NICK-A-JACK CAVE, TENNESSEE. [Correspondence of the Louisville Journal.J Bridgeport. Ala , Nick-a- Jack Gave, Tenn. t March4th, 18G4.—If his Siianic Majesty should ever he forced to evacuate his present position and his conquerors granted him the privilege of select ing some place upon earth having a physiognomy somewhat similar to the infernal regions, the horned warrior would select Bridgeport, Ala., as that place. l Gen. Goary, commanding 2d Division, 12th Army Corps, has hisheadquarters here. The un sullied reputation of this distinguished soldier, his gentlemanly bearing, and affable manner, make him a favorite with his command. Calling nponmyyoungfrieud Lient. Armstrong, - post ordpancei officer at this place, I found him, as usual, vigilant and attentive to his business. Capt. Wilson,. 28th Pennsylvania, chief of ord . nance of Gen; Geary's division, is ageutlemau fully capable of transacting all the important trusts in his charge, and an officer of merit and ability. Nick, a-jack cave is situated In the most eastern comer of Tennessee, and is one of the most re markable: works of hatare in existence. It is one hundred and thirty miles irom Nash \ yille, on. the Na-hviile/and Chattanooga rail \roaid;;i The adjacent station to the cave i* The fir*t look at this cave do-* hot impress one with its wonderful magni tude. The front is some'what irregular, and of a brown grayish granite rock The opening is abon't Jorty feet high and some one hnndred and thirty feet m width. On entering, yon begin to think vou are in the deserted residence ot giants. Natan tossed everything about, as if in disdain and de fiance of earthly architects. The cave is said to extend nine miles back, but four miles is the far thest any explorer has been known to reach. From the main road, if I might so speak, there are vast veins of nice, sott earth, in! which may be seen Saltpetre, mixed in large quantities, and looking exactly like soda. The rebels, ere they were driven from this stronghold, worked the mine extensively in procuring ihis, to them, in valuable article. One hundred men were engaged, and the -traces of these excavations are fresh yet It is estimated that they procured one thousand pounds per week of pure saltpetre, with even their rough implements, and poor means of pro curing it. Through the cave runs a pure, dear, crystal little, river from three t. v. five feet deep, and irom six to thirty leet wide Sailing in a little light canoe, half filled with wal ter, you can paddle up the stream one -mile and a half, when yon come to the .solid granite, and a stand still. The river gushes from out the rock ■ and no one knows whence from. In Itareatmv little eyeless fish called Molly-crawl bottoms. How wise and provident is Nature in adapting all things to the jlements about them? In the cave are some nptable places, such as the chalk room, the grocery, the bat room, and the devil’s hole—a new name, at the christening of which your cor respondent was the grand Lama. The “chalk room” is so'called from a pure white chalk formerly found there, the “grocery” from the fact of some penurious creature having once had a pea-nut stand, where he practised extortion, the “bat room,” where bats are to be found tn abundance and may be caught in large numbers, rnd the ‘ ‘dev.ll’s hole’ ’ had its nam) from the fact of'mi self being once a “devil,” and spent a pleasant part of my life wbile recognized as such a notorious personage m abontsirch a hole. -•■■■ bOABD OF TRADE. ISEAEL P. MORRIS, ) JOSEPH O. GRUBB, > Monthly Committhb. EDMUND A. SOUPER, S IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. NAPLES—Brig San Pietro, Oaflero—4Bl7 boxes oranges 116 bags walnuts Isaac Jeanee & Go. SAILING DAYS OP STEAMSHIPS. TO ARRIVE. SHITS -Thou YOS BATS O -of Limerick.. .Llverp’l. .New York Feb. 26 Peruvian Liverpool. .Portland Feb 25 Edinburg Liverpool.. New York.’... March 2 Teutonia ....Southampton-New York March 3 Arabia Liverpool. .Boston ;.. March 5 Germania ..Southampton. .New York March 8 China Liverpool.. New York.. ..March 12 TO DEPART. Geo Oromwell..New York-New Orleans.-. March 12 Bremen. New York. .Bremen March 12 Etna ...New York. .Liverpool March 12 St. George.... New York. .Glasgow .‘. March 12 Columbia New York. .Havana&N O. March 12 Ocean Q,ueen...New York...Aspinwall March 13 Atlantic .. .New York..Aspinwall.....March 14 H*iuols. .New York. .Aspinwall.... March 14 Canada Boston. .Liverpool March 16 R0an0ke....... New York.. Havana March 16 C. of N6w Yofk..N. York.. Liverpool March 19 Morning Star. .New York. .HavanaScN.O-March 19 Bavaria New York. .Hamburg. March 19 Crusader. New York—Kingaton, Ja..March2l Germania New York. .Hamburg. April 3 LETTER BA6B AT THS mmOHAHTS’ gXOHAKBH. PTrrr. » nur-pirr » - Schr Reßposible (Br), Saville St Thomas, soon PORT OP PHn.ADRT.PHIA. MARCH 11, Stm Rises,6l2l Sun Sets, S 4S | High Watbb, 4 22 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig San Pietro (Ital), Cafiero, 46 days from Na ples, with oranges and walnuts to I Jeanes & do. Schr John Lancaster, 'Williams, 2 days from New York, with poudrette to Paul Pohl, Jr. Schr North Pacific, Webb, from Fort Monroe, in ballast to captain. 1 Schr Packet, Trouax, l day from Leipsic, Del. With gram to Jaa L Bewloy fit Co. Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Steamer W C Pierpont,Green, 24 hourß from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. - Knight s 6 6 ’ Saunders > New Orleans, Curtis & 18 ’ Martinique, Jauret |?j§ York, Crowell & Collins. c u Cobb. Boston, E It Sawyer & Co. ” c l Jfcffereon, Foss,Boston* Speare,Holbrook itmorse. ■* s A C? Manton ’ Hlnckle y, Boßton, Noble, Caldwell ° FHawiey, Clark, E. Cambridge, do S< & CoULQB lliamßl Thorndike, New York, CroweU S toi B &-afl 1 &^ 0na ’ Young ’ E Cambridge, Blakis- Sohr ’ O Carroll,' Mehaffey, Norwich, Hammett, -Van Dusen & Lochman. • , Schr Marietta Hand, Brooks, Boston, via N York, Castner, Stickney & Wellington. S E Fish, Joneß, Boston, Eepplier & Bro. AAdama 6rCCr ’ Somers > Newport News, Com H Schr Z Stratton, Blackman,Fort Monroe,Tyler&Co Schr Louisa Gray, Bowen, do do Schr Eliza Neal, Weaver, do do Schr Mary Patterson, Godfrey, do do Alexandria, do St r J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. , _. MEMORANDA. mt. h fr P 6m h CaU 0 ao! Theobold > 3t CMncha Islands 13th tiid™ P mth hence, remained at Aca 10r Francisco next day. ult. ft?adi£ e ! iDCe ' at Ghincha Islands 13th Ship Charlotte, Barstow, cleared at New York yesteiday for New Orleans. ; xorll _ >b r B | at anzaß, Llesgang,cleared atN York yesterday for Havana and New Orleans. * Trf^vS Havana > Greene, from New York, at H B«,rwh !t, i , (J d cleared 3d for New Orleans. inst"fo? tto ,’,Mt ert ’ aaUed from Cienfuegos Ist in?t ! * r for Z thi i a t ' d port BUCkman ’ oleared 4th °®fs3S^‘ !SprS£! »'3»“ Nfw York mP " on,from Alexandria ' at inft”fo?tUsport? y ’ BSiley ’ Cleared at Havana 3d s9 gZCU° (Br), Grant, hence -at Trinidad de Cuba Mowe, Pike, from Kingston, Ja. for 16 35 POrl ’ Was Bpoken s • p - al, *th inst. lat 34 38, lon terfayFor e New L o°r\ h eZ’. oleared at Yorkyef- Bfeeve 8 Hulfe J f?p 0n ' Culver, for this port, and yesterday ’ f ° r BrM beared at Boston 9th 9th C jnst? arthBSeua ’ Kelly > hence at New Bedford porfaSZt^g^^s^Z t Di3iton for thia thfo°p6rt a aaUed t f?om H Briato?9th O iSit Pr ° Viderloe for The non arrival at Gloucester of the e .v. Gorham Babson and Raven, from B 0 ?rB leads to the painful belief that both We e hi , nka > with their crews, numbering ten in each 6 ™' 03 ?’ mostly residents of ’Gloucester. ■ vessel, .BATCHES. E. BOWaEl) 4 CO.’S ~~ZX~ EStt FIBST-OLASS fg&& Egil AMERICAN 'WATCHES, Se?.3k with MEBgHON'S PATENT REGULATOR, Bold by the principal watchmakers. mhs-im{ UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Iks MEDICAL DEPARTMENT The COM MENCEMENT, for Conferring the “Degree of Doctor of Medicine,” will be held on SATUR DAY,. March 12th. at 12 M., In the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Profeseorß. A. F. PENROSE!wUI deliver the -Valedictory to the Graduates. , ■ The public are respectfully invited to attend. K- E. ROGERS, M. D., Dean mblo-2t{ ir§ = "iwV<£Li'££ D statesohristiancom- LLS^MISSION —SUMMARY TO JANUARY n °y I“. Progress In the Army at Rest— L-nnstian Commission Stations largely increased ijj r*timber—The Work Abundantly Prospered— “anJ more Stations needed to meet the wants of the Army—Unprecedented Call for Delegates and. supplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, with its Movements and Battles. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct and must not be forgotten by Loyal Christian People. increasing wants DEMAND IN CREASED LIBERALITY. r Receipts ol Money, Stores, &c., to January 1, 1864, 51.14F.093 94. -1- Number of Boxes of Stores, &c., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16,330. Number of Delegates sent, 1,663. Copies of Scriptures distributed, 568,275; Hymn and Psalm Books, 502,556; Knapsack Books, 1,370, - 148; Library Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, 155.145; Religious Newspapers, 3,316,250; Pages pf Tracts, 22,930,428, Silent Comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its work for the good of the Soldiers.. STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, and clothing, comforts and reading matter for gra tuitous distribution. • "VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers ■treater than ever before, have been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments, bat teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the Soldiers. A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains nnreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, - are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all Its various fields. The money given goes in full measure, in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kii dness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. The large corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the armies shall move and battles be fought, and the greater their number the more prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for the cry ol the wounded and dying before pro viding relief. Send now and send abundantly both money and stores, and the soldiers’ blessing shall be upon yon. Send money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank, and stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Cimmission, •• _ No. 13 BANK street, Philadelphia. W. E BoAliDiiAK, Secretary mhS-tfo United States C. O. iy==> THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSUR LL3 ANCE COMPANY, March 7, 1861. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY* CENTS per share on-the Stock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, after the 17th inst. mhStlSj WM. G. CROWELL, Sec'y. nrsy=* SOUTH CLIFF MINING COMPANY ILS The FIRST MEETING of the SOUTH CLIFF MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, nn der its artcles of Association, will be held on the 23th of March, 1864, at 11 o’clock, A. M., at the office of No. 411 (Second story) WALNUT street, Philadelphia. . ■ Waterman PALMER, Pittsburgh, WM. A. RHODES, Philadelphia, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. C Philadelphia, March sth, ISOi. mae-15t* ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT.—Office LLS Comptroller of thb Currency, Wabhisgtoh, Feb. 2Gtb, 1804. Whereas , By satisfactory evidence presented to tie undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, iu the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized underand according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, M ap proved February 25th, ISG3, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be coraglted with before commencing the business of Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Penn sylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking, under the act aforesaid. j /In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal 'of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, iso I. ~ HUGH McOULLOOH, mh2-2ms Comptroller of the Currency. rye. PHILADELPHIA, FEB 20, ISO! The LLS first meeting of the CHEROKEE MINING COMPANY, of Michigan, under its Articles ot Association, will he held at 526 "WALNUT street Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the fifteenth day of March, 1664. at 4 P. M. fe26,tmhls§ ISRAEL MORRIS, m W. P. JENKS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. »*==» PHILADELPHIA, FEB. 28, 1664 U 3 The First Meeting of the OSAGE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, under its Articles of Association, will he held at 326 tWALNUT street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of March, 1664, at 5 P. M. n OHAS. W. TROTTER, . m GEORGE R. OAT, Two Associates of said Corporation. ffl = * IJ P -W» EI ' PHIA A^u BEADING UjS Railroad Company, Office 227 South Fourth Septembers, It« 3. DIVIDEND NOTICE. ■ —The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stock of this Company. The residence of several ?£ if unknown, and it is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should he presented on calling for the Dividend. v S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. _ STOOSHOLDBSB’ kascbs. Timothy C. Boyle, Henry B. Sherer, J? 5£ a 5 t ® r > Andrew Turner, , Mrs. Rehecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport; fe2G-tf} OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND OOM £S“MISBION, No. 412 PKUNE Street, Phila. delphia, December 19, 1863. Ttn^t^ C^ mifisiGn for the P ayment of the City theZL^Vi}?' 57 prepare d to receive and adjust 5lL all new , recruits in old regiments. daSy^rom?to SP?M? ’ ** wiilsit Bounties will be paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls fnrnished to the Commit “bv tte Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for wm i£! 6pc S. s ‘ ble United States Officer.*' Officers purpose* 3 tteir men to tbe office in squads for the >J!is^/ ey7daysnotlce nyIU be given when and how Zfoe t in l^h n «Tei O P gani2ations 11114 veterans listing in the field can receiye their bonntv By older of the Commission ■ SAMUEL C. DAWSON- Secretary. nrg=» PITTSBURGH, FORT WATNP IUTCHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY oIR llmfis« eoretary ’ PITTSEUEGH 1 Pa., Febrnary annual “ eetirl & of the Stock and Bondhold- Cfnpany. for the Election of Directors, r.'Jv e S,s? slness ®? “ay come before it, will 1^ 0 Office of said Company, in the - citv S-r vr I 7?SS UBGH,on the THIRD WEDNESDAY °Tn A S 0I ?’- A -,E- 1E »I.' t at 10 A. M. W ®‘°£. k “ d Transfer Books of the-Company, TW=n.,?? Ce 111 H 16 c i‘y of Pittsburgh, and attheir sS&i£Sfa?“lffiSST,.T!a W ieistmai7 B^RNEb, Secretary. CITY BOUNTY FUNB COM cember 29, 1863. ®°" 412 BKUWE street, De fiftyadolto)fowiueb?iSMd T to t ?i{ two old regiments new recruits for-, pUa on tie coming teHa 0 ** qllota oi **Mladel cersrmnstto S s’e^ r ?o r t Si ll p terln ? offl °«r men -when the wmamfSrttS d Touch for their ■aamaa^»sfe«..*.«i the 'if 9 ertifled copies of 6 1^^*L^ n S Q^ fi S r ?^ 6S^° oin^s ' Pennsylvania Yolnnteere?°TOin n r e -^ 6 S il ? ont ( ls3 d Sr^ ?mpanies whon “July mhsmredfnto^e b Xi n "s y The e n^ Cre ? ited t 0 *• qooSoftne o^. dMin- C wM?i l ion slts daily from 3 toSP. M., Thoao^fd■ Itoars only .-warrants are delivered, office of «if’/fX afc L are cashed bn presentation at the Rv nre 9“.? Treasurer, Girard Banh. £? ?Jder of the Commission. jal-tf j SAMUEIi O. DAWSON, See’y. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY MARCH 11. lfuu. —==» NOTICE —THE DELAWARE AND ILS RARITAN CANAL will be opened for navigation, onTUEsDAYjMarchffi^^ Engineer and Superintendent. TBEKTbH, March l, J 864. , mh3»Bt rvT==> NOTICE. —THE WEST PHIL ADEL- PBIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM- PrtNY fell EXCHANGE TICKETS, pood on any Railway cro6Blng Markot street, at EIGHT Cr NTS Tickets of their own Road in PACKS of 23 FOR ONE DOLLAR, to bo bad at the Depot, Haver ford cdfl lorty-lrststieets: of J. N. Marks, Mar ket street below Thirty-eighth; Renner & Bro., S. W. corner Thirty lonrtli and Market streets; B. F. Kern. N. W. corner Seventeenth and Mar ket streets; R. D. & W. H. Pennell, 1021 Market street; Jobr. Hngey, 000 Market street; John Doll, 602 Market street, and Despntclier, Front and Marlret streets. M. ENGLISH, tnh7-m, ryP ro ’'ementß, !>»- acres of ground. An abundance of shade and frnit trees. Good tf’-ble, wells, Ac. Apply to JUSTICE A B ATP MAN, 122 South FRONT, street. fe!2-lm* spkeet pkoperty for IEaLt'ALE.—A valuable messuage and lot of ground on the North side of Chestnut streeu •’! feet east of Eighth street, 41 feet front bT m !»• Apply to JaJne Street ‘ Terms accommodating.' c _ A. B. CARVER A CO., m.5-ct *. S W. corner Ninth and Filbert Sts, MVQR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY —A handsome Country Seat ana well-improved Farm of 90 acrek It is one of d fi ira . b l e properties ever offered for sale Will be sold with or without stock and furniture No money req uired. Immediate possession given lnv f « U eS??i-s n i ! £T™ pply t 0 X M. GUMMEY A SONS, 503 WAI.N UT street. dS| GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE ,“5 THOMAS.&SON, on A large and convenient HOUSE, on Church lade, near to railroad statloa, markets a- 6 ,! churches, Ac. It has heater, ranges, ho’: aSd iol„ Vrater Y and ? well of excellent wStert gas Porches, lawns on three sides, with flne lar £® old trees, a good stone fifjj I ®' a ? d a ,are ® kitchen garden The property will be shown by. thetenanl. Terms easy P PC 1 ISAAC PUGH, mh7 fit# ■ ‘ JO7 Walnut street, Third story, SALE—A three.story Brick House Bjawith double back buildings and store POP* EAR street, second house below Twelfth’ North 01 Th”? ‘ 8 feet deep to a ba ®k oatlsf.’ Sl.tuo. There may remain 51,500. * ce on POPIAr e ‘S I!r v, ic , k Store and Dwelling, on ruPLAK Btreet, between Thirteenth and Broad, second house above Ontario street North Side, lot IS by 05 feet deep to a back outlet Price 53,5t0. There may remain 51,200 6 • Pnc ®. Also, two three-story Brick Houses, EIGHTH ,5 eet ’ tb ? TC Thompson, Nob. 1123 and lt*7 F,t7. aTmSSrs&V*: TbJ ™> - _mh~-ots No. S&t M**, G:R sa LB.-A COUNTRY SEAT, with acres of Land, near Lin wood Station, on Philadelphia^ 6 Eailroad > 6i * hte6d The house commands an extensive view of the Delaware river, about a mile. distant. About Vineyard 66 ° f 1116 land are admirably suited for a Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, or to JONATHAN G.UESTv’o? ?hf tSsm. Inqnire at Liuwood Station Post Office, Delaware county, Penn a., which is ten minutes walk from the place. , , fee. 3ots COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR e» JS& SALE—Containing fifty-five acre!, 58* handsomely situated in Cheltenham lownsHm Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eicht miles trom the city and one and a-half from York Ucc-d Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail* v° a No. 203 South Sixth street. Germantown— handsome mansion— Shade, Fruit, Ac., with l# (or 5) acres. Near Station. For sale or exchange. Price SIO.SOO. Address-“S. 0.,” LedgerOfflce. mhiu-3t* Building lots, chestnut street West of Nineteenth, St) fu bv ITS ft. For sale by HENRY B. CHEW, No. 201 South Fourth St. mMi-lt* OQA AAA 515.0 W), Sio 000. 85.000. and other V/vlr-VIV/v sums to loan on first class mortgage security, at FIVE PER CENT., for a tennot years. S. KINGSTON McCAY, «I Walnuf srteet. mh9-3t* OLET—Large and small ROOMS, up stairs, 612 and 814 CHESTNUT street. fe3-tf m m m m HEAL ESTATE—THOMAS A SONS’ Pmt VATE SALE REGISTER. C HESTNUT ST—Valuable property, N. W. corner Chestnut and Thirteenth sis, 55 by 100 lest lIRST-CLASS CHESTNUT STREET PRO PERTY, No. 1222, between Twelth and Thirteenth streets, 76 feet front, 235 feet in depth to Sansom st. On the Chestnut street front ie a large and ele gant mansion—on Sansom street a stable and coach house, Brick Store, No. 5 north Water st, and No. 3 North Delaware avenue. Valuable Six-storv Iron Front Building, No. 121 south Third st, opposite the Girard Bank. Large and V aluable Lot, oyer 11 acres, Patsy net road, Ist Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts, First Ward. See lithographic plan. Also, a Country Seat and Farm, near Douglass- Tilie, Berks condty. Pa. Largeand Valuable Building Lot, Arch st, west of Third st. CHESTNUT ST—First-cists Business Stand, between Second and Third sts. VALUABLE RESIDENCE and Large Lot, corner Eighth and Spruce sts. Genteel Dwelling, 927 Sprnce st Splendid Mansion, with Stable. Green Honse ana Large Lot, 210 feet front. Southwest corner of Broad and Poplar sts. One of the most elegant residences in the city, and offered a: Ike price, in cluding the splendid improTemente, asked for vacant lota in that vicinity. Valuable Residence, Main st, German: own. Largeand \ aluable Lot, 21* acres. Old Second Street Rood, First Ward. Valuable Business Location, 313. 313 and 317 Race st, CO feet by ISO feet, extending through to Branch sn Modern Residence, No. 2«2 Franklin st Residence, No. 1631 Walnut st. Handsome Brown Stone Residence, 1703 Walnut street. Residence, No. 120 south Third st. Large and Valuable Lot, Vine street, river Schuylkill and St. David’sst. Country Site, 30 acres. School Honse lane. Superior Residence, East Washington Lane, Germantown, so acres, Chelten Hills. 50 acres. Church road and Willow Grove ave 10 acres. Chestnut Hill. Valuable Farm and Mills, known as “Shell mire’s Mills.” LARGE and VALUABLB LOT, 11 acres, Passvunk road. LARGE and VALUABLE LOTS, Uth, 12th and 13th streets, Ist Ward. Fonr-story Brick Store, corner Sixth and Cal lotyhill sts. Business Property. Itb below Walnut st. 7 Stores, Hotel, Ball, Stable, Ac.. S. W. corner sth and Spring Garden tts. Valuable Farm and Country Seat, 225 acres, Brandywine, Delaware county; Valuable Residence, No. 04 Gsouth Elghthst. Handsome Residence. No. 17U2 Summer st. Large and valuable “ARCH STREET LOT, e «i of Twentieth street, 105 by 150 feet. Superior Farm and Country Seat, Lancastei Turnpike, and near the'General Wayne Station, 93 rcres, with good buildings.' Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey street, Germantown. / Elegant Modern Residence, Stable and Large Lot, SlOfeet front, N. W. corner of Foxty-flrstand Locust sweets. Hatidsome Residence, No. 408 South Ninth st. Valuable Farm, 110 acres, with excellent Im provements, Bucks county, Pa. Neat Modern Residence, No. 1 18 North Eleventh street.. Modern Residence, No. 1340 Chestnut st. Elegant Residence, northeas' corner Nineteenth and Spruce sts. Residence, 1911 Walnut st. Modern Residence. No. 2041 Chestnut st. Valuable Iron Front Store, No. 325 Arch st. Neat Modern Residence, esi N. Eleventh street. Valuable Residence,. Main st., Germantown, With coach house, garden, &c. Lot 140 bv 224 ft. Valuable Country Seat, .29 acres, Washington lane, near the township line, Germantown. Valuable Business Stand, Chestnut street, wes of Seventh. Modern Residence, No. 20S South Fourth street. Five-story Stone Store, No. 531 Market street. Handsome Modern Residence, N. E. corner ISth and Summer sts. Modern Residence, N O. 229 North Twelfth street. Fonr-story brick store, corner Leiitia and Chest nut sts. fc Neat Modern Dwelling, No. 335 South. Twelfth street. ' ' VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, Nos. 1106 and 1210 CHESTNUT st. Elegant brown stone Residence, No. 1018 Loeusl street. Valnable FARM and Country Seat, 104 acres, on the river Delaware, near Andalusia. Several Valuable RESIDENCES, Germantown. Neat Modern Residence, No. 243 South Thii teenth street VALUABLE FARM, 130 acres, Montgomery county, Pa., on the State road. • Several well seemed ground rents. DWELLINGS—A number gjsmall Dwellings, in all parts of the city. Handsome FARM and COUNTRY SEAT, 15 acres, one mile from Chestnut Hill. •S For further list, see Frivate Sale .Register, ol the Auction ifcorns, comprising every variety of Real Estate. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, i:in and t4t South Fourth street S CELL'S C.iNTIAENTAL OOFFEE.— SCULL’S CONTINENTAL COFFEE. SC £ivK,§.-£ ONTINE3s r rAE COFFEE. COFEEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, ; - COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE,- ; . 1M a EOM STREET I)E POT, 132 AHCE STREET. , DEPOT, 132 ARCH STREET. SOLD EVERYWHERE, SOLD EVERYWHERE 'VT'EW TURKISH PRUNES.-10 Cams, for £U'wAf' a ßusslJi » & 00., no SMSSSS^ on City Property, weU cent jJTIKK), (ino°Loan n r. S . ylVailla 8 PBr is o™ M gag^Lo^ Eailroacl Wand2d Mo'rt- 18,00006 Camden and ‘ Amboy*‘Ecdiroad"^ Com- 35,008 80 6 per cent. £oan„.. UOm 8.006 M and Heading Railroad ’ wSS?vP^? y 8 6 P er cent. Loin _ per^ g nt on L^s.^ ad T ° P Hai!road7 Stock H“«ance Compel i,/ 4,000 “ U Sto?lr l™'™™ ’company" ‘a 1,058 00 .boe* sas mii ‘“=""- Hi Oaan In bank and on band.:!!”*.""’.” B6 Worth at present market Tains...... moo «*, w - DIBECTOES. ** J9S,e64 36 Benj. W. Tinglev, Wm, B. Thompson, Robert Tolana, 7 gimtiel Bispham, Ta Stevenson, §? l ?f rt st ?en, Hampton L. Carson, William Musser, Marshall Hill, U Charles Belaud,. _ ,J-Johnson Brown, _ CLEM ' Thos. O. Hill, Secret fpHECOUNTY FIKE INSUBANCE OOM OFFICE NO. UO SOUTH FOUBTH STBEET, BELOW OHSSTRBT. i *The Fire Insurance Company of the County ol Philadelphia. * ’ Incorporated by the Legislator© o* Pennsylvania 1639, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture,merchan dise, dec., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. * Losses adjusted and paid -with all possible de spatch. DIBECTORS. Charles J. Sutter, Kobert V. Masser.' Henry Crilly, John Horn, Frederick Schober, Joseph Moore, Henry Bndd, George Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. „ CHABLES J. SUTTEE, President. BiMJiJiia F. Hobciut. Sec* y and Treasurox. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office NortH •ast comer of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia. Chartek Peepbtuai,. Capital authorized by law, 8100,000. Mate Insurance against Los» or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build lags, Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Hercban disc, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Ere ty, August O. Miller, John F. Belsterllng, Henry TrO', William McDaniel, Jocob Nullet, Georgeßlnti, Jr., Samuel ; GEORGE JOHN F. BELSTERLII Philip E. Golxiuv. Life insurance and trust company —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTRUST COMPANY, of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 409 CHESTNUT Street, CHARTER PERPETUAL. / Capital, 530 C, 000—paid in and invested in Bonds and mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Lives, grant An il miles and Endowments and make contracts gene rally, which depend on the contingencies of life. They act as Executois, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians oi Minors and Trustees generally, -whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts cf Justice or corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the In sured for life. Thomas Ridgway, John A Brown. Robert Pearsall, John E. Latimer. John R. Slack, John C. Mitchei,' Thomas P. James, Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, Stacy B. Bancroft. Henry G. Freeman, Wm. P. Jenks, Medical ExAMrsmss.—Geo. Emerson, M.D. and Samuel Chamberlaine, M.D., attend at th» office daily at la o’ clock noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla nation of terms of application, and further inior. raatiou can be had at the office. „ THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. Jobs F. James. Actuary. fen INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. —MARINE, FIRE AND IN LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT street, South side, East of Third street, j The Properties of this Company are -well in vested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of -all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freight* and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboat* FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings in Citv and County. INCORPORATED IN ITM—CAPITAL 55P0,06«. AND PAID IN AND SEOUBELY IN VESTED. TOTAL. PHOPETIES, *1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. DISBCTOBS. Arthur G. Ooffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William BJBowen, ' T Charles, ARTHUR G. Charles Platt. Secre PHCEXIX MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1604—CHARTER PER PETUAL. NO. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex change. In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this Company Insures from loss or damage by FIRE, bn liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture Ac., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit of premium. The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEA RS, ;dnring which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. John L. Hodge, Adolphns Peries, William McKee, M. B. Mahony, John T. Lewis, John R. Wilmer, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WUC Samuel Wilcox, Seen American mutual insurance com pany—Office, Farquhar Building, No. U Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES Risks taken] on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail reads and other conveyances throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President. PETER CULLEN, Vice President. D. B. Stacet, Secretary. directors. William Craig Henry C. Ballet, Peter Cullen, William T. Lowber, John Dallett, J. Johnson Brown, William E. Merrick, Samuel A. Hnlon, Gillies Dallett, Mason Hntchlns, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder, Pearson Serrill, Charles Conrad, ■William M. Baird, t American fire insurance com pany, ■ ■ INCORPORATED 1816.—CHARTER FEB PETUAL. SlO WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, 9 PHILADELPHIA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS Invested insound and available Secu rities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Store*, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other persona) property. All Losses Überally and promptly adjusted. dibeotoks. • Thomas R.; Mails,: ,■ : JohnT. Lewis, - John Welsh, Jamas R.Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmnnd O. Datun, Patrick Bradyi Charles W. Poultney, - - Israel Morris. _ THOMAS B. MARIS, President. AhBBET-O. L. Cbawfobd, Secretary, myaa- fe2f, r tms *387 2U 86 H\ Moore. INGLEY, President. try- jal-fmw-ly} Henry Gerker, Christopher H. Miller. Frederick Staake, Jonas Bowman, Frederick Doll. Jacob Schandier, Stephen Smith, Miller. _ lEBETY, President. MG, Vice President Secretary. al2-tl XASAGKBB. James N. Dickers, S. Morris "Wain, John Mason, . George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, E. S. Clarke, ’William (Jammings, ion Henry. - . COFFIN, President etary. DIRECTORS. D. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Dayid Lewis, Benjamin Etting, Thomas H. Powers, A R. McHenry, Edmond Castilion. JHEREK, President, ■etary SSg FI B E ASSOOIATIOR.: n< Heel „ Incorporated March 27, 320. * Egl A. OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street «£ mS/?l Insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE and MEBCHANDISE generally, from Loss by Fire, (in the £ity olPhlladelphia only.) . i statement of the Assets of the Association, Janu g. Beal Estate:: \ 34,05138 ■ TRUSTEES: Wm TRYON, President. .ssss-fe gs- fe SK2B®* 5 WTEEIAM T. BDTEEit. Srcretary. 5,000 00 THE 00MPANY-5? VANIA INSURANCE oal-Nosio WaSut Per P«t- , pendence SquareT l^*ll stTeet > opposite Indie- ' nlty for C^ISy y rorty°yeara. feno7 *i 110 tIIB commi apinst los3 or damage bvfl?4 ““i 111 ?,* 8 to insure KsssssSiSSS Use generally, on liberal terms^^ 411 ” 01100 ' Zft carefa? which enables them to ofifer to the doubted security in tie Sie of W «-■ Thomas Boblns, wSgT^S, Tbomas Smit?’ , INSVEiH COMP ANT NO. 40CCHESTNUT STREET" AlrX * Philadelphia? f ’ ETEE AND INLAND INSURANCE „ DIEKOTOBB. ±TanCiS N. Bucfr, T nn "W ■" asms?*** sjw • Geo. A. West, JhsD^i^V’ FRANCIS N. BT}OK° P?esMent CF£Y FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY — Branch office 409 WALKUT stree Capital and Assets, 5330,5(5)7 street. Cash Eeferbyp J e ™ n Agent. New Hare 0 ® Conn° N ’ Fresldent City Bant, JAMESH. BEEBE & CO., Boston, Mass. UNEN COMPANY, New xoriv v-ny. fo*>n itt . J - B PIPPINCOTT fc Co.. Phiiadelnhfal 7 legal notices. THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR S2S^*Sr? & * iJ ® ss? ‘B : ADELINE M. PATTERSON Please taka notice that the Court has granted a mle on yon to v7 n J a D . lTOrce aameulo matrimor.i ke decreed in this case, retnrnabla SATURDAY, March 19th, IS6I, at 10 o’clock A. M. Personal service having failed on account of absence of respondent. ■ EDWARD McCABE, mhlo-th,f,m,tn,4t*] Att'y., for Libellant. IN THE 'ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY' OF PHIXtADFT PHiA.-Estattof IBAIAH NATHA*SS Tbe. Auditor appointed by ibe Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of MOSES NATHANS a NATHANS, Trustees of the estate NATHANS, deceased, and to report distribution cf the balance in tbs bands of tbe ac countants, vriil meet the oar ties, interested for tbe purposes of bis appointment, on FRIDAY, March lttb, IbGi, r,tll o’clock, A. H., at the Arbitration Rooms, .Washington Building. 274 South THIRD street, in tbe City of Philadelphia. I THE 1 ORPHAN’S’ COURTFOK THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Esia-.e of MBS. JOSEPHINE DURAND, Tate oi the Empire of France, deceased: The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adinst of CHARLES TETE, Administrator of MSS. JOSEPHINE DURAND, deceased, and to make distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, tv-ill meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, l4th, A. D. ISttf, at 4 o’clock P. M , at liis office, (23 WALNUT street, in the City of Philadelphia. WM. S. PEIRCE, _n-.1'.4-f-m--w-5t5 Auditor. I N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY _ AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of JACOB KORNDAFFER, deceased To '.he right heirs of Anne Rhodebaneh, deceased, formerly Anne Korndaifer—The-Master appointed by the said Conn to “determine and report who are the right heirs of the said Anne Rho debauch, deceased, and what are 'the respective shares thereof, nnder the Will of the said-Jacob Komdafier, deceased," will meet the parties interested, for the . purposes of his ... ap. printment, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of March. IStH.-at II o’clock A. M., at his Office, No. 310 North SIXTH street, in the City ot Phila delphia. JOHN H. CAMPBELL. Ehl-f,in,tcs: J ! Master. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAYING been qrauwd to tho undersigned, as Executor ol the Will of Sirs. MARIA B. LENTZ, late ol he City ol Philadelphia, deceased, all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent are requested to mske known the same without delay, to CHARLES WURTS, Ex ecutor, 3*15 Market street, or to his Attorney, JNO C. MITCHELL, 20SS. Fifth street. mtll-ftit. Letters testamentary having ' been granted to the undersigned, as Executor of the will cf MARYE. BYRNE, late of the City of Philadelphia, dec' (i, all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent, are requested to make known the same, wirhonfdelav, to WILLIAM.MOYN. 228 South Third Street: Or, to his Attorney, JNO. C. MITCHELL, No. 20S South Fifth Street. ■ mh4-f tit NOTICE. —Letters testamentary npon the Estate of CATHARINE M. MOORE, late of Holmesburg, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, to present the same to JOHN R. WT7CHERER, Exeentor, Holmesburg, or at No. SdfWalnntstreeJ; fes,f-ot* USEFUL AND VALUABLES DISCOVERY \ Great Discovery INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thon any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test ed duringthe last two years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to the useful A lit. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. Hilton’s Insoluble Cement is a new thing, and the result of years oif stndv; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, and under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offfensiv# smell. Ann iking. e Combina tion. i > ( Dcotand Slice manufac turers. manufacturers using Machines will find it thebestarticle known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. jewelers. Will find it sufficiently adhesive fox their use, as has been proved. It Is Especially . Adapted to Families, Leather, And-we claim as an especial mens, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. ‘ v IT IS THE ONLY • . LIftDIU EXTANT That is a sure thing for mending Furniture, Crockery, Toy#, Pone, Ivory, And articles of Household use. Remember Hilton’s Insoluble Cbsiknt is in a liquid form and a* [easily applied as paste. Hilton's Jn- CccTTwit is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton 1 s Insoluble Cement ad heres oily substances. Itts a Liquid. Remember. Supplied iji Family or Manufactu rer’s Packages from 2 oz. to 180 lbs. HILTON BROS. A CO., ~ . PTopmtors, Providence, 12.7. dladelplna, LAING & MAGINNIS, rd st.; Joseph Godfrey & Co., 33 N. HlB-'wni&ft'ly Agents in PI No. SON, Thu Fourth street M ARTIN LEANS, NO. 403 CHESTNUT . swarded by Franklin Instftut*. to MARTIN LEANS, Manufacturer ol MASONIC . MARKS, PINS, EMBLEMS, *O. New and original designs ol Masonic Marts and Templars’ Medals, Army Medal* and C-orp* Badges of every description mh3-3aiQ HILTON’S BOOT AND SHOE JEWELERS