iQsiN'jisas notiobs- Y EMENT OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. K.BYEB’S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed by the Musical public, to be the finest Pianos is America. The attention or the Musical public is called to' these recent great improvements in Piano By a new method of construction, the greatest gossiblevOlnme of tone has been obtained, Without Any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos ax-s so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch andAotion ren dsr them Unequaledi These Instruments received the Price Medal at sho World’s Fair, held in Liondoh, as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the first Fairs and institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, 728 Arch street below Eighth, Phil ad a. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! HAIR DYE!!!--BATCHELOR ’ S celebrated IiAIR DYE is the best in the Wofld. The only Sarnies*., fViw and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Bed, Busty or Q-rey Hair, Instantly to a Glossy Slack or Natural Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the stein, leaving the hair and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed William A. Batohelob, all others are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Prog lists, &c. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY street, N. Y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Hair. ' S^jgr^i^raounS their Manufactory of First-Class Piano Fortes is now in foil operation natialaction. their many Pianos, sold With, by competent jndges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fertes are not snr tsaxeed by any manufactured in the United states. They respectfully invite the musical public to call fend examine their instruments, at the-Sales Room, So. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, fend prices moderate. LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND Black Heath, white -ash Coal, carefully ■elected and prepared for family use, free from ■late and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices ns low as the lowest for a good article. Lump Coax for fonnd ! lies, and Chestnut Coax for steam purposes, at wholesale prices. An -assortment of Hiokoey, i— Oax and Pine Wood, kept constantly on hand- Also, an excellent article of Biaokbkith’ 6 Coax, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure. your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS £. CAHILL, • Offices, 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. Pinestree wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paTed limits of the Con solidated City and In the Twenty-fonrth Ward. (BTECK* CO.’S MASON HAMLIN’S tffHl CABINET ORGANS. BTECK* CO.’S J. E. GOI Seventh § If *». SQUARE, UPRIGHT PIANOS ara now considered the best In Europe, as well as this coantry, having received the first Prize Medal at »he World’s Exhibition in London, 1862. The principal reason why the Steiaway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father fend four sons), who Invent all their own improve ments, and under whose psrsonal supervision •very psrt of-the instrument is manufactured For sale only at BLASIUS BEOS., 1006 Chestnut ■tieet. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS. KELTY, CARRINGTON & CO., No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET. A GREAT MISTAKE. A GREAT MISTAKE. A GREAT MISTAKE. ~.e rP great many people who are in the habit ei taking puis, who erroneously think that the pills or medicines taken which produce the most vio ent discharges from the bowels, and cause excessive Fit!?’ E JJ? UIU . I g and tenesmus, are the best pills to IS a ,ereat mistake. The griping, strain ”'L.\ tenesmus, is the resnlt of the impure and inert ot . lll6m edidne that are earned to the u OW « ls ’ and there.induce irritation, conges tion and mflammationhence ioUows straining,piles, ?f. d quent false C ills to the water closet. Avoid all snch pills, and take Radway’s Regulating Pills. WhereT 5 CtS ' per ' JOltle Sold b y Druggists every- .»^;il adWay ’ 6 hledicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY & Cof, B7 Maiden Lane, New York. HENING BULLETIN MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1864. IS SECEECY IMPOSSIBLE ! t would seem as If it were impossible that any of our intended movements should be kept secret. We all remember that when McClellan was obliged to disclose his plan of the Penin anlar campaign to the President, the enemy, y is e\acuation of the chain of fortresses at Manassas Tvithin.a few days, showed that cor »ect information had reached him, and this disclosure undoubtedly cost us Richmond. Again rye have lost Eichmond by the news of Kilpatrick’s intended expedition being carried to the enemy. It is now asserted that the in formation of his expedition was communicated to some “ladies’ 5 at a grand hall given in the army, as far hack as the 22d ult. Of course there were plenty of Belle Boyds on hand • Davis seems to have a special corps of pros titutes as one of his most efficient aids. He also informed Mrs. Greenhow, (so that re spectable lady, now so much cherished in affirms) that “but for her, there would have been no Bull Kun.” dtoi v Btate of thin e s shou M ever have should be vJn7tZV'ZT ; incomprehensible. With some of <%/%££ reticence seems to bean impossibility cnrselves once witnessed a scene i„ car, between this city and Washington, whs, fc etruckus forcibly. A Brigadier-General of £ Army of the Potomac took his seat, and T ,r fet ‘ 1 quite sure that in such a path e.-v- lj, tt.-j) backward.” . kmilitary display and snch anjhddress vif/riM two years ago have been the signal for an outbreak among the populace, which, in'its errors, would have been exceeded only by be disgraceful Copperhead riots of last July. This change of sentiment is apparent, not only ah-eTriT where a similar organization is y full and only awaits arms to take its a third numbers between two and ' ttree hundren men, hut in every section of the S Wh 7 “ eer ° re £ iments have been or ganized ; and, as a result, we find the ranks of first‘!r fi ' vi ‘ hin a brief period after the ' fiist name is enrolled. In Philadelphia one ; regiment is barely filled to its minimum stand ard befoie another is under way, with satisfae ory piomise of early completion;, in Dela are and Maryland the colored residents, slave' and free, are flooking to the flag of liberty; and in e South and West, in loyal and disloyal states, the army of the Union is increased monthly by thousands of stalwart representa lves of the colored race. And yet this great yement is but in its incipiency.; With such i Fff HyIBgLf gj A, MONOaT, MARCH 14^1804; THRONE.” COLORED SOLDIERS. a briffiant commencement, who can foresee thesfutnte magnitude and brilliancy which will resultfrom'the Introduction of this important \etement into the-service of the Union? Mr. Gottscuaih. WIN give a final concert -at: Concert Hall on ’Thursday evening next. HeUvill have -the valuable assistance of the delightful German tenor, Herr Habelmann, as well as Mrs. Behrens, Carlo Patti and Charles Schmitz. "We doubt not that the hall will be crowded, as it has been atallMiv Gottsohalk’s recent concerts. LARGE SALE TO-MORROW—VALUABLE Et-al instate, Stocks, &c., including first-class City and Country Property, by order of Orphans' Court, Execut-rs and others. Also, Stocks, Loans, Canal Boat. Ac. - See Thomas A Sons’ advertisements and mm. plilet catalogues. v IMPORTANT PEREMPTORY SALE-45.111 Acres Pennsylvania Lands, a9th March. See Thomas A Sons’ advertisement fifth page to-day’s CARTES DE VISITE, are m the ascendant. v Etyle and flnisll of those made by street "> are equal-to the best. 621 arc it PICTURE and FRAME DEALERS will find Brass Screw Rings, Curtain Rings and Iron Screw Eyes; Picture Nabs and Hooks; Wire and Finishing Nails, and Drill Chisels, lor plugging walls, for sale at TRUMAN A SHAW’S, Nof 835 ? ciighi Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth. Er.IMER’S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, are trnly tine Likenesses, artistically colored for UO Who would-grudge that sum for a good likeness of himseli 1 SECOND street, above Green OF MECHANICS’ TOOLS and HARDWARE a pretty fair variety may be found at the store of TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirw flve) inarket street, below Ninth. y SEARCH THE WORLD OVER, and to this con clusion you come at last: Those Life-sixe' PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors, made by.a. F EL'-MER. are superior and -nnequaled. ’ n-ii ARCH sireet. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. —The under: signed have this day formed a Co-partnershin u-. der the firm ot FREDERICK STEEB A GO P fur the purpose of conducting a general Bank’ ING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS, at No 30 South THIRD street. ■ FREDERICK STEEB, JAMES B. McKXLLIPS, Pmi.ADEi.pniA, March li, 1864. mhu-3t* QLOTHING AND CLOTHING MATERIALS. Navt Department, ) EI"REAL" OP PnOVISIONB AND CLOTHING, ( _ . March 12, 1564 \ SEPARATE PROPOSALS, sealed and endoried • • Proposals tor Navy Clothing and Ololhiag Ma ttrials-,”, will be received at this office until la o’clock M., on the 12th day of April next, for furnishing and delivering (oil receiving forty days’ notice) at the United States navy yards at Charles town, Massachusetts; and Brooklyn, New York in such numbers and quantities and at such times as may be specified by the Chief of this bureau, or by the commandants of the said navy yards respectively, during the remainder of the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of June, 1861, the numbers and quantities of the different articles and at the places specified in the following list, r,. . , , Boston, N. York Rue cloth trowsers, pairs 7,500 3 500 B.ue satinet trowsers, pairs...... 6.500 ’5OO Canvas duck trowsers, pairs L5OO 1 0«i Barnsley sheeting frocks ’’’ouo Blue flannel overshirts 5,000 6,'otio Blue satinet, yards 2,000 is 000 Blue flannel, yards.. so,oo lloiooo Barns ey sheeting, yards is. non Canvas duck, yarjls a Wlo Blue nankin, yards 5,0 W 7 wo Calf-skin laced shoes, pairs 2l'ooo Kip-skin shoes, ptiirs . 3 000 Woolen socks, pairs 15,000 23, 000 Mattresses, (with two covers 5OO 5, t gg Offers may be made f°r one or more articles*, at tne option of the bidder, and in case more than one article is contained in the offer, the chief of tbe Borean will, have the right to accept one ormoreof tne articles contaiued in snch offer and reject the remainder. Th price must be uniform*, and offers iHUstcmbraee all of any one or more article idelire rails at ell the sta'tons. desc ription of article* in the above list, bidders are referred to the samples at thesaid Navy 1 1 rds, and to the advertisement of- this Bnr«an, dated July 8, 1863, and lor information as to the Jaws and regulations (in pamphlet form) regarding contracts to the officers of tha several command* ants of Navy Yards and Navy Agents. Blank forms of proposals may be obtained on appli. cation to Ou A’ary Agen sat J’orttmovth, Xeic ffawc lAtre; Boston, Scw Tork, I’hiladctphia, BalUnwre. and at this bureau . mh|4-m4tj Edwin. hall a co., no. 26 s. second street, have now open the best stock oi Dress tfoods they ever had the pleasure of offering to theLr customers. fa Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent Organdies. Silk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Mouslmde Esso as, anew fabric, Mohdir Foulards. Plaids, Stripes and Plain Valencias. Plaid and Stripe Monairs. B autiful shades fine Alpacas. Superior Black Alpacas. S riped and Figured l French Chintz. Ficured Percales and Cambrics. Plain Lawns aud Plain Percales. Percales and pique Robes. Dress Goods, in great variety, of all the new tabricß that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which have been or our own importation. DbAf-l-UKt FAMILY SOAP CONTAINS p no SILICATE OF SAND or OLAY? but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put np In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, fall weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bar* or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKINTON A SON, nir.'itl Stocks ami Lonno houitlit mid sold on Otimmlu. nlon at tlm Hoard of Hrokurs, Oov. roiti<’ntS.'rttrltl(!D, Spoclo itml Ommrrmit mom-T hi.iiklh anil sold. mtrti"«B BAKEU’S ORNAMENTAL lIATr~mTniT t AOTOK Y . —Tlio larßosiamt hostiw U. Wlk«, loupDH,- Lour Hair Hruita, Oiirln >riwtu*s, Illu-lvo '■Kims, for Indlim, at Virirna . lowtr Ilian elscwburo, at IM Oli EHTNUT l ‘ tri ' l ‘ t - __> ‘ _ .mrp* 15»AAU NA’I'HAWb, AIHJTitTw MONEY BROKER, N. E. wad SPRUCE streets, only one so mire htilow the Exchange, NATHANS’S Principal Olfle* «a! mbhshed for the last forty yearn. Money to liOan, i* large or small amounts, at Lhe low««t ratei. on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watehe«, Jewelry,Cloth. Om* hour. WB. ELLIOTT, PUlt toKOiAHiTH%'~Mujh . RAOE street. Partly and FamUltf* vimluhl evcnicp; proieseioniilly. mhIV-'Jt* CARPET ’ FINE HRUSHES, . oeothes hampers, At the Arch Street Houm. Enrniehliiff'Hiorn. „ t ' (HUFFITHS A PACIE, aontnwpst corner of Sixth itml Arch, rpj IKD OAGES, MARINE WHEELS ANIi ' AQUAKIA, Constantly on hand lit ilia AQ.«& Palm OH, and l* ontlrely « ,e«J, mole Soap; more suitable for Totlnt tiae tlian oif«, made from animal fata. In boxes a) ona dS oakea for *1 50 per bo*. Manufactured by 00 » „ iotuicr» of MANUJUA ANIi TARRED OORDAUK, Uokdm, Ttvrwu, AO., Ho. 13 North Water «tnwt uml No. \U Nonh D«l* waiv iiyonu#, PhiUuteJphta XDWIVH. FTrtfiU. MuiHAT, WffOfttll nnHUADf*. ('T.OTNIIS *** U ‘ RENT—\Vtillm l\nv»»r, thr*'<*lariro Efl ROOMS, wliUtfoml Utfhi, No. I lIMUJNI? hu?-uimcauok Hrrf «A'RK-a'\ o toot doop, boauti* fully l' ll ‘j t>ut with cholco irultM amt tlo\v>ra of «*vim\v variety. Thu houso ha* alt tho couveutunoo 4if a *Ty amt will Im sold ou tmulutiuK terms, Mr#, Ml TOURED, tho ooott punt of llte pn'ml*«j } will umtwor any iiujut. tiitu ; or ■ Apply to HENRY. OUOSICKY, Rum hr*r Murvlmui, Dutawiiru nvunuo, b«lo\v Gnam aH-fot.. . mhnitf.ryi^ UKl ' l ' K >ou VUNUT,Si rmrn ntmik-s piano, i.'or kh1«» per cent. timu olmuvhrro. , lliW „ ‘V soaEUZE R» 421 N. Fourth, nit. Oiillowhlll, ~~ lirVn i JAAIKh . a «,. moE4uo uforliWlli'hiiwiiiM MHloilhoim, HAHMONIUMS ANU nVIAWINQ-HOOM EIiNKNT ttAHLKK’H, It A YEN A BAOON’S, HAIjI.ET. DAVIN A UO.'S, 111 1 l-:iuirnf ry «atl*tAcUon un« ftuwtmt** wlll lw «r»n * Wy»x»< ■ ■ , MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, *— No. 805 Chestnut Street, Are now receiving their Spiin(^lmportation of SILK Ain) MILLINESY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy .and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, marcellines and Flounces, French and English Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Maline Ne!s,*c. Also*, a full assortment of _ French and American Flowers, mhl4mw*fr-2m GOLD PENS Made expressly for the ARMY. , Mannlactnred tty the American Gold Pen Company. For sale by all the principal JEWELERS and STATIONERS. COMPANY’S SALESROOM, S. E. coiner lighth and Cheitnut St*., Second Floor. ; mhl2-3ts I. B. MARTER, Agent 113. Price & Wood, 113. A large lot of 8-4 Table Linens from Auction. Linen Doylies, Napkins, Bird Eye Linen, fccotch Diaper 82 20,82 65, S 3 50 and Slaps. Fine Quality Doable Width Shirting Flannels. All wool and Domet Flannels. Best makes of Bleached Muslins, WiUtamsville Wamsutta, White Rock, Forestdale, Sumner Idem-and Baltic 5-4 and 10-4 Bleached Mnsnni Best makes of TJnoleached Muslins U Ju • ,laun, New style Spring Chintzss, fast colors Plain All-wool Delaines, choice colors Good quality Black Silks. PBIOEA WOOD, H 3 North Ninth street. N. B. —A large assortment o: Ladles' and Gents’ Hosiery Gloves, Ac., Ac. Ladles’ and Misses' Hoop Skirts. mh!2.3t4 BAELOWir INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTRERGER’S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Will eolor more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. *3"The.»ew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTIONS It Is retailed at the same price as the Imltatians an d_ Inferior articles. m h9. lm rp} /r No. 16 S Ay SOUTH THIRD ST., V £ BANKERS & BROKERS.* SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Checks, AND ALT, GOVERNMENT SECUEITIS BOUGHT AND'SOUP, <*• ft FOB SALE. Q The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STRFET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. a small part of Cash required. INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES. fels-tf} EDWARD P. KELLY. JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT ST. late THIRD STREET AB. WATJTUT, Keeps constantly on haud a large assortment o NEW aud STAPLE GOODS, PATTERN OVERCOATS AND Warm Sack and Business Coats i FOR SALE AT Reduced Prices. tomevTnnoS ASH ~ PrlCea loWer «“» Other CM ■ i ro Stairs of 612 and 614 Chestnut at. J. E. IREDELL. So. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Between Cherry and Race, eaetslde, Fhtla. fios now on band and constantly rsoelflng an ele gant assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Shirts on hand and mads to order in the me. .atlsfaotor manner. A fall line of Gentlemen’ Merino Sb irts, Drawers, Ao. Also—Ladles' M*. rino Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, fto. 0017.6 m 147 NORTH EIGHTH ST The sunbeam Stories. Containing the charming, bright Storlee of TRAP TO OATOH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING-, HOUSE ON THE ROC v ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY Ohbistkal' . DREAM CHINTZ, 8 ’ Six beantifnl s® ET ’ *°' ' W " P " Street. Id" drafting INSTRU jjrx M.EWTJS. Ones term an’a metallic and steel “•pe-meosnres. For bale by JAMES W. QUEEN & C0.,.924 CHESTNUT street. Priced and illns trated catalognes grafts. fe-22-lro-rp» < WISUSTDJr*J GOLD AND SILVER WATOHES. ON •i & onr own importation, reliable In quality OBH tad at low prices. FARR Jfc BROTHER, Importers, 39} Chestnut street, below Fourth. North Ninth above Arch. Have Just Opened) Handsome Residence For Sale or ? • Exchange, ij For Germantown op West Philadelphia Property, ¥o * 1610 North 15th st. above Oxford »ti Carriage House and Stable, r Garden, Double Lot E complete orCer, 1 having Cl^rS^”.! 1 x > ttSes Pere A d^f o aiate(i - New^l. RICH LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN - MA.TERIAX'S,' LINENS,*: Honse Furnishing Dry Goods. Sheppard,Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Sti mh/-mws6t# 1 JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS IN FRENCH ORGANDIES, JACONETS, AND PERCALES. ALSO, Rich and Handsome 1 NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M. L. HALLOWELL & CO,, 615 Chestnut Street. mhg-tfs “AT RETAIL.” , JAS, E, CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments which they have ever offered. COURVOISIER’S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND COL’D. MOLKNOG GOODS. 3-4 and 8 4 BAREGE HEBNAJNT. 3-4 and t>4 CRAPE MAEETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TA 31AR TINES. 3-t &nd t>-‘l DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. Frencfi and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOt’RNINO JACONETS. FLACK SILKS—in great variety, All wiuthsaud best brands V BANKERS. Eiohange on England, Franc* ail Germany, ’ 7 S-10—5-20 Loan and Coupons* CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS,