IBESENTATIOKOF A FLAG TO TH2 FEVIA _ ' BBOTHESdoofI. .goncm.HaU, ses'urdny afternoon, tha K nian iiroilierhood were tUu recipiputs nr Etflcent banner from tnt*ir itdy frt ß nd“ r „ V , ww«r°wdedt° its - utmost cajS2."ty kf aa Md*J? e e^ n b /° M ' r * “»«” “ Sn “ well tUa libarty ofib. tteF™in,l depended upon the contest, a J?. otherhood w-are resolved n tto lu ff?!; of their fathers. They roped y»t to r u its soil, and were dut-rmiued •• fhp?ntfl?c + • Obstacle*. A great wur aj tSiSSS? 8 t sJ’P rea d all over the (lout! neat «: ahdthe day seamed not to be tardistau i™-.® " n ® lai V* w °uld be involved. urganiz.ttio necessary to success, a’nd. it was f..> tills purpose that the Fenian t»rotherbood h;i * , ®® n commenced. Those woo were friendly t the cause, and yet . opposed tho Brotherhood *were- unconsciously, he b-iieved, doing to vork “accursed England.” (Aoplaus* lrishman »hat tav's he ia " conte • * /with the present state of affairs in Ireland is an ir 1 ?? his forefathers. He claimed the ri^ht« hold his-opinion, and he would say taat tlxo-e w-i oppose thenUitthe great work before th-m war not worthy the confidence of the I--ish people The Fenian Brotherhood had a holy mission—th cause of liish freedom and the rest ration of £r - nationality—nothing-more ana nothing Ihss: .m he lervently believed that the identical /lag which 0.9^ had the honor to present would yetiioa oh Jrish, soil, and that it would be to Ireland wut the Stars and Stripes are to glorious America. The banner : was received by Mr. James Gib bons on behalf of. the brotherhood, who said th • flag-'was “always green because always beaun ful, M and pledged the Fenians to carry it toth. •shores ot Ireland for Ps welfare and liberty I> was the bond of the brotherhood to gather tU» scattered remnant 3 of tt e Irish race tt was • longer a struggle for liberty, bat for national Ur-" England -was already commencing the dual d °fnaUcll'l, 1 liberty. There was no hop , T Co “ plls t lng that withont organization, an the Fenians have resolved that Irelaiid shill n longer be theT.azarns of nations, and that if as , P erisU > that shall pe.isll aU under the folds of her green banner. *ke occasion was the an on L tlie Bt *ge> of thirty-two little g;rl-, dressed in white, with green sashes around them, and each bearing in their hands a flag with to ' name or one of the counties of Ireland painted upon it. After the reading of a poem by 3VIr. Lambert, written for the occasion, and an eloquent address by Oaptain Welsh, of the Army of the Potomac, wno said the Irishmen were learning the art o war in the cause of the Union, and for the regene ration of Ireland, the exercises coucluded 0 The membe s of the Brotherbooc paraded throogkthe principal streets with hmn<»r< BOARD OF TRADE. ISRAEL P. MORRIS, ) JOSEPH O. GRUBB, > Mokthly Oomxittw EDMUND A. SOUDER, ) OMinTTO IMPORTATIONS, Beported forthe Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. NEWBEKN—beII; A. 21 Edwards. Hinßon—i°S bbls rosin 148 do pitch Cochran &. EuseeU- Si bt la rosin S Matthews. * SAILING BATS OF STEAMSHIPS TO ARRIVE. SHIPS PBOX JOB OATS Teutonia .....Southampton-New York MaSh a City of Cork .Liverpool-New York March fl Arabia....... •-Liverpool. .Boston March 5 Germania..Southampton..New York. March s Olympus...-Liverpool.. New York.... March 8 Cof Washlngton.Llverp’l. .New York.... March 9 North Amencan-Liverp’l.,.Portland March 10 Lbina Liverpool.. New York.... March u f“ UTlan Liverpool.. Portland March 17 Africa Liverpool.. Boston March 19 TO DEPART. C. of New York..N. York.. Liverpool March 19 Morning Star. .New York. .Havana&N.O.. March 19 Bavaria New York.'.Hamburg. March 19 Nova Scotian..... Portland. .Liverpool March 20 ?™? aci i er 7 New orlc —Kingston, Ja.. March 21 Australasian... New York - Liverpool March 21 l£? bur S- York-Liverpool. March « ..-Portland. .Liverpool March .6 i ..Boston—Liverpool March 30 CofWashington.:NYork..Liverpool April 2 Oerniama......NewYork..Hamburg. April 2 JL American.; Portland... Liverpool April 2 Lbma. .NewYork..Liverpool April « Peruvian New York-Liverpool April 9 Africa .Boston. .Liverpool -April 13 Teutonia ..—New York—Hamburg April 16 LETTER BASS aA* TP" BXOHAHSB, PHH.ABBI.PHX*. |LI.P § en - Whams, Hatfield Liverpool, won oiup Sarawak, Rowland., Liverpool, March 25 POET OF PHILADELPHIA. WABfiH 18. Sro Rises,6 3 | Stra Sbts. 667 | Hiaa Wat»h.lQ 31 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Schr A M Edwards, Hinson, 5 days from New hern, with pitch and rosin to S Matthews. ;_5™J Camilla, Appleby, 12 days from Eastport, With hackmetack knees to E A Souder A Co. Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jaa L Bewley & Co. Schr Telegraph, Morris, 1 day from Leipsic, Del. With corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. v 31 Massey, Smith, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Brif-Rcn„ yesterday. Ke >' Weßt Tyler A Co. Beaton'A M’attta!" 1 N * W York Tia Port Feaa ’ SC ACo; EnSIiBh ’ Somers > Boston, Blakiaton, Graff SchJ ??£"’ Bter ! New Yo *. Captain. B Kerfoot. 1y ’ Nausl , er ’ Provincetown, George SC flelA loD ’ iDS ’ Cambridge, Wannamacher A Max- Ichr Northernft r T H , avea -B AudenriedACo Sch£lreland,Boston, ClaydonACo. Sch? J Patae S M^ 19 A Go , dfr ey,Salem’, R NRathbun Schr Tlamff”-' Tjlton, Port Boyal, do PaSr 10 ’^^ 0 ” 06 ’ do St r Jas S Green, Fenton, New York, W P Clyde. Hv t e e rp“ol i «-ft R Mna ’i Wew York for Clear? 1, poken at 9 PM. Gth inst. off Cape leaßsTa M L C v h w^ t Tho, ?. aa ' Snow ’ from N ™ Or yesterdsv V> eBt ; with cotton, at New York Steams y h'inFainv he H lll ladia aa Yols. on board. p»aSS i ßr >- Boskell, from Eiver- N6W Y ° rk ye3 ' at Bo?tm yesterday?’ SampBon ’ f rom New Orleans, X6?h taßt F for a New U O k rleans GUe3 ’ ° leared at Boston namaf^Tipo J k°e e A?i j\t’ia™“lo N S W 1 Y °Ja k for Pa •s Boston yesterdaj?' BobinsOD . fro m New Orleans, at ESrieth h CGH. ( atNewY«k “ W f “>« P <”‘ te^. D hence York and ?ronfnt e ’ heMe tor Boston at HoJmea’ Hole 15th uS? Glouce9te s for this port, Sohia Expedite* Rickp *.<■«. cleared at New York vesterda^, w *?? veil > Clover, SchreThos Jefferson, Foss y A^vr 113 P° gins; Herbert Manton Hi “■ Hammond, Hi-r- Tracey; R Seaman, j^ ; Jletche!, loo: Geo A Bearse. ,M 8tt ’ Bucl t ‘- and Wm Arthur, HaskiV ri™ derdice > hence. Boston 16th inst! ' Skla ’ from New Castle, Del. at inft. h foftM?por? on c leared at Boston I6ih ■SchrHerotne, Chamnlin yesterday for WUmington“bel. reiat New York Schr LotSSS!;*' New York, reports that on ?he mh 6t £l nat ’ fro!a CodSSw 10 mile, fell in withschrDH IS' Cape Rich} from Philadelphia, of and for o$ Uapfc cargo of 290 tons coal, in’a sinkbig c&dlS w ‘‘h * off all hands and brought them to this « 1 l o °k vessel sunk in 15 minutes after she w„! p S Ti - The The steamer Algodon, Byrnea. from New S?' 16 ' 1 - for Matamoras, while going down the of leans of 6th Inst, when about 35 miles from tW?, nid!n steamer Dudley Back, from &hn 01 ’ delphia, the A sinking immediately, barelv time for the crew to escape in the yawl. The Cleans,and placed under the Mexican Boston ™ MARINERS. yaud Souk, bvoys B S lb^ s Bay, and Vine on the Ist of April oTm E ioe i !v here s7 S i7 en that Me, the mm and canbuovi h F tf ! ere ? ( ‘ er aa Posai bays and sounds, wui° h„ bloi ? EiDS m the harbors, buoyß now occupying thefr .5!?, laced ' and the W 111 Com u S N. Boston, March 16,1864. • daa Pector 2d Diet. WATCHES. JB. HOWaR/) & no ? jgl, FIBST-ULAS3 b S" . wwb 'American watches, PATENT REGULATOR bold by the prmciual watchmakers, mhs-iro« Strath Wharves & BUS;sIEa * 00., no SPECIAL NOTICES, ri==» THE STATE MEDIOAL BOARD i-s still in se sion at-SANS'>M STREET JaLL. Candidates for Assistant Surgeons in Penrisjdvania Regiments are invited to present Qemselves for exami* ationj the Board will be la -t*ssion every day this week. BOARD oir EXAMINERS, JAMES KING- Surgeon-Gen.' Pennsylvania Alif. W. GREEN, Assistant Surgeon-General Pennsylvania. Surgeon J. A. PHILLIPS, 9th Pa. Reserves. Surgeon J. W. LYMAN, 57th Pennsylvania Volunteers. mhL7-2to NOTICE. - The subscr bers to the st ick ML^ f , fhe “ NEW LONDON COPPER COM* r ANY, ” of Frederick county, Maryland, are hereby notified that their subscriptions will be due nd payable at the office of MATTHEW T. MIL '•ER & CO., No. 45 South THIRD street, on. the i->d ins ant. a. B. MILLER, Treasurer. Philadelphia, March IG, 1804. mhi7i2'J6 TW t NTY-FOURTH WARD.—The citi- K 3 zens are earnestly folicited, in consequence ■>t tbe President’s older for two hundred thousand more men. to meet at Commissioners’ Hall, THIRTY: SEVENTH and MARKET streets, on •Rll>AY EVENING-, the lSth instant, at 1% »’clock. e _d. Saunders, mht7-2t* Chairman of Executive Committee vr==- NOTICE. —THE .WEST PHILADEL- U§ PHIA (PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY sell EXCHANGE TICKETS, goal m ray Railway crossing Market street, at EIGHT CENTS. Tickets of their own Road in PACKS of 23 for ,'NE DOLLAR, to be had at the Depot, Haver tord end Forty - first stieets; of J. N. Marks Mar ket street, below Thirty-eighth; Benner * Bro K 1 f C e™ ne sr T fe ny and Market stfeeu ri-W. corner Seventeenth and Mar &,tre^tb E- D. & W. H. Pennell, 1021 Market me?v h t C ? as ! y ’ 000 Market street; John Doll, 1 ? treet > aud - Despatcher, Front and mhv ™ M.'ENGLISH, mh7-m, w,f-6t» General Snperint-ndent. TT" x’ l inW , „?, i ' rIUNAL BANK OF PHI ■U3 EADELPHIA—CapitaI *loo,ooo—Privi. illrchTath?"^ 6 10 ® 5W| Oh**—Philadelphia, The THIRD NATIONAL BANK will open ou ‘ViONIfAY, 14th inst., for business, on the Son’ll west corner MARKET Street and PENT* Square, where all banking business will be transacted the same as in other city Banks. The location is a -very desirable one and central tor all merchants and others dping business in the westt-rn parts of the city. Collections will be made on all accessible points jd the most favorable terms; aud the interests and requirements of the customers of the Bank, will have careful and prompt attention. mIH2-iSts R. GLENDINNING, Cashier. SOUTH CLIFF MINING COMPANY US The FIRST MEETING of the SOUTH -iLIFF MINING COMPANY OF ;"; der t ir artc J es of Association, will be held on the 0l r I ?- arch ’ 15G4 > at H o’clock, A. M., at the PhSadelpMa (SeCOUd WALNUT^'. WATERMAN PALMER, Pittsburgh, WM A. RHODES, Philadelphia, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, March Sth, 1861. mhS Ist* PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 12, 1861 kJi NOTICE.—The first meeting of the Corpo- OFMTfimu^i^ OHA T K !F? llia ' COMPANY UI MICHIGAN, trnder Its Articles of Associa iion. wUI be held, at 326 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia,, on MONDAY, 28th inst. at 4. p. M WM. HENRY TROTTER, _ „ JACOB P. JONES, ffihl-2t23s] Two of the Associates of said Corp’ n. T FHILADELPHIA, Mabch 12, 1-64 .LSNOTICIA—The first meeting of the Corp’o • ators of the .WINNEBAGO MINING (’nil PANY OF MICHIGAN, under its articles o'f association will be held at 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia; on MONDAY, £3'h insL. at I P M .... W. P. JENKS, ... . EDWARD SALES, Two of the Associates of said corporation. YIPmt«'VE& U STACKS CHRISTIAN UUM- I i^s4 MISSION '~ bUMJIi EY TO JANUARY I in .Progress in the Armyatßest- I Christian Commission Stations largely increased I kTaso*^f r— J? e - Worlc Abundantly Prospered— I i^? Il a™ ore T^ tatloi:s ne#de d to meet the wants or I f l 6 Army—Unprecedented Call for Delegates and I !^ PreparaUons for 1 be Coming Campaign, I Mo-rements and Battles. 6 ! s.Tiiv Christian Commis.ion depends mainly upon Loyal t?hrlsltan People d “"«*<** for S ose» P b, I CREWED DEMAND s?.* 7, stoies ’ &c ” ,o JaDUary ’• 1 Boxes of Stores, &c., shipped to the I or distributed at home, 16, &U). I Djumber of Delegates sent, 1,503. I distributed, 568,275; Hymn I 7?= d Esalm Books, 502,556; Knapsack Books, 1,3711,. I ; L lbn *ry Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, 155.145- , Newspapers, 3,316,250; Pages of Tracts I Silent Comforters, 4,115. I JFFt ,F nlted States Christian Commission has I . tbe P resent golden opportunity of rest for I Soldiers 7 toexlend its w '' rk lor the good of the I STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its I and st ° re «nts, free writing tables, aud I comforts and reading matter for gra- I tuitons distribution. 6 DELEGATES, In numbers dli f n ?7£ T before ' nave beau sent to preach I tile Gospel at the stations aud in reginients, bat teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute of a the S s”di?rs an!l Bt ° reS ’ aCd labor the good ’ FIFI.I) AGENCY has been , ** tended to establish stations and superintend the work. "PEE BLESSING OF GOD reEts signally on all p^ rts 5’ t ’ le work * ' Many thousands have been C f7 ed ; nenefited and saved. Still a large part ™UuL Al ? 1 & re J n ? 1 ?. s Dnreai -'hed, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed thjneet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the peonle a P" f «' y reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach iheentire army in all its various The money given goes in full measure, in for bod y and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also. Immediately from the hands of a “ ddeed ‘ ° f thewvork vrill be^done!^ 0 Money and Stores, and The large corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when tho armies shall move and battles be fought, and the greater their number the more prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not Tiding relief! 6 wounded and dying before pro . Send now and send abundantly both monev and and the soldiers’ blessing shall be upon Send money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bant, and stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Chmt.an Cimmission, w -p ~ No - 13 BANK street, Pniladelphia. W. E Boakdman, Secretary mh9lfo United States C. C. s it ;L i sf nty fund oom. t s^ PR ™ E Street, Phila- TtJ^t^ C 2? lmUslon for the 1 ayment of'the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust tS TT^n“> a U ne w recrDits in old regiments! 3 daSyfromStosKM 6 ’ 1116 Commission will sit TTnir£f S «= 1 f? nt ,J >rovost Marshffi-Oenerffi, or the rRi™ ta ( teß ? lns £ rln ' g Officer for Philadelphia, t V° nnl y raust be vouched for rKn nw^ pO S. 8i J >le United States Officer. Officers purpose 6 01611 m6n 10 016 offloe ln s< l llads for the Usting In the field can receive their Uiwtv ®y o*4 er of the Commission. ja4.a_ SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. So *f™ MVIDEWD NOTICE 1863> SESkS a dividend on^coS of themuHfr,^ mpany - The residence of several that the Cerulcatea'ofSto er ?l “ecessary on calling f™ the DwfdfSd * ld ** P»“Jited B S« BRADFORD, Tre&snrsT Timothy c. Bo?fe KHOI ‘ DI! S i ’ HA “ ES - S. Lan&stirf yl ®’ ? e “y B. Sherer, John Mclntyre Andrew Turner, Benjamin P. Newnort Mrß ‘ Rebecca Ulrich. —_s fe-26-tf} OCI~PAN^'nb\v York 1 tNG UOM ffflssiwSa o, ft . payable on WEDNEsrja v° C v of J hQ Company, the Office of the March 30th, ai New York, o? to Mr 2 S *?*»!■ Agent, No. 13-2 WALNUT ctr w ac , Llor ’ Transfer By ordderof the DlFeitors, Pwi ''^elph l a. fe27-s, w, ImbSO) J. M. MILLS, Tr, a3arer . [pF^OF MICHIGAN 00IVIp ANY that all Stock in this Oomoanv ™ S»ven, stallment of TWO DOLLARS 1 « n , v^ oh the in- December 7th, ISK3, and to L v Saaie ' oalletl is not paid, is forfeited e.?,? 6 "Member 19th, 1563, according to the Charter defaalt ; and l hat, pany, it will be ? solrt o 1 “ dB y-Dawsofthe Com- DAY, March 2ist i«ci P „i b ,l! c »^- acHon ' on MON. the Secretarv a t 12 81. . at the Office of Street, Philadeln t hil C SS'i Pany 320 'WALNUT Dated Fet: rf,\St*’ **’* THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHIL NOTIUE. i'ue ftrst roe tide of the Oor- Jai? porat. ieof iheCH< >UTA W MININ,I-COM PANY OF MICHIGAN, u.der its arti, lee of association, will be held at .Vo. 326 WALNUT sireet, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the ostn March (instani), at 4 o’clock M. GEORGE TROTTER, mhl3t2Bs . EDWARD SALES Two of the Associates of s aid Coiporation. fr* h " i’H'E.— I'ne first tneetine of the cor- Lfof poranrs ot the hlnl'X M NIN.G OOVf. p’ K Y F '.VO OH If* AN, aimer lts articles of asso lation, will he held at No. 320 WALNUT street Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the zSth dav of March, inst., at 4 o’clock P. M. uay ° X mbl2G4ts J AM I E > s H AB'eurT^ ZEY ’ Two of the associates of said corporation. 1 KEAMJKV DEPARTMENT Office L 5 «j* ' OMPTROLLKR OP TKH OfiRRENOY Washington, Feb. 26th, 1864. ucebesoy, WAereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to tbe undersigned, it has heen made to aonpar that the Fourth Naiional Bank of Philadelphia the eonnu of Philadelphia, and State of Peunsvlva nia, ha> bee,, duly organized tinder and according o!»un"! r ''” I 'f ° f the , act of o<> n g™«, entitled an net to provide a na ional currency, secured fo T rtho !edßH V f J States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” ap 1' hr,K,r - v 25th ’ and has complied with h'l the- provisions of said act required to be Bankituf W ‘ Ul bp,ore commencing the business of 1 No y-‘before, X, Hueh McCulloch. Oomptrol- Wi .r°T>T^?ii' n 5iKS e ?’ d 0 hKret >y certify that the l?tlVP TH national bhnxop philadel rH lA, eoumy of Philaueiphia, and State of Penn sylvania, is authorized to commence the business of tiankin?, under tbe act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, lflfti . HUGH yLoOUULOGH, Comptroller of the Currency. xnbS-graQ OFFIUK OiTY HnUNI’Y FUND COM- N - PHUNE street^^De- Warrants for me City Bounty (two hundred nnrt fifty dollars) will be issued to all uew for old regiments, credited to tie quota of Philartei pniu on the coming draft. x-miauei- Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commissirvn one day previous to the issuing of the wSte Officers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered ° U ‘ elT Phdadelphia soldiers re-enlisting in'the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified con'es of the muster-in-rolls are furnished to the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of the State Men enlisted in 001. McLean’s Regiment (lS3d Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty In companies when duly mustered into the U s and credited to the quota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 to 5 P tvt whlch h°nrs oal ? warrants are delivered.’ These warrants tire cashed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bang By order of the Commission, jal-tfe SAMUEL O. DAWSON. Sec’y. ness. HiLTUN’S CEMENT.-The Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer- B J*f tanicl6of 1116 kind ever invented a, t ,?h?n«e be kep everr ““fhtctory, workshop and house, everywhere. By Its use many dollars can be saved In the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi, nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will It emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable For particulars see advertisement d FOR SALE—a v-ry desirable HOUSE, for Kii a moderate.sized family, in a good neiehoor boodin GERMANTOWN, is now offered a- a 2““ on accommodating terms, in order ‘:i c ; 10 -' c an interest in the properly; house 30 by 25 f? e hi’„w ,!l i f ' lrna=e ‘ hath and hydrant water; is biult of s.one and heed rhroajrhouh Aiso. a of 1C I an l d' Ull a <> IT *?,’ .'; vith ab °at Three Acres Bt,_“ U)d - Apply daily, except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o'clock, at sO5 MARKET mhis if Mfor E II? V T Jbbsibenoe fOK . SALE.— Being about to remove to 31ercounty, 1 Offer my residence for sale at Th ® houfe was built live years ago under my own careful superintendence, and no expense spared to make it complete It contains parlor, library, dining-room, eight £?} kilchen - wash-room, r®:.’, 2 nd ever T modern convenience. It was Tt,» !for *] n,PI ’ well as summer ocnipancy. s S a f e well planted with choice trees of good Size, handsome hedges, J new, snbstaSui 555 well calculated for a winter or summer resi don9o - App*y to O. H. MUIRHEID, No. 201 South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. seld-tf^ £9 SAXE.—The Property im Sihool JH. House Laiie, fronting, eight hundred and o“,Baid, 8aid Lane ' and extendluß neiudv oS ,'w r $ 01 a ml lS 10 1116 Wissahlckon, ■with front on that stream. Containing thirty (3oi acres, with numerous durable sites for CoLliy five minutes 'walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty .minutes walk from the city. Addlv to CHA rt v< H. MUIRHEID.No.sos &nfh P |IXTH st «£& —The ' FARM known ai "LINITEN,” containing abont3l acres, in 6ide l of n niri t \'nrir'r Slllp '? loll,Bomerr Goa,l ‘y. west S ’ °, ld Ol * Turnpike, at the eight mile stone, 5nt h “ J w: >.lk of either “Ohelten Hills or ‘ ork Road” stations, on the North Pennsylvania RaUroad. norm The improvements consist of a large Stone Dwelling House (newly roofed), containing 11 front > excellent water, large B ice 11 J ed ’„ ll i rf!e stone barn, modern style? with bon i DSfor 8 h , orfeß and 6 cows; stone carriage ho “^ e i, corn cribs and granary over, 4c. 15 «tn.no? nR —STORE AND D WELLING premisS m ° dern COnvenience! >- Apply on the ‘ mhll-tfi m P u. Estate Brokers, 433 Walnuts treen * SoN l^,®^ al stone Mansion, surrounded bv & h«i»H«„. Kas fixtures. Apply to T nr iintstP S * S 0N > Eeal Estate Brokers, 433 yral- fSLf?S? GANT Country seat —stir jPf SALE. _°n the BRISTOL TURNPIKE near ?.i“ bur K’ about eight miles from very accessible by steamboat and railroad ™ J? 1 '. 1 ™. 1 also to churches and schools ’ °Fnr healthiness and beauty of situation,as wels£ surrounding advantages, this property ds 'nn«T,? S passed tn the suburbs of Plilladelphia y ua sur- The MANSION, of brown stone* command views of the Delaware River, butU and fln B isbed m the most thorough manner, is snanimJc ww reple,e with 811 tho modern conveniences ibr both summer and winter. The grounds com. B about 23 ACRES, beautifully laM mented with a great variety of old ana orila " forest trees and shrubbery; a large abundance cf fruit, orchard &c. 6 Eaidon with premises are also erected a mrrtan.e. b^Ss^aUd^xtens?™ 611 ' 110 " 80 no expense having been soared to*™ S i Te Btat >ling, respects a flrst'class'?esidei?ce. < * Ap^ lllB 111 «“ „ O. H. MTJItiHEID No. m 3 South Sixthlireet. fe29-30t$ dJPfiiUiAL NOTIOJffIS. FUtt CAbfl AJN sj 1 u Llffx DELPHIA, FRIDAY MARCH 1 FOB SALE AND TO LET. g§ 1-L.vliiN.nKY FUK NAL si-Sit. ISaLnatrd in one of the pleasant™ and mo t lash, louable streets in the city Apply.'hv iWmi- to Box <17(1 Hostom.-g. References exchan/ed MI'UK sale . tJUlio.l'. —The threa-storv brick DWELLINa with thfee-story ooS dock buildings, and all modern conveni-nce* No 1615 WALLACE street: lot 20 by ISU feed two fronts. Apply to W. fit PAIU&M, 5i NonS Third street. .. inhijMit* gl Hruk RESl lth three.story back builbings, situate No. 1225 SPRUCE street: has evety conve nience and improvement. Lot 19 teei froa-. bv 85 fee iS^? p to an outie t in rear. J. yi. GUAMi'EY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. MFO.R SALE—a hand some Country R’si dence* with three acres of ground, stable, and carriage house, tenant-house, ice-house, green house, grapery, &c., and supplied with excellent spring water, simate on Nicetown, lane, con venient to both Germantown Railroad and Passen ger Railway. The Mansion has three drawing rooms, large dining-room and kitchen on tirst floor, 12 chambers, bath.. water-closet, &c.., &c. J« ; M GVMMEY & SUNS, si*B Walnut street. SPRUCE STREET, iL A U E L PHI A—FUR SALE]—A handsome residence, being a corner property, finished in a superior manner, replete with every convenience. Lot 100 by by 175 feet. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & S JN, Real Estate. Brokers, 433 Wainut street. EVALUABLE PROPERTY F<ax, and other Storlis, by A. L. O E. Irom History, from ih* Baby b> TmS‘ l byA y L°al. I,eSU ' UCIiOU ° f jL ‘ raSa!era LTi y E AEaiU ' :mt). i 132 South Delaware avenue. 4SfSS% FCHJVEW YORK—New Dally Lins' vta Delaware and Raritan C&nal lphiS,imd Nev? Yorfe Express Steamboat pw P /.if r S I rec !i T ? &el 2 ht and leave daily at l frimwing days * ** Clrgoei New York tk. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, _. ,11 South Wharves, Philad*. . tr JAMES HAND, Agent, 1y25-tl Piers 14 and 15 East River, H. Y. SAILING REGUL&RLY AS ADVERTISED The A l Extreme Clipper Shin T . WIZARD KINO P .i n °w rapidly loading at pier 11, East River. beautiful clipper comes to her berth , a lar * e P ortion of her eargo on board, aim having large engagements will fill rapidly. neS .O d WIZARD KING to all ship- P*™ f ac Francisco as the most.desirabie vessel now loading, and invite inspection. shippers will confer a mror by sending their freigat immediately alongside. 6 BISHOP, SON * 00., ' u 105 Arch street, above Front. v With Q,uick Dispatch packet ship GENEBAJj Hatfield, master, haring the bulk of her cargc engaged, will sail socn. For balance ?i 4 / r 4 lg ? ! ’ ? ppl y t 0 FETES WEIGHT SONS, 115 Walnnt street. mhli-tf tfferfc AS—Eagle Line—Neutral 3S&D-C —Only Vessel Loading—HThe regular packet Swedish brig MARIE LOUISE, Almeida, master, is now at Arch street wharf, and will fVv d i #, f?r, Ch ',.>, F c? r iT t% h rb a PP‘y to J- E - BAZ •bLY A CO., 122 South Wharves. mh!7-3t FOR HAVANA-Eagle Line—Neutral SESSFIa,—-To Sail on Friday, 25th instant—The Ai packet British bark OCEAN EAGLE, W H Lace, master, is now cempleting her loading a : fh^°K d ,J'' h J r t^ low Walnnt street, and can take °J„ 3C<) barrels. Shippers will send en. ffdTnT?,, ,h ?wl 2 K as I ni i kl y as posaible and bills of i < iT ti i ls J^ ce * For freight, apply to JT. E. bAZLEY & CO., 122 South Wharves. mhlS»3t CB NEW ORLEANS—EagIe Line— SxSThe bark SAXONY ILLE, at Sliippen street wLuuf, will complete her loading shortly. Ship pers will j.lease send their goods down to the ves sel and tfieir bills ol lading to the countiug hon«e for stature. J. E. BA2LEY & CO., 1*! South WhaJTes - mblfi CK^jEANS—Direct—The ship SKjjHMORO Captain Boss, haviEg the buik of her cargo engaged, will have quick di*- For balance of: freight, apply to WORK aiAN & CO., 123 Walnut street. mhlti ,jBi£fo FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fli?* 2^^packet bark ST. JAMES, Captain Wayne, £ now receiving freight at the second wharf above Vme street, and will sail for the above port with &oS&R,"Portb^ r^s h '-’ apply 10 FEEIGHT, SALE OK CHARTER 3g=S-The tme Bren bark PAULINE, 420 tons aeab w.lghi, or, ,2 bbls. petroleum capacity, iu good order for anv voyage. For term' atrolv to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, fls stSt. ° freight OR CHARTER Tbe 3pf I Br i a rk VILLA FRANCA, Hill, niai.er, 4,0C0 bbls. capacity; brig MOSES DAY, 1,000 bbls. capacity; brig NELLIE iUUft*, Pike, master, 2,2. 0 bbl* carmeitv AND 1- NKI bbls capacity; eebr. J. L. HESS, Weaver, master, 1,200 barrels capacity. For terras, apolv to E. A. SOUDER fc CO., Doek street wharf. JOHN SHINDLER jc SONS, SAIL SB&MAKERS, No. 241 North WABVES, below Vme street, Philadelphia. . All work done in the best manner and on thi lowest and most favorable terms, and warrantee to give perfect satisfaction. mhls-tf Particular attention given to repairing. aIHE SWEDISH brig MARIE LOUISE, Al _ mekia, master, from Havana, is now dis charging at Arch street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of the same. Any gooiis not permitted will be sent to Custom House Stores. J. E. BAZLEY & CO., 123 South Wharves. mhl7-4t CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE Schr C E. EL MEB, Mason, master, from New York, is now discharging cargo at CallowhiU street wharf. Consignees please send for their goods, andoblice DAVID COOPER, X? North Wnarves. mhl7-3t STEAMSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.- Consignees of merchandise per above vessel will please send for their goods, now landed on wharf above Pine street. HENRY WINSOR & CO., 332 South Wharves. mhl6-3t CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE British shit GEN. WILLIAMS, Hatfield, master, frem Liver pool, is now discharging under general order at bhlppeu street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Waluut strect. mhlo-tf NOTICE. —AH persons are hereby cautioned Wi* l trusting the crew of the Bremen bark PAULINE, Osterloh, master, lrom Rotterdam, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by a„orJsonsie nee3 - PETER WRIGHT * SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhB-tf BTOVKS, H-EATEKS, &0. J- -THOMSON’SLONDON KITCHENER', Wl OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Philadel phia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates. Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c.,at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. CHASE, SHARPE & THOMSON, mh7m,w. f,6m& No. 200 N. Second street. Tho mas s. duos, Late Andrews & Dixon, 80. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Pliuadelpliiji, Opposite United State 1 Hint Manufacturers cl LOWDOWS, PARLOR, CHAMBER,. OFFICE, ! i AND OTHEK GRATES, For Anthracite, Bltnminoos and Weed Flr» AI.SO, • WARM AIR FURNACES, roT ana Prlvato bnildinjts, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, - . akd CHIMNEY CAPS. UCCKING_ RANGES, BATH BOILERS. *O, WHOLESALE AND RET ATT. m-rt F fe26-lms '"JIV 2 WJSUL«S OWNERS OP- PBOFEB “*—The only place to get Privy Well UM&nxed and disinfected at very low prices. 1 A. PBTSSON, ' . Manufacturer of Poudrette, «Tl-l| QQldimitfe’t Hall> library *t m SHIPPING. DRY GOODS, Dry g-* ods, tnoai- Adoriocr. ? , t !r, Ainerican Crash, at U and 17 neats opriiig r*feLaitte3, 31#. ~ lots Biach and Waite Plaid, 3 ?%£- •s o ,p s Linens, cheap. • BaJzaimes, at 22. rwV?*. la ’ d Yalencies, at 45. i upen this, morning,, at 702 ARCH street. I JOHN H. STOKEi rilfciJS UHEA4* IJL.OTH >,Ti ,rc; Sna^fr a Goods to M?n and ci hZmi ’ 811 qaaUtiCS ' I,ra P D Ekm^ r 'L aL ?, ON ' STUFFS—BIack Fren h r styles d ’ Cassimeres - Fancy Gaasimeres, 1 ■ JAME t & LEE, Wo. II Worth' Second Street. Sign of the CxQldeD r*aml L & CO.-SS^IFf M KN T. - a.iKUi.ilKi Bit AROH and ;« s".h J - U F ( “nK r °n^Lf XClaslTe IRISH SHIETING LmP^? St ? et . I)ish Lir.en, at 44 cents- h»V E , E°°d art Irom 56 cents np ' 5 Heavy Golcen Flax Li? SHIRT BOSOMS We contlnno ticular at'enticn to this dearnS!? to r PJ-T p: find at om- Stores the moYt^«hv Ladles '* 5 “fid Collars in the T city ° ei «.Ah EEL ■* SON. HAY£ NOW OP • a choice assortment of w ” ' J - r - NEvf SILKS. Moire Antiques, S 3 00 to 95 00. Pldin Corded fciiks, £i 62 x to S 3 *;n- Figured corded Silks, si ' W ' P FANn'\n l- 0 ‘ es ’ S ’ 25 S 3 3-5. SILKb, 75 CTS TO ls be received at the Office SEV EN fH street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of „r P r l Ll~ 6 k {or s “l'P>ying the whole or any part Tons of BituminouStVoals, snit able for the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to b 9 d f l l Te S d 0I1 J? e Railroad tracks of the Gas Works Ward *£? ae Ninth Ward Stations, in OWi . : “5 monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons in each oi the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons in ea«.hof the months of June, July, August, ISG4, 1565 January * February, March, April and May I • coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or, pit from weich they are to be raised. It they are of a kind not now or recently used at thesb Works, samples for trial of not less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April next The gross roa of SiMo pounds wsll be considered as the weight intended m the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in whole or m part, or to reiect all. as they may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and m the event cf failure on the pa- tof any contrac tor to deliver the coals accordingto his agreement, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to any loss or damage arising from each failure. . ; Payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months auer the speci fied peiiods ol delivery, the loth of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they maybe received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. - Security for the fulfilment of contract will be required, and each proposal must - name the amount and character of security that will he fferecL JOHN O. CRESSON, ie2otap22ifr Engineer in Chief. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF THOMAS DILLON, "deceased— The Auditor appointed by the t'onrt to audit, Settle and adjust the account of Bernard Lynn. SptmnJwP a ? d Testament of THOMAS DILLON, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance m the hands ot the accoun tant, will meet the parties interested for the pur- P° £ ?= appointeieut, on MONDAY, March 21) 36G4, at 4 o’clock P. M— at his Office NTn 017 South SIXTH strett,. Philadelphia. ’ JOHN GOFORTH, Auditor. mhll-f, m,tr, 'TjIS'EATE OF JOSEPH FISHEB, deceased— TSvcwtS?*® lB Testamentary upon the Estate «f JOSEPH: FISHEB, deceased, having be»a £™nted by the Register of Wilis for the County of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment, and all persons having claims against said.' Estate to present them to FI DEI* FISHER or JM. E. WHITMAN, Executors* No. 133 South Fifth street, mhll.f.fif ETTEhS TESTAMENTARY HAVINf* ±J been granted to tbe nai reigned/as Executor of tbe Will of Mrs. MARIA B. LENTZ law of the City ot Philadelphia, deceased/ mi persors baying claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent are requested to make bnoS/»i?s same without delay, to CHiELffi WUitT™^ 8 ec’ntor, S-JS Market street, ortohisAttornei TNrt C. MITCHEiq, 208 S- Fifthstreet. ” ; ETTEKS .TESTAMENT ARY HAVING ofVhiladelpMa, doo’dTaU jir.ons havm^ 9 Or demands against ihe Es-ate of requested to tnako known the samo t ; ara to william MOW a Or, to his Attorney, JNO. O MIT(’RTTT StI Si el ' auagonth Fifth Street. MITCHELL N O . ■ngwrmigiMß^ayiiu^ ana-zn nU«-f6fc. T < -tAt?, ElAti ' t;Ma -K£~As! J- LEITENBERGKK &.SON „ «97 FINE STBEEX. fei-aa j