ARRIVAL OF REFUGEES AT HARRISBURG. i rF rom me Harrisburg Telegraph, March a ] <Xjn-Tuesday morning* seven -womeiS-witliioiu *' tien children, varying in age from the Buckling babe to the hoy,of fifteen and the girl of eighteen yearß old, arrived in this city, wanderers and fu : gitives from the land of treason, oppression and starvation. . .. '.... - These .fugitives .are the Vfamilies of men who. •-“bave- been conscripted in *the rebel army, but who fled from the conscription officers for tne purpose of making their escape to the North. It appears that the husbands of . three-oft *h* .women ! were marked Union men, who'- ’ had been' conscripted, : but who, carefully elutwa the rebel officers, and managed to make tneir escape North, with the understanding that tneir -“families should meet them.'at this pomt. tne fugitives accordingly left their homes in J»ocKm 0 , ham county, Ya., and proceeded with:a twp . ana one-horse wagon, as far as Sperry ville, when the wagons broke down. The distance fi om Rocking, ham to Sperryville is about fifty' "bleakest and roughest portions of the. Blue Ridge, a region of country which .the ravages of the ■rebels have left .'perfectly desolate.- ,Ua ' able to* proceed from SperTyviile, on - ac count of the wrecked wagons, the ( women hdre -inade a contract with a farmer to carry the children as far as the Union lines, about ten miles from Cul- peper Court House,for whlchservice they give the three horses and the wagons. The old man who had agreed to carry the children as far as Culpe per Court House, seeing the. utter helplessness of the party when they reached that point,'agreed in pity,: to. carry them as-far : as Brandy* Station. .It.must be remembered that this journey was tedious, sad and weary.: Two weeks were occu pied in reaching Brandy Station. .; Whilethe party had sufficient food, the children snffered: severely from.the cold, the lender babes particularly, with the mothers, suffering intensely. At Brandy'Sta tion, the party took passage on the regular military train Ibr Washington city, and thence to.; Balti more, reaching Harrisburg, as we have stated, yesterday morning. THK2TAMEBOP THE FAMILIES. Mrs. Susan E. Gully, with nine children, the youngest three and the oldest eighteen years old.'. It-je supposed that the father and a sen . have en listed iu the Tenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. :*:Mrs.. Sidney Morris, with three children, the youngest a babe, and the oldest four years old. . Mrs. Morris, an aged lady, with a married daughter, Mrs. Cornelia .Williams—also two other daughters, young ladies,and tbrse grand-children. Mrs. Morris had agTeed to meet her‘husband and four sons, (all of whom had been drafted, but escaped the rebel conscript officer) at this city; . AMUSEMENTS, The GsmtasiA Obohbstba will give their . regular public rehearsal at the Musical Fund Hall to-morrow afternoon, with the following pro grammer __ I—Overture—Figaro ...............Mozart i>—Romance from Robert... Meyerbeer 3 'Waltz—Geistes Schwingen ..Lanner 4 First Fart of the Hymn of Praise.. Mendelssohn 5 Pilgrims’ Ohorns and Air from Tann--- : hauser,. .....K, Wagner 6 Third Finale from the Bohemian Girl Balfe - The Last Dat. - To-morrow -will he the last of Signor Blitz’s seasoffin Philadelphia. After that time his Temple oft Wonders, at Tenth and Chest nut streets, Will close, and those.who fail to see him will he disconsolate. The Signor performs ■ to-night and to-morrow night, and upon, to-mor rOw (Saturday) afternoon. !Mbs. John Drew’s Benefit. —At the Arch this ‘ evening Mrs. Drew will have her first benefit this season. Two splendid plays will he presented, Mrs. Drew appearing in both. . They are “A Bold Stroke for a Hnsband’ ’ and ‘ ‘Married Life.’ ’ Tn the first piece, Mrs. Drew appears as Donna Olivia, and in the last as Mrs. Henry Dove. Bbbbfit of Miss Hekdebsok At the Walnut this evening, Ettie Henderson will take her first benefit, 'appearing in six different characters. The plays are “Kathleen Mavourneen’’ and “Strata gems of an Actress,’’both new and,both described as very spirited. We expect to see a large house at the Walnut this evening, fir the fair beneficiary deserves the warmest recognition of her talent The Chesthut.—> ‘The Colleen Ba'wn” will be given to-night. To-morrow afternoon there will be the usual family matinee. WANTS. ~\\T ANTED. —By a young lady, a HOME in a TT pleasant family where her services in teach ing small children,with the use of her piano,would be an equivalent lor the same. Address, Orphan, for 3 days, Office of the Bulletin. mhl-Ct* CHUBOH MUSIC. —An excellent TENOR SINGER is open for an engagement in a Pro testant Church Choir. Address TENORE, Office of Bulletin, a: mb2-3t* WANTED, A GENTLEMAN Q.UALIFED to teach Infantry Tactics and Army Regu lations as an Assistant Instructor in a Military school. An officer who "has seen service and thoroughly posted in Casey’s Infantry Tactics preferred. Apply in person, or by letter. Inclos ing testimonials, to JOHN H. TAGGART, Preceptor Free Military School, No. litO CHEST NUT street. mh2-6t§ WANTED, A YOUNG- MAN AS CLERK—A quick, ready writer and a good penman; a graduate of the High School, one who tinder stands phonography preferred. -Address, with reference, Box 2714 Post Office mhs-6t> L4£S£~ FIKS)T class employment always a Rood selection capable, civil YSTOMEN and GIRLS, for Family servants, Hotels, and every branch, of usefulness, -to suit all. 735 SANSOuI street. Conducted, by Ameri can Ladies. fe‘2o-6t* 01 A AAA WANTED FOR FIVE OR TEN tpX V*UUUyears, on of city pro perty, well secured..' . S. HAYS CARSOfc, mb3‘2i* 231 North Ninth, street. m WANTED.—A FURNISHED HOUSE at GEBMANTOWN -the Summer.* Ad dress R, Box No. 90, Post Office, statin? size, situation, &c. mh2-Gt* WANTED TO RENT— A* famished ®*3.House at Cottage—possession wanted in -June —at a convenient distance and easy communication tofhe city. Address Box 930 Philadelphia. Post Office- fe27-Cfr* LEGAL JNOTKJJSo; T^i™ E , A Ns ' COURT FOR THE 4rrV. Y^ AIID COUNTY OF T-TTTT.ATVr.T -?h?t;7? State of . ISAI AH NATHANS;decease<f inS appointed by the Court to audit, settle ana adjust, the account of MOSES NATHANS Travels or toe deceased, and to report conSSSn. Jif. he b A£ nce in the bands of the ac n^r^hfT- 11 meet t!le parties interested Tor the ?8t? iwt appointment, on FRIDAY, March 14 o rlock, A. M:, at the Arbitration Sr»? i.Thf ri“. gto ?^ nilding - 274 South THIRD eei, in the City of Philadelphia. mhlf,m, wst* N OFPKIi T ADELPHI E A OITT or“,S f D Kv JOSEP^NE D late appointea P th£n ran . c ?’ dße «ased. The Auditor ttoaSonnt'of^-SS^^ S-'XOh, settle a nd adjust ■of MRS TETE. Administrator toTrr,vfer c V?f?. HlNE DURAND, deceased, and the^™^Jft t n Ti^ ntlon ot 1116 Balance in toe hands of thß^S. nntan V will meet toe parties interested for i lB appointment, on MONDAY, 14t b? d. D. 1664, at 4 o’clock P. M , at Phift’JP WALNUT street, in toe Oily of F 3 le , l P llla ' „ ’ WM. S. PEIRCE. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’. UOUK.T FOK THE CITY AND - COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of JACOB deceased To the right heirs of Anne formerly Anne Korndaffer—The Master appohited by toe said Court to “determine ancf ronort who are' the right • heirs of the said Anne film, debauch, deceased, and what are the respective Shares thereof under the Will of the said Jacob Jt o ,™?a ff er, deceased,” will meet toe parties for 018 Purposes 'of his ap- Sla?cb THURSDAY, the 17th day of No sio A ' M- at his Office, del'phia toSIX^S^S? Bt r >. in dbe Cityol Phila -1 ‘ mh4-f,m,wv* JOHN H ' CAMPBELL. —— Master. boabding, B&jrsaSgSHJ?aite or country seat in Delaware oi?rn£ ! m hoQse preferred.. For a place po« Je^sineßn™ 1 ? 1 count y «ons a liberal board will S naff J. 8., Box 2831 Fhilada, p! 0° OOMS AMD BOARD wXnteTTTFw good size ane one small Room on*"**! 110 or ”“e^| a Mai 7 ied Nursa and.OhUi p™ 6 preferred. . Between Tenth and Ei/h' ssasrMsssr* l NOE , « ror tto reception t >„ ntp g^gf t Hoom» and Snltes^and v «cnarley Harm! By the author or By Key Altred The LiUle Home Library n„», ■ • add illustrative hooka rorchiia?^ l^ llls ten new - Loyalty onthe Frontier; or, slmem, P a P« box. Men’of the Southwest: with incidents Union . thres in rebellion-hit the border Bt» ei .'Meet for Beaten. A State or GraceuW„? i ?J loP the only Preparation for a State o{oi o rS^^? nll yen. By the author of • ‘Heaven our Hoi?®’ FOrsaiaby.: W. S. A ALFEEDMARTIen r 00(1 Chestnut street. AMUSEMENTS. : X a M RTfin a N . -ACAORM.Y--QE. JMJUSIU. MR J. E. MURDOCH’S SECOND READING In behalf of the - needy families of soldiers, ; Under the supervision of the members bf the Spe cial Relief Committee of the Women’ s ‘Pennsyl vama Branch of the ~ u- s. SANITARY COMMISSION, MONDAY EVENING, March 7th, 1801, t ‘Sdffiect—PROVIDENCE AND LOVE OF COUNTRY, including a Poem, entitled GETTYSBURG, By James -De, Hues Janvier, author of ‘‘The V Sleeping Sentinel. ’ ’ Tickets, 25 cents; Reserved Seats, 50 cents —may now be obtained, the south side and centre at the Academy—the north side at Asbmead & Evans’s, 724 Chestnut street. at 7k: Beading to commence at 8 o’clock. • ; , mhl-3t SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, AT EIGHT, r, 31. • LECTURE ON THE HAND. Tickets at Mri Leypoldt’s Foreign Book Store, Chestnut street, above Thirteenth, or evening at tbeefflee. 1 - f mltt f-s-w 3t* A MERIUAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GRAND GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION BY THE PUPILS OF HILDEBRAND & LEWIS’S GYMNASIUM, TUESDAY EVENING, March B%t7}( o’clock. A rich programme ot General Gymnastics by Children of both , sexes—Music by the Orchestra Acrobatics—Fencing—Sparring—Drilling, &c. , Tickets, 25 cents; reserved seats, 50 cents. Can be had at the Gymnasium, corner Ninth and Arch; at J. E. Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Academy of Music, corner of Broad and Lo cust, ; : , mh4-4ts ROVER’S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER ...Manager GENUINE SUCCESS Attending the GLORIOUS REVIVAL OF THE COLLEEN BAWN. Eily O’Cot nor .......Miss Sophy Glmber Anne Chute. Miss EffieGermon Mrs. Creagan .....Mrs. M. A. Chapman Shelah Mann Miss Annie Ward Myles- Na‘.Coppaleen Mr. Walter .'Lennox Danfiy Mann Mr Ben. Rogers Father Tom Mr. Harry Pearson NEXT GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ENTER. TAINMENT will be given on SATURDAY AF TERNOON, March sth, when will be presented THE COLLEEN BAWN. In active preparation, Westland Marston’s drama of PUBE GOLD. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquet, 50c; Or orektra, 75c; Family Circle, 23c. Seals secured -without extra charge. Doors open at 7o’ clock; commence at quarter of 8. MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. BENEFIT-OF MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS (Friday) EVENING, March 4, 1854, A BOLD STROKE FOB A HUSBAND. Donna 01ivia......•...........•••h1r5. John Drew Minette. ..Miss Josephine Henry Don Julio ..Barton Hill Don Mr. Griffiths To conclude with the comedy of MARRIED LIFE. Mrs. Henry Dove... Mrs. John Drew Mr. Henry Dove ..Stuart Robson Mr. Samuel Coddle Mr. Griffiths Prices as usual.' Curtain rises at 7J( a’ clock. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Le5ee0..........Mr*. BL A. GARKETTSOW , . THIS (Friday )EYENING, March 4, 1 S«. FIRST BENEFIT IN HER NATIVE CITY of the young, charming andyema'ile actress, MISS ETTIE HENDERSON, On which occasion the -will sustain SIX DIF FERENT CHARACTERS, introducing, lor the first time in this theatre on the same evening, TWO ENTIRELY NEW PLATS. The beantitsi Irish drama of KATHLEEN'MAVOUBNEEN, And hew protean play, entitled THE STRATAGEMS OF AN ACTRESS. To morrow, Saturday, another great bill; Box office open from 9 till 3 Curtain rises at7X QONOERT-HALL MAX STRAKOSCII respectfully Informs the 1 nblic that " ME. L. M. QOTTSCHALK Will give in Philadelphia, prior to his departure for Europe, > TWO GRAND FAREWELL CONCERTS, On MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, March 7th and fih, -when the greatest llTingPnma Donna Contralto, MADAME ELENA D’ANGRI, The yonng and highly talented. Violinist, SIGNOR CARLO PATTI, MR. SIMON HASSLEB, Viola, and CHAS. M. SCHMITZ, ViOlincello, Will assist Mr. Gottsthallr. Musical Director and Condnctor. ..S BEHRENS Admission, 60 cents. ReserTed Seats, 50 cents extra. Seats mar he secored for either of the two Con certs at J. E Gonld’s Music Store, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, commencing Friday morn ingf March 4th, at 9 A. M. [mh-.'.6t( Doors open at 7y; Concert to commence at S. The inventors of amer i c a, BY C. SCHUSSELL, and FIRTH’S DERBY DAY, the most interesting PAINTINGS of the day, ON EXHIBITION FOB A SHORT TIME. AT EARLE’ S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE OTS. feao-iat} The great picture, AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM, For a Short Season, commencing THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, l«t4, J. Insco Williams’s Celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting ®f the Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprising over fifty of the mo?t SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical His tory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibi tions of the age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at 7>f o’clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B.—Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 3 o’ clock. Admission for Children, 15 cents. fe!9-2mj Eleventh street opera house. “THE FAMILY RESORT.” DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the. WORLD In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques. Plantation Scenes, lea., &o , bv > TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7o’ clock, feis 3ms J.L.CARNCROSS, Business Manager. WONDERS, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH and CHESTNUT LAST WT.F.TC MAGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERT. MENTS-rGreat Powers of Ventriloauism and the LEARNED OANaRY BIRDS q T Signor BLITZ will appear in his popular enter tainments every evening, commencing at I'i o’clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. fe22 Germania orchestra pnbue Rehear. sals every Satnrdayat 3k o’ clock, P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND; HALL. Single tickets, 35 oents; packages of six tickets, SI. To be had at Andre •s, 1104 Chestnut street; Jr- E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door.- oeia PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THU - TxNE ARTS, __ 1*25 CHESTNUT STREET. • Open dally /Sundays excepted) from 9A. M. till sP^M^Admlttance2s cents. Children hmc.prto. M THOM AS. & ‘SONS, AUCTIONEERS, • Nos. 139 and. 141 SonthTonrtli strefit. " • STOCKS. ON .TUESDAY, MARCH. 8, At 12 o’clock noon, at the Exchange, Pine BtleetB ***?9*K»r oJ?™ 10 .Cofipoh Bonds Keokuk, Mount Pleasant and Muscatine Railroad Company, (Iowa). 41 shares Union Muthal Insurance Company - Philip ford & 00..- auctioneers. 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE streets LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1500 OASES " '■ HOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 10. At 18 o’clock precisely,- wiU be sold, by cata togue, lor cash, 1500 cases Men’s, Boys’ and Tp'ttits’ Ddots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmorals, Ca valryvßoots, Ac. Also, a large and desirable assortment of Women's, Misses’, and Children's Roots,-.Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters, of every variety, suitable for spring sales. . * THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1864 ,GREEN CORNi AND TOMATOES _ * POGHJE/.0l New Jereey, are superior to all others. Their large aid varied sto<s: of., fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies ; Sauces, Meats, Soups, etc., In cans, laofTered ta the trade at the liowest Mar-- • ket Prices, hy their Sole Ageixte, V.'^- ARCHER & REEVES, . •WHCU.ESAEE OBOOEES, No. 45 North Water St-, and /No. 46 North Delaware avenue. fe6-tl{ New Fancy Cassimeres. ALFRED H. LOVE; COMMISSION MERCHANT/ ; 212 CHESTNUT ST. jal2-2mf CIVIL AND MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE. WTT.f.TAM T. SNODGRASS, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND, : and 23 STRAW BEERY Streets, Is happy to state that he has laid In an extensive stock of CHOICE GOODS, such as CIVIL LIST. AKMV AND NAVY. , Black Cloths, Bine Cloths, Black Doeskins, Sky-Bine Cloths, Black Cassimeres, Sky-BUie Doeskins, 'Elegant Coatings, ■ Billiard Cloths, Bagatelle Cloths, Trimmings, Bearer teens, Cords and Velveteens. We advise our friends sent stock is cheaper tha fel6-lms PAPER HANGINGS. ■Wall Paper Decorations. 614 CBESTNtTT STREET, 1e24*3m0 1024- OH KS'l'N 1 >T bTKr KT FUBLOIGHi Offlcera and Soldiers, Tithing the City on Fur loogbs needing SWORDS. AND OTHER 211 BIT ART EQUIPMENTS art lnviud to the very extensive Manufacturing Es t&bM&brcect of &EQ. W. SIMONS & BfiO„ SANSOH STREET HALL, Sansom Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION 8 WORDS Made to order at the shorten notice, . which for richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MA NUFACTURING JEWELER WITH TUB —GOTTSCHALK- V A WEIGHT & 3IDDALL Na 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. O. W. WKISBT. V. H. SID3AIA, DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL -STOREKEEPERS Can find at onr establishment a fail as. sortmentof Imported and Domeetlo Drags, popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil, Windqw Glass,' Prescription Vials, etc., at as low prices aa genuine fintclsa goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS . tor Confectioners, in full variety, and of the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot- Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Annatta. Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., FOB DYERS’ use, always on hand at lowed set cash prices. ° SULPHITE OF LIMB, - for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly haTm less preparation; pnt cp, with full direc tions for use, in packages, containing tuf. Sclent for one barrel. Orders by moil, or, city post, wui meet With prompt attention, or special quota tions will be furnished when requested. WRIGHT A SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, co2l-lyrp4 No. 119 Market street; above Fron KENDALL’S AM BOLINS FOB THE HAIR. AMBOLINE MOISTENS, BEAUTIFIES, ODORATES, LENGTHENS, INVIGORATES, NOURISHES, mHMT™ SH3a ‘ • It prevents the hair falling out or turning ore maturely grey. Ladies who desire ajuxurifml headof .hair, should not fail to give the AmhSin. PflceYl per box containing two bottles. Prepared only by KENDALL A 00., - Agents in PhllJdelpM ® roadway ’ New York. ■ JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY A CQWDFN des-3ms No. M Nonb C o^«mebe& MINE - ~ Ha ‘ ERIS ’ S MIXBD Harris-s Piaid Cassimercs. Cassimere's for Boys’Suits. Oassimeres for Men’s Suits. Cloaking Cloths, al colors. Stock of Goods in this Department Large and well selected.’ . . ~. ■: JOHN H. STOKES, 702 Arch street. Fit u£ &, wea v k « — A ~ Manufacturer* cf * oa M AWITJi AND TARKED OOBD&QS* No. 93 Nortn Water street and No. 93 Nortti Dtia. - : vare aTemie, FJiiladeipfcia. Bdw» H. Mioea* Wiara-t. (IOHIUS P. CLnTHin Wheeler & WiLSpN’s Hir 5 - 30 OASES ANDERSON’S NAVY .• JH oases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf 43 Hhds. Maryland Tobacco.' 25 Hhds. foLTm? Tobacco. For sale by S§rt? ,Ir * w -“TMAN, No,, 105 North Water Dark-Blue Doeskins* Dark-Blue Beavers, [Dark-Blue Pilots, i 3-4 and 6-4 Bine Flannel* [Scarlet Cloths, Mazarine-Blue Cloths, o come early, as our pro* i we can. purchase now- JAMES C. FINN, LATE OF HOWELL ft BROTHERS. SHOW BOOMS, CHESTNUT ST. SPRIN G_TRADE. . E. m. IfEEOi.ES Is now receiving, aid offers lor sale below present market rates, many noTeltiesin LACE AND WHITE G J9DS. I He wonld call “special attention” to his assortment of over so ciflersnt new fabrics and styles of White Goods, suitable for “Ladies' Bodes and Dresses.' • In stripes, Slaids and figured,puffed and tucked mas us. 100 pie: es of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought bt fore the recent ad vance. New Invoices of Guipure ana Thread Laces, Toread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings,lnserting*, Flouncing*, fcr. Broad hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS o, good quality, from 25 cents up. •The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. ! S'llcwoomj, TtH Chestnut Street, above 7tft. .. FURNITURE. Thoseabouttopnrchase Furniture would do wellto call at the NEW STORE of ULEIga & WABD, 915 Arch Street,: Ard examine their styles. faIG-lm} WANTED. A few ERIE'OITY and COUNTY BONDS. . ERIE OANAL BONDS of Erie,: Pennsylvania. Also—slo,ooo North Branch CANAL BONDS, for which.the highest price will be paid by • C. B. WEIGHT & CO.. 142 South Third Street,. _feSo-lgt§ Opposite the Exchange. 1864. SPRING 1864. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLUM &CO., Manufacturer*, Importers and Whole* sale Dealers - IN CARPETINGS, i OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut st„ Opposite Independence Hall. N OTIGE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM & CO. Beg leave 'to Inform the pnblic that they hay leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, - * Opposite Independence Hall, FOR A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, wun they are now opening A NEW STOCK, o» IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS, Embracing the choicest patterns of AXMINSTER, IT APES TRY nan KUYAL -WILTON, | PETS. VELVET, (BRUSSELS CARPETS VENETIANS. Together with a full assortment of everything pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja3o-tf) ENTERPRISE MILLS. . * ATWOOD, RALSTON & GO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESAU DEALEBS IN CARPETINGS, Oil Cloths, Mattings, <fcc., Ac. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street, AND •TijTn® Stfyapt_ febl»SlPj 'REMOVAL. 9 ______ ALEXANDER WHILLDIN & SONS, Have Removed to 20 and 22 South Front Street, AXD 21 and 23 Letiiia Street, FHILADELPHIA, Where, from largeand desirable stocks of WOOL and WOOLEN YARNS, COTTONS and COT TON YARNS, they will be pleased to serve att enstomers. feiO-litJ : jjjL FOR SALE. fl The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. ■WOnly a spin}! part of Cash required. BGT INQUIRE ON THEPREMISES. fels-MJ NOTICE OF REMOVAL, The undersigned ■would inform their frieudsand the public generally, that they have removedfrom their. Old Stand, 617 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. 913 ARCH STREET, Where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, OHANBELIEBS, GOAL OIL BURNERS, *O. Having associated with our house Mr.GHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Deeignerfor Oor nelins A Belter, > we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate. . VAN KIRK & CO., fel9-3m4 No. 912 ARCH STREET. PATENT HING^fIAOE PHOIO&BAPH ALBUMS. The xdost in destructible Album made. It lies open perfectly flat without injury, or strain to the Book. ‘ For sale by Photographers and Booksellers. ' AIiTISMUS &> CQ., N. W. COENER'fOURTH AND RACE, fj&O-linjj Entrance on RACE Street, j C °'** BT IT T 1 O N W&IEBi . " CONSTITUTION WATER. v • - PONSHJDTION "WAriß, * CONSTITUTION WATIK, ’ L-. : CONSTITUTION WATER, ... CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, OONSTITUTION WATER, 7 CONSTITUTION WATER, OONSTITUTION WATER, OONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, : CONSTITUTION WATER, OGNSTITUIION WATER, : OONSTITUTION WATER,' / CONSTITUTION WATER, : CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TfiE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR ! THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FSB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN BEMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN BEMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN BEMEDY FOB DIABETES, k STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD ■ DER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. STRANGURY. For these diseases it Is truly asovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said .In its praise. A single dose has been known to remove the most nr gentsymptoms. Are you tronbled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips! A teaspoonfnl aday of the' Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use or buchn, cubeba and juniper in the treatment of the diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy - CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal to the task that has e- TClv«d upon It. ; DIUERTICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction, that it has ho equal in relieving the class of disease, for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing, and we trust that we shall ‘be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valnable a remedy in a form to meet the require ments of patient and physician. IN DTSMENORF.HCEA. OR PAINFUL MEN STKUATION; AND MENORRHAGIA, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion ol the menstrual fluid—in case of being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too proluse secretion, which will be speedily cared by . the Constitution Water. . > f The disease known as FALLING OF ! THB ’ WOMB, which is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp', lanci nating or shooting pains through tee parts, will, in all cases, be cured by this medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi cians call nervousness, which word covers np much ignorance, aud in nine cases out of ten the doctor does totreally know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here 'I speak more particularly of Cold Feet. Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and Dimness ol Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, the unmarried female is a constantly re curring disease, and through neglect the seeds of mere grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as mouth alter month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression be comes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowelsare constipated, night sweat* come on, and ceiiiunplfcn finally ends her career BEAD! READ!! READ!!! Danville, pa., June 2, Dr. Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir: In February, IStil, I was afflicted with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of .water iu twemy-lour hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of) July, 1561, I pro-' cured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly,. J. V. L. DEWITT. Boston Consults, N.' Y., Dec. 27,1561. ' Win. H. Gregg dc Co Gents—l freely give yon liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value ol Constitution Water, which I can re commend m the highest meaner: My wife was attacked with pain lit the shoulders, whoie length of the hack, and in her limbs, with -Palpitation qf the heart and Irritation of the Bladder. I- called a physician, who at tended her three months,- when he left her worse thanhe had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, wno attended her for about nine months, and while she was tinder nis care she did not suffer quite as much pain. He finally gave her up and said, her case woe in curable. “For,” said he; '‘she Aar such a ccmbinatio? of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against some o her if her difficulties.” About this time-she commenced the use of the Constitution Water, and, to our utter astonish ment, almost the first dose seemed to have the de sired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly nuder its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affairs. She has not- taken any of the ■Constitution Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a perma nentcure. WM.M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Wethersfield, Conn., March2,lE63. Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Having seen your advertisement of “Constitution Water,” recoin-- mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, aud tried the skill of a number of phy sicians with only temporary irelief, I was induced to try your medicine. I procured oue bottle from your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson & feoand when I had used half of it, to my sur prise-1 found a great change in my health. Ihave used two bottles of it, and am where I never ex. nected to be in my life, well, and in good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more than yon recommend it to be. May Ibe blessing of God ever attend you in your labor* of love. Yours, truly, LEONARD S. BIGELOW. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH. : We presenttbe Constitutisn Water to the - public with the conviction that it has nb equal in reliev ing the-class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in during; and we trust that we shall be rewarded tor our efforts in placingso valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patients and physicians. - ■ ; FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR. W. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors, i MORGAN i ALLEN, General Agents. ; No. 46 CLIFF street, New York. HOLLOWAY & OOWDEN, j W. G. MINTZER, Yhporter, Manufacture,, and Dealer MILITAHY, SOCIETY. “ ■ '' ■ ■ aud THEATRICAL GOODS • ■ EPAULETTES, SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, LaCES, ' ‘ knWa l okI’ HATSi OAPS GOLD AJKP SILVER EMRRIIinT'TITrQ PVhIsI ONS, UIDE * • casJhyy 0 DRUMS, FIFES^.° GLO ?ES. “s» . No Nor , h third St., Phila. SPUING, 1864. SPSlNolm. EBMOHD YARD & Co., 617 CHESTNUT STBEET AND * 6M JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA niyw in Bt °re their SPRING IMPORTATION OF Siiß and Fancy Dry Gosds, Consisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds Black and Fancy Silks, Satins, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbon and Diets Trim. - mugs. 1 ALSO, x White Goods, Linens, Embroideries and Laoes. A large and handsome assortment ot Spring and Bummer Shawl*, BALMORAL SKIRTS OF ALL GRADES, ' ' Which we offer to the trade at the lowest prices ja3o-3mj WOOL. Choice Penna. and OMo Fleecej Lot* Arriving Daily. FOB IMMEDIATE SALE. Alex. Whilldin & Sons, Nos. 20 and 22 Sonin Front Street, le2o-ist4 . v Phuadeiphia. COTTON YARNS. ZABRISKIE’S, HEATHCOTE, . BIDDLES, PONDS, BELVEDERE MFG. CO., GLASGOW CO., A HENRY) CLAY MILLS, O ARM AN’S, ;. J. BANCROFT. And Various Other Firat-Claas Make*, NOS. 6 TO 40. IN WARPS, BUNDLE AND COP. FOR SALE BY ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, Nos. 20 and 22 So-Front st. fe2o-I2ts PnihihELPHlA. BEDDING. MATTRESSES, [FE OTHERS, BLANKETS, 'QUILTS, COMFOR TABLES, | BED TICKINGS, And every other article in the Bedding business at the lowest casli prices. Akos HTLIBORN, fe-M 3m4 TENTH ST. BELOW ARCH. Immense Assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. Oil Paintings, First Gass Engratlagg- PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, WINDOW CORNICES, PIER TABLES, 4a, Cs. James S. Earle A Sons 816 CHESTNUT ST. SMITH & JACOBS. 1226 Chestnut Street, PMadslpMsi Money Refunded if not Satisfactory 1 FINE SHIRTS Mad* of New York Mills Mu«hex. Very:Pin* Irish Linen Bosoms, only *3—usual price S 3 75. WUliamsTille Muslin S 2 75, usual pries S 3 50. V ary reaxonablededucticn to whelss&le trad*. The Bunbeam Stories, Containing the charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROOK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY Cheisthas, DREAM CHINTZ, . STAB IN THE DESERT, Sc. Six beautiful yolnmee, Illustrated, §2 50, W. P. HAZARD. ja2l>tjyl .31 South SIXTH Street. EDWARD R KELLY. JOHN KELLY. TAILORS. 612 CHESTNUT ST. .- LATE ' THIRD STREET AB. WALNUT, Keeps constantly, on hand a large- assortment OX NEW and STAPLE GOODS, * PATTIES' OVERCOATS A2il> ' t Warm Sack and Business Coats. fok sale at . . Seduced Prices. TERMS CASH— Prices lows than other Cut tomer Tailors. TO LET— Up Stairs of 612 and- 614 Chestnut at. Ice Pitchers,Gastors and Plated Ware, Of every : description REPAIRED and RE FLATED, AT 1 JiBBEN’S, Tenth and Baoe Stf
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