SI TELEBBAFH, n | FBOM MOBILE, j Chattanooga, March 14 — Mobile papers of u ‘ 9'b "f March say the Yankee forces at- Snipted to land on Dauphin Island, thinking unoccupied, hot happening to catch sight of e Confederate soldiers, concealed and waiting ; receive them, they hastily retired, afterward j.riohsly shelling the woods. They also say j'e Yankee picket-boats reconnoitre with int imity to the foot of Fort Gaines wharf. } theeuhors of a eaid. "^ r^sHiNGTON , March 18. —Several days ago. formation was sent hither by one of the jjidge guards on the Virginia side, that a rebel |id was apprehended on our defences, asking f He was promptly advised . ® Military authorities to obey former in unctions. From this trifling incident,' exag gerated rumors have prevailed here. If there i an y excitement here it is confined to a very hall circle. T; , \ - " FitOM WASHINGTON. j ■ {Special Despatch to the Bulletin. ] March 18.—Chief Justice :aney was 87 years old, yesterday and is in «ry comfortable health. A number of the last hatch of exchanged .'isooers are here to-day. .The case of Kline vs. Myers was np in the ommittee of Elections for an hour this morn! g g. Mr. Stiles, M. C. from Pennsylvania, ar !ied the case of Mr. Kline, the contestant. |The Government is enlisting a small nnm r of colored cavalry, and there will be a few aces for white officers. The statement in some of the newspapers at Col. Lafayette C. Baker has authority to fise a brigade, is not correct. This denia ma for th e year ending with nnnnfirw 18 '^ 0 * In^ nd serT >ce, nearly S V ev T Mail Transportation, i afs8 i m° r Sh ‘ P ’ Steamboat *** W *y Let- - „ THE AEAEIA at BOSTON. ¥ a^ h . I ,?— The steamer Arabia from . er P°°' Tla HaWax arrived at half past seven t l ° c^, t J lls “onung. Her mails will be dis .tched by the afternoon train and be due in at noon to-morrow* l THE HEALTH OF JUSTICE TANEY. March 18. Chief Justice ’f? r "• * a ? e y hopes soon to resumehis duties the Bench of the Supreme Court. I THE CANADA OUTWARD BOUND. Saiipax, IS. S., March 18 —The Canada led this morning for Liverpool. •ha . „ .WBATHEa EEPOET. he followine telegraphic repOTt of the weather eived- to ' d y ’ 4 the places named, haebeen Wind. Weather. Ufax, South. Cloudy, rtland, South. Cloudy. ■' r °a • West. Cloudy ringAeld, S.W. Cloudy. W Yorlr, West. Clear, .iladelphia, S. W. Clear Jshington, S. W. Clear > MARKETS. j,-’ Offensive, even if they had a superior jce, unless they have the advantage of fortiAea t ro ™ informed sources it is clear that f bnston now has m our front fuliv 35 nntaa left for his home .. Oveegbotvding P.ASsiKGKB Cars.—TVe have Defore allurit-d to the shameful m-uner m which thp cars on the various Passenger R iil ways of this city arc ovc crowded, and suseested thp' passage or a law impo-lnr a penalty or takine mors pas sengers th-n cm be seated. The New Yorkers pave already moved in thp matter, and the follow-'' ing has hern introdaced n to the New York L-gis- '■ la'ure—• No proprie or. cnndu-tor, driver, or pprson in cbargp of any pa-sencer car, stage * om>ibns, or other public • ehic'e, in the oitvof New York, tor the transportation of passengers tbcrpin. shall ask cr demand am fee, reward, or fare ot any description for conveying a p3o 10W ICO Bh do b3O low 100 Bh do b 5 low 1300 8h do 10 w 100 ah do io2 100 sh do 860 low 200 ah Head H 7l w ICO 8b do bSfidnt 71 U 100 sh do 865dnt 71 w 100 eh do 71 100 ah do 71 w I 100 Bh do g 5 71 w ; 300 sh -do 7iy nRST* I $420017 S6s 6-20* 109 W 6800 do cash legw 2000 City 6b 100 600 do new 109*£ ICOO do new 109 W 3000 Cam&Am mtg 6b 108 1000 Pa R 2d'mtg 6s 112 7 sh Morris 01 pfd 139 w 110 at Pehna B 76 60 eb liittle Scb B 60 20 sb Minehill B 64 W J 60 sh Green & Coats 44 wf 100 sb Spruce & Pine 16 I 13 sb do 15W 250 sh do b 5 16 60 Bh .ffitna Mining 20 300 Bh BohemMining , b3o 11 100 Bb do low 1900 ab New Creek 2*4 200 sb Gteen Mount bo 8K PEICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (Kyj Telegraph.) , , „„ .PIBET OAIX, BBOONB OAU, American’Gold 162% bid .... bid Chicago and E. Island bid .... aalei Beading Railroad 70# bid .... Sale* IllinoiaCentral .... bid .... galea Galena and Chicago bid .... galea New York Central IS9# bid .... galea U. S. 6a >Bl int off 112 K bid .... galea “te 123# bid . gale- Therm. 40 3G 33 40 47 44 40 Harlem.. bid .... sales Cleveland and Toledo.. .... bid .... sales . , Firm. ...... FINANCE AND BUSINESS—MARCH 18, 1864 The Stock Market was again quite buoyant, and prices generally were well maintained. Govern ment Loans were in good request, and free sales of the Five-Twenties were made at 109)4. State Loans were held with increased confidence. City Loans were higher—closing at 104% for the new, and 106 for the old issues. Pennsylvania Railroad was active at 76—an advance of % j Little Shuylkill Eailroad at 50—an advance of %; and Mine mu Eailroad at 64%—an advance of %. Reading Bail road was quite active, opening at 7l%—an advance of I}' from the opening figure of yesterday—closing at 71. Catawissa Railroad Preferred advanced to 43, and the Common stock to 27. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad was steady at 38. North Pennsyl vania Railroad closed 36% bid. Schuylkill Naviga tion Common and Preferred stock advanced %, but in the other Canal securities there was no change. There was rather more activity in the Minin" stocks and Oil Companies. Green Mountain ad vanced %. Bohemian was % lower. Pennsylvania Petroleum sold at 6, and Maples Shades at 22, with an upward tendency. Penn Mining sold freely at 10,,. Passenger Railway securities continue to look up. Girard College sold at 34— an advance of 2; Spruce and Pme Streets at IG-an advance of V; and Green and Coates Streets at 44%-am advance! of %. Second and Third Streets waa in demand at £O, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets was held 2 higher. *ilrL C folio™ qUO, ° Qovernme nt Securities, SfOOB, March. IS, 1884. U. S. 8>«, 1881. . .. u. 5.73 -1 Notes, August......:::: 1*9% Jg* Certificate of Indebtedness.’.'.'.'.'.'.’.': 112Ji Cluartermasters’ Vouohers. U6W 2! /5 “ U.S. Demand Notes...:”..' * 99 Gold 169 4- *" 6-20 Bondß, full coupons .'.'.'.'.109% l'nur ■ Deliveries ol 6-20 Bonds are being made B January 20th, inelusive. s ae up to Messrs. JJe Haven at Wrother, No. 20 South TMra American Gold ....^»*prem. Demand Note. .. . gSt Quarters and ha1ve*.........65 Dram' Dimes and half dimes 61 prem. Spanish quarters 61 prem. w»S 1B '?L v ? nia ourreD °y- X dis. 1-6 dis,^ Wew York wo par. rt.^} 16111 . 8 !?® 0110143 of Flour and Meal in Philadelphia folfe: Week ending March 17, 1864, were as Half Barrels of Superfine Barrels of Superfine. Fine u Middlings..... „ Hye Corn Meal.... Condemned ... Puncheons Corn Meal Total... PHILADELPHIA BASKETS. ~ Peidat,March 18.—The demand for Cloverseed is limited at the late decline. Sales of 1201) bushels at »7@7 25 «64 fts. Timothy is worth *3 @i 37« and Flaxseed $3 26@3 30 bushel. ™ There is no movement in Quercitron Bark and holders nominally ask at *37 ton. The Flour market continues extremely quiet, with v'ery little inquiry either for export or home consumption and prices are drooping. Only 7@Boo barrels fair and good Ohio and Penna. extra family sold for shipment at #7@7 60 barrel; ’ 2600 barrels Broad street Mills extra sold a day ox two ago at fflA IiAILT BTINIRe. BULLETIN i PIULADELgHM. FRIDAY. MARcI 18. 1884. CITY BULLETIN. boards. 200 8b Union Cl 4 300 sh Clinton Coal 2 100 ah do b 5 2*2 100 sh do 2% 200 sh Venango 2 1 * 60 sh Morris Onl 75 / 200 sh Fulton Coal Co 9 w 100 sh do bSO 93* 60 sh Sch Nav prfd i b3O 46j* 100 sh Empire Ming b 5 10 |loonh do b3O 10# BOAKD. 300 sh Penn Mlnlnp b 5 10*£ 6CO ah Girard Minin? 7jk 100 ah Union Onl pfd 75 62 ah Scb Nav 36u 25 th Sch Nav prfd 46 100 ah do cash 46 365 Bh do 46 300 ih do b!5 46^ 251 sh Catawissa K b 5 27 100 sh Catawissa pfd b3O 43 1»h Phila&Erieß 37 v 100 ih do ?8* 200 Bh Girard Col B 34 100 sh Bead B bio 71 lih do 71 100 Bb do bio ~QU 1000 Bb do blO 71 40 sh do s 5 71 600 8b do b 5 71 200 eh do bio 71 ..*""*17,814 7OO > 240 18,869 $6 90. The to the retailers and bakers take a wide range—say from 85 75 up to $9 for low grade superfine and fancy lots—as in quality. There iB nothing doing in Bye Flour or Com Meal to fix figures. The Wheat mgjfeefeogKesv dull and prices are and prime Red «vv Mte ranges from «l 70 f' 1 9 y at U 26Q1 28. Corn is firmer ana fair inquiry. Sales of 4,0f10 busheie yellow} ifftrtore, part at ii V 6 and part on ? er * B ®’ an<^26(J o bushels white afloat,at 81 17. 1000 bushels Penna. Oats Bold at 83 cents. 1 No change in Barley or Malt. In Piovißionsthereis a firm feeling but leas doing. Whiskey 1b in steadv demand. Sales of 100 barrels J™ 3 ° n 95 c + e » t8 > 300 barrels poor Ohio at 93 cents, and drudge at 91 cents. . * 1864, 1864. COTTONS AT RETAIL. We call the attention, of Housekeepers to the LARGEST STOCK OF COHOS’ GOODS ever offered at retail in thiß city. Having purchased largely of these goods at the COMPARATIVELY LOW PRICES of last month, we can extend to onr customers sn. 5S?£S&SSr£i la the'character oi IN PRICES fo^°»h e . rrn e^J 6nsiTe UnB of Cottons, are to be found the following popular makes of 4-4 Bleached Shirtings; Wamsutta, WilllarnsviUe, “*®i Attawangan, Rockland, Union, Hew Jersey, Phoenix, Ac. IN Pillow Caie and Bheetings, y? °®\ r following leading makes : 40 inch Bartalett, 6-4 Pepnerill 42 inch Waltham, loVperoSui, 5-4 Bates, xo-4 Bates, 5-4 Boot W, extra heavy other makes, 9-4,10-4 and 11-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS} Marseille* Counterpanes. . y® can ftn*nish these goods In all sizes and qua. rnmi« W fh« Te 6e ™ ra £ lo 111 UOW-PKIOED below present PRICE, and are also prepared to furnish, in large quantities, the well-known Lancaster, Manchester and Honey comb Guilts, In 10-4, 11-4 and 12»4 sizes. House-Furnishing Linen Goods. BINEN SHEETINGS, ail widths. TOWELS, Prom S 2 to 87 per dez. NAPKINS, all Linen, 81 ®>, >ower Boom and other 'stand- Table Linen. h „ f s“ atom purchasing Linen Goods would d ° 10 examine onr stock We invite sompari son. No trouble to show onr goods. COWPERTHWAIT & Co., N. W. corner Eighth and Market Sts. jal4-th sa tu tjyl MR. CHARLES PAGE, I™ai y De^of° r last GAS FIXTURES .n, ESS J iS . CORNELIUS * BAKER, admitted a partner In our nrm. We will continue the sale and manufacture of GAS FIXTURES, Under the firm name of VAN KIRK & CO. MANUFACTORY AT FBANKFOBD. SALESROOMS, 912 ABCfl. STBEET. Feb. i. ism- feio-th sa ta-2mi NEW MOURNING STORE. ,J,M t>nd '’ r * I?ne,t wonld reapectfnlly announce that they are now receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Mourning Goods, SUCH AS Mozambiqnes, Onipn Maretz, Organdies, Ernanis, Poplins, £f*nadmes, Valencias, •r5l?r tUie *» liawne, Mohairs, * lorentine, Fonisrri *' ree ” (jrowell, COMMEBC.IAL K-RS go*.*T N\ Y*t’lfisni F 0 N Y’ «»?Ba3aaf- , a^l Statem^nt^'fA n iSreof Co’ Cash Ca»: 8 C °' y 32,616 83 As follows : Cash in Bank and on hand Cash in hands of Agents.. B & d lS'-e Moltgagf,S and Diens on Real 82l ’°- i047 • v'a'io*;;a-,v^v,7:ms'.: C Bonds securtd *>y Bank Stocks and “ Interest ac'cr'ned and other’piope'rty:' ‘ 3 |J Losses nnpaid—None 8232,616 83 Fine *pii»it^Manufkctory. The subscribers would invite attention to theij IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Whirh they make a specialty m their business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES 108 GENT’S WEAB J. W. SCOTT A> CO.. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store, CHESTNUT STREET. ContinenaiH^ti. Old EstablMedSMTCstocTanTcoDai emporium. No. 146 North Fourth Street, Churics li, Oram A Cot) prepared to execute all orders for their mi* Sc^V/n^ 011 811011 notice molt Pi atent Shoulder Seam Shirt manufactory, Orders fortbese celebrated Sblrts supplied prompt ly at brief notice. r Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of lata Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & GO, 706CHE8TNTTT BTRra;T BLINDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURES of VENETIAN BLINDS. AND WINDOW SHADES. arth^LowesUPrices? FlßOStassortmec£ «WOl*J promptly attended to. Shades Lettered. MI , if \ Fourth and Arch Y ARE OPENING FOR SPRING SALES OF 1864, Paris Chsnie Silks, London Style Shawls, Broadway Cloaks, Silk Crape Pongees, Traveling Dress Goods, Best Black Silks. Best Brown Silks, Staple Stock Goods. DBA IN PIPE —Montgomery Terra Cotta Works' Price List for 1864. 2 inch pipe per 3 feet length 30 cents, 3 Inch pipe per 3 feet length 36 cents. 4 inch pipe per 3 feet length 48 cents. 5 inch pipe per 3 feet length 60 cents. 6 inch pipe per 3 feet length 75 cents. We are prepared to furnish atone- ware drain pipe, glazed inside and outside, from 2 to 15 inches n diameter, in large or small quantities, with all varieties of Traps, Bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. McCOLIiIN & RHOADS, 022 1221 Market street, Philadelphia. gOMETHINO ENTIBELY NEW. SOBDIBES’ COMPANION, EYEBTSMOKEBB ’ . ’ ” companion. The most complete present, a Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela tive in the army. THE BID&WOOD PIPE AND TOBACOO CJAKB The cheapest, most useful, compactand conve nient article ever manufactured. 'Call and inspec them. * R. A. WRIQHT, Appointed sole Agent*. . . • 624 Chestnut street. The trade supplied at the G&mpany* s prices; or a dtaWDYit AIIAWPd . {g jo c > E g TE P.. YA fiN.— iVoa. 12 and 38ot gape, nor quality, for sale by SB®! * * WELLS, j I.E. WALRAVEN, SEYMOUR,: PEARL ESS & SANDS, 719 CHESTNUT ST. WINDOW SHADES table and piano covers, CORNICES AND BANDS, LACE CERTAINS, 8232,616 83 POPULAR PRICES. 810,730 47 10.300 oo GOLD’S ~ Improved Steam and Water Heating Apparatus, FOR WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND FBIVATE BESIDENCES, VAITUFACTUBED BT THE Union Steam and Water Heating Com pany of Philadelphia. JAS. P. WOOD, 41 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. B M FELTWELL, Superintendent. mlB-6t} J. T. DELACROIX Has now open at his New Store, No. 37 Sosth Second st.above Chestnut, A large stock of the newest styles of CARPETINGS, John Crossley A Sons VELVETS, “ “ BiiUS' ELS, _ ' “ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Together with an extensive line ot IMPERIAL and EXTRA THREE-PLY Ingrain and Venetian Carpetings. AS-01l Cloths, Window Shades end Mattings Wholesale and retail at the LOWEST PRICES for cash. whis-amj LOST- - In from Depot, Ninth and Green, to •‘Tioga Station, ” a TRAVELING Bag! oi lapestry work, marked with the initials, M p Findersnltable rewarded at 1703 SPRUCE st. 'it* GOLD’S IMPROVED STkTm 7 AND WATER- H pLTINQ APPARATUS, *or warming and \ entilating public Buildings and Private Residences, manufactured by ibe UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATIN« COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA JAMES P. WOOD, « Sooth FOURTH Street. B. M. FELTWKLL, Snp’t. mIUB-6m4 JI^TUESDAT, 0 Ap°rr “°at tt wh,S time there will be room for additional pupils. The last.tenr, was filled to the extent of thedomestic arrangements. JOR\ W I nrt? UC tnhK.f.m.w-6.* JOH.N W^LOCH^ M iNU. 1932 EAGE STKEET—FOR SALE.. desirable four-story brick DWELLING, deep Slotad JS&. £ 110111 by 129 f6: 916 Che«tnnt jtreet. Philadelphia G prevk«ted .® ESTOBEIi - b^ness I ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing > * ‘ ‘fondOD Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. >» ‘‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ■> ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressine. * “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressine.’ ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressine.” i”r°*l doll Halr Color Restorer and Dressine.” „ „T“ 5 discovery for the preservation of the hMT is taking the lead of all hair preparations; be h,dM h orln f co i or making hair grow on it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair.oft, smooth and flexible, removes any erup tive disease Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c. Many who were bald and gray have had their hair per napcntly restored. Only one preparation. •SPREAD THIS CERTIFICATE. DYEIN^ Y HAIR RESTORED -WITHOUT •Sr BALDNESS PREVENTED. I am happy to add my testimony to' the great value of the “London Hair Color Restorer,’ three bottles of which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent; I am satisfied that -he preparation is nothing like a dye, bnt operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful Hair dressing. I purchased the first bottle from Mr. Garrignes, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair was very gray, when I commenced its use. MRS. MTT.TVER No. 730 North Ninth street, Phifa. .“London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing ” sold by ■ DR. SWATHE & SON, - 330 North Sixth street, Philada. Price. SU cents. Six bottles, sa so. jaS-f.m, wly r l ' ultSALE -i pair of splendid -rC?A Grey Mares, young, sound and kind Suitable for light driving, or family use. At Hcl IRE AS’S STABLES, . No. S 4 North Third street. «g T?T U n„ E ,n iS ' 1> L(1 lf 0E SALE OR TO rt ft f?onS n f n im P rov *d lease, on the north - eorARCH street, h P r weea Ninth and Tenth; -sieet front by l4u feet deep to an alley leading into cnnr> street, at- No. 403 CHESTNUT street, between 9and l o'clock. mhlB-3t* IP , E‘^r R SALE ~-A COUNTRY RESI- Mt I»FNct, near TIOGA STATION offfi Germantown Railroad, situate on south sideoi TiOfia street, 148 teet west of Twentv-first street 7 b u l °l loo teet lrOKt , and 250 feet deep, beaSfc' tully laid out with choice fruits andflowersof every vanity. The house has all the convenience . of a cry residence, and will be sold on accom modating terms. ,Mrs. MITCHELL, the occu" pant of the premise-?, will answer any inani ries: or apply to HENRY CROSKEY, Lum ber Merchant, Delaware avenue, below Greea • mhlQtkrpfr GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OT oorowD importation, reliable in onalitr, 1% and at low prices. - * ** F t, R ,?K*J JROTHEa - Importer,, 1 l |>n rnnl h.|„» Pnnrtß. gggßjm-to JAMES BELLAK, ~~~ - n, , <>• A. PRINCE AGO.>S World-Renowned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING-ROOM ORGANS. - EBNEST G ABLER’ S, RAVEN & BACON’S, • • hallet. Davis arbo.’s, jall-btm-pft . CELEBRATED PIANOS CUivAECi tUatlO XUHJ.NG— taSeSpEMr. O. E. SARGENT’S ordan for * > * f 5 Tuning aud Repairing Plano* aiewu •atret) at Mason fc Co. 's Store, 907 CHESTNUT rtreet. urj, Mr Sargeantba» tad Eleven Y.ara’ factory expertm,-.? iii Boston. and'PivaVMM’ oti» •mploymt-ntir. Ptutadslobia. SPEOIAL—PIiSS rt-Uat&crtti to «ound wift snd sweet-taned u aew. vithout revuwzng. .. «■ •VIS.^KT.i JftggSffSxiti THE union piano MAWTT. MOTOKir«€OE?ASTS WArsrTw™!! 1 „? ct< ! r > snil wararooms, isir a most bear.tjftc atiort- F’-ANOS, whlcO tbsy GtTetM?a> I ?ifrS' Cas! ' pwce * or on *na!Aita*nts. , a befoT “ ptiTcttaslns •jts'srSf-s, and rnry .».*<«<*<**«« i* wrtli iia tlran G.EVPE- t KINDT, Ff S T*l STECK’S S PIANO, t or sale, 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. A. SCHERZEB, 421 N. Fonrth. ah. C&liowhill mb3.3mrps OPPIR \ULLOW METAL SHEATH- V> ING, Braziers, Copper. Nails, Copper, constantly on hand, and for sale by HENRY WINSOK A 00., 331 South Wharye IMPORTERS OP AND tjf