KELIANCB INsUBANOE timvrPftiwS -L t F PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Pernatnm OFFICE No. 308 WALK UT Stree? H||fl > «E^rND°^a e inMe; ube; CAPITAL 5300,u00. ASSETS J 5387,211 86. 111 **“following Becnrities, viz: Slrst Mortgage on City Property, well Phli te ri ?'h teS OoTernment Loans’.'.'‘.” B n§ooo 00 r h m^ lphia ,S ity 6per cent - Loans.... 50,006 06 Ccmmoii■wealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cent &3>c00,000 Loan... 18.008 fifl Pennsylvania Bailroad Ist and 2d Mort- 00 fLouiis,,,.m ma (in Camden and Amboy Bailroad Com- ’ , s6 P er cent. L0an;.............. Aniifle* Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company’s6per cent. Loan.... s. non no Hnntingdon and Broad Top Bailroad 7 5,000,10 Commercial Bang of Penn’a.' Stock"" moon oe Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck......7. ® 4 000 00 ° Stock...*l™ lnßWluloe Company’i ntnal i n ®hrance'company’s Reliance Iheuran’ce Company of Phiial' delphia stock <2,500 ee iioans on Collaterals. weU secnred 2,250 06 n^T^‘\. lntereßt " 5,082 00 cash In hank and on hand 16,587 86 Worth at present market raine .8399,664 36 Dl££vTO£S. S em S ta^L ey ’ Bfnj. W. Tinglev, Wm. B. Thompson, Eobert Tol.tno, Samuel .BiEpham, Wm. Stevenson, ™V, e , rtS £ en > Hampton L. Carson, William Musser, - Marshall Hill, - Charles Leland, J. Johnson Brown, Thosv H. Moore. 7 Thos C Kttt CL^J INGLET - Breawent. ihos. C. Hill, Secretary. jal-f m w-ly§ insurance and TRUST COMPANY —THE GTRAIiU LIFE INSURANCE AN « CITY andTRUST COMPANY, ofPtdiacteinMa.’ ' OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT Stailt _ : CHARTER PERPETUAL/ ‘ Capital, 8300,000—paid in and invested in Bond* and Mortgages. Continue to make Insurance on Lives, irrant An mllv e wS?^s d^ entB and make contracts gene on 4116 contingencies of Ufa Executois, Administrators,Assignees, £^®*X e^ s ’. Committee of Lunatics, Guardians ol tn th»i S a ? d Trustees generally, whether committed corpcratehodfes?' todiTidaalß - Go^ «J^ceor giy? a participation of Profit* to tne In •urea for life. • KANAGBRB. ThomasKldgway, John A. Brown. T^ , wn P ?S TS^?I, John E. Latimer, Slack, John C. Mitchel, ThomaaP James, Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, 7 George Taben, Stacy B. Barcroft.- Henry G. Freeman, Wmf P. Jenks, MEDroAi, ExAiOHims—Geo. Emerson, M.D. and Samnel Ohamberlaine, M.D., attend at th* office daily at 12 o’ clock noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and exnla mitlon of terms of appUcation, and farther inior mation can be_ha_d_at the office. JOHKg. J^ M /clg^ DQVAY ’ Pre3ld6 f ”‘ ; SUE ANOE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. MARINE, FIE-E AND Tic a® transportation ENfmiiNOE * E^forrMr°a S toeM A^ UTBtreet ’ *”**.«*+ Properties oi this Company are well in- KuSJt/iE?' *s™}? b ** available fund for the ample tecSflnsnSLc^" 50118 Wio d6Slre 10 * P«>- mSofe.® tefieil 0,1 Vessels, Freights inland transportation risks on J S? ad !> Cabals and Steamboat uf.TS 4, , s £? 011 Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings In City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794 CAPITAL KsDA aae. AND PAID IN AND iEOtJRELY IN-’ ** TESTED. TOTAL PROPETIEsT" •1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. Coffin, James N. Dlcgens, , W. Jones, s. Morris Wainf^ rf*} ai ‘i r ® ro^a > John M*mon« Charles Taylor, George L. Harrison Ambrose White, FmoSisß. Co^T^ Richard D. Wood, H TVottar Wlljlam Welsh, “lauto, ' William E. (Bowen, William Cummings. T Oharleton Henry. Ohaelhs SeraitaryT™*’ Presld6nt ' P ,H pan£ COM - PETUAir OEATEI) PEE. ehange 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex sura MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this Company Insures from loss or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture Ac., for limited periods, pmS 1811 y on buildings, by deposit of The Company has been In active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS, .during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIBECTOKS. D. Clark Wliarton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., David Lewis, Benjamin Etting, Tbi’inas H. Powers. A R. McHenry, (Edmond Castillon. Jobn L. Hodge, Adolphns Peries, "Williim McKee, M. B Mahony, Jobn T Lewis, Jobn R. "Wilmer, 'William S. Grant, Robert "W. Learning, , a-lttt-tv? President. • Sahtcel Wilcox, Secretary FIR E “A S S OOIATION generally, from Loss by Fire, fin tbt ladelphia only.) 9 ' Statement of the Assets of the Association, Jann „ J ary 1, 1863. and Mortgages on Property in the GSSd Ee“ IPWa only * “ Beal Estate Ti’w?? Caen on tana ::::::::::::: £ TRUSTEES: GEORGE W.