- SfC()NP;;; EDlflOirj BY TEtl&KAPflv LATER CeNCEBNIWi GENERAL SHERMAN'. He i s Reported in Possession of Selma, Enmored Capture ot Five Rebel Goabaafs. Horrible Mess acre of a Company of Hogro Tioops interesting- from: ar- KANSAS. Restilt of the Election in Louisiana. INTERESTING FROM WASHING TON. Expected Changes in tie Army: o the Potomac Government Bounties to be Paid ti April Ist. To-Day’s Proceedings in Congress - and Legislators. FROM 6EIT. SHERMAN. Memphis, Feb. 29:—A private letter from an officer at Vicksburg, dated the 22d nit. says, "We hear nothing of a definite character from Gen. Sherman, hut there is no doubt that he has taken possession of Selma, Alabama. It is raid that Sherman captured fire gunboats at Selma. ■Washington’s birthday was celebrated at Vicksburg in a fine manner. All the troops were reviewed by General McArthur. A rebel brigade is said to he between Vicks burg and 3 ackson. MO FEABS FOB GEM. SHEBHAM. Waehikgtoh, March 3 The War Depart ment has no fears for the safety of Gen. Sher man’s expedition. HASSACBE OF A TOMPAHY OF COLORED TROOPS, Cairo, March 2.— The clerk of the steamer Pringle bringß information that while that steamer was on a foraging expedition to John son Plantation, Tecnmseh Landing, five miles above Grand Lake, Mississippi, on the ultimo, - a band of sixty well mounted guerillas, dressed in Federal uniforms, surprised a Company of the Ist Mis sissippi (colored) Infantry who were standing guard about a mile and a half from the in.in body of the foraging party, capturing and dis arming them, and, before assistance could be rendered, all were killed or mortally wounded, except two who feigned death—Lieut. Cox and Sergeant Spencer. The dead bodies were stripped of their clothing. Some of the negroes were pinned to the ground with bayonets, ethers had their brains knocked out, others were shot throngh the head while on their knees begging for quarter. The guerillas escaped without losing a man. After the wounded had been buried by our troops, a princely mansion, around which a guard had been posted and no one allowed to enter previous to the slaughter of our troops, was consumed with all its magnificent furni ture. Four thousand bushels of com were taken from a crib containing about fifteen thous and bushels. When the foraging party returned to Vicks burg, four .hundred guerillas, of which the murderers formed a part, were reported by citi zens to be encamped a short distance back in the country. INTERESTING FROM ARKANSAS. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Cincinnati, March 3—A despatch from Fort Smith, dated March 2d, says that a guerilla band of about seventy-five men, at tacked Black’s Mill, near Cross Hollow, 25 mileß north of Fayetteville, a few ..days since. The mill was defended by a sergeant an<| seven teen men, who repulsed the rebels, killing three and wounding several more: Major Fitz, with 125 men irom Fayetteville, pursued and scat tered the guerillas in all directions. At Little Bock General Blunt and Staffare expected daily. There will probably be a con flict of authority between Generals Blunt and Thayer as to the command of the troops in the district. Under recent orders from General Meele, all the troops in this district have been placed m charge of General Thayer. If the ! rd^ ° nt General Blunt will be a general without any troops. The following order h M been sent to the commanding officer at Fayetteville • Headquarters, District op the Frostier Department of Arkansas, Fort Smith Ark ’ Feb. 24.— T0 Lieutenant-Colonel Bishop] Com manding at Fayetteville Hang or shoot every guerilla caught in this vicinity %hen the maiis are captured or the telegraph wires cut. LOUISIANA A FREE STATE. Port Henson, Feb. 23, via Cairo, March 2. —The election yesterday resulted in the tri umph of the straight Free State ticket, the -Hon. Michael - Hahn being elected Governor by about 3,000 majority out of a vote of over 8,000. There, is a great rejoicing by the Free State party. There were illuminations and cannon-firing last night. Louisiana is a Free State 1 Cairo, March 2d.—By the arrival of the steamer 1 Empress we have New Orleans dates to the 23d ult. The totfi vote in the State as far as received, is 9,293. Mr. Hahn’s majority over Fellowes is. 3,542, over Flanders 3 695 and over both 1,727. The other candidates on the Free State, llckebaro elected by about the 'same majority. The Empress has'a yeryTarge cargo or sugar and molasses for Cairo and other poiutsw ; ; ; Cairo, March 2.—Dates from New" Orleans to the 24th, received by tho steamer Empress, say that Mr. Hahn has been elected by one hundred majority oyer both'his competitors. This is based on fuller returns. j ! FROM WASHINGTON. [Sreei-.l Despatch to the "Ball-tin.] TVashikgtos, Mar. 3.— Amfing the firstfruits of General Grant’s appointment as Lieutenaat- Geueral v.-ill be important changes in the army of the Potomac. The draft will take place throughout Penn sylvania on the 10th inst.,, unless Congress interferes.by passing the extension bounty act. There is nothing, later this morning from the arm y- TVild rumors of afloat last evening, but they were without foun dation. FROM MEMPHIS. Caibo, March 2.—The steamer Golden Eagle, from Memphis for Cincinnati, has passed this point with 569 bales of cotton. The Memphis cotton market is active, at 65 cents for good middling, 64 for strictly ditto, and 62a63 for middling. * XXXVIUTH COHGKEBB— FIRST SESSIOIf, ~ ‘ _ Wasiiixgtqx; March 3, iBGt. _ S ™, A: (Ky,. V llitroducedae amend ment to the joint resolution to amend the Consdtu ticn which provices that no person whose mother negro, shall beentitlcd to the benefit of citizenship, and also that the States of Maine and Massachusetts shall constitute a State thlleo East rvew England, and that Ver “oat > beW Hampshire, Rhode Island and Con. nrdsiH ,„ n e' Ler ’ talle b J eigm majority, recom mittc to the Committee on the Jaciclary the bill ,he ■’ nnsdiction of the Court of to claims growing out and naval operations during the Feu I “f 1 a ? d SJ?O5 J?0 providing ior the for Q. lla itermaster and Com- - of En PP lies by the proper bureau, and makir g provision for Boards of Commisslor ere to settllmen°’ her claimB > with a Ti ™ to their future Another bill reported from the Committee on the was taken np, providing for the settle inen. ot the claims for the Commissary and Quar termaster’ s supplies on the press Illation ol satis. recommiUedi 8 " A,ter “ ****** ** billw “ :to) Mr. Wilson (Iowa) offered a resolution provid- Gm Of 10.000 additional copies of Gen. Qraut e Military Benort, which wab re. fenedio the Committee on Printing. PEHHSYLVAHIA LEGISLATURE. HinjUBBrEG, o, isct. SpiATE. A. knmber of petitions were presented and repons of Committeesmade. Presented The following bills were read in place: l iSSI* 1 !? 11, »«PPl«nent to the act relating to ?? r l” ereh ‘P’ “t* s0 ’ one supplementary to ® '° encourage manufacture of iron by" the tiaeof coke and Utlneral coal. : * an act to authorize the government toa PP9l nt a pension agent to reside ai Washington. “ n a**- rolatlvc to the capital stock of the Petrelenm and Venango Banks. , d * lat isolations io instinct oar senatorsto vote *•£**“ f lteo ' lon of the payment of bouhtha to 0D 'vote for the increase of the pay of passed d non ‘ commiE£lon 'd were b ° lmties in county was ?R C^ I V, —The Honse met at n o’clock. The following bills were read in place andrc“^^ir^d act Htcorporating the Berks Mr. Boyer, a snppiement to the Mahoning and Snsqnehanna Railroad. ‘ Bal / ba « k ’o®e to attach Juniata county to the Twelfth Judicial District. * Mr. Coleman, one relating to railroad and canal companies. . Mr Berg win, one incorporating the Newcastle and Franklin Railroad. Mr. Purdy, one for the removal oftheNorthum ber*and Bank. Mr. Bsrger, asnpplement to an act providing for the taxation of non-resident venders of mer chandise in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. Watson one to reduce the number of Direc tors of tne Bsxritbnrg, Portsmouth and Lancaster JKaifroad. iter McManus one incorporating the General T aylor Steam I oreix g B ose Company. Mr. Aee one to incorporate the Soldiers 1 Na t onal Cemetery. Mr. Cochran (of Phila.)& supplement to the act conccrniLg the sale of Bailroads,Canals,&c.:also, one relative to apprentices; also one. for the pro motion of Anatomical science. _Mr. Hopkins, one incorporating the Northern Mining Company. On motion, the Honse proceeded to the consider ation of the bill relative to the payment of bounties to volunteers. Yarious amendments vrexe offered on the second reading. THE STEAMER GREAT EASTERN TO LAY THE ATLANTIC CABLE. . London, Feb. 20. — Tbe steamer Great Eastern has been chartered by Glass, Elliott & Co., to lay the Atlantic Telegraph Cable in the summer of 1865. .(Signed) Cyrus W. Field. FBOM CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, March 2 The steamer Sierra Nevada has arrived with $60,000 in treasure from British Columbia, and $lOB,OOO from Oregon. The ship Electric Spark has sailed for Callao. Money is plenty, Atlantic currency exchange 50a52 premium fox gold on. New York. Legal tenders 64a60. AEBIVAL OF THE STEAMER PENNSYLVANIA Ntw Yobk, Marcfi*3—The new steamer Pennsylvania, from Liverpool, w has arrived. Her dates have been anticipated. * _ U. S. SUPREME COURT. Washington, March 3— The Supreme Court has before it to-day the case of Delerma Brooks appellant vs. Warwick Martin, a Wisconsin ap peal case. r WEATHER REPORT. The following telegrat hie report of thd weather at 9 A. M. to-day, at the places named, has been received: „ . Wind. Weather. Halilax, N. W. Cloudy. Portland, N. W. . Clear. Boston, ■ N W. Clear. Sprint-field, North. Clear New York, N. W. . Clear Philadelphia, N. W. Clear Washington, N. W. Clear. HABEETS. New Yorr. March 3.—Cotton is quiet at 78s 79%c. Flour steady; sales of 10,500 bbls. at as a? aG 40 for State, S 7 lOar fo for Ohio, and S7a7 75 fo Southern. Wheat has at vanced 1c; sales of 45 - 000 bushels at SI l Gal 58 fer Chicago Spring, *153 al 60 for Milwaukee Clnb, and SI G4al 68 lor Red. Corn Jtteavy; 36,000 bushels sold at 81 32al 32v Provisions steady and unchanged, except tor Lard, which is heavy. Whiskey firm at 83c. Receipts 01 Flour, 2,800 bbls. Wheat, 1,900 bushels. Corn. 4,700 bushels CITY BULLETIN. Street Cleaning. — Mr. Dickinson, the new mnSfiS? 01 °. f Streets > commenced operations this to mr,™ About a hnndred carts were set to work thesmJit -m aF hes which have accumulated in he laTeei-c'tn— ’-morrow the number of carts will cmed i ci|orou 6 ir d Th nd tlle ™rkwrill heprose of the streels wifi't, n T h present slushy condition gers, but £ pe L mit the visit of scaven rleaning w?n °SS “ the show disappears, the implements for „ The to °U “4 use so long that it ? iD K streets have been out of collect them together and to ns that he is notawk D’ckinson informs ward. New tools will h?™ en ough to clean one therefore romp little delaxf,? obtai ned, and discharge of the dntiee of Mr. “ the . Bower’s Infant Cordial cures 0.1:. and Spasms,yielding great relief to rwnp C ’ >amB tag. Store, Sixth and Green. ChUdrea with professional exaotiiadS J taud * tHE IIfCLY BOLLEfIN : , PH IhAD. gji fHDRSDAIg. MARCH: ra- T r IT~X (r r Therm.. 37 *29 30 526 32 32 52 * fiowEßrs Gltce!:jn Creak—For chapped . . Siearo6h;p Biorn)r»' «»>» ‘ O-POt, SrspESsoRJEE.-^lfevEJlFrerici patterns," got 1®: ©nter exprpeslv for C.-H. Het&il £3du}t. - * 6 Bfirces, hence at Matftngfta Salee, at Twelfthand SaoefctTeets. W ; ;:; - Biic GEKEBAj,iTt Refout; fine edition;, n *7* *V om Havana 26th uit. J C‘ f *-»MfJ»?7»hufc B BOrt ’ ,aUed bom I‘At'?’' this sailed from Cienfaegos *** a ee^er ’ P**, hence at Cardenas 19th COURT'S. Qvakter Sessions— -J udge Ludlow.—ln the ca*e of Henryai ri j^dward,.lJeeves, and Samuel and . nexnj[ Jeffries-and Samuel>:nith, cbar&edwith eummittiLg an assault and battery upoa. C. di* Beny, thejury rendered fy< rdiet of not guilty. PEBSONAIu S. "Wylie Ciawford, the gallant com mander of the Pennsylvania Beserves arrived at CLambertbnrg ;on Saturday, and remai* ©d until Be still EUfTere from theT»ound re ceived at Artietam. . Generals Mansonand Stanley were in Cincinnati on Monday. * ; COMMERCIAL. BICT.Sft ». feELL fcgQN, BTOCK BBOKEBS, ?re* 30fiWAI»- UTTT STBEET. SALES OF STOOKa ... BEFORE BOARDS.. 100 ah Little Sch B ' 100 all Catawisaa pfd M 0 49* «30 42* 200 eh Head B 2 days 65* 100 lb do b4Alnt 42* 200 Eh do 66* . FIRST EOABD. US 6s >Bl Reg 101 , 60 ah Del DivCl b 5 43 S3SU. DS6S6-20* 107 100 ah do b3O 42* lo7* 200 sh Green Mount 200 Cityoinew 107* b3O 7* 3000 Penna Coop 6a 100* 100 ah Bte Mountain 5000 Wyoia ’S Ya Cl Coal. 9* - « 8 „„ v „ S9* 20Q ah Oil Creek b 5 13* 440 3S-ICO. AUeghyCo 100 ah NorthPaß 6 pr cent Scrip 75* eaah 0634 16000 UnionCnl6bss 30 100 ah NY A Middle 2000 CamAAm mtg Coal Field Co 1234 *» 108 100 ah-V do b3O 1232 UOO NorthPa R6e 99 280 Bh M.nH.n Min’e 63,' 10 ah FraAMec Bk. 60 200 ah do b 6 6* 13ahPennaB 70* 108 ah Oatawiesa R 21 «'5 „■ v-' ro * 150 ‘ b Catawlesapfd 16 ah Minehlll B bo 64 . cash 42 V 24 ah Hunt A Broad. 200 ah do ' b3O 43 Top R : 23* too ah do 42* Mah Girard Col R 3f* 60ah do b3O 42* Jl Spruce A Pine 1532 3:o«h do eaah 42* 100 ah Lehigh Zinc 160 ah do b 5 42* ■ , b3O 69 200 ah Readß 65* 45 ah Chester Yal B6* I^6ah .do 66* ' V „ S - a ; I 2?? AFTER FIRST BuARD. 100 ih Read R bi&in 65* 200 sh N Y A Erie R 100 ah . do 65* b 3 0116 IM ahdo bCAinl 65* 100 eh do 115* ICO ah do eaah 65* 50 ah Scb Nav prfd 41* 100 ah . do bSO 65* 100 ah do 2 day* 41* ion Bh. do caah6s 69-100 25 ah Girard Bk 47* *s® *£ - «s* 200 ah Catawiau pfa 42* £OO ih do b6Ain 66* PRICES OFSTOI (B» VZSST C American Gold 160' Chicago and K. liland. .. Reading Railroad 651 gllpoli Central Galena: and Chicago New York Central....Tl3s D. S «i •a let. off. in Erie ns; Harlem .139 * leveland and Toledo.. ... FUTAffCEATO BUSIKBSS—JUBCH 3,1884. The Stock Market was rather Tariable th)* morning, with rather more disposition to realize. The news from the seat of war is looked for with considerable anxiety, and the future range of prices will depend, in a measure, upon the success or re feree of our armies. Got eminent Loans were firmer, with sales of the Fire-Twenty Loan at 107® l bushel. The Provision market is firm but there is not much doing. Mess Pork is held at 323 60 m barrel; Hams in pickle sold at 13# cent*, and Shoulders in salt at 10 cents. Whiskey is rather firmer. Sales of 300 barrels at 84086 cents, and drudge at 83 oents. „ IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. HAVANA— Brig Tornado, Dodge—29B hhda mo lasses G W Beraadou & Bro; 166,000 cigars S Fu guet A Sons. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, M ABCH 3 Si* Set Marine Bulletin on Third Page. _ . ARRIVED THIS DAY. Brig Tornado, Dodge, 27 days from Havana, with molasses to G W Bernadou & Bro. Experienced loßt * a lis,*c—has been 16 days E?£5V£ f »5 ftt ™ a#s ult * lat 35 10n72 30, fell tte Dee?, ArlchaVNS. ur?r,2, fo , r with salt—was dismasted I9tb, lat So 10. lon 71 20; took of captain, mate and 5 ‘f fi d , br ?V ght t / em to port. wi^hTn^o^ak^ 8 fr ° m Yfrt'liSuaTO^. 11101613 day,ftom ' N6W „H*ty 8 hou ™ from Fourteen Feet B Jr^ egr * Ital/ '’ Fasce > Marseilles, DT. ivm. E M°e ß rgTe alter ’ Wcat€rd y ke . B arbados,Jauretche . _ ■" „ MEMORANDA. LteqStt St ’ DaTiß * &om s “ Franclmto, at AM - P» Med IN NEW YORK. -iit. ncossoiu, >X bid .... bid ... bid l2ixealea X bid 65g ulea ... bid 134 X ulea .. bid 117,v ulea bid 135 K ulea X bid 111* ulea H bid 113jf ulea bid 140 ulea . bid .... ulea ;iflSd. Stead;. 3 .1984. B*yin&. Selling, , No- 2. SHIPPEN S-TREET PROPERTY.-All i? o ohJ neesnage s and lot ° r ground, (adjoining and 4Se t nnn 1 h a Te 0f ?°' *" aboTe described), situate on 0f bhl PP ca street west of Eleventh «-[e -1, eontainiD gin tror ton Shippen street 20 feet thlL i“ D 120 fr« l “ Bedford street I- I ™ s a 'wo-story frame blacksmith shop front ing on Shippen street, with 2 two-story brick dwellings in the rear on Bedford street . M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mll3 - 11 109 and 141 South Fourth st HEHEMPTORV SALE by order of Heirs a EP ? SHAW, deceased.-1 Aimtioneers. —VALUABLE ' wih “ SSfit pu“uc «i7 C ’,h a ? th \ PHILADELPHIA jiACfHAisiiE, all that substantial, well.hni t ihiee-story brick store and lot of nonnd ilSto »nJ Vine S“'THIRD street, and \ine streets, No. V 26: containing iQ front on sVrlzri B : ieet t 0 Nctv street. Together with thf» free and common use of said alley Subiect to a “otter 6 SpaniEh P istoleß - Win be - • “ 3,1 ot * ier incumbrance. It has iho nfic aralShf'h water lntrodn “ d . hatch dS&Sto iim s“Uteufisr 6tand - Bitaaie 111 a OOO, bow on the property may By order of Heirs, ~**• THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 111110,11 139 and 141 S. Fourth street ffll^l?iS l, T J OS ’ s SALE.-Estate of HENRY njijLt r, deceased. THOMAS A SONS, ™. C ii ee —' ™ Talnabl ° BUSINESS STAND. and DWELING, No. 216 South kECONp street, between Bock and Spruce streetfia—On TUESDAY,March 15th,at 12 o’clock, ®oldat Public Sale, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE; All that three-story brick messuage and iot of ground, situate on the west sid.e of Second street, south of Bock street, No. 216; containing in front on Second street 20 f«e\ and extending in depth 100 feet, together with the flree use and privilege of an alley aoouts feet wide, leading from this lot into Bock street, and of ano ther alley 3feet wide, leading into Second street. . * iot i exclusive of the alley, measures only 17 feet 8 inches in front on Second street, and is sold of that breadth, or whatever tae breadth may be. It contains a store on the first floor, with eleven rooms in the rear and above. Terms — cash.- BY-1 >KDER OF EXECUTOR. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, . mb3,11 «» *■ • 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. vrQ3UOE.-AU persons are hereby cautioned wwinst harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British hark SHERWOOD; BaHev, masterT from Sombrero, 1., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. J. E. PAZLEY A 00*, 122 South Wharyeti mh3-iot s-ojessmaua • ThediTe^f, BINE , MtS^EI ‘ I 'ANTF. Bohemi«n?ere down^e,?,- 1 ! 6 , wreck of Bt e*»Bhip. -the purpose of e Yf rMI ,lmea on Monday for the , hole », in «* bottoJo of peet is very e~,d ?o^"?'- ch el ®! e . a - Thepros toe matter in H*»nrf tahunmher. Those who nave to the hMpL« U nV ing WA ten t i»htboxes the ship out hufnn'e 1 to ß nmpin S ; the deck at low w* 6 °i ie foot w *terover first be made to retre ®" n , d » r -. effort will s-sslaliff A“ m 6 p J aec the same purpose. Oapt W h erritt, General Agent of the New York Underwriters. has charge of the work. ? It SroElS. ne>a» at J* n) P t t 0 Seat her would be made onWed fhe P?;.e?“ e n 0f ' he dire " Mon^ I.E. WALHAVEN, SUCCESSOR TO W. H. GABRYL, MASONIC DILI, Tl 9 CHESTNUT ST OFFERS HTR SPRING STOCK OF ’ WINDOW SHADES TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, CORNICES AND BANDS, LACE CURTAINS, FLUSHES AND MOQT'ETTE, DAMASKS AND REPS, AT POPULAR PRICES. Estate of Margaret Barclay, deed. —»otce la hereby given that the Begiater of wins, tor the City and i ounty or Philadelphia, naa granted to the undersigned letters of Adminis tration upon the Estate of W ARGARET BAB LLAY, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. v. I L?*‘ r * 0115 “vine claims against said Estate, are hereby requested to make known the same, and 40 “Abe payment to GEORGE utp vA? ’ ,’i? 5 Arch =nvet or to JOHN B. - TEVEIS SON, 439 and 44t York ATenue, Admin istrators. mh3-th6t« sin nnn wan ’ed for five ob ten QJIU.UUUyears, on Hi at. mortgage of city pro- P«ny, - well secured. S. HATS CARSON, Hth3 !>t» 251 North Ninth street. M ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE—Estate of BOTH J. DIXON, deceased.—THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneer*. On TUESDAY, March lithe “°° n - at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property viz: No. 1.-Neat E£SIDIS-CR S O JS r® SHALL Street, between Spring Garden and Green Streets. All that three-story Brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Marshall street. No. 6SI, between Spring Garden and Green streets; the lot containing In front on M«r«t..ii street 28 feet, and extending In depth 71 feet 1w; inches. The house is 19 reet front, M feet deep, wifi plat2a stair-case, bath-house, Ac.: it is built in a superior manner. The dining-room and kitchen are in the basement, with good cellar under the whole. It is-well adapted for a physician, or any one requiring offices. , * • i , No_. i—Hanilsome modern RESIDENCE, No 627 MARSHALL Street. All that superior handl some modern three-story brick messuage, with two story back buUUings and lot of ground, situate on the east side of marshall street. No. 627: the lot containing in front 26 feet, and extending in depth (!?' ■' “ cie *- Tfce bouse is 17 feet front; It H built m the moet substantial manner—the back buildings contain handsome dining-room, sitting front' •tore-room, kc. —Bide yard 9 feet *3-Clear of all incumbrance. - 84,000 remain on mortgage. •35“ The neighborhood is a very desirable one, convenient to markets, passenger railways, Ac. . M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mt3,1l 139 and 141 South Fourth street fH T O h > S S A L E— Estate of SSL GEORGE BARTON, deceased. —THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers —BUSINE-S STAND On TUESDAY, Ma,ch ltth, 1861, jut 12 o’clock, noon., will be sold, at Public Sale at the rie^r l i£? ELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following Vlz No. 1. THREE-STORY STOKE AND DWILLING, No. Ul4 oDtb u£ tleet ’ of Eleventh All that three f,* C . k , ln ? snace J wilh three-story back bmld- J? igsi ( ? »d lofaf ground, snn»te on the south side of . outh street west of Eleventh street No. 1114- L n fr ° Dt on South street 20 feet and ex *™^ l i‘i gin depth 120 feet to Bedford street. It is occoyued as aliquor store and d wet ing, and a good dcset ® taDd —has the gas Introduced, batt, water 3864.. SJ’Rlfi G GOODS* THOMAS W. IVANS & DO. ABE DAILY RECEIVING AND OPENING THEIR j SPRING IMPORTATION Hew and Elegant Sills. J . ..J .. .'t - • • 1 Choiee Dress Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &c. THIS STOCK IS PBINCIPAT.T.Y OP THEtB OWN SELECTION IN THE BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS, Will be found one of the Choicest and H&ndiomest Auortment* Thejr Have Em Offered Their Cbs tomeis. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street.' fe27»tf EXCHANGE ON EUROPE. BANKERS’ BILLS drawn on Brown, Brother* ft Co., London. H. K. Bothichild ft Son*, London. Baring Brother* ft Co., London. IN SUMS TO SUIT. For Gold or Currenoy, AT BEST PRICES. FOB S«T.~F. BY M. SCHULTZ & CO., Ne. 16 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ocs-mtliAsa fimh t Old Established Shirt, Stoek and Collar EMPORIUM. No. !46 North Fourth Street, diaries 1«. Oram A Are prepared to execute all ardent to their cela orated make of Shirts as abort notice in the most satisfactory manner.. These Shirts are cnt by measurement onadantifle p ISfiP 1 “’ ““Isuipass any ether Shirtto neatness of FIT on tbe BBEANT, eomtot In the NECK and ocS7 oa.ta.tliam( CIVIL AND MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, Sg: 8 84 SOBTH SECOND, and 83 STBAW xtr-RKY Streets, Is happy to state that he has laid In an extensive stock of CHOICE GOODS, such as CIVIL LIST* . a t!wt »wvv Black Cloths, Blue AVT ’ Black Doeskins, Sky-Blue Cloths, Black Cassuneres, Sky-Blue Doeskins, Coalings, Dark-Bine Doeskins, BUUard Cloths, Dark-Bine Beaver*. * Bagatelle Cloths, BK-BISS mSS* 3-4 and 6-4 Blue Flannels Be av erteens. Scarlet Cloths, Cords Mid Velveteens. Mazarine-Blue Cloth*. We advice our friends to come early, as our nre sent stock is cheaper than we can purchase now iel6-im& JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixfii Street, MANUFACTURES Or The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURB MOOBB, Wan anted to Tit and Give Satisfaction ALSO Importer and Manufacturer ,ol GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS N. B.—All articles made in a superior manner hy hand Mid from the best materials. oo6*6xn Patent Shonlder Seam Shirt Manufactory, Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt ly at brief notice. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of late Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO £ 706 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARLES EMORY- ALEX. BENSON, J*. CHARLES EMORY & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD ST„ Philadelphia.' All Kinds of nncnrrent gunds and Qold and SI- - Ter bought and sold, and Collections Fartlcnlar attention given to the purchase and sale of Goyernment, State and other Stocks and Loan* on commission. ja23-3ms THEODORE M. APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER, Koi. 102 and 104 GATZMER STREET, (Between Front and Second and Walnut and Chestnut Streets,) PHILADELPHIA. . Imitation Brandy Casks always onhand. J Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always on hand or made to order. . felf-ly ' » or “Kathawo.” eignifyingio cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This, ar idem wh=.t its name i-igni- Fot - preserving, restoring and.beauTffine bai ’\ lti * tnemoßtremariable prepareu tv u?ori,T.° ; . ld Jt ls owned ana pm^P the same 5. “ ptopnemr, and Is now made with tiul) aaa atten ion which gaye it a « 3. er °“ e bottlrs per annum? It L'^t ta " u * hlfulhair - It e.'aoi ernes scurf and dandruff. ■ It keeps the bead eoo- and clean. - It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy prayf re^emS tbe bairlro “ timing It n stores nair upon bald heads s iSM,"KS^"„?.’SisSS“gS «SwS?SEUSSKffIi? DBIBAS S BARITES ft CO., lew York. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. lace and rauds to,a pearly satin tAxturp n-r ■«_ Tishrng beduty, imparting the l ” s “ appearance so U the ci.y belie.of fashion. Itremoveg e. fjedtfes p ™ p i es d , rmi Kbn. ss of the skin, leaVingtha complexion fresh, transparent and smooth! It contain* no material injnnons to theTk.m Pa tronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It ia what eveiy lady should have. Sold »?J epaTe< ? 1 bj HAGAN, Troy, N-Y. Addrets all orders to •* Denies S. Barnes ft Co., New York. ] HEIMBTREET’ 3 Ibimitable Hair Restorative. ??“‘ e V impaired ny age or disease. All initasfa -s£"UK*"* ““rosedof lunar eaurSe,deatroytS bea P , y of tbs hair, and affimlrf nnimm 3° dretf Heimstreet’s Inimitable no ’ on y restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but git es the h.i. n Luxuriant Beauty. promfltes its growth, prevents its falsing off.eradi eDfl’,ai3 Q , unpart -' bea >th anti pleaaant ?h!l J* has stood the test of time, being the or gical k air Coloring, and is constancy in. creasing in feyor U.ed bybth genUemeniSl ol< i by a l* respectable dealers, or can o b J 'hem of the commer. ia! agents, D. ~ GO - • 202 Broadway, New York Tyo sines, st> cents and 81. Mexican Mustang liniment. .The parties in St Louis and Cincinnati, who have been Connterfeiiing the Mustang Liniment under pretence oi proprietorship, hay* been the. W 11 *! estopped by the Courts. To guard agains . fortherimposit.on, 1 hare proenred from the TJ.S. weasury, a private steel plate revenue stamp, which «■ placed over the top of each botUe. y«"s stamp hears the facrinUc of my ignature, and .without which the aruc eia a Counterfeit, dan- worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. Tins Liniment Tins been in nse grow. m fav or for mmy yean. There hardly erista a hamlet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tain evidence of its wonderfnl effects. It is the best emollient in the world. Withi s present im proved ingredients, its effects upon man and hoist are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals madeuse- Ij l 'f? d untold ills assuaged. For euCtontoST sprains, rheumatism, swellings,bites, cuts.caked sln V r ed horees, Ac, it is a medy that shoujd never be dispensed with. It should bem every family. Sold bvaa Drueslsta. CHARLES STOKES ft CO.’S TOOT-CLASS "ONE-PRICX” rxad y kAADE CLOTHING BTOBeTsO* For Cost— Length ofback from- base of rP . cellar to waist - andfromwaist , fii \ to end of tall. / /St Length of / c Sleeve (wtth 1 V erm crooked) \ \V from middle vr (SSSwf ot ■■ '“ok be * tween the p-' fir shonlder* to S H end of cuff, n c and * around n / r 3 i the most pro- ) minentpartol 1 the chest ' l ¥ waist. Stats // * wheth exerect in. 'J or stooping. £* l k F«r Pam*, - m I t inside seam, *L \ - pud outside "Jt' seam . from hip bone arond the waist and hip. Far Test, same aa Coat, a good at - guaranteed. All garments made from directions! sent in cordance with these instructions wiHbe guarantee satisfactory. If not so, the money will be returned for them- -v tintoers’ Uniform* Ready-made, always aa hand, or made, to order in the best foamier and on the most reasonable term*. Hsth,. -m. hundred Uniforms the past year for staff; Field, and -Line Officers, as well as for the Navy, w* arc prepared to execute all orders in iw Witt correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock Of Beadv < Made Clothing in Philadelphiaalwaysonhand. THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON ALL OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es timates sent by mail to any address whan re quested. CHARLES STOEES ft CO, CHARLES STOKES, E. T. TAYLOB, W. J. STOKES. FLOUR. Of the following Ohoiee Brands: (John Musselman,*’ ‘Henry ‘D. uveTholser,*’ • * -Straebnrg Steam,’* “Willow Grove, ’•V “Lor.ntt Talley,” “Lordon Vale,” ‘•New Providence,” “Samuel Brna,” 1 ‘John Banck, ” And other Penna. and Western brands, for sale by BROOKE & PUGH, 173 Y & 1733 Market jv. No.ie V H S»l'TttTßmi» ST, V, # BANKERS & BROKERS, g SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Cheeks, 1 GOVERNMENT SEOUBITIES bought andesold. m XOT A BYE FLO UK. »■ mr«i' “Eagle.’* * ‘Union.’* “Eclipse. »* «‘Snavely,* * “Metzgar,” •<®sli.*« “Zigler.” „ ••Peqnea.” • •Samuel Banc*.’* AND ALL