*AV/JCiO« H ffREATEST 'JpUp \ JW l ’f I TIIMPEOVEMBNT«^V< f * OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. " catcd^ JHEYEE’S Improved Overstrung Pi' BOS . «<,_ of his arnn Knowledged by the leading artists, s-./SJSj bythe Musical public, to be the »^ e f t d s£*£!& mere circn H . i 5?' lc sr ~ I started by his'-em The attention of the Music*,., public is oaUedto I J _S Owse recent great Improvements in Piano Fortes. By fiev? method of construction* the greatest ! possible volume of tQiae has been obtained* without •ay of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos &rs so celebrated* being lost* ana Which* with an Improved Touch and Aotionren lir them Unequaled. . A . These Instruments received th e Jhrut Medal at the "World’s Fair, held in London, as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors* from the Irst Fairs and Institutes in this Country., Ware* rooms, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. celebrated %s& DYE is the best in the World . The only flamlw, flrtie a»ef Reliable Dye known. Thiß splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with, out Injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving the hair soft and beautiful: imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies fte Jli effects of bad Byes. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelob, all others aTe mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug gets, Ac. FACTORY—BI BAB OLAY street, N. Y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Bair. Sifemi^^^vf^imnonnci SV • ? « that their Manufactory ef Firat-Olass Piano Fortes is now tn full operation. The general satisfaction theirmany Pianos, sold already, meet with, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur passed by any manufactured tn the United States They respectfully invite the musical public to call 5? d ’SS 1 / i Qstrn ™6nts l atthe Sales Eoom, 2d guarantee given, MOTJNT^N ve fnil satisfaction, at prices as low as the e^ r . a ®°„ od "‘‘S, 1 ®- Lump Coal for found ries, and CiHestmut Coal for steam purposes; at wholesale prices. An assortment of Hiokobt, Oak and Pnn Wood, kept constantly on hand. Al»>, an exceilent article of Blacksmith’ e Coal, delivered free of carting to any part of the city !a trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to_ THOMAS S. OAHHL, Offices, 325 Walnut street. 1l,) Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Bailroad and Master street. Pine stree' wharf, Schuylkill. THE GOLD SPRING' ICE COMPANY Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limit, of the Con •olldated City and In the Twenty.fourth Ward. MASON FIANOa A HAMLIN’S - fTYTTi CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J- E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. BTEGK&OO.’S ETECK* CO.’S DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. ■ MWII RTF.TMWaV en«q. MEDAL GRAND. frITTI SQUARE, UPRIGHT PIANOS now considered the best in Europe, as well as this havtog received the first Prize Medal at the World’s Exhibition in London, 16ti° The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who invent all their own improve ments, and under. whose personal supervision syery part of the instrument is manufactured Forsaleonlyat BLASIUS BROS., 1006Ohestout RR R : .'°NE a' CENT BOTTLE WILL CURE ChUis and Fever or Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Dysen- Sfy or Bilious Colic, Rheumatism, Gout, Lum hsgo, Pain in the Kidneys or Bladder, Spine, BhS ! nrns ’ Scald 3 of Poisonous Strains, Sprains, or Braises, Sore Throat, Influenza or Diphtheria, Swoolen Joints, Lameness or Cramp. All of these one bottle will cure. It wil afford re- a PP llca - tl0 n Let every family keep * house,, and use it when pain is expe- A - fe W minutes after its application the mavbe thl e n»n mS T 11l cea£e ’ it ma not what Price2scte n^°.s,P,f n ’J e , U , efw,llfoUow use. Wh^T 5 P bolt,e ' Sold b y Druggists every. MediCla M^ o lVi D c r S E f% B7 Maiden Lane, New York. WIN DOW SHADE manufaotubeks. keety, CABKINGTON No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET. 723, testngbtjlletin Wednesday, march 9. 