-TRYOW, President. §C„F ainuton » Jos - E - Lyndall, A Eerl P. CbatsT’ Dv^ yler i Samnel Sparhaw*. John Plulbin, Charles Bower! John Carrow, Samuel Seattergood. HiS* I * X 9. pr> g» Jesse Lightfoot. w.iTjTjlAiye T. BUTLEHi Secretary- American mutual insurance com'. PANT—Office, Fardnliar Bull dine, No U walnut street. MABINE AND INLAND IN. ? ANCES—Risks taken’ on "vessels cargoes and freights to all parte of tub world, and o£™£ ?n»^ land^ tr ‘S. BportatloH on fliers, canals, mi! United States? 1161 C ° nTeyancea WILLIAM CRAIQ-, President. D. B. T I" „ DiaaoTOES. Craic Henry O, Dallet, . Peter Cullen, William'T. Lowlier. wnfiimT? 4 ™- „ J - Jotmeonßrown, Merrlelc, Samnel A. Bulon, Gillies Dallett, Mason Hutchins. Benjamin W. Blchards, Henry L. Elder f siSSSss This Company, favorably knovrato th« nlty for nearly forty years, contarae^t?K gainst loss or damage by Are, on Public Ball Sings, either permanently or fora limitedtto? Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and dise generally, on liberal terms. sma S apitaJ > with » large Surplus ShoSi m 1 ??® 8 * 84 111 1118 most careful maruaer" rSd e Sty«»ir Wedan - 23exSider :^' tte ”°“’ EOT^°“asEobl:M > £SS .gS-nRS^'- Henry Lewis? rst ’ ' Thomas Smith. FresiW A J PAN I y, AK FIEE iksubawoe com- IKCOEP O EATE ? E ¥“ S PHABT E B PEB ”0 WALN^H S afeHIB D Street, Hues, continne to Insure on Dweutn^c? 6011 ' Fnrnltnre, Merchandise, Veßsela a and other personal property liberally and promptly adjnited. 7 Los * <u >n,n_. _ MBEOTOBS. t 5S m as .B. Marls, John T. Lewis. James E. Campbell PaSick p'3 orton ’ Edmnnd d. Tlnmh’ Patnci Brady, Charles W. Ponltaey. Israel Morris. *’ AiBSETC President. y. j,. Secretary, mysa. T l pany IDNTY fire insubanoe COM OFFICE, NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. BELOW CHESTNUT. ’ Phi‘^, F l r f 0 I , 1 i 81l r nCe Company of the County oi Philadelphia. ’ Incorporated by the UeslelafnN of Pennsylvania In 1839, for indemnify losb or damage by fire, exclusively t y against CHARTEE PEEPETUAE. ■Pma old and reliable Institution, with amnia capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continaes to insure buildings, furniture, merehan dise, to. either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of it« customers. J " Losses adjusted and paid with all possible da. spaioh. , , „ DIBEOTOES. Qiarles J. Sutter, Eoberty. Massey. Henry Orilly, John Horn, • JTederlck Schober, Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. n™.™^ i l LES X SUTTEE, President Bbhjamih F. HoBQgLBy. Sec’y and Treasurer. Jf^B? N PHi F SMiJi §£t &(S T Sy) D and BCTTONWOOD S^Tinm’o Blo^* 00 -?.', Make insurance against Boss FI S of Pablic or PrivateßuUd. Pa™* lll1 ®, stocks Of Goods and Merchan dlse, on favorable terms. 1,050 M ' $387 311 86 ~ _ dibeotobs. Miller. Inr/T^r 1 ’ fSffig***? McDaniel, Frederick Dbll. - Jacob Schandier, Georgeßlntz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samuel Hiller- JOKNF. BExfsfSS^e’^rnf rHmp E. Oolkman. Secretary. & F Alfljs” IKSUHiNCE (J< >MPA N'v NO. 408 CHESTNUT STREET, ' ■ * PHILADELPHIA- FIBE AND INLAND INSURANCE. _ , „ „ EIBECTOKB. Francis N. Buck, Jno. W.ETennan, Charles Richardson, - Robert B.Potter, n*T» y t!o W 1S ’ Jno.Kesßler,Jr., p , «s W t\, D ? t 1s ’ • E. D. Woodruff Chaa Stokes, ’ Geo - A \E. est ’ Jos. D Ellis. BUCK, President. ViCB PraSlden ‘- CITY FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY once 409 WALNUT street. Cash v/&pital and Assets, $330,500 Before p J eS O H nS, ILLINGHAST - Agent ' New Ha?e C n E Con T n ON ’ President Elm JAMES M. BEEBE & CO., Boston, Mass. v^Je^ IMAN * IG EI NEN COMPANY, New ■ _.T. B. LIPPINUOTT A Co.. Philadelphia •piLECTRICITY WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Messrs. GBIM and ALLEN, "*oclated riracti™ *’ havlDg tUssfilved partnership, the practice will be continued bv THO<S at t iftni- de^ bllBb6 ?° fflc6 -N° w S cn CoateB Brown where he wm *“*™S an , d cnre 811 curable diseases (whether wnto.dinmto, Bnlmonary or Paralytic, without me“ or the throat and respiratory organs. h^«iSAn f i!i,j <Useases 111 wlu ch successful cun* made are mentioned below. tet “d Getteral Debility. Paralyse. tage *' the Llyer or ‘ Bi?hetes y SSSfF D ' ' P S I S , eWo^ (FaUn “ Dvsoensla. Prolapsus Anl(or Piles) BSefgStan. Emluloim, Bronchitis. IDeafne.™ Inflnenxa and Catarrh. M** 01 ® 58 - hi o charge for consultai t A. M. to 6 P. M. T estimonlals to ne seen i QPAIa DENTAUJna. i A superior article for cleaning tha TMttt da. Jtroytog aßlmalonltß which infest them, flTin* J??® _ th ® romß, and leaving a filing S teu s®**?°s cleanliness in the month. I> SSTvf Jif'L'i “iuy> and will be found to strengthen bl6s ;dJng gums, while the aroma anddeT tersiveneES will recommend it to every one. Be i?i?„S 3 ? lpo6ed tlle assistance of the Dentist. Physician, and Microscopist, it is confidence EEBLfIBLE substitute for the unonv | tain washes formerly in Togne. Eminent Dentists, acquainted wltn tHe constit*. *?*•? ° f tde advocate its uses; it 40 JP re '™» t tta unrestrained em ployment. made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. _ . r BBOAD and SPBUCE Streets Tor ealeby Druggists generally, and D. It Stackhouse. Hassard&Co., Roberto. Davie, Quo. O. Bowers/ Kar. . Charles Shiver* O. H. Reedies, <3-. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. o. Turnpenny, A Go Ambrose Smith, Charles H. *Eberle, S!??f ,ls ? e S e S. James N. Marks, ' E. Bringburst * Co,, - James L. Bispham, DyottiOo., Hughes* Coombs, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth * Bro. ITJILECTRIOITY. XIWONDERFUL DISCOVERY Am WOK. DERFTJL RESULTS. All acnte and chronic diseases cured by tpe idoo desired t>7 the patient, at 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, anrf in \ Sf 56 a faUnre no charge is made. No drug ging the system with uncertain medical agent*. .oures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism I °tr er niodiflcations of Electricity, without i jnocas or any unpleasant sensation. For fur information send and get a pamphlet. 1 Which contains hundreds of certificates from i ®oine of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, ! who have been speedily, and permanently * cured after all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over eight thousand cured lx lew than four years, at 1220 WALNUT street 1 «. ±J.-—Medical men and others who desire a ,9* my new discovery, can com 52vtinTT l ieS. lirBeof Noctures at any time. 1 *inalifled over one thousand E,ectricl *“^'? „„ 1 /£ OFS - BOLLES fc &ALLOWAY, OCI4-tf 1220 WalEpt street. Phlla. AFBIEND IK NEED—TBT IT —UK pStarL INI i ALLIBLE LINIMENT i« 6on P Mc«^?.^tr ic l l l 6 of Dr - Stephen Sweet, oJ nsert fn bone setter, and ha* beer MsftfS££S„ f ” “ tW tV e^Si hr^ n^v£M^S l Wounds, Sprains, Brnlßes, It/sMthtni healing and powerful Btrengrthenlne nro^, •xclte the just wonder and MtinShnfon w,? who have ever given It a trial. Over foriT 0 h„ I IP dred oertlflcates of remarkable cures by lt within the last two year., Bold everywhere. tnie-iy JUMELLE’S, COMPOUND SYRUP — OP DOCK.— We often hear it repeated by those (w&Tro™. COMPOUND DOCK, that among all the thousand offered to the. public, there is none of them bo ealutaTy as a cough medicine, so potent as an m -80 effectual as a purify ing specific, and >.?i fl L OOUng and restorative in cases of physical de. a ur?st?at r ilS n V^ :ltation 8113 a general sinking or a P, ros tration of the system. ° l52‘?°7VT J^w y c + ? e ? roprietor » F - JtJMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4-3ms tablets ABB aSfiSaiSff'BSgr BSESS2S ■SSottng the organ* of the and retail, by LANCASTER * WILLS. E S lrw 0 ?’ S UIFHTHEBIA LOZENGES.— Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for ?S- ne 5 a > Sore Throat, HoarsenessaSd Bronchial Affections generally. Trv +ho™ THOMAS ESTLAOK, Sr., Druggist, s?W cot of Eighteenth and Market sts.. ia2B-3m j' TAYEOE’S AENIOA OIL OB EMBROOA TION—A reliable article. Positively cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, ChUlblains, Fains in the Umbs, Chest, Side Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAT LOE, Tenth And Callowhlllstreets. Price; ascents, y fe22-3m# ’ JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA tion, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, expressly LANCASTER & WILLS £ «“» a*®™* THE-PAILS ETENIN6BPM,EUN; FHHAl)gI,P ft u. W;i)Ni;ijOAY. MAHCiI 0. WM , M i. ttion, Office noun £roa at the office. de2-Cmj LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE SUFFERING LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS a* a specific for all female difficulties LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are wonderfully adapted to obstinate eases. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ere not pleasant to take, butpoweitul la tbeix LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS payer barn any one if they follow tbe directions. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, m cases of painful sicln»ess,;act libega cbarm In ylgoratmg, restoring and renoyatlngtlie system. LYON’S PERIODICAL DdOPS are a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are genuine only, wben tbe name of Doctor Jobs L. Lyon Is written upon tbe directions, wblcb an wrapped carefully around each bottle. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are for sale by druggists In city and country eyery. LYON’S cost but one dollar perbottle; wlllyou waste away wltb anxiety and pain, wben an lnyestment of one dollar will surely cure you. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS will restore nature toltsbealtby course, wbateyer be tbe Indisposition. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ar*;aafa at all time* when the direction* art ad- heredto. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS when taken regularly always, prevent sickness, and is not prevention better than core a LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS hays stood the test of 25 years’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the encomiums of all who use them. No lady should be without them. We hays letters al- most every day from ladies of the highest respec- tability, telling us they would not be without tbs French Periodical Drops for anything. Could ws publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most incredulous. We have now is mind an Instance of a lady who had been irregular until her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. She saw our advertisement, and came to see us. We, too, thought she was too Ihr gone to be cured, but commenced at the cause witi the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day die is well and healthy, a living witness of ths efficacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a re. ildent of East Hartford, Connecticut, If you arv suffering any of the Ills caused by irregularity, ws ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonylnos the mostsceptioal, and never after will you be In ouced to be without it. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLESALB JOHNSTON; HALLOWAY A COWDEH, NO. *3 NORTH BIXTB gSTEE pjT, *nd at RETAIL by all Dealerslnmediolnaeverywhere) Ml per bottle. Q. Q. CLARK* 00., TOioitsale Druggists, Proprietors, •na.f.B,wiy S® T f'IEW l EW YOKK-Kew Dally Ltnt Delaware and Raritan Canal— )omnal 1 v b d?iii Uld I f ew York Expless Steamboai receive freight and leave dally at J following Cargoel 10 Ne w Yo/k thi freight laijen at reasonable rates WILLIAM p. CLYDE, Agent, _ South Wharves, Philada. Ivas tf JAMES HAND, Agent, IJlg-tf piers 14 and 15 East River, W. T. FRANCISCO. ® CALIFORNIA LINE. “““WtMLTI. ADYEBMSBB _ w?SS^ Ship JjL no loading at pier 11, East Elver. S 3 with > aatlfQl . clipper comes to her berth l-i portioll of b(? r cargo on board, aim having large engagements will All rapidly neT?m°<£fn d th , e "WIZARD KING to all ship now Fra “cisco as the most desirable vessel lo:uUng, ana invite Inspection, bhippers Will confer a favor by sending their freight immediately alongside. E tr . , BISHOP, SON * CO., lO5 Arch street, above Front. - o tl6 B"* 1811 schooner jSSrsf^^T’j,® OOFFJCjf, Comcens, master.will b!?^! 0 loading on Monday next, the22d inst ALKINS dispatch. GEOEGE A CO., Nos. 10 and 12 South Delaware * I©lT HAVANA—EafcIe Line—Neutral SB Flag—Only \ easel Loading—The regular pacxet clipper Br. bark OCEAN EAGLE, W H Luce, master, ba-rlng the bulk of her cargo an gaged and going on board at second whirf below walnut, and being of small capacity, will have dispatch. For balance ol freight, apnlv mi i ■BAZLEY A CO.. 122 South Wharves mb? iot FOR NEW ORLEANS, La.-The mgu'- packet bark GREENLAND, George Tnomscm, master, is now loading at Smith’s above Race street, and will have quick dispatch for the above port direct. For freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN * CO , 123 Wklnut L_ mhs NEW ORLEANS—EagIe Line— ”“5 u . lar packet bark SAXONVILLE, “aster, is now receiving her freight at first w^Jt eIOW Sont ? sfeet, and having the bulk ot engaged, she will have disoatch. For Wharves PP ' y ° X E ’ BAZLEY * 00,, 123 South • _ • mh'-St NEW ORLEANS, La.—With Ctuick 3E? Dispatch—The first class packet ship ST. cargoes aged^wl1 l^afl^on' 1 V Forfreighter pas wllnSe? PETEK WEIGHT SONa P | s FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fine schr. JAMES H. MOORE, (Kptato Nickerson, Is; now receiving freight at OalTowbiii S' a w d 17111 sail for tbe above port with Sooner apply t 0 DAVID FOR NEW YORK—Express Line—The ailflne packet brig WARREN, Capt. Smith, uow receiving freight at Arch street wharf ??? J 7lll -? 011 fo . r the above port with prompt dlsl Fh North ’ aPP ‘ y W DAVID P COO P PEB, dSjiL FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—Thu bark GEORGE S. HUNT, wtodbnryTmr, “Pttettyi schooner F. A. BAZLEY, £™ = y '» m , aster ’ 2,000 barrels capacity. For street’whnjff * E ~ A ~ SOONER *: CO - ® u ° g ck EuR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The S^^r B wSTT=?Sr EitWOOD ’ 6 .oUobbls; the brig f l "Y MATTSON, 2400 bbls; the brig CARVER, }’!?v b S l |i,n‘^ e new sc b°oner FANNIE A?BAZ BA7T vv* barrels. For terms, apply to J. E. BAZLEY & CQ. t South Wharves. mhB-5t E t IGHT OR CHARTER The I Irr. brig NICKOPEE, Leland, master, s, ooo bmsTcapacity; brig aLRUCOABAH, Bray, m™ capacity; Br.brig PRINCE ALFRED, Biggins, master, 1,700 bbls. capacity; schooatr ELLA, Alexander, master, 1,700 bbls. canaciti ■ schooner CAMPBELL, Sonle, master, !, suo bbls’ capacity. Apply to EDMUND A SOUDER * CO., Dock street wharf. mh7. 3t & #INF K ‘>-fhir —The ? Qe r '' m barn PAUL- £y B '. S ' a JL<E l i’KEICxHH_QBDHaBTER Xc^ —The fast sailing biTlc IDDO KIMRat t pmfr, master, 475 ton! register. carries :™ Sns ro.rt ° r 6 ’ ooo bbls i in complete order and ready for any voyage. For further narticnlars apply to WORKMAN & CO.. 123 Walnut streS SHINDLEB’ A SONS. SAItT P»“K;pWa. NOraffARVISS ' All work done in the best manner and on ths lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. mUjFa Particular attention given to repairing. STEAMSHIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON.— Consignees of merchandise per above vessel will please send for their goods, now landed on wharf above atTe6t - HENEY WINSOR & CO., 332 South Wharves. mh9-3t CONSIGNEES’ NOTlCE.—Consignees of mer chandise per Bremen bark PAULINE, Os terlob, master, from Rotterdam, will please send their permits on board at Mead alley whirl or to the counting house oi the undersigned. The gen eral order will be issued on Wednesday, the 9th instant, when all goods not permitted will be sent to the public stores. PETEE WEIGHT 4: SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhB-2t CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE—Schr. BRANDY WINE, Carson, master, from New York, is now discharging cargo at the first wharf above Race street. Consignees please send for their goods, and oblige DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharveß. ■ mbB-3t Philadelphia, CONSIGNEES TAKE NOTICE—The bark G. W. HOETON, Packard, master, is now dis charging at first wharf above Arch street. Con signees will please attend to their goods at dis charged. Any goods left on the wharf are at their frisk and J. E. BAZLEY & CO . 122 Sonth Wharves. \ mh7-’6t persons are hereby cautioned IN against trusting the crew of the Bremen bark PAULINE,-. Osterloh, master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of their contracting will be paid bv Captain or Consignees. PETER WRTGwr * gofts,- 115 Walnut street. "I\TT All persons are hereby cautioned .1' against trusting the cre'w of the British shin GENERAL WILLIAMS, HatfleldVmS Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will be If 1 ? byci"consignees. PETERWRIGHT * SONS, 115 Walnut street. B>b7-tf Haven, oonn. jafffg: ~g£gAM- WEEKLY TO LcVEfc. iaSMSfin, cOUL, touching at QL'EENsTOWr well-linowh Steamers of th . 'o2nr «™ e i 7 ' J o f ! ‘ J ai:t; Philadelphia SteamshJ. E -P A - y are Intended to sail as follows: ■ i.UTY OF NEW Ynpi? f?*" 1 * 1 * March 12 EDINBDI?rivr * uii K Saturday, March 19 ’lt?«Nomißiver e<iil;E SataTdayat Koq h. ft on ?AYABr*i,* E , ATES UF PASSACiE: IBIH SOU) 01 ITB BtJPIYAXBJrT I*r CVI ■UZ Cabin RRHOT. '.at cabin'to‘ioDd^' S S st ?,® ra <?- V" -— m 0,1 ;at Cabin to Parle 5°- to London 31 <W I st Cabin to Ham S s°* to Paris4b 00 Passengers alstwhUlS™* ?°; 40 Hamburg 37 00 Sotterdfna, Antwer^ I *^” 16 ? to HaT t®i Bremen Fabeb feom t e 4oaJiy low rate* J'lrst Cabin, 875 Q.tnnn»BYows. - 0001 and dneanst^? s <*®rage from Idyer •end for tbtir J?,? 