"FAIL IN.’* See; see ! yon gieamlng line of light, . The enemy’s bayoneis bristle bright, Obeys, there'll be a fight to-night; ' . ” Fait m!— Under those -a ords of frozen larch, Under the right sky’s icy arch, It ends at last, the oreadrnl march; Fall in! Fall in ! no bivouac to-night; B-.neath the stars s > still and bright, The glistening bavoneu * litter white; Fall in! Fall in! .we’re hungry, bruised, and torn; , With suow aud ram, beaten and worn, / Yet«‘ready lor duty, ” we’ve proudly sworn, Fall in! A second for dreams! Under our eyes, Oh see, how softly they seem to rise, The hills of home and hex summer skies! Fall in! One sigh for home ! for the fair face prest f’.Jose to the heart, ’neath the rugged vest, The face of the one we love the best* ; Fall in! ©h say, for a ilash shall the brown face pale, The quick young nerves in their warm life quail, To meet the thud ef the leaden hail 1 Fail in! The storm of shells, the bnllet’s whir, The clash of subre no fear can stir; The fight lor freedom, for home, for her! Fall in I Ever steady step we go, "With lilies rf ady in serried row, Into the face of the insolent foe; Fall in! Our hearts upteap in passionate pain, Oh see, they fall, onr heroic slain, The enemy’s master ctaige and gain! Fall in! FaU in ! the eager bngles heat; Fair in! marc;- on with prescient leet, Smite low the foe, where the armies meet; Fail in! To front! Its ranks are red and thin. The victor flaunts his banner of sin; O comrades, forward! to die, or win, Fall in ! M. O. A, XXXVinTH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION. CLOSE OF YESTERDAY’ p PROCEEDINGS. Senate.— Mr. "Wilson (Mass.) reported from the Military Committee the bill relating to chaplains and-for other purposes, without amendment, y Also, the bill to provide for the voluntary enlist ment of any persons, residents of certain States, into regiments of other States Also, a bill from the Committee as a substitute for Mr. Carlile’s resolu ions, declaring the object of the war, striking out all after the word “that,” in line three, section one, and inserting as follows; * ‘The object of the war is the subjugation of the rebels in arms to the rightful authority of the Uni ted States, and the re-establishment of such autho rity-, that in the prosecution of the war the United States may adopt whatever measures, not incon sistent with the rules of civilized warfare, may be deemed necessary to secnre the public safety now and hereaiter. • ‘That any person born and residing in the Urn ted States, whether bond or tree, owes allegiance to.the United States, and this allegiance is para mount to any duty which such persoa may owe to any State or individual • ‘Tnat the Constitution of the United States does not recognize slaves as property, but as persons owing service or labor in ceitain States, under the laws thereof, and it Is the right aud duty of the United States to offer to such persons such induce ments as are best calculated to enable them to give the country the paramount allegiance which they owe “ That the proclamation of emancipation Issued by the President of the United States, on the Ist day of January, 1863, was a measure necessary for the common delence, sanction ed by the spirit of the Constitution and by the law and practice of nations, and the said proclamation is hereby de clared to haye the force and effect of law, anything in the laws or Constitution of any State to the con trary, notwithstanding. ” Mr. Sherman (Ohio) reported from the Finance Committee the House joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Trea-nry to anticipate the payment of interest sm the public debt, with an amendment as follows; ‘ ‘ And he is hereby authorized to dispose of any gold in the Treasury of the United States not necessary for the payment of interest on the public debt. ’ * The resolution was made the special order for to morrow, at half past twelve o’ clock. Mr Conn ess (Oal.) introduce© a bill to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to obtain a title to certain lands in Nevada, for the purpose of estab lishing a branch mint there. Be ferred to the Committee on Public Bauds. The consideration of the bill repealing all acts for the rendition of Jugitlve slaves, was, on motion of Mr. Sumner (at the suggestion of Mr. Hend ricks), postponed until Wednesday Mr, Powell (Ky.) gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill preventing the Secretary of War from interfering with ministers of relit ion. The bill equalizing the pay of the colored troops, came up in order, and Mr. Davis (Ky.) addressed the Senate at length in support ol his amendment allowing the District courts to appoint commis sioners to ascertain and award to loyal owners a just valuation for their slaves. He commented severely on the policy of the Government in pay ing as full compensation to the loyal master for his slave taken into the service, toe arbitrary sum of three hundred dollars, prescribed in the bill, when even now in Kentucky, if the people were relieved from the aggressive and unjust policy of the Government, the average value of the negroes would be twelve hundred dollark. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) submitted a memorial from the officers and members of the Ohio Wool Grow ers Association, representing that from reliable data, and in the belief of the Association, dye hundred thousand d-gs infest the State of Ohio, and a partial record of damages oone to sheep-hus bandry by them amounts to *lOO,OOO the past year. They pray for a reyenue tax of one dollar upon each dog. Mr. Davis then concluded his speech, and at 4.20 the Senate went into executive session, and shortly afterwards adjourned. •. HOUSE OP BEFBESEHTATrVES. Mr. Garfield reported a bi:l authorizing the for mation of a regiment of veteran volunteer engi neers in the Army of the Cumberland, to serve three years or during the war, lhe men to be credited to the Stales or sub-divisions of States from which they are enlisted, which was passed. - Mr. Blair (Mo.), from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill for the protection of emi grunls te the Territories, which was passed. It provides that arms, accoutrements and amrnuni toon may be distributed to the emigrants passing through the hostile Indian country, to be issued • under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, and that all persons availing them selves oi this provision shall be organized into companies. Mr. Sehenek (Ohio), from the Comraitttee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to establish a Bn reau oi Military Justice, to be connected with the War Depaitment. It provides for a Judge Advo cate-General, with the rank of Brigadier-General, and two assistants, with the rank of Colonel. The bill was passed. Mr. Garfield (Ohio), from the same Committee, reported a bill, which was passed, regulating the dismissal of officers from the military and naval service Mr. Deming (Conn.J, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to declare certain railroad routes military and post-roads. It makes the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, with the branches built and to be bnilt, and the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad public highways nf the Uni ed States. It recognizes these roads, with the ferr es between Camden and Philadelphia, and he-.ween Portsmouth and New York city, as a post and military route for tne transportation of mails, troops and munitions of war, and lor the trans portation of goods and merchandise of foreign pro duction across the state of New Jersey, under PnJri'ifff5 a .?, tc , d by , t ? e Collectors-of the ports of the United o tates authorized to grant the same, and for commerce among and between the several Stales of the Umt.d States The roads atove mentioned are empowered to complete and operate these roads and their branches tor the transform tion of passengers and merchandise of all descrin" tions between the cities of New York andPhiia dtlphia, and between intermediate places, and for commerce among the several Stales anything in laws of the States of New York or New Jersey to the contrary notwithstanding. J The Bouse went into Committee of the Whole on the Btate of the Union, on the Legislative, Ex ecutive and Judicial Appropriation bills. Mr. McClnrg (Mo.) proceeded to notice the former remark of his colleagues (Messrs. King an 1 Blaiij. saying they were unprovoked and ma licious, and supported only by falsehood He spoke-of their speeches as efforts of dying men to prolong their live, and of their heads being in proximity'while their coat-tails were pinned together, feeling he must make an example of old age.. -Mr. McClnrg reviewed the political course of Mr. King, who, he said, was astrong pro-slavery man in 1648, but tacking himselt to the skirts of Benton, he veered to the Northern side of the line, and was now trying to fit himself to President Linooln. Prudence dictated that the President, who was now on deep water, should dispense with such- a dead weight. Having disposed of Mr. King, Mr. McClnrg turned his attention to Mr. Blair, and defended himself and his radical colleagues from nnj us tillable attacks. He spoke of Mr. Blair as a political nondescript, and whom theEodicals could not take into fellow ehip. His colleague, Mr; Blow, who had been abused by Mr, Blair, presented at Ms own ex> pehse, a flag to the regiment commanded by Mr. Blair, aud sent to it five hundred woolen shins betides. His colleague,?. Mr. Blow, was among the most liberal of those who contributed their means in work of benevolence. . To attempt *o. blacken the character of Mr. Blow was the fit work of a renegade, and it was said one renegade was worse than ten Turks. In cone usion, he said hehad-given the charac ter of these, politicians who are seeking to rule Missouri, and that ft would require another boar to give then what they do not desire, namely justice. The various items of thpbill were then consider ed. They appropriate for salaries aud expenses of the feeveral Departments nothesretofore provided for bytthe law. The section relating ?othe Depart ment ox Agriculture give rise to much discussion, involvii-g the quesiion of economy. Several gentlemen protested against retrench ment commencing wiili the agricultural interest, saying more money was wasted by the debate than it was proposed to save by amendments. Mr. Stevens (Pa-) noticing remark© of gentle men, said if agriculture was to be damaged be cause oi increased prices, they had oetcer stop eaiing and buying turkeys aud drinking the whiskey which wes additionally taxed the other day. Prices were twice as high as lormerly, aud if for this reason they were going to cripple agri culture, they might as well starve at once. Without disposing of the subject, the committee rose and the House adjourn* d at 5 o’ clock. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL AD EL PHIA. ; In the matter of the Estate of RICHA3DM. WISTAR The Auditor .appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first aud final account of JOHN M INTYKE, Esq., Trustee and Assignee, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY. March Kith. JBC4, at 4 o’clock, P. M., nt his office, (Room 3) law Dep. rtment, No. 212 South FIFTH s reet, in the city of Philadelphia. EGBERT K. NICHOLS, mhs-s,tu,tbsts) Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA— JAMES HOUSE vs. The Barge called the T F. Waite, Cornelius Yielie, owner. March T , 1964, No. 8. Attachment sur Libel. Stipulations in $1,500. To all whom it may concern. By virtue of the above Writ of *‘Attachment sur Libel, ’ to me directed, issued out of the said Court, I have at tached the barge “T. F. Waite,” of New London, in the State of New York, of which Jefferson Clark waßlate Master. The said Barge will be sold for the payment of debts contracted for, work and labor done, and materials found and furnished in partly reolauk ing, recaulking.and refastening the said Barge, and otherwise laboring to make her seaworthy; unless the owner, consignee, commander, or some persop in their behalf shall appear and pay the same, or otherwise obtain the discharge of the said Bat ge within three months from the date of this notice. All persons having liens for any debts contracted as atoresaid *re required to file the same within three months from the date hereof or be debarred from prosecuting their claims uncer the above writ ol attachment. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Feb. 11, 1564. fe 11- th6ts “VTOTlCE.—Letters of Administration to the .IN Estate of ANDREW J. WESTER, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted are requested to matt** payment,-and those having claims against said Estate to present them without delay to ELIZABETH WESTER, Administratrix, 1305 Girard avenue, or to her attorney, THOMAS J. DIEHL, 530 Walnut street. ieiB-th-ot# Estate of Margaret Barclay, dec’d. —Notice is hereby given that the Register of Wills, for the City and «bounty of Philadelphia, has granted to the undersigned letters of Adminis tration upon the Estate of MARGARET BAR CLAY, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby lequested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to make payment to GEORGE G. BARCLAY, 1135 Arch street, or to JOHN B. STEVENSON, 439 and 441 York Avenue, Admin istrators. mh3-th6t* TOBACCO AND SEUAKS. Havana cigars A good assortment constantly in Store and Bond—at lowest rates for cash. STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, mh2-3mofr No. 216 S. Front Street. Tobacco —so cases anderson’s navy Pounds. 57 cases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco. 45 Hhds. Maryland Tobacco. 25 Hhds. Kentucky Shipping Tobacco. For sale by BOLDIN A WARTMAN,- No. 105 North Water Street. nih4 KENTUCKY TOBACCO.—Dark heavy Ken. tucky Tobacco, suitable for shipping, in store and for sale by GiTO£GE ALKINS, 10 and 12 South Delaware avenue. jais Pennsylvania seed leaf tobacco. —ll4 Cases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco, Wrappers and Fillers, and Old Cavendish for sale by GEORGE AI.KIN'S, 10 and 12 South Dela ware Avenue. ja39 VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBAGOO- V THE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT.—3S boxes superior sweet lump* Jnßt received from Norfolk, now landing from schooner Florence, and for sale by THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr., General Agent Union Steamship Company, 14 North Delaware avenue 00-PAKTN EKSHIFS. CO-PARTNERSHIP. —I have this day asso ciated with me CHARLES P. DAWSON, under the name and style of KNORR & DAW SON. and will continue the general STOCK COMMISSION business at No. 27 South THIRD Street. mhB-3t* FREDERICK E. KNORR. I HAVE THIS DaY associated with me in Bnsineis Mr. JOHN R. EYANS, under the name and style of GEORGE BOCKIUS A CO. GEORGE BOCKIUS. Philadelphia, March Ist, 1804. rT'HE said firm will continue the business of man- I nfac’uring MOROCCO, attbeold Stand, Nos. 141 and 143 Margaretta Street, below Second. GEORGE BOOKIUS, mhs-6t# JOHN R. EVANS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The under. signed have this day entered into Co-partner ship for the transaction of the DRY OOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name of JOHN H. WILLIAMS A GO., at No. 329 Chest, nut stteet JOHN H. WILLIAMS, JOHN WIEST. Philada., Jan. 1, 1804. ial-3m* COAL. COAL —SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEA DOW. and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill, prepared use. Depot N. wT come: Greets. Office, No. 11! South SECOND street, . mh27 J? WALTON A CO s. MASON BIS3SS. m . JOHN If isWßavv T H ~r D s£ck o? NED INYITE atte nwon Buck Mountain Company’s Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company? s Coal, and Locust Mountain «* << which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar ket rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON-BINES, Fran kill Institute Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar ket, will be promptly attended to. ... _ . bines a sheaff, ■* - Arch streAt. wbarf. Schuylkill STOVES, HEATERS, &q Thomas s. dixon, Late Andrews A Dixon. NO. 13S» CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, Opposite United States Mint. ' Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Flraa ALSO, WARM AIR FURNACES, For warming public and private buildings, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY OAFS, " . COOKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS. Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL my* WATCHES. E. HOWARD A CO.’S rfrtt frfjk TIRST-OLASS fg™. ’ AMERICAN WATCHES, S&glt I) E WortE6; — Mont Bomory Terra Cotta Price List for 1864. 2 Inch pipe per 3 feet length 30 cents 3 inch pipe per 3 feet lenfth i P’Pe P« 3 feet length 48 cento 5 inch pipe per 3 feet length 60 cents 6 inch pipe per 3 feet length 75 cents. We are prepared to fnrnißh stone-ware drain pipe, glazed inside and outside, from 2 to 15 inches n diameter, in large or email quantities, -with all varieties of Traps, Bends, and other connections Liberal discount to the trade. ■ ■. MeOOLLIN & RHOADS, 822 1231 Mar Set street, Philadelphia. THE PAIL? EVENING BULLETIN; THURSDAY, HABCff 10 IBP4 Delaware mutual safety insu rance company Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. OFFICE—S. E. Comer THIRD and WAL NUT Streets, Philadelphia. , „„ MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, $ To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, S INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lahe and Land Car riage, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. Novkhbkb 1, 1863 8100,000 United States 5 per cent Loan 807,000 00 75,000 •• Operct Loans-20s 75,000 00 20,000 “ “ 1881 22,000 00 50,000 “ 7 3-10prctTrNts 53,250 00 100,000 State of Penna. 5 per cent Loan 100,997 56 54,000 “ 9 per cent •< 57,880 00 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per ct Loan 127,528 00 30,000 State of TennessesS per ct Loan 15,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage 6-percent, bonds.. 22,300 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad second mortgage 6-percent. bon<|a.. 53,250 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the city of Philadelphia 15,000 5,000 100 shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 7,225 5,000 100 shares Stock North Penn sylvania Railroad Company 2,656 21,000 United States Treasury Certi ficates of indebtedness 21,428 123,700 Loans on Bonds and Mort gage, amply secured. 123,706 8791, 750 par. tost, 8788,737 12—market Tame 794,300 50 Eeal Estate 36,383 38 Bills Receivable for insurances matte.. 107,917 18 Balances due at Agencies—pre miums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the. Company..,.., 38,919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry In surance and other Compa nies, $5,803. Estimated Talus 3,205 « Cash, on deposit with United States Gov ernment, subject to ten days* ca11. .....880, 000 00 Gash, in Banks 38,588 39 Cash, in drawer. 200 80 Thomas C. Hand, John O. Davis, Edmund A. Souder, Thedphilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, James Traquair, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., James C. Hand, ■William C. Ludwig, Joseph K. Sea], Dr. R. M. Hnston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, THOMAS O. JOHN C. DA Hkitkt Ltlbcbh, Seci The Manhattan life insurance COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Accumulation nearly 82,000,000. Total Losses Paid 650,000. Dividends made over 700,000. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, No. 416 WALNUT Street, JAMES B. CARR, Agent and Attorney. This Company offers superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an Insurance upon their lives, giving to those who desire the privilege ot settling their premiums, annually, semi-annually or quarterly. The rates are lower than most Companies offer, and the insured are participators In the profits. The business of the Company is de voted ezclu• lively to the insurance of lives. It is prompt in the payment of its losses. Any information upon the subject will be cheer, fully given by the AGENT, together with all oessary Books and Tables upon the subject. Local board of reference. Rt. Rey. Alonso Potter. Keen A Coates. D. D. Thos. Robins, Esq. Rt. Rey. W. B. Steyene. Clem. Tiugley, Esq. D. D. ' A. W. Little, Esq. Hon. John M. Butler. Henry Simons, Esq. Alfred Jenks A Son. Alfred Day, Esq. S. Y. Merrick A Sons, Jacob D. Hett, Esq. Rich. Garsed A Bro. Watson Malone, Esq. ‘T. B. Peterson A Bro. George Gilback, Esq. Hunsworth, Eakens A Tho*. B. Beck, Esq. Naylor. Adam Warthman, ESq Boswell A Wilson. J. a. McAllister, Esq. Walton A Tost. J. Warner Erwin, Esq. £ B. A J. F. Orne. MEDICAL EXAMII M. D.; Wm. Gardener, Anthracite insurance company— CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 Walnut St., above Third, Phi la. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, ob Buildings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS: Wm. Esher. Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audereid, J. E. Baum, J. R. Blaklston, Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Maxfleld, ' John Ketcham, WM. ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice-President. Wm. M. Smith, Secretary ia22 CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Branch office *l)3- WALNUT street. Cash Capital and Assets, $330,500. JOSEPH TILUNGHAST, Agent. Refer bv permission to E: O. SCRANTON, President Elm City-Bank, New Haven, Conn. ■** JAMES M. BEEBE A CO., Boston, Mass. WILLIMANTIG LINEN /COMPANY, New York City. fe2o-ly ■T. B I.IPPINCOTT A Co.. Philadelphia. PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS COALS.- Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 20 South SEVEN i'H Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of April, 18G4, for supplying the whole or any part ot Eighty Thousand Tons of Btfurairwu* Coals , suit able lor the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works at the First Ward and the Ninth Ward S.atious, In the. following monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons in each of the mouths of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tou9 in each of the months of Jurfe, July, August, 1864, and January, February, March, April and May. 1865. The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. Tbe proposals must describe the particular va riety of coal* intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which be raised. If theyare of a cow or recently u?ed at these works, samples for trial of not less than flftv tons, must be delivered a*, ihe Worss, on or before the 7th of April next The gross ion of &4(> pounds will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless the comrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in whole or in part, or to reiect all, as they mey deem best tor the interests of the Trast, and in tne event < f failure on the past of any contrac tor t,i deliver the coals according to his both in quantity end quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure) Payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months atter the speci fied peiiodß ot delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they may be received so far can k® conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. v Security for the fulfilment of contract will he reqnired, and each proposal mnst name the amount and character of security that will be JOHN O; URESSON, fe2otap2Ss Engineer in Chief. —the best are the ®EST.—Sets mounted on Gold, Saver, Vulcanite, and on Platina plates with con- I™™.™” 1 fAlteu’s), beautiful and natural in S® accurately fitted, may be ob- M d!, i)entut horte6t notice 0f °‘ B> FostEß > mhs-lro* No. 1833 CHESTNUT street. wraothiajl. okni'isi sSßWissssKffl&ssssißa asscssa iwvnentißflS^S^S 01 more reasonable than PcaUctln this city or State. Teeth plugged No onto in Teetll repaired to suit. No patn in extracting. All work warranted to fit , de29-3ins VENTTILA. A rr*,i g L* nd Toupees, Ladies Long Hai , tS^ShSJ2f B *» C,l iS* BandB ’ cheap. &Ol2«tn,s,.tomof- Ifo. CHESTNUT *tre«t. JKSUBANOR 118,78# 1# 81,089,125 53 DIBECTORS Charles Kelley, Robert Burton, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G\ Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, James B. M Farland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer M’llTaine, John B. Semple, Pitts* bf A. B. Berger, «• HAND, President, IVIS, Vice President. :retary. . f jalft*stuth Court House, Dennlßville, Tuckahoe, Port Elizabeth, and by connecting - stages to all parts of Gape May county, at# n *s* JJeturuing, leave Cape Island at 6 A M. Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A. M. eJ A^' 6 ent or brought dally. Apply to MOR TON MILLS, Agent, 2d covered Pier above Wal nut street. no 12 . J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup-1. 25 npgfflw nr Philadelphia and ■SMJK* BALTIMORE CENTRAL WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Onand after Monday, Dec. 7th, 1883, the Trains sill leave Philadelphia from the DEPOT of the 2-*f-E; R.Co., NORTHEAST CORNER OF EIGHTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, at 8.00 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. leave Oxford at7.OOA M., and3.lo The Train leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A M. connects at Oxford with a line ol Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster County, returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect with the afternoon Train or Philadelphia HENRY WOOD, **'* Suuerintendent gLEOTRIOITY— WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH- Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, f Medical Electricians, tor ?A r Y wild Professor Bollei and Galloway, having dissolved partners dip, th* practice wlh be conunaed by THOS. ALLEN, at the old established office, No. 723 North TENTS l>etween Coates and Brown where he will sun treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralvtic, without a shock or any pain,) with the various modifies aoD® of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in ail cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases oltde throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful euros nave been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first * and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Liver oi Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague. Prolapsns Uteri (FaiUna Congestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsus Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emissions, Rheumatism. Ac., Ac. Bronchitis. Deafness, isfluensa and Catarrh. N o charge fer consults! • A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to oe seen QPAL DENTALLINa! A superior article for clean luff Ul® Team, de •troy lug animalcule which infest them, giving tone to the gums, and lea Ting a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness In the mouth. I> may be nsed dally, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gnms, while the aroma and d* terslTeness will recommend It to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Mlcroscoplst, it Is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly In vogne. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constit*- ents of the DENTALLINA, advocate Its uses; it oontalns nothing to prevent Its unrestrained em ployment. made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For tale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse. Hassard A 00., G. B- Keeny, Isaac H. Kay, O. H. Needles, T. J. Husband, Ambrose Smith, Thomas Weaver, William B. Webb, James L. Bispham, Hughes A Coombs, Henry A. Bower, Electricity. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AMD WQN- DERFUL RESULTS. All acute and chronic diseases cured by spt ' clal guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, and in ' case of a failure no charge is made. No drug ging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without I shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For fur ther information send and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and permanently cured after ail other treatment from medical men had failed. Over eight thousand cured in less than four years, at 1220 WALNUT street N. B. —Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my new discovery, can com mence a full course of lectures at any time. Prof. BOLLES has qualified over one thousand physicians, who use Electricity as a specialty. Consultation free. PROFS. BOLLES A GALLOWAY, ocl4-tf 1220 Walnut street Phils, Q & A fri end IH NEED—TR'X IT. -Da. SWEET’S INFALLIBEE LINIMENT ii prepared from tile recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, oi Connecticut, the great bone setter, and has been used in bis practice for the last twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an external remedy it is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation For all Bheumatic and Nervous Disorders it U truly inf alible, and as a cnratiTe for Sores Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its soothing healing and powerful strengthening properties, •xcite the just wonder and astonishment of ail who have ever given it a trial. Over four hun* dred certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact Sold everywhere. mlB-ly JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often hear it repeated by those who have used JUMELLE’S. COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an m vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHIAL TABLETS ARB found to be an indispensable requisite In th« treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of tht voice: particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. ESTLACK’S diphtheria lozenges — These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sere Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sts.« Phiia. ja2B-3m4 __’S ABN IGA OIL OB EMBEOOA. _ in. —a reliable article. Positiyely cure* Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Hosted Feet, Chillblains, Pains m the Limbs, Chest, Side Back. For sale by tbe Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOE, Tenth and Callo-whill streets. Price, 35 cents. ‘ fe33-3m3t J - XJST RECEIVED BY liATE IMPORTA Hon, Hennessey's fine Old Brandy, expressly for medicinal nse. LANCASTER A wHJia pbarmacenUsta, N E. corner ARCH and TENTH Sts. ■ Phlla. «Q 3» DR. SCOTT’S Bgggggg UVERY STABLES, York avenue, between Buttonwood and Nohie streets, Philadelphia. 9 No Horse that can injure another will be ad mitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or is taken awty. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are mostrespect fuUy requested to bring a reference. Terms mod erate, but cash-daymenta ' . felo-3ms CARRIAGE MAKERS, KSSgSE J. LEITENBERGER A SON . fvn RTNE STREET- tel-Sm Q A TONS IAGNUMVITAE, NOW HANDING Ov from Br. bark Thomas Dallett For sale by PALLETT A bQN, 129 Sontb FRONT street ition, Office hours from at the office. de3-6ms RobertO. Dario, Geo. O. Bowers, Charles Shivers, ». J. Scactergood, J. C. Turnpenny, & Oc. Charles H. Eberis, James N. Mark*, E. Bringhuzs; & 00,, Dyott & Co., H. C. Blair, Wyeth ic Bro. SHIPPING.' • 4J12& steam: weekly, to lives rtton°Mng at QUEEN STD W- LlTerDolf b K^J : v 11 l' well ‘ know:n Steamer* ofth* sse s Aid k' ••:;•••••••. Saturday, Marc 26 Pier 4, Nowi Sat l “d a rat Soon- &o* -PASSAGE: PATABLBIH 80LB OEn^ E and every Saturday ate A. M. Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEVINNY, Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEYMOUR, Captain Room. Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart o£r e f e , Bteamers form a eemi- weekly line betwest Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower than tr> ??? route. Freights received every day WEBSTEIL jf&&v^ Pl>ly 10 Ti S^ l *2999* *ok newyork -despatch 9HHl&and SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dels ware and Raritan Canal—The steamers of theu lines are leaving daily at 12 o’clock, M., and; 0 dock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut *t freight, which will bo taken on accommc* apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., 132 South Delaware avenue. ftPffr FOR NEW YORK—New Tta.nyT.irt jjufia—Via Delaware and Raritan danal— Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Company will receive freight and leave daily at J P. M., delivering their cargoes In New York the following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Phliada. JAMES HAND, Agent, JySS-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, W. T. FOE SAN FRANCISCO. COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LUTE. HAILINQ_REQPLARLY AS ADVERTISES The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship WIZARD KING Is now rapidly loading at pier 11. East Hirer. rtjSft This beautiful clipper comes to her berth a large portion of her cargo on board, anu having large engagements will All rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KING-to all ship pers to San Francisco as the most desirable vessel now loading, and inTite inspection. Shippers will confer a favor by sending their freight immediately alongside. BISHOP, SON fc GO., tf 105 Arch street, above Front. FOB BARBADOS—The British schooner SggFBANOIS COFFIN, Couzens, master, will commence loading on MondAy next, the 22d inst., and will meet with qnuk dispatch. GEORGE ALEIKS 4c GO., Nos. 10 and 12 South Delaware aTenne. lel7 FOB HAVANA—EagIe Line—Neutral JB^SFlag—Only Vessel Loading—The regular £achet clipper Br. bark OCEAN EAGLE, W. H. iucs, master, having the bulk of her cargo en gaged and going on board at second wharf below walnut, and being of small capacity, will have dispatch. For balance ol freight, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. mh7-10t FOE NEW ORLEANS, La The regu packet bark GREENLAND, Georgs Thomson, master, is now loadin’: at Smith’s wharf, abOTe Bace street, and will hare quick dispatch for the above port direct. For freight or passage,apply to WORKMAN * 00., 123 Walnut street, m hS FOB NEW ORLEANS—EagIe Line— JgggThe regular packet bark SAXONVILLE, alien, master, is now receiving her freight at first wharf below South street, and having the bulk oi her cargo engaged, she will have dispatch. For Ireight, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves, mtr-St FOR NEW ORLEANS, La.—With Quick Dispatch—The first class packet ship ST. PETER, Sprague, master, having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will sail soon. For freight or pas sage, apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. / fejT-tf FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fine packet schr. JAMES H. MOORE, Captain Nickerson, is now receiving freight at Callowhill Btreet wharf and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. IS North Wharves. FOR NEW YORK—Express Line—This 3B£Day—'The fine packet brig WARREN. Uapt. Smith, is now receiving freight at An h street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. IS North Wharves. w&a FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—The Sgtgbrig MOSES DAY. Lond, master, 4,000 bb:s. capacity; Br. brig PRINCE ALFRED. Higgins, master, 1,600 bbls. capacity; schr JUN ROOK, Wilson, master, 1,5* 0 bbls. capacity. For terms, apply tosEDMUND A. SOUDER & CO., Doss Btreet wharf. mhlo-3t ja* FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The fig bark GEORGE S. HUNT, Woodbnry. mr, .4, t-tu barrels capacity; schooner F. A. BAZLEY, Crosby, master. 2,600 barrels capacity. For terms, apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO., Dock sueet wharf. mh3 At, FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The Sgggßr. bark SHERWOOD. 6,000 bbls; the brig «bbY WATTSON, 2400 bbls; the brig CARVER, 1,600 bbls; the new schooner FANNIE A. BAZ- I.EY. 2,500 barrels. For terms, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 123 South Wharves. . mh9-5t Ab FOR SALE—The flue Brem bark PAUL SEgINE, 275 tons register; two decks; built at New Bedford, and is in flue order. For further particulars, apply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. rah9tf FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHARTER JEg-The fast sluing bark IDDO KIMBALL, Ulmer, master, 475 Hons register, carries '5O tons dead weight or«. OOOhbls; iu complete order and ready for any voyage. For further particulars, apply to WORKMAN A CO.. 123 Walnut street. At. JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, SAIL fiBaMAKERS, No. 244 North WARVES, below Vine street, Philadelphia. All work done in- the best manner and on the lowest and most favorable terms,’and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. - mhls-tf Particular attention given to repairing. CONSIGNEES’ NOTlCE.—Britishsbtp GEN. WILLIAMS, Hatfield, master, frem Liver pool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception, of their goods. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhlO-tf CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE.—Brem. bark PAU LINE, Osterloh, master, from Rotterdam, is now discharging under general order at Mead aUey wharf. Consignees wUI please attend to the re ception of their goods. • PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhiu-tf STEAMSHIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON Consignees of merchandise per above vessel will please send for their goods, now landed on wharf above Pine street. HENRY WINSOR A CO., 332 South Wharves. mh9-3t CONSIGNEES’- NOTICE. —Schr. BRANDY WINE, Carson, master, from New York, is now dlßdarging cargo at the first wharf above Race street. Consignees please send for their goods, and oblige DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. mbS-3t CONSIGNEES TAKE NOTICE—The bark G. W. HORTON, Packard, master, is now dis charging at first wharf above Arch street. Con signees wUI please attend to their goods as dis charged. Any goods lefton the wharf are at thejr risk and expense. J. ET BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. mb? 6t "VTOTIOE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned _Lv against trusting the crew of the Bremea bark PAULINE, Osterloh, master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of their contracting wilt be paid by Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhB-tf PICKLED OYSTERS—IUU -Cases, one dozen each, in glass. bottles, quality excellent, landing and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER A 00., U 0 South Wharves, mu DRY GOODS, 4 Odft A R S. Slack silks* thoijsan:d dollabs in e ® r « a, eßt Bargains In / si“A r „t e^? ines e ver offered In. thl* city. Black Silks, at St a*» tim* tranl * B eavy Keck s,lk ß ; at 1} 3? - • ]b ?e' r y Blac ff at pi 50 per yard ' 34 inch -Wide Heavy Black Silks P nt m m„„_a The above Goodlare a Greatß^X 62 peryd - V e deeire to torn them into Cis£ immediately, and give our customers every chance THOMAS SIMPSON’S SONS. 922 and 924 Pine street. DJfc.S2K.AhLE SKRING- SILKST i heels Sills, laigr Checks. Check ills, fine Checks. Select Colors. Plain. Silks. Best Brown Silks out. Moir*- Antiques* ordered colors. ETKE h LANDFJLL, Fourth and Arch streets. pTJKKLI LD.HS BLACK SILKS. ~ A. "White Fdge Silks. bibnt Black Taffetas. T Double- lace Silks ’ j Black Moire Antiques. • EYRE & LANDELL. C cas«SlebM MINE — HABEIS mXED Karris e Piaid Cassimeres. • ' Cassimeres for boys’Suits Cassimeres for Men’s Suits; 01< akin*: Cloths, al colors. Stt-ck of Ooods in this Department Large and well selected. JOHhi H. STOKES, 702 Arch street. Edwin hall & cu., No. 26 s. second street, call attention to their stock of Brass Goods: • Plaid and Figured Poplins. Pla.d anil Striped Silk Warp Taffetas. Figured Repp and Plain hlohairs. iJr»>BP Good , of New Stn lea, in. variety. French Chint7es and Percales. ' Striped French Chintzes for Trimmings. Organdies and Jaconet Lawns. Plain and Figured I)e Laines Figured v»ik Ohallies. Peicale Robe*. ic. L INEN ADVERTISEMENT S. rvTlT.r.rtrg^ —I & CO—Stores for Linen Goods exclusively. Sa-ABOB ana Sci. h SECOND street IRISH SHIRTING iIINENS. A good s'rdne liisU Linen, at 44 cents; Heavy Golcen Flax Linen Irom 56 cents up. , SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par ticular atientiun to this department. Indies ■will fnd at onr Stores the most extensive stock of Bo>oms, 'Wristbands and Collars in the city. T ABLE LINENS.—A lot of extra-heavy power lOcTu Damask, nail nleached, at 75 cents per yard.- CHEAP NAPKINS.—An excellent article at $2 per dozen. S. MILLTKKWf & cO.» Linen Importers and Dealers, mb3j d2B Aren street. and 32 S. Second street H STEEL. * SON. HAVE NOW OPEN * a choice assortment of NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, *3 00 to 85 00. Plain Corded silks, SI 62!< to 83 50. Figured t.orded Silks, 81 62K. Plain Poit lie Soles; 81 25 to S 3 25. FANCY. SILKS, 75 CTS. TO 85 00. Black Gros Grain Silks, SI 25 to $3 25. Figured Black ••'tiki* SI 25 to $2 00. Plain Black Silks, S7.j£c to $6 00. Plaid India Silks, 87% cts. Light Ground, Rich Figured Foulards, SI 25 to SI 62. 713 and 715 N. Tenth street. TABLE da MASKS.—Scotch Table Damasks* SI 00 to SI 87. Power-loom Table Linens, 87 to sl*ls. Unbleached I able Linens. Fine Napkins, S 2 50 to £5 00. ' , Fringed Damask and Huck. Towels. Pure Linen, Fringed Towels, from 25c to $l. Bird-eye Linens, 56, 62, 75 and 88 cts. Diapers, Flannel*, Tickings, &c. Heavy Hngenot "Wide Sheetings. Best Irish Linens, from 50 cts. to SI 12. Qpilts, Blankets, Muslins, &c. "WHITE CAMBRICS.-—5-4 wide, and Very fine* at 56 cents. Finest Cambric, 65 cts.—lower grades. Beal Manchester Heavy Ginghams. Black Silks, of every grade. Every Style Spring Delaines and Prints. COOPER & CONARB, S. E corner Ninth and Market street. CLOTH STORE. —JAMES & LEE INVITE the attention of t&eir friends and others to tha|y large and well assorted stock of goods adapted W Msn and Boys* wear, comprising in part Black French Cfloths. Black French Beavers. Bine and Black Pilots. Black French Cassimares. . Fancy Oassimeres. Fancy b±ik Vestings, Black Satin Vestings. Also, a large assortment of Trimmings, adapted o Men and Hoys* wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES & t/etßj No. 11 North Second street, —3i Sign of the Golden Tatw^. Tomatoes, in glass—loo doz. Fresh " omatoes in Glass Jars—a very superior article, for tale by JAMES B. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets. MOKED SALMON AND Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Warnut and Eighth Streets. v TtJEW DU'ICh CHEESE, ANCHOVIES AND it Cnracoa, jnst received and for sale at COUSTY’S, No. 11S South SECOND street. PRIME OARACCAS COCOA SHELLS at 25 cents per ib. COUSTY’S, No. 118 South SECOND street. NEW SARDINES in whole, half and quarter boxes at COUSTY’S, No. 118 South SECOND street. >• SOUSED AND SMOKED SALMON—Just re ceived and for sale by SIMON COLTON A SON, Broad and Walnut streets. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR—Family Flour, surpassing in fine quality any floor ever be fore sold by the subscribers, SIMON COLTON A SON, Broad.and Walnut. "ID XTit A WHITE FLOUR.—The best Family JC.I Flour in America, just received and for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON. BROAD and OHESTNUT streets. , - PARAtFINE CANDLES—Superior quality, in six-peund boxes, for sale by the case or single box. THOMPSON BLACK A SON, 'BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. ■ ALMERIn GRAPES. —Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE.— Prime old Government Java Coffee; alco, Maracaibo, La Gnayra, Bio, Ac., for. sale by M F. SPILLIN, N. W. comer Arch and Eighth streets. MACOARONI AND VERMICELLI—ItaIian; Maccaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIEOK A CO’S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine,fine Brandy,. Younger’s Scotch Ale and Guinesß's Brown Stout forsale by E.B.CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining B. R. depot,Germantown. RIDLEY’ S BROKEN CANDY. Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer In fancy and Btaple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot. Germantown. ' ■ FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Bonelesa Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main Btreet, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of at.t. grades mannfactnred at the Southwark Sngax Refinery and the.Grocers’ Sugar House, for sal# bv E. C. KNIGHT A CO., Southeast comer water and Oheßtnut street*: FRESH OLIVE OlLni whole, half, and quarter bottles; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German town. Fresh groceries for Christmas New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Jnst received fresh, for sal# by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple# groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. ■ LIQUORS. AO. 6AA barrels pure CHAMPAGNE CIDER .now OUu offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street,below Third and Walnut. . no 4 Extra sparkling champagne ci der, af wholesale. Grocers and shipper# invited to examine. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear Btreet, below Third and Walnut streets. • no 4 SCOTCH WHISKEY »tn cases of one dozen each, on consignment and for sale by GEO ALKINS, 10 and )2 Somh Delaware avenne. J F. DUNTON, • 149 South Front street, above Walnut Agency of CRUSOE and CAMP ELL SHERRIES, TSBNEST IRROY A CO.’S CHAMPAGNES, Golden Star Brand, _ Ay Grand Moussanx, . BRANDIES. PORTS and MADEIBAB. anl# Sutlers and sHipPERa ATTENTioN.-- CHAMPAGNE CIDER, fine order for Shipping. For s ®J e 2 n s?L°}??si o at22oPearst., below'ThhdjtndWMnntßta. Ato* —anakv iRfo’EST— Twenty-five - Prime fiaimrv Seed in store and tor WOBraMKvo.ua wain*.