1864. THE HEW HAHPSHIBE ELECTIOH. 11-thwcis one State at the North which the Democrats could pretend to hope to carry, if is New Hampshire. They counted it. especially this year, hut they have keen grievously disappointed. Governor Gilmore has been re-elected by about 6 000 majority; ten of the twelve State Senators are Republicans and: in the House there Will be a Republican majority of about eighty. Last year the Union men had two candidates in the field, but the combined Union vote was only 574 heavier than the Democratic vote. So there is a positive Republican gain, this year; of over five thousand. Thus nobly does the old'granite State lead off in the campaign of 1864. Thus emphatically does she express her ap proval of the course and the policy of Pre sident Lincoln, and her increasing con fidence in him as the head of the nation. Such an expression of the popular will is worth a thousand secret circulars .and newspaper articles meant to prove that Mr. Lincoln ought not to be renominated. GENEBAL MEADE. There is something wicked, and almost treasonable, in the efforts now making in certain quarters to destroy the confidence ' of the people and the army in Major-Gen eral Meade. The trumping up, at this late fiay, of charges-relating to the battle of- Gettysburg, which occurred eight months ago, should be sufficient to satisfy the coun try that the charges are groundless. But even if they were well-founded, they should not be published while General Meade is in command. The success of his army de pends, in a great measure, on his retaining the confidence of his troops ; and this can not be if such publications are made. The Committee on the Conduct of the War is not fit for the trust confided to it if it cannot keep such charges secret until they afe either proved or refuted. It is plain that the President, the Secretary of War and the Commanding General do not believe the charges made against General Meade, or they would not retain him at the head of ♦ur most important army. The best gen erals, who served under him at Gettysburg, .<4eny them emphatically. ;■ W e arg quite sure \t General Meade will be amply vindi • but, in-the the efficiencv may be greatly damaged by the of the malicious reports lemies. CLEARSIWc The rare spectacle'of . gers at work was witiiv. street this morning. ItnNnn since such a thing has been prc the eyes of, Philadelphians, and thei something grateful even in the sight . smell of the huge piles of filth that rot, under the scrapers of the men. Ev& in Walnut street, one of the cleanest of pur thoroughfares, the accumulations ■ are .so enormous that it will take an army of laborers and an army train of carts to bring it to a. condition of decency. In other streets,, especially in some near the Dela ware, the work will be still more herculean. But Mr. Commissioner Dickinson has made a beginning, and we rejoice to chronicle the fact. We ask for Km the indulgence of our citizens, for he has undertaken a mighty ; labor, under embarrassing and disadvanta geous circumstances. Give him a little time, and he will soon have' Philadelphia restored to her former state of cleanliness. Judging from the crowds at the places of amusement,'last night, there is uo immediate probability of those “bread-riots” in the loyal States so confidently predicted by Secession orators, at the commencement of the rebellion nor is