From onr Third Edition of Yererday . UHFOUHDED RUMOR QF AS AN VABIOS OF - - ■ - MRRFIiAND. 1 BaiiTiiiobe, March B.—Reports''are in circu lation, in this city, and have probably been telo ; graphed from here, of an invasion of Maryland by rebel raiders. - , It may confidently be stated that the only foundation for these rumors is the fact of a small: rebel: force having been seen in Loudon county. THE DEATH OF COLONEL DAHLGBEN CON- FIRMED. ■ . 'Washington, March 8 Th e Republican ot this evening has the following : In onr first edition vesferday we doubted the statement that Colonel. Dahlgren had reached onr lines in safety. We did so because we , ’ knew at the time that the Richmond Sentinel ' f r of Saturday- morhiDg last, a copy of which reached General Meade’s camp on Sunday evening, announced that Colonel Dahlgren was killed in a skirmish at King - and Queen Friday.toT- on . the Mattapony river, on , .This fact was telegraphed to the President eight °™ hours after General Butler s despatch of Sunday was re e^u“u° Uncing the safet y of Colonel Dahl ’ ,? h , w »s communicated to the Colonel’s father, Admiral Dahlgren.' The news of the death of the Colonel was not made known to his father until this morn ing, because there was a lingering hope that .. thpre might be some mistake about the report ™ Sentinel ; consequently we suppressed the publication of the fact yesterday. In:the mean time. General Butler was re : ouested by the President to. make such inves - “gation relative to the "Sunday report that - "Uhlgren was safe, as would positively settle tne question one way or the other. Gen. Kilpatrick was also requested to fix a tune when Col. Dahlgren was last heard from. , Late last night Gen. Butler telegraphed that ne-had received information confirming the announcement in the Sentinel, that Dahlgren Was: killed, .at King and Queen Court House, and_ Gen. Kilpatrick telegraphed that the last positive information he had received of Dahl gren’s whereabouts was that he was seen on Thursday. The skirmish took place on the day after, in which the Colonel was killed. The President becoming fully satisfied that there was no longer any good reason to doubt the report of young Dahlgren’s death, deemed it .hip duty this morning to communicate the fact to. Admiral Dahlgren, which he at onc.e did. , T latter has left for Fortress Monroe, to . V 1 ’’e such other steps in the matter as may be deemed proper under the circumstances. - : THE WHISKEY BTT.T., . . Washington, March B —The President having signed the Whiskey bill, it is therefore a Jaw. k THE GOLD BILL EASSED BY THE" HOUSE. - Washington, Marth B—The gold bill has been passed by the House. ISRAEL (MonthltCohmitthh. AAILIHB DAYS OF STRAMSTrrPH TO ARBIYE. BHifl 7BOU poB fiA*pv ;: Llver P’ 1 -- New York .">”2O Bavaria.....Southampton. -NewYork Feb 24 ; Liverpool. .Portland -....Feb'. 35 AUBtralaßlan.....Llverpool...New York Feb 27 •■-Sonthampton...New York March 3 Nova Scotian. .Liverpool. .Portland March 3 Y"* o ‘" Liverpool.. 805t0n!”.....: March 6 Germania.. Southampton. York March 8 . TO DEPART. £*§“• New York.. Havana March 9 T¥„ 00 New York.-. New Orleans... March 9 w ew sor5 ork -Liverpool March 9 Matanzss........ New York ...Havana&N O .March 10 Bremra mWeU "New Vo r i k '"w ew ° rleanß - -March 12 New York. .Bremen March 12 "*' , S ew l[. ork - - Liverpool March 12 St-Georg 6 New Vork..Glasgow March 12 New York..AapinwaU March 14 ‘' -NewYork.. AaplnwaU ....March 14 uanaaa............80a.0n. .Liverpool March 16 / Star - -NewYork. .HavanaAN.O-.March 19 Bavaria New York.. Hamburg March 19 Crusader.... New York-Kingstol, Ja.. March 21 Germania;.....New York. .Hamburg April 2 BETTES BAGS ~ _ *T TS? IIBao ? A ” T8 ' BZOHAHOB, PHLLADHLPHIA Bark Thomas Dallett, Duncan Lasuavra. Rnnn Albert Adams, soon Schr Besposible (Br), Savllle- .St Thomas’ *°°n BOBT 0? PHILADELPHIA. MABCH 9. iPK Bisae.6 IS I Sun SBTB, 5 45 I HIBH ai _ . ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Delwith'gSin to Ja^liarAtt. 2 dayfl&om “■ c v CLEARED YESTERDAY. R?i?A S TO 0 . te ’ P * n ,? 0 ' Cardenas, J Mason & Co. Bl'f T‘i? r^ tSOll ’ Boaton > E Bazley & Co. ? cnn J^ y ' §. mlth > Port Eoyal, Tyler & Co. f St "’ Crowell, do * do Allen, Newell, do' do ov sr° Smitti, Smith. Fort Monroe. do IS? % Frances,McDonald, do do l c £r C Goodwin, Laird, do do Sehr Marv Anna, Dunlap, do do Sehr Mlf Weaver, P ’ do do w^ c Ai Farro S N ? w York, Phmnix Iron Co. Sehr S Waahburn, Thrasher, Taunton, T wells & Co. ?‘S C 2nf’ Eorton, O A Heckacher&Co S &Co H BIUS ’ 810h > c *- Uinc y Point, Blaklston, Graff 5 lUer ' Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. St’r Buffalo, .Tones, New York, W P Clyde. MEMORANDA. Ship Messenger, Hill, from N York for Saa Fran kslWn.!soke m St f Jan ' lat 17 45 W. Jon 41 10 W. raraiStaJan C6 ’ Watflon ’ from Calcutta, at Dema- Ship Andrew Jackson, McCullum, sailed from Liverpool 14th ult. for Danedin, Nn. Break P wT& Via Delaware Hav^ U &. StrWandl Cleared a ‘ T^rtayfS^Lwir^l.^ 0 "’ cleare <i at New York: 2ofh*uW “aid rS»» S< \ w (Bril GilI > J rom Liverpool atNew Y«k% e e D^ n 22d > with 416 P^eng^a, E§“?4thSlt. obett Morris > Waraer > at Port Marehman, at Portland 1 Liverpool? 1711 ’ &0m Port - Sert^for 6^ 1 i™ e > cleared at New York w® r itSagua^o“hult^® 614 ’ f ° r port “ 6d *7 B ' Y^^tlSly H fo?oho’ cleared at New and r^liv^ r °OMda!r? U ? or ® ; !? arßhal Dutch,Coombs, H §o“r e s a ’l°W'n h in ’ at - r ™ d ®maS?e| 0 8 r i h i S^ rt > a * ischrs F Williams, Pillabury; Bion, King and for twlpon 8 ’ ° le " ea 4t New York yesterday atPf^fertest Graham ' hen ° e for BoBton . Wsm'oiHcW 7 :- Daughter, from Boston; R S ter, Thorndike frn’m 1 f^ eer Ned. Sum at Newport stti inst? Wlnter I ,ort i aU - for this port, 29th i ult' l0Untaln Easlc ’ Jarvis,hence at Fort Royal Bunked htnc^tn- at Boßton stk inst. , SchrSV W Simmons 6th fast- inst. * Godfrey, hence at Salem. Hardscrabble, Gregory’ fror?Dnf h i nce ’ and Salem 6th inst. b ,rom Duck Creek, Del. at Schr Clara Ellen, Gray .from Rmim, r .... at Stonington 2d in sr. *' 803t911 for this port, Sohis Charter Oak, Crowell, and Celestis kin, henoe at Boston 6th inst. eiesua, Ran- Schrs EG Willard, Parsons,from Portland: Julia Newell, Trott, from do; Carrie A Pitman, Everett from Provinoetown, and R L-Tay. Freemin2 YPMethinst 1 for tk i» P ort > remained at Newport flJSehr Burrows C, Clark, hence at Port Royal, 28th ° rleanS ’ ™ >thSt fo?tHs I p^t Haler ’ oleare,lat Port «°y*l n J p^» :^ I f e D Ce ’*, Lo I lD "* BEd John H French, vroehy, hence at Poitland uth inst. • ■**§Sr[? - ? Bl§eker» Eflwarda. and Wm Kennedy red atßaUlmor o 7 th inst. fS WnSinf: Schr Gen Knox, Barter, from St John nr for thls port, at Machiasrort2d test. ’ f °r Schr Martha Jane, from Wilmington, Del. for Boston.;still remains ashore on Fescue, and the sea was making a complete breach over her at last ac. counts, it being so rough that the wrecking vessels •were obliged to remaic in Robinson’s Hole Her deck load of timber was thrown over previously .3 he prospect of getting her off is veryßmall *’ ; NOTICE TO MARINERS. Qn .the.6th inat. the lightship on the Handkerchief iheHanSrer W*? 6 * eoneßom SWpart of The Sunbeam Stories, Containing ihß channmg:, bright Stories of TRAP TO OATOH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, . HOUSE ON THE ROOK ONt 5& J omNTz!’ MEaiiY Si* beanUful volnmfst 5® RT ’ * c< iaai tivi W ‘ P- HAZARD. . sfxTH Street. s JOHN horn, j E »tocl£ Commission Broker ~ 140 SOUTH THIRD ST. c REFERENCEsTe^ S AI Th; 3 P A lad B e ! a P i 1 i e a '. derßWdfe *«*/* Oafitaai. raJ-Jr 1 ?? 16 ’ . a T-1 G. M. Troutman, Esa . Mpakt. IP’ HntcS^v 00 ' J- ASS? DrexelAP? t. D ' B - Cummins, Esq: lJrexel & Co., King & Sons, N, Y. fe2s.2ra’) FURNITURE. purchase Furniture would do well to call at the NEW STORE of „ ULRIPK & WARD, 915 Arch Street, Ard examine their styles. . fel6-lmf P. F. KELLY. B. K. JAMISON P. F. KELLY & GO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST corner of THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS., j at9. 3 m} PHI^AI:>^LPHIA - SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY, STOCK BROKER, No. 40 South. Third. Street. <ff"Stocks bought on Commission in Philadel. phxa, New York, Boston and Baltimore. le2fi*2ms JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, No. 28 South Third Street, Directly opposite -the Meehanics’ Bank, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AMD J NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED \ QN THE BEST TERMS. fell-Om EXCHANGE ON LONDON, FOB SALS In Sums to Suit, by MATTHEW T. MILLER & CO* Wo. 45 South Third street. STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission, BY Matthew T, Miller A Co., Smith Thtvd at. STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO., feB 20 SOUTH THIBD STREET, gTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BY GEOi HENBEBSON, JB„ aIS-3in* No. 333 DOCK STREET. GOLD, SILVER, AW BAN?; NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO, JO SOOTH THIRD ST. MICHAEL JACOBS. BANKER, Ro. 46 South Third Street, Phils. Government Securities, Spscie and Unonrrei Money Bought and Said. Btocke Bought and Sold on Ocmmiuio*. Particular attention paid to the negotiation «. time paper*; City Warrant* Bongki. oc3 c®» Extra Currant and Strawberry WINE, OCR USUAL SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED ALBERT; C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Owner Eleventh and Vine Streets. the Daily evening bulletin ; Philadelphia, Wednesday march 9,1864 irrT^ NS M’ ON wterary insti-; T . Anßual Meetmg of the Mem terebf the Institute will be held on THURSDAY Marcl ? lu £’ at O’clock, at the SJnwA th ? Kensington Engine Company, RICH MOND street, above Marlboroueh street. An take p' ace for OFFICERS and AOrERS, to serve for the ensuing year. mh6-3t* GEO. W. VAUGHAN,'Secretary, COMMENCEMENT.—The'AnnuaICo m-3 mencement of the PHIL A. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY will beheld on THURSDAY EVENING next, 10th inst., in the MUSICAL FUND HALL,- at 8 o’clock. The public a p re spectfully invited. Prof. Procter will deliver tbe Valedictory Address. . Germania Orchestra will be in attendance. The entire class of 1884 are re quested to mpet in lower rooin at 7o’ elk. mh3-3t4 THE PENNSV LVANIA FIRETNSUR ILS ANOE COMPANY, March 7,. 1861. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN DOLLARS AND'TJIFTY CENTS per share on the Stock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, after the 17th mat. mhBtlSs WM. G. CROWELL, Sec’y. SOUTH CLIFF MINING COMP ANY.- [or The FIRST MEETING of the SOUTH CLIFF MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, under its aitcles of Association, will be held on the 23th of March, 1884, at 11 o’clock, A. M., at the office of No. 411 (Second story) WALNUT street, Philadelphia. WATEKMAN PALMER, Pittsburgh; W. A. RHOADS, Philadelphia, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, March sth, 1861. mhB-15t# JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— iOf • The Annual Commencement will be held at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY next, 10th Inst.,- at U 2 o’ clock. The Charge to the Grad uates will be delivered by Professor DUNGLI SON. The public are invited to be present. mh?-3t6 ROBLEY DUNGLISON. Doan. IV==» THE ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY Lkii of tin Bedtprd street Mission -will be held on Wednesday Evening next, Match nth, in the M. E. Union Cnurcb. Fourth street, below Arch, at iy. o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Bishop Simpson and Key. Geo W. Smiley. Slbgingby the choir of Green Street M.E Church, under the direction of Prof. Fischer. D. H. LOUDENSL AGER, Chairman Com. jnhS-lt* n«'=» MEDICAL Bf)AttU.-HEADOUAB- IkS TEES PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. hospital hepaetment, Haeuibbueq, Pa., March 1,.1804. The State Medical Board or Pennsylvania will meet in Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, the loth of March inst , and continue in session at least eight days, to examine candidates ior appointment as Assistant Surgeons in Pennsylvania regiments. The object is to provide for vacancies in there crnited regiments, which may require additional Assistant Snrgeons. - Physicians in good health.fnrnishingsatisiactory testimonials of their industry, sobriety, and loy alty will be admitted to the examination. • J The rooms in which the examination will be held will be indicated in the city papers on the day of meeting. By order of the Governor. JAMES KING, Surgeon-General, Pa. mb 1-91] K OFFICE OF THE ONION MUTUAL NSUIUNOE COMPANY OF PHILA UIA, Philadelphia, January u lag-j Notice is hereby Riven to the holders of the o’nt standiugScrip of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meeting held this dale, re solved to extend to the holders of the -outstaudine Scrip the privilege of converting said Scrip into the Capital Stock of the Comnany, according 'to section Bth of the amendment'to the on the same terms as previously done: payment of instalment to be made February 1, Other wise, interest to be charged on payments made after that date, and the privilege of conversion to cease after June 30, 1564. jal3-w,f,m-2m} JOHN MOSS, Secretary. «eg=» TREASURY DEPARTMEHT.-Okfics LLS OP COJIPTItOLLEU OP TUg Cpreenct, wZsbixgtox, Feb. 20ih, lftii. ■ IFArreai, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, aud State of Pendsvlva uia. has been duly organized nnderand aecordin to the requiremenu of the act of Congress, entitled • an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, aud to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” ap proved February !Stb, I~G3, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Hanking, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Penn eyryama, i* authorized to commence the ba«ia*s« of yan kin p, under thenci aforesaid-. In testimony whereof, witness mr hand aud seal 01 office, this twenty-sixth day of February. i M ,i HUGH MCCULLOCH, ' mhi.2m) Comptroller of the Currency. PHILADELPHIA. FEB 28, IW-1.-Tbo °f ‘he CHEROKEE MINING COMPANi, of Michigan, under it* Articles o! will be held at 326 WALNUT street P l .i a^ ei , ll ’J?! 3 ’. TUESDAY, the filteenth day of fe2C,unhl3.}' ’ ISRAEL MORRIS _ „ W. P. JENKS, Two of the Associates of mid Corporation. n«S=. PHILADELPHIA, FEB: 2a. Uof The F ire: Meeting of the OSAGE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, under iulnlrtee of Association, will be keld a: >m \vat vitt street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 15 th day of March, tetii. atsp. M. e GHAS. AV. TROTTER, - t . GEORGE R. OAT. ’ .le-.uimhlu} Two [Associates of said Corporation. PHILADELPHIAAND HEADING ILS Railroad Company. Office 227 South Fourth Philadelphia, September 3. 1563 ■ DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common °f , lhl -' Lompany. The residence of several i? n °h=own, and it is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on calling ior the Dividend. ‘ S. BRADFORD, Treasurer _. .v ~ ®TOOkBOLDBKB' UAMKe. smT°^7‘;;5 m T°^7‘;;. B ° ylei Henr J B - Sberer, r‘ n' a^' a r t *. r ’ Andrew Turner, John Mclntyre, , Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. frawport. fedS-tfj> nflp OrFICK CITY BOUNTY FUND COM. No. 412 PRUNE Streep cember 29, 1863. n «^'? ! l l . nts , for ‘?' e . ci , t J Bounty (two hundred and fifty dollars) will bo issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of-Philadel phia on tho coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission °‘‘® da T previous to the issuing of the warrants Officers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered Philadelphia soldiers re-enllstihg in'the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the muster-in-rolls are furnished to the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of the State. T>iS£ n Col - McLean’s Regiment (ISM Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty m companies when duly mustered into the It. S. “trice, and credited to the qnota of the city. The Commission sits dally from 3 tooP. M.,- ai Jri nK honrB only warrants arc delivered. V a^?£. t ?. ar6 ctu bed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. jal-tf 4 SAMUEL C- DAWSON, Sec’y. s it * b °unty com. No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delphia, December 19, l£tu. Tbe Commission for the p oyment of the City P re P“ed to receive and adju/t ruhil f °;* aII ne 'f, recrnlts ln old regiments, dany lroma fo^KM 8 ’ tlle Oo“™i<Mion will sit Dounties trill be paid to those only whose names ere borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by Marshal-General, or the pV^t a . tes J' ln^ riD K °®cer for Philadelphia. bvaZS i (°, r *0 bounty must be vouched for bring their men^'fhe^e h *yi SAMUEL Q, DAWSON, riTxenuKon? 1 and such other business as mv coZ w Directors, be held at the Ofilce of said nXmS? e orfi it» will :sfflss^g-.isS^a^aa?- Company, and remain closed\mtU tte i~i°’, eI ° ck ’ p - M - > thereafter. 't'g. i-th day of March; *el6tmal7 ' H - B&Rnes, Secretary. CmiaiTollbe i^ - B,^ b ln9 V lnbw a^sssi^iSrS^KKK and house, exav\Thne Uv^S*S«l ory ’ w °rtahop :«w saved in the run of I dollars .cannot deoompose or become corrnrit nation to » n seientmc princtelS^SL^i l3 «“»**- cnmstanoee or change of temnnrn.?^?„ nacl9rEo olT ' any offisnsire smell The •wSSS, I9 - wlu ««alt can be successfully appUe/rendera 8 ?? ,° w^lc^, U *°f Ctasses - SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. DELAWARE AND 1 1. -c RARITAN CANAL will be opened for navigation, on TUESDAY, March 9th. ■ John g. stevens, - _ _ Engineer and Superintendent. Tbektqh, March 1, 18 SI. mh3-8t iyr==» NOTICE. —THE WEST PHILADEL* Uv3 PHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY sell EXCHANGE TICKETS, good i.n any Railway crossing Market street, at EIGHT CENTS. . Tickets of their own Road in PACKS of 23 FOR ONE DOLLAR, to be had at the Depot, Haver ford end Forty-first streets; of J. N. Marks, Mar ket’street, below Thirty-eighth; Renner & Bro., S- W. corner Thirty* fourth and Market streets; p* E. Kern, N. W. corner Seventeenth and Mar ket streets; R. D. & W. H. Pennell, 1021 Market Hagey, 906 Market street; John Doll, M 2 Market street, and Despatches Ffont and Market streets. M._ ENGLISH, mh7-m, w,f-ct* r)*=== OFFICE, MERRIMAG MINING COM LL? PANY, New Yoke, Feb. 21tb, 1961. Notice 13 hereby given to the Stockholders of the MERKIMAC MINING COMPANY, that an as sessment 01 FIFTY CENT* per Share, has been levied upon the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on WEDNESDAY, March 30th, 1861, at the Office of the Treasurer, No. 294 PEAKE street, New York, or to Mr. Wm. L. Mactier, Transfer Agent, No. 132 WAENUT street, Philadelphia. By. ordder of the Directors, fe27-s,w.tmh3oi J. M. MILES, ‘Treasurer. ryr=» PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY,. [Us OF MICHIGAN—Notice is hereby given, that all Stock in this Company, on which the in stallment df TWO DOLLARS uer Share, called December 7th, 1803, and dne December 19th, 1863 is not paid,-is forfeited for said default: and that, according to the Charter and By-Laws of the Com- < pany, it will be sold at Public Auction, on MON DAY, March2lst, 1804, atl2M.. at the Office of the Secretary of the Company, No. 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or ,before that day. By order of the Board of Directors fc l9 -2tAf,m,wtmn2 l }] S. M. DAY,' Sec’y. Dated Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1861 FOK SALIi ANII TO I.HH ® COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE. —An elegant nni C Tvs' , Jrv?i^r S f‘ AT with a cres of ground, atrsORDENTOWN, Now Jersey. The Mansion House is large, well built, and replete with every convenience. All the necessary outbuildings of ■, T. 1H grounds are handsomely laid out, buildincrs 211*0 smvromided bv forest ttap* J. M. GUMSIEY & SONS SUB Walnut strc" SALE —A mod , Eeildl! ! Dce > well built; furnished wiui every city convenience, and in complete or. 5* an ®» midway between the Turnpike and ttaxlroad. Lot 79 feet front by 250 g; e i T l dvtt^T P tH FQS SALE—The three-story brick Mes- 504 WOOD street, and Lot of Ground, containing in front on Wood street 13 feet 9 Inches, and m depth 66 feet, and breadth on the back end VJ’SJh Apply to SAML L. CLEMENT, 226 South Third street. mhS-etJ ©DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET.TTIi neighborhood of Tenth and Walnut street* Three stalls, with every convenience. Apply at No. 16 Sonth Third street. dell-tf M SPRUCE STREET-FOR SALE—A fine Dwelling, 522 SPRUCE street, three-storv brick, with three-story double back buildings, all modern impiovemenU. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 133 Walnut it. e* 0I i,.^ A:L ‘ E — Honse on SPRUCE street, near Thirteenth street, with stable, Ac. Also, one on SPRUCE street, near Twelfth street. Ap pl7,'?.w,.. C. H. MUIRHEID, ien.-30t§ 2u3 South Sixth street. abargain.-gso acres of land, suitable for a Grazing Farm, situated in beets county, Illinois. Will be sold Cheap for Cash, or City Properly will be taken in part pay ment. Ini]Hire of HENRY YOUNG, JASPER street, six doors from the corner Front and Dauphin mhs-l2t* JS> FOR SALE—GERMANTOWN Eat PERTY within five minute* walk of Day’s lmne Station. A well built Stone mansion with all the modern improvements, I acres of ground An abundance of shade and fruit trees. Good stable, wells, Ac. Apply to JUSTICE A BATE MAN, 122 Sonth FRONT street. tel2-ljn* M CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A valuable m-s-nage and lot of ground on the North side of Cbeiinul Btreet, oj teet east of Eighth street, SI feet front by 171 fee: deep, to Jayne street. Terms accommodation Apply to ... , A. B. CARVER A CO., mr 5-CIS S W. corner Ninth and Filbert St* FOE SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY KrS PROPERTY. —A handsome Country Seat amt well-improved Farm of PO seres, it is one of the most desirable properties ever oUered for sale. Will be told with or without stock and furniture. Nomoney required. Immediate possession given For fun particular*, apply to J. il. GUMAIEY A SONS, 50e WALNUT street. W 23 lmi S COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOB SALE—Containing Ufty-fIY» acres, handsomely situated In Chdtenham township, Itlontgomery county, PennsvlTtmia, about eight stiles from the city and one and a-half from Yor* Road Station, on the North PewtsylYania Bail, read. The btTTdings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer rest -5. eoc J- .Arp'y to C. H« MUIHHEID, No. a» South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. seld-tff M SALE.r-The Property on Sshool House Lane, fronting eight hundred and ight (ssti) feet ou said Lane, and extending nearly one. third cf a mile to the Wissahlcton, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (3t!) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats live nnnntes wallt from the KaUroid Depot, and twen'v s “ititlßavin h LV'i y - £>’£!£ 10 'CARLE'S H. fIIUIKHEID, No. sns,Sonth SIXTH st. 126-60 FOK SALE -A COUNTRY SEAT, with ♦ H“wlS? Rcr * s near liiuTrood Stationed PWla^lnhiay e ® tulroad » eighteen miles from The house commande an extrusive view of the Delaware river, about a mile dislant. About seven acres of the load are admirably suited for a vineyard. - J a Apply to OHAS. H. MUIRHEID, or to JONATHAN ftlf ureses laqnires. Lmwood Station Post Office, be l a war. couEty, Penn a., which is ten minntes walk Irom ■ne place. fefl-SOtj S^. L ? —-A three-story Brick House, fijLwith double hiick bnilrUnpK and store, POP LAE street, second house below Twelfth, North «j d fiti<| lot Th b> 8 feet gcep to a back “ttiltt- Price S'MKio. There may: remain -SI,oW) • , I „ Al pnPr''Sp t '' £ ', ory . B F ick Store and Dwelling. street, between Thirteenth aud lircr.d, tvond houte above Ontario street, North “l; 1 "; n lo ‘ 1® by 83 ftet deep to a back outlet! Price S-o,,>i 0. There may remain SI,OOO Also, two three-story Brick Houses, EIGHTH s reet, above Thompson, Ncs 11-13 -and 1337, East eiuo, wuh back buildings and all modern conve niences: lot 1C feet front by loufeetdeop toads feet street Price each $5,000. There may remain on each $?,51-0. Apply to . KUHN & HILLIER, xnli7-6ts No. l*Jt) South Fourth street. j||~~ELE .GANT COUNTRY SEAT* FOE SALE. —On th^BRISTOLTURNPIKEnear Holmcsburg. about eight miles from Philadelphia, very accessible by steimbcat ana railroad, con venient also to churches and schools For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surrounding advantages, this property is unsur passed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The MANSION, of brown stone, commanding hue views of the Delaware River, built and fin ished in the most thorough manner, is spacious and .replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and winter. The grounds comprise about 523 ACRES, beautifully laid put and orna mented with a great variety of old and young forest trees and shrubbery; a large garden with abundance of fruit, orchard &c. On the premises nie also erected a gardener’ a cottage, Lodge. Orchard-house, Green-house Conservatory, gas house and extensive-stabling, no expense having been spared to make this in all respects a first-class residence. Apply to O. H. MUIfcHEID, No. *203 South Sixth street. fc2o-3«W FOE SALE.—The FARM known as 15M. “LINDEN, ” containing about.3l acres, in Cheltenham Township,Montgomery County, west side of Old York Turnpike, at the eight mile stone, ■within ten minutes walk of either “Che]ten Hills” or “York Fond” stations, on the Worth Pennsylvania Railroad. The improvements consist of a large Stone Dwelling .Hoose (newly roofed), containing U rooms; piazza front, excellent water, large ice 1 oue© iiJXed, large stone bam, modern style, with stabling for 8 horses and 6 cows; stone carriage hoose, corn cribs and granary over, Jcc. The land is nearly alt tillable and in ah excellent state of cultivation. The delightful situation of tms place, its proximity to the city, and many of .{•J® country seats in the. neighbor nooa of Philadelphia, render it very attractive. v™?i ni ??^ c, i tlon the city is had almost hourly by the North Pennsylvania Railroad.. Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHBID, No. *205 South SIXTH street. ‘ fe2G-30t Fs-rnSw 1, iTf OF A DRY-GOODS *ri ,ta v” 81 and-.somo nice, side glass cases. Apply at No. 003 MARKET st. mh7-3t* >2,286 11 *™ s to Lofta mh9-at* M ' 12a Sant? Bvjnw’h'^trsat. rno LET.—Large and small ROOMS stairsl J;SI2 aiui6M OHESXNIfT street. » r General Superintendent. Sutlers and shippers, attention.— CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now in One order for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only, at 220 Pear st., below Third and Walnut sts, no 4 Chocolate— Walter baker * co.’s Chocolate; Oecoaand.Broma; single, double and triple Vanilla; also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, in store and for sale by WM. S. GRANT, tH Sftflth TV® itwir* XDltflw** Y7IAHNESTOCIC S FARINA.—IOU Boxes r ann- X? estock’s Unrivaled Lancaster CountyFanna landing and r for sale, 'by JOS. B. BUS>SIER> & 00., Agents for Fahnestock,-110 south Wlwyep» ; FOB SALE AND TO LET. flt ino k tk i e -:« t ? r y hr ‘ck owet.l -&SO - Eeal Bro£^ mSfcEMANTuWN^ROFESxYfoaaixTB ™- THOMAS & SON, on TUESD AY, the —Alarf!e and convenientHOTJsE, a^ e * railroad statioa. markets n °rt B^AiA IUI i lle8 ’ Ao ' has heater, ranges, ho*t anri water * an d a well of excellent water: gas p°^ caes > lawns on three sides. With n?aai« b^„ aill f flDe . large ol(i tre>s, a good stone wm 1 'iS d a "? ee J?“ o;bPn garden The propeny wiH be shown by the tenant. Terms easy y ISAAC PUGH, 407 "Walnut street, Third story. mh7-6t# Hi Aflng L^i£ ADELPH *-a—T OB sale;— muyed £ Property, in one of the bestim- Sr mS f - West Philadelphia, built ia a impoTeinent Lo”m T mfrrt r ’ , wiU ? ® yer / H. OURTIS & SON p E lyto i. Walnut street. Keal Brokers, 43? ™ b ßroad‘ g s^e“ d pS^TcTnTe 6 ’ N °' Walnut street/’ G ™EY & SOnT^ MuFSI 11 —■*■ handsome four-storv Brown btone Residence, with doable three story back buildings, replete with erenr fconvem" 130 ff et d^ F ’to r a a M S w C '' ?e nd 1 ? t 20 feet front by s °B%a&S J ’ M - ©^t ß^u E t D stS/tra E fl r F s ?.? la ? 3 E^i g^’ GraS^g^r, e lf y ’ J - M - f|S c F I I S E f ?,“^ STEK COUNTY FARM FOR m.SAI^Otm & cres x 3 miles from Chandler Station, five miles from CoatesviUe, highlv cnit! voted, pood houses, bam, «fc c . Atmlrto X H. CURTIS <fcSU2N, Real Es&ta Walnut street. , mb9 GROCERIES. CHOICE SPANISH OLIVES—SIOO PEE COUSTY’S, No. 11? South Secoud ANCHOVIES, OUEiCOI, Tto -J s A. r £ cenred aad for sale at COUSTY’ S, No. 118 South Second Street. mhl-ly§ P E rmF<5TV>« SS IN KITTS— ®* *lB South Second oireet * __ mhl-lys —Samuel Davis’ s,Gard nor, Phjpps & Co. s, and Thomas’s extra fine sugar Cured Hams, fox sate by ?jIMON cor totc & sOK, Brohd and Wa3out streets. EXTEA FAMILY FLOUR Family "Fionr" line quality any flour ever ba’- SON?Bro b rd’ MdwS 18 ' Sm ° N COLTON 4 "WHITE FLOUR—The best Family 111 America, just received and for sale chestnu!° s^ auk * SON - BKOAD A VFINE CANDLES—Superior quality, in sir-pound bores, for sale by the case or *>*• THOMPSON BLACK & SON BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. MEXICAN BEANS—Black* or Merican Soup Beans, Eed Beans, Lentils, Split Beans, and auaWarSweetCorn, for sale by JAS. K. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth streets. * P^? E Pi£ EA ' f:EES of nnns ually One quality, Dried Pining, £c., lor sale bv Tamper WEBB, Walnut and Eighth stteeuf JAMESB - ALMEKIa GRAPES, Choice Almeria Ora pee «id first order, for sale by M. streets N. W. corner Arch and Eighth COFFEE. —Prime old Government jaya Coffee alco, Maracaibo, La Guayra, Bio, Ac., for BghtJ ftrefl's. 15P1LLIK ’ N ‘ W ‘ «> me * Arch and MACCABONI AND Maccaroui arid Vermicelli of superior qnalitT just landed and for sale by M. *F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDKIECK A CO’S CHAHPAQNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, Younger’s Scotch Ale and Gain ess’s Brown Stoui for sale by E. B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R. R. depot, Germantown. RIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and smple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champlguons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E- B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Malt street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of at.t grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for sale by E. C. KNIGHT k CO., Southeast comet Water and Chestnut Rtreeta FR£k>H OLIVE OlLm whole, half, and quarter bottles; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German town. FRESH GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS. New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Jus* received fresh, for saU by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staules groceries. Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germautown. EDUCATION Employment for women.—a depart mentfor teaching Women Telegraphing has been commenced in ;he School of I>»slgn building, 3354 CHESTNUT Street. Ladies wishing to learn may apply as above. Charge for instruction, tohs-lmo§ ANNIE L. COLLADAY. INFANT’S RETREAT. MEOIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the tsn derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copaJ Clergy of the city; also to Abraham Martin, Esq. fel7-3mj BORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE BORDENTOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on th* Delaware River, 1# hour’s ride from Philadel phia. .Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad vantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native, and spokes In the family. For Catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. M., jal4»gm* Presiden PIANOS, &a A GRAND PATENT PIANO, by G. Vogt cost S',ooo, for sale at half price. To he seid at No. 1421 Race street. mi 3. lit} aapngju . • A. STANKOWITCH, PIANO fgfesps TUNER and REPAIRER, removed II 8 I I'to SSU RIDGE avenue, above Vine, and is prepared 1o receive orders as usual. His many customers bear testimony to his. skill and ability as a correct and thorough Toner. His Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker; has eight years’ city experience, with the. best references which can be given. All orders promptly attended to and guarantees to give entire satisfaction. Price for tuning 81. Orders from the country accepted, and, done very reasonably. , %nh9-3m« dSSSSSEI -AN ASSORTMENT of the best Iffii it isH New York and Philadelphia Mann -119 I f' factoring, from 8275 upwards. Also, MELOPEONS, Harmoniums and Cabinet Organs. No. 233 South FIFTH street, at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut. P. SCHULER k CO. fel7-3m [QUOB3, &C t;nn barrels pure CHAMPAGNE CIDER now f)UU offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street, below Third and Walnnt. no 4 Extra sparkling champagne ci der, af wholesale. Grocers and shippers invited to examine. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear ,treet, below Third and Walnut streets. no 4 SCOTCH WHISKEY Jn cases of one dozen each, on consignment and for sale by GEO. a T.TfINS, 10 and 12 Sonth Delaware aTenne. - JI. DUNTON, , 149 South Front street, above Walnnt. Agency of ORUSOE and OAMPELL SHERRIES. ERNEST IRROY * CO. ’ S Golden Star Brand, Ay Grand Mousseux, BRANDIES, PORTS and MADEIRA 3. anil NEW PUBLICATIONS. 5,000 COPIES ANOTHER GEE AT SUCCESS. PRIVATE MILES O’REILLY Has made a regular hit with HIS BOOK, pub. lisbed only a week ago, and already nearly 5,000 COPIES SOU). The immortal MILES has adhered a fame and- den and brilliant. For rollicking Yankee and Hibernian wit, he stands alone, and he will known as THE lEISH, PICKWICK. Another edition is now.ready TH IS MORNING, full of Comic Illustrations. Price ji 25. mhO-w&s-tQ New war maps: wkw wia maps* A map of Southern Mississippi and Alabama,’ Jf* a PP™ac“es to Mobile and the S mems of General Sherman's army; prepared at the U. s. Coastsurvey Office. Price 50 cents. ~ u - s - =<™s For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MAETIEN, CO6 Chestnut street. mh3 * c i!T v MeuSd re nf°^^ d?cal Education,or on tin- proper CHEW M S T? dy ts-sh. Medicine > by SAMUEL Principles of Medicine to toe University of Maryland. medicine in ni , In One Volume. 12mo Tina little -work by the late Professor Chew' Ed“cat1 e on T lllnr e H SOllthe snb J eot °f MedfS tcintation. A ripe judgment, and a rich store of nr a t?i D& ’i W * re bron Sht into nse in the preparation of these lectures; and the stj le, which is Vw lncto. and eminently cotrect, is worthy of the subject matter. We can cordially recommend the Z° T t: ly *? £tndents of M ‘ b?t rn sto! dents of all professions, and to all lovers of learn, tug. Ho person of intelligence can read it without —J/irror b ° ttl pleasure and profitfromthe perusal. EIHDSAY & PLAKISTON, Publishers, mba 25 South Sixth st., above Chestnut. ADEN’S LIFE OF PHIEIHOK. —THE EEFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and' Chesa wiayer, by George Allen, Greek Professor to the University of Pennsylvania; with a Snpple- SSfS &sa y on PhiUdor, £, Chess Auiho??S Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heidebrand nnd der Easa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Saxe-Weimar, l voL, octavo, v vellum, t top. Price 8125. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER & CO., Po ° ’ 137 South Fourth street. r r“EOLOGIOAL. B O°KS, PAMPHLETS and fTi ES boUEllt and sold at JAS. BARR’S, 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. l WIEE-VON HUMBOLDT’S LETTERS TO EADY. With au introduction, by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, 1 vol. ISmo Tinted, paper. Cloth price, SI 00. “The pur pose of this correspondence is obvions throti>h out,—to console, guide, and enliven, by advice and reflections at once elevating and serious The reader will be struck with the original views and forcible remarks that abound in it. ’ ’—London AVicnaum. " Just ready. For sale by' all booksellers, Sent postage free on receipt of price, bv' Publisher, Ho. 1323 Chestnnt street, Philadelphia. -USUAL, wunuiss. IN' THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEIS £i? i^-T :Ef:aU ‘ of JSAIAH NATHANS:decea=ed. X he Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of MOSES NATHANS 3 ? ▼ SAMUEL NATHANS, Trustees of the estate of ISAIAH NATHANS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countants, “will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY, March Krh, at ll o’.cloclr, A. M., as the Arbitration. Rooms, Washington Building, 274 South THIRD in the City of Philadelphia, mh.4f,m,wst* I N the ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AI»D COUNTY OF PHILADELPH LA. Estate of MBS. JOSEPHINE DURAND, lata of the Empire of France, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the audit, settle and admst :h /- of CHARLES TETE, Administrator of MRS. JOSEPHINE DURAND.- deceased, and to make distribution of the Balance in the bauds of the accountant, -will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hts appointment, on MONDAY March Hth, A. D. lSei, at 4 o’clock P. M . at his office, 6t3 WALNUT sireet. in the City of Philadelphia. : TFM. S. PEIRCE, _nih4-f-m-tv--st{ Anditor. X NT i\ ihe orphans’ court for the <jity jL and coumtt of Philadelphia tsta:e of JACOB KOBNDAFFJER. deceased To the right heirs of Anne Rio deban ch, deceased, formerly An lie Korndaffer—The Master appointed by the said Court to ‘-determine and report who are the right heirs of the said Anne Rho debauch, de,eased, and what are the respective shares thereof, under the Will of the said Jacob Korndafier, deceased,” will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap p intment, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of March, 1£«, at 11 o’clock A. M.. at his Office, 3lO North SIXTH street, in the City oi Phila delphia. JOHN H. CAMPBELL. mhl-Lm.w.ot* - Master STOYES, HEATERS, &G. A THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families jrra'3 hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY •(Sac DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Philadel phia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates. Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c,ac wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers CHASF, SHARPE k THOMSON, mhTm, w. f.Cmt No. 200 N. Second street. Thomas s. dixon, : ~ Late Andrews k Dixon, Ho. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Phliad.iuhUt, Opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, 1 For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firsts. AXEO, WARM AIR FURNACES, For warming public and private buildings. REGISTERS, Ann CHIMNEY CAPS, wome RANGES, BATH BOILERS, Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. my« LOST, LOST —A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent, Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for 5516 05, dated March 10th, IS3O, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the snm of SOGO, I ated June 30th, 1645, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, inTrnst. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. " ELI K. PRICE, No. SIT Arch street *e9-3ms NOTICE IS HEEEBY GIVENr.That the un dersigned has made application for the. re newal of-Certificate No. 5745••f0r one htiadred shares of stock of the North Pennsylvania Kail rend Company, issued to him &nd dated the eleventh of November, fe24-\v&6a-St* t. KIMBER,. J?. 6&ggkg/ DR. SCOTT’S „ LIVERY iork avenue, between Button wood and JMobla streets, Philadelphia. _ No Horse that can ir-jnre another will be ad* mined. Livery to be paid before a Horae leaves or Is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. Hew customers for these are mast respect fully requested to bring a reference. Terms mod erate, bat cosh payments. felo-3m4- ■jKjaxS" CARRIAGE MAKERS, . . ttfigKgS J. EEITENBERGER * SON m RTNE STREET. fol-Sm QAA BAGS EAGOAYRA COFFEE, NOW OUI/ landing ftom bark Thomas Dallett, For sale by DAEEETT & SON, 149 South FRONT street. BTOL-P™ Bay Hnm, Imported direei •' I- 1 in bottle and .for sale by GEORGE AEKIN’S, M and 12 South Dela-wara Avenue. = ■ ■ , jasq :s OTTSED AND SMOKED SALMON :Justrt£ and .for .sale by SIMON COLTON & SON, Droad and IFalmit streets. ' * - ■ THOR SALE.—A WHAItF ENGINE in ° r( *?r. Apply lo H. WINSOR * 00., 332 Sontli Delaware avenue. faSf CAELETON. Publisher, New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers