MTMTTWraSH NOTICES- GREAT ES T a Jßhi ifyrfllM PROVEMENT TTTtI M • * oP THE AGE IN PIANOS. , ■ wrpTYER’S Improved Overstrung Pianos i ao bv the leading artists, and endorsed M 6 O W be the fiaest Pianos in Xhe attention of the Musical Shese recent great improvements to Piano FOTtra. Bt a new method ol construction, the peatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without Eyof the sweetness and brilliancy for wWch these Pianos are so celebrated, J**?! xen trhloh, with as Improved Touch and Action ren- received the the World’s Fair; held to London, aswena* the Highest AwardE over all competitors, tram the £nrt Fairs and Institutes in this Conniyy. Ware, foams, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. celebrated Syp Tr the 6el tin th t World. The only BarmUts, mZfmdSdSa* Dye known. This splendid Haii nertect— changes Eed, Knsty or Grey Hair, fiSuftfrto* Olosiy Bloch or Natural Broom, with. injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving me hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed ffIUJAH A. Batdhklob, all others are mere irai omons, and shonld be avoided. Sold by all Drag, gists, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY street, N. y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Hair. . Off 0 1 *•' that their Manufactory of First-Class Piano Fortee ib now in full operation. The general saUslaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fertes are not sur passed by any manufactured in the United Stateß. Ihey respectfully Invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, Sfo. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND Black heath, white abb Coal,- carefully selected and prepared for family use, free from ■late and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at .prices as low'as the lowest for a good article. Lump Coal for found ries, and cbbsthot Coal for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of Hiokoby, Oak and Pike Wood, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Blaokbhith’s Goal, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send w»nr orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL, Offices, 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and master street, pine stree wharf, Schnylklll. THE COLD tfPBING ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the payed limits of the Gon ■olldated City and iu the Twenty-fourth Ward. STBCKAOO.’S MASON HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. STECKACO.’S J. E. GOI Seventh DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT iB the best remedy for Sores in the known world. efrßlMj, STEINWAY & SONS’ HgEjliH J? MEDAL GRAND, ?!•!!* SQUARE,UPRIGHT PIANOS are now considered the best in Europe, as well as this eountry, having received the flret Prize Medal at the World’s Exhibition m Loudon, 1662. The principal reason why the Stein way Pianos are superior to dll others Is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sous), who invent all their own improve ments, and under whose personal supervision •very pert of the instrument is manufactured. VFor sale only art BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut •tree! CENT BOTTLE WILL CURE Chills and Fever or Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery' or Bilious Colic, Rheumatism, Gout, Lum bago, Pain In the Kidneys or Bladder, Spine, Back or. Head, Burns, Scalds or Poisonous Bites, Strains, Sprains, or Bruises, Sore Throat, Influenza or Diphtheria, Swoolen Joints, Lameness or Cramp. All of these •omplaints one bottle will cure. It wil afford re- Hef by a single applicatioh Let every family keep it in their house, and use it when pain is expe rienced. A few minutes sifter its application the most severe pains will cease: it matters not what may be the cause of pain, relief will follow its use. Price 25 cts. per bottle. Sold by Druggists every where. i Dr. Rad way’6 Medicines are sold by Druggists ♦rerywhere. BADWAY &'CO., . 87 Maiden Dane, New York. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC WILL Promote the growth of the Hair, Remove Scurf and Dandruff, Give tiie Hair a glossy appearance, Prevent Baldness, Cure diseases of the Scalp, Reclothe Bald Heads with new Hair, Prevent premature Grayness, being tastefully put up, in new-style glass-stop pered bottles, and delightfully peifamed is adapted, to the toilet-table, and will afford general satisfac tion to all who give it a trial. Prepared onlv bv DR. D JAYNE & SON, No. 242 Chestnut street. YE.Ni.JN6 BULLETIN THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 1864. FRIENDS AND FOES. It is generally a pretty safe rule, that such persons as are respected and admired by our enemies should not be trusted. In acting upon this rule, injustice may sometimes be done to individuals; for the respect that an enemy may express for a man may be simulated simply for the sake of injuring him. But we presume there can be no mistake when we believe that the praise bestowed by the Southern rebels upon Clement L. Vallandigham is perfectly sincere; and for this reason alone, we would do wrong were we to regard Vallandigham as fit to be trusted in any way. In like manner, when a Union general fs singled out repeatedly by rebel journals for especial praise, either as a military or a political leader, we cannot help having our misgivings concerning him, as a man not to be trusted. He may be a fine ■military leader, but'we need other evidence than that of our i oes. Ho may have great qualities'as a statesman and patriot, bnt the ! word of a traitor is the worst possible proo? : ©fit. The converse of the rule we have stated is also a safe one by which to be guided; that is hose who are hated and feared by our enemies’ are eminently to he trusted by us. It is the weak leader, the poor fighting man, the gov ernor indulgent to traitors, that deserves and firm upholder of the authority’of th’eUmop 6 must expect deceive the abuse of thee ™’ try’s enemies. When Jefferson Davis, acttog *pon and repeating falsehoods, issues a decref ef outlawry against a Union general, and when fhe rebelpapers call that general a “beast ” and heap upon him other vile epithets, we cannot .-kelp. thinking that he deserves well of his eouhtry. When they fill the columns of their - papers with gross abuse and vile calumnies concerning the President of the United States we eannoUhelp thinking that it is because the President has done his duty too well to suit the Jrebe ? B ', , An Atianta , Georgia, newspaper, the Jfpeal, is as bitterly opposed to the re-election «f President Lincoln as are certain “Demo cratic” organs in Philadelphia and New York. It speaks of his “obnoxious administration;” of Jus “odious and tyrannical rule,” o f’ the •WTOngs and oppressions” we have had to en dure, and uses other phrases that we meet with every now and then in the Copperhead news papers. All the other rebel journals are, in like manner, opposed to the re-nomination and re jjleetioa Vis jyncoln, for tttis reason, with many others, we arid the loyal people of the United States sire' satisfied that. Mr. Lin coln is the very man to here-nominated andre elected. THE AMNESTY—OBDURATE REBELS. Northern orators and journalists,who sympa thize with the rehellion, ■ can always find in southern papefs, in letters from beyond the federal lines, and in the sentiments jof seces sionists who are held as prisoners by loyal troops, plenty of evidence to suit their views. According to these copperheads the govern ment is controlled by tyrants and butchers, for tyrannical ends, and the result of the war for the Union must be the division of the States of the Union into a collection of satrapies held -in subjugation by the satraps of Mr. Lincoln, or his “abolition” successor. They are very fond of the words “satrapy” and “satrap,” and seem to think they make the administration totter to its fall by the use of these portentous and objurgatory designations. General Butler is to the copperheads “a beast,” General Bum side a ferocious fiend,, (especiallyraihce he sent Yallandigham “to his own place]”) and no Union commander merits their approbation unless his heart is more tender and affectionate toward negro slavery than toward the Union. Even in so loyal a city as Philadelphia, copper heads may be found who offer and adopt such resolutions as the following, and then pretend to call themselves patriots : ‘ ‘Rnclrtd, That a war for the emancipation of negro slaves, or tor any other unconstitutional ob ject, is tyrannical, uuiustand barbarous; and that we are. not willing to have our glorions-and vene rated ‘Star Spangled Banner’ made the ensign of negro equality. ’• , The Copperhead organ which published the above, printed the last Clause “we are not willing to have our glorions and venerated Star Spangled Banner made the ensign of ne gro slavery ,” but at the request of the author of the resolution it eagerly republishes it re vised and corrected as given in small type above. . But the South ! According to their northern toadies the rebels are only waiting with impa tient devotion to “the Union as it was, aiid the Constitution as it is,” to hasten back] into the Federal fold, as soon as a democrat is elected President! The South will joyfully join the constellation of the Union once more, and then immediately prove their patriotic Americanism by proceeding' to drive “New England out into the cold,” thus vindicating their magna- 1 nimons forgetfulness of the past and devo tion to the integrity of the republic in the fu ture! At least the foregoing is the Copperhead idea of the South. PIANOS. PIANOS. td Chestnut. Now, in view of the above statements,.Jetthe reader peruse an extract from the message of the fugitive rebel Governor Allen, of Louisiana, who paused in his flight from the vicinity of General Banks, at Alexandria, long enough to indite his sentiments on the Amnesty Procla mation. According to this Governor Allen Mr. Lincoln, “the bloody Moloch at Washing ton,” is worse than Satan for desiring the rebels to lay down their arms and accept the amnesty. He says, with a fine flow of Southern rhetoric: “The fiend of hell in all his malice never con ceived such unnatural and infernal wickedness !! “Great God’. Peace to whom! Peace to you whose brothers have beenslain—whose lauds have been despoiled—whose homes have been burned— whose wives and whose daughters have been basely insulted ! ’ Tis the voice of the murderer with bloody hands reeking from his assassination, who now proposes terms of amity to the brother of his bleeding victim! ’ Tis the incendiary outlaw who returns lrom burningyonr houses and despoil ing your lands! ’ Tis the black-hearted villain who has insulted your wives and daughters, and who now asks you to take a seet around his loathsome fireside and bask in the smiles ot his own licen tiousness ! Forbid it, Almlghiy God!’’ How fine a figure it is to compare the old Union to the loathesome fireside of an assassin who asks people to “bask in the smiles of his own licentiousness.” But Governor Alien has more majestic sentences yet. He says that rather than accept the Amnesty all sorts of hor rors;. should be endured. Hear him:— 1 * ‘Lose negroes, lose lands, lose everything, 'oselite itself,’ bnt never think of reconstruction— here is* a sett of blood between us; we cannot pass •bat sea. Let us rather add thereto a wall of liv ing fire, and a gnlf deep and dark, of eternal hate I speak to-day by authority; I speak as the Gove nor of the State of Louisiana, and I wish it known at Washington and elsewhere, that rather than re construct this governmtntand go back to the Union, on any terms whatever, the people of Louisiana will, in conventi, n assembled, without a dissent ing voice, cede the State to any European power. Give ns the guillotine, or Botany Bay, the knout, or Siberia, tfce bow-string, or the Bosphorus, rather than Buffer the brutal outrages of Yankee subjugation.” Such are the sentiments of a prominent and obdurate rebel; one of the very class which northern Copperheads are eager to take to their bosoms once more ! The restoration of the Union can never be initiated by such men nor by those in the north with whom they are in sympathy. That great and beneficent work must proceed from thedown-trodden masses'-of the South, who are trampled upon by the aristocratic slave-lofds and despised by their northern toadies. VERY HEAVY SALES OF REAL ESTATE. Mr. Jampg A. Freeman adverii-es a very lar-o amount of nropeny for bis Sale 30t.h inst. Full descriptions may be seeu on onr Pth page In. eluded will be fonnd the Estate ol James Roonu, deceased ; John Mingle, decea ed ; Michael Dexts, decerned; Pierson minors. Thomas G H-islam, deceased; Stephen deceased; James Haunt, deceased; Peter Landis , deceased; Alexander Nichols, deceased and Luke I. Goins , deceased' by order ol the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia; the Estate of William Galen, deceased by order of tbo Oiphpans' Court of Montgomery County, the Estate of James P. Ellis, deceased, by Order of Executors ; Estate of Soger McDonald, deceased, by Order of maD y other Valuable Properties to be sold vnlhout reservation- r Also the Estate of Christopher. Snyder, deceased, to be sold on tbe premises. f&~ Altogether 50 Properties. Sale xext YVednEBdav. Tbis most important Sale including tbe Estate of Tobias P,,le, tleceased Nicholas Bittenhuvse; deceased ; Benjamin Davie, deceased ; Peter Wager, deceased ; Seth Craige, deceased; Elias 8.-udinott, deceased and Jacob Peters, deceased, invites especial attention. There are in all 87 Properties, full descriptions of ‘which may be seen in Pamphlet Catalogue to moirow aiternoon. BEAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, L'-heoLV hext; a large bale by order of Or & Sn%’ o aTenfs™ent 0 s rBand ° fhCT6 ' L°StMM due April. warded VtavES? wl THIRD and ARCH ? streets “ U “ 011 Banlt ’ ■VPHILADELPBtA, March in, 1864. mhto-3t* 0 PITCBER’s'' piVAh “LESLIE for March. - fr, g( 8 Chestnut street. it* nofireFFaF.F. PbTTFRSON—PIease take id* Court has granted a rule on yon to «hn?iA CaU t e a Divorce a vinculo matrimoni «n o isi£r, Bot he decreed in this case, returnable SATURDAY; March 19th, ISM, at 10 o’clo.fcA. M. FerEonal service having failed on account of absence of respondent. ' ~ ■ EDWARD Moo ABE,,f,m,tn,lt*] • Att’y., for Libellant. QILVER PEARL SOAP, a very superior art ‘cle for DETERSIVE and WASHING * >nt n P i n fin cans of one, five, ten and liberal discount to tbe trade. ALKENS - 10 80(112 t B,BBAILT P 3 ; *. TTI PJRmAr, :- MATCH 10, -H864. GET CARTES HE -VISITE.'—They are most teautilui specimens of miniature Likenesses; end as made by B. F. REIMER,624 ARCH street, they are gemb of Phot gi aplim art TRAVELERS’ BOOTJACKS, made to fold up and to be used or fastening room doors. Also, adjusting and other kinds of iron Bootjacks, at TRUMAN A SHAW’S( No. 335 (Eight Thirty flvei Market street, below Ninth.' . THE MERITS OF REiMER’S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS., for SI 60, and .their mode-- rate charge, make them the moet popular style Pictures of the times. SECOND street, above Green. FOR WiDE GOFFERING we have scissors With prongs seven inches long. TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 635 flight Thirty-flTe) Market street, below Ninth. PORTRAITS —The wondrous accuracy 'and fresh, artistic coloriturevinced in B. F. REI MER’S Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors, find no parallel In any made Usewhere. 624 ARCH street. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANU FACTORY—The largest and best assortment of Wigs,. Toupes, Long Hair Braids, Curls, Frizettes, Illusive Seams, for ladies, at prices ■lower than elsewhere, at 909 CHESTNUT strtet - mhS-lmrg# B 1 * 4 *! CAGES, MARINE SHELLS AND AQUARIA, , Constantly on hand at the AQUARIA STORE, . No. 53 North Sixth street, mhB-lm,rp* belov Arch. . SHETLAND WOOL SHAWLS, largest size, at *6 50.— GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 Chest nut street, opened this morning 2 cases Shetland Wool Shawls of the largest size, 76 inches, in all White, all Black. Black and White and four shades of Beautiful Drabs, solid colors, suitable for Friends—these are the same, size and quality sold last e.ason at $l3 GO. In.order to compete with some Job Lots now in the market, the price Is re duced for the present to. *6 50. mh7-6i» ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. comer of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS’S Principal OfflceV es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Plamonrtc. Silver r>late. Watches, Jewelry,Cloth ing, and goods of every desert otion. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M. deon.tfrp Marking with indelible ink, km BROIDERING, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. M. A. TOBREY, IBS* Fllhart rtree SOAP— PUHE FAMILY SOAP.—CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or OLAY, but Is an entirely PURE. SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put up, In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKINTON to S ON, det7-IvTp» 116 Margarettastreet. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS, FIELD Glasses, Microscopes lor Physicians and Stu dents. A very large assor’ment for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN A GO., fe-22-lm rpt 924 Ohestnnt street. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. O Artificial human eyes inserted without pain JAMES W. QUEEN A CO., Opticians, fegg-lm-rpt 924 Ohestnnt street. FITLEB. WEAVER * 00., Manufacturers of MANILLA AND TABBED OOBDAGB, - COKDS, Twin*, AO., Wo. S 3 North Water street and No. 22 North Deis, ware avenue. Philadelphia. SDWIHH. FITLBK. MlfjHlWT. Willm r*OWUSD F. Ciorem S HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street, __ Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Particular attention given to U. S. Government kohPS. iafl-3mrp§ jg George j. boyd, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 19 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis slon. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Uncurrent money bought and sold. " mh2-3mrps C\__ BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM ■A-VV STREETS. v auction sale of horses, carriages, On SATURDAY MORNING next at 10 o’ clock, comprising about FIFTY" HORSES. Full descriptions in catalogues. ADO, A bay horse,Rogers Germantown wagon, eoune harness, Ac., by order of administrators of Isaac Keons, Esq., deceased Al£o, A bay mare, Rogers ndßop wagon, York wagon, slpigh, harness, robe. Ac., by order of administra tors ol Andrew J. Wester, E-q., deceased. ALSO, New and second-hand carriages, light wagons. Ac., Inducing An elegant French coupe, in good order, cost 5950. Also, single and double harness, saddles, covers Ac. No postponement on account of weather. By Sale of horses, Ac . on Wednesday. ALFRED M. HERKNESS, mhlO-gtrp Auctioneer. PURE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE The undersigned, having an experienced fifteen years in the factnre of Cod Liver Oil, has recently, at a large cost, greatly Increased the process of procurit g It, and now offers to the public a prepa ration that for nndeviattng purity, uniform fresh-" ness and superiority of preparation is unmatched. These results’are maintained by the personal supervision of the proprietor wbose efforts have .at once made this Oil the standard of excel euce Physicians and others looking to the attainment of the greatest medicinal efficucv in the shorten time and thereby Obviating tndigWtion aid nausea in the patient, car secure their purpose bv the ad ministration dmy Oil. J . CHARLES W. NOLEN. No 154 North Third street. ? 1< ‘ !?sr6 ' JOHN WYETH A BROTHER, Apothecaries, at their store, No. Hli Walnut street, above Broad, and by Druggists generally. TheCo.pnrtnnhip exising between JOHN O. BABER and CHARLES W NOLEN, underthe firm same of JOHN O. BAKER & 00., was dissolved on tte 6tb of July, 18*3, the business being continued by the undersigned at the old stand. No. 154 Nor h Third street. det7-th,sa,tu.3ms CHARLESW NOLEN. COUGHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS; COI.IiS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. n - COUC * COLDS, CONSUMPTION. DR. bWAYNE’S OOMP; iUND SYRUP WILD „ _ CHERRY, DR. fcWAYNE’b COM Potted SYRUP WILD ■ CHERRY DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRiUP WILD CHERRY DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, ~ DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COM PLAINTS CURES sLt. COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS n-r, „,„CURES al:l COMPLAINTS 8| tSI tsg 8| THE Tmuli?: RUNGS' ' A Fw H ,F T HKOAT ’ hkeast and Fungs .. A °* many years has proved to the world himo.V U t rt ‘ ml ‘' ylB mor,, efficacious tha^anv pKtTmVrin- in 6 d VR^^ DR. StpAYNE A SON 9nirt iatt a 2 3? IVorth street » 'delphia. Sold by dealers every where. jaaa-ta, t£ sa-ly Removal!' ‘ JOHN C.BAEEK has removed from 154 North S » eet l< !, 7IH MARKET street. Portion. “ on ’T'i 1 . be , fiven »o the manufacturing and bottling ol bis celebrated Cod Liver Oil. John C. Baker * Co.’s Medicinal Cod Liver Oil Das.for many yeare had a reputation for genuine- Lets, freshness purity and sweetness, which has m«ae the demand universal. In this house. 718 Market street, the facilities for obtaining, manu facturing and bottling are. greatly Increased, and ißall done, under the most careful supervision of the original and sole proprietor. This brand of Oil has, therefore, advantages over all others and repommende itself. . wier8 > ana . JOHN O. BAKER, Wholesale Drueviat No. 718 Market freL.. ®.„J’ORSAt.T, Adesrahle BKOWN ot> ™u drilling, no. m "C Sn SaS ABB - * pply at 103 WalnD * BtweufSp mtuu-Gt* ov o e?^ S o T^ L C E H T E^nV°' n - »' Ktript^ 61 *! 1 * and has a flne entranc??rom Tt thl miIRTO 5 . 0 ; a . lßr £ P Boom OV6r No Taxion* ** BARLOW’S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER’S DRUG STORE; No 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, WIU color more water than four times -the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. fiSTThe new Label does not reqni re a staipP- It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and inferitr ar’ieles. mbs lmrps INDIA SHAWLS. GEORGE FRYER, NO. 916 CHFSTNUT STREET, Will display on MONDAY, March 7th, hie SPRING IMPORTATION OF REAL INDIA SHAWLS. The handeomest and largest assortment he has ever shown. The attention of the ladies is requested. Also, ELEGANT SILKS, " ORGANDIES, Ac., and other description of Shawls. mhs-6t{ BESSON & SON, Have commenced receiving their BPBING AND SUMMEB STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS, And have now in store: Black Byzantines, English Bombazines, “ Florentines, French Bombazines, *« BaregeHernani, Summer Bombazinee, • 1 Crape Maretz, Cbaly, 1 * Bareges, Mo asse lines, • 1 Silk Grenadines, Tami«es, Black and Black ana White Foulards, Ate. MOURNING STORE, No. 918 Chestnut Street, CHARLES EMURY- ALEX.BENSON,J*. CHARLES EMORY & CO., Btook and Exchange Brokers, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD ST- Philadelphia* AJI kinds of uncurrent funds and Gold and Su rer bought and. sold, and Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and tale of Government, State and other Stocks Loans on commission. ja&-3m{ Uyon’s Kathairon. Kathairon is from the Greek word * ‘Kath-e,’ ’ or “K&thairo, ** signifying to cleanse, rejnjftnate and restore. This article is what its name digni ties. For preserving, restoring and beaudfving the human hair it is the most remarkable prepara tion in the world. It is again owned and pat np by theoriginai proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and atteniion which gave it a sale of over one millior bottles per annum. It is a most delightful hair dressing. It medicates scurf nnd dandruff. It keeps the head eoo' and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and gloe6y. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman woo values a beautiful head of hair should ut e Lyon’s Kathairou. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by ail respectable dealers. DEHAS S. BASHES & CO., Hew York. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This Is the most delightful and extraordinary ar ticle ever discovered. It changes the sun curat face and hands to a p*-arlv satin texture of ra vishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and appearance so inviting in the city brhe of fashion. It removes tan, heckles, pimples aud roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains n't material injurious to the sttn. Pa tronized by Actresses and < pera Mngers. It is vrhatevery lady should have. &old everywhere Prepared by W. E. HA(ia.N, Troy. N.T. Address all orders to w Demas S. Barnes & Co., New York. HEIMSTREET’ 3 Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A DYE Bnt restores gray hair to its original color.hy sup plying the capillary tubes with na ural 6aste. name, impaired ay age or disease. All tafteefa. neous dyes are cemrcsect of ‘«mar eaus/ic,destroy‘ng the vitality and beamy of the hair, and. afford of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet r Inimitable Coloi lug not on»y restores hair to its natural color by an easy proems, but gives the haira Luxuriant Beauty, promotes Its growth, prevents its tal lng off.eradi cates dandruff, and impart* health and pleasant ness to the head. It ha* the testof time, being the or ginal J» air Coloriug. and is constancy in creasing in favor. U ed oy b tfi gentlemen and ladies. Ills sold by all r**speetab't? dealers, or can be procured by them of the commer lal agenL**, D. S. BAKNES & CU., ilu*- Broadway, New York. Two sizes, 50 cents a*,rt #!. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St Lou s and Cincinnati, who have been «.'onwer:eriiig the viusfctug Liniment under pretence ot proprieiorsnip, have beea tko roughly esWpped by tile Courts. To guard attains further impositon, i have procured from the U. S Treasury,- h private st-*el plate revenue stamp, which i* placed over the top ot each boule. Each stamp bears ihe fac simile of my ignature, and without wh'ch the artic eis a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthies* im tirion. Exarnmeevery bottle. This J immem has been in nse and grow ing in fax or for m ny years. There hardly exists a hamieton tnehabitable Globe that, does not con tain evidence of its wonderful fffects. It is the be*t emollient ui the worl.i. With i.s present im« proved mgredieuts, its effect* npou man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable onimais made use ful, and untold iilt? For cats, bruhes sprains, rheumaiism, swellings.bites, oats.cakea breasts, straii ed horses, ,y c , it is a Sovereign Re. medy that should never be dispensed with It should be in every larotiy. Sold by a.l Druggists. fel6-tuths6ms D. S. B-VRNES, New York boxes, in handsome cases °* 3»-CT»««tnnt SerwiCT h*lo7 Fnnrtt*. HK. ® E ? itT ■ BI'ANUFAOTOBY Hoop Silrta ready-made and made to order: war ranted of tlie beat materials. Also, S&irts repaired, TT, MES ' E - BAYLEY, Bia Vine street, abnie Kisthth. -TUfi Soap is mad« freBtl a V n Oil, and is entirely a rege- Pl mo , re B , aitahle for Toilet nee than thos* SSSS for *1 fatf *- „ In 60x611 «* one dozen for SI SO per box. Manufactured by « „„ O-EO. M. ELKINTON ? Choiee Dress Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &c, THIS STOCK 13 PEINCIPALLY OF THEIB OWN SELECTION IN THE BEST EUEOPEAN MARKETS, Will le found one of the Choicest sad Handsomest Assortments They Have Ever Offered Their Cus- tomeis. 818 and 820 Chestnnt Street. GRAND CELEBRATION OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL UNION CLUB OP PHILADELPHIA. The Executive Committee of the National Union Club having directed the Committee on Meetings to make arrar, gements for celebrating the Anniversary of the Organization of the Club, the undersigned give notice to their fellow-citizens that the Celebration will lake place at the Academy of fllusie, 6h Friday Evening, the 11th instant The following distinguished gentlemen have con sented to be present and address the meeting: Hon HANNIBAL HAMLIN, Vice Preiiden ef the United States. Blb Excellency GOVERNOR CURTIN \ Sena'or LANE, of Indiana. Hon. BINE'S T. BLOW t of Missouri Hon. GREEN CHAT SMITH, of Kentucky. Hon. AMOS MTERS, of Pennsylvania, With other distingulibed local Speakers. The doors of the Academy will be open at Seven Clock, and the proceedings will commence promptly at HALF-PAST SEVEN. Tickets may be obtained at the CLUB HOUSE, 1105 CHESTNUT STREET. RESERVED SEATS FOR LADIES Will be obtained ONLY from the undersigned members of the Committee on Meetings GEO. T THORN, Chairman. DR. WM GREGG, J. R. FLANI iEN, OH AS. HUMPHREYS, S. SN’XDER ItEIHY, HENRI? BUMM, JAaiE* FREEBORN, JN*. R ORR, S/DANIELS, JN(‘ FRANKLIN, BULL mh9-3t fa HENRY HARPER 520 Arch street, v MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Waiches, Fine Jewelry. Solid. Silver Ware, AND SUPERIOR PLATED GOODS. US-FINE SWORDS and SILVER WARE made in the Factory on the premises. mli7-lms The Rew Duplex Elliptic SPRING SKIRT, OF ALL SIZES. Sheppard,Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 CHESTN UT STREET. mhp.tu the s 6t* ,-CTBB. ,rn QEDPE & VUNDT’S, RTTtJ STECK’S PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. A. SOHERZER, inh3-3mrp{ 424 N. Fourth, ab. Callowhill. jifgEii tlm ._ Trtk. l -MUi*. I iaiiii 'JUANC* PSStaSSS FACTORING COMP ANT hay* at II fi I !' their laotory and warorooma, 181! WALNUT street, always a most beantlfn! assort ment of their unrivalled PIANOS, which thej tell at the lowest cash prlcei or on instalments Give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere, and •very satisfaotion and guarantee will ba given buyers. Sole Agent lor ” * 1 ' „ ~ „ G. A. PRINCE A CO.’S World-Renowned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING-ROOM ORGANS. ERNEST GABLER’S, RAVEN & BACON’ST „HALLET, DAVIS A CO.’S, lau-ilmrp} OELEBRATED PIANOS. aAnua, CORRECT' PIARO lUHihii— MMSBIMr. O. E. SARGENT’S orders foi lIC I l * Tuning and Repairing Pianos arers. reived at Mason A Go. ’s Store, #»7 CHESTNUT itreet, only. Mr. Sargeant has had Eleven Tsais’ factory experience In Boston, and Fly* Tsars’ <4Sj employments Philadelphia. SPECIAL—FIan« rt-icatkend to sound as soft and sweet-toned as new, wittoul removing. Terms for toning, il. oolMnutf JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT MSiGKS IN FRENCH I ORGANDIES, JACONETS, . . AND PERCALES. ALSO, . Rich and Handsome NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M. L. HALLOWEI.L ft CO., J l5 Chestnut Street. “AT RETAIL.” JAS, R, CAMPBELL & C 0 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to tteir stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DEESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing tbe mbst ejteußiTe and desirable assortments "wHich. they to a-te ever offered, COUBVOISIEE’S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND GOLD. MOLRNOG GOODS. 3-4 and S 4 BAREGE HEBNANT, 3-4 and 8-4 OBAPE MABETZ. 3-4 and 3 4 TAMABTIf» ES -3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BIZANTINES and FLORENTINES. Frencti and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. "MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in great.variety. All vvidTlts and best brands. REAL BLACK LACE ' POINTED Large Special Sale. STOCK NOW IN STORE. OYEK FIFTY THOUSAND*” DOLLABS IN THIS ARTICLE ALONE. GEO. "W. VOGEL, No*-1016 CHESTNUT SL, ■will, on MONDAY, March 6th, commence a Spe cial Sale of Real Bloch Lace Pointes and Square Shawls, comprising over Two Hundred Shawls, including seme of the richest and finest ever man ufactured; positively richer and finer than any to be found in any other establishment, not only ia this city,but in any other marketm this country. G. W. V. respectfully begs leave to say to par ties requiring Real Shawls, that, without examin ing this stock, they can have no idea of the great elegance in which this article is now prodneed; what; is exhibited in other establishments as being rich Shawls, falls, in comparison with this stock, to quite ordinary work. A comparison of Prices so licited. mhs«6t§ WfefcliahUifcMi ''-i- * Recent improvements now.enable us to offer the VERY BEST PEN, in every respect, ever sub mitted to writers. FARR &. BROTHER, 324 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. mh£s,m,tb9tQ , y jsto. is SOUTH THIRD ST., | BANKERS & BROKERS.£ SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Checks,, AND ,ALL GOVEENMEST SECtmiTIEs BOTTO-TT r T AND SOLD- « ALEX. WRAY & CO., 239 CHESTNUT STREET, Importers of British Dry Goods, and British and German Hosiery, Gloves, Undershirts and Drawers. &c., A full stock for Spring Sales; just opened. mho-lnR V BANKERS. Exchange on England, pane* aid Germa/ty, ’ 7 8-10—-5-20 Loan andCouponSa CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QUARTERMASTER’S. CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold? STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD •srbrders bv Mall attended to-^. QLOTHES WRINGERS, patent p* Dishes, every article of Kitchen Hardware at the House, keepers’ Depot. (jjjnPFITH A PAGE, »h5-lyipG Southwest corner Sixth aadArch. mhS-StJ tv o