there a likelihood of “grass-grown streets” in this locality. All the theatres were full, Gottschalk had a house at Concert Hall, the Academy of Music was filled by the admireiß of Calisthenics, who went there to witness the performances of the pupils of Messrs. Hillebrand &. Lewis; the Actors’ Order of Friendship had a brilliant ball at Musical Fund Hall, and the inferior places of amusement were all well patronized. Crowds oi promenaders filled the streets, the city rail way cars were thronged, and life and gaiety were to be seen upon all aides. The Copper head oracles deem this condition of things an omen of inflation and of an approaching col lapse of public ci edit; of course they charge it all to “Black Republicanism,” just as they would hold Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Chase respon sible if an entirely different condition of things existed. For ourselves, we are willing to see public and private prosperity, and to expe rience our share of it, and we shall not imitate the philosophy of the damsel who in the midst of comfort would be eternally bursting into tears lest she might get married and-have a baby, and that the baby, wearing a light blue dress, should creep into a red hot oven and get roasted alive. EXTENSIVE FEEEHPTOEY SALES OF ttpat. , ESTATE. T.ue atten'ion of capitalists and parties seeking opportunities to invest in first-class real estate iS invi'ed to the very extensive sale to be field next Wednesday, at ifie Exchange, by James A Free man, Auctioneer. It is very seldom that so large an amount of property is exposetfto public sale, and as almost all the property at this sale -will be peremptorily sold, it should receive the attention of those alluded to. The estates of the Hi n Elias Boudtnot, deceived, being is excellent business locations: of feeth Craige, deceased, comprising valuable property suitable for manufacturing with building lots, dwellings, Ac', Ac.: that of Jacob Peters, deceased, consisting of many dwelhngs and other property: that of the late Nicholas Bittenh6use, deceased, including very desirable properties on School Honse lane with mills, dwellings, public houses, Ac., ontheWls sahickon; the valuable farm of the late Peter Wager, deceased, in Montgomery comity; several large lots inrtheTweotieih Ward; the estates of B. Bavis, deceased, with property in Manayunk and CJermantown, all merit especial attention The pamphlet catalognes will be issued on Saturday. EXTENSIVE POSITIVE SALES OF DRY GOODS. t , C A?PE TS ' HATTING, CLOTHING. Ac. noTYi 11 My ers Co., Auctioneer; ,Nos. 233 and 1234 Market street, will hold the following sales by catalogue. on Four Months’ Credit and part for cu*b, viz: * WINDOW SHADES. To xobrow (Tiiitbbday) morning, March in, about £25 packages and lots of American, British. French, German and Swiss Dry Goods, in Cottons, w ooleDs. Linens, Silks and worsteds, including a valuable assoitment of Linen Goods, in larce varieties. * b SPRING STYLES. Also, 75 packages Domestic Cottons and Woolens. 10 packages black aud choice colors Silk Mohairs. Also, Broad Cloth&, Meltons, Coatings Cas«i meres. Jeans, Vestings. Bla k and Fancy Silks. Satin de Chene, Hoop Skirts. Dm brellas, Mlk Handkerchiefs and Ties, Patent 1 bread, Beady.made Clothing, Ac. Friday, March 11 —An assortment of superb Irgrem, Venetian, Hemp, List. Hag and Collage Carpels, Canton Mattings, Feathers. Ac. nfv T § vy^ L « ABLE K£AL ESTATE TUES. i x , Al ' — l eremptory sales, by order of Or. flians Court, Executors and others, including 12 a.res, Main street, near the depot, Ocrmantowji, and three lots opposite estate o! J. Horter, de ceased; large d well it g and three acres, Church lane, Germantown; valnabie STORES, 226 and 336 Aer<; t Thxrd street; also. 216 South Second street.2;4 E " fet ' IU4 South street, banking house. Third street, opposite the Exchange, and other n S«nt residences, neat dwell, bunding locatio^ - 6mall dwellings, See Thomas A Sons’ advertisements. auction notice-large sale of boots an T d h lurm?We n sa!e b ort r uS , ' U 10 the large (Thursdayi morning, commencing it V,;™. or , precisely, by Philip Ford A Co , An<UneVs at sheets ’ N °- Market and 5-W Commerce P TURFS II STYLES PIC. 1 UKbS.—KEIMER’SOARTES DE PV sk3Sr3**«ss»*2 QANJiY c * SUGAR BREAKERS, SMAETj u Scoops, Scales and Weights, Wire Fruit Baske's, Spice Boxes, Shelf and Window Brack. Vaii^'xr 1 “ nd Plain Egg Beaters, Syrnp Kettles, Ballette Knives, <xc., for confectioners, for sale at TRUMAN A SHAW’S, No. 835 (Eight five' Market street, below Ninth. 1 Your t only portraits, entirely K±jL*IAHIjE, ar* those fine specimens of Life* size PHOTOGRAPHS, In oil colors.executed with atr* e et rtlßtlC Skil1 * atß F * Q2l AROH TONGS, NAIL, SCISSORS and Cutters, Tweezers, Hair Crimpers, Kazors, Slr °? 8 > C or 6a l« by'TRUMAN & streetbelow Nhitb. Thirty-flye) Market —Mr. UEUOHAR THANKS HIS Friends and Patrons for their kind patronage leave to iuform them that his last DAY f th?i ! >th a in«tr ri t 11 c °? lmeac6 onSATUR EROAD and WALNUT ?hf™ Ck p ‘ M ‘ Intend “S pupils -Will please be lJere - mhoat* LOST-OERTIFIOATE No. 181, for one share in the Point Breeze Park Association of Phila! delphia, in the name of HENRY D. LENTZ As application -will be made four weeks frnm the’ date hereof, lor a renewed certificate, notice is hereby given. JACOB S. LENTZ, Executor of HENRY D. LENTZ, dec’d. Philadelphia, March 9,18 M. mh9-withSt* ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BBOEEB, N. E. comer of THIBD and SPBUOE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS’S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, In large or small, amounts, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Oloth. mg, and goods of every description. Office hours twin 8 A. M. tiu 7P. M. OeSXI-t&p fgg; Skim £V. ttgf ;. p g fLA DBLP £f g&. WFPNi r SDIY, MAFCH 9, 1864 re the city. a body of scaven ge ssed in Walnut "any months 'esented to SIGHS OF PROSPERITY. GRAND CELEBRATION ORGAN! ZATIQN NATIONAL UmON CLUB ire was and OF PHILADELPHIA. The Executive Committee of the National Union Club having directed the Committee oa meetings to mate arrangements for celebrating the Anisive. tary of the organization of the Oinb, tne nnderßigned give notice to their fellow-citizens that the Celebration will lake place at the Academy of Music, On Fiiday Evening, liie 11th instant Thefoilowing distingnished gentlemen hare eon eented to be present and address the meeting: H ° n HASWBIL HAMLIN, Vice Presiden of the United fciatea. resiaen HU 1 xcelleney GOV ERNOR CUfiTIN. Senator LANE, of Indiana. Hon. BINE'S T. BLOW, of Missouri Hon. GREEN OLAY SMITH, of Kentucky. Hon. AMOS MYERS, of Pennsylvania, With other distinguished local Speakers. The doors of the Academy will be open at Shvx.n O’CLOCK, and the proceedings will commence promptly at HALe’-PAssT SEVEN. Tickets may be obtained at the CLUB HOUBE, 1105 CHEBTNU2 STEEEr. RESERVED SEATS FOR LADIES Will be obtained ONLY from the undersigned members of the Committee on Meetings GEO. T THORN, Chairman DR. WB. GREGG, J. R. FLANIGEN, CHAS. HUMPHREYS, S. SNYDER LEIDY, HENRY BUM4I, JAMES FREEBORN, JNr>. R OKR, S. DANIELS, JNO FRaNKLIN, "WM M BULL BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL - HAIR MAKTT FACTORY.—The largest and bestassonment SviJSlF’ Lon K Hair Brands, Carls, Frizettes, Illusive beams, for ladies, at prices lower than elsewhere, at 903 CHESTNUT mhS-lmrp# MAHINE SHELLS AND Constantly on hand at the AQUARIA STORE, „ No. 53 North Sixth street, mhf.lm.rp* below Arch, SHETLAJNI) WOOL SHAWLS-jlsmuit*. .. *0 50.— GEO, W. VOOEiT No iots Ohkt V 1 mornin K * case* Shetland Wool Shawls or*6o lareest size, 76 inches, in all White, all Black, Black and White and fnnp Jo^'L° f ,. B * ! ‘£ ~rol UrsPs - “ Ud suitaMe Tor Intends —these are the same sine and anility sold last season at «13 CO. In order to eompetewith some Job Lots now in the market, the price is re. dnced for the present to gc so. mhT-Ct* BIIEE rdudlLk x.*e ) no SlLTrte"”’ —Flijb-E SOAP » JUNTA I N^J p no SILICATE OF SODA, SANDo”OLAY bntuan entirely PUBE SOAP, and need by erery ramlly. Pot np In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, foil weight, when packed and marked Fifty PonncU. SJfcS Ij &"S“/hs“ nfectt,Te ” , QE ? EO ' E M. ELKINTON A SON, den-lvrpi ok Margarettaatreet- OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS. FTFT n Glasses, Microscopes lor Phyßi'iaiT*afdSm? aents. A yery larßp assortment for sale by „ _ .TAMES W. QUEEN A Oo feaa-lm rpt Bit Oheatnnt street.' HCsBAADS CALCINED MAGNESIA u free from unpleasant taste, and three UmeZ tn S lS en *J? 1 *£ Ule c °nunon Calcined Majmeshu* A World e Fair Medal and four First Fremlnm S lver Medals haye been awarded It, as beinrSs best in the market. For sale by the drneeistsVnrt Oouatry Storekeepers, and by the manuSStmn? THOMAS Y. HUSBAND. ’ oclD-m, wr, f, ly, rp N. W. Cor. Third and Spruce I G R p^y^lßs ESTOßEir^^ s ::|SSSSS pi (iSiw SJSSISI:” . fSSrt° n S a r k°i or S e6torer and Dressing.” ♦‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing “ “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing ** “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing!* “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing ” “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.*” hoTi 1 » s ? ove ? ( or lhe Preservation of the human hair is taking thp lead ol all hair preparations; be- Ko d i!?v es !. ori “£ he color a.id making hair grow on bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keens the hairsolt, smooth and flexible, removes any ernn- Scl l rr - &c. y who were bald and. gray have had their hair ner- TRfiAUTOS CER y TlFt{3ArE ra “ 0n - DYEIim Y L ' AIR BESTOHED WITHOUT p-UAI.DNESS PREVENTED. m hnjipj to_ add iny testimony to the irrea raliie o f the “Ror.don Hitar Color Restorer ’ Uhree bottles of •which restored ray Hair, which h "iSSSSv' 0 i,f ' , ' , ‘ I?inal Jar/color?aL the Die* 1 am “tisQed that slsSai who can also tesuf y mv hnir h iJ!'i d fl/ Rt * !8 s,rmte , I commenced it* use. y ‘ W lB very <'’ ra y. when W M »i.m.wly M BEST, Chester acres. Huose modern bnllt, wUh*°°ift n nl? Diences. The E ronnds abound insb»,£ 1 c?nve trees ol every description. CmwnS and tri,lt nn three different railoads Fo? fSe.^ St ? tlons matlon apply at No nr?* r f £r lher infor street. * , °' °°s CHESTNUT : m;, 0-. w, ,it* i'or sale, 25 per cent. lJss than® inhere’ mha-Wpt y. Fonrm-.S^ER,, FACTHRINO OOSiPA li-v v ' • »T» II ? their factory and ***»• il WALNUT street, always* a most w r * r "2“*. IMS meat of tbelr tutri railed PlANrf« a**ort sellattbe lowest cash prices or m, w6lcl! H»J 'Sire ns a call before purobasine ii,. l talm,cu Sole Agent tor " 0 Ml G. A. FRINGE 4:00 ’R World-Ken owned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING ORGANS, ,U ' a °oM ERNEST GABLER’S, RAVEN * BACON’S, DAVIS & CO.’S, jall-'imrpS CELEBRATED PIA WO B OOfiKEOT PlAEtrTtjiii N .y O. E-SAHGENT-s arif^}*: ft * I T> Tuning and Repairing F>p>r,„ r _ r * *° l 252* !^, Ma£ ° n * Oo. >■ Store"®* factor; expei sew, Ktikoutrammin,. a, Twnuftir hmin*. *l oclMsmrpj OF THE OF'-THE BABiOW’S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT 4 WILTBERGER’S DRUG STORE, No 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PBILAPBLPHIA, "Win color more "water thanfoar times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. SSP“TIie new Label does not require a" stamp. It ifl WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations ?'Articles. . mb9 lea rps Professor ~VY De AmareilL CARD PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE LATE Professor ¥. De Amarelli. McAllister & brother, 728 Chestnut St. “At ketail.” JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the moat extensive and desirable assortment* -which they have ever offered. COURVOISIEE’S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND COL D. " MOURNING GOODS. 3-4 and 8 4 BAREGE HEBNANI. 3-4 and 8-4 OBAPB MARETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TABIABTIMS. 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BY ZANTINES and FLORENTINES. French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in great variety. AU acd best brand.■ mhB-4t4 JUST RECEIVED, CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS IN FRENCH ORGANDIES, JACONETS, * Rich and Handsome NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M. L. HALLOWELL & CO 615 Chestnut Street, mhS-tfs DR DIO LEWIS’S NEW GYMNASPICS f _ All thei Apparatus used In the New „ Women »F« BB ELLS, WANDS, RINGS, CLUBS, BLOW PIPES, SPIROMETEES (for We-«k Longs), &c , &«. Dr Dio Lewis’s TEXT BOi KS on Subject. FOR SALE By ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 Chestnut Street. S/ A »“ couut t 0 Schoola a " d olasses - NEW MOURNING bTOR3’ JUST RECEIVED, NEW GOODS SPRING TRADE, . . ,• ~ BDCH AS Austrnlmn Crape, |Shetland Shawls. ermi?i« acn ’ Balmoral Skirts, Oa r SeU> S Hairßpmbaz'ns ?OTX’SS^ Fine Grenadines, . Thibet Shawl?, Cnntoii Cloths. Bareire Shawls Turin Olothq, . Fancy Art! Together with a large assortment of ’ SECOND MOURNING GOODS . . ALSO, * BLAOK “OHT „ L 9 W prices. M, & A. M.YERB & GO., fea.e&wlm MG.OHESTNUT Street. fip HOUSE AND FURNITURE. JtScL e hS' ,U ‘‘. nl °PP°Uanity for one abont com eitnawi* b?u ? ek f'. P lu £’ Tbe honse is beautifully f ‘“® beBt “aterlale, and with all iXX ‘“Provsments. The Furniture of the «lew!eu yle ’. fro , m Qeo - H - Henkel's celebrated I? 1 : I »'9Ptre on the premises, South mh9)itiS xteentll and Mocmt Vernon Streets. BURLINGTON PRO, wi'i) FERTY—with all the modern uon\enience6e water, gas, large garden. Ac., &0., 'situated in th best part of the elly. For sale low and on accom. “Ototihg terms. Apply to FRANKLIN WOOL MAN, Bnrlington, N. .T. , or to P. BLaKISTON,. 85 South Sixth st., Philadelphia. fe27.s, w, tfrp, &£>. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OF §1 St our own importation, reliabl, in duality, and at low prices. . . FARR St BROTHER, Importers, 324 Chestnut street,’ below Fourth. AND PERCALES. PUBE FAHM UJ.E SOAP.—Tills Soap is mads i?t£,'J r 0 9 res * 1 Pslm Oil, and Is entirely a rege mole Soap; ;mqre suitable for Toilet use than those u “iP e animal feta. In boxes at one dozen cases for SI 50 per box. Manufactured by „ ■ GEO. M. ELKINTON * SOW, He. uo Margaretta street, between Front and Second, aboye Oallowbill street. del7-lyrpl 11/l ATHEMATIOAL DRAFTING INSTBU -lri MENTS, Cbesterman’s metallic and steel tape-measures. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN « 00., 924 CHESTNUT street. Priced and illus trated catalogues gratia. fe22-lm-rp{ ; HCB uw CURTAILS, CURTAIN MATERIALS,’ LINENS, House Fnrnisbicg Dry Goods. Sheppard,Van Harlingen & Airisen, 1008 Chestnut St, mM-mwsdti OFFER FOR SALE, ; PN FAVORABLE TERMS, $350,000 FIRST MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT. BONDS OF THE Western Pennsylvania Railroad ConPy. P*rties desiringa perfectly cafe investment wll please call aja examine the Bonds and tne eri deuce as to their security. ° VYI E. W, CLARK & CO., THIRD ST FUELOVGHS. Offlcera and Soldiere, netting the city on Fur. longo, needing SWORDS EQUIPMENTS ar. SwUhm^oV* 17 “ teMl «Mannfactnrut|a! GEO. W. SIMONS & BR0„ , SANSOM STREET Hat.t., 1 Hansom Btreet, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS PB ARCTIC AX. SWORDMATTEK ”'*Vr,ha- 1^ i * REAL BLACK LACE POINTED large Special Sale. STOCK NOW IN STORE. OVER FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN THIS ARTICLE ALONE. GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT St 'Will, on MONDAY, March 6th, commence a Sue’ "*1 *** ° f EeaJ Black Polntce aLd &,nSre Shawls, comprising over Two Hundred Shawls Including some ol the richest and finest eveTmLu Wnn ; P“W"ly richer and finer thaL be found in, any other establishment, not onlvin C tp ' v ‘ in “ y 5 t ? er market m this country. G. W. V. respectfully begs leaTe to •ii tn m, ties requiring Real Shawls, that, without e^mm* elKanceTn^nitK 010 have 110 idea of ‘he in which this article is now produced- what ImJh wi s ”i^ W establishments as beingTich j, 1 ’ in comparison with this stock to nSttd <Unary worfc A com Pari£on of Prices eo? - - mhs-6t} % $ BANKERS. . Exchange on England, France aid Germany, 7 8-10—5-20 Loan and Coupons CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, aUARTKRM ASTER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold. STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD yprders br MaH attended to ds-iy /Y No. 16 O A SOUTH THIRD ST., V. I'BAMEBS&BROIERS.g SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers asd Cheeks, AND Alii 80VEENMEKT SECUEITIES Bi 'TTOHT AND SOLD. oc CLOTHES WRINGERS, Patent Pie Dishes, every article of Kitchen Hardware at the House i. epers’ Depot, GRIFFITH & PAGE, mhs-lyrp> Sonthwest corner Sixth and Arch MTTSICAX. IN UAMUtjUMi; CAaKc playlngfrom two to twelTe cbolce melcdtM ror «aj« byJI'ABR ft BHOTHER, Imported, "* V« S!*nh.»tn o tstr«t.b.lSSF^S > . rw«.«=¥ RT . MANUFACXORT. -Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order- wart ranted of tbe best materials. Also, Sktrts repaired. cm tr. ME& bayley, 812 vine street, above Eiehtb. PECHmCL.es TO SUIT , ALL SIGHTS. Artificial human eyes inserted without pain. JAMES W. QUEEN A CO., Opticians, 924 Chestnut street. te£>-Im-rrs El ILN B , »ISA¥ i. li A OO . Manufacturer* of MANTT.T.A AND TABBED OOBDAGKS, Conns, Twnra, fto., Ho. S 3 North Water *treet and No. 23 Nortli DtU. ware arenas, Philadelphia. 3BWISH. FITLBS. MIOBAXL WaAtBS, cvnrean F. Cumm HABVEY THOMAS, : STOCK BBOKEB, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Stocks and Loans bought and sold at the Board of Brofcers. - particular attention given to XJ. S. Government I<oanß - ia9-3mrp§ ,j George j. boyd, ~ T STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, Cf r ?°- *8 South THIRD street. Stocks and Doans bought and Bold on Commis sion, at the Board of Brokers. Gov. rum'lit. Securities, [.Specie and Uncurrent money nonirhtand sold. mh2-3mrp§ GEORGE J. HENKELB CABINET MAKER, -809 AND 811 CHESTNUT street, HAS ON HACTO A PULL ASSORT* KENT OF THE FOLLOWING AND other articles at prices that defy compe- tit ion Rosewood Walnut CHAMBER FURNITURE, Rosewood, Walnut, and Oak DINING BOOM-FURNITURE,. Rosewood AND Walnut PARLOR FURNITURE* la all kinds of Covering. Furniture Covering of all kinds INCLUDING Brocatelles. Plushes. Satins, Reps, Pekin Cloths. Pastings and Tapestries, ANTIQUE LIBRARY FURNITURE, Sculptured in the Finest Style. PRICES ARE LOW. GEO J. HENRELS, SOO and 811 Cliestnut St. WORKS OF ART. BRONZES CLOCKS, FROM PARIS, JUST OPENED. A Beautiful Assortment LO W PRICES FOR FIRST-CLASS WORKS OF ART.' GEORGE J.HENfcELS |o9 and 811 Chestnut street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers