[Original for the Phila. Evening Bulletin. ] CHBXSI’SFIBSrjKIB AOLE. jBY BIOHABO OOH. Kot a greater miracle ' "’Wronght the Bon of Qod divine, At Cana’s feast, of Galilee— Turning water into- ■ ' Than is annually performed r In that garden-plot of thine. See the dry, unsightly vine. Spring,.lhe handmaicLof the liord, •'Brieathes Uponit tdhderly: * > At the bidding of His word, Sun and rain and dew descend, i , ’Each wiihtblessing richly stored. .Summer, with her warm embrace, Throtrs-a Mush upon: the fruit; Teemiiig -wltli the promised wine Is each tender stalfc A^4. slloot: At to great a mystery Let the tongue of man bp m^ite. Autumn, •TrtUt'fiaf' cfiilliiri breath, purples all the clusters o’er:,, Skeptic! hold yourgbblet high, . 5 Here of wine is ample store : This be nature’s miracle,,: : . r , • Shall' notnaiuro' sGod domore I 1 x *The above lines -were suggested by hearing a discourse on this miracle, ..delivered by Re/. J, Hyatt tmith, on Sabbath evening last. CITY COUNCILS. A stated meeting was held yesterday. i ' r;'," JShLtOT : BRAKOH>:,; ;■ - An? ordinance ’cnakias an appropriation to tu.6 Clerks of Councils, tppay certain claims of ISO), was adopted. . T - . i The Committee to verity the-casli account of tae City Treasurer* reported the condition of the book; up to %he Ist inst—Cash. account, OB5 Tiusfcacccmht, $43,637 48; •;» - - -1^ Mr. ; Miller introduced a bill' “to promote public cleanlipess and health. ’*. It regulates the counec tions with sewers, and abolishes sewer rents,'Ac. Referred and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis offered a resolotioa requesting the Superindendent of-Trusts to give.the Chamber a detailed statement of the condition of the funds in vested under the will of Benjamin Franklin. Adopted.' » The resolution from Common Council relative to Philadelphia’s quota, was token up. Mr. V*\ thtril said he did net know if the figures were conect, baton, one. thing there seecned_ lo oe no doubt, .teat. New Toik; notwithstanding the riot, has received more consideration t baa Phila delphia, , If the* figtfres aretrae,-it is time that -the. rights of Philadelphia are main- tained. ‘ -• *'>-• * Mr. Brightly said he believed that nine-tenths of the .people of .Philadelphia were in favor 0: putting down the rebell it n, and- to that extent have burnished men and moneys without stint. Onr loyalty has not stopped short al any sacrifice: hut the Administration at-Washington has alio wed itself to be bullied bvlNew York, where the drat: has beemxesistedi iand the burden removed from New YoTk by order of the -Administration, would, appear to be placed upon Philadelphit. This was unjust, and a strenuous exertion should' be made to see the cUyJiaye the.proper credits." *" ' > • • * - “ 'Mr..Miller confessed himself unable to throw any light upon the subject. Nobody can tell how far we have received credit; even the Provost Marshals r appear .to be. in* the -dark. It scum* impossible to ascertain how onr quota is arri red at; how the numbey.is fixed at 19,0uu Every one who could’berthonght to have, information has' been approached'without success, and wo know no more to-day-than at the bagiuoing. He.was ibereloi* glad- to .feea resolution introduced which would bnng out the facts. Mr. Wutherill thought the remarks of Mr. Hiller showed the necessity lor this resolution. "We do n^- knpw whether, alter spending three millions of dollars, we shall avoid the draft. Mr. Miller referred to the fact that many or the re-eniis'edmeu are credited to Philadelphia, but not to any particular ward. The resolution was concurred in. - ■ Mr. Miller, offered an ordinance pledging the faith of the. city to pay all re-eulisted man. who have been, credited to, the city at large, bat for. whomjnb paiticnlar'ward can receive credit. The amount ot said bounty to be equal - to that \ykich ‘ others will receive by reason of the ward bounties Agreed to. . The ordinancefrom Common Council directing the opeiiirg and grading -of FifU street, i from- Fisher’s , tone .to Nicetowh lane,-gave' rise long debate, and numerous were pro posedvjwith> view.to have the work done by Jeon-- tract, and to have the Chief Engineer and Mavor act with the Committ«e of Highways:.' The ordi nance, as it was finally amended, requires the bids to be opened in the presence of tne Chief Commissioner of Highways, the Chief Engineer, and the Commute of Highways. It was then postponed. 1 Adjourned; - 7 . V . COMMON BRANCH A communication was received from the Trustee* .wS Gas'Works, calling attention of 51,'••21 77 in the appropriation lor hgjitmgjthe city during Alsd fc > communication from the Chief Engineer and burvevor, informing Councils that, owing to ir^,£ dva, ? te in the schedule of the contract for: building the Chestnut 'stieet bridge, the loans wii.' be insufficient for the completion of the work. Resolution xequo.-ting the Uhief Engineer of the vyater Departmeiit to inquire into the coadiiionof the Kensington Water Works, and to report whnt measures are nece<saiy to purifv the wa>r, was offered, and referred to the Committee on Wator. A petition from the South Penn Hose Company, asking to be located as a. steam-f rcing hose-com pany, was presented. . , A petition from the Second Ward Bounty Com mittce, j.sking such legislation as will prevent a draft, was presented. The Committee on Highways renorted an ordi nance appropriating 518.5D0 to grade Fifth street, 10m Nicetown lane to Fisher'siaue Adopted Mr. Eoughlin offered the following, which was unanimously adopted: Whereat, The act entitled “An act to provide for enrolling the National forces, ” approved March 3, 1863, makes it the duty of the President of the United States to direct that each Congressional district and sub-district shall furnish its.proper quota; of, volunteer?, required under any call issued in pursuance or s id tow; ani toierear/the citizens of Philadelphia have al ways been and still are mill oe to f urnish their full quota ol volunteers to aidinenforciugthelaws; ay.dwk reas, we believe our city - has-furnished more volnuteers than any J ULion » and that it is entitled to justice at the hands ot the Administration, and IheiNitore, u nd ul ’ Jn what principle of cai- Philadelphia, containing a population of 600,t00 innabitants-, should be required und a r the lafl -. 1 “ 500.0U0 men to’fSS* . v R |lfl fee city of New York, containing a population ol !Ko,(.Di) persons, famish only 13,973 volunteers, as it now aimtt-ed to ba tire proper 2^°{£- e i W 2 ork .- T t,s Plainly shotrsa wrongis I 1 Philadelphia in malting her quota. IVeiiavn vored on prerions oc.tasions to obtain infor- Sp/ens in“nfhi; f nbj r> N * i!h °" t success, while P;,,A ens - Jn oUler localities have been heard We owsfion“ n'n b^. ea K d ln P , ‘ r ' on on this Important her promrhlri^ o has furnished more men than ner proportion—this can be shown bv a nronw •saT.'“; i .T!. ,>elieve ' 0,,r S* *l°** to ”'™" and ’Mm.' U,C °® mutation paid., 3 500 • ■ New ,recruits and re-eniuted min, to Whom city bounty ha 3 been paid... 10,003—14; 168 Excess over proper quota. .... '2.16U - .W' 1 ™ “ a ? establish these facts' beyond all doubt; therefore, be it J Htsoljmti That tbeMflyor and chairman of the Befeace be requested The SpeciAl ComtUiUee-nnr»r>r U siwVwp”; pl|yes°S i Si l a“De“Mtmenf of’city °.F l Ua em ' ? called up and was passed y Property:- was A resolution directing tie ways to report if there are ant „ oa Htgh city for the year 1803, was adooteri m Kliost tbe Mr. Gray submitted a.resoliuins Committee on Port Wardens £o a in d il e f. tlns ’ : the whose authority the late Commis 10 ne? oV jvr ,t ® by gave out a contract for repairing 15313 •wharf, Delaware, wheu the - Committee™ ~ Btr / ut Adopted! Po6 c P ° mng the " nbject **. otm Week 1 Au ordinance - authorizing, the Twelfth st. . Market?<3ompany to erect a shed ov« the •ways, was postponed for one week ■ ® toou A resolution changing the place of voting in the propeijsuryey, was called ble discussion was indefinitely iiostnone? -" A reeo’ntion instructing th 9 P n„^v lil , Highways .to inquire pf the PhUadekmm 00 wS‘ mington and, Baltimore Railroad • -L 1 ' reason wbyTlie rep sirs to theory’s Kir 3 have not been commenced was passed. T ! The bill from Select Council appropriatin' ■fm to purcMSeaTipr of surgical instruments for ei Police 'Station,; and; also a stretcher and aa - n tulancedjed, was ‘discurs-d at -soma hum, :•“;. llnallyTasspd- .: • Anordinaaebapp™pf* a ' fn ?. for the evn . pletion ofthenewschopl house ou'Ontario stio.'-’ TwentigtgJWariffi "ayastadopted, _ . ~ The resdlutionfrom Select,Council relative tci tits sale of the iPenHsylvania Railroad stark by the C ommisgioner.of the Sinking Funi was canctirrei is. Adjwtnejt. r-r'.'^y SPECIAL ,l 1 unionfi.;—Ttth DELAWARE?-AND ['S RARITAN CANAL will be. opened dor Engineer and Superintendent. Tbekton, Moreh 1, ISB4 - mh3-8t (18 or CoMPTROiABh or the Ourbekcy, Wa6HV'G to> ', F e b- 20th, 1804. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to tbei haß7.heeh Yhdde to Appear that the Fourth National Bank of'Fhflad'eiphia; in the bounty of Philadelphia, and §tate of Penusviva nia, has been duly organized mnder and according to.the requirements of tho act of Congress, entitled ‘an actTO.provide a national 'currency, secured* by; a pledge:bf United States stocks, an dTo. pro vide Torthe circulation and redemption thereof,* r ap proved February 25th, ISC3, and has complied with all the provisionk of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, - Ifow, therefore, I,.Hugh McCulloch. Comptrol ler) of -.the Currency,- do- herebv eertify that tho FOURTH NATIONAI. BANKbF PHILABEL .JPHIA, coumy of Philadelphia,, and State ofPenn- is authorized to coihmenco the business of Ranking, under the act aforesaid. In teeumonywhereof, witness my ban dan d seal of offlce-’tfiito twenty-sixth 4 day of .February, toGl. HUGH MoOUIitiOUH, 7 * mh2-2m§ Comptroller of the Currency. f PHIIj AUEIi PHI A; FEB 26, 1861: The \iS first meeting of the.CHEROKEE MINING COMPAN Y, of Michigan, under its Articles ot Associatiqn r will be beldat 3ftO-WAIiNUT street Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the fifteenth day of V , .. •..? fe26,tmhls6 ISRAEU MORRIS, - ; W. P. JENKS, : Two of the -Assooiates of said Corporation. PHILADELPHIA* .-I FEB. 2S;- riSBLO jJ*. The. First Meeting of the OSAGE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, under its Articles of Association, Will be held at 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 15th dayofHarch, 1864, at5P. M. r \ CHAS. W. TROTTER," CV: i ; GEORGE R. OAT* • feQOtmhjaS of saULCorporation. .-PHILADELPHIA AND READING iLs pdilroad. Company, Office 227 South Fourth Street.'- ' PhTlauklphia, Septembers, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common 3tock of this - .The residence of several of them is unknown, and it is therefore necessary chat the Certificates of Stock should be presented m calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. BTCGKHOLDBBB* KA3CBB. • Timothy C- -Boyle,. Henry 8.-Sherer, Lancaster, «. yt* Andrew Turner, : John Mclntyre; . Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich- * Benjamin F. Newrort. Te26-tf§ PENNSYLVANIAMININGCOMPANY OF.. is hereby given,. that all Stock in this Company, on .which tup In stallment of TWO DOLLARS per Share* called December 7th; JS63, and due December 19th, ISG3, to npt.paidj isforfeited for said default; and that*, the Charter and of the Com* it will be sold at Public Auction, ott MON DAY, MaTch2l6t,Ai?G4, at 12 3L. at the Office of the Secretary of the Company, No. 3*26 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or before that day; By order of the Board of Directors. ‘ fel9*2tif,m, wtma2ly] S.. M. DAY, Sec’y. Dated Philadelphia. Feb.' 19,-T661. • OFFICE OF THE UNION:: MUTUAL IL2 INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHII.A UELPHIA, Philadelphia, Jan nary H, iesi. Notice is herebr'Kt ten to tlie holders of tlm ont standing Scrip ot 1 -,the Union Mtrtnallnsdranae. Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meeting held this date, re solved to extend to the holders of the outstanding Scrip the privilege ol converting said. Scrip "into the Capital Stock of the Comnany, according to section 6th of tho amendment'to the Charter; on the same terme as previously -done; payment of instalment to be made February 1, 1601. Other, tvise, interest lo be charged on payments made after that date,-and the privilege of conversion to cease after Jnne 30, 1664. jai3--w,f,th2mfr JOHN MOSS, Secretary. ,ys=- OfEICE CITYIiOUNTYPUNI) COM MIISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, De cembers,, 1663. War rants _for theCiiyßounty ftyro hundred and fifty dollars} wilt he issued to all new recruits for old regiments.- credited to the quota of Phiiadel. phia on the coming drift. Sinster rolls, certified by proper mustering, offl tcers, must be sent to the office of the Commission one day previoae tb the issumg of the warrants. • ' Officers.mast accompany and vouch for their men when the -warrants are delivered; ■ ■ > . Philadelphia soldiers xe-enllsUngiu the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the rnu*ter-in-rolls are furnished to the Corsmis sion.by the Adjntant-General of the State. Men enlisted in Col. McLean’s Regiment (183 d Pennsylvania Yolnhteere), will receive the bonuty •in companies when duly mastered into the U. S. service, and credited to the qnota of the city. The Commissibn sits daily from 3 U>5P. M., during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed bn presentation at the Ufflce of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. jal-tf; SAMUEL C- XIAWSON, Sec’y. .»!==• OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COH LL3 MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delnhia, December 19, !£63. The Commission for the p ayment of the Citv Bonuty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid to those onlv whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by ihe Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. . Claimants for ..the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office la sqnads for the -purpose. In a few days notice wiH be given when and how recruits iii new organizations and veterans ’ e-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. By older ol the Commission. ja4-tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON. Secretary nrt£=»' OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- Ujj ROAD COMPANY, PHtfiAUßfipniA, Feb ruary 15, J€«i.— ' ■ ■ NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The AnhnaLElection for Directors will he held on MONDAY, the Seventh day of March, ISM, at the Office of the Company, .N0,23S South THIRD Street. The polls will be open from ten o’clock A. M., until six o’clock P,M. No share or shares transferred within Sixty davs preceding the election will' entitle ihe .holder cr holders thereof to vote. ' , i * EDMUND SMITH, fel7-tiul"7 Secretary. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND 03 CHICAGO RAILWAY OOMPANY. Office of ihe Secretary, Pittsburgh, Pa., February 12tb, 1864. . •‘ j ; , . Ihe annual meeting of the Stock and Bondhold ers of this Company, for the Election of Directors, and gucb other business as may come before it, wii; be held at the Office ot eaid Company, in the citv of PITTSBUHGH;on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of MARCH, A.'D.-iSCyAtHI A. H. .' '• The. Stock and Transforßooks of the Company,.' at their Office in the citvofPittshurgh, and at their Transfer Agency in the city of New York, will be on the ißt day of March, at3b’ clock, P.M . and remain closed until the 17th dav of March thereafter. W. H. BARNES, felstmal7 . . Secretary. WINONA- MINING COMPANY OF UsS , MICHIGAN Ttm first meeting of theCor porators ottlie Winona Mining. Company of Michi gan, {will be held on the Sth day of MARCH, ISC4, VrtTTWTW A-¥ ; ’5 l lhe No. JOTSonth rUUKTH Street, la the city of Philadelphia, pa JAY A.-HUBBELL, JOS. T. VO HD, ' SAMUEL ALLEN, Three of the Associates of said Corporation.’ PuiLADKLPHIA, Feb. 19, IPBi. (V^KILTOPTS DEMENT.- The insoluble 115 I Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer. talnly the best article of the kind ever: invented ItshonM he kept m every manufactory, workshop ■and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars ean be saved in the inn of a year. This Ceraeu; cannot decompose or become corrupt as it* combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no oil. cum stances or change of.temperature will it emit, any offensive smell. The various uses to which it a TPlied Tenders it invaluable' to ail classes For particulars see advertisement TOBACCO AND SEGAM H CIGARS.— - ~ Bond st Mic a 1 sol l ment conata ntly in Store and ’ coaa—atlowf-sf rate? f«r ca«h. . JHaaf^e^tSarck' I - .,- £ OT ;- 'Si* *>y boldin a - • —dtabli No. lOaNorta Water street. , falS „ ' fC tuckv-Trtis,,3, <^BA ' J< - !(^ —-Dark heavy • Ken and < bv 0 r' o i.rS t 5 We for "kipping, in store SEED LEAF' TOBACCO". £ejuu®lvania Seed Leaf Tobacco, and Old Cavendish for sale. ®P®®E-ALK.IN’B, 10 aud it! South beta ware Avenne,. i.. , . ’ ■ . .. ... ,■ yxta . manufactured; tobacco- , ol, r fffE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR ‘ tJS. r B ,OTJT.~IS hoses superior sweet tump*. •H” received from Norfolk, now.' lauding; from tones.ner Florence, and fox.sala by . . THOMAS WEBSTER, Jn., general Agent Cnlon steamshiji-Company. ' , - y U North Delaware aTenn,. i THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PfllLAPEhPfilA,, FRIDAY MARCH 4. 1864 -for salts:and to let. - OKKiVI A iNTO \V N. —Eel disAL hi —A tirnd-- - some pointed, stone Mansion, with .pointed gtui and..carriage house, and large lot of ground, bi autiiuliy in.proved. ln oae of tha most desirable locations in Germantown, ten minutes* wallc' rronv th'e ‘Railroad T*ep6t; has every city convenieiice, and ism perlect order. J. M. GUM 31EY & SONS; 508 Walnut street.. mlvl a POR SALE—An elegant modern bnokße sider.ee, 28 feet' ti inches iront, with double ■ builoinge, .handsome Stable and Oarriage e, ai d.lot of ground 132 feet deep to a. street; situate on the east side of Fourth street, between -Rulnnt and.Spruce.streets. Has every conve nience s-td improvement; is finished throughout in the beststyle, -and expressly for tho comfort of. the;presentowner, and is in perfect order, .T. M. GUMMEy de SONS, 5iS Walnut street. mh2. . FOR SALE—THE HANDSOME FOUR HI STORY BRICK 'RESIDENCE, 22 'feet lronr, with threerstory double back bmldings, builtlaiid finished throughout in the best manner, imyiishe'd with evert- convenience and in complete' order, Nb 1811 PINE street. Lot IUS feet deeD to a street. . J. 31. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut stre«*. ®WEST PHJLADELPHIA—FOR SfIT.W _ A,'modern sione RESIDENCE, bnilt and finished throughout in the must substantial man ner, and inn.islitd with every convenience, situate on ihe northwest corner .of Locust and Thirty, ninth £t- fete. -Lot 5Sj unit front uy 155 fe;t deep to aback street',.. J; M. GUMMEY A SONS, 508 walnut street. mhab: VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY FOE IH-S.'iLE— Five stories- high, with handsome iron front extending il6 feet to a back street, situ ate on the west hide of Third street, above Arch street. Moderh-style and-construction. J. 3T. GUMMEY-& .‘-Ol'ii-, 51-8 Waluilt street. mFOK SALE—Oue-or-the most desirable Properties in West Philadelphia, situated on Uhestnutstreet, between Thirty-ninth and Forueth streets. Rot 100 by 214, House 40 by 33; with brick stable, hot-bouse; Ac., residence of the late J. M Limard- Inquire of C. B. PENROSE, No- 452 South Fourth street, or, J. T. LINNARD, 1207 Market street. feSO-Gt* fcl ‘FOR- SALE UR TO LET.—A large three - Bg store HOUSE,with two-story back buildings, situate on GERMANTOWN. Avenue, below 3li|l Street, Twenty-second Ward, Philadelphia, lately occupied Try Charles P. Reef. The above prem ises will be rented either,lor adwellineor store; and is ’n me of the best localities for business pur poses in Germantown. Apply to “ JOS. KING, Conveyancer, : teSfl-Ct* Matrt street, Germantown-. mTO RENT.— A.beauUlully situated COUN TRY RESIDENCE, with coach house, sta ble and garden, within three minutes walk, of Wissiroming fetation, on the Trenton Railroad; leveti mi et lrom the city. Apply at‘7l7 Walnut street. \ fe27-6t* ism .walnut street-for sale.-a BRICK DWELLING, on At esi Walnut street, modern conveniences. Ap ■ply to-LH. CURTIS A SON, Real Estate Bro kers, 433 Walnut street. fe27 FOR SALE.—The Property on .Srhool Bs-t House Lane, fronting eight hundred, and '• ight (SSO) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one-'bird of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that stream,.. Containing thirty (3u) acres, wiffi numerous desirable'sites for Country Seats, five minntes wa!kfromtheßailrotd I>epot, and twenty minutes walk from tbs city. Apply to CHARLES H. MUIRHEID.No. 205 South SIXTH st f2B 60 FOR SALE.-The FARM known as Ka. “LINDEN,” containing abont3l acres, in CueHenham Township,Montgomery County, west side of Old York Turnpike, at the eight mile stone, .within en minntes walk of either “Ch lten Ktlls”-or‘-York Boad” stations, on the Nonb Pennsylvania Railroad. The improvements consist of a large Stone Dwelling House (newly roofed), containing 14 ; rcoms; )iinaza front, excellent;, waley, large Ice i oute ruled,, large stone barn, modern style, with stabling for S horses hnd 6 cows; stone carriage home, corn cribs and granary over, Ac, Ttelamt ts nr.-irly all liliable and In an excellent state'of cnltlvation. The deilghtfnl sitnatlon of ibis place, its proximity to the e»y t and many of the mostbeatotUnl country seat*- in the neighbor hood of Philade phia, render-it Tfry at-ractive. Communication with the city is had almost hourly by the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to ■ CHAS. H. MUIRHEIrt, fe26.30t No. 2U5 South SIXTH street £ja Ft>K SALE—GLU. at AN TOWN PRO *2: PERTY within fiveminatea walkof Duy’f Xmne Smticn. A well built Btoue Mansion with all the modem improvements, acres,qf ground. An abundance of •shade and fruit trees. Good stable, wells, Ac. Apply to JUSTICE A BATE MAN, 122SouthFRtiNi?street. - . tsl2-lm* FOR SALE, OK EXCHANGE Fcfn CITY fesj PROPERTY. A handsome Connt y S-at and well-tniproved Farm of 90 ecres. It is one of the most desirable pioperties ever offered for sal*. Will be told with or wiihout stock and furniture. Nomonty required. Immediatepotsessioh given.' For full particulate, apply to J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, st* WALNUT street. ; * feit tmt tffia COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR JBL SALE—Containing flfty-flvo - acres, -*Se handsomely sltnautd in Cheltenham townssip Moctgcmery. couaty, Pennsylvania, about olgh miles from tho city and cr.o and a-balf from Yor> Road Station, on ffie North Pennsylvania Rail road. - The buildings are nearly now, substantia end well calculated for a winter' or summer rest deuce. Apply to G. H. MUIRHEID, No. a South SISTH street, Philadelphia. • selS-ifj FOR SALEr-House on SPRUCE street, Kl nearThirtrenth street, with stable, Ac Also, one on SPRUCE street, near Twelfth street. JLp. ply to C. H. MUIRHEID, '■ fel2 5015 . 203 South SixttvstTeet,- MFOR SALE.—A UOUN TRY SEAT on the Rirmtncham road, abont three miles south ot Westchester, in Chester county. Pa., boailUfnUy located on Osbeorn’s Hill, near the Br-ndywine. The House is modern built in callage style, and of commodious sis*. Wat r introduced from ahy. draniic non. Ice House, Barn, Ac., attached. The tract contains 40 a ires of land, well supplied wiihfrni! and largeshsde trees The property is near (he summer residences of Isaac Korns, the late Henry Pepper, deceased, Wm Parker Foulke and Samuel J. Sharpless, Philatelphia. Apply to CHARLES RHOADS, Xe22-12t4 c —Nb. 36 S. Seventh street. Philv ♦A - PRIVATr; SALE.-—The snhscriber will 23C Ep H All or a part ot his, FARM, containing snout 80 acres of first-rate laud, in a high state of cultivation, eligibly and beamllnlly situa’ed, in Lower Merioti township, Montgomery connty. Pa., near the ninth mile sioue on the Philadelphia ana Laucaster turnpike road, opposite and near ‘•o the 'Whitehall station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad; also near the Rosemont station, abound* with fine building sites, and is well and fhvorablv kcowiias Arthur’s Boarding House. Apply to CHARLES .L ARTHIfR, . On the premises. Or J. G. HENDERSON, At West Haveiford Post office, fe27.i>t. Delaware coiintv. Pa FUR saht—A COUNTRY SEAT, with forty acres of Land, near Lin wood Station,oi> toe Baltimore Railroad, eighteen miles from Philadelphia. -The house commands an extensive view of the Delaware river; abont a mile distant Abont seven acres of the land axe admirably suited for a vineyard. Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, , dej South Sixth street, or to JONATHAN GUEST, on the premises. Inquire at Linwood Station Post Office, Delaware county, Penn’a., which is ten minutes walk from the place. _ fefl 30t$ M DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET, Us. th* neighborhood of -Tenth and Walnut streets. Three spile, with every convenience. Apply at No. 10 South Third street. " deil-tf M SUMMER RESIDENCE TO BE LEr.— A Farm of 40 acres, Mansion House of twelve rooms. Tenant House, Ac , accessible by two railroads. Apply to J. H.CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers -133 Walnut street ® FOR SALE.—HOUSE No. 1818 WALLACE street, with three-story double-back build ings, and all modern improvements. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises or to P. JANNEY, No. 10 N. Delaware Avenne. fe27-Gt# FOE SAEE—In No. 19 Woodlaj c plua, replete with eve ~y convenience. Apply to , • E. L. MOSS, Broker, ja2itfs . . aj9 Book street. M T;. LET—A largo three-story HOUSE, doa ble three-story back bnildines; all modern con veniences; side-yard. SEVENTH9treat,abovaGH rard avenue. Inquire at A. (J. STEIN’S Saw Mill. Broad and Wallace streets. mh-’.'jt* ELEGANT COUNT itY SEAT FOR HiSALE—On the BRISTOLTUENPIKEnear Holme-burg about eight mill's from Philadelphia, v> ry accessible :by stesmbcat and, railroad, coni ventent also to churches and sohools. .For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as snrroimding advantages, this property is unsur passed in the suburbs of Philadelphia.: .< ...Tbo MANSION; Of brown stone, commanding ■line Views of the Delaware Elver, built andfln istedi n the most thorough manner, is spacious ■and rople e with all the modern conveniences for both summer and,winter. The grounds comnrise about ea AOEES, beautifnily laid out and orna montod with a great variety of old and young atinndanco S ef fruit/orchard’dec.^ al with gas bouse and extensive stablin? lnali I fcHWWt). Ho.^O^^feth^t. Modern Dwelling, Honee. id Terrace, West Phlladel- fob. Hale .and to lwi' -fa- STORE AND liWUhLISIi TO BR LET - . EM 205 South NINTH street, neatly altered, end now being putln thorbngh repair. An excellent ' location fcr.an lce Cream saloon, Drv Goods store. ■ Ac; iApply.foA. IL CURTIS a SON, Eeal.Estate Brokers, 4311 WALNUT S'reet. . , mar • OLET—LaTge and smalt ROuffld, up stairs, f>l2 and 614 CHESTNUT street. . . . fe3.-tf. itliAi. ES’J’ATK aALKS. u Ifsi ORPHANS’- UUURI' PEREiIPTORY Eiii;l SALE.-—Estate late of HENRY QTJ G, de ceased. THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. Pursuant to,an Aliaa Order ol fee Orphans’. Ooart for tie City and Oeunty of Phmuielfihia, will be : sold at public;sale, without reserve, on TUES - DAY', March 15tb, 1861, at 12 ot clock. Noiro, at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE; the. follow ing described property, late of Henry. Quig, da-- ceased, viz.: " No. 1 BRICK AND FRAME DW ELLINGS No. 231 NORTH 111 H ST. All those two mes-: suages and lot of ground, situate on ;J th'e east side ofE eventh'slfeet, 68 feet-1;C inches south of Mor gan street, in the city-ot Philadelphia; containing L in front on Eleventh street* 17 feet, and in depth westward,Bs feet to a2O feet wide street.- , Being the came premises which George.W. Williatpaand. wife, by indenture dated 23d March; A. D.. 183/,; recorded in Deed Book A M. , No. 12, page'AH, granted and conveyed unto tha said Henry Q.nig, * in lee, subject .jo.a yearly ground reut of SIU, which was afterwards extinguished. .' . N.B—There is a tliree‘story brick dwelling on the front, and* a two', story frame dwelling on the rear end of the lot. . m- N0. ,2.. 2 BRICK.DWELLINGS,' KO. 229 North ELEVENTH Street. All those two .meesndges and-'lot ot 'ground, si'uate -on fee eastside of Eleventh street, 85 feet 4% .inches south of Morgan street; containing in- front on * Eleventh street |5 feet, and ih depth 85 feet to a 20 feet wide street; Being the same premises which George W. Williams and wife, by indenture dated 23d March, A. D. 1631,.reeorded in Deed Book: A M, Nb 12, page 121, granted and conveyed unto fee said Henry Gnig. m fee, under and subject to a yearly ground rent ol SIS,-which was after wards extinguished. N. B.—There is a three, story brick'd welling fronting on- Eleventh street, and a- two-story brick" dwelling: in the rear, dja No, 3. 5 BRICK DWELLINGS.' All Bra those messnages and lot of ground, situate as f Hows:—Beginning at a point on the north side of Quarry street, in the City-of Philadelphia, 129 feet 2 inches east or-Third street; 1- thence north parallel with Third street 79 feet 3 inches, thence •east by the middle' of a certain 9'inch brick wall'll leetsjf inches, thence north 4 inches, thence south east 7 leet 1C inches, thence south parallel wfe Third street 7a fret 9 inches to the north sda of said . Quarry street, thence by the same west 13 feet to . tie pipes of beginning. Being the same premises which Margaret Scolt, Administratrix ot Andrew Scott;: dec’d, by indenture dated life Octooer A D. 562 U, recorded iu Deed Book J W., No. 7,, page 697, Ac., granted and conveyed to tho said Henry Quig, In fee. N. B—-There are 5 three-story. brick dwellings jtn th*lot, one fronting on. Quarry street and'fee* other tour forming a coutt leading northward therefrom. The terms of sale to bo cash on delivery of. the deeds, the widow’s dower to remain secured on fee pren ises. SqO cash to tte paid on each at fee time of sale. ' ■ ' By the Courr, J W3I .C. STEVENSON,-Clerk O. O. i ELI K. PRICE, Trustee, i M. THOMAS A. SONS, Auctioneers,: feio,mh4.ls . i 39 and 141 Soafe Eonrfe stneefi * PUBLIC SALE -THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. VALUABLE COAL LANDS, HIST .MOUNTAIN,. Shamokm Valley, Northumberland County, Pa. Property of A. M. FA ST WTCK. On tUESD AY, March >2d, 1864, at 12 O’clock, Noon, will be sola at Public Sale; at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, All feat valuable tract of Coal Land, containing H 7 acres and >2O perches t sitdaie in Shamokia Valley, : Ncrthumbeland county, Peunsylvaiua, adjoining lards of fee Iktcust Gap Improvement Company on Locust'Mountain; fee Susquehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Company, and New 1 York and Middle' Coat Field Railroad aud Coal Company—adjacent to the Minehlil Railroad and Shamokln Vmler and PotUvllle Railroads, giving outlets to Pliiedrfplia, Boliimere, Aal-e S.-ic and. Western .Yfv Tcrl; and a railrdbd it now In pro gress (to he completed the present year) which wilt give commnmcaiion with the City of New York. Alarge number of Veins'ol coal (several of them ■nneed- ly thaftieg,') on the tract—particular* of which may be obtained at the Auction Rooms, or on appllcatiotrio H: VanGasken, Esq., townol Shamokln, who would sk* )he pn;>er!y anti jire ail pectfery ip/orsiericn to person* disposed to purchase. W" A Lithographic Map, giving the boundaries ai d conuectinus with ai joining tract*, may be had at the Auction Roams. W A rare opportunity IS offered for obtaining euvh an emount of Coal Vel*s on so few actes of land. M. THOM AS-A SONS, Auctioneers. 139-anil 141 South Fourlh ilrcet. tO- Three Lots, each a Square ot Grrund, on tbe Gray's Ferry Road. First Ward, will be sold at the game time, and a large amount of other property • fcll-mhl. 11,19 tittU'OKKi^e CVHOIOE SPANISH OLIVES—St to PER } Gallon. COUSTY’S, No. ll« South -Second mhl-ly} PRIME DUTCH ANCHOVIES. OUR AGO 1, ' Ac. Ju.-i received aud for sale at (JOUST Y'S. No. I IS Smith Second Street. mhl-lyj •PRIME MESS MACKEREL IN KITTS A - CO-USTT’S, No. 118 South Second Street. : mhi-iy} CINt.'IoNATI HtilS.—Samuel D.t*is'«,Gard ror. Phipp- A Co'.’*; and Thomas's extra fine Sugar Cured Hams, foi taieoy -IMON COLTON JtMIN, Broad and Walnut streets. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR—Family Flour, surpassing in fine .quality any flour ever be tore sold by the subscribers, SIMON COLTON A SON, Broad and Walnut. EXTRA WHITE FLOUR—The best Family Flour in America, just received aud for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON. BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. AEAFFINE OANDLES—Superior quality, in sut-iK-uuul boxes, for sale by fee case or siugle box. ''“THOMPSON. BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. MEXICAN BEANS—Black or Mexican Soup Bear.*. Redß*ans, Lentils, Split Be&ns, and shake* Sweet Corn, for sale by JAS R. WEBB, Waliiot anil Eighth streets. PARED PEACHES of unnsnaily 'fine quality, Dried Plums, Ac., lor sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth streets. ALMEK GRAPES.—ChoreeAlmeria Grapes iu large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPIIiI.IN, N- W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. COFFEE.— Prime o.d Government Java (Jotree; alco, La Guayra, Rio, Ac., for saie by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth sireets. . ■ MACCARONI AND VERMICELLI Italian idatcaroni and VenniceUi of superior quality just landed and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN. N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HEIDRIECK A CO’S CHAMPAGNE, very ehoioe Sherry Sr.(i Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, Younger’sScotch Ale and Guiness’s Brown Stem fbrsale by E.B. CLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R. R. depot, Germantown. RIDLEY’S. BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, .Germantown. . FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation: for sale by S. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. ■ • It EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL b grades manufactured at tho Southwafk Sugar Refinery and the Grocer** Sugar House, for sals' by E. C. KNIGHT A CO., Southeast corns! water and Ohentmit street*. FRESH OLIVE OIL in whole, halAand quarter bottles: for Sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German, town. ■ ■: ■ ' ■ "i ■ Fresh groceries for Christmas— New Raisins, - Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds.’: Just reeeivedfresh.for sals by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple's groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad'Depot, German town, - PIANOS, &0. A GRAND PATENT PIANO, by G. Vogt, cost s ' ,000, for sale at half price. To be seen at No. H3t Rage street. . - mh).l2t} A. ST AWKO WITCH,- PIANO B»§~jrg3lstTUN ER and REPAIRER, removed If ffl I I-to 93y RIDGE avenue, abovfe Vine, and is prepared to receive orders as usual. His inany customers bear testimosy to his skill an i ability as a correct and thoronga Tuner His Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker; has eight years’ city experience, with the best references which can bo given. Ail orders promptly attended to; and gnaran ees to give entire satislantion. Price for tuning si.. Orders, from, the country.accepted, and done very r-aeonabiy. , / mh3.~3nao -peew _ AN ASSORTMENT of tbe : best ffP”'... 1 NeW York and Philadelphia Mann -11 Q f 11 factoring, from >'l7s upwards;; Also, MELODEONS, Harmoninms: and Cabinet: Organs;. > No. 233 South FlFTHsireet, attheNew Store, a few doors below Walnut. P. SCHULER A CO. ••'■7l ; fel7-3m MEDICAL. ILECTRMJITY.— WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. . Messrs. GBiar and ALLEN, ! rnr4«»T.W ' . : : Medical Electricians,! aTgau^raa, gg^ggasßaaiMHS Z c Jk B * nroa * c i Pulmonary or Paralvtic. without tSSK and.Galvanism,. This treSl cas* ofTi^ E >S UII l rE ? 1 ? Ik:lbl y successful in all ?** ~e 2 SjSP firsthand Gtmer^.Debility., Di|ea^oftbelJTep<» dSSm! ■ ,; / . • A ® u *- Prolapsus Uteri (Fallini asttma. Prolapsus Wfor Piles) Dyspepsia. . . Nocturnal < Emissions. Rheumatism. Ac., Ac. Bronchitis. Deafness inflOensaand Catarrh. - No. charge for, consults I ft A. EL to 6 P. M. Testimhtilalß to oe see; Manhood . ahd raa , ■ VHJOB OP YOUTH BESTOSEB • I2I,FOTOi"W%KKS r BY^ : DR. BICOBD’S ESSENCE OP HEFEI Dr. Blcord, ofPsris, afteryearsof earnest soil, .citation, has at length acceded.to’the urgent n qoestof the American public, and appointed'an Agent in New York for the sale of hie valued and highly-priied Essence of Life. This wonderful ' agent will restore Manhood to the most shattered lOnstitutions, whether arising from excesses th* effects of climaiO. or natnraleanses. The H». re quired to cure the. most Inveterate case is four ‘weeks; and,.if used according to printed instruc tions, which are very simple, failnre is impossi ble. This life-restoring remedy should be takes by all about to marry, as its effects are permanent- It is acknowledged by the medlcaipresa to be tin greatest discovery ever made. Its developing Sowers are miraculous. Success, in every case, i as certain as that science overthrows ignorance. IVr. Bicord’s Essence of Life is sold In cases, with fall instructions for nse, at S 3, or four quan tities in one for S9> and will be sent to any part, carefully pac»d, on receipt of remittance to hl« accredited agent, PHILIP BO HAND, • _ 447 Broome street, de7-3m* One door west of Broadway. N. Y. QPAL DENTAHHINaI A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, ds straying animalcnlB3 which infest item, glrinj tone to the gums, £nd,leaving a feeling of fre gnthce and perfect cleanliness In the month. I* jcay be nsed dally,.and will be found to strengths! weak and.bleeding gums, while the aroma and die tersiveness will reoommend It to every one. Be fog composed with the assistance of the Dentist Physician, and Microscoplst, it Is confidently offered as a SEUABLE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constlta snts of the DENTALLINA, advocate its uses; l; contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained em ployment. Made only by - JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. HBOAD and SPRUCE Streets For sale by Druggists gensisUy, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse. Hassard A Co., ' RobertC. Davis, O. R. Keeny, Geo- O. Bowers, Isaac H. Hay, Charles Shivers, O. H. Needles, O. J. Scattargood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Tnrnpennv, A Oo Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberls, Thomas Weaver, . James N. Marks, William B- Webb, E. Bringhurst A Co>, Janies L. Bispham, = DyottAOo., ’ Hughes A Coombs, ~ H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth A Bro". TPLECTRIOITY. , ! JIiWONDERFULDISCOVERY ASD WON- 5 1 DEBFUL RESULTS. \ All acute and chronic diseases cured by spc- j f-clal guarantee, wtten dtsired br the patient, at J 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, and in) ' case'of a failure no charge is made. No drag- 5 gin* the system with uncertain medical agents. 5 All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism I | or other modifications of-Electricity, without J shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For fur- 5 ; ther information eend and get a pamphlet, ) which contains hundreds of certificates from l some of the tncstrellahle men In Philadelphia, 5 ; who have been speedily and permanently) ccredafter all other treatment from medical) | men had failed. Otereight thousand cured in} less.than four years, at I*2o WALNUT street ) N. B. Medical men and others who desire a j knowledge of my new discovery, can com- 5 mence e full course'of lectures at any time. ) Prof. BOLT.ES has qualified over one thousand j 'physicians, who use Electricity as a specialty. J : Consultation free. V PEOFS. BOLLES A GALLOWAY, j - ocH-tf - 1220 Walnnt street Phils- j A FRIEND I* NEED—TRY IT—US SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT i» prepared from the recipe of Ur. Stephen Sweet, o Ccr.necticat, the great bone setter, and has beet need in his practice for the last twenty yean with the most astonishing success. A* an external remedy It is without a rival, and will alleviat: pain mere speedily than any other preparation For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorder* it 1: truly lnfalihle, and as a curattTe for Sore* Wounds, Sprains, Bmises, Ac., it* soothing healing and powerful strengthening properties excite the just wonder and astonishment of. al who have ever given it a trial. Over four hun dred certificates of remarkable cures, performer by it tyithin the last two years, attest this fact Sold everywhere. / mIS-ly J.UMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often hear it repeated by those who have used JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine,so potentas an in vigorator, so effectual as a purify ing specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases or physical de bility, nervous irritation.and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. ‘ For sale by the proprietor,’F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, mid by all Druggists. ffel-Sm,' HODGSON’S BRONCHIAL TABLETS AKI found to be an Indispensable requisite In tbs treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Boarsness. and similar complaints affecting the organ* of th« TOice: particularly recommended by-public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. ESTLAUK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES— These Lozenges are a safe and speedy enrefor Diphtheria, Coughs, Sire Threat, Hoarseness and Bionehial Affections generally. Try - them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth add Market sts.. Phila. ia2S-3m| Taylor s arnica oil or embroca. TION A reliable article. Positively curst Khenmatiem, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chilihlains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Sic« East. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY• LOR, Tenth and Gallowhill streets. Price. 23 cents. feii-Sm* JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA con, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, exgresalj for medicinal use. LANCASTER A WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N K corner ARCH and TENTH Sts.. Phils ■ «eiH . LIQUORS, &C IS. WATEK3IAN, . The only Manufacturer of WATERMAN’S COCKTAIL and TONIC BITTERS. Sold Wholesale and- Retail. No. 1108 MARKET Street, fes-lm§ Philadelphia. e/lrt barrels pure CHAMPAGNE CIDER now OVv offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street, beltw Third and Walnut. no* Extra sparkling champagne ci der, af wholesale. Grocers and shippers invited to examine. . P-* J. .JORDAN, *2O Peax street, below Third and Walnut streets. no 4 SCUTCH - WHISKEY In cases of one dozen each, on consignment end for sale by GEO. ALKINS; -10 aiid 72 Son’ll Delaware avenue. - F. DUNTON, ” . 149 South Front street, above Walnut^ , Golden Star Brand, Ay Grand Monsseux, HP ANDIES,PORTS and. MADEIKAS. tnlt Sutlers ana shippers, attention.— CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now In fine order.for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only, at 220 Pear st., below Third aiid Walpnt.stß.. ,no< TRUSSEa. MRS. JAMES BETTS’S CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under Medical patronage. Ladies ana Physicians are respectfully requested to gall.only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence,' 1239 WALNUT street, Philadelphia.(to avoid counterfeits),’ tnifry thousand invalids having been advised by-tneig physicians.to use her appliances, . Those djMF “f*, gennihe bearing the United Stales CopywTmhi Labels onthe boxand'iignataresaiso on p porters with Testimonials; . " t‘ u *“ ttion, Office hours, from at the office. dea-flm| MEDICAL. iib»p§ NEVEB FAJL TO CUBE THE SXJYtSBa&f EYQK-S PHBIODIOAI. BSOM ? ' .L «r» a specific for ail female difficulties f. lyqits PEiab»idAi.:i)Kbpa iri wonderfully adapted, to obstinate casein i LTON' S PERIODIOALDBOPB ire not pleasant to take, butpowertui in their I LYON’S PEEio'SrdAi bEopa MYerharm any one if they follow trie direction*,; LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, n cases of painful sickneas, act likeja ciana in Tigoratirig, restoring arid renovating tbs system- LYON’S PERIODICAL DxtOPS are a scientifically prepare Enid preparation, and more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ere genuine only, when the name of Doctor Jobn D. Lyon U written npon the directions, which are snapped carefully arouse each bottle. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS tre f or sale by druggists in city and country evsry- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS OC*t but one dollar perbottle; will you waste away with anxiety and pain, when an Investment of one dollar will surely cure yon. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS trill restore nature to its healthy courts, whatever be the .Edlspcsinon. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS I are safe at ail times when the directions ore ad- Hared to- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS when taken regularly always, prevent *lcmen. and is not prevention better than curs I LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS cays stood the test cf 25 years’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the encomiums of all who use them. No lidy should be without them. W* have letter* al- most every day from ladies of the highest respec- tability, telling ns they would not be withont the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could wo publish de fetters we have received, they would convince the most incredulous. We have now in dnd an instance of a lady who had been irregular anti] her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians mid her she had the Consumption, * sed must die. She saw cur advertisement, and come to see ns. We, toe, thought she was too tax gone to be cured, but commenced at the cause with tint Drop*. They actesl like a charm; and to-day the is well and healthy, a living witness of tha efficacy ofthe Flench Periodical Drops, and a it. «ident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you ar* •offering any of the ills caused by Irregularity, wo ask yon to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonvlnc* the most sceptical, and never after will yon be In- duced to be without it LYON’S PERIODICAL, DROPS WHOLESALB ■JOHNETON, HALLOWAT A OOWBBR, SO: 53 NORTH SIXTFH tTBSfcT, by all Dealers in medicine everywhtref ». . • si per bottle. C. G. CLARK * C 0.,. wbefiiai'e Draggists, proprietors, irasa4 Philadelphia, Haven. Conn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers