Ilay afternoon. reported to be 2,G3=< Thei census ot the house 109. D.iri.u Mme time last Sphere were admitted 172; born. 119; absconded, iti; inden tiredffif lodging was famished to 23; and meals u 49 ’vhI B n'ni.dooT Belief Board reported that tb; '♦ArSwToendfthms for the past month had been MM»n«®’ >er ® IlttoAlms^ ,lie ’ 5351 ttt ? ?SmS.rr’eceiving out-door relief is 12,716, of whom 2,3OT^re^natiTebt)ra',2,B3lforeiga e rs f and7,slB chil- and Mr. Townsend wa swornm. d that the President of to- S havtag accepted the office < t Street In- Board, nawaß salaried office under tne Uit-, g’overemlnt. it wonld be well to consider wheto,- he was entitled to his seat In this Board, and h; also questioned the validity of any acts of th ■ Board during the occupancy of the -chair by Mr stated that he had had the matte; under consideration, and had taken the advice o; counsel on the subject, that lie was informed thf. there was nothing contrary to law in his holding bis present position. He had been appoints i frnardian without solicitation; that it was uot on of; emolument, and did not interfere with an, otner position he might hold. He would cheer * iully vacate his seat if he was clearly not entitle.; thereto. The out-door agent reported the collection o; 5479 63 for support cases. . The committee to whom was referred the matter of the increase of salaries reported that hencelortii preference be grrfen to disabled soldiers for employ jnent in the house. The original report of the committee, asking Councils for an extra appropriation *bf 86,3741 increase the salaries of theemploves, was taken up. Mr. Lee submitted a substitute declaring it in expedient at this time to apply to Councils tor a>: appropriation for increase of salaries, except tho.v at S2O per month and under. Lost. Dir. Lowry moved be applied to for an appropriation sufficient to increase all sala ries under $5OO per annum forty per cent Not agreed to. The original resolution, providing for asking Councils for an appropriation of $6,734, was finally agreed to. Mr. Lowry moved that hereafter disabled sol diers be employed by the Board to fill positions Jn ts charge. Agreed to. Adjourned. / BOARD OFTBADE.\ ISRAEL P. MORRIS, ) ' JOSEPH O. GRUBB,- > Monthly Cohmitthh EDMUND A. SOUDER, i IMPORTATIONS, Repotted fot the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. CALCUTTA—Bark Blondel, Muliiken—692 bags saltpetre 600 do ginger 3974 do 1200 pocketa linseed 60 bales goat skins 45 do cow hides 45 do buffalo hides 61 cases shellac 61 do lac dye 310 bales gunny bags Isaac Jeanes & Co; 330 bags saltpetre 1000 bags 400 pockets linseed 20 bales goat sains 15 do buffalo hides 15 do cow hides 70 do gunny bags 20 cs lac dye 31 do shellac 300 bags ginger Grover & Bro; 1000 bags 400 pocketß linseed 230 bags saltpetre 20 bales goat skins 15 do cow hides 15 do buffalo do 70 do gunny bags 20 cases lac dye 21 do shellac 200 bags ginger D C Spooner. NEW ORLEANS—Bark George S Hunt, Wood bury—2so tons bones Baugh A Sons. CALL ISO DAYB OP STEAMSHIPS. TO ARRIVE. tan VEOU VOS DATS O of Limerick...Liverp’l.. New York Feb. 28 Bavaria Southampton.. New York Feb. 34 Peruvian Liverpool. -Portland Feb. 25 Australasian—Liverpool-New York- Feb. 27 Teutonia —Southampton—New York...... March 3 Nova Scotian. .Liverpool. .Portland March 3 Arabia Liverpool.. Boston March 6 Germ anil ..Southampton ..New York .March 8 TO DEPART. Eagle New York.. Havana March 9 Yazoo——..—NewYork..NewOrleans...March 9 Asia.—. New York—Liverpool March 9 Hatanzas New York-HavanaAN O.JHarch 10 GeoCromwelL.New York—New Orleans. .March 12 Bremen New York. ! .Bremen March 12 Etna. ....New York. .Liverpool..... -March 12 St. George.... New York.. Glasgow— March 12 Illinois. New York.. Aspinwall ....March 14 Canada.... .Boston. .Liverpool March 16 Morning Star. .New York. .HavanaAN.O.-March 19 Bavaria....... New York.. Hamburg. March 19 Germania......NewYork. .Hamburg. ApKl 2 LETTER BAGS AT THBXIBOHAHTS- RXGHAXG3, mnT.imr.Tmi Bark Thomas Dallett, Duncan...... Laguayra, soon Brig Cygnet, Croscnp .Barbados, soon Brig Albert Adanis,Lummins—Martinique,Ac, soou Schr BesposiMe (Br), Saville St Thomaa, soon PORI OP PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 8. Sirs Bises.6 171 Spa Sara, 5 43 1 High Wat»Q 15 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bark Blondel, Muliiken, 156 days from Calcutta, with saltpetre, linseed, Ac. to Curtis A Knight. Schr Preemason, Furman, 1 day from Indian RiTer, DeL with com to Jas L Bewley A Co. CLEAR EH YESTERDAY. Brig Olivia (Braz), Maripho, Bio Janeiro, J Mason A Co. Scbr Mary (Br), Tobin, Halifax, Kennedy, Stairs A Co. Schr Elliott, Cebb, Fortress Monroe, Tyler A Co. Schr Aid, Ireland, do do Schr Buena Vista, Lynch, Alexandria, do SchrSHSharp, Maybew, Port Koval, do chlif S er > °= den i Alexandria, do Schr Geo Henry, Sbute, do do B H Wilson, Mull, Fall River,KeppUer A Bro. Schr T Potter, Rackett, New Bedford, do Schr J BAllen, Allen, Nantucket, Castner. Stick ney A Wellington. Schr Bolivar, Adams. Fall River, do Schr Nightingale, Beebe, Providence, Baumgardner ScbrKew Jersey, Morris, Providence, L Andenried c AJweLter, Rackett, Boston, R N Rathbun. v “ Dennis. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. K. r S eade , r ’ Callahan. Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. St r Beverly, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. ft .. ~ .. MEMORANDA. t-h.fT?*v orthanpton, Morse, hence at Portland yesterday. s^- at S Li?eSl 0 4 ?h ult Sea ' F ° ,t€r ’ &ora San Franclaco > Jan hi ftr New^York. 3 ' 10 ’ “ Ued£ro “ Calcutta 19 th S*yea,from Liverpool for Calcutta, w “ fpoken 14th Dec. lat 38 S, lon 14 E. ■ . drm Ti?ii^ ea i\ Lo,, i rop ' from Calcutta for Lon don, at Deal 23d ult. and proceeded. ““forffew Yirk art “- BaUed &om Liverpoo l fromTu^SSuttf 6 ' 1 f ° r:TeWYOrk ’ * atled N ’S" York (Br), Kennedy,from Yortnre*tms?,r U K' an s Queenstown 25th, at New rdajr brought 70 cabin and 398 steerage IStai? a £.3 b l 271 at 9 AM - <2O miles west of * SE-tf**? d 8t «amsbip Arabia, bound E. fronfportla P r^ Ura ’, Aitoa ’ at Londonderry 24th ult. sTefraSin n.f- nd . pr 2f c «' Je ' l tor Liverpool. fromCMha P v?n 2 ul a u il ftUbe - f ° r New York ' » aUcd N^vS?t P B i? le J Terreros (BO i Foster,cleared at belto, Y^ k st y TSa. y for La B™yr a amlPortoCa .pSluSteYlr°k.S“ten’ *» Breme^havea JanSro-Sh‘jan, AleXanira ’ Hanaen ’ hence at Kl ° l>u^l9th a St IC ror T E^aAd rflrboXl « aUedf ™“ Ham yest fl e r rdaJ?o?#ew t 6nca?s° n - Cleared at NeW York N^Mte^wK^e 0 . 1111110 Janelr °’ at ye^diy M for a tWE e port° Wen ’ Clearedat New York Schrs Lucknow, Smith; Trade Wind, Smith, and ClealCd at Ncw &S 2 lo?tW»^i® u “P t , cr - Tliomdik, from Winterport piff fram Holmes’ Hole sth Inst. Qriffln,cleared P /t ili Jv Wn^ end V aad Sarah Clark, Schrs Elklbett Ann Y n k y esta rday tor this port. Rich, hence for BoS2?’.? a 5 “O Smith Tuttle, and sailed again sth! 011 ’ ad Holmeß’ Hole 4th Inst. th|a opo^at 0 po^atH P met’ e Hole“? tl S 1 t A ndrc , w!l ' NB. for SchrßGWhilden, Neal from Rnd ' lMa Saia. Hatte?a°s. k ’ WaB PdeSed town/m°3dmtt!torHu'spSrt’ clearedat George- Bark Edward Everett, Harding from s CULT/S CONTINENTAL COFFEE 5 SCULL’S CONTINENTAL COFFEE SCULL’S CONTINENTAL OOFfII: cut I LL, COFFEE COFFEE, COFFEE COFFEE, COFFEE’ COFFEE, COFFEE UEPOT, 133 ARON STREET. UEPOT, 132 ARCH STREET. 18£S l!P*ra\ ROH STEEET SOLD EVERYWHERE. ISSCOTTS ifflKmilm,. beUroen^ No Horse ft.^siT° d “ d » ance gratis. Carriages, atteud *o hire; :New customers for these ar • u - .MMstft JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE— -1 S The Annnal Commencement will be held at vTDSIOALFUND HALL, on THURSDAY next, Uth in-t , at l 2 o’clock. The Charge to the Grad uates will be delivered by Professor DUNGLI .. The public are Invited to be present. mh7-3t5 BOBLEY DUNGLISON, Dean. ——TWENTYrFIKST WARD BOUNTY T_g > UND. A special meeting of the Committee will be held ,it Arnold’s Hotel, (FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL,) on WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 9th, at 7% o’clock. Thettollecting Committees -will have all sub -criptions closed up by that time, and return the hooks to the Chairman of their several Precincts; also, to have prepared a revised list of all sub -cribers. By order of the Executive Committee. mW-at* GEO. A. SMITH, Secretary, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH- Jj? WAYS, OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMIS ;;io£EB’ s. w. corner walnut and STREETS, Philadelphia, March 5, The animal License due the city will be received, md l enewai of the same, until April the Ist, 1864., at the above office daily from 9 o’ clock A. M. until o’clock F. M. Penalty for neglect of renewal of License, three ollara each time any vehicle may be used. _ „ , THOMAS M. TRIOL, mhs-3ts License Clerk. r"3=» THE ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY -13 of the Bedford Street Mission will be held on Wednesday Evening next, March 9th, in the VI. E. Union Church; Fourth street, below Arch, it 7)4 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Bishop Simpson and Bev. Geo W. Smiley ringing by the choir of Green Street M. E Church, under the direction of Prof; Fischer. mhs-4t# medical board.—headquar- PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. HtfsPITAL DEPARTMENT, HiatisnunG, Pa., March 1, 1864. « The Slate Medical Board of Pennsylvania will meet in Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, the toth of March inst , and continne in session at least eight days, to examine candidates lor appointment as Surgeons in Pennsylvania regiments. L’he object is to provide lor vacancies in there* ruited regiments! ■which, may require additional Assistant Surgeons. Physicians in goodhealth,furnishingsatisroctory testimonials of their industry, sobriety, and loy alty will be admitted to the examination. The rooms in which the examination will be held will be indicated in the city papers on of meeting. By order of the Governor. ' JA.MES KING, mhl-Ot] Snrgeon-General, Pa, rw“^?^ ) X 1 S. E - THE DELAWARE AND io RARITAN CANAL will be opened for navigation, on TUESDAY, March Bth. f JOHN G. STEVENS, _ _ Engineer and Superintendent. Tbektox, March 1, 1861. mh3-8t Y 5» TREASURY DEPARTMENT Oppice A 3 op Comptroller op the Cubrexcy, Washixqtox, Feb. 2Gih, ISG4. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled ‘ an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circnlation and redemption thereof, ’’ap proved February 25th, 1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing of Banking, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Penn sylvania, is antborized to commence the business of Banking, under the act aforesaid. In tesumony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, 1661. HUGH MoCULLOOH, mh2-2ms Comptroller of the Currency. PHILADELPHIA, FEB 26, ISB4.—The 13 first meeting of the CHEROKEE MINING COMPAN Y, of Michigan, under its Articles ot Association, will be held at 326 WALNUT street Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the fllteenth day of March, 1664. at 4 P. M. fe26,tmhl3s ISRAEL MORRIS, ■ . v W. P. JENKS, Two of the Associates of eaid.CorponUion. PHILADELPHIA, FEB. 26, 186 i.— Jss The First Meeting of the OSAGE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, under its Articles of Association, will be held at 32&tWAENUT street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of March, 1&64, at5P. M, CHAS. W. TROTTER, GEORGE R. OAT, fe26tmhlo§ Two Associates of said Corporation. PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING Iks Railroad Company, Office *227 South Fourth Street. Philadelphia, Septembers, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it is therefore neceesarv that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. BTOCZHOLD2K6* KAICBB. Timothy C. Boyle, Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster, Andrew Turner, John Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich- Benjamin F. Newport, feSC-tf $ OFFICE CITY BOUN i'Y FUND GOM- J 3 MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, De cember 29, 1663. Warrants for the City Bounty (two hundred and fifty dollars) will be issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi. cefs, mnst be sent to the office of. the Commission one day previous to the issuing of the warrants. Officers mnst accompany and vouch . for their men when the warrants are delivered. Philadelphia soldiers re-enlistiugin the held will receire their warrants as soon as certified copies of the muster-in-rolls are furnished to the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of th^State. Men enlisted in 001. McLean’s Regiment (183 d Pennsylyania Volunteers), will receive the bounty in companies when duly mustered into the U. S. service, and credited to the quota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 toSP. M., during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. jal-tf j , SAMUEL C. LAWSON, Sec’y. |VR> OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM IU? MISSION, No. 412 PBUNE Street, Phila delphia, December 19, 1663. The Commission for the payment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. Until further notice, the Commission will si! daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will he paid to thoße only whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United Slates Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office in squads lor the purpose. In a few days notice will be given when and how recruits in new organisations and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. By oi der of the Commission. ja4-tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON. Secretary fys=» PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND IL3 CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. Ofilce of ihe Secretary, PiTTßntmon, Pa., February 14th, 1864. ■ . * The annual meeting of the Stock and Bondhold ers of this Company, for the Election of Directors, and such other business as may come before It, will 01 said Company, in the city ef vr I Ju^B U ? IUR ' "WINDOW !&jSvp.s o w™S- s A, olr ' CLOTHS, a large asso?tmtS Vi WI: ? b , OW SHADES, and LEWIS'S Old E-toblSheH® B°t ld , G S.? d ' at H> K feet St., next dobr S th? ed btarul > No. 1434 Mar , ooor to the corner of 15th st. mhllm* fc26-lm§ UILI OLOTHS, AND UKUO WILTON, , VELVET ...■■>■■ BRUSSELS, • , ™o!ain^ Y ’ p^ETisrea HgES"- All at tiie lowest’each prices, for *ale by ’ B. L. KNICHT * SON, - «wr Obaetn'nt wtraef. 1 CkSF?’' sB P* l ® B of Spanish uorks just received DALLETT. * SON.IS9 South THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY MARflff 8. 1864, SPECIAL NOTICES- D. H. LOUDENSLAGER, Chairman Com. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF (JUMM.ON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA- WISTAR matttir ° f E6tatß of RICHARD M, The Auditor appointed by the Court to andit, “ffi® ana account of JOHN M INTYRE, Esq., Trustee and Assignee, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on-WEDNESDAY. March 16th. 1864, at 4 o’clock, P' M., at his office, (Room 3) Law Department, No. 212 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. ' * EGBERT K. NIOHOLS, mhs*s, to,thsts] Auditor. Letters of administration to the Estate of SAMUEL PLEASANTS, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned All persons indebted to the estate of decedent are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them ic -. s EDWARD PLEASANTS. Admin’r, mbs-tn st * 1433 Walnut street. "N J es i ameutar y W ttl ° *S Btar « BROOK, deceased, having bee a nn^er sigued, ail persons indebted to are , re Q ueate d to make payment,’ and said Estate to present BROOK, R. S. BROOK. Execn tors, No. 258 South THIRD street. fel6,tn-6t^ UTennlylv™, msTß i cr OF rn?^,S RESII)ENT THE UNITED STATES. S^|^ S S^ Unan « DIS - WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylva nia, rightly and.duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pre tend to have, any right, title, or interest in the sloop L" DA, whereof J. Q.. A. Butler was master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, captured by the United Statesship Seminole, a vessel-of-war of the navy of the United States, to be monished, cited, and called to judg ment. utthe time and place underwritten, and to toe effect herealter expressed (justice soreq uirlng) You are, therefore, charged and strictly enioinea and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of toe daily newspapers printed and published in the city ol Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, jou do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremp tonly all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in toe said sloop LI!-A. her tackle, apparel and furniture, to appear before the Hon TOHN CADWALAiDER, the Judge of the said Uoiift, at the District Court room in the Citv of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publica tion oi these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day. following, between the nsnal hours ol hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form ol law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said sloop LIDA, her tackle, apparel and furniture, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time oi the cao tnre of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to-be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prize; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to jnnice shall appertain. And that yon duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to .whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated) that if they shall not appear at toe time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the sontrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on toe said capture, and may pro nounce that the said sloop Lila, her tackle, apparel -tod inrniture, did belong at toe time of the capture of the same to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be adjudged and condemned, as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons cited and intimated in anywise‘notwith standing, and that you duly certify to the avid District Court what you shall do in toe premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this third day of MARCH, A. D. 1861, and in the eighty eighth year of the Independence ol the said United States. mhs-3t Q. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. GBOCERIEB. Choice Spanish olives—si oo per Gallon. COUSTY’S, No. US South Second otreet - • mhl-ly) ■. PRIME DUTCH ANCHOVIES, CURACOa, Ac. Just received and for sale at COUSTY’S, No. 1 IS Sontfa Second Street. MESS MACKEREL IN KITTS COUSTY’Sj No. 118 South Second a!ree - mhl-ly} Cincinnati hams.—samuei Da vis’s. Gard nor, Phipps A Co. ’s, and Thomas’s extra flue sugar Cured Hams, for sale by SIMON COLTON AaON.Brosd and Walnut streets. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR.-Pamily Flour,' surpassing in fine quality any floor ever be» fore sold by the subscribers, SIMON COLTON A SON, Broad and Walnut. E-iTRA WHITE FLOUR.—The .best Family Flour in America, jnst received and for -ale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streeis. PARAFFINE CANDLES—Superior quality, in six-peund boxes, for 6ale by the case or single box. THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BHOAD and CHESTNUT itxeeis. Tl f EXIGAN BEANS—Black or Mexican Soup JXI Beans, Red Beans, Lentils, Split Beans, and Shaker Sweet Corn, for sale by JAS. R. WEBB, Walnnt and Eighth streets. PARED PEACHES of unusually fine quality. Dried Plums, Ac.. lor sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth streets. ALMEKiA. GRAPES Choice Almcria Grapes In large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SFILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE. —Frnneold Government Java Coffee; alco, Maracaibo, La Guayra, Bio, Ac.. for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. MACOARONI AND VERMK’ET.T.t"— Tmubt. Maccaroui and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and fop 1 Eale by H. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIECK S CO'S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, Younger’s Scotch Ale and Guiness’s Brown Stom for sale by E. B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer. Main Btreet, adjoining B. R. depot, Germantown. RIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B* CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad .Depot, Germantown. . FRENCH PEAS,* Champignons, and Bonelesi Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer, In fine groceries, Mali street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Refined sugars and syrups of all grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar Bouse, for salt by E. O. KNIGHT A CO., Southeast cornet water and rthAshmt streets. . . FRESH OLIVE OlLtn whole, half, and quarter bottles; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German town. FR ESH GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS.- New Raisins. Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Just received fresh, for sals by E. B. CLARKE, dealer la fancy aud staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. v ’ PIANOS, &(J. A GRAND PATENT PIANO, by G. Vogt, coat S'.flOU, for sale at half price. To be seld at No. 1«< Race street, mh3 lot} fpasfef!*. a. STANKOWITOH, PIANO removed f J 9 I f 'to 030 RIDGE avenne, above Vine, and is prepared io receive orders as usual. His many customers bear testimony to his skill and ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re pairing Is clone in a dnrablo.and artistic manner, .is he is a practical Plano Maker; has eight years’ city experience, with the beat references which can bo given. All orderawiromptly attended to; and guaran.ees to give entire satisfaction. Price lor tuning Si. Orders from the conntry accented and done very reasonably. mh2-3tn} ’ rftgm. AN ASSORTMENT of the best rasSpil New York and Philadelphia Manu- II 0 I I > factnrmg, from 5275 upwards Also, MELODEONS, Harmoniums and Oahlnet Organs. No. 233 South FlFTHstreet,.at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut, p. SCHULER & 00.. , tet7-3m WATCHES. E. HOWARD A OO.’S — ~mT~ ES%, FIRST-CLASS S&M AMERICAN WATCHES, JcJl . with MERSHON’S PATENT REGULATOR, bold by the principal watchmakers,} LK&NB ’ Na 403 chestnut * awarded by Franklin Institute ; « MARTIN LEANS,, Marinfaoturer of \ MASONIO M ARKS, PINS, EMBLEMS, AO ■ _,^ e jr hnd original designs of Maaonlo Maries and : Templars’ Medals, Army, Medals andoorpi ! Baudot «T«y ftes.gtipti^ SHIPPING. jJWi STEAM WEEKLY TO LIYEK 3fiHsi£POOL,_touchlng at QUEENSTOWN (Cork Harbor).—vThewell-known Steamers of th* Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamihia Company are intended to sail as follows: ETNA...*..................... Saturday, TVFwr/0, 12 CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, March to EDINBU BGH .Saturday, March 26 And every succeeding Saturday at Noon, fiom Pier 44 North River. - * ’ BATES OF PASSAGE: FiTABUIX GOLD OB ITS BqUIVALanT JM CUB. BBSOT. Ist Cabin. .880 Steerage..... ....830 00 Ist Cabin to London. 85 Do. to London 34 00 Ist Cabin to Paris.... 95 Do. to Paris.. 4n 00 Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates Fares prom Liverpool ob QubebtstOwh. - First Cabin, 875, $B5, $lO5. Steerage Atom Liver* pool and Queenstown, 830. Those who wish tc send for their friends can buy tickets here at toes. rates. For farther information, apply at the Cornua ny’s Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, mbs 111 Walnnt street, Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA aBfiS&STEAMSHIP LlNE—Sailing from each port on Saturday—From first wharf above Pint street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf) Boston, ot Saturday, March 12, 1864. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston oh Saturday, March 12th, at 10 o’clock, A. M., and steamship .SAXON, Captain Matthews, from Boston for Phil adelphia on Saturday, March 12th, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial Steamships form h regular line, sailing from each port punctually OE Saturdays. Insurance at one-half tils premium charged by tall vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts and bills of lading with their goods. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, apply to HENRY WINSOB A 00., 332 South Delaware avenns. FOR ALEXANDRIA, GEORGE 3ACS&TOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand’s Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at 11 M., and every Saturday at 8 A. M. ' Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEYTNnY, Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEYMOUR, Captain Room. Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart These steamers form a semi-weekly line between Philadelphia and the above.ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower than bj any other route. Freights received every day and bills of lading giTen. Apply to THOMAS WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. seie-tf 4*99%, FOR NEW YORK. —DESPATCH: SHi&and SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela. ware and Raritan Canal The steamers of toes* lines are leaving dally at 12 o’clock, Mi, ands o’clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnnt *t For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., 132 South Delaware avenne. 4*9*% FOB NEW YOBK-New Daily Ltol ■MtKßb—Via Delaware and Raritan Ganal- Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Company will receive freight and leave dally at 5 P. M. ■ delivering thelT cargoes in New York to* following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Phllsda. JAMES HAND, Agent, jy2s-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, N. T. FOR SAN'FRANCISCO. COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. REGULARLY AS ADVERTISBB The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship ...WI2ABD KING Is now rapidly loading st pier 11. East Elver, ijfi-s This beautiful clipper comes to her berth Jgg|with a large portion of her cargo on board, ana having large engagements will fill rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KINS to all ship per* to ban Francisco as the most desirable vessel now loading, and invite inspection. Shippers will confer a tavor by sending their freight immediately alongside. BISHOP, SON * CO., tf 105 Arch street, above Front. FOB BARBADOS—TiIe British schooner WaFRANOIS fIOFPiN. Congens, master, will commence loading on Mon day next, the22d inst,, will meet with qunk dispatch. GEORGE AI.KINS A CO., Nos. 10 and Id South Delaware avenue. j e j7 stli FOR HAVANA—EagIe Line—Neutral JBS3Flag—Only Vessel Loading—The regular packet elipper Br. bark OCEAN EAGLE W. H. Luce, master, having the bulk of her cargo en gaged and going on board at second wharf below Walnut, and being of small capacity, will have diepatch. For balance of freight, apply to J. E BAZLEY Jt CO., 121 South Wharves. mh7-10t FUK NEW ORLEANS. La. The regu- Sjgigiar packet hark GREENLAND, George Thomson, master. Is now loading at Smith's wharf, above Dace street, and will have quick dispatch for the above port direct. For freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN A CO., I*3 Walnut street. , mbs -egs FOR NEW ORLEANS—EagIe Line— aiaSThe regular packet bark SAXONVILLE mum, master, is now receiving her freight at first wharf below South street, and having the bnlk ot her cargo engaged, she will have disoatch. For lreight, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. v inhr-Si FOR NEW ORLEANS, La With Qnick Dispatch—The first class packet ship ST. PETER, Sprague, master, having the bulk other cargo engaged, will sail soon. For freight or pas sage, apply to PETER WEIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut street. fe2T-tf FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fine JKgpacket schr. JAMES H. MOORE, Captain Nickerson, ia now receiving freight at Oallowhill street wharf, and will sail for the above port with ra appiy 10 david FOR MEW YORK—Express Line—The MBHfflne packet brig WARREN, Capt. Smith, is now receiving freight at Arch street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dis patch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 13 North Wharves. At« FOR FREIGHT OK CHARTER—The SEgbark GEOROE S. HUNT, Woodbury, mr, 4,w*u barrels capacity; schooner F. A. BAZLEY', Crosby, master, 0,000 barrels copacity. For terms, apply to E. A. SOUDER A CO., Dock street wharf. mhs -eg*-* ,FOR FREIGHT OR OHARTEtt-Tho wßgTlr. bark SHERWOOD. 6,000 bbls; the brig nSSI' WaTTSON, 24(H) bbls; the brig CARVES, 1,600 bbls; the new schooner FANNIE A.-BaZ -I.EY, 2,51.0 barrels. For terras, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. rahS- 5t FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER The SSSsBr. brig NICKOPEE, Eelaud, master,s,ooo bbts. capacity; brig ALRUCOABAH, Bray. mr., 2,2.obb]s. capacity: Br.brig PRINCE ALFRED, Higgins, master, 1,7(■ 0 bbls..capacity; echooatr ELLA, Alexander, master, 1,700 bbls capacitj; schooner CAMPBELL, Sonle, master, 1.300 bbls. capacity. Apply to EDMUND A. SOUDER A CO., Doak street wharf. mh7-3t J&j, FOR SALE OR CHARTER—The new JSgcopper-astened bark DRESDEN, Reed master, 497 tone register; rates Al; sails fast and is in perfect order. For terms, apply to E. A SOUDER A CO.. Dock street wharf. le2Ctf FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHARTER JEg—The fast sailing bark IDDO KIMBALL, Uliner, master, 475 tons register, carries 150 tons dead weight or 0,000 bbls; in complete order and ready lor any voyage. For further particulars, apply to WORKMAN A CO.. 123 Walnut street. JtkA JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, SAlL ■Shakers, no. 244 North warves, below Yule street, Philadelphia. All work done in the best manner and on tht lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted In give perfect satisfaction. mhls-tf Particular attention given to repairing. CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE.—Schr. BRANDY WINE, Carson, master, from New York, is now discharging cargo at the first wharf above Race street. Consignees please send for their goods, and oblige DAVID OOOPER, 1? North Wnarves. mhB-3t CONSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Consignees of mer chandise per British ship GEN. WILLIAMS, Hat Held, master, lrom Liverpool, will please send their permits oil hoard at shippen street wharf, or to the Counting Honse of the nndersigned. The general order will be issued on Wednesday, the 9th instant, when all goods not permitted will be sent to tho Public Stores. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, 115 Walnut Btreet. mb7-3t NOTICE All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting the crew of the British ship GENERAL WILLIAMS, Hatfield, master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. mh7-tf CONSIGNEES TAKE NOTIOE—The bark G. W., HORTON, Packard, master, Is now dis charging at first wharf above Arch street. Con- signees will please attend to their goods as dis charged. Any goods left on the wharf are at their risk and expense. J. E. BAZLEY A CO., IS2 South Wharves. mh7-6t PORTSMOUTH STEAM FACTORY SPOOL GoTTON, Bast six-cord.- Also, of same ma nufactnie, Amory’s Enameled Thread; each spool warranted to contain 300 yards, full mea sure, and equal in every respect to any Thread of Foreign or American production. All colors and assortments to suit purchasers Also, abrand of the above Thread expressly for Sewing-Machines.' CHARLES AHORY, ’R., AGO., Agents, No SOS Oburob Alley, DBY GOODS. MLiSUNt) OJfc' K QUALITY. - New York Mills, 'WmianisylUe, Wamsntta, . Bay, Mills, Wbite RocP, Forestdale, Semper Idem. Honsekeeper A. Slaterville, i New Jersey, i j^ Us t 2# yards widejPepperill Mills, 1/f * 2#» and 2% wide; Boot Mills, heavy, wide. A'so, unbleached in every quality. The cheapest place to buy any of the above is GRANVILLE B. HAINES’, No. 1013 Market st., ab. Tenth. LINEN GOODS, of aU kinds, extra cheap* . Ji ea T V Table Linens, at 87#, 90c. and SI; Unbleached Table Lioenat 75, and SI: half Cotton, at o. /•> GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 Market street, ab. Tenth. mhs-3ts , Desirable spring silks. —~ Check Silks, large Checks, Check ' ilksy fine Checks. Select Colors, Plain Silks. Best Brown Silks out. Moire Antiques, ordered colors. EYRE A LAW DELL, Foujlh and Arch streets. Purple edge black silks. White Edge Silks. Stout Black Taffetas. Double-lace Silks Black Moire Antiques. __ EYRE A LANDELL. CALL AND EXAMINE.—HARRIS’S MIXED CASSIMEBES. Harris s Plaid Cassimeres. Cassimeres for Boys’Snits. Cassimeres for Men’s Suits. Cloaking Cloths, al colors. Stock of Goods in this Department Large and well selected. JOHN H. STOKES, 702 Arch street.* Edwin hall & co., No. 26 s. second street, call attention to their stock of Drjs3 Goods: • Plaid and Figured Poplins. Plaid and Striped Silk Warp Taffetas. Figured Reps and Plain Mohairs. Dress Good?-, of New Stjle3, in variety. French Chintzes and Percales. Striped French Chintzes for Trimmings. Organdies and Jaconet Lawns. Plain and Figured De Laines. Figured Silk Cballies. Percale Robes, .Ac. Linen advertisement s. m i lltk en A CO—Stores for Linen Goods exclusively, 628 ARCH and 32 South SECOND street. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS.—A good srong Irish Linen, at 44 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Linen Irom 56 cents np, SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par ticular attention to this department. Ladies will find at our Stores the most extensive stock of Bosoms, Wristbands and Collars in the city. T ABLE LINENS.—A lot of exira-heavy power loom Damask, halt bleached, at 75 cents per yard. CHEAP NAPKINS.—An excellent article at 82 per dozen. S. MILLIKEN A CO. * Linen Importers and Dealers, mb 3] 82S Arch street, and 32 S. Second roeet GOO THOS. SIMPSON’S SONS, Af) 4 J/4/4. 922 and 924 PINE STREET, y#t. HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY. We have on hand a very extensive assortment ol all kinds of hose and half hose, ior ladies, gen tlemen and children, bought before the great ad vance in price, which we offer at moderate prices. 3 cases best Ladies’ Handkerchiefs in the country, for 81.50 a dozen. 2 cases super quality Ladies’ Linen Handker chiefs, Si 75 a dozen. 3 cases superfine Ladies* Linen Handkerchiefs, 82 00 a dozen. Also, several lots finer grades, cheap, 82 75. 33 00, S 3 50 and $4 00. TJ STEEL A SON. HAVE NOW OPEN n , a choice assortment of NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, S 3 00 to 35 00. Plain Corded Silks, SI C2# to S 3 50. Figured Corded Silks, 31 62#. Plain Poit De Soies, 31 25 to 83 25. FANCY SILKS, 75 CTS. TO So CO. , Black Gros Grain Silks, SI 35 to S 3 35. Figured Black SLk*. SI 35 to S 3 to. Plain Black Silks, S?£cto SC 00. Plaid India Silks, 87}-* cts. Light Ground, Rich figured Foulards, Si 35 to SI 62- Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth street. TABLE DAMASKS.—Scotch Table Damasks, SI 00 to Si 87. Power-loom Table Linene, 87 to SI 15. Unbleached Table Linens. Fine Napkins, S 3 5u to 55 00. Fringed Damask and Huck. Towels. Pure Linen, Fringed Towels, from 25e to SI. Bird-eye Linens, 56, 62, 75 and 68 cts. Diapers, Flannels, Tickings, 4cc.- Heavy Hugenot "Wide Sheetings. Best Irish Linens, from 50 cts. to SI 12. , Quilts, Blankets, Muslins, 4cc. "WHITE CAMBRICS.—S-4 wide, and very fine, at 56 cents. Finest Cambric. 65 cts.—lower grades. Real Manchester Heavy Ginghams. Black Silks, of every grade. Every Style Spring Delaines and Prints. COOPER & COWARD, fe27 S. E. corner Ninth and Market street. FYLOTH STORE. —JAMES 4fc' LEE INVITE \j the attention of their friends and others to th*D large and well assorted stock of goods adapted t Men and Boys* wear, comprising in part Black French Cloths Black French Beavers. Blue and Black Pilots. Black French Cassimere*. Fancy Cassimeres. Fancy Siik Testings, Block Satin Testings. Also, a large assortment of Trfcnmingt, ad&aut 0 Men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and rstaiL JAMES 4c LEE, No. 11 North Second street, *o3B Sign of the Golden Lamb. J«‘OK BALiii AJNIi T’U LIST £3 FURNISHED HOUSE—TO RENT.—A gig Furnished House in West WALNUT str?et. Possession giveu immediately. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 5i : S Walnut street. mhs M GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE by M. THOMAS & SON, on TUESDAY, ihe loth of March.—A large and convenient HOUSE, with acres of land, in ihe country, yet near to Railroad Station, Markets, Stores, Churches, «fcc. It has heater, ranges, hot and cold water,gas, and long porches, lawns on three sides, with fine old shade trets, a stable, large kitchen, garden, &c. The property will be shown by the tenant. Terms easy. mh7-6t* mg DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET, in th« JB. neighborhood of Tenth and Walnut streets Three stalls, with every convenience. Apply at No. 16 South Third street. dell-tf fira ' SALE, A DESIRABLE BM. TRY KE*I OENCE, on Bunting street, *£ abeve Summit street, DARBY, consisting of j 2 Acres of excellent land, well set with evergreen and deciduous shade trees: abundance -of granes, Lawton blackberries and other small fruits*. A stream runs through the lawn, furnishing abun dance of ice. The buildings consist of a three story dwelling, stable, carriage-house, ice-hour* and other out-buildings, all built in the best man ner. For further infonna*iou inquire of M. BAIRD, Esq,, corner of Broad and Hamilton or 223 Dock street.,tu3ts dg&j FOR SALE. —All that conveniently located B&i COTTAGE, with the ample grounds thereto attached, located on the upper side of Wister street, orDuy’s lane, adjoining the Germantown Railroad at Duy 7 s Station, and opposite Wister 1 s woods. • House has all the modern improvements —gas, range, bath, 4bc. Lot 142 by 318 feet 6 inches to Jeftfersou street, on which is a stable and coach house. Well and hydrant water on the premises. Apply to JOHN A. CLARK, Attorney at Law, or A. G. STOUT, Conveyancer, 43$ Walnut st., second floor. fe27-s,tu,th-12t* SA COUNTRY BOARDING HOUSE OR HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Situate orthem New Jersey, within a few hours* ride bV railroad from Philadelphia and New York. Hotel newly built, and will accommodate one hundred and flf*y gueßts, parlor, dining-rooms, ball-room, kitchens, .bar-room, dry cellars, vaults, ice and bath bouses, large stable, and 45 acres of land, on which is a fine spring, a lake, and a bearing orchard. Possession immediately. Apply to • A. P. & J. H. MORRIS, fe27-3t mhs&f2-2Q , Pl 6 Arch street.. For sale—fixtures of a dry-goods STORE, shelving?, and some nice, side glass cases.. -Apply at No, 963 MARKET st. mh7-3t* OQ£ 11 TKUsX funds to Loan on 11 . ' ' i*2o South' Fourth street. inh7-3t* moLET.—Large and smaU BQOJUjS, up»<»£*•. ■ £EY WIDTH AND' JEg FOR SALE.—A COUNTRY SEAT, with Br-S forty acres of Land, nearLinwood'Statton,ou the Baltimore Railroad, eighteen miles from Philadelphia. The house commands an extensive vi.ew of th» Delaware river, about-a mile distant. About seven acres of the land are admirably suited for a vineyard. Apply to £fgjf ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT . FOR KiSALE.—Oa the BRISTOL TURNPIKE near Hoimesburg. about'eight miles from Philadelphia, very accessible 'by steamboat and railroad, con venient also to churches and schools. For healthiness and beauty of situaUon, as well as surrounding advantages, this property is unsur passed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The MANSION, of brown stone, commanding line views of the Delaware River, built and fin ished in the most thorough maimer, is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and winter. The grounds comprise about 23 ACRES, beautifully laid out and orna mented with a great variety of old and young forest trees and shrubbery; a large garden with abundance of fruit, orchard &c.. On the premises are also erected a gardener’s cottage, Lodge, Orchard-house, Green-house Conservatory, gas house aud extensive stabling, no expense having-teen spared to make tins in ail respects a first-class residence. Apply to „ ‘ O. H: No. 203 Sooth Sixth street. ollite SSi Towß S «up.Moß«omeryOwmgr^wjrt ssss^siss-^ <*-aSMsssi Hills” or “ *“r* Road” stations, on the North consist nf a largo stone Dweflin” Iloose (newly roofed), containing 11 TOoms- piazza front* excellent water, large ice IcSae Med, large stone bant, modem style, with stabling for S horses and 6 cows; stone carriage house, corn cribs andgranary over, Ac. The land is nearly all tillable and in an excellent state of cultivation. The delightful . situation of this place, its proximity to the city, and many of the most beanufnl country seats in the neighbor hood of Philadelphia,.; render* it; very attractive. Communication with the city, is had almost, lionriy by the Nprth Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply,to ,• • J; ' : OKAS. H. MUIRaErD, ; ,fe26.-30t- No.; 203 Sonth SIX CH street ■ WEST PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE— freveral very desirable lots of ground'im the most fashionable rparto of Waluut and Locust gWto, Vest Philadelphia. J. M. GUMMEE* gWiSi SB»v«s,ut Street ■ 1 a' • . FOR SALE AND, TO LET. MFOE SALE.—A three story Brick House with double back buildings and store, LAE street, second honse below Twelfth, North ffStot >7 by 78 feet deep to a back outlet. Pnoa There may remain 5i,500 r,oa nn pr>Dr t s^ e * s,ory Brick Store and OweiUng Btreet > between Thirteenth anti , se .s°, nd bouse above Ontario street. North 65feetdee P to 1 back outlet. p r iS 53,5t0. - There may remain 51, 200. - - 09 nt7oit°’„u ° t bree.story t ßrick Houses, EIGHTH sirie et V^?h V 5 Tbom Pson, Nos I BZ and ljo 7 Erin ssrm.ssrsgpyj?* - mh7-6t{ KUHN k SILLIER, No. 120 South Fourth s:rset; fi n „- D . ELI<,HTFUL farm for sale of fe.27 ACHES in a high state of cultivation. meaeaniiy 100 ted witbih two miles ot a Tord* dwem ßP ?i lroatl ,, Sta i ion > Montgomery countv; uweuing in good order. Apply 10 J. H. OUrI Street bON| Keal Es ate Brokers, Walnut mUS fl SALE.—The Property on 3 a = re f« with minutes walkfromtheKairmiPri'i lll^ 7 ® ea J B ' flva miniates ■walk from the i an t twenty An abundance of shade and fruit trees. 3ood TOT?}?* ESS? 5. C r.»4WSr to JUSTICE & BATE MAN, 122 South FRONT street. * teiSMm* M_ FOR SALE—Four-story BUILDING, Pejir street, below Third; suitable for Prmtl or ßook Bindery. Apply to ROBERT GBAr FEN, No. 537 PINE Stmt. mtis-3tS fS& SAIjE —A tnree-story I)WELLCNQ-. JUNIp ER street, and Two Single * € lL r * Boiler’s avenue. Apply to BOBEB.T GRAFFBN, No. 537 Pine street. Bricfe HOUSES, front mg on Catharine street and Concord street’ vwo on Catharine and three on Concord;' rent for Sjizf STREET, No. Sl9 —ls three storied .Sr W X . e^ n l lTe fonr story double back build -22 f . e6t , b J 144 deep, location well J?£ P £L d ' f °. business purposes. For IflLt 7 -d- P- & J- H. MORRIS, 916 Arch 3treet - mhs 3t* M HANDSOME SMALL PEACE, of 29 Acres, ane mile from JENKENTOWN, with etoue cottage, fiTe chambers, three attics, bath room, water-closet, stable, tenant 1 house, seven acres woodland,garden; ice-house, nbwfllled, and usual out-houses,. nearest depot, Shoemakertown Immedia e possession. For sate by A. P. &J. H MORRIS, 916 Arch street. mhs-st* ’ STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A valuable manage. and lot of ground on the North side of Chestnut street, 24 feet east of Eighth street, 41 feet front by 171 feet deep, to Jayne street. Terms accommodating. Apply to . ■> „„'A. B. CARVER & CO., mtS-6>* s W. corner Ninth and Filbert Sts. gm lOR SALE—TO CLOSE AN ESTATE— Eat. Two DWELLINGS and STORES, Nos. 213 and 215 PINE street; front 11 %' feet, SO feet deep. In the rear a three-story Dwelling opening on Union street. 82,590. . A. three-story DWELLING, No. 217 PINE street, having two-story back buildings, 21.ieet front oy SO deep, with opening on Union street. 87,510. Apply to ROBERT GRAFFBN, No. 537 Pine street. , ' mhs 3tj Sgg A BARGAIN—G4U ACRES OF LAND, 3Z, suitable fnr a Grazing Farm, situated in Scots county> Illinois. Will- be sold Cheap for Cash, or City Property will betaken in part pay ment. Inqnire of HENRY YOUNG, JASPER street, six doors lrom the corner Front and Danphin mhs-Pit* CHESTNUT HILL.—FOR SALE OR EX ES. CHANGE-—A modem stone Cottage; having every city convenience, and improvement, with lot of ground, 75 by 175 feet, situate on Summit street, about three minutes’ walk frem the railroad station. J. SI. GUMSIEY A SONS, 593 Walnut street. ‘ mho rfea FOR SALE—The handsome three-story Etta brick Residence, with attic and double back buildings, furnished with every convenience; lot, iio feet deep to a4O feet wide street, situate No. 16i) u Race street. J. M. GUHJHEY & SONS, 503 Walnut Street. mho M' FOR SALE OR TO BE LET—A superior four-story brick Dwelling,'with three-story double back buildings. 504 North BROAD street; every convenience;, stable in rear, Ac. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Es tate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. f£fj SPRUCE STREET—FOE SfI.EE—A fine KaL Dwelling, 5*22 SPRUCE street, three-st Dry brick, with three-story double back buildings, all modern impiovemenis. Apply to J. H. CURTIS fc SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut at. mWEST PINE STREET.—For sale, a four story Brown S'one Residence with double three-story back buildings, having every modern convenience and improvement, situate on south side of Pine street, west of Fifteenth, lot 20 feet front by 136 deep to a 22 feet street. J. G-UHItfEY & SONS, o' $ Walnut street. mhs FOR RENT.—Tbe handsome large dwell- JS3. ing situate northwest corner Eighteenth and Pine streets, suitable for a large family or a. first class X. GUitf2lEY & SONS, 50$ Walnut street. MFOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. —A. handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or without stock and furniture. No money required. Immediatepossessiou given. For full particulars, apply to J. M. GUiIMEY