FUR THE PHIA. Y AND S : pOIJ JiTY OF PUII.ADEL,- ; TO WAR, dec’d. ; Anthtur appointed by the Court to audit, TIS ’ v? A of 'JOHN.H;iOUE ofJ B V of thelast will J°, w ? r ’ < s ee,;a *ed,aud to make distri countan t* balance ,in the hands of the ac t>urnose« nf >^ eet he - P arties interested, for the ® h n h L nppomtment, on W EDNES • th ’ 1b64, at ; 4 o’clock, P..WU, a„ the Washington t'BuildihgV‘No. >! 'd«ilhiß - TltlKli Street, Jn the City pf Phila ueipnia. ■ ' -■■■>'■■ ; fr-2G f,m, w,st# - r '"N" -rLeUerßiestatuentary uponthe Estate ■HoWk ° a ?HARINF. M. nIOuRE, - late of ' SfJ 111 tlle Twenty-'.laird Ward of the JUJy. °}i Philadelphia, deceased, .having 0 been all P ers£> ne indebted'to ltd 'ini Estate aie requested to make payment, nd haTing claims or demands, to oresent •; tWame to JOHN H WVOH&KEjk ßxfcmor holme at No. 224 Walnut street. fe5 t f.fiL# UiSTBIOi- or UNITED STATES. T TRU-t ALOE THEEASTERN DIS gIS lOTSYEVANIA,- ■WHEREAS, Tbs District Court oTthe United estates in and for the Eastern District of Penusylya and dul > r proceeding on a Libel, filed * n of. the United Stipes of Americas hath decreed all persons in general whohave, or pre tend to have, any right, title, or interest in the ;i«loop“ ANJNIE THOMPSON, -‘whereof Captain Toyle is master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the goods,-, .wares, and merchandise laden on hoard thereof, csptHied hy the United States vessel-of*war. called the ‘ t Fe^nandina, ,, under the command or-Acting.Master Edward Moses, to tie monished, cited, and called to mde ment atthe time and place underwritten, andto 4he effe c t hereaifer expressed (j ashce so req uiri ng). on are, therefore, charged and strictly enioiifed that you omit not, but that by pubhfehing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers, printed .and published he T C i lt n‘ 01 plllladel P h;ia i and in the Intelligencer, jou do monish and . cne, or cause to be monished and cited, pererap /.J.jonjy ail persons in geuenU who have, -or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the ta< ? kle » apparel‘s and furxu.tnre and the goods, wares, and merchandise lad-m Tn-w-S ar ?i 1 *- before the Hon. JOHN 'the Jndgeof the said Court room in the City Of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day* after public!*- HjSr taese presents, if it be a court da}’, or else cn -.the next..court day following, between the nsuai hours of hearing causes, then* and there to show, or allege, in due form ol law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if anv they haye,; why the said sloop, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchisndi.se laden on board thereof should not be pronounced to belong; at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of fc the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to. be adjudged and.condemned as good - and lawful I ,r ' z »nd further, to do and' receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that ,700 duly ,intimate, or cause .to be intimated, unto all aforesaid, generally tto whom' by the tenor or these presents it is also intimated), that if they, shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary,' then £aid District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on. the said capture, and . may pro nounce that the said sloop Annie Thompson, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the (roods, wares, and merchandise, laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same! - to the enemies of the United ; States of America 118 goods of their enemies, or otherwise, u 3-s le subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be adjudged and condemned, as lawfal prize, the or rather contumacy, of the persons cited and intimated in anywise notwith- : standing, and that you duly certify to the said Uoytt wiiat you shall do in the premises, together with these.presents; 1 Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WAL.ADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this first a y MARCH, A. D. ISG4, - and in the eighty- States year ° f 4110 Independence oftne said United mh2-3t n O. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. _ N pEINSYI A^I^S^ EBN I,ISTfiICT <>f GE| I E t i T lg| PENNSYLVANIA - .You are hereby commanded that youmomshand cite all persons who hare, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in ninety bales eottou, ten imi-rels rosin, and twelve boxes of tobacco, the residue of the cargo of the Steamer CHATHAM, lately captured by the United States Steamer Hu .ron, as prize of war, and brought to this port for 5. d P?Hi£ ation > 40 appear before the’ Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of said Court, at the District Court room in the city ot Philadelphia, on .the..twentieth day after publication of these pre sents, if it be a court day, or else on the next coart day following,.between the üßnal hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said ninety bales cotton, ten barrels rosin, and twelves boxes of tobacco! the residue of the cargo of the steamer Chatham, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture .of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to' be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful • prize; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. - Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, this first day of March, A. D 1864, and in the eighty-eighth year of the In dependence or the said United States. mha-3t ' G-. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. SUMMONS IN PARTITION The SHeflff la directed to publish the following order. _ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. City and County of Philadelphia, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to tht Sheriff of Philadelphia County,- greeting: If'William. Darlington, Administrator de bonis non enm festainento annexe of the last will and . testament of Elizabeth Baldwin, deceased, make you secure of prosecuting his claim, then we com mand yon that yon" summon by good and lawful summoners, Sarah S. Barnes, Charles JH. Tyson and Lydia Annhis .wife, in tight of the said Lydia Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B. Cope, Oli ver Cope, late ofyonr county, so that they be and appear before our Judges a* Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, there to be held the first MON DAY of "March next, to show wherefore whereas they, the said Demandant and thet said Defendant together and undivided do hold all that lot or piece of ground with the buildings thereon erected, situ- a W on the north side of Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth oh the said Chestnut street fourteen feet, and in length or depth fifty feet; bounded northward by ground formerly of John Bar, and afterwards of the heirs of John Speel, deceased, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street, and westward with the shop and ground: sometime In the tenure of Isaac' Warren and afterwards be. --Barnes, <?s howsoever els? the same is or ofright ought to be butted and bonneted, with the appurtenances. Being thebame premises which Samuel E. Howell and wife, by Indenture dated the twenty-first day of May, A. D. 1816, re, corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. 9, page36l, &c. ..granted and conveyed to Samuel JBarnes and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of r nomas Lawrence in fee' as 1 tenants in common and ' ; Pot' as joint heirs, tne same Defendant partition thereof between ,^ em °. e ihade (according to .the laws and.cus. ™ 6 .“ thm Commonwealth in such case made and d 0 Sainsav and the baine to be done do law? nrS* ™!? ry nri J astl y and against the same mj t* 0 ™ i B * »*■ lB said,) &c. S^Smonere as.athta' names oftllosB _Witness the Honorable OSWALDTHOIVTP^ON . ' L° f S e «S£Ss,°- P - and duly stamp. ' je23-6w{ T. O. EDUCATION INFANT’S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA MRS. SAMUEL -EDWARDS, Principal This Institution, providing a refined holne and the ter, derest care and culture 'for Children from three to seven years of age, will, be opened on Wednes. ' day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 mileß from Phila. delphiaby Railroad. '. For particulars apply to 5f X; s - Edwards, Media, -Pa; References; Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis- SJPaI Clergy of the city; also to Abraham - . Martin, Esq. : ;fel7-3m{ JgORDENTOWN^h^I^^OOLLECIE, ' ls P ie asantly located-on the ' If hour) s ride -:from Philadel- F- ®P attention ls-pald to the common and ENQlSsH,a.id superior ad y.ocal and Instrumental Mneic. FRENCH taught toy native, and spoken la tfce.flunUy.: For. Catalogues, address - * , 3a14 v A.M., UO-PAjßl’NlHaHlFa: N UTICK. signed have this day entered into Co-partner, ship for the transaction of the DRY nnniw COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the nine of JOHN H. WILLIAMS & CO., atNoTsagatat nut street. JOHN H. WILLIAMS/ . JOHN VMEST. L Fhhajoa., Jan. 1, 1861. JU-ff®* HEADINGS RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LUCE, fc RUM PHILADELPHIA TO THE INTERIOR OF .PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCHUYL KILL, SUSQUEHANNA. CUMBER LAND AND WYOMINGYAL SLEYS, THB t JfQRTH, NORTHWEST AND THE CANADAS . PASSENGER TRAINS Leave the Company’s Depot, THIRTEENT and CALLOWHILL at the following hours: MORNING MAIL, : At 8. IbeA. M., for Reading, Lebanon, H&rrts- Snrg, Pottsvllle, Pinegrove,-Thhraqna, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, .Niagara Falla Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarfe; Pittston, York. Carlisle, Chambersburg,, Hagerstown, Ac., &c Tnis train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac., and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, Ac.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Rail road trains' for Wilkesharre, Williamspo. , Lock Haven,. Elmira- Ac.; at .HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains,dor Northum berland, Williamsport, York, Chambersburg, Pinegrove, :&c. T ; : . AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia, at 3.30 P. M. for Reading, PottsvUle, Pinegrove, Harrisburg, Ac., connect. ingatHarrisbnrg with Pennsylvania Central Rail ■ 11 ? 4 °r Fittsbnrgh, Ac., Northern Central Kailroad trains for" Sunbury, Northumberland, Llmira, Ac., and at Port Clinton with. Catawissa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elmirs, Buffalo,-Ac. _ READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all war stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.25 A. M. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 F'. M.: ar rives in Reading at 7.2 s P. M. _Trans for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8 A M and Pottsville at 9.15 A. M.. arriving in Phila. lelphia at LSOP. M. Afternoon trains leave Har -iSDurg at 2.00 P.M., and PottsvUle at 2.30 P.M.. arriving at philadelDhia at 7. OO P. KL. Market trams, with, a Passenger car -attached, aves Philadelphia at IP.M. for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading -at 12 Noon, and Downlngtown at 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and Ui way stations. All tne above fralns nm daUy, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave PottsvUle at 7.30 A. M.. »nd Philadelphia at 3.15 P. TIL CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downlngtown and intermediate points take the 8.15 A. M and 4.30 P.M. trains from Philadelphia, retnmingfrom Downingtownat7.oS A. M. and 12.30 Noon. ' ' NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH - AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7P. M., passing Reading at 12midnight, and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Pitts burgh. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 6.30 A. M., passing Reading at 8.45 A. M, and arriving at New York at i. 45 P. M Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. HaU trains for New York leave Harrisburg at 8 A- M. and 2 P. M. Mali trains for Harrisburg leave New York at 6 A. M. and 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave PottsvUle at ,7.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M-, returning from Tuscarora at 8.05 A. M. and 8.45P.M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 3.45 A. M. for Pinegrove end Harrisburg, atio A. M. and 1.20 and 7.18 P. M. for Pinegrove only; returning from Harris burg at 7.30 P. M. and from Pinegrove at 8. IS A. M and 4 and 5 P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West end Canadas. The foUowing tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourthctreet, PhUadelphla, or of G. A. Nioolls, General Superintendent,'Reading. ; COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent, discount between any points de sired for families and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good f0r2,000 miles, between aU polnta,at 546 as each, fer families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine or twelvemonths, lbr holder only, to aU points, at reduced rates. ■ CLERGYMEN Residing on the Une of the Road will be for ’ nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half-fare. r EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, good tot Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced tare, to be had only at the Ticket Offioe at Thir teenth and CaUowhiU streets. . FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all ths above points from the Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and 'Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally ato A. M., IP. M., andSP. EL , for Reading Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsvllle, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. MATT.S . Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and its branches at SA. M., and for the principal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. ISonB GERMANTOWN AND NOR- WiWHltowm railroad. TABLE. . On and after December “th, 1863. Until further notice. FOE GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—C, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. HL; J, 2, 3.10, 4,5, 6,7, 8, 0, 19, llan<Ll2P.M. Leave Germantown—6, 7, 7*, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, XI, 12 A. M.; 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 6jf, 7,8, 9, 10 and UP. M. The 8.20 down train will not stop after leaving Germantown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo A. M.; 2,7,. 10* P. M. Leave Germantown—B.lo A'. M.; 1,0, 9v P. ivr CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD? Leave Philadelphia-6, 'B, 10, 12 A. M., 2,3 K, s*, 7, 9 and 11 P. M. . Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo, 8, 9.40, 11.48 A. M. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. The 3* and 5* up trains do not stop on German town Branch. , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo, A. M.; 2, and7P. iw. Leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.50 A. M-; 12.4(1, 5.48 and 9.25 P.M. FOR CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—6, BV, 11.05 A. M.; lie, 3, i%, 6.05, 8.05, andli*F. M. 7: Leave Norristown—6, 7, 7.50, 9, 11 A. M.; IK, iX and 6„P. M. . . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 2K P. Kt. Leave Norristown—7* A. M.; sp. M - ‘ FORMANAYUNK. i Leave Philadelphia—6, Bv, 11.05 A. M.; IK X, 4*, 6.05, 8.06, and 11* P. M. . . 7 Leave Manayunk—6*, 7K,«.20, 9*, UK A. SL ‘ » g and 6 x P. M. . f ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 2 K and 6* P. M. Leave Manayunk—7*: A. M.; 5K and BP. M. H. E. SMITH, General Superintendent, - Depot, Ninth and Green streets. IgfWBE OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 32« CHESTNUT STREET, Paix.ansi.PHiA, January 17th, 1662. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D. 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additlouai capacity for traneportation, are now prepared Ito forward Heavy Express freights, Packages an* Parcels, to Washington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize In large lots. Sutlers’ goods' and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at eur office; Soldiers’ parcels taken at-much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and re. celpted fbr at our depot, Southeast comer of BROAD and LOCUST Streets 87 JOHN BINGHAM. Suuerlntendent Iffir—■wvi 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ■jf BMWIgBB ERIE RAILROAD. 1863. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city or Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices is being rap idly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight bust from Harrisburg to Emporium, (ISS Rskffi on 0,0 Eastern Division, and , from Division. *° ' Erie (78 “ Ues) oa 019 WeatenJ TIKE 09 PASSBHSBH TRAIU AT PHILADELPHIA — Mall Train LBa -YB wbbtwaud. ExpressTraimV.V.”""‘"Hp w' wiaiout change both ways on Philadelphia and Look Elegant SleaDini^no® a * tim SJ e dhd Look Haven; AAQd for, Freight business of the Company’s kets2:S B Mk: Oor - Plli rteenth and Marl' J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill. Agent N. O. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent, FhUadelnbia LEWIS L. HOUFT; General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. POTTS, ■ffif , GenerM Manager, Williamsport. . THE' PAIL* EVBN'reO BUMF,TIN; FHIMBBIiPBIL/ lttlMVvHfhllH * w,,. '■ XM* 1864. ARRANGEMENTS*'-'* york lines. 1861 _ The c aad Ambcy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Companies’ Lines from Phils* delphia to New York and Way Places. * . walnut street wharf, will leave as follows, viz: PABB. : At6 A. M., via Camden ans, Amboy, O. . r .and A« Accommodation.... 7:, 52 96 A.tBA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, , Mpmntg* Express 366 BA. M. t via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket .....i..,.2 25' *Lt 12 M., c via Camden and'Amboyt O. and ; A. Accommodation ......Ve .............. 225 -itaPi-M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and dt IP, M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation (Fieightand Passenger) ) 75 At6 r P.M. via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation (Freight and Passenger), Ist i.-I —t—A— !.*• At iX P. M., via Camden and-Amboy Ao ■commodation (FrelghtandPassenger’sl lst . “ * 225 * , y sl “A 0 ' I® l * Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton,—LamhertviUe, Flemington, occ., at 3P. M, For Mount Holly, EvansvUle and Pemberton, at 6A. M., 2 and i% P- M. For Freehold, at 6 A.M. and 2 P.M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delsnco, Beverly, Bur lingtou, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 6 A. M, 12 M., 1, 3 and 4 y. P. M. The 3 and P. M- Lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra; Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly and Burlington at ok P. M. . „ T! DINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows* AtJ.So A.ua. , (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City,- Washington and New York Mail. . At u. is a. Mi, via Kensington and Jersey City Express v. 3 BO At 4.30-P—M.* via. Kensington and Jersey 3 66 ax 6.-45.. P.-M.. via Kensington, and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 3 *0 Snnday u* es-ieave at. 1.50 A. M. and 6.45 P. There will be no line.at 1.50 A.-M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water Qap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes• oarre, Montrose, Great* Bend, Mauch ChunA Al lentown, Bethlehem, Bel viderife, Easton, Lam bertvflle, Flemington, &c., at 7A. M. This Line -connects with the Train leaving Easton for Maucb For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7 and U. 15 A. M. and 3 iud SP: Mr'- -.—- For Holmeaburg, Tacony, Wissinomng, Brides om-g and Frankford, at 9 A.M. , 5, 5- 45 and 8 P. OSK.Eor New York, and Way lines leaving Ken fitgton Depot, take cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour oelbre departure. The Car* run mtothe Depot, and on arrival of each Train run from the Depot. Fifty yov.nds of baggage only , allowed each Pas •enger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage hut their wearing apparel AD baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amonntbeyondSlOC, except by special contract . Graham’s Baggage Express wiU' call for and deHverbaggage to the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3, walnut street. , 20. ' W WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADEL _ PHIA, WILL LEAVE From foot of Conrtland Street at 12M and 4 P. M., via jOTsey city and Camden; at 7, 10 A. M., 6, P. M. and 12 (Night) via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street, at fl A. M., and 2P. 81., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North River, at 12 M., 4 and 8 P* M-, (Freight and Passengers) Amboy land Camden. . J3t EMHSP PHILADELPHIA, WIL gMggg"J£*IMINGTON A7ID BALTIMORE CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after WEDNESDAY, January 20, 1864, .Passenger trains leave Philadelphia for . - Baltimore at 4.30 A.M. (Express, Mondaysez eepted), 8.05, 12.00, A. BL.aSOand 11.30 P. M Chester at B.os, 1.15. 2.30. 3.50 and tI.OOP. M, Wilmington at 4.30, (Mondays excepted),B.6s. Ll 5, 2.30, 3.50 and HP. M. New Castle atg.us A. M and 3.50 P. M Dover at 8.05 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. - Milford at 8.05 A. M Salisbury at 8.05 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. I>ave Baltimore at 8.35 A. M., 9.10. A. M (Btpress), 12 45, 7.10 and 9.35 P. M. .’Wilmington, at 7.15, 9 and 12.10 A. M, 12.46 P. M, 4.20, 6.30, 11.05,P. M Salisbury at 1285 P. M. Milford at 2.35 P. M. •Doverat?.3o A. M. and 3.55 P. M. New Castle at 8 30 A. M. and 5 55 P. M. U < 4o e p e M !lt 810 > 840 *• > “50. SJOO, 714 and Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intennediata stations at 7 10. ■ Leave Baltimore for Dover and Intermediate stations at 12 45 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Chester atS4U, A. M., 3 00P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5 35, 925 A M., and 335 P. M. Freight Trains with Passenger Car attached, . will run as follows ; Leave Philadelphia for PerryvUle and interme diate places at 5 40 P. M. < Leave Wilmington for PerryvUle and Interne diate places at 7 29P. M. Leave Baltimore for Philadelphia, 3 45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for PhUadelphiaand interme diate places at 4 20 P; Mt SUNDAYS: Only at 430 A. BL, 1130 P.M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. -• PhQadelphiato Wilmington at 438 A. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. Only at 9 35 PM. from Baltimore to Philadel phia. IS—mi NORTH PENNSYLVANIA 'PhfP"f.u R. R. —FOR BETHLEHEM. DuYCESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, TTATiIvE TON, EAr TON, WILLIAMSPORT, AO. WINTER.ARRANGEMENTS. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, Nav. 18, 1863, Passen ger Trains will leave the NEW. DEPOT, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. The 7 A. M. train makes close 1 connection with die Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points In the Lehigh coal region. n At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eas ton, Ae. This train reaches Easton At 8.40 P. M., and makes close connection with the New Jersey Cen tral for New York. . . At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk.' • For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4,15 F. M. a. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 6,15 P. M. - White cars of Second and Third street line Olty Passenger Cars, mn directly to the new depot. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. ' Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9.30 A. M. and 8.07 P. SL ■ ■ Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. ana 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. and 3 P. M. ' ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. i p°^ e6town tOT Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and Fare to ......81 58 Fare to Easton, 156 Fare toMauch Chunk... ..... 2 55 Through Tickets most be procured at the Ticket Office, THIRD street or BERKS street, In order to secure the above rates of fare. aplB ELLIS CLARK, Agent. JSS fiw—; PHILADELPHIA AND EL awg MBNWaifg MIRA RAILROAD LINE. 1863. i ALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For Williamsport, Scranton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, end all poluts In the’ West and Northwest. Passenger Trains leave the Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, cor. BROAD and CALLOWHILL streets, at 8.16 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. daily,-except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTEfrom Philadelphia to points In Northern, and. Western Penns ylvanla, Western H e S ? or^> , &c -> *?• Baggagecheoked through to Uohsl 0 ’ Niagara Falls, or Intemedlate points. Forfnrther information apply to JO *SL S : hi LT,ES, General Agent, . Thirteenth and Oallowhill streets, ■•4 and office N. W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut. JgBMBj CHESTER AND PHD ladelphia railroad, MEDIA. : - .WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and afrer MONDAY, December 7th ‘1853. YrUl leave Philadelphia, from the De atoete' E at C ßKm??? w™“ dMAEKET *OO P M e 45 A .V, M -’ “d a ‘ 2.00 and *•? P-“i-. Tfams leave the comer of Thirty-first ( WoB t Philadelphia) 17 minutes flie starting time from Eighteenth and Market — t *? raln ’ Passenger Car attached, leave of THIRTY-FIRST "and : st xeeta (West Philadelphia), at 6.30 • ,^ est Chester at 6.40, 8.20 and 10.35 &, M. , aUd at 1.25 and 4.35 p. M: - - * , ON SUNDAYS, • 1 . a* 8.00 A.M. an42.89P,M. and 4.00 P. M., connect at Pennelton with Trains Baltimore Central Ball lOT Concord, Kenneth Oxford. Aro va •814 HENRY WOOuf Superintendent ' i>tA V KUNG GrUIIWfi. WM. STEARNS, SUp’t. raveling jbuh>e. m& 00A ' ffl - and HO B.* M. - riH® ■ ° t^, BB4o ”’ *°-> at 9A. M. and 4 fwSgtoKfftwi. M. and 130P;m: ! * - 1 °K J 5 8 “> *c-’,:-at 9-a- M. and 3 and 4 p. w. For a V 4and ' 8A; 3H-" ai<l 1 10 p? M. • M » ?* ® A. Hl and 3, 4 and 6 P. 45 P. turnln S at ’• 00, 7.48 i 9.38 Ai M. and 3 RENSSELA PIT?, Superintendent SALEM RAILROAD. - ottralns > commencing FRIDAY, atiandBA?M,lSi?‘ioP mwB ' . MTT.T^gff 4 ? M Apply to MORTON e » d^ ei '^ bo7e Walnut st. vati KENSSEIiAER, Snpertnteiuleiit. •?<« Elisabeth, .an^lby cSSfeSiM “"“« Btagesto all parts of Cape May SSS &1 “■ leave Cape at 6 A? M Dje In Philadelphia at 10i 15 A. M . **» ai, TONIWtVt c* « rtro . n Ss t ,flail y • Apply to MOS not gentl 2<i covered Pieraboye Wal no 12 J. VAN RENSSELAER, Snp't. r»aac»«i—iw PHii;ai.M.PHT. , - -.v. BALTIMORE CENTRAL Or, W i N^. ER ARRANGEMENT. Monday. Dec. 7th,-fBB3, the Traini wiUleajePtolad€.lphta from the DEPOT of the nv ' NORTHEAST OORNEB l i H M E a^?o^ D^ IASKET STKEETS. leave Oxford at 7.00 A. Hi., and3.lB T llllll leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A." M ejects at Oxford with a line of Stages for grttOTn, to Lancaster County, returning, leaves connect with the afternoon Train fOtPhlladelphla. .. HENRY WOOD, —fill— Snperintendent tNBUKANtJIS. TiiJi BlililANUt' IMSDKANdB IIIIMfaMT - >jF PHTT.AnET.BHTA 1 urcoiporated in 184 - : Charter Perpetual. . OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT Street: aS?s££ “fßUnsi 1088 or damage oy FIRE. ROUSES, STORES AND OTHER RUILDINGs! 0 4rJ ) SSS tnal: and on FURNITURE. QOgDSr WARES. and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL *3uu, 000. ASSETS *387. all 88. Invested In the following securities, rl»: First Mortgage on City Property, well nSrSrfsVvV," ....*106,900 8* DhnfrJ? OTernnlent Loans 119,000 08 PmJadeiphla City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,000 66 Ccnunonwealtix of Pennsylvania 6 per 000,060 Loan. 13,006 06 . Pennsylvania Bailroad Ist and 2d Mort* Loans... 35.006 60 Camden and Amboy • Baiiroad- Cam- ce “ t v L™ l 6,000 88 PhUadelphia and Reading WanTY«.d _ Company's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Haiir««d 7 percent Loans . 4,560 6# UommercOU Bant ofPenn'a. Stock 10,000 08 Mechanics* Bank 5t0ck.'.......,..; 4,000 08 County Fire Insurance ■ Company’s Stock 1 058 86 Mntnal Insurance Company"’ a ’ Reliance Insurance Company of Phiial delphla Stock.... 2,500 08 loanson Collaterals, well secured..... 2,250 08 Accrued Interest 5,992 00 Cash In bank and on hand.............. 16,587 86 Wcrtifc at present market va1ue.. # ...,»3a9,66i 38 _ t DIKECTORS. * S^ B ? i &SL ey ’ Banj. W. Tingley, wm. R. Thompson, Robert Tobuia, Samuel Bispham, Wm. Stevenson, fS&r. Charles Inland, * _J. Johnson Brown, Thus H CLEM.' Tbob. O. Hnx; Secrei PHCF.NJX MUTUAL INSURANCE”COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1604—CHARTER PER. PETE A L. NO. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex change. In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this Company Insures from low or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, ou buildings, merchandise, furniture Ac., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit of premium. • The Company has been in active operation far the period of SIXTY YEARS,.during whichall losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. , _ „ . DIRECTORS. John L. Hodge, . D. Clark Wharton, Adolphns Peries, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., TV illiarn McKee, David Lewis M. B Mahonv, Benjamin EtthlgN J°hn T Lewis, Thcmas H. PoweA, John E. Wilmer, A R. McHenry, \ Williams. Grant, Edmond Castillon. \ Robert W. Learning, ; JOHN R. WUCHBRER, President Samttei, Wiicox, Secretary \ Afire association-- ■_ Incorporated Maxell 27 ia». OFFICE, No. 31 N; FIFTH street Insare BUILDINGS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and MERCHANDISE generally, from Loss by Fire, (In tn« iadelphia only.) Statement of tbe Assets of the 'Association, Jann „ ary 1, 1563. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia 0n1y.5708,4M « Ground Kents .0013097 Estate SS uaslioi} hand....... 34,051 38 TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President wm. H. HamUton, Geo. I. Youn*, cv?. der ’ Jos. R. Ryndnll, LevlP. Übat* ?ftht r^*S?^ ser » Samuel Sparta wit, diaries P. Bower, mys WTT.T.TftIVT t! insurance COM- H., PANY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Office North!. of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Penusylva- PaupirruAL. Capital authorized by law, 8100,080. Make Insurance against Lost or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build, togs, Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise, on favorable terms. „ ■ DIRECTORS. George Eretv, Henry Gerker, August O. Miller, Christopher H. Miller. ' John F. Belsterllng, Frederick Staake, Hernr Troomner, Jonas Bowman, William McDaniel, ■ Frederick Doll. JocobNullet, Jacob Schaudler, George Blutz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samnel Miller. - • Tnwwv. „ ®BCRGE ERETY, President. JOHN F. HBLSTERTiING, Vice President. ratlt E. Colbmam. Secretary. &12-S ; EXCLUSIVELY—THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE uoMPANY—lncorporated 1625—Charter Perpet- tTT Stoeßt ’ This Company, favorably known to the commu years, continues to Insure 0 « i o ,t damage by flre > 011 Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Hoods and Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. e> Capital, together with a large Surplus Ihyested in the most careful manner, which enables them to oAfter to the insured an un doubted security in the case of loss* BIJtEOTORS Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, S??,f^ de^ Ben6 °h. Daniel Smith, Jr.,. William KTontcUus, John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehnrst, Thomas Smith. Henry. Lewis, ■ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President wniiiaut O- Cupwran. Secretary. T , FIRE INSURANCE COM- X PANY. OFFICE NO. 410 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ■ ■ BELOW OHBSTHDT. * ‘TBs Fix© Insurance Company of the County ol Philadelphia. ’ > Incorporated by the Legislator* of .Peimsjrlvanla in 1839, for Indemnity against loss or damage by Are, exclusively. CHAPTER PERPETUAL. •> This old and reliable institution, with ampl* capital and contingent fond carefully invested, continues to Insure buildings, furniture, merchan dise, Ac., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates .consistent with the absolute safety of its oustomers. • 1 , v . Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de> •patch. DIBEGTOES. - . Charles'J.Sntter, Robert V. Hasser. Henry Orllly, John Horn, ■ Frederick Schober, Joseph Moore, Henry Bndd, George Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, Janies N. Stone. CHAHX.ES J. SUTTEE, President Bhajamh F. Hoevkxbt, Sec’y and Treasurer. *B7 211 86 Moore. 'MJOIiEY, President. »ty. - jal-f m w-ly{ 3785,032 U BUTIiER, Secretary. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last twenty yedre, 219 VINE Street, below. Third, Inserts the most beautiful TEETH ol the age, mounted on fine. Gold, 'Platina,'vSUver, Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, Ac., at pricesfoi neat andsnbstantial, work, more reasonable mail any Dentist In this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for, life.; Artificial Teeth repaired to suit No pain AU work warranted to fit RefemhoiCiwwt'families-. daSQ-Gm! DUPONT' S QUNPO WDEK. —SUPERFINE Sporting and all ether kinds of Eagle Gun powder. Gunpowder for blasting and shipping • also, Government Proot for ordnance and military service; Cannon, Musset and Rifle Powder, fo sale by WILLIAM & GRANT, 318 South Dels wart avenue. r^flmvfetonUF NUJJTB LANT) TR at#S^7,?^ RlNE ' FIKE ASB IS I rimr» T w^'.^ < s TATloN INSURANCE. E^f«TWM BttieU IJTOT 6treat >' Soatll Sl f ’ iP* Company:• aie’C well in f^ n 4f h 811 ava UaMefuncl for the amS»' J?oS y i4»Sic P e" B 011& Wko iea “ ;,ota P«- Vessels, Freight* INLAND TRANSPORTATION RT<si?q rn, j^^s^sssssssi^SS : Buildingsld City and County. '“rnitore and INOOEPOEATED IN 1791-CAPITAL <.*)» re* AND PALO IN AND in.’^ VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIE& " «,300,000.' PERPETUAL* ' CHARTER. . dxbbotoks. . . ..ArtlnrrGv Coffin,' James N. Dickens, Samnel W. Jones, ... S.Jdorris Wain,' John A.. Brown, . John Mason, Clrnles Taylor, r•, ;■• • George L. Harrison, V Francis-B-Cope, wS, ardl £:,^ 00d > ‘ Edward Hi-Trotter, William Welsh,. E. S. Clarke * William E. (Bowen, William Gumming*. «■■■ ■ T’ Ch-irleton Henry. ■• - - 6 Evident, ilitE INSURANCE COM INCORPORATED 1810. —CHARTER PER #^saesasKs^sgsss ■ffSJSffiaaaffwtss'Kßass ffiss ssgxjsnssH^ 2 * „ DISEOTOES. . ' rOomas R. Marla, ■ John T. Lewis. Jolm Welsh, . James R. Campbell SSHS d Morton, Edmund G-. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Foultney. Israel Morris. ■" ™°MAS E -MARIS, President : Albhrt O. L Cbawtobd. Secretary, my 22- insurance COM PANY—Office, Faranhar Building, No. ll 1 a ND INLANDIN ,L~*CBS. —Risks taken; on vessels,'"cargoes 811 parts 011118 world, and on goods om inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail. Doited smtes.Aer capyeyances ttionghont CkAIG~s President. D. B. VUX "'DZBEGTO&B. * Craig Henry C.. Pallet, Peter Collen, William T. Lowlier JohnDallett, J. Johnson Brot^’ WOllam H. Merrick, Samnel A. Rnlon, Gillies DaUett, Mason Hatching Benjamin W. RlchardV'Henry L Elder? Pearson SerrOl, . Charles Conrad, Wnilam M. Baird. V FIRE: INSURANCE COMPANY— Branch office 409 WALNUT street. Cash uapital and .. Refer Ha^Conn? I*’ 1 *’ Presldent Elm City Bank, JAMES ll._ BEEBE & CQ.-,'.Boston; Mass. 3jI^ I!,IANTIG CPNEN COMPANY, New orkClty. . fpoo i v J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co.. Philadelphia. 7 Fame insurance. noMPawf* NO. 406 CHESTNUT. STREET; PHILADELPHIA. FERE AND INLAND INSURANCE. _ , DXEBCTOEB. Francis N. Bnck, Juo.W.Everman," Charles Richardson, Robert B^PotterT Henry Lewis, Jno. Kessler, Jr., O. W. Davis, E. D. Woodruff, P. Justice, Ohas Stokes, Geo. A. West, Jos. D. Ellis. FRANCIS N- BUCK, President.. . CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W, l.Blamchaed, Secretary. LIFE INSURANCE. . IFEINbURANOE ANDTBUSTOOMPANT Ij-THEGIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTBUST COMPANY, of PWladSptu. OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Oepital, $3OO, OOO—pal_d in anil invested la ffomle and Mortgages, Continue to make Insurance on Uves, grant an. nnlties and Endowments and make contracts cede, rally, which depend on the contingencies ofllfe. They act as Execntois, Administrators, a Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians & Mtaora and Trnstees generally, whether committed to their Charge by Individuals, Courts of Jnstioe or corporate bodies. ■They give a participation of Profits to the In sored forlife. XAHASSSS. Join A. Brown, Robert Pearsall, John e. Eattmer. Jolrn R. Slack, John O. Mitchel, SsfJ l 2??--o Jamc *’ Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, OeorgeTaben, Stacy B. Bareroft. Henry G. Freeman, TVb. P. Jenks, Mbdioai ExAimnsnB.-Geo. Emerson, HLD. and Samuel Ckamberlalne, M.D., attend at «*« Office daily at 12 o’clock noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and exnla. natron of terms of application, and further lnfor x&attan can be bad at me office. T „„__ THOMAS RIDG'WAY, President. joh> F. Jambs, Actuary, > • • NEW PUBLICATIONS. CHEW. ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. JUST PUBLISHED.' Lectures on Medical Education,or on the proner ° f , studying Medicine, by SAMUEL CHEW, M. D., Professor of the Practice and Principles of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine in the University of Maryland. In One volume. 12mo. This little -work by the late Professor Chew, comprises five lectures on the subject of Medical Education. A Tipe judgment, and a rich store of learning, were brought into use in the preparation of these lectures; and the stj le, which is clear, lucid, and eminently coirect, is worthy of the subject matter. We can cordially recommend the work not on ly to students of Mtdicine, but to stu dents of all professions, and to all lovers or learn ing. No person of intelligence can read it without deriving both pleasure andprofltfrom the perusal, — Mirror. LINDSAY & BLAEJSTON, Publishers. 25 South Sixth st; above Chestnut. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! DALETH; or, the Homestead of the Nat tions. Egypt Illustrated. By Edward L. Clark. 1 vol., Bvo, tinted paper. Illustrated. SORDELLO STRAFFORD; Christmas Eve Easter By Robert Browning, lflmo. REVELATIONS OF MOTHER JULIANA. -„. ehorite of Norwich, who livea in the days of Edward the Third, with preface.’ By X T, Hecker. IGmo. ■ ■■;■ MARJORIE’- FLEMING. (“Pet. Marjorie l ’)* A Sketch by Rev. John Brotvn, M; D., Author ol Rab and his Friends.: Paper. THE FRIENDS OF CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! 12mo. By Rev. Dr. Adams. CHRIST, A FRIEND. By Rev. Dr. Adams! IBmo. THE COMMUNION SABBATH. By Rev. Dr. Adams. 12mo. For sale by WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, fe29-tf . . . * GOG Ohestnut street. ALLEN’S LIFE OF PHILIDOE THE LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and Chess Player, by George Allen, Greek Professor In ths University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple mentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heldebrand und dsr Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia,. at the Court Saxe-Welmar. l voL, octavo, vellum, t top. Price 8125. - Lately published by E. H. BUTLER A CO., nos 137 South Fourth street. Theological books, pamphlets and NEWSPAPERS bought and sold at JAS. BARR’S, 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. fei WILH. VON HUMBOLDT’S LETTERS TO •A LADY. With an introduction, by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, Ivol. IGmo. Tinted paper. Cloth price, $155-- r-‘.‘ The pur pose of this correspondence, is obvious through out,—to console, guide, and enliven, by advice and reflections at snce elevating and serious. The reader will be struck, with the origlnal views and forcible remarks that abound in it.’’—London 4lhenwum. Just 'ready. For sale by all' booksellers. Sent postage free oh receipt of price, by * F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, No. 1323 Chestnnt street, Philadelphia. DENTISTS*. JUrerpool, New York^*'S'£ wll Steameia o* tm ®&*6F J . BATES OF PASSAGE: ; ob its BqtrrfAZ.iirr .ao to. St6OISCS 1 #on aa Ist Cabin toXondon. 85 .: Do. E to Dondon , 34 oo Ist Cabin to Paris.... 85 Do. to Paifa “-4Z oo Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do’, to Hamburg 37 oo passengers, also forwarded to Havre, Breman; Aatwen), &e., at equally low rates. Livkepooz. OB QbbEUBTOWH .**2* ?3 h k 675 ' -865. 8105. ' Steeragetomid"; r . :SW*sasas&sasa®Bs .|s,ssf 's^simg&ir a..- - - ■■ ’•■ m •Walnut street, PbiladelpUa. \4£BS%- AMi) p H H^min.pnfi> Saturday, March 5, 1804 > S whari; Boston, on • The steamship &AXONVCaptain Matthews -w«i •sU.ftonr pWiadelphia for- &stcn 0 Marchsth, at 10 o’clock. A. M -.'Hurt; sSmiJlikTi adsVnht 4l *’ c &ptaln • liaEer ! f roin Boston for Phll adelphia on Saturday, March sth, at 4 p- tvt ,?“* 811,1 stthatantlni Steamships form a Stormy? 6 ’ * aUln * & om each port punctually on “ ona - llaIf ; tin* premium charjed hy Freight taken at fair rates. - . ■ '•/ , bf‘K^K^r dillp m ao^^pfrto 01 p^r^&Tc?rd^ ~- 332Sqntfa Delaware & yciiti*. ALEXANDRIA, . OEOBGE 2HH3&TOWN ana WASHINaTON-tßaifa’s 01 P a nal—Every Wednesday at u BL, and every Saturday at 8 A.II. 3 u Steamer Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEVXNNY, Captain Bristow. Steamer S. SEYMOUR. Captain Boom. CTAMBEKIJI<, Captain Stewart, ™ et l form a semi-weekly line between Philadelphia and the above ports, sadUhgregnlarlT as advertised, and carrying freight lower tkan by “? “V* 01 J 0 Freights -received every day tO T fe l dggagfi. ?OB_NEW YOBK—DESPATCH M«B&andSWIFT-STJBE LINES—Via Dela i™ 11 , Raritan Canal.—The Steamer J-of these a* 12 o'dcckAknrahds TOR NEW YOBK-New PallvTdns 3S|«a»— Via Delaware and Baritan: <&££— o.^^K e^^a, --^ New York Express Steamboat Uompany wIU receive freight and leavedaily at 9 w2sasa^” C : t^ ,r Cal *° 6 ‘ hi New York tn« Freight taken at reasonable rates. • r WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent y Sobih^Wharves, Fhllada. ■ ■ -- JAMES HAND, Agent - - Piers 14 and is East Elver, K. Y. The A 1 Extreme Clipper ShiD WIZARD KINO . V S nol £.3? pl ,? ly at pier 11, East River: This beautiful dipper comes, to her berth HSswlth a large portion of her cargo on board, ana haring large engagements -will fill ranidlr We commend the WIZARD KING to all shin* pers to San Fran cisco as the most desirable vessel 11 nw loading, and invite inspection. -Shippers will confer a taror by sending their freight immediately alongside:"' ■ - “ ■ BISHOP, SON t CO., 105 Arch street, above Front. MARTINIQUE—Fasssge Only— AI coppered brig ALBERT AH AMS, UummJne, master, will rail soon. For passage. apply to J. E. BAZX.EY A CO., 123 S. Wharves! OR BARBADOS—-The Bridsbßduwuer OOFF JLN , Qouzens, nastcaarljl commence loading op Monday next, the22d inst.. s E e ?L' yn 2f <lW* dispatch. GEORGE 4EKXNS & CO., Nos. 10 and 12 South Delaware avenue. lel7 irifeft,*?E~g.OßLEANS, La WithQnlck aagSOispatch—The first class packet ship ST JrEXER, Spragoe, master, having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will sail soon. For freight or pas- Wainnt*street? fOB KEW ORLEANS, La.-Fust .Yesl I *^^ 6 fast mailing favorite packet COMET, Morrison; master, is now rapid] v flmsMng her loading at second-wharf aboveßace e o t^“ d ., c f Jl take soiue freight on iJ®- t ? I 7 nß ’ & applied for ar once. For balance of S apply to WOEKSIAM 4 00., FOR BOSTON—Express Line The an* Sggpacket schr. JAMES H. MOORE, Oaptai" gQOPEBffa North appl y to **VID dftt „ FOR NEW YORK—Express Line—The packet schooner SAMUEL COLT Captain Hilliard, is now receiving freight at the test wharf below Arch street, and willsail for the aboveport with prompt dispatch; Fortreicht. applyto DAVID o(lop£r.l6 North for SALE OR CHARTER—Tho new slffr C< T.£ e ?' as * en '? . baric DRESDEN, Reed, master, 497 tons register, rates At; sails fast and * s l &j>erfect order. - For terms, annlv to E' a SOT'DER 4 CO.; Dock street whkrf. fe26tf ' JOHN SHIN DEER fe SONS. W^VES,below All work done in the best manner add on 'tbs lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted perfect satisfaction. . mklS-tX Particular attention given £o repairing. STEAMSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.- Consignee of merchandise per above vessel wl 1 pieise send for th*ir goofs, now landed on wharf feNRT WONSOR & CO., 303 fconti) wharves. . . mh4-2t XTOTIUE. —All .persons are hereby cautioned ■y a^ n . 8t wg or harboring any of the'crew of the British, brig. DAUBA ,J en kins, master, iroxn Jamaica, as no debts of' their contracting paid by captain or consignees. WOBK MAN &C 0 ..123 W alnntatreet. NOTICE— All percons are hereby cautioned againstharboring or trusting any of the crew of the British l bark bHER WOOD. Bailey, master, from Sombrero, 1., cs no debts of their contracting will be_paid by captain or consignees; -T f ~R. BAZTEy <fr no., 122 South Wharves. mhj-iot "VTOTIuE—AII persons are cautioned against y t rQS ,V* £ harborlDg.any of the crew of the Br. brig CYGNET, Croscup, master, ftom Car denas,- as no debts oi their contracting will be paid by the captain or consignees. 'J. E. BAZDIuY & CO., 122 South'Wharves. feS9-lot 3pHE UNDERSIGNED having rente! their L Ship Yard, located between Queen and hristian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional Dry Dock, to A. S. SIMPSON & BBO.« take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to their friends and patrons for their long and con tinned kindness. . A. S. SIMPSON & BRO. being practical Ship wrights and Caulkers, we recommend them to our late, customers and those that have vessels to re § air, and are confident whatever is entrusted to tem will be carefully attended to*’ . • . ja3o-im* - J; SIMPSQN A NEHJC* , Philadelphia, Feb. 1,1864. « MARSHAL'S H A I. leg § ALE -—By Virtuaof a writ of sale by the Hon. JOHN OADWAIiADER, Jndgeofthe district Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Admiralty, to me directed/ will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MIORENER’S State, No. 142 North - FRONT Street, on MONDAY. March 14, 1861, at 12 o'clock M., the cargo - of the sloop ANNIE THOMPSON, consisting of 33 bales and 19 bags of cotton, 42 boxes of tobacco, and 20 barrels of spirits ‘of turpentine WILLIAM MILLWa3RD, U. S. Marshal E.D. of Penna. PHiXADXLpniA, Feb. 26, 1864. . . i fe27-6t Judge of the District Court of the United Statesin and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty,'to me dl»et<M;::.'wlU-be sold frt-Pttblio mcHENER> B s e staS, a W st f °r cash; at MICHENERB Store,. No. 142 North. FRONT MONDAY, March 14th,, 1864, at 12 Mr** 16 r^s,dlle of the cargo of the steamer CHATHAM, consisting of 00 hales of Cotton,' 12 ■boxes ofTohacco, and lObarrels of Kosin. 1 V WILLIAM MILI/WARD, ’’ ' U.-S. Marshal E.D. of Pennsylvania. lBCi. &27-6 t ftpUTABYAN lD NAVAL CLAIM AOENTB PENSIONS, i v Promptly colleetea and backpay’ IraELOW, WYNKOOP * , NO. 115 S. Seventh street, CLAIMS. Below Chestnut street, I [ASSPORT& " Ue9-3m5 Phliadeiphia.B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers