SECOND EDITION. f MTEST NEWS FROM CHATTA- V \NOOGA. John Morgan Unable to Mount his Men. longslreet Reported Mor iogto J«inXee> Departure of Mmirtl Porter’s Fleet from Yicksbarg. FIRING HSARD AT 2TATCHEZ. INTERESTING FROM WASHING TON CITY. To-Day's Proceedings in Congress and Legislature. THE WAR IN TENNESSEE. Gumbeblahd Gap, March 22 Lieutenant Col. Davie,-of the 11th Tennessee cavalry, who was ■wounded and taken prisoner on the 22d of Febrn-. «ry, haa escaped and reached onr lines in Bafety. Be was treated very inhumanly while in the rebel hands. Two companies of the 91st Indiana, while scout ing up the Virginia road, came npon the enemy’s pickets, killing one and wounding another. They returned to camp last evening with four horses, arms and Eeven prisoners, including the notorious rebel guerillas and bushwhackers Green and Estler, whahave long been a terror to Union Citizens. March 22d.—The following letter of instructions was to-day sent to all collectors or customs and special agents of the Treasury De pat tment: Treasury Department, March 21st, 1854 Sir: The 42d trade regulation,series of September lltb, 1863, i* hereby so far modified That on and after the Ist day of April next the invoice valua tion permit fee on shipments to and from insurrec tionary districts will he three per cent., instead of 4 100 ah Big Mountain 600 sh Oil Creek b 6 > 1334 J Coal cash 11 200 ah Spruce as. Pine 100 ah do b3O UK b3O 1634 200 sh Tamaqua Coal 5 100 ah do 16# 300 ah GreeD Mount 6341100 ah Beadß cash 600 ah Marquette Min 7# 70 81-100 200;sh Clinton Coal 200 ah do MO 70 94-100 b 5 134 300 ah do bls 68 94-U>o 300 Bh Suaq Cn) 400 ah do 1)30 71 b6&int 29# 100 ah do caah 7034 FIRST BOARD. $5OO U S 6b 6-20* 500 ah Fulton Coal registered HO b 5 10 2500 do 109# 500 ah do 9# 2(4) City 6a new 109# 500 eh- do b3O 10 68 80-100 Pittsburgh 100 sh Penn Mining 5a 70 ~ a6oaftlo !0# 6000 Alleghy Co Comp too ah do 10# 5s 80# 200 ah do b3O 10# 6000 Pa R istmtg6B 112# 300 sh Big Mountain isoou Wyom’g Va Cnl Coal It fee b 5 100 100 ah do b 5 11 9000 buaq Cnl 6a 70 550 eh North Pa R 37# 22 ah Little Sch R 4934 200 ah do t>3o 37# 60 ah Green tt Coats 45 too ah Sch Nav prfd 117 ah do 45# b3O 43 23 ah do 45# 160 sh Butler Min 46 86u ah Spruce&Pine 16# 200 ah Oil Creek b6> 13# 100 sh do b 5 16# 100 sh do b3O 13# 65 8b do 16# UK) ah do 13# 50 sh do 830 16# 200 ah Suaq Onl 29 HO ah RidgeAvß 2334 200 ah do b3O 29# fio ah New Creek 2# 300 ah Green Mount 8# s'oeh do 2# 100 eh do S# 1300 ah do 2# 100 ah do b6O S# 100 ah Union Cnl 4 100 ah Gatawiaaa R 200 ah N Y & Middle b 5 24 Coal Field Co 7 Bh do . 23 # fes 18 450 ah Gatawiaaa pfd 41# 100 ah Read B 7o# 100 ah do bl 6 41# 100 ah do b 6 70# 3>) ah Morris Cnl 75 PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (By TeUpraph.) Pll American Gold ic Chicago and R. Island*. . Reading Railroad ’ Illi noia Central Galena and Chicago.... . New York*Central...«.U U. S. 6a *Bl Int Erie v, Harlem 1; Cleveland and Toledo.. ■ FINANCE AND BUSINESS—MARCH 22,1864 The Stock Market was unmistakably weak this morning for many of the fancy securities, and there was more disposition to realize, but the better class of shares and Bonds were held with much confi dence. Government Loans were steady, with sales of the Five-Twenties at 109#@110—;the latter being a fraction above yesterday’s figures. State Fives were steady at 99. City Loans were firm at 109# for the new, and 104#@104# for the old issues. Allegheny County Bonds advanced #. Pennsylva nia Railroad was Bteady at 76#, and the First Mortgage Bonds at 112#. Little Shuyikill Railroad was firm at 49#, Reading Railroad was neglected* and declined #, North Pennsylvania Railroad opened dull at 37#, but afterwards advanced to 37#* C&tawisßa Railroad Common and Preferred ad vanced #, Butler Coal Bold at 46—an ’ advance of #, but at the close this figure was not bid. Canal stocks were very quiet. Susquehanna Canal de clined #, and Schuylkill Navigation and Union Canal were neglected. The Oil stocks and Mining Companies continue to attract much attention, but there was very little change, from yesterday’s quo tations. Oil Creek rose #. Fulton Coal and Penn Mining were lower. Spruce and Pine Streets PaB V senger Railway sold iargely at 16#—a decline of #. Green and Coates Streets was firm at 46#, Ridge Avenue sold at 23#— an advance of #, the Philadelphia Gold Exchange, No. 34 South *?the following rateaV 01 *’ Qold lotion, were 9* A. M., 163*. 112* p, 1844, ■Jdesfiis. M. Schulze & Cp..‘ No. 15 South Third COURTS. SALES OF STOCKS. BEFORE BOARDS. IST OAUm SECOND CALL. bid .... bid ... bid .... salei bid .... aalea bid .... aalea ... bid .... aalei !BJ< bid .... aalea Via bid .... aalea lift bid .... aalea street, quote foreign exchange for the steamer Australasian, from Mew York, as follows: V . Philadelphia, Marob 22, 1864. London,6odays rtght ....178 @l7B>£ t-arls, 6o days eight........ ....:.. 3fi!o @3f2!Jf A .sf 16 @3fl6*. d *y> sight..... ...3f20 S'®?"®! SOdayß sight.. .128X0139. Fran t^rt«l^ dayB 66 *@ 68 X Markct ’fDm ra ,lght - 66 *@ 87 • PHILADELPHIA HAHKEXS. hhd^No A ?’.} H A^!, 1 ?-“ Bark is lower - A Bale 0f25 V ton-a deUne of *l. i!oldat e »B e 7uss? l i?cm eaBT OF PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 22. See Marine Bulletin on Second Page. aEBIVED THIS DAY. .BtiffMaryE Thompson, Lampher, 7 days from Fort Boyal, in ballast to E A Souder A Co .hr Joseph Turner, walker, 6 days Horn Beau fort, NO. in ballast to Twells A Co. Schr Cora, Hasten, 1 day from Brandywine, Bel. with com to B M Lea. ■ Steamer Frank, Shropshire, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. _ CLEARED THIS UAi. Schr Halo, Short, Portsmouth. Kilpatrick A Co. Schr Ben, Fulford, Beaufort, D S Stetson A Co. Schr Somerset, Miller, Baltimore, JE < 'rout A Co. Schr JSff eldin, Weaver, Danversport, J Milnea A Co. Schr Snow Flake, Dickson, Port Monroe.TylerACo Schr O A Heckscher, Gallagher, Fort Monroe, do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. _ ~ LEWES, Del. March 21. rnieship St. Peter, from Philadelphia for New Crleansj Schr Isaac Yansant, from New York for Fort Monroe, and twenty schooners are at the har hor this morning. Wind N. Captain Bay. of the “Mg Nantasket, before reported on Brandywine Shoal, is here, and reports his vessel full of water; he has sent wreckers to save her material, Ac. Yours,6m. AAEON maßSHalt,. Ship City of Kandy (Brj, Kewley, &om Valpa raiso Dec 1, and Ghanaral Dec 25, with copper ore and wool, at New York yesterday. Ship Caroline (Brem), Strieker, from Singapore 19th Nov. at New York yesterday. Ship Eesolue, Season, from Liverpool ISth ult. at New York yesterday, with 429 passengers. Had been 20 days west of the Banks, with light westerly wisds and calms. Feb 26, lat 42 21, lon 30 36. passed through s large quantity of wreck stuff and cocoa nuts; saw several turned •tancheons.palnted a light blue; also bulwarks painted, white; was two hours passing through it, the ship going at tha rate of seven knots per hour; It had been but a short time in that condition. 13th Inst, lat 39 77, lon 63 20, was in company with ship Wm Frothlngham,from Havre for New York. Schr Oris Francis, Hnnt, sailed from Bookland 16th Inst, for Vlnalhaven to load for this port. Schr Frances Arthemus, Coffin, hence at Boston, 20th Inst. Schr Eloulsa, Thatcher, cleared at; Boston 19th Inst for this port. Schr Csrthacena, Kelley, sailed from New Bed ford 19th Inst, for this port. Schr Whistler, Presbry, hence at Dighton, 18th instant. Schr Salmon Washburn,. Thrasher, sailed from Dighton 19th Inst, for this port. Schr H W Benedict, Case, hence at Providence, 19th Inst. Schrs Sarah M Sherman, Berry; Navigator, 801 l ll In son; Nightingale, Beebe; Naiad Queen, Daniels; George Edwards, Weeks, and New Jersey, Morris, sailed from Providence 19th Inst, for this port. Schr Antelope, at Boston, took fire at 7 o’clock Sunday morning, and had a hole burnt in hsr deck forward-. All the cargo of schr Martha Jane,from Wilming ton, Del. for Boston, ashore at Quick’s Hole, has been saved and landed at Holmea’ Hole. NOTICE TO Notice is hereby given that a sunken vessel lies in an Eby N direction from Cross Rip Light Ves sel, distant a quarter of a mile, and In the track of vessels bound East or West. A third class Nun Buoy, with red and black horizontal stripes, will be immediately stationed to mark the danger. By order of the Lighthouse Board. JOHN MARSTON, Com USN. I*. H. Inspector 2d Dist. Boston, March 19, ISM. SPRING lIAMASKS, VESTIBULE LACE CURTAINS, AND A LARGE INVOICE OP BROWN SHADES OF ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS. I.E. WALRAVEN, SUCCESSOR TOW. H. OABRTE, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT ST SEN AT, BROS. & 00. 214 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry St. j Importers of WHITE BOOBS. Offer a complete assortment of Jaconets, Cambric*. Checks, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India Mull and other Muslins of our usual make and finish. iaie-tft sales sales Areally satisfactory cement for mending Glass, Ohina, Wood and Fan ay articles! After a year’s trial pronounced the best overused, and most easily applied. Sold wholesale and retail by JAMES T. SHINN, mhl4-12trr§ * Broad and Spruce sts. Musical boxes, in handsome oases, playing from two to twelve choice melodies, tor sale by FARR & BROTHER, Importers, rv« tW Ohestwnt Street, below ®FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS DWELL ING, ELEVENTH street, below SPRUCE, No. 312, with every modern convenience. Apply 1022 WALNUT street. maxi JAMES BELLAK^^jiwmawß, (f^^l^T 1 , SOUtIIFIFTH |ffW sole Agent lor - ■ _ O. A. FRINGE A CO.’S World-Beno'wned Melodeons, HABMONIITMS ANI) DRAWING--ROO3E ERNEST G ABLER’S, RAVEN * BACON’S, HALLET, DAVIS & CO.’S, jall-3mrp( CELEBRATED. PIAWQ3- mST Irf ™ MTAl>r “ rnTTMITtf,J - o. E. SARGENT'S orders fo: Tf 9 I T*Tnning and Repairing Piano* are re ceived at Mason & Co.’s Store, 907 OHESTKTT 1 } street, only. Mr. Sargeant has bad Eleven Tear* factory experience in Boston, and Five Years’ o employment in Philadelphia. SPBClAXi—Planet n-teathered to sound as soft and sweet-toned t% pew* vrithout removing, Janas ios tuiu>tg, 4L MEMORANDA. ORGANS. ectt-6iu**9 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TEE UNITED STATES. Bianeh Office, 425 Chestnut Street. AMOS B. KEITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. ASSETS OVER $700,000. Equitable Life Assurance Society. Since tne first of December, 1863, THE EQUIT ABLE LIFE. AbSURVNCE SOCMETY has issued orer NINE HUNDRED POLICIES, as sunng an aggrega-e of about THREE MILLION DOLLARS. Tne Society has outstanding ri-ks to the amount of Eleven Million Dollars, and its In come for the year 1864 wjll reach the handsome snm of five hundred thousand dollars. No Life Insurance Company ever organized in this country can show so proud arecord of immediate success, and prompt, progressive prosperity. To have se cured an income of half a million dollars in the flUh year of its existence, an achievement of which any organization may well afford to boast. In respect to the expenses of the Equitable So ciety, it is the fact that their ratio HAS BEEN LESS THAN THAT OF ANYLTFE COMPANY ORGANIZED WITHIN A DOZEN YEARS, The Company's losses have, moreover, been comparatively few, up to this time; having in their number fallen far short of the regularly received tables of expectation upon which the science of life insurance is based. The Equitable Society is purely mutual in its operations, every cent of profit over the actual cost of insuring being divi ded among the policy holders, who are thus made members, as it were, of a mutual benefit ass-cia tion. The officers and directors of the Company are well-known as among our foremost and a glance at the list of their names will famiEh abundant explanations of the immense strides to ward success made by the Company during the first five years of its history. mh22-3t* CELEBRATED REEYISDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO. f S. E. corner Broad and Callowhill Stt mh32-3m* CHARLES STOKES & CO.’S FIRST-CLASS “ONE-PRICE” READY MADE CLOTHING STORE, NO 824 CHESTNUT STREET* UN- For Coat— Lengthofback -*A=»\ from base of ? cellar towa!2t andfromwaist s \ to end of tall. /1 j il ». Length of / •? Sleeve (with / V *3r is arm crooked) j \\\ .Es. from middle I of baqk be-j tween the! ®r (ir shoulders to! £' .‘4 end of cuff, 1 < If and around 'tea f\ H the most pro- j <■ '* T minent partof | " the chest and 81 1 Jf waist. Stats • fi if WhethererecS /A or stooping. £> t a Far Pants, « I I Inside seam, S \ j and. outslds . seam from hip bone arond tht waist and hip. For Test, same as Coat. A good It guaranteed. All garments made from directions) sent in ac cordance with these instructions will be guaranteed satisfactory. If not so, the money will be returned for them. Officers’ Uniforms Keady-mada, always os hand, or made to order In the best manner and os. the moßt reasonable terms. Haring flnlshed many hundred Uniforms the past year for Stair, Field, and Une Officers, as well as for the Nary, ws are prepared to execute all orders in this Ims Witt correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock of Beady Blade Clothing In Philadelphia always on hand THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON ALL OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es timates sent by mall to any address - when re quested- CHARLES STOKES '* GO. CHARLES STOKES, E. T, TAYLOR, W. J. STOKES. mhltuthsly HUSBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA 1» free from unpleasant taste, and ttiree times the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World’s Fair-Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the' best in the market. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS J. HUSBAND, ocl9-m, wr, f. ly, rp N. W. Cor. Third and Sprue* J 4A GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OF Eni our own Importation, reliable In quality Jtfill and at low prices, FAKE * BROTHER, Importer*, . 19.1 Chestnut street, below Fourth -gXTr*— GRU P E A KINDT. fr« Tir» STEOK’S B piANO, For sale, 25 per cent less than elsewhere. A. SOHERZER. mM-amxp} «■} J<. JFowsh, *,». CaUovmm, 3 BOYS’ CLOTHING. NOW READY, SPRING STYLES JACKETS. PANTS, &C. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, COOPER & CONARD. S E. co net Ninth and Market Sts. tu fr #t« “AT RETAIL” JAS. R. CAMPBELL & C 0 727 (HESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments whfith they have ever offered. COURVOISIER’S. KID GLOVE!, BLACK, WHITE AND DOL’D. MOUHNBFG^GOODS. 3-4 and 8 4 BAREGE HERNANI. 3-4 and 8-4 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TAMARTINES. 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. Frencn and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities, MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in great variety. All wioths and best brands. mhB-lmf MILLINERY GOODS; JOHN STONE 4 SONS, No. 805 Chestnut Street* Are now receiving their Spring Importation of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, . . ■ Marcellines and Florences, j.' - French and English Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Haline Nets, ate. ,J6c. Also, a fall assortment of French and American Flowers, mhl4-mwAlr-2m BARLOW’S INDIGO BLUE, ! PUT UP AT WILTBERGER’S DECS STORE,' No. 233 NORTH SECOND.STREET, PHILADELPHIAi Will color more water than four times tb® same quantity of ordinary Indigo. - mew Label does not require & stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at tbe same price as tbe Imitations and inferior articles. mb9»lmrps SPUING GOODS. TIBST OPENING OP SPRING DRESS GOODS* At tbe Store of jr. f. IrouwGv (Successor to T. Fishke) No. 70 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F- YOUNG Is now opening oue of the most complete selections 01 LADIES’ DRESS STUFFS that can be found in this market. Special attention is directed to ths styles and prices. fe'27s,tu-th26ts J. T. DELACROIX Eas cow open at his New Store, No. 37 South Second st.above Chestnut, A large stock of tbe newest styles of CARPETINGS, John Crossley A Sons VELVETS. “ “ BKUSi-ELS, . 1 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Together wilh an extensive bn o __a IMPERIAL and EXTRA THREE-PLY Ingrain and Venetian Carpetings, 43-Oil Cloths. Window Shades end Mattings. Wholesale and retail at the LOWEST PRICES FOB CASH. mhls-3ms ISAAC C. JONES, JR] Stock and Bill Broker, REMOVED TO No. 140 South. Third St/V IWSTOOKS and LOANS bought and sold at Board of Brokers. Paper and Collateral Loans ne gotiated.' - mhl7-th sa in 26t$ K, IOHN C. BAKER has removed from 154 North Third street to 71S MARKET street. . -Particu lar attention will be given to the manufacturing and bottling of his celebrated Cod Liver Oil. c John C. Baker 4r Co.’s Medicinal Cod Liver Oil has for many years bad a reputation for genuine ness, freshness purity and sweetness, which has ma-de the demand universal. In thle house. 718 Market street, the facilities for obtaining, manu facturing and bottling are greatly increased, and is all done under the most careful supervision of tbe original-and sole proprietor. This brand of Oil has, therefore, advantages over all others, and recommends itself. ' • . JOHN C. BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, la2?-tU. s.tii No. 713 Market street. ’ THE UNION PIANO MA2TO FACTORING COMPANY haT® St IT 0 If 5 their factory and wararoome, Ml 7 WALNUT street, always a most beautiful auorW mentof their unrivalled PIANOS, which they sell at the lowest cash price*'or on Instalments. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and eiwyvwtis&ctioa 5314. rmrantcs Niu-Bfeswa kaysn.