-xxxvnnH CLOSB or TESTKEDAT’ B PBOOBBDIMOB, Senate—Mr. Sumner presented the petition of •one thousand citizens of Louisiana of African de scent to be allowed to vote in the reorgamz aioa of Louisiana. .The petition is approved i,y Antnonv Fernandez, President of the Louisiana Associatim, of the Veterans of the War of 1812 fouu of ihS SS t r?imS?it+ SS ? ol^l 10 ?,’ and mem her of the On. - Jral Committee for the Organization of a Free state- J - ?? rant > President of tee Free and by S Ol6l, citizens. It represents art l owners of property; many engaged i u pursuits of commerce, paying taxes, for forty. y® ars ’ onanassessessmentof fifteen millions *?££° llars i and that on the call of Gov. Sheplev Ers” 166^tbe 8161 colored regiment in forty-eight „.^ r - Anthony, from the Committee on Printing report 6 of a rait t °- prl T- t ? T e t s ?nsand couies ot AdopmdE espeditlo “ *° on n Te o rrUo r ries n deSCent - Referred “ Committee °o»d the following, which was r>'nrn£H* ve ?* tlie President be requested to m Z the if not incompatible other in 1 . nterest > any corresnondence or TOert i?wr ma l lon in the possession 6! the govern relatin S to plan or plans now projected, projected, *with a view to the establish ment ot monarchical governments in Central or ♦south America. Mt. Wilson introduced a bill to promote tbe effi ciency of the artillery arm of the service, whicu Was referred to the Military Committee. The bill consolidates the five regiments of artil- lery now bylaw under the title ol th corps of artillery, composed of one chief of artil. lery, with the rank of general; 5 colonels, 3 lieu tenant-colonels, 15 majors, and 6U batteries the osn™?,? t 0 consist oi one captain, two island two _d lieutenants, and 145 non-commissioned officers and privates. The bill makes the chief of artilierv a member of the Ordnance Board, and gn-e‘ him alld ? r th £ Secretary of War and General-in-OhiS’ t tere d dfnfo i ?h n e°^c T e ol,lnteer Mr. Doolittle introduced an act to amend the Jnne 7 ’ IS62 > for the collection of di-ect ■taxes in insurrectionary districts, which was Ye ferred to the Judiciary Committee proTi . des that under sales of the Tax Commissioners m such districts a writ mat iss“ ?rict a ' I rr l^ <^ m !i ESIOI l e - r t 0 thie Marshal of said dis trict, commanding him to put said purchaser in possession of said property. tV property is ?MZf P Y rCba£6d , b y the United Statesmay be dU Tiehti rniE* of fifty aores ’ and pre-emption tiff granted to persons for meritorious service ™ crushing of the rebellion, who shall have ln the State where the lands lay. The Tight to redeem said lands by loyal lien creditors is prescribed by the bill. On motion of Mr. Foster the Senate reconsidered 2,m a '; tl « n - of y? ste rday on the passage of the House bill defining the rank, pay and emolument of cer tain officers of the army. cer „ Foster offered an amendment, which was ordered to be printed. .T be , Senate i >ill relating to chaplains was called pa£ ; s< : d ’. and 011 motion of Mr. Wilson, the clauses relating to chaplains having been antici dy,‘?e H ? use , bill ' its was SmendeTasa ‘ 1 bill relating to enlistments. * * Tlie bill provides for the enlistment of regulars ‘ te war for three years, and places theS 5* a a { o _° tlI1 K Wltll volunteers as respects bounties, officers absent on leave not exceeding ten days shall receive pay and allowances. B J,'S provides for additleHal officers in the bat- L en s ln eers, and for the organiza -3. 1 _ oa p d regiments of volunteer engineers, not to in'hfn? 116 company to each brigade of infantry, gineers laCed ° n 1116 Eame footiu S as regular eu- passage of the bill allowing the con ferring of degrees by the Deaf and Dumb In=ti- IS Ie ,° t the - District of Colombia, the Chai man of £'?i? ln ,! lttee ? a tße District of-Columbia (this £ 7 .“ g ,* 1 l e ,, da3r f®* a P ait lor District business) gave allow the Senate to consider the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill. • is . n ? mer> s . amendment raising the rank of ihe minister resident at Belgium (Mr. Sand ford 1 iu,?^‘ Sterpl a“ po I entiary ’ without correspond ing pay, was adopted, after considerabledebate nt , nts 4 ncreasin S the 'salaries of consuls NaSSaU> Ljons ** Manchester, -■TT 11 w ont of the bill, the Senate at four journed ent 11110 Executive session, and ad- HOUSETOP HEPKESEKTATIVEB a^ Morril l( Tt ‘-) re P° r tea from the Committee V 3 '^ and , M r £ ails a bill to establish an assay l®d? Terrlt ° ry ’ and also one at ForU stateofSie Urnon C ° mmittee oflie Whole on **» (Mass ) reported a resolution from 4^n C ?S?i!l » e 0n Ele 4 ctio s® to pay John Sleeper £wso, tor the time spent and expenses incurred in contesting.the seat ol Mr. Rice, from that State _ A debate-.ensued, inyolving the merits of the Hons™’ WillCll bas already been decided by the The resolution -was tabled. Mr. Ambrose Clark (N.YA from the Com mittee on Printing, reported in favor of printing Rose£ranf nd C ° Ple3 ° f 1116 reports 01 General The resolution was adopted. Also, a resolution to print an equal number cl General Meade’s report of the battle of Get lysonrg. JThe House resumed the consideration of'ihe Gold Mr. Griswold (N. V.) said that when the debat e w»cKS™* nbje^t .?