atXXVUITH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION, COHCLffSIOIt on SATURDAY’S FROOEKDi: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ntr. Balwin (Mass.) spoke of the Democracy as a dying dynasty, which would coalesce witn those now in rebellion, and substitute State sovereignty, With all its destructive conseqnences, for human lights and nationality. For the-last thirty year, the States rights’ cryt has been used to break down Our Government, and establish instead a planta tion despotism. He alluded to ex-President Bu chanan as a miserable, weak man, who had d •- dared there was no power to coerce traitors, and Who was not equal to the duties with which he was entrusted. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) wanted to know whetherit was in order to call his neighbor (Mr. Buceanau) a miserable man? [Laughter.} - ' Mr. Baldwin, resuming, said Mr. Buchanan had rendered himself responsible» for the outbreak of the most infamous conspiracy anti treason ever re corded; his treasonable doctrines having found a ready response in his Northern allies as well as in the Southern heart. Mr. Boyd {Mo.) replied to the remarks hereto fore delivered by his colleague, Mr. B«air He •wished to disabuse the minds of gentlemen of the false impressions sought to be made by hts censo- TIOU3 colleague against him (Mr. Boyd) as one of the four-radical members from that state on this moor. They were the only true representatives hereof the free and. Union-loving citizen* of that ■mbch abused loyal State. He had confidence in president Lincoln, who had said to him * *he had great confidence in the Radical Union men or' Mis and the President had further said of same isa -BDOOI TOarrafS?& s Enamel o<» Thread; each snre cou,aln 208 yards, iullmea- Also, & brand of the above Thread att>tabqlv Sewing Machines. A aa expressly for CHARLES AMORY, Jb m &GO., SSLLIWG AOBHTS, No. 205 Ohnrch Alley, Philadelphia. fel2-lm# ILVEK fPBABL SOAP, a very suuerior article for DETERSIVE and W ASHING purposes. Put up in tin cans of one, five, ten and twenty pounds. Liberal discount to the trade For sale by GEORGE ALKENS, to and 12 South Delaware Ayenue. , tell THE DAILY ETfiNINfl BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY MABCH 7. 1854 SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS,-. 622 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM street. SCOTT A. STEW ART. Auctioneers, will give Heir personal attention t-* sales of MBRUHAN- T/ISE and W/\R>s of all descriptions. Fuxni rnre of parties removing or oreauing up House keeping, on The premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos 62a Chest nut Street and 615 Sansom street. felB-tf SALE OF 350 OASES STRAW AND MILLI NERY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCHB, At Ioo’clock we willsellby catalogue,3socases straw and millinery goods, comprising new and desirable goods, lor best city trade. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, Ac. Also, on'Tuesday; morning, Bth .inst., a large invoice of men’s and boys’s gauze and merino shirts, hosiery, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES. Also on Tuesday morning, on account of whom it may concern, 75 cases boots, shoes, brogaLS, Ac. ‘ ■ MUSLINS. 10 cases 4-4 bleached muslins. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BONNETS, HATS, A C., AC- Included in our Sale,on .TUESDAYmorning, March Stlft will be found 100 barton, French arti ficial fiowers and buds,'ladies’ and masses’ seven ahd„ele\en braid, whi e, blauk and drab,-pedal, Lutin, Madeira, Milan, Canton, English pearl ana Dunstable bonnets and hats: Fayal oaps, geut’s straw hats, Ac. Catalogues ready early on morning ot sale. LABGIfSALE OF FRENCH CHINA, AME RICAN AND ENGLISH GRANITE AND C. C. WARE, ROCKINGHAM WARE, Ac*— By order of the administrators. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, At 1C o’clock, we wiN sell by catalogue, about 3000 open Jots, 1 comprising gold band French china f ea sets, cups and saucers, tureens, boats, jugs, dishes,' Ac., white dinner and tea ware, tureens, dishes, Ac. Aiso. C. O. edge, painted, lustred do, together with a general asEortmentof queenswaxe? by order of Administrators. * SILVER PLATED WARE. Also, oh. Wednesday morning, 9th inst,, a inll line of triple-plated silver ware, comprising tea sets, trays, butter and vegetable dishes, forks, spoons,’ goblets. &c. • Catalogues ready on Monday previous to sale. ft tH fi fi A' hlWJSBig&gr 3 *** 8 FEEE - VALUABLE COUNTRY PROPERTIES AT PRIVATE SALE.