HE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. - [Correspondence of the Boston Herald.] Wbar CHAntKBTOir, Feb. 29, 1864.—Since my laet, the Admiral lias adopted every-precaution u> prevent a recurrence ot tne sadfate which befell the' Hous&tonic. The blocnadirg fleet of outer ships has been increased, and the saihe is strictly kept np. . The Joss of the node tfousatonic does not benefit the rebels any, so far as the blockade Js concerned, for the blockade runners will find ira dangerous business to try to get into this place. TheH.has settled down into the sand and nothing is to be seen of that once fine ship but the upper part of her lower mast above the water. The gnn boat Flag has saved two of the a chors belonging to her, and bythe assistance of our divers and tlw anchor hoy, her splendid battery of thirteen gnus will be saved; It is expected that ner officers and perhaps some of the men, will go north on the next trip of tho Mrissachnsetts. . _ On two or three evenings since the sinking of the Housatonic, an infernal machine has beea seen lurking m the nortn channel, near Beach Inlet. Movements are already on foot to capture it if possible. From deserters we learn that they intended to sink the Canandaigua on the same niglit on -which they sunk tlie Honsatonic: that . two machines came out for that purpose, ana that 4 they got alarmed and returned. They are de termined to sink her if they can, hut they wiil not getachance to destroy any more of theiieet. . A large portion of the officers of »he Honsatonic, (including Capt. Pickering, who is rapidly re covering from his injuries) and the crew, are still on board the Canandaigua, where they have been most kindly treated by Oapt. J. F. Green, his officers and men. The crew of the Housatonic will be distributed amoDg the ships of theiieet. An additiotnl monitor has been udded to the fleet Of iron-clads near Morris Island, and more are daily expected. The bombardment of Charleston is kept up with vigor. Our shells are doing their work of destruc tion to a greater degree than the rebels are willing to have made known. Hardly a day or night passes without onr having the pleasure of seeing flames and smoke issuing fiom burning buildings in the city.' • On the night of the 26th inst., one of the boats of the gunboat Nipsie, in charge ol Acting Master’s Mate Kitchen, and five men, was cap'tured by the rebels while on picket duty near Sumter. They were taken to Charleston. MEXICAN AFFAIRS IN EUROPE. [From the London JSTews, Feb. 26.] Brussels, Feb. 24.—1 n a recent number of one of the London daily journals it is stated that * ‘the agent of Messrs. Fould & 00., (Mr. Heine) has been in commnnication with Senor Almonte, who, duly authorized by the Emperor elect, ha 3 granted the concession .of the new bank,” and “trust worthy information leads to the belief that by mu tual co-operation and combination the bondholders may obtain terms in every way commensurate with the sacrifices they have endured with this debt As my name bas been mentioned iu connection with the preceding assertions, I beg to state that 1 am in a position that enables me to assure the public that all that has been said in the article in question is incorrect, and thathis Imperial High ness, the Archduke Maximilian not authorized General Almonte either to grant privileges to the above-mentioned bank, or to enter into any settle ment with the English bondholders, his Imperial Highness not having as yet definitely accepted the throne of Mexico. I request you, sir, to have this letter published. „ F. DE ARRANGOIZ. [Paris (Feb. 25) correspondence ot London News,] - The Archduke Maximilian and his wife are ex pected to-morrow at the Tmlenes from Brussels. I still continue to think it very doubtiul indeed whether he will ever be Emperor of Mexico. The explanations given by the Memorial Diplomatique of the reasons why his reception of the deputation come from Mexico to offer him the crown is delayed until after his visit to Paris are hesitating, and betray much want of confidence. That journal, which is not styled the Archduke’s Moniteur , . says that he is deeply imbued with a sense of the ‘ * of his task, and that he wishes, before seeing the depu tation, to haye a thorough understanding with the Emperor. The “difficulties” are indeed so'great that I yet suspect they will turn out to be impossi bilities. The young Archduke is probably a Jesuit; and at all events, according to outward obseivances and. professions is a very extreme Romanist. "Whatever he may be personally, it is certain that the Jesuits fixed upon him as their tool; Mid if they find they cannot use him to restore the odious clerical government which reduced Mexico to its present degraded state they will none of him. PENNSYLVANIA SEGMENTS AT LOUIS. VHLE. The 111th Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, numbering three hundred and twenty-ftve men. under the command of Colonel G. A. Cabham, re ported at the barracks yesterday moraine, on the ■way to the (ronL. The 28th Bennsylvaiiia vete- General Geary's old regiment, arrived oa featurday night,and leaves for the front this morn ing on the Nashville train. Both of these re°-i -5 ments are an honor to the Keystone State Louis ville Journal) March?. AMUSEMENTS. The Waxhut—This evening is the last night but two of the engagement of Miss Ettie Sender, son. 4s It draws near its close the success of this engagement becomes more marked, and the honses increase in numbers and enthusiasm. The nieces to-uight are 1 ‘On Guard, ’ ’ ‘ ‘Captain Charlotte’ ’ and ‘‘The Ocean Child.” To-morrow evenin'- Miss H. takes her farewell benefit. ° Thb Chestnut. ‘Pure Gold’ ’ will be repeated this evening, with the original cast. To-morrow Colleen Bawn ,r will be given, and on Saturday the regular matinee will be given. The Aech.—A brilliant and fashionable audi ence was attracted to the Arch last evening bv the old c ® Eaefl y» “The Scbool far Scandal,” and it was played with thezreatPßt enhre cut.® This evening wflrew have <'Wives as they Were and Maids as they _ r vrl^ l Drew, Miss Henry, Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Hill in tie prominent parts. Tie after. Srr Ce -nfi,“ Some .5 od , r E 3 se '” witi'Mrs. Drew and ■ r Lr^ son as t ' le ler d and heroine. ■ To-morrow ?w rs ' ke ? a benefit, and on Saturday J'Sht she makes her/last appearance for the pre openafth l eZr e ch aad Ea ™rmil&ns -De OoEpovA's( Last Lectuke.— This evening fectnre De CordOTa gives tie final is £ is V*3 humorous course. His subject hnse?y^mnSn g . r ’” “ caanot laU ta be G SJ. CCS —We call particular attention to cts 0f Tom ' Kin S’ 3 Excelsior Oir- SL2? onp S: Th »y open at National Hall next t’ a^ a f da y afternoon. There will also be an even -6 performance. Among the members of thiq f?iw d nn COmpans ;, is M ’De Tonrnaire! just from M*Ue a . dasllin e- French equestrienne. ment. 00m P a ny will be found in the advertise! . ’^V T .- I[EEAI ' D says tliat the Whiskey bill, after being manipulated by six Congres sional committees, “came out from the process as a man might come out from a railroad acci dent, with nothing left of him but his hat and his handkerchief.* 5 % . 0 WEIGHT & SIDDALL \ J-Jo-119 Market Street. *. o. “* Bec SfVSSlia DE «i - storekeepers ouresta blißhment a full a»- •ortment of Imported and Domestic Dniii popular Patent Medicines TPaint/rif?. ' Oil, Window GMssTftes’crtp^n ’ 7 SS^ . B^^teir sas , _.. f!NE ESSENTIAL OILS the RSr *“ TSrl,ty ’ *“« as^^kr?^ l^ 0 ’^ 8^ , Vitriol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., FOE DYERS'use, always ** ■ on handy at lowest net cash prices * PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, ' Ground expressly for our sales, and" to Widen we invite attention of those In want of‘reliable articles. Also, INDIGO, STARCH, MUSTARD, tfs. of extra quality. ' i Orders by. mall, or city post, will mtel with prompt attention, or special quota tion* will be fnngghed when requested. _WRIGHT A SIDDALL, I , Wholesale Drag Warehouse, hoai-Iyrpt No, 119 Market street above Fron TNDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING' I _STEAM PACKING, HOSE, , Engineers and dealers will And a FULL A»i SORTMENT OF GOODYEAR’S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, AC.", at the Manufacturer’s Head quarters. GOODYEAR’S, 306 Chestnut street, , • South side. W.B. We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE cf GARDEN, and PAVEMjENT HOSE, very dheap, to which the attention of the public is - ■■. !oos FAHNESTOCK’S FARlNA.—looBoxesFahn estock's Unrivaled Lancaster County Farina laudingand for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO., Agents for Fahnestock, 110 South Wharves AMT7BEMENTB, 6M KINGS GREAT EXg will exhibit his great Batoute L* aps during each exhibition. ADMISSION, 25 cents stage seat 6, 50 cents; Private box, S 3: Gallery, 15 cents. Matinee e very Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, commencing at2>< and 7.40 o’clock. ‘ mhlo-3ts Grand Hebrew ball " ~— AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, March the 15th. Tichets may be procured from Mr. H. Gunseuhauter, No. 331 Market street, Mr. A. M. Dryfeoe, No. 5*2 Noiih Third street, or No tickets sold at the door on theevening of the ball. mh o*4t# GROVER’S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER - Manager THIS (Thursday) EV ENING, March 10,1864, P URE GOLD. Frank Rockford, an artist ....Hr. Harry PeaTson Mr. Bracken burg. Mr. W. A. Chapman Lancia, a refugee Mr. F Mordaunt Sir Girard Fane, Bart Mr W. A. Donaldson Langley, a civil engineer Mr. G-. H. Andre ws Morley, a London merchant Mr. J. T. Ward Bernard, an officer of police Mr. Ewers Helen Fortesque Miss Eflie Geriron Eveline Kochford Miss Sophy Gimber 11153 Cooper KGPPITZ and the Grand Orohestra will per form several mnsical gems during the evening. FRIDAY (To-morrow) EVENING, „ THE COLLEEN BAWN. NEXT GRAND FAMILY. MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, March 12. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquet, 50c; Or- Family Circle, 25c. Seats secured without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o’clock; commence at quarter of 9. \KT ALNTJT STREET THEATRE. »» ...Mrs M. A. GARBETTSOK THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March 10th, Last night but two of the brilliant engagement of the young and gifred artist, Miss ETTIE HEN DERSON, who will appear In TWO CHARAC TERS. First night of the new comedy of ON GUARD; OR, THE LITTLE SENTINEL. Ro salie de Valmont, Miss Ettie Henderson. To be followed by the comedietta of CAPTAIN CHAR LOTTE; Or, Military Petticoats. Captain Char lotte, Miss Ettie Henderson. To conclude .with the thrilling drama of THE OCEAN CHILD Friday, Farewell Benefit and last night but one of the engagement of MISS ETTIE HENDERSON. MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ABOHSTREET THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. SECOND AND LAST -WEEK OF MRS. JOHN DREW •- • this (Thursday) EVENING,March 10,1861, WIVES AS THEY WERE AND MAIDS AS „ THEY ARE. Miss Dorilioh Mrs. John Drew Mr. Bronzel Mr. Barton Hill To conclude with SOMEBODY ELSE. nni l,“‘t Mrs. John Drew Hans Montz Stuart Robson Friday, Btnefltof Mrs. JOHN DREW. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. BARNEY WILLIAMS Prices as usual. Cnrtain rises at 7)4 o’clock. THE THIRD AND LAST LECTURE OF THE COURSE Will be given by MR. DE CORDOVA, CONCERT HALL, ON THURSDAY EVENING, March 10, ISM. buhject: OUR FIRST BABY; _ A TALE OP HOilß. Tnese Lectures have been attended by the elite or the city and by crowded houses. This will be the most amusing one of the course. Doors open at 7. Lecture at So’ clock. mh7-4ts The great picture, AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE EOOM, OPEN EVERY EVENING, For a Short Season, . ■ J. Insco Williams’s Celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the meat complete and finished Painting ef the Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprising over fifty of the most r 6 SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical His tory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibi tions of the age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at 7;{ o’clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B—Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 3o’ clock. ) Admission for Children, 15;cents. fet9-2m{ Eleventh street opera house. ‘‘THE FAMILY RESORT.” <^£N£P OSS AND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their . , ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques. Plantation Scenes, Ac., Ac, bv TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. fe!B.3ms J.L. UARNCROSS, Bnsiness Manager. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA Public Rehear. sals every Saturday at 3 K o’ clock, P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALT.. Single tickets,2s cents; packages of six tickets, 81. To be had a* Andri’s, 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door, oclfl PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THFi FINE ARTS, 1625 CHESTNUT STREET. Open dally (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till ep. m. Admittance 25 cent*. Children half-price. CITY OEDINANCE. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ORDINANCE EN EOPR^ffig A T N H C E E B T O°A THE™RST E s\moOL UISTRIC^OF^E^m 1 Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia, do ordain that the sum' of Eight Thousand Three Hundred and Sixtv-eiaht Dollars, appropriated by Item No. 263'i of an ordinance, entitled ‘-An Ordinance to make an A p prop,iation.to the Board of Controllers of Pnb lvi^!! 0l ? ft) . r .. tho Fim School District of Penn- Ul * I par 1364,” approved Janury 12, 1864, for the completion ol the school buildin" on Ontario street, in the Twentieth Section, shall be reimbursed from a loan hereafter to be created and the above-mentioned Ordinance to wMch this J# a supplement xs hereby modified accordingly ‘ ALEX J. HARPER? __„ President of Common Council. ATTEST—BENJAMIN H. HAINES, Clerk of Select Council. JAMES LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this Fourth day of March, Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixtv four (A. D. 1564). 3 ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia, BOARDING. rfERMANTOWN—BOARDING WANTED in niJiiH pr i T j a i e fatally, for a Gentleman, Wife and Child. Address A. D., this office. mhotn,th,s3t* The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms, 704 Chestnut Street, above ~,th. gOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. BOLDIEBB’ COMPANION, ETEBY SMOKEEa COMPANION. The most complete present, a Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela tire In the army. THE BIDOWOOD PIPE AND TOBACCO CASH The most nsefnl, compact and conye- article eyer manufactured. Cell and Inspee them. -- ' B- *Ch A. WRIOHT, Appointed sole Agents, _ J 624 Chestnut street. supplied at the Company’s prices: full Isoonnt alio-ffed. jelia Tilk PAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA'. THORBDAY, MARCH 10, IBIS4' Wanted immisui st abke- MEN'. Apply at Race add Vine street Ball road Stable, Twenty-third aa i TVood- _ ■: mb9-3-* / ■ OHaS.. P- MIERER- Supt. WANTED— A BOY, about sirteeii years old; with good refemue, and caa writs a good Apply 116 South SEVENTH st. mhy-*2^ TENOR.— Wanted, a good TENOR in a Q,uor letto Otioir. Addiesa “My el a,” office o (the Evekimo liul-1-ETiN. inaO-itt WANTED— Sau Francisco Bonds; also tlio old Bonds of City and Uou; ty of Sacra- EBIAS D. KENNEDY, 424 "Walnut street. mento. mh7-10t* of Delaware avenue, s*>3tf feet and 49 feet 2# inches. Orphans' Court Sale- Estate of Thomas G, Uatlem dte'd., ADJOINING—A valuable lot, sonth side of Callowhill st, east cf Wa»erst, 32 leet 5\ inches ' front and about 50 feet deep. Orphans' Court Sale- Same Estate 727 SOUTH 3D ST—Frame house and lot, below Shipper st, 10 by f.O feet deep. Orphans' Court Sale —Estate of Stephen Sipplen, dec'd. I.UW ACRES, MONROE CO—ln different tracts, 12 miles from Stroudsburg: well timbered near two railroads. i’ 40 ACRES, MONTGOMERY CO-A good farm, in Plymouth, with two-story stone dwelling bam. spring-house, young:orchard, Ac Estate of Win Galen, dec'd. Salt ly order of the Orphans' Cturt of Montgomery county. MANAYUnK—Store tavern and lot of ground Cresson st, 61# feet front. Orphans' Ccun Sale— Estate of James Havgh, dec'd. 122 S THOMPSON ST—Three-story brick dwell ing and lot* 16 by 75 feet. $7B ground rent Orphans' Court Sale—Estate# Peter Landis, dte'd. 1219 CASS ST—l hree-story brick house and lot, 14# by 30 feet. ground rent. Orphans' Court Salt—Seme Estate. 1227 CASS ST—Three-story brick house and lot, 14# by 50 feet. 851 ground rent. Oroftani* Court Sale—Same Estate.. 2004 PINE ST—Three-story brick house aud lot, 15# by 104 feet to a3O feet street. 846# ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Alexander AxchoU, dec'd. 739 MASTER ST—Three story brick cottage, 16 i by 55 feet deep to an alley, sis ground rent i Executor's Sale—Estate of James p. Ellis, dte'd ! 97G N. FRONT ST—Three-story brick house and lot, below Germantown road, 18 by-7u fe*t Executor's Sale— Same Estate. ‘ | 9. S N. IRONTSr—Three story brick house and : lot, 23 leet 1 inch by 190 feet deep. Executor's SPe i Same Estate. ' | 21156 AND 2038 LOCUST ST—Two* neat dwell- 1 mgs, each 16 by 80 feet to Stewart st. ‘stoe gronnd rent on each. Estate. . VALUABLE QUARRY—A valuable tract, 1•< acroe, known as the Cedar Hill Stone Qna&r, 3ie feet on Shoemaker lane and 260 feet deep. Extra, tor's Sale—Same Estate. 7TH AND GREEN STS—Valuable business lo cation, 16# feet oa Green and 62 feet on 7:h atree: Ezecu cr' 9 Sale—Same Estate. 415 PRUNE ST—Desirable dwelling, suitable fer a lawyer, 23 by 120 feet. Every modern im- • provemeni; will tent for SCOO a year. $3,0>0 mav i remain. ’ . * 1 QUINCE ST.—A neat Dwelling No. 220. and ! Lot below Lccnsi street 15 feet 4 in. front aud 70 feet to Mauship street. on which U a neat Dwell- ‘ i« g, No. 201 Executes Sale, Estate of 11/ocri Perry, deceased. J LOMBARD ST—A three-story brick Hou«a aid «Lotwcetof Sixth street, IS feet front, 65f»*«tdeeb Orphans' Courts >le, Estate of Luke J. Goin*, dec'd 2iTH WARD.—A two and a half story Hou«e and Lot. south .side of Crean Street, southeast of Miller street, 50 fe.et front by about 200 feet deep Orpheus' Court Sal*, some Estate. * * 1646 ard ig;SMaRVINE ST.—Two three-story b lek Homes, and Lots, below Colombia Avenue, by 73feet, $4B ground rent, each sale absolute. MARSHALL ST., a two-story brick house and lot, with two three-story brick houses in the rear SmrT, 8 ■ Br °’ wn ‘treet, 17 by 70 feet, 4, s - mobesl §lOOO mav remain. BUILDING LOT, Christian st., west of Gray’s Ferrv road, 16 by IIG feet. Sl2 ground rent. ; BUILDING LOT. Locust 6treet, west of 5M a’reet, 20 by 77 feetbv inches. BUILDING LOT, Seventh, above Tasker st . 35 by 80 feet. *’ BUILDING LOT, Germantown road, above Angle street, 23d Ward,26 feet 8 inches by 200 feet. TOWN-LOT in Delanco.N. J., ioo.bv 100 feet. MONROE CO. LAND—A tract of 190 acrc9 in Price township. A tract of iOOacres m Tnnkhan nock township. CENTRE CO. LAND—A tract of 433 acres in Rush township. 4 tracts of 400 acres each, Harris township. BEAL'ESTATE SALE—March 31. sale will be held on the premises at 4 o' clock PROSPECT ST—Two-story stone house aud 112 feet 3 inches front aud near 300 feetdeep Or phans' Court Sale-Estate of Christopher Smyser, dec'd. , ADJOINING—Two-story stone house and lot adjoining, 30 feet front by -J 120 feet to a3O feet wide street called tI“ k la de P ;h subject to an annual poocd ren? ofTi- atre ? t i By or°d^?nh^Co«t llei,nperty iE off. W fA S r T !l E o® o. O. JOHN McREANEY, \ Executors. “b10,15,.>9 S?orVi.» R Wa E n a uti £,o^°4th? r ’ HI SSALE—JAMES A PPP'P EEREY, N ’ dec^ c e t “ nee: two 81 ™ B 0 B E RT BRICK HOraES, d No.T>l?axj& E Ef TORY ttSa. 201 ' MANSHIP street, eighth Rohe?tpjrry^de o ceS^\^n' h L^ l l^^t^e fSf* ® n "Wednesday, Mmi3ol d m P ,S bl IIS 1 I S chlng^?^ SSnct L West “f la the Eighth Ward li the° |hna^ ets ’ containing in front 15 feet 4 inches anrt *^ elp l? a > in depth 70 feet to Manahin street i,« nd j ex Ending north partly by a “rle P feet Inil u ? deil oa the Q K? C Onn e,t i° f whlcil 11 has the pnvUege“ S “ rto , l^, 0n 1 l , f, . c above, lot art erected , ln jL d !' el } l ”3 haute* on each front. { three-story 5®T @l.OOO may remain on mortgage if d aß ,.,j ScO taie paid when the property is .. By order of the Executor. ' 718 struck Oft. WANTS. AUCTION SALES. KEAL ESTATE SALES. BE4XI ESTATE SAT.R’-q i B64 ’ at 12 t£tu.ld at public sale, at the PHIL a tti?r wivi ? a lii? CHANGE, the Vfr: No. 1. BUILDING LOT, STREET,-WEST CF GRAY’S FERRY ROAD cert ? m )ot 01 gtound on the north side of Christian street, 27;; feet westward from Muller street, First Ward, 16 feet front by 110 feet deei to Kigg atieet. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of $l3 per annum. BUILDINGvLOTrLOOtTST STREET, WEST OF ST., TWENTY FOURTH of ground oi toe north side of L.o cust.streafeet westward from Fifty second street 20 feet front* by 77 feet, 8K inches deep. - " " No. 3. BUILDING LOT, SEVENTH STREET ABOVE TASKER STREET, FIRST WARD, all that lot of ground oh the east side of Seventh street, 80 feet above Tasker-street, First Ward, 35 feet front and 80 feet deep to a 30 feet wide street. • ■ 'No. ft. BUILDING LOT, GERMANTOWN ROAD, ABOVE ANGLE STREET, 23d WARD. —A lot of gTonnd on the easterly side of German town road, 460 feet 8 inches above Angle street, in the 22d Ward.,26 8 inches front, by 200 feet deep to a3oieetstmt, call d Elder street. Lor IN LELANOO, new JrRSLx.— All that certain lot of ground, in the town of Delanco, Burlington eounty. New Jersey, -northeast side of Holly street, 125 feet sontheast from Second street, 100 feet front, and extending in depth northeasterly ico feet LAND, MONROE COUN TY, FENNA.—A tract of land in Price township, Monroe, county, Pennsylvania,-numbered the Commissioner’s Book of said county No. 9 aud containing 100 acres. Being the westerly portion of a larger tract, originally surveyed in the war rantee name of Abraham Dills. Said to' bo excel lent timber and farm land Title perfect. No. 7. 1()0 ACRES OF LAND, MONROE 00., PA.—A Tract of Lano, in Tunchaunock to wnship, Monroe county, Pa., containing 100 acres, being part of a large tract originally surveyed in the warranted name ot Jacob Eyerly; said to be ex cellent timber and farm land. - AOKES UF LAND, CENTRE COUNTY, PA, —A Tract ot Laud, in Rush town ship, Centre county, Pa., containirg 433 acres and 153 perches, originally snrveyed in'the warrantee name of Margaret Speer; -aid to be excellent timber land, and underlined Willi coal. Ko3 9to 12 iDclusive—l,6oo ACRES LAND CENTRE COUNTY, PA -Four certain tracts or pieces of land in Harris Township, Centre County, Pa., (each tract containing 400 acres,) being ihe same lands originally surveyed, viz- No. 1. In the warrantee name of John Bell. No. 2. In the warrantee name of Robert Patter son. No. 3. In the warrantee name of Thcinas John son. No. 4. In the warrantee name of Wm. Irwin firT These lands art said to bt see I timbered and nnaerhnod with Coal and bcxnfj not far distant from well-improved farms. * B - Further pnrticnlars-at the Auction Store. - 550 to be paid on each when struck off. . ,- J iPTtSA. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mhlO. la,-29 No. 422 Walnnt street, aboTe 4th. MTy, E T l ’, H r^5 i , S^ GL f Uli l ' SALE—ESTATE OF WILLIAM GALEN,deceased.—JAMES A. il mf? A N’ AUCTIONEER —FARM FORTY AORE& with improvements, Montgomery county, ‘-X miles from Norristown and 14 miles from Pni. ladelphia, on Perkicmen Pike.—Under autaority and by order of the i rpaans’ coart for the County of Montgomery, on WEDNESDAY, March 3om. l= 6 l, at 12 o’clock. Noon, will be soldatPnolic Sale, AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the folio wing described Real Estate, late the pro. pertv of William Galen, deceased viz : All that certain messuage or tenement and tractof land, mnate iuths township ot Plymouth and county of Montgomery, and bounded aud described ac coroiigioarecent survey thereof made by L E. Carson, Esq., as follows; beginning at a post or s’.oie on n line of the Gei man town and Perkiomen Tnrnpike Road, ac.rnerof tais and land granted or intended to have been granted to Ed ward Mount, thence extending by the said Edward iiientz s land, S. 4l deg. 42 min., W. 47 20 perches to a stake, thence siill by the same land S. 47 deg. 15 min., E. 93 Su perches to a stake la or near the middle of a road commonly called Sandy Hill rosd. leading to Norristown, thence along the middle of said road S. 31 deg 25 min , W- 52 44 perches to astute in the line of William’ Hal lowell’s land, thence hr the said William Hal. lowl-U s lend N. 49 deg., W. IU7 G 6 perches to a s ake, a corner of Alexander Huston’s laud N 4' deg 50 min., E. 102.32 perches to a stake in the line of ihr said turnpike road, and thence along the same S 46 deg. 30min , E 14.47 perches tothe place of beginning, containing!.’! acres J roods and - perches of land, be the same more or less. KfTht iniprartmthis are a tsK-'s.i-rv stone dxtUing, larfis It?IV barn, spring bouse, 'There is a g.u\g crc.,ard just eoAtneneing to bear, ecd civuj c:i u-,-- j uvcdland. J C5-Fu!l particulars may be had on application tc- the Administrator, No. !30S. Second street. of incumbrance. " sit’ll to be paid at tne time of sale. GUNTAVUB E..GALEN, Administrator JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auct’oneer. mhiois-.u Store, 422 Walnut st. above 4ib. SALE. Estate of HAKiH, JAMBS A tvnrnT 1 Auctioneer. SToXE TAVERN LOT, Cressou street, MANTUNK. Under uuuionty of the Orphans' Court for the Citv and County o! PLiliulelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 3u, at i*j o’clock. Noon, will be sold PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE. ihe following described Real Estate laie the property of James Haugh, deceased, viz! All that certain stone tavern aud the lot of -ronud whereon the same is erected, situate on the north easterly side of Cresscn’streer. Manayunk, begin ning at n corner ol ground now or late of Geor-v Shields, thence extending by said ground, N. ?;j t;fg., E. 42 ft. to a corner, thence still by the same ground N. 64 deg., E. 31 feet to a comer in the fine of land now or late of John B. Mover, thence bv :he saiueN. 27 deg. 15 min.. W. 3S‘feet 11 inches to, a corner, thence by ether ground of said Joseph liipka, S. 69 deg. 13 min., W. 46 feet s m.-hes to a corner, thence still bv the same, s. 54 deg . \y about 32 feet to accruer, thence S. 41 deg. 40min ' W. 24 it. 11 in. to the northeasterly side of Oressnn street, and thence by the side ofCresson street, S. 60 deg. ,E. 61 feet 6 inches tothe placeof beginning fc?"Clear of iiiciinibranee. Sioti to be paid when the property is struck off By the Court. 'WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, lump, 15,29 Store, 422 Walnut st., above4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE —Estate of •IvlwW SJFPLEN, deceased—JAMES ji. r KEEAIAIS, Auctioneer. FRAME DWPT LI £G% N - »V, S ’ THIRD STREET. uS; authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY March 30, 1664, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be'sold at P?. 111 ' J*' ,‘He. PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGh, the following described Real Estate, date the property of STEPHEN SIPPLEN neceased, viz: AU that ceitain frami?messuage and lot or ground, on the easi side of Third street, be-ween Shtppen and Plum streets, containing 111 breadth on said Third street 16 feet, and in length oi depth to feet more or lesa. h Clear of incumbrance. Ss<> to be paid at the time of sale. By order of the Court, WILLIAM c. STEVENSON, Clerk, O. O. ’ THOMAS STEWART, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mhl(i,ls,i!o, store, 493WaInnt, ab. Fonrthet. ® -w K w AL, a BSTATE.-JAMES A. FREE KSL MAN, Auctioneer.—RESlDENCE No ait “JUNE ST BEET.—On WEDNESDAY, Mareh ij*, at J * 0 , c!ocic ’ Noon, trill be sold at £& b 2wrS? le ’,. at , PHILADELPHIA EX CHANOE,. the following described Real Estate, vl ;v , AU ' ba : t tßree-story brisk Dwelling House, with donble two-story brick back bnildinge, and mt ofgronnd thereto belonging, on the north side of jPrnne street, No. 415 between Fourth and Fifth Fifth Warii > 23 feet front more or less, and I*2o feet deep, more or less. The above is a very ivell built aiul finis? i£cl Kesi dense near to business. It has all the modern improve* water-:loscts, rcviae, <{?c. <£c. It will rent for $6OO per annum. IE?” Clear of incumbrance. So, 000 may remein, if desired. $l,OOO to be paid when the property is struck off* JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,- mliiO, Igj29 Store 423 Walnut street, ab. 4th. ffn] estate.— JAMES A. FREE DS MAN, Auctioneer--- 3 DWELLINOS. MARSHALL, above Brown street-oTwEd’- NEsDAY, March 30, 1804, atl2 o’ clock, noon, will tate, via : All that lot of groundwith the ttro story brick dwelling house front aEd two thS£ story brick dwelling houses on the rear thereof thereon erected, situate on the west sidserff shall street, 51 feet north of ’Brotra street. 17 feet front 79 feet 4* inches on the Z?th lme, and & Gas introtDiced'aiid O^Sn U afn BRANCE ' ® S ?^SS,S, property isstrnckoff. mbm EHEEMAN, Auctioneer, mhlO, 10, 39 Store No. «2 Walnut st., ab. 4th. ”at —TWO THREE ?rdqMTt^rlN^om^l:&l'lNQS> Nos. 1C4 6 AND 3643 MAR VINE STREET. OnWEDNESPAT tb ’ 1864 > 12 o’ clock, noon, will he sold CHANGT- v a 2, tbe . PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE,, the following described Real Estate, viz :• All those two certain three-story brick dwelling houses and lots of ground thereto belong ing, situate on the west side of Marvine street, 9 1 feet south or Columbia avenue, each 15 feet front and73feet deep. Subject to 348 ground renteaoh. Will be sold separately! Sale absolute. 350 to be paid on each when struck off. - JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mhio, 15,29 gtpre, ISJ 'VfMnut street, ab. 4th. BEAL ESTATE SALES. ■Ward, 16 feet front vf fEl g J? tb strBet ’ Twentieth which it hls the nrivile™ S to a ? fe6l ? lle y. of street Subject tosS&Stf Merchant nwT.r.T~T^^ N Sg^ r H R E E - s f°EY BRICK EentSlthree N l or,i FRONT street.-. A Itory brickbaik hn^i^' dweUin S 1101180 ™th ‘w<>- S ld7or Pront str eet.he 3 ? nd ,osof eroand ' west teenth Warri ia?fh w OW Germantown road, S-x -felt deep on the .^t?? nto S Front street, and 87* wide oi?t£?rear ontll hn *- bein e 11 *» «X inch* AND rOT T^ E f 6 8 ST N o o^TH B |^0 E NT^ US | reet H^ eiow Ger “ a ntov7n road, lGth Ward 23 166 t 1 inch front on Front street. 1* h ’ northern half of a 3 feet alley on\he south! S nnrt 162 feet deep on the south line, and 190 feet deep on the north line, the lot being 2t feet 3 inches wide Ph l » t Sfh r t ar, r«, ltll P liylle K e of hnilding over the whole of the said 3 feet alley, leaving at lea.t S feet headway in the clear. s 1 lea,t ■Nos. 4 and 5 —TWO G-ENTEEI, nwrr LINGS, Nos. 2036 and 2U38 LOCUST STRPPT -A three-story brick -a welling with two-story brick back bDildings and lot of gr.und, south side of Locust street, 167 feet 7 inches east of 9i»f 6th Ward, 16 feet front, 8u feet deep to Stewart st Saloon parlor, dining room and kitchen on the same floor. Gas, range, Ac. Subject to SlOB ground rent. J 5 Also the dwelling adjoining the above, No 2033 of the same dimensions, description and incum*. brance. - No. 6.-VALUABLE STONE QUARRY, SHOEMAKER’S LANE, Germantown A val uable tra.t of land containing 1 acre 2 roods and 24 pi robes, known as the Cedar Hill Stone Quarry, on the N W. side of Penn street or Shoemaker’s Lane, in the Twenty-second Ward, adjoiamg lands cf Jacob Mehl, Adam Kephart, and others, 316 0-10 feet on Shoemaker’s Lane, and abont 260 deep. No.'7—VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION AND DWELLING N W. COR. SEVENTH AND GREEN sTS—That valuable two-s’ory brick store and dwelling h nseatiheN. W. cjr ner Seventh and Green streets, Thirteenth Ward IGii feet on Green street, 62 feet * otan inch on Seventh street, being 21* feet wide on the rear. This is an excellent business stand, ihe corner being used as a plumber shop on Seventh street a paint shop, with dwelling over the whole. S5O to be paid on each when the property is strnck off. ~ 3 By order of JACOB M. ELLIS, ) JOHN WILLIAMS, < Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mhlO, 15,29 Store, 422 Walnut street, ab. 4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—Estate of CHRISTOPHER SMYSER, deceased JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. • Uuder the authority oi the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, March 31st, ll6>, on the premise;, at four o' clock in the afternoon, the following described Real Estate, the property of Christopher l Smvser, deceased,viz: No.I.DWELLING, PROSPECT Street, Manajnnk. All that certain lot of ground with the two-story stone-house thereon erected, in the Twenty, first Ward of the City, on the e:isterly side oi Prospect Street, beginning at a point m the centre of said street passing along the line of property of Alfred and William Ben,south 30 deg. 10 min., east 350 feet 9 inches, passing over a marble stone on the easterly side of said Prospect street to another marbls stone in the line or Windle Halloway’s ground, thence south 61 15 min., west 106 feet 9 inches to a point, thence north 35 deg. 55 min., west 293 laet, passing through the centre of partition of two houses erected on this and adjoining lot, to a point in the middle of said Prospect Street, thence along the middle of said Prospect Street, north 51 deg. 50 min , east 112 feet 3 inches to place of begin uin". Clear oi incumbrance to ’ No. 2. STONE DWELLING, adjoining. AII that certain lot or piece of ground with the two story stone house thereon erected, situate in the Twenty-first Ward of the City of Phila delphia, on the easterly tide ri Prospect Street, beginning at a.point in the centre of said Prosoec: street, thence along the line of property above described, south 35 deg. 55 min., east 293 fret to a point, thence south 64 deg. 15 min. west 4ifeet3 inches te a point, thence north 39 deg. 50 min., west gel feet to the centre ot said Prospect street, thence along the centre of said Prospect street, 26 fist to the place oi beginning. Clear oi incumbrance. 659 to be uaid on each at the time of sale. By the Court. WM.C.STEVENSON,CIerk O. C. WILHEMtNA SMYSER, Administratrix. .TAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mlilti. '5,29 Store, No. 422 Walnut st ab.ltb. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate of E&3 PETER LANDIS, deceased. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. —Under authority ot the Orphans- Court for the city and countv of Phila delphia. on WEDNESDAY, March Ju! 1804, at 12 o'clock noon, •will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described real estate, late the property of Peter Landis, deceased, viz: No. 1. DWELLING, No. 1228 THOMPSON street. Ail that Jot or piece ofgronnd and a three s:ory brick dwelling house, on the south side or Ihcmp.cn street, 152 fee? eastward from Thir teenth street, in the city of Philadelphia. Front on Thompson street 16 feet, depth southward TO feet. Subject to a ground rout of *7S. v . No. 2. DWELLING, No- 1219 CASS street Lot or piece of ground, with the three stobr brick dwelling thereon erected, on the north sideof Casa s'reet in the city afoicsaid. 134 feet 6 inches west of Twelfth street. Front on Cass street 14 fee? . and partly on the adjoining lot on the No J o r -^ toal nse and ’ ccommoda ion Ward.-L^j 1 USE, GREAN Street, 24th southw?stw ™div H ?i erect ed, on- the street callea (vij_ ei * ce . of , % certa-n 60 feet wlda te opened for nnhr Stree H. oa * an d intended to parallel with and arth 3 /,?- 1 ? 18 eai d William Oreah westward trom tS» tbe . ai!,tan ce of 200 feet south agree-,biy toarecent^o B3^ 1, Tnrn P ik9 Road, cis Lightfoot, Esq,dnSH lbo r»o‘madeby Fran and county of I'nil-H,,,1, a bI P of Bloekley, Inches southwestwardly'trom ,5 e S innin! 4 241 feet* street, thence extending ro„^L co I ller of MUler line at right angles with the °aid75 3t,7ardly 011 a other groundjof the said WifiKm l ri a ’ lßtreet ' alon K inches; .hence eastward 61 fec”l 3 ftet 9 * eastward 178fe-t7inches toCrcanltratandtoT 11 - pir^Sn r ni y g aloDg the By the Court, - r BA.TTURS, Deputy Clerk O r* S5O to hP ’GOINS, Administratrix time of sale.* 15,99 -store I ;^^,, K“#’! Real Estate,, late the nronSi o Yi“JSu desoribe,*29 Store, 422 W&lnnt street, ab. 4th, muS 3IP J