°? lmenced he was absent from ■m» ash J? Bton ’ but bein R ln contact with business mtere f ted 11 foW speculations he i°““'- e T? was an almost universal expression ot hope that the power to sell gold would be conferred on the Secretary of the Treasury. . He , believed all concurred that the Treasury should be depleted of its excess ot gold. The only point of difference was as to the manner in which this should be done: The gentleman from Ma«a. -chusettatMr. Boutwell) yeßterday said the Secre tary of the Treasury had not recommended this measure; but he (Mr. Griswold) believed the Secretary had sent a letter to the Committee of Tvays and Means asking for the authority to , Mr. ®,°° t Y re . n (Mass.) here rose, and caused a letter, dated to-day, from Secretary Chase, ad dressed to him, to be read. The Secretary says he was told this morning that Mr. Boutwell was under the impression that he was indifferent to the gold bill as amended by the Senate His J ie J ' v S T were ex I>ressed to the Committee of Wavs and Means, on the 19th ult., in favor of giving the Secretary authority to sell the surplus gold. He thought then as he did now, that such au thority would tend to restrain roeculataon and het H’ lctnat * ons in the gold mar . Aiiense of such power might contribute tn °S i ? ion reSlin unchanged Griswold resumed his remarks advocating the passage of this bill, giving as his Tea«aons that he would afford aU reasonablefaciUfles the risks of speculation in gold, and having confl! dence m the- intelligence and patriotism 6 of the Secretary of the Treasury, he would clothe him with the authority desired. The present price of gold is merely speculative. We have almost as much to fear from the army of speculators in gold as from the army of rebels. Mr. Hubbard (Conn.) declared he wonld vote for the bill. The Secretary of the Treasury could not endanger the credit of the country any more by the power proposed to he conferred by this measure than by the power with which he was now invested. He said this in reply to arguments which had been urged against the measure. He would not borrow from England or France it "they wonld send over their money. The onlv way to maintain the credit of the nation was bv relying with boldness and firmness on our own resources. If more money was wanted we must continue to tax ourselves sail more, and the people "would continue to pay. e Eodnto'rnarket and kn» a ! dfor the Government to It eiity.slx cents m the dolM“w| n r M i p ted cation to the world that we are 7 rWrn e si PU Tir' should not make a profit out of om S™ raises. This money proposed to >uf ,?S keil pro * propriated by law to onr creditors we should not violate the plighted lhith^f'tho'rK 6 vernment. It was proposed to tnm the Tre^r; into a broker’s shop, with a sign inform R° w i° “Uncnrrent funds are bought this Department. ’ ’ He protested against SU’.k 1 ? prostitut.on of power, and that our Government should lie reduced to this disgrace. rnment he snn? r °? dbrldge < V M stat ed the reasons whv woidS h rted the bul ’ which, if passed, he believecL Snt W Tt P « r n CiatB P r j c ®. of gold five or ten per cent. The C’pjMMttf ?of Ways and hjcaas [BST SESSION bring in a bill so taxing the people as will obviate tlieturiher emission of paper. Then let General Grant, who is now the most prominent military n an in »he country, be sent for to lead the army of the Bo’omac, sobiave and efficient, against Gen. Bee. A combination of victory with the deprecia tion of the price of and tbe means of cafryiug on il»e war by taxing the property of the country, would have ihe effect of reducing gold to forty or forty-two cents; the highest price it should bear in time ot war Mr. Garfield (Ohio) argued against merely giv ing authority to auticipatethe paymentof interest, «& i> proposed to pay debts before they aiedue,and it bin ?ow money to pay debts that are due. The pre-payment of interest would not sensibly aff-ct the gold market. The sinking of the funded oebt and rhe anticipation of interest are failures. The only way Jeit is to stop trading-and- bartering in gold. While the Secretary maintains inviolate the credit of the Governmenthe should be permitted to mice the balance of the gold and hold it over the i eudt- cf the gold speculators and keep them back from presumptuous sins- that they may not bear rnho\>rus. We ought to give the Secretary Lower to protect ua from the hulls and bears ot Wall street. Mr. Davis (N. Y.)said we should look to the lutnre as well as the present. This hiU was to re main in effect until our successors shall repeal it. 1 he ► peculation was merely gambling m paperfor tbe priee of {old. We are importing a hundred millions a year, which have to be paid to foreign ration* in gold, which coin by law we have de« slaved sacredly reserved for payment of public debts. Ihe House were endeavoring to do what eoiild not be done by legislation. r ; ? r * ce (Iowa) maintained that the assurance tm inters on the public debt would be paid in com, gave the bonds more value than when they were issued. Bemove this foundation, and the shperstruoxure of onr credit falls. The money ougiitto ,be retained to meet the obligations for Public faith is pledged. JVIr. James O. (111.) said the fact that the a ecruarj of the Treasury asks for the power to sell gold would have no influence upon him until ne found, as amember of Congress,it was his duty to register the decrees of that offi :er. Nor was he willing to yield his opinions to the Committee-of u ays and The only way to secure the confidence of the people is to show the power of tlie Government to pav its liabilities, and the willingness to discharge them. It was, to say the feast, a dangerous experiment to authorize the Secretary to sell the gold in the Treasury, and he was opposed to it. It was a scheme concocted somewhere to speculate on the Government's gold without reference to the faith of the country and its liabilities. For the Government to go into market and buy up its own promises, w'onld be dn honorable to the Government and those who administer its affairs. th5 I l' i7 ulr,urd Y. ) offered an amendment to e obligation to create f h , ' k '^' f ' nld fcy.tbf act passed Febraary 25, 1=62, snail no be impaired thereby. J ’ fh? T £,? ,eTe ?! a hope that the vote on bill -would be taken early to-morrow quarterto five o’ clock adjourned. _ IMPORTATIONS, Rns < Trrv f °«? le pl }lladelplila Evening Bulletin. fiflhriuTlH^~?v t K? mß^lp^axon > Capt HlattheWß— -60 bdls skins 2 bbls oil Wra Amir Aco- 8 bales Al teir.us&Cozzens;24cs O Amory. Jr. &’co; i 5 hoi B n°« 8 G . Bre 'J er & c °! 2« cs oil cloth a W Bla- E., 6 . p “S 0 " 5 a flue 3 M w Baldwin & co: 30 bbls apples Bowman & Wyman; 17 cs shoes Boiccr bags shoddy J Blakley;’ 10 cs shoes JBor rno,’ic 8 ri Pl gS SO°dB J S Barry & co; 28 cs palm goods eooper, Parham A-Work: 94 bdls paper A M Collrnsj is pkgs dry goods B W Chase & SonS; 112 u d^i h< J, ea A M Coaorer: SO do do S rolls Claflln ; 10 bales skins H Davis; 13 do rags J Dobson; 10 bags wool H U Davis St co- 7 pkes p/rfhom w e r? OU " t er ’ Hamil ‘on & Evans; 36 fo Farnham, Kirkham St co; 20 bales J M Ford; 25 bbls rice Fearens St Smith; 136 cs shoes P Ford & co; Si do sewing machines Grover St Baker S M Co- °o rrwffa < ro r 26 oaaCß boots and shoes S> r - S |/fh & . do boots and shoes Hamer St co, 30 bxs fresh fish J A Hopkins & co; 602 do boots and shoes J B Harmer; 17 do E A Hendrv; 2S Had- H°SH?,fnt d 1 C °’ Keith St co; 30 bbls rum ? c0 > -! 6 B ? Ee8 boots and shoes FSt J M Jones; 8 do J ones & Tindall; 55 pkgs dry goods Jor- SS £ IVg- d 0 7 amls - Kent, Sanlee St co; ? Kes sler; 20 bbls oil J T Kirkpa as & i’ lo cs .boots and shoes B E Levick St co;' dry Lewis Boardman St Wharton; 15 hi« 7 i'L a i,n aC i^ I D r r 4? Lippincott; 100 bbls 40 hit bbls mackerel S H Levin; 27 bbls 1 case paper J H Longstreth; 182 coils cordage J S Lee & co-17 casei dry gopds Little, Stokes St co; 17 do T T Lea; 37 cs boots and shoes Wm MoKnight; 42 do J B Myera & co, H empty _hhds 81 empty Dbls and empty hf bbls Massey, Collins St co; 7 cs shoes Hunroe St Smaltz -12 bdlß linn Morris, Wheeler & co; 11 cs flues Ip’ IVlorriß, Towne A co; 12 bales rags O Martin- 10 cs 3 ceroons mdigo JBHachette; 66 bdls paper’ O Ma garge St co; 33 bags coffee P Mcßride £ co: 91 pkgs glassware Muzzey St Monroe; IS cs boots and shoes Nickerson, Harris & Mosely, 60 bales 20 cs furnl -s“™ «, tock Gao L Peckham? 9 cases shorn, PeiperA 33 canftf.B^hnae^^TOm^' H Kosengarten;Scales lopockets coffee S Ee , e 7’i ls bdls rods T Howland & Sons; 13 bales Rie. i le Kevin; 24 skins D O Spooner- -M bags cs l 3 < bbls ap P, leß SeUer & cssnces A H Smith A Sons; 30 bags 8 bales varn T Shn l itzfc l o C °a i 12c V b , OM J4t M l4 do Shultz St Gardner; 20 do A A Shumwav A co- 12 casks wire 6 bxs 8 pkgs J Smith A co-113 cases drv goods 1 horse H P A w P Smith; 16 bootf ami |boesThatcher Aco; 21 Sc, A TildenAco; 15do S BlSl^R T F vvwt D . d; sS 6^ o Tha y er & Oowperthwait; f®," F White; 6° bars copper HWlmior A Co! i'nna.T w p^ B n, SB Warrington A co; 21 pkgs dry C .° T ; 33 rolls leather Hulsel w, o .?’ C3 i do 7?, Comb; 50bdls paper A L 10 \ ODS ir O“ n bbls 245 haif bblß 360 kits St b co' B oakum 23 pkgß cordB ge 360 do mdse SAIL ISO DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. XU- _ IL TO ABBIYE. “ JOB DAT! Edinburg....... Liverpool.. New York.... March 2 nfei t0 ?r? ••■•Southampton...New York March 3 City of Cork Liverpool-New York March a Arabia.........Liverpool..Boston March 6 German!*..Southampton.. New York' March 8 i. 7 ••;"H verp °01. .New York... .March 8 E°t tf aahlngtoii.Liverp’l.. New York.... March 9 North Amencan...Liverp’l...Portland March 10 _ . TO DEPABT. Canada Boston.. LI verpool March 16 St. George.... New York.. Glasgow March 16 Roanoke...... New York.. Havana March 16 C. of New York..N. York.. Liverpool March 19 Star. .New York. .Havana&N.O..March 19 Bavaria New York.. Hamburg March 19 ft ova Scotian.... Portland. .Liverpool March 20 Crusader.. hew York...Kir gaton, Ja.. March 21 Australaai£n...New York „ Liverpool March 23 Edinburg..,. New York... Liverpool March at POST OF PHILADELPHIA. MAECH lfi Sttn Rises,6 71 Sct Sbts, 553 ) Hiqh rga , „„ AKBIVED YESTEBDA Y. Oloskey. Crowell, 6 daya from Boston, with mdse to Uroweil & Collins. 1 aa^ c Kich, Crowell, 6 days from Boßton, with mdße to Crowell & Colling. ’ Isfa^M^c^a^ 1 10 da7B &0m Deer in bkna J st tomato?’ E ° BB ’ ? dayß from Key Weßt * wfhmto mVmK {£"* fr ° m NeW York > withmto u> o ?v’pcTyd e e D,S4 hOUrB &0m NeW York > Steamship £ib^M S^MA o Y. B ‘& Moree mPlon ' ® errlßh > Boston,Speare, Holbrook ?f J ( hei ? ÜB > S Boston, J C Thompson “ontas, Berfy, Boston, D Cooper. P f Brice, Adams, Boston, Milnes & Co. S sm& Lo a chmam S ' Boßton * Hammett > Van Du ll;}}!; tt w'^, rDh .? Ir i’ Nicholson, Salem,. do IcS E Tw B 1™: a;a , £yS'S-a*s Hi 4 0 “- x MEMOBANDi!. for thm^ortf’ iaUam ’ beared at Liverpool 27th ult. Ship Guardian (clipper), Borland, oleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. instant^^ ear * ®* iEEOI1 i hence at AspinwaU 3d Ship Carrier Dove, Jackson, from New York 22d Cot; for San Francisco, was spoken 6th inst. lat 33 at San Franoisco 14thinst. ult. for Aden l1 ’ Morgan ’ cleared a ‘ Liverpool 29th at S Lire?pSol 2°9th ultf 6011 ’ f ° r thlß P ° rt ’ ent9red out from UMomta? 8 ’ Drlbkwater ’ at Liverpool Ist inst. at S ldv“rpoSiS l^ gl, t Roskell.&om New York, yesterday for^Llyerpool? lll ’ cleared at New York lo ßB ßaiamo?dy?stlrday 808 l 510 Janelr ' 0 > wasbe-. for'cap^o^Goo^Hope. 1681 ** 1 * tN Y ° rk terday ° leA New Yorkyes froin Malaga™ 1 ’ Smal1 ’ at S “ Brenclsco 14th inst. in^fo^Ms’port. 106 ’ Clearedat John, NB. 9th fr ß mlc ß on k i n 3 t g h ha Ct MOCroe ' for this port, sailed Schrs Active, Fisher, from Boston, and Tremont. HXiath frs ß f 0V “° W “ f ° r thlS pbrt ’ at HMmea’ Schr J J Hopkins, Newcomb, from Wellfleet this port, at Holmes’ Hole 14th inst? for SchTß War Eagle, Kelly, hence, and Margaret Plater, Blizzard, from Wilmington,Del. at N. York yesterday. . Sohr Sallie T Ohartre, Smith, from Cape Ann f or P9«j a_t nsimi'Msit ME DAILY ETENnjg BULLETfNI PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY: itfAHim ,^ r KYPOLDT ’ S LIBRARY AM) SALES ROOM, 1323 CHESTNUT Street, corner of juniper, second floor. Termß of su* ecripiions to tbe Library, per. an nuiu, S 5 CM*; * Six months. S3\4); Three months, Si! CO; One month, 75 copts, (entitling the sabscri- t^^ ree volumes); single volumes per cay, Ail new English and French books for sale and for circulation' as oon as published. 5,000 ° OI>IES - PKIJATE MILES O’REILLY Has made a regular hit with HIS BOOK, pub- lished only a week ago, and already nearly The immortal MILES has achieved a fame snd- den and brilliant. For rollicking Yankee end Hibernian wit, he stands alone, and he will hereafter be known as Another edition is now ready THIS MORNING, full of Comic Illustrations. Price $1 25. mtO-wAs.tf} N R ° u K s! mew books ! ! Stories by r A n E ; . ° r ’ Try and other Paying Dear, and other Storifs. by A. L O E. S-ories from Jewish History, from the Baby- Ca P> lv ‘‘V Hestruciton of Jerusalem by Titns, byA.LQ.E. L^O' 3 E" aEain ’ and o'ber Interesting Stories, by A. A Map of Sontbern Mississippi and Alabama, showing the approaches to Mobile and the rnove cents? 0l ® aneral Sherman’S Army. Price 50 A Map of Northern Georgia, with portions of Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. Price si> cents. For sale by ITM. S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, mhu GOO Chestnut Street. MGER’S ELECTRICITY AND MAG » Just published— P^f‘?? T^ I< ¥f TY ANI * MAGNETISM, being „^ ** Elements of Cheraistiy, Theoretical and Practical. By Wm. Allen Miller, M.D. LL.D. &c. in one volume, octavo Publitmtions'of r ° WUI ° n hand 1116 Scientlfic ~ h IS JOHr f, WILEY, New York, retail VrUl supplv t 0 1118 trade or sell ai ml!,i^-| s Mlgboscope IN pra GTIGAL z?er UATT A^D BUENS ’ S complete oka. G"A.MG,EE AND S General and D& c crio« tive ANATOMY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS P SCI h ENCE iDON < “t UaJITERL Y JOURNAL OF Tne POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Medical axd Scientific Books, American and I oreipn, ,on hand or procured promptly to order. LINDSAY Jc BLAKISTON, Publish;-!-!-, South Sixth Street, above Chestnut. ADEN'S UFE OF PHILIDOR. -THU EIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and Chess grayer, by George Allen, Greek Professor in tbs Unlyersig of Pennsylvania; with a Snpple- Essay on, Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, bjr-Tasslle Von Heldebrand und der Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenl potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Saxe-Weimar. 1 TO i., octavo, V vellum, t top. Price *135. Lately pnblished by • E. H. BUTLER &i)O., nos 137 South Fourth (Street. PAMPHLETS and bought and sold ht JAS. Philadelphia. fel IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THF fix tv AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHTA )' A LENTINE BECHTOLD.de Eiven that CATHARINE intMH i'9 I t?i, Wldow , 01 sa,d decedent, has filed in -aid Court her petition and an appraisement of iho personal estate which she elects to retain nnder ,ct of April H, isst, an( ) the supplements thereto, and that the same will be approved hr the Court, on FRIDAY, the l6t day of April, 1661, unless exceptions be filed thereto 1 ’ GEO. W. THORN, Attorney for Petitioner. mhls-tu&w-4i=* E™ AT , E „°. F THOMAS BILLON, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Bernard Lvnn! THOMAS °T) ITTrvv h WUI a , ud Testament of THOMAS DILLON, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accoun tant, -will meet the parties -interested for the pur- P° s ®= ~o f k>s appointment, on MONDAY, March i l ' clock P. M.. at his Office, No. ”17 South SIXTH street, Ph-iladelphia. JOHN GOFORTH, Auditor. mhll-f, m, T,°^ A . C] ? R J IFICATE of 5 r er Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for 8516 05, dated MERF.mTK t3tI 'Af 1 " 0 ' 75 , l ; o in ,S ame of WILLIAM ftXEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of S2OO, 3(»h, 1545, No. 1453, in name of ELI , of EI . CE ’. Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Andi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, No- 811 Arch street te9-3m6' LOST-CERTIFICATE No. 161, for one share m the Point Breeze Park Association of Phila- the name of HENRY D. LENTZ., As application will be made fonr weeks from the date hereof, for a renewed certificate, notice is hereby E‘ven. JACOB S. LENTZ, Executor of HENRY D. LENTZ, dec’d. Philadelphia, March 9, 1-64. mh9. w&thSt* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the nn aerslgned has. mad© application for th© re newal of Certificate No. 5745 for one,hundred shares of stock of the North Pennsylvania Hail read Company, issued to him aid dated the eleventh of NOTember, 1863. . fe-24-wAsa-St* T. H.IMBER, Jr. Employment for women.-a depart ment for teaching Women Telegraphing has Iwen commenced in the School of Design building, 1334 CHESTNUT Street. Ladies wishing to learn may apply as above. Charge for instruction, 825. mhs-lmo§ ; ANNIE L. COLLADAY. INFANT’S MEDIA, DELAWARE OO PA MBS ; SAMUEL EDWAHDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home’ and the ten derest care and culture for Children from three dav' Kin? “w’-iT” 1 } on Wednes- Media is 13 miles from PhUa delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Hev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References m™f I 'p^ ottcr ' Bishop Stevens, and the Epis- MartiTi Gl -PBn y 0f 1118 city ! Mso to Abraham fel7-3mi CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-The under signed have this day formed a Co-partnershiD finn 01 FREDERICK STEEB A CO TT^rP 1 a-55s r P° se conducting n general BANK- a A T N H D IR E D X s C t?ee A t NGE BUS ™ FREDERICK STEEB, Philadelphia, «OMOB—Tto nnder shln B fnr e ?hnT^„ tlUB < ?? y entered into 00-partner- OoSimssiON BuIINESS f ? e „ D »Y OOOI)S Toitw,tt wttttiimS . under the nameol PHaADA - Jap - 1- WIEST - , al . 3m . s§ll BEST ARE THE sS:Vtaca^,Mdofpiat?nSl°^ t P OId ’ £55^.58122^3^^“^ mhs-lm* No. 1233 CHESTNUT street. taßerts the age,’ mounted on fine ftnM PiZ: ™ 01 Valoanite, Oorallte, AmberVe J UT S r > neat and substantial -work rnm-o ii st p s ce! L fol any Dentist in tSedtyor ALb uF Bu£sl ■goods; 1 ”® A AND AMERICAN DRY Eraich and lo flmS.- lare %, sale of British, German. on FOUR MONTH» n CH?U?? odS j. by catalogu “’ SON thTTncTkAv and part foj casb, foJc^JcSy^: oo^ll Bn4 SUS will be arranged foi ins of tbe ii ca j o £, ues » earJ y on tbe mom- Etarestto htteid “ d6alerS wUI W to tbeii L E G ,I, POSITIVE SALE OF FRESH . F °REIGN R iS5 -ba,esfna i Kn^s TGOODS — b«iis tt & A s^ rom 6h r ngs *> a es heavy indigo bine tickings. bales heavy hickory shirtings: hales bine Beverly twills cases colored and black cambrics cases brown and bleached muslins cases Manchester ginghams = SS&^ B^ k “ d ° r “ tIWte p«“‘- cases plain and fancy satinets cases Kentucky jeans and Mechanics’ cass- TO CLOTHIERS—TAILORING GOODS Also, on THURSDAY, March 17, ' pieces silk twisttneots. pieces French black and colored cloths pieces spring color meltone. pieces mixed Raglan clotbs, “ E!t c ? s 5J ac , k and colored Union cloths. pieces black French doeskins. pieces black and fanev cassimeres pieces black drap t ’ete. pieces Italian cloths and alpacas:* FR 'H Sto L k D°T f m Cl , rj 'i KoodS ' for cas b. FRENCH, BRITISH AND GERMAN DRY a, _ GOODS. Also, on THURSDAY, March 17, packages Saxony dress goods, packages printed lawns and jaconets, packages French shirting prints. packages black and colored alpacas, packages lavellas and bareges pieces black gros de Rhines. pieces black gros grain taffetas. pieces colored gros de Naples and mousse lines. Also, silk ties and hdkfs, sewing silks, veils suspenders, .traveling shirts, hosiery, pearl butl tons, hoop and balmoralskirts, fancy golds, Ac. t , t>ALE OF LINEN GOODS, Ac. ivy la ° ur sale °o THURSDAY, March 17, tt tli be found the following desirable articles— — packages shirting linens. ~ ,“ z ™. llMn cambric handkerchiefs, in ntantJS 1 women’s printed, hemstitehed and plain borders, for city sales. dezen damask and plain table cloths. dozen brown do do pieces brown and white linen drills pieces bley and Spanish linens pieces damasks, diapers, j sheetings; crash 'owels- napkins, huckaback, Ac. ’ PRINTED JACONETS AND ORGANDIES, Ac - T . , ON THURSDAY, March 17, will be sold— gandies' eces CeW style P rinted jaconets and or. 2S bales brown sheetiDgs. —4it°’ SUI M Button * 00. and Boulton A Sons’ superior assorted needles. New York. SALE OF CARPETINGS, MATTINGS. Ac. ON FRIDAY' MORNING. MARCH IS, re^U’J eC I; l ‘ y 1B - o’clock, will be sold, without SS T b J catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' GBEDiT, an assortment of threeply, snoenln. fi Sfi, inETai s' Venitian, hempaudrag carpet ln£T'>Rblte * nd red check Canton mattings, Ac 11147 h® early on the morning POSITIVE SALE OF ENGLISH AND AME RICAN CARPETS. «.°^, FR , I ? AT MORNING, MARCH.IS. prising— ° ° Cclt ’ OI “ four months' credit, com — pieces threeply carpets. pieces Brussels carpels. . pieces all-wool ingrain carpets. pieces wool filling ingrain carpets. pieces woolen Venetian carpets. pieces list, rag and cottage carpeta. pieces hemp carpets. Pieces white and red check Canton mattings. N. B—The above comprise, the best make, such as Crossley, Brussels aud|l D grain, of th» Hart'o'd acd Lowell manufacture. * * LAIiOE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. J£BIA, GERMAN AND BRITISH DRY G< rfiPs;l&Sy, F 2 R SPRING SALES. ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, viurii 0 vrUI 1)0 EOlcl > t>y catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS °vP™ n cli, India, German and British Dry Good*. ?0., e tutxucing a large and choice assortment of Etapiea-rllcles, in silk, worsted, woolen, linen and cotton fabrics. ' N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for catalogues, early on the mora- Smrest to aSndT 11611 dealers wUI flad “ W melr I BOOT-t OF 1100 PACKAGES Ac Ax’ SHOES ’ BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, .ON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH-12, At 10 o clock, will be sold, by catalogue, without !?“ r JC.On FOUR MONTH'S' CREDIT, about S? 8^ 68 Bo® 1 ®'Shoes, Brogans, Balmroals, Army Boots and Shoes, Ac., Ac., of City “5 manufacture, embracing a fresh “Jj, P? me assortment of desirable articles, for men, women and children. _N- B. —Samples with ca tale cues early on tht morning of sale SCOTT A STEWART, AUCTIONEERS aWFSS' 15 SANSOM E Di“ S ua hb OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION nr 300 FINE OIL PAINTINGS- From me „ American Art Gallery, New York. OIt ETEN?I«c Y v™ DAT and SATURDAY .ftVENiNGS, March ltth, ISth and 19th. precisely, a large collecUon of Oil and Pleasing subjects, com- P ri -l n S American Landscapes, Scenery, Lake Seri mural u?^v, n ' a r n Fi Fnre-rs, Frnit and r iecPS , fr °tn the studios of some of the m^temi^ ent art ists of the dav; together with a hv l.he'mn? ° f cabinet pictures aud medallions, -f ollowln g well-know artists, tit: Paul Kilter, C. Augustus Saunders, Roberts, Williams, flSdfe^Sef 6 811 e "’ ga " Uy mounteil in SCOTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, will give jNT e^ perB f n H Attention to sales of HE ROHAN DIbE and WARES of all descriptions. Furni ture of parties removing or breaking up House! keeping, on the premises of the'owners, orattheir elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos. 6*23 Chest nut Street and 615 Sansom Etreet. 1 feiB-tf TJJf OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER Ajrr JyX COMMISSION southeast comer SIXTH niia RACE *tre.ts watches-watche^-wXtcheT' . P rlTa, e Sble, upwards of 2000 gold and silver watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch, makers, dealers and priyate purchasers will do well by calling at the S, E. corner of Sixth and Race streets. AT PRIVATE SALE. 56Feigra s Philadelphia cases English Patent Beyer Watches, of the most appvoyed and best makere; some of them haye flye pairs extra jewels, , Cne a ? d w Bh cost moyements. J lf ai Pj ie , J immediately they ean be had singly, os rt B^ eaou ‘ '™ e will wear equal tc solid gold cases. Very fine double barrel duok guns, breech load tog; carbines; revolving rifles- fine English rifles revolvers. Ac. i AT PBIVATE SAI/E FORjLjESS THATt TTAT.y THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting case and double bottom English patent lever watches, jull jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best mater*; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa. tentleTer and leplne watches; ladies’ fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold American hunting case patent lever watches, of the most approved styles; fine silver hunting oase and open face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of tho most approved makeijs; fine silver hunting case and open face Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches: -independent second and doubls time lever watches; silver quartier English, Swiss and French watches; fine gold-plated watches; Peters’s patent watches, fine English movements, and numerous other watches. , " Very fine English twist double barrel fowlini pieces, barr and back action locks, some yen costly, MONEY TO DOAN, In large or small amounts, on goods ofsveij description, for any length of time agreed on SADES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and, when required, two-thirds of the vain* oi the goods will he advanced in anticipation of sal*. . CONSIGNMENTS of goods of every description solicited for om nuhiic sales. Very line sewing machines; several superior. Hammocks: flue gold, ohains; jewelry of !ev»rj description; diamonds, and numerous other arti files, JVf » * SONS, AUCTIONEERS ca KTt°*ti! 39 .?? d 141 South Fourth (treat Saleto h^Xrfn Slxty ' Beoond Philadelphia Trade 22d le i^ t fc °“f D r 3 iß ™r enoe on TUESDAY - pSt§?yaniAi S 6 Do e stooV, th u e . aa l ets of ae Bank 01 April. postponed to the first Tuesday In atlhe I*Excbinge 1 *Excbinge, T ev^ S T UESD fl v Al t STATI noon. 6 very l UESDAY, at 12 o’clock and od the'satnrday 1 previous ‘S’ 16 ' 13e P arat ely, camlognes, in pamp&Pt SS~ Particular attention given - residences, Ac. PT6n to sales atprlyaU „ *Sr FURNITURE SALES atthu »nnvro. STORE, EVERY THURSDAY AU OTIO* PENNSYLVANTA MINING CO. STOCK ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 21 , cloci£ Boon, at the Company’s office* Wn 32h Walnut Street, foi non-payment of 956 shares Pennsylvania Mining Co. of Michigan! Administrator’s Sale. rJ 1 ? -X Margaret Barclay, dec’d. \ ALUiBLE STOCKS, LOANS, &c At 12 o- cw? TUESDAY, MARCH 22 b dS d5 ’ |r Myes r ° ad °°- 17 d°o |n P A Te^rin a sn“So C °- gdo t n ra ‘l"T M^of 1 insurance Co. m spring Garden Insurance Co “ dd M‘ n f ■ Hill Railroad Co. 2? do Northern L'berties Gas Co. 20 dn J^ UEk “I Penn Township. 20 do Girard Bank (old stock.) 10 do Western Bank 1 130 do Northern Liberties Bank. 6 - °J nT PeiinsyJvama Bailroad Co. c-t .-ADDITIONAL SALE STOCKS. 51 ebares Columbia (Pa.) Gas Co. 9do Spring Ho.use Northamuton Turn Dike f,rji > s hale—Additional. jSiO, coo bond® Union Canal Company. GJ shares stock Delaware Coal Co. * , n . _ For other accounts— -50 shares Corn Exchange Bank 2 shares Merchants’ Hotel. VALA L w! TA nE. S £ LE ’ MARCH, 22d. Mrit-VT^Tiv E v COAL, LANDS, LOntJST w LoonT. r ? out 14S A CRLS, adjoining laiTds 'HiWto E fi P i“ P ST'°V Few York and r*n fr* ana '-'Oal Co., Susquehanna Coal ographic' Plan?'"' 11 *° £6Teral railro^3 ' See iSST Also, 3 LARGE AND VALUABLE T otq «* EQ^T e \ Cb ’ Gra >"s Ferry Road, l* Ward * Lithographic Plans of both the above r»rrm erties at the Auction Rooms. Te prop ’ Orphans* Court Peremptory Sale—Estate nf pboperty’ N ec Nn iffirc. 0, ‘ Jlb s °£} h FRONT Street, and No. 143 DOCK Street. sale Absolute. Orphans'’ Court Sale—Estateof Geo. McKeown Sf c ALT I ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY* *nr?h, EOU, £ SecOßd sfTeet ’ bfl ™ Lombard sh Ho°' r i’ h 1- IS , Court i-ale—Estate of John D. Nalsby, TVt d_ w tenable Propertv-HOTELand DWELLi tijS' .E E *? te l l ?^n- FO Y I, ; I)RY - MANSION wrumfe large and YALUABLE LOT SecSd i YeR Stree ' L ’ bet " eeu FroiU VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, Arch street west of Twentieth, with a three-story Brick Dweif ing and Stable in tbe rear. y U ' TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1529 Vine street, west of * uteenth street, with a Tvrn story Brick Dwelling in tbe rear Wo ‘ DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, Chelten ham Township, Montgomery County. Pa. v mile Station. 11:6 OU Y ° rk road ’K mtle'ol a Ra?lSid NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 1904 Ply. near street. * RE » E 'S TOTIY BRICK DWELLING, No. 505 Lombard street, west of Filth street. MxtJtmta*™* LOT:5 ’ Brown street > *«* of 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, and ,a 59 Savory st., ISth Ward ’ GROCERY STORE and DWELLING, S. W. Co #£yr£,s!?*^ raf * e anc * Haccver streets THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,Front street, St nth of Coral street, ’ THRSE-SJOKY BRICK DWELLING, No. 505_RichTDond street, Ward. d»nr^f ,U D BL . E -J' A pM’ Bread street and Bor f 0"; I*’ 1 *’ Burlington, New Jersey, onemile *rom thp Railroad Depot. DWELLING, Kirkbride street, east of Poim Road, Bridesburg. 25th Ward 5 first* class Irredeemable Ground *Bents of Sl5O a year each: narS2«s(Hi u>u t , I '^4V r V. STuKY BRICK STORE and DWEL LHvG, No. -.22 north 4th st, above Race st. Execntor's Sale.to close an Estate—VALXJA BRB fBI SI ) l' S , STAND—Five-story brick s.ore. No. v. 5 Market st, and four-story brick warehc use Jones alley. > Executor’s Peremptory Sale—Estate of Martin Ihurret,. dec'd—TWO- STORY STONE DWELL- Inte ’ Cumberland et > Germantown. Sale abso- neat three, story brick dwell. '•qnar/' 0 ’ 1-1 pl l mouUl s; , near Rittenhonse I'™®' Sale-THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINu, Jio. IP*-Anita at. Ist Ward Sale-THREE-STORY BRICK 2217 Clayton sr. ijth Ward. *,? IIR^ STORY DWELLING, No. 617 north Froitst, aboTe Green st. T Snin-TIiHEE-STOEY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2-»*.-bPine st. 7th Ward THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING-, N. W. corner of 16th and Shippen sis. . JHREE-STGRY BRICK DWELLING, No. i 222 Randolph st, irth Ward. ’ REAL ESTATE SALE, 31 ARCH 3?n rSB Esher ’ ‘2 e n’d—2B ACRES itiniur, road, opposite the estate sold last Uctober. Estate of Anthony Rnffner, dec'd 17 ACRES. GERMANTOWN ROAD and Nicetown lane. Particulars ol both estates ready in hand bills. Also, Peremptory Sale. 45.CC0 ACRES PENNSYLVANIA LANDS, r nil descriptions preparing. Saie absolute. Sale at Nos. 13!>and Hi Sourlb Fonrtb street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MANTEL AND OVAL MIRRORS, ELEGANT PIANOS, carpets l l EPEooF safe ’ handsome ON THURSDAY MORNING, « v ® o’clock, at the auction store, cunerior furniture. * Also, an elegant rosewood seven octave piano, by Chickertng. r ’ Also, an elegant rosewood bondoir piano. swmior E A E rnitijre, S mirrors, FINE TONCH T I S NA P i A c NO> NANKIN AND CAN ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, at the auction store, second storv, the entire household furniture, fine Nankin China dinner service, Canton China, f&c., by order of executor. May be examined on Wednesday SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, from a LIBRARY. ALSO, A COLLECTION OF AMERICAN . T AND FOREIGN COINS. °?.T? tJESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH If, At the anctlon store, a collection of valuable miscellaneous books, from a library. Also, a collection of American and foreign coins. Executor’s Sale No. 838 North Sixth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, MIRROR, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH S 3, At 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. S3S north Sixth street, by order of Executors or William Patterson, deceased, the entire household fumi .ture, rosewood piano, pier mirror, feather beds tapestry carpets, Ac. May be examined at 8 o’ clock on the moraine of the sale. Sale No. 1452 North Eleventh street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, TAPESTRY CARPET& &c MORNING. MAROH SO, von,* 10 o clock, at No. 1452 north Eleventh street, helow Jefferson street, the superior furniture, line toned rosewood piano forte, seven octaves- fine tapestry carpets, &c. v * “““ May be examined, with catalogues, at 8 o'clock on the morning oi the sale. ’ ° ° cioca jpHIT.TP I-n,.- ■ JHIIiIP FOBD & CO., ATJOTION'ESrR'f _ 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE atStu ’ LAEGE POSITIVE CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, At l(i o clock precisely, ■will be sold, by cuts loJ cash, 1500 cases. Men’s, Boys’ and Youths Calf, Kip and Grain Boots, Brogans, Balmorals, Cavalry Boots, ice.. -Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters, of every variety, suitable for spring Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale, to ■winch the attention of buyers is invited. '■ ■ ■< CAST-OFF CLOTHING m demand from 81 to S 5 for. Pants, from S 5 to SIS for Goats, from 85 to 835 for Silk Dresses, and other goods in pro portion. Also the hjghest.price paid for Carpets Cali or address A. D. ANCONA, 330 SOUTH S^ eet *. - • asi-m* J FREEMAN, auctioneer BEAT tXT?; l r street ’ a «K>VB Fourth. This sale wmta^nd T e? SALE, MAROH 3D. h A io Y atofe t^tml^r A d‘ W °‘ Stor7 - briefc !to Tyson st. Subject 18 12t) feet Orphan .’ Court Xa i~?Estale ffjnt gß ? und re nt. GERMANTOWN road* a house and lot, acjmnrngth“ i&otc m S {gT--SV°£ to Tyson st $45 ground rent. *Sn,, by itOfeet Sale-Same Estate. Orphanf Court 458 MARSHALL ST—Genteel two-story brio* S, be ‘°w Buttonwooa st, d!h. °* taM C ° Urt 6alc Joknh?^, 21TH ST—Store and dwelling, with 4 tbren story brick houses on the rear; and lot, below Wainm st, 2uby 110 feet along Caldwell to t'nnL F t ordJc^al^l ouaidt dec'd. J * D ADEL PH lA A three story brick iBet npwtSfsdeep! 116 5C * m feetl f ont and from m lotfbeti^f A Qmrdliv™ o ' atoryt>rick honse and by 95 feet to an alley, ofwMcM? V*' 15 Peremptory hale J wmen tihas the priytiege. 1215 WALLACE ST-A lot of ground stable and dwelling, N. W. corbe/of n™. Wlt ? 36 by 80 feet. SBl ground mn^O^uaP^rl Sa^— F ttaU oj Michael C. Seitz, dec'd. ' oui Iv, ST—A three-story bri- k dwelling below MasteTst, 16 by 100 feet. 872 ground rent! Otrians’ Court Sale Estate of Piersons minor? ST ‘ feet anda corne r of Delaware avenne, 52if “■HSi-S sfss t/sr* I CtdinWtdn f 1 yal . uable lat . south side of I st, east of wq pp e+ q > fan, r,, . . | -Estate of Stephen Sippltn. dec’ d Court Sal [ 1,000 ACRES, MONROE CO—ln difreren tworS!road r s omStrOU£lSbl,re: timbered; I . 40 ace LS,MONT g OMERY CO-A good farm I barn^ Iy K^Sn tll i, Wllb tw o-story stone dwellS, I E P ri bg-h°use, young orchard, Ac. Estat count' | £> state of James ITaugh, dec'd. ST—-Three* story brick dwell* /?£». lot * 36 75 feet * SJB ground renL ° I vI‘ITcEEs i vr Sa^r EsMe,!f Feler Ldndis ' de c'd‘. bvCsoffetSTTshree's!fryv C 50ffet ST T5 hree ' s !f ry bouse and lot, iul^lmflßale* rent Court 14^ a bv^s^fS^ Y 'su^? ? ' S !f ry brick house and lofi I gr °" nd rent - court 2004 PINE ST—Three-story brick' honse an<* lot, by nn feet to a3d feet street. 546 v ground A&oiJXT COUTt ****** I V J 3B MASTER ST—Three story brick cottage, IS by o 5 feet deep to an alley, SIS ground rent B 976 N %t amtsF - ER£j > dec'd?’ flnit int hd. n ST— Three-Story brick hou3a and lot, below Germantown road, IS by 87 a feet. ■ Executor's Sale- Same Estate. J Al . ** § r T7?'5 ree story trick bouse and lf Ch bj 19U fe6t deep - Contorts Sate 2iG6 AND 203 S LOCUST ST—Two!neat dwell* ing?, each lti by SO feet to Stewart st gios ground rent on each. Same Estate. grouna /ALUaBLE Q-UARRY—A valuable tract, acres, known as the Cedar HiU Stone Quarry! 3& feet or bhcercaker lane and 260 feet deep. Emu tor's Sale—Same Estate. ’ ■ *mz{- ‘ AN D GREEN STS—Valnable business lo* cation, feet oa Green and 62 feet on 7th etreet Ezewcr'x Sale—Same Estate. eurset. PRUNE ST—Desirable dwelling, suitable fer a lawyer, 23 by 120 feet. Every midem iml ement; will ient for SCOO a year. So, 000 may remain. . ,ww ****** ST.-A neat DweUing No. 226, and Lot below Locust street 15 feet 4 in. front and ~a feet to Manshtp street- on wnicb is a neat Dwell. I p?r?' deceased. £aeeUior>s Sal '-' of lichen r}‘t O J , l B , A l L §- SY '- A three-story brick Honsa and ,°J Slx ? st reet. 1= feet front, 65feet deep. » r 4TH wan'n ?° le l Coins, dec’d. 24TH WARD.—A two and a half story House and Lot south side of Crean Street, southeast of Miller street, SQ teet front by about 200 feet deem Orphans Court Sale , same Estate. * w Ed I above Tasker st., a BUILDING LOT, Germantown road, above ■^S^Ui reet ’ Ward, 26 feet 8 inches by 200 feet TOWN LOT in Delanco, N. J., 100 by 160 feet * NIONROE CO. LAND—A tract of 180 acres in Price township. A tract of looaeres in Tunkhan nock township. CENTRE CO. LAND—A tract of 433 acres in Ru&h township. 4 tracts of 400 acres each,-Harris township. * £ E Al» ESTATE SAEB-Alarch 31. pTms sale ‘will beheld on the premises at -io’cloclt —'Fwo-story stone honse an® 112 feet 3 inches front and near SCO feet deep Or ■§«/£' Court Salt—Estate of Christopher tfmyter, AD J OINING—Two-story stone house and lot adjoining, 30 feet front by 283Yee; deep. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. * FPBNESS. BRINLEY a on.. Koi: — sis CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 1000 CARTONS RIBBONS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, At 10 o’ clock, on four months’ credit, a large assortment of ponlt de soie bonnet and irimmimr ribbons. Also, blksilk -rel-vet ribbons. Included in our sale of RIBBONS, OhFRIDAY. willbeiound— * cartons Nos. * ind 5 corded edge poult de seis trimming ribbons. do Nos. 10a60 choice col’d poult de sola bonnet ribbons. do Ioa6o triple chain black, do Ios6o white Eveque and Mais. do 10a60 plain and broche figured, do 10a60 splendid quality triple chain do. new colors. BLACK SILK VELVET RIBBONS, -—cartons Nos. la2o super quality Lyons blaclc silk velvet ribbons. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH IS, At 10 o’ clock,. by catalogue on fonr months* credit— -500 packages and lots of Fancy and Staple Drr Goods- * M THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS* • Nos. 139 and 141 South. Fourth, street, n ■*r«*Sr e Js£JH :c Ka »“ haniho “ Wand Eecond _ PIANO FORTES-. Rosewood piaso fortes, made by Ohicfeenne & Meyer. BILLIARD TABLE - S with' ballf 1 W rosewood billiard table, marble bed, TIN AND HOLLOWWARE. Also, a stock ol tin and hollowware. Thomos Birch & Son will Kira their persons! attention to the sale of Fnmltnre at the residences of those abont breaking np housekeeping or re* moving. Also, bold sales of furniture eve** FRIDAY MORNINGS at 9 o’clock, at spacioua Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut street?™ COAL. SsECOND^t Wstreeta ' offlCe * N °- 31 * Tnh97 JJRBS. - JOHN P. BHHAPP. T J totS^tQ?sof WED INTITE Buck Mountain Company’s Coal, LeMgti Navigation Company’s Coal, and liOcnst Mountain ** “ vUch they are prepared to sell at tho lowest mar* ket rates, and to deliver in the best condition. • -... Orders reft with & MASON BINES, Frantcila Institute Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar*. tot, will be promptly attended to. * P P BINES * SHEAFF, MC-tJ Area stttet yiiSili gshnyim. J. "WALTON A GO-