—The very fine farm of Adam Eckieidt, Esq.', on the West Chester road, six miles from the Market street bridge, containing 150 acres, with very fine improvements. The man sion is over 100 feet iront, on a fine lawn; several springs and two streams of water It is two miles beyond the city limit. . The land is in the highest state of cultivation, has been used as a dairy farm. On the property are also very extensive buildings for carrying on that business. Full particulars inay be had at tde auction store, or it may be examined on application to Mr. Eckfeldt, owner and occupant. Also, a desirable farm.of 75 acres,- adjoining West Chester, part located within the limits of the borough. This valuable property is in the highest state of cultivation, an comer of Bank. RrirfiSJ^ KriAUEOF Urn. i ;>*.:• &c &c SH °^ S ’ BEQGANS, ARMY GOODS, .ON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 8, At 10 o clock, wtil be sold, by catalogue, witnou ■ rcEcrre, on FOUR MONTHS’ abon; Bo ° Brogans, Balmroals A U n^J?? ota and Shoes, Ac., Ac., of City .Sh “aaafacture, embracing a fires? KJJ, prkac assortment of desirable articles, foj men, women and children. momtag^^fe l93 early on th. SiLE OF 1.100 Ib^GOODS, O^1 SHOES, BROGANS, in onr la tgesale of boots shoes, &c., T U ESDAY MOHNfNG, March K, 0 S' oclc i to . be BoI A without reserve found In part the following fresh and desirable assortment, viz: Meu’f boo’®; wax and kip brogansjmen’s balmorals and congrtss boots; vouths’ half welt f *5-SS , S^? e,l i. s d 0 fine ci, y made kid weltbnskins - boots: fine kid R. R. ties; colored and bnskins; men’s fine city made calf, moraceo and kip boots; me.n’B pump sole grain boots: men’s buff pnmp booty men’ s pump sole calf boots; do. seal pump sole boots; ! women’s Uned and bound boots youths kip brogans; - misses’ grain ties ! misses’gram bnskins; misses’ spring heel grain lace boots; women’s grain lace boots; misses’ grain lace boots: women’s grain buskins; women’s grain ties: boys’ kip brogans; misses’ glazed mo rocco boots. men’s half welt calf do.; youths’ hall welt calf do.; children’s half brogans; men’s half welt kip boots; men’s super calf brogans; men’s slippers; misses’ super kip ties; misses’ super ktd buskins; child’a super colored fox bootteesjcbdd’s super colored fox ties; .men’s lined and brand brogans; men’s and boys’ waterproof boots,men’s and boys’ wax boots, &c. SALE OF CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 11, At precisely 10)$ 6* clock, will .be sold, without reserve, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, an assortment of threeply, euperflno aud flue ingrain, Yenitian, hemp and rag carpet* ings, mattings, Jcc > which may be examined earlv on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMHTORY SALE OF EURO ?MSoINI)Ia AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Ac. We will hold a large sale of British, German, French and American Dry Goods, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, commencing at precisely 10 o’clock comprising * 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India and American Dry Goods, embracing a large, full hnd fresh as sortment Woolen, Worsted,Linen, Cotton and Silk Goods, for city and conn try sales. . N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged foi examination, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of the sale, when dealers will find It to their interest to attend. BY THOMAS BIKOHA SON Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, No; 914 CHESTNUT street, above Ninth. Sale at 1626 Walnut 4treet. -HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, At Hi o’ clock, at 1G26 Walnut street; will be sold, the furniture of a family declining housekeeping, including parlor, chamber, dining-room and kitchen furniture. Can be examinae dt 8 o* clock on the morning ol the sale. ■ Thomos Birch A Son will give their persona, attention to the sale of Furniture at the residences of those about breaking up housekeeping or re moving. Also, hold sales of furniture even FRIDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock, at then spacious Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut Btreet. Furness, brinley a co.. ncs. sis CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street. LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED AND DO- MjESTIC DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH S, At io