FOR SALE AND TO LET. fiFOR SALE—The neat modern DWEL LING, 527 FRANKLIN- Street, with nice yard, g apevines, Ac. pihl9- UvIM;KK STKt mV RESIDENCE FOR »&} SAT E. No. 1615—With large side and back yard. Inquireof J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street mhl9 6t# ARCH STREET PROPERTIES, three of BSL which are -very "desirable; two of moderate size, having all modern conveniences. For sale »y A P.& J. H. MORRIS, 915 ARCH Bt.* 4SI _HOUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET—FOR K!iL SALE.—STORE AND DWELLING-. All the. modern conveniences. Apply on the premises- mhU-tfi iLEVENTH STREET, N. W O RNER —La OF eILBERT—2O feet front by 127 feet deep-- de-irabla as a dwelling or bnsiress stand: early possession, and for sale by A. P. &J. H. MOR RIS, 916 Arch St. mbl9- lt* MSALE AT RPHAN.S’ COURT-Mar -,h22. 1864, the valuable HOTEL PROPERTY, N comer FIFTH and CALLOW HILL Streets, with adjoining two small houses on Fifth Street. 86,000 may remain on Mortgage. mhl9-2t* gj§ THE LONG ESTABLISHED E and DWELLING, No. 424 South c-E' OND street. Three Dwellings in the rear, one of wh ch is on Stamper street. Lot 18 leet by U* JUPi in good order. Apply to ROBERT GKAFFFN, No. 537 PINE street. mh!9-3t) NO. 1932 RACE STREET-FOR SALE.— .Knl desirable four-story brick DWELLING, Wuh back buildings. Lot 20 feet front by 129 feet deep to 'Aland etreet. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO., mhlB-6t* S. W. corner af Ninth and Filbertsts. A H iNDSOME SMALL PLACE OF TWEN jBe .TT ACRES, 1 X miles from of Jenkintown, With STONE COTTAGE, 12 rooms throughout, Bam, out-bnlldings, &c., nine miles from tne city. Early possession. For sale by A P. &J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH street. mhl9-4t* ANU LOT FOR SALE OR TO LET -On an improved lease, on the north Bine of ARCH street, hetween Ninth and Tenth: 95 feet front by 140 feet deep to an alley leading into Cherry street. Apply at No. 408 CHESTNUT street, between 9 and 1 o’ clock. mhlB-3t* 4Ej| CHESTNUT HILL.—A modern-built, Kill po nted stone,double DWELLING HOUSE, back building, gas, water, and all eity eouve- Bienci s; about two minutes’ walk from Depot, lor sale, and possession Ist of April next. R. A. & J. J. WILLIAMS, Broad and Green streets.} ffl FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY —A handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It Is one of tte most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or without stock and furniture. No money required. Immediate possession given. For full particulars, apply to J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 WALNUT etreet. fe93 lm6 M COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR SA LE —One-half or all that valuable Stone post Farm of H 0 acres, BRISTOL TURNPIKE, above the seven-mile stone, and near Tacony, wi'h a fine view oi the Delaware river, ic. Mansion house and other dwellings to let; also, factory and gmithsbop. Apply on the premises, or R. WHITAKER, No. 610 Locust street. mhl9-3t* MFOR SALE.—Tiio Property on Sshool House Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight (880) feet on eaid Lane, and extending nearly one-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, -with front on that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous-desirable sites for Country Seats, five minutes walkfrom the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the City. Apply to CHARLES H. MTTIRHEID.No.aOS South SIXTH st. {26 60 £ COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR SALE—Containing fifty-flya acres, Handsomely situated in Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-half from York xtoad Station, on tha North Pennsylvania Rail load. The buildings are nearly new, substantial find well calculated for a winter or summer reti- to O. H. MUIRHEID, No. 26i South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. sel9-tfs £TO LET,—The SecondJ Third and Fourth £*2?*®* of th® New Marble Store No. 619 UHESTNUT street. The whole or any portion of the Commonwealth Building, Nos. 611 and 613 Chestnut street. The First, Second, Filth, Sixth and Seventh Stories of the Old Post Office Building, Dock street, below Third, Apply to THOS. H. CONNELL, at the Oonnl ing-house of Dr D. Jayne & Son, mh!B-3t* 242 Chestnut street. FOR SALE—A very desirable HOUSE, for WBL a> moderate-si2ed family, in a good neighoor liood in GEBMANTOWN, is now offered at a low price, and on accommodating terms, in order to dose an interest in the property; house 36 by 25 feet, with furnace, range, bath and hydrant water: is built of stone and lined throughout. Also, a fine BUILDING- SITE, with about Three Acres of Land. Apply daily, except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o’clock, at 805 MARKET street. mhls tf 463 GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR J2±j& SALE—A valuable Business Stand on Main street, near Armat street, very valuable lot corner of Main street and Ohelten avenue, with build ings. Large bouse and one acre of ground, East Tulpehocken street, with gas, water, &c., &c., 10 acres_ or land, Main street, Mount Airy, (the best locations south of Chestnut Hill.) Also two tracts of 40 acres each, near the same; two good houses, "with grounds handsomely graded and planted With shrubbery, on Wister street, near the rail road. Also a number of small dwellings. For sale cheap. Apply to ROBERT THOMAS, Convey ancet, Main street, near~Walnnt Lane. mhl9-lm* M A VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY At Mount Airy, Twenty-second Ward, for sale, .or would he exchanged for a farm. The main building contains 30 rooms. There is also ■two tenant houses, stables, sheds, shops, and out bnildingsof various hinds; icehouse &e., &c., ■with about two acres of ground in a high state of cultivation, plenty of grape vines, currants, rasp berries, strawberries, &c., Ac. The above is well calculated for a Boarding House or Hotel, and at present, has a good run of country or farmers’ custom. For terms apply to ROBERT THOMAS, Conveyancer, Main street, near Walnut Lane. Gebmaktowh, March 17, 1564. mh!9. lm* £l3 WILL BE SOLD BY M. THOMAS & JBB SONS, on TUESDAY, March 23, noon, at the Exchange, a large and valuable Lot of Ground, With the buildings thereon, west side of FRONT street between Raee and Vine, 61 feet front, 250 feet deep, with a front of 28 feet 8 inches on Craven street. To be sold in two lots. It is seldom so large a lot, so centrally and conveniently located, near the Delaware front is offered for sale. The attention of capitalists and those requiring plenty of room for manufacturing purposes, is called to tte sale, which will be absolute It now uro- S?, c ™,n a 6ix P er cent invesment for Sver « 31 ’ 0110 mhlB 3t* fig VILLA. RESIDENCE JgS.FOR SALE. —Being about to remove to Chester county, I offer my residence for Bale at cost. The house was bruit five years ago. under my own careful superintendence, and. no expense spared to mahe it complete. It contains parlor, library, dining-room, eight chambers, kitchen, wash-room, conservatory, Ac., and has every modern convenience. It was built for winter as well as summer occupancy. The grounds are well planted with choice trees of good size, handsome hedges, &e. The garden is very rich, and large enough to raise all the needed vegetables for a family. Price $13,000. Terms to suit the purchaser. Apply on the premises Beading Pike 200 yards above the 9 mile stone mhlS-12t§ JOHN M. HILDEBURN. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOB SSL SALE—On the BRISTOL TURNPIKE near abont eight miles from Philadelphia, very accessible by steamboat and railroad, con venient also to churches and schools. For healthiness and beanty of situation, as well as surrounding advantages, this property is unsur tbe suburbs of Philadelphia. The MANSION, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and fln manner > is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences for about'Eagres ue lnt lw ,F he , grounds comprise about 23 ACRES, beautifully laid out and orna mented with a great variety of old and young forest trees and shrubbery: a laree garden with abundance of fruit, orchard Ac. 6 E “ Wlth On the premises are also erected a gardener', cottage,- Lodge. Orchard-house, gS.IouJ Conservatory, gas house and extensive stabling no expense having been spared to make this in all respects a first-class residence. Applyto O. H. MUIRHEID, N 0.2 03 South Sixth street. e2D-30t> fig _ SPLENDID.MANSION AND COUNTRY WEAK OEEMANTOWN FOR —The Subscriber. offers for Sale S« + Jf^ elegailt MANSION HOUSE, sit. 25® StrfPJ 11 ® 1, of MANHEUYE and GREEN The honae has spa- Sa diDgB » bQilfc of Stone and finishedin t S.vf ner ' of expense, -with nSii-?^ rlor * B P ac i°ns hall, and staircase fire oroof°an TO LET a rOR, RENT—Th« tbr -e-story brick RESI DENCE, with attics, double back buildings atid Mde yard, No. 5250 FRAN KLIN street, oppo site The Square. J. M. GUMMEYA SONS, 508 Walnut, street. mhl9 fe ST' -.YIiVLER K p-C’iLDENO E.—Wanted to pur chase—a country place, within a short dis tance of the city; house mustbe a first-class resi dence. Appl> to J -H. tiURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers. 433 Walnut 6treet mh!2 STREET—FOR S*LE-A very de sirable three-story brick Dwelling, basement, and kitchen,, built in a superior man ner; bath, gas. gas fixtures. Apply to J. H. OTJRTIS & SON, Kfeal Estate Brokers, 433—Wal nntst MBPRTICE STREET, WE T PHILADEL PHIA—E ORSA LE—A handsome residence, being a corner property, finished in a superior manner, repleie with every convenience. Lot 100 by by 175 feet. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Wa'nut street. ® CHESTER COUNTY—FARM FOR SALE, containing 133 acres first quality laud, 1$ acres woodlandj situate 1# miles from Westches ter. Large d* üble bouse, built two years ago; new stone barn.' wagon house, ice-hoase, spring house, &c.; water in every field, a stream of water passing tbrongh the place. Young orchard, peach, apple, cherry and plum tTee, Ac. J. M. GUM MEY & v ONS SUB WainQt street. M CHESTNUT HILL—FOR SALE.—The property of the late Samuel Hlldebnrn. Esq., situate on the Perkiomen turnpike, ashortdlstauce from the railroad depot; elegant large mansion with every city convenience, large green house and every necessary out-bnilding. Will be sold with from fonr to twenty acres of land attached; commands the most handsome and extended view from Chpsnut Bill. J, M. GUMMEY A SONS, 508 Walnut Blreefc. MFOR SALE—A Handsome COUNTRY RESIDENCE, witn 60 Acres of superior Land barn, cartage-house. See. , &c.. situate on the Lancaster turnpike, within ten iriinutes* walk from “White Hall, * * orHaverford Stations, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Mai.sian-houFe of stone, 50 by 40 feet, modern built, with parlor, 20 by 36 feet, wide hall, library, dinmg-ioom, kitchen, and 11 chamoere~-andis handsomely shaded with forest trees; excellent water and fruit of every kind. j. M. GTJMMEY Sc SONS, SCB Walnut street. . , mhl9 FOR SALE.—The FARM known as fiiaL “LINDEN,** containing about3l acres, in Cheltenham Township,Montgomery County, west side of Old York Turnpike, at the eight mile stone, within 'en minutes walk of either “Chelten Hills’* or “York Road** stations, on the North Pennsylvania Raiiroad. The improvements consist of a large Stone Dwelling House (newly roofed), containing 14 rooms; piazza front, excellent water, large ice ) onee filled, large stone barn, modem style, with stabling for 8 horses and 6 cows; stone carriage house, com cribs and granary over, &e. The land is nearly alt tillable and in an excellent state of cultivation. The delightful situation of this place, its proximity to the city, and man£ of the most beautiful country seats in the neighbor hood of Philadelphia, render it very attractive. Communication with the city is had almost honrly by the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to OHAS. H. MUIRREID, No. 205 South SIXTH street. fe26-30t TDI.ITT OINfl -• oTs O H E'T'S- D N TJT STREET—West of Nineteenth, 89 ft. by 178 ft. For Sale by HEN BY B. CHEW, No. 2U4 Sonth FOURTH Street. mhl9-4t# LOFTS TO LET,—lno feet by 30. Well lighted. Also, a second-story room, with line Oonntinp honse, Fire-proof, &c. Apply at 44 North FIFTH Btreet - mhld-tf} Turning lathe and sewing machine FOR SALE, at 1803 LOMBARD st. mhtl-tts TO LET—Large and small ROOMS, np stair*. Sl3 and 814 CHESTNUT street. fe-).tf LEGAL NOTICES. OF COMMON PLEAS FOR 1 THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. —Estate °f MATTHEW W. CARSWELL. The Auditor appointed by the CQurt to audit, an d adjust the first and final account of THOMAS SHIPLEY, Trustee of the Estate of Malth.-wW. Carswell, and to matte distribution of 'he balance in the hands ot the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, March 29th, 1864, abll o’clock, A. M., at the Wetherill House, No. 605 SANSOM Street, in the city of Philadel phia mhlB-f,m,w,st* E STATE OF THOMAS DILLON, deceased.— —I The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account or Bernard Lynn. Executor o f the last Will and Testament of THOMAS DILLON, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands ot the accoun tant, -will meet the parties interested for the pur- E ose L of his appointment, on MONDAY, March 21, 1864. at 4 o’ clock P. M.. at his Office, No. 217 South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. JOHN GOFORTH, Auditor. mhll-f, m, w, 51* J Letters of administration on the Estate of JOSEPH B. SHEWELL, deceased, late of tlie city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to his Estate are requested to make payment, and those braving claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to F. R. BACKUS, Administrator, No. 350 North Delaware Avenue Phii.adex.phia, Feb. 13. 1664. fels-mst* Estate of rev. henry steele CLARKE. D. D., DECEASED Letters of Administration to the estate of Rev. Henry Steele Clarke, D. D., late of the city of Philadelphia,- deceased, have been duly granted to STEPHEN COLWELL, 1031 ARCH street, said city. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them to him or his Attorney. fels-m6ws WM. S. PEIRCE, 623 Walnut st. EDUCATION TREEMOUNT SEH ’ NARY,, NORRISTOW N PA., FOR YOUNa MEN AND BOYS— The Summer Session of Four months will com mence on TUESDAY, April 5, at which time there will be room for additional pupils. The last term, was filled to the extent of the domestic arrangements. JOHN W._LOCH, mb 18, f,m, w-6t# Employment for women.—a depart ment for teaching Women Telegraphing has been commenced in the School of Design building, 1334 CHESTNUT Street. Ladies wishing to learn may apply as above. Charge for instruction, 525, mhs-lmo§ ' ANNIE L. OOLLADAY. INFANT’S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE 00., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the ten derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to gfX; s * Edwards, Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis- Cl 4 rgy of 1110 city; also to Abraham Martin, Esq. , ’ feL7-3ms Gbbat Disoovbby USEFUL AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY 1 HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thon any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test edduringthe last two years by prac-' tical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to tile useful Arts. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. ABe thing. a 55?S?** In »oluble Cement is anew thing, and the result of years Sv.vS?*’ ’ its combination is on SSi I^ M J IFIC PRINCIPLES, and under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive ■ Combina tion. Boot and Shoe Mannfac tnrers. BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturers using Machines will find it the bfest article known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive foi their use, as has been proved. ' It is Especially Adapted to Leather, And we claim as an especial merit; that it sticks Patches"and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. . IT IS THE ONLY CEMENT EXTANT l hat is a sure thing for mending Furniture, Crockery. Toys,* > . Bone, Ivory* And articles of Household use. n«^! m^e r Hilton’s Insoluble IXI a liquid form and as fX»b.% pll6 ? as P aste - nutm'sln reresouf^:“ UWe ssaast HILTON BROS. A CO., Proprietors. Providence. B.Z. dladelpbia, LAING & M AGINNTS. rdst.; Joseph Godfrey A Ob., 38 N. Families, Itls a Liquid. Bemember. nis-wm&frly Agents in PI) No. 30 N. Tbi: Fourth street TYATES.—2O pails Dates landing, and for sale 2. BUSIES & cb.,lloSoatU THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; FBIL.%BgLPB.IA, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1864 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPI NEVES FAIL TO CUBE THE SUFFESING LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS tie a epeclflo for all female difficulties LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFB are wonderfully adapted to ebsttnate cases. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFB are not pleasant to take, butpowtrtui la tnelr LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS ntytr barm any one if they follow tie directions. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS, n case* of painful sickness, ;act llkega unarm is Vlgorating, restoring and renovating tbe system. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DbOPS are a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, ana more reliable than any Fill or Powder. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS axe genuine only, wben tbe name of Doctor Jobs L. Lyon Is written upon the directions, wblcb are wrapped carefully around each bottle. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS are for sale by druggists in city and country every- LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOPS cost but one dollar perbottle; will you waste away wltb anxiety and pain, when an Inveatm.nt of on. dollar will snrely cure you. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS will restore nature to its healthy oourse, whatever be tbe Indisposition. LYON’S FEBIODIOAL DBOFS are; safe at all times wben tbe directions are d- hired to. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS When taken regularly always, prevent deknaea. and li not prevention better than cure. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS have itood tbe.tect of 25 year*’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the encomiums of all who nee them. No lady ehonld be without them. We have letters ai. most every day from ladles of the hlghestrespso- tablUty, telling ns they would noth. without ths French Periodical Drops for anything. Could ws Principal, publish the letters we have received, they would convince the moat Incredulous. Ws havs now lr mind an Instance of a lady who had been irregular until her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. She saw our advertisement, and came to eee us. We, too. thought she was too far gone to be cured, but commenced at ths cause with the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day she is well and healthy, a living witness of ths tfficacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a re- sident of Hast Hartford, Connecticut. If you an suffering any of the Ills caused by Irregularity, ws ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonvinos the most sceptical, and nsvsr after will you be in. ducsd to be without It. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS aula, JOHNSTON, HALLOW AT A OOWDBM, NO. 23 NORTH SIXTHgSTKE bjT, and at RETAIL e *1 per bottle. stf£S-x=,wjr MEDICAL. WHOLE SAL* Philadelphia, by all Dealers In msdlolns rvsrywhsro j O, G. CLARK A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, Raysu, Ooue. M«i.OKjAu.- DAIVNVABT’S BBONCHIAL. TROCHES, for ®“ l , e of Hoarseness, Tnroat Diseases, Ac., ■ lie rr l n u , „« i y recommended to public speakers, as „..'f i?' 1 ™ 1 remedy extant fox tbe above dis monr possession*- 1 out one of the man y testimonials n a t> Harrisburg, Feb. Bth, 1864. i,. ovrS* ■a£?*J* a *- D ' lar Sir: 1 ha ™ used .nd rthM-^ tleh,, f l Troches, Wistar’s Lozenges,. •ri'iihleß r^r^ r i aratloDS for hoarseness and throat cbeerinli^^™ in ® om P a rison. with them all, can Me eneisi)? 0 ? mie,it * y° nr own as ainost admira ca%Ps hoa/ST pnb,ic B P eakers and singers, in tonrd 9 011 * 118 and colds.- I hare ectoally m Eer ring in time of need, most ef- Tonrs tr oly, ■. T.H. ROBINSON, tfannfectnra? S V ee !bvterian Church. HiSisCrg" 64 by °- A ‘ BAJJnVART & 00., And h r sale by Drngeisu o n E SHOEMAKER & CO., «; E- cor - Fonrth and Race sts., ?l** i 5 tw_ FPliUadelphia. Also, by Retail Druggists generally. * JgLEOTBIOITY. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Hessrs. GBIM and ABLER, associated w*P%S*2TbSSL •?i» llaT !? R dissolved partnership, tbs practice will be continned by THOS AT.T.vei de^ Ueh6 i offlce ’ NS. TO3 No^tlS’tH ?im < &, 1 o^ erw 5 eD Ooates <“>d Brown where he will an ,d Jtire all curable diseases (whether “’l’®* Chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, 1 without a. shpeft °r any pain,) with the various modiflca -lons of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat b*eh found remarkably successful in all Xrrh 5 Br Ohchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of th e throat and respiratory organs. t * le diseases in which successful cures nave been made are mentioned below, consumption, first and General Debility. Paralv^s Sta * e *’ Diseases of the Liver or r-araiysis. Kidneys. * Diabetes. “d Ague. Prolapsus Uteri (Falling A«h^.. Uon - of Womb). ‘ A-thma. Prolapsus flm (or Piles) SSa. K ° lUsloM ’ Bronchitis. Detfcefs influents and Catarrh. No charge far consults I tA. M. to6P. hi. Testimonials to oe seen QPAIi DENTAUiINaT ■ A enperlor article for cleaning the Teeth, de stroying animalcul© which infest them,, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness in the month. p may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de tersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, and Mlcroscopist, It la confident!) offered as a RED! ABTiK substitute for the uncer tain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acq oainted with the constitu ents of the DENTALIuNA, advocate its uses: ft contains nothing to prevent It* unrestrained em ployment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. _ BROAD and SPRUCE Streets _f o* hy Druggist* generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse. HaasardAQo., RobertO. Davis, Q. B. Keeny, Qeo. C. Bower*, IfSicH. Kay, Charles Shirera, C. H. Reedies, <5. J. Scattergood. T. J. Husband, j. o. Turnpenny, & Co. Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberls. Thomas Wearer, James N. Marts, ' William B. Webb, E. Bringhurat & Co,, James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughes* Coombe, H. O. Blair, Henry A. Bower. Wyeth & Bro. Electricity. WONDERFUL DISCO VERY AHD WON- DERFUL, KEStTLTS. All acute and chronic diseases cured by spe cial guarantee, -when, desired by the patient, at 1220 WAJLNTJT. street, Philadelphia, and In case of a failure no charge 1b made, ifo drug , ging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without shoe Ice or any unpleasant sensation. For fur-' ther information send- and get a pamphlet, 1 which contains hundreds of certificates from | some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, ! 'who have been speedily and permanently 1 cured after all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over eight thousand cured Is.! | less than four years, at 1320 WAI*NUT street. 1 . N. B. —Medical men and others who desire a | knowledge of my new discovery, com mence a full course of lectures at any time 1 Prof. BOIYTiFS has qualified over one thousand ' physicians, who use Electricity as a specialty. , 1 Consultation free. 1 PBOFS. BOELES * GAX*EOWAY, ; ocl4-tf 1220 Walnut street, Phila. JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK. —We often hear it repeated by those who have need JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among ail the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as acongh medicine, so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specifics and so Fhootmg and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. Foreale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. IS2S Market street* and by all Druggists. ffe-f-3ms HODGSON’ S BRONCHIAL TABLETS ARE found-to be an indispensable requisite in ths treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of ths voice: particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. STLAOK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.- These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phila. ia2B-3xn, TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBROCA TION. —A reliable article. Positively cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia and Spnuns, Frosted Feet, Chlllblalns, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Sid# Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and CaltcwblU streets. Pries, 25 cents. fe22-3m* JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA tton, Hennessey’ # fine Old Brandy, expressly for medicinal use. LANCASTER A WILLS 55555?. eeT>tlßts ’ N E- corner ARCH and TENTH Sts.. Phils- .035 DRUGS. LAWRENCE'S METALLIC BROWN PAINT PER CENT METALLIC BASE. The Metallic base* of this Paint is composed of the Protoxide and Peroxide of Iron. Its proper ties are such as to give it superiority over all otners in the market for the purpose for which it is re commended. It has been proved by thorough exposure, and by comparibon with other paints, to be the only re liable Paint to resist the action of salt water and salt atmosphere. It is therefore especially recommended for ship bottoms, hulls, decks, boiler fronts, smoke stacks and steam pipes. For iron railings, fences, cars, railroad and other bridges, it is not excelled. It is especiallyudaptedfor METAL ROOFS. It is not affected by acids or gases, and is a per fect protector against rust on metals, and from dampness on brick walls. It mixes and blends readily with other paints, and by comparison to the amount of surface a given weight will cover, costa about one-half as much as other Metallic Paints. Wherever this Paint has been used, it has given entire satisfaction, which is, we believe, more than can be said of any other paint in the market. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., mhll.fmw24ts] Sole Agents for Pennsylvania, N. E. .corner Fourth and Race streets, Phila. THRESH ENGLISH EXTRACTS, Ac., Ac r Just received direct from GEO. ALLEN A (JO., Ampthill, a supply of Ext. Aconiti. Bella donna, Cannab, Ind., Oonii, Digitalis, Hyos cyami and Taraxaci, tflso, Oleum Amygd, Dnlc, Oleum Croton, Tiglii, Elaterium, Lactu carinm, and a foil assortment' of fresh medi cinal leaves, Ac.*, Ac. BULLOOK A CREN SHAW. Arch and Sixth streets.- ESSENTIAL OILS for Colognes, Pomades, Ac.—Such as Oils of Almond, Lemon, Berga mot, Orange, Rose, Citronelia, Verbena, Rose Geranium, Neroli, Trne Cinnamon, Jessamin, Aniseed, Caraway, Fennel, Wintergreen, Pep permint, gassalras, Cassia, Cloves, Ac., all war ranted pure* and first quality: for sale as wanted by WILLIAM ELLIS A CO., Druggists, No 75*4 Market street. felB* BO BERT SHOEMAKERA 00.- Robt. Shoemaker, Benj. H. Shoemaker, WM. M. Shoemaker, Riohaed M. Shoemaker. TO DRUGGISTS.—We offer the following, o recent importation: Agaric, Aniseed, Star Anise, Caraway and Canary Seed, Althem, Aconite and Calamus Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy Heads, Tonqna Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings’s Calcined and Garb. Magnesia,Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime Quality, Frenoh Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Fun nels, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists’ Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corks, Pallet Knives* Ac. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., Wholesale Druggists, fe3 N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. THE NEW “PILE PIPE.”—A SIMPLE, cleanly and portable contrivance for the appli cation of unguents to the Internal surface of the HUBBELL, Apothecary, Ml, ition, Office honn froa at the office. deS-Smf INSURANCE. I STANCE AND TEUST COMPANY JU-TOEffIEAKDUFE INSURANCE, 4K- NtTl nl^i?? E 2 ST COMPANY, ofPhiladelphia. OFFI 2S> s°* 4t » CHESTNUT Street. EjSI? 6 on lares, grant A*u rallvwhil?SfSr^f eiltß ®p*make contracts geiLe- TUev’aetii?Tv2SJii. om « t S e ooatingencles of life. Receivers. nmmtSU ■^^? nlnlß trators, Assignee*, Miners serf Coßlinittee of Lunatics, Guardians ol '2£££SB& ‘ J *^«S3532fS tSFafiSL* parUolpaaoll 01 *»«■ to the In. Thomas Bldg-way, j 0 tm A. Brown Bobert FearsaU, Join E. Eattmer John B. Slack, , Jolmaffiffi Thomas p. James, Seth J. Oomiv. Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taken, Stacy B. Barcroft. Henry G. Freeman, Tm. P. Jenks, - mmioAi. Examikhbs—Geo. Emerson, M.D., and Samuel Chamberlains, M.D., attend at tit office daily at 12 o’ clock xlooxu Pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla. nation of terms of application, and farther Infor mation can be had at the office. ' _ , THOMAS BIDGWAYv. President. Johh F. Jamba. Actuary. fel* P MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. pSfWZD 1804—CHARTER PER. 01mnge. 224 WALNT,T street, opposite the Ex. STJRA^rrv J^ EINE “d INLAND IN- C ° m ? ! i° y *? snre s from loss or damage by 1* IKE, on liberal terms, on building merchandise, furniture *c., for liinitedperSdl’ “mS™™ 11111 on buildings, by deposit of The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS, .during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid, DIRECTORS. |D. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr M David Lewis, Benjamin Etting, The mas H. Powers, A R. McHenry, Edmond GastUion. John L. Hodge, Adolphus Peries, Will t»in McKee, M. B. Mahony, John T. Lewis, John R. Wilmer, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WTK Samuil Wilcox, Seen FLEE INSURANCE COM - OFFICE NO. IXU SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BJELOW OHBSTWBT. ‘J? f l *? Insurance Company of the County ot Philadelphia. Incorporated hy the legislature of Pennsylvania in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Tills old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully Invested, continues to Insure buildings, furniture,-merchan dise, Ac., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by Are, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de spatch. ■ DIRECTORS. Charles J. Sutter, Robert V. Massey, Henry OriUy, John Horn, Frederick Schober, Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Meeks, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. CHARLES J. SUTTER, President. Bbsjaiub F. Hobcklby. Sec’y and Treasurer. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office North east corner of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the legislature of Pennsylva nia. Ohabtbb Psbpbtujii,. Capital authorised hy law, 5100,000. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build lugs, Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, August o. Sillier, John F. Belsterllcg, Henry Troomner, William McDaniel, Jocob Nullet, George Blutx, Jr., Samuel GEORGE JOHN F. BELSTERLI! Fimr E. ConmAH. A MERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COM JCjL PANY—Office, F&rquh&r Building, No. 11 Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES. —Risks takeuf on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail* roads and other conveyances throughout tht United States. WH.1.1 AM CRAIG, President. PETER CULLEN, Vice President. D. B. Stacbv, Secretary. OIBJSOTOBB. William Oral* Henry 0. Dallet, Peter Cnllen, William T. Lowber, John D&llett, j. Johnson Brown, William H. Merrick, Samnel A. Union, Qlllies Dallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder, Pearson Serrlll, Charles Oonrad, WUUam M. Baird. 1 American fire insurance com- PANT, INCORPORATED 1816.—CHARTER PER PETUAL. SlO WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS Invested In sound and available Secu rities, continue to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other personal property. All liberally and promptly adjusted. Thomas R. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutllh/ Patrick Brady, Charles W. Pouitney, lsrael Morris. THOMAS R. MARIS, President. AT.BSUT o. L. CttAwroßii. Secretary. my 22- INSURAN.CE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. —MARINE, FIRE AND IN LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT street, South side, East of Third street. I The Properties of' this Company are well in vested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 17M—CAPITAL 8506,68*. AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, 81,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. OISIOTOES. Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Samnel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A. Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, George L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, WUUam Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E- (Bowen, W i 111 am Cummings. T. Charleton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President Chablhb Platt. Secretary. Fire insurance exclusively—the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE UOMPANY—lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpet ual—No. 510 WAIaNUT Street, opposite Inde pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for nearly forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund 1b invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to oflfer to the insured an un doubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr. William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehnrst, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William Q-. Obowbllm Secretary. Fame insurance company. NO. 406 CHESTNUT STREETS ***• PHILADELPHIA. ’ FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. ___ , _ . PIBECTOBB. ? nc ?’ : Jno.W.Everman, Charles Richardson, ; Robert B.Potter, Jno. Kessler, Jr., E.D. Woodruff, a 11 .!? 00 - Ohas. Stokes, Geo. A. West, j os t> Ellis. FRANCIS N. B UOK° B president. „ CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Bt AMOHABD. Secretary. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Branch office.4o9 WALNUT street. Cash Capital and Assets, 8330,500. • JOSEPH TILLINGHAST, Agent. Refer by permission to E. O. SCRANTON, President Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn. \ JAMES M. BEEBE & CO., Boston, Mass. (. WILLIMANTia LINEN COMPANY, New York City. f«2O-iy J. fi. LIPKRCOTT * Co., Philadelphia.' DHERER, President, retary Henry Oerter. Christopher H. fililier. Frederick Sta&ka, Jonas Bowman, Frederick Doli. Jacob Schandier, Stephen Smith, MiUer. ! ERETY, President. NO-, Vice President. Secretary. al2-ti INsUttAN'O®. qharteh im. FHaNKON FIRE COMPANY pm i a k miL •fibfcETS on January i, 1864. $2,457,849 95. CAPITAL, - - - ACCRUED SURPLUS, - - - - 971 000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, - - - 1,086)288 UNSETTLED CLAIMS' £8,416 LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, S 5, ut 0,000. PEEPETP AL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ;! ON LIB I BAL TEBMS. CbanesN. Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward d Dale, Samtie] Grant, George Fales, * Jacob B. Mniih,. Alfred Filler. George W. Bi.-hards, -Fra*. W. Lewis, w U chabi-es n. banckee"SSitotT t -nr C. DALE. Vice-President. JAfi. w. Mcallister, >'ec.Pro Tem, Tilt RELiANt t iJNOUAANUE (JUMPANY ■ F PUILA HELPHIA. Incorporated in iMi. Charter Perpetnal. OFFICE No. 3(fc WALNUT Street. “S™Bl lost or lumuee by mtT fK?? e ES,STOEEP ANr) OTHER BUILDINGS; wlg^a Jlrst Mortgage on City Property, -well secured. »••••• ..... •• • BiCBiOOQ 0^ United States Government T^nana• ~• 119.000 aa Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,006 69 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per ~ cent *3* 000.00 c Loan .......... 18*006 66 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist and 2d Mort gage Loans ........b. 35*606 66 Camden and Amfcoy Railroad Com- • : pany’e 6 per cent Loan 6,006 69 Philadelphia Mid Reading ‘Railroad Company’s6per cent Loan 5,066 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 : percent Loans ; ...., 4,500 69 Commercial Bank of Penn’a. Stock..... 10,000 06 Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck................. 4,000 09 County Fire Insurance Company’s * Stock.. i«OM 66 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock .. . , Reliance Insurance Company of’Phiial • . - delphia 5t0cn...... .... 2*500 69 Loans on Collaterals, well secured!.... 2*250 06 Accrued intere5t......................... 5,092 60 Cash in bank and on hand....... 111!!!! 16,587 80 wortn at present market Talne *399,66*36 DIRECTORS. ’ Olem Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley,. Wm. B. Thompson, Robert Tolßnd, Samnel Bispham, Wm. Steyenson, Hebert Steen, Hampton Xi. Carson* William Mnsser, Marshall Hill, . ; Charles Leland, x Johnson Brown* Thos HI Moore. . - CLEM TINGLEY, President. Thos. O. Hix-l, Secretary. jal-fm w-lyj. FIRE 'ASSOOI ATI OH,— n> Eat a r P° rated March 27* 1820. * g|gl A. OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street* WJHfey'N Insnre BUILDINGS. HOUSEHOLD jfeSagrf FURNITURE and MEROHANDISB gsherally, from Loss by Fire, (In the City ol Philadelphia only.) . - Statement of the Assets of the Assoclatlon, - ary 1, 1863. ’ . Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia 0n1y... *.; .*697,261 32 Ground Rents 26,806 64 Real* Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streets.) ..... 14,396 13 U. S. Gov. 5-20, Bonds 45,000 00 Deposit -with U. S. Assistant Treasurer. 25,000 00 Cash on hand....... 25,629 87 TRTJSTEESi QEOEGE W. TBYON, President, wm. H- Hamilton, Jos. B. Eyndall, John Sonder, latlP. Coats, . Peter A. Keyser, Samnel Sparhawlr. Jolm Phllbin, Charles P. Bower, John Carrow, Samnel Scattergood. Qeo. I. Yonng, Jesse laghtfoot. mys WIUJAM T Brm.EE. Secretary. OBOOBKIiss. FHFSH SMOKED SALMON—Spiced. Salmon, Yarmqnth Herring, inst received and tor sale by THOMPSON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut streets, mhlß YfEWBOLD HAMS— The Genuine Newbold Ham, just received and for sale by THOMP SON BLACK & SftlL Broad and Chestnut sts. CHOICE HAVanMgigaßS. —Jnst received a lot of Havana Cigars, of our own importa tion, which we will sell by the box at wholesale prices. SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT. - ■ Yarmouth bloaters Yarmouth Bloater Herring, ot extra fine quality, inst re ceived and for sale by SIMON COLTON A SON. S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT. Tomatoes in glass—ioo doz. Fresh Tomatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior article, for sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. SMOKED SALMON AND HERRING - Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. v TFfEW DUTCH CHEESE ANCHOVIES AND _L . Cnracoa, just received and for sale at COUSTY’S, No. 118 South SECOND street. PRIME CARACCAS COCOA SHELLS at 25 cents per lb. COUSTY’S, No: 118 South SECOND street. ALMERIa GRAPES. —Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee: alco, Maracaibo, La Guayra, Rio, Ac., for sale by M F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. MACCABONI AND VERMIOV.T.T.T Tt»n«« Maecaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and for sale by M. ,F. SPILLIN, Nf. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIECK A CO’S CHAMPAGNE very choi oe Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy. Younger’s Scotch Ale and Guiness’s Brown Stout for sale by E.B. CLARKE, Grocer and Tea dealer. Main street, adjoining R. R. depot,Germantown. RIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY,Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures: all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champignons,; and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE dealer In fine groceries, Mala street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of *t.t, grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for sal* by E. O. KNIGHT A CO., Southeast comsr Water and Chestnut streets. FRESH OLIVE OIL in whole, half, and quarter bottles, for sale by E. B. CLARKE grocer mam street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German- liRESH GROCERIES FOR UTTRTStTIVTfI S J"® w B** s i ns > Currants, Citrons, Prunes, £ **& -AJditmds. Just received fresh, for sala by E. B. CLARKE, dealer In fanoy and staple* groceries, Main street, ad joining Railroad Depot, Germantown. TOBACCO AND SEtfABS. Pennsylvania sea leaf tobacco 19 Cases Pennsylvania Sea Leaf Wrappers and Fillers, in store and for sale by GEORGE AL— KIN’S A CO., 154 North DELAWARE Ayew nne. . mhl7 HAVANA CIGARS—3OOO Havana Cigars re. ceived per Brig Marie Louise, and for sale by GEORGE ALKIN’S A 00., 154 North DELA WARE Avenue. - mh!7 Havana cigars— • A good assortment constantly in Store and Bond—at lowest rates for cash. . STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, mh2-3mos No. 216 S.. Front Street. 1 TOBACCO— 30 CAt Es ANDERSON’S NAVY Pounds.. 57 cases Pennsylvania-Seed Leaf ■Tobacco. 45 Hbds. Maryland Tobacco. 25 Hhds. Kentucky Shipping Tobacco. For by BOLDIN A WARTMAN, No. 105 North Water Street. mh4J VTHtGINIA MANUFACTUREDTOKACOO— V THE FIRST ARRIVAL S.INCJE THE WAB BROKE OUT 35 boxes superior sweet lump* Just received from Norfolk, now lauding from soonerFl ore^ ( ®^rs^, EEi ji . j ; Gonexal A.entUM.nS^^ipj^ IJEKPET1 J EKPET UAli, - - - - - $400,000 IHOOMB POB 18M. 5300,000. 8387 31189 8834,033 96