing Felt for shfris; also, John son’* Patent Woolding Felt for Steam Pipes and Boilers, in store and for sale by WILLIAM S, GRANT, No. lilt South Ds!awer«i»v*cu» itlon, Office hour* from at the office. de2-6m» OU-FAKIJN iUKSHim -NOTICE—The steamship CITY OP !'iTT7eBaL,TIM( )RB, of this lire, will sail at n A tt M Camer on Ti- URSDAY, March 24th, rateß cabin passengers at .nil uiitedS?a« S cS?ency. :r6anoed rate3> P a y able ia 3fflS^.PonT A^ nn 3r EiKl,T TO UTS®- (CSrSyLbOT?^QDEENSTITt* s^BfsMsis::Sl;!s ,I 1 And every succeeding Saturdav nt rjfr’r J Pier 44 North oatnroay at Noon, fron RATES OP PASSAGE: PXVXBLB IN SOLD OE ITB EOprv*T.Tn»m llr on _ BBKOT. lit Uftblß.H*e»M«»*MBBo StfiQl&M, - (l| . |<]A f|A }«i CaWh to London. B 5 Do. to LondtmM oo Ist Cabin to Paris.... 95 Do. to Paris. «oo let Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates fc.,* . FEOM 'LTVBKPOOL OB QUEjmSTOWB..- first Cabin, 875, 885, 8105. Steerage from Liver PP?J and Queenstown, 830. Those who wish tc rates fcr 111611 &lends nan *>ny tlcfceta here at thert apply at tb« Comp*. CtS® 08 ** JOHN a. DAIuE, »pnt, * mh33 111 Walnnt street, PMladelplila. -,_WSTON and PHTT.AnRi.Pm~t eacl Sfuraay, U M a e rcUM, “m sssswiiSßas These , oew and substantial SteamshlD* lorm • siftMday^ 0 ’ tamcg * om 61011 P° rt PmSnally or aalfyessels 0 one-balf tbs premium charged bt Freight taken at air rates. Shipper B are requested to send slip receipts anc bills of lading with theirgoods. * For freight or passage, having line accommoda Hons, apply to HENRY WINSOB * CO., 332 Sonth Delaware avenue. ALEXANDRIA, GEORGH «*®»&.TOWN and WASHING-TON—Hand’» tjujam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at i M., and every Saturday at BA. M. ’ Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan, bieamer H. J. DEYINNY, Captain Bristow SEYMOUR, Captam Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart p ?u' e 5 e , Bt S? m6rE form a semi-weekly line betweet Philadelphia and the above porta, sailing regulMlj WEBSTER rNgf U f l^rve A s PPIy * W YOBK. -BESP ATCE aßMfifcand SWIFT-STJBE EINES—YIa Dela ware and Raritan Canal. —The steamers of the** are leaving daily at 12 o’clock, M. f and o clock, P. M., from tnird Pier above Walnut *l freight, which will .be taken on accomzno* to ™ UAJ I M. BAIRD * UU., 132 South Delaware avenue. erfgftl FOR NEW YOEK-New Dally Llni Via Delaware and Raritan Canal- Philadelphla and New York Express Steamboat Company will receive freight and leave daily at i p fIL, delivering their cargoes In New York th» following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM p. CLYDE, Agent, l4 Sonth Wharves, Phlladx. JAMES HAND, Agent, 1y25-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, H. Y. FOR SAIT FRANGISOO. _ . _OOIjEMAN’ s CALIFORNIA LUE. BEQ-THaARTiY AS ADVERTISED The A 1 Extreme Clipper ShlD , WIZARD KING tj ra P l