o’clock, by catalogue on four months 1 credit— -600 packages and lots of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Catalogues and samples early on morning of sale. 1210 PIECES SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS, ON TUESDAY MORNING, consisting of— Wool filling plaid poll de chevre. Wool filling plaid Germanias, All wopl filling plaid chaliie?. All wool neat plaid Germanias. All wool popeline Havanne All wool black and white poll de chevres. High col’d plaid royals: poll de chevres, Ac, Also— -35 CASES BRITISH DRESS GOODS, . Just Landed. ** ON TUESDAY MORNING. . Caees London embroidered mohairs. do stripe and flg’d Mozambique*; plaid mohairs. do plaid Mozambique?;'neat silk check do. do mohair de beges; plaid giughams. do mode mohairs: fancy Mozambiques. do fig’d alpacas; fig* d oriental lustres, do fancy silk poplins: chambrays; stripe laines. do mohair checks: check Mozambiqucs. do fancy silk checks: nlain de beges. do plain oriental lustres, Ac PARIS PLAIN AND PRINTED MOUSSE LINE DE LAINES. 100 pieces Paris all wool col d mousseline de laines. do do nch printed do do SHAWDS AND MOHAIR SKIRTS. 300 Paris Lama shawls 200 Paris all wool Berlin zephyr shawls. SCO Paris striped mohair nbbed skirts. LONDON MELTONS. 50 pieces 7- 4 London fine meltons. LINEN DAMASKS AND WHITE GOODS. IQ-4 and 12-4 whitney bTown damask table linen. 16 4 and 12-4 whitney brown and white linen damask. .Also, fiuo to super jaconet, cambric, mull and Swiss muElins.. Also, London white piquets and Marseilles. WHITE TOILET QUILTS. T or Best City Trade. 10-4 to 14-4 extra quality London white toilet quilts, new patterns. Also, Hi cases super German white cotton i rinjres. DOMESSICS FOR CASH. Forresdale, Wauregau aud other makes brown and bleached muslins, Wpfthrop and other brown drills, Ac.; York and Franklin prints; also, dress goods, alpacas, bareges, lustres, Ac. Also, Nos. la2o Lyons bik silk velvet ribbons. RICH SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS. ‘ ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH Ilf At io,k o’ clock, at the sales room, 615 CHEST NUT and 612 JAYNE street, * VERY LARGE AND MOST ATTRACTIVE SALE OF SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS, On a credit of four months. 3HX> pieces saxony woven DBESS - . GOODS, Of tiie ■well-lrr.oVn raauufa-ture and importation of Messrs. SCHMIEDER BROTHERS. N. B.—TAe above offering consists of no other than goods which are warranted to be superior in qualities and styles to any German goods im ported. Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. Moses nathans, auctioneer ami COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast comer SIXTH and RACE streets. WATCHES-WATCHES-WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and silvti watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch, makers, dealers and private purchasers will dc well by calling attbe S. E. corner .of Sixth and Race streets. „ •' AT PRIVATE SALE. 50 Feters s - Philadelphia cases English Patent Lever watches* of the most approved and best makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels, and very fine and high cost movements. If ap plied for immediately they ean be had singly, oi the let at $25 each. The cases will wear canal fte solid gold cases. Very fine double barrel duck guns, breech load' ing; carbines; revolving rifles* fine. English rifles revolvers. Ac. at PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAN halt THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting case and doublt bottom English patent lever watches, jull jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case ana open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; ladies* fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold American hunting case patent lever watches, of the most approved styles; fine silver hunting cose and open face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine silver hunting case and open faoe Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches; independent second and doublt time lever watches: sUver quartier English, Swisi and French watches; fine gold-plated watches; peters’s patent watches, fine English movements, and numerous other watches. Very fine English twist double barrel fowling pieces, barr and back action locks, some very costly. * MONEY TIO LOAN, # * In large or small ameuhfa, on.goods of every description, for any length of time agreed on SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, end, wnen required, two-thirds of the‘value ol the goods will be advanced in anticipation of sale. CONSIGNMENTS of goods of every description solicited for ow public sales. . Very line sewing machines; several superior. Hammocks; fine gold chains; jewelry of every description; diamonds, and numerous other artf> oles. AUCTION SALES. TAMES 'A. FEEEELATf, ATTOTIOSEEBi VAJjNTJT'atteet.abcrril'onrt* ESTATE's'aiTE,’MAECH'I6, 1861. , Tpis sale, at the Exchange; at 12 o’clock noon, will include—. . . / , f 7 . MANaYTINE—Two houses an diets,'near Crea. eon st,_32by 38 feet; S34>f ground rent. Orphan? Court Sale—h. state of Tobias Pvle.dec'd. iiol AT ?^?- Ir, ®t. S S,T Two Eeat dwellings, No<. 1123 and 1123, eachlBby 57 feet: SfiBK ground rent OB each. Peremptory talcs. , ,V s 6 PULTON ST—Three-story brick house. No. 1212, 18 by 116 feet. Small house in the middle of the lot. Peremptory Sale. . . CHEEKY ST—Genteel dwelling No. 1321 18 bv 57!< leet; no Incumbrance. - $1,1)00 may remain 1 BROAD ST—Valuable lot, N. W. corner of JeffeTson st, 50 by 200 feet to Carlile st, C3fronts) SMO ground rent Executors'Absolute Sale • NORRISTOWN RAILROAD- Valuable lot above Master st,ol feet 2% inches by about 190 feet to Hutchinson st, (2 fionts). Executors' Absolute I3TH ST—Valuable lot, IT. W. corner of Cass st, BX feet on 13th, 65 feet on Cass st, running diagonally to Thompson st. Executor »' Absolute Sale.: J3TH ST—A tnangle r If. W. corner of Stiles st, ®feet2Ji inches on Stiles and 92 feet 9 inches on 18th st Executors ’ Absolute Sole. MIFFLIN ST—A lot, west side of Mifflin and couth side of Oxford.sts, 50 feet'on Mifflin and U feet l inch on Oxford st. (Oxford st has been movedfnrtber north.) Executors’ Absolute Sale. -FLORIDA ST—Neat dwelling, No. 769,16 by 51 5 " S6O ground rent „™ O E? G J jMEEY COUNTY FARM—A fine . acres ' at Montgomery Square, 19. rwf.’tS 13 ‘knotty, io from Norristown and 8 from i'°y' e i s ‘°T n ; 1 Extensive improvements, stone ldd ojt-buildings, 3 miles from two sta. oms m tlie Kiirth lam’a. Railroad. Orphans’ Court Salt—Estate of Wooer, der'd. ■ GERMANTOWN—-A pleasant two-story s’one mansion, formerly of John Lisle, Esq., deo'cL, on Fisher s lane, -close to both railroads. : liOt bills 11 ' hear 200 feet. Full descriptions in 321 RACE ST—Handsome three-story brick dwelling house and lot, 20 by 100 feet. Every modem improvement and convenience therein. Orphans' Court Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jacob Peters , dec' <3. LARGE STABLES, WOOD ST—A lot of ground on the north side of Wood st, 8i feet east ol ;23d st, 115 feet 10# inches on Wood st, and 101 feet 7 .nches deep, with a private way into 23d st, 17 feet 7# inches wide. On the lot are valuable cables and sheds. Orj'hans' Court Absolute Sale- Same Estate. EDWIN ST—A three-story briskhouseand lot, near Poplar, H by 36 feet. S2S ground rent. Orphans' Court Salt—Same Estate. HOTEL AND LOT, S. W. CORNER RIDGE and GIRARD AVENUES—A valuable properly, ‘25 feet 10# inches on Ridge avenue, 62 feetQV inches on Girard avenue, and 82 feet 3# inches deep at right angles with Girard and 100 feet deep at right angles with the Ridge avenue. Plan at the store. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. 9 DWELLINGS, OFFICE, Stables, Oar Konse and Shed, with the lot adjoining the above, S. E. comer of 19th st, near 162 feet on Girard avenue: 17J# feet on 19th. st, being 76 feet 2# in. deep at right angles therewith, and 82 feet 3# in. at right aneleswith Girard avenue. Plan at the store. 5257# ground rent. Orphans' Ccurt bale— Some Estate. RIDGE AVENUE—A three-story brick house and lot, adjoining the above, 17# feet front, about 100 feet deep. Orjyhans' Court Salt—Same Estate. * RIDGE AVENUE—The three-story brick dwellir g and lot adjoining the above oh the south, 18 ftet 7# inches by about 95 feet deep. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. DWELLINGS, SHOPS, STABLES, &c—On 19th st, below Girard avenue, 36 feet front and 76 feet deep at right angles therewith on the north line, thence at right angles to Ginnodo st 76 feet 2# inches to Ginnodo st, on which it fronts 4$ feet 545 ground rent. Orphan*’ Court Salt—Same Estate. 5 DWELLINGS, GINNODO ST, adjoining the above on Ginnodo st, 95 feet 6# inches in front and 50 feet dei p on one line and 76 feet deep on the other. Subject to S4O 50 and SS6 ground rents. Plan and surveys at the store. Orphans' Court Sole— Some Estate. LARGE STABLES, DWELLING, Ac.,north 11th st, abeve Girard avenue, 62 feet trout and 89 feet 6# inches deep. Orphans' Court Salt—Same Estate. SOUTH I*2TH ST—Two neat three-story brick dwelling?, Nos. 912 and 914. each 16# by 60 feet. SCHOOL HOUSE LANE—I7# acres of land, surrounded by fine improvements, 261 feet on School st, 1,670 feet enafOfeet street to Wlesa hickon turnpike. Plans of whole estate at the store. Peremptory Sale ly order of Heirs—Estate of Nicholas Rifttoheute, dec' d. ADJOINING—A tract of near 16 acres, on the other side of the 50 feet street, and extending through to Wissahickoa turnpike. Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. MILL WISSAHICKON—A valuable mill on tbeWissahickcnCreek, mansion-house, S tenant houses and lot, on the turnpike, adjoining the above, over 9# acres, valuable deposit of building stone, Ac. Peremptory Sale—Same Estat*. ADJOINING—A tract of overS acres, on the turnpike road, valuable for building stone and old timber.’ Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. PAPER MILL, Ac—A tract of 1# acres on the turnpike road, w.ith a two-storied stone and one etoriedframe paper mill, three stone tenant-houses, stable, Ac. Peremptory Sale—Same Es'ate. THE “LOG CABIN” TAVERN—This well known public house, on the Wissahickon. adjacent to the above, OTer A acres of land. Plans of the whole estate at the store. Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. N. UTH ST—Three-story brick bouse, No. *258, 18 by 53 feet. 572 ground rent. TEMPLE ST—5 building lots, north side, (be tween 15th and I3tb, below Carpenter st) each 16 by 40 feet. "Will be sold separately. Executors* J'ositire Salt—Kit ait rf Seth Craigc, dic'd. SOUTH I*2TH ST—Three three-story brick dwellings. 10:2, HU4 and 1016 south 12th sb each 15.1 a by 7G# feet. The dwelling No. 10*20 southT2th, lfi by 73#, Ncs. IC*J*2 and 1024, 17 by 73# feet each. 'Will be sold separately. Executors* Positive Sale— Same Estate. COAL YARP. PRIME ST, above l*2tb, with all the fixtures, railroad track, &c., 60 by 95 feet to Albert st. Possession . Ist July next. Execu tors* Positive Sale— Same Estate. A LOT adjoiningrthe above, 60 feet front. 95 feet deep to Albert st. Eztenters* Poiiiive Sate—Some Estate. A LOT, adjoining the above, 70 feet front and 95 feet deep to Albert street, on which it has 84 feet front. E-ccutara’ Positive Sale— Same Estate. LARGE LOTS, WASHINGTON AVENUE OR PRIME ST—A valuable lot. l(X) feet square, N. W-corner of 11th street and Washington Avenue, (3 fronts). Executors * Positive Sale- Same Estate. One atN. E, corner 12th and Washington avenue, 1(0 feet square. Same Estate. Three on Washington avenue, between llthand }2th sts, each 57 by 1(0 feet. Executors * Absolute Sale— Sc me Estate. 12TH ST—Two ihree-story brick houses, east sideofl*2th, above Washington, each 15 by 73V feet deep. BUILDING LOTS—Oneon 12th. 34 on a3ofeet street and 3on 11th st. Will be sold separately. Executors * Positive Sale—Same Estate. BRICK-CLAY LOT—A valuable lot, 10 acres, on Harrison, Jackson and Bridge sts, 23d Ward, Frankford,, close to the passenger railroad depot, said to contain a latge deposit of brick clay, STORES and LWELLINGS, SOUTH UTH ST— 9 desirable stores and dwellings, Nos. *2Ol, CO3, 205, 207, 509, 211, *213, 215 and *217. each over 15 feet front and.£o feet deep toa *2ofeet stieet. Will he sold separately. Trustee’s Peremptory Sale- Estate cf Elias Etudinot , dec'd. ADJOINING—Four properties, Nos. 219, '221. 223 and 22-3 south 11th st ; each 14 feet front, 74# feet deep to a *2’; feet alley leading ta Locust st. Will be sold'separately. Trustee* s Peremptory Sal*—Same Estate. 1035 LOCUST ST—A three-story brick house and lot, 14# feet by £7 leel. Trustee’! Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. 141 and 145 N. 9TH ST—Two excellent busi ness locations on 9th, below Race st, each near 16 feet front, 99 feet deep to a court. Will be sold separately. Trustee's Peremptory g.S’ate —Same Estate. ■ i . Executor’s Sale, No. 530 Vine street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, PIANO, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, March Sth, at 10 o’clock, will be sold at No. 530 Vine street, by order of the Executors of John T. Ricketts, Esq., deceased, the parlor, chamber and kitchen furniture, Brussel and Ingrain carpets, piano, paintings, coal, &c. FLUTE—AIso, a superior gold ana silver mounted Flute. Mby be examined with catalogues the morning oi sale. Sale No-1307 Cherry street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 10 o’ clock, will be sold, at No. 1307 Cherry street, a small quantity of furniture, ingrain car pets, lair seat sofa ana chairs, Arc. Also, kitchen furniture,’ show case, counter, &c ROOM TO RENT. A large third story room to rent, over the auction stoTe, 28 by 63 feet. Has gas and water introduced and suitable for any business requiring light. If taken by a Printer a large amount of work can be obtained. . FOR SALE—BIO,OO9 MORTGAGE. At Private Sale—A mortgage of $lO,OOO, well cured on property in the heart of the city, beanni 5 per cent interest, having several year* to run. TI/TARTIN LEANS, NO. 402 CHESTNUT First Premium awarded by Franklin Inatituts to MARTIN LEANS, Waarifaoturerol MASONIC MARKS, FINS, EMBLEMS, *O. New and original designs of Masonic Marta and Templars’ Medals, . Army Medals .and Corps Badges of eyery description. mn3-3mo M SONS. AYTUTinyr ta Sonth Fourth. atrtlt "" BTOOTs ANiTr^esta^^^,,^ read y> contusing Tuesday:aext?Bth inst- t^i,I S. rop ?. rty 46 1,0 8 °l d « JSM and °, f 83168 and great variety of W?TT,Kr i g » large amount of Orphans’Com, Execntara a£dottora.” 7 ordflC OARB—The sale ol the. assets of the Bank-0* Pennsylvaniais postponed to the first Tuesdaf“ SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL EbTAT* at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’ olo<£ noon.. . »“Handbills of each property Issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale 10te catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving tail descrip. ' ■Sr Particular attention given to sales at private residences, Ac. ... ~ „ *®IFURNITURE SALES atthb AUCTION STORE, EVERY THURSDAY • STOCKS, Ac: ' Al lo °£ TU ESDAY, MARCHB, s noon ’ a t the Exchange— , 41 shares Union Mutual Insurance Company. ' REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 8. „To dose a Concern—VALUABLE STEAM SAW and FLOURING MILLS, Chesapeake R ItJ C;. GeeU ooullt y > Md., Smiles from. Elkton, on the Philadelphia. .Wilmington and Baltimore rail read and Delaware railroad. The raiiig are itt successful and profitable operation. For futt particulars see handbills. ‘7 BRICK STOREHOUSE, N.B. co^?. e I Girard avenue and 7th st, 20th "Ward. VALUABLE PROPERTY, 9. ACRES, North Pennsylvania railroad and NICETOWN 25th Ward-having 6 fronts. LANE, VALUABLE LUI, IS ACRES, Limekiln Tnri pffle, IJi miles above GERMANTOWN, in tha vicinity ofhandsome country seats 3 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS.No. 1136, IS3B and 1840 Catharine st, east of 19th st Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Christopher WU-' koiEon, dec’d- 3 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Morgan st , ?2 I 5 Estate-TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL LING. Elder st. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 524 nortn Sixth st, above Spring Garden st. rf.q all the modern conveniences. Executors’ Sale—Estate of Elizabeth' Davis deb’d—BßlCK WAREHOUSE, No. 1915 Market street VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 24 ACRES. Delaware county, 2 miles sonth of Darby. m F Ii L?I; s ' r P EY brick dwelling, no. north Tenth st, with three-story brick dwell ing iD the rear on Alder st VALUABLE LOT, Clinton and Muller sts. north of Cumberland st, 19th Ward TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1022 Ridge avenue, with frome shop in the rear neat MODERN FOUR-STORY RESI DENCE, No. 612 North 10th street, above Green street.. THRRE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1226 Monter?y street, west of Twelfth street. DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 21 acres,- Willow Grove and Germantown Planh and Turn pike Road. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2018 Catharine street, west of Twentieth street. Executor’s Sale—Estate of William Snowden; dec’d—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, S. W. corner of llih and Mark’s Lane, between. Cherry and Race streets; THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. : 1705 Coates street, west of l'th street, with a three story brick building in the rear. - REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 15. Execntor’s Sale—Estate of Jacob Horter, Jr.. ; dec’d.—VALUABLE PROPERTY, Gekmah- ; tows AVEKUS, (formerly Main street, ) and ex tending through to Chew street; GERMANTOWN i —STONE DWELLINGand about 12 ACRES. . j Same Estate—3 LOTS, on Germantown avenne, opposite the above. . ;