3 ® ’'™ o wistl t. -atea. enas caa *>ny tickets here at tbes .y'”o£," .W/ a ‘ tne compa Saturday, MarchH!, 6 tarf ’ Boston, ot itamSfffer Baser, wai March 12th nt in' a* i Boston on Saturday r4Sto-lta? Stoamahli. tom , Saturdays? ’ aUtE * 11011160011 port punctually or «u!S3S! “ ° ne ’ llalf “• premium ctargedby Freight taken at fair rates. ““ s™fi%*r£“ ,I g £S“ l “r "~p“ ~ ■«£ s»vr ’!sai*«»ss?ssr*‘- 332 South Delaware arenu*. oeoroe. ItpnSol Captain CallaJuui. IS” l ; SEYMoufe^nW.' 10^- fci CH F sternn rt X r “ a Bemi - weeki y llnebetweei a Fr , el « llt3 recelTed erery day WEB b Mi *° NEW YORK. -UESPATOT: SWIFT-SURE UNES-Vk Dolf lines —The steamers of then ?dM?V v “l at 12 o’clock, M., ands For frpi^hf^* : Pier aboye Walnut st 'riiNW, Black Gtos Gram Silks, 81 25 to S 3 25. F B lack Silks, 81 25 to 52 007 Plain Black Silks, 87)4 c to 86 00. Plaid India Silks, 67$$ cts. to «i J?® 114 ® ro “ nd > Kick FiguredFoulardi, Si 25 to 81 62. Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth Table 6740 $1 15 ‘ Fine Napkins, 5a 50 t 0.85 00. Fringed Damask and Hack. Towels. Pure Linen, Fringed Towels, from 25c to SI. Bird- eye Linens, 56, 62, 75 and 63 ets. * Diapers, Flannels, Tickings, ice. Heavy Hngenot Wide Sheetings. Best Irish Linens, from 50 cts. to $1 12. Blnnkets, Muslins, ic. —5-i wide, and yery fine, Finest Cambric, 65 cts lower grades. Beal Manchester Heavy Ginghams. Black Silk 6, of every grade. Every Style Spring Delaines and Prints. is w COOPEB * CON ABB, s. Jh. corner Ninth and Market street. CLOTH STORE.—JAMES & T/Rta INVITB tlid attention of their Mends and others to t&)i? and well assorted stock of roods *“1 fluted, tr Black French Be&Ten. Bine and Black Pilots. Black French Oassimersa. Fancy Oasstmeres. Fancy mik Vestings, Black Satin Vestings. a assortment of Trimmings, adanttd o men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and wrt»n JAMES 4b LEE, No. 11 North Second street, Sign of the Golden tatwi^ FOR BITUMINOUS COALS.— be received at the Office spvrwrno? 033 Works >'No. 20 South "hill noon of FRIDAY, 22dof B “PP I J’ in K the-whole or any part «ht£}?.V?fc™ u,Bn ? Tonz "f Bituminout Coalt, suit, able for tbe manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be «f', 1 iT e 5 d ° n J? e Eailroad tracks of the Gas Works f‘ u J e ,F Lr!t Waxd aid the Ninth Ward S:ations, in ton/to* l E c D ?£ ntUly quantities; eight thousand tons in each of the months of September, October. December, and six thousand tons in each of the months of June, July. Angust, ISB4. 1865 January > February, March, April and May, The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a 9£ al ' ty approved by the Engineer of the to trawls iSed.”* 1 10 sample on which the con- The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which they are to be raised. H they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for iT,'i!o 0 Tu I °l. le * s than fifty tons ’ must be delivered rSs ’ on or before the 7th of .April next. ’ Tc* e fiross ton of 2240 pounds wiII i)0 considered as the weight intended m the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. - The Trustees reserve the right to Accept any pro posals in whole or m part, or to reject all. as they may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and in the event of failure on the pa-tof any contrac tor to deliver the coals accordingto his atreement. both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charm anylOSSOr <tema « e arising froS Payments will be made monthly, in two euual Uistalments at four and six months alter the specs fled penods of delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive nes, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. bhould contractors prefer to make deliveries at thev t^l^ qU ' rea, - tbe T ma ybe received so fa? as they can be conveniently stored, but payments contractor 49 10 dat6 1116 141118 specified to the Security for the fulfilment of centract will be required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be JOHN CBESSON, fe2otap22s Engineer in Chief. THE GO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between NEWBOLD H. TROTTFT?. and p ‘ is tills day dissolyed by mutual consent. J The bnsipess of the late firm will be settled by tne subscriber, who will continue the Hardware business at the old -stand, No. 919 MARKET street, Philadelphia. „ NE'WBOLD H. TROTTER. March 7, 1864. mas-st# CO-PARTNERSHIP.— I hare this day asso ciated with me CHARLES P. DAWSON, tinder the name and style of KNORR & DAW SON, and will continue the general STOCK COMMISSION No. 27 South THIRD mhB-3t* I HAVE THIS Day associated, -with me In Baldness Mr. JOHN R. EV\NS, underlie name and style of GEORGE BOOEIUS & CO „ GEOEOE BOOKIUS Philadelphia, March Ist, ISGi. THE said Arm wUI continue the business ofman „° S c ,^ r !5 E MOROCCO, at the old Stand, Nos. isi and 143 Margaxetta Street, below Second.' GEORGE BOOKIOS, JOHN R. EVANS. mbs-6t* C°:fi^ T V? rEa j^ iIP NOTICE, -tub usdsr signed havei this day entered Into 00-partner transaction of the* DRY OOODS JOHNW'rS/S I B SI ESS ’ Ber the name oi WILLIAMS * CO., at No. 329 Chest, nut street. JOHN H. WILLIAMS, JOHN WIEST. . PattAßA., Jan. l. ism. ial-3m* fgL E. HOWARI> & CO.’S eSgj. Efft, FIBST-ULASS ]g3W gßrfg AMERICAN WATCHES, £b2B T?ith MEBSHON’S PATENT REGULATOR,. ' Sold by the principal watchmakers., mho-imp T)RIYY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROPER. X TY.—The only place to get Privy Well Cleansed and disinfected at very pgY^oN - Manufacturer of Pondrette, myl-ly GoMmitb’bH&ll, Library *tm A 1 H H ULIiAES. - ' * THOIJSAND DOLLABS IN W^, L, °, w^ ffer “ e Greatest Bargains in Biacit tiros de Bhines ever offered in this city. Heavy Black Silks, at SI 25 per yard. * Heavy Black Silks, at S) 37 per yard. o, s at 81 50 P er yard. 34 inch wide Heavy Black Silks, at Si 62 per yd. The above Goods are a Great Bargain: * r desire to turn them into Gish, immediately, and give our customers every chance. THOMAS SIMPSON’S SONS, 922 and 924 Pine street. Desirable spbino silks. Check Silks, large Checks. Check ilis, line Checks.\ .r- Select Colors, Plain Silks. > Best Brown Silks out. •tpvww *s°T r S ASS^ 111 ® 3 * ordered colors. EYKE A XiANDEEE, Fourth and Arch streets. URPEEELiaE BLACK ST r.RS White Edge Silks. Stont Black Tafl'etas. Donble-lace Silks Black Moire Antiques. EYBE & LANDEEL. CcissTHEßEa - HAKItIS ’ S MIXED Barciß s Piald Gassimeres: Cassimeres for Boys’ Suits. vCassuneres for Men’s Suits. £’ c „ a ,^ in * Cioths, at colors. Stpck of Goods in this Department Barge and well selected JOHH H. STOKES, 702 Arch street.. EI)TVIN HATiT.i & Gu*i No. 26 s spj’nMTi uu ods- reet ’ CaU attenUon to their stock of Dress Plaid and Figured Poplins. Plaid and Striped Silk Warp Taffetas. Figured Reps and Plain Mohairs. 2”“ pood- of New Sty les, in variety. French Chintzes and Percales * . Striped French Chintzes for Trimmings. Organdies and Jaconet Lawns. Plain and Figured De Laines Figured Silk Challies. I Percale Robes, &c. -A-I>VERTISEM.ENT— S.MILLIKEN A-Drrry Stores _for Linen Goods exclusively. -SECOND street. 7 TtL®; I t SH SHIRTING LINENS.-A goods rone bornsVceniup 44Cent£; HeavyGolaenFl ““““ SHIRT BOSOMS.—"We continue to nav nar fl'CSlaJattenU“n 10 Ulis department. ladies will nd at our Stores the most extensive stock of B TABi'ft™vS? a “ d ICo| 1 Co|, "s ia the city. ~ . "A-BBE LINEN S.—A lot of extra-heaw nower rHTAPNj SS?TW= aolled ’ at 75 ymrd. _r 1- AP NAPKINS.— An excellent article at per dozen. S . MILLIKEN Voo , Importers and Dealers. mh3] 828 Arch street, and 32 a Second street H STEEL A SON. HAVE NOW OPFN . a choice assortment of ,u " ufen NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, S3~OO to 85 00. Plain Corded bilks, 81 (£2% to S 3 50. fieured Corded Silks, si gW. Plain Poit De Soies, si 25 toS3 25 FANCY SILKS, CTS. TO S 5 00, peufosaes: UO-PAKTM EKSHIPa. « FREDERICK E. KNORR. WATCHES. K n 1? Tp WTT -^l ingto WOO,ooo?’’ 000 > ’"■‘t^^e'privlle^e ofinoreaa ehawnl h. Nathan Hines, BI “°& George W. Enawn,' . ■® af^'wtes^i The Second National Bank of . now open at No. i 34 Mam si reet, the transaction of a General BlmkSS upon the usual terms. • ‘ Dnaui ® ss m^^f^te^" 10 POiBtB B TAKS& SAIiAMANDEB SATES,' _ STOKE HO. 18 South FOURTH strew, _ ; - PHILADELPHIA, PA- ' on® S ty &S EPBOo J SAF^«J* J> VAIIOHAK MEmtICK. WM.H. MKHBTnir JNO. E. COPE. - - > O OnTHW ARE FOUNDRY, FIFTH Aim O WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. „ T „ T MEERIOK & SONS, ■ „„„ £NG-INEEES and machinists, M^to®i£?T Hi § 11 liOW PTe33tu ' e Steam En f'g*'and - Biver and Marine Serriee. pS&%&B3Si ssss^^sa a*B&s3sh2S&& ®“ Works ’ Wtaaopa SSr 7 ' of the latest and !n a e““’ Sole Agents for N. BiUenx’s Patent Sugar Bon tog Apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent StenmHaml mer, imd Aspin-wall & Woolsey’s Patent Centri fneal Snear Draining Machine j^g 1 ' PETEK WKIOHT * SONS," IMPOKTEBS OFEABTHWN WftßE. HiXPPING-ANDCOjyniISSXON-MEHOHAHTa NO. 115 WALNTJT STBEET, x PHILADELPHIA. XUQfiAHEISET, I CLEMENT A. BBISOOH, THOEHTON PIKE. I THKODOUB WRIGHT, f# GEOKGB BOLDINf MICHAEL w a CTm jt ___ BOLDIN & ~WA R.TTVTfItj TOBACCO and GENERAL COMISSION _ T Merchants, fB?S InPiArwa?vTEß 1 nPiA r wa?v TEB Street and 106 Nortli lels DELAWAEDaTenae, Philadelphia. WOHKS—on the TIHT.a- WA SEEiwr, below OHESTEK, Delaware conntv, Pa. > BEAN ET, SON" & ABOHBOED Engineers and iron Boat Builders, ’ Mannfactnrers of ; OONDEKSDf&^^TON-OONDmiSafa Iron "Vessels of all description, Boilers, WaUr “sss rjyu-tfi^rS® l ** of ? aa Chandeliers, PenLmts, Twfnfi 3 ' * ;c '. Tbeyal«o introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to work aad repairta e G»» P>P<*-/aS ——3 w TOBACCO AND SEQATaT Havana cigars. : —: Agood assortment constantly in Store and A>uua—at lowest rates for cash. _ h , , STEPHEN FUG-l) NT. Importer, mn2-3mo} No. 216 S. Front Street. TOBACCO —30 CASES ANDERSON’S NAVY ■A lh B°° nds /. oases Pennsylvania Seed Leal it 2!? Maryland Tobacco. 25 TThQn, Shippmi; Tobacco. For sale by Street? * H ARTMAN, No. 105 North Wate _ mb! TOBACCO—Dark heavy Ken tucky Tbbacco, suitable for shipping. in store S, f K r rf^ eby »EOE»E AXiKENSTIb and S South Delaware avenue, * jttlS* by d ™ d c^ Tendistl for sale 8 - 10 and 12 South Data- = JS39- Virginia manufactured tobacco— sinoethew^ **xvvK£ Out.—3s boxes superior rsaat imnM £?<v>^f,S?Tri ed from Norfolk, bow landing frana acnooner Florence, and for sale by * uia THOMAS WEBSTER. Jn.. General Agent Union Steamship Oampany. l* North Delaware aveiuu. i)KN'PISTE'S. Vnlcani > te ,. and on Platina plates with con- „fAltel l ’ 6>> beautiful and niSauS appearance, and accurately fitted,, mav be oh. M^^DenLi! 101 ** 81 n ° Uce ° f °‘ B - Fosr Eß, mhs'-lm* ’ No. 1233 CHESTNUT street. IC3, ML fine, practical dentist ®fflTiK£BSSSsffifflgSSgS ™»srsaa*£ar^?2vss aav t^nn^ti>St^l tial iZ ork ’ mors wasonable thiS 41118 clt y or State. Teeth pinfeed- Artificial Teeth repaired tosnuT jjFiL 111111 eilracti ng. AH'work warranted to fit. Refereuee, hart f BT nHI«. - degflJhnt COAL. i£ )AF - BEAYEB MEA y DOW and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal and *° m EIGHTH DjP ot > N.- -WT c?rnai W* ^ot - offic ®» W<>-U« mhar „ johh r. shhaW. T^th^Sd^? 1 * 1 ® INVITE attehtiom Buck Mountain Company’s Coal, i^MoSSST Company’s Cojd, and urMch they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar setrates, and to deliver In the best condition. . Orders left with S. MASON BINES, Franilln Institute Building, SEVENTH streetTbelowito- Itet, will be promptly attended to. BINES & SHEAFF, Arrn strwrt wharf, SchuvllcUl Gbeat Diboovsby USEFUL A.\D YAT.IHBr.E DISCOVERS I HILTOJPS lITSOLUBIiE OEMEHr Is of more general practical utility thon any invention now before the pnblic. It bas been tboronghly test ed during tbe last two years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to Applicable to the useful. Ait*. SUPERIOR TO AST Adhesive Preparation known. , An* t&ing. _ Hilton’* Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the result of years study; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC- PRINCIPLES, and under no circumstances’ or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any oSbnsivs smell. ■ Combina tion. Hoot and Shoe BOOT AND SHOE ~ Manufae- Manufacturers using Machines will turers. And it the best article known for Oe- Imenting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Jeweler*. ■Will And it sufficiently adhesive fOl their as has been proved. It Is Especially Adapted to .■ . Leather, . And we claim as an especial merit ’ that it sticks Patches and Lininrs to withont l^tUcbfng. 3Q^oi6ntly „ IT IS THE ONLY CEMENT EXTANT That is a sure thing for TnanfUTtg Furaitura, Crockery, Toys, And articles of Household use. ’ ’ Remember Hilton’s Insoluble ’ CmtBHT is in a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Baton* t In soluble Ceemntm insoluble in water or oil. Baton's Insoluble Cement ad heres oilysubstances. Supplied in Family or Manufactu- / rerW^es^o^ib*. made, rdsi.; JosephOodfrey A CoT/se N: Familie*. Itls a Liquid. Eemember. nlB-wm&frly Agents In Ft No. 30 N. Thi Fourth street tssasir'’ W. H. EHAWIJ, CasSer. J. WALTON A GO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers