[For the PhUada. Evening Bulletin. 1 3HB COPPEBHEAD TO HIS CONSTIriTENTS. ■Well! boys. ■we’re here again, Safe from our short-lived reign =Of glory in the Congress of the nation • Thanhs to yohr thirsty throats ! * Thanhs for your midnight votes» 'To you I owe so enviable a station. What shall obscure my fame? Who shall belie my name ? What tool shall over d*ira In council or L a e ?l ° aU “ 6 traltor ? I’m never known to yield A Single inch to wiser or to.grenter. Jee. like a martyr "true, Shut out from mortal view, I pined In Lafayette’s cold dreary prison And, like the Phcenii old, P 0I1: Wot wiser but more bold And daring, from my ashes I have risen. For all the past, my friends, ’Th<,t' S J' Sht St t m ma, e amends hearty W y ° Ur ““Eht nine strong and ?"”f^ alor ME, yonr guide, ° or three heside, e victorious Ilemocratic party. Boon shall we be in power! . And in that mighty honr bloodhounds we’ll pursue, Till they And no retreat to hide their faces. Old Abe. that vilest knave, Shall fin a felon’s grave, o HuSul° a Sh6S fo f ,lle w * nds to matter ms soul, a cursed thing, Its flight shall quickly wine To hell below, to meet its Patriot Pater. The Abolition horde Shall redden our good sword T Fnr?b a f iU ? e ° ne ° ur plans ca!a trouble, Im ~ a nd f lll know rest Tl ™ f. 1 confessed o yof the black Emancipation bubble, Then welcome oom pr om i 6 e! good and wise, ■wTs'hTl’l Tr,f T S ° mhern SWa y. We shall find peace, our Union faults confessing. Down with the old striped rag! Hoist the Confederate flag! Come, bow submission to the great Jeff. Davis Let every patriot pray, T , _ That he may win the day, Tor he alone can constitutionally save ns. My friends, a better fate This conn try shall await, mh to , ,to “ d and flelds 'with carnage eorr With victory on our side, “ 6° r y Your leaders -will divide All the rich spoils, and you the eternal glory. "With satisfaction great That I have saved the State From demagogues and Abolition fever With Clean and spotless breast ’ - Tiat never knew unrest, I now retire from public life forever PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATUBE, CLOSE OP TESTEBDAY 1 s PROCEEDINGS, I amendments Si certain j 0 to e T oteT^ tl eonsidered PeOPle (al ' oflleetion the da ‘« M Ch ° Se ”’ of the the bill for tbe election^? 1 ?* ? 01 £ tbe Governor of Ml was returned on°necount?of fThis Governor, he not beine able b xS ncß ofthe to affix his signature intim« fnwhf a ,^ arr isburg : Ana d c e t fo? e th B by a railr ° 3 d accwent!f da7 > n coSL f demd^K e mit°t f ee b ofTh B e |i T ol “ B the bill was completed tkehmi?,!? 0 Before the Senate adjourned d 01 one arrived, and pal& Mis were Falls Turnpike and Schuylkill relative to roads and brt’d4s PP Th? considered an act T “ e Senat e then and struck out the section b?™ 11 ! 68 to TolQn taers, ol five dollars 011 lm P osin g per capita tax " that county Schuylkill countyf A lawsuit from and Tideout Eailroad PP lement to the Warren Western Insurance Bn PPlemeut to the Incorporating CoL^ie^'^stfe ol^^ 011 Com Pany. Also, anumberol“calbiUs 6 “ SlUp ° om Pany. tiothf^o er i a n?o n Sr?a! «** to Districts, as follows- Worthington, GlSte 6la?r omi lri’ Jollnßon . st^. e con“i!niSf A? 616 * 0 ” ““ and that”?roe? ageless was “correct, j The resolution was pislld? pendltnre of m °“ e y’ day and on S Wednesdav°neyt < V !lfte ,i, noorl sessions to ut public bills 7 Xtfor 1116 consideration thorizh^ampu^baseof^kehito l6 Tesolntlon au members vras recm s °d nno m *n ps for use °f amended so as to aumorize^the^ 3 t , he resol nUon correct maps, and p£=ed th P urc hase of 1,000 B: form this House Wt to in. . of XUu, calSJoul In S$X“ Passed. • ’ ?« ls Q^ e read in P follows- In^ra a ncVcom^y. illg tbe S P«“g Garden Fire b1 S uV an T? c t ? r the " reliel of Henry Bender vestielinfcommiite“c t e o Xrco e nim erk ’° f in ’ the bilTpassed S finaJly ! follows? 11 Uurdreadingwere ffl ®“ considered, as sttsssssss r *SSSiS”“"‘ SS ““i Kr s ras%.%#S®,«„“ 0 j“ gz thirds to suspend rules. reet * 10 — re <iuires two- Tre^urhrhl^g d iefni oetu?ned 0 etu?ned e h eCti h n Z 1 a State the House reconsideredUie * 7 tb ? Governor, cnrred in the Senate amenem 0te . 1,7 which it con . recurring on the same th/vr™ 4 ’ and the question car. Shonldthe™ukte r^?e Se r refused t 0 con“ ments, the;23d of March v?iU b| f£°“ ita amend for the election of the state t. day P r °vided journed. oiate Treasurer. Ad- Afternoon Session. —The Hon«« ?“ r “S the greater part of the ?es Si en Saged ssrsfjs ibf? e Oh£Sni°?4- Tlle Uohse passed the follow, cal -Agency 6 A name of tlie Pennsylvania Fis- Ato%ioctthi a “““herof localbills and ejected Benrl H n ,S £r m «, joint convention Both Houses h. , 7 P* EToore State Treasurer the early p?rt o/thF a^f. ed > *mned a law dunng The vote was, f or 40 hold the election. •56. Adjourned. - 00 re 66, and W. y. ilcG-rath , WisniN V ESm. Eobtoson, Of NewYoTk h hn Ste ? mer Salver, l?Z, n > D. 0., collided with th boQ i ld tor Georgei Corinthian, Captain OutKiir,? Danish barque with a cargo of iron El Tnf’ io ’ ln d for carried ’ or) f®? 01 ™ struck the barque a lI,H ■dlu£* fol 2n. rl *® i,, *> and file TOat* !fi e iorward « a Ber T and T Sfr P ? aptalE ’ tw ° «SS., an T Corinthian w° Eeamon . were resc U ed f?nm vapidity m,S nt^, , n , acco,ult of tie darkn2? i ss?a^'3ia?^s^a«jaf' philadeuhi. io’the otwr °* b “ 3 * &££ ££ audited* ° f Ule Cemetery Fund was read was cuit or station in our Church iastifiHhin°fn ail T cir * certificates of membership to ifm™!" 1 ; ' 1 ' 1 "" here Who are disloyal both to the Sbh a L to the Government, especially When X™ 0 Strong evidences that said certificates are t n “k 0 used to organize an independent soetefv hi-m be I - d^otothe°&^o“f The Bishop stated that he could not answer tt- Conference gave him the power a rTehn. “ repl / he 6aid td e minister Jr? J; . r, Sht to g«Te a member a certificate who i* cKe bnmfn rilh? boul i ds of another pastoral him g nnt?l thebe’ 11 any charges are made against Sj“i 6 Cbarges are investigated and acted famify! U on°thed f eaS 1 o P t a a?e! o B „ isbop Lane ’ a " d passed. “ * a beloved daughter, were Slllrf,} F Tw aplain 411811 offere <i &e following ■ laws of PennsvlvaniI le t W rt, f tb mrequirement of the for thefnse of anvS™? 8 effeo ‘ ‘b at real estate or otherwise* be\fdd P h°i fi’i? 11 ’ ! lther ecclesiastical jority of whom nrei? by a board of trustees, a ma tbat the JrnsmS e^th nd K a vl , e , w of ‘be fact Moriah Cemeterv tvwhf 01 ‘ he bnnal lot in Mount their famihes of fhu r® n e 0 of the mini3tm and equal number avmTn^^nS 6 ’ cons ' sta of aa tu view of tha fat/e! . d min tsters, and a charter °n the rnnr^ at r a S a PP>'e a tiou for reference to the title aforefnia P h nils l lTailia w “b because of the lee-ii a- 4 * 8 .been rejected this Conference df»m = dla ? bliltles in ‘be case., annnl the ele'ctionlwlrtl M P r °P, e r and right to fore been made •inrl°,!., LrU o et i S which have hereto or trusteedvac’aSl and ,h e a Clar f? the entire board whteh C a“lid titie m d et T reqtoremems by aad °f the er /se A fo “T d^SF"?M ‘“^■ l Sss. p,ai,l iuterLtsof m onr e coFo?»d n,edto , consid6rt b a religious { 11 ton it the teZ r wte° r^ ie ?? pulat . ioa - leale to to the approaching Genere wwV Lookl ns.forward per body to mahepro™lten G ™ , lfllce “ ‘be pro- Scale, to meet the religions c 9 m Prehensivo people, especially now in'Twf *° f °“ r color ed from slavery to freedom ’ FL HfT, transition state body will take some unnn e »h ' g that: mit question, we deem it nroiier tnF.= n ‘£. ls ln >portant the Conference onlv to smufmlf 311 ‘b® attention of vorably influence the toeasur ® s “ may fa- Ple tt/der our immetote^h 116 colo ™ a Peo- & P d^ olUti “ S »» d^op^ to instruct^hepresto to»Mdera I ? h be , re ‘l nested societies Of onrcoioredneonle o^ 1129 ..^ 8 several as far as it may be nraotirsl?» lm ° d ‘ stlnct circnits, nishing them with teniSi ' wuh a view ot iur of their own color Utrl EervlC ® by preachers Preachers to or. dren of onr coloredpeople* ** be “ eflt of the cbul l 'The WaS unanirnou sl°yM J o t^ted Wl ' 11 016 resoln cemetery°to?reportedthe°ftl“ow?n oftrustees of in that capacitv She m!i ollo^. lngnames to serve Of members of the nri”, 0 anni,all y our country, and the tT£ mk„ , arB 111 service of fallen while in the sewr^ 1101 ,. those who have jßVtt* cSr?S““F »*? ference delegations, SJI3 fr. 5 ’ GBae rai Con read and P adopfed! e Sunda y School Committee was ' Pt’rt'oftoeterecapteaS’dfsh B ” o9 present ed a re eral if shows b t h rseinents ‘othesev from ail sources wm ShfiiV T ff ™cei ved Conference? 1116 C,aimail ‘ s ° a ‘°f Wesleyan “eimfte 6 OoMeF“f Bd^, e i^?™ m « nclin g the friends of the Conference w ‘lminglon to the E E PatSr^re C I A ' Fraley, and the Dickinson Seminary* atTTHH*^ OIIIIII^ 0 visit < , behall of the Conference’ WlUiams Poit, Pa., on ( meitiof , the n Confefen P etii e atab?R 6SS h ne e tlle - ind ?- admphia,°iif b onie ba nfral >I tm^ < co l * b6 ° d Phil- Confe^^Sntd 8 agents at New York ?u re?e COnler with ‘be book no Sfgfc tb h ea n adB P ,Bcl ‘o the effect that his district wlft i! nr ,mi 8 “P l0 y an 7 preacher in cl i vities W K 13 of Pro-slavery or disloyal pro takemteconsmeFftiontoi “ COmilli!1 “ “f six to ”iSd n S ° Ciety “^ctey g P» V £SS SSSt ASVi*vKf!!E ™."i,MS 8 s. t sas* red a substitnte - wud, r f~sg"£^«^r ion * one from eaeii district be°'>nn tto ( % committ ee of plan for the th? ‘“Prepare a renceiuto two or phla ®onfe report the same to th« . conferences, and y«io°urZ until afternoin?° nferenCe rence for thepast”year werere S rf tf 0f the Come- 1 They show: P y 111 were read by the Secretary. M 23; white°pr^ationer| ln 6 e irS 46 ) ’ 470 i colored, ’ deaths, 7»g- hnr>H.=rn„ , 6 ’ l3 H colored do., 471- chnrchesr^OToSS^ 11 te ’ SS2 ! children. 4, 781- parsonages, 7!-^probable' of 5a me,81,731,400 H°“ a l collectVof, ro s^ 4 le ,^ al “ e > 5H6,100; ednea! missionary do., S5O las-r.’p*??, o4 do -> *3.316 06; do?, sn O OT : t ,n lb A® Cans , e - 51,093 S 2; “"“"o?. 5493 29; Sunday 3 ,§® aeral Conference and teachers, B.7G(V sc “ 00ls » 581: officp™ library, 101,431;’ expended ”’ ™lu°mesYn improvements, ic , siraf-wr?* 0 ? ? ncl Parson d“nng the year for bene v<ff ent S™„ oW collections which is an increase n^;-.^ nrp “ Bes > *06,924 ig. 823,052 26. aSP oTer ‘be previous yei“f nated and the of ,p b>a. was nomi ference. r “ e seat ofthe next Annual Con. Ensh Adder- W. Mecaskey, who pa!sed h awsv d ? nm ’ and J °bn during the past year, were from this world bya standing vote ’ were ‘hen read, and adopted The thanks of Conference * the ™ d <,“ g bishop, secretary, and™ u e ?? l f 1 r ? d4O lhe 'be manner in which they dischmeed a ?‘ s for A hymn was then snn£ and eir duties. Eev. I). W. Bartine. Player offered by ssSsSsssir, A. Lo^ S acrefG? r d°e r n g ®tr^L H H P F te ?? o ' l Garden street, J. Neille anri^rt P r S’?!’, 1 ? i Spring street. F. Hodgson- “ttL 0 ; X Llttle ; Fifth Kensington, J. h° i?ba s, A. Atwood; eon; Hancock stfeetn 7 ji^r}^ m ’J > - L - Fatter! W. McOleary- Front <i5 ea 5 oe !£' Sanctuary, T. 3dfng,» n i l=S/^£’ p |?«d §*“s 8 11 w’ bl'lleslown, o. 'w' ar ’ to be snp- B-Hughes; Cheltenham « y to ; T St ,: - Ta mes, £. man’s Chapel and Fn?,U • "-Hybrand:; Leh. Hoylestowm N. FraJn . n i!T’ w - T. Ma® - Bridesbnrg, J. F. XOox •’ Wood; Holmesburg, tLbe snj,nv n .? tleton > W. b! M. Griffith; Bristol, a. John P - ll6 fliti S ?. me:r ‘ on ’ T - Hare ; Centreville Mission I,’ s. G. JiUe,Jw. Trickett; 5 0b80n ; MorrS- Lumberville, W. Matthiasw Hnrlock; Howell: Allentown, W. OBest-n-,H ope ’ w - f! W. Bickley ; Bethlehem G rnln£ atasanqna . C, J-H. LightbJurne' sTOtteMte^ir £“‘“n. Camas; Richmond Circuit, s H ’ . ■Me -5ji l ‘rsi%/® . s#Srr-P«S I# - T CE OF the M ' THURSDAY. MARCH 17. 1864 cobfeb: Cm,!™Knce-rK nce -r Q J ° roach ’ Chaplain Qunritriy °f Spring Garden Street l'.l°-I'TON L F , M Pau District— Jos Castle street, E j Nazareth, C. Hill; Aretr W Vafor- 4t E p en .fn‘ fr ’ ?'■£• .«wplW Whartons* f’ 8 »/r®* Th.-)ma«; W. * Chaplain; Manner’s Bethel, and IVderil ft “ J ’ JJohfJvL' Pit ” un , Ud 'P al trai Home Mission to be en^itea“? BerS' >ecoud st , n. Waiter • n Beck rather: bcott Church T R itin Te ? tll st - A - Cooi er; 1 «!' T As bury, W. &£3gg2sF SEHsS? .amima/town. 0 j!“Gj I “gg-'Mt Joy°Joh’ o l,lrleU * Bair bridge, to te **?«•*! Jackson; do., Vine emit ’Tn = bnr , s ' J w - Ridge avenue, G G Rake’traw?'nf yP u 11 . erd; 4 dO -> Kemble; Huinmels own ivr c’ D 'J u P hin - S. T town, J. M . v”eelerrHalfft x B TE 11; I t Mi 1 dle - G. s ronway; Wise -n-sen n’ u S' Kesslerr, S. L. Gracey. chaplain TJ q a B ’ 'ttcDonnond; Quai terly Conferences- W - b" ’r~ amb ' !r ,, Unljn B. A , membei Pitman ciirpel^ re %n C , bapl,lin J. Ruth, chaplain IWern PenlteSi txml,!renoe ; i Arch street.Q. Conference- h ” 1 ?' member* sident ol Diekin-.™, , „,7 ’ “• M - Johnson, PrieSt burg Q°;. onference- W“ember of HairiSt > ickiiieon College, 'member^r'v 11. ProfessoriS\] Conierence; J s iZ, f Y lne Street Q\Y member of Bioad Street o V ab:lp ;i ' u U- S. A ,\l Ml. Pleasant, A. Howard-’ < pYsrb 6 ? Ce ,S l)ar ' >y aad > Kee; Lancaster, Firso tfburch G ™P\ do ,St Paul’s. J. F. Crouch ’ ° D ’ ViT P^< S BAT - P ’ E KHffW i G. W Mclinehi n 1 Germantown, Haines street, nryblSmu n'r'i 0 " Stephens, W. Ken. J. O’Neill; MeSou Sq“?e j aEt i Sf 0 ?'"' ‘W°H’Smith?' son; do , Unloni J°A. BrS; £*££“’ w'iim 6 mb J a d u o pphed? , Mt: to^emPP^ ed i s ßl 2 nd r | HW Yo^u a , n t d fVrc'o^;e^%^ P irio re: be M ’ H -?¥ Delaware City, T St PP t G^; Di-unnon; Newark. ftlf a cAt ' lbanert l M e t d: Nebo Bj?ge, <££ W. Hanim." lev- P™, As P lle ‘: Tremont, J. St° m C]airland f s T uwl?ed;’ *» "i n,embei o l ’Haines' E mee 0 tQ a3 ’c C ?^ lain U ’ S - A mery Square. D W G^rdn^Ph 1106 ’ Mont K°- Paetorfleld: Springfield to 4> Pba ’ ni *'Hle, J. McClelland; F t^d B™*’ 8 ™*’ J. F. boro, V. Grav nns in ks’*t« ' » Pepper; Birds- Mission, J. s y Hngbe°- b rn?n P wiu d; T Be . Bk3 counly Connell. PottsfiSle f’ s - J- Me saf iS'Pt /e ° r ™ Graj ? Media, D G^rge:’ F^^af’ c7r\i?K n j L W^ 0 “’b d -, F J Ol of Delaware O ®* A., member Orum Zor?* T Co^erence; Port Deposit, G. t- Faster:, District—T. J. Quiglet p p Smyrna a Cook; SmyraaCircuit, H. Sarderfon mbe snppiied"Middfetawn al i % 101 , e f d p ™P ie ’’ to besuppl'ied; ‘gow. 13 P“P'^ ingharn, fceem£rt t K s?nto"’5 ?nto "’ » B. Gill’ I>o Merritt, T. E asion ’ J* Cooper; w d M ’m iue€ns,ow "’ s -A. J- F. Boone W u V™ M - w “ r oer;Millington, Gardiner; Mil(brd Circnit >o^-YolnV?l' ford ’ S - T - ’ El Miller, J O S’ T ' S ’ Williams; Kent, SNotv Hilk District a tt A. Fwed j ? n AU ;' CE ’ P. E D. Conner; Eaurei Oircuit^nil 116 i Uook, supplied; Tobacco SUck D n J**,? 1 * I*' 1 *' Airej's, to be siinnliArt* cnUsi, 1 D. Ifndsoß* c. T. Fram?- SYanuVo wh o^’ J- Humphries cess Anne”!’, w! Cooper, g’ / be snpplied; Annamessev F rt P ?° *? ns ’ OQ © to mw» sasS te» L i Pie, to besnppiied- T L o 'p™ ’ f ° r Peo. A., member of S.alisbury Quarter’ll t^ D U S ' Dorchester, W: Sink o p r % Conference; W. B. Wklton; Church' &“k n:F ; dC^sb^ r' a^^ Sn P plied i Cambridge B 1 ? 8 ’ Cambridge Cir-mir w <a -“•-uaddnx; to be supplied; J ?f°Pn3° rc S teri 2’saSfc si® iJUsW- S, "S£* f I ® fceaford Quarterly Confere’ncY: A ’ member of tion Bnd tbe clndeS the° sSTentXvemS PsefsTfc’o^C^KCoD delphia Annual Conference. tbe Pw ia- MMc^loLThe^’ Paul’* 1 Church ety J s a 8 held* rib respectable!' 611 e - ry -fe very hymnT' Tasker ’ Esq ' ’ occupied the Chair. The SEVENTH DAT. ■ WhS' 0h ’ ** e j«Tfnlsound! nearly, as last year, and all been ralsed > S®sS£:sS'fcf»;S ? “' , “““' F¥»aus»w^|s®«« books circulated, 6, a>9 Volumes S TS. d ? T Bscho ° l catalogue, i,6i» VnfnmL ”™' Books of the volumes. Copies of WnU? Tract books, 113 406. lOC pkges T H ° ly bcrt P CQ res, 910. Tracts, wS‘S l es“S.g“ Trac,sbaTe ae tongues,” Od&rence, Rev.“ wTcL”' N ? w Jersey Man ship. w * "IcOlary, and Hey. A. gOO no, Ttod and Walnut. at 220 PEab street, below no 4 invited to examine P shippers •treet, below Third knd 230 X« J &^ncyofOßX7S(^^d 8 r alwt?S° t ® Walnut "*-S?gfiaMBMr BEANDISapoPT-? ®?'H sen *. ’ UitTS and MADEIKAS. anil aWear *, below «& Ciui TUHacOO - sP»ap»*ffOßSS f S iahl7 Slips^tiis mhl7 J-pyANiTciGABS^- s “» « -- ™®WiSsi!a. 1' Pounds?’ ~ —:__ ah 4 g LIQUORS. &c. TOBACCO AND SEGarI; (IF i(X» CAETONS CORNING, M lEOH IS, aEßortinem of nonft2 nr c-'edit, a large libbons. ** e Sole UDne t and trimming Velvet ribbons. Will i" round- T Eale ° f RIbBON S.onFEIDAY, cartons Nos. 4 and 5 corded edge poult de sole x- ribbons. w * do -1,08. loacotchoice cord poult de sole do 10a0o°rip]p Cham bl'ick do lOaOn,Tls ?tel:^ qoe;u,dMals ,2*WSßs*»~ 1 ON FRT7?jv F i. FREN^'EI GOODS. I At 10 o™ik A> bv M^Sf ING ’ MABCH JS. J credit 1 cataUogue on four month* 1 I Q^lf SCka * esail<l lots 01 Fancy and Staple Dry ->5 OASES BBITISH o AN’D SAXONY DRESS -'&&£3S£JESS&' I tv! d S solla colors poplins. I 5° JP 0^6 colored PersiansT 5° ?£ r ured mozambiqnes. I Tn and ' vh,, ° Pialcl lenos. Do tliesfl^ 0 d ° r,en,al lustres, M ODEnnr ? «"? Alexandria cloths. biqn?I eSPans6 - 1 SU P" Plaid and stripe mozam * CaSeiflD * DAMAGED GOODs eMdilleS „?. a c c °unt. of Underwrite™ , ON FRIDAY MORNING Bi^rorlgii^'STatcK ,:£? blacl ">£n. 14-4 Berlin xepbrr wool dn Large size balmorals. ■ T LONDON MELLONS tilf London 6-4 coJ*d meUons.' credit— cs ’ bF catalogue, on four months’ Dry’ Goods, C6S and lOtS of fresh Fa “cy and Staple Catalogues on ntornlugof sale. March 22, at credlt _ latest noTelUes S received * d d ’ lEcludm B. the - Also— SS£&2«i. Jo SwXiped mohairs. p p&S 111 clolts dS SSSJS" 6 - “« WOOl fllUng. ““ 0S FOE March 22? at?o T, ovl?rt Yr]ilOßNlNG lcaSe6 4 ' b^«p ° a eloc t .for cash ?n?hfi fa ?°y d*ess goods. per of importation, F „„ OK 1 '” “““ At ie™o c “ A JJ° KH ™?' march 21, logne, lor cash? ism sol % fe y ca»- Yontlis’ Calf. Ki« s^r,i ;a ?l s e R s ’ Boys* and Balmorals, Cava6v an Hn'J?« nun jt Boot f\ Bogans, sortment of Womp?« v- s> , &c - Also, an as. Boots, Shoes, *}? d ohil dren>s variety suitable ”’ 0f eTery '„ maters, dealers urn wiiif. prices. Watcb. well by calling auL purebaaers will do Race streets/* comer of Slxtb an< sBFeters*s^^s*I A pSALB. Layer 'WatchesTof^he^^? 3 En * llstl Patsnl motors; some of thAtnhftS°ilJ ll,p 7 oved M(1 l>**t and Tery fine and h?oS a I e *J Te pairs extra jewels, plied for immecU^l^wl 1 ? 0 ,,™? 011 ' 3 - If hiVia! S •££S^.sisuscie AT P ¥J^? T IS-^ E c |:pK LESS THAN HALI H?U AXI SELLING PRICES. ““ , Kplfl magic cose, hnntinir case and rin«wi bottom English patent lever watches, juUieweM . and plain, of the most approved and best maS!™: fine gold hunting case and open face tent lever and lepine watches; ladies- toe e?M enameled diamond watches; fine gold AmirfSm hunting cute patent lever watches, of the S apprised styles; fine silver hunting iase and crnei face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers:. fine silver hunUns case American patent lever watches, of the most aPProjed makers; fine silver hunting case Md open face Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches; independent second and dohbls l^ 0 i?Z, er y^ oll ® 3 ; silver qmartier English, Swiss mad French watches; fine gold-plated watches: watches, fine English movement! And numerous other w&tches. * nto!? *wist double barrel fowling costty’ barr baot action locks, some ysrj MONEY TO LOAN, n°»ZSeaV TWS •ltber at Ko ired ’ two-thirds of tberralu* ol tie goods will beadvajiced in anticipation of sal*. . . CONSIGNMENTS publio sales*. 6Tery des crlptlon *ollclted for ow TTnSTr^v!; e, s ne machines; se Yeralsuperlor usss&s. by a. a. ]3 Y J °'K N hyies i fin ff^ fln *'Ingrain, vStlan °hp tfarftep,y ’ superfine wJu te andVed eh/ck ? F and m? carpet. ?o£xT; ON R^Ers 8 AND AME .«£®*msb&sku: carpets. -nlecas® "woolf rpt ! a — pieces wool " ? ar P e, s | pieces wooleu Vene-iai| iln c:lrDe:s -— pieces list, racaort e e car Peti — pieces Perop car, ets g ® C“rpBts 'above eck h matting asCrossley, Brussels 6 bBst make - s 'i=ti ai d Lowell manufacture c * u £ ram ' 01 *ke Hartrord W 10 o’clock, wi“b?s o irt U ; March 2l, CBEm°^’ a^u r italogQe ’ ofFrfncli, inmt (£™ ES A / t L ’ L °TS *c., embracing ?aw and"ch af’ Usl * Vry °° 0cU > fancy and staple article hJen* ~ < '~; if !? r ' nl8Ilt 0< and cotton fabrics! ’ S,,k ' worsteii > 'woolen, eiamln'atl^y'^ e t s b o^ s i™ e will be arranged for tag of tbe si!le7wbS, e “ ly on lta ">om' Interest to attend. deale rs will and it to theii IS®»ra^'a»iB»a 1100 packages Boom, r™£ REU ab °»> Army Boots and Sho£?’ ? * oga ? 8 ’ Balmroals. and Eastern . Ac., &c., of dt? and prime asSrtmlnt ? ’desS > w ° ing a fres * men, women and children. desirable articles,-for momtng'of'saie 163 Wlth catale snes early on ih« -jj-j- , -die. M. AUCTIOHEESis tIAED-Thel/l. 14J Sontb street . Sale td Booksellers TOin eCoDd Philadelphia Trade i2d tost. CatS/o|uS reaS“ n>eilCe 0n TUESDAY, re^eM™ C |c ar at “ation given to sales at prlTntt STUBE? EVERY tH#r|dAY AUC TIO* MORKI NI ^fS- STOCK. *32 th do rOS tWenties - do Korth SrSi' llB^^ RaiJl *oad Co. 20 do Am?r,„t ™ lottn Josnraru'e Co. 30 do Spring SiM Um i aJ Insora - Bce Co. 60 do Min”Hin p“i lnsutan ce Co. >8 do N “th?r„ t , a ‘ )rQa<l Co -31 do „f be L t,es C*® Co. ao do Girard LH ?. n To wnship. 5 hip. 13H d d o° dBtock ) 6> on Northern Liberties Bank . Pennsylvania Ifailroao C'o £5O, 000 bonds Union Ca2li r ddi,ional ■ 69 sLares 5 « !5 ares g™.'Ex°ctan7e CC B 0 ank '" si" h t ree M pr chants’ Hotel 0 S do reS s'nr D “ u a (Pa - > Cas Co. 12sharts efibi”™?®" B *, N °”b™Pton Turnpike 5o e T^ d ? u 4'pwri^ , S! Bd stock Boaii Co * enslngton “ d Oxford Turnpike 1 S & d tS r L« a s, ne InS ‘ C °- ><o rL areJl?eb^n r e°Jo a ° Qardiaa - VALUA t E| TA^A S T ALE T’ MAfiC H. 22d. MOUNTAIN, abom ■ LO 'Y7ST Sr Cust Ga P Improvement^ B, i J °‘t! ll " lands Middle R. R. and Coal tv, q 11 ew York aid to., Ac., adjacent to severalratir B*l., 8 * 1 ., ebaana Coal ographic Plan. several railroads. See Xntli a erues at the Auction Rw ms lhe above P r °P- James M'snll^c'ec 1 d E \’tw l rT° r DT Sal£ ’ — * :state °f PROPERTY. No. 2ls Pot, A FiStlJ'' 81 NESS No. 143 ROCK Street. street, and sssi ‘sssrsas spSSS^sswgffiSK S'S4#fSSlf feet front Eace aa d Vine streets-Ji hSl^e, E Mansion 22KgS A | EE t EO / a e EGT - Arck street, u,aa ®d Stable in Hie Ol7 BriCk Nv.-ell. iss^* s ii ssss^s NEA.T MODERN DT7ET T rvr* -v 1901 Plr ' 505 LoiSrdTSet? n ‘ USO ’ No. MWSffISS? S th , Sl'"™^- K DWELLrXC '’ F - at No dentown Road, Bnrlii^t o Er^t- 5 r reet ami Bcr * from tbe Railroad I’epSt ’ Jersey, onemile Poin E t ’ east of a .ve.sea C c“Va?^“ able G ™ a d Rents of 5, 50 *§SB£gg^^ar-- warehouse Jones allty f °ar-story brick Cnrten?dettfjlTwt’ | : s r ? ( ‘Si f '^“ , . e <* Martin ING, Cumberland «, Germantown. IN* EA No. *«.f ?S Y . BRIGK bWELL. Square. FlTmoclh 5? ' near KittenboSe DWhSiSS, N^ e ,t^™L E sH°Vard BKICK DWEL&nS, H Ch^'® TOSY ' beick D ?H E !M§ol? ?a4 “™“ E ' ; ’ S ™^d BKICK W T^f of ’^ an^^n^ ELL! "'' G ’ N ’ BWELiINa - »«■ Orp ß au A s E Cor TAT p E e^ AI ' E ’ MARCH 59. George re n PIOr ?- Sale —Estate of HIDOE EOAE, ( onne^rr„ 2,i AGRES on the October last > t 0 Au * ® sta te sold 27th Bithogrrphic nlau . :u ?‘> sold in 5 lots. See lots. 6 <S- Brick clay on part of the def’d~3°i!l^ 1 |~ Est , a i? 01 Anthony Rnffner Lnaraestond Barr st_abont 17 Arßpi' key st ’ ACRE^iS Also, without re«en-» LAND. —129 TRACTS OF MNti : ° smt Purchasers PENNSYLVANIA. vhf- ND tlle OF rTii, Wllole «- 111 acres «2£s&3& T^KSi Kes , N „. 4??™iSL BKIOK DWEL |jn»t, £nfem F d 'V^f 3 street > Coral 374 by 150 FrSs^ reet ’ 19Ul iis, P dec’d.-NEAf Ue D\\^LU\G WiU T“ Bnr ‘ and I! ac Twonti titli Nos an and m T 7 i? O ? y E ;frS KY DWELMNG S, doTth sfdeMAEKFT strre Gl! h _TTSr ° STOICS, I Ninth Sr s , ,reer ’ Eighth and Filbert stjeet’ Lot% hy ?o,: 1,1 tbe rear 011 •sirahi*‘* , ‘ &BI '® BUSINESS LOCATION— O de firable properties, ~->2 and 7°l Arch ~ 7, e ,T “S" staple, Zane sirrah ’ Wltb D Nos »67 and"f?lde ^K D |g^ EN «^ D lo EN n,, S;?® At to &C ' hogshead staves; 4184 S ** Ts§ri& rUI SUth street. 'SSSSrl'g™?®i&. 15?® tnre, rosewood piano, pier nUiror feath*. S l ' tapestry carpets, &e. ' leaUler beds, eXamil!ed atSo ’ CIOCb .U» morning of •snOTT?™? 0, 1452 Norm Eleventh street ._ PMO TlSEYofkpETsfi W ° ol) °At M MOENINO, E MAEOH 30 E aS? E.vr P «?° "•.’-sfasss: TATVTFk r - J No. 422 • KEAL tSTATP bove Fnnrt k* '-*/ SaLE . MAEOH3O. konse .m, lot, above ComwiTinn‘7°- story brick n„ T } ° n „ 8t Su bjec“toss,-,, ’ lBby m feet Orphan• Court Hair—m stair jcr oo ground rent. GEBJMANTOWN BOaD-a 1 ? 1 ' 4 Baoney,do c’d. bouse and lot, aj..minn 6 ®' brick to Tyson st 545 gro.fndrent bym *&■ Sale—Same Estate. nt * wpftonr Cfowr{ briow lt, wd bcick dfc ! d. ° ri ’ W «“*. 2&g£ *& '■ 0/ Zfs * r£ - boute and three story brick :ee: up-war«.sdeeD es< ? feet frontand fromfgg • 32dl CKEAfc*J*i sT m.-_ A * - ■ * l°\ between Girard h ,£i ck by ifo leerto an alley nf J^ e Thompson st, is rale 7 ' ° f whicb “has the privilege* I W-A lot ° f ground, with 3« by SO feet. e &?; r^nJ-K C °™ r Orangast. .Srirga-s?'”i n * erart ' betow Master stf?bly Orphans Court Salt* Estatfof j?- 2 groand rent. >’ A JLO WHI USTWfI//r'T T' no ' s <» b ‘’ * CaiJowhill st east^f V tv^ able lor ’ s °uth side of Sbjppen b?t® h ° c )^ nd > ot .b e !ow ~im t fcu^ ,e S* Un - dec- d orphaiu C °“TtSai ■ trae“ ,^fs^ S f ' MOMEOE CO-In differen t ear two railroads m fatr ° BdsbDrg t well timbered - - ricT or %^- : ground, HaogK dcc'd ° Tfhans CoUTt Salt— ■ng and H Vo“ P lli 0 by S 2rfif e -| t S r7blio]cd^U- Orphaos’ Court SrfZ- »?/ 8 P°5 ad rent. i 219 CA>S ST—t hr Pe’er Landix* dec'd. II 'A by 50 f, et. l sa^S,‘^? ry b ” cic bouse and lot, Sale —i A C £tt a ,? Sie,onncl rent - Orphans’ Cour’t court ngssj by 3 ss a t>el T d^p S ?^ l^f e^ or y. IS MHTLJT f lo b .below b h r ' c L h , Ollsa Exeru-or's Sale- Sam- E,to‘r cau ’ 18 by feet. '#islF “»"»« “2S?s; acres, >h nown £ StoSeO® tractl feet on Shoemaker lane aL-in l to . n S Qnarry, 3 16 “ d*o *rtdeep. Extcu cation.^G^rSf^KJ^nATm? al ? e bns “ es 3 >°- i-rccu. or- AS« S a 62 feet 0 “ 7tb street, fcrl fa^| T b suitable Kmlin! ec!i V,UI lent f ° rS6UO a y^S 7 S^OTO I rna£ I-o^WowL^7siifi 5 I) Z! 11 i ngN °- 226- and feet to M&nship Sh- t “• front and 7U if ft No. 2(JL P , a neat *>Kell ■Perry* deceased. * Sale* Estate of Robert Loi^nifsixAsl^e^p^^fron^CSf o^^ 4 Md Lot souS D s'ide of &eS sto, T Hons « JttiUer street 50 foot fmo♦ Stteet, southeast of OrpW Colr7s2,s^.'- E^ out 200 deep. IWC ar d 16iS 3XABVIN# ST .k brick Homes, ind Lots FiJ^^ hr f e - stor y lot, with two three.’s’torvhr'i S .°h y brick bouse and above Brown /^;1 to ?- b h r i c l Q llbus f sl b the rear, Siooo may remaim ’ 1 ‘ by ‘ 9 leet> 4 % inches. Fe A^ai N :t f?e b n Js st?or'' of Gra y’3 BUILDING f At 81,2 sronnd rent. %'«. atl by 77 feet°Sv inch^. 1 StT£6t ’ west of 52d JsbySo‘met NGI ‘ O ' r ' ScTentb ’ above Tasker st,' A?rie Md^wS-d^r r fr P - t0W n road ’ above TOWN LOT in dSco n S T “?ro e l aoo:refit - MONBOE CO ’. 10 2 by lw feet Price township, a hAnS," of 1! * acre ® id nock township. 01 100 acres in Tnnkhan- Bnih^wmhfp 0 ' ° f 433 aores ia township. P 4 of Hiu acres each, Harris Th,- i^ Al ' i ES TATE SALE—March hi P. M.° S ‘“ e WIU be beld on lbe Premises at lo’ clock adto^ng,^®!ftonT'by 0^ ,O , S Court Sale-Same Esta.tr.. J leet dee P- Orphans! i N EVEN?NG^ y \T^ 1 h SATURDAY Biver and Mountain Views- “& n £* aie .l &crjptajai piece* from tha j- -krnit and most raitemarUs£ 0 ” Si ° f K tlla »««, c. Ajs.usiss.ssi.igi,^ r’EißK,,™“««»*«» ii> ™g™T»m r ,SfS¥.“j I .'’“ hd “"W™ .#SSv«Sr goeds, suitable for Spring sails and millinery sSIf tore of pities removing descriptions. FunU- ItMiL ™Jes remoTlDg or breaking np Honse el eranMj? premises of tie owners, or at their JrJfFS* spacious Salesrooms, Nos. 62a Ohest_ nut Street and 615 Sansom street. ’ felS-tf B Y A THOMAS BIHOH4 StyiT Auctioneers and Commission Merchant. “ No. #l4 CHESTNUT street, abore wS??* Sale at No. 914 Chestnnt Stwer * rt3SsnS|3gg@ BA n< liandEotisehold’fMnftnre, 6^?. 1 newan<i second- M l£Val P ®“^^'S?^° ,lioteMS with balls, a & t 0 rosewood Milliard table, marble bed, Also, aSa^OW^E. of°FnSltiS , Rt ( S? lr l’* r * on,tl mc^ e a FRIDAY MOENINn 8 / ** ,VwrT ~SS££S2gg2Eg^jjg- SdeSS>HIA. ATIO:NAI ' BANK OF PHlLA ingtoSoo > o®M? 0, ofincreag. / C^^?‘^^“ i Ient;'WILLIAM H. lateof the Philadelphia Banlc. Nathan Hilles, di Mgtoks: George W. Lewis Shallcross, Simon R"snvd ( fJ' m ’ - Charles E. Kremer, Edward Haves ’ Benjamin Kowland, Jr., • >ua * T . Benjamin H. Deacon, “W 6^3t d »? a H®V ® Philadelphia la thetranlL^ o '.r l34Mam street, Franirford, for "Pen thSSSg ?lms - neral B!^ S Bn « ne6 * aad°enfoHihe^teSsf Coe6SiWe pollltS W - ‘ ’ TjaUKIHAN’S UNRIVALLED YKKTTTT.fI - Urs and Toupees, Ladies Lone Hal BnUds Half Wlgs , Curls, Bands, Ac., thtiap. 8019-th. s, tdmoj No- m 9BEJSXNBX «r««C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers