Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 17, 1864, Image 1

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evening bulletin
Tk® Is a erred to Subscribers In tHa
Slty at IB cents per week, payable to &s carrier*,
or.(8 M p*r annum.
Hall Square, 1 Ume.s -is 1 Square, 2 wer>!lc..§s 25
l Square, 1 lima 50 i Square, l-montix.. 5 es
X Square, S times.... 75 1 Square, 2 months. 8 06
£ Square,'l times.,.. 166 1 Square, 3mouiSs.ll 68
1 Square, 1 wask....l 75 1 Square, 6mGr.Oie.2o 8c
Sue lines constitute one square; th-re Hass
less half a square :
Purity ofMaterials, '
Good Workmanship
Low Chargee.
1408 Chestnut street,
—On Tuesday morning, lSili instant.
Jars. Frances Allison, widow ot the late Dr. N
is. Allison, aged 73 years.
Her relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited to attend her funeraltromher late resilience,
Ifo. 2025 Spring Garden street, on Friday morning.
ISth mst., at 10 o’clock. *
A.UDENBIED—Un the evening of the 15th in
stant, Mrs. AhnaO., relict of thedate Lewis Au
dehried, in the S3th year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the'family are re
spectfnlly invited to attend her funeral from her
late residence, 512 North Seventh street, on Mon
day afternoon,2Lst instant, at o’clock, without
farther notice. To proceed to Laurel Jtlill Ceme
tery. »*..
BDWAEDS—On the 14th instant, John Ed
wards, in the 7Gth year of his age.
The relatives and friends of the family are re
spectfully Invited to attend the funeral from hi*
late residence, No. 130 Coates street,-on Friday
afternoon at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows'
Cemetery. *
FOSTER—On "Wednesday morning, the loth
inst., Agnes, infant daughter of Henri L. and A
•Con stantia Foster.
The funeral will take place from the residence
of her parents, No. 151 c Frown street, on Satur
day morning, 19th inst.. at 10 o’clock, to which
the friends of the family are invited. **
lilLL—Suddenly, on Tuesday, loth instant,
Benjamin Hill, of Norristown, Pa., in the tfid
year of his age. .
His relatives and friends are invited to at
tend his funeral, without, further notice, from his
late residence on Airy street, Norristown, on'Sa
turday morning, 19thinst., at. 10 o’clock. **
Xl opened by
Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT street;
N--B. Wholesale Booms on second iloor.
J> Best Brown Silks.
Spring Fancy Silts, Paris etvie Chenie.
London style Shawls.
Broadway style Cloaks.
H-3 Stated Meeting of the Institute will be held
this (THURSDAY) Evening, at Bo’ clock. Mem
bers or others having new inventions to exhibit,
v.illfilease send the model to the Hall of the Insti
tute, Ho. 15 South Seventh street, during the after-
mh 17-ltj,
fY-e; — NOTICE.—The subscribers to the stoclt
PANY,” ot Frederick county, Maryland, are
hereby notified that their subscriptions will be due
and payable at the office of MATTHEW T. MIL
LEK & CO., No. 45 South THIRD street, on the
22d ins’ant. A. B. MILLER, Treasurer.
Philadelphia, March 10, 1804. mhl7i22{
rr&~ twenty-fourthward.^rhecltT
us zens are earnestly solicited, in consequence
ol the President 1 s Older for two hundred thousand
inore men, to meet at Commissioners’ Hall.
SEVENTH and MARKET streets, on
I-RIDAY EYENING, the 16th instant, at 714
mill 1 -2t- - Chairman of Executive Committee.
UNION entertainment TO-NIGHT
Band, Union Quartette of West Philadelphia and
a number of other talented yocal and instrumental
performers, together with choice readings bv a
popular elocntion.ist, all ef whom have patrioti
cally volunteered in aid of the Wardßountv Fund
Tickets 25 cents. ’■ ' J It#
NoT lib Sou Hi SEVENTH street The under
signed acknowledges tile following contributions
to tins branch of the Fair:
From Mrs. A. Atkinson, Mantua Maker,
Pine street, above Eleventh, one day’s
Dr. Elierslie "Wallace
Mrs. Dr. "Wallace ■
E. "Wallace, Jr
One day’s work, each, by - Four Young
Ladies. ® n oo
Also,a subscription by R.’d. Wood,"Esq" l t oou 00
Toi&lmttt.otMtt, ©1 t/Ll OC
nffl . . TNO. "W. OLiA.(xHOBN, Treasurer.
Office hours from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.
rrs=* v JAMES E. MURDOCH will deliver
Ins Popular Address, entitled
On TUESDAY EVENING-, 23d instant,
For tho benefit of the
In the course of the evening Mr. MURDOCH
•Will introduce the following recitations:
GETTYSBURG. (A new Poem.) By F. De
H._ Janvier.
OUR HEROES. Written for the oeeasion and
read for tne first time.
jl . .d» ±teaa.
delivered by Ephraim Macßriaron the Battle-field
of Drninclog.
Tickets 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents.
Tne sale of Tickets "will commence on Friday
morning, 19th mat., atsb’clocx, atMARTIEN’is
606 OHESraur Street. Tickets can had
at the door °1 the ACADEMY on the evening at
the readings. inhl7 tta
Doors open at 7, o’ clock. Headings at Sa> clock.
The ar.nttal assessment for 1863 for the above
named district, ofpersons liable to a tax' in Oar
"Stages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables and Q-old
and Silver Plate, and also of personrfeonired to
take out licenses, having been completed,
. T ." at the. taxes aforesaid will be received dailv
°yiiadarsigned, between the hours of 9A. M.
and 3 P. M. (SUsdayfe exeeptedj at his office, s. W.
1114 "Walnut afreets, on and after
7th inst., ahctfantn and itreftiding
’Saturday, tba 2d day of April next ensuing.'
wll ° pay their Annual taxes
and le ? inie Yachts, Billiard tables,
3s>dsv if An?i i fTcL pla n’, 011 or before thefaforesaid
the*excise tlle 19Ul motion of
All personk who in like manner shall fan to
out their licensee as reqniredbv
the 2d day of Aprtl 1861, wUI urnra a pelalty of
ten per centnm additional of the amoniftherenf 1
and be street to a prosecution for
amount at said tax, In accordance with the p™
TUions of the 59th Section of thtlaw aforeiaid Pr °"
All payments are required to be made in Trea
anry notes issued under authority ofthe TTnitaH
States, or in noted of Banks organized under the
N«i t o°na«s. a Currency,
No further notice will be given,
mbs t»no» o JQHN H. DIEHL, Collector.
fflhg.tap3§ S. W. cor. Third and Walnut streets,
Uailij (ftomirg fmllctm.
' ' t —Piuladii phia, March 16, win.
j he r card ol l/irei:iurs have declared a
f mi-ai-nu.i piTideDd of FIVE PER CENT..
CiUr oi r,;o t nited States Tax, payable on and
n.Vil . - ~i, b, tu ntj Treasurer.
j [OovrespcnCfnce of the Nevr York Herald.]
; (irv llesiu, Feb. 29, 18M.-Admiral Farragot
I , T 'bade but little progress in his attack on
v-1 POV.VI,, and there is a rumor that he Is going
~ 1: r ' ; v - bis fl-et from here, as he is satisfied
...a. ■ie oily cannot be taken-by water, owing to
i.ie i wmus reasons which I gave yon in my last,
i tllat thirty ontof the forty rebels
.• r r 1 , ; -°odemned to death for -mutiny at Fort
,'.oij_aa : have been shot, and that the second ofii
•“ •‘‘uninand was one of the'party. The other
r - 1 irpiieved. The following are said to be
me particulars of tlieaffiiir: ■
A lamen umber,among them the officer second in
iiiiitri.ir.i, mdngteed to surrender the fort to the
i mot. fleet, and arrangements were making for
di.ii jteiyn-e, when one of the mutineers relented
ai c. liiviuged the whole plot to the'rebel General
Aiai.iv Who quietly gave orders that a force
-In uid be seui down from Mobile for the purpose
o. aiTf! ting the whole of the garrison at Fort vtor-
Car. This was done, and forty were provdjto
have been concerned in the plan. These vgifre
placed in irons, tried by court martial, and th
wlmje sentenced to be shot. Strong efforts were
made by the citizens of Mobile to obtain a reprieve
-or .hi in fr, ill the rebel authorities at Richmond ■
hut tl.e order came that the sentence should be eil
ecut, cl and within the last two weeks it has been
were',eprit°ved ffeet UP ° n eXCept the ten
!i‘, f K rm ‘l Dt 6 L at , ed lhat General Manry had
ordered that the whole plot should go on as if it
e in . u , e ''' er been discovered, and that on the ni-ht
■ hat the surrender was to he made one ol our guu-
K‘. jat , E n Pl‘ roa cbed the fort for the pnrpose of making
he tinnsfer. The signals agreed upon by the par*
ties v eie followed to the letter, both from Fort
Momu, and tne gunboat; but the latter, noticing
;VJ u ' b *' , Et <htmer near the fort, suspected
rfum ! m,t^ a , S h- DCt ri ”s lt ’ acd attempted- to
return but this was no sooner perceived
lroin the fort than all the gnus which were
npf'lf'Jh mo , inued ' as ''■veil as three others,
placed there for the purpose, opened upon her
aim one statement is that she was forced ashore
and destroyed, while the other' is that she was
completely riddled. I give ydu the whole of this
as 1 hearci it fr-etr. intelligent refugees from Mobile
n, T . L A. r r,l irn of General Gherman to Vicksburg has
puz/Jed the people of the South as much probably
as thoseof ineNoith. 1 hoard that General
ye?. ld M ° bUe CiV ’ Ltiltbat
(Cone!ponden.-e of he W. Y. Herald 1
NEW Onim Alls, La., March S. ISOi—Be the
arrn-a of in- Miss l ssi r pi steamer Metropolimul
lcnrii tlia. Admiral For.er, with his eutire llee' of
urn-oiads i.- at lh e month of the Red river
Thirty iransport-a, leaded with troops, werer-l«o
soju to be et tLesame point when shepassaa
iiTL* niipp.jfied to be the army ol Major General T
w . > tit-rrnaji.
Beys has just arrived that Admiral Porter has
captuioc a strong foi <. noni the eitemv ou ihd Wa.
cbitu m»r. -with all iis guns, including three
thirty, two pouuo ers. *
Before :his reaches yon the army of General
Banks v::ll have comm-oerd operations
The General and staff willprobablyiakeeUe fold
to-morrow or next day. "Which direction th,w will
take, or what is to be done, X cannot inform vou
now: bat alter operations shall have taken place
your readers may rely nnon having the' earliest
news and the fullest details of whatever occurs in
the Btpaiiment of the Gulf.
The Meirojoliian was fired.upon hy guerillas
near hi organza, while on her way here. No one
tras injured. Musketry alone was used.
Orleans, JVJr..rch 9.—There is tome excite
ment here, perhaps mer than usual, in reference
tomihtam operations elsewhere, and naval ope
rations off Mobile; bnt the hopes of a reduction o f
that por,. to Union authority do not seem likely 'to
be realized at present. The Department of the
Gull, however, is presentingevidences of renewed
[From the Natchez Courier, March 4 1
we learn that thfre was heavy firing at Harri
sonburg, on the Wacbita river, last Tuesday and
"Wednesday. The cause ofthe lively cannonading
lias not reached us. 6
We learn that quite a number of the people of
the Soothare taking the oath of allegiance of late
Captain Walker, Provost Marshal of this district,
jwe learn, has about fifteen applicants everv day
These applicants, in many instances, are made by
Confederate soldiers. J
We learn from a good source that Red river is
fast becoming in line navigable order, the principal
obstruction being lhe sand bar at the mouth of Old
river, which has been forming for years.
Black river is now reported clear of Confedera’e
soldiers and bands of robbers, who, it is reported’
have fled to parts unknown We hope for the fu
tnre that the persecuted Union inhabitants in those
n're\°o vf?- ay allowed to live in peacebJor, if we
Snn tJ! tbß stories of refugees from that sec
hS?been a biue” ne° f ° people ° f «"“**
[Correspondence ot the N. y. Herald l
Hilton Hbad, S. 0., March 12, 1601. -General
PnlLki manner of bis report of the reduction of
~ Sey en army transports and seven naval vessels
the former laden with troops from vwif.
command, sailed from StonS Inletfor Bn 1P
on the 11th They shelled the shore 2 few mo 7
ments, landed a few men, stayed a feWbonrL TYh
then came back. In the vicinity of OharliSton u
seems, onr forces are only feinting awav ’ 11
[Correspondence ofthe N. Y. Times 1
Jacksonvillis, Fla., March 11, 1861—Wednss
dapnigbt, an expedition, under the command of
Col. Barton, embarked on beard transports anrt
proceeded up the St. John’s River to Pilatka—a
distance of 60 miles from Jacksonville, At Pilatka
the troops were landed without any opposition
whatever. Artillery accompanied the troops, and
every preparation was made to fight the enemy in
ease he jhoujd dtspute the possession ofthe place.
The munition is to fortify Pilatka and hold it
permanently. It is a town that was formerly
oscupwd by about 500 inhabitants. At present,
hn ?ri?T,*= lfdo:iC , n famiUes ate in the place. Tift
condiufn u g^uns , aud f roTBs & excellent
“evSaUon^^S OEBal indications of
In nracShlS » trt P Of movable property.
cotCrfficcn^ 1 s otea sf £
.^oSnSSf!ion^^Ve 1 * &
stored. 1 ’ ilUhtpfo ol
onr men and taken to a pile's
not the first tipie Pilatka has been visi&rt
men.- OnthToccasion of a forra7e™,,rti&®sF
Jacksonville, our troops went stf johlm'
nver as far as Enterprise. * 06 Jonn s
Th fi night that was ohosen focthe expedition was
extremely dark, and the rain fell in torrent" !?
intervals on the way rebel camp fires could be
seen. Two gunboats preceded the transports, bnt
they were not revuired to use their guns. ■
eral George Washington was a Lieutenant Gen
eral of the French Empire, created such by the
King of France to enable him to take command
over the French officers of like rank then serving
still in bt.sion at SANS<‘M STREET
.y 1,1.. f aeciidaies for Assistant Surgeons in
i .•misyivama Regiments are inn-ited to present
.I-, n-sctvfb lor eiamii anon; thetfloard will be in
-ess.on every day this -week.
JAiV.Es RING Surg-on-Gen Pennsylvania.
*' r ■ vv • OREEN, Assistant Surgeon-General
ie; lisyirat la. .
Sut ceon J. A. PBILLTPS, 9th Pa. Reserves.
. ina-on J. TV. LYMAN, 57tli Pennsylvania
IfS* BUSPIiAL, NOS 151 b AN li
oprf J«e KIMBAfiI) Street, DISPENSARY
oe,T ARTMENT Medical treatment and medl
r- t- i’oiulT to th« mu-, nnl'r
■PaiLMHaPgfe THIJKSOAY. MAhC i 1 18 S + .
[Correspondence ol tliu H. V. Herald 1
JiAT ’f i , nAl V rEE!3 > likpaictmest ojt West Vm
’lo'- *•->*•>* fave stationed
jii ii creased number ol troops at diiier-m K *ns m
corn..!* wfthiu
°cr lines 1* or this reason there has hern acou
durS? thß,,umb '‘ rottncllio ‘ !omßrs
oiuiDfrmp liisi mw davt.
It is reported that th--Union feelin" in Pai.-kine
ham count, and-that “ d“uy m
s'renrh. It is Ms. repnVred ,bu, thme
Vi f 9 o !x- o «, C, ‘ i:l , ni,bt ' r w in and in the
Mcuiirv of Staunton.
As yet no.erdei has been issued settln»'forth the
organisation of Gen. Sigel's stair. The oS otn!
v '7 C ' r A t “'' , ' = , S E,iU rs! - Hin tie positions they
held under Geu. Kelley. .
t .A?f Slertlay a il!o ‘' kadH runner (James.K Ilnhih
son) was eapt-ared at Mr John's run, on the Haiti
“°T? “V? C| ht° tiniiroad. sri-eu m.J-s from Htm
c°ch. He was sent to Cumberland, and on care
lully-renrubiiie him, Assistant Provo.-t Marshal
J-uentenant liobiiuon fount. sewed in the back o-'
e prisoner’s coat several letters of importance.
Uneo, the letters was dated from Harrisonburg,
it was written hy a woman n> her brother in R.i.i
more. requesting her brother to forward a iaig
pnekake ol spool cotton, as the same w-t» worth
lour and a hull dollars per spool Harrisonburg.
1 here is some indiea'ion tbat the bhu-k'nde runner
.s a member ol the 7th V irginia t’avairv. It this
1E 1, 0,1t wi!l Probably turn out that be is aspv.
hiAncii i.i. at--* —-A r- po t conus ill that the
whole of Ewell’s corj.s is mot ini: o. er into the
valley of the Shenandoah. As to how much reli
ance can be placed in the report none in ojbeta
circles appear to know. Perhaps It 1- rh-d L~- i.
merely send njr a portion o; his army over Into the
■\ alley to EDbsii-t it there for h shorv time to cume.
or until such time as hi? railroad coinmnuicauon
is a?am complete, and he can get rations a* hero,
McNeil s men and a portion of Imbodon’s com
mand are reported to he in the neighborhood of
JKoxuney. The rebel? tire ir.akmjr extr.ior iunrv
efforts to prevent desertei 9 and from iret
ting within our lines. Besides, they areaiso ac
tive m securingsupplies ol‘ cattle, sheep anti hogs
stripping farn soi tin sc, and leaving the residents
?£ Jj l6 location in which they operate destitute
4iifd of snb£lstence “paper money” ox any
LtOCtstville, Accomac Co.. Va 3iarcU 10
in.:. Gnural B. F. Butler-Sir.: My school has
been closed sices Christmas, because, as I nu
derstoed the oath requir.,! of ns, I ecnld not con
scirr tionsly take it. Having hoard since .her
th.,' one of the officers explain? the oath as meaning
we cons.:;.' to the acts of the United
States Government, and pledge passive obedience
to the onir.e. I take the liberty of addressing this
to ymu to ascertain it yon so construe the oath.
I cannot understand bow a woman can “support,
protect and defend the Union-, ■" except bv sneak,
inf it writing m favor of the present war, which
1 could never do, becanse my sympathies are with
the South. If by those words you understand
m<u e iy passive submission. lam ready to take the
ontu and abide by it sacrfdly. Very respectfully,
tt-M Army fours, Dei-art.
*, ’ ‘hr-IXIA N -75TH O.HOLISA, Eon
trulj .oiTy that any I’lilon t it:, ■r of mine has at
tempted to fritter away the eli.ct of the oath of al
legiance to the Government of the United States,
ar.d to miorm jftm that u means nothing more than
passive obedience to ihe/ame.
That officer is sutrly Mistakes. The oath of al
legiance means fealty, pledge of fa th to, love, af.
fec-iop and reverence for the Governmen*. all com
prised in the word patriotism, in its high-*! aftd
v, ' hlCil etccry true American feels lor
his or her Government.
Yon say, “I cannot understand how a woman
can support, protect, and defend fn« Union ex”
cf T. t b - v , s P f hting or writing ip favor of the present
a*, bich 1 could neveT do; tbeeanse mv sympa.
thieg are with the J?onth.” * 3 1
That last phrase, madam, ttows whv von can
sot inidcrstajsd -how a ’woman ?“n - suppo?!
protect, andjCeftud the Union.'' P 1 ’
, Were you los al tit heart yoa would at onco un
deiitnul. Tfc women who are rebel®
und*r*»and wr.i to support, protect, and
x o n Ibfl u r*c y, “without either sneak
ing cr r ’ Some-of them act as spies, sotn*
smurjrle jftuiune in their some
sraurgi/infor-nruion throncK the lines in the t r
dresses/>ome 'tend sick soldiers for tlut-Confoderacv*
sonn- get up subscriptions for rebel gunboats.
Prrhapb it may all be comprised i» tho phrase. !
* ‘V. ht-r- there is a will there is a way. 5 »
Now, thou, yon could “support, protect, and I
de.end tbe Union,”-by teaching: the scholars of I
ycur school io lo\e Mid reverence the Govern
ment, to be proud of th-. iv country, to plorv in its I
iiap, and to be true to its Oustitntion. Bu 1 , a=
you don't, understand that yourself, yoa can’t
teach u to them, and, therefore* 1 ;un "lad to learn
froniy letterthat vcTlr school has been closed
since Ci»ridmtis, and with my consent, until von
change _ -jur sentim*-nts, and are a loyal woman in
heart, it never shall be opened.
I would advise ycu, madam,"forthwith to go
wbeieyonr “sympathies” are. lam only doubt
ful whether it is not iny duty to send you.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully. your
obedient servant, B. F. BUTLERv
_ ~ Major-General Commanciog.
Tc Mrs. Mary-I* Graves, Lrocuslville, Accomac
ifutiiy, Virginia
The quarterly meeting of the Executive Gem.
rautceof the Pennsylvania Stale Society was hela
Oaj^ e i°th C n tbe Sociot y' in Hariisbnrg, Tues-
Members present—Messrs T. P Kn
K. Ingle, Dr. James A. M’Crea, W
John H. Cowden, John B. Beck, D
Jackson, Amos E. Ivnpp, CUrisix
Morris Ellis, John Murdock, JX
Joshua Wright. Wi, Odder, "
Ziegler, A. Boyd Hamilton,.!
anti A. B. Eongakcr. /
Joshua Wright, Esq., *as called to the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting -were read and ap
proyed. *
Messrs. J. M. Line, O. £. Schreiber and Joseph
Whitman, a committee from the Lehigh County
-igricaltural Society,-werepresent and submitted
a proposal for the holding of the next State Fair
upon their grounds at Allentown.
A proposition of similarimport was also received
from the Farmers’ and Meehnnics’ Institute of
horthampton comity, for the location of the Fair
at Easton.
.™? n J? ll0U0n^ 0 * Murdock, Bie- several propo
sals wete referred to a committee of Messrs. Zieg-
f tr ’ I’ , Cornell, Colder, Engle, Knox, Hamil
ton and tongaker, with full power to lo’ate. and
discretion^ 1 * 11 e^er tlle said societies, at their
It being the time fixed for the election of
surer and Recording Secretary for 4&ft=eisuhig
year, (John H. Ziegler. Esq., the present Trea
surer, declining, 1 J. B. -Rutherford, Esq., of
Ranphin comity, was elected Treasurer, and A.
B.Longaker; Secretarjr. ’
On motion, the committee on the location of the
next ± air weijp constituted a committee, with fall
power to appoint sub-committees, and make all
arran ?ements for the holding of the
rmxt Fair, as well to order all the necessary print-
ssrs- Ellie, Hamilton and Eongaker
preparation of d tn Co “ mi ‘ teo 011 lhe re riaion and
of premium list, with power to
tile same for next Fair. *
l«t me'erlnS* OSlfOV 8 tlle next Fair ’ flxed at 1110
aSSneS. 27th, 23th, 20th
bn ' iueEa mauers ' tbe
HAWtiBEUito March lsfmi. LOKG^KER,^
Corps, has isencd the fol 1 bwini order- “ i ’ Sd
iVrequired.to forward to theta
Eaipe of at least on 6 e “ust«l a S, oarte J s ,‘ he
gnished for good cendnct thaSid^/i),™° r ® ?}? tln "
TM« recognition mosthesmKortirfaw rseldiers.
and upon M^ffiritorions^T^is^iii^, l^ 110 ®’
mended fbr prSnotion in the tajUTidnai
By order of Brigadier-General Alex Hare Com
manding Dwisiop. j. S; SULMVAN, P '
_ lileut. and A. A. &.
SAYS The WovXtlt *CTlie mrvaf nnvi _
psr4s tt !t±fS
tiling for Tammany Hall. ” “just the
jos* Charles
./H. Holstein,
*y/- Qedrge D.
atjdn Eberly, B.
Xp., Wm. Biasell,
Boy, John H.
y&iot. S.S. Haldeman
9A..M. , £ THt OJFFIOJE.- " ay
Our Army Hospitals Among other
il !ii,g,s which have taken clace rei-enti- ie ,* T
*”*> Do, pjlals ta tliis a !» in T
HXWI K‘ n--T ri at hull and Vmesirects, anti
, Kospiiai wiJl he rafter be used
h'ci nc?Ak the who have
-I'l-h t.' .i i, i; U v Ihert'tu. bvi g almost exclu
who nieC , V ho . have . lo ‘ t a limb in battle, or
bv ro>iiVm\ riII,; lom diseases ot the joints, caused
M mo?. r i; ia ? e,I K“ tl,( “ <& conflict or
nrf-tAer V/’ bav "'S h'-'-n removed to the Chris
ro mine' H “!-' nal „ ~I lr «■ J- Levis, who has,
i had lhß priucij.al charge ot
quarters! ’ 1 acc on.pa.,y them to their new
•leChrmbu 2 f , nf T TODS for whose care
V d h!v V S ert nospitiil he* b-en mainly re
f," removed to the Tamer's Lane
: iinmiPiD ol 01 ttlo mo 1 ploasaiii during tdn
■1 eH. fi ~ U ihe Sanitary Inditutionstaud
sbi k h V* 1 ” 6171 " 1 the vaiicus disease, to
cure lee ‘ ar ; Object, and who haveht-e
-m,«Hn ,•t^ c "i ted at !be Sixteenth and Filbert i
n,,, a1 ’ have been removed to the -am- in- I
ii. h J ft-. 00,014 w - Mitche.laudMorehe-td.
- reH ImveT 1 ’ a -‘ d *»- La Costa, oi the Filbert
twoV’ii>«l . bfen ‘- rder . ed to Turner s Have, th, !
. reT hain in iharge ofthe nervous
il!d ' 'he letier of hose affected with heart
h i\- l s l . men in the(Jhrisii.ia Street
a: McM O -!vu i niiElt ' rr ' dlo thfc Hospital,
’, h ' r ! y * o,d >e« vrho strived within a day
?. ° Washington. suffering mainly with
Hospital 01 Ue -^' e » nave bteil sent to tsittvrice
■ :he Sammit House Kospiutl, Darby
*l\ L ‘* 5 sot aside for the reception ff invalid
!^ r^Vwl rs 04 * ‘ ;<ored Drgimcuts, and the ilrst targe
r-TaJniFii: irom Camp William penu wa* sent
tXHTe yesf*-raa v.
' Acting A'sis'rant Surgeons I). I". Ptuicoasr
oong-bela I'ottors T. Edwin Ria-wav i h ?'
bharpless. Isaac Massey and U,‘nrv ?;!’ £<?:':■
h. vi received contracts as Acting .Usi-i,Cj.'“V,-
B»p.tal.S.x fctn ,hJsdF[&r,^r^V^ , 3SSi
to the Aim.- oi the Poiorr-. h,» ua ordßr ed
not ye: *“ BUCC « s “r has
The “Convalescent Hospital" is now such n,i,
ill i cine aim should have its title changed & T iljt
men ready for dSJs
V> nab *'f ward= 33 E rreluniuary su-p tsre'nrn
.o tbe.tr i t'gimrn ts n the lit M and hut few of these
u i n miuirrc any medics 1 treatment.
chrovu ri.enmancs, and others h-iv„ g S da?i'
iei lion.-, were afar wards sent ibere bv o-Je
•he Medical Li,rector, and such<a*esan* «i ; i n
sk-na.ly tamM, bn.it U rrallv V V
setyotrim- wh.ch the various Wrack ? : sujh a!
,ha. o.t B, cad and Cherry, Firm and u aWnTi 0 , j
Sc., pci.r iliCr seriouv cases, those wh'.-k are
pnre.ly to be ticatcd in a ho.-mtu rather ™
agarnson. - “i-e. i_a„ in
Til. vanc-ne severe forms of disease, s, c u ~
. l ‘?’ u i,“ ;c ", a t r * '-rgely represented in every
jM .0. .he Heipital. tluite a nwtnber of 'he c»«»s
irrm U,e various barracks ar„ scat to the
v.T,.-.cerU’ - Kcepirel in i dviag condition a„,i
Inc hut a few boats. Searchv a man SS’
tor man;, months who has been under twme-♦
'here. The change from the tnrrn-g.,
imprompiu hifpiial arrancemeniv, to'ihe
! ventilated wain, of an excellent S-amtanum like I
l!, s,r.h t 0 th '’««*««. u-1
j alii.sd. i<ej h»nd recovery, xDo-i-ii ♦*>»
. which roceivt« :h-m miVt •. n^m
tt.U 5 int*-rr«tißg picture vf : ;*g -7, !
The U-nvalescent Hospital has new o-. r w' -n
in nts, many ot them esses of great Severn v
i -'- rß iviC''e Day. —Aheieat usage estab
lished as an inevitable mle that St. Patrick's !->v
-hceld he distinguished by wea.Zr v w,U of
ihe. destribed by lhe Weira Sisier. in Macbe’h
mi \ ,‘ b ? 1 " !,Isl 'able and i-rophet,cal lj in.
cum d ladies nreficisil their real ir.rrr ™L ,»
ihe Waited heath. Whatever oF “
m,'s. P ,?h'» e C f ner V ly to get no the.most
i...>*rah e meteorological specimen* o[ SK ion
on The occasion ot li's urd il » v< ; *
beima Uresn* n.-ei! to be cG:nj!cl!»d' to do\t»ir
marching (not always the mos; prec.ee in'
Worl.-Oin the midst of wind, riiu, 11 -mw LT
ar.d other sitniiarilrawbacks toonutnsro'us tomea
tion A oecentht-patrick’s Day (to far as wme tnd
weather were conoerned) was n Are ea and
when it did happen ihe ii!-nalured nscl to • uy'thy
the jo.ly tsalnt had been in his enps over' nwbf*
and that he had rorgotten to brew th. nsna' soaallv
accompaniment* of bis anniversary To-rtvv u
cue of tnese exceptions, the sky'being clear, the
air bracing and pleasant, and the dav, «pon 'he
whole, being a very fair specimen. It hA been
fvff;; m'‘ A 3l Sain; Patrick lot; sight of itc fa “
tha-h-U ;s leap year, and that his mistaking yes.'
terduy lor the seventeenth, accounts for those
• raorc ‘“fyfnoW' sq ualls which distinguished the
FlT ‘. :hl - 'Uggesuon for what it is worth
or ' hlU( '' your true Iriscman is in duty
of hif lute- f J',? I ’ er observance to the natal da?
foVlJm r ill© private celebrations o'f
1116 ,Tle ®Pry 0! the exicrmliiator of
-Lakes and toads is embalmed in “Mountain
I l CVr^x% in ** -American rye substitute tor the
°wnT U h^V Stll,Cb3^'h ' are '"numerable Below J
wi-1 be fonna some account of th'e public, or more *
genera! ooecrvances ofthe day.
mAf'v,' 12 v™ CDt of tbc Sixty-ninth (Irish) regi
meat. p. accompanied by a band of music,
ofthe day ar! ' de mornin S in commemoration ;
.S\ at Twentieth and Locust
s.r et_, was crowded to excc.se this moraine
.oleum PoMilicnl Hass was celebrated bv Bishop
7 1 °, 0 , d ' TT Il F\ p - p - MeGraue, Catholic Chaplain
for the UiUd b’aies Army Hospitals of this c’ty,
delivered the panegyric of the Saint. The ehoir,
nndtr the direction of Prof. Aledo, sang Havdn’s
Grand Mass, No. 3, and were assisted by an ef.
flccßt orchestra. The cervices were very im
posing. 3
This afternoon an Irieh national flag will be pre
sented to the I enian Brotherhood. The uresenta
tation will take place at Corns rt Hall
The Hibernian Society will celebrate the day by
their usual dinner at the Continental Hotel 1 }
Key. Hr. O’Comior, late Bishop of Pittsbnrrh
will lecture on • -The Destiny of the Ir£h Rhc? ’ :
this eyening at the Academy of Music. The pro
ceeds are to be applied to the enlargement of the
Bouse of the Good Shepherd.
The Dr. Moriaitv will deliver a lec
ture this evening,at St. Vincent de Paul’s, in Ger
Yachts and Yachting —The last ice of the
Delaware has melted or gone down to the sea, and
the fresh winds of Spring now play npon its wa
ters. Those who lotb aquatic sports do not suffer
a season to pass without enjojing the pursuits in
cident to them. They have oiled their skates and
put them up for the year; they are dastln”-their
tarpaulins and brushing their jackets, preparatory
for a spring campaign on the waters of the Dela
ware. In New Tork and Boston, as well as Eng
land and Canada, yachting is something more than
a mere scrub-race. It is a well-organized system.
Feeling this want in Philadelphia, a number of
geiftlemen have formed themselves into a Yacht
Club, being a nucleus around which may grow
seething worthy of our city. There are certainly
enough yachts owned in Philadelphia, if brought
within therules of central organization, to compare
favorable with either New Yajjkor Boston Yacht
Clubs. Over one hundred members, soi&e-pf them
onr first business men, have formed a society, the
object of witch is the encouragement oi yacht
building and sailing in Delaware Elver and Bay.
'The funds of the club (after paying the necessary
current expenses), will be appropriated to tba
puichasing of enps to be sailed for by the yachts,
of the menfbers only, under the sail
ing regulations of the association. Five or six re
gattas will be given during the coming season.
Two new elegant yaehts are now bnilding for the
club; Messrs. Luffberry & Brother are bnilding
a mngnifloent yacht for a young gentleman of
this city, and member of the <gn>. It will be 46
feet long, 14 ieet beafo, and will,cost' about
S 3, 000. Arrangements are now afoot through
the enterprise and worthy spirit of Mr. John
Hutchinson, the supiSSntendent, with the West
Jersey Ferry Company, to build a fine house for
the club. _ An elegint room on Walnut street is
also fitted up with all the modern .conveniences,
for the use of the members during the winter
The Maeket Street Shooting Cash.—
Frank Kraus, the Government Detective, charged
with the shooting of Abraham Weigert at a place
“W Elgtitb, had a bearing £&
tH!,ori ‘ Alderman Beitler. Rp
TIS, Wi -p ,J p'n B a Tf a 0 F D!>ll shed in the Buii.i>
v on up- a testimony showed that the
Va-. ,‘ n a dangerous condition. Krai-.i
mllk't. ir' L hfc rps «'of the injuries
Wit h. roe r J{* i"V n eS H 8 **¥“, V - iwrt - known as
-» a % J p“oVa»“ n B r^^i 1 5S n S!' I# ™p“
i ,on aftery/ards °|£
o° pr,t V- 1 whr,m he a!wa - vs meniions by Mme
7 ; blm J°' <iv, ten, or fifteen collar? mnls
' ..!‘- a ; f s V u bln V. »“ IS »aid 10 have been ver^
• ~:,ir'V ''’"h tins dodce, and. >orsome.time baa
. ,;: dHPC ‘ lvt ‘ Ulmers who have been lookin*
- W- (“fit arR i r m " E i,e was captured by Eel
i -rrv in rn, E , b >“ n!B; “!, a " cmpi to swindle a
t'-I-h ’V, 1 /' ’’ ' e'liiiooiuood r.f Ninth and Arch
Beitler lh Hocused was committed by Alderman
oi .?-'. IKTISGS — TIie fine oil paintings now
“rt. IN 1 1 t£TZ '?* f vn ‘ ot * Stew
. - street, jg worthv *m
ii LT7h i,Hf ,ai '- v b ? tkose who anweciate the
l v £nVe of ,h r : T m " ny ■' vor!is of orfis.ie merit,
Vn-n. be-,, artists of modern times
tJT:? f fc ; bpr ; we notice fruit, bv Ia Croix- the
, ■ p , after Ir-ndsecr; the Horae after T?os-
Bonbem ; the Madonna, alter Rapmrnl I amt
H'*A3aV-di V 1 / u,! ' J;,:,Pr - C-ttoSommers, Northcbte,
•V i ’,;- ‘s nF n- EI ?- Ac 'mi mount.d oa
i, n Mht- Tk ', 1 °£*‘ i’ er »“>ptonly sold at arx-
S, , T ! t-r-day. 1-iioay, and Saturday evon
uu\v ready. C ‘° Ck t ' ,recl - el l'- Descriptive catalogue
Twr.KTv-ForhTn TTaed CorsTT Find. A
grand Union entertainment will take place to-
.H, r lb ; H “ lj - corner Thirty seventh aud
d.a.t,. streets, (in aid or the ahore object) which
tii' if! 'iVo? M J rord efftu pleas ute ana tratifloation
call who rake j-art n, i-. The programme will
>e niitunady tuned and interesting. contisting of
• ecu! and -listrument.nl mnstc by the T' s Hot
] .mi Band, Prof. Hermann, Conductor, and'a
...rge tenicer ot o-her talented instrumental and
- tl perf-rmen tog-ther w-th choice readings
i m the poets, 1 -The steeping Sentinel. ’' Ac. A
large and brilliant audience will no doubt be in
ill l€r n UitD c t.
, f-i-LLsi mckts. —During the past two or three
nays eu.istn-.nis have greatly increased. This
o, L ’™,'.“ K K.' T!U , r: ' !n6 w?le IP3ued for tap payment of
!, , rl y ho-mfy to 3CU men. The amonnt called
m' h r ' b " s, '-’ff rra , n,s The city bounty
ui.* b. en ptuo lo uhout li, ,u; rnt»n up to to-day. A
-p>ar many men Ik luaetns to itu* vrtetanretpraonts
na\e ii-ft t!:.*./ u:y witLoai bonatr,
l ° ?cl1, , not bcinj: properly made out.
Tbi .-r are aiso ert ii p >?d io tbe uty. and therefore it
ij? im}>csi-ible u« uaui.n iie:ij;iio infcrn:a:»ou in re
pru u. the actual uuuiber of men vriio have eu
a.-.ted'rein :he e!!y.
Aejuval oy Ki DkseTsTKh?.— About one
huicred and fifty from the rebel army
<2 \ i“pinih, \xbo had the oafb of ?Jl?"iarcb
to \h* l tnied Statefr '' rJ vp;nm p nf, in "Washington
' rM ' aa.si were Piiaf to the
i ? 1 . * 7 r f ‘vlr-;’ 11 s< ** et - of them «aid
tivat tLtA i..ui Vifirged to Hill*& division of I>o’s
army, others tc> Mosby’s cavalry Thpso men are
a: Tv“ nt at '*** Vnion Voisntcer
K» t-r-sbineut t?aiocn. They desire to obtain eru
i'lvjmtut. Many oi Them ai'e farmers, aud almost
every »rade is represented.
'll!. 1 : Case o? Hackett.— Yesterday after-
Coroner Tayirr resumed the inquest upon
■ :,:r " s daciei;, ’he soldi.r who was
round dead Oil a lot in •,!>> Firs: Ward. some wests
fn.'-e. I: will i '• remembered tiiu: there was a
' n ~V : ’ :on :b ■ c< -. eased had been poisoned w;:h
liOuiisnn, ane the stomach v.-as given to Prof.
*.\r£t-is .o-r cLfj. ic:v] a:- ilvsis. Dr
.Kect-rs mace a s!a.« he was unable to d is'.
ooi'i- a.iv -i.u-y ul Tbe jury rendered a
\**rdu*tju accouiaiiv-e rrnh the and the yoime:
m:tn whs'was in r« ? :ody v.-a« dischr.rp»d.
Thi: GhAri ATvs.—Tho lolloTvmg tyore the
ertulna:e> o; *:.e Ft-rcale Medical CoHose, the
commercer>V;:t of which w;i* h:-Id •
Fi./at. th liytbit, Y’ scuniin: fc.it-. T. 'PeV.enzil,
l • tinsylvain-.; Mary C. Patnam, New Tort;
hi.r__..a If. pi Uaymcnd, Massachusetts: Dora
Syteetev. Mieiican: Amel * ramekins; New
" Anita fe. Ty no, Mritacuiuo:;s.‘
The State /.[edicaa Loabd is still iu session
f.t the Street Hall. Candidates for As-
Su:gecr;s in F« Regiments are
u Ttud to pvs ii! for examination:
the uoard will re in srs-ion every day this weekl
/.rcra ./ A'r ( ... u u■ -■ Surgeon-Gen.
i'i •r > t , nn>.y *v:iuiA: A If. ftroeo, Assistant Stv*-
secn-Geneim oi Pennsylvania; Surgeon J. A.
Philips, mb Pa. Reserves: Surgeon J. W. Ly
man. jTtb Pa. Yds. J
Colored Yoli-xteers.—The colored rcgi
mcu'.E ccntinne to Cl! nr rapidly. About sistr
rctu wore s.m to C.-.mp tTOI rm Fetur yesterday.
I bere nre row in camp the :15th Hcjtlmcut, one
thousand men ; 3Cd Regiment, one Lhousand men.
Hi.ti three ccmpsnies ot the 43d regiment, which
l * thv -eveuih raised by the Supervisory-
Committee. * J
e call aneiifop to a pew i’or sale at St,
Mark’s Church.
Fbesch Peas.— The season for Lamb and
Peas is rapidly approaching. Meecrs. Davis &
Richards, Arch and Tenth si reels, we may i-iform
our render*- in this concoction, have just received a
fresh invoice of Fresh Peas, the fine-stever imported
into this country.
Military Goons.—FxAmico our stock of
Miliary Goer’s, N,-nc like them in the city.
Charles Oakferd A- Sons', Ci a linen tal Hotel.
Gents’ Hosiery, ftusisaiso Goods, and all
oilier neat and nsetol articles lor Gents’ wear
Charles Oakford & Sons Continental Hotel.
Funs at Cost —Oaltfords’ stock closing out
at redneed pike. Stores under the Continental
Gym Arabic.— ,Sori«ebody says that Arabian
children; before eutiiug tteir teeth, "peak gum-
Anbic. It would bh interesting and enrions to
tear oils of the.*e little toothless Arabs lisping the
praises ot the elegant garments for gentlemen and
youths, that are made at the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rock Dill & Wilson, Nos. GO3 and GO S
Chestnut street, shore Sixth. Such notes of praise
ai-e heard irom all lips,b«th old and yonno*, in th»s
latitnde. -
Prof. Isaacs.—We unhesitatingly recom
mend a l who are afflicted with diseased eyes or
eare, to lese no time in calling upon Prof. Isaacs,
Oculist and Aurist, at No. oil Pmo street. ; Hun
dreds of our citizenB thus afflicted hare applied to
him, many of them obstinate cases, and all operated
on with.beneiieial results. No charge jnadeibr rai
Before purchasing Spring Mattrasses or
haring old ones repaired, persons would do well
to call at No. 1200 Chestnut street, southwest
corner, and examine our new improvements.
Dear Readers.— The establishment hi the
Continental Hotel, mentioned hi our columns, has
become the special report of A£e guests,and the re
piv atlcn it has aitainedamong??ar citizens has made
it tui indispensable necessity to their wants. By
all means go and ?ee the- stock of Gents’ Dress
Goods displayed by C. C. Dittrich & Co., Mer
chant Tailors.
Best and POrest Coax, in the city: none
■better; please try It. Samasl W. Hess, Broad
street, above Race, east aido.
- Fins GEothoijb, Ready-made and made to
order, in o«e best manner and most fashionable
styles. Tbs subscriber is able to offer to the ifgb
he the strongest inducements to purehase clothine
of »)«", and guarantee to all bis customers
enOSI satisibetitm. WILLI Aftvt s. JOKES,
_ Successor to Robert Adams,
S. E. corner Seventh and Market Sts.
Victory — Ice Cream and. Water Ices, at
40 cents p.erqnart, Morse’s 238 ». Eleventh sEretf.
Deafness and Blindnsss Ji Isaacs, M.D.,
Professor of tbs Eye and Ear, treats all diseases
appertaining to thg above members .with tbs
utmost success. Testimonials from the most re
liable sources in thecity and country can be seen
at bis Office, .No. 611 Pine street. Artificial eyes
inserted without pain. No. chargee made for an
examination. Office horns from Bto 11 A.M.,2 to
6P. M., N.o. 511 Pine street. .
Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarged
Joints, and all Diseases ot the Feet cured -without
pain or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr.
Zacbarie, r Surgeon Chiropodist, 021 Chestnut
street. Refers to Physicians and Surgeons of th»
Thb Sevbhtt-Ni»th Pi^eYLvAKiA.— -Tha
Lancaster county regimont (TOrhJ, Col. Hamonght,
arrived at Harrisburg on Monday, direct trom
Chattanooga. The 70th was in all the h ard-fought
battles of tne Army of tbe Cumberland, and in tha
three years of its service, has coyered itself with,
imperishable gloTy.
has S iven ™ Pleasure
popularity of 'he -noting , fc, ?P erior excellence Sod
i aint., mar)tifa: tiirf d *bv , ?!’ a V; 0 abov*
' si rest. The virtue',, 5 /' Hum ’ No;- 511
once “by the smote that so in p,pes can “H at
atove the head of oftS w»"i I,y k ‘ !nr,s ’ r
is > i-ne-no-ne-a-vy which “ill? weed -whether it
flavor is neb and nart“.T“ri K I 8 ? 1 ' fur
sense* Mr. Bun? i£ds‘n el
supply the detaiiud for this e-i d *®ooH.to
as it becomes more Title!v knnwu 11 ?** 6 articl, h ; or,
increases largely. 7 own, its consumption
PfluHD Cake, Lady and Ahmnna Snouse HA
cents., at Morse’S, 238 Scath Eleventh sg^ 6 ' 38
ch^~vut I7e Ci,OTHIK& ' h6usi; > i’amii am;
_ Ktt: fwfeSotaSi"*'
Eitecsive Ciothhig House, liSd and°Ci££fi,
fJTo «ya’ Overcoats,
_ 813 10 831. .
Extensive (nothing House, ’
Extensive Clothing Eouse, Third and Chestnut
Extensive Ciojhmg Hoase, Third and Chestnut,
v . ■ fo-ss- ■ sauT.ja.
Ex.ensive Clothing House, Third and Chestnut.
Thousands of Garments in store.
4. aousands of Garme s ts in store
PEEIiY & 60.’S
.Extensive Clothing House,
Nos. 303and30s Chestnnt street.
[For the Evening Bulletin 1
Although yon claim to be conservative, I think
yon have been exceedingly liberal inpermiSS
one phase o, a radical reform to be advocated if
r „ l0la!imE >.namely; a more equitable reran,
aeration fer -woman’s work, and a more extended
rrgiet Oa .Lit so.t, as, since that lime, s lion’«
fur the instruction ol women in the business'l££S
£T d ™ Tnd Cd ol,e conduct by I
j aD ° another bv gentlemen TiZi-n •*■
deeply interested in the subject of iSs
industrial advancement of my sex, and knowjw
Uiat very few women who labor for a living
have sufficient money to spare upon an
“L" •* -vomplistaheat, I have" placed myself"
CU '? aU ' 11 T ith the Presidents and Snper
mtenden.s of several telegraph lines, and am“=x
ceeamgly happy to be able to give
ance .hat women can gain employment ss readilv
men on railroad stations, though notincitv of
Uu-V lhat could no! it
dn.e tne ,lc»e confinement during the day and
pa” 01 S e that operators Slara
t dotoT P ,tr " n ? bhged,! ° undergo. This decisian
? S a,: °- f ' T - Jr "pee with, for it ieems to me
.hat if women can work .from 15 to IS boars
cay a.ter day, for years ( as msry of them, do), for 3a ■
" r iz wcu,d “ ot tiuch moreareSS
' V?? ' a s le *™ Cl| n‘. °t time.daHy for Sib or
SI. a v.sek. However, we must not find fault be
eau« we cannot get all we want at once, butT re
membering that half a loaf is better than no bread
take what is offered thankfully as an omen of thi
‘•me £?cu tune coming. l ’
The superintendent of an extensive lino writes
tli' P-h ‘r^I e .? aTC al 's ays employment forgot
tel.gia,.h eperamrs and are glad to encourage
women to learn TVe have a number of y' nn® '
women employed as station operators, who have
hanuri ... our offices, and frho are. some of them
very competent. Operators receive from S2o foSW
per month according to their skill. The belt
method of earning would be -to go direct ™
aid as a student. Students receive no compensa
tolecra >•"” *”.*•*»* ar for the oppitum t, "
This 1? iindlyi'arid liberal, and all who have the
tupqsit.oa tobecoine praciical operaiors. can do
sow,t themselves, except of time. I
pn , bllct ,’ nol £ T ,9 m aa y ic-eling ot opposi
aon " til bat because I know
that there are many who would gladly learn bat
cannot cemmand the means. Women, who a»
learning a business, have neither much time nor -
money lo spend, lor they rarely make an attempt
.0 seek woiu until they are thrown upon iheir own
resources by the Illness, death or insolvency hr
iheir *■ natural protectors,” and it is seldom that
.he most energetic efforts can provide them with,
the necessaries of life, and enable them to lav no a.
sufficient sum of money to pay for instruction in
t 0 ptovide for their
board alio, whilst learning. A. E.
fP-tYS—Justice Agnew.—Thornton Barnes
vs. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Be
fore reported. The plaintiff commenced bis testi-’
mony ms morning. Tbe case will occupy several
DieTaicr Ocrr.T—Judges Sharswdod, Stroud
arc Hare.—Mervine vs. Sailor. This ease, which
was before tbe Court at tee December term, came
np for reargunent yesterday. Tbe action was to
recover six months’ arrears ($285) of a yearlw
ground rent of 5750 • ’lawful silver money of the
United Stales of America, each dot ar weighing
seventeen penny weights and-six grains at least
The defendants pleaded a tender of the amount 'in
lawlnl money of the United States, to which tba
plaintiff replied that they did not tender in silver
dollars but in United States Treasury notes, which
were of forty per cent, less exchangeable value
tbßn the said silver dollars. Tho defendants de
murred specially to this replication, averring that
the notes so tendered wexo lawful money and a
legal lender in payment of the said debt. Tba
Court recently ordered a reargument of the case on.
tee point whether the covenant to pay in silver
dollars of a certain weight was fulfilled by tba
tender abeve mentioned, it having been already
decided that tbe act of Congress making them a!
legal tender in payment of all debts is constitu
uonal. The esse was argued yesterday by Geo.
W. Harkins, USq., fur the defendants, and thi«
morning by Geo. M. Wharton in reply.
Major vv liliain McMiehae], Assistant Adjutant
General of the Ariny of the Cumberland, arrived,
in the city last evening, direct from Chattanooga.
He has served in all tjfre campaigns ot the Army of
the Cumberland, from Fort Donelson to Mission.
Ridge, upon the staff of Generals Halleck, C. I*
Smith, Rosecrans, and Thomas,
About fourteeen years ago Mr. Geo.-C, Kurtz.
a cJerk in a store in Lancaster city removed to
Mississippi, and at the breaking out of the war wait
living at Crawfords-villa m that State. From that
time nothing was heard of him until Tuesdav
when his mother, who resides in i££s£ter, rZ
ccived tbsi be was killed at the batUa
- biloh in April, 1862, by a ball through tbe
forehead; He was in tbe rebel army, bottom SI
well-known Union sentiments it is belied b£
must have been pressed into the servicebv the re!
morseless conscription of the rebels. ° y 108 18
nmK«“ eon i ' Rauch, Medical Director of the
1-th Array Corps, leaves to-day to- take char , -e of
atoSioit 31 de P artmeßt ia Michigan, headquarters
Arch —Lasftnight’B bill whieh attracted
f * em ?£ ldolQB audience,-will be repeated tb is e-vtn
“£ • _ consists of “Ireland as it Was,’’ “In
u? tof T? I S5?,v’ and '‘Tom Him Out.” Mr.
appear in the first niece,
WiUiams assumes six sbameterain the
r FWtoe “The Colleen
Bawn” will be givt*,, with a splendid cast, fine
mmsic and exquisite scenery. * y
*s®’.-® WALairr.-Bdwin. Adams appears this
ev«teing as Claude Melnotte, iu “The Lady, of
Tvsr° D, r'm^vi aftar Pi Bca 8 ca is “Robert Emmett.’’
pahi™ tOll taSiBS 1118 character of the Irish
. .Jf'f.'noNAi, Hall.—The Circus presents a good
Mil ior this evening.
CoNCEM Hall,—The Bible Panorama will be
exhibited to night and fo# a few evenings longer*
Thb Eleventh Street ©prba Housb will b®
crewded this evening by the admire*?. Ethiopian;
minstrelsy and grotesque burlesque* .