SICONKEDITIOII. BY TELEGRAPH. INTERESTING WAR NEWS. Kilpatrick Returned Within our Lines. He Hid Not Enter Rich- mondt Panic in the Rebel Capital. GENERAL SHERMAN’S EXPE- DITION. He is Repoited Back from Eis -‘Re- connoissance.'’ INTEiiESTiNG FROM WASHING- TON. To-Day’s , Proceedings in Congress. KILPATRICK WITHIN OUR LUTES. Washington, March 3.—The President has received a despatch from Gen. Butler etating that Gen. Kilpatrick yesterday arrived within our lines with a loss of something less than one hundred and fifty men, having had skirmishes on the way. ■ s - Among the missing are Colonels Dahlgreh, s Cook and Litchfield. Dahlgren and Cook are supposed to be pri. soners. Kilpatrick destroyed a large portion of the Virginia .Central Railroad and . several mills along the James river, as well as other valuable property. J He penetrated to the subnrbs or outer forti. fications of Richmond. ANOTHER PANIC IN RICHMOND. Baltimore,March 4—We learn trom Norfolk that there was some excitement there yesterday among the rebel sympathisers who profess to have intelligence of a great scars at Richmond owing to Kilpatrick’s movements in the neigh borhood of the city. Some rumors were that Richmond was being evacuated, but there is nothing definite. The telegraphic cable across the Chesapeake is not working, h'ence nothing can reach here except by regular boat or by sending despatches across to Cherrystone. It was generally understood that a force had been sent up by Butler to co-operate with Kil patrick, but nothing had been heard from this force at the time the boat left last evening. DESPATCHES FROM GENERAL SHERMAN. Cairo, March 3.—An officer arrived here to day from Vicksburgj on the 28th ult., as a bearer oi despatches from General- Sherman, leaving his headquarters when thirteen miles east of Meridian, on the 11th. He says the enemy numbered only seven or eight thousand men, and were much demor alized. No fighting had occurred after passing Jack eon, Miss. General Sherman had sent a force to Meri dian at that date. interesting fbom sheeman’s expedu TION. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Cincinnati March 4.—A despatch from Cairo states that when the steamer Mississippi, on her. way up the Mississippi, arrived at Vicksburg, a gentleman, formerly the Captain of the steamboat Scotland, had just come in from Mobile, having escaped from the rebels into whose army he had been conscripted. He says that when he left Mobile, Genera Sherman waa within forty miles of that place, and could easily take it if he wanted to. The Mobile papers of the 18th give no later, news than has already been published. Gen. Sherman, on the 11th nit.',, was twelve miles beyond Meridian, and had sent part of his force to Selma.- He had no.fighting after leav ing Jackson. The enemy in front numbered seven thousand men, and were much demoral ized. ' [Special Despatch to the Bulletin. ] Washington, March 4.-—lntelligence has been received here that Gen. Sherman is back from his extended reconnoissance. He did not near Selma, and never intended such a thing. FROM WASHINGTON [Special Despatch to the Bulletin. J Washington, March 4th.—The feeling is decided here that the Senate will not agree to tax whiskey on hand in any event. -Admiral Dahlgren is at the Navy Depart ment this morning. He is now .paying a short visit to bis family who live in Washington. A meeting of Pennsylvania Republicans was held in the room of the Clerk of the House last night, to prepare for the Presidential election. Hr. Morehead was chosen Chairman. • CAPTURE OF A BLOCKADE RUNNER. Washington, March 4.— A despatch has been received by the Navy Department from ' Admiral Lee, dated at Newport News Va stating that-the small side-wheel steamer Scotia was captured by the Connecticut on the Ist inst., having ran out from Wilmington on the night of the 29th of February. She has 108 bales of cotton on board. The prize arrived at Newport News yesterday for coal, on the way to Boston. - The Scotia is a paddle-wheel steamer mid about 300 tons burden, and was built in the Clyde. She was purchased and sent out from Glasgow in tkfe summer of 1863. She steams twelve or fourteen miles per hour, has a straight -stem, two masts and one funnel. The Scotia belonged to the same company that sent cut the Princess Royal. THEBIOTAT DAYTON, OHIO. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin ] Cincinnati, March 4.— The riot at Dayton yesterday; commenced by a squad of soldiers attempting to destroy the Empire office. The Union citizens tried to pacify the soldiers, and aui-j -i Mr. Law (Ind.), from the Committee on Revoln. tionary pensions,, reported a resolution tendering thanks to the surviving revolutionary soldiers, twelve in number, for their services-in that war by which our indej: endence was achieved and onr . liberty obtained, and sincerely rejoicing that by the decree of Providence their lives have been pro-- traoted beyond the period allotted to man nnd that they received as pensions a snm of money, thocgh not large, whicn-helps-to smoothe the nagged path' of life in tapir journey to the tomb. lti>further retalced, That copies of this.resolu tion be sent by the Speaker to each of the Reveln-' tionary pensioners. - The resolutions were unanimously adopted. Nmr Torn, March 4.—Cotton dull at 78 cents. Flour closed with an advancing tendency; sales of 10,500 bbls. at 86 4oa*G 50 for State, 87 10aS7S5for Ohio; Southern nnchanged. Wheat advanced la 2 cents; sales of 40,000 btuhels at 81 58oSl 60 for Chicago Spring, 81 COaSl 61 for Milwaukee Club, and 81 65asi 69 (or Bed. Corn steady and held at *1 33aSI 35, but buyers Oder Si 30aSl 31. Provi sions qniet and unchanged. Whiskey nominal. Stocks buoyant. Chicago and Bock Island, 12SJ,': Illinois Central Scrip, 13tX; Michigan Southern, Ok; Do 142; New York Central, 136; Beading, 156 Missouri fe, 72; Erie, HOI,; Galena and'Cbicago, 118; Cleveland and Tol< do. 11l Y; Chicago, Bur. Ic Quincy, 39; Mich, igan Central, 14!; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 1175,': coupons, 1681, 111; 7.305, 111 V; Gold, 161 a;. Baltihoee Mabktkts. —Flour dull and' heavy; Ohio extra, 87 5(1; Meal, steady. Southern Bed, 81 75al 77. Corn, dull, and Yellow is lc. low er. Whiskey is very dull at 84a85c. for Ohio. Union League House. —Ground has been broken foi the building of the new club-house for the Union League, torner of Broad and Sansom streets. The demolition of the old bnildings on the lot Is also going on rapidly.. The new building will be the Bnest club-house In America, and ore of the handsomest ornaments of Broad street. It witl’be built of brick and brown stone. Mr. John Fraieris the architect,end nehas beep exceedingly happy, no - only in the designs for theextcrior.but in the internal arrangements. The building Is estimated to cost 8120,000. It will be pushed for ward to completion before next antnmn. Obituary.— Col. Joseph Taylor died yes terday. He was well known and highly lespecled In the city. In 1842 and 1843 he presided over the House of Bepresentatives of New Jersey. He wae several sessions in the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, both in the House of Bepresentatives and Senate. His last public office was in the Select Council, as representative from the 17th Ward, which position hefilledfor two terms. In politics he was a Democrat, in religion a Baptist, and in life a blameless man. ; Disturbance at a Theatre —Richard Stool was arrested last night at the Arch Street Theatre, upon the charge of assault and battery on officer Adam Trefis. It seems that S’.osl took a seat which had been secured, and when requested to get up, created a disturbance. Mr. Trefts, who is officer ot the houee, interfered, and was assaulted. Stoel behaved very violently, and It required the services of several officers to get him to the Station house. The accused was committed. Destructive Individuals Before Aider man White this morning Wm. McGlung and Geo. Heller, were arraigned upon'the charge ofassanlt and battery. It appears that the defendants’went to a tavern on Pine' slreet below Seventh, and smashed things generally. They are also alleged to have assaulted the proprietor. The defend ants were comlnitted in default of 8600 bail to answer. Counterfeiting Private Marks. —Arthur McCann had a hearing this morning before Alder man Dougherty, upon the charge of misdemeanor. He Is a journeyman shoemaker, and is alleged to have sold inferior EOie leather, and counterfeited the private mark of his employer. He was held in 8800 ball to answer, ' A Foundling. —A male infant, about six weeks old, was found last evening in the entry of a house on Buttonwood street, below .Twelfth. The Biblical Panorama. -—The panorama of the Bible, at Concert Hall, will be exhibited this evening and at an afternoon exhibition to-morrow. Bower’s Infant Cordial cures Colic, Pams and Spasms, yielding great relief to children teeth lug. Store, Sixth and Green. V t Tkcss xnd Brace Department.— store on Twelfth street, Ist door below auDiv t^ C n n ?? c^ d ]?? ladies.) Gentlemen will thOT<rach t s’*,^rt£! ee< “ ee ’ on 4110 co mer. The moßt in the Une^mS'f 111 of best makes of every article cv,?^f^,H G c L J CEEffI Cream—For chapped yme m B 25 cents - Do l> ot >- SixffilnS SusPENSOBiEs—New French patterns, trot ont to order expressly for O. H Neente^ Sales, at Twelfth and Race streets. 86<Uei KetaU , ' FOREIGN ITEMS. Th^Spectator i says that Mr. W.F. Peacock wandering about the Isle oi Man, found con fined in a hamlet called Ballakilloway a lunatic named Dick TTaterson. This man had, eigh teen years- ago, been frightened ont of his senses by another apprentice dressed up as a {host, and Has placed by his relatives in a i ■ Mr,. R. G. Cornyn was addressing themias con servators of the Constitution apd the . laws, wbeivva copperhead, Viamid'Kimbiil, in the crow t d, added, “and niggers too!” The sol diersmade ai-nsh fop him, when Kimball drew a pistol and fired. At the same momeQt a ..jiarty of armed copperheads deployed across the street aO skirmishers, and commenced firipg bn the unarmed Boldierjf and citizens.’ Some thirty shots were fired. One man was killed and two were wounded; Had the lihion meir "been armed, it is not improbable that there would have been more blood shed. The at tack on the was not more wanton than the assault upon-the Crowd. FROM COLUMBUS, OHIO. [Special L'pfpatch to the Bulletin.] Colt; lines, Ohio, March 4 A fire at Camp Chase yesterday, destroyed the commanding officer’s ■ headquarters 'arid' endangered the lives of the rebel prisoners; It was subdued without much loss. . ; j Ohio is noty, credited, with" 11,000 veterans. Already the number, is : ,beihg-greatly increased by return* to the 10th inst. ' SROK GENERAL GRANT’S ARMY. Nashville, -March 3d.—All- is reported quiet-at the front. : XXXVHITH COEGREE3.—EIBST SESBION ■ •" ; 'Washington, March 4, 1861.. House.— Mr. Alley.(Mass.) introduced a bill authorizing a .poslal mail steamship service be tween the United States and Brazil; which was re -1 erred. . ••• The House then proceeded -to consider the pri vate calendar; FROM NEW ORLEANS AND HAVANA. New Yobk, March 4.=-*-The steamer Ha tanzas, from New Orleans on the 25th Ult., via. Havana on the 28th, arrived here to-day An accident had occurred on the Matanzas Railroad] by which twenty-two persons were wounded; FIRE AT ERIE, PA. Erie, Pa., March 4.—A fire occurred in the Reed House, this morning, which entirely destroyed the building, which was partly insured. There was no insurance on the furniture. . . The dry-goodsstorebf Haupt & Co., and the drug store of L. Strongs, were also destroyed. The latter property was covered by insurance. SAILING OF STEAMERS. Boston, March 4.—The- Africa -sailed from Halifax at 4 o’clock this-morning for Liver pool. , The Canada will be due here to-night. ILLNESS OF ASS’T SECRETARY SEWARD. Washington, March 4.—Assistant Secretary of State,-F. W. Seward, lies ill at home with pneumonia. ; . - WEATHER REPORT. * The following telegraj hlc report of the weather at 9 A. M. to-day, at the places named, has been received: Wind. . Weather. Therm. Haliiax, . North. . Hazy. . 32 Portland, S. W, Cloudy. 31 Boston, West. Clear. '» 39 Springfield, S. % Clear 34 New York, West. Clear- as Philadelphia, S. W. Clear. 39 Washington, S. W. Clear. 3i CITY BULLETIN. *HS JAiLY % VBNINGgBCLLJETIM r JPfllL AJDBI.jPMI A. * RID AY. MARCH 4. 1864. 'brick: .epwrhoiise with a,‘birred aperture. There-lie ias beeii: bricked up : iilivie fobeigh ■ teen years, lying naked,without a. bed, his food , “ chucked ’’ to'him through the window. The neighbors have known all this for-years, but have not iaterfered, and the..C6mMssitinßrs in ; Lunacy are powerless,, for thelunacy laws do Lot extend to "the Isle of Man. The Wilud Ccuricr, the official journalpf the Governor of Lithuania, -announces the founda tion of a number of tillage schools, intended especially for the Jewish population. Two of these establishments have been already founded at W-Hna,- and the parents are compelled 1 to send their children to them. Christum schools are to. be opened of a similar character. 'l’ _ Among a collection of books'announced to be sold by auction in Paris is a copy of “La Constitution de la Republic,” published at Dijon, I’An.II. bound in.human skin! The binding resembles light calf. To the volume is added a note from its first possessor, testifying to the nature ofthe binding. On one occasion, during the first revolution, a journalist, named Galletti; was accused by the Committee of Public Safety of bavrng invented in one of his articles, with a slanderous intention, the exist ence of tanneries of human skins. A friend of GalletU’s procured for him. the book in ques tion,'by which the latter, was enabled to justify the truth of his assertion. A letter received from Suez, dated the 26th ■of January, states that a few days previously the quicksilver in the> thermometer had fallen below freezing point,' and that Ice was per ceived in the morning. The population were amazed at the phenomena,' never before expe rienced on the border of the' Bed Sea. Accidentally Killed.— A little daughter of Dr. Wm. Palm, of Reading, Pa. j was killed on "Wednesday by a shed roof falling- upon her. The weight of snow, caused the roof to fall. COMMERCIAL AND FUSTANCIA L. D. TOLL &.S ON, stoOK BROKERS, H«. SO3WAL „ . hut street. BALES OF STOCKS. ,/T „ BEFOBE lQDshLchigh Zinc h3O 69 10 shuttle Sch K 49 200-ab Catawtu* pfd *Jn 42 >4 100 lb rdo uo 4214 100 Bh N Y fc Middle Coal Field Co -• b3O 12 a 100 lb Phila k ErieK . b 7 flat *7V FIRST ♦7OOOO TJ S6b 5-20 b 107J4 200 do 107 V 1000 do 107 3100 do caßh 107 V 65600 TJ S-Trea 7 3-10 per Ot Notca lnv 2500 Penna 6« 97 . 6000 Penna Coup 6blol 1100 City 6a ~ 103 3600 do : 103 W 205 S9-ICO AlleghyCo Bprcent Scrip 76 1000 Union Cnl int 6a 26 SOOOWy om’g Va Ol 6a 99X 5000 CamfcAm mtg 6a 108 4 ahlflechaniea Bk 2314 31 ah Bk Penn Town 41 8 ah FrafcMec Bk 60 2 ah 'Wyoming Yal Cl 84 >4 24 ah CamfcAm ns , 462 ah Penna B 71 10 ah Norriatown B 69 27 ah CheaMiWalnut 62 1750 ah New Creek 1)4 SALES AFTEB 150ahBeadB 66)4, 200 ah do eaah 66 J4 610 ah do 66J4 100 ah do bis 66\ 1000 ah do bio 6694 100 ah do aSwn 66V 200 ah do bS&ia 47 PRICES OP STOCKS IN NSW YOBX. (By niegrajH,) . „ .. rasroAii. caooxoeAU, American Gold 161 >4 bid .... bld^ Chicago and B. laland hid ’ 132 V «.!«« Beading 8a11r0ad...... 66X bid 66V talea Dllnoia Central bid 134 V —i»y Galena and Chicago bid 118 sales New York Central 136 . hid lssv — l - U. S. 6a ’St int off. 111' bid lit v sales Erie 116J4 bid 117 sales Harlem .13214 bid 14414 sales Cleveland and Toledo. bid .... sales Excited. Firm. FINANCE BUSINESS—MARCH 4,1864; There was more buoyancy at the Stock Board this morning, and some reaction in prices. U. S- Five-Twenties sold largely at 107’[R>107‘[ —an ad vance of h'< and the Seven-Thirties; April and October, at lU>;. State Fives were better, and closed firm at 97, and the Coupons at 10L City Loans, of the new Issues, were % lower. Pennsyl vania Bailroad was active, with free aales at 71—an advance of a, and the Bonds were held for corres ponding improvement. Beading Bailroad was active, and rose >f. Norristown' Bailroad was steady at 59, and Long Island Bailroad at 46,¥. Philadelphia and Erie Bailroad waa weak, and re ceded >»V North Pennsylvania Bailroad was inac tive. 99 was bid for the Six 9) Cent. Bonds. Cata wissa Bailroad Preferred fluctuated between 42>4@ 42 fi— closing with a firmer feeling, and the Comivm Btock sold at 2S»f— an advance of If. In New Creek there were large sales at ljf. IruSchuylkUl Navi gation there was more activity at 42 for the Pre ferred, and 30 for the Common stock. . Union Canal Preferred sold at 6%. Susquehanna Canal sold at 24J4— a decline of X. Wyoming Canal sold at 84X—no change. The Mining stocks;were without essential change. In Bank eharts there was no change. In Passenger Ballway securities the only sale wae of Chestnut and Walnut Streets, at 62. We are indebted to the Hon. James Pollock, Di rector of the Mint, for the following statement of Deposits and Coinage at the United States Mint, for the month of February, 1864: deposits. Gold Deposits from all sources........ ..$23&805 92 Silver Deposits, including purchases 24, W 7 16 ' Total Deposits....*.; •••.$261.343 08 GOLD OOINAGE, * “ No. of Pieces. Value. Double Eagles...,. 3,890 *77,800 00 Eagles 210 2,100 00 Half. Eagles 200 1,600 00 Three Dollars 490 1,470 00 Quarter Eag1e5........... 474 1,185 00 Dollars .2,460 2,4»> Hoe Bar 49 ' 43,002 47 Total 7,863 $129,607 47 SILVER. Collars.. 6,930 6.950 00 Half Dollars 6,230 3,116 00 Quarter Dollars 230 67 60 Dimes : 230 23 00 Half Dimes 230 ,11 60 Three Cent Pieces....... 230 * 6 90 Fine Bars - 6 616 61 Total A...... 13,086 COPPER. Cents... * „ Pieces. Value. Gold C0inage.....?.... 7,863: $129,607 47 Silver. 13,086 9,660 41 Cents .-. .2,620,000 26,200 00 T0ta1.... .... 2,640,948 ] . *165,367 88 Messrs. De Haven & Brother. No. 90 South Third strMt, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at 1% P, ft,; Buying. selling. American G01d............... 60% prem. 61 prenia Demand Notes... 60% prem, 61 prem. Quarters and halves ....63 prem. Dimes and half dimes.. 49 prem. Spanish quarters.. 49 prem. ourre “°7 XSls. Mdli. «ew Yotk«tss«Msst< IMIMft ho pu* v/'tFSSKL?. °°* quot * Government Securities • Ice., as follows! NOOW, March 4,1864. tt r «>. rsun Buying. Selling. U. S. O’S, 1861....,,,., ill xt 112 V D. 5.73-1 Notes, August lio • “ . •* October. ..'.ill 112 Certificate of Indebtedness ...losv 103 V „ “ . ,■ new... i. 99v 99% Quartermasters’Vouchers.. 98% 99 TJ. S. Demand Notes.. .. ~ G01d.......... **.161. 162 6“20 Bonds, full 108 Deliveries ol 6-50 Bonds are being made up to January 19th. At the Philadelphia Gold Exchange, No. 34 South atthe fbUowifigrateiV ol7l °° la potation, were ll Mwketsteady. 1 *• M., BOABDS. too ah Bead B cash 6614 200 ah do ■ 6614 100 ah do Blown 661," 200 ah do isown 6614 1 100 ah do - 6614 100 eh do b30«5i4 cooah do b3O 6614 200 ah do eaah 6114 too ah do 6614 100 Bh do (5 6314 BOARD. 190 ihK T 4 Middle „ Goal Field Co -ISJf 200 th do' bl 12« 200 ah Union Onl pfd 6>f 00 ab CamA Atlantia preferred 25 100 sh Sum Cnl bs 84)* 731 sh SchNav 30 50sh do bio 30 lOO'sh do 2 day> 30 650 ah Sch Nsv prfd 13 200 ah do b3O 42V US ah. do b 6 43 100 ih Gatiwlua phi 42 )f 200 ah do 42)* 200 ah do h3O 42X 500 ah Mining’ 19)* 60 ah do 19)* too sh Green Mount 7 100 ah PhilaAErieß 130 37)1 150 ahSead B cash 66)* 100 ah do alO 66-1 200 ah do aSO 66)* 200 ah do 66)1 300 ah do 'MO 63)1 400 ah do 66)1 too ah do; a 5 66)1 FIBST BOARD. 100 ah do • b3O 67)1 100 ah do 66)1 100 ah do sswn 66)1 100 ah do 560 66)1 600 ah do S 6 66)1 160 ah do 66 13*16 2,620,000' EJCjCAPITULATIOKs. duThfE^h > e C w^t <>f;F '?' 1I ' !l * n ' l Meall “ Philadelphia follower’ k endui S> March 3, 1864, were as Half Barrels of Superfine.'....... ■ „ "corn areai:::::;:::;::::;;:::; {& \ - •' Condemned........ .. >■, «*»•- Puncheon* Corn Mea1...... 231 ‘ 5H...,. ' “ thTllnntln W H° F " t ' he amount of"coaYshipped'over bSESS&SSag Br ° ad TtopMowitaSKSS sinceTarT, Thursday, March 8,1864, anti last year:' ’ toEe “ er with corresponding period" Previously.' ' Total. iiwi fona. Tons. Tons. Vl9 47,"85 5^04 1583..,........., v . 6 , Tj Q 38*694 44jlU Increase....; 1,399 ~9.091 : ~i0490’ fo? 1 ity of London, from New York,; aa foUowa^^ 1 ” P * ’* tog B ‘ gh ‘‘ -IS X ® ,!n * Cologne, 60days eight.......... ..118)1 LeipsiCjiSO daya sight. ...........118)1 Berlin,6o days sight .!.. ..,.116)1 Amsterdam,.6odays sight.... ......... 66 “teht-...............; 66)1 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Friday, Mareh 4.—Cotton is (dull’ and pdces are weak. Small sales of middling at 79. cents, cash. Cloverseed is firmer and. ranges from sB@B 25 V 64 As. Timothy is quiet at $3 53@3 60 and FlAx aeed at_ *3 S 6 $ bushel. ,rT^.?! oUr ?“ rket continuesvrty dull and prices , s’. k,™ buyers..- The export demand iB fL'l!?(i ilmi,ed antbonly a few hundred barrels ? Uy ele disposed of at 67@7 50 6) barrel, s? rrela 'f’ ?• Thomas’s extra or private If/JPA*. ,® ales for the supply of the home con r» M barrel for superfine, 66 50@475 for extras, ?7@7 7a for extra family, ana 68 to *9 60 . lots according to ; quality. Bye Flour * n Q° rD Meal nothing doing. ?^ r i° ES ? f ' Wheat ar e light audit is held ■f «!£ *?“l es , of 'P 01 ' bushels good Penoa. Bed at * X*. b ,? 1 > and smalj lots of White from 61 70 of K ie »t 61306133. comls aca !» ca i and ’ n steady demand at the advance re c**f. /fsierday. Sales of 6,000 bushels yellow part il! ,8 ’, ln Btore , and part at 61 30, deUvered. ana aUoat. Oats dull; sales of 15U) bushels at 830 Y Cei ®*' change in Barley or. Malt In Provisions but little doiUfr: but supplies are to come forward more freely. Mesa trOTis \b steady 523 suand Hams at 13K1313Y cents for pickled, and 140 6 cents for smoked and Shoulders in sal t at 10 cents. "Whiskey is-in better demand; sales of’5l)0 bbls. ce^t& a aD< * afc cents and Drudge at 83 POBT OF PHILADELPHIA mathht 4 S&'Ste Marine Bulletin on Second Page, 0 . Mr ,fBHIVBD this day. Schr Moonlight, Tuthill, 3 day* from New York, with mdse to captnio. A Hsmmoad, Higgins, a day* from N York, with mdse \o D Cooper* -£chr Wm> Wallace, Scull, 8 days from New York, with mdse to captain. . ■ ’ , „ CLEAR ED THIS DAY. Snip Connecticut, Lucas, Liverpool, Thos Biehard* ton A Co. Brig Aurate, Clark, S W Pass, J E Barley A 00. Brig Ida McLeod, Cook, New Orleans, D S Stetson A Co. SchrAppieton.Saulsbury.New Bedford, Tack, Bros Correspondence of the Phlladelphla Exchange. LEWES, Du. Miffh i The ship General Williams- from Liverpool for Philadelphia, is at anchor in the Boadstead. in company with the U S sloop-of-war Saratoga, which has not yet received her complement of men. and three schooners. A gale from the eastward prevailed yesterday, but changed this morning to NW, with which three ships, six brigs and thtrty-eix schooners proceeded to sea. Weather clear and eooh YOUn, AO. AAEON MABKTTAT.T- Steamship Geo Cromwell, Post, at New Orleans 22dult. from New York. . - : Steamship Columbia, Barton, from New York, at New Orleans 22d ult. Steamship De Holay, Sampson, cleared et New Orleans 22d ult. for Boston. Steamship Pennsylvania (Br), Brooking, from Liverpool, at New York yesteraay—67s passengers. Steamship Yazoo, Couch, from New Orleans. 34th ult. at New lork yesterday. ’ Bark John Fyfe, Meaner, from New Orleans, at at New York yesterday. Brig Bnsslan, Toothaker, cleared at New Orleans 32d ult. for Matanzas. Sehrs Clan Merrick, Montgomery? J Bariev, Williams, sind Saratoga, Adams, hence at N York yesterday. * _ MARINE MISCELLANY. Geo E Letion (Br),Laraway, from Gonalres Fsb 12, via Delaware Breakwater, at New York yesterday, reports: Feb 18, commenced a heavy norther; lost jibboom and sprung foretopsail yard: 59tb; 24. lon 7t, rell in with the schrl Ireland, Capt L F Bowen, from Beaufort, NO. for Philadelphia, having been dismasted by collision with an unknown' schooner 12 days previous, and had been driven across the Gulf Stream, and no prospects of working her back under jury masts, the captain conducted to abandon her; it blowing strong from the NW, and the brig being under double reefs, they could save but little of their effects; took them all on board and landed them at the Breakwater. Sehr Wonder (of Dennis), Berry, from Boston for 'Washington,DO, was abandoned off Montauk Point 26th tilt, full of water, having been capsized in the heavy blow on that day. The captain and crew took to the boat, in which they remained two or three days suffering severely from the cold before they weie rescued. All hands have arrived home. The stern of the vessel had come off. She had a cargo of oats and hay, said to be on government ao» count. The Wonder was IS9 tons,built at Provi deuce in 1854. M SAL? OB EXCHANGE FOE CITY IBS PROPERTY —A desirable property on SUM MIT street, Chestnut Hill, within five minutes walk or Depot. Prioe St>,soo. Ail modern con venances. Address E G., Bulletin ofUce it* WAITED— A BILLIARD TABLE.—A second-band Billiard Table in good condi tion. Address & note to ‘'Billiards,” at this office. Letters testamentary haying been granted to the undersigned, as Executor of the will of MARY E. BYRNE, late of the City of Philadelphia, dec’d, all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent, are requested to make known the same, withoatdelav. to WILLIAM MOYN. 228 South Third Street Or, to bis Attorney, JNO. O. MITCHELL, No. 20- South Fifth Street. mh4-f 6t LETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAVING been granted to the undi reigned, as Executor th^ iU .°4J?, rs i , MAETA B. LENTZ, Jaieot the City ot Philadelphia, deceased, aU persons having claims or demands against theEstat-»of said decedent are requested- to mnke known the same withoutdelay, to CHARLES WURTS, Ex -Btreet* or to bU Attorney, JNO. Q. MITCHELL, 208 S. Fifth street. mh4-fßt PLKA GLASSES AND OFFICERS, FIELD Glasses, Microscopes tor Physicians and Stu dents. A very large assortment for sale by _ M ‘ - « JAMES W. QUEEN 4:00., fe22-tm rps 924 Chestnut street. fePECTAULES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. 0 Artificial human eyes inserted without pain. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Opticians, fe22-lm-rp{ 95, chestnut street 26,200 00 FAMILY SOAP.-CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but is an entirely pure SOAP, and should bs used by ever, family. Put up In BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packedand marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKJNTON A SON, del7-tyrp6 ns MaTgarettastreet DUBE PALM OIL SOAP. —TblB Soap la mad* JT of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vega table Soap; [more suitable for Toilet use than those made firem animal fats. In' boxes el one dozen cakes for *1 50 per box. - Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON 6c SON, N». 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second, above Oallowhill street del7-lyrpt SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. SOIiDIEES’ COMPANION,_EVEBY.SMOKEBS COMPANION. The most complete present, a Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela tive In the army. XHE BIDOWOOD PIPE AND TOBACCO OASB The cheapest, most nselnl, compact and conve* nlent article ever manulactnred. Call and lnspec them. _ , ' B. A G-. A. WBIG-HT, Appointed sole Agents, . _ _#24 Chestnut street. The trade supplied at the Gompany’s prices; toll Uenunt allowed. tail NEW TURKISH PRUNES 10 Casts, for sale hy JOB; B. BUSSIER * CO., 110 South Wharyw. . ■ . ■ MEMORANDA. SUCCESSOR TO W. H. CABBYL, ••: ' MASOKIC HAXXi, Tl 9 CHESTNUT ST OFFERS HIS SPRING STPCK "Vi OF WINDOW SHADES table and piano covers, CORNICES AND BANDS, LACE CURTAINS, PLUSHES AND MOQ.UETTE, ; - DAMASKS AND REPS, „ ' AT POPULAR PRICES. SENAT, BROS. & CO. *l4 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry St Importers of WHITE GOODS. <»mpiete assortment of Jaconets, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Molls, India Book, India Mull and other Muslins of oar nsnal make and finish. ]al«-tf. FLOUR. FLOUR. Ol the following Cimice Brands “John Mnsselman,” “iEtca ’* “Henry Mnscelman “Easto” . “D. Overholser,” “Union.” ‘•Ftrasburg Steam,” “Eclipse.” .“Willow Grove,” “Suavely,” “Locust Valley,” “Metzeu.” “Lbrdon Yale,” “Giah!“ “New Providence,” “Zieler ” “Samnel Brua,” “Fequeal” • •John Ranck,” “Samnel Ranck.” And otter Penna. and Western brands, for sale by BROOKE & PUGH, Q ADD TO THE LADIES! We beg to inform the ladies we have jnet received a large assortment of Co urvoisier’s,Alexandre's, and Jon. vin’s French Kid Gloves;also, ladies’ French Beaver with single and doable bnttcn. An assortments ladies’ Bn ik skin Gauntlets and Traveling Gloves on hand, of our own make. „ HE ALT AGO., Fourth and Chest nut Sts. CHARLES STOKES ft CO.’S FISBT-CLABB “ONE-PRICE” READY MADE CLOTHING STORE. NO 884 CHESTNUT STREET; UN DEIWEIiucSBIEffiSJ“ For Post— base of cellar towaist anrtfromwaist . / .13 V toendoftalL / J a \ Length of/ E Sleeve (wltb / l £ arm crooked)! \ W from middle! yJPaa&SM ol back be-I T 1 tween the! /p 5 f abonldere to! S g end ol caff, I , ft i ! i and around w / \ S 3 Its most pro- | mlnent partof I k ttectest and * 1 W waist State ft g wtettererect /A f or stooping. ' i'l j Far Pants, I U inside seam, * and outside seam from tip bone arond tte waist and hip. For Vast, asms as Coat A good At guaranteed. Ail garments made from directional sent in ao> cordance with these instructions will be guaranteed satisfactory. If not so, the money will be returned for them. umoers’ Uniforms Ready-made, always os aandfbr made to order In ties- hast reaTiTTT o> the mcgCreaaonable terms. Haying finished many hundred Uniforms the past year far Stall; Pled, end Line Officers, as well as for the Nayy, ws are prepared to execute all orders In this im« wi ts correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stoch of Ready Hade Clothing in Philadelphia always on hud. THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON A Tip OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es timates sent by mail to any address When re quested. CHARLES STOKES ft GO, CHARLES STOKES, E. T, TAYLOR, W. J. STOKES. STREETS? NINTH SANSOHI SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac. OnSATURDAYMORNINGnext, at So' doc t, comprising about FIFTY HORSES, Full descriptions in catalogues. —ALSO— New and second-hand Carriages, Light Wagdns, Ac., with which the sale will commence. Alse, single and donble Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, Covers, Whips, Ac. WNo postponement on account of weather. Sale of Horses, Ac., on WEDNESDAY next. ALFRED M. HERKNESS, Auctioneer. mh3-2trp GOLD AND SILVER WATOHES, OI Ba out own Importation, reiiabl* in quality, fttm and at low prices. ■ FARR A BROTHER. Importsm, 384 Ofcestnnt street. Mow Fourtn tß3m QRUPE «' rT@ TT> STEOK'S PIANO, I'or eale, 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. A. SOHERZER, mh3-3mrps • 424 N. Fonrth, ab. Callowhill. JAMES BELLAS, mEOm 279 ud 281 soutn fifthHK9H| FT • ! I 'STREET, II | | |l (Sole Agent lor G. A, PRINCE *OO.’S World-Renowned Melodeohs, HARMONIUMS AND drawing-room ORGANS. ERNEST G ABLER’S, ' RAVEN * BACON’S, HALLET, DAVIS * GO.’ S, jaH-3mrp{ CELEBRATED PIANOS. COEBEOT PIAMO TUHIMtt.- gBKSSHMr. O. E. SABSENT’S order* foi ITT # | 1 1 Toning and Bepalrtng Plano* are re celred at Mason & Go.’* Store, 967 GHESTHTUI itreet, only. Ur. Sareeant baa bad Blares Year*' factory experience In Boston, and Fir* Yean’ ettg employments Philadelphia. SPECIAL—PIanet re-leathertd to sonnd as soft and twest-toned a* new, without rawrina. Term* for toning. SI. mTHE UNION PIANO MARU FACTURING COMPANY havea; their factory and trareroome, in. itreet, always a most beautiful assort meat of their unrivalled PIANOS, which the, sell at the lowest cash prices or eon instalments. Give ns a call before purchasing eleewhere, ant •Tory tattafeotion and guarantee will M |ITIB tayen. English sail duck—Best arbroath DUOS, suitable for sails, Nos. 1, a 3, « and 5, in quantities to salt purchasers, for sale by E, A. SQUDER * 00. > Dock stmt wharf, mhl-5t 1864. THOMAS W, TONS & C»., ARE DAIIeY.'REOEiyiNG ANDOPENING THEIR Hew and Elegant Silks, Choiee Diess Goods, i Embroideries, Laces, &o. THIS STOCK is. PRINCIPALLY OB THEIR OWN SELECTION IN THE B?STr. EUROPEAN MARKETS, Wil! lie found one of the Choiceit u« They Hate Ever Offered Theii Cos^ 818 and 820 Chesfnnt Street : ' THEODORE M. APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER. Woe. 112 and id GATZMER STREET, (Between Front aid. becond and Walnut Chestnut Streets.) . PHILADELPHIA. Imitation BrandrCasks alwayson hand. mS^?oord^ PlB aDd KegE ' " wa y a CHARLES EMORY. ALEX.BKHSOVT, JB. CHARLES EMORY & CO., , Stock and Exchange Brokers, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD 8T " Philad elphla. All kinds of nncnrrentfunds and GoldandSU . ver benght and sold, and Collections mada, ~ - Particular attention given to the purchase ana sale of Government State and - other Stocks anA Loans on commission. ja39kdmf 1864 NEW STOCK. 1864 LINFORD LUKENS, N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut Sts. NOW OFFERS ▲ XsABGB AND SLXGA3TT STOCK €* Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. AH the choicest novelties in this department. on han ?,‘ made Shirts in the cito. Orders promptly executed. fey on able. feSl-wfm,3nl JOHN C. AKKISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth stiwt, manufactubeb op The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURK *MOOK», Wan anted toFit and Give Satufaetiea ALSO Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS ■ N. B.—All articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best materials* oc6-6m J. F. IREDELL, No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Between Cherry and Race, aastslda, Fhlla ' Has now on hand and constantly raoslTinc an ele» iant assortment of Gentlemen’* Furnishing Goodi, Shirts on nand- and made to order in mas satisfactor manner. A fnll line of Gentlemen’* Merino Sh its, Drawers, Ac. Also—Ladles’ Me* lino Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, Ac. 0017-8 m M 7 NORTH EIGHTH ST. A. S. ROBINSON, LOOKING. GLASSES, Fancy and Plain Frames, suitable for Ivorytypee,’ Photographs and Engravings. Manufacturer ex PIER. MANTLE & WALL MIRRORS^ Engravings and Oil Paintings, Galleries of Pictures and liOoia&fGldsa VFai*« rooms. ’ __ A. S. ROBINSON Jo. 916 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia] V U N D T * S, go & No. ie ti „ M SOUTH THIRD ST., K % BANKERS*BROKERS. M a& r SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters' Vouchers and Checks, 1 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND?BOLD. «# ocU-smrpi HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY- —Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order; war ranted of the beßt materials. Also. Sktrta repalred. MRS. E- BAIIgI. 818 Vine, street, adore Eightn. "ITTORSTED YARN Nob; 13 ard 38 of eupe fels-tf orqPallt fenTgTW>gAM * WEU& MAKKINO WITH SO?S^i B oS.S!S’ 1 BROIDERING, Braidl^SM^ v *e. laMVUbnttmffL SPRING GOODS. 1 SPRING IMPORTATION Handiomeat. Aaioitmonte. tomeis. IMPORTER AND DEARER Uf AND AM